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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 29, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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in the new episode of the program, our story of those who 10 years ago refused to follow the course planned by the ukrainian authorities ended up behind the walls of the sbu, they were threatened with a real prison sentence, and their relatives knew nothing about their fate, about them today at 15. after the big evening news, no miss the new episodes of the film melody for two today, but i continue to follow the developments. stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program 60 minutes on hot news is live, we have a special episode. so, in the united states, obviously, they listened very carefully to putin’s press conference, at which... the president warned that strikes
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by western weapons on russian territory would entail serious consequences, causing an uncontrolled escalation. putin, at the same time, recalled that european capitals are densely populated cities. there is probably no need to explain this thesis. the americans immediately stated that they were categorically against the use of their weapons systems for attacks on russia. this is almost synchronously, they announced the pentagon and the white house. and on behalf of biden, this idea was repeated by press secretary jeanpierre and coordinator for strategic communications at the national security council kirde. but washington's satellites - representatives of those same densely populated european capitals - turned out to be less understanding. norwegian general secretary nata stoltenberg, whom putin suspected of demens, again said that ukraine has the right to hit with western weapons...
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in fact, we tell them, we supply you with weapons, but you cannot defend yourself, so we remain within the same framework we believe that we should allow.
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i can't answer for other countries, i can only speak on our behalf, we 've given them a lot of different capabilities, artillery, long range weapons, again, our position in terms of how the ukrainians can succeed has not changed. but i leave it to other countries to talk about their own weapons that they have provided.
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these are conditions that we have never set either for ourselves or for our european
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friends. of course you have to ask a question about the use of systems that are supplied, for example, to the usa and germany. should ukraine's allies allow her to use the provided name? he said that some nato allies did not impose restrictions on the weapons sold and supplied, and the rest should reconsider their position, remove restrictions, because now the war is unfolding right on the border, and ukraine needs such an opportunity to protect itself, stoltenberg argued. she needs to actively use weapons in territories beyond the ukrainian border, against russian targets. russian troops are near kharkov, the second largest city in ukraine, just 35 km from the border, and we see all this accumulation of russian troops, preparing their missiles, launching glide
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bombs, they fired 3.00 glide bombs in a month, each of them at least 500kg and it makes me wonder if this is really a question of should we allow it?
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faced with a huge number of drones swarming in the skies above the city, both sides are using small groups of infantry in operations. our fighters are advancing north of liptsy, in the trap of avdievka there are battles near mamansky and solovyov, the assault is reported to have begun. on
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this section of the front, another american abrams tank was destroyed, a combat vehicle was knocked out with the help of guided ammunition , krasnopol, an artilleryman from seberiki. 41st army grouping of troops in the center. in the donetsk direction there are fierce battles in the center of krasnogorovka. this is how the positions in the ssu in the city are leveled by the bombs of the fap odap s.
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i am in a ukrainian army humvee on my way to a position in the kharkov area. this is the territory
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where there has been fierce fighting in recent weeks. the russians are trying to advance further towards the city. to get to the position, we are forced to move in an armored car, although this humvee can easily be attacked by the russians, and most often by their fpv drones. it's because of the drones in the sky that we have to turn off the lights here. and we can continue filming only with the help of night vision cameras. a little later we pull off the gravel road and start driving. across the field to the secret dugouts of the ukrainian army just a couple of kilometers from the russians, three soldiers from the ninety-second brigade built an underground bunker here, in a past life one of them was a farmer, the other a bartender, the third an actor. now they challenge the russian army from their hideout, using jammers against enemy drones. any bright light outside can give away their position, so the driver, panda and quent work here exclusively with the color red. prevent them from discovering our position,
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if they find out that we are launching heavy thrones here, the consequences will be fatal, we will be covered with missiles, they have millions in in stock, for them it’s like a bullet, unmanned units are their number one target, especially at night in the dark, when ukrainian armed forces fighters launch their drones, now i’ll finish it. we are preparing mines for the uav gimbals, you can come out and watch us launch them. be careful with the light outside, you can’t turn on the phone, this could give everyone away, the soldiers tell us. the soldiers quickly prepare the drone with coordinated hand movements, and the drone flies towards russian positions to mine the approaches. meanwhile, sheva is preparing a flight mission from the bunker. tell me what do you have here? everything needs to be done very quickly;
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every minute in the open air the fighters risk being discovered. so, mine after mine. these ukrainian soldiers here in this position are determined to stop the russian troops. they are trying to delay their advance with drones. that they urgently need support from the west, that they urgently need permission to attack russian targets inside russia and suddenly we are asked to collect equipment and leave as quickly as possible, we have already left the position, a threat was reported from air, we leave this dangerous zone at insane speed without headlights, we return to kharkov. come on, come on, there's just a little bit left, don't jump in,
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move on, let's go, let's go, drop it!
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oziryanovka. due to its proximity to the toretsk highway, the front section in the area of ​​​​the villages of kurdyumovka and this section is beneficial for russians in the direction of konstantinovka. chasovyar and volchansk, kharkov region are now considered the main target of the russians. chasovyar as a starting line for the further offensive of the russian military on konstantinovka, and volchansk for continuation. we spend about 7 hours in a small dugout, all the time the guys work continuously, but the rap of the russians does not allow them to complete the work
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successfully, the dugout is too cramped for the five of us, so i often go upstairs with the guy, the sapper, in order to... prepare the drone before the flight, this is the first time when i have to work in complete darkness, although i try to open my eyes wide, i still can’t see anything, so the guys allow me to use a red flashlight, our forays up are short, the military sapper doesn’t linger every time he tries to quickly return to the dugout, because as soon as it gets dark, the russians begin to more actively fire at the positions of our military. half a million people were killed alone, monstrously.
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attention to the screen, this photo is a clear demonstration of what sending western fighters to ukraine leads to. the main proponent of such an escalation, president macron, should look especially carefully at these images; the killed mercenary, with the chevron of the second parachute regiment of the french foreign legion, lies on a support. in the ssu near the m-224 mortar. on french television, of course, will not show this; instead, they began to advertise mercenaries and say that fighting the russians in the ranks of ukrainian formations can make very good money.
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meet the new recruits of the international legion.
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there are guys who have no experience, but we make sure that we are on the same level, we don't say that i have experience, so they are worse, no, because on the front line it is these guys who will save the day to join international legion, you need to stop by on the internet, where heroism is glorified in numerous videos, you must be from 18 to 60 years old, you must not have a criminal record. then, with just a few clicks, volunteers can register, and after selection by the ukrainians, the adventure can begin, but upon arrival in ukraine
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, the reality turns out to be somewhat different, armored vehicles join the front line, soldiers spend hours wading through the mud, there are several frenchmen in this assault unit meet face to face with the enemy, this is no longer movie. maxim has just stepped on a mine and is about to be evacuated. this restaurant manager had joined the international legion 6 months earlier, but his recruitment turned into a tragedy. i don't have a turnstile. don't worry, it's okay, i'll just watch. i'll lose my leg. a tourniquet is a tourniquet. mina took away part of his leg. maxim went to france for treatment. he lost his leg. then he returned to ukraine again. i'm still alive, so i'm okay with just a little injury. just a wound. minor injury. i'm still here, i'm walking, i'm i can run, everything is fine. what does it mean to you? victory, my friends, my brothers. flash
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is followed by maxim, a former french soldier who was also wounded; he came here to fight at the very beginning of the war. he is annoyed that many foreigners come here who do not belong here. we had a lot of what we call tiktok warriors come to us to make videos. i call them clowns, besides they waste ammunition when they are needed at the front, it’s a pity to use them for those social network videos. in the end it is better to have few people, but who really motivated. the french group is impressed by maxim's flash story experience and wants to know more. didn't you think about leaving it all behind after you were wounded? no, i didn't think so. in the end, when i returned to france to cut off my leg, i saw how my...
