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tv   Melodiya dlya dvoikh  RUSSIA1  May 29, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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mark. in connection with the july values , city services have increased the frequency of road washing. at stations, fogging systems have been launched to cool and humidify the air. in the metro at railway stations, passengers were given free water. thousands of passengers on kazan commuter trains are forced to experience the full brunt of the abnormal heat. due to the long intervals during rush hour, trains are packed to capacity. anastasia makhina hit the road and found out the reasons for the change in schedule and how long she would have to endure the inconvenience. passengers almost take the train at golutvin station in kolomna by storm, the reason for such a rush is the large intervals between trains, it leaves at 17:50, if you don’t make it in time, you’ll have to wait as much as 3 hours for the next one. and this kind of boiling happens absolutely all the time. but these are just flowers, passengers say, the situation is heating up for...
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more than one hour, for example, from kolomna to moscow it takes more than 2 seconds to travel, all this in extreme conditions. because there are so many people in the carriage it is terribly stuffy. for example, now the thermometer shows that the temperature in the vestibule reaches 30°. even a tourist from israel was shocked by the temperature. well, here you often travel, this is electricity. no, this is the first time and the last. our film crew went to voskresensk. the doors were already barely closing, but further on at the vinogradov station passengers simply
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cannot enter, some remain on the platform. large breaks between electric trains appeared in april; they were associated with the overhaul of 17 km of tracks between voskressensko and vinogradova stations. installation done real sleeper lattice, replaced lashes, rails with new ones. deep cleaning of the old ballast layer. they promise that there is very little left, the work is being completed. during repairs on weekends. free buses were launched for passengers, but they took longer, and for some, time was more valuable than money. i had to take a taxi from moscow for 5,000 rubles. a major overhaul of the tracks here was simply necessary, because the last time the line was updated was 20 years ago, and the kazan direction is one of the busiest on the moscow railway road by the number of trains. we take technological windows to lay a new track, new turnouts, and inform passengers in advance. large train cancellations are
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a necessary measure; we once again apologize to passengers for the inconvenience caused; large-scale work is planned to be completed on may 31, at which time regular service will be restored. by the way, in june work will continue on two more sections, from rybny to ryazan, the first at the ramenskaya station, but as they promise at the moscow railways, they will not affect the train schedule. anastasia makhina, andrey yurchuk and pavel letnikov, conduct. now about other events, briefly. sd users. can again receive their parcels at all delivery points. previously , due to a glitch, the delivery service website stopped opening, causing the company to temporarily suspend operations. now the functions of the online platform are partially available, but for now you won’t be able to use the mobile application or send a parcel. in the east of moscow, residents saved the ogorey family, who lived on the roof of a house. they were attacked by a flock of crows, causing the ducklings to end up on earth. they took the mother duck, although with difficulty,
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they also caught it, after which they took the birds to the cherkizovsky pond. a fence of discord has grown between two residential complexes in north-west moscow. one of them turned into an impregnable fortress, cutting off access to the road and metro. neighbors are forced to storm the fences; their opponents do not hesitate to resort to almost medieval methods. how the residential complex khoroshevsky and the residential complex quarreled. verisk listened to everyone, but could not reconcile. oksana maksimova. there should have been one exit here, and a second one there. this is in theory. in fact, a metal fence along the road hopelessly separates two residential neighborhoods in the khoroshovye nevnikov district. the elite residential complexes veresk and khoroshovsky, as in the middle ages, are consumed by civil strife. we try to live together, because for some reason our neighbors want to go to war with us. the reason for the discord is that a fence almost 3 m high runs along the perimeter
