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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 29, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, the frequency is in some hertz, the silence does not even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls. hello, this is our program. the heroes of our today's program are former ukrainian prisoners. they survived abductions and torture and humiliation, but did not break. now several former prisoners will come to our studio to openly talk about the nightmare of fabricated cases. this is the place from which. it all started on march 1, 2014,
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there was a crowd of people here in the square, i found myself in the front row, well, let’s free ourselves from the main grief of ukraine, from this junta, that this particular day would divide her life into before and after, irina poltoratskaya from torez could not even think, teacher by education, a happy wife, mother and grandmother, in 2014 she suddenly became head of the company.
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irina was held captive. in this footage, on august 14, 2014, she is exchanged for the ukrainian military, but even after her release, the hunt for poltoratskaya did not stop, in order to hide from the sbu, she was forced to flee across the border. ira’s family lived here for quite a long time until her house became safe. how
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did the persecution turn out and what was the fate of the former political prisoner? since then i have been very afraid to go alone, i convinced my husband that you should always follow behind, the stories of those who experienced the horrors of imprisonment, but miraculously escaped to freedom. in our studio we have irina poltoratskaya, known as the people's mayor of the city of tores. hello, irina, hello, irina, tell me, how to become people's mayor? this question, to be honest, always makes me smile, because i never called myself that, the people’s town of teresa, that’s what lyashko called me, on the day when he didn’t even have me in custody and... taken into custody in kiev, and he
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hastened to post a photo with the caption that the people’s village of the city of tarez had been taken, but this was not unreasonable, because in fact i, like all the residents of donbass, went to the square in order to participate in rallies against joining nato , against joining european union, against. all the chaos that was already happening in ukraine against the coup d'etat of an illegitimate president, but i simply, as a resident of the city, had to go out and express my opinion, what did i do, how did people react to your words? people reacted very actively to my words, there were many speakers, sick people came out and ordinary residents of our city said, let’s watch the video from this rally.
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there is a referendum, a referendum, we need to become , first of all, an independent state, the same thing.
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pasted leaflets, printed leaflets at my request, and how this happened, please tell me the details, at about 10 o’clock in the evening i was returning home, and i see that on the corner of the house, just opposite my windows, there is a minibus, i begin to walk around it, and this is a split second, absolutely, this is all, one moment, i see with peripheral vision figures in the dark, they... in dark camouflage in balaclavas, two or three figures jump out of the car right there, blows rained down here and there on the head, here’s a bag out of my hands the bag is already on my my head and arms were pulled together by something and they were already
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dragging me into this car, right there in the car they continued to choke me - and as i immediately understood. that the voice of loss, i can’t speak, i can only hiss, at first they left me in this car to spend the night that night, the seat was removed from the back and in this space they put everything on me, left me with a guard next to me, apparently, but did they talk to you somehow , did they communicate, was there complete silence or what? they growled if i moved a little, growls, pressed with a knee in the stomach, they hit me again on the head, i had to remain motionless, all the time making absolutely no sound, at dawn they dragged me out,
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bent me like that, loaded me into another car, in which it was not even a car, but a trailer, in where they transport pigs, you know, here's the loft. barred, covered with berzent, so they shoved me in there, why did i understand that they were transporting pigs there, well, the aromas, of course, these are all the smells, they brought them from this loft, and they put me on their shoulder like that, they carried me somewhere and put them on boards and i hear on the side, too, there’s a log, hard, fresh, like fresh wood, it smells, the only conclusion is that it’s a coffin, and i was very scared, because burying me alive in a coffin means, well , that’s when i realized later that this was after all a sauna, and suddenly i felt for someone with my feet, there
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was someone there and my voice gave in: irin, it’s you, it was denis yaniev, they immediately brought him here, threw him, that is...
