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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 28, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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43 km of roads, including one overpass, five overpasses and a tunnel. the future solntsevo-butovo highway, varshavskoe highway will make travel between the districts convenient. a muscovite’s password for government services was stolen and several migrants were registered in his apartment at once. how to secure your account? and in the capital’s parks you can now do yoga for free, and boat rentals have already opened. heavy equipment was at work in kotelniki near moscow this morning; 10 illegal trade pavilions were immediately demolished there, about which local residents had repeatedly complained. court ordered the owners to liquidate the kiosks themselves, but this did not happen. as a result, the demolition was carried out at the expense of budget funds, and businessmen will now have to reimburse these costs. report by maxim oparin. near
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the kotelniki metro station, an excavator one by one demolishes small stalls, tobacco pavilions , dubious catering places, this inscription at the entrance to the former store speaks for itself. the demolition has been going on for several hours already, two stalls have already almost completely fallen under the bucket, now they have already turned into construction waste, but i wonder what’s in it lorka, on which it is written meat on coals, shawarma continues to fry, apparently, the sellers expect to sell it in a hurry as soon as possible . time, why is your shawarma 220 delicious and very tasty, they will have time to sell, the workers are sure, because their pavilion, as they think, will stand, they will demolish you, you don’t know, well, we have everything according to the law, no, probably all these stalls are echoes of the nineties , no one remembers how they appeared here, the main argument of the owner on his land is to build whatever i want, has not worked for a long time, even on private land, all retail facilities must comply with modern standards, in addition, no one gave permission for the construction of these stores, in fact,
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no work was carried out on this, well, in accordance with this, an order was issued on the need to dismantle these facilities on a voluntary basis. the administration of kotelnikov went to court and they made a decision on the voluntary demolition of the pavilions by the owners, but no one was in a hurry to implement this decision, it came to forced demolition. locals they approve of the demolition, dubious personalities always gathered around the stalls, and it was unsafe to walk home from the metro. the abundance of these shops that sell alcoholic drinks and food and so on and so forth, someone is waiting for buses, and criminals accumulate here, one way or another, so all this leads either to robberies or to some kind of injuries, i i’m afraid to walk on the street with people, i have girls, i’m afraid for them, i’m not the only one, i’m... very grateful to the authorities
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that they finally looked at this problem for real, just in kotelniki 10 illegal objects were demolished, and this is only the beginning; how these objects appeared and operated for a long time near the metro is being looked into by the investigative committee. investigative authorities are investigating a criminal case regarding the negligence of officials that led to unauthorized trade in the city of kotelnik. during the inspection, the investigator sealed the unauthorized retail outlets and demanded them.
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will connect the minskoye and simferopol highways, this will significantly reduce travel time between the districts of new moscow. sergei sobyanin announced this today in his telegram channel. there are two sections under construction, from the stolbov transport hub to polyany street and to warsaw highway. once completed, this route will connect to the moscow high-speed ​​diameter highway and thus we will have a connection. from north to south it will be possible to get there, then essentially a backup of mkad on the south side, we can get to borovskoye highway without traffic lights. also, as part of this project, new overpasses, tunnels and five overpasses will appear. well, in the capital. in the capital it has grown more than 30 times number of operations to remove blood clots. as deputy mayor anastasia rakova reported today, to achieve such results...
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an ambulance drives up to the flagship center of the city clinical hospital named after veresaev. according to the preliminary diagnosis, the patient has a stroke. once past the registration desk , the patient is immediately sent for examination via the red line. until a computed tomography scan is performed, we do not know for sure what type of stroke it is, is it a hemorrhage or is it an ischemic stroke. and when we discuss exactly the patient’s trajectory, no there is no point in making any stops before the ct scan. more. several studies, in just a couple of minutes the patient is already on the surgical table; no more than 20 minutes pass from the ambulance to the operation. the faster we can have contact with the patient, that is, the doctor and the patient meet, the faster we can help him. a stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation.
