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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 29, 2024 5:30pm-7:58pm MSK

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and the program we will go to sri lanka to meet one of the main leaders of buddhist monks, he is a telepath and get answers to all your questions about the future of the world and the future of russia, so take care of yourself and your loved ones, follow the announcements of our programs. thank you very much, valentinovich. hello, dear friends, comrades , your favorite program is live, 60 minutes and the most important thing, of course, we have specially. release.
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so, in the usa they obviously watched putin’s press conference very carefully, at in which the president warned that a strike from western weapons on russian territory would entail serious consequences, causing an uncontrollable escalation. putin recalled that european capitals are generally densely populated cities. there is probably no need to explain this thesis. the americans immediately said that they were categorically against its use. their weapons systems for attacks on russia, this was voiced almost simultaneously by the pentagon state department white house, and on behalf of biden the idea was repeated by press secretary karine jeanpierre, coordinator for strategic communications at the kirdi national security council. but washington’s satellites, representatives of those same densely populated european capitals, turned out to be less understanding. norwegian secretary general nato stoltenberg, whom putin actually refers to. he even suspected me of dementia, and again
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said that ukraine has the right to use western weapons against russia. french president macron, at a joint press conference with german chancellor scholz, brandished a map with russian bases from where the kharkov region was being attacked and demanded that the armed forces of ukraine be allowed to immediately attack russia. opponent escalation, scholz faded away under macron’s pressure. and mumbled something not very clear to the journalists about international law. berlin is still opposed to attacks on russia by german weapons. the same position is shared by italy, spain and belgium. the prime minister of belgium stated directly to zelensky that the weapons received from the kingdom can be used exclusively in ukraine, allowing attacks on our country. in addition to france,
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estonia, latvia, poland, sweden, the czech republic, the netherlands and finland are demanding, that is, nine countries, and this is exactly a third of the european union. a similar position has canada. mid-canada announced today that atava does not limit kiev’s use of transferred weapons. look. the question of allowing ukraine to fire western weapons into russian territories has been raised by some of our partners and allies, who have clearly expressed their intention to do so. many of you, including one newspaper in france, published this map, it is very fair, but it shows bases on russian territory from which ukrainian soil is being attacked, then how can we explain to the ukrainians that we will have to defend these...
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these are conditions that we have never set either for ourselves or for our european friends. of course, the question must be asked about the use of systems that are supplied, for example, by the usa and germany. should ukraine's allies allow it to use the weapons they provide to strike russia. secretary general stoltenberg actively pressured the allies to reconsider their position. he said some nato allies did not impose restrictions. for weapons sold and delivered, and the rest should reconsider them position to lift restrictions, because now the war is unfolding right on the border, and ukraine needs such an opportunity to protect itself,” stoltenberg argued. it needs to actively use weapons in areas beyond the ukrainian border against russian targets. ukrainian president vladimir
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zelensky recently said that the ability to hit military targets in russia with western weapons is important to his victory. he appealed to senior us officials asking for permission. ukraine to do this? is the president considering this request? and if so, how does he look at it? we are aware of the interest expressed by president zelensky in this regard. and i will tell you that there is no change in our policy on this matter. we do not encourage or allow the use of us-supplied weapons to strike russian territory. i would like to point out that the ukrainians have already repelled air attacks similar to those that have taken place in recent days. themselves from the very beginning of the war. obviously we don't want this situation to happen. escalated in any form, but we believe that ukraine should have everything it needs for self-defense, and this is our position. the washington post claims that biden, against the backdrop
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of the successes of the russian army, is considering the possibility of revising a number of washington’s so-called red lines. in particular, the united states may allow strikes with american weapons on russian territory. us secretary of state blinken made a similar initiative. the german belt reports that the ssu has already hit russian territory with american weapons, attacked a certain target in the air space of our country and the patri air defense system supplied by germany. then this angered zelensky’s sponsors. he allegedly received calls from washington and berlin with threats that if the incident were repeated, ukraine would no longer receive anything from the united states and germany. zenith. rockets. now, as we see, the americans are already thinking about whether such a practice will be officially allowed. london gave the appropriate permission a long time ago. yuriy sak, adviser to the head of the ministry of strategic industry of ukraine, spoke about this scandalous and secret decision in an interview with bloomberg. the british allowed
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to attack targets deep in russian territory, the ukrainian armed forces have already carried out such attacks with their long-range stormshadow missiles. at the same time, in london there was unity... by telling only about kiev’s right to use british weapons on the territory of ukraine, so it’s still incomprehensible that sack blabbed, handing over the sponsors of the kiev regime to journalists, or simply wishful thinking in the hope of legalizing another crazy nato adventure. russian troops are near kharkov, ukraine's second largest city, just 35 km from the border, and we see it all a cluster of russians. who are preparing their missiles, launching glide bombs, they have released 3.00 glide bombs in a month,
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each of them at least 500 kg, and it makes me wonder, and this is really the question: should we be allowed to use weapons that we could use, you you will not use european weapons, even if emmanuel macron says that he is not against it, we already have a precedent, the united kingdom has previously allowed ukraine to use the ranges they provided. the overdue continues, following
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spain and belgium, he headed to portugal. the former artist rides around europe in the status of president, although he ceased to be a legitimate ukrainian leader more than a week ago; instead, according to the ukrainian constitution, powers were transferred to parliament, that is, the verkhovna rada, which heads it. drawbar, but let's try to figure it out anyway. so, article 103 of the ukrainian constitution. says that
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the president is elected by the citizens of the country on the basis of a general, equal direct electoral rights by secret ballot for a period of 5 years. zelensky took office on may 20 , 2019, that is, may 21. the performance of the duties of the president of ukraine for the period until the election of the new president of ukraine is assigned to the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the same stefanchuk. that is, zelensky had to resign, in fact, he is now
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a usurper for the ninth day, with the death of half a million soldiers on his hands. the monstrous figure was voiced in an interview with tucker carlson by the world famous economist jeffery sachs, who twice already included in the list of 100 most influential people of the year, according to the american magazine time. a british newspaper also writes about the heavy losses of ukrainian forces.
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we are driving to the east of ukraine towards the front line, i am in a ukrainian army humvee on the way to a position in the kharkov area, this is an area where there has been heavy fighting in recent weeks, the russians are trying to advance further towards the city, to get to the position, we
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are forced to move to armored car, although this humvee can easily be attacked by the russians, and most often their fpv. and it is because of the drones in the sky that we are forced to turn off the lights here and can only continue filming with the help of night vision cameras. a little later we leave the mountain road and drive through a field to the secret dugouts of the ukrainian army, just a couple of kilometers from the russians. three soldiers from the 92nd brigade built an underground bunker here. in a past life, one of them was a farmer, another was a barman, and the third was an actor. now they are challenging the russian army from their hideout using jammers against the enemy. drones, any bright light outside can give away their position, so the driver, panda and quent work here exclusively with the color red. war has changed, unmanned units like ours are the enemy's number one target. our main task is to prevent them from discovering our position, if they find out that we are launching heavy thrones here,
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the consequences will be fatal, we will be covered with missiles, they have millions in reserve, for them it’s like...
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grinding, grinding, for you , ours, ours, let's go, next, next right.
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they work continuously, but the rap of the russians does not allow them to complete the work successfully. the dugout is too cramped for the five of us, so i often go upstairs with the sapper guy to
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prepare the drone for flight. this is the first time i have to work in complete darkness, although i try to open my eyes wide, i still can’t see anything, so the guys allow me to use a red flashlight. our forays up are short. the military sapper does not linger every time and strives to quickly return to the dugout, because as soon as it's getting dark. russia is beginning to more actively shell the positions of our military. a joint air force and air defense exercise with russia is currently taking place in belarus, the country’s ministry of defense reported. they will continue until may 31st. during the training, issues of managing diverse aviation forces and also organizing their interaction will be worked out. the main efforts will be aimed at solving problems of protecting state military installations from air strikes. it is obvious that the teaching is a response to aggressive.