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in the sbu, this is already in kiev, already in kiev, we were taken to vladimirskaya 33, this is the main department of the sbu, and what happened then, at first it was, apparently some kind of inquiry? told how i was kidnapped, from fresh memory with details, they listened very carefully, but periodically one person came back and forth and said: irina ivanovna, this is what happened to you, i ’ll tell them in detail in more detail what you were doing on march 1, for example, well, what, like the rallies, like all over donbass, but they were interested in the main question... who sponsored it, from whom did you receive the money? this was their main
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question, they could not believe that the residents did everything on their own, before them i just didn’t get it, out of complete, pure enthusiasm, they even turned the computer towards me, this is a rally, you ’re saying it, i’m saying it, well, who would refuse, you were assigned to a pre-trial detention center, but at first it was a temporary detention facility, an isolation ward temporary detention, and then there was sezo, after the court ruling was that you were charged, article 110-258, this is an encroachment on the territorial integrity of ukraine, and the organization of a terrorist group, participation in it, and from eight to 15 years, in detention center, do you remember who you were with? well of course, you remember maria colida? i met masha koleda when i had to choose a preventive measure, in the shevchenkovsky
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court in the boxes, so they brought me, after talking with the lawyer and the investigator, here i was put in the same cell, in the same box with masha koleda, and i was hungry , i can’t, i was all hungry, i said, masha, do you have anything, and masha is like that, she’s very active, very positive, right there... such a soft thing, i could at least chew them, let’s see the plot , and wave, come on,
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here is our base, ready-made ones are hanging here combat gear, so that you can immediately take it to go to one, walkie-talkies, helmets, it happens that during all the shifts they haven’t even sat down once, that is, just like they started, from call to call, from call to call, for 5 years now, as a lawyer, military correspondent and teacher... koleda in the moscow rescue squad, in her already busy schedule, finds time to help people, people, let's go, let's hurry up, run, run, girls, come on, the challenges are very different, start various calls related to animals, road accidents, this is associated with opening doors, the most scary, but probably not here, not within the work of the rescue reserve, within the framework of my activities in the donbass, for the first time. i ended up there in 2014, as a student, worked part-time as a reporter, and on the instructions of the editors
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i went to collect materials about people who suffered from the ukrainian regime, then i didn’t even think that one day i myself would be one of them. on april 8, in novokakhovka i was detained by alpha special forces of the sbu, there the charge was for eight articles, in mid-september i was imprisoned in different places, the sbu special detention center in kiev, season number 13 slukenovka.
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hello maria, how did you end up in the dungeons there? i worked as a correspondent, went to observe the events, at one point i was detained by alpha, the sbu special forces, together with employees of the counterintelligence department, how was it, how did the detention take place? and did you even expect something like this? no, i probably didn’t expect it, it happened very
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quickly, the door of the minibus opened and they ran out. people with machine guns and a long six-month and almost adventure began, that the worst thing about it all was, the most it’s scary when you don’t understand what will happen next, that is, what happened, why you were detained, what they will show you there , or show you there, they will let you go, they won’t let you go, then you will end up on the list for exchange, you won’t get on the list for exchange, will they give you life in ukraine, or will they exchange you for someone else, this is probably the most terrible unknown, what did they want from you, what did they seek, which one to admit? oh, it’s funny that i was a senior lieutenant of the gru for the purpose of sabotage and development activities, wow, seriously, i was 22 years old, and what are you they responded to this, at first i actually thought it was a joke of humor, i’m a pretty positive person, i’m a general, i had to say that it’s not the marshal, the marshal general, it’s just
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them or you, the first month and a half were quite difficult, then there were beatings there. there were various attempts there, including psychological pressure, but then it became easier, they somehow lagged behind me, i was just actually in pre-trial detention, let ’s say, so you said methods of psychological influence, how did they behave? imagine, that you are an ordinary person from an ordinary family, at one point you are detained and, for example, placed in a cell for eight people, who is sitting in the cell, in the cell are people who... all have criminal convictions, and not for the first time, and all the charges are serious, and at the same time they also say that because of it we have a war in ukraine, and at the same time there is already a tv on tv in the cell, of course the ukrainian channels constantly show news, of course the ukrainian sides, here you're like, yes, hello here, i'm russian saboteur, great, what kind of attitude
