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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 30, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from the boldin estate on june 6 on rtr, and do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well
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, that’s where you’re going, i almost knocked you down, why are you silent, i hurt you, no, i didn’t, this is my brother vanya, it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the mayor’s daughter, alyon, i don’t have no bride, these are all my brother’s requests, i’m not interested, do you believe me too? don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and that we should do now, maybe tanty, if you insist, i’ll try, simple girl, on friday at the rda, in the depths of your heart, purity is like a dream. baby, the frequency is in
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some hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, and the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls, hello, this is our program, it said. what could be more peaceful and kind than a puppet theater, because its purpose is to delight children, captivating them into the magical world of fairy tales, but the lugansk academic theater dolls since 2014 have had to go through something that you wouldn’t wish on your enemy, here in 1914 we hid from hail and mortars, my child was still small at that time, he found it in the basement in such a...
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a small dog, a beanie, he says, you see , i’m also saving the bagel, i called it a bagel, what the actress of the lugansk puppet theater ekaterina ermakova had to go through in 2014, even today, is painful to remember, the basement of her native theater turned into a bomb shelter not only for colleagues, but also for residents of the city, it all began here exactly here on june 2, 1914 it was middle-white.
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do you recognize the scenery? yes, what is the name of the play? now we are giving you the princess and the pea. there was no light, no water, the performances were held on the street, which especially touched me, these are the eyes of children, these are children who survived very tough times, blockades, this situation brought me to tears. for 7 years the theater practically survived in military field... conditions, but did not stop working for a single day, the actors gave about a thousand performances, when the special operation began in 2022, the entire male section of the theater went to the front line. there was a situation, i had to move away from the dugouts to the nearest green area, and there i was covered by artillery fire, i ran through eight shells, i still don’t know how it happened. actor yuri is there behind the ribbon. nitrunenko
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saved his colleague, the chief director of the puppet theater valery sereda, literally carried him out of the battlefield in his arms, when they were already taking me to the hospital, the whole... position went to see me off, guys, what are you doing, you can see us, but somehow tears in my eyes welling up, the boys really took risks, what helped them survive there, on the battlefield, who saved the theater itself from the destruction of desolation here, in the center of lugansk, the stories of those for whom their native theater and its difficult fate became part of their own lives. in our studio we have the chief director of the lugansk puppet theater.
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how will you survive this fear, how will you survive this whole situation? this is the most important thing. what were your reasons for going there? we went through the fourteenth year, a very difficult one, when nothing was clear at all, and if some future or no future. twenty-second after all, after all, he was not the fourteenth, but why was it worse in the fourteenth? because, well, in general it didn’t fit into any gates, but how is it in mine?
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this same theater, you are valery, you are yuri, but you are heroes, you don’t need to do this with your shoulders now, because you went to protect your families, no one forced you to do this, in 1414 i also did not take part in military events, but one way or another, friends,
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acquaintances, colleagues, relatives, someone you were somewhere anyway, one way or another you still wonder, but if you did end up at the front, how would you behave there, and this we... it was somewhere in your head, well, here’s the twenty- second the year gave me the opportunity to test whether i can? it seemed yes that i could, in the performance that you did on the street, please tell me about everything about it, it was also a difficult decision to make, like this, because at that time it was very bad in lugansk, and really on the street drove tanks that drove straight towards the front line with the guys on the armor, at this time we gathered these kids. theater, it was probably still a big message, so real, because the guys who were riding on the armor, they also turned their heads to see what was happening there, and there were a lot of kids there, i understand with what heart they went there, that their actions are definitely needed by someone, and not figuratively, but in reality, how many
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artists were in the theater’s corpse before they left for the northern military district, seven, and how many are left, oh, different... you know, someone left the theater, at first it was hard, well, first of all, repertoire, if anything was possible, we remade everything for female performances of roles, yes, what performances were possible to remake, but then one man appeared, twenty-two years old, when yura returned, everything fell on his shoulders, but it was very difficult, but you coped, let's now find out first-hand what it was like for women to cope with theirs without you?
