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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  May 29, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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“first love, all things, yes, don’t touch me, what are you doing, let me go, listen to me, something needs to be decided with them, sheet, run from him, you’re in danger, he’s already betrayed you once, i’ll do it everything so that we can be together again, a romance with the past, on saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you,
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wait for me, they keep you through the rains, with us in peace . flowers still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr you. invited to the fashion century, thank you, i can’t pay for my collection in europe yet, but i didn’t become a famous musician either, or maybe we were both mistaken in the idea, they say that the past cannot be returned, sorry, what year is it now, but you can go back there, but what’s wrong with you, and what’s wrong with me, are you somehow different?
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“soon there will be a competition of young designers, maybe we can take part together, no longer, in 17 years, you’ll see him, you’ll run after him like a cute girl, hello, something’s wrong, we met somewhere, you’re avoiding me, i thought that i could change fate, but, but if only dka, on sunday on rtr. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. say goodbye to painful and unsightly calluses forever with speeddick, the first motorized callus remover with built-in. with a vacuum cleaner. remove
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calluses anywhere, anytime because the chips are sucked straight into a collection chamber for easy cleaning. whether you're traveling or in the office, you can always be sure that your feet will always be in perfect condition. even unsightly calluses on your hands, carefully but are carefully removed using peddy wack. you'll get the complete peddyvag set for silky soft, smooth legs at a sensational price. for only 49.95, but wait, if you order right now, you will receive a second set of peddy vac as a gift, this is a care that you can share with your loved ones and the price will remain the same, only 4995, and you save almost 50 euros , but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, monte shocha cognac, a product of the steller group.
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favorite berry - strawberry reduces the level blood sugar and protects our heart. what other benefits does a juicy berry offer? when this oxidative stress takes effect. on a cell, he can completely destroy it, a strawberry looks like a heart, yes, yes, yes, very much, why is the blood salty and how does it affect the joints, what salts are deposited in gout, osteochondrosis, degenerative changes are the basis, if a lot is produced, not breaks down, then it begins to accumulate accordingly, summer is coming, five mistakes that interfere with weight loss, check if you have them? to whom
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it helped, it won’t help anyone, he goes off the rails, he starts eating even more, the foundation of foot health, a simple way from the doctor for... stop, good morning, hello, i want to go for a walk in the spring, we’ll go for walks until the fall, or even winter, uh-huh, waito shoes are uncomfortable, you can twist your ankle, you can hit a bump and your leg hurts, it happens that in spring and summer a person puts on some light sneakers, boots, sandals, and it turns out that some people have an unstable ankle, that is, the person discovers , that... literally on every bump he put his foot down tucks, micro sprains, i noticed this myself, this is how you play football, sometimes it hurts for 2-3 months, yeah, that’s why you need to do special exercises, who will strengthen their tendons with us, here they are, the three graces , come to
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us, so, the exercises, the exercises will be quite simple, that is, in order to train ankle stability, we need to stand on the sore leg, which is actually more common. tucks in, and then we make a very simple movement: we step forward with our feet, barely touching the floor with your toe, once and the same thing back, two, we come back, do the same, but we put our foot a little inward, three and four, 5, 6, 7, 8, we do it slowly, very... it is important that we must stand on the entire foot, that is, make sure that at the moment when we move the leg inward, the weight does not move to the outer edge, but remains evenly on the entire foot, interesting, by the way, so what’s the point, that when we move this inward, the weight automatically
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shifts to the outer edge of the foot, that is, the very thing that happens during an inversion injury, accordingly, when trying to keep the foot pressed, we begin to activate the pronator muscles, these we... muscles are not trained so often, and accordingly, when we try to do this movement, they can get tired, that is, sometimes people literally do the exercise 10 times and say: that’s it, the leg is tired, it’s falling off, you need to walk around, rest, give the opportunity to relax for a couple of minutes and you can repeat, great, let’s take care of our legs, let’s do stabilization, yes, right now everyone’s favorite berry, strawberry in the product of the day section: well, friends, it’s strawberry season, come on, juicy strawberries, at the end of may, at the beginning of june, help yourself, now you can buy strawberries