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did you encounter, at first it was very bad, then gradually we began to communicate with girls, then problems popped up for the joint, that’s how much fun you had, how can i tell you, time passes differently, you can’t tell exactly the time, how long you were there in one place or in another place, you don’t keep track of it,
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the brain is a little bit off this, what a long time, yes, yes it seemed like an endless eternity, of course, billy, good luck. legs, arms, in different ways, depending on when it is what happened, in fact, no matter how funny it is, there are no questions to the alpha herself who detained me, why? because the guys were doing their job, yes, it was bad for them, yes, they are enemies, but on their part there was no unnecessary rudeness or excessive forceful methods, i actually have all the complaints about the ukrainian counterintelligence department, but from them there were sides. beatings, torture, everything else, they usually torture in order to achieve something, well, yes, yes, but here it feels like it was all not to achieve something, but simply to break, break it’s easy to break your will, probably yes, to humiliate you, apparently, when they beat you, did they tell you what, or is it happening right in silence, no, at first there were demands
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for an interview with ukrainian channels about the gru senior lieutenant, until now this makes me smile since then. nonsense, of course, i apologize, because well, 22 years old, it’s like an understandable figure, i’m just the senior lieutenant, i say, marshal, well, yes, listen, but you didn’t have the idea at some point to sign everything that they want help, first question, but the second question will help, and what next, well , that is, you signed, okay, what next, well, they should have said what’s next, if you sign, then we will let you in there... for example, an apartment in kiev, position, money, i don’t argue, what’s next, yeah, well, that is , even so, this was offered, they were offered at the very beginning, my family is quite like that, i have a grandmother. a prisoner of the franchiv concentration camp, and there she’s already over 90; she’s somewhere a tree that you can knock on, alive and healthy, actually, yes, but at one time
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she went through the concentration camps there great patriotic war, my mother is a teacher at a music school, my family is basically quite patriotic, loving their country quite a lot, but well, this is a betrayal towards the family, towards the homeland, towards the country. masha, do you understand that this is a kind of heroic act on your part, no, this is not heroism, this is normality, yes, yes, you came out, how, how you were released, how it happened, prisoners of war, for an exchange thank you very much to olga kulygina, because if it weren’t for olya, i would probably now i was still there, and we just have a story about olga kulygina, let’s see, let’s. muscovite olga kulygina is used to relying only on herself, it’s been 12 years since her military husband passed away, since then everything has been her only responsibility, the house and raising her sons, she was not yet
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done when she learned about what atrocities were happening in ukraine, not was able to stay on the sidelines, leaving her children at home in moscow, remembered her military specialty as a felcher and went to help civilians whenever they came. when many peaceful people died on the roads in attempts to remove their families to a safe place, but many people simply had nothing to eat, but once in the donbass, olga was forced to take up arms instead of medicine. the photo was taken on may 2, 2014 in the city of slavyansk. the commander, saying that an attack was expected on the city, did not give me a machine gun. it was this photograph that the sbu used as evidence. olga helped the militias, she was accused of terrorism. in total , i spent a little less than two months in captivity. i spent the first two weeks in an illegal
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prison, i'm not sure about all the people who they were there and they came out alive. a witness to those events was yuri daniltsev, himself from donbass. at that time, he helped olga and coordinated her communications with the militias. there was fear on her, because at that moment, realizing that she... it’s scary to think what olga’s fate would have been like in a kiev prison, but she was exchanged for the ukrainian military. the first person who met olga in freedom was yuri, he took her to the border along with irina poltoratskaya, who and her family were forced to flee the country, fearing for their lives. here, on the first floor of my house, she lived irina’s family, what both irina and i and other political prisoners experienced. the kiev regime, god forbid, of course, to everyone. olga kulygina came to our studio, let's call her, please come in, olga.
