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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 30, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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they will ever appear at work, of course, but can i also have the phone number of the head of the department, well, just in case, yes, i’m writing, uh-huh, uh-huh, thank you, be sure to tell them to call me, uh-huh, goodbye, employee! can’t be found at work, no cell phones, okay, boss, boss, why such employees who don’t show up at work at all, i said borscht, there was no, then tomato, there wasn’t, onion, there wasn’t, but at least i bought sour cream, and there was no sour cream.
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yes, what about novosibirsk? it’s okay, workers, you can’t find anyone, you have to look. a why do you think they can help us with anything? who did you even talk to there? i spoke with the deputy chief of the novosibirsk police department. so they spent 2 hours looking for those who deal with imported cars from st. petersburg. well, is it clear how they do it? i already told you. listen, there's one more piece of news. the second deceased has a tattoo on his shoulder. army tattoo with the number of a military unit stationed near novosibirsk. so what, that means he served near novosibirsk, no, that means he’s from novosibirsk, and they might know him there, but it will be difficult to get to know him, his face is covered in white paint, you contact novosibirsk first, and then we’ll think about what to do, yeah, okay, okay, i understand, come on.
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chief, where are you going? to novosibirs, for sour cream. search, yes, you search. that's it, okay, we'll talk when we meet, otherwise i will. listen continuously, who listens to you? yes, there is only one sheep, the youngest creeping up from the rvd, but would you like the generals to listen to you? i would like them all to go deaf there, because there is probably no regulation, so do you know this cop? well, that’s what i’m saying, we wish you good health, comrade captain, utochkin or tsyplyonkin, whatever they call him, but if you know him, then his deafness is a technical question, okay, that’s it, i didn’t hear that, see you later, come on!
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borscht, sour cream, i’ll bring them out into the open, who, who, the hijackers, but for god’s sake, no, no one can contact them, well, these operas, bokaev luchko, yeah. like on a business trip, well, you could have warned me right away, well, after all , we are doing one thing, otherwise call, they will be there soon, i understand, nikolai, okay, i have one more request, i have a client who is in in 2002, he served near novosibirsk, yes, in military unit 13846, yeah, i have a list of all conscripts, if you could get photographs to identify. so
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let me send you a fax, right now, yes, take it, that’s it, you can relax , have you found out something? consider the case closed, in what sense have you found out? well, i don’t know, but how kurochkin... broke his chains, said that he would find the killers on his own in record time, funny, it seems to me that i know who these murdered were, who, opera from novosibirsk, these, whom i called, bakaev and luchko, uh-huh, no, well, this is of course a version, but look, i called the novosibirsk police department and asked. they
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cannot do this, because they are supposedly on a business trip, official, but where did they say, but do you think that in st. petersburg, yes, i think that they were studying st. petersburg in novosibirsk. then, remember, i talked about tattoos yesterday, so, i, i received a list of everyone who served in this unit, look, yeah, the bakaevs, yes, well, on the other hand, the bakaevs, so you need to check, you, trikhani avdeeva, and i i’ll contact gorinov, if novosibirsk residents came to st. petersburg, they should have contacted our operas, okay, but, well, maybe they’ll wait until kurochkin arrests everyone. volodya, no, well, he’s too serious, uh-huh, when your girl turns 18, she’ll get onatar, whoever she loves from the men will be lucky and rich, but as soon as he gets rich, he’ll leave her, suddenly the gypsy didn’t
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lie, well, hit her, i’ll only today i realized how much i like you. you are so beautiful! max! what are you doing? i don't believe a single word you say! you're just not very push, otherwise you’ll scare him away and run away! he won’t run away from me, can you hear how it’s beating, i’ll protect you, who’s offending you? a magical gift that became a curse! i made up my mind, i will leave the city! don't break my heart! premiere! on saturday on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can
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something tasty be healthy, let’s try it, level inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can it be useful? be nice fantasy maybe scientific be clear, but you make a wish? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts us up... this is exactly the formula for food on sunday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with lioreorts.
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elegant details, a feast of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waters. lio-rezards, we are here for you. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. vixas golf villas and suites sharmelshey. a magnificent world class golf resort, surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas. ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits, sharmasheikh. titanic delux golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by
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our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, every room is a journey into comfort. comfort, your relaxation, your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. happy anniversary to you, mikhail petrovich, your ninetieth birthday. a glass holder with the coat of arms of russia, inside is an english chaang from
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england, where you lived for so many years of your service to russia. i have participated in many risky operations. i don’t consider myself the way people like to say on television. legendary rosette, my life, this is not a movie that we they show recruiting there, poop-pum-pum, running across the roofs, shooting, mikhail lyubimov, exactly how love staged it.
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when your girl turns 18, she will receive a gift. whoever loves a man will be lucky and rich. but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her. what if the gypsy didn’t lie? well, hit her. i just realized today how much i like you. how beautiful you are, max, yes, what are you doing, i don’t believe a single word you say, just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare him, he’ll run away, he won’t run away from me, can you hear how it’s beating, i’ll be with you to protect, who offends, a magical gift that has become a curse, i made up my mind, i will leave the city, don’t break my heart, the premiere, work at rtr,
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where are you, i can’t get through to you for half an hour. listen, avdevich, i have a question for you, who is there on the right from novosibirsk, the operatives, volodya, you know this, it’s not actually a telephone conversation, as you say, well, you’re batman, how did you know about them? did you find out, huh? did they contact you? yes , two weeks ago, we talked, they were interested in these raids, i know when
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was the last time we talked, and that’s when we talked, do you have a phone number for these guys? listen, they generally worked very secretly, just like spies, they turned to me only because i knew the information about this leganov, remember, i gave you? don't you remember the last name? they didn’t name it, one of them was... lyosha, exactly, yeah, how did you know about them? yes, this is shveytsova, she turned on her deductive apparatus. good device. but, volodya, i’m sorry, i can’t help you. we talked once and, sorry. yes, pash. again, seven, bmw. well done. listen, well, i just don’t care about these beauties anymore. well right there the traffic police officer has probably already arrived, ok,
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ok, i’ll call the traffic police, yes, they are working on this matter, uh-huh, come on, well, another raid, uh-huh, in moscow, the guys have completely lost their fear, half the city has already been hunting for them, nothing , now kurochkin will go to war, well, if he’s a kurochkin, then yes, well, i ’ve got it. why the seven, which was just pulled, wow, what the hell, what the hell, i worked a little, let’s go, good luck, yeah, on the warpath, yeah, so, come on, come on, yes, it’s her, she, my dear, what are you doing, he installed beacons on all seven, not only on seven, also on lenkru.
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okay, that's it, come on, shvetsova is calling me, yes, i'm in the yard, so, boss, now brake carefully, yeah, carefully get out of the car, go to the front door, which is the front door, the third front door, the third one, standing right in front of the door, yeah, and called for reinforcements, boss, you know, i always call for reinforcements, okay, okay, that’s it, now they’ll arrive. i’m waiting, come on, here they are, the rise, the third front door, well, where is this third front door, well, opposite the door, well, maybe there’s an element of error, so small, half a kilometer, but so what, there’s nothing here at all i don’t see one seven, look. wow, well done
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guys, you figured it out, it’s interesting how they planted a mobile phone in another car, but in principle i assumed that, why is that? nikolay, you have a service weapon, yes, of course, like everyone else, you can see why, i’m interested in the number. i understand, this is an accusation, right? no, suspicion, guys, do you really think that i’m a murderer, or what? no, well, can we look at the weapon, what’s the problem? yes, lord, of course you can, come on, is it really a question of looking at the weapon, the barrel, are you crazy, or what? give it to him trunk, he has two kills, he doesn’t care, do as the smart woman says, major,
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faster. phones, yours, come on, thank you, stand, get out of the car, get out. hands on the hood, on the hood, legs, but how did you understand that only he could warn the coal miners? yes, when he told me that they didn’t contact the siberian operational department, so what if they don’t
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contact him? listen, well, this is a strange situation, there are two options for the development of events. you need hijackers, oh, i’m already nervous, now he’ll turn everyone in, if only they don’t put them in common, uh-huh, you need hijackers, why do i need them, i don’t need them either, maybe avdeev, but avdeev isn’t running this business anymore, contact opera guryunov, he’s dealing with these hijackers, let’s go, let’s go, i said. the car,
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yes, he ate, he has my gun, and my phone, and mine too, let's go. poster on the tv channel culture, theater, music, performed by dilyara idrisova, artyom krudko,
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mikhail nor, igor podoplelov, the russian chamber orchestra and the intrada ensemble. on the small stage of the state maly theater the premiere performance of alexander's play nikolaevich ostrovsky in the foreign peru hangover. the kenisham theater named after ostrovsky begins a tour in moscow. performance by evgenia mantsova, kuzma zakharevich minin, dry crop in the manezh theater hall of the school of dramatic art. in the house of the hercyn museum, on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the bard , an exhibition of bulat kudzhava is being held, his friends and acquaintances are in the museum on osivtsev vrazhek. the exhibition includes photographs and handwritten autographs, books and memorial items that tell how the myth of barbat was born about the people who visited here. seventeenth international festival of music collection in memory of yuri temerkanov opens in large.
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to the famous painting created by the artist in
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1911, takes place in the exhibition space of the louis véton foundation. the exhibition brings together paintings, sculptures, and ceramic works that were in mathis’s studio while he was working on the red studio, which makes it possible to recreate the atmosphere that surrounded the artist. i will probably scare many people.
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in such a way that he understands what is good, what is bad and why certain functions must be performed. well, i don’t think that artificial intelligence, at least at this stage of development, can understand what is good and what is bad, it is a large mathematical model that is trained on some data, what data we gave it for training, so it learned, therefore, what we see today in the context of the work of the so -called large language models, well, like gpt chat, yes, we see all our stereotypes. we're just at maximum speed, all human good sides, all bad sides, they're here hyperbolize and come out, sometimes very
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comically, sometimes very dramatically. but this is about the fact that people are probably good and bad, yes, these good or bad people wrote some texts on the internet, on which we trained large language models, and now we wonder why he answers us like that and not otherwise, but simply because we are like this, after all, ethics is probably still alien to artificial intelligence, well, i don’t understand at all how artificial intelligence works, but is it possible to teach now, well, let’s then... clarification artificial intelligence, in the end it will be one common one or it will be like this gpt chat here, another, it will never unite into such an internet of things. well, now there are many models that solve highly specialized problems, it perfectly recognizes faces, it writes texts perfectly, it’s wonderful, it turns text into the voice of any person, this video makes it, so there are a lot of them, they compete with each other for efficiency, according to by and large
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we are going today. to such multimodal systems that solve some specific task, what you are talking about is probably close to the topic of the so -called strong artificial intelligence, the kind that learns anything like a human, is capable of solving a non- highly specialized problem, in principle can learn anything, that’s the question several years is probably a question, well now , plus or minus, scientists have agreed that somewhere, probably decades, before that there are now two polarities on the topic of artificial intelligence, one polarity is about the fact that let’s ban it. in general, and he can help us do so much harm and undermine everything so much that it needs to be strictly regulated, yes, but the other polarity is about the fact that let’s not regulate technology, let’s regulate relations around technology, and let technology develop, technology is not evil and unkind, the consequences implementation of technologies can be disruptive, and different people, good and bad, will use these technologies in different ways, for example, imagine that, well, these are already
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quite like this: promising developments, we will probably see in the coming decades their overclocking, neural interfaces, neural implants that allow you to connect the brain and a computer, imagine that it will be possible to significantly expand your cognitive abilities, well, it’s trivial that you insert a chip into your head and start thinking faster than others, how to live in a society in which some people are very smart , while others remained ordinary, what scares me is precisely that by introducing this chip and yes... some kind of superpower to a person, he falls into complete dependence, perhaps even dangerous. in any case, this story, it seems to me, not so much about opportunities and technologies, but about their disruptive potential and influence on us. but today, in the context of artificial intelligence, we are considering, for example, the question of how to catch students because they wrote an essay, and tomorrow we will consider the ethical question of whether it is possible to fire hundreds
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of thousands. people, because thanks to the introduction of this technology, well, people have lost their effectiveness, by the way, the first to fall under the distribution will be the most vulnerable call center employees, various freelancers, who drew some pictures there, yes , these are hundreds of millions of people from india, for example, yes, to whom all this has been outsourced over the past decades, and here an ethical question arises, the corporation that previously hired these people, and now is it responsible for their responsibility? she somehow fed them, she should probably pay their salaries or not, i don’t know, and what’s more, probably, the effectiveness of employees is already being assessed, and will be assessed even more by artificial intelligence and computer, and the decision to make layoffs is probably not made by a person, a very cool example, there was an experiment when , you know, before the resume reaches the har, advanced companies have filters, they also use artificial intelligence, they
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look at the resume for the right ones words. programming languages, but the funny thing is that this person who sent this resume received a huge number of invitations for interviews because he deceived the algorithm and here the question arises that the more, this is just about dependence, the more we begin to rely on technology, the more we seem to be on ourselves, on the person.
