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tv   Melodiya dlya dvoikh  RUSSIA1  May 28, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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to conduct with the audience of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. forecasters have already called this tuesday the hottest day since the beginning of the year. in some places in the capital , the thermometer reached 28°, and this is almost july weather. due to the high temperature in the moscow region. the fourth and penultimate level of fire danger was introduced in the forests, and muscovites flocked to the beach. oksana maksimova about unexpected summer at the end of spring. tongues of flame greedily devour the pine trees. acrid smoke from a forest fire in dmitrev enveloped the entire area of ​​the working-class village of bykovo. from the hearth the fire is only 2 km away from the settlement. the fire miraculously did not reach the buildings. in the forests near moscow today, the fourth penultimate fire class was announced.
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sun glare on the water, delicate soft sand on the beach, the eye rejoices, the soul rests, i would like to dive in, but i didn’t grab a swimsuit, all that remains is to wet my feet, along the banks of the large city pond in zelenograd, for tens of meters there are completely vacationers and this is only the beginning of the working week, in weekend, local residents are sure, there will be nowhere to step here, they promise it will be hot, so we're slowly warming up along with the weather, this capital's beach is one of three that is... approved for swimming.
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the black lake in zelenograd and the beach in troporevo also fell into this category. in total, there are about a hundred recreation areas near the water in moscow, but while signs like these are installed nearby, swimming is prohibited here. but you can take the oars in your hands, a panama hat on your head, a vest on your shoulders and take a walk along the pond on a boat. cool! however, there is no stopping muscovites who have reached for the sun; the outdoor pools are overcrowded in the sun's rays, vacationers bask for a long time on the shizlongs, gorgeous weather. people, water, sun. doctors, however, warn that bright sunshine is harmful to the skin. even in our latitudes, the chance of getting a burn is higher than a bronze tan. it is better to sunbathe in the morning, but before noon and in the evening after 16 hours. in this case, be sure to apply a protective cream. the sun bakes so that the kids don't get burned, to protect their skin. you should also avoid exhausting physical activity; exposure to the open sun in the heat, according to experts, is well tolerated, for example, yoga. in the capital's parks, classes are held without... free of charge, the july heat will not leave
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moscow until the end of the week. on saturday and sunday there will be short-term rains, the temperature will drop slightly, it will be 25-27°. real summer weather. thirty-degree heat will return to the capital region again and will last until mid-june. oksana maksimova, ksenia ruditser, egor vorobyov, boris akapov and oleg dobin, lead. the largest cargo delivery service has been trying for the third day since december to restore operations interrupted due to a large-scale technical failure. hundreds thousands of shipments are stuck in warehouses on the way to their recipients, application sites are unavailable. a certain hacker group on one of the banned social networks took responsibility for hacking the system using an encryption virus. how possible is this, is there a danger of leakage of the customer base and service when people wait for their parcels? our correspondent olga mishcheryakova found out from specialists. it’s quiet and empty in all the pickup points of an international logistics company.
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technical reasons, it ’s printed on a piece of paper, no one names the deadlines, but for now that no, the sdek company did not refuse to comment, on the third day of the downtime it turned out that they have a plan b, a backup plan for manual processing that will eliminate all possible errors and will allow us, starting tomorrow, on may 29, to begin issuing shipments, which are lying at the pick-up point are actually ready for issuance, ordinary employees do not share the optimism of their superiors, but in... the assembly mode here is possible at all, no, unfortunately, it is not possible, a sincere confession in an account banned in russia was left by a certain hacker group khetme. the siismins turned out to be too weak, and the security policies did not justify themselves. there is no solution to your troubles, don't even try. these
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same heads reported that they got to the sdek and quote database and turned the files into garbage. the files had indeed changed beyond recognition, corrupted by the virus and encrypted.