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hold on, i didn’t see you, great, come on, i’m glad you see, hello olga, hello olga. tell us how you, a teacher at a moscow university, ended up in donbass? it so happened that a certain number of my fairly close friends took part in the crimean spring, and, accordingly, then in the events in donbass, and since the teacher in the summer is a free person, they asked me to help on some not very significant issues, and accordingly, in the donbass we all then... assumed the crimean scenario, that this, in principle, nothing would last for long, and i made several visits there i managed to visit once,
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and when i picked up the machine gun, when i took it and why, it happened by chance, because i only came from donetsk, from the airport when it was still functioning, well, actually , i met some friends and the commander of this unit that i met. said that now the city is expected to be attacked, my sniper, who had an automatic rifle, asked me to hand it over, but they knew that i owned a hunting weapon, yes, but my husband is an officer, i have a hunting weapon, so i own it, so in fact they gave it to me from a photograph it’s clear that this is a random moment, since the clothes don’t suggest anything, well, yes, but please tell us in more detail, is this how yours happened? the detention turned out to be that i was just visiting and i went to rostov for a while, and back they told me, well
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come in with the militias, and these militias, i didn’t know anyone, in fact, they were practically at the border and accepted everyone, everyone, yes, well, actually, we were traveling in a minibus, here is a minibus with all of us, you too, yes , and where you ended up, first a border post, and then berdyansk, a border control, as i understand it, regional, and after that an illegal sbu prison in some military unit, after that a temporary detention center, and a pre-trial detention center in kiev, a new russian citizen , yes, of course, and that didn’t stop anyone, until - there were problems with my photograph, everything went, one might say, according to a favorable scenario, that is, the militia had weapons in the car, well, in the first moments they charged me with illegal border crossing, everything, when the photograph appeared, when the photograph appeared, it is not on its own appeared,
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she appeared together with the gunman, well then the questions already began, the terrorist was already yes, yes, well, accordingly, all sorts of questions, who am i, what am i, there is more than one photo, they found several more, and in the pre-trial detention center i simply refused to do anything speak and write, demanded the consul and not a single document with my explanations or signatures exists, is it in a pre-trial detention center or in this illegal prison somewhere? it’s customary in such places to call an article, ira introduced herself, and i heard about ira even before all these misadventures, because ira was
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the people’s mayor of teresa, she was kidnapped, and just like that, the rumor had already spread, yes, well, naturally, yes, that is, this naturally, all this was replicated in newspapers and the media, and naturally the question immediately arose that people had risen up, their no one protects the leaders, that is , anything happened to them then, further in the program, who helped olga irina and maria escape from ukrainian captivity, i couldn’t even thank them and i don’t know who he is, i don’t know who he is either , tick, don’t go, mom, i’m so tired of all this, how do you put up with it in general, the premiere, you, baby, me, and you listen, here, on the night you were born, another girl was born, other people’s parents , did you steal me from my mother, did you
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change us like dolls in the maternity hospital? june 3 on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection bowrom anniversary of you mikhail petrovich. a glass holder with the coat of arms of russia, inside an english teacup from england, where you lived only for the years of your service to russia, i participated in many risky operations, i don’t consider myself as they like on television, says the legendary rosette man, my life is not a movie that they show us there the recruiting pu-pu-pu, running on the roofs, shooting, mikhail lyubimov, how exactly did love put that... on your intelligence career, well, you want me to correct it, so that there was, he had never been so close to failure, a godsend for a spy, it’s true, you had to use your recruiting experience outside of work, for example, when you were courting
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the famous natalya fatieva, i fell madly in love with her, that’s all, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, on friday on rtr, there is such a girl with an amazing gift: whoever she loves will immediately become rich, you mean, someone has already become rich, you first need to make her fall in love with you, and for this we will dip the girl in you, and then a knight in white armor will lend her a helping hand, daughter, come urgently, dad, i’m very, very grateful to you, i hope dad returns home, we’ll find him and bring him back, trust me, don’t break my heart, premiere, saturday on rtr, are you ready for our musical...
