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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 29, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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on friday on rtr, a new super-powerful rise of the sun, the second explosion in 3 days, we are waiting for another magnetic storm this saturday, take care of yourself, everyone watch, it was 60 minutes, goodbye, bye. on the air of the russia tv channel big news in the studio rnest motskavichus, hello, the main events of this wednesday are in our episode. everyone must work exactly the way our guys work on the front line. mobilization in national projects that will become the core of the development of our country. the president sets strategic objectives, how they will evaluate result? new members of the government.
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secretary of the state council, got to work. eight warehouses with weapons and ammunition were shot down in just one day, an enemy mig-29 was shot down, the enemy lost 1,300 militants, a strike on the bridge over the oskol river during the transfer of ukrainian armed forces equipment. we are moving forward in five directions at once. a veteran of the war with saddam, the rebels of the desert, but the swampy ukrainian fields are an attack drone for $500, and here he is not particularly a warrior. even cnn admitted the failure of the american abrams in ukraine. the west doesn't understand what to do. macron, with a map in his hands, showed which objects need to be hit in the heart of russia with nato weapons. in poland they don’t object either. as long as we are in power in hungary, we will not allow a single hungarian soldier in ukraine. hungary is horrified by the mood of its alliance colleagues. if income is not higher than 200.00 per month, the tax will remain the same. how. personal income tax will change
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, who will benefit? the draft progressive scale has been submitted to the cabinet of ministers. prepare your sleigh in the summer. this is not an archive. primorye and tomsk are covered with snow. in st. petersburg, a woman is in intensive care after the scorching sun. and already in i ended up having to go out onto the porch to take off my bra. scandal during the exam, who and how inspected voronezh schoolgirls while taking the unified state exam. end them, why? republican niki haley writes a curse on the shells that will fly to destroy the palestinians, which will be decided jointly by the un. you are bandits, fuck you? biden made denir swear at trump, who felt better? many people remember him, which is why the photo: 30 years ago eric honecker passed away. did the east german era go away with him? and the top
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leadership of the state and local managers must work the way the russian military works on the front line, constantly tense and aware of what period of history the country is going through. vladimir putin called for this today. the president held extended meetings of the council on strategic development of national projects. the main result, to the end. in the summer, all national projects must be drawn up and coordinated with each other, and the result will be assessed not by the volume of funds spent, but by the scale of changes in people’s lives. from the kremlin, reporting by alexey konopko. to to the dozen and a half national projects that have been operating in the country for several years and are producing real results, five more are now being added. the president named them in his message, but simple addition is not enough. in some places, the problems have already been solved; in others, it’s time to distribute resources differently. the number of projects is secondary here; the main thing is that the country moves towards new goals.
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first of all, saving the people, strengthening people's health, increasing the well-being of russian families, new opportunities so that each person can maximize their abilities and talents, and of course, in including national goals, increasing the sustainability of the economy, achieving qualitatively new dynamics in industries, primarily based on strengthening the technological sovereignty of russia, training... regular personnel, widespread use of innovative digital solutions. we are not talking about projects of individual departments, but about large-scale, interconnected programs that should work to solve common, systemic problems that are important for all citizens of the country. the president also signed the previous decree on development goals immediately after his election, later in the pandemic had to make adjustments, but plans were already made for 10 years ahead, now the horizon is even further and a model for work. i don’t
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want to force anything, but i ask you to pay attention, this is what we all understand, or at least everyone should understand. what time we live and what historical stage russia is going through, and if we understand this, then everyone, everyone should work as if on the front line, everyone should feel mobilized, only in this way will we achieve the goals that we set for ourselves in modern conditions work differently it’s impossible, it’s necessary...