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important economic news: the russian ministry of finance has prepared a draft of changes to build a fair, balanced tax system. it is designed to reduce inequality in society and the economy and should start working from the beginning of the twenty-fifth year. one of the main innovations is the introduction five-step progression for personal income tax. the tax rate will vary from 13% to 22, but compared to other countries it will still remain low. for comparison, in china the top personal income tax rate reaches 30 or 45%. in the uk 46%. in germany 47.5, in austria - 55, in
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france - 55.4%. now let's take a closer look at the changes in our tax system. for those who receive up to 200,000 rubles. per month, the rate will remain the same. so, for example, with an income of 250,000 rubles. per month you will need to pay an additional fee of only 1.00 rubles each month. tax, and on income
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in... at the same time , these changes will not affect the absolute majority of citizens, as explained in the ministry of finance, they will affect only 3% of the working population of russia, that is, 2 million people out of 64 workers. another important note, the increased rate will not be applied to the income of participants in the special operation, for families with two or more children, in which... per capita income is below one and a half subsistence levels next year - that’s 319,194 rubles per year per person, a tax deduction will be offered to reduce their personal income tax to 6%, such a tax cashback. about half of these families will be able to take advantage of the benefit, the ministry of finance believes. it is
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also proposed to introduce tax deductions for personal income tax. for those who pass the gto standards, they undergo annual dissponsorship; in addition, a decision was made to increase the corporate income tax from 20% to 25, this will eliminate exchange rate export duties and become a fairer alternative. additional revenues of the russian budget system from all tax changes could amount to about 2.6 trillion rubles next year. funds will be for... in developing the amendments, we relied on the recommendations of the state duma; the adoption of the proposed changes will ensure stable and predictable conditions for citizens, businesses and regions for the next 6 years and will increase the economic well-being of the country. currently , the personal income tax rate is 13% for everyone and 15% for citizens with incomes above 5 million rubles per year.
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percentage points are collected for the treatment of seriously ill children. the ministry of finance proposes to make this already progressive scale multi-stage for incomes up to 2.4 million rubles per year (2000 rubles) per month, the rate will remain the same 13%. it rises higher to 15% for incomes from 5 million rubles per year to 18% from 20 million to 50 million rubles to 20%, and for incomes over 50 million rubles. 22%. the increased rate will apply to the amount of income above the basic level of 2.4 million rubles per year. for families with two or more children whose income for family members does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level per month, a refund of the personal income tax paid at the end of the year is provided. it is important that, within the framework of a fair tax system , the proposal for progressions does not affect
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the majority of citizens. and concerned only those who have high incomes, it is necessary that the benefits from tax changes be families with children, that is, those categories of our citizens who need government support, adjust the tax system, make it fairer, and provide new opportunities for the income of the rich somehow redistributed in favor of those who...
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the burden, those who can afford to pay more will pay more, those who cannot, on the contrary, will receive additional money from the state. latest tax changes the system undoubtedly responds to the demand for justice that has formed in society. new approaches will make it possible to balance the budget and finance social projects related to family development, support for the poor, and
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development. structures is what the president spoke about in his message. money from tax increases will be used for social and economic development, including financing new national projects announced by the president, family. youth and children, long and active life, personnel. the state will increase investments in infrastructure, housing construction, roads, will increase funding for business support measures, and the development of science-intensive high-tech industries. we are talking about domestic it solutions, equipment, pharmaceuticals, chemical industry, and the production of new materials. also, funds will be used to develop projects of technological sovereignty, production of aircraft, ships.
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low-income people pay less, richer people pay more. but in the united states , donald trump’s financial problems are caused not even by taxes, but by legal expenses. to pay for the services of their lawyers, pay endless fines. poor donald even had to sell one of his planes. we are talking about the tsesna city business jet. its new owner will be donald trump supporter, construction magnate murdot
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mayedi. democrats continue to harass trump with constant trials and attempts to disrupt his campaign. donald was forced to speak first, depriving him of a response. trump called what was happening a dishonorable massacre, a witch hunt and a huge advantage for the country
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accusations. cbs news reports that trump may indeed be sent to prison. in any case, the channel’s source said that representatives of the secret service, who protect not only the current one, but also the former one. and his supporters chant: we want trump. not only donald's fans came here to the hall, but also his haters. in particular , hollywood star, ardent democrat, robert deniro. he quarreled with the republicans and said
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that donald is a dictator who cancels the elections and will destroy america. and anyway, donald, how he put it, worse than the 9/11 terrorist attack. in response, the elderly actor was told that he was trash. his films are real rubbish, in general, high relations, and for all those who sympathize with donald, i will cite the latest article from the washington post for understanding. so, trump said that he could easily bomb moscow and beijing if russia invaded ukraine or china invaded taiwan. he made the statement publicly at a pre-election rally, and from his own words. i haven’t refused to this day, well, that is to say, to hell with us, the thirds are not glorifying, you’re trying to intimidate us like donald trump, but we'll damn it,
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we'll hit you back, in this world you have to try to be a gentleman, and you're gangsters, you're gangsters, get out, fuck you, whoever your movies suck, you're trash. the most powerful man in the world sends an actor playing mob boss to the courthouse to intimidate the jury. “we want to live in a country that will
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be ruled by him, saying, i’m not going anywhere, i’m a dictator for life. the twin towers fell over there, this part of the city seemed to have died out then, but we swore an oath that we wouldn’t allow terrorists to change our way of life. donald trump wants to destroy not only this city, but the entire country. he said his opponent was worse than 9/11. then this actor started reading off the script and admitted that he was trying to scare you. in politics, you can admit that you are trying to scare voters, this is not a movie. i'm here because of the wicked joe biden, the worst president in our history, who is destroying our country and destroying it fast. borders, energy, inflation, exit from afghanistan. whatever he did, everything works.
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the story told in a manhattan court is that of a former president who asked porn star stormy daniels to be paid to keep quiet about their one-night stand. she was allegedly paid shortly before the 2016 elections . and this can be qualified as election interference. trump's defense said in its closing argument that this was not the case. trump's lawyer told the jury that trump had no intention.
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well, for the fifth day now, americans have been plagued by powerful tornadoes, with fewer casualties at least 25 people, 200,000 americans were left without electricity. look, a powerful tornado breaks wires on power lines, flashes similar to lightning and pose a great danger. many settlements turned into ruins. fox weather publishes aerial footage. the tornado passed down the street, not sparing a single building. ripped off. the roof is the least of the damage, some
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houses are destroyed to the ground, boards, roofing materials are scattered hundreds of meters, why do americans, particularly in arkansas, not build with brick every year filming stories about natural disasters is, of course, an open question. homeowners with trees on their properties were even less fortunate. such areas resemble creepy vinaigrettes of branches, twigs, trunks, roots, and walls. cars, household utensils and clothes, a depressing sight. tornadoes, bushivali, texas, missouri, kentucky, arizona and oklahoma. seven dead, almost a hundred wounded in kintuka , state of emergency, about 100 roads damaged, a total of 110 million people are at risk right now - that’s a third of the us population. the storm is moving towards the east coast, notifications about the tornado threat already received in
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washington, north carolina, virginia and maryland. severe thunderstorms likely in new york, pennsylvania and new jersey. strong winds at dalla international airport moved and turned the passenger airliner, the plane, moved away from the landing arm, and it is a miracle that the passengers did not fall out. a few days ago, the head of the us national oceanic and atmospheric research administration , rick spainrad, warned that this year america could face the largest number of destructive tornadoes in history. observations: the country is expected from 17 to 25 storms with large hail and heavy rain, from june 1, an extraordinary hurricane season is expected in the atlantic, forecasters say there will be from 8 to 13.