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you can recognize it using the “hand, face, speech” test. if a person develops facial asymmetry, weakness in one arm, or leg, speech is impaired, he does not understand what is being said to him, he asks the same question: all these are signals of a malfunction in the brain , a reason to sound the alarm. for doctors in such a situation, every second counts. hospitals that provide emergency care to muscovites with acute circulatory disorders are part of the regional vascular network. today there are already 13 such centers in the city; the verisaev hospital was one of the first to begin providing first aid according to new standards. if the patient has preserved e. if the brain tissue is preserved, then we must save it, there are two methods: there is an aspiration method, when we remove the blood flow as if with a vacuum, and with the help of a catheter, there is a method - standretriever, this is actually where it started in general - thrombus extraction. thanks to this technique,
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the number of operations performed to remove a blood clot has increased 30 times, which means that the number of patients whom doctors have returned to normal life has increased. thanks to these resuscitators. to everyone, i don’t know, i say thank you to everyone, to everyone for not giving i'm going to have a second stroke. new standards of first aid and new treatment methods are being adopted by foreign doctors. this is a pressing problem throughout the world of stroke treatment, but at the moment in moscow this system is so improved that we are already of interest to others. treatment methods are constantly being improved, and a serious medical base is being created. vascular centers equipped with the latest equipment for emergency care, from computed tomography machines to advanced technology in neurosurgical and cardiac surgical operating rooms. artyom kuznetsov, egor vazhiltsov and ilona agasieva, news. rospotrebnadzor
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has allowed swimming on three moscow beaches. after thorough checks, experts recognized troparevo, the large city rod and black lake as safe. in total, there are more than 100 recreation areas near the water in the capital. also , boat and catamaran rental points have already opened in the parks. you can take a boat trip , including at the tsarina museum-reserve, at the kuskov and vorontsov estates. price rentals and operating schedules of boat stations are posted on the official websites of the park. well, the water in the capital’s reservoirs will warm up to 20° by the weekend. forecasters say that swimming will be more comfortable than at the resorts on the black sea coast, where the water temperature is now +17-18°. at the same time sunbathing. asks not to forget about hats and sunscreen , tatyana antonova is already joining us. tatyana, well, it turns out that it’s warmer here than in the south? irinda is warmer, because in sochi tomorrow it’s only +23°, and even with rains, but those muscovites who did not go on vacation to the south can be happy, we are
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doing well. well, the main disadvantage of such heat is the high fire hazard. in the moscow region there is a yellow level of weather danger, so in parks and forests, follow everything. precautionary measures. tomorrow in the region it will be july 27-28°. moscow, like any metropolis, is an island of heat. it’s even warmer here; in the afternoon the air will heat up until 28:30. partly cloudy, no precipitation will add freshness to us, a weak southern breeze. local possible on friday thunderstorms, which, as they say, will not change the weather. on saturday, june 1, as you can see, the heat will subside a little, but on sunday it will be +28 again. irina, the weather will call. we go to the beach, or just in the park, take a walk, breathe. yes, especially not only you can take a walk in the park. now i’ll tell you what you can do tatyana antonova about the weather. well, free yoga classes will be held in moscow parks until the end of summer; you can join the training, for example, in the kolomenskaya museum-reserve,
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northern tushino, fili, sokolniki parks. total in 10 sites have been opened in the capital. everyone is invited to the training, regardless of age and skill level. well... they will conduct inspections at electrical facilities in the moscow region. in preparation for thunderstorms , company employees inspect power lines and electrical equipment of the substation, check the condition of lightning protection equipment, overvoltage grounding devices. during atmospheric phenomena , overvoltage and lightning strikes occur, which can damage the insulation of electrical equipment. this is exactly why all this work is being done. work data.