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and that’s what came out of it. from your smiles, i see that you like how we deceive you. well, what can you do, are you happy to be deceived? catch me if you can, big music show, eaten? why did you eat this? on friday on rtr. earlier in the program, irina poltoratskaya came to the attention of the ukrainian special services after a striking performance on the square toraz, they jump out, blows immediately rained down , the bag was taken from my hands, and then the bag was already
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on my head. ukrainian security forces believed that irina could not act independently and brought serious charges. i began to see encroachments on territorial integrity. the situation there was very difficult, that is , there was no front line as such, various formations of the ukrainian armed forces could be anywhere in the rear, that is, there were no safe zones, and the roads were either functioning or not, and
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naturally, everyone who could tried withdraw naturally, i immediately offered my own families, or take your family to russia to me, well, the family has arrived, let’s invite yana here to our studio, yana. please come in, hello, hello! in our studio, yana moskalenko, daughter of irina poltoratskaya, hello, yana, yana, why did you need to evacuate, what was the situation? let's start with the fact that there were two evacuation. the first evacuation, you can call it that, it was in 1414, when the referendum was taking place, my mother said that i needed to leave, why do we need it, well, you never know, well... you know, i understood, apparently there have already
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been some threats, probably my mother is trying to warn us against something, i can, of course, i didn’t say about it, i just said, my mother asked me to leave, because children, rallies and in general strange things are happening things in the city, somewhere there had already been shootings, we packed up and left, so we sat for a while, when the referendum passed, i called my mother and said that well, we don’t... “we’ll sit for a while, celebrate,
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that’s all.” -it’s a small victory, but it’s already a victory, i say, okay, the children were small, i’m like just when i was putting my youngest child to bed, suddenly i got a call from my daughter-in-law, my husband’s brother’s wife, she calls me and says, i wrote a post there that tyutya ira was kidnapped, naturally i immediately called my dad, i told him about it, he says as i say , well, like this, and my husband has already heard this conversation of ours with '. they left, well, my husband had assumptions, he was
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on the phone with his comrades, where they could take him, in what direction, well, of course, it was all unsuccessful, yana, where did you find a lawyer to protect your mother, konstantin wrote to me alkhovsky, a man whom i don’t know at all, and he gave me information that your mother has a lawyer, valentina rybin, he gave contacts, he says, tell dad, so that how...
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kiev lawyer valentin rybin for all his many years of legal practice found himself in the spotlight of the press more than once, always took on difficult cases, which many colleagues refused and the occupiers fall, then occupier, occupier, occupier, after the events on the maidan, valentin rybin realized that lawlessness in square was only increasing rpm ordinary armed bandits began to use it, we observed all this in the central squares of the city of kiev and, in fact, we were , well, let’s say, in shock. defending people faced with the lawlessness of the new government, valentin saw the complete impotence of the law and therefore sometimes resorted to unexpected methods: we meet resistance from the court, i decided to wait for the next hearing in the building of the kramotorsk city court, maybe the judges will have something in their hearts, they still, they will set a date for the meeting in the near future.
