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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 28, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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big, big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, do you remember what you promised me? well, what did i promise? did you promise
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to marry me? well, where are you going? i almost ran you over. why are you keeping silent? did i offend you? no, it didn't hurt. this is my brother vanya. very nice. but i'm not very pleased. our kiryusha is marrying merav’s daughter. alen, i don’t have any fiancee. this is all the machinations of my brother, i’m not interested, i don’t believe me either, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now, maybe you’re there, if you insist, i ’ll try, simple girl , on friday on rtr, in the depths of your... then the heart, purity, like
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a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, the silence does not even breathe, we are leaving defectors, marvel at the love of the sun to the depths of your heart, and to the depths of your soul. hello, this is our program. looking at what has been happening in donbass over the past 10 years, many cannot stay in the country. indignation forces even very grown people to take up arms. paternal instinct prompted our heroes to go fight for the future of their children. alena dubrovina and her husband boris have been together for 30 years. he is my husband friend, brother, closest. he is everything to me,
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behind boris’s back, the war in chechnya and 18 years of police service for the events in ukraine, he also closely followed the events for a long time, since the fourteenth year, i was simply stunned when they had maidan there, when with the guys i talked, i said, they will answer us for the berk, well, how can you burn people, from the first days of a special military operation, boris understood that his place was there, mobilization was underway, i came. well, i feel like i’m 54 years old, i think i feel like i’m still a kid, what 54, just shave me, wash me, i say, i can still run to the dance, i can still do a squat, i can do a half-split, well, i came, they told me right away, you’re old, we can handle it without you for now, the next day i went again to the military registration and enlistment office, as a volunteer, you’ll take it, he says, we’ll take it, for alena, her husband’s decision to volunteer came as a surprise, of course,
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i had my own resentment, the pain was like me, well, like me, we’re together, we’re just together, and well, then he says : “alyon, well, accept it, you know that i should be there.” at alena and boris's large family, three daughters and seven grandchildren. this is my motivation, why are you going to isloto, we have many grandchildren, granddaughters, i, i want them to be proud of me. given his combat experience, boris was immediately appointed to the northern military district. get together and fight back, we have volunteer wife alena dubrovina in our studio, hello alena, hello alena, were you shocked when boris told you that he was leaving? you know, i was afraid of this because... he
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had been watching the militias there since '14, he knew the commanders there, he was worried about them, and then, when ours began special military operation, he began to often say that he... needed to go there, and i felt it, because six months before his departure, we already had these conversations, well, you were mentally prepared for him to accept this decision, honestly, i think that no, no, they weren’t, anyway, hope remained, hope remained that they wouldn’t take him because of his age, at that time he was still 54, fifty-fifth, yes, well, i hoped, i didn’t know that they wouldn’t take him, he went to the military registration and enlistment office when mobilization took place, he was refused, they said, we can handle it, your age, when... mobilization ended, the next day he went back to the military registration and enlistment office, he signed up as a volunteer in bars, a week later he practically left, in any case, i had to make his decision, and he he said, hello, well, you have to understand me, understand and let me go with a calm soul, well, i
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had to do this to understand, but my soul was calm, but no, of course, it was for me, you know, we have been 24x7 for the last 15 years, when he left, i came to an empty apartment, i don’t have children, grandchildren and i... well, i still don’t i understood, what should i do, that is, it was very difficult, i probably spent all these 2 and 2 months while he was there, then in the hospital, and what in the hospital, burning, he had a heart attack, on the front line after 2.5 month, how did you find out about this, and he called when he was already being taken to the hospital in jinka, what did you feel then, fear, firstly, he just said that i was going to the hospital, i had a heart attack, he disappeared from communication until... the next evening, well, accordingly, you can’t retell what it was when he was already in jinka called, he was in intensive care at that time, well, more or less, he said that everything was fine, they would send me to sevastopal in 2 days, well, of course , my soul was lighter, calmer, well,
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there were worries already others, well, he’s great, he’s strong, the truth is that it’s scary that he’s been looking there again all this time, he’s there with his soul, well, that’s what we had after the cherry. let's ask him himself, what are his plans? boris, please come see us, hello, hello, hello, in our studio svo member, volunteer boris dubrovin, how cheerful you are, boris, i want to go to war, so you’re going there again, i’m looking sideways, i’d rather sit there again than go to the studio, so alen is worried that you’ll leave again, well, we have to , i have...