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all year round, yes, the question is whether they are tasty or tasteless, there somewhere in november, which arrived from hot countries, the fundamental question is how healthy it is, because... the strawberries that we are picking now are at the peak of their benefits, they are grown here, they contain exactly those vitamins and microelements that we expect from it, what will happen there in winter, what is it from? they will bring it from ecuador, we don’t know how they grow it there, we don’t know, we’ll talk to our expert about the benefits of strawberries. mikhail moiseevich ginsburg, nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences. let's talk. beneficial properties for heart health, yeah, a very interesting point, first of all we are talking about the so -called age-related diseases of the heart and blood vessels, namely atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic lesions, anthacyans, which are contained in strawberries, in fact they give it this characteristic color, they
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are the most powerful anti-inflammatory factor, and the daily use of such factors protects us, or, let’s say , reduces the level of this very thing. age-related inflammation, and since many conditions and diseases are associated with this inflammation, some of which we will also consider today, it turns out that daily consumption of strawberries and similar berries rich in anthacyanins protects us from all these diseases, from aging, increases life expectancy, improves quality of life and so on and so forth, even though i know studies have shown that daily consumption of berries, in particular strawberries, changed the ratio of bad, good cholesterol, the good became more, the bad, on the contrary, less, the so-called anti-athergenic effect, a person is as old as his vessels are, the younger the vessels, the younger in the biological sense of the person. strawberry looks like a heart, right? yes for brain function, how do strawberries affect
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brain health? there is so-called oxidative stress, that is, this is the formation of so-called reactive oxygen species that damage. type 2 diabetes mellitus. the peculiarity of type 2 diabetes mellitus is that it is also an age-related disease, it is also
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based on processes such as decreased sensitivity of tissues to insulin, there is a lot of insulin, but sensitivity to it is reduced, inflammation, which, in fact, is the basis of this reducing tissue sensitivity to insulin. we're talking about the pronounced anti-inflammatory effects of strawberries in particular, and there's actually quite a bit of research showing that. what do you have people who eat strawberries improve sugar control in type 2 diabetes, this is a very good property for intestinal health, this, by the way, is also very important, because now there are more and more studies that talk about the relationship of our intestinal microflora with everything the rest of the body, it has now been proven that intestinal microflora affects the rate of weight gain, that it affects the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and allergic diseases. on neurodegeneration and so on, that's what's here what the tubers do is interesting, yes, it
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contains dietary plant fibers, which, when entering our gastrointestinal tract, are not digested, reach the large intestine unchanged, and there it activates the growth of good positive bacteria that protect us from these same diseases, more bacteria, more health, right, for immunity, mikhail. here it is obvious, here are the same anthacyans that we talked about, ascorbic acid, vitamin c, dietary fiber, supporting the so-called symbiotic, friendly to us microflora, all this in combination, has an immunomodulatory effect, that is, it improves the properties of the immune system, protects us from, well, in particular, viral seasonal diseases, there are even studies showing that people who eat strawberries, and other berries... are more likely to recover from viral infections infections. many children, and not only
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adults, have diathesis and allergies to strawberries. that is, it means it is allergenic. well, to a certain extent, yes. people who are prone to allergies, not only to strawberries, but to berries in in general, there may be a cross-allergy, you need to eat strawberries with caution, be sure to wash them thoroughly, eat a little, eat after eating, so that they are somehow protected. dietary fiber that you consumed earlier, here, by the way, the correct washing technique can help, because in general, an allergy develops primarily to pollen, these same seeds, yes, in these dimples, yes, how is it no wonder, strawberry pollen remains, so it helps many people in a completely trivial way, just boiling it in a colander or, for example, in some kind of strainer, put it in, pour boiling water over it. this will wash away all this pollen, after this, pour
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cold water over the berry, that is, so that it does not cook, yes, you can eat it after that, cool recipe, thank you very much, today we learned how strawberries are useful and how to eat them , our program continues right now, quiz, a minute of health, well, it’s time for our quiz, a minute of health, here our tv viewers test their health knowledge to win interesting prizes. today we have our tv presenter elena is visiting, let's get to know her. good afternoon, my name is elena, i am 38 years old, i work as a psychologist, i try to lead a healthy lifestyle, an active lifestyle. i go in for sports in the gym,
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i work out actively several times a week, i try to eat right, i gave up meat, i have another dream, i would like to appear in your program, because i really like it, it’s very useful, interesting, and i try not to miss it , and i would really like to take part in the next filming myself, i really i hope that you have my dream in the near future... 30, thank you, we meet elena in our studio, good morning, good morning, lenochka, you are a psychologist, yes, how long ago, very long ago, yes, you can tell mikhail how ...