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at such moments, the heart stops, a tornado swept through a gas station, where 125 people are frozen in horror, look away from the window, some huddled in the aisles, dozens of others huddled in two toilets and praying, carefully, carefully, oh my god, this unusual video was taken by student meteorologist conor stein.
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when the power went out i ran to the bathroom was hidden under the sink bathtub. i was scared for my life and i had never experienced this before. my ears were blocked, i couldn’t concentrate on anything
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because everything around me was moving, people were screaming, children were crying and all i wanted was for it all to end quickly.
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look, this is a carport that was attached to the house, you can see how the wind just blew it away and bent it over the house, almost like origami, you can also see fallen trees here, and this is actually happening, the tornado tore them out of the ground and knocked them down, some fell right on the houses. well, those who have received all the seemingly possible rights of perverts in the west continue to feel unhappy and disadvantaged. it turns out
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that the pontiff made such an intolerant statement during a closed meeting with bishops in rome, when he spoke out against the new enrollment of gays in his seminary. journalists tried to defend the head of the catholic church, saying it was italian for francis. not his native language, and he could simply not understand that offensive words were being uttered, but it was too late, homosexuals
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announced a rainbow campaign against the pope, in the end the vatican, of course, had to apologize, but the apology sounded somewhat mockingly, saying that pope francis did not want to say anything homophobic, and if homosexuals were offended by the term homosexual, then we... apologize. pope francis met with his public this week. he is the head of christendom, a leader for many. but today he is again embroiled in yet another vatican scandal. during the pope's meeting with the bishops last week, it was reported that he used a rather offensive italian slang word to describe members of the lgbt community he was translating.
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doubts about homosexual candidates entering the seminary. in a 2018 book featuring an interview with the pope, he said those already ordained should reconsider. he said that a gay person who was later ordained should approach the issue of celibacy carefully. if for some reason he is unable to do this, then the best option for him is to leave ministry and religious life. according to the pontiff, this is better than leading a double one. during a meeting with italian bishops, according to media reports, pope francis used harsher rhetoric. the pontiff
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said that he considers it unacceptable to admit candidates with a homosexual orientation to the seminary. according to italian media reports, the pope also used a derogatory term, saying, quote: "there are too many buggers here." he put it this way behind closed doors, where there were no invitees. journalists, which is a common practice in the pontiff's communications with italian bishops. but this happened in...
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i believe that francis has no right to be rude to any community. what has become known is simply terrible. we must accept all people without exception. also, not everyone is convinced that the pope is an lgbt ally. technically, this pope
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was trying to appear progressive and more inclusive.
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the use of western weapons to respond to attacks from russian territory, and indeed, the western position that nato weapons cannot be used in or over russia is a huge disadvantage for ukraine, especially in the battle for kharkov. while russia fires almost 5,000 artillery shells into kharkov every day, ukraine does not have the right to fire a single western shell in response. the situation is equally bleak for ukraine when it comes to air strikes. in theory, most russian air bases in use should be within
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range of the weapons that kiev received from western countries, however... one of these weapons cannot be used to destroy russian aerospace forces aircraft on the ground. ukraine also does not have the right to use western air defense systems against attacking russian aircraft and must wait until the bombers are on the territory of the country. according to bilt , the ukrainian army has at least once used the patriot system from germany to take independent action. reaction, angry calls from berlin and washington and threat to cut off supplies izdenite missiles if such an incident occurs again. well, that is, just yesterday washington was allegedly against it. now he’s already thinking whether this means that we need to continue to expand what you and i call the sanitary zone, well, for now in the kharkov region, which further regions will be included in this security zone depends only on the weapons that the west supplies to ukraine, putin also seemed to say it quite clearly about densely populated european capitals. we
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are transported to the front, a war correspondent is in direct contact. yes, hello olga, hello studio, well indeed, volchansk is now probably the main combat point on the map of a special military operation, the volchansk populated city of leptsy is the eastern and western flanks of our sanitary zone, respectively, until the eastern and western flanks, until we expand this buffer zone, while the battles are going on for in order to gain a foothold
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on the achieved lines, the fact is that the enemy has now... transferred his main forces, perhaps his entire forces, to this direction, that is, these are the strategic, operational reserves that he had in the rear, and kyiv had the opportunity. transferring these reserves to the kherson, zaporozhye, donetsk directions, near svatovo, near kupinsk, and so on. today he does not have such operational and strategic reserves in the rear, because he sent almost everything to volchansk and leptsy in order to demonstrate some kind of result on the eve of the conference in switzerland, where the western world is going to approve the legitimacy of the overdue president zelensky. all the special forces of the main directorate are deployed here reconnaissance, all reserve infantry units, motorized rifle units have been deployed here , the thirty-sixth marine brigade,
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the eighty-second air assault brigade, which last year participated in the offensive at work on this brigade, which is armed with various challengers, strikers and other nato equipment, showed up here , which, well, in... the volchansk section is absolutely useless, because the main movements here are either on foot, or on motorcycles, or on a buggy, the 71st jaeger brigade, the general staff security brigade, was also spotted here and the presidential brigade, that is, this is the very thing that is not the elite and all of them were gathered here, of course, these are quite large forces, it is felt that the enemy’s hunger for shells has ended, they were brought artillery ammunition, they have a fairly wide range.