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boris, you can’t even imagine how much i respect you now, can i shake your hand again, thank you very much, thank you, i respect you too, and i’ll also be happy to shake your hand again, i’m so cheerful , as if, although my soul has been crying since 2000, i try to turn it all into a positive, and you were in chechnya, yes, yes, on the second, from the first days, it’s different, of course, it’s different, it’s more like a just war, here he remembers... immediately children’s games like the sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea worries three, the bird is flying, freeze, well you get used to it quickly, if you realize where you ended up, boris, and what is your call sign, old, who gave you this,
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this was on your second business trip in chechnya, you have been old since then, and from the word experienced, that is, you were young, but he was already old, experienced, here you are... slippers, panties, when i went, i dialed, he he’s as tall as me, he can still move out there, naturally i threw in everything to eat and drink, when i started to put it on, i almost rolled over, got all the way here, to the parking lot,
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threw away half of it, there’s no extra place to wash this uniform, there’s nowhere to dry it, maybe there’s nowhere, you get wet, until threads, you're sweating, you're like cabbage, what's left, dancing, you're constantly thirsty, constantly, because you can't catch your breath, sushi. it’s as if the adrenaline is running here too, and there is fear, everything, everything is there, you run around like a fool, yell, sing songs, poems, well, sometimes you ask questions about yourself question, i'm crazy, and then, well, if i answer no, it's like you're talking to yourself, i always had candy with me, you say, every morning, when we sat down to eat, i gave everyone a candy, some refuse, i say, take it, treat some of your friends, these are my call signs, the old main 68, i came up with sayings,
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the solution seems to be in the pubic area, for example, i told the guys, guys, if they press hard, everyone will leave , well, as a commander, naturally i was afraid to speak this, but i said, i say, i’m staying, the boys told me, you’re old, don’t drag yourself down, we came here together, we’ll leave together, the boys were about as old as they were, 48, in their fifth decade, sixth decade, and even seventy . there were such, yes, guys in general are reinforced concrete, i was lucky that i met,
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well, these are our savdepov people, with you there were also fathers and grandfathers, and grandfathers, and they had some kind of motivation, the same thing, the same as yours, definitely, well, i didn’t tell them specifically that my motivation was to make my grandchildren proud of me, but they said, well, i understand, that we, as they say, are destiny and homeland and one, how much older than you? there were people in your platoon who were 62 years old, i was 55 by 7 years, was there a difference in age? no, it feels like we are in the same cage, as if we were one year old, not well, we were more resilient, because we had uncle vitya from omsk , he was 67, they didn’t want to take him, but he’s mariman, he’s such a healthy guy, and he there he proved in the regiment he ran a hundred meters with foam at the mouth, what? well, how can i get it back, hi, maybe you can pass it on to someone, the guys from komi, from
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dagestan, from the eagle, because the eagle for me is still in chechnya, it has become such a hometown, i kept dreaming that i would go to the cemetery to see a comrade in arms, and here i meet once in esvo, and my commander was from the eagle, the swede anatoly, and there were a lot of guys there, the guy didn’t die, one might say, on his feet, i would have covered the machine gunner, they dragged him through, he died on my feet, but who is from dagestan? 02, amarchik, alibek, director, his backup was also gagarin, director gagarin, pilot, cosmonaut, no, he has something connected with his last name, and the director what is it connected with, with his professional activities, he is the director of the second school in the city of kaspiysk, also a father, yes, a father of many children, how many? caucasus, boris, do you want
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to meet alibek? yes, of course, why not, well, i already understand, i feel the instinct is working, alebek kazanbeev, participant of the siberian federal district, please come in, here he is, here he is, alaikum salaam, yes i will raise you, i hid it after all . hello, i still hid that i was here in moscow, i only recently found out, well , again, hello, hello, can i have her? i’ll hug you too, just like that, thank you very much for him, for this, thank you for not giving him his time to freeze, glad to see you, hello, sit down, it was business, for the fact that you exist, we have a participant in our studio svo alibek kasanbev, what is the story, what? didn't you let it freeze? well, there were so many stories like this, it was like this, we got wet