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in which it is not that bad artificial intelligence, which is trying to enslave us all, makes a decision, but rather people have put artificial intelligence at the center of decision-making, refer to it in order to argue for their... bad and not populist decisions, as a tool manipulations, artificial intelligence is a super tool, it will create for us our subjective realities, this concerns what answers he gives, what content he creates, what films he will make, this is a cool tool for social engineering, but here a huge question of cognitive safety arises, in the context of ethics, who should do this, this should be done by corporations that promoted artificially. it can be interpreted, maybe in different ways, it is not similar to the ethics of a citizen, well look, well , let’s take a trivial example, in moscow gps has been working poorly for several months, well, for obvious reasons, we can’t exactly
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to be found somewhere, yes, taxi drivers cannot drive in such conditions, but no one in bordachka has a map, this is just about the issue of dependence on technology, we have forgotten how to use maps. and you know, when it breaks, the question probably arises that someone is responsible for it, yes, because, probably, the company that produces the navigator should have foreseen that it could break, and well, in fact, this is such a critical infrastructure, logistics will come to a standstill in the city, yes, but every time it becomes the culprit man, the taxi driver who does not know the streets in the city becomes to blame, yes, the further we go there, the more our addiction will give us... and the further we go, the more crises there will be from the fact that something probably the key question will be what will a person have left, what should he focus on, what super skill should he have in order to remain needed, to survive, to be successful, in
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competition with artificial intelligence, in competition with people who use artificial intelligence, yes , how much how, of course, this is a big and complex topic, after talking with you today i realized that i was out of ignorance. misunderstanding, i am still afraid and, probably, resist all artificial intelligence, but maybe everything is not so bad, because i see that you also do not give an unambiguous answer whether this is good or bad, well, if you are an old believer, give me a mobile phone, but here so, oh well, no, perhaps, then i, too, like you, will remain neutral, thank you very much ruslan, see you soon, surely everyone imagines as best they can it can be difficult to get to the truth, probably, and it can be especially difficult when the truth needs
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to be found out somewhere in the village, and we’ll talk about this today. nikita, hello, tell me how to go on an expedition, from the abundance of information, perhaps scattered, perhaps contradictory. find the truth and determine how it really was. well, look, the folklore ethnographic expedition is quite a large layer of research work, which has been known, but since the 19th century. at first they lined up like some trips, expeditions to distant places to people who are not affected by civilization, this was first in order to understand that from what has been preserved here now, such fragments of the ancient mythological system, customs and rituals. what else can we record in reality and live, that is, people who do not reach radio, television, newspapers, books, including those who retain some archaic cultural traits, these cultural traits were important to us, we recorded them, reconstructed and understood what
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is happening to us here now through the prism that ancient thing, how do you plan an expedition in general, how do you determine who to interview, who to believe, who not to believe, what questions to ask, do you adjust how... there are conditionally questionnaires or your goal during the expedition or how does this happen in general? well, i’ll tell you only about one large layer of the expedition, these are university expeditions of philological faculties, when in the second year some choose folklore and anthropological practice. we have been traveling for about 20 years to certain regions of the russian north, at first it was the korgopol district of the arkhangelsk region, then the velsk district of the arkhangelsk region, now the ustyansky district of the arkhangelsk region, each time we choose a village or a cluster of villages where there are about a thousand... why in order for 30, well 20 percent, we could interview them with the help of twenty students and us, we have a program of questionnaires, there are about 27 of them, in each of these programs there are about 30 or 40 questions relating to all spheres of people’s
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life, from weddings to funerals, through the birth of a child, there's even program, well, called a wedding, in the picture you see absolutely stunning shots, but it’s very important to teach students to understand what’s happening behind these shots, philip, what’s happening behind these? frames, but it looks like a loaf, well, like some kind of baked product, a novice student, folklorist or ethnographer will describe this picture in slightly different words, there are senior members of the group, yes, they are carrying something hidden in their hands. what is actually happening is not just a wedding, like some ritual that we know, but here sanctioning such a group, students, we teach to look at the world with slightly different eyes, through the eyes of an anthropologist, to see behind small details something more general and interesting, to see the general in a wedding or a funeral, to look at the details, to see the details and interpret them through centuries... tradition, one of the expeditions was
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wonderful to the russian north, but where the komi live, this is the pizhma river, a tributary of the pechora, and here are cow horns, special hatchets, forged and spindles, one person who was a local healer there , here he showed me, how to throw blood, the practice of blood throwing is a well-known medical practice of the 19th century, which has been preserved in villages to this day, you need to go to the bathhouse, take... wave it several times, make cuts, and then collect this blood, and then do it some actions with them, which i won’t talk about here, sound kind of scary, yes, but at the same time every third person is treated like this, for example, there are some diseases, legs hurt or stomach hurts or something else, the practice of bleeding works , here we look, what works for them, brought to a certain hyperbole, and with the help of words. ritual objects, this practice
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turns out to be healing, witchcraft is defined as witchcraft, that’s exactly what i see you, not that this is not skepticism, this is probably such a sober assessment of a specialist, have you come across something inexplicable on your expeditions, well, if you say about the russian north, i have never encountered anything inexplicable, we often went on expeditions to siberia, this is the enese river, the elagui river and this is the kety, a completely mysterious people remained. there are very few people who still have the rudiments of shamanism, so it’s interesting that when you arrive as a ket, you immediately find yourself in a completely different atmosphere, yes, that is, imagine at 5:00 in the morning you are walking along village and there are some people walking there, yes, who look like american indians, including, in winter they of course go into the forest to hunt, in summer they live in villages, this is such a not very typical story for them, as for of some ethnic group, yes, that is, they never lived in villages, they... preserved one of the most ancient languages, languages ​​of such isolates, and on earth, they
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actually preserved some elements of that very ket culture, which few people can understand, almost all of them became extinct, it was an expedition of a different kind, attempts to preserve the language to see the rituals of these people, for example in the picture, it seems like a stump for us, but returning to our conversation, what we actually see is the grave of a child, that is, when children died, they were taken into the forest, swaddled in a diaper, they cut down a tree, yes... only we can see such elements , curiously, and shamanic usages, including those common to people, now all this has collapsed - a spoon on top of which is some configuration in the shape of a cross, and this spoon is for feeding shamanic idols, and this is quite a typical story for... the kets, when they well incorporated christianity into their shamanic culture.
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this is the last ket who could sing fluently in the ket language. and this is a very interesting story: alexander kotusov, when we recorded him, he couldn’t sing in the village, he could only create in batches in the forest. and we went far to taiga, he sat down and began to sing absolutely incredible songs. but he died, and now it seems that no one sings in package anymore, but we have his absolutely wonderful recordings and let's hope that this language will live on. and this is a slightly different direction, again expeditions, folklore expeditions, where we well understand that folklore is not just about background, it’s not just about mythology, it’s not just about exoticism, it’s also about ourselves, who we are, about the language that we preserve, but also about ethnicity, which we are trying to preserve through folklore, thank you, i still haven’t received confirmation of what works or doesn’t work , no, what you know, horror films, when they go on anthropological, ethnographic and other expeditions and something terrible happens to them. yes, nothing happens to anyone, but on an expedition to kargopol, misha alekseevsky
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, a wonderful urban anthropologist, he is also a folkist, no, he got sick leg, so we went to the grandmother, she was a well-known healer throughout the korgopol, so she kneaded something for him, did a massage there for two or three days, on the third everything went away, but i don’t rule out that on the third day it would so everything went, yes, so in this sense, it’s like faith , yes, it in many ways, well, makes you work miracles, your body, that is, well, what about placebo, it... you can also work, thank you for not cutting off faith in miracles, it was very interesting to talk with you, thank you very much, see you again. alexey, hello, let's continue talking about bosch's tryptic, the garden of earthly delights, this is our destiny, then come on, well come on,
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then today we are going to talk today about its middle part, which is actually the most amazing thing in terms of the amount of deviation and from... some places that are well read , there are things that are read very poorly, at the top there is again a visible source of life, which continues to be the creator of life as such for everyone, so many of the researchers believed that in this way it is still the garden of eden, but this is not enough for heaven it seems that there are four strange structures, such towers, which... not so long ago they were quite cleverly compared with theatrical decorations of secular and military holidays, at tournaments, there were such artificial slides and so on, that is, this is not something that was completely invented, this is part of visual reality that a secular person can perceive and recognize, but at the same time it is believed that there are four of them, then don’t they hint at four
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rivers of paradise, this is a misfortune in our entire history of art, arbitrariness of judgments, i don’t think they actually hint further at a round lake. in which characters are splashing around, as the avalcade is going on, this is some kind of not real world, there are no old people, no children, yeah, that is, in this sense of the word, this is some kind of edition of the universe, there is no profession here, there are no clothes , here it is impossible to recognize by profession by clothing, such and such a cleric, such and such a knight, here one knight is ultimately half-knight, half-fish, so it turns out that we are really talking about the youthful state of people who, well, have voluptuous passions. sweetness also tastes from the numerous sweet fruits, nothing more, there are a couple of scenes in the background where one can suspect some kind of touching and caresses, but very distantly. the fact is that in those days voluptuousness was understood, among other things , as stupidity, simply that a fool may
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not understand anything other than this, it is rather an allegory of stupidity, voluptuousness and the fact that at the most tender age we...
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see this is all as if somanbulic, that is , it is as if it were not really, the genre of knowledge or sleep had a colossal absolutely in demand in the middle ages, it could have been very important. i took it and in a dream i saw the apostle peter, who he told me, or our lord himself, in this sense of the word, this strangeness of this whole
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world can be explained by the fact that the culture is a visionary culture, including the pictorial artistic edition of the vision or that this is nervous teaching, but it’s not really, in fact it’s a little wrong, it’s not really voluptuousness, it’s teaching on its topic, let’s say, yeah. than anyone else, his images are just constitute with them the gift of individual imagination, they, which is quite rare for that time, have almost no exact iconographic prototypes, he does not take from books or from the experience of the artist in his time, but his father is an artist, and he really takes from within. well, consciousness is a situation that would be very close to realists in this situation, this is personal knowledge, so far, after all, my vision
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of this picture agrees with what you are talking about in detail, probably agrees, but i would like to make one insertion here small, what to be considered an exceptional genius, in what order, how to put it all together, i would compare bosch here with his absolute antagonist, but in some ways occupying a similar place in the history of italian. claims this is leonardo. leonardo, like bosach, suffered one, so to speak, realized one theme in himself, this is essentially the death or substitution or change of the former medieval central meaning of the image, when through the image the fullness of the essence of god is revealed, the fullness of the essence of man, when what was obtained laid down in the byzantine dogma of icon veneration, that is, that the image is the highest of the symbols of god. leonardo did not complete any of his late works; he did everything.
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century, because after bousk the gensky altar is no longer possible and not timely, this is a different world, indeed, we have stepped over this, we again opened the opening and closed the closing, we tied up the page, alexey, thank you very much, you know, every time we are filming a program with you, after it i want to immediately study art, study painting, it goes by quickly, after all, unfortunately, unfortunately, but at some point you, like no one else, in my opinion, force it. it’s great that then in the next program we’ll discuss the right side to see where this all leads, but thank you, see you, all
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the best. tv channel my planet presents. a unique phenomenon when the sea recedes as much as 5 km. can be seen daily on chandipur beach, eastern india. this spectacle delights the spectators, who can literally follow the sea. money really can't buy a good weather forecast, despite the technology
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achievements in the field of meteorology, which is probably why more and more new sanctuaries appear on the map of the chuya steppe, one of these arose quite recently, in the ortolyk tract, each clan had its own sanctuary, not here in the valley. the new altai stone henge was built by sanna sergeev’s uncle vladimir sablakov; it was erected on the site of one of the ancient sanctuaries destroyed in the thirties of the last century. the cult complex was named tagl. like the ancient temple, the cult complex is oriented to the cardinal points and divide the symbolic circle into four equal parts, in the center of which is the altar. we dedicate this ritual to our god, altai kudai, to whom we sacrifice
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the fattest, best pieces of the sacrificial ram. this modern ritual follows all the canons of the ancient custom and begins with the lighting of mazhevel branches. we call this ritual "dzaan", feeding the fire with flesh, a kind of sacrifice in the form of fat or ram meat. only after this do we sprinkle the stones of the sanctuary with cheden, kefir according to you. this the tradition goes back, rather than to shamanism, to later beliefs, when the first tibetan monastic pilgrims penetrated into the territory of altai, they brought with them a new white faith, akdyan or burkhanism. burkhanists
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come here from all over the country. this time i even came to the holiday. one telelengit from kiyemir, he does not fight for the white faith in the literal sense, but rather looks for its roots here, in the chuya steppe, where people stand firmly on their feet, surviving against all odds. we live in the middle world, in any shamanic take a tambourine, yes, there is an underground kingdom, yes irlika, there is a light kingdom, there are stars, there is all this, yes, this is the world of ulgen, the middle world, the world, this is it.
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tai turned into a unique place of power, where the east met the west, and new siberia met ancient asia. the leaders of the scythians, huns, and sarmatians were buried here from time immemorial. ancient turks. each nation erected mounds in honor of its famous ancestors, installed stone steles and sacrificial sanctuaries. altai has become a necropolis for them, we will bury the nomadic culture under open sky. true, some of the exhibits from the sacred plateaus migrated under the modest roof of a small rural museum in the village
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of kakorya. it was created about half a century ago, through the efforts of a local. school teacher of the region bedinov, who is still adding to the collection, for example, many exhibits, some exhibits were found by us, members of the circles, members of the circle, we found this sculpture of an ancient druze warrior right near the village, when people were building a store, they dumped it there, we got it, they brought it in, set it up as a museum, so... ancient - a sculpture of an ancient turk, this is the 6th century ad, here is a warrior, or we found something like this, for example, here are petroglyphs, i also found this petroglyph myself in the mountains, brought it to the museum, today near the edge.
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this is an ancient turkic statue, a memory of our direct ancestors, there is even a letter preserved here in the archon-yenisei dialect, which the ancient nomads used to speak, but how our ancestors prayed, worshiped these stones and why, grandfather, if you look at this part stone sculpture, you will see strange figures, this image shamans who know the people of the past, the main one of
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the studio andrey shevtsov, crews of one hundred traffic police destroyed mortars and infantry. crimean paratroopers hit the self-propelled gun.
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in the khmelnitsky region, it was called the main base for nato b-16 fighters. eyewitnesses say they heard the distinctive sound of drones in the sky before the attacks. in a western direction. russian artillery destroyed the ukrainian armed forces' mortars and infantry. crews of msta self-propelled howitzers around the clock they hit the front line of the enemy's defense.
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fire is fired from a distance of 10 km with high-explosive fragmentation shells, which are equally destructive against infantry, armored vehicles and concrete fortifications. as soon as the coordinates of the target are transmitted, it is immediately destroyed. the crew of the gun...
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the good training of the mortar crews is reflected in the well-coordinated interaction with aerial reconnaissance. adjusting artillery with a pv drone, hitting enemy personnel, adjusting artillery to destroy strong points. in the orekhovsk direction special operations near the village of verbovaya. crews of the crimean paratroopers destroyed a self-propelled artillery installation of the ukrainian armed forces. it was possible to find the target thanks to the brilliant work of assault reconnaissance. immediately after the hit , the enemy gun's ammunition exploded. abrams tanks made ukrainian soldiers targets for russian strikes. cnn's material from the front line came out under this headline. military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces complain about the shortcomings of american armored vehicles, questioning their usefulness. among the main ones. deficiencies,
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poor security, problems with engines and electronics that malfunction at high air humidity. in addition, most ammunition is only suitable for fighting other tanks, and such clashes are now rare. today the progress cargo ship will depart for the international space station. the soyuz rocket is already ready, on it are unique images dedicated to today’s ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, the man who walked into outer space, the tercentenary of st. petersburg state university. progress will deliver equipment into orbit for station systems, food, medicine, fuel and water supplies. docking with the iss is scheduled for june 1. the jury on its first day was unable to reach a verdict in the case of donald trump, who is accused of falsifying business records. colleagues will have to determine which of the thirty-four counts of charges. he himself insists on
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complete innocence. trump is now one of the most quoted us politicians, and apparently, in order to seize the initiative, his main opponent joe biden decided on a dose of dark humor. at a pre-election rally in pennsylvania, he suggested trump suffered brain damage from the bleach injection. and then rudeness descended altogether, one of the journalists asked the head of state about the possible transfer of powers to the vice president. ka biden replied that the one who asks such questions hit his head. north korea launched 10 ballistic missiles at once, all of which fell into the sea outside japan's exclusive economic zone. pyongyang has not yet revealed the launch parameters, but they have already reported that the missiles flew 350 km at maximum flight altitude of 100 km. in recent days, north korean engineers have been testing not only jet vehicles, the day before.
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launched balloons filled with manure and household waste into south korea. the united states is blocking any efforts by the international community for a middle east settlement. the un security council needs to put pressure on israel and washington for a ceasefire in the gas sector. this is a statement from the deputy permanent representative of our country to the world organization, anna evstneeva. at a meeting dedicated to the attacks on the city of rapah, diplomat noted that israel's military operation had claimed lives.
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threatens residential buildings and communications masts of us navy stations. meteorologists have declared a red cat a flight hazard, but the local airport is still operating as normal. next, regional news, stay with us. now there is news from the capital region and at the beginning of the release a large fire in the east of the capital in the novogereyev area is burning a production and warehouse. building, it is located on martenovskaya street, the flames have already engulfed 2.0 km, a partial collapse of the roof has occurred, the fire has been assigned the third rank difficulties, aviation was involved in extinguishing the fire, helicopters dropped water on buildings , thick clouds of smoke rose above the local emergency.
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a man with a knife attacked several people, including police officers, on the kharashovsky highway. according to preliminary data, first in one of the houses, during a quarrel, he injured a woman. when the law enforcement officers arrived , they attacked them, they used weapons and wounded the troublemaker, the attacker tried to hide in the store, where he also attacked the saleswoman, they managed to detain him there, all the victims are in the hospital. 430 carriers will introduce large-class buses on almost fifty metropolitan routes. this month over a dozen contracts have been concluded with them. due to the increase in the number of seats , travel in new cars will be even more comfortable. more details about events in the capital region in less than half an hour, all news is available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website, do not switch.
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titanic luxury collection, trusting my own
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intuition or my neighbor, after the wave i’m no longer afraid. they haven't decided yet, maxim isaakovich, it's time, it's time, it's time to decide, catch me if you can, a big music show, in general, i'm confused, on friday, on rtr, good morning, hello! elena nikolaev denis stoykov is glad to meet you on thursday morning and in the summer he will be reading to meet us on may 30 on the calendar. well, the morning is in full swing, whoever goes to visit in the morning, as you know, acts wisely. we invite you to come with us for a moment to this small establishment. yes, the smallest prison in the world
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is located on the small island of sark in the southwestern part of the lomanche. in a tiny building there are only two chambers, one measuring 4 m2, and the other three. there are no windows. the project is not envisaged, but no one dared to make changes to the architectural heritage, which is more than 150 years old, the electricity was installed well, because the prison is still in use, usually tourists who get there after drinking, but i wonder if they receive free legal assistance , government bureaus may appear in russian regions that will provide legal advice and help citizens understand the intricacies jurisprudence, now such companies.