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now in kyiv rybin himself is accused of treason and he faces 15 years in prison. but despite this, he continues to fight for those who were defenseless against the barbarity of the ukrainian themis. you know something about valentin rybin, you thanked him for saving you, practically contacted you, thanked you, now i maintain
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relations, sometimes we correspond, but we haven’t seen each other, i know that i came to donetsk and nothing i couldn't meet him. he helped me further organize assistance to other guys, some of ours were in season number 13 lukyanovka. helped with transmissions to establish contact with the consulate of the russian federation, when i first met olya at the pits, olga ivanovna did not have a lawyer, they did not know either the consulate or the embassy, ​​she
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asked me to connect her with my lawyer, the next the day valentin came as... both mashin’s lawyer and mine, and olga ivanovna, it was thanks to olga ivanovna that i was also exchanged, in principle, she told me, they will exchange me, get ready, in a couple of weeks they will exchange you too. olga did a lot for us, as did valentin rybin, if it weren’t for him, these programs weren’t for him, it wasn’t for him, he was like a carrier pigeon for us in general, and you know where he lives now, he was in kherson. he lives in crimea, and he came to us from crimea today, meet valentin rybin, here i am, here he is, this is simply impossible, beautiful women, hello, this is simply unrealistic, this is not a dream, this is a dream,
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i remembered, yanochki, i’m very glad to see you, valentin, you are just an angel-savior. it so happened that some of my first clients were women, ira, maria, olga, i want to say that i, i probably learned a lot from them, because when i met for the first time... she looked terrible, she was terribly exhausted, but nevertheless, let’s say, she did not lose heart, she held on and behaved quite stoically with the investigator, we had such interesting moments with masha, one of the court hearings that we had, then it was still in dikovenka, and in order for
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a person to get on the exchange, it was necessary to carry out certain manipulations with him in a purely legal sense and we are under ... led to the fact that the criminal case against maria would be closed proceedings, allegedly due to the fact that there are certain moments and there are purely legal nuances, at a certain moment maria and i had the impression that the judge would make concessions to us, especially since there were already certain, let’s say, prerequisites for exchanges, but in as a result , the judge came out after the court hearing, after the deliberation room, and announced the refusal to satisfy our petition to close the criminal proceedings. at that moment , maria and i realized that the exchange would not take place, and for me it was actually news, i myself was surprised, besides that the judge was surprised by everyone who was in the courtroom, maria takes out a piece of the razor on her hand:
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let’s do it like this, everyone was shocked, but nevertheless maria showed her attitude. or other preventive measures, this meant that no matter women, men, those who were against the authorities, everyone was doomed to essentially stay in pre-trial detention, well, we can still say so. in 1414, these were still lucky that they arrived in a pre-trial detention center, and were not just buried there somewhere in the plantings, killed, what there were also quite a lot of them in ukraine. next in
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the program: who ended up in the millstones of the ukrainian judicial system for laying flowers at the monument to the soldiers of the great patriotic war. he went from the hospital to prison, that is, instead of helping this man, the ukrainian authorities found out that he is a citizen of the russian federation, they decided to use his passport of the russian federation as... i am ready to give everything just to get her back, you are leaving your husband for the sake of some musician, swindler? max, not a swindler, not some kind, well, you’re his you don’t know at all, what if this isn’t love, but just, well, some kind of euphoria, you need to find some kind of incriminating evidence on this max, a melody. for two today on rtr. say goodbye to
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comfort. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin, a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 20025th anniversary of the poet, this is where the concert will take place. reflection live broadcast from the boldin estate on june 6 on rtr, you were invited to
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fashion week. lord, i can't pay show of your collection in europe, but i didn’t become a famous musician either, or maybe we were both mistaken in choosing, they say that the past cannot be returned, excuse me, what year is it now, but you can go back there, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with me, you are somehow different, soon there will be a competition for young designers. in 17 years you will see him, you will run after him like a cute girl, hello, something is wrong, we met somewhere, you are avoiding me, i thought that i could change fate, but, but, if only until then, on sunday on rtr, by