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during the play, we also learned how to play music for ourselves, and yes, we had to play the male roles, i’ll give you an example, we have a play called ihochuha, there are two male roles, this is a wolf cub, it’s very difficult to choose - voice, tone, timbre, but if a man plays a female role - it’s funny, yes, if a woman plays a male role, it’s very difficult, but who did you play, a wolf cub, but how about a bear cub, you can show how to show, well , it’s difficult for me without a doll, well, it’s a fairy tale, i don’t know, let’s go see it, well, in my opinion, it’s great, if the eyes are right in general, all this is of course fun, funny, perky, but now we’re imagining it’s the fourteenth year. on the streets, so they drive with the guys, you have to somehow play in plays, what is it like? it was very hard
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but we had hope, there were practically no people in the city, but there were children, so for the sake of these eyes we had to do something. but how to gather people in the square, how to notify them that there will be a performance? in the old-fashioned way, we write on a piece of paper that at such and such a time there will be a performance there, there, and we go and hang it up wherever... we can, the entrance was paid, of course, no, what are you talking about, but it was on the street, it was in the square, because the city lived completely without electricity for 4 months, how many children were there, we don’t have a very large square in front of the theater, well, there were probably up to a hundred, but in general the children of war are different, their reaction is very different, they are different, they are adults, i will tell you the example of my child, a child up to the age of fourteen, they were 6 years old, and after he is an adult, he is completely different, he speaks differently, differently. looks at how they reacted, well, the adults were all crying, and the children were distracted, it was necessary to take our minds
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off this terrible reality that was happening then, we felt it and they felt it, it was simply necessary, to get pleasure and joy, yes this is an idea what came was not just an idea, a confidence in the sense that these performances were needed, we needed to perform them, from one picture we somehow also sergei viktorovich, the director of the theater, went on another tour around the theater, between shellings. the entrance, the iron door is open and mom is walking in quotes around her , three people, and mom, well, i can see from the plastic, she’s a big ear, she’s turned into this big ear, she’s listening, because when it whistles, we have to quickly jump into this entrance, here we are looked at this picture, i say, sergey viktorovich, well, probably something needs to be done, that we are here, you weren’t scared, that you’re giving a performance like this , it’s a big ear, of course it’s scary, but again, in the whole... bad situation, the main thing is to overcome this fear to settle
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some hope, even an illusion, but some kind of normal life, this is hope, this was the most important thing. katya, i was in lugansk in 1915 and i can imagine a little what the state of the city was in 1414, tell me what it was in? it was a ghost town, i'm going to the theater, well, to work, i'm going on a bicycle and no one, suddenly it happens to me. grandfather, he says, they give bread there, i say, thank you, i’m all the way there, there’s a car with bread, three people, i’m this bread, two loaves, well, i think, in the theater valery vladimirovich, sergey viktorovich, and up to the theater there was no one , i hear, pi, i lay down in the grass, lay down, got up, drove on, arrived, guys, i say, here’s some bread, please, well , this was a canopy of gold back then in the fourteenth, well, something like this, lay down in the grass, lay down, well why yes, you’re still lying there, counting, 1 2 3 4 yeah one more vi aha 1 2 3 4 counted all four passed everything you can go further went and
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the child where he stayed he was with his grandmother then he graduated from my kindergarten and we went from lugansk 70 km to the village of donetsk, here in lugansk there was a ghost town and there everything was very scary and it was quiet there and then in october , now this village is no longer there, that is, for 3 months there was no water and there was no electricity anymore. it wasn’t until the new year, then they started giving it by the hour, there were 3 hours a day, when they gave the light, no one believed it, it was euphoria, it turns out, yes, we really cried, the neighbor comes out, the light was given, like the light was given, yes, really, the light was given, no one believes, we go in, turn it on, i stand at it, look at this light bulb, i’m crying, really i’m crying, katya, there was no thought of leaving, well, why leave your hometown, there was hope that everything would be fine, well, i believed that everything would work out. twenty-second year, the men left, were you left alone in the theater? yes, and how is it? it’s
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scary, the unknown of the future, what, how, what to do, but again we didn’t lose hope, we got together and thought that we might have a play that we could perform without the boys, and we got together, started to think something, do something, we succeeded, first one performance, then a second performance. in general, many, many months, but what’s paradoxical is, in the fourteenth, all the people, in lugansk , we all rallied and helped each other in any way we could, i had a neighbor, aunt valya, before the war, we weren’t really friends at all, but during the war, she and i shared the last liter of water, so she will find it somewhere, i she brings it, i’ll find it somewhere, i’ll bring it to her, like
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that grandfather who, and there they give bread, well, the most difficult thing was probably to look for water, because there was no water, and water is the most necessary thing. and i had to walk three blocks from my house, collect rusty, rusty water in these bottles, pull it up three blocks on foot, and so several walks a day, well, it’s very hard, it’s really hard, i ’ll tell you honestly , there are still bottles of water at home from those times, that is, just in case, yes if anything happens, let's see a story about what is interesting inside the puppet theater, i worked in this theater. works in the workshop of the lugansk puppet theater, like no one else, he knows that creating a character for the stage is not enough, you also need to breathe life into it, this is a workshop in which dolls are born, created, and this doll is made by several
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people at once, the artist comes up with the image, the sculptor sculpts this one. history, then it’s done according to the style, prop makers make clothes, paint it, mechanics bring it to life, some kind of energy is transferred to the doll, your mood often, whether they have a soul, i think they do, when they are created, they already begin to show their character, in the most difficult years for the theater, sergei did not leave him for a day, he was not taken to the front as a volunteer because of his age, in his eyes...