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barbed wire, minefields, anti-tank hedgehogs, concrete blocks, fences and high walls. the first investments will be allocated early next year to complete the strengthening.
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the largest program to strengthen nato's eastern flank since 1945. the system is expected to cost more than 2 billion euros and will form part of a joint regional defense infrastructure with the baltic countries, lithuania, latvia and estonia. poland, one of the most vocal countries against russia's invasion of ukraine, says it has become the target of hostile actions from moscow, the authorities minsk claims that this includes cyber attacks, arson attempts and illegal...
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difficult to fight, but this is not the biggest problem for poland, since the majority are heading to germany and so on, the countries of the so-called old europe. nato countries
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have agreed on a plan to strengthen security on their borders, this comes against the backdrop of new russian attacks in ukraine and its territorial gains. to combat russian provocations, the united states' european allies will use high-tech weapons systems. lithuania said that 6 countries nato will build a wall of drones on the russian one. six countries are lithuania, latvia, estonia, finland, norway and poland. this is a completely new thing. this wall will stretch from norway to poland. the purpose of this step is to use drones and other technologies to protect our borders, said the lithuanian minister of internal affairs. we are talking not only about infrastructure, surveillance cameras, but about drones and other technologies that will allow us to protect ourselves from provocations of unfriendly countries and smuggling,” she added. six countries will also use anti-drone systems against drones launched by russia, but no time frame for creating a drone wall. was not provided, the us-led alliance's decision comes after russia's first-of-its-kind tactical nuclear weapons exercise. well,
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now the key economic news. a project to adapt the tax system of fairness has been submitted to the government. the ministry of finance has submitted to the white house a package of bills with new tax rates on the income of citizens and companies. the state duma plans to discuss the bill this session. the day before plans were reported to extend the session until august 5. the new rules will come into force on january 1 next year on behalf of the president; they must be fixed before the thirtieth year. the problem that both the government and the state duma are solving is socially fair tax legislation, one of the main innovations in the introduction of a five-step progression in personal income tax; tax rates will vary from 13% to 22, but compared to other countries it will still remain a competitor. for comparison, in china, the top personal income tax rate reaches 30 or 45%, in the uk 46%. v
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germany 47.5, austria 55, france 55.4%. this is what progression looks like in our country. if income is not higher than 200,000 per month, the tax will remain the same - 13%. if a person earns from 2,400,000 to 5,115% per year. from 5 to 20 million - 18%, from 20 to 50 - 20%, well over 50 million 22%. it is important that the increased tax is not deducted from the entire amount, only from its excess, that is, if the annual income is, for example, 3 million, which is 250 thousand per month, then you will need to pay
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one additional amount each month. it won’t, well, for families with two or more children, whose per capita income is below one and a half subsistence minimum, next year it will be 319,194 rubles per year, but the person will be offered a tax deduction to reduce personal income tax to 6%, that is, this will be a kind of tax cashback. about half of such families will be able to take advantage of the benefit, the ministry of finance reported. to introduce tax deductions
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for... personal income tax is also proposed for those who pass the gto standards and undergo dissponsorship on a daily basis and annually. in addition, a decision was made to increase the corporate income tax from 20 to 25%, this will make it possible to refuse from exchange rate export duties and will become their fairer alternative. additional revenues to the russian budget system from all the tax changes could be in the order of magnitude next year. the ministry of finance will allocate 2.6 trillion rubles received from the increase in rates for social expenses, including extending the matkapital program and increasing social benefits and pensions. when developing the amendments, we relied on the recommendations of the state duma; the adoption of the proposed changes will ensure stable and predictable conditions for citizens, businesses and regions for the next 6 years and will increase
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the economic... state of the country. currently , the personal income tax rate is 13% for everyone and 15% for citizens with incomes above 5 million rubles. in year. an additional two percentage points are collected for the treatment of seriously ill children. the ministry of finance proposes to make this already progressive scale multi-stage for incomes up to 2.4 million rubles. per year 200,000 rubles per month, the rate will remain 13%. it rises higher to 15.
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today it is more necessary, yes, for new tax deductions to appear, so that people those with minimal incomes paid less and , moreover, received additional benefits. the emphasis is placed in such a way that
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the state supports the low-income, the state supports large families, the state supports the knowledge-intensive sector and additional taxation. appear for exporters, and appear for small businesses that have become larger, well, for example, there appears - vat on annual revenue of more than 60 million rubles. the most important thing is that in order to prevent prices from rising, the emphasis is on not introducing turnover taxes in order to precisely distribute this load. those who can afford to pay more will pay more, those who cannot, on the contrary, will receive additional money from the state. money from tax increases will be used for socio-economic development, including financing new
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national projects announced by the president: family, youth and children, long and active life, personnel. the state will increase investment in infrastructure, housing construction, roads, and increase funding for support measures business. development of science-intensive high-tech industries, including domestic it solutions, equipment, pharmaceuticals, chemical industry, production of new materials. also, funds will be used to develop projects of technological sovereignty, production of aircraft, ships, machine tools, microelectronics, medicines, data economy, and so on. all these investments will eventually return to our society through increased economic well-being, but... the question of justice has already become urgent for all citizens in society tax system, about fair taxation and in general i can say that the government’s proposal meets this
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request, the principle is respected: low-income people pay less, richer people pay more. putin has just stated that saving the people is a development priority. country, the president said that, despite the endless efforts of the west, russia has all the resources to achieve the solution of its problems, and cited as an example the dedication and commitment of our soldiers: the main work is not carried out in offices, in localities, so the implementation of national projects will be assessed by real results and people’s opinions, and not by the number of events carried out or the amount of money spent. putin said, we must work the way russian soldiers and officers do on the line. “you and i know, everyone knows, the main tasks of the country’s future are largely solved on the line of combat contact,
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we should never forget about this, and we are all together, everyone who is sitting here, all your teams on the ground, everyone must work exactly the way our guys work on the line front, you have to work constantly, intensely. understanding at what point in the history of russia we are working, it is from this that we can build goals, objectives, and the very style of work of today, i am convinced, despite the objective difficulties that they are trying to create for us from abroad, and despite the current trials, that we are faced with, we nevertheless have all the capabilities, resources, personnel to implement our plans, for confident...
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information from cbs news trump will most likely be found guilty of falsifying documents before the 2016 election, when he allegedly paid porn actress storm daniel to keep quiet about their affair. legal expenses have already brought trump to a desperate situation; donald even had to sell one of his planes to pay for lawyers and fines. we're talking about business jet, poor unfortunate ces. worth $10 million,
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it was this plane that trump flew on during the ’16 election campaign; its new owner will be donald’s supporter and sponsor , construction magnate, mehrdad moyat. democrats continue to harass trump with constant lawsuits trying to disrupt his campaign. at the final hearing in new york in donald's bribery case. it has reached the point of absurdity, the judge did not care about the canons of legal proceedings, according to which the prosecution is the first to make the final word so that the defense can make counter arguments; for unknown reasons, donald trump was forced to speak first, depriving him of a response. trump called what was happening a dishonorable massacre, a witch hunt, a huge advantage for...
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a dictator who cancels elections will destroy america, and in general donald, as he put it, is worse than the terrorist attack of september 11. in response, the written actor was told that he was trash, and his film was real rubbish. in general, good relations, and i would like to tell all donald’s sympathizers about the washington post article. trump, it turns out, said that he could easily bomb moscow and beijing if... russia invaded ukraine or
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china in taiwan, he made the statement publicly, at a pre-election rally, and has not yet retracted his words, that is, hell, it’s really not sweet, you’re trying to intimidate us, just like donald trump, but we’ll damn it, we’ll give you back, you have to try to be in this world.