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that the decisive role here is played by the efforts of regional and municipal teams, entrepreneurs, public associations, and citizens’ initiatives, not least, life will make its own adjustments, this is natural, but now we can say that the costs of national projects will become
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the core of the most significant part of the development budget at the federal and regional levels, and therefore a key direction for all levels of government. for each of the current national projects, on behalf of the president personally answered the relevant deputy head of government. each item on the new list will also have its own curator. mikhail mishusin today listed everyone and promised the president to meet the development deadlines. strategic sessions will be held within two months with the participation, of course, of members of the state council and governors. and by september 1, we will accordingly formulate all the main activities for the new national projects and carry out the corresponding ones. instructions that by december all new national projects must be approved and, most importantly, financed. in the new secretary of the state council was also present in the hall today. the president appointed his assistant to this position, alexei dyumin, who had just left tula after several years of successful work as governor. first of all, what are these
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new ones for yourself? now there will be a more in-depth immersion of the heads of subjects who are responsible for those areas that are part of the state council, they will work more deeply and in detail on... on government platforms from federal ministries to deputy chairmen who will oversee those or other directions. of course, all problems must be solved while ensuring the country's security. the president stopped at this point twice. after the end, this thought was called the main message of the meeting. right now the army is defending the country, including during fierce battles near kharkov, but there is no talk of taking the city yet. this is not a task at the moment, but it is very important to secure the territories.
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conservation calls for funding the industry based on geography, and the government doesn’t seem to be against it. propose to distribute resources not only in terms of population, but in terms of the real state of the health care system in the region, right? who will determine this real state? some had more opportunities due to the fact that their budgets were richer, they had the opportunity to direct their financial resources, while others, given the low level of budgetary security, did not have such opportunities. but the population should not suffer from this, so colleagues propose to slightly introduce a correction factor so that those who have not yet reached the appropriate level catch up it’s just that by the thirtieth year, healthcare already had the shape of healthcare, the infrastructural one, the kind
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that should be, of course, then it will allow the potential of every person to be revealed, good health, of course, is promoted by sport, the deputy chairman of the government in charge of this area proposes to draw up a digital program, its... development makes sense - we can discuss the formation of a separate comprehensive state program for sports, which would include infrastructure measures, events for mass sports, including figital.
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let me draw your attention to the fact that we will evaluate the results of national projects not by how many events are carried out or how much funds are spent, but because of how national development goals are achieved, how people’s lives actually change, and , of course, how the citizens themselves evaluate these changes. there will still be a lot of work, but the national projects drawn up by the end of summer will start working next year. alexey knopko, magomed atsaev, stanislav petrov, sergey izanin, maria radimova, natalya lundovskaya, anna kolk. news. the russian armed forces launched missile strikes and
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drones hit a warehouse of unmanned boats, aircraft equipment and drone assembly plants. according to the ministry of defense, losses in the ssu per day exceeded 1,300 military personnel. a ukrainian mig-29 fighter was shot down by air defense systems. our troops are advancing in five directions at once in the dpr, battles are taking place near chasovoyar, konstantinovka and elizavetovka. six warehouses were destroyed. the battle continues in volchansk, kharkov region. units of the north group defeated three ukrainian brigades in liptsy, neskushny and malaya danilovka. fierce fighting are heading in the kupinsky direction. the enemy is suffering losses in equipment and personnel. near senkovka, novoselovsky, grigorovka and serebryanka. the video shows the moment of the attack on the crossing of the oskol river near kupinsk, right during the transfer of ukrainian armed forces equipment to the other bank. in the sumy region. reconnaissance discovered a concentration of ukrainian military personnel in the village of velyka peskarevka. there
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, in a residential building, the nationalists set up a command post. the building was hit by a drone. under coaldar, the enemy set up positions on the territory of the mine south donbass number three. army aviation destroyed the target with an aerial bomb. this is footage from krasnogorovka. breakthrough of our armored group to enemy fortifications. five units of equipment were able to reach the positions of the ukrainian armed forces and land troops. then the assault. detachments began cleaning up. in the same area, our fpv drone tracked down the american bradley. another one was destroyed near avdeevka. ukrainian troops continue to retreat west of donetsk. and one of the reasons is the accuracy of our artillery. footage of the coordinated work of self-propelled acacia crews. in voenkor's report news from pavel prokapenko. enemy mortar firing point. soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine go about their business in full height, not suspecting that they are... already in the lens of our drone, the target is transferred to the artillerymen, a target protractor, 327 32 77,