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, we dug trenches there for two days, we really were on the front line, there wasn’t even a chance to let us down, for example, there were patches, this and that, that’s why we got wet, even on dried it for yourself these clothes and he really coughed a lot, i remember, yes, we covered him up and brought him to his senses. they gave us tea, yes, we had such moments - yes, well, i stood it, well done, i’ll say, guys, if it weren’t for guys like this around, i thank you from the bottom of my heart. i really feel proud for those who were nearby, there were guys from orel, guys from omsk, tomsk, from all over russia, buryats and even reindeer herders, there were guys from dagestan, they were such great guys, everyone was so proud, you had an order of courage , well, yes, there is something, for what, for what, here are the last 18 days, here we are
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sent to defend the village, the village was in the zaporozhye region. and with heavy losses , our guys took stormtroopers and a really strategically important point, the first day of them, and then on the second day , 35 of us were also sent there, you won’t believe it, 20 km on foot, we had to get there before dawn, i here the iron protest was also very difficult, it’s really so busy, we’re walking along this road, we’re walking, you can’t see anything at night, and the main thing is this... this shoulder of a fighting friend, as you go , it subsides, no, no, the machine gun also subsides, bulletproof vest, such a big pile, i see someone there is adjusting, adjusting, i looked, a russian guy, he doesn’t seem to be very good, a little smaller than me too, yes, he is adjusting, i tell him so, thank you, this is the little one who died , let's move on, let's go
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, i'm just a little bit again, i put the whole bag down so that i can fix everything later, they throw it back on, i just put the whole bag down, i see he took it and goes forward, uh, i say, uh, what are you doing, dear, it’s inconvenient for me, but he also has such a mountain, i quickly took it from her, like this there were really guys who rush at the first opportunity, try to help each other, this is what supported, this is probably the fighting spirit, we were placed along the perimeter of this village, so we had to defend the village, and how.. . after all, the commanders said: “guys, if you are physically weak and mentally unprepared, you can leave this village.” well, well , some guys came out, somewhere in the back, somewhere in the leg, at someone, they came right where we were and from the headquarters, and they said, guys, who will go there, this is the very front, that's who wants to go there, the left flank 320 m, measurements
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were taken from the enemy 320 m at the forefront of the attack, so to speak. we thought, the young guys were with us, there were 25, 35 years old, these are the guys, i looked at them, i think, i said, i’ll go there and send me to the most difficult section, i’m not bragging, i’m just telling, i heard, i’m telling, as it was, he said, send me to the most difficult section, well, as an example, i was also a platoon commander there, so these are young guys, some were in my platoon, and i think, how can i remain silent there? two of us directed everything the same little guy is coming from the eagle, he’s in front, i’m in the middle behind the guy lenin ulyanov, so we’re running and watching, these drones are flying over us, dropping everything, we’re hiding here and there, but i was left behind with this bad leg , it was already clear that i was thinking, that now the prosthesis will pop out, i thought yes, and i fell behind them
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only to the very front where it is. about meters away from the enemy and he approached there, and this tolik says: “alibek, i see that your leg is not right, you will be a burden to us, let us take you out of the village.” i told him honestly, god forbid, i say, you will retreat, there will be someone to cover you, believe me, i will not leave this village, besides, i remember very well how you helped me, this one from behind, when i was walking, corrected me the whole bag is mine. the thing almost left with my load, how can i leave after this? we were supposed to be there, of course we were supposed to be on duty for 8:00 a.m., we were standing there every day, two people were standing there, at night they only fired at us like that, so we defended ourselves naturally, our task was to hold out there, so what? it’s a sin to drown there; we
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didn’t have a night vision device, it was really very difficult. only later did they give us a lift, even we thought that it was only at night that they were attacking, they say here is the rear, and here is the front, it turns out they were scouring the entire perimeter, because they left this village a week ago, they were there, they are better knew this village, so even during the daytime, i remember, then his heart ached, they took him out and struggled, then i looked back there... i looked there, the cook had already started to light a fire, something began to smoke there, i told him i say, don’t, are you going to put out the extinguisher quickly, as soon as he put it out, we moved away... from there we hit so hard from the back, it turns out, and then i thought, indeed, this is the front line here and there and here everywhere it was the front