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the main participant in this whole story is interference in the elections, this is the persecution of joe biden's political opponents, since he cannot do this personally. the story told in a manhattan court is that of a former president who asked porn star stormy daniels to be paid to keep quiet about their one-night stand.
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she was allegedly paid shortly before the 2016 elections of the year. and this can be qualified as election interference, trump's defense in its own way.
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failures are harbingers of success; they cannot become a motivation for disappointment and admission of defeat. this is how kimchanyn commented pathetically today on the unsuccessful launch of the dprk’s second reconnaissance satellite
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during a visit to the academy of defense construction. comrade kim was shown samples of new technology that can guarantee the security of the nation, stack reports. stated that the american imperialists, their henchmen, recently broke a record in demonstrations of their military power near the borders of the dprk, in the airspace nearby . this is a lesson that siul conducted near the demilitarized zone. the purpose of the training was to show that an attack on the territory of the northern neighbor is possible and probable. american fighters took part in the maneuvers. xiulu north korea responded asymmetrically, not in word, but in deed. southerners. they sent a kind of gift, according to various sources, from 100 to 200 balloons with garbage and manure. with this step, kenyan informs siul that in the border areas in northern korea should not throw out propaganda leaflets criticizing kim and his family. with its arrogant
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protest, the dprk is exercising its inalienable right to freedom of expression, just like siul with the leaflets. sister of the leader of the dprk, kim yo jong. asked siu to respect such a right, the statement was published with so. everyone is hysterical, the south korean joint chiefs of staff said that these inhumane vulgar actions violate international law. in sequence. balloons sent from north korea to south side, fall throughout the country. at the moment, it is confirmed that about 150 balloons were launched from north korea, some of them fell, and some are still in the air. the south korean military said early wednesday that about 150 balloons believed to have originated from
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north korea were found across the country, including seo. the south korean military explained that black bags containing an odorous substance were attached to the discovered balloons. as it turned out, it was excrement and used toilet paper. some of the balls are still hanging in the air, the military decided not to shoot them down and continue to monitor the situation. it was confirmed that the plastic bag connecting the balloon contained sewage and various debris; a timer and a detonator were attached to the rope connecting the balloon to the plastic bag, which were supposed to explode after a certain period of time. military chemicals were sent to collect and neutralize fallen objects.
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do not come close to such objects, if they discover them, contact the authorized organizations, in particular the police. following the discovery of flying objects, emergency text messages were sent to residents in gangwang and gyeonggi provinces last night . residents are also concerned about what happened. the joint chiefs said. that north korea's actions clearly violate international law and threaten the safety of south korean citizens, adding that all responsibility lies solely with north korea. the south korean military also called on the kahin people to stop their inhumane actions and added that they are coordinating with other agencies, such as the ministry of internal affairs and security, as well as the un command, to ensure the safety of their citizens. some of these balls were discovered back on tuesday night then. on sunday, north korea warned of retaliatory actions for the distribution
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of anti-phinyang leaflets in border areas by north defectors and conservative activists. north korean authorities said through state media that waste paper and garbage would be sent to the border and central regions of south korea and they want to see how long it will take siol to clean up this sewage. similar balloons launched by north korea. will cause damage in residential areas, on highways and at airports. in 2016 , cars and roofs of residential buildings were damaged as a result of similar actions. 2 days before summer, the weather continues to present the residents of russia with some crazy surprises in the tomsk region, you won’t believe it, it snowed. there was frost at night and parked cars became icy. more snowfall is forecast several days, until the second.
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it's just a completely different situation in the midwestern united states. this is the fifth day americans have been plagued by tornadoes. the disaster killed 25 people and left 2,000 americans without electricity. foxweather publishes footage taken from a photocopier. the tornado swept down the street, not sparing a single house, and a torn off roof was the least of the damage. some buildings are being destroyed.
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impressive footage from dullos airport in texas. this boeing 737 is getting knocked down by the wind. you can see how it shifts as if the pilot is at the controls. that's how it is as if he is maneuvering, but this is not at all the case. this is the wind, blowing at speed. 130 km/h. the image is all the more impressive because the ladder is visible. the door was open, passengers were just getting ready to board. fortunately, due to
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the storm, the airport authorities decided to suspend landings. force.
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such a picture appeared before them when they left the store. well, that's it, that's it. we're right in the middle of tornado. brenda, what should i do? the car is shaking, two women in the jeep are caught in the same tornado. my ears are blocked.
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angelica was in the women's restroom, and her husband and son took refuge in the men's toilet, the roof collapsed on them. i'm already running through a lot of scenarios in my head where either the walls of a building would come off and a lot of people would be sucked in, or the ceiling would collapse or something like that and we'd be stuck underground. the family learned an important lesson. all i want to say to our viewers, whether you believe it or not, is to hurry up. and find cover and stay in cover, well there it is, wreckage, wreckage, uh, he just crashed into a house, wow, at least there were 76 reported tornado.
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a perfect example of how powerful these tornadoes were. it all started around 5am when we all woke up to severe weather warnings. look, this is a carport that was attached to the house. you can see how the wind just blew it and bent it over the house, almost like origami. there are also fallen trees visible here, and this is actually happening. the tornado tore them out of the ground and knocked them down. some fell directly on houses. let's move to where our installations are working, a tornado on the front line, vladimir razin is in direct contact with the military correspondent, vladimir, of course, all attention to the kharkov direction, we continue to grind reserves. evgeniya, olga, good evening, yes, indeed in the kharkov direction there is no significant progress yet, these are two
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main points, leptsy and volchansk, but at the same time there is work. does not stop, every day, literally around the clock , both aviation and artillery work, they work mainly against the reserves that are there, the task of which is, firstly, to restrain, yes, to stand on the defensive, secondly, to try to carry out a targeted counterattack, the most important task, i think, in the near future for the ukrainian side is to try, let’s say, to recapture the territories, and to launch such a serious counterattack, that’s exactly the main... work now on our part the goal is to prevent the enemy from forming such a fist for a serious massive strike, and for this, everything is done by our reconnaissance officers, artillerymen, and our planes with bombs, which fly literally around the clock at the enemy. losses from the enemy are really serious every day, they again appear at
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different moments both during defense and during counterattacks, cooking, that is, they actually don’t know what a machine gun is, and they don’t understand how and where to shoot, and more and more of them are appearing at the front, not only in this direction, but in general, yes, where the enemy now has to scatter reserves along the entire front line. how high-quality is the composition of the ukrainian army now defending the kharkov region, i mean the reserves, what kind of people are they, how prepared are they, if everything it was... near kharkov, then the remaining sections of the front are exposed, in the chachovo yar area, who is there now on the enemy’s side? at the beginning,
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yes, when our side began an operation in the kharkov region, in the north of the kharkov region, the enemy there threw quite such elite trained units to the front line, to the infantry, yes, to the defensive lines he immediately suffered quite large losses, now... his tactics changed a little, yes, he realized that this was quite expensive and unacceptable for him, now they are transferring the reserves were precisely those who stood in the rear, which were formed from - again , i repeat, recently collected on the streets of ukraine, people who have now become military personnel of ukraine, and now no one takes into account the number there, just as no one was considered there not in last year, not this year and in absolutely any direction regarding... regarding the chasyaar, the advance there on our side is against the enemy reserves, which also continue to stay there and also stay to make up for the losses of those brigades
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that are there, this is also mainly , well, let’s put it this way, the enemy’s personnel are poorly trained in qualitative terms, so there is progress on our side, but again we need to understand that these are not the last reserves that the enemy has. which he brings into battle, and indeed there are a lot of them thrown in all directions, thanks to the fact that we are creating hotbeds along the entire front line in the place where we need it, and the enemy needs to react to this, precisely by moving reserves from one point to another, but at the same time, uh, let's say the enemy still has reserve as a civilian population on the territory of ukraine, which it will use, will collect them and also continue to send them to... regarding training, even ukrainian officials and military personnel there openly say that we are reducing the training time for those newly mobilized there citizens, and they are,
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let’s say, not very large in order to prepare a military personnel capable of carrying out tasks on the front line today, and they openly say that they are reducing them, in some cases altogether some people don’t pass it, so this is what most of the personnel are made up of. who is now on the front line, thank you very much, vladimir ratin, military correspondent, in direct communication from the zone of the special military operation, first deputy chairman of the state duma in our studio alexander dmikovich zhukov, of course, the main internal news is the tax changes that are coming, when, how much we will pay, who will pay more, who will pay less. well, uh, indeed, today the treasury has already been submitted to the government. specific draft laws to fine-tune the tax system, we in the state duma just recently held large
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parliamentary hearings last week, in which representatives of the business community, in general, from various strata, from small, medium to large companies, took part, and discussed in detail the main directions of this additional adjustment.