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one shell per tray, a shot, 152 caliber - it’s always loud, the acacia shoots at 17 km, real long-range artillery, the copter records the hit, the enemy is running from the trench , two not... here on the shoulders of a wounded man, they are overtaken by a second blow, the targets were just given, they quickly ran in, aimed, shot, then there is a correction with birds, well , literally... the second time we hit the exact dugout, the artillerymen have duty, that is, targeted targets, but it is at this moment that more and more new coordinates arrive, the front is in motion, its line is now outlined here by the fighters of the center group of troops, the crew is very pleased, their morale immediately rises, well, they tell me, that is, we are ready to give
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us some goals, we are ready to work, this is how the guys react to a hit, among the artillerymen of a group of troops... ivan from irkutsk paused business, fed irkutsk residents burgers and came to the front. i’m young, i need to sit at home, defend the interests of our country, i signed a contract for six months, i’ve already been here for a year and a half, well, i don’t want to leave here, that is, i’m here to the end , consciously. near avdievka, our fighters find a lot of abandoned weapons in the fsu, including those with foreign markings or other identification marks. former air force positions, that's what you can find here, it's some kind of ammunition, but the coloring of the right sector, which is banned in russia, is noteworthy. in the ovdeevsky direction, the enemy rolls back to the rear, acacia, other guns and howitzers send their shells to catch up with him. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg
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bondarenko, news, donetsk people's republic. two reconnaissance aircraft. sweden promised the kiev regime today that they will be part of the first batch of nato manned aircraft, which will be handed over to ukrainian nationalists. at the same time, sweden claims that it does not allow its own weapons against targets deep in russia. but for ukraine, such prohibitions have not existed for a long time. she fired at russian territory with british stormshadows, french scalps, and american attacks. and all this is being done with the help of nato specialists, without whose participation such things happen.
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a complex gas turbine engine breaks down, and condensation during rain or fog can burn the electronics, and even what is at the heart of any tank is no good. its armor is currently absolutely insufficient; it does not protect the crew. moscow from the very began to say that the supply of western weapons, including abrams, to ukraine would lead to nothing, that all this would be destroyed, but that’s all on cnn. they are looking for reasons for what went wrong, in the end, again, a false conclusion: they say the politicians delayed too long with the decision on deliveries, when the abrams was captured and displayed on red square, the crew here in ukraine was joking, well, at least the russians managed to get him out, and take him away, the ukrainians suffered with it, because the tank is so heavy, without really understanding who is to blame, in the west there are feverish
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looking for an answer to the question of what to do with the ukrainian retreat, he began to go around the ukrainians. to resist the influence of russia, and recently visited kiev and after what he saw , he decided to urgently redraw the red lines he had designated. blinken visited kiev and heard first-hand accounts of recent russian successes near kharkov and elsewhere in eastern ukraine. what he heard bothered him so much that he called on his administration colleagues to reconsider the ban on american strikes to ukraine. artillery and short-range missiles across the territory russia, there is a discussion in washington about the acceptability of the risks of escalation, but the white house assures biden that he has not made a decision. i will tell you that at the moment there is no change in our policy, we do not encourage the use of weapons supplied by the united states to strike within russia and we do not
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contribute to this. however , last wednesday in congress they were already discussing that the bans for ukraine should be lifted. the head of the foreign affairs committee eagerly felt the map of the southern territories of russia, and a week later, a similar trick came out french president macron grabbed and unfolded a similar map right during a press conference with scholz. this map shows that ukraine is under attack from bases located in russia. how do we explain to ukrainians that these cities need to be protected? we believe that we should allow them to launch missiles into russian territory. against these military targets, but we should not allow them to hit other targets in russia, civilian objects. scholz, who is not a fan of playing in public, was ready for such a turn, but he definitely supported it not... scholz was more cautious but said he had no legal objection to macron's approach. he stressed that as long as ukraine respects international law and the conditions
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of weapons supplying countries, it is allowed to defend itself. macron, as in the case of sending troops, seemed to launch a deadly quiz, who else is in favor of striking russia with western weapons, there are already a dozen countries, but mostly those who do not produce such weapons, the netherlands, poland, finland, and of course the baltic ...