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approved schedules. the thunderstorm season in the moscow region begins in may and lasts until november. in the event of technological disruptions due to thunderstorms, mos-oblenergo takes prompt measures to eliminate problems in the power supply to consumers. to other topics. the moskovich family suddenly learned that eight strangers were registered in their apartment. unknown neighbors who are now listed in the documents. after one of the property owners' account on government services was hacked, this is not an isolated case, as our correspondent alexey knor found out that we are talking not only about cybercrime, but about illegal migration. eldarbek abidov, abdujabbor mavlonov and six other foreigners, all of these people are now considered neighbors of the getman family, and the owners themselves learned that strangers were registered in their apartment by accident. the local police officer called and told me about everything. situation in principle immediately, that is, that eight migrants were registered, but how
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this was done is unknown? first of all, vladislav decided to check the account on government services, he couldn’t log into his account; scammers hacked his page and changed his login information. unifiers are separate applications, and to enter you will need not only the code from the phone, but also the code from the application. and to log into your account, you need the code from the application. it took a lot of time to restore access. finally was able to enter government services, it turned out that on his behalf unknown persons submitted nine applications for registration of foreigners in their apartment, eight of them were approved, and the migrants were registered according to fake passport. the fake passport has an incorrect photo, the signature of the employee who issued the passport, and the signature of the person himself. the prosecutor's office is in control of making a lawful , substantiated procedural decision on the fact of fictitious registration of foreign citizens. the problem is becoming widespread , registration through stolen personal accounts. real criminal business. there are dozens of offices and websites on the internet offering registration for money. many do not even
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hide the fact that they are forging documents. hacking a government service account for the purpose of effective registration of citizens, in fact, contains several elements of crimes at once. this is an effective registration for selfish purposes, and this is also illegal access to computer information. if the investigation establishes that, in fact, the work of an organized criminal community took place. here we can talk about initiating a criminal case under a serious crime. one of these large-scale channels of illegal migration was recently blocked in st. petersburg. the police established that 18 people organized several companies and sold residence permits to migrants in the northern capital. the registration forms were fake, but the addresses were quite real. fraudsters hacked into personal accounts of government services and registered guest workers in apartments. in this way, scammers registered more than 7.0 migrants. cybersecurity experts insist: most often, portal users themselves transfer personal data to attackers.
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the main way, of course, to obtain this information is phishing, these are all kinds of fraudulent actions with the purpose of deceive the user. the second possible option for attack and account theft is infection of the user’s device with a virus; now vladislav is trying to expel uninvited neighbors from his apartment. it seems that this will not be possible until the criminal case initiated by the police is completed. alexey knor, valery kupri, alexander felatov, mariana pepanyan, lead. the so-called duckfall has begun in moscow, as it rescues chicks that have flown out of their nests. we'll talk about everything in detail right after the ad, see you.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. they say that you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but
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you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on... the first coastal one, where everything is included, except for your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. welcome to the newest rixsas hotel in sharmel sheikh. rixas, radomis sharmel sheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into the world. endless entertainment! enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh! treat yourself to a first-class holiday at sleo reorts! elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes,
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a variety of entertainment! beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rixsus premium sea gate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsus premium siagate. rixos premium sea gate.
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catch me if you can, a big music show, in general, i'm confused, on friday on rtr, you are very beautiful, the premiere on rtr, who are you spending time with there anyway, oh, i... fell in love with nikitos, like a boy, she married, loves her husband, i don’t know what to do, the administrator said that such an open holiday romance, she actually saw it for the first time in her life, that’s enough, marin, what is this, where did you get this from, you don’t deny that you know this man, melody for yours, today on rtr, this is news, we continue
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the release, on the territory of the novodevichy convent lapidari was opened. it consists of artifacts that archaeologists recently found. these are ancient gravestones, some of them dating back to the 15th century. the names of representatives of the royal family and moscow nobility are carved on the stone. during the work, previously unknown wall lines were also discovered, which were lost during the era of troubled times. all these discoveries force us to reconsider the five-hundred-year history of the monastery. now there is every reason to believe that it was rebuilt not only during... the period, but also approximately in the 16th century. whole a special operation to save the chicks unfolded in the forehead. the parents are worried, and there is a duckling that has fallen under the stove. two ducklings fell into the basement of one of the high-rise buildings when their parents taught them to fly. local residents were unable to get the chicks. the ministry of emergency situations was called.