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bombs fell from the playground, a real war with ukraine began for me personally and for my family, we consulted with my husband and decided to take the children outside the city, teenage girls, and i actually left with the fact that i i'll be back, i'll take the kids and go back to the city, that was the only reason,
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how could she be sent from there? i had no intention of leaving, so it was the children. yes, he convinced me that it was necessary to take the girls away, save their lives, it was clear that this was serious, this was not a joke, there would be a real war, but unfortunately, i could not return back, why, but there was no transport to lugansk anymore , that is, it was not possible to physically return home, there was contact with valery, for the first month of june there was contact, but from july there was no connection with the city, my husband, mother, all my relatives remained in the city, i was at war at that time godson, i didn’t know anything about them at all, about anyone. i sat and monotonously monitored the internet every day, because it happened that people were leaving lugansk, they were posting some news somewhere, i was looking for friends, but i was trying to find at least some information about what was happening, but
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whether they were alive or not, i didn’t know at all, the first of september in minsk , communication was made in some places, but... those places where people go to get a connection, call their relatives, say that they are alive, were mercilessly shelled by artillery, on crowds of people arrived, it was a big risk, and how long did you spend apart? 3 months, then one day, while monitoring the internet as usual, i accidentally came across an article in our newspaper lugansk 21st century, it was published in september in small leaflets like this, and people read... at least some news, because there was nothing, neither the television was working, but there was no light, no connection, nothing, i came across an article in the newspaper that our theater, the first theater, which from... the season for me it was, of course, well, first of all, joy about what you have i know all the people who work in the theater are alive, i know them all, they are working,
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my husband, i saw katya, they are alive, the thought immediately arose to ask for help, i probably met someone quite by accident sometime in 1913 director from krasnoyarsk, evgeny permyakov, and i dropped this link to the article. he read it to him, zhenya asked how i could help, i said, well, this is the situation, our people work in such conditions, evgeniy organized help, he turned to the puppeteers, they collected, well, a certain amount of money, and that was with great with difficulty they were transferred to lugansk, because we, well, we had nothing, our banking systems did not work, we do not have a bank, well, we had nothing, we... we had nothing, it’s difficult to understand people who live in civilization about how we survived, but somehow it turned out this way. svetlana, when
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did you return? in september 1914 , we all returned home together, yes, well, we kind of concluded the minsk agreements, in fact , ukraine should not have killed us anymore, it was relatively quiet in the city, and the end september we returned home. and how did you perceive valery’s desire to leave for the svoon in 2022? well, to be honest, of course, it was very hard for me, it’s always probably hard to accompany your man to war, but i knew for sure that he would go there, because having seen enough of everything that happened in 1414, he would probably he just couldn’t, he went to protect us, to the theater, to the family, i know my husband, i knew that... if he decided to go, he would go, despite the fact that he had a serious illness. valery, yuri, in what unit did you serve? sixth
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separate cossack motorized rifle regiment. we were in the infantry, riflemen, and, in fact, it’s worth saying a huge thank you to valery for the fact that he, as one of the senior comrades who came from the theater, at first, and he can be called conditionally, adapted for all of us, because we. .. “we didn’t serve, neither did you, yes, valery, no, i served at one time, but when it was, and it was peacetime, in fact, not understanding that when, we volunteered, but you don’t understand , where are you going you walk, you don’t understand what awaits you, and at first you have to say a huge thank you to him for this, he is a strong personality around whom everyone rallied then, he held the team together for the first time, as long as it was possible to stick together, as long as the situation allowed it, they stuck with him. ..” around him, but then you understand, this is the front, someone here, someone here, all these shuffles, among your colleagues there were probably not only artists, but actors, but how did they