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however, 8 days before the elections to the european parliament such impulses can be very costly. the idea of ​​sending any western military is extremely unpopular, and the ukrainian topic is generally unpredictable. therefore, they even intend to postpone the consideration of kiev’s application to join the eu until after the election. but the ukrainian delegation is behind the scenes asked not to even raise the topic of possible nato membership. at the july summit of the alliance , the effectiveness and controllability of the main american alliance should be demonstrated.
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police conducted raids in the offices of the european parliament in moscow today to identify connections a parliamentary aide who now works for far-right dutch mp marcel de graaf and previously
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worked with the alternative for germany party. her growing popularity seriously frightened politicians in the pro-western mainstream, so that accusations of connections with china and russia began to be heard with all their might, just on the eve of the elections to the european parliament. alexander khristenko, maria egorova, pavel alekseev, news. the united states is preparing to deploy intermediate- and shorter- range nuclear missiles under the inf treaty in the asia-pacific region. the head announced this today russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. according to him , washington withdrew from the inf treaty precisely in order to develop new regions, including the philippines and, of course, japan, in close proximity to the borders of russia and china. lavrov recalled that the russian side introduced a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of the inf treaty and called on nato countries to join in order to save...
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in the iskander systems they have already deployed the corresponding missiles prohibited by the outgoing treaty, we invite you to come and make sure that this is not so, and we are my turn, we would like to come to poland and romania, where at the bases of the third positional missile defense region there are
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mk-41 anti-missile systems, and these systems can be used not only as a means of anti-cancer defense, but also as launchers for those same medium-sized, smaller missiles distances that were previously prohibited by the agreement, that is , come to us honestly, and we will come to you, make sure, then let ’s just observe the moratorium without any agreement, they categorically refused, that alone... suggests that they played dishonestly. in just 2 days, the countdown begins for all ukrainians called up to be limited to those fit for military service. over the next 8 months, all of them must undergo a second medical examination. based on its results, they will decide whether to declare them unfit for military action, send them for treatment, or hand them a combat summons. and, judging by the actions of military commissars in different cities of the country, the latter
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option is the most likely. in the nikolaev region, for example, summonses are issued to disabled people with prosthetics, and the head of the kharkov military the sinegubov administration has already suggested that zelensky go even further and call on even seventeen-year-old boys, especially since they are already receiving summonses. the command of the ground forces is trying to reassure the schoolchildren, explaining that for now we are only talking about registration for military registration, but just for now. photos of mobilized people of all age groups are published nearby, the caption emphasizes that age is not important at all, as a result, complaints from the front about the complete unsuitability of those mobilized for combat, so in one of the podvolchansky brigades from more than 100 reinforcements enrolled only three. however, these complaints about the regime have long been ineffective . rather, on the contrary, he is increasingly making illegal and unpopular decisions, which is greatly facilitated by the dubious status of zelensky himself. having ceased to be a legitimate president, he
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no longer looks back at any of... only the ukrainian parliament and its speaker retain the legitimacy of power in such conditions. the agreements reached following the results of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan open up wide opportunities for mutually beneficial projects in a variety
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of areas. this is stated in the telegram, which... upon returning to moscow, the president sent a message to shavkata merziyueva. he thanked the leader of uzbekistan for the hospitality shown to the russian delegation, as well as for the detailed personal communication. the head of state expressed confidence that meaningful negotiations will contribute to the development of bilateral relations of strategic partnership and alliance. today the president held a meeting with the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler. one of the main topics of conversation was floods in the region.