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looks doomed at the ceiling, not hoping for anything, we called technical support and found out that, unfortunately, it would not be possible to send or receive the goods, so our cat was left without food, but sdek is also medicines that patients are waiting for, and express delivery documents, and food and seedlings, the height of the dacha season, here is the story of volunteers from sochi who collected humanitarian aid for the defenders of donbass, the boxes are stuck somewhere in a warehouse, this time the volunteer will not be able to deliver our things... for the guys, alla's business from ufa is suffering losses, now my friends will be offended. i have a package on its way to krasnodar with wedding gifts and a full wardrobe. by the required date, it is unlikely to arrive in krasnodar. and it would have been possible to understand all this if only yesterday
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they sent us a newsletter on monday. the deka states that a decision on compensation, if any is required, will be made after the system is restored. now we don’t even have access to it. according to the rules of the service, if the package does not arrive on time, the client has the right to demand compensation in the amount of 3% of the delivery cost for each working day of delay. perhaps the company will claim that force majeure occurred, lawyers say. can hackers be considered force majeure? question. olga mishcherikova, daria podobedova, egor bushuev, riya khezrieva, alexandra bystritskaya, anton kasimovich. news. a grandiose discovery by archaeologists, which will force us to reconsider history not only. novodevichy convent, but throughout moscow. on the territory of the ancient monastery, experts found stone slabs, some of which date back to the 15th century. what these artifacts told about in the report of marina gromova, who was one of the first to see everything. under
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the click of camera shutters, workers remove the construction net from real treasures. the improvement of the territory of the navodevichy monastery gave many discoveries, archaeologists have discovered tombstones slabs that... centuries, but this is the oldest model, so to speak, these are the triangles, you see, at the edges, we have these triangles, yes, yes, yes, yes, they go back to the 15th century , slabs xvi-18 centuries, some have survived almost entirely, some only fragments remain, there are children’s tombstones, burials of members of the most famous families of moscow, the golitsins, the govorukhins. pink, muromtsev, on many the years of the inscription are quite visible. history archaeologists read a tombstone like a book, in particular by its ornamentation. if we see one, then it’s definitely the 16th century. even if a very small fragment of the slab is discovered, scientists will be able to establish the era. the necropolis was destroyed in
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1930, churches and monasteries were demolished and blown up throughout the union, novodevichy survived, it was turned into a museum, an ancient cemetery, where monks, not clergy, representatives of the nobility were interred. fragments of ancient deposits fell and were buried under the cultural layer. for example, i personally visited manege square i was excavating the basement of one of the criminal taverns, the walls of this basement. were laid out from gravestones, here, where this is really salvation, archaeological research on the territory of the novodevichy convent is so deep in every sense that it is being carried out for the first time and what was discovered claims to be a scientific discovery in the 17th century, princess sofia changed the monastery’s views, as was previously thought, but in fact rebuilt it . sophia simply erased the 15th century monastery from the blackboard like a sponge; there was simply nothing left of it except the cathedral, there is no...
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this is to think about, the lapidarium will become an open-air museum, its creation is timed to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the navodevichy monastery, the largest restoration in the history of this place is nearing completion, the walls of the fortress, towers, bell towers, chambers, tomb, temples have been restored. the five-century anniversary of the navodevichs is celebrated with the renovated temple cleared of forests, the restoration of the smolensk cathedral, the same age as the monastery, is almost completed. marina gromova, alexey yaldin, ignatiy sokolov, pavel letnikov and olga sukurukova, news. rescue operation kota turned around today in strogino. the pet, very well-fed and very
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fluffy, got stuck between the bars of the window grill while trying to get outside, and probably overestimated the volume of its body. the ministry of emergency situations employees had to tinker, and the prisoner was freed. the animal was not harmed, but the owner will have to think about its diet. the capital's prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation into the case of effective registration in a moscow apartment. the owner unexpectedly discovered that eight strangers were registered on his square meters, as it turned out, and personal someone also took over the government services office; the chain from cybercrime to fraud on an even larger scale was traced by alexey knor. eldarbek abidov, abdujabor mavlonov and six other foreigners are now listed as neighbors in the getman family’s apartment; they learned by chance that outside owners were registered in their housing. the local police officer called. said about the whole situation in principle at once, that is, that eight migrants