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of veresk, which is why residents do not have the opportunity to directly access the road leading to the oktyabrskoye pole metro station; they need to go around for about a kilometer, there is no sidewalk, there is no pedestrian zone, there cars are driving. patience, residents of veresk climb over the fence to shorten the route, several times they even demonstratively sawed out part of the fence, but strong bars again stood in the way, many seem to have apartments here and there, we don’t want to climb over the fence to our children, but just go through gate, the attempts of the residents of veresk to overcome the barrier, the inhabitants of khoroshovsky are watching from the windows and discussing even more sophisticated methods of strengthening in the house chat, they found the ideal fence for us, it looks great, there is a current running from above, so... what is the norm for a fence option? whether there is a is it possible to install barbed wire at the top of the fence? they didn’t string up the barbed wire, but so that there would be no reason to climb over the fence, they smeared it thickly with grease, and they really didn’t regret it. so, the neighbors from the khoroshovsky residential complex adhere to the principle that they do not want
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their residential complex to turn into a passage yard, which is why it is fenced with two fences at once, and between them is the same one-way road that, like a ditch, surrounds the entire block. private property, we are cleaning this area, in the management company was assured that the fence would remain in place until the owners of kharashovsky’s apartments decided otherwise, but as it turned out, few people on the territory of the residential complex are generally aware of the scandal, some fence is being smeared with trace, people are climbing over the fence, jumping over, this is a little it’s strange, the residents of veriska, meanwhile, are not giving up; a cadastral engineer was called to the site, who determined that the ill-fated fence stood on their land, how far does the fence extend into our territory? whether the fence is legal or not, this issue was discussed even at a separate meeting of the district commission, its decision, the land plot on which khorashovsky is built is in the shared ownership of the residents, and it is up to them to decide whether to demolish the fence or leave it. the construction or
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dismantling of the fence between the veresk residential complex and the khoroshovsky residential complex and the design documentation for the construction of the facility are not regulated. the conflict has been going on for almost a year, according to the residents of veriska, only a court can put an end to where they... children, this is a practice, well, a practice for which we pay at the enterprises of the city of moscow, where the guys can not only gain some skills, get acquainted with the profession, and, well, earn money. special separate programs are being developed for these children, which give them the right to priority admission to secondary
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specialized schools or universities. therefore, it was interesting for us, firstly, to communicate with the guys, talk about what their plans are, what specialties are most suitable for them. during the meeting at the unified support center, the guys took part in a culinary master class. the moscow art theater named after chekhov opened the performance of the duel of his tour in japan. this is the troupe's first trip to tokyo in more than 30 years. the screenings will take place as part of the russian culture festival. the hall is sold out, all tickets are sold out. about why russian art is so close to the japanese viewer from tokyo, sergei mengazhev. the premiere of chekhov's duel in tokyo has been anticipated since the fall of the year before last, and judging by the public's reaction, expectations were fully justified. everything was great, a high degree of emotion from the actors, large, capacious monologues and complete
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immersion in the role. having joined anti-russian sanctions in february twenty second year, the japanese government , to put it mildly, does not encourage bilateral contacts in all areas, but the fact that these tours still took place so far... drama theater in japan itself appeared exactly 100 years ago, and russia, from where, played the main role in this young japanese directors then brought stanislavsky's theory of stage art. in this takii alley between the fish market and the kabuki theater building, in 1924,
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the small experimental theater tsukiji, as it was then called, was opened, where the japanese first staged spicy social drama of russian authors. on this plaque is a photograph of one of the first performances. japanese artists. 100 years ago they play at the bottom of the bitter, the younger generation is cold, went to the table, so the performance of the moscow art theater actors in the performance of japanese theatergoers is a sign of true quality.