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line , so they really held on , they hit us 92 times, the guys there in the neighboring village, they said, they counted, either during the day there were mortar and tank strikes 92 times, do you understand, such noise happens? from this tank attack, it actually shakes the house, that’s why they held out, guys, well done, they could leave, because they said, you can leave, weak, physically, morally, keep coming out, guys, we held the village, we held the village, we received an order for this, yes, yes, i can brag a little when we left there, i’m leaving, so the guys greet me, oh, alibek, and you... there are such legends about you, the general came himself, they showed it on television, talked about your village, about you to the order of courage of everyone who was there, our task was
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to defend and we fulfilled it with dignity, the most important thing for us, albek, excuse me, for god's sake, you have a prosthesis, yes, yes, i have, well , a small one, here, in general, you passed the medical examination, and i did the medical examination in the gardens, as they say, in my city. they didn’t accept the lists, they knew that i was in prison for 6 months, then a month later i left as a volunteer, well, the military registration and enlistment office did not accept the city of kaspiysk, so i thought what to do, so the khunzal region applied, went there to the mountains, well, that’s where they they didn’t know that i was protesting, well, i came in , that’s all, they say, how is it, it seems like an adult, what did this motivate you, i say, it’s necessary, since it’s our homeland, let’s... let’s see a story about you, so after work we go to
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the seashore, to the park, we’ve probably begun to value life, family, friends, relatives more, and somehow treat things differently, softer, we’ll speaks to people, currently i work as the director of the second school in the city of kaspiysk. dagestan, well, i’m invited to various educational institutions , i’m the chairman of the commission of the public chamber of the republic of dagestan, i travel to districts, institutions, have conversations with the guys, well, it’s somehow more interesting for them to see there in person the person who visited there, our school director, he dug a trench for himself, he dug there, he went here and there, they don’t give him a tractor either, he digs himself, that’s it. look, this is how school principals work in shoes still in shoes, while he was there, i somehow held on, maybe even just because i didn’t
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realize what position he was in, i’m a history teacher, i kept telling the children about defenders of the fatherland, about heroes, about patriotism, so most likely this inspired me to do this, my graduates... the students are great, they are very they supported me well with letters, parcels, i even received a parcel there, my leg began to hurt, i had a protest in my hip joint and i was thinking about whether to stay or not, so they invited me to the headquarters, the commanders knew that i was staying, they let me listen, turned them on and there are the voices of my family children, dad, hello, dad, come home, dad, we love you, we are waiting for you and somehow this touched me very much, so i thought, maybe i’ll still do as they say, in the literal sense
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they counted the days, i somehow tried to forget about it, so they didn’t let me forget, they they just said, there are a few days left, they really wanted to go meet him too, dad. further in the program , alibek kazanbiev, a school director from kaspiysk, will tell why he volunteered for the special military operation zone. if suddenly one of the children asks, alebelovich, why aren’t you there, my neighbor was killed, my brother is fighting, my father is fighting, what are you doing here and telling us about patriotism, so i thought, i won’t be able to answer this question if not i'll go there. melody for two in previous episodes, you i was upset that i didn’t have time to take you to work myself, now i’m late for the office so that you
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’ll be late somewhere, victoria safona. director of a large translation agency, they’re scheduled for a minute, but it’s boring, she’s used to planning everything, life, work, rest, i ’ve packed my things, it’s time to leave for the airport, but vika’s husband ruins her plans, you’ll leave me without a morning kiss, but it’s beautiful here , and her peace is disturbed by an uninvited roommate, wait for me, this is my room, in general, you have a conscience, but i’m not going anywhere, let’s shout, finish your performances, meet victoria, my bride, bride, yes, what do you allow yourself, what kind of bride are you, this is deception on me, i feel it, he’s lying, melody for two, continuation, look at rtr today.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday. slio reorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rixas premium sea gate -
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titanic luxury collection, hello, dear friends, your favorite is on air program 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues, in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons, i already demanded, give me back the nuclear one, like at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight, equipment, and we have a lot of time, the second tank flew from kolkropski.