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one-time payments of 10 and 20 thousand rubles were received by 2,500 orenburg residents, temporary
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housing rent was paid for 305 families, certificates were issued in denominations of 700 rubles for the purchase of clothes for schoolchildren, preschoolers and minor students of vocational schools. compensation for lost. all the work, but even despite the powerful floods, the orenburg region retained ninth place in terms of the volume of taxes transferred to the federal budget, wage arrears since the nineteenth year decreased by 21 times, wages during this time increased by 78%, there is
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certainly still room for growth, but nevertheless there is dynamics. the salary level for teachers has increased a little over the past year, and the principle of earnings has changed accordingly. in the fall, residents of the orenburg region will have to elect the head of the region. dmitry pasler addressed the president. with your support, the support, of course, of the residents of the orenburg region, i am ready to participate in the elections and continue to work. you have done a lot in previous years, and i see that you are determined to same. active work, you understand what needs to be done, what is a priority so that the standard of living, the quality of life of people improves, so that the economy becomes even more sustainable, so i wish you
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only success, of course, everything will depend on the voter, on the resident, geographical location the region is located in europe and in asia contributes to the development of economic ties. rada in the southern urals and tourists are completing the reconstruction of a cultural pearl, the estate of sergei oksakov. the first house in russia was opened museum of mstislav rostropovich, a new airport terminal is being built, from a bird's eye view, it will resemble the famous orenburg scarf. anna semyonovna, anaasiya serikova and ksenia vyachina, news. the central regions of russia are entering the july heat wave; in western siberia, yamalia, and the northern urals , winter is struggling with summer with all its might. in 3 days, summer is here. i still think it’s a long way off. in the primorye region, the air temperature dropped to unusually low levels, and there were snow drifts and snowdrifts on the passes. yamal failed snow that lasts for more than a day. in the southernmost city of the peninsula,
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snowdrifts grew in november, the air temperature froze at -2, and the road was frozen. our correspondent in the region, vitaly toropov , told how residents perceive such vagaries of the weather. all the city public pages have been joking about the weather since the very morning, and whether the summer holidays have really arrived and not the winter ones, well, who is not in the mood for jokes today are the local car owners, most of whom have already changed their shoes to summer tires; noyabrskaya airport did not accept a flight today from moscow, the plane was redirected to new urengoy, and the flight to solihart was postponed by 2 hours. there have already been accidents in the city since this morning, people are unable to control the car, and this weather will continue for at least another day. in the sverdlovsk region, a landscape fire spread to residential buildings; strong winds spread the fire to 1,500 m2. in one of the villages, where several hundred people lived, houses were damaged, some
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were completely destroyed. our correspondent albert musin visited the site. in a matter of minutes, the fire engulfed 10 houses in in beryozovka, starting from government buildings on the outskirts, the flames with strong gusts of wind literally... jumped from roof to roof, so that after an hour almost this entire side of the street was blazing. the situation developed so rapidly that the firefighters could not keep up with the fire and... volunteers and local residents helped, houses in the neighborhood with the blazing ones were spilled with water, this saved the village from complete burning, all families who lost their homes are now being housed with relatives and friends, it is being decided the question of financial assistance and the future fate of fire victims. in st. petersburg in the last days of spring the air will warm up to 30°. dmitry pishchukhin, together with his fellow countrymen, is experiencing temperatures unusual for northern latitudes. the abnormal heat will not go away. this is the weather forecast for the coming days. moreover, at
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such high temperatures there is a high probability of rain with thunderstorms, squally winds, and even hail. the previous temperature maximum was broken in st. petersburg only at the end of the century before last. the main city embankments, squares and parks have turned into public beaches. the city has declared an orange weather level danger. the may sun brought a student of the civil aviation university to intensive care, who received burns on 80% of her body. st. petersburg residents and visitors to the city are urged to remain cautious and seek shelter from the sun in the shade. the cabinet of ministers commission on legislative activities today approved the proposal of the ministry of finance to improve the tax system. tomorrow the draft amendments will be considered at a government meeting. the progressive scale of taxation, the ministry emphasizes, meets the demand of russian society for social justice. changes. personal income tax will affect only 3% of the country's population with high