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a large number of his own people, and we see that, judging by the enemy’s behavior, he is preparing something serious. city ​​to the volchiya river, well, the center, but the main battles are now taking place in the assault, if we talk about assault
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operations, they are taking place in the city center in multi-storey buildings, these are nine-story buildings, i must say that our artillery, aviation with gliding ammunition and fpv drones are very active here, we see here how it all works in... as they say, in conjunction online, when between target detection and command to defeat it takes a second, already seconds, and after 2-3 minutes the target is already being hit, there is minimal movement in the streets at all, people are practically invisible from the height of the copter’s flight, because everything is immediately hit instantly, and the enemy artillery is also very active, and fpv drones, and cluster ... ammunition, so of course, the conditions are very difficult, but the battles here are probably of strategic importance for the entire special military operation, we now have the opportunity to very seriously resolve
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strategic the enemy's operational reserves, destroy most of those formations and units that have the greatest preparedness, motivation and equipment, including nato equipment, therefore... we are now watching such a war of reserves, who will outplay whom in this operational game. last year in the zaporozhye direction, we won in this game. olga. sash, about the endless conversations, speculations on the topic of allowing or not allowing strikes by western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, i think i saw footage of macron dragging himself with a map to a press conference, the points where were indicated on the map. proposes to allow the ukrainians to strike, what does this mean for us, meaning, among other things, the preparation of a counterattack with on the ukrainian side, according to military science,
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should we push back airfields, command posts, what is the threat if we leave civilians aside, because with peaceful ones, well, of course, these are terrorist acts, but from a military point of view, our actions, our plans , that now, well... i’ll tell you that in the border areas, even on the territory, the old territories of russia, we’ll say this, here everyone lives as if in wartime conditions, under wartime conditions, realizing that... according to them, it can fly, but here it flies to including soviet-type weapons, but they are all buried in the ground, all command posts are underground, dugouts, basements, and so on and so forth, that is, there are no decision-making centers that could easily be blown away by a missile tomorrow, in general , it seems to me that we are somehow following the western agenda, arguing that the enemy will attack the territory of the russian federation for western weapons. the enemy is already
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hitting the territory of the russian federation with western weapons, the enemy is hitting with scalps and dark shadow in crimea, in lugansk, in donetsk, in berdyansk at the airfield, cassettes flew in on akms, this is the territory of the russian federation, it is already hitting them, that’s why there is nothing new for us here, but of course we will have to proceed from new realities, here it would probably be nice if the minister of defense did too. i looked at this with the eyes of an economist, because well, it seems to me, and not only to me, but also to many outside observers who are involved in this agenda, that it is cheaper, well, for example, to create concrete shelters for airplanes than to buy a new airplane, because that the old one will be destroyed by this missile, that is, well, we must proceed from completely new realities on... both for the military, these are airfields, these are
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bases, these are both military units and civilian infrastructure, because the enemy will try to deprive us of logistics, there will be try to deprive us of fuel, which means that with the help of long-range precision missiles, in addition to the drones that he is now launching, we need to think about protecting our oil refineries, fuel loading points, energy, and so on and so on. so on and so forth,
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the weapons there are western, but nevertheless they cause some damage to our infrastructure, mobile groups that hunt drones - this is a ukrainian invention, but they use it quite successfully there, and so, of course, this is will somehow affect the actions of our military, but i don’t think that they will leave us without the opportunity to use aviation, but there will be certain changes, thank you, sasha, very much, to the military correspondents.
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united states of america. his presence will only be applauded. personally applaud putin.
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the problem with such statements is that poland transfers the minimum to ukraine, this is according to the well-known saying, god did not give rags to a lively cow, that is, they provoke others, but they themselves have nothing at all for ukraine, please, nevertheless, everything is, of course, as serious as possible , this is a nato country, look, there are a lot of statements, we have said more than once that in fact the future of our country is not decided in washington, not in some offices of the european union, but is decided by our country, our...
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moscow, beijing and whatever , well, political show in the united states, but in reality , changing the president’s surname will not change anything, it’s possible. and already at the finish line , remove biden and trump, for example, bring the same milania trump, for example, michelle obama into the electoral arena, well, for the male part of the world’s population it will be fun, much more fun than watching these characters, but on the other hand we we understand perfectly well that all the same, the policy of american imperialism will not change regardless of the name that changes in the post of president, it will be very aggressive, the country needs... hope for yourself, including taking measures that are necessary to ensure security, but the key decision, and in the entire agenda of yesterday and today, is, of course, the decision that was made related to changing the tax system, you talked about this, for decades, both
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gennady andreevich zyuganov and the cpr advocated the introduction of a progressive tax scale. why? firstly, because it will really allow you to seriously satiate. state budget, we need to decide important tasks, first of all, and the tasks of the social plan, yes, supporting the population, the second task, because the measure of maintaining a progressive scale is also a measure of unifying the population, restoring social justice, fighting poverty , including fair distribution of income, because any citizen of our country has equal opportunities and should have equal opportunities, including before the courts, and the state, and so on, of course, those from...
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so that social justice moves with leaps and bounds across our country, on in the place of these rich, very rich people, it would be good that in the run-up to when this draft of the state duma is discussed, they themselves said: guys, we looked, you are offering 22, and we believe that we should pay 30%, for example, as in europe, this would be a very good message on their part, because now look, this seems to be the case in an ideal world, but we are striving for an ideal world, if.
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it’s very good that first of all, they paid attention to it for the first time, and we also had such proposals, so that families with children and those who receive incomes are low, they even live below the poverty line, look at them in general or partially or maximally exempt from personal income tax, well, from the point of view of a whole series of other changes to... not what if you earn raw materials, which is actually our common
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raw material of the people of the russian federation, then you have to pay more, this is an important change, but we need to look at all the details so that these steps are sufficiently accepted and supported by the entire society, because they seem to say a tax on the rich, and if you amount look, a person earns 100 million a year, this is a colossal amount, before that he paid 13 million a year, yes, now... on this scale, 22% will pay an additional 9 million, yes, but 9 million additional with one person, this is a solution to a number of problems, including, for example, improving the living conditions of several families with large families outside moscow, but this is a large amount, so this work must be continued, we must make society more fair, and the state is in this the direction should really go very quickly by leaps and bounds... i’ll also say these numbers again, the innovation, the fair superstructure
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of the tax system will affect 3% of the population of our country, more precisely, 2 million people out of 64 million working citizens of our country, this is of course the maximum restrainedly, of all that was proposed, the easiest, most liberal, we will call it option. ask! the fact that the west finally agreed on allowing strikes on russian territory was, in principle, expected, that is, smoke without fire it doesn’t happen, zelensky’s hysteria, it seemed to precede everything, it disappears, the client leaves, otherwise they won’t give the money, but in fact, from a military point of view, it has some influence on the strategic situation. this is unlikely, but all this resembles an event, like this attempt to transfer the war to
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russian territory, transfer to the territory of the russian federation, is very reminiscent of this whole event before the start of the great patriotic war, when hitler’s propaganda convinced the germans that they were going to liberate russia, well, russia from the bolshevik yoke, from terror, tyrants there commissars and so on, and there was even a special order that when... if a commissar tries, he should be shot immediately without trial, and the germans believed, those germans, others believed that they were on a liberation mission, carrying out, well, these are some parts of the wehrmacht, and behind them came others who destroyed, committed genocide , therefore, when we raise the issue of genocide during the great patriotic war, they say nothing happened, only one genocide exists for separately selected peoples, but here we see the same thing, that is - now they allow this existence, when we
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turn it all in our favor and finally complete the victory of the special military operation, then of course all their crimes, they are accomplices, these crimes will not be forgotten, the question is, how will russia respond now? vladimir vladimirovich, as if, well, maybe transparently, not specifically, naming countries, he replied that he would be next, that is, but they believe that if... it says that we are ready to negotiate, then this is an example of weakness , yes, well, who is this in western rhetoric, a person who says: we are ready to negotiate, that means this is a weak position, they don’t understand that this is the opposite from a position of strength, that they are fools, everyone will kill you, let’s negotiate while you are still alive, but they don’t understand this, they think , that even with the topic of a half-dead military-industrial complex, they poured a lot of money into it and it did not produce the results. with the lack of strategy and they succeed in everything, but sanctions don’t work, a lot of things
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don’t work, but for some reason they believe, and i repeat once again, that this is due to the crisis , analytics, sober analytics, which used to existed in the west, they did not reach such a point, well, they are simply obviously testing our strength, if the day before our president, the supreme commander-in-chief said that we understand that nato representatives are engaged in guidance and goal setting. intelligence data, they choose it themselves, it has already been proven that this is not so, that all this when
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they shoot with long-range weapons, it’s not even a matter of proof, the british admitted, they admitted. but we are moving consistently, we need the most important thing for the whole world to see, that everything is done in ukraine, and that the west is directly involved in this. the west has now said in its own words that we are accomplices in crimes, since we give permission, that they do not know that before ours began their offensive in the kharkov direction, they shelled the belgorod region for more than a year, because when...