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treat you, the puppeteers, well, at first we smiled, of course, well, these jokes are very quickly faded away, but at first, yes, yuri, you said that you went there, not knowing where, what you would encounter, yeah, but what surprised everything the most, what you had to face, in general everything changed, if a person before didn’t serve in... he basically doesn’t understand what war is, but everything is shocking, you don’t even fully know how you yourself will react to it, you test yourself first of all, the order to attack, you don’t know, how will you behave, you don’t know how you will behave when you’re right there, tens of meters away from you gap, you don’t know how you will behave, you had your own reactions that were unexpected for yourself, but i remember exactly the situation when we had already occupied one settlement. and our commander came, with whom we had already been together for several months at that time, he came and said: guys, there is an order to go to zelenka and gain a foothold there,
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i won’t give orders, volunteers, who? at that time, he and i sat in the same positions for at least 3 months, then after the front was broken through, we went forward, it was a human request, humanly, that’s all those who were with him before served this, because then they were added to the unit, they were added... the revelation of a former military man about the events of 2014 and his opinion about the fighter-actors. back in the twelfth or thirteenth year, i
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told my former colleague and... him: there is a war ahead. max, who would you like? boy or girl? both a girl and a boy, if vika doesn’t mind. melody for two. i think you will be happy with him. mom, i'm already happy. i made inquiries about this max and i know for sure that he is married. to get vika involved with a married man? he capable of touching all the strings of the soul. i'm fethiye. what? why are you there? my husband flew here, he is also a sexophonist, and his name is also maxim razbeger, she is not capable of playing with feelings, i still love him, how could he do this to me? melody for two, final episodes, today on rtr.
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elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. rixas premium sea gate. family
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. you were invited to fashion weak, i can't pay for the display of your collection in europe, but i didn’t become a famous musician either, or maybe we both made a mistake in our choice, they say that you can’t return the past, sorry, what year it is, but you can go back there. what's wrong with
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you? what about me? you're somehow not like that. there will be a competition for young designers soon, maybe we can take part together. already kiki, in 17 years you will see him and run after him like a little girl. girls, hi, is something wrong? have we met somewhere? you are avoiding me? i thought that i could change fate, but, but, if only i could do it. on sunday on rtr. earlier in the program, residents of lugansk went through difficult trials in 2014. bombs fell near the playground, and a real war began for me personally and for my family. despite the situation in the city, the actors of the lugansk academic
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puppet theater. on the street, under shelling , performances were staged for the children remaining in the city, there were practically no people in the city, but there were children, so for the sake of these eyes something had to be done. has it ever been so scary that a thought popped into your head and whether to go back, it was scary regularly, well, to return, where to return to the puppet theater, how, it’s already different there, because already when we were in the position we were in, i don’t know if it’s possible to call it, well, that’s what was called kallash, we we lived with these guys in the same dugout, from the same pot...
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and the guys also get up, well, i ’m talking to them, where are you going, guy, he’s going to prepare something better than some food, we’ll give you this water let's bring it and this is probably the most important indicator, because well, i mean, this distance is not very strong
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i’ll overcome what i did to deserve such a bonus, i don’t know, well, probably, probably something, i heard something, here’s another one too, i ’ll probably never forget this incident, i... the time has come, i i definitely need to go to the hospital twice a year and be injected with certain medications, they finally persuaded me that a car would pick me up and take me to the hospital for this procedure, i had to climb a hill, here he is, you can see us very well, here are all the boys, yurka bye-bye, he ran to the hospital, maybe they ’ll be sent somewhere, and i’ll leave them behind, that’s all eight people, they went to see me off, i never...