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progression from 13 to 22%, there are 5 steps; on the contrary, for low-income people the percentage decreases. 6%, that's what it concerns income tax, well, i must say that we have actually had a progression for several years now, there was one step for those who receive more than 5 million rubles a year, and the progression was 2%, which means 15%, most of the speakers at the hearing. rated this experience as
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very positive, why? because this is targeted money that went to expensive medicines for sick children, the lives of thousands of children, thousands of children were saved, and here, in general, justice lies, of course, not only in the fact that the rich pay more, the poor are less, but in terms of where these funds will go, the funds will go to... the implementation of the most important national projects, this is the family, this is the youth, healthcare, and so on, you can list for a long time, mainly , of course, for social purposes, and such redistribution it certainly has a social orientation, that is, money is collected from the better off and subsidies are sent.
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the least wealthy, plus , in fact, the 15% rate begins to apply only after reaching an income of, well, 200, if you just say 200,000 rubles in month or there 2.600 per year, and does not affect 97% of the population, that is, 97% of... 60 million workers will pay the same as before, that is, the progression affects a very small number of people less than the number of families with children who will receive, on the contrary, deductions from the taxes that they pay, so it’s very important that the spending of this money is as transparent as possible, what we talked about at the hearings, what was included...
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that is, until the end of july, because these tax changes are due to take effect on 1 january next year, everyone must prepare for them, businesses, citizens, and so on. the second part of the proposals made concerns taxes on companies, the profit tax is proposed to be increased from 20 to 20% 25%, but at the same time... the government offers
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additional tax benefits, the possibility of reducing taxable profit for those who invest money in the economy is not withdrawn in the form dividends there, especially abroad, the one who will invest in russia, then here we are talking about a federal investment benefit, tax, so-called, here... we are talking about accelerated depreciation for those who acquire modern equipment, means of production, here a certain justice also exists, for, in principle, for everyone there is an increase in income tax, but for those who work for the country , if we say this in general, there will be a tax cut, that’s the point, well, there will be certain changes
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for small businesses as well, but for the self-employed nothing changes for them, there will be certain changes for small businesses, if you remember, the president said that what it is necessary to create conditions for a smooth transition of small businesses from medium to large, since it is known that there is a practice of fragmenting businesses, since taxes and... naturally , for small businesses there are less, here, simultaneously with the increase in these limits , a tax amnesty is proposed gradually for those who fragmented business. debts will not be collected from them until it is too late, yes, if they disclose, as they say, they will work in white, there is also a certain justice in this, because the concept of justice for the tax system is also that everyone should
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pay, because when someone pays, someone doesn’t, then he says, why , strictly speaking, should i pay if others don’t pay, well, if we talk about ... progressive scale, you know, we had a flat scale of 13% for quite a long time, but i ’ll just remind you that when it was adopted, i remember it very well, it was there almost 25 years ago, there was one voice, in my opinion, yes one vote , but there was a choice of either 13% flat scale, or 20 and 12 and 20, i then reported to the state duma, uh, well this there was such a real tax reform, seriously. they voted flat then, well, in the end yes, in the end yes, but then i’ll just remind you that we had a progressive scale up to 45%, while practically no one paid anything, there is almost 80% of the working population in the country
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they paid according to the minimum wage, as if they were receiving 100 rubles, but at that time this was the minimum wage, then it was necessary to act in a drastic manner. that is, we simplified the system to the limit, that is, we worked with a crowbar, i would say, and i remember then the head of the tax service, repairs, kingdom of heaven, flew over the odentsovo district , looked at whether residents of expensive houses were paying taxes, no, well, listen, the tax service - there was absolutely manual control, the tax service then and now is just heaven and earth, now the tax service can see almost any... monetary transaction, which is why getting away from it now is a million times more difficult than it was at that time, and it is precisely this that should ensure this fairness of tax collection from everyone, and well, i believe that
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then this measure justified itself, such a flat scale and tax collection increased quite significantly, the tax service began to work better, the taxpayer became... much more respectable, this is also obvious, because all the representatives of the business community who spoke actually supported those the ideas that formed the basis for the recommendations of the state duma; the ideas that today have been embodied in the proposal of the ministry of finance, of course, this is not the final version; there may be quite a lot of issues relating there, perhaps to small businesses. but this is the beginning of work, if the government introduces a duma, there will certainly be very serious discussions in the duma with the involvement of all interested parties, the same representatives of business, there are still quite a lot of positions on
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income tax to be clarified, in my opinion, but this will all be a working process , bloomberg scared us that taxes would be increased for those who receive. per year, that they will pay almost 20%, judging by the bills that we see, these are quite mild changes, yes, in my opinion, very mild changes, but bloomberg let him scare his own people and the europeans, who have to pay half of their salaries into taxes; here, when compared with western europe or the states, of course our taxes are significant. lower than there, and, if compared with our neighbors, the level here will be about the same, but lower than in most of our neighbors. putin just said, we must understand what difficult times we live in, what historical stage
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russia, our country, is going through, everyone must work as if on the front line, be mobilized, only then we will achieve our goals and win. listen. listen, i don’t want to force anything, but i ask you to pay attention to this: we all understand, in any case, everyone should understand what time we live in and what historical stage russia is going through, and if we understand this, then everything , everyone must work as if on the front line, everyone must feel mobilized, this is the only way we will achieve the goals that we set for ourselves. in modern conditions it is impossible to work differently, it is necessary.
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but kyiv itself must decide how defend more effectively, if they assume that they need these strikes, we are prepared to make a difficult decision. we proceed from the fact that the decision has been made, they are cultivating the ground before making an official announcement, the demands of ukraine itself are being reduced, zelensky used to ask for at least 120-150, f16, the little fellow just announced... 60 western fighters are needed, otherwise russia will capture kharkov.
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well, the first plane is promised in june. yeah, well, it should be noted that this whole thing takes place against the background of a kind of second stage escalation, which involves additional military action to conduct these actions. here’s another question: it’s as if everyone together, in principle, already knows about this, so that’s why the first one ended. because some kind of data is given, as if by emphasis, then in principle yes, that is, the first stage will be connected with this component, then there will be a counterattack, then it will be about the second stage, the second is the sumy region, but if you believe the ukrainians , they say, we have collected something there, or are these compact countries, they no, it’s them - it’s densely populated, densely populated are separate countries, the question is that there is real accumulation on both sides now the subharks are not about accumulation, about the fact that putin. in fact, he made it clear: continue, we will strike. well, as i understand it, we are talking about accordingly slightly
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modifying the situation related to the entry of troops, because i don’t remember, the instructor is objective, french is now present and there is information that can be entered into individual territories of the internal type odessa, for example, accordingly , the number of contingents there is like 500 people, but the military contingent , in fact, well, this issue is being discussed now, as i understand it, it’s like these signals are now being given to each other in anticipation of, as it were, the main one...