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we kept talking about this, that is, this is not spontaneous, well, of course, for the western average all this information was censored, and now they say: suddenly , out of the blue, troops came from the north, and shelling is coming from there, let's allow it, all this is a lie, a lie that does not implant in the minds of people who do not check the information, but a lie that will turn against them, they must understand this, when they said, we allow, in fact... this signature because they are the same war criminals as the ukrainian junta, with criminals, what we do, there are a lot of examples in history, let's go back, even now i'm ready to fly to turkey, fall on my knees in front of it and ask for forgiveness, we are someone waiting, melody. for
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two, premiere today on rtr. bored of yours old fence, want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photofacing for the fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. the fence, terrace, gazebo will be renewed in an instant. expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes dirty, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call
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, order a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life at a special price, from 9:95, just choose the appropriate design , create a unique look for your suburban area. i don’t know what proper acting is, what a good actor is, i can only feel it. when you were filming just now in the word of a boy, here is a zhorak-zhonka, an amazing director, so you asked him a question, he told me a lot of things taught. ruzil minikaev, at the age of 6 , her father passed away, her mother was left alone with three children. well , we somehow, that is, survived, one might say, i understood that in a big city there are a lot of opportunities, a lot of interesting people, so after the ninth grade i left, like a real kid was hardened, i was scared to go to moscow, i was scared , in general, i ’m always very careful about
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something new, something unknown, i’ll achieve this energy, i’ll change it. this city will be mine to break through somewhere, because that you are alone, the main thing is faith in the proposed circumstances, the second thing is told to me, the main thing is faith in yourself, faith in yourself, i have wealth two, vernik 2 on friday on rtr, i love you, i love you too, look at the weekend, leave her in rest, well, you have no prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet again. sometimes parting is just the beginning of a great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, yes, it’s not easy, they’re watching you, this is your husband’s man, let him go, lis, be careful, tell me, do you still love him, first love, everything, yes, do not touch me, what are you doing, let me go, listen to me
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carefully, something needs to be decided with them, run away from him, you are in danger, he... we declare the international rhythmic gymnastics festival open. alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. we will introduce you to the cultures of different peoples. we know that young stars are future champions. an unforgettable journey into the world of sports, music and beauty.
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thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you to everyone who believes in our future. from children's rhythmic gymnastics alina on saturday on rtr. you were invited to fashion vic. i don't i can pay for a show of your collection in europe. but i didn’t become a famous musician either. or maybe we both made the wrong choice? they say that the past cannot be returned. excuse me, what year is it now? well there? “we can come back, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with me, you’re somehow not like that, soon there will be a competition for young designers, we can take part together, no longer,
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in 17 years you’ll see him, you’ll run after him like a cute girl, hello , something is wrong, we met somewhere, you are avoiding me, i thought i could change fate, but, but..." if only, on sunday on rtr. are you ready for our musical investigation? ready, ready, a sweet gourmet. four experienced experts, guessed, guessed.
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belousov congratulated on the release of arkhangelsky, noted that all as a result of the action this unit has already liberated 15 settlements. the minister congratulated the 9th separate guards motorized rifle brigade on taking control of netailov, and belousov noted the heroism of the first’s soldiers on the liberation of kislovka. the guards tank regiment, which liberated novoselovskoye and kamenka, is now advancing in the kupinsky direction and taking control of beristovye. so, on this section of the front, our uav operators destroyed the american evacuation armored personnel carrier 113. this is already the seversk direction... in the footage published by the ministry of defense, the work of the grab multiple launch rocket system, which destroys the vso stronghold. and this is how attack aircraft pilots disrupt the rotation of ukrainian
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units. the su-25 aircraft is destroyed bandera with unguided missiles. with the support of aviation and artillery, the russian army continues to move forward, successes are reported in the vremev direction, and there it was liberated in heavy battles. most of staromaisk. it’s a dark night, we are on our way to the front line in eastern ukraine. i'm here in the ukrainian army's humvee. i'm heading to position. it is because of this danger that we have to turn off the lights here, we can continue filming only with cameras, night vision, we leave the gravel road, we drive through rough terrain with secret positions the ukrainian army is just a few thousand meters from the russians. a german propagandist, ronsheimer arrives at the positions of militants from
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the ninety-second. brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, which use drones to mine the approaches to ukrainian positions. while bandera’s supporters are trying to hold back the onslaught of the northerners in the kharkov region. artillery from sebiryaki knocked out another abrams tank in the avdeevsky direction. destroyed krasnopol guided ammunition. in these footage , another brainchild of the american military-industrial complex becomes a victim of krasnopol self-propelled gun m109 paladin. and this is a precise strike from the lancet on the ukrainian mtu bridge laying vehicle. 72. russian fighters do not allow the ukrainian armed forces to restore logistics in volchanski and establish crossings across the volchi river. ukrainian defense minister umerov complains to reiders that the russians are preparing to open another front. umerov said that moscow is preparing for a new breakthrough. their goal is to open a new front in the north to begin using all their manpower and firepower against us. we are holding out, but of course we need more weapons, more firepower. we need rockets
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long range to... not let them into our country. the minister said that russia has about 500,000 troops in ukraine near its borders, and moscow is preparing to send an additional 200 or 300,000 there. this footage shows the destruction of the command post of the ukrainian armed forces battalion, which was discovered by scouts from the severv brigade near chasovoy yar. and this is a night strike by a western -made armored vehicle in the city itself. the equipment is destroyed by artillery, and the result is already after dawn. the attack is recorded by a drone. on this video the drone itself is striking bandera’s troops with precise drops on the enemy pickup truck. it is much more difficult for ukrainian uav operators to work on the clock lines; russian rep systems interfere, militants complain. they're jamming us, i can't get in the air. we are holding kamas. we spend about 7 hours here. all the time the guys work continuously, but the russians don’t let the successful ones do the job. the dugout is too cramped
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for... this is the first time that we have to work in complete darkness, as soon as it gets dark, the russians begin to actively fire at the positions of our troops. in these frames the artillery of the southern group of troops destroys with high-precision krasnopol a ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle, on which bandera’s troops transported ammunition and reinforcements in the chasov yar area. at least fifteen militants were killed, resulting in huge losses for the ukrainian forces. sector of the front, even the british tymes newspaper admits, writes that the fifth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces has lost 40% of its fighters in 2 years, while new recruits are becoming increasingly difficult to find, the boys are avoiding mobilization at all costs, says the american nbc in an article about the ukhilians, in order to urgently throw them into at least some kind of fight cannon fodder, in ukraine they are reducing the training period for conscripts, those who were mobilized and sent to training
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centers, right? as a rule, there should have been 2 months of preparation, now, as far as i know, it has been reduced to one and a half months. isn’t this defined by law? it was laid down for 2 months and was guaranteed. yes, but now there is a big influx of people in training centers and this is due to the lack of training centers. zelensky, waging war until the last ukrainian, continues to travel around europe; he signed another agreement on security cooperation, this time in portugal.