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in order to get a prize today, this is an irrigator, i’ll tell you the rules, they are quite simple, mikhail will ask questions, 12 questions, you will answer in a rush and you will answer so very simply: yes, no, clearly, yes, i will time it , the more correct answers you give, the higher the chances that you will win, everything is clear, yes, we will have medical questions, i hope you know each other, let’s go, is it possible to eat before dental treatment, yes? does broccoli lower cholesterol? yes. do blood donors need to take anticoagulants before donating? no. will the herpes virus increase the risk of alzheimer's? no. is dandruff caused by a fungus? yes. could puffy eyes be a symptom of kidney disease? yes. is helicobacter
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transmitted through shared utensils? no. is it possible to do an ultrasound more than ten times a year? no. the burn needs to be iced, no, i have time, wonderful, lena, just wonderful, such an unusual physical activity, now we find out that iron levels may drop, yes, did you answer correctly, is it possible to eat before dental treatment, you said yes, in fact, of course, before donating blood ? we said, no, in fact, you really can’t do this, because it will change the composition of the blood and, accordingly, it will be unsuitable for transfusion.
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will the herpes virus increase the risk of alzheimer's? we said no, really. according to recent studies increases percentage about 20, but this is a difficult question, yeah, i agree, the cause of dandruff is a fungus, you said yes, in fact, yes, yes, the presence of swelling under the eyes can be a symptom of kidney disease, you said yes, of course, swelling can be a symptom of the disease kidneys, you are cool lena, cool, helicovacctor is transmitted through shared dishes, you said, no, in fact it is transmitted, is it possible to do more ultrasounds?
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immediate help, these are just blows to the back, due to taking antibiotics , iron levels may drop, you said yes, actually indeed, this is even written in the possible side effects of drugs, you need to apply ice to the burn site, you said no, they really do not recommend it under any circumstances, since it limits blood flow, you have eight correct answers, lena and turn it over, which is already working , the intuition of a psychologist . yes, miss, you have seven more attempts, already much less, and you say mikhail, she came, she ran, she won, she left, take the irigator, it’s yours, thank you, if you want to know even more answers to questions about health, then all episodes of our program you can find it on the online media platform,
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look, the application is on the website, and the conversation is about the most important thing. here you go, bride, the premiere, when there is a man’s plush, something simpler, or something, i’m looking for a jackdaw now, you know where she is, well, i can’t help you, you came as a notification, hello, hello, yes, gal, rich life for your benefit, now my life has nothing to do with you, jackdaw from july 3rd. on rtr. allow yourself. first-class holiday resorts, elegant details, a feast of exquisite tastes,
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a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. titanic deluxe golf belleg hotel, where. every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf belleg is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. discover a real gem on the coast. titanic lux collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible cuisine and atmosphere complete relaxation. immerse yourself in
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world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lakshery collection bodrum. welcome to rix's newest hotel. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents, escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas, radomis sharmel sheikh. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. weeks golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and
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endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the big boldensky pond preserved it forever. expression of how our hearts treasure his words forever. on
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the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place. live broadcast from the boldin estate. june 6 on rtr. by the way, i recently read an interesting article that due to the fact that our blood is, well, salty, these salts can be deposited in the joints, and that in general all problems are due to the deposition of salts, what makes the blood salty? in fact, in our body a lot is tied to electrolytes, that is, actually to sodium salts, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and so on, yes, accordingly, so that our... cells can function, so that the cells of the gastrointestinal tract can work, muscle cells can contract, for all this we need these same salts,