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after all, those funds were designated for children, accordingly, these funds are not designated, that is, as if they would go exactly for what, as if this should be very strictly monitored and formulated, because this is extremely important with dots or paint, i think it is unlikely that you will paint before august, there are such serious suspicions, so i’m going to rant a little, but it makes sense to strictly control the execution, because this is a lot of money, this is 16 trillion in about 6 years, in 5 years the most conservative estimates. this is a lot of money, it needs to be strictly controlled, this is very important, because this is the main part
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of the money that will go, accordingly, the main part of national projects, in principle, so, as it were, well, for example, accordingly, this is for 6 years, for 5 years will be commensurate, for example, with military safe expenditures, so by the way, that’s why from this point of view, as if this is a very serious credit of trust that needs to be very clearly managed, the most important thing is that this distribution happens correctly , with the participation of the fact that the federal tax service jumped ahead to likes, it already sees distribution schemes, so the overall correct effective use is an extremely important component; up to 85% of our transactions are electronic, in fact cash are going out of circulation, so of course the federal tax service sees everything, this is the first thing, on the other hand there is a real fragmentation of the business, this trend exists for all the bloggers who apply, no matter how they split it...
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several positions were announced that should be financed this year , there is indexation of maternity capital, well, there is a lot of stuff, i won’t list it, mostly these are social expenses, and i have no doubt, although we have not yet seen the draft amendments to the budget prepared by the government, they will all appear there, and there is no need to colorize it,
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we will see in the budget amendments what the additional funds will be used for. there is no need to color every penny, this is wrong, there is a principle of budget formation, it is just a link directly, paying taxes with some item of budget expenditures is not necessary here, you will see from the general structure of expenses which expenses are increasing, so don’t worry, we let's track what this money will be used for, the past progression that was painted. social gathering, if we even talk about it that way, but the question is different, it’s very important monitor, because whoever spends funds effectively will, as it were , win long-term conflicts, as practice has shown, so this is extremely important, as for the general component, the situation , plus or minus, seems to be
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worsening in the near future, so we see all this from the price of the energy carrier, which returned again for 80 wti 85, first of all, as for trump, a decision on it will be made in the near future, there are only three options, this is not on friday, yes, on friday there are three options, in fact, there is a jury of 12 people, seven men, five women, they will accordingly make a decision on guilt, there are dozens of points, respectively, there are three options in total, the first option, they all find him guilty, in this case the maximum sentence is 4 years, the second option, they all recognize him as innocent, there must be a unanimous decision, a trial by jury, the third option is the most... common option, one of them doubts, a republican, suppose, or a democrat, they are still different there, they are chosen the jury, then according to the countries, like half a lawyer, half a prosecutor, no, they can still do something with them before the discussion, in short, there is a balanced system, in the end there is also a gender component, that is, gender, so from this point of view the probability that there will be at least one person who, accordingly, will not
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decide on one of the decisions, is very high, so in this case, as if they say that they have not decided, and accordingly, then the prosecution makes a decision, then the whole thing... gobble, here as it were, or end accordingly, therefore, from this point of view, the probability of decisions in which there will be no guilty or acquittal verdict is considered to be extremely high, therefore, from this point of view, on friday we can most likely see just such a scenario, that is, a long meeting , there everything will be decided, decided, decided, then one of them they don’t say that, three or four doesn’t matter, the main thing is not everyone, the result will be such a decision, all this time trump’s rating will grow, as is happening now, therefore with from this point of view, taking into account the fact that we found out that we have rafah for 7 months , at what cost will it grow? rating in my reporting profession , i’ve been to this terrifying prison several times, which is located near new york, well, this is actually a place that, of course, you wouldn’t wish on your enemy, maximum year, he can be suspended, dirty, mafia, hard, he’ll have to trump, among our citizens we will lower the rating
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of donald trump, trump said that he is ready to bomb moscow, look. "we left, i the only one who will stop the third world war, because the current president can't even write two sentences, he doesn't know what he's doing, he doesn't know where he is, and surprisingly, it looks like he will run, i don't want to see war, i did not participate in any wars, except for the one where we ended the war with isis and ended it completely. but i don’t want to see war, i think it’s so terrible, so unnecessary, so expensive in terms of lives and money, and by destroying these countries, you destroy culture, if you look at ukraine, this would never happen happened if i were president, viktor orban from hungary, he is called a strong man, what difference does it make whether he is a strong man or not, he is a very determined man,
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he said that the problem of the world is that donald trump is no longer the president. when i was president, china didn't play with us, russia didn't play with us, no one played, we had no problems, and today the whole world is on fire, advertising. “i love you very much, marry me, premiere on rtr, i’m ready to give everything just to get her back, you’re leaving your husband for the sake of some musician, a swindler, max is not a swindler, not some kind, well, you don’t know him at all, what if this is not love, but, well, some kind of euphoria, you need to find some kind of incriminating evidence on this max, melody for two. today on rtr. are you bored with your old fence,
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what a music show, in general, i'm confused, on friday on rtr, i love you, i love you too. look at the weekend, leave her alone, well, you have no prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet anymore, sometimes parting is only the beginning of great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, yes it’s not easy, they’re watching you, this is your husband’s man, let him go, fox, be careful, tell me, do you still love him, first love,
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that’s all, right? touch me, what are you doing, let me go, listen to me carefully, something needs to be decided with them, fox, yes, run from him, you are in danger, he has already betrayed you once, i will do everything so that we are together again, romance with the past, on saturday at rtr, international rhythmic gymnastics festival i declare it open, alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you! international holiday, children's rhythmic gymnastics festival, alina. on saturday on rtr. so, ukraine, for the first time in the last 2 years. again preparing
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for the defense of the capital. the footage was filmed near kiev today. the fortifications are erecting the event of a russian breakthrough through belarus, sumy and chernigov regions to kiev. the offensive in the kharkov region continues, menopause russia reports successful operations in the area of ​​​​the settlements of ligtsy vilcha, the boring little danilovka in volchansk. the enemy tried to counterattack four times, but was repulsed. he lost up to 165 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, seven cars, an american self-propelled gun paladin and two bukovel electronic warfare stations in one day, an ammunition depot was also destroyed, and this is the seversk direction in the footage published by the ministry of defense of the work of the grad multiple launch rocket system, which destroys the base apu point, like this
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assault pilots... there were fierce battles for several weeks. humvees here are constantly attacked by the russian army, especially drones. it is because of this danger that we have to turn off the lights here. you can continue filming only with night vision cameras. we leave the gravel road and drive through rough terrain to secret ukrainian army positions just a few thousand meters from the russians. german propagandist bill ronsheimer arrives at the positions of militants from the 92nd brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, who
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used drones. approach to ukrainian positions. while the bannerites are trying to hold back the onslaught of the northerners in the kharkov region, the artillerymen knocked out another abrams, a much-hyped tank, in the ovdeevsky direction. destroyed the krasnopol guided munition, in these frames the victim of krasnopol is another brainchild of the american military-industrial complex samokhod k-109 paladin. and this is a precise strike from a lancet on the ukrainian bridge layer mtu-72. russian fighters. do not allow the ukrainian armed forces to restore logistics in volchansk and establish crossings across the volchi river. ukrainian defense minister umerov complains rators agency that the russians are preparing to open another front. umerov said that moscow is preparing for a new breakthrough. their goal is to open a new front in the north to begin using all their manpower and firepower against us. we are holding out, but of course we need more weapons, more firepower. we need long-range missiles to
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keep them out of our country, minister. stated that russia has about 500,000 troops in ukraine near its borders, and moscow is preparing to send more there 200 or 3000. in these frames, the destruction of the command post of the ukrainian armed forces battalion, which was discovered by reconnaissance officers of the severv brigade near the hourly yar, and this is a night attack by a western-made armored vehicle in the city itself. the equipment is destroyed by artillery, and after dawn the result of the attack is recorded by a drone. in this video, the drone itself amazes the banderaites with precise demands for the enemy pickup truck. it is much more difficult for ukrainian uav operators to work under sentry pits; russian rep systems interfere. the militants are complaining, ruslan, they are jamming us, i can’t fly in, we are spending time here, we spend about 7 hours here, the guys work continuously all the time, but the rap of the russians does not allow them to complete the work successfully, the blending is too cramped for
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the five of us, so i often go upstairs with a guy with an aper to cook drone for flight, this is the first time when we have to work in complete darkness, as soon as it gets dark, the russians begin to more actively fire at the positions of our troops on... in these shots, the artillery of the southern group of troops destroys the ukrainian with high-precision krasnopol an infantry fighting vehicle, which bandera used to transport ammunition and reinforcements in the chasoy yar area. at least fifteen militants were killed. even the british times newspaper admits the huge losses of ukrainian formations on this section of the front, writing that the fifth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces lost 40% of its fighters in 2 years. at the same time , it is becoming increasingly difficult to find new recruits. the boys are avoiding mobilization at all costs, he says.