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yours. to numerous requests , healer valery kustov is again in our studio, he will answer calls from online viewers, say what i see, regardless of authorities, together with him we will go on an expedition to mount khara-hora, according to legend, this mountain range is located the entrance to the mythical country of shambhala, well , information immediately comes to me from space, which is hidden in the depths of mount kharahora, malakhov today on rtr. earlier in the program, in march 2014, irina poltoratskaya was kidnapped right outside her home after speaking at a rally. their i was interested in the main question, who sponsored it? while awaiting trial, irina met another victim of the regime, maria kolida, in her cell. the worst thing is when you don’t understand what
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will happen next. that is, what happened, why you were detained. after. i am accused of putting flowers, and accordingly, expressing my respect and gratitude to the heroes of the second world war who defended this city from the fascist invaders. and your honor, if in this country they go to prison just because a person does not support the nazis, does not support fascists, does not support bandera, shukhevych and
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others, then put them in prison. yes, zhenya mefedov is a very interesting guy, and next to him is seryozha dolzhankov, too, very strong -willed guys, their story is also very interesting, which means that zhenya mefedov ended up in the house of trade unions on may 2, 2014 in odessa, he burned there, suffered carbon monoxide poisoning, i ended up in the hospital, at the hospital representatives of the authorities came to him to establish his identity, he said that i was a citizen. evgeniy mefedov, he was immediately charged with participation in mass riots, which, accordingly, were also , let’s say, the reason for what happened on may 2 in odessa, and he spent 3 years in prison from 14 to 1917, in 1717, thank god, we managed to achieve an acquittal for him, including including for seryozha dolzhankov, because he sent the two of them after the events in the house
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of trade unions, in the house of trade unions, yes he... the hospital went to prison, that is, instead of helping this man, the ukrainian authorities, having learned that he - citizen of the russian federation, decided to use his passport russian federation, as a picture of the fact that there is supposedly a russian trace in the house of trade unions, that russia organized these riots there, and so on. we achieved an acquittal for zhenya in ilichovsk, immediately after the acquittal was announced in the courtroom, representatives of the security service of ukraine read out to him the suspicion of... committing a crime, allegedly encroaching on territorial integrity, due to the fact that he went on a motor rally to nikolaev to the monument hero malshansam laid color. let's continue this conversation together with evgeniy mifid. great, come on egeniy, please come in. hello, hi, buddy, hi.
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hello, tell us what happened in the house of trade unions and... what is your direct connection to this? in the house of trade unions there was a mass execution of people who disagreed with the new ukrainian government, people were simply burned alive there. they made, you know, such a very scary demonstration park, and so that everyone who disagrees simply remembers this and accordingly, they were generally afraid to do anything. how did you end up there? on may 2, i just saw on the news, on tv, that some kind of mass riots were happening, i went to the center, to see what was happening, i saw that they had unhooked on greek street, they went to the center because of what, because of curiosity, well, curiosity and firstly, as it were... there were some guys whom i already knew, i came to the kulikovo field several times, brought water, food there, well, somehow i tried to help, i honestly say, i also came to the monument, where were the maidan protesters, me i was just asking, what do you stand for,
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well, somehow i never participated, of course, yes, but i arrived there, there was already a police cordon there, and accordingly i went to kulyakovo field when i heard that the maidanists were coming, and i i saw what they were doing on the greek street, well, somehow, together with the crowd, together with... i took it inside. let's see a story about what was happening in the house of trade unions then. 10 years ago one of the most tragic events happened in the history of odessa. may 2, 2014 was essentially a turning point in the political crisis in ukraine, the beginning of the civil war in donbass. it all started with street clashes between supporters and opponents of euromaid. then the first victims appeared. opening themselves from the reprisals of the ukrainian punitive forces, people tried to hide in the house of trade unions, but found themselves blocked by fire. he made a molotov body, incendiary mixtures, stones, pyrotechnics, everything went in, defenseless people in a panic began