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they played several times, but the most important thing is that i came to three performances for 40 days , flew out from moscow on march 17, arrived here on the 18th, and on the eighteenth, vera, my wife gave birth to alyosha, my eldest son, and they called me from the embassy of the soviet union, igor yakovich , we congratulations to you, or igor, i just, i don’t know, we love you... you have a son, but can you imagine what japan is for me? japan did not remain in debt; after the performance, amid thunderous applause, shouts of bravo, the artists of the moscow theater took their bows for the third time. sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, east asian berovisti, tokyo, japan. the moscow prosecutor's office today suspended the activities of the hostel on pestsovaya street. about this shelter, its guests, who turned it into... a quiet area into a high-risk area we have many times they said that now it was
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time to check out at the hotel. report by dmitry blinnikov. bailiffs entered the hostel building on pestsovaya street with the support of special forces. vladimir borisovich hid. the manager tried to get lost in the maze of dimly lit rooms, but he was found. actions are being taken to seal the building. the remaining guests at this time hastily took out their things. this hotel haunted the entire street, local residents sought its closure for many years, a kindergarten used to be located here, but then it was sold and a hostel for workers was opened here. after this, life in the neighboring houses turned into a nightmare. this is how the guests checked in to cheerful music. but they couldn’t sit in their rooms, they wandered around the courtyards, there was a whole crowd on the street, they bullied passers-by and drank alcohol. right on the playground, children sit on benches. and they brought it to us, and this is what the hostel looks like from the inside, fifty rooms, unsanitary conditions, these are the rooms where
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the guests lived, there are a couple of bedside tables, a refrigerator, a wardrobe and four bunk beds, cockroaches, for a place here they paid from 200 rubles per day, in such conditions they washed, showers and fire alarms did not work, residents of neighboring houses wrote complaints, our program regularly talked about this dysfunctional hotel, here is the sovelovsky prosecutor's office in...
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monitoring the implementation of the requirements of the executive document . the fate of the building must be decided by city authorities. residents of arctic fox street hope that this hotbed of unsanitary conditions will be closed. today, for the first time in a long time, they were able to walk peacefully in their yards. dmitry blinnikov, alexey yaldin, ignatiy sokolov, oleg dobin, news! this concludes our release, all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website ernest motskevichus was with you, i say goodbye until tomorrow, right now we are watching the continuation of the film melody for two.
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sonya, wake up, wake up, just a minute, please, the coffee is getting cold, no, coffee, tadam, what a beautiful day, oh,
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how nice it is. coffee, a kiss, oh my god, flowers, how great it all is, still warm, oh, i feel so happy next to you, oh, here, so free, oh, how i don’t want to leave, yes, but all good things come to an end someday. let's stay a little longer, no, max, i need to fly to the divorce, do you have a lawyer, let him do this, no, max, i can't, if i 'm not personally present, then all this will drag on for a long time, oh, we need to get ready, we still need to buy gifts for everyone, and we still need
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to say goodbye to the city, we have very little time, max, there’s enough time for everything. max, wait, you will play it for me, like then, of course, all the music just for you, that happy one, oh wait, phone, whoever is calling, too, call mom, mom, i need to answer mom, yes, mom, hello. vikul, how are you there? everything is fine, but what? anything when you take off? this night. oh, mom, i just beg you, please don’t meet me. yes, and don’t even think about coming to the airport at night, understand? okay, are you coming with him? well, yes. of course, mom, i’m arriving
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with maxim. vic. i had a dream. the train is passing at night, suddenly it goes off the rails, well, of course i woke up, mom, everything is fine, fine, please calm down, as soon as the plane lands, i’ll call you right away, it’s agreed, okay, that’s it, come on, bye, bye,
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yes, no, tell him that i’ll be there later, when, should i report, or something, he said , i will be back later. that's it, good morning, kostya, can you buy me some coffee? who are you? hello, we arrived and talked all night, but you didn’t bother you, and now what happened? no, i understand, you had a little too much yesterday, not that much, wait, hello, i’m christina, although last night you called me vika,
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okay, there’ll be coffee, listen, for you, christina, i don’t have time, i’ll call a taxi now and, come on, you’re behaving rather rudely, kostya, he was polite last night, well , let’s not do it, we’re there at night... that’s all, don’t worry, i understood everything, everyone showed the same expressions, well, yes, well, yes, damn it!