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incomes, and additional budget revenues will be spent specifically on supporting families with children, social projects and infrastructure development. about who will pay more and who, on the contrary, less, olga mishcherikova. the parameters of tax changes are already known; they emerged as a result of broad public discussion, because it is important to take into account the interests of the entire society. the answer to his request is the essence of the amendments introduced by the ministry of finance; when developing the amendments, we relied on recommendations of the state duma, the adoption of the proposed changes will ensure stable and predictable conditions for citizens of business and regions for the next 6 years and will increase the economic well-being of the country. the task that both the government and parliament are addressing is a fairer tax system. from this starting point, the construction of a progressive taxation scale began. system , the proposal for progressions did not affect
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the majority of citizens and concerned only those with high incomes. in this case, it is necessary so that the benefits from tax changes go to families with children, that is, those categories of our citizens who need government support. we are talking primarily about the personal income tax rate . according to the amendments introduced by the ministry of finance, the wealthy will pay more, and those who receive low salaries. less than now. this is what the progression looks like: if income is not higher than 200,000 per month, the tax will remain the same 13%. if a person earns from 2,400,000 to 5.15% per year. from 5 to 20 million - 18, from 20 to 50 - 20, over 50 - 22. it is important that not all income will be taxed at the increased rate, but only that part that exceeds the threshold.
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only 6%, this is like cashback on a card or
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a thirteenth salary; about half of large families fall into this category. here we propose to build the tax system taking into account the principle that has found wide support today, namely, that the tax deduction increases with each subsequent child. so, in our opinion, it is very important to maintain this trend and regulate the tax system in this way.
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therapy would not be available to them. the burden on regional budgets will not increase; a mechanism of budget redistribution will begin to work in the regions themselves to provide people with an equal quality of life. we strongly support tax changes that will lead to a fairer system where municipalities have the means to carry out their mandates. and of course, it is important that there is also some equality between municipalities. initial equality, because we carry out the same powers, for small businesses with a turnover of up to 60 million rubles there is nothing changes, they will pay at a rate of 13%. the value added tax will remain the same in order not to accelerate inflation, since sellers usually include the increase in vat in the price of goods. only
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the income tax is increased from 20 to 25%. the approach is balanced. this measure will eliminate some other fees that are a hindrance.
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and a hammer. about what masterpieces can now be seen in this unique place in the report by artyom morin. the long-awaited opening day of the branch of the main museum of national art of russia. special cancellation of postage stamps with the image of the samara tretikovka preserves a significant cultural event in the history of the region. the main idea of ​​the exhibition is to show images of a full russian meal, that is , from the first, second and third. for each stage, a specific hall is allocated, where works from different eras are arranged non- chronologically. but rather associatively. the concept of the exhibition dedicated to food was dictated by the building itself, a branch of tretikovka , a former factory kitchen. a unique monument of constructivism - the only building in the world in the shape of syrp and hammer. during the great the domestic factory fed 35,000 workers at a defense enterprise that produced shells for the famous katyusha. at the beginning of the 2000s
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they wanted to demolish the building, but they managed to defend it. the kitchen factory was recognized as an architectural monument and restored. a new stage in the development of the cultural life of everything. region, it was the result of the painstaking work of many people united by a common goal: to make art accessible to everyone; today some of the most modern, modern equipment was used here, in terms of compliance temperature and humidity conditions in terms of ensuring safety. for the first time after restoration, it is here, for example, that vasily pirov’s masterpiece hunters at rest is presented; the new branch of tritikovka has become large-scale. despite the fact that it is the main one, it will still not be the only one, and we would like to place emphasis, of course, on our residence, the residence of artists, and
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it seems to us that this is a very promising separate work with the cultural community of samara and the samara region. a total of 92 paintings from the collection are presented at the exhibition. states. and private meetings, visitors are welcome throughout the summer and fall. artyom morin, daniil yakimov, news: samara. another hit movie is preparing for wide release with the participation of our tv channel. and now we can present to viewers a special teaser trailer for the most anticipated fairy-tale blockbuster of the new year, finist the first bogatyr. the new film will expand the fairy-tale cinematic universe and will tell the backstory of the characters that audiences loved in the “the last hero” trilogy. together with friends finist yasny sokol, russian hero, surrounded by fame and fans, he will go on a difficult journey to the eastern lands, where he will understand the simple truth, one in the field is not a warrior, in roles. kirill zaitsev, yulia peresilt, elena yakovleva, fyodor dobronravov and other stars of russian cinema. together with the audience, we are waiting for