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such an initiative is allegedly supported by the eu, only one and a half or two countries, as the european gardener barel put it. in fact, the baltic countries are behind the escalation, poland, sweden, the czech republic and the netherlands. now france has added to the list at a joint press conference with scholz in berlin. macron, waving a map with russian bases from which the kharkov region is being attacked, demanded that the ukrainian armed forces be allowed to attack russia. german chancellor from a direct
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answer to the question whether it is possible to attack the german weapons, he left russia, getting off with general phrases. how do we explain to the ukrainians that they are not allowed to attack points from which missiles are launched? ukraine that was attacked has the right to defend itself. i find it strange that some people challenge her right to defend herself and take the necessary actions to do so. neither we, nor other european countries or allied states outside it have ever
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demanded this and never will. german bel also studies the location of russian air bases and notes that theoretically most of them they are within the reach of western weapons received by kiev. the newspaper reports that at least once ukraine. already did not give a damn about western prohibitions, used the petrio system received from germany to strike a target in russian airspace. this prompted angry calls from berlin and washington and threats to cut off the supply of anti-aircraft missiles if this happened again. the united states continues to oppose attacks by american weapons on russia. this was confirmed by both the white house and the state department. ukrainian president zelensky recently stated that opportunity to apply what has been supplied.
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we do not approve or authorize the use of us-supplied weapons to strike targets in russia. south korea conducted an air exercise near the demilitarized zone to demonstrate the capability. striking the dprk. american fighters took part in the maneuvers. comrade kim jong-in said that pyongyang has enough military power to keep the united states from interfering in the event of a korean war. xiulu north korea responded, while asymmetrically not with a word department, comrade kim sent them a kind of gift. according to various sources, from 100 to 200 balloons. with garbage and manure. with this step, kim also informed siul that propaganda leaflets criticizing the dprk should not be scattered in the border areas of north korea. whether there was just hysteria , the joint chiefs of staff
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of south korea have already stated that these inhumane and vulgar actions are violations of international law, the balls themselves turned out to be completely safe inside. shoes, waste paper and old clothes. look. the south korean military announced thursday evening that it had detected objects believed to be balloons from north korea. the joint chiefs of staff reported that military installations had been discovered in gyeonggi province. they immediately sprang into action. gyeonggi authorities immediately sent a distress message to their residents. the message was accompanied by a short english translation, a preliminary warning of an air attack, which shocked the residents. the south korean military later explained that they found about ten balloons, to which were attached bags with something dark and foul-smelling, presumably
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excrement and cigarette butts. some of the balls are still in the air. at night, the military was unable to shoot them down and continues to monitor the area. on sunday, north korea warned of retaliatory actions against the proliferation. a creative approach to combat operations. old man. i would like to say a few words about adjusting the tax system in our country. well, in general, the main word that
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can be attributed to it - this is justice, an increase in justice: the rich who earn a lot of money should pay more, but not only in general terms, so to speak, but as a percentage of their income, this sense of justice is very good that it has not been lost during discussions, you know, it often happens that when solving some global issues, and these are serious changes, you can forget about some important little things, it’s very good that... the incomes of the participants in the special military operations - this includes payments for damaged enemy equipment, they will be taxed according to the old tax system, this is fair, i think that there is definitely a complete consensus here in our society, just like when it came to the self-employed, they promised not to change for 10 years tax system, they left it as it is, this is generally fair, but as for the state duma, i think it is obvious that there is...
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weapons in a russian city in which
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there are no military installations and they are hitting residential areas, and with this zelensky is all this the european atlantic gang says that ukraine is deprived of the opportunity to fire western weapons at military targets, why are you shooting at belgorod then, what are you shooting at? well, in a word, what we have before us is simply political, not even slyness, but consistent engagement with...
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he emphasized: this cannot be, these complex systems are controlled by the military of these countries, not mercenaries, nor some enthusiasts in the bad sense of the word, but professional military men sent there along with this very equipment, that is, they got this equipment for themselves they installed, they placed their soldiers near the buttons, and now they are carrying out the next stage of the information war in ensuring international public opinion that it is ukraine that is shooting, and pay attention who is...
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the states of america, they said one thing even in the evening, now they already know, rethink everything this is deceit and is not necessary. missile response, here’s a respected colleague, in
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one of the well, it’s understandable, it’s as alarming as possible to talk about this topic, but it’s as if the north atlantic alliance is leading us... to the conclusion that we must start doing this, according to part of london was exposed by a citizen named yuriy sak, he is an adviser to the minister of industry of ukraine, that is, an official says that they hit russian territory with british storm shadow weapons, but we are basically aware, but he says something important, beaten after consultation with london with london's permission, returning.
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use european weapons to strike russian territory, say, if macron allows you. we already have a similar precedent, for example, the united kingdom had previously allowed ukraine to use the long-range weapons they provided, the storm shadow missiles, and we successfully used them across russian territory. tach general, but since everyone is appealing to the military, it’s up to you to speak. you know, well, i don’t know what macron showed on his map. if he showed our airfields, well, firstly, the nomenclature, if we talk about missile weapons, these are not only aircraft carriers, these are calibers that are launched from the ships of the black sea fleet, these are iskanders, which, naturally, are lowered by
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iskander mobile systems, all this all mobile targets, you can’t mark them on the map, because today iskander is here, and tomorrow...
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an order to hit targets in the territory, well , first of poland, and then maybe of france and great britain. putin completely put everything into perspective yesterday when he said that, well , about this, by the way, here’s scholz, when he was justifying why he couldn’t supply tauros, either out of ignorance or out of
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naivety, he said: “we can’t deliver tauros, because the goals determine ours, we must send the germans." so i think that as, let's say as the first step on this ladder, we need to start shooting down them, drones, planes, reconnaissance aircraft, maybe a satellite constellation that, so to speak, carries out guidance, target designation of all
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these missiles, over the black sea, you mean, yes, over the black sea, yes, because this is in russian airspace or in russian airspace, i repeat once again. what i already said once, we need to declare the international part of the airspace on the black sea, that is, excluding sovereign air. let after that they think to answer, not to answer, how to answer, this is that ladder, escalation, they will start flying over romania and turkey, and from there, you know, over romania to turkey, there, after all, distance also matters, even for, well, for a satellite constellation, maybe you mean it’s hard to see, but of course.
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300 thousand died; new group. ukrainian defense minister rustem umerov said that russia is transferring more and more personnel and equipment to the front, their goal is to open a new front in the north to start using all their manpower and firepower power against us. they continue to perform their task. he said ukraine is grateful for military aid and weapons, but only half of the promised supplies arrive on time. every delay is much more beneficial. to a numerically superior and better -equipped enemy, time is crucial for repelling, and we need deliveries to be made on time,” umerov said. ukraine is also
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having difficulty recruiting troops to replenish and rotate exhausted soldiers, some of whom have been fighting since the start of the war. the minister said that russia has about 500,000 troops in ukraine, and another 200-3000 are concentrated near its borders. well, shoigu said that we have 700,000, 500, and 700,000 in the special military operation zone. when your girl turns 18, she will receive a gift, whoever she loves from the men, luck will come to him, wealth, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her, suddenly the gypsy didn’t lie, well, hit her, i only realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are , max,
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what are you doing? i don’t believe a single word you say, just don’t push too hard, otherwise you'll get scared, he'll run away, he won't run away from me, you hear how it's beating, i'll protect you, whoever offends you, a magical gift that became a curse, i made up my mind, i'll leave the city, don't break my heart, premiere, saturday on rtr, rest - is to leave yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is
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rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, protected by the mediterranean sea. discover the truth excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg. where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmel sheikh, rixas radomis sharmel sheikh, an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the
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we are here for you. every time i cry. it's very hard to remember. she went into her house, sat down in the hallway on the floor and said: i’ll stay here. the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there. the donets was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding. the main thing is that we are together. our! ours don’t abandon our own. from monday to thursday on rtr, do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, that’s where you ’re going, i almost hit you, why are you silent, did i hurt you? no, it didn’t hurt, this is my brother vanya.