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so the main thing is not to forget anything, you will buy souvenirs, but there is no one for me, gifts for helen, translators, the notary, what did you see there, and why don’t i just look, everything here is very shiny. what should i give sashka? maybe a cape? great idea, take it. and if it doesn’t suit you, then don’t take it. you know, what? take it, don't take it. my gift cannot be formal. the gift must be perfect, only then it will be a real gift. ideal, like our life, right? oh, maybe buy her a handbag, a hat. vic, ah, unfortunately, i’m not familiar with your sashka, much less her taste. but if you are in doubt, just call and ask what she needs, thank you, thank you, maxim, this is exactly what i will do, and then you talk, and i need to leave,
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i’ll buy juice, hello, how are you, my dear, great, we’re flying out at night , and i remember, listen, sash, tell me what to buy you, and i’ll do everything i broke my head, oh, well , don’t invent anything, you don’t need anything, well, it’s not necessary, it’s necessary, i can’t do this, well, if you can’t, oh, but bring me local sweets, and there’s baklava, turkish delight, i have sons they will be delighted, i really love these delicacies, okay, the order has been accepted, now tell me what’s in the bureau, oh, very good, exactly, we finished with the portuguese, yes, just yesterday, listen, why are you asking me, well here we go tomorrow
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you will come yourself, you will see everything, i will provide you with a full report, yes, well, look, alexandra, you know me, i will check everything, every letter, every comma, oh, my restless one, listen, maybe after once... yes, you’ll go to turkey again, but well, you have at least 4 months until i give birth, oh, i don’t even know, maybe i’ll do that, and i see you liked working, yes, you know, i realized that being a 100% housewife is not my thing at all, now i’m screaming, i’ll come to my senses right away, i’ll go to work, you’ll have a place in bureau for me, of course, alexandra sergeevna, your husband came, brought the children, why, what happened? no, everything is fine, yes the courier just arrived, i need to sign something. so, i hug you, kiss you, see you,
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okay. okay, let's go for now, what are you doing here? sorry, today they are simply uncontrollable, i need to finish writing a program, but i just can’t concentrate, if i don’t hand it in by morning, the boss will turn my head away. wait, and mom, why can’t she entertain them, read a fairy tale, go for a walk with them, mom left, where she went to a sanatorium, bought a last-minute ticket, and drove off, so today the children are with you, wait, well, i’m chasing nobody here too. well, i’ll explain, if i don’t finish it tomorrow, i’ll be fired, that’s what you want, that’s it, guys, listen to mom, that’s it for now, i ran away, well, mom, let’s go here to the zoo, no, i don’t want to, so we’ll go and we’ll definitely go to the zoo for the rides , but not today, okay, mom has a lot to do today, but what are we going to do, well, we’re going to draw today, you like to draw, yes
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i do, yes, it’s great. thank you, sit down here, take out your pencils, you and i will draw the animals that you will see at the zoo, yeah, remember how you told me i persuaded you to be a bridesmaid, actually, it didn’t take long to persuade you, oh well, nothing like that, i just immediately realized that you wouldn’t leave me alone, i didn’t, it’s impossible to leave such a charming woman. overall it was a most beautiful day.
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max, what are you doing? i love you very much, and for me everything that is in this world, i am the happiest man, because i have you, and i will tell you this all my life. marry me. max, there’s something wrong with me, it’s all right, but i don’t
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want any, but max, i feel very good with you, it’s true, but very little time has passed and you refuse me, no, no, that ’s not what you’re talking about, think about how i can accept your offer if i’m not yet divorced. this is a formality, for you it may be a formality, but for me it’s a kind of burden, some kind of uncertainty, and in general, suddenly something goes wrong that you change your mind about getting a divorce, no, of course, but here it is again, but tell me it’s simpler, i don’t fit into your life schedule, yes, yes, what does this have to do with some kind of schedule, max, i’m telling you something completely different i’m trying to say, but you don’t understand, but i
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understand everything, you don’t love me. i love you, if you loved me, if you loved me, you wouldn’t put so much pressure on me now, i understand, yes, you’re putting pressure on me, you’re putting pressure on me, hold me, bride, the premiere, when there’s a man’s shoulder, something simpler , what... i’m looking for a jackdaw now, you know where she is, i can’t help you, you came with messages, hello, hello, yes, gal, a rich life is good for you, but my life now has nothing to do with you, jackdaw, from june 3 on rtr, kalinon belek -
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what, can i come to you? yes, come, of course, i’m at home, thank you very much, i’ll be right there, thank you, see you later. max, well, it’s not fair, you know, i just lose my head when i hear this melody.