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ride around europe, he signed another agreement on cooperation in the field of security, this time in portugal. previously similar agreements, once legitimate the president of ukraine concluded with spain and belgium. the latter gave zelensky a tour of the melsbrook military base and showed the f-16 fighter, which will be the first to be handed over to kiev. perhaps even this year. brussels had previously prohibited the use of planes and other weapons supplied to kiev for attacks on russian territory, causing zelensky’s discontent. the latest example, which occurred in the kharkov region, and
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where russian troops entered 10 km into our territory. imagine them standing along the border. and they stand and shoot pava with a long-range weapon. you can't just reach out. and you retreat back, you retreated several kilometers, they advanced several kilometers, this is a creeping occupation, so we appeal to you, give us the opportunity to repel corresponding attacks on their military, such an initiative is allegedly supported in the eu by only one and a half or two countries, so as the european gardener barel put it, in fact, in favor of escalation, the baltic countries, poland, sweden, the czech republic and the netherlands have now joined the list. france joint press conference with scholdz in berlin macron, waving a map with russian bases from which the kharkov region is being attacked, demanded that the ukrainian armed forces be allowed to attack russia. the german chancellor avoided a direct answer to the question: is it possible to attack russia with german weapons
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, getting away with general phrases. how do we explain to the ukrainians that they are not allowed to attack points from which missiles are launched? we display weapons, but do not allow ourselves to be defended, we believe that they should be allowed to neutralize military facilities from which essentially military missiles were fired targets from which ukraine was attacked, but we cannot allow them to hit other targets in russia, i think we can do this if we really want to achieve our goal, and i think that in essence we are not provoking escalation, russia is provoking escalation , ukraine was attacked. has the right to defend itself, i find it strange when some people challenge its right to self-defense and to take the necessary actions for this, neither we nor other european countries or allied states outside of it have ever done this demanded and never will. german bel
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also studies the location of russian air bases and notes that theoretically most of them are within the reach of western weapons received by kiev, the newspaper reports that at least once ukraine has already given a damn about western for... used the petrio system received from germany for a strike on a target in russian airspace. this prompted angry calls from berlin and washington and threats to cut off the supply of anti-aircraft missiles if this happened again. the us still opposes the attacks american weapons against russia. this was confirmed by both the white house and gosger. ukrainian president zelensky recently said it would be possible to use western-supplied weapons to strike military targets in the territory.
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to support the one who will fight with the soviet union, then with russia, not to be the first to get into battle, but to support, look at the subtle maneuver they are doing, they... put those who supply weapons ahead of themselves, they say: strike , if there is an escalation, we reserve the right, we can support, we can partially support, we can step aside. by the way, the notorious fifth article of the washington treaty gives them every right to do this. it clearly states that an attack on one or an attack on all entails the provision of assistance. what kind of help is this? everyone decides for themselves. and we can say that your forces were
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attacked on the territory of a third country, this is not the zone of coverage of the fifth article, we will give you something, but in general, gentlemen, in warsaw, in bucharest, these are your paris, oh the one who obliges to follow the rules, the rules are so vague that one might even say, we comply with them, we, we comply with them, why not, the second point, also no less interesting, in principle, they could not give them permission quietly, they would not have to make such a hysteria for the whole world, they would quietly the ssu said, strike, but they do it demonstratively, why? this is a response to our statement by meade on may 6, that if britain uses british weapons against russian cities and objects, then russia reserves the right to take any actions, they show us, and that you will you do it? “here we are giving the right to strike,
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are you really going to start a nuclear war? no, that means you are a weaker country, their task with all this hysteria is to demonstrate that we are a weaker country in the conflict than them, that’s what they want, finally, point three , of course, they will give creeping permission to carry out such attacks, in principle , blows are already being delivered, remember, vampires in belgorod, and now also the french,
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like now there are modern children who swear often, unfortunately, play these games. games, it was such a classic game, i was born from gardeners, i was seriously angry, i was tired of all the flowers, so i understand, he is thinking about who to point to, either this point of view will win, or this, but here is alekseykashen, there is a deep connoisseur of history, diplomatic, military, international, but somehow everything is presented as if unexpectedly,
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everything develops according to the laws, forgive me, those who know such television are present here according to the laws of the television series, the television series is quite interesting, in any case, many are forced to watch it look, because it concerns them, but as it should be a television series, another new episode, another new episode ... there is no development of the plot, it is already clear who is for whom, who is the hero, who is the heroine, who is abandoned, who is not abandoned, who cheated on whom , everything is clear, but the directors and producers don’t dare to put an end to it, they don’t know what the ending should be, the audience is watching, so we’ll continue to cut this sausage into thin pieces, so we’ll send it, i hope it can save the situation, i mean, i hope that? kill the traitor if we know who
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changes who the hero is - it's us, well, then the producer, mozhera, i hope, i hope that ours will be produced. so i foresaw an unexpected thing for the last series, this is the one that in the last elections there are more 75gical considerations, but i will not express them, especially when there are specialists on military and related topics, something else i would like to say in the light of the already longer series, which lasts, we were once told that no, well, you know, there is an objective story, there are facts. this event happened, well, who can dispute, well yes, i mean this phrase that sounded to everyone and seemed to catch everyone’s attention, that we, that is, the united states, liberated the continent, that is, europe, it’s good that he did not say the continent, that is, then all of eurasia, from fascism, which means, well, let me remind you that
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russia naturally does not mention the ussr to me, that in general most of europe itself was liberated by soviet troops. that is, they liberated eastern and central europe, because germany is central europe, austria is central europe, all the balkans, in fact, southern europe and there they liberated the western part a little. well, in light of the desire to defeat them, especially from macron, i remind you once again that there is only one country on the continental part of europe, at least with england. which never capitulated is russia called the russian federation, the soviet union, the russian empire, never capitulated, all the other countries in europe are always at odds and fighting with each other, always one of them capitulated at some point,
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so here we have a chance for a long, long time it was the case when we were mongols, firstly, we won’t do that. so i’m talking about history, he said yes , they told us yes, no, but they will change, history does not know the subjunctive mood, here it knows the subjunctive mood, but what interests me most is not biden politicians, they will say so, i am interested in our and western historians, i am of course. i don’t follow the foreign western press, since some of them, alexey who is present here, for example, or konstantin , are remarkable in their gas and economic aspects, somehow you are so dismissive of yours, like gas , this is a national property, by the way, a property, yes, a property, so, well, where is
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the voice, where is the voice of american historians, but there remained, there is a historical society, military historical society, western historians, in the end, the french can say, well, yes, it seems like you liberated us, although there was de gaulle, there was general leclerc, because of whom she was the only military general there, in fact, in this second world war, the french one, his own troops entered paris as far as i am i remember where the polish historians, the german historians, they listened to this, but we collected books together with them. textbooks to write about the history of europe, and some poorly trained people in history, for example, such as i said, there cannot be a joint textbook and history between polish historians and russians, this is excluded, because we have always fought with each other at different times, this is the law of world
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politics, european politics in the first place, so many questions arise, but i repeat, the end...