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the release of a new film fairy tale with our favorite characters on the wide screen. this is great news, this is what will happen next in our program. you are bandits, fuck you? biden made denier swear at trump. who got better? why did an american f-35 crash in new mexico? north korea sent 260 balloons filled with garbage and manure towards south korea. siol is outraged. in india and pakistan n +52. the networks can't cope. in mexico, birds are dropping dead from the heat. there is no water left in the reservoirs. many people remember him, hence the photo. 30 years ago eric honecker passed away. did the era of east germany go with... with him, in the end i had to go out onto the porch to take off
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my bra, a scandal during the exam, who and how inspected voronezh schoolgirls during the unified state examination, what did the inspection show? i you i love you very much, marry me, the premiere on rtr, i’m ready to give everything that... just to get her back, you’re leaving your husband for some musician, a swindler, max, not a swindler, not anything, but you’re his completely you don’t know, maybe it’s not love, but, well, some kind of euphoria, you need to find some dirt on this max, a melody for two, today on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is
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not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. hotel for unforgettable rixos sharma sheikh experiences are only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. titanic deluxe hotel. belek, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in
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big news live, we continue broadcasting. the state duma, the investigative committee and the prosecutor's office intend to find out the circumstances and evaluate the incident in one of the voronezh schools, where graduates were forced to undergo a search and literally strip down to their underwear in order to overcome the metal detector and take part in the unified state exam in the russian language. the stress that high school students experience during exams in this case turned out to be a shock, and not only for the students and their parents. our correspondent, alexander rivunov collected everything known on this. striptease against my will, underwear, graduates demonstrate to pass to school, to the unified state exam in the russian language, there is strict control at the metal detector frame, i am without a phone without anything, but i have earrings, i have a piercing, as if yes, i am this i don’t deny it, yeah, i’m passing through again, i’ve already taken off the earrings that i could, it beeps again, they turn everyone around like that, the jewelry is a five-ruble coin , happiness, badges, keychains require you to put everything
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out of your pockets and not only, the children tear it off metal starts touching me without my permission through the metal detector and the headmistress just takes me without anything and just starts touching me, in the end the man, who is a physical education teacher or life safety teacher, he didn’t let me pick up my
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bra, that is, he just said, this is not allowed. it is clear that after the stress they experienced, it was difficult for the graduates to concentrate on the exam, they came home and burst into tears, when she came home, she told me everything, of course i was terrified, she calmed me down decently, because she and i she couldn’t sleep for a long time, before my blood pressure rose, only one child with high blood pressure sought medical help at school, but according to psychologists, the stress experienced can also have a delayed effect; on the territory of the russian federation, special inspection rules apply to children under 18 years of age. and the search can only be carried out by persons who have received special training and have the appropriate authority. parent chats are seething with indignation, demanding that the culprits be found. scandal in voronezh school, quickly outgrew the city level, today it has already been discussed in the state duma. think about it, we are all parents too, and how will each of you react if a child is undressed, who comes up with this? who
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allowed? invite the human rights ombudsman, we... will appoint him with you, if you do not have enough tools of influence, we expect the education committee, especially on exam days, to monitor the situation almost around the clock and ask those who like these ones allows excesses, the administration of the educational institution explains the severity of the pre-examination examination with the instructions received, this is how they understood the circular about special security measures. taking into account the methodological recommendations, we are obliged to offer the child to show the remedy that causes the alarm, and accordingly the child needs to demonstrate what kind of remedy it is. among those who stood at the school face control was physical education teacher dmitry sklyar, here he is in a white shirt, assuring that no one was harming the children
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i touched it, they just didn’t let me in if it beeped. if the frame reacts. i ask the graduates to come back and eliminate the violations, because perhaps they eliminate some prohibited items, they return again through the frame, if there are no violations, they go to the point, if there are violations. again i ask you to come back and correct the violations. that’s it, my functionality is complete, i don’t perform any further actions. the instructions say nothing about ethical standards. vice speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova proposed giving an opportunity to schoolgirls who have gone through humiliating search to retake the unified state examination. there is an initiative from parliamentarians to gather all regional education leaders. events similar to voronezh can happen somewhere else due to an overabundance of the desire to control.