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were registered, but how this was done is unknown, the police said that the signal came from the mfc, too many applications came from government services. vladislav tried to log into his account to check and was unable to. fraudsters hacked his page and changed his login information. unifiers are separate applications, you can link different accounts to it, and to log into your account you need the code from the application. when we finally managed to restore it. after all, access turned out that unknown people from his page submitted nine applications for registration of foreigners, eight of them were approved, and they were issued using vladislav’s fake passport, on the fake passport there is an incorrect photo, the signature of the employee who issued the passport, the signature of the person himself, the prosecutor’s office is in control of making a legal, informed procedural decision on the fact of fictitious registration of foreign citizens. there are dozens of sites on the internet offering registration for money, but one of these companies does not even hide the fact that it falsifies documents. in this
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business center, but you can only get there with passes, the security service claims that they have never even heard of such an office. do you know the migration center guarantee? alexander’s apartment several years ago, it seems, ended up in the database of one of these offices. fraudsters have registered at least 300 foreigners in his home. distributed it at 6 am. the doorbell rings, i have small children, i run out into the street, and there are bailiffs, they say that so-and-so lives with you, where am i from, did something there, they are looking for it, they managed to solve the problem only after resonance in the media , but the culprits were never found, and recently an entire group was detained that was selling registration in st. petersburg. fraudsters hacked personal accounts on government services and registered illegally. as it turned out, more than 7.00 people were registered in this way. hacking a government service account for the purpose
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of effectively registering citizens essentially contains several elements of crime: it is effective registration for selfish purposes, and it is also illegal access to computer information. if the investigation establishes that, in fact, the work of an organized criminal community took place, then we can talk about initiating a criminal case under a serious article corresponding to the sanction up to 20 years. however, cybersecurity experts insist. most often , portal users themselves transfer personal data to attackers. the main way, of course, to obtain this information is phishing, these are all kinds of fraudulent actions with the goal of deceiving the user. the second possible option for attacking and stealing an account is infecting the user’s device with a virus. now vladislav is trying to expel uninvited guests from his apartment, but it seems that until the completion of the criminal case that the police opened, it will not be possible to do this. alexey knor, anton dubnov, valery kupri, alexander felatov, mariana pepanyan, lead. this
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concludes our release, all news is always available on the media platform, see in the app or on the website ernest motskevichus was with you, i say goodbye until tomorrow, right now we are watching the continuation of the film melody for two. melody for two in the previous episodes, i revealed that i didn’t have time to conduct it.
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i prepared the documents for the transaction with suppliers, but they continue to freeze, apparently they want to win on the difference in currency courses, but if they last a week, it may be advisable to reconsider the terms of the contract. and in our office, rats were poisoned and the entire accounting department was accidentally destroyed. kostya, can you
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even hear me, but forgive me, i’m lost in thought. about something that is happening, it’s like you’re not here, yes, i keep thinking about these photographs, yes, in them your wife looks happier than when she came to our office, well, what can you do, which of us didn’t have holiday novels? i didn’t have it, and by the way, wiki didn’t have it either, yeah, but if so, does that mean victoria andreevna can’t stand the loneliness and is about to fly home, which means there’s nothing to worry about? yes, there is no more predictable person than my wife, you know, i... i'm sure she's already at the airport, for sure.
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can you calm down today? “you know, i have lawyer friends, my dad works with them, prove the fact of betrayal for them,
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spit it out, well, of course, if you love her, i don’t understand what’s happening at all, we live as if by inertia.” vika is constantly dissatisfied with something, i don’t remember the last time she smiled at me, but i’m a fool, i thought that it was because of me, that it was i who made her like this, i felt guilty, you know, you are so noble, but so naive.