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forgive me, for what? for not proposing to me on time? no, i will never ask for forgiveness for this. yes, then why ? for my selfishness. well, when you get divorced, will you become my wife? well, of course, yes, max, well, it’s not what you thought, it’s just a gift, nothing more to remember turkey,
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it’s very beautiful, thank you, mom, mom, mom! mom, did they tell me to draw? mom, i’m thirsty, my dears, sadra sergeevna, they’re just tired of sitting, they’re being capricious, maybe i’ll take them somewhere to eat, great idea, let’s go, uh-huh, oh! how are you helping me out, but give me the phone, just please, lenochka, no fast food, okay, but ice cream is ok, ice cream is ok today, let's go, let 's go, let's go, let's go, that means you took the application and there will be no division of property, there won't be, it won’t happen, i decided so. "if vika wants a divorce, please, that's her right, but i
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i’m not going to divorce her, i understand everything, you won’t be nice by force and all that, well , believe me, i’m ready to give everything just to get her back, yes, i’m afraid it will be difficult, you know that she’s having an affair, i know, i know, i i can’t understand what she saw in this musician. some resort scammer, pathetic swindler, i'm just absolutely sure that he's with her for some personal gain? for what benefit? he bought and gave her her own bureau? oh, irinaslavna, believe me, all these swindlers, gigolos, they all work out their plans in such a way that from the outside everything looks nobly very worthy, so people believe them, but the result is always the same, a broken heart, a lost state. that is, you
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admit that maxim is a swindler? of course, who else? otherwise why did he cling to vika so much, she’s being led, yes, it’s like she’s been replaced, and such spontaneous decisions, and not even in her character, well, because he completely fooled her with that saxophone of his, saxophone, but no, i myself i’m sorry, i understand everything, i sat in the office for days. i didn’t pay enough attention to her, but i always did everything only for her, only for our family, irina vyacheslavna, i’m sure vika needs to be saved, the sooner the better, even now i’m ready to fly to turkey, fall on my knees in front of her and ask for forgiveness, there’s no need to fly anywhere, she’s arriving today herself, what flight, what time, i i’ll go to the airport and meet you, no, you don’t need to meet me, and don’t fuss at all. “i’ll talk to her myself first, in
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this situation she would rather listen to her own mother than to the husband whom i cheated on, well, here you are probably right, and i’m always right, but i’m on your side, thank you, you really reassured me, ok, excuse me, i have to go, thanks for the delicious one. coffee, don’t see me off, i ’ll do it myself, we’ll keep in touch, have a nice day, goodbye.