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so, naturally, in our blood plasma a certain amount of these salts, they are constantly dissolved, but the fact that they lead to gout, osteochondrosis, and so on, i propose to look into this in more detail. let's meet our today's guests. attention to the screen. hello doctor, my name is lyubov, i i live in moscow, me. 50 years old, today i would like to turn to you for advice and help, the fact is that quite a long time ago doctors diagnosed me with gout, this is a very unpleasant sensation in the joints, it is aches, pain, and recently even my joints have begun to swell, enlarge, deform. it’s no secret that i love salty things, pickled cucumbers, and i really like to eat herring, i know it’s salt. it’s been very harmful lately, i’ve been trying to strictly give up salt, i either don’t add salt to the dish, or don’t add any salt at all, but there’s practically no result
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no, what is the condition... that the tests are at the same level, i would like to ask a question, how to treat this disease, what methods to use, thank you, we will figure it out , we meet love in our studio, good morning, hello, hello, hello, well for your blooming age you look great, thank you, look, slim, please tell me, this is the moment, firstly, well done for coming to us, and secondly, you were diagnosed with agro, me? installed somewhere around 10 years ago, that you have gout, how much is it progressing all this time, periodically, this is inflammation of the joints to the point of redness, of course, the joints are enlarged, yes, and this is some kind of hereditary history, and this is a hereditary history, so i basically understood , what is this, i observed these signs in my relatives, especially in my grandfather, the deformation there was very strong, and
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that is, you blame it on everything. well, probably as one of the factors. everyone blames salt, is it to blame for the heat or other diseases and joints? let's find out from our expert. evgeny zhelyaev, rheumatologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category. good morning, good morning. here is your patient, one might say, with a confirmed diagnosis of gout, ten years old, blaming salt for everything. yes. sodium, well, it actually has practically nothing to do with gout, yes, indeed, gout is a disease caused by salts, more precisely sodium monourate - this is the sodium salt of uric acid, which can be deposited in the form of such thin, thin beautiful needles in the cartilage, in membranes of joints, it can even be deposited in the vessels, which is what causes such explosive inflammation, that is, gout usually begins as such sudden attacks of acute arthritis and swells.
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blushes, yes, that’s how to put it, that’s how it is, you see, here it’s just layered on the one hand, like a popular name, salts, yes, on the other hand, it’s quite medical, we say that there are urate salts, soliuric acids, and it is natural that the average person, well, as if ignorant in the field of biochemistry, yes, he thinks, salt, of course salt, that’s what’s in my salt shaker, yes, it’s apparently deposited, well , actually, right?
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does not depend, that is, these are unrelated processes, but the formation of monosodium urate depends more on the concentration of uric acid. there is always sodium in the blood and it is always in approximately the same amount, so to speak, the body maintains it very carefully, this is a very important constant for the sodium content in the blood, so we eat a lot of salt, we eat little salt, the sodium level will still be maintained at approximately one and the same, well then, a reasonable question, what influences the formation of this uric acid in... a person, well, firstly, heredity, most of the gout that doctors have to deal with is the so-called diapotic gout, itself arisen, it has a hereditary nature, we must pay tribute to the fact that this depotic padagra is mainly the lot of men, this is due to the increased activity of the enzyme that produces this uric acid, yeah, unfortunately, all living creatures on earth have an enzyme who is her breaks down, for some reason a person does not have such an enzyme, if a lot is produced, it is not broken down, then accordingly it begins
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to accumulate. the production of uric acid can also be influenced by diet, a lot, especially a lot of meat in the diet, this can increase the production of uric acid and accordingly contribute, here we have a graphic, by the way, these are products with purines, also not everything turned out to be simple here, not everything foods high in purines turned out to be dangerous in terms of gout, but meat definitely, any meat, poultry - so to speak, they are all turned out to be clearly associated with the risk of increased levels of mased acid in the blood and risk. development of padagric attacks, yeah, now there are a lot of studies - including studies that link excessive consumption of fructose, including in sweet carbonated drinks with increased levels of uric acid, there is such a connection, there is such a connection, but it is not in fact, quite complex, that is, it is not directly that an overload of fructose in the body generally leads to the development of the so-called metabolic syndrome, that is, it