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scammers often disguise themselves as government agencies and target pensioners, promising mountains of gold, we will increase your pension, but you just don’t know about it, but you can write twice to the pension fund there or somewhere else they will increase your pension by so many thousands for you... is this all supposed to happen or some kind of additional benefits instead of benefits, the victim of scammers usually receives an enslaving agreement, this is what happened with dmitry, he wanted to terminate several contracts with the insurance company through the court,
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delivered by the state. according to the ministry of justice, about 30 million citizens have the right to receive free legal assistance, but unfortunately, no more than 1% use it. beneficiaries have the right to free legal advice. the specific list is on the website of the ministry of justice, it is quite impressive, the services are provided by qualified lawyers, but reaching them is quite a task. legal assistance is a service that is in steady demand, and fraudsters in this market seem to have a certain advantage because they always... in touch and on the internet they will advise you, on the street they will give you a business card with contacts. but to find a state
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legal office you will have to try hard, look for an address, make an appointment, stand in line, so experts believe that free help should be at hand. there is a whole network of multifunctional centers for the provision of public services. lawyers should be placed in such centers; they can easily give any citizen a primary one. superficial, let’s say, not in-depth legal advice. in addition to quality, you need to think about the quantity. free legal offices today do not operate throughout the country, but where they exist, one law office can operate for the entire region. we hope that with the advent of free legal assistance, as they say , at hand, citizens will be protected from such actions of scammers. with us today is the director of the department for development and regulation of legal assistance and legal services of the ministry of justice, roman ryaboy. it remains to be understood how it should work, because you told us before we
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aired with you that free legal assistance has been working since the eleventh year, how it should work ideally and how those bureaus that have been operating for more than 12 years have performed, based on the results of this experiment, it was decided to prepare a law on free legal assistance , which today is the main act that regulates these legal relations, if we talk about state legal ones.
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address on any issue, that is , to exclude a case from legislation, well, i can start with this, i can cite for example, yes, let’s say, if a person is included in the federal category of disability of the first, second group, and for example, he decided to open his own business, for example, yes, he needs to consult with lawyers about what legal form of organization he should choose, how he should register his business, what permits he needs, and why couldn’t he apply then too, now he can’t do this, because there is no such case in the law.
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state bureaus are not created as quickly as we would like, we currently have 49 of them in the whole country, in the twenty-first year there were 26 of them, that is, there is a tendency towards this, but why not link them to the centers of these mfcs or like these are my documents, so that people do not have to look for them somewhere on the city map and in others regions, that is, so that a person would come to objects where there is one window. solves all issues, there is also the same free legal advice. in some regions this actually
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works, but there is one very important point here, which is that when a person comes, he tells the lawyer about some of his problems. he wouldn’t really want someone to listen to someone else during his legal, let’s say, confession. when we come to the center, it’s a row of windows, yes, someone can always hear what is being said, you can go to the portal in law of the russian federation, that ’s what it’s called, and there are, for example, all the addresses of state legal bureaus, thank you for opening up the topic, the director of the department for development and regulation of legal assistance and legal services of the ministry answered our questions: all the best to you hello, thank you, catch me if you can, a big musical show, deliberately fooling our brother, the guy in a white suit doesn’t sing, it seems to me, at all, tomorrow at 21:30, whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will float, yes, truthfulness these words from captain
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vrungel's song were verified by participants in a comic regatta in the american state of florida, replica. the titanic repeated the fate of the original, went to one, and what’s amazing is that this shipwreck didn’t upset anyone at all, rather , on the contrary, the main thing here is as much as possible to amuse the spectators and the jury, and also to amaze them with the design of the boat and costumes, dozens of teams participate in the comic regatta every year, each of them is given three sheets of plywood, a roll of tape, fasteners, putty, glue is prohibited from being used, that’s why boats sink more often than they reach the finish line, well kupa... as you know, a great way to cool down during the heat, here's how to prevent your car engine from overheating? ivan zinkevich will help you check the cooling system before summer so that it does not fail at the most inopportune moment. summer is the season vacations and travel, but the path to the destination often has to be overcome in the heat and traffic jams. this means it's time
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to check your car's cooling system. yes, today it is quite reliable. but it still needs maintenance, so first let’s figure out how everything works here: the cooling system consists directly of the engine jacket, where the coolant is heated from the engine and cooled from the radiator, and to speed up heating and regulate the temperature in the system, there is also an additional thermostat , here the cooling system also includes a special pump that circulates coolant in the system, the circuit is simple, operating conditions at constant high temperatures cannot be called easy. if you miss an antifreeze leak, overheating is guaranteed. therefore, monitoring the level and condition of this fluid is the direct responsibility of the owner. it can escape through a radiator that has lost its seal. this is not always due to age and corrosion, because stones flying from under the wheels can damage the radiator. in
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models with large honeycomb radiator grilles are at risk. in this case, it makes sense to install. a special protective mesh, old or damaged system pipes can also leak, the expansion barrel or pump seal can crack, and the pump can also fail. in order to notice overheating in time, pay attention to the temperature sensor more often, especially if you are caught in a traffic jam in the heat or are driving along the highway at high speeds; you should also be alerted by extraneous knocks from under the hood, too long fan operation and decreased power, oddly enough, but with the onset of the hot season... zone, owners of new cars with turbocharged engines should be especially careful. overheating is especially dangerous for modern engines because it can deform the cylinder head or increase the expansion rate of the piston, which will also lead to wear and damage to the engine. and there it’s not far from a complete overhaul. to reduce the risk of such problems, now before the onset of real heat, look into
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the expansion tank and make sure that the antifreeze level is not lower than the minimum marks and... not higher than the maximum, check, feel all the connections and seals, and if necessary, wash the radiator better by removing it, agree, it’s easier to spend a little time now than to ruin your vacation later, tick, don’t leave, mom, how am i doing? i'm tired of this, how do you put up with it in general, the premiere, you teryushina, i and you listen here, on the night when i gave birth... you were born another girl, other people's parents, you stole me from my mother, you are our ancestor at home, how you changed the dolls, say thank you for growing up in love and care, someone else's love, little tick, marry me, we are giving you the most precious thing we have, our only beloved daughter,
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she even has a name, forgive me, little girl, stranger... i will find my real parents, who are you? i, jackdaw from monday on rtr. happy anniversary to you, mikhail petrovich, your ninetieth birthday, a glass holder with the coat of arms of russia, inside english england, where you lived only for the years of your service to russia, i participated in many risky operations, i don’t consider myself as they like on television, says the legendary rosette man, my life is not a movie that they show us there are recruiters, poop-pum-pum, running across the roofs, shooting. mikhail lyubimov, how exactly did love put an end to your intelligence career, well, you want it to be, he has never been so close
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to failure, a godsend for a spy, it’s true, you had to use your recruiting experience outside of work, well, for example, when they were courting the famous natalya fatieva, i fell madly in love with her, that’s all, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov. on friday on rtr, do you remember what you promised me? i remember what i promised? did you promise to marry me? well, that's where you're going, i almost hit you, why are you silent, did i hurt you? no, i didn't.
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what should you pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire
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body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family must be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. from monday to friday on rtr. a little history when the last hero was not yet was born, bulfinist, the first hero, this is the name of the new film, which will become a prequel to the popular film fairy tale and tell the backstory of your favorite characters. new heroic adventures await. clear falcon
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and his friends will go on a difficult journey to the eastern lands, where he will meet a mysterious inventor, a talking camel, and, of course, meet his love. the new fennist will be in the winter, and on june 6 the comedy-drama, naughties, will be released in wide cinemas. continuation of the cult. the trilogy becomes a truly family film, because now you will have to raise not adults, but children, how this will happen, and what awaits the audience, look in our story: and you haven’t eaten yet, we won’t eat this ladle, now you have found obedience, but it will have to be carried by the monk sasha cherny, who himself once ran away from worldly life in a monastery, but now in the center of the story there are new heroes, four from... hooligans who were given a chance for correction, a children's home behind them, a hard life, resentment towards their parents, so the young ugly people don't just poison life those around them, literally keep them in fear,
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will the former criminal be able to guide the rebellious kid on the path of correction that he himself once went through, listen, black, you were in prison, you understand, we can’t be locked up, don’t be a bastard and let him in, but no there is no plan, there is no escape, this is exactly how, strictly, judiciously, without unnecessary emotions, black , played by gosha kutsenko, will educate his disobedients. exciting adventures await the inhabitants of the monastery, and in order to survive, they will have to not only unite, begin to respect and, perhaps, even love their neighbor his. it wasn’t easy for the characters in the film, but the actors on set fell in love with each other on the first day of shooting. according to gosha kutsenko, he literally found a second family. even my own daughters were afraid that they would now have to share their dad with someone. my girls, i have two girls, six and nine, became jealous. yes, they refused to come to the site when they found out that they had competitors. the roles of which were performed by rising stars of russian cinema. ekaterina novokreshchenova, nikita konkin, alisa klagish and fyodor skalsky. according to the young
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naughty ones. they are still fascinated by the atmosphere of the filming, there was an amazing team with whom everything was easy, but when the final shift came, you don’t even believe that this is all, i didn’t want to say goodbye to anyone at all, but this is for the actors, and for the audience, everything is just beginning, the plight of the young heroes changes the genre of the story, and now this is not a sharp comedy, but a comedy drama that will truly make you worry, because the new story is not only about re-education, but about friendship and... and in general the religious theme is a little fading into the background, god forgive me, the path to correction will be thorny, but happy end will definitely come, the naughty ones will definitely not leave the audience indifferent and will make them think about what everyone can change. the comedy drama will premiere on june 6 in all cinemas. and then. well, old stuff,
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yeah, and this is probably from the time of the abolition of serfdom, and what is this, count drakol’s costume, where is the owner of all this old stuff, here, here is the owner, you should have just gone to the village clerk, just a minute, oh uncontrolled shopping, plyushkin syndrome, well, we’ll tell you how to deal with this after the news, although you know, i really like the suit here, and i like the belt, such a bunny. the news continues to work live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. critical infrastructure was destroyed this night in the kharkov region. after the air raid warning was announced , a series of explosions occurred in the region. in addition , the ukrainian armed forces facilities, which are used by nationalists to attack our country, have been liquidated in dnepropetrovsk and odessa regions. closer to the morning it became known that the starokonstantinov airfield in the khmelnytsky region was hit.
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that's what they called him. eyewitnesses say they heard the distinctive sound of drones in the sky before the attacks. the attack tactics of small groups were used by the assault units of the vostok group in the southern donetsk direction. during the battle, we managed to knock the enemy out of a fortified stronghold. the advanced detachment occupied advantageous positions closely.
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the volleys hit a concentration of personnel and equipment that were in the forest, defeat the targets were detected by aerial reconnaissance. in the donetsk sector, a massive attack was carried out by attack drone operators, militants and camouflaged fortifications were destroyed. aircraft are produced and repaired in a workshop near the contact line. mostly. but from them - it’s time to leave to work with resets, right now - we did several resets, a double reset is printed on the printer for fpv, just for tests. an army aviation strike group disrupted the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units to the launch site ammunition, the k-52, mi-35 and mi-8 helicopters
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approached at an extremely low altitude. from the cost of the rocket, the pilots successfully returned to the airfield. there are 26 forest fires raging in transbaikalia, and almost a thousand paratroopers and forestry workers are fighting them. where it is possible to travel, ground equipment is used. air groups on special mi-8 helicopters control the situation from the air. forecasters predict worsening weather in the region, drought and stormy winds are approaching, extremely tense situation in buryatia, powerful fires. in four large forest districts, 300 people and fifty pieces of equipment are involved in the fire extinguishing. protests against empty pots took place in the argentine capital. activists and organizers of canteens for the poor gathered near the building of the state food warehouse. the protesters' anger is directed at the country's president , javier miley. his
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cost-cutting policies have led to delays in delivering food to meal centers for the needy. payments of subsidies to the poor have also been suspended. real apocalypse caused the remal cyclone. in india and bangladesh , at least 100 people are listed as dead; due to powerful flooding, people are forced to walk chest-deep in water; roads have become like small rivers along which the most desperate drivers are trying to drive. agricultural waters resemble cascading waterfalls. in one of the mountainous areas , a truck overturned as a result of a landslide. residents are fleeing the elements on the roofs of their houses. a similar situation is with floods in mexican manterrey followed by drought in a city with a million people. there was heavy rainfall and hail, floating through the streets cars and garbage. today the progress cargo ship will depart for the international space station. the soyuz rocket has already prepared unique images on it, dedicated to
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today’s ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, the first person to go into outer space, the tercentenary of st. petersburg state university. progress will deliver equipment for station systems, food, medicine, and fuel supplies into orbit. water. docking with the iss is scheduled for june 1. further news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds now news from the capital region. a large fire in the east of the capital. in the novogireev area, a production and warehouse building is on fire. it is located on martenovskaya street on the territory of a former machine-building plant, the flames have already engulfed 4,000 m2, the roof has partially collapsed, the fire has been assigned the third rank of complexity, aviation has been brought in to extinguish the fire, a helicopter is dumping water
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on the buildings, thick clouds of smoke are rising above the scene of the emergency. there is no information about casualties yet, traffic in the area of ​​the incident is blocked. on the khorashov highway a man with attacked people with a knife, according to preliminary data. in one of the residential buildings during a quarrel, he first wounded a woman, when police officers arrived at the scene, he did not obey their demands, the law enforcement officers used weapons and wounded the attacker, he tried to hide in the store, where he attacked the saleswoman and other visitors, there the rowdy was contained and all the victims were taken to the hospital. three residential buildings under the renovation program began to be built in the southeast of the capital, a building for more than 500. it will be located on the black sea boulevard, not far from the sevastopolskoye metro station. in total
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, residents of almost 205 floors will receive new apartments in the area. the best teachers were chosen in the capital as part of the moscow teachers of the year competition. now there will be 25 finalists from different schools. today tomorrow +28:30 no precipitation, thunderclouds will approach in the evening, showers will begin on friday, this will cool the air a little. the capital's rescuers warned about the dangers of
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prolonged exposure to the sun, which can lead to heatstroke and more serious illnesses. consequences. at the first symptoms of overheating, you need to drink more water. our correspondent artyom kuznetsov will tell you the weather forecast for the first days of summer and how muscovites save themselves in the heat. a cloudless sky, a scorching sun, and regular street cleaning, as well as the distribution of water to the capital's metro at train stations, help a little from the july heat. the weather is wonderful, i like it, the sun, the heat is a little difficult to bear or normal. before leaving home in such weather, it is better to choose light-colored clothing and do not forget about a hat. many seek salvation near bodies of water, despite... the scorching sun there is no free space on the shore; vacationers are not afraid of the high level of ultraviolet radiation. the weather is very beautiful, finally sunny in moscow. how long have you been vacationing here? today is the first day, we've been lying all day with... somewhere the weather is beautiful, it's very pleasing after such a cold
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week, which was literally a week or two ago, it's generally a blast, you should be extremely careful when tanning, doctors warn, take sunbathing better in the morning until noon and in the evening after 16 hours. we we come here especially from the dacha to play, and not at the dacha in these beds, it’s boring. in such weather, you can get heatstroke even in the shade. if you feel unwell, you should immediately drink water, preferably salted water. testing for allergy sufferers , a poplar snowstorm is already swirling in the city; weather forecasters promise that by the weekend the weather will become more comfortable. clouds will appear on the neva, so rain is forecast for the weekend, i would not say that these rains will create discomfort, no, this is summer, short-term, rains, for 20-30 minutes, yes it rains, then yes, after half an hour the sun shines again. for muscovites, this will be a short respite before the new wave of thirty degrees. we know it will last until mid-june. artyom
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kuznetsov, dmitry shestukhin and lika javakhishvili, lead. that's all for now, see you later. max, who would you like, a boy or a girl? both a girl and a boy, if vika doesn’t mind. melody for two. i think you will be happy with him. mom, i'm already happy. i made inquiries about this max and i know for sure that he is married. to vika hooked up with a married man? he's capable. touch all the strings of the soul, i am fethiye, what, why did you come here? my husband, he is also a sexophonist, and his name is also maxim razbegen, she is not capable of playing with feelings, i still love him, how could he do this to me, melody for two, final episodes, today on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, can you please leave a comment, i’m very glad that you... came to visit me, how much tea was drunk,
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how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i start, then the pile goes away mark antonevich zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man , am a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, good morning, hello, break, don't
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build, in the center of chelyabinsk spectacularly dismantled long-term construction, with noise, dust and roar. applause was earned by the pyrotechnics masters, who, using a controlled detonation , placed the building exactly on the given site, without touching or damaging anything unnecessary. the construction of the high-rise began at the end of the 2000s, the developer promised. that it would become the most noticeable in the city, it did, the concrete skeleton was clearly visible, the new investor decided to demolish the abandoned building and build something again in its place, well, maybe, but this is not certain, yes, nevertheless, maybe be a home with lots and lots of storage space things, otherwise russians complain that they don’t have enough space for the most necessary things, it’s true, is it possible to learn to sort your life into pieces, will a special expert in organizing living space help with this, about this in the story of varvara ermakova. here is a knight costume, like many things, i made it myself for an event, it is
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quite versatile, how can i throw it away? anna makes costumes that are dear to her heart, both for work and for her hobby, as a result, the girl’s closets have long been reminiscent of treasure chests, which is all there is to it, masquerade outfits and masks coexist with everyday clothes, if i haven’t used it for five years, i probably need to finally get rid of it, but the heart doesn’t always allow it, the heart is the head and a warm attachment to things prevents getting rid of it. a closet or a whole room, the main thing is to do everything
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according to science, well, for example, these are clothes, and we distribute them into categories: t-shirts to t-shirts, and pants to pants, underwear to underwear, already in frames. in this small category we begin to get rid of things: first - unnecessary things that you don’t like, art decluttering appeared and spread throughout the world, thanks to the japanese writer marie konda, she advises dividing your actions into stages and first laying out each item so that it is visible, storing two or three bulky things in one pile, no more, thin things in in the form of football somewhere up to 5-6, this will also allow you to comfortably use things, lift them up. and take to selecting for these piles only what will actually be worn, remove the rest out of sight, and in order not to get cluttered again, there is a simple rule, every time you you buy something for your home, or for the household, and you have to get rid of something similar or something similar in
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functionality, but from your wardrobe. by the way, the organizers themselves admit that in some particularly difficult cases, only working with a psychologist will help. i have a feeling that if i throw this box away. i’ll throw away some part of myself, this is a very painful experience when we talk about how to learn not to accumulate, but in general according to your needs, to listen to yourself, what i really need now, and to listen to your needs, such the passion for hoarding increases anxiety, and a person simply needs to break the vicious circle, only then will he be able to let go of unnecessary things and finally sort out the space around him. well, now about the very necessary and...