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yes, i like it. i wanted lily. darling, here you have to choose, either turkey or lilies. vyacheslav. yes, i am here. vyacheslav, approach the bride. i'm coming. friends, do you need a special invitation? come on, come on. maybe your friends get married every day, or did you come here to chill? so, guys, let's go through everything with our feet, as we will at registration, so as not to blush later. we have no time, honey, let's get to the point, here, vyacheslav, come to the bride, okay,
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boys to the left, girls to the right, so where is the third girlfriend? natasha left this morning , she was called to work, which means she left, she came here especially for a wedding, well, she would have been fired if she had not come, great, so what should we do? in our country the number of men outweighs the number of women, well , okay, someday there will be more guys, no, dear, it’s not okay, this is a very symbolic thing for a wedding, the number of men and women on both sides of the bride and groom there should be equal, so that in personal life neither side outweighs, but this is some kind of nonsense, thank you, it’s not nonsense, everything must be right, otherwise it’s a bad sign, well done, you think correctly that what to do? so we still have time, we’re quickly looking for a third girlfriend, which is serious, yes, in turkey, or something, of course, this is impossible, perhaps we’re quickly looking for a third
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girlfriend, guys, don’t worry, come on, thank you, i’ll find someone, now, well done, well done, break, 10 minutes, vyacheslav, no moving away from the bride, thank you. maybe you'd like something else, still water, please, you haven't eaten anything all day, and 150 whiskey, okay, i don't like what 's happening to you, but what if she's still waiting for me there in turkey? , you know, the indians have may. saying: the horse is dead, get off, what? yes, it sounds harsh, but such is life,
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sometimes it requires drastic decisions. here you go, your drinks, thank you, interesting saying, listen, what is there? this guy who is with vika in the photo is by chance got into the frame, well, by accident, it happens, everything happened by accident, it happens, listen, if you doubt it, just call your wife, if your marriage is still on the move, she will ask you to take tickets home, i don’t know, i don’t know, just talk with her.
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hello, yes, vic, hello, kos, well, finally, i was so worried, i missed you, what happened there, why didn’t you call, why didn’t you answer, i’m so glad i met you, let’s go, i need help there, that there is a wedding, it takes a long time to explain, i really need your help, what a wedding, what...
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kostya, hello, kostya, let's go, please, our wedding is being cancelled, i have nothing to do with it, that's it, the horse died, i'm getting off, you see, my friend has a wedding tomorrow, and the bridesmaid unexpectedly left, and today is the rehearsal, the wedding organizer.
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okay, oh, but only for the sake of the maldogans, yes, just without this, without this, of course, go ahead, are you ready for our musical investigation, ready, ready, four experienced experts, guessed, guessed, i can say that... nothing is 100% clear, i’m completely hesitant to say for sure, they were guessing, guessed, in general, i’m confused, my ninth, tenth, sixteenth sense of my intuition will turn on, sings, this is what came of it, from your smiles, i see that you like how we deceive you, well,
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what to do, i'm glad to be deceived, catch me. if you can, a big music show, you ate it, why did you eat it, ate it, sat down, on friday on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time. off the coast of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixos
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golf villas and. juts sharmelshey is a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmal shake. old barrel cognac - a stellar product group.
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you want to say, someone has already gotten rich, first you need to make her fall in love with you, and for this we will dip the girl in you, and then the knight in white armor will give her a helping hand, daughter, come urgently, there is a problem with dad, i am very, very grateful to you , i hope dad returns home, we will find him and bring him back, believe me, don’t drink my heart, premiere on saturday on rtr, favorite songs are heard in our studio, let’s go, birthday, beloved...