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increased pressure, accumulation, so to speak. this is also really true, well, that is , it turns out that, roughly speaking, people with gout should not be so afraid of salt as of sugar, yes, there is another, so to speak, very important story from the point of view of the origin of gout - this is related to the kidneys , because normally a person excretes acid by the kidneys, that is , they don’t even just filter, so to speak, but specifically secrete, so to speak, excrete, and this is an important function of the kidneys, so if the function is impaired, the secretory function kidneys, this leads. disruption of the secretion of uric acid and uric acid begins to grow, grow, grow, i must say that in women most often, so to speak, problems with uric acid arise precisely as a result of kidney disease, you see how it turns out, you were afraid of salt, in fact it in general, uric acid is different,
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we have shown it in such lenses here, from this diet that you are using, please comment on almost everything, the first thing people with gout are told is:
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no different from the bone of a vertebra, this it’s simple - the ligaments that are attached to the vertebrae change, they are under the influence of, well, more often than not, inflammatory processes or some other, so to speak, others, maybe they begin to turn into bone, so to speak, they like to say, let’s dissolve these salts there, an aggressive approach , let's break them, this is all in general, so to speak, well, it’s not very correct from a medical point of view, of course, it’s a normal bone to break it. well, there is nothing good, breaking a bone, in principle, of course, for some purposes this happens, but in medical purposes it is unlikely, the basis is degenerative changes, that is, which are primarily associated with mechanical load, with the arrival of a person, with
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prolonged stay in some static positions; against the background of these changes , marginal osteophytes can actually form, which, by the way, i know many orthopedists in general, they call it such an adaptive... reaction that the body tries to distribute the load over a large area in this way, well, yes, this also makes some sense, in some cases this is really true, and there are salts in the vessels, there are, that’s what i knew, but which ones? here we present different stages of the formation of an atheroscleral plaque, we have the stage of primary inflammation, we have the stage of fibrosis of the plaque, and there is the stage of calcification of the plaque, most often, of course, these are calcium salts, calcium. and phosphorus mainly concerns arterial vessels, it occurs in the wall of arterial vessels, and indeed it is accompanied by a very high risk of heart attacks, strokes, that is , such vascular disasters, because it can provoke thrombosis, it too
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provokes inflammation, provokes thrombosis and , accordingly, can cause extremely unpleasant consequences, but where do they come from in our body salts, calcium from phosphorus, where from what products? calcium is mainly in dairy products, phosphorus is present in almost all products... well , maybe a little more in milk and fish, but phosphorus is present in almost all products, but here it must be said that there is no direct connection with consumption, with there is such a widespread opinion that if we start consuming more calcium, the risk of calcification increases, in fact, everything is exactly the opposite, with calcium deficiency, hyperparateriosis develops, if for some reason the phosphorus level does not drop, then this is a direct road to extra-calcification, well, that is, for... the bottom line is that the body does not receive enough calcium, it tries to remove it from the bone tissue for needs and this leads to the fact that calcium phosphorus in the blood simultaneously increases, and since strictly speaking there should not be much of it in the blood
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in such a large quantity, then as a result the conditions are favorable for them to be deposited somewhere, not in the bones, look how complicated everything turns out to be, and you keep sinning salt, so you can eat herring, ask the doctor about the plan? gout is possible, but these could be other problems associated with salt overload, for example, arterial hypertension, so to speak, is clearly related to the load in heart failure. we limit salt, fish is actually a relatively neutral product, good news, here is seafood already, and this applies mainly to shellfish, but with our usual consumption of shellfish, no one eats them in plates, so usually even in conversations with patients i don’t even mention them, but the meat must be quite tough limit, well, somewhere up to one, maximum two servings a week, well, you see how we... thank you very much, thank you, today
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we found out that those salts that are deposited in the joints, the salt that we eat, is not same. the conversation about the most important things continues. what mistakes are stopping us? lose weight? let's find out right now. “i love you very much, marry me, premiere on rtr, i’m ready to give everything just to get her back, you ’re leaving your husband for some musician, a swindler, max, not a swindler or anything, but you’re his completely you don’t know, maybe it’s not love, but, well, some kind of euphoria, we need to find some dirt on this max, a melody for two, today.”