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annually, this is a serious amount of data, yes, where then is this data and in what form will it be stored, of course, it will be stored in the database of the ministry of internal affairs, this is a closed database, no one has access to it from anyone other than specialists, that is, if you want to ask how secure it is from hacking, then at least you need to know where this database is stored, that is, the address of this database is unknown. therefore, the likelihood that this base will be found there and hacked is, well, it’s right on the level of a meteorite falling to the ground, but the human factor, a person leaving the authorities who had access to this base, can somehow, well, let’s put it this way download it somewhere, it’s just a comparison of two codes, there is
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material taken from one person from another, it’s digitized, then they compared it, if it coincided, that means, that is , figuratively, if some dishonest person there , let’s say, well, the person wants to interfere in judicial investigation, let's say, replace the dna there in the crime committed , take, say, from the dna database of relatives of missing people, it's possible, i don't even know how to do it technically, well , that is, it's probably like a purely theoretical exercise, somewhere in science fiction films, perhaps, in practice, of course, no, how this will actually happen, that is, any person who reports the disappearance of... a relative will automatically have to undergo this genomic registration or something or there or someone specifically reports a missing person, then of course a task force comes and conducts a survey , they take this very genetic material, it is taken only from close relatives and this is a simple procedure,
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a cotton swab, well, not an ordinary cotton swab, but special with a cap along the length. so it’s taken, well, it’s simply drawn with a stick along the inside of the cheek, you need to take dna from mom or dad, as it works for biological relatives, that is , mother, father, children, brother, sister, full-blooded ones, can relatives, they will be required to take this test, or or can refuse, this is the essence of this law, that relatives are required to pass this material, this is how we can increase this... the number of people found, what kind of sanctions can be? yes, indeed, according to existing legislation, you may face both a fine and correctional labor, and there may even be restrictions on freedom for some period. when do you think this
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system will be fully operational, starting this year, that is, of course, starting this year it is already starting to work, that is, the database is already being assembled, of course. any person whose relative is now missing has already passed it on . we already have a database of genomic registration, but now we just made filling it out mandatory, we understand you, thank you very much, our guest... was the deputy chairman of the state duma committee for the development of civil society, issues of public and religious associations, oleg leonov. elena rigoni from crimona turned out to be one of the very children whom the scandalous adoptive mother nadezhda frattya was exported from volgograd to an italian adoptive parent. a sensational revelation from an italian woman who came to russia to find her biological relatives. is elena regoni really going to be the first child out of a thousand separated, as tes dna will show? is lena a relative of orlov andrei malakhov today at 16:30 let's let's with a smile
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still more excellent well so. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. summer is vacation time. many people plan their vacation in advance, book hotels, and buy tickets. in that this year, 2/3 of our citizens will gain strength at domestic resorts. and every second person will go on a trip by car. darya tiunova will tell you how to make your trip comfortable and save money. i always drive on a good road, through toll sections. by amount. well, it all depends where to go, if it’s to moscow, let’s say, well, around 2,500, for
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one trip evgeniy matvienko from rostov calculates, the amount is decent, but a man travels in his own car quite often, toll sections of roads are divided the owner of a namarka, of course, they save time, which cannot be said about the family budget, however, in order to travel cheaper, evgeniy uses one trick, of course i try to save money, with a transponder it doesn’t always work out, because it doesn’t give a discount, but it accumulates. bonuses, for which you then buy travel passes. accumulating bonuses, that is , using a loyalty program, is just one way to save on toll roads. accumulated points can be exchanged for a discount, the maximum is 15%. to begin with, however, it is worth buying a self-device; the price of a transponder varies from 4 to 5.00 rubles. depending on the point of sale, an official representative or a partner company. another way to travel through a toll section cheaper is to buy a subscription. if users make frequent regular trips to a certain area. we suggest using a subscription, subscriptions have different denominations from five to 50 trips,
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discounts on just such products are sometimes significant and reach 70-80% of the price. for example, if the fare is based on one trip on the moscow-smolensk section is 170 rubles, then when purchasing a subscription, the cost of one trip on the same section of the road will vary from 34 to 51 rubles. such saving options are really suitable for those. who travels on toll roads constantly, but if the trip is a one-time trip, then, for example, you can rent a transponder, it costs 5 rubles per day, or you can pay after the fact not to use it at all. in addition, the trip will be about 20% more profitable if you go on weekdays rather than on weekends. for example, driving along the highway m4 don from moscow to krasnodar from monday to thursday will cost 4,000 rubles. from friday to sunday 5.00. thus, the savings will be 1.0 rubles. by the way, despite the generally high tariffs, if you compare road trips. through toll routes with air or railway transportation in the same direction, then in the first case you can still save money. at current rates
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, toll roads make sense only when you are traveling with your family, there are more than three people in the car, get there, refuel, spend the night, eat, air tickets still more expensive than moving by car. if a motorist travels alone for a long distance, then traveling on a toll road will be equal in price to another type of transport or even more expensive. and then, catch more fish, but first you need to grow it. we’ll see in a couple of minutes how scientists improve the nutritional value of aquacultures, using the examples of baganit char. immerse yourself in a world of luxurious coziness at rixos golf villas and suites sharmelshey. a magnificent world class golf resort is surrounded. enjoy modern design rooms and luxury villas, ideal
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for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villa here, sharmelsheikh. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully. but you need to relax where the sun and sea are, on the first shore, where everything is included except your head. we know everything about relaxation, relax. anex. are you ready for our musical investigation? we guessed and guessed, i can say that nothing is clear to us.
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on friday on rtr, when your girl turns 18 , she will receive a tar, whichever guy she loves, luck will come to him and wealth, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her, suddenly the gypsy didn’t lie, well, hit her, i’m only
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today. i don’t understand how much i like you, how beautiful you are, max, yes, what are you doing, i don’t believe a single word you say, just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare him, he’ll run away, he won’t run away from me, you hear how it’s beating, i will protect you, who offends you, a magical gift that has become a curse, i made up my mind, i will leave the city, don’t break my heart, there are never too many pallas’ cats, 12 kittens of this rare wild predator appeared in novosibirsk zoo, to the delight of its workers and guests. two females gave birth within 5 days of each other. the first days
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, the little red book kittens hid in houses as soon as... the sun began to get hot, they went out into the world to play, mothers are always there, protect the babies, bring them into the shelter at the slightest reason for concern, you can look at the kittens as much as you want, but make noise around an enclosure is not advisable, which is what all visitors are asked to do. well, how to raise the most valuable fish species in captivity, reduce the costs of breeding them, and make sure that it accumulated substances useful to humans. hmm, these are the tasks that russian scientists have set for themselves. kih them. andrey negrov got acquainted with the works. baganitsky char is a fish for which people went to taimyr to the lakes of the khatanga river basin. but today it is found right near krasnoyarsk, at one of the fish hatcheries. it all started when scientists studied the nutritional value of wild char and realized that a healthier fish could not be found. it contains a quarter more omega-3 fatty acids than sardines, which is always why indicator was considered a record holder. since then
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, my colleagues and i have been developing this form. into aquaculture, and so that it is convenient for consumers to receive the products of this fish, and the prices of omega-3 pnf from aquaculture, and not from the natural environment and nutrition. eating char can be an excellent prevention of cardiovascular and neurological diseases. this is explained by the fact that of all omega-3s , two acids accumulate the most in this fish: the first is eicosapentoenoic acid, which prevents the formation of blood clots and acts as a cardioprotector. this is cocohexaenoic acid. this acid plays a huge role in the functioning of the membranes of nervous tissues, and nerve cells, neurons, pathways, and so on, and it is often used in the treatment or prevention of nervous diseases, disorders, dementia, for example, but how many of these substances are in aquaculture char, experts they check this, and also look at what foods contribute to their accumulation. there are a lot of recipes today, because
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laboratories all over the country are working on them, including this one in cuba. here we found out by selecting proper nutrition, you can not only make fish meat better quality, but also make it ripen faster. this is necessary, for example, to quickly increase the broodstock. a feed additive for valuable species of fish, it is based on a complex of minerals and vitamins, balanced specifically for the organism preparing to become a mother, so to speak, so to speak, in fish. the base is fish milk, specially processed. with this addition, the female. is capable of producing more high-quality eggs, and so that they are guaranteed to turn into fry, another development: scientists from astrakhan, they created such an incubator. it is a lightweight mesh frame design. which can be made quite easily and is essentially a cover for any container, be it an aquarium or a small pool. the device
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allows you to monitor eggs, change incubation conditions and remember what they should be for new types of aquaculture. and then, living landscaping, i could have given a hand there, but i could barely resist. well, it’s beautiful, that’s what i understand, greening the city, like as soon as we go down from here, but i personally will jump on that dragon over there, well, jump, we’ll tell you about the vertical separation immediately after the news, call me now turukto, let’s fly, and while i eat with a view, you’re watching the news on the russia channel, good morning in a studio. msta howitzer crews destroyed the minomsa and infantry. crimean paratroopers hit a self-propelled gun
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of nationalists in the orekhovsk direction. the soyuz rocket is completely ready. today the progress cargo ship will travel to the iss on board equipment for station systems, fuel products. lava flows are moving towards the city, people have been evacuated. volcanic eruption in iceland. critical infrastructure was destroyed this night in the kharkov region. after the air raid warning was announced, a series of explosions occurred in the region. in addition, the ukrainian armed forces facilities, which are used by nationalists to attack our country, have been liquidated in the dnepropetrovsk and odessa regions. closer to the morning it became known that the starokonstantinov airfield had been hit. eyewitnesses say that before the impacts they heard a characteristic sound in the sky drones. in the western direction of the special operation
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, russian artillerymen destroyed mortars of the ukrainian armed forces and infantry. crews of msta self-propelled howitzers hit the front line of enemy defenses around the clock. the fire is fired from a distance. turned on certain toggle switches, i gave him a target, and it was all quite fast, well , it was aimed quite quickly, the ukrainian armed forces fortifications could not withstand artillery strikes in the zaporozhye region,
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a well-camouflaged dugout with a machine-gun crew was blown up by one accurate hit from a mine, a shot had a good effect training of mortarmen, smooth interaction with aerial reconnaissance. we hand over artillery adjustments, dpv drone, hit enemy manpower, adjust artillery to destroy strong points. in the orekhovsk direction, special operations near the village of verbova and artillery crews of the crimean paratroopers destroyed a self-propelled artillery installation of the ukrainian armed forces. find. the goal was achieved thanks to the brilliant work of assault reconnaissance; immediately after the hit, the enemy gun's ammunition exploded. abrams tanks made ukrainian soldiers are targets for russian strikes.
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these headlines led to cnn reporting from the front line. military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine complain about the shortcomings of american armored vehicles, questioning their usefulness. among the main disadvantages are poor security, problems with engines and electronics that malfunction under high humidity. air, besides this, most ammunition is only suitable for fighting other tanks, and such collisions are now rare. today the progress cargo ship will depart for the international space station. the soyuz rocket is already ready, it contains unique images dedicated to today’s ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, the first person to go into outer space, the tercentenary of st. petersburg state university. progress will deliver equipment for the station's systems into orbit. docking with the iss is scheduled for june 1. the united states is blocking any efforts by the international community for a un middle east settlement.
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the jury on its first day was unable to reach a verdict in the case of donald trump, who is accused of falsifying business documentation. colleagues will have to determine which of the thirty-four charges the former president deserves punishment for. he himself insists on complete innocence. trump is now one of the most quoted.
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launch, but tokyo has already reported that the rockets flew 350 km at a maximum flight altitude of 100 km. in recent days , north korean engineers have been testing not only jet vehicles; the day before they launched balloons filled with manure and household garbage into south korea. in southwest iceland.