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yes mom, vikusya, hi, hi, did something happen? well, century. kostya came to see me today, so stop, you’re calling me to talk me out of divorce, yes, because i ’m worried about you, about kostya, and this is your rash decision, mom, divorce is a deliberate decision, it’s not subject to discussion, it’s all over between me and kostya, you and i will talk about this again after the trial, there won’t be a trial, kostya took the statement back, somehow, yes, because he really cares about you loves, so he took away the application, while he says a lot, vic, that’s great, mom, then
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i’m not flying anywhere, i mean you’re not flying, you must return to your husband, can you hear me, mom, i don’t owe him anything, that’s it, we're handing over the tickets, we're staying here, vika, here you go, i missed something, my mom called, kostya took the statement from the court and it won't be... we can stay here, let's go. hello, hello, are you coming to see me? yes, your address was given by the agency, are you looking for
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a secretary? oh, yes, yes, of course, please come in. "come in, have a seat, i'm sorry, what did you say your name was? galina, smirnova galina nikolaevna, galina, very nice, my name is konstantin mikhailovich, can i look at your resume, of course, it is on the website, but i printed it out just in case, okay, this is..." convenient, smernova galina nikolaevna , so, yeah, completed higher education, 5 years of work experience, familiar with office work, that’s good, touch typing, but what about you with foreign languages, english is perfect, good, why didn’t you graduate from
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college for family reasons, but i i plan to graduate as a manager, i understand that i’m married? divorced, can you make coffee? the previous boss didn't complain. fine. why did you quit? did not get along. characters? interesting. to be honest, my former boss was not a very decent person, he tried to deceive the customer. ah... i don’t like this, that is, this is your principled position, yes, please, okay , i guess i’ll take you, we’ll try, tomorrow at 8 am, i’m waiting for you in the office, thank you, nothing for now , goodbye, till tomorrow. and we
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will live here for a long time, the longer the better, i in general, i’m ready to stay here forever, forever, yeah, of course, always, forever, yes, palm trees and the sea, you, me, mirai, our plans are changing dramatically, i hope for the better, of course, we’re not flying anywhere, and we want to extend our room , oh, your room is already booked for tomorrow, you said you were leaving, well, we'll take another room, what's available? you know, i can give you another hotel room, but i like you, i want to offer you the best option, to live in my uncle’s house, it’s a good house, beautiful, to you you like it there and no one will bother you, and
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my uncle won’t mind, he’ll like us, he’s leaving for antalya for 3 months on business, he asked me to find it. tsov, who will look after the house, he doesn’t like it when the house is empty, it’s just our day, so you agree, yes, of course, move in when you can move in, even today, i’ll finish my shift and take you to the house, great, thank you, then we will go pack our things, see you in the evening, goodbye, before your own intuition. or a neighbor, after the wave i’m no longer scared, they haven’t decided yet, maxim isaakovich, it’s time, it’s time, it’s time to decide, catch me if you can, a big music show, in general, i’m confused, on
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the date of birth, not the date of death. mikhail lyubimov, legend of soviet intelligence. kgb, we fought desperately against ukrainian nationalism. almost all banderaites became agents of american and british intelligence. there is a certain tradition. enemies of russia love england very much. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov.
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on rtr, we undress and wash our hands, well , finally, i’m already starting to worry, and that there’s no one to cook dinner, now i’ll take a break for a couple of minutes, whip up something, you don’t have to rush, dinner is already ready, like this, so this, i’m still i baked cookies, wow, how was the day, oh, no energy at all, like yours, i managed to write a program, i managed to, thank god,
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listen, vika, when is she coming back? oh, tonight, the day after tomorrow she’s getting a divorce, great, but what’s great, people are getting divorced from you great, but that’s not what i’m talking about, vika is coming back, which means you’ll return home and be able to rest. yeah, you can relax with the kids. oh wait, when is your mom coming back? in two weeks, probably, okay, let's get to the table , feed us, come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go, now, yes, wait, yes, i'm coming, yes, alexandra sergeevna, we have an emergency, what happened? the original of rudkovsky’s manuscript has disappeared from my desk, i can’t find it anywhere, we’ll have to give him the translation tomorrow, give the manuscript, you
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know what a fuss he’ll make if he doesn’t let’s give it back, wait, where could the manuscript have gone from the office, you looked at everything well, yes, yes, i searched everything, it’s nowhere to be found, what are we going to do, okay, i’ll come together now, let’s see, san, are you serious, you ’re going back to the office , uh-huh, maybe you can have dinner first, i’ll try to quickly, i’ll come for dinner. yes, irinaslavna, is there any news? yes, but you won't like them. vika is not going
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to return home. why? you took the application yourself? she has now decided that she can stay, understandable, okay, then i’m flying to her, no, you’re not flying, but i’m flying tomorrow in the morning, i’ve already ordered a ticket, i’m packing my suitcase, and you’ll take me to the airport tomorrow, i hope you won’t refuse me, of course, this isn’t even discussed, what time is your flight, i’ll send you all the information by text message, okay, victoria will be there for you to meet, no, he shouldn’t... know that i ’m arriving, he shouldn’t know, i want to take this swindler maxim by surprise and bring him to light, and please, be in touch and wait for my sms, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, irina vyacheslanovna, oh, kostya, please refrain from alcohol, tomorrow morning should be like a cucumber, yes, you heard me,
10:13 pm
yes, yes, of course, well done, yes, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow. i looked and looked in the desk drawer, it’s not there, well , look again, but it’s not here, the manuscript has disappeared, it’s just disappeared somewhere, what are we going to do? vika will kill me, keep looking, looking, thank you, this is my uncle’s house, let’s go and show you.