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titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we we know everything about vacation. annex. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. svisotel sharmel sheikh, yours and... an ideal location in the heart of the city. hotel for
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an unforgettable experience, riris sharmelsheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma. this is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul. where every detail is created for admiration, this sunshine will destroy me, well, master, it’s ready, look, the eyes are evil, the hands are small, i’ll call you zinka, my wife just left for commuting, and i can’t sleep without her, this a very good and sedative, i’m just passing my license today, let’s do it another time, it’s a big story. i love you, i love you too,
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look at the weekend, leave her alone, oh no you have prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet again, sometimes parting is just the beginning of great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, and it’s not easy for... let them watch, this is your husband’s man, let him go, lis, be careful, tell , you still love him, first love, everything, yes, don’t touch me, what are you doing, let me go! listen to me carefully, something needs to be decided with them. fox, run away from him, you are in danger, he has already betrayed you once. i will do everything so that we can be together again. romance with the past saturday, well, summer is coming. and everyone
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is trying to look ready for summer. the more you try, the less you get, most of them want to lose weight quickly, in most cases it doesn’t work, yes, that is , the body, unfortunately, cannot lose fat tissue faster than some conventional 100-150 g per day, the body simply cannot spend physical energy, so in fact , most of the methods that people use... not only do not lead to results, they often even lead to the opposite result. let's talk about mistakes that many make when they want to lose weight. yes. and one of the most important mistakes is extreme diets. yes, it’s a shame that now a huge number of all kinds of diets have been published on the internet,
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which say that you can lose a kilogram a day, in a month you will lose 30 kg, and so on. naturally, the person sees and says, well, i’m ready, that is, i just need 15, so i can handle it in 2 weeks, naturally, this can’t happen, extreme diets, whoever tried it, raise your hands, two, who it helped, it won’t help anyone, as i understand it, well, yes, in fact, when we talk about extreme childhood, what we mean, firstly, is a complete restriction of nutrition throughout. time, well, that is, we are talking about the fact that a person does not eat for 2, 3, 4 weeks, we are now not talking about the method of therapeutic fasting, or fasting dietary therapy, which is used in medicine to treat various diseases, now we are talking specifically about diet for weight loss, here, unfortunately, we see the opposite
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process, that is, a person, yes, he quickly loses weight, there are no questions here, that is, but in most cases all this happens due to water, that is, water is removed from the body and... and a certain amount of fat, but what happens during fasting, the body literally after 4-5 days of such fasting, it begins to slow down the metabolism due to a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland, that is , if food does not arrive, it means you need to spend less, usually this correlates with the fact that a person begins to freeze all the time, he becomes chilly , he tries to wrap himself up, this indicates that the production of thyroid hormones has begun to decline, if this continues until... then even those unfortunate 500-700 kilocalories that a person eats, they no longer lead to weight loss, yes, that is, the weight will stabilize, and when a person returns to his standards of one and a half thousand kilocalories, he often begins to gain weight, eats objectively less than before, but at the same time begins to gain weight
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back. go ahead. lack of sleep. all qualified nutritionists say the first thing you can do to lose weight is: begin. sleep 8 hours a day, who sleeps 8 hours a day - honestly, who sleeps less, raise your arms higher so that everyone can see these poor students, unfortunately, one of the main reasons for the obesity epidemic now doctors and nutritionists call chronic lack of sleep , that is, unfortunately, on average a modern person sleeps an hour less than he needs, that is, this... means that someone is two, someone is three, the person has the feeling that, well, i i can get up, i can go to work, i can go to bed later, that means this is normal, but unfortunately, this is not so, because it changes the hormonal background, that is, when a person needs to be in such an active waking state, yes, he
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does this due to the production of stress hormones, adrenaline, cortisol, yes, they spur our energy exchange, they force us to seem to be. more active, but at the same time they disrupt the regulation of nutrient intake, that is, a person who does not get enough sleep, he chronically overeats, that is , it has been established that there is only one lack of sleep hour a day, on average increases calorie intake by about 10-15%. sleep more, eat less. so, the next thing is losing weight on diuretic laxatives. i would really like to say that this is a thing of the past, but no. many people still use diuretic laxatives in order to lose weight, but here you need to understand that fat is actually neither in urine nor in feces. doesn’t come out, i just wanted to ask who tried to do this, all sorts of magic teas for weight loss, after
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which, yes, for 3 days without getting up, due to why does a person lose weight, if it is a laxative, then primarily due to the loss of intestinal microflora, intestinal microflora affects our behavior, that is, often after its loss a person seems to go off the rails, he begins to eat even more, diuretics stimulate the excretion of fluid, but what happens when a person stops taking them, the body will gain this fluid back, so in fact, during this weight loss, to be honest, the person does not lose weight, he becomes dehydrated, and that is , the balance of the normal state is upset body, yes, so don’t experiment like on these scales, finally dietary products, but important, deceivers, right? when we talk about real dietary foods, most often these are honest, simple foods: cucumber, tomato, that is