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“the hero of russia will be on the tour, we are all with you, including me, to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, to destroy the gang in his head with zelensky, they are a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later. “i love you, i love you too, look at the weekend, leave her alone, but you have no prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet again, sometimes parting is just the beginning of great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, yes it’s not easy, they’re watching you, this is your husband’s man, let him go, fox, be
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careful.” tell me, do you still love him, first love, all things, yes, don’t touch me, what are you doing, let him go, listen to me carefully, something needs to be resolved with them. lizda, run away from him, you are in danger, he is alone i've already betrayed you. i will do everything so that we can be together again. romance with the past, saturday. on rtr. previously in the program. the long-awaited meeting of comrades. boris dubrovin and alibek kazanbiev have not seen each other for more than a year. here he is, here he is. salam, wow, yes, i’ll cheer you up, i hid it after all, hello, i hid it after all, that here in moscow, i only recently found out, well, let me exchange it again, alebek, how many children do you have? five
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children, i, the oldest was 10 years old, twins, the last two boys and all of them study at your school, yes, yes, yes, fifth grade, fourth, third and first, so what? well , of course, she was a little nervous, you know, somehow, probably, those years brought us up this way, so when i heard the speeches of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, so some guys began to leave for turkey, then kazakhstan, then georgia, although i don’t know this person personally, i somehow felt ashamed for... those guys, in front of that person whom i don’t personally know, yes, yes, i think this really happens, so, and then , of course, it inspired what really is 25 i’ve been teaching at school for years, i tell children about
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defenders of the fatherland, i talk about heroes, well, i think, if suddenly one of the children asks, alebek rasulovich, why aren’t you there, they killed my neighbor, my brother is fighting, my father is fighting, what are you doing here and are you telling us about patriotism? so i thought: i won’t be able to answer this question if i don’t go there. alebek rasololovich, did your wife try to dissuade you? yes, of course, my wife tried to dissuade me, and friends and relatives, i really remember, they brought friends, they call every evening, they say: well, let’s go and have some tea, we drank tea, they invited those guys who came from there from there, so he says, well, tell him how everything is, well, they started there, well, i also sat and listened, they, they probably thought they had already persuaded everything, talked them out of it, asked, yes, will you go again, i say, yes, i’m going, yes, well
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, it didn’t work out for them, well, yes, if you have the desire, what can you do to live there, for example, 57 years old for a person, you’ll live maybe 65. another 10 years, but if you don’t go there, and if you go, how proud will my children be? me, my dad was, they will be proud of this all their lives, this was also inspiring, indeed, boris alevna, and you know your wife, you want to meet, of course, give me an alipad, please come in, so, so, so, so, it’s her, say hello, yes, yes, well, come on, let’s say this is the case. very nice, so nice, hello , hello, thank you, alepata, zanpeeva, yes, yes, yes, 22 years younger, that’s all, yes, yes, just that, you’re handsome,
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i read a lot of books in my youth, i thought , so, you need to marry for love, i read, i read, i read something a lot, i read a lot, time passes, suddenly i’ve grown up, yes, yes, i’ve grown up, i saw her just... what is it, where we met? on the promotion of teachers. and you are also a teacher, right? yes, yes, yes, also a historian, teacher. aripat, you are a mother of five children, you look great, thank you, more. history connected you, huh? yes, yes, yes, literally, you are in history. how did he win you over? you know, first of all, probably, a sense of humor. yes, this one.