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rescuers made a hole in the concrete slab and took the ducklings out of the trap. but all this time. the children's parents kept an eye on what was happening, a duck patrol is constantly on duty in the running area, in the attic of a building, a factory kitchen, children's ducks move in every year, they they hatch the chicks, at the end of may the so-called duckling begins, the adult chicks push the babies out of the nests, this is safe for the ducklings, but then ornithologists have to collect the chicks and take them to the nearest food store. since the beginning of this year , seven new routes have been launched in moscow. 42 more buses and electric buses have been made more convenient, now the waiting time for transport has been significantly reduced, and stops are now located closer to important social facilities, metro stations, the mcc and the mcd. how the residents of the capital reacted to changes in traffic, i found out alexander sanzheev. i think we'll figure it out and get used to it. once we figure it out, we'll get used to it.
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muscovites are getting used to changes in ground transport. at first they speak strangely. the route of the second bus was transferred to numbers 356 and 210. their routes are now duplicated. for e-30, a stop was added on pyatnitskaya highway 37. buses 265 instead of amusing street went along kolodeznaya and'. val, forty-eighth in both directions along the karamyshevskaya embankment, thus it is planned to improve traffic in the khoroshovomnevnike area, and routes 180 and 609 have been combined into one new s-289. in the area of ​​​​the mcd-1 working village, it is now convenient to use the sixteenth route. in order to quickly find out about changes, just install the moscow transport application, there you can select any route and add it to your favorites, then you will receive notifications. for those who for some reason. they use applications, they install information boards like this at stops, here you can see all the changes and a map with stops along the routes. lyudmila is not very friendly with a smartphone, but
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she regularly travels by bus and says that thanks to the signs, everything can be found quickly, and she didn’t feel any particular inconvenience. i leave the mcc, it’s convenient for me, with my dog, i sit down and easily get to this market, mitinsky. they are playing little by little, the passengers understand the innovations, the deuce doesn’t go, well , it doesn’t go at all, well, 210, okay, we’ll go on 210, great, it wasn’t very convenient for us, because we need it to be the same as the express, this it will be convenient for us, the routes have begun to run more often, it’s comfortable with air conditioning, everything conditions, but some still felt inconvenienced; due to the planned transfer of stops, it was not possible to get off everywhere; we passed the stop and stopped at it. but the driver did not open the door and we could not get out. the buttons were pressed, the buttons were pressed, the door opened, they pressed stop here, nothing happened either. moskgortrans assures that changes in
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routes were made for the sake of rationalization and efficiency, they will help reduce the waiting time for transport at stops. buses and electric buses will run more frequently and will arrive closer to important social facilities. we we will continue to improve the quality of service for our passengers, we wish you pleasant trips. buses and electric buses began to transport more passengers to metro stations and the mcd. alexander sanzhiev, seval savichev, mikhail utkin and lika dzhevakhishvili. news. in the new episode of the our program. the story of boris dubrovin from omsk, a father of many children and grandfather of seven grandchildren, volunteered for a special operation zone, taking the old call sign. about difficult choices and support. well, the next episode of federal news will be aired at 16:00, all news is always available on look at the media platform in the app or on
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the website, we’ve got it all by this time, see you. there is such a girl. klindar, whoever she falls in love with will immediately become rich, you mean, someone has already become rich, you first need to make her fall in love with you, and for this we will dip the girl in you, and then the knight in white armor will extend his hand to help her, daughter, come urgently , there’s trouble with dad, i’m very, very grateful to you, i hope dad returns home, we’ll find him and bring him back, trust me, don’t break my heart, premiere on saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, the big ones have come
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changes, into the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are completely faceless from this room, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, wow, plans on... real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? you promised to
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should i marry?


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