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, these foods are actually just low-calorie and due to this they help you lose weight, there are foods that pretend to be dietary, for example, eating low-fat yogurt , we automatically think, well, if it’s low-fat, then the calorie content is lower, but many manufacturers want it to be it’s tastier to eat, they add starch and sugar, that is, the result is: and so on, but how do they differ from regular oatmeal? in most cases, it’s the same oatmeal, but fried in oil, then dried fruits are added there at best, in in the worst case , a large amount of sugar is added there, that is, it is applied in the form of syrup. before this frying, as a result, it caramelizes on the surface and this sweetish taste appears, very pleasant,
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which makes a person eat more of them. sweets that are made with fructose have long been proven, back in the eighties, that fructose, in fact, in its chemically pure form, is approximately 75 percent processed by the liver into fat, because the body does not know how to use fructose, that is, it does not need itself cheat, you need to eat... foods that bring health first and foremost, and not superfoods that can harm, yes, today we talked about mistakes that prevent a person from losing weight, our program continues, what rules should you follow in the summer if you have varicose veins , about dr. tatyana shapovalenko will tell you this in the women’s health section. next in the program: women's health, swelling and heaviness in the legs, what to do to avoid exacerbation
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of varicose veins in the summer. four experienced experts guessed and guessed. the show was eaten, why did you eat it, ate it, on
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almost 50 euros. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. due to your numerous requests, healer valery kustov is again in our studio, he will answer calls viewers online, say what i see, regardless of authority. together with him we will go on an expedition to mount khara-hora; according to legend, this mountain range contains the entrance to the mythical country, shambhala. well, immediately the information comes to me from space. what is hidden in the depths of mount harahora? hov today on rtr. do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, where are you going? i almost ran you over. why are you keeping silent? did i offend you? no,
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i didn't. this is my brother vanya, very nice, huh i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the mayor’s daughter, alyon, i don’t have any bride, these are all my brother’s requests, it’s not interesting, believe me too, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and that we do now, maybe you are there, if you insist, i'll try. a simple girl on friday at rtr. good morning! hello! chronic venous insufficiency or varicose veins of the lower extremities is a common and common disease. and especially, it poisons our life in the summer
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time. well, first of all, because. women, as a rule, are embarrassed to wear skirts so that no one sees dilated and swollen veins, and of course, among other things, symptoms such as swelling, pain in the legs intensify, what to do to avoid exacerbation of varicose veins in the summer, this is what we will talk about today. our tv viewer maria contacted us, let's find out her story. hello, my name is maria, i want to tell you. probaricosis several years ago i noticed that i had i have a mesh on my legs, which expands more and more every year, above the knee and below the knee, as well as terrible pain in the evening after a working day, i also have severe pain at night, from which you just wake up, i want
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open ones in connection with the onset of summer ... legs, i’m embarrassed to wear skirts above the knee, even in the heat, i wear tights, thin tights, but still, so that varicose veins are not visible, i want to know how to get rid of it, what can be done about it, so as not to be embarrassed in the summer go to the beach in a swimsuit and do any kind of sports in short, light clothes when it’s hot. maria, today we are in the studio, please come to us. good morning, hello, maria, how long ago did this problem start ? the problem is family, if this tendency to varicose veins, to chronic venous insufficiency is transmitted in a family through the female line, then
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most likely in the female part of the family it is problem. maria, please tell me, do you always wear clothes that cover your legs? yes, most often, how offensive is it to have a good figure like marie and not show it off? yes, it really is. an offensive question most often worries our women aesthetically, because it’s an ugly mesh, everyone is embarrassed on the beach, too, but chronic venous insufficiency or varicose veins is also dangerous because of its complications, firstly, the development of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. thrombosis is a blockage of a vein, and, unfortunately, it is fraught with deadly complications in in the form of embolism and pulmonary artery, thrombosis , when, against the background of this thrombosis, the flow of blood still continues through the vein, inflammation of the vein wall occurs, severe pain and pronounced swelling. why does varicose veins worsen in summer? well, because it is in
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the summer that we have increased stress on our legs. we wear nice shoes, most often high-heeled sandals, which increases the load on the veins of the lower extremities. unfortunately, heat means high air temperature and dehydration. our blood flow slows down and therefore valve insufficiency, which is characteristic of varicose veins, it intensifies even more, well, among other things, in hot weather the vascular tone decreases somewhat, and all this leads to the fact that venous insufficiency worsens, swelling occurs, and this star on the legs intensifies, pain, heaviness, and all the associated unpleasant symptoms occur, why?