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also, i understand, both sides don’t want to so far this has not happened, so this is also this fatal outcome, so that he strangles her, and she poisons him. after this warning from putin, macron came out with a map, waved the card and asked to hit russia, well , that is, macron either didn’t hear, or wasn’t afraid, or... military actions, the european union is falling apart, it generally becomes unnecessary only if nato will keep it by order of washington, it
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will exist for some time, they already have more dissidents than in the soviet union there are dissidents of these same academicians, and it will yes, vitalitovich, but with all due respect , it is customary for us to treat degol with respect, but he still spent almost the entire war in london, although he was not idle there, nevertheless he sat there, which... it will end, it is impossible, for sure, but he makes these crazy decisions, follows the lead of his patrons, say, gently,
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only because nothing threatens him at all, if he felt a threat to his life, he would act pragmatically, but he acts like a madman, endangering danger. tick, don’t go, mom, how can i do all this? i'm tired of how you put up with this in general, the premiere,
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you, teryushina, me, and you, listen, here, on the night you were born, another girl was born, other people's parents, did you steal me from my mother, you us in the maternity hospital i changed the dolls, say thank you for growing up in love and care, someone else’s love. marry me, we are giving you the most precious thing we have, our only beloved daughter, even her name, forgive me, little girl, is alien, i will find my real parents, who are you, i am a jackdaw, june 3 on rtr. they say we need to rest you need to be able to prepare, you need to be able to rest,
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you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except your head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmal sheikh rixas radomis sharmel sheikh is
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to a first-class holiday with liorets. thali, a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. you were invited to the fashion century. in europe, but i didn’t become a famous musician either, or maybe we both made a mistake in our choice, they say that you can’t return the past, sorry, what year is it now, but you can go back there, what’s wrong with you, and what’s wrong with me, you’re somehow different, there’s going to be a competition for young designers soon, maybe we can take part
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together, it’s no longer the case, after 17 years you’re his? you'll run after him like a darling, girls, hi, something's wrong, we met somewhere, you're avoiding me, i thought i could change fate, but, but, if only, on sunday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch.
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substation. the first podcasts we watch, on your ninetieth anniversary, mikhail petrovich a glass holder with the coat of arms of russia, inside the english of england, where you lived only for the years of your service to russia, i participated in many risky operations, i don’t consider myself... my life is not a movie that they show us there, recruiters, running on the roofs, shooting , mikhail lyubimov, how exactly love put an end to your intelligence career, well, you want me to correct it, so that it was, he has never been so close to failure, a godsend for a spy is already true,
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you had to use your recruiting experience not at work, well for example, when... this is already the tenth tank from the usa, which means the ssu lost every third one delivered. the ukrainian conflict has exposed the vulnerability of western weapons, writes american conservative columnist dominic sanson. now not only russia, but also china and, in general, the whole world have seen that the abrams are not suitable for modern warfare, and therefore will
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steadily depreciate in value on the international market. fought against saddam's troops in the desert of iraq, but the muddy fields of ukraine, attack drones costing $500 - not quite his element, his armor is completely insufficient. they are trying to hit him. there are also not enough shells, they are of a different type for other battles. what we have is more
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designed for direct tank combat, much more often we work like artillery, you need to dismantle the landing or the house. we had a case where we fired 17 shots at a house, but it was standing. this is a tank that has just arrived from poland. is already broken, the electronics may burn out due to condensation, they say, it’s like making a wrench out of gold, this nato tank is only used for support from artillery and aviation, and ukrainians are offered to fight in a way that nato members would never fight. please, andrei konstantinovich, as for the statements of the western powers regarding the strikes against russia, then i will suggest. cannot be called, moreover, there is a medical term that
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flew out of my head before the transfer, if you are around a madman for a long time, then being constantly in this atmosphere, you begin to adopt some part of the behavior of how a madman behaves, then oh what were you saying, so here's a statement of these countries that it is necessary to strike, this is really... well, in my opinion, this is only later paranoia, turning into a kind of populism, because when they say that they should support ukraine, one of the main criteria why they want to do this and the reasons are - this is a statement that after ukraine we will begin to defeat them, we will begin to advance, attack, you know, on the other hand they say, let's help ukraine, because their population is three times smaller, which means military -industrial the complex is missing without our help ... nothing will happen, but then i would suggest to these unfortunate leaders to carry out mathematical calculations, we have said here many times, come on, listen, well , the population is 900 million people, nato, we have 150 million, not three times, six times, not
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to mention that it is generally incorrect to compare the economies of nato countries, the european union together with america, with great britain, with the russian economy, that is, it is many times larger, so in - in that case, russia will suddenly decide advance beyond limits. the borders of ukraine, in fact, to begin to initiate the third world war, well , just excuse me as a ushweik, only idiots can think about this, that’s why they stated before, you just understand, from time to time some kind of series like this actually happens, they periodically, just like they say about the presence of the military, listen, from the first day we have been saying that english instructors are present, units of the ukrainian guru carry out all actions under the leadership of the cia and british intelligence services, there. specific people then let's be defined terminologically, and where is the line at which we say, there are no troops or there are troops, so i think, well, the vampires remembered who are flying to belgrod, so it seems to me that
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the president, the supreme commander in chief, the general staff have everything... still, there is some idea of ​​what kind of blow needs to be delivered in order to cool the ardor, especially since we, in my opinion , demonstrated at the end of march, at the beginning of april, that the attacks on the energy infrastructure that we carried out were not carried out. never before, and now that’s it, it means that the energy management of ukraine confirms that everything is broken in our country, the heating season is ahead, now 4 months will pass, everything will have to be prepared for this, that’s how they will heat it, it’s not clear as for the french, i’d like to say separately and macron, now in historical retrospect, and, by the way, french historians are talking about this, i was just listening to it interesting recently...
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napoleonic france, we didn’t do it. in 914, precisely thanks to the actions of the russian army on the eastern front, with the battle on the morne river, where the allied troops, the french and the british, were stationed, allowed this battle not to be lost and thereby restrain the german advance deeper into french territory. and in the sixteenth year, moreover, we sent eight more regiments there by ship, which arrived in the province of champagne and helped us not lose the battle to the french again. well, charles de gaulle. in december 1944, having returned, as you say correctly, from london to the territory of france, and already, when the allied troops were entering, he asked for meeting with stalin, because he was outraged by the actions towards...
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a unique look for your suburban area. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you sandals made from natural palermo leather, which perfectly combines style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum fit. with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. high sole made of polyurethane creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call soon. and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 29.95.
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palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a clunky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most hard to reach places. all this is in the past. now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, and wet residues. clean food and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. more
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moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when the cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one... then buttons, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors , be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily clean under furniture, where it is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious livington dipper cordless electric broom swipper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards. and anti-scratch walls can be yours for just 89,995, but if you call and place your order right now, you will receive an incredible 20 euro discount, and the livington dipper swipper will be yours for an incredible 69,995, but hurry, the offer is strictly
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limited, please get acquainted and i can do the roll call without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea do you have? fate is just now fulfilling everything, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, there is such a girl with an amazing gift, whoever she loves will immediately become rich, you mean, someone has already
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become rich, you first need to make her fall in love with you, and for this we will dip the girl in you, and then a knight in white armor will extend his hand to help her, daughter. come with your dad , bedan, i am very, very grateful to you, i hope dad returns home, we will find him and bring him back, believe me, don’t break my heart, premiere on saturday on rtr, on the first day of summer, only the sky, only the wind, only joy changed.