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to jump out of the windows, do, yes, please call the fire truck, the car is coming, it’s coming, soon there will be juice jumping. the number of victims was already in the dozens, the house was on fire trade unions literally before our eyes turned into a new khatyn. while people are being rescued from the second or third floor, stones continue to fly from the roof. the result of that terrible day was 48 dead. until now, the investigation has not named the names of the perpetrators. no one is punished. what kind of corpse is this ? who's counting? sixteenth? the massacre of unarmed people in the very center of odessa on may 2, 1914 became a critical feature for ukrainian society and in many ways made the upcoming military
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operation inevitable. evgeniya, what’s inside? happened? the guys made some kind of barricade out of some desks and chairs at the entrance, molotov cocktails began to fly in from the street, burning bottles, the building began to burn. i found an open door, went in there, there were two girls, one guy, so we took turns breathing out the window, when we leaned out into the street they shot at us from a pistol, i later knew from the video that it was nikolai volkov, someone like that the centurion of the maidan too, and how did you get out? after some time they dragged you to the central facade of the house of trade unions the scaffolding began to help people descend, and according to your calculations, how many people were inside the building at that moment, about 300 people , give or take, well, at least i saw that here... 300 people went inside, the trade union house died officially, according to the investigation, 42 people, and six died on grecheskaya street, a whole huge investigative team was sent from all over ukraine, led by
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colonel rudnitsky, in fact, there were a lot of majors, colonels, lieutenant colonels, that is, these are the kind of investigators who followed particularly important cases , they purposefully destroyed all the evidence in the house of trade unions in a few months, for example, an inspection of the scene of the incident in the house of trade unions... took place after may 10, when new windows were installed, an inspection of greek street took place, this is the first episode that took place after may 8, when they came women, old people, gave some testimony that their children died there, this testimony was simply not taken from them, many taxiological examinations, they were just somewhere in general, i didn’t see them in the case, they detained me 3 years in general for participation on the greek street, which i had not even been to, i could not physically get there, because everything was already unhooked. everything that related to the house of pro-unions on may 2 was classified as secret, of course, the files were simply destroyed. evgeniy, you were detained several times, weren’t you? seven times, well, in fact, i
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was never released, a repeat offender, i was tried by almost all the courts of odessa, i don’t remember them all well, the judge of the court of appeal came up, pressed his hand and said, thank you for taking you to another city, we from you tired, because every court where i was present there were dances with tambourines, tires, threats to judges and other such moments, well, in fact, they took us to nikolaev together with sergei dolzhinkov, where for 2 years they tried to see at least some element of crime in the fact that we laid flowers in...
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near the well-known institution in narrow circles of the nikolaev pre-trial detention center, in which my clients, sergei dolzhnyakov and evgeniy mikhetov, are located, in a few minutes literally the guys will leave the walls of the pre-trial detention center, gain freedom, a most worthy act, it is impossible for us intimidate. we cannot be broken, we will still do what we need, you are an example of how to follow your principles and your beliefs, thank you very much for finding the strength, courage and desire to come to us today and tell your stories, this is important for us, for all of us it is very important, thank you, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. i don't know what proper
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acting is, what a good actor is, i i can only feel it when you were filming now in the boy’s word, here’s a zhorak-zhorok, an amazing director, so you asked him a question, he taught me a lot, ruzil minikaev, at the age of 6 my father passed away, my mother was left alone with three children , well , we somehow, that is... lived, one might say, i understood that in a big city there are a lot of opportunities, a lot of interesting people, so after the ninth grade i left, like a real kid had hardened, i was scared to wear a mask , it was scary, i’m generally very careful about things all the time something new, to something unknown, i will achieve this energy, i will pray, this city will be...
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to break through somewhere, because you are alone, the main thing is faith in the proposed circumstances, the second, it seems to me, is faith in yourself, in you i have enough of you, two, vernik 2 on friday on rtr, and the russia channel will be broadcast in the studio. roshkov, hello, the main thing is for this hour. ammunition depots, workshops for the production of abrams, bradley and mig-29 drones of the ukrainian armed forces. the latest data on ukrainian losses from the ministry of defense. poland gave permission to hit with foreign weapons on the territory of russia, in kiev they let it slip that they had already done this with permission.


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