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the volcano woke up, a powerful eruption was registered north of grendavik, its residents have evacuated to a safe place, lava flows are moving in the direction of the city, electricity is cut off in the village, hot rock threatens residential buildings and communication masts with the us navy station. meteorologists have introduced a red flight hazard code, but the local airport is still operating as normal . more regional news, stay tuned. now news from the capital region: the area of ​​the fire in the east of moscow has increased to 400 km, a production and warehouse building is on fire on martenovskaya street, partial collapse of the roof, 120 people, 40 pieces of equipment, as well as aviation were involved in extinguishing the fire, the fire was assigned the third rank of complexity, there are no data on the victims, according to
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preliminary data, first in one of the houses during a quarrel he injured a woman, when law enforcement officers arrived, attacked them, they used weapons and wounded the brawler, the attacker tried to hide in the store, where he also attacked the saleswoman, they managed to restrain him there, all the victims are in the hospital. moscow will tighten control today behind parking lots. motorcycles, checks will begin on five streets, where the most complaints come from, bikers leave their equipment there under prohibitory signs and on the sidewalks, the fine for such a violation is 300 rubles. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website,, don’t switch. allow yourself. classy
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holiday resorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suite. v hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish seüds & villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. here you go, bride. premiere. when there is a man’s shoulder
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that is somehow simpler, or what? i’m looking for a jackdaw now, you know where she is, well, i can’t help you, you came informed, hello, hello! yes, gal, a rich life is good for you, but my life now has nothing to do with you. jackdaw. from monday on rtr. good morning. hello. elena nikolaeva, denis stoykov, as always. we are glad to meet you, our most devoted viewers, outside the window it’s thursday on the calendar may thirtieth, the last days of may, the main thing is not to wake up at some point and not understand that the calendar shows the last days of summer, this happens to us, we know, we know and the most ancient plants on earth, it turned out, by the way,
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to be an ultra-modern material capable of improving household appliances. the developers have figured out how to combine an alarm clock, bluetooth, speaker, and air purifier lamps in one gadget, so that no one would guess that everything is overgrown with moss, because moss perfectly filters the air, making it fresh and can be a wonderful green interior solution in an urban office or apartment. it’s very easy to take care of your furry gadget; spray it with water from time to time, this will only make it more beautiful. and the alarm clock may stop. high-rise buildings in our cities may soon also turn green; a state regulation has been adopted for vertical landscaping of facades. now such designs with systems automatic. found mainly abroad. meanwhile, there is an alternative to expensive high-tech landscaping. ilya davidov will tell you about flowerbeds and lawns that no one will walk on. anastasia has a culture shock; she had no idea that an office could be like this.
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windows into nature opened in the walls. there are forests and jungles and the green sea of ​​taiga. you can look at any of these paintings for a long time; it lifts your morning mood very well before work. everyone who touches art has... unchanged question: is the greenery alive or not, stabilized, the designers clarify, moss with a special impregnation. this whole polovos moss is from the krasnodar region, just like these hummocks, this vidha is from the trans-urals, so to make it beautiful, we tint it, such panels can be enlarged to the size of the facade, but florists admit, with living material we have to work less and less often, the client chooses plastic, which is indistinguishable by appearance, it creates difficulty in service, because not everyone will be ready to properly... water in order to properly to fertilize, here abroad they try to use living plants, plant them in cells with capillary mats, attach them to the walls, connect automatic watering, here they are, modern gardens, simiramides, a wonder of the world will appear here , adjusted for the climate, of course, the appearance of the gost provides the basis for further development
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of vertical gardening in construction, that is, designers have a legal norm, a standard that they can subsequently improve, can develop it further, gost determines how to attach a green facade, how to protect the wall. from moisture, which plants choose, because there is a scorching sun at the top; however, vertical gardening is not always high-tech. this is such beauty in the moscow courtyard, ordinary girlish grapes, bright juicy greens in summer, all shades of red in autumn, and in winter, yes, bare stems, but it doesn’t care about forty-degree frosts and grows several meters per season, just water it. clinging with her antennae, liana reaches the sixth or seventh floor, and this is not just decor, foliage. traps dust, equalizes temperature, increases humidity, living air conditioner, and there are many such plants, actenidium, hops, russian universities are training specialists in them, in new types of landscaping, by the way, too, when there was no such strong development of vertical gardening,
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we were developing technologies, developing an assortment of plants that can be used in our climate, so that they were waiting for the guest to appear, because while there was no standard, there were no guarantees that... the wall would not turn yellow tomorrow, so they landscaped it with plastic, now vertical gardening systems are decided on an individual basis each time, and when in the presence of already tested, approved solutions, this moves into the area of ​​standard replication, the cost of such structures decreases, which means that much more of them can be created. well, we’ll wait and see, the main thing is that the skating rink of standardization of high-altitude landscaping does not crush defenseless competitors, like girl’s grapes, which grow quickly. and simple, but probably not according to gost. let's discuss this topic with our guest in the studio , deputy director of the department of landscape design of the agricultural and technological institute of rudny, candidate of biological sciences annashepelna sergeevna, good morning, hello, besides what we heard in the story, what
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is vertical gardening - it traps dust, saves the facade from overheating, what other advantages and comfort can this have? many plants emit. for example, fetoncides, which protect us from microorganisms, regulate temperature, humidity, the psycho-emotional state is greatly influenced by green spaces, that’s what... that is, they level out this homogeneity, the aggressiveness of the urban environment, that is, this is a large number of functions that our stone jungle can become completely non-stone if we cover the facades of houses with some kind of plants, because many will probably say, well, our country is different, it’s cold somewhere, but even in our story we listed plants that are capable of growing; indeed, the assortment is quite large, taking into account the fact that, as colleagues have already said, yes, that a standard has been developed... the standard spells out what types of vertical gardening there are, always the plant range is not only
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climbing and climbing plants, but even if we use, for example, container technology, horizontal containers on building structures and structures, then these are even small specimens of trees and shrubs, but how to water them? a special watering system is being developed, just like for any type of vertical gardening; not only that, you won’t have to call industrial climbers every time to climb around the house with watering cans. no, of course, this system is being designed at the construction stage, it is also being designed, it is also being operated, this is all included in the vertical, vertical gardening project, that is, that is, we are talking exclusively now about new buildings that will be built, that is, those that already exist, their vertical landscaping will not work, except that we saw in the plot a budget option, what is it called girl’s grapes, no, why, if the design of buildings and facades allows it, that is, if... carry out all the research and draw some conclusions about , what the façade should be like this, it might not
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hold up, a five-story building, not very nice, not very new, this would be delayed, but all the citizens would be for it, but what could stop it? well, firstly, the structure itself, on which the same vertical gardening, horizontal or vertical containers are installed, this is still a load, this is additional weight from the plants, from... the substrates that are used, the same watering system , generally abroad, in some countries standards have been adopted, what if the developer has taken up some space with his buildings, he must compensate for the greenery that he destroyed somewhere on the roof, on the facade, we have also said more than once in our country that such a standard should appear, it turns out that this is exactly what it is, yes, this is a recommendation here , just a document that says what technical and environmental provisions are necessary for... organizing vertical gardening specifically on the facades of a building are advisory, that is
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, developers who are building something are not obliged to compensate us for the greenery, i think i i think that we will soon come to this, because now, during such intensive urbanization of development, when there are no areas for organizing green spaces, and we have the norm for landscaping, but per person, i think that soon this will also be necessary , relevant, because a... in some spaces only vertical gardening can compensate for the lack of greenery, we understand you, thank you very much, our question was answered by the deputy director of the landscape design department of the agricultural technological institute, candidate biological sciences anna shchepeleva, thank you very much, i declare the international festival of rhythmic gymnastics open alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you,
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international holiday, children's rhythmic gymnastics festival alina, on saturday at 12:00, let's start, let's go with a smile. morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. new schools for the new generation. under this unspoken motto, modern and comfortable educational institutions are being built in the country. they are being built thanks to the implementation of the national education project. more than 1,200 schools with swimming pools, digital laboratories and creative classes have already been opened. education in such conditions allows the child to reveal his potential and quickly decide on a future profession. we will learn in practice
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to work out the method of installing a socket. you may not be einstein, but you must know how to change an outlet, says physicist ilya kostyaev. therefore, he prepares his students not for exams for real life, because in everyday life there is a place for a scientific approach. where and how is it apply, the teacher shows in practice, speaks only of theory, etc. you can’t master science with formulas, it’s one thing to look at pictures of how to install the same socket, yes, it’s another thing, as you yourself saw at the stand today, to do it with your own hands, however, the technical capabilities of the office went up to... beyond the limits of school lessons program, this is a real design headquarters with robots and industrial manipulators. as a working part , you can attach either a pneumatic gripper or a mechanical hand. robotic devices became a pleasant bonus of moving to a new building, built as part of a national education project. in their previous place, the students say, they never even dreamed of something like this.
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now, every lesson is sold out, and where there is interest, good performance and ambitious goals will appear. seventh grader egor guzilov. i was inspired by the idea of ​​​​assembling a drone, i will be able to make some of my own discoveries, to a higher level, to go with these discoveries, not only at school. while some students are pumping technical skills, others change their inner world. ninth-grader natasha borisova was afraid to answer the question and in general once again tried not to attract attention ; she probably would have remained in the shadow of active and more daring peers for a long time, and if not for her participation in the school theater. these are very, very such emotions, very, very good impressions. really like. to replenish their strength after a rehearsal and intellectual stress , students come to the lounge area, a spacious room with comfortable sofas and relaxing music. but tver schoolchildren are not resting after, in the lessons, because in their schedule there appeared such disciplines as a pool hour for culinary matters, the art of interviews, the usual handicrafts were replaced by haute couture courses and hand sewing, almost haute couture.
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we have mannequins that change sizes from forty-two to fifty-four to diversify the training schedule. the school had been planning for a long time, but it was impossible to initiate changes in the previous building, it was literally bursting at the seams from the load, there were not enough free classrooms with the move to a new building, the plan was given the green light. we have there are many additional classes that we plan for the children to attend, including a swimming pool, robotics, an ecology group, a journalism group, and a digital laboratory group. the section’s clubs, the teachers explain, help the child unlock his potential and find his calling. develop an already obvious talent, and sometimes, as in the case of ksenia smirnova, they protect against a hasty decision; the ninth-grader wanted to go to a technical school, but changed her mind when she found a hobby at school. there is a car mechanics lesson in the tenth grade, this is why i want to try it before eleventh grade. during the implementation of the national education project since 2019 , more than 1,200 new schools
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with 778 thousand places have been opened throughout the country. in total, about 1,300 will be opened by the end of this year. and then an excursion into the sweet life. an architectural masterpiece on the banks of the volga is called sugar, we don’t know why, after advertising. max, who would you like, a boy or a girl? both a girl and a boy, if vika doesn’t mind. melody for two. i think you will be happy with him. mom, i'm already happy. information about this max and i know for sure that he is married, so that vika gets involved with a married man, he is able to touch all the strings of the soul. i'm fethiye. what? why did you come here? my husband, he is also a sexophonist, and his name is also maxim razbegen. she is not able to play with feelings. i still love him. how could he
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do this to me? melody for two, final episodes. today. on rtr. elena riguni from crimona turned out to be one of the very children whom the scandalous adoptive mother nadezhda frati exported from volgograd to an italian adoptive parent. sensational the revelation of an italian woman who came to russia to find her biological relatives. is elena regoni really going to be the first child out of thousands of separated children, what will tdnk show? is prigo elena a relative of orlov andrey malakho? today on rtr. i love you. i love you too. let's see on the weekend. leave her alone, you have no prospects in life. oleg, we don’t need to meet again. sometimes a breakup is
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just the beginning of a great love. it's not easy being the wife of a prosecutor, right? on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without further ado, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo and i’m starting to ore mark anatolyevich zakharov is leaving and for me it was
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probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets have been told, i, as a man , am a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i surrender with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. i’ll think about it, bossy, they don’t have legs right away, i’m tired of being afraid. premiere on rtr. in addition to treatment, there is another way to combat the disease, for example, vaccination. philip yankovsky, it was decided to invite the english doctor dimsdeel. are you ready to get started? sergey marin. it’s stupid to poison a healthy person with an infection, where it can be seen, i need to vaccinate people, yuri kuznetsov, this is
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a true remedy, it protects against illness, irina pekova, we need to set an example that vaccination is useful, i consider it a shameful weakness, not start yourself, royal vaccination, your majesty, are you ready to start? i'm ready. coming soon to rtr. major cleaning under water. in croatia, divers dive to the bottom of the adriatic to find abandoned fishing gear. sunken nets and traps not only spoil the underwater landscape, but also pose a mortal threat. in a couple of dives, 200 kg of garbage was recovered from under the water; all finds are sent to the surface using special inflatable balloons, and this, as they say, is a drop in the ocean. for complete
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cleaning of the water area, including many small islands, months of regular diving will be required. it takes no less time to build a real sugar castle in the gaudi style. such a miracle can only be seen in the volgograd region, and let barcelona be jealous. in the midst of an ordinary , almost rural landscape, you don’t expect to see something like this, but there it is, a huge snow-white mysterious thing, completely unlike anything else around. it was popularly nicknamed the sugar castle due to its white design feature. by the way, this miracle is located in a sugar farm. let's look together and find out what is behind these gates. sugar rivers, milky banks. this house, by the way, is residential. valery danilchuk began building in the nineties. the materials are the most ordinary, brick, concrete, cement, sand, the building seems to be alive, viscous, could become the setting for a children's film about adventures in a candy factory. valery danilchuk recalls how
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he developed the project by hand, first sketching out a sketch in an ordinary notebook, then carefully calculating the proportions. it took only 5 months to build the house, the next year they built the roof, the shutters, they made the gratings in an unusual way, and a year later they began to build this. the building, well, i called it keli, later the name kelium for lovers appeared, partly due to the increased interest from photographers and newlyweds. in front of the entrance there is an inscription in latin: i was able to do this, if you can, do it better, this is , according to valery danilchuk, an answer to critics: inside there is a place for relaxing inspiration on two floors, it is cool here in the summer heat, but the main thing is there is a balcony from which you can see picturesque view, here from the balcony there is a very good view, because you can see below... and mini lotuses will soon bloom here, goldfish are swimming. in addition to the sugar castle, valery danilchuk also arranged the territory, from a new unusual
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structure called the universe and man, in the center of the space there is an incredible pool-fountain. in addition to valeria and his wife, the family mascot also lives in the sugar castle. the ginger cat always welcomes tourists with pleasure. and then, you bought a low-quality product or you can’t come to an agreement with the insurance company company? how to protect your rights and not become? we will help victims of scammers to satisfy their legal hunger after the news. the news continues to work live. in the studio andrey shevtsov. hello. critical infrastructure destroyed this night in the kharkov region. after the air raid warning was announced, a series of explosions occurred in the region. in addition, the ukrainian armed forces facilities, which are used by nationalists to attack our country, have been liquidated. in dnepropetrovsk and odessa regions. closer to the morning it became known that the affected airfield starokonstantinov in the khmelnitsky region. it was called the main
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base for nato fighters. eyewitnesses say they heard the distinctive sound of drones in the sky before the attacks. the attack tactics of small groups were used by the assault units of the vostok group in the southern donetsk direction. during the battle, we managed to knock the enemy out of a fortified stronghold. the advance detachment occupied advantageous positions close to the road to ugledar, which is. supply of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy had been preparing for several years and months, i created a fortified area there, an impregnable fortress, so to speak, and i had to find different ways, options for accomplishing the task. near ovdeevka, the crews of the grad installation worked on the nationalists' methods of fire
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combing. the volleys hit a concentration of personnel and equipment that were in the forest. the target was hit by aerial reconnaissance. in the donetsk sector , a massive attack was carried out by attack drone operators, destroyed militants and camouflaged fortifications. manufacture and repair of aircraft in the workshop close to the contact line. mostly kamikaza, but from them. it’s time to leave, work with resets, just now we’ve done several resets, a double reset is printed on the printer for fpv, just for testing. the army aviation strike group disrupted the rotation of the vasu unit to the ammunition launch site; the k-52 mi-35 and mi8 helicopters approached at an extremely low altitude. from the cost of the rocket, the pilots successfully returned
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to... in transbaikalia, 26 forest fires are raging, almost a thousand paratroopers and forestry workers are fighting them, where you can drive, ground equipment is involved, the situation is monitored from the air by air groups on special mi-8 helicopters, weather forecasters predict worsening weather, drought and stormy winds are approaching the region. an extremely tense situation in buryatia, powerful fires in four large forest districts. 300 people are involved in the fire extinguishing. and fifty pieces of equipment. protests against empty pots took place in the argentine capital. activists and organizers of canteens for the poor gathered near the building of the state food warehouse. the protesters' anger is directed at the country's president, javier meley. his cost-cutting policies have led to delays in
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food deliveries at the center. making food for the needy, and subsidies to the poor have also been suspended. north korea launched 10 ballistic missiles at once, all of which fell into the sea outside japan's exclusive economic zone. pyongyang has not yet revealed the launch parameters, but they have already reported that the missiles flew 350 km at a maximum flight altitude of 100 km. a real apocalypse was caused by cyclone remal in india and bangladesh are listed as dead. less than 100 people, due to a powerful flood, people are forced to walk up to their chests in water, the roads have become like small rivers along which the most desperate drivers are trying to drive, agricultural roads resemble cascading waterfalls. in one of the mountainous regions, as a result of a landslide, a truck overturned, residents are fleeing the elements on the roofs of their houses. a similar situation with the flood in the mexican monterrey replaced the drought in a city with a million people with heavy rainfall and...