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and revenge for the fuss, their parents , meanwhile, are going to contact the prosecutor's office to evaluate the actions of the administration of the educational institution. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum, news: voronezh. a special commission arrived in the american state of new mexico today. to investigate the cause of the crash the newest f-35 fighter. the plane was on a test flight from texas to california and crashed almost immediately after refueling at a base in new mexico. fuel tanks exploded during the crash, and a plume of smoke from
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the scene was visible for several kilometers. the pilot managed to eject and is now in the hospital. this is the third drop of -35 in the last 3 years. the aircraft, which costs approximately $150 million, should become the main fighter of the nato bloc. the united states has already concluded contracts for the supply of 560 such combat vehicles to europe. former us president donald trump asks donors for money, threatens to bomb moscow and sells the plane to cover the costs of lawyers. the people v. trump lawsuit reached its home stretch today. did the ex-president of the united states pay money for silence to a porn actress so that...
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the closer the elections, the darker the pr, and the darker the pr, the lower the genre, big stars seem to be unable to participate in this, but robert deniro, this is his voice behind the scenes, he made an exception for joe biden because of donald trump, whom he hates with all his heart. he's running again, threatening to become dictator. i'm joe biden and i endorse this message. biden not only approves, but also asks for support.
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they broadcast in parallel. the applause after the wailing of the car siren, for some time there was nowhere to wait for a speech, because in addition to the television audience to which denira was addressing, only trump supporters stood nearby, everything came down to an ugly scene. the hollywood star eventually moved to the mat. you are bandits, fuck you, a complete failure, right? social networks appreciated the idea of ​​the trump campaign to drag denir to court. robert deniro today convinced a total of zero people to vote for biden. the fact that danir was kicked out of his own press conference is epic.
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trump responded naturally. i never thought how tiny, both morally and physically, robert deniro would turn out to be. his films and legacy fell in value after he entered the political arena at the request of the rogue. trump wrote posts on his social network in the intervals of the longest hearing in the storm daniels case, most often commenting on what was happening with protracted words.
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the prosecutor said that they provided a huge amount of evidence of the guilt of the former president, but michael cowen is at the same time the weakest link, having already served time for fraud; right during the trial, he admitted that he also stole from his former boss, embezzled at least 60 thousand from the trump organization dollars. if we have an award for the best, most brilliant liar of all time, then he should get it. "the completion of the three other trials against trump should not be expected until november, which means that from the stormy daniels case to the white house is getting the most out of it. however, the plans will probably have to be adjusted, because the jury may acquit trump, clearly with the hope of such an outcome, the forty-fifth president of the united states left the court, literally dancing inside his suv."
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and draws a heart between the words america and israel, if only a gbu air bomb were at hand -39, i would write on it, this is exactly what was used during the recent parafahu attack, which killed 40 people. on the spot, cnn analysts saw the characteristic tail of such a bomb, the
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number of civilians who are now . dying in gas is a serious problem. if you continue to deprive these people of food aid, it will only strengthen the terrorists' position. that is, the pressure on biden because of his support for israel is becoming even stronger than it is unclear to interrupt, but the washington post is trying with all its might, they say, trump is not without sin. he often speaks out about foreign policy at events. for example, at one of his speeches he suggested that he would have struck moscow and beijing if russia had.


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