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very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the mayor’s daughter, alyon, no there is no bride for me, these are all my brother’s requests, i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now, maybe you’re there, if you insist, i’ll try , a simple girl, on friday on rtr, the ninetieth anniversary of the cup holder with the herp of russia, inside english from england, where you lived for so many years of your service to russia, i participated in many risky operations, i
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don’t consider myself as they like on television, says the legendary intelligence officer , my life - this is not a movie that they show us there , recruiting pum-pum-pum, running on the roofs, shooting, mikhail lyubimov, exactly how love staged it too. have you ever used any recruiting experience outside of work? well, for example, when we were courting the famous natalya fatieva, i fell madly in love with her, that’s all. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. on friday on rtr. biden used threats to force beijing to allegedly abandon military cooperation with russia, reports washington post columnist david ignatius. allegedly xi was seriously thinking about supplies
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weapons for putin, but then biden called and threatened that if this happened, washington would take retaliatory measures. this outraged the chairman of the people's republic of china, but he decided to start anyway. to help not openly, but to help, but this is not the main news. the washington post reports that biden, the us president, is still going to lift the ban and allow the armed forces of ukraine to attack russia for american weapons, although the day before this same biden declared otherwise. to counter russia's advance in ukraine, president biden is considering two new tough countermeasures: punish china. supply of key technologies to moscow; remove restrictions on ukraine's use of american short-range weapons to attack russian territory. the moves would represent a significant escalation of biden's carefully calibrated policy of supporting ukraine
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while seeking to avoid direct confrontation with russian president vladimir putin and his key ally, chinese leader xijin ping. the fact that such steps are now being considered shows the administration's growing concern about ukraine's vulnerability on the battlefield. dmitrach. so where to start? let's start with taxes, and the initiative presented by the ministry of finance will be approved in the spring session, that is, before the beginning of august, and therefore will not be included in the next year's budget in any way, although the session was extended until august 5, well, until the beginning of august, actually speaking, this was extended because many different processes will be discussed there, but actually taxation, taxation is difficult to agree on, yes, so no, right now a lot of bills are being pushed back. yes, he’s moving in, that’s why, accordingly, all of them will need to be accepted, apparently, there are quite a lot of them there, they’re national projects, that is, that’s all that was in may, it’s all necessary to formalize, that’s why from this point of view, of course this will obviously happen with regard to
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taxation, respectively, and a significant part - tax new changes in tax and tax innovations are divided into two parts: the first for individuals, the second for legal organizations, that is, for companies , as it were, this is the main part of the tax burden , of course, organizations, that is... out of 2.6 billion according to the ministry of finance, 1.6 will be associated precisely with the increase in taxes on organizations, that is, on companies, tax increases by 5%, respectively, as if lowering the limit for individual entrepreneurs on a basic basis, as it were, that is, it is necessary to explain to our tv viewers that in total the ministry of finance today announced a figure of 2.6 trillion rubles, trillions of rubles will be affected.
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supposed to live in large agglomerations, that is, accordingly, these are moscow, st. petersburg, yerenburg, so to speak , these are the main territories, they will have the main part of the taxation system, while in the regions, for example, like the ivanovo region or...
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let's put it in tver, that is, well, the rest are the mass of the rest of everyone who are not oil and gas , everything else, accordingly , the salary level there is of course lower, so from this point of view, the question is, as it were, the correct distribution, the second very important point is that what will these funds, that is, everything is fine, firstly, they will most likely be targeted, that is, this means what i remind you, we already have a situation now in which funds, that is, taxes, do not go to a certain direction, then there is in this case, this is what was from 13 with an increase to 15 for healthcare for childhood diseases. yes, the circle of goodness was the name of this program, when children with incurable or serious illnesses were allocated funding from just these two, well, citizens, as it were they actually paid, that is, in excess, that is, it was like taxation actually was, that is, now, apparently, these funds, well , apparently, according to the ministry of finance, these funds will go to national projects, which were announced, here is the family, everything else connected with this, but for social payments for health, for everything else, as if, in theory, they should somehow appear in the regions ultimately, because the main part... in general, the burden seems to lie on
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exactly these directions, therefore with this point of view, it’s clear that 2.6 trillion is a fairly large amount, that is, over a horizon of, for example, four 4 years, this is even if the tax base does not change, this is 10 trillion, that is, it is proportionate, for example , respectively, with a third of the russian budget, plus or minus, a little less, which is why from this point of view it is important to correctly distribute this money, these amounts, because these amounts should be aimed at increasing competitiveness and those very projects, which were supplied, which were announced, therefore, from this point of view, no matter how important it is that this does not affect everything, first of all, does not affect the economic component. as for the general part, the main idea of ​​the ministry of finance is to convert income, especially for the organization, into investments, because now at a high interest rate, a lot of organizations are interested in simply stupidly receiving income, putting it on deposit and living there with colossal interest in peace, without investing anywhere, because the cost of a loan is very high in order to encourage these companies to reinvest. these funds, but simply
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not accumulate them endlessly on deposits, in fact, there is some logic in increasing income taxes, because if you invest, that is, spend money, you can receive deductions, that is, as it were, reduce taxes accordingly our own, therefore, from this point of view, in theory this should stimulate investment activity, but the second important factor is, of course, the expansion of preferential lending, because now approximately in the structure of vtb, let’s assume 20% in all taxes, respectively, in the entire tax portfolio 20% is preferential lending, that is, roughly speaking, at current interest rates... state support is very difficult to get, that’s why all this should also be accompanied by measures to support companies and organizations in order to stimulate processing, first of all, because this approximately 3%, that is, which exceeds , for example, 60 million in terms of interest, falls mainly on the trading business, then there is this trade, and accordingly in processing, that is, where it is connected with the industrial component with import substitution, what is now, as it were , super-relevant, strictly speaking, that is , production within the country, here , accordingly, the volumes are completely different, therefore, from this point of view in theory , relying on internal production
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to replace imports in the future will reduce , among other things, the risks that we now experience associated with the transfer of funds, that is, you still have a lot of things coming from china, that’s how problems arise with payments, in order to eliminate this, it is necessary to produce here as much as possible everything that is possible in principle, in order to minimize the external component, because tomorrow the day after tomorrow, for example, china will change its mind there or something else will think accordingly , will not think, there accordingly he will have some interests there of a different nature, and we will be tied up as if into trading partners, of course this is a strategic partner and so on, but the more you produce internally ours... let's start with the steering wheel for the volga, at least let's start with it, i would generally bet on airbags, at least by the way, respectively, the transmission and engine, if we are talking about internal combustion engines, or it's time to manufacture batteries, so between by the way, there are, in principle , possibilities for this, ultimately, in the defense component it is necessary to make a whole series of decisions, as if for a final replacement, at least in the software for providing some elements, so from this point of view, it’s like here there is -
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questions, it is clear that this decision is related to the search for funds, all countries are now receiving taxation, the most important thing is that this increase in taxation does not become painful, first of all, for the inflationary component, and here it is necessary to go through the summer very correctly, first of all, because the summer will be hot, and this will lead to certain difficulties in the military-industrial complex, we'll be back in a minute, i replaced it with a pile. daughter, my dear beloved, without paputom, premiere on rtr, do you know who your father is? koroshennikov, alexander nikolaevich, you know how much money he has, you are kirill’s new nurse, i’m gali, everything here belongs to her by right, and the fact that you are his daughter, you said, no, you haven’t had time yet, all her relatives and friends are here, i'm going to alexander nikolaevich, you're a little. besides
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her, alexander nikolaevich, i must tell you, june 3 on rtr, you’re bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repairs or replacements will hit your budget hard? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, a bright life, with its help... you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade