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cars and garbage are floating in the streets. today , a cargo ship will depart from the international space station. the soyuz rocket is already ready, it contains unique images dedicated to today’s ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. the first person to go into outer space on the occasion of the tercentenary of st. petersburg state university. progress will deliver equipment for station systems, food, medicine, fuel and water supplies into orbit; docking with the iss is scheduled for the first time. june. further news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region, rescuers are fighting a large fire in the east of the capital, on martenovskaya street, on the territory of a former machine-building plant, a production and warehouse
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building is burning. we see dozens of special equipment lined up along the street, ambulance officers are on duty. i assume that a black column of smoke is now visible from different parts of the capital. there is a pungent burning smell on the street. the warehouses caught fire this morning. as we were told local residents, in one of these were engaged in the production of paint. warehouse, paint warehouse, that is, just like that, the honest man there said, i ’m asking.
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100 employees of the ministry of emergency situations. the fire is being extinguished from the sky. k-32 and mi-26 helicopters are helping. by the way, one of the largest helicopters in the world. in just 2 hours, the area of ​​the fire grew to 4,000 m2. the owners of the premises are gradually arriving at the scene, but it is obvious that it is unlikely that anything will be saved. ekaterina lekhomanova, news. the traffic management center is assessing. nowadays the capital is busy highways at one point on the streets free due to repair work, difficulties in the south of the moscow ring road, from lipetskaya to polyany street, difficulties also in the north of the ring from dmitrovskoye to
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leningradskoye shosse. on the khorogovskoe highway , a man with a knife attacked people; according to preliminary data, in one of the residential buildings during a quarrel, he first wounded a woman when officers arrived at the scene. they are building a house in the zyuzin area, it will be located on the black sea boulevard, not far from the sevastopolskoye metro station; in total , residents of almost 205 floors will receive new apartments in the area. in
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moscow's teachers of the year summed up the results of the competition in the capital; now 25 finalists from different schools will represent the city at the all-russian tests. sergei sobyanin noted that the number of participants is growing every year, new nominations are appearing, so this year over 3 applications were submitted. this is a third more than last year. the mayor congratulated the teachers on their high assessment of their professional qualities and wished them patience in their work. may ends with tropical heat; the temperature maximum was updated on wednesday. the air warmed up above 28°. thanks to the anticyclone today tomorrow +28:30 no precipitation. thunderclouds will approach friday evening, showers will begin, and the air will cool down a little. all news is available on the media platform, watch applications or on the website, stay with us. kalinon
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belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth. excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. slip away. everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh.
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good morning, hello, elena nikolaeva denis stoikov, i’m glad to meet you on thursday morning and in the summer he’s already reading to meet us on may 30th on the calendar, well, the morning is in full swing, whoever goes to visit in the morning, as you know acts wisely, we invite you to come with us for a moment in ma'. this is such an institution, yes, the smallest prison in the world is located
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on the small island of sark in the southwestern part of the lomanche. the tiny building has only two cells, one measuring 4 m2 and the other 3. there are no windows, not provided for by the project. but no one dared to make changes to the architectural heritage, which is more than 150 years old. the electricity was installed well, because the prison is still in use; tourists usually end up there after drinking too much. yes. i wonder if they receive free legal assistance? state bureaus may appear in russian regions that will provide legal advice and help citizens understand the intricacies of jurisprudence. now there are not enough such companies, scammers are actively taking advantage of this and how they deceive people, alexander blinnikov will tell you. the gift was made with love, but not for a long memory, because the chain that natalya vladimirovna presented to her son crumbled too quickly. shop, no money for goods returns.
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often disguise themselves as government agencies , target pensioners, promising mountains of gold, we will increase your pension, but you just don’t know about it, but you can write to the pension fund there twice or increase your pension somewhere else by so many thousands, you are entitled to all this , or some additional benefits are provided instead of benefits, the victim of scammers usually receives an enslaving agreement, this happened with dmitry, he wanted to terminate several contracts with the insurance company through the court at once, turned to lawyers, who appreciated the scale of the work.
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about 30 million citizens have the right to receive free legal assistance, but unfortunately no more than 1% use it. beneficiaries have the right to free legal advice, a specific list is on the website of the ministry of justice, it is quite impressive, the services are provided by qualified lawyers, but reaching them is quite a task. legal assistance is a service that is in steady demand, and scammers in this market seem to have a certain advantage because they are always connected on the internet they will give you advice, they will give you... a business card with contacts on the street, but to find a state
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legal office, you will have to try, look for the address, make an appointment, stand in line, so experts believe that free help should be at hand, there is a whole network of multifunctional centers for in the provision of public services, lawyers should be placed in such centers, can easily give any citizen primary, superficial, let’s say, not in-depth... legal advice. besides quality you need to think about the quantity. free legal offices today do not operate throughout the country, but where they exist, one law office can operate for the entire region. we hope that with the advent of free legal assistance, as they say , at hand, citizens will be protected from such actions of scammers. with us today is the director of the department for development and regulation of legal assistance and legal services of the ministry of justice, roman ryaboy. good morning. understand how it should work because you told us before we
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aired with you that free legal assistance has been working since the eleventh year, how it should work ideally and how those bureaus that have been operating for more than 12 years have performed; based on the results of this experiment, it was decided to prepare a law on free legal assistance , which today is the main act that regulates these legal relations, but if we talk about state legal bureaus, then we really consider them the most. effective key participants in the entire system, namely the state system of free legal assistance, we just see it in the numbers and statistics, the figures were stated that 30 million people, citizens of the country, have the right to go there. and the idea is that for privileged categories this service will remain free, well , it’s fair to say that a person has the right to free legal assistance when two conditions match, that is, he must be included in a category that is provided
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for by law, either federal or regional, it must happen the legal life situation that is provided for by law, when these conditions match, he has the right to access the system. the question is to make this initial treatment free for everyone, perhaps, following the example of insurance medicine, yes, as we have free medicine, well, you should ask something once, it would be more correct to talk about being able to contact any question, that is , to exclude a case from legislation, well, i can start with this, i can give an example, yes, for example, if a person is included in the federal category of disabled person of the first second group, and for example, decided to open his own business, for example, yes, he needs advice. with lawyers about what organizational and legal form he should choose, how he should register his business, what permits he needs, and why couldn’t he have applied then too, now he can’t do this because there is no such case in the law, don’t you think that if we make it open to all categories of citizens, or at least start, as you said, with all options for appeals, yes,
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let it be for the minimum established state tariffs, well, i don’t know , consultation there is 2.0 rubles. and the state benefits, and people do not fall for the tricks of those same scammers and do not go to incomprehensible law firms. well, the fact is that all free legal assistance in accordance with the law today is an expense obligation of the budgets of the constituent entities of the russian federation, so in some places the system works more efficiently in those regions where there are more opportunities, in others it is perhaps less effective, therefore our state bureaus are not formed as quickly as i would like, today we have 49 of them throughout the country, in the twenty-first year there were 26 of them. that is, there is a tendency towards this, but why not tie them to the centers of these mfcs or like these are my documents, so that people don’t have to look they are somewhere on the city map and in other regions, well, that is, so that a person would come to the facilities, where there is one window that solves all the issues, there is also the same free legal advice, in some regions this is actually how it
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works, but there is one very important one here like would be the point that when a person comes to tell a lawyer about some of his problems, these problems are usually of a highly sensitive nature, for example, if... we are talking about adoption, yes, and, accordingly, he would not i really wanted someone else to listen to his legal, let’s say, confession , when we come to the fc - this is a row of windows, yes, someone can always hear what is being said, you can go to the portal in the right of the russian federation, it is called that, and there are indicated, for example, all addresses of state legal bureaus, thank you for opening up the topic, our questions were answered by the director of the department of development and regulation of legal assistance and legal services of the ministry of justice, raman ryaboy, all the best to you, thank you. can we talk? i don’t want to divorce you, well , forgive me, please, i beg you, forgive me. melody for yours, final episodes, today at 21:20. whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will float, right? the veracity of these words from
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captain vrungel’s song was verified participants in a comic regatta in the us state of florida. the titanic replica, repeating the fate of the original, went the same way and what’s amazing is that this shipwreck didn’t upset anyone one bit, rather the opposite. the main thing here is to amuse the audience and jury as much as possible, as well as impress them with the design of the boat and costumes. dozens of teams participate in the comic regatta every year, each with three sheets of plywood, a roll, and adhesive tape and fasteners. putty glue must not be used. that's why boats sink more often than they reach finish line well, swimming, as you know, is a great way to cool down during the heat. here's how to prevent your car engine from overheating? ivan zinkevich will help you check the cooling system before summer so that it does not fail at the most inopportune moment. summer is the season for vacations and travel, but the path to your destination often has to be overcome in the heat and traffic jams. this means it's time
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to check your car's cooling system. yes, today it is quite reliable, but it still needs maintenance. so first let's figure out how everything is arranged here: the cooling system consists directly of the engine jacket, where the coolant is heated from the engine and cooled from the radiator, and to speed up heating and regulate the temperature in the system, there is also an additional thermostat, and the cooling system also includes a special pump that circulates the coolant in system. the circuit is simple, but the operating conditions are at constant high temperatures. can’t be called light, it’s worth overlooking antifreeze leaks and overheating guaranteed, therefore it is the direct responsibility of the owner to monitor the level and condition of this liquid; it can escape through loss. this is not always due to age and corrosion, because stones flying from under the wheels can damage the radiator.
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models with large honeycomb radiator grilles are at risk. in this case, it makes sense to install a special protective mesh. old or damaged system pipes can also leak. the expansion tank or pump seal may crack, or the pump may fail. to notice overheating in time, check frequently pay attention to the temperature sensor, especially. if you are stuck in a traffic jam in the heat or are driving along the highway at high speeds, you should also be alerted by extraneous knocks from under the hood, the fan running too long and decreased power. oddly enough, but with the onset of the hot season , owners of new cars should be especially attentive with turbocharged engines. overheating is especially dangerous for modern engines because it can deform the cylinder head or increase the expansion rate of the piston, which also will lead to wear and... damage to the engine, and then a complete overhaul is not far away. to reduce the risk of such problems, now, before the real heat sets in, look into
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the expansion tank and make sure that the antifreeze level is not lower than the minimum mark and not higher than the maximum. check, feel all connections and seals, and if necessary, wash the radiator, preferably after removing it. agree, it’s easier to spend a little time now than to ruin your vacation later. max. but who would you like, a boy or a girl? both a girl and a boy, if vika doesn’t against. melody for two. i think you will be happy with him. mom, i'm already happy. i made inquiries about this max and i know for sure that he is married. to get vika involved with a married man? he is able to touch all the strings of the soul. i'm fethiye. what? why did you come here? my husband, he is also a sexophonist and his name is also maxim razbegen. i’m not capable of playing with feelings, i still love him, how could he do this to me? melody for two, final episodes
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today on rtr. we declare the international rhythmic gymnastics festival open. alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. we will introduce you to the cultures of different peoples. we know. thanks to everyone who is with us! thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you! international holiday, festival of children's
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rhythmic gymnastics alina. on saturday on rtr. you were invited to fesion vic. i can't pay for your collection to be shown in europe. but i didn’t become a famous musician either. or maybe we both made a mistake in choosing? series that you can’t return the past, sorry, what year is it now, but you can go back there, what’s wrong with you, and what’s wrong with me, you’re somehow different, soon there will be a competition for young designers, maybe we can take part together, it’s not like that anymore, in 17 years you’ll see him, you’ll run after him like a cute girl, hello, something’s wrong, we met somewhere? you are avoiding me? i thought that i could change fate, but, but,
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if only i could, on sunday on rtr. he who renounces the past renounces the future. we do not betray our memory and do not renege on our words. and we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir solovyov. a little history, when the last hero was not yet born, there was a finisher of the first hero, this is the name of the new film, which will become a prequel to the popular fairy tale, and will tell the backstory of the beloved characters, new heroic adventures await viewers this winter, judging by the footage. on the trailer it will once again be a superb spectacle for the whole family. the hero of the new blockbuster, finist yasny falcon, and his friends will go on
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a difficult journey to the eastern lands. there he will have to. meet a mysterious inventor, a talking camel, and... of course, to meet your love, the new finisher will be in the winter, and on june 6 the comedy drama “naughties” is released in wide cinemas. the continuation of the cult trilogy becomes a truly family film, because now you will have to raise not adults, but children. how this will happen and what awaits the audience, see our story. aren't you eating yet? we will not eat this parasha. “now you have found obedience, and monk sasha cherny will have to bear it, who himself once ran away from worldly life in a monastery, but now in the center of the story there are new heroes, four inveterate hooligans who were given a chance to reform, a children's home behind them, a hard life of resentment towards their parents, so young disgraces do not just poison the lives of those around them, but literally keep them in fear of
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whether the former criminal will be able to mentor the obstinate children on the path of correction, which..." i myself once walked, listen, black, you were sitting, you understand, we can’t be locked up, don’t be a bastard and let us in, there’s no plan, no escape, just like that, strictly, judiciously without unnecessary emotions, monk sasha black, played by gosha kutsenko, will educate his disobedients, exciting adventures await the inhabitants of the monastery, and in order to survive they will have to not only unite, begin to respect, perhaps even love their neighbor, this was not easy for the heroes of the film, but the actors on... the set were imbued with each other the first day of filming, according to gosh kutsenko, he literally found a second family, even his own daughters were afraid that they would now have to share their dad with someone, my girls, i have two girls, six and nine were up for grabs, yes, they refused come to the site when they found out that they had competitors, whose roles were played by rising stars of russian cinema ekaterina novokreshchenova, nikita konkin, alisa klagish and fyodor skalsky.
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according to the young naughty people, they are still fascinated by the atmosphere of the filming. an amazing team, with whom everything was easy, but when the last shift came, you don’t even believe that this is really all, i didn’t want to say goodbye to anyone at all, but this is for the actors, and for the audience everything is just beginning, the difficult fate of the young heroes changes the genre of storytelling, and now this is not a sharp comedy, but a comedy drama that will really make you worry, because the new story is not only about re-education, but about friendship and mutual assistance, this film is no longer... about god believe and in general the religious theme goes a little into our second plan, god forgive me, the path to correction will be thorny, but happy will definitely come, the disobedient ones will definitely not leave the audience indifferent and will make them think about what everyone can change. the comedy drama will premiere on june 6 in all cinemas. and then, well, junk.
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yeah, and this is probably the case. crews of the msta howitzers destroyed the minomsa and the infantry. crimean paratroopers hit a self-propelled gun of nationalists in the orekhovsk direction. the soyuz rocket is completely ready. today , equipment for station systems and fuel products will be sent to the iss on board the progress cargo ship.