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words of love are clear to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture , this is the gold fund of the soviet and russian country, hello andrey, evening andrei malakhov’s show on saturdays on rtr, she’s talking some kind of nonsense, well, it ’s just nonsense, to justify something. in front of me is an accident, what an accident, if she is planning a trip for bread, an accident, i don’t know, i don’t believe her, marin, she’s deceiving me, i feel it, she’s lying, the better for us,
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probably tamara, meet me, this is victoria, she’s kind agreed to be a bridesmaid, so we won’t break any customs or traditions, great, victoria, stay with the bridesmaids, let’s start the rehearsal, let’s start the rehearsal, let me, okay, nicely fell into place, okay, okay, the music starts playing, please turn on the music, okay. let's go, girls, don't forget, let's walk slowly, gracefully, beauties, we disperse to the sides, good, we disperse, excellent, the saxophone begins to sound, and the young ones came towards me,
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excellent, magnificent, luxurious, wonderful, stopped. the payphone has finished playing, i begin to make a celebratory speech, no one moves, everyone is silent, not breathing, after that i declare you husband and wife, a kiss follows, not now, not now, then i announce the first dance of the young people, music, please, louder, louder, dance! okay, excellent, great, luxurious, young, keep the center, maybe, to be honest, i
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'm very glad to see you, max, hush, at the rehearsal, yes, yes, great, finished dancing, young, finished, music, stop, after that . they may come up to congratulate the newlyweds, so i need to clarify something on the list, vyacheslav, come to me, these are important guests, well, i said that you will be alone without a lady, well, you never know what i said, by the way, meet victoria, let's get acquainted, this is victoria, my fiancee. bride, yes, very nice, sweet, what do you allow yourself, what kind of bride are you, sorry, i said what came to mind first, you know, i’m a little crazy,
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my best friend of my ex’s woman, well, you must understand, i sympathize, who should i, a friend or my ex, the situation, the coughing couple left, here are your names and why is this for seating, everything should go according to plan, do you understand? this is definitely clear to me, good. so, well, the rehearsal is over, we’re all leaving, you see, it’s all over, and you were worried, thank you, well, when is your wedding, in a month, congratulations, oh well, you know, listen, i told you to lie, so lie to the end, you know what, this is your deception, not mine. i have nothing to do with this at all, by the way, i had completely
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different plans, i was going for a swim, and not to participate in your amateur performances, great idea, we’re going for a swim, bye-bye.
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i changed my mind, why? i changed my mind, well, if you do, then so do i. good morning, victoria. katharina and lucas, good afternoon. these are my neighbors from the next room. it's very hot today, isn't it? i i'm glad your husband has finally arrived. yes, he finally managed to get out of work.
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and why did you tell this nice couple that i’m your husband, that means we’re even 1:1, what do you do, by the way, good german, i have my own translation agency, yeah, and in general languages ​​are my passion, and what do you do, and well, yes, you’re a musician, i forgot, by the way, i think our bus is leaving, let’s go, no, i’m not going anywhere, i didn’t plan any excursions today, why are you such a bore, huh? you're pulling me, lord, some kind of crazy person, your hat has fallen off, yes mis,
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obviousness, take it away, what are you doing, honestly, yes, yes, yes, but we can handle it, lord, so, gentlemen, we are approaching the main attraction of the resort town of fethiye - the lycian tombs, which date back to the 4th century bc. this ensemble of ancient tombs is a kind of copy of ancient greek temples, which, despite their venerable age, have survived to this day and are well preserved. and i want to point out, in terms of construction. the tombs did not use any special construction equipment and
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devices, which suggests that our ancestors knew how to build well, and for reference, the lycian tombs survived two strong earthquakes, i have to admit that you like me in 1957, two earthquakes with a rupture of nothing incredibly simple , by the way, i don’t remember when we crossed over. i just thought it was time to move, so i moved, it’s strange, in my opinion, i didn’t give you such a reason, no, well, of course, you invited me to your room, i hope you won’t deny this fact, yes, poured over me with drinks, this is also all recorded, there are witnesses, and most importantly, i
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spent the night in your room, or do you need something else, his personal belongings, you know, you become annoying, and i don’t like that. i apologize if i offended you in any way, i offer my sincere apologies, hold your hand, what are you doing, pester me, i explained it to you, stop, well, that’s enough, what are you doing, i told you, you’re bothering me if if you continue to behave this way, i will have to ask you to get off the bus so that you don’t interfere with others’ enjoyment the beauty of the unique architecture, you know, it’s right, it’s bad to interfere, stop it, please, we’ll come out, right here, yes, yes, yes, we need it urgently. quarrel, that's right, i say, dear, i'm not going anywhere, let's go, let's go, we're making it difficult to listen to what's going on at all, i didn't go out, i'm not going anywhere, let's go, stop, please, let's go, let's go, thank you, thank you, sorry for
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your worries, it won't rain. today for sure, you did great, congratulations, you achieved your goal, and how are we going to get there now? here we are switched to you, you like it, it just gives you pleasure, you see how nervous i am, yes, it’s a gorgeous view, that’s it, i can’t do this anymore, i’ll go upstairs, alone, just go.