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see yes, well, i came, they looked, they didn’t show it, everything was fine, i was visiting, i went home the next day they call, sorry, it doesn’t work, you’re too old, they call you, yes, yes, yes, they call, not me, but my relatives, yeah, yes, like an adult, sorry, it won’t work, well, i’ll go to her right away, i think, well, it seems, yes, so she says, wait, well, i waited, and a month later they called my relatives again, everything is fine,
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tell me what you did? but i’m the only one who didn’t talk to anything illegal, did you announce a boycott or something? no, i did everything my parents said, everything i needed around the house, i did everything only without words, they stood for exactly a month, realized that they were wrong, right? apparently, but are you happy now? yes, of course, now they are very proud, not only his relatives, everyone, everyone is proud of him, in fact, and i am doubly proud. kids, did they understand where daddy went? and you know, honestly, they didn’t, didn’t understand, now, after we give interviews, after they often show about him, they now more or less understand where he was, what he did, but then. ..
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they miss you, yes, yes, yes, they missed you a lot, but did you somehow communicate when alibek was at svv? you know, while the training was going on there, he called every evening, everything is fine, everything is fine, well, i don’t know, i had a feeling that he was going straight there to the front line, not to mention the front line, he was not going to be sent there to the front. , again, think to yourself age, where he was sent, but no, he volunteered. voluntarily, so he said, he volunteered himself, to be honest, he said,
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i’d like to go, but what’s wrong with that, i can’t run, like some people i can’t jump, or something, but physically he says, i can do it even when i’m young don’t give in, that’s what i said, even when he wrote a statement, went to the military registration and enlistment office, even then i didn’t realize how serious the situation was, so he sends me a photo with... this statement, i send such a smiley face, laughing, honestly, for some reason i didn’t take it all seriously , i don’t know if he was offended by my emoticon or not, no, of course not, no offense, yes, yes, the only thing was when he already called and said that they were already going straight to the front line, sent a video, sent photos, how they are loaded onto the machine, then it’s already, that’s where you jumped, right? then really in fact, she had complaints mainly about my
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uniform, she said: why are you always in such an old dirty walk, i say, allipad, we are digging trenches here on the front line, it’s impossible to wash every day, then that’s it, wash, probably, it was possible there once for a month, somehow, yes, they shoot and bomb all the time, so we looked, this is how i dig trenches, and i was a squadron commander, and i was there. that’s what’s surprising, i took an example from him, well, there are such guys, well, everywhere they leave something unfinished somewhere, then it keeps raining, they immediately go to a shelter somewhere under a canopy , i walk through the trenches, also with a shovel, i’m already thinking, everything seems to be looking, borye is digging, the platoon commander is digging, uh, borye, i say, where are the guys, let him say, they will rest, such a person, yes, really from the heart, well, with such guys,
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well done, here is the director of our school, lyabulovich is a very responsible, very courageous person,
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you are 17 years old, a person with five small children, a teacher with extensive experience, who suffered before leaving surgery on my legs, and did not advertise it as a volunteer, i went to the front, i i consider him a hero, because his act was very, albeit a little reckless, but very indicative and an example for everyone, he wanted to show that we must fight for our homeland, we must stand up for it,
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the happiest fathers and grandfathers, this is our motivation, let's look at the story about this. dad, we’ll come up with this greeting for you, we ’re very proud of you, we love you, we’re always waiting for you at home, always be with us, you’re our hero, our dad is a hero, today we’re making
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plum pie with plum jam, katya, and you take our rolling pin and let's roll the dough, one side to end, another. dad was the mentor of my life, i learned from his stories, i was brought up as a varnik, we had a routine like this, dad did exercises there in the morning, and we all kind of repeated it, then my sister grew up the same way, we all probably told dad well, everything is dad’s character, so i named my son the same as my dad’s name, borey, and i didn’t even expect that i would give birth to a copy, it’s just that they are so similar in character, similar in appearance, plus their names. here are their last names and they have the same, yes borya, girls, well done, put the pie in the oven, i think it was a success, my grandfather is very kind and good, he used to tell me in kindergarten that my grandfather went to war, but i boasted, i myself would like to go like dad, to fight there,
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well, no, really, i would like my children also adopted their father’s quality, what a wonderful pie we made. this is papi, be patient a little, we convey delicious family greetings, although we rarely tell you, we are very proud of you, we love you very much, further in the program, what a surprise have alibeg kazanbiev’s graduates prepared, let’s meet, please, guys, bring in the parcel, yes, well, for the sake of this parcel, you need to get up, yes.