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lava flows are moving towards the city, people have been evacuated. volcanic eruption in iceland. critical infrastructure destroyed this night in the kharkov region. after an air raid warning was announced in the region a series of explosions occurred. in addition, the objects of the ukrainian armed forces, which are used by nationalists to attack our country, were liquidated in the dnepropetrovsk and odessa regions. closer to the morning, it became known that the starokonstantinov airfield in... it was called the main base of nato fighters in 16. eyewitnesses say that before the attacks they heard the characteristic sound of drones in the sky. in the western direction of the special operation , russian artillery destroyed mortars in esu and infantry. self-propelled haubst calculations, they attack the front line
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of enemy defenses around the clock. the fire is fired from a distance of 10 km . operate against infantry, armored vehicles and concrete fortifications. as soon as the coordinates of the target are transmitted, it is immediately destroyed. the crew of the guns is practically. a well-camouflaged dugout with a machine-gun crew was blown up by one precise hit from a mine. shot! the good
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training of the mortarmen affects their coordinated interaction with aerial reconnaissance. we give corrective adjustments to artillery in pv drone. we hit the enemy's manpower. we adjust the artillery to destroy strongholds. in the orekhovsky direction of the special operation near the village of verbovye , artillery crews of the crimean paratroopers destroyed a self-propelled artillery installation of the ukrainian armed forces. it was possible to find the target thanks to the brilliant work of assault reconnaissance. immediately after the hit, the enemy gun's beykomplekt exploded. abrams tanks made ukrainian soldiers targets for russian ones. this is the headline that cnn published from the front line. military incidents of the armed forces of ukraine complain about the shortcomings of american armored vehicles, calling into question its usefulness. among the main disadvantages are poor security, problems with engines and
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electronics, which malfunction under high air humidity. in addition, most ammunition is only suitable for fighting other tanks, and such clashes are now rare. russia will consider the supply. ukraine as a deliberate signaling action by nato in the nuclear field. sergei lavrov stated this in an interview with rio news. the foreign minister explained that american fighters have long been the main means of delivery to within the framework of the so-called joint nuclear missions of the north atlantic bloc. the main country of the us alliance, meanwhile, is getting closer to allowing the ukrainian armed forces to use american weapons for attacks. for the territories of russia, as the new york times writes, the white house has already launched a formal accelerated procedure for reviewing existing restrictions. the united states is blocking any efforts by the international community to regulate the middle east,
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the un security council, it is necessary to put pressure on israel and washington for a ceasefire in gas sector. this is a statement from the deputy permanent representative of our country to the world organization, anna evstegneeva. at a meeting on the attacks on the city of rafah. the diplomat noted that israel's military operation claimed the lives of almost 37 thousand palestinian civilians, and this is an unprecedented number of victims since the second world war. actions condemning the hostilities are taking place all over the world; in paris, the police used tear gas against the demonstrators with batons to drive the outraged people away from the embassy israel in brussels, security forces used water cannons. the jury was out of luck on its first day . verdict in the case of donald trump, who is accused of falsifying business records. colleagues will have to determine which of the 34 charges the former president deserves punishment for.
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he himself insists on complete innocence. trump is now one of the most quoted politicians in the united states, and apparently, in order to seize the initiative, his main opponent, joe biden, decided on a dose of dark humor. at a pre-election rally in pennsylvania, he suggested that trump was brain damaged due to. and mammary communications station of the us navy. in a few hours, the progress cargo ship will depart for the international space station. the soyuz rocket is already ready.
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it contains unique images dedicated to today's ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, the first person to go into outer space, the tercentenary of st. petersburg state university. progress will deliver equipment into orbit for... now news from the capital region, several minutes ago, firefighters managed to localize a large fire in the east of moscow. the fire covers an area of ​​400 km. a production and warehouse building is on fire on martenovskaya street; a partial collapse of the roof occurred; 120 people, 40 pieces of equipment, and helicopters were involved in extinguishing the fire.
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the third level of complexity has been assigned, there is no information about casualties, traffic in the area of ​​the incident is blocked. a man with a knife attacked several people, including police officers on the khorashov highway. according to preliminary data, first in one of houses, during a quarrel, he wounded a woman, when law enforcement officers arrived, he attacked them, they used weapons and wounded the rowdy. the attacker tried to hide in the store, where he also attacked the saleswoman. they managed to detain him there. all victims are in the hospital. today in moscow, control over the parking of motorcycles will be strengthened, checks will begin on five streets, where the most complaints come from, bikers leave their equipment there under prohibitory signs on the sidewalks, the fine for such a violation is 3,000 rubles. all news available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, stay with us.
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titanic luxury collection bowdum. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixcas sharmelshey only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. here you go. bride, premiere,
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when there is a man's shoulder, somehow simpler, what li, i’m looking for a jackdaw now, you know where she is, well, i can’t help you, you came informed, hello, hello, yes, a rich life is good for you, my life now has nothing to do with you, jackdaw from monday to rtr. good morning, hello, may 30th on the calendar, thursday morning, elena nikolaeva and denis stoykov meet you, well, they say thursday is little friday, this means that a holiday can be made before from all over the world, tear down not build, in the center of chelyabinsk they spectacularly dismantled a long-term construction , with noise, dust and... applause was earned by
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the pyrotechnics masters, who with a controlled detonation placed the building exactly on the given site, did not mess up or spoil anything unnecessary. the high-rise building began to be built back in the late 2000s, the developer promised that it would become the most noticeable in the city, and it did, the concrete skeleton was clearly visible, the new investor decided to demolish the abandoned building and build something again in its place, well, maybe, but this is not certain, yes, but nevertheless, there may be a house where there will be lots and lots of storage space of things. russia is complaining that they do not have enough space for the basic necessities. this is true. is it possible to learn to take your life apart? will a special expert in organizing living space help with this? is this about varvara eermakova’s story? this is a knight costume, like many things, i made it myself for an event, it is quite versatile, how can i throw it away? anna makes costumes that are dear to her heart, both for work and for her hobby. as a result, the girl’s closets have long resembled treasure chests. what's missing here?
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casual outfits and masks coexist with everyday clothes, if i haven’t used it for five years, i probably should finally get rid of it, but my heart doesn’t always allow it. the heart, head and warm attachment to things prevent every third russian woman from getting rid of junk, the problem has become truly global, the wardrobe is no longer enough, there is nowhere to put things, it ’s great to dig into the history of how it all happened, secondly, there are things which will survive... i somehow got together, took and simply gave away all these things for nothing, give it away for free, sell it, or even take it to the trash heap, these are the most popular options for getting rid of unnecessary things, but first you need to decide.
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things, lift them up and take them away, for this will also allow you to conveniently use these stacks only for what will actually be worn, put the rest out of sight, but in order not to get cluttered again, there is a simple rule: every time you buy something in a house for yourself, or for the household, and you must... get rid of something similar or something similar in functionality from your wardrobe by the way, the organizers themselves admit that in some particularly difficult cases , only working with a psychologist will help. there is a feeling that if i throw away this box, i will throw away some part of myself, this is a very painful experience when we talk
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about how to learn not to accumulate, but in general, listen to yourself based on your needs, what i really need now , but to listen to one’s needs, such a passion for... hoarding increases anxiety and a person simply needs to break the vicious circle, only then will he be able let go of unnecessary things and finally sort out the space around you. well, now about something very necessary and serious: according to the ministry of internal affairs, every year from 180 to 200,000 people disappear without trace throughout the country. not everyone can be found. now it will be easier to do this, since relatives of missing citizens will participate in mandatory genomic registration. this is the collection, analysis and storage of data. dna that forensic scientists can use to reliably identify a person. the legislative norm has already come into force, and let's find out the details from the expert, we have a studio deputy chairman of the state duma committee on the development of civil society, issues of public and religious associations, oleg leonov. if we are talking about about 200 thousand
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people annually, this is a serious amount of data, yes, where then is this data and in what form will it be stored? of course, they will be stored in the ministry of internal affairs database, this is closed. the database has no access to anyone except specialists, that is, if you want to ask how protected it is from evil, then at a minimum you need to know where this database is stored, that is, the address of this database is unknown, therefore, the likelihood that this base will be found there and hacked, it’s right on the level of a meteorite falling to the ground, the human factor is a person leaving the authorities who had access to this base, maybe somehow, well, let’s put it this way.. . download somewhere, it’s just a comparison of two moves, here is material taken from one person from another, it’s digitized, they compared it, if it matches, that means, that is, figuratively, if there’s some unscrupulous person there, let’s say, well, yes, the person. , wants to interfere in
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the judicial investigation, for example, to replace it is possible to take dna from the crime committed, for example, from the dna database of relatives of missing people. genetic material, it is taken only from close relatives, and this is a simple procedure, a cotton swab, well, not an ordinary cotton swab, but a special one with a longer cap, so it is taken, well, it is simply carried out with a swab on the inside
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of the cheek, dna must be taken from the mother or with dad, how it works, with biological relatives, that is, mother, father, children, brother, sister, full-blooded, can relatives. restrictions on freedom there for a certain period of time, do you think, when this system is already fully operational, starting this year, that is , of course, starting from this year it is already starting to work, that is, the base is already being assembled.
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filling is mandatory, we understand you, thanks for registration, but we just made it big now, our guest was the deputy chairman of the state duma committee for the development of civil society on issues of public and religious associations, oleg leonov, i have to tell you something, the thing is , that my family is not my family. galka, the premiere is on monday at... come on, let's smile, more, more, more,
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great, good, morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing is summer, it's time for vacations, many people plan their vacation in advance, book hotels, buy tickets, this year, 2/3 of our citizens will gain strength on domestic... roads are shared by the owner of a foreign car, of course, they save time, which cannot be said about the family budget, however, to travel cheaper,
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evgeniy uses one trick. of course, i try to save money, but with a transponder it’s not always possible it turns out because it does not give a discount, but it accumulates bonuses, for which you then buy travel passes. accumulating bonuses, that is, using a loyalty program, is just one way to save on toll roads. accumulated points can be exchanged for a discount, the maximum is 15%. to begin with, however, it is worth buying the device itself; the price of the transponder varies from four to... rubles depending on the point of sale, the official representative or the partner company. another way to travel through a toll section cheaper is buy a subscription. if users make frequent regular trips to a particular area, we suggest using a subscription. the subscription has various denominations from five to 50 trips. discounts on such products are sometimes significant and reach 70-80% of the price. for example, if. the cost of travel for one trip on the moscow-smolensk section is 170 rubles, then when purchasing a subscription, the cost
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of one trip on the same section of the road will vary from 34 to 51 rubles. such saving options are really suitable for those who... he travels on toll roads all the time, but if the trip is a one-time trip, then, for example, you can rent a transponder, it costs 5 rubles per day, or you can not use it at all, pay after the fact. in addition, the trip will be about 20% more profitable if you go on weekdays rather than on weekends. for example, travel on the m4 don highway from moscow to krasnodar from monday to thursday will cost 4.0 rubles. from friday to sunday 5.000. thus, the savings will be 1.0 rubles. by the way, despite the generally high tariffs, if you compare road trips passing through toll routes with air or railway transportation in the same direction, then in the first case you can still save money. at current rates , toll roads make sense only when you are traveling with your family , there are more than three people in the car, you can get there and refuel. to eat, air tickets are still more expensive than traveling by car. if
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a motorist travels alone for a long distance, then traveling on a toll road will be equal in price to another type of transport or even more expensive. and then, catch a fish, yes more, but first you need to grow it. we’ll see in a couple of minutes how scientists improve the nutritional value of aquacultures, for example, baganitsky char. max, who would you like? boy or girl? both a girl and a boy, if vika doesn’t mind. melody for two. i think you will be happy with him. mom, i'm already happy. i made inquiries about this max and i know for sure that he is married. so that vika gets involved with a married man? he is able to touch all the strings of the soul. i am fithiye. what? why did you come here? my husband, he is also a saxophonist, and his name is also maxim razbegen. she's not capable. play with feelings, i still love him, how could he do this to me? melody for two,
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final episodes, today on rtr. i don’t know what proper acting is, what a good actor is, i can only feel it when you were acting now in the boy’s word, what a zhorka, an amazing director, so you asked him a question, he taught me a lot, ruzil minikaev, at the age of 6 my father passed away, my mother was left alone with three children, well, we... that is, we survived, you can to say, i understood that in a big city there are a lot of opportunities, a lot of interesting people, so after the ninth grade i left, as a real kid had hardened himself, it wasn’t scary to go to moscow, it was scary, i’m generally very careful all the time to something new, to
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something unknown, this energy, i’ll achieve it, i’ll break it, this... will be mine to break through somewhere, because you are alone, the main faith in the proposed circumstance , the second, it seems to me, faith in yourself, you have enough in yourself, vernik2 on friday on rtr, there is such a girl with an amazing gift, whoever she loves will immediately become rich, you mean, someone has already become rich, you first need to make her fall in love with you, and for this we will dip the girl in you, and then a knight in white ... will give her a helping hand, daughter, come urgently, be in trouble with dad, i am very, very grateful to you, i hope dad will return home, we will find and return, believe me, don’t break my heart, premiere on saturday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my
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cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism is a parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the first podcasts we watch on the first day of summer, only the wind, only joy ahead.
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predators appeared at the novosibirsk zoo, to the delight of its workers and guests. two females gave birth within five days of each other. the first days, the little red book kittens hid in houses as soon as the sun came out. it started to get hot, so we went out into the world to play. mothers are always nearby, protecting their babies and taking them to shelter at the slightest cause for concern. you can look at the kittens as much as
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you want, but it is undesirable to make noise near the enclosure, which is what all visitors are asked to do. well, how to grow it? in captivity the most valuable breeds of fish, to reduce the cost of breeding it , to make it accumulate substances useful to humans, these are the tasks that russian scientists have set for themselves, andrei negrov got acquainted with their work, baganitsky char, the fish for which went to taimyr to the ibex of the khatanga river basin, but today it is found right near krasnoyarsk, at one of the fish hatcheries, it all started with the fact that scientists studied the nutritional value of wild...
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diseases, they explain this by the fact that of all omega-3 in this fish accumulates two acids the most: the first is eicosapentaenoic acid. prevents thrombus formation and acts as a cardioprotector. etogeen. same acid, it plays a huge role in the functioning of the membranes of nervous tissues, nerve cells, neurons, pathways, etc., and its often used in the treatment or prevention of nervous diseases, disorders, dementia, for example, but how many of these substances are in aquaculture char, experts check this, and also look at what feeds contribute to their accumulation, there are many recipes today, because laboratories throughout the country are working on them , including this... baths. here we found out that by choosing the right nutrition, you can not only make fish meat better, but also make it ripen faster. this is necessary, for example, to quickly increase the broodstock. stern
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supplement for valuable species of fish, it is based on a complex of minerals and vitamins, balanced specifically for the body preparing to become a mother, so to speak, so to speak, in fish. the base is fish milk, specially processed. with this supplement myself. is capable of producing more high-quality eggs, and so that they are guaranteed to turn into fry, another development by scientists from astrakhan, they created such an incubator. it is a lightweight mesh frame design that can be made quite easily by in essence, it is an overlay for any container, be it an aquarium or a small pool. the device allows you to monitor the eggs, change the incubation conditions and remember what they... should be for new types of aquaculture, then live landscaping, and i could have given a hand there, i could hardly resist, well, it’s beautiful, that’s what i
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understand, greenery city, yeah, as soon as we get down from here, well, i’ll personally jump on that dragon over there, yes, well, he’s jumping, we won’t tell you about the vertical separation immediately after the news, call me. flew off, but i'm still we sing with a view, they continue to work live, in the studio andrey shevtsov, hello, critical infrastructure was destroyed this night in the kharkov region, after an air raid warning was announced, a series of explosions occurred in the region. in addition, the facilities of the ukrainian armed forces, which are used by nationalists to attack our country, have been liquidated. in dnepropetrovsk and odessa regions. closer to the morning it became known that the affected starokonstantinov airfield in the khmelnytsky region was called the main place
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basing of nato fighters at 16. eyewitnesses say that before the attacks they heard the characteristic sound of drones in the sky. the attack tactics in small groups were used by the assault units of the group of troops in the southern donetsk direction.