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and the ancient greek city of temles, located on the site of modern fethi, was a place of prophecy. lord, our italian couple again. and again, hello, hello. we decided to join the excursion. we are very happy. gentlemen and ladies, we will now go up to the tomb, where we can see the inscription left behind. back in ancient times greece, which says amyntas - son of hermegios, i ask you, can i help, you will help me a lot if you leave me alone, no question, let's go, tickets are included in the price of the excursion, here...
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some documents for this all we need is your consent,
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how are you doing here, arkady maratovich, can you help? for your sake, marinochka, of course, i am in debt to georgy alexandrovich, and debts must be repaid. i agree, deadlines? as soon as konstantin mikhailovich gives the go-ahead, i will immediately start the process. i need time to think, i will contact you. fine, i will wait for the call. goodbye. you were invited to fashion week, thank you, i can’t pay for the show of your collection in europe, but i didn’t become a famous musician either. maybe we both made a mistake in choosing? they say that you can’t return the past, excuse me,
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what year is it now, but you can go back there, but what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with me, you’re somehow not like that, soon there will be a competition for young designers, maybe we can take part together, but there’s no such thing anymore, in 17 years you will see him, you will run after him like a cute girl, hello! is there something wrong? we met somewhere. you are avoiding me? i thought that i could change fate, but, but, if only i could, on sunday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes,
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a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. titanic luxury collection baudrum ganyan. monte shoca, a product of stellor group. rixas premium sea gate. family fun starts
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here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium segate. rixos. cognac old barrel product of stellor group pushkin - a name that reflects the whole of russia boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering of this. we owe the poet's best lines. and it seems that the surface of the large bolden pond
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forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the concert of reflections will take place. live broadcast from boldin estate june 6 on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign , we sign at the same time. let's sign up, look, look, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie.
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you can ask a stone not only for love, what nonsense, i didn’t ask him for anything at all, i decided to rest for a while
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, that’s all, okay, well, what about the power of the cobblestone love, with a character like yours, no cobblestone will help, now it’s clear why dear asked you, yes, i also understand why your husband didn’t catch his flight, you know that it’s none of your business, and don’t go at all follow me, i understand,
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you are very tense, what is bothering you? yes, all this worries me, i feel that i am not ready to arrange a divorce through this whole epic with dileshka. i don’t believe that vika could cheat on me. i don’t believe it, you know, he has a difficult character, but to be honest, it’s not a good reason for divorce, of course, but now vika has there is a good reason for divorce, right?
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victoria, i want to apologize to you, i’m a fool, i didn’t think that i could upset you so much. here you go, you have nothing to do with it, then the world,
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what, wildflowers, i’ve never noticed, thank you, i really like it, so i guessed right, and you know, i just now realized that i haven’t really lived yet , i didn’t dream. some kind of endless, incessant cycle of some things, eternal plans, schedules, vanity, was it all in vain, i probably won’t be able to answer you this question, because i never made plans in my life, i lived as i wanted everything. on the left,
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yes, yes, although some call it selfishness, the bus leaves in 5 minutes, now let's go, let's go, we need it, thank you. i didn’t allow myself to be touched, so don’t resist, otherwise i’ll drop it, it’s a paradox, how such a heavy character fits into such a light, charming woman, what happened that no one ever told you that the setting sun makes you very
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beautiful. that's it, the tour is over, let's go out. all the best, goodbye, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, thank you, all the best, see you off like a leg, thank you, it’s all gone,
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i’ve already had it, a slight sprain, it’s okay, it’s late, i’ll go, listen, maybe we’ll go for a walk, it’s such an evening, let’s go.
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la jolie fille là la mis au saxophone vous?
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for the concert in toulouse, everyone is ready, ready, my friend? play, no question, let 's go.


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