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alexander nikolaevich, i must tell you, jackdaw, june 3 on rtr, and i’m walking, walking by moscow. but i can still walk, in my favorite thaw, the mystery of the last sixty years, in the painting by georgy danel i have been walking around moscow for 60 years, unique stories from the set of the film, which was called the main film , we found the same girl in the rain with whom the cult film began, who she? malakhov, today on rtr, your girl will turn 18 and... she will receive a gift, whoever she loves from the men, luck will come to him, wealth, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her, suddenly
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the gypsy didn’t lie, well, hit her, i only today i realized how much i like you, how beautiful you are, max, what are you doing, i don’t believe a single word you say. just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare him away, he’ll run away, he won’t run away from me, you hear how it’s beating, i’ll protect you, whoever offends you, a magical gift that has become a curse, i’ve made up my mind, i’ll leave the city, don’t break my heart, premiere on saturday on rtr. earlier in the program , fathers with many children, boris dubrovin and alibek kazanbeev , volunteered in the northern military district zone. in the studio they
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talked about their everyday life at the front. sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea worries three times, the bird is flying, freeze, well , you get used to it quickly, if you realize where you are, during the day there are mortar and tank attacks 92 times, you understand, such a noise happens from this tank attack, this is generally the house is shaking right now, guys, who will go there, this is the very front, that’s who wants to go there, the left flank is 320 m.
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what are they like, what are they all three there, all three two, the third patient, our back hurts a lot, and there i am for him he immediately said that there was nothing to do with his back, but where were these two? what troops where are they fighting in what directions ? the eldest son-in-law in the fifty-fifth kyzylov assault brigade direction avdeevskaya turmoviks the youngest is in a frenzy at all brigade 74 and the youngest himself decided, we have a video surprise from them for you, and hello, seslo, old, hello, i wanted to say thank you for your advice, starting from digging trenches and ending with combat missions, i want
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to convey my best regards to my parents, my beloved wife, katyusha. kids, i love you all very much, thank you for your support, wait for me to return home soon from the victory, everyone good afternoon, at the reception head, i’m in the zone , i wanted to thank all those who are worried about me, especially the old one, old man, you gave me the advice i needed, recently we were in positions, there was an arrival, i didn’t hesitate, didn’t worry,
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didn’t you can yell, swear, it will help you, as it did me, when we went to the pubic, the first, of course, everyone is carrying a load, everything is tired, there we are already approaching the village, the birds are waiting, they are already buzzing, i have a poem by chuikovsky, there was a cartoon like that in childhood, that dishes crawl across fields, through forests, but they crawl and what is it, the kettle said to the iron, i can’t go any further, i was laughing, no matter how hard. it was, there is no need to bother, if you think about her, about this bony one, she will stake you out, horror, it fetters you, you just need to move with joy, fell, lie down, as the history of this war showed, one mine does not fall, there are three of them - five should lie down, after the first lie down, there is no need to jump up and run further, lie down, rest, son, then
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you run across, but what do you do to your daughters? the package was so big, i just opened it and looked there, well, who is it from? package, there is no letter, i looked for the letter everywhere, well, no, i didn’t even have time for sweets, that’s who showed this attitude towards me, that’s what really touches me, so i gave it away, after which i put some in my pockets, left it in the medical unit to our sheikh to mogamed, i say, distribute it to the wounded whoever comes, they all left and were there for 2
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days. when it was difficult to bring food to this advanced part, we didn’t eat for two days, i saw i fried it somewhere and found a caramel that was so dirty, it was so dear. yes, so i unfolded it, crushed it this candy, everyone perked up, came up, such joy, as if it were some kind of holiday, they handed it out to everyone, they poured tea, there were toasts, they already started joking, it was actually a whole holiday, and this caramel was really the very humanitarian aid that all our russian people are providing assistance there too, and of course, taking this opportunity, we should probably thank everyone who provides malamal assistance. guys, we have a video from your student, let's see, this is the swing market, the central one, this market is distinguished by its colorfulness, there’s probably a huge selection of just any kind