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the volleys hit a concentration of personnel and equipment that were in the forest, aerial reconnaissance recorded the defeat of the target, in the donetsk sector a massive attack was carried out by operators of attack drones, the militants were destroyed for... russia will consider the supply of f16 to ukraine as deliberate nato signal actions in the nuclear field. sergei lavrov stated this in an interview with ria novosti. the foreign minister explained that american fighters have long been the main means of delivery within the framework of the so-called joint nuclear missions of the north atlantic bloc. the main country of the us alliance, meanwhile, is getting closer to allowing the use of the armed forces. american weapons for attacks on russian territories, as the new york times writes, the white house has already launched a formal expedited procedure review of current restrictions. but
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the former president of france, nicolas sarkazy, whose opinion is still listened to in the fifth republic, warned against escalating the conflict in ukraine. in an interview with the figaro newspaper, he said that he could not imagine an open confrontation between his country and russia. sarkozy called for an urgent search. for a peaceful settlement. north korea launched 10 ballistic missiles at once, all of which fell into the sea outside japan's exclusive economic zone. in pyongyang for now parameters were not disclosed. launch, but tokyo has already reported that the rockets flew 350 km at a maximum flight altitude of 100 km. in recent days, north korean engineers have been testing not only jet vehicles; the day before they launched balloons filled with manure and household garbage into south korea. a protest against empty pots took place in the argentine capital, at a state
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food warehouse. activists gathered, organizers of canteens for the poor , the protesters’ anger was directed at the country’s president xabier miley, his policy of reducing expenses led to delays in the supply of food to food preparation centers for the needy, and payments of subsidies to the poor were also suspended. a real apocalypse was caused by cyclone remal in india and bangladesh. at least 100 people are listed as dead; due to powerful flooding, people are forced to walk through chest-deep water. the roads have become like small rivers along which... the most desperate driver is trying to pass. agricultural waters resemble cascading waterfalls. in one of the mountainous regions, a truck overturned as a result of a landslide. residents escape from the elements on the roofs of houses. there is a similar situation with the flood in monterrey, mexico. drought was replaced by heavy rainfall and hail in a city of millions of people. cars and garbage float through the streets. winter has returned to kamchatka, a cyclone with bad weather came
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quietly from the side. ocean on the velyuchensk highway, snowstorm, drifts and ice, drivers again had to remember their driving skills on a slippery road, fans of the cold season managed to make a snow woman, tomorrow bad weather will continue in the region primorye, before the calendar onset of summer, rains and fogs dropped in, at night the temperature is likely to drop to negative values. next, news from your region, residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now, to the news of the capital region, rescuers have localized a large fire in the east of the capital, on martenovskaya street, on the territory of a former machine-building plant , a production and warehouse building is burning, roofs and walls have partially collapsed, ekaterina likhomanova reports from the scene.
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part of the street next to the burning enterprise is now completely blocked, as we see, dozens of special equipment are lined up along the street, and emergency personnel are on duty. i assume that a black column of smoke is now visible from different parts of the capital. there is a pungent burning smell on the street. the warehouses caught fire this morning. as local residents told us, in one of these they were engaged in the production of paint. warehouse, paint warehouse. the situation is complicated by the fact that inside the building there are containers with flammable liquid, here is the first official comment that we were able to obtain on the spot. 40 units of equipment and more than 120 personnel of the units were extinguished, and two helicopters
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from the moscow aviation center were brought in, with which in 2 hours the fire area grew to 4,000 m2, the owners of the premises are gradually arriving at the scene, but it is obvious that it is unlikely that anything can be saved - it will work out. ekaterina likhomanova, lead. well, we literally just received reports that firefighters managed to eliminate the open ones. combustion. according to the data center, workload moscow streets are now two points. it's difficult for us from lipetskaya street to varshavskoye highway and from dmitrovskoye to volokolamsk highway. the yaroslavskoye highway, from the ring, and the leningradskoye highway , from flotskaya street, are driving slowly towards the center. over 10 thousand people received emergency medical care under the new standard in a month.
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sergei sobyanin spoke about the results of the work of the updated admission departments. buildings were modernized in four large hospitals and two children's hospitals, clinics received new equipment, and clear diagnostic algorithms. most patients receive a full range of examinations within 2 hours. the mayor noted that by the end of the year , all adult hospitals in the capital will operate according to the moscow standard of emergency care. on five streets of moscow, control over the parking of motorcycles will be strengthened; checks, compliance with stopping and parking rules will begin today. on rozhdestvensky boulevard, pipe square, malaya bronnaya, novbat and kalashny lane. this is where most of the complaints come from about bikers who often leave their equipment under prohibitory signs. on the sidewalks. the fine for an incorrectly parked motorcycle is rub 3.00. in early june, the train schedule on the sovelovsky and belarusian directions will change. this is due to the construction of road infrastructure. so this weekend
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, traffic intervals will be increased to 2 hours. some trains will be cancelled, some will take shortened routes. the changes also affect commuter trains. intervals on weekdays in the evening will be from 15 minutes to an hour. and...expressametyevo will follow from sovelovsky railway station. may ends with tropical heat; the temperature maximum was updated on wednesday. the air warmed up above 28°. thanks to the anticyclone, today tomorrow +28:30 no precipitation. thunderclouds will approach friday evening, showers will begin, this will cool the air a little. our news is always available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, good luck. here you go, bride, the premiere, when there is a man’s plush, it’s somehow simpler, or something, i’m looking for a jackdaw now, you know where she is, i can’t help you, you
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i came with notices, hello, hello, yes, gal, a rich life is good for you, now my life has nothing to do with you, daw, from monday on... rtr. i declare the international rhythmic gymnastics festival open. alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. we will introduce you to the culture of different peoples. we know what the truth is. young stars are future champions. team! an unforgettable journey into the world of sports, music and beauty!
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thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you! international holiday: children's rhythmic gymnastics festival alina. on saturday on rtr. good morning. hello. elena nikolaeva, denis stoykov. as always, we are glad to meet you, our most loyal viewers. it's thursday outside on my calendar. the last days of may, the main thing is not to wake up at some point, not to understand that on the calendar, the last days of summer, this happens to us, we know, we know the most ancient plant on earth, it turned out, by the way, to be an ultra-modern material that can improve appliances. developers
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figured out how to combine an alarm clock, bluetooth, speaker, air purifier lamps in one gadget, so that no one would guess that everything is overgrown with moss, because moss filters the air perfectly, making it fresh and... can become an excellent green interior solution for an urban office or apartment. taking care of your furry gadget is quite simple; spray it with water from time to time. this will only make him crash. and the alarm clock may stop. high-rise buildings in our cities may soon also turn green. accepted gost for vertical landscaping of facades. now such designs with automatic watering systems are found mainly abroad. meanwhile, there is an alternative to expensive high-tech landscaping. ilya davidov will tell you about flowerbeds and lawns that no one will walk on. anastasia has a culture shock; she had no idea that an office could be like this. windows opened in the walls into nature, here there was a forest, a jungle and the green sea of ​​the taiga. you can
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look at any of these paintings for a long time, it really lifts your morning mood before work. everyone who touches art has an invariable question: is the greenery alive or not, stabilized, the designers specify, or moss with something special. this vidos moss is from the krasnodar region, just like these hummocks, this type of moss is from beyond the urals, so to make it beautiful, we tint it, such panels can be enlarged to the size of the facade, but florists admit that with living material you have to work less and less often, the client chooses plastic, which is indistinguishable by appearance, the difficulty is set in service, because not everyone will be ready, in order to water correctly, in order to fertilize correctly, abroad they try to use living plants, plant them in cells with capillary... mats, attach them to the walls, connect automatic watering, these are modern gardens, simeramides, a wonder of the world will appear here, adjusted for the climate, of course , the appearance of the guest provides a basis for further development. that is , designers have a legal norm,
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a standard that they can subsequently improve, they can develop it further, gost determines how to attach a green facade, how to protect the wall from moisture, what plants choose, because there is a scorching sun at the top, however, vertical gardening is not always high-tech, this is such beauty in the moscow courtyard, ordinary girlish grapes, bright juicy greens in the summer, all shades of red in the fall, and in winter, yes, bare stems, but forty degrees frosts, nothing and it grows several meters per season, just water it. clinging with her antennae, liana reaches the sixth or seventh floor, and this is not just decor. foliage traps dust, equalizes temperature, increases humidity, living air conditioning, and there are many such plants. actenidia, hops, russian universities are training specialists in them, as well as in new types of landscaping, by the way. when there was no such strong development, vertical gardening, we went to... technology, we were developing
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an assortment of plants that can be used in our climate, so we were waiting for the appearance of a guest, because while there was no standard, there were no guarantees, that the green wall will not turn yellow tomorrow, so they landscaped it with plastic, now vertical gardening systems are decided on an individual basis each time, and when availability of already tested, approved solutions, this goes into the area of ​​standard replication, the cost of such... design is reduced, which means that much more of them can be created, well, we’ll wait and see, the main thing is that the skating rink of standardization of high-rise landscaping does not crush defenseless competitors , like girl’s grapes, growing quickly and easily, but probably not according to the rules. let's discuss this topic with our guest, in the studio, deputy director of the department of landscape design of the agricultural and technological institute of rodn, candidate of biological sciences, annapel ivanna sergeevna, good morning, hello, besides what we heard in the story, what is vertical gardening - it
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traps dust, saves the facade from overheating, what other advantages and comfort can this have? many plants secrete, for example, fetoncides, which protect us from microorganisms, this regulates the temperature regime, humidity regime, but green spaces greatly influence the psycho-emotional state, that is, they level out this homogeneity, aggressiveness of the urban environment, that is, this is a large number of functions that... our concrete jungle can become quite non-stone if we cover the facades of houses with some kind of plants, and many will probably say, well, our country is different , it’s cold somewhere, but even in our story they listed plants that can grow. indeed, the assortment is quite large, even taking into account the fact that, as colleagues have already said, yes, that a standard has been developed, the standard states what types of vertical gardening there are, always the plant assortment is not only climbing and...
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exploited, it’s all included in the project of vertical, vertical gardening, that is, that is, we are talking exclusively now about new buildings that will be built, that is, those that already exist, their it won’t be possible to plant trees vertically, except we saw in the story a budget option, what ’s it called, girl’s grapes, no, why not, if the design of buildings, structures and facades allows it, that is, if all the research is done, some kind of conclusions about what the facade is intended for? be like this, he may not be able to stand it, here is a five-story
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building, not very nice, not very new, this would be delayed, but all the citizens would be for it, but what could stop it? well, firstly, the structure itself, on which the same vertical gardening, horizontal or vertical containers are installed, this is still a load, this is additional weight from the plants, from the substrates that they use, the same irrigation system, generally abroad , v some countries have adopted standards that if a developer has taken up some space with his buildings, he must compensate for the greenery that he destroyed somewhere on the roof, on the facade, we have also said more than once in our country that such a standard should appear, it turns out exactly he? yes, here is such an advisory, just a document that says what technical and environmental provisions are necessary for organizing vertical gardening, specifically on the facades of buildings and structures, that is, we should not...
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compensate for the greenery, i think i i guess, that developers who are building something are obliged, we will soon come to this, because now during such intensive urbanization of development, when...
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schools, under such an unspoken motto , modern and comfortable educational institutions are being built in the country, they are being built thanks to the implementation of the national education project. more than 1,200 schools with swimming pools, digital laboratories and creative classes have already been opened. education in such conditions allows a child to reveal his potential and quickly decide on a future profession. we will learn by doing. you may not be einstein, but you must know how to change an outlet, says physicist ilya kostyaev. therefore, he prepares his students not for exams for real life, because in everyday life there is a place for a scientific approach. the teacher shows you where and how to apply it in practice, and says you can’t master science with theories and formulas alone.
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it’s one thing to look at pictures of how to install the same outlet, right? it’s another matter, as you yourself saw at the stand today, to do this... however, the technical capabilities of the office have gone far beyond the lessons school curriculum. this is a real design headquarters with robots and industrial manipulators. both a pneumatic grip and a mechanical arm can be attached as a working part. robotic devices were a pleasant bonus of moving to a new building built as part of a national education project. in the same place, the students say, but they never even dreamed of something like this. now, every lesson sells out, and where there is interest, good performance will appear. and ambitious goals. seventh grader egor guzilov i got the idea to build a drone. i will be able to make some of my own discoveries and go to a higher level with these discoveries, not only at school. while some students are improving their technical skills, others are changing their inner world. ninth-grader natasha borisova was afraid to answer the question and in general
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once again tried not to attract attention ; she probably would have remained in the shadow of her active and more daring peers for a long time if not for her participation in the school theater. this is very. such emotions, very good impressions, i really like it. replenish after rehearsal and intellectual stress, students come to the lounge, a spacious room with comfortable sofas and relaxing music. but tver schoolchildren do not rest after, during lessons, because in their schedule such disciplines as an hour of swimming pool for culinary arts, the art of interviews have appeared, the usual handicrafts have been replaced by haute couture courses and hand jokes, almost haute couture. we have mannequins that change sizes from forty- two. they had been planning to diversify the curriculum at school for a long time, but they were initiating changes in the previous building was impossible, it was literally bursting at the seams from the load, there were not enough free offices, with the move to the new building, the plan was given the green light. we have a lot of additional classes that we plan for the children to attend, such as a swimming pool, robotics, an ecology group,
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a journalism group, a digital laboratory group, section groups explain: teachers help a child unlock his potential, find a calling or develop an already obvious talent, and sometimes, as in the case of ksinia smirnova, they protect against a hasty decision, the ninth-grader wanted to go to technical school, but changed her mind when she found a hobby at school. there is a car mechanics lesson in the tenth grade, which is why i want to try it before the eleventh grade. during the implementation of the national education project since 2019 , more than 1,200 new schools with 778,000 places have been opened throughout the country. total up to...
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what if the gypsy didn’t lie, well, hit on her, i only realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are, max, what are you doing, i don’t believe a word you say, just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare him away and run away, he won’t run away from me, can you hear how it beats, i will protect you, who offends you, magical gifts? which became a curse, i made up my mind, i will leave the city, don’t break my heart, premieres, in
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saturday on rtr, major underwater cleaning, in croatia , divers dive to the bottom of the adriatic to find abandoned fishing gear, sunken... nets and traps not only spoil the underwater landscape, but pose a mortal threat to marine life. in a couple of dives , 200 kg of garbage was pulled out from under the water. all finds are sent to the surface using special inflatable balloons, and this, as they say, is a drop in the ocean. it will take months to completely clean the area, which includes many small islands. regular dives. it takes no less time to build a real sugar castle in the gaudi style. such a miracle can only be seen in the volgograd region, and let barcelona be jealous. in the midst of an ordinary, almost
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rural landscape, you don’t expect to see something like this, but there it is, huge , snow-white, mysterious, completely unlike anything else around. people called it the sugar castle for its whiteness and unique design. by the way, this miracle is located in a sugar farm. let's look together and find out what is behind these gates. sugar. and rivers, milk banks, this house, by the way , residential, valery danilchuk began to build back in the nineties, the materials are the most ordinary, brick, concrete, cement, sand, the building seems to be alive, viscous, could become the setting for a children's film about adventures on sweets factory valery danilchuk recalls how he developed the project by hand, first sketching out a sketch in an ordinary notebook, then carefully calculating the proportions. it took 5 months to build the box house, next year. and a year later they began to build this is the building, well, i called it a cell,
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later the name cell for lovers appeared, partly due to the increased interest from photographers and newlyweds, in front of the entrance there is an inscription in latin: i was able to do this, if you can, do it better, this is according to valery danilchuk’s answer to critics: inside there is a place for relaxing inspiration on two floors, it’s cool here in the summer heat, but most importantly there is a balcony with... danilchuk also arranged the territory, from a new unusual structure called the universe and man, in the center of the space is incredible swimming pool-fountain. in addition to valeria and his wife, the family mascot also lives in the sugar castle. the ginger cat always welcomes tourists with pleasure. well, we are happy to meet you every morning, tomorrow is no exception, that’s all for today, it’s time to say goodbye. by the way, if you want to meet with us almost 24:7, subscribe to
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the telegram channel of our program. and what's in there? we talked today, everything will be there, see you, bye, hello, broadcast on the russia tv channel in the studio. vinorosius and the main topics for this o'clock. artillerymen attacked a temporary deployment point in uisu in konstantinovka, and soldiers of the black sea fleet intercepted two unmanned boats, they were heading towards the crimea. less than two days later, schulz changed his position and joined the leaders of poland, the czech republic and great britain.


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