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invited me to the theater, yeah, and he made such a circle, but i can’t work, hello, sergey, hello, what did you think when these two soldiers came to you with such a past, dubious warriors, and
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puppet theater, you know, i roughly expected that fighters with the history of puppet theater are not the worst thing, well, roughly speaking, because... there were different fighters, nevertheless it is necessary was to bring all the guys who came, the miners, to battle, movers, so theatergoers - this is not the worst thing, with them it’s interesting what kind of fighters they were, but come on, come on, reliable, the worst thing is when you have to go on the attack, you have to go for the assault, and this has happened, and this has happened, i understand that people are different, they never went on the attack, i never went on the attack myself, my grandfather fought and he once... told me what he says when you don’t sleep the night before an attack, but when you go on the attack, you’re already afraid no, i actually experienced something similar when i came to the headquarters, well, in a house, in a village, and they told me, your the task is now to advance to
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a zero position, with a fight to capture four houses on the street, on one street to the second, that is , to move forward, at some point, well, of course it became scary, then when i arrived... i say , guys, now we have to go on the attack, i’ll go with you, come with me, we had a ravine ahead, we went down into this gully, in general, we ran little by little, as they say, we reached the first houses, our tank came out there, we covered it, as if from behind, cut off the enemy infantry, so this fear began to dissolve, began to dissolve, began to go away, that’s it, some kind of excitement began, well, it so happened that throughout the whole day we slowly pushed back the enemy with battles, not four houses, but to the end of the street, and how you yourself ended up on svo and how did you become a commander? i ’ve been in the year ninety-eight... i served in the sbu, yeah, but seeing how
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the situation was developing, back in the eleventh year i had a conflict with the management, in the thirteenth year i quit, i quit of my own free will without a pension without any material support, then you were actually cheated, yes, yes, but i saw, i felt, back in the twelfth or thirteenth year, i told my former colleague... i told him there was a war ahead, then, when he says: how did you know what i was saying? well, how did you know, this was a premonition, this was a premonition, but how did you become a commander? i retired with the rank of major, i was drafted, well, to the military registration and enlistment office, when the boss called me, the head of the administration where i worked said, go to the military registration and enlistment office, i went, that’s it, i was distributed, appointed commander of the third company, we just come atamon. everything, we’ve put it before the fact,
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but there’s no escape, let’s invite another member of your team, your theater, your daughter, evgenia, to the studio, now i’m thinking, please come in, hello , hello, evgenia, hello, evgenia, maybe a question rhetorical, why did you decide to become a puppet theater actress? well, it seems to me that this is some kind of genetic predisposition, nepotism, of course, a dynasty or families, but that’s it. well, that is, since childhood, of course, you have been in this creative environment, and naturally, this leaves its mark, yes, and no matter how i had no doubts that i want to connect my life with the theater, but at the beginning i tried to connect it with the dramatic theater, i entered a higher educational institution to major in drama theater and film actress , then we, when...
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can live the same life as other
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theaters, this is participation, a huge theater family, we have a lot of theaters with which we are friends, but they are wonderfully received in many cities and theaters, if we speak in state level, yes this is participation in big tours according to the rosconcert program, we travel to many cities of the russian federation, i’ll even say an unpopular thing, there’s no time to work, but because of these... tours, well, really, tours are very good, but the theater gains nothing, new projects , new decisions, this also needs to be done sometime, now it has happened, as if the corpse and i were more or less fine again, that is, life is getting better, of course, what about let’s look at the plot about one of your new performances, history about the creation of this performance, let's see, this is a park palace i first came to this park when i was little, here we
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walked with my grandmother, then i walked with my son when he was in a stroller, we were lucky to be born in this city, to see these beautiful palaces, houses, magnificent ancient trees , which for us were certainly heroes of some fairy tales. years later, these characters became the heroes of a play that anna konstantinova wrote herself from theater theater from st. petersburg. but i didn’t even think about what stage the production would premiere on one day. once upon a time there lived, there was light, beautiful city. in a completely unexpected way. it turned out that these scenes, which i saw as images of my leningrad childhood, turned out to be very organically integrated into the history of the city of lugansk. by the will of fate, in 1923 , it was in lugansk that anna’s son, alexey, who volunteered for the northern military district, now serves as a medic. it is especially touching that the premiere
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of this play turned out to be an opportunity to see my son, who by that time had already served there for almost six months. has already been awarded a medal for saving the dead, my mother, my son’s grandmother, survived the blockade, and i think that this heroic experience, the feat of our ancestors, also played a role in the fact that today my son saves lives in battle, magical characters and stories, about which lyosha so loved to hear from his mother’s lips in childhood, came to life on the stage of the luhansk puppet theater and... now they have given a new generation of little spectators the belief that good triumphs over evil, all your dreams, hurray, if my play helps someone that performance which is definitely for