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examination of the veins of the lower extremities, as i understand it, weight gain and poor nutrition worsen the situation, any load on the legs increases the manifestation of varicose veins and accelerates its course, first of all, of course, is... can poor nutrition contribute to increased pain in the veins? unfortunately, yes, for example, if you have a burger like this, it contains a huge amount of salt, salt causes fluid retention, an increase in intercellular fluid , an increase in edema, therefore, in addition to edema due to varicose veins, edema caused by increased salt consumption is also added. the best method of prevention here is, of course, proper nutrition, the next prohibition for varicose veins is the most important. ban on varicose veins are a forced position of the body, i cannot help but remind you here about the so-called thrombosis, which occurs against the background of long flights, it occurs not only from a lack of fluid, it occurs from the fact
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that a person is in the same position for a long time, then the same thing happens if you get carried away with work at your dacha, and then lift another watering can, thereby increasing body weight, well, here you go, all the signs of exacerbation of varicose veins, dacha, someone at work crosses their legs on your leg, without moving all day, it acts exactly the same, every 30 minutes try to get up from the table and move for at least 3-5 minutes. another prohibition is excessive insolation, do not overheat, because hot weather and open sun certainly cause all the problems that we have already talked about, this is a slowdown in blood flow, a decrease in the tone of the veins and, accordingly, an increase in the manifestation of varicose veins. our recommendation, which we probably repeat very often in our summer columns, is that you can stay in the open sun for up to 11 hours and after 17 hours, that is, when solar
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activity is still lower than during the day. and now what should be observed in case of varicose veins. for us, this means dosed physical activity, in particular swimming, because, firstly, you do not put a vertical load on... your veins, and secondly, water has a very beneficial effect on vascular tone. compression hosiery, the gold standard for varicose veins. and if earlier compression garments of the second or third degree of protection looked soft speaking, not aesthetically pleasing, it was difficult to put on, it was tight, but now it is not therapeutic, after all, preventive knitwear has a very aesthetic appearance, these are really thin, almost transparent stockings, which are... quite easy to put on and which are the best prevention of varicose veins , even in hot weather in summer you can wear these stockings, firstly, you will avoid swelling in the evening, and secondly, you will not
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feel hot in them, because they are made of good breathable fabric. the only question is how long can you wear it? preventive compression hosiery. during the day, in the morning, as soon as you woke up, put it on, and took it off in the evening before going to bed. so, everyone. day. my favorite recommendation: you really need to use special products that increase vascular tone and have a cooling effect on the surface. skin. such remedies are also used as prevention, that is, in the morning and evening to relieve fatigue, to relieve swelling, to eliminate this heaviness in the legs. let's see what is included in such products. first of all, this is horse chestnut extract, reduces blood viscosity and relieves symptoms of inflammation. camphor has a warming effect and improves blood circulation. leech extract
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contains a very important substance - gerudin, which thins the blood, has a lymphatic drainage effect, reduces the amount of fluid in the intercellular space, all this significantly reduces swelling. chlorophyll is a pigment that is found in the leaves of plants, and its main task is that under the influence of sunlight, carbon dioxide, which is contained in the air, through chlorophyll is transformed. oxygen, when applied to the surface of the skin, chlorophyll strengthens cell membranes, improves lymphatic drainage effect, helps reduce tissue swelling, improves microcirculation and helps reduce pain. such remedies should be used not only when everything has already happened, the legs hurt, are heavy and swollen, but as a preventive measure in the morning before going out. maria, how do you like this advice? will you follow it? i do. i want
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to try, thank you very much for coming to us, i really hope that the advice to you will help, thank you, thank you, my friends, with all the unpleasant manifestations of varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, especially in the summer , you can and should fight, and today we have given you tips on how to do this as effectively as possible, and we wish you a good day and have a great mood, be healthy, you had a program about the most important thing, i love you very much, marry me. premiere on rtr. i'm ready to give everything just to get her back. you leave your husband for some musician, a swindler. max, not a swindler, no one, well you don’t know him at all, what if it’s not love, but just, well, some kind of euphoria.
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on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. a strike on the coal mine where the ukrainian military was stationed. su-25s disrupted their rotation in sou, bradley and abrams were destroyed in the dpr. latest special operation news. metallurgy, chemistry, liquefied gas processing. the head of ingushetia told vladimir putin about the plans of the republic, which he addressed.


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