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look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for 1 2 everything, i surrender with joy, let's let's all wave
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our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. i love you, i love you too, look at the weekend, leave her alone, well, you have no prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet again, sometimes parting is just the beginning of a big one love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, but it’s not easy. they're watching you, this is your husband's man, let him go, fox, be careful, tell me, do you still love him, first love, everything, yes, don't touch me, what are you doing, let him go, listen to me carefully, you have to deal with them decide something, but run away from him, you are in
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danger, he has already betrayed you once, i will do everything so that we are together again, an affair with the past, on saturday on rtr. i don’t know what proper acting is, what a good actor is, i can only feel it when you were filming in the boy's word, here's the zhorokry. director, you asked him a question, he taught me a lot, ruzil minikaev, at the age of 6 my father passed away, my mother was left alone with three children, well , we somehow, that is, survived, one might say, i understood that in in a big city there are a lot of opportunities, a lot of interesting people, so after the ninth grade i left, as a real kid had hardened himself, it wasn’t scary, it was scary, i... in general, all the time i’m somehow very careful about something new,
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something something unknown, this energy i will achieve it, i will change it, this city will be mine to break through somewhere, because you are alone, the main thing is faith, we offer circumstances ; the second thing seems to me, the main thing is faith in yourself, you have faith in yourself, i have wealth, two, vernik2 on friday on rtr , transfer. how deep is the split in russia and why should we expect any kind of new conversation? this
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is probably a completely unacceptable and terrible level for all of us, the population is not running away in panic and hiding, of course, all this is happening on the political plane, there is a heated discussion of all these already said by everyone words, well, actually the first, probably the main reaction from poland, however... voiced on the radio, this came from a representative who was present here at a discussion of the council on military affairs, so he said that in poland there are no restrictions on the use western weapons supplied to ukraine, no such restrictions have been put forward and are not expected in the future, that is, in fact, poland is already giving the green light to kiev, but as for other countries,
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weapons need to be used for attacks on russian territory, but here are the same taurus, for example, they don’t want to convey macron ’s european partners, who say that he tried to convince chancellor scholz, tried to visit for 3 days, gave his arguments, in particular he said that... it’s unfair that that this needs to be done, but in parallel with this it is interesting to note that the press also explains this kind of work with public opinion, the opinion of various retired french military officers is given, this, by the way, is a very common technique that the press uses, they take military personnel who can be, often they have never even been on the battlefield, but are considered experts, especially experts in relations between russia and ukraine; these retired people say that, in principle, the weapons have already been used by the west. and against crimea, and russia did not respond to this in any way, and they even say that they allegedly launched missiles somewhere near
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krasnodar, and that russia also did not respond that time, therefore, in fact, what taboos can there be, this is a military matter, all this it is necessary to publicly acknowledge and publicly lift all restrictions, well, macron follows the same logic follows, he says that it is necessary to strike military targets, but completely exclude the possibility of using western weapons against civilian targets, but again, who? will control, macron did not specify who will monitor and how, who will provide lists of targets is also unclear, as for the south, if we take the south of europe, italy is categorically against such a permission, the italians acted as a united front , regardless of the party to which they belong , spain is also against it, although just recently zelensky was in madrid, signed a support agreement for 10 years, but nevertheless, the minister said that he would not give permission to use weapons. belgium, northern europe - the same thing, the same
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same approach, ready to help, help with instructors, with training and supply weapons, but again belgium does not give permission to use these weapons for attacks on russian territory, and if we take the baltic countries, well, here, as always, everything is clear, latvia, estonia, everyone gives the green light, but not much, probably latvian and estonian weapons from... kiev the swedes are also in favor, the netherlands also say that they see no reason to introduce such restrictions, but nevertheless there is really no consensus, to agree on the eve to come to some kind of unified one.
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for everyone and mandatory for everyone, well, so far there is no single decision, at the level of bilateral relations such permission is given, so it is possible that gradually, along with the preparation of public opinion , there will be some kind of pan-european decision. olga. thank you very much, nastya, our boss european bureau, anastasia popova, from belgium. barel has long been positioning himself as minister of defense, yes, although mind you, no one in europe agrees with this. but what does he care, yes, that is, the minister declared himself the minister of defense, they identify themselves, and when this other napoleon, the french one, macron, begins to show a map of russia and say, here are the goals, look, and most importantly logic, yes, yes, how can it be, you look, ukraine can hit those objects from where shots are fired, well, wait, you
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putin spoke about this logic yesterday, that is , accordingly, we get it. to hit those objects that participate in this chain, where these weapons come from, who is there, where the operators are sitting, in fact, yes, where they carry out the appropriate guidance, tracking of all this, well, it’s the same logic, no, here right away, you you see, this logic is rewinding, russia under no circumstances has the right to do this, when rasmuson stated, mind you, then the poles confirmed this logic that... which is possible in principle and zelensky, by the way, confirmed that it is possible shoot down russian objects, missiles, in particular from the territory of poland and romania, then macron understands that accordingly he gives russia permission to hit this object on the territory of poland and romania with the same logic, but here the rule that was great yesterday is immediately included described,
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frankly, openly described by the famous columnist, gideon rahman, foreign policy columnist of the financial times newspaper, who sorted out, yes, in a rules-based world, there is one immutable rule, number one: the united states is always right, the second if the united states they violate the rules, yes, these are the ones that they themselves established, see point one, that is , all the logic ends here, on the fact that somewhere russia cannot hit the same, those objects that are participating in...
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he says: under no circumstances should our missiles be used to strike civilian targets, as if the french caesars in donbass were not used against civilian targets, and any donetsk resident will now tell you how they sound different from the arrival of these same caesars compared to others rockets, macron, caesar scalp, of course, macron pretends that he doesn’t know this, that’s where all this most perverted western logic in the world is based. the russian ministry of defense has just reported for the first time the loss of a 155mm trf-1 howitzer made in france to the ssu. well, it coincided. we'll be back. i love you very much. marry me. premiere on rtr.
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i'm ready to give everything just to get her back. you leave your husband for some musician. a swindler, max, not a swindler, not some kind, well, you don’t know him at all, what if it’s not love, and so, well, some kind of euphoria, you need to find some dirt on this max, a melody for two, today on rtr, a hotel for unforgettable impressions rixas sharmelsheikh, only for... adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. riksos sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. indulge yourself in a first-class
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predicted to your mother that the one you love will get rich and then leave you, what should i do, oleg, run, don’t break my heart, premiere, saturday on rtr, do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, that’s
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where you’re going, i almost hit you, why are you silent, did i hurt you? no, it didn’t hurt, this is my brother vanya. it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the mayor’s daughter, alen, i don’t have any bride, these are all my brother’s requests, i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now, maybe you are there, if you insist, i will try, simple girl, in friday on rtr. so, 2 days before summer there was snowfall in vorkuta, there was also a snowstorm in tomsk,
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the snow blocked the road in the kolpashevo district. leningrad region, under pouring rain, in places with hail, hail the size of a cherry to a heavy walnut. in moscow they promise +30 tomorrow. thanks for watching, bye. hello, on the rossiya tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topic for this hour: another abrams was lost in iisa, a high-precision projectile krasnopol and our t-90s were used for destruction. constructors improved directly on the battlefield. warsaw allowed kiev to use polish weapons to strike russian territory. ukrainians
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can fight the way they want.


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