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residents of lugansk sounds special, i will be very happy, let this be my small contribution to the future victory. and what interested you so much in this play, a story about childhood, where we all come from, yes, so that everyone has this, it doesn’t matter st. petersburg, this lugansk, or some small village, but everyone definitely has their own, not i know, a bench, some kind of fence, i don’t know, with a rusty nail, but this is his small homeland, and he will never forget it, and the more... time passes from childhood, the more natural it becomes more expensive, i felt this thought in anna vladimirovna’s play, and for some reason i really wanted to do something about our city, we don’t have famous lions, and drawbridges, yes, well, we have
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matusovsky, here’s a poet - songwriter, we have a really white kacia, we were allowed to remake it to suit our conditions, to suit our situation. and god grant that he carries this love for his childhood throughout his life, let's watch a story about what children think about your play about your theater, have a seat, at 3:4 we say, for more than one generation
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of young luhansk residents in the puppet theater have been greeted in different languages ​​of the world, a few minutes before the start of the performance there is excitement here both ... in the auditorium and behind the scenes. yurchik, don’t go too far from the phone, it’ll probably be soon, or he’s here, i’ll go check now. together with their native theater, the team survived everything, including the shelling of the fourteenth year and the desolation after the start of the northern military district, but survived and managed to save from destruction not only these walls, but the dolls, the main owners of the stage, which young spectators love so much. one hand here the second one is here, take a bow. can dance, it’s interesting to watch the process, how the doll is controlled, the actors are friendly, i know everyone, and here you can find your dream. remembering how many times the fate of the theater hung in the balance, today it is difficult to believe what anniversary it managed to live up to. the academic puppet theater is 85 years old.
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the creative team remains virtually unchanged, and the repertoire is the same as the favorite productions of past years. so completely new, but have already become iconic for the theater and lugansk itself. tales of the ancient city - this is a play about our city, about our city lugansk. so that the viewer, coming to this performance, recognizes in every monument, in every corner, something of his own, his own, uh, so that it awakens a person’s memories. firstly, this is a story, some kind of luhansk, very interesting, i think everyone should like it, like...
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somehow even simpler, or what? i ’m looking for a jackdaw now, you know where she is, i can’t help you, you came informed, hello, hello, yes, gal, a rich life is good for you, my life now has nothing to do with you has, jackdaw from monday on rtr, say goodbye forever to the painful. and unsightly calluses with peddywag, the first motorized callus remover with a built-in vacuum cleaner. remove
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i love you, but i love you too, look at
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the weekend. “leave her alone, well, you have no prospects in life, oleg, we don’t need to meet again, sometimes parting is just the beginning of great love, it’s not easy to be the wife of a prosecutor, but it’s not easy, they’re watching you, this is your husband’s man, let him go, fox, be careful, tell me, do you still love him, first love, everything, yes, don’t touch me, what..." let me go, listen to me carefully, something needs to be decided with them, sheet, run away from him , you are in danger, he has already betrayed you once, i will do everything so that we were together again, romance in the past, on saturday on rtr, earlier in the program, an actor of the lugansk
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puppet theater in 2014, despite... the danger, found the strength to continue their activities and hold performances for children right on the street. the guys who were riding on the armor, they also turned their heads to see what was happening there, and there were a bunch of kids there. in 2022 , the entire male troupe went to the northern military district. yes, this is important, but there are important things, the civil position, the position is simply, well, is it a man or not, because who else but ourselves protect your family. they joined us. the main owners, in fact, of your puppet theater, let's get acquainted, good afternoon, hello, hello, where did you come to us from? hello, dear princess, i came to you from the city of lugansk, i ask for your hand, oh, i can’t do this right away, i have to think, ask me, firstly, it was necessary for politeness and politeness to this lady, i have
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a father for this , father, heavy artillery. even everything is fine, i want to note that it was i who performed without light in 1914 in front of the kids on the street, bravo, yes, thank you, low bow to you, dear princess, you helped the kids a lot, and i know the prince’s dad, we’ll ask you, this is the king, hello, king, can i hold your hand, try it, huh can i try it too,
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admiration. i fell back into childhood, this is actually the first time i’m shaking hands with a real king, okay, wait, wait, wait, let’s do it like this, hello, well, almost, great, oh, great, dima, now i’m a king, my name is dima , dima, talent, so, for a few more seconds the king, children dreams come true, after all, a doll is a miracle, of course, it is something so fantastic, wonderful, fabulous, you instantly fall into the state of a child, how do you do it like that? we just love them very much, now it becomes clear how vitally important it was that you gave performances in that fourteenth year on the square for children, the puppet theater, it is the main theater, because this is the first theater that occurs in the life of every person, and then others grow up and come, what responsibility do you have?