10:14 pm
at first, yeah, it’s very beautiful, oh, i’ve always dreamed of living in a house with a pool, dreams come true, i’m pleased that you like the house, very much, let’s go inside, come in, thank you. here is the kitchen and living room, there is a guest room a room, on the second floor there is a room even further away, a bathroom with a shower and a jacuzzi, just amazing, you like it, really, it’s dying, how much should we pay for this beauty, we don’t need money yet, pay when
10:15 pm
you leave, how. .. they say you will be at home, thank you, goodbye, oh, miray, the keys, yeah, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, max, i really like it here, so, refrigerator, refrigerator. the refrigerator is empty, so i’ll now make a list of groceries, well, at least for two weeks, again lists, plans, maybe we’ll go to the store and buy everything we like, no, i’m not used to it, well, try it, well, i can’t, well , try it, you’ll like it, well, let’s go, let’s go.
10:16 pm
max, max, come on, come on, what time is it, it’s almost eight, get up for a run, what, what? jogging, so what are you against? no, i’m in principle for it, but first i would prefer to have a cup of coffee with my beloved woman, lie on the lawn by the pool and then play on the sexophone, i’ve already gained almost one and a half kilograms in this paradise, it’s a nightmare, so first a jog, then a contrast shower , then coffee, and then everything else, vika, you
10:17 pm
’re scaring me, are you really a business woman... victoria andreevna is coming back, max, yes, my body is at a low start, you’re with me, what can’t you do for the women you love, that’s it, get up, and ! “i’m waiting for you downstairs, yes, kostya, i made it, great, thank you, no, i didn’t lose the hotel address, why did i have to lose it, how long to go, well, i don’t know, how should i know, okay, that’s it, let’s go bye !" it takes another 10 minutes to get to your hotel, no more, you speak russian, of course, i’m from ryazan, though i’ve been living here for more than 10 years,
10:18 pm
it must be so interesting, well, how is it normal for you here, i work as a tour guide for russian-speaking tours, and when there are few tourists, they work as a taxi driver, what’s your name? irina vyacheslavovna, irina, beautiful, it comes from the name of the ancient greek goddess erena, which means calm and peaceful life. and my name is sergey. my name comes from the roman name sergius, which means tall, noble. true, some researchers interpret this name as a servant of god, but i. this is all very interesting, of course, but i will be very grateful if you you will watch the road more closely. yes, yes, them, you can die, but no, you can’t, we
10:19 pm
just warmed up, we can’t slow down, it’s not that i’m warmed up, i’m just smoking, don’t talk, breathe evenly, oh, oh-oh-oh, what is it , that yes, but it turned up, it hurts, it’s not normal, out of the blue, some kind of not very good omen, you see the signs, i don’t, my mother believes in dreams as signs, so okay, take a breath, you’ve already rested, let’s run further, we get up, run, don’t talk, oh, okay, don’t lag behind, eh... well, here’s your hotel,
10:20 pm
please, thank you, how much do i owe you? oh don't worry, no, i want to pay, how much? 50 years. "here you go, thank you, i hope you like it here, yes i really hope so too, excuse me, here is my business card, well, that’s it, just in case you need a taxi, my car is always at your disposal, or if you need a personal guide , then call too, i’m the best in the city, i know everything, i understand, but i think..." i won’t have time for excursions here, but who knows, life is unpredictable, today you have no time for excursions, and tomorrow you suddenly want it and you will be open to new impressions. ok let's see.


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