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germany said during a visit to a training ground in eastern germany, where vssushnikov are trained to work with paatrio air defense systems. pistorius does not see any advantages in studying on ukrainian territory, because the additional effect does not correlate with the risk and effort, as he
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put it, that we will have to make. just today beal reported that the sssu had already caused the wrath of the bundesfer when it was used without approval. transferred to germany. i'm listening. it's like a boxing match where the fighter has one hand tied behind back. this is how a ukrainian officer described the ban on the use of western weapons to respond to attacks from russian territory. indeed, the western position that nato weapons cannot be used in or over russia is a huge disadvantage for ukraine, especially in the battle for kharkov. while russia fires almost 5,000 artillery shells at kharikov every day. ukraine has no right to issue a single one in response. shell, the situation is just as bleak for ukraine when it comes to about air strikes. in theory, most of the russian air bases in use should be within range of the weapons that kiev received from western countries, but none of these weapons can be used to destroy russian aircraft on the ground. ukraine also does not
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have the right to use western air defense systems against attacking russian aircraft and must wait until the bombers are over the country's teletorium. according to build, the ukrainian army has at least once used the patriot system from germany. to take independent action, reaction, angry calls from berlin and washington and a threat to stop the supply of anti-aircraft missiles if such an incident were repeated. anastasia popova, head of our european bureau. direct communication from brussels, nastya, hello, so, what is the situation in densely populated compact nato countries to hit or not to hit, well, for now they are counting the number of countries in kiev, how many of them have agreed to lift all restrictions on the use of western weapons, according to the latest estimates there are 10 of them, many of them from these countries itself... this weapon does not supply, well, take, for example, the baltic countries, latvia, estonia, they agree simply because they need to give it to
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the russians, that’s their logic, but if you take the same czech republic, the czech republic supplies the systems salvo fire, which are very actively visible on the battlefield near kharkov, the czechs also believe that all bans need to be lifted to make maximum use of military equipment that is being supplied to ukraine, again against russia, this in... this is the president macron, who tried to persuade the german chancellor scholz to follow his own logic, macron says that everything is at stake, behaves quite belligerently, and also calls for the lifting of all bans in every possible way, because he considers this illogical, since weapons are being supplied, then they must also be used according to opportunities are maximum on all fronts, but nevertheless macron believes that all this does not oblige france in any way, does not involve france in any way in conflicts. he still paradoxically claims that it is russia that
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is leading to the escalation of the conflict with each new with such a statement and decision, each time the accusations against russia become louder and louder, in france itself they are actively preparing public opinion, not only for the fact that instructors will be sent there, this decision has already been made, but for the need to lift all bans, they advocate various retired military men, who in their lives essentially only sat at headquarters and did not... agreements, these are the very security guarantees for said that one of the conditions signed by ukraine, signed for 10 years, one of the conditions is that all transferred equipment kyiv should not be used to hit. on the territory of russia, this was one of the conditions that zelensky himself also signed and
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accepted, but this does not prevent him, of course, from speaking in all other capitals and persuading them to ask for the lifting of all these restrictions, in spain the same words were heard, but the spanish prime minister -minister pedro sanchez also insists that there is no need to lift all these restrictions, that all this could lead to an even greater escalation, which europe itself does not want, but apparently is hesitant, canada, by the way, joined. also to the group of countries that are ready to lift all bans, poland, naturally, is ready to send the military in the forefront, it is already saying that all bans have been lifted, well, poland as always, that’s what concerns sweden, they also think that it is necessary to give the opportunity for ukraine to use these weapons, well, in addition to this, they are also transferring a large package, the next sixteenth, if i’m not mistaken, aid package, which will also include two observation aircraft, and as planned. this should strengthen the presence of ukraine in the air precisely at
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monitoring drones and russian fighters, there were thoughts of sending more flu fighters there, but nevertheless, for now the europeans are still focused on transferring the f-16, but belgium alone wants to transfer 30 fighters by 2028 in the hope of updating its fleet, so while such plans will strive for this and this... today is a rare opportunity not to talk about nuclear war, and i intend to take advantage of it, if you want
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, no, i just don’t want to, so i intend to take advantage of this opportunity, still important economic decisions have been announced and will soon be adopted, i mean tax reform, and i would like to say a few words better about this, well, indeed there were quite a lot of expectations, here are the actual numbers shown, but in fact the tax changes themselves will affect very little. number of people, maybe even in some ways this is bad, i will explain why, that is, in total, these changes affect approximately 2 million russians, which is approximately 3.5% of working russians. why did i say that there might be something, then on the one hand, it’s good that these are not such large-scale transformations, but just so, that there are few, well, let’s say, not that rich, because the bar you see is 2.4 million, you can’t say that 2000 in a month is cosmic income, but nevertheless, i absolutely meant it, that i would still like, of course, for us to have more of a middle class, more people
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who receive these same 200,000 rubles a month, since they are chosen this line, the cutting line. yes, let me remind you that there are levels for super-rich people, in fact the idea of ​​justice, it was key when this reform was constantly discussed, and the minister of finance said that the key task was not so much to collect additional money for the budget, but to ensure the redistribution of income, this very social justice, but we know that families were chosen as the form of this justice with children, again here the state is constantly pursuing a policy of support - with children, solving the demographic problem, which is considered one of the most important, let me remind you that we will introduce it somehow already with a light hand they said, tax cashback, your thirteenth salary is also called, well, it can be called differently, it is important that families with children can actually return up to 7% of the personal income tax paid, although there are also certain restrictions, including on
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the total family income of two parents , but nevertheless , the state also clearly indicates here: its priority is demography, families with children, let me remind you that we had maternal capital and a preferential mortgage, that is, this is not the first decision, far from the first decision, clearly not the latter is from the point of view - support, uh, in fact, there is a lot going on now - the so -called clickbait, so i specifically looked at how on business portals there is clickbait, well, that is, when you are provoked by loud headlines to open this article so that you clickers can . that’s not a word, it’s not in russian, so vitovich, no, no one interrupted you even once, vitalich, you come up with a russian analogue, and we will use it, because i think that everyone already understands this word, and so well, for example, i read such a headline that the state will now take interest on real estate transactions, well, in fact, this is not so, why, because the point is that the state must be interrupted, interrupted,
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capitalism is necessary, hold on, bride, premiere, when there is a man shoulder, something simpler, or something, i’m looking for a jackdaw now, you know where it is, well, i can’t help you, you came like a sign, hello, hello, yes, a rich life is good for you, my life now has nothing to do with doesn’t matter to you, jackdaw from june 3 on rtr. they say there are no perfect shoes exists, but we boldly claim the opposite. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season
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. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit on the foot. and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and convenient fasteners on velcro ensures an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high sole made of polyurethane creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call soon and you will get all the stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals. voza 29.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. enough use a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is
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in the past. now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, and hair. remove wet food scraps and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper sweeper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, regardless of the direction in which you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be there. into a container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned. with just one touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any
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obstacle, and its ultra-flat design makes it easy to get under furniture, which is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious limington dipper swipper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your. anti-scratch furniture, skirting boards and walls can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call and order now, you will receive an incredible 20 euro discount. and you can get the livington dipper swipper for an incredible 69,995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? you promised me marry? well, that’s where you’re going, i almost
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hit you, why are you silent, did i hurt you? no, it didn’t hurt, this is my brother vanya, it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased. our kiryusha is marrying the mayor's daughter. alen, i don’t have any fiancée, these are all my brother’s requests. i am not interested. do you believe me too? don't you think that he should decide for himself whether to marry or not? so what should we do now? maybe you are there? if you insist, i'll try. a simple girl. on friday, on rtr. catch me if. you can, it's a big music show, huh can you understand without looking at a person, a deceiver is not a deceiver, on friday on rtr, a new
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super-powerful solar flare, the second explosion in 3 days, we are waiting for another magnetic storm this saturday, take care of yourself, look, it was 60 minutes, goodbye , on the air of the russia tv channel big news in the studio rnest motskavich, hello, the main events of this wednesday are in our release. everyone must work exactly the way our guys work on the front line.


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