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of food, there’s sweet and sour to eat, there’s sweet for tea, let’s have a kilo of sweet and sour for tea, everything ’s a kilo, now i’ll give it to you, oh moment, this is for our guys, who us. protects, they will return with victory, rahman, we will meet them, yes, definitely, we are waiting for you, we are really looking forward to it, for our guys, nuts from me, allah grant that our guys return with victory, good health to them, the most useful ism, hemoglobin increases well, it is for vision, for vocha, for the heart, even for everything, i also add a couple of dates too. and how much it turned out, how much from me, i don’t need anything, i’ll leave it like this, it turns out that you come to the market and no one takes money, this is real dagestani generosity and
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hospitality, thank you very much, may the almighty accept, something else- they want to give it to the guys, they don’t feel sorry for anything, these are our guys, our children, brothers, fathers, ours are there, there was no list of products, i sort of... chose the products at my own discretion, now we’ll take it, for our guys, especially on the front line, it’s not always possible to cook something there, i chose something that, such as nuts, dried fruits, you can take with you and put in your pocket, well, urbech was just needed, it’s not just urbech, this is the love of dagestan, you can probably say the taste of dagestan, god bless you, this black flax is very... it’s healthy, yeah, and let this be a gift from us to them, take honey, dried fruits, everything is there, give us honey, what kind of honey do you have, it’s herbal honey, we want
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to send it to the guys in slo, but can i have some cookies? i’ll also give it to you on my own behalf, you can, that’s all. thank you, we collected so much, the main thing is that it all fits in one box, albelovic, i know that you are already at home, and well, as you can see, i have a new package in my hands, i think it will make the guys on the front line happy, well and you know who to give it to, tell me who it is, this is my student, i worked at school for 25 years, that’s why? well, yes, yes, it is released every year, the parcel has been collected, it has arrived here, let’s meet you, please, guys, bring the parcel, yes, well, for the sake of this
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parcels need to stand up, yes, serious, so, oh, what is this, oh, what a surprise, wow, oh, look. a man left behind, one might say, he made history, words that, whoever thinks about the consequences, is not a hero, probably these words are about alibeg raslovich, he went, did his job, fulfilled his duty, thank
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the almighty he returned alive to his family, for this is a huge thank you to him, for the fact that there is such a person from whom we can take an example today, i’ll shake his hand again, thank you, thank you,
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at school he was a teacher for us, after school he was a coach, he gave us table tennis, volleyball, after all this, to be just a friend, you could come up and talk, when you look at these guys, these graduates, students who really became good people, and you think, it’s not in vain that you worked at alibegrach , for 25 whole years, this is the result of our teaching work. alebek, to whom will we send this wonderful parcel collected by all your people, your students and those whom we saw there at the market, maybe boris’s sons-in-law, let’s do this we’ll make a very good offer, big barkala, olebya krasololovich, your students have collected dagestan delicacies for our children, and we have collected moscow delicacies and also want to put them here side by side, please bring them in and open them. and oh, three boxes already,
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yes, yes, sweets, sausage, cookies, even tula gingerbread. boris alibek, tell me, we chose the right assortment, of course, of course, right, right, i’m sure the guys there don’t go hungry, but these sweets are just right for them, god willing, we tried, thank you very much, the main thing for us is to feel your back. supports, this is the most important thing, thank you very much for this, yes, you are real fathers, behind you, as if behind a stone back, and your children, our whole country, thank you very much, for being like that, for being you are ours, olibbek, boris, you didn’t just repay your debt to your homeland, with your work you showed the younger generation how it should be done, this is the only way to educate the future generation, thank you very much, it was a program: our
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real stories about our people, see you in next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main ones at this hour. this is how we try to fly into volchansk on a bug under the cover of electronic warfare stations; epivedrons and opponents are working in the sky. the vesti film crew was the first journalist to arrive in volchansk, followed by fierce fighting from the northern part of the city. report by evgeny poddubny and
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alexander pushin. kyiv applies for.


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