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lies, for the most part, our viewer, the most honest. i don’t really understand why and how we need to defend our homeland, let’s look at a story about young actors of the lugansk puppet theater, these are heavy body armor, this is a machine gun, this is a bc,
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the hardest thing is not to let yourself... be broken by some circumstance that happens in of your life. twenty-three-year-old nikita yakunin has almost a year of service as a signalman in the northern military district, and his peaceful life began with a return to his profession. lugansk, even in such moments we found time to smile, read poetry and sing along guitar song, the war prompted me to appreciate life more, probably,
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the guys went through the front together, later became colleagues on stage, battle-hardened friendship now helps them far from the front line, the power of friendship and simple human communication is one of factors that did not... let me somehow break, in one of the performances in our theater there is such a phrase: love and faith are stronger than all the world, even stronger than death itself, this is what they now tell through their performances. alexey and nikita are involved in the main productions of the theater, each of their meetings with a small viewer is something more than just a fairy tale on stage. art, it, it heals souls. even if she is very much hurt deep, deep inside. our guest is nikita yakunin, a young actor of the lugansk puppet theater. hello,
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hello, nikita is a member of esvogo. of course i had to go there. did you have to? i didn’t just have to, because it’s something, it’s more, it’s an internal understanding, that you have to protect your native land, give up yours, let’s say. duty, of course, had to to go through a lot and realize a lot, a lot changed inside, because i left as a completely different person, and returned as a different person. but what is important for the children who come to your theater is how to teach them goodness? pay attention, they simply look at adults and repeat what they see; accordingly, if you show them everything that is bright, kind, and pure, they will simply intuitively repeat it. yes, for example, in the fourteenth they looked.
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here are preschool children playing such games, such moments you understand for sure that from it depends on us what they will be like, because children come to your theater more than once, we want to invite one of your regular spectators to the studio now. bathhouse, the theater of ivan litovchenko with his grandmother, and you already know , it’s interesting, please come in, hello, oh, hello, hello, come in, come in, hello, ivan, hello natalya vladimirovna, vanyusha, do you like going to the theater, and why, there is a beautiful atmosphere, beautiful dolls, uh, a friendly actor and a good place, vanyusha, what is your favorite performance, well, i have all my favorite performances, but how many are there?
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but it is important for you that in difficult conditions, in a difficult city, there is a puppet theater that opens its doors to children, of course, of course, this is important for any adult, because a child, having found himself in such an atmosphere, all his positive emotions that probably exist for the child are necessary, he absorbs there, with this he returns to...
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the family, and this helps the child overcome some difficulties, all his fears that he experiences during this difficult life, but we have children who are from liberated territories, they also attend the puppet theater, and for them it is very important, at the moment, and then i want to tell you, here is the puppet theater - empathy , teaches mercy where to distinguish between good and evil, that is, i believe that it is important for a moment for each parent to visit the puppet theater with the child. you, as residents of lugansk, have seen betrayal, death, pain, and shelling, you have seen the most negative manifestations of this life, against the backdrop of what you have experienced, the light that you give to children, with the sincerity that you give to children, this is real heroism, so i bow to you, thank you very much and god bless you with great, great... creative longevity, with such
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a theater, with such artists, with such people, good will definitely defeat evil, victory will certainly be ours, thank you, thank you very much, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you next broadcast on the russia channel , see you, see you, max, who would you like, a boy or a girl? both a girl and a boy, if vika doesn’t mind. melody for two. i think you will be happy with him. mom, i'm already happy. i made inquiries about this max and i know for sure that he is married. so that vika gets involved with a married man? he is able to touch all the strings of the soul. i am fithiye. what? why did you come here? my husband, he is also a sexophonist. and his name is also maxim razbeger. she is not able to play with feelings. i still
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love him, how could he do this to me? melody for two, final episodes, today on rtr. american missiles and atacoms were intercepted over the black sea, and our forces responded by striking military targets in the ukrainian rear. the progress spacecraft went into orbit, everyone remembers anastasia zavorotnyuk, who passed away today. this is in the news now. in the studio evgeny rashkov. hello. the russian federal security service prevented a series of terrorist attacks in crimea. the sabotage of the railways was prepared by the ukrainian special services. for this they recruited
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five residents of the peninsula are behind.


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