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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 30, 2024 9:05pm-9:20pm MSK

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from the sofa i decide for myself where and how i can find myself in the ukrainian army. this is exactly what the west demands from ukraine. american senator lincius graham wondered how the draft age could be set at all. everyone in the country, young and old, must fight while the united states supplies ukraine with weapons. i hope that those who are subject to conscription will join the ukrainian army. i can't believe she's been around since she was 27. you are fighting for your life, so you should serve everyone, otherwise...
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3 years can change a lot, but in reality you can’t find anyone like that, even cancer patients are forced to volunteer, they are blackmailed that they won’t fill out the documents, we won’t give you a military id, he says until you sign up as a volunteer in the third assault brigade, even seventeen-year-olds are required to register, moreover, this cannot be done remotely, attendance at the military registration and enlistment office is mandatory, that is, those who are not in the country will have to return for this, male citizens of ukraine who are 17 years old at the time of registration are registered.
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it is possible that they will also be forced to sign contracts. the kiev authorities are concerned that women also join the army. here is the minister of justice promising pardon to female prisoners who join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. we have no restrictions in law that these will be men. theoretically, there is an opportunity for women, but so far this is not specifically stipulated in the law. the country's largest metallurgical enterprise was on the verge of stopping. the former krivorozhstal director of the enterprise complains that there is a catastrophic shortage of workers in the workshops, if they continue to mobilize, then we will not have there will be enough employees to function, we are talking here about the existence of a company, in the kiev metro the interval between trains has been increased, all for the same reason, there is no one to drive the trains, because the personnel have been drafted into the army. the reason for the increase in the number of vacancies was partly forced migration and mobilization. operational work within the framework of martial
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law, for example, about 7% of metro workers are now in units of the armed forces of ukraine, their number is constantly increasing, there are dozens of frightening videos every day, i even had to to think that all this is a russian provocation, we found out about the preparation of what. we learned about the preparation of another information sabotage, the russians are filming a series of staged videos, trying to show ukrainian military personnel, especially military commissars, in a negative light. there are already more wanted throughout the country. in the courtyards of ukrainian cities, children play mobilization, some catch others and put them on the bus. to solve the issue radically, men are fleeing en masse. in the tisza river, on the border of ukraine and romania , the bodies of more than forty human. the death toll is likely much higher , ukraine's border service says, as the bodies still stuck in the reeds underwater are unlikely to ever be found. after the tenth corpse was discovered, ukrainian officials began to publish.
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photographs and videos, trying to scare off others, but the growing fear of the call of the promise of a better life in europe leads to the fact that men continue to come, the land border has completely begun to be mined, and right at the control strip, a dodger stumbles upon an american anti-personnel mine, but in time he notices her and remains alive, but is detained. andrey grigoriev, lead. zelensky , whose term of office has expired under pressure from western partners, will have to bear the burden of unpopular decisions. before a replacement is found. the most striking example is the reduction of the conscription age for the armed forces of ukraine. the bar may soon drop to 18 years. vladimir putin spoke about this development of events at the beginning of the week during a conversation with journalists in tashkent. maybe the idea of ​​the owners, today’s owners of ukraine, they are overseas, is to entrust the current executive branch.
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time for making all unpopular decisions, including making another decision to further lower the draft age, now it was 27, now 25. the next stage could be 23 or immediately 18 years old, and after making this or other unpopular decisions in force today , as if, as it were , representatives of the executive branch, i think they will be replaced by people, on the shoulders of whom there will not be this responsibility for decisions made that are unpopular among the people, they are just chick, they will change everything if... if this is the idea, then in principle, then the logic is clear. the fate of taiwan will be decided not by the united states, but by 1.5 billion chinese. the ministry of defense of the people's republic of china issued a harsh statement to washington today. beijing is outraged that taiwanese authorities have received the second delegation from
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the united states in a week. the americans brought contracts for the supply of the latest weapons to the island. the white house has now also involved the philippines, japan and south korea in anti-chinese provocations. about how to strive. the geopolitical situation in the south-eastern asia and what retaliatory measures china has already begun to take. in a report by our own prc correspondent alexander baletsky. the taiwan strait had barely left the exercises when beijing today announced new live-fire maneuvers. this time in the yellow sea. the aircraft carrier lyauning had already been spotted in the bahai gulf the day before. at least it is much north of taiwan, there is a direct connection, not far from korea and the japanese kenawa with american bases. taiwan independence means war, and division will not bring peace. we will take decisive action to thwart any attempts by the separatists to achieve taiwanese independence and prevent any foreign interference. beijing considers the regular voyages of american legislators to taiwan to be such interference.
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today, a new group again assured taiby of support and promised more and more american weapons. the chinese press portrays it this way, not formally... the united states is simply purposefully moving it, the commander of the american fleet in the pacific let it slip. we watched them, we recorded them, we learned from them and they helped us prepare for the future. none, if the united states is preparing for an armed conflict and escalates the situation in asia, attracting allies. therefore, at the largest asian security forum, which brings together the heads of military departments of the entire pacific region, and most importantly the two main ones.
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will upset the strategic balance and create new tensions. the philippines has tied itself to the chariot of the united states, seriously departing from the basic norms of ocean membership. beijing noted how the us moved a large stockpile to the philippines earlier this year. fuel from a military base in hawaii. there is a suspicion that this is also part of the preparation for a conflict with the prc, which is why incidents between chinese and philippine ships are increasingly occurring in the south china sea. and together with the philippine coast guard. always film crews from american tv channels. in the prc they called it an outright political show, and today the chinese ministry of defense presented its own digital military correspondent. a girl named mulan will report all the latest official news about maneuvers and demonstrate the latest models of chinese
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weapons. of the latter , robot dogs have attracted attention. and especially the fact that they were used during a city assault. thus, beijing once again shows the case. with taiwan , he does not exclude such a scenario, but he is still guided by the fact that the taiwan strait, the south china sea, and in general the entire asia-pacific region is a zone of cooperation, not conflict. alexander borits, evgen samsonov, nikolai petrov, lead the beijing bureau. meanwhile, the united states is going to use its favorite weapon against china weapons, economic sanctions. the state debt announced the preparation of a new package today. dozens of chinese banks could be blacklisted. the biden administration intends to. wants rhetoric towards beijing, because the owner of the white house wants to look like a strong leader before the elections, but his ratings are still falling, so victory can only be guaranteed by the exclusion of the only competitor from the presidential race. about how the new york court is trying to put trump behind bars and why, the closer the verdict, the more
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anxiety there is in biden’s headquarters, in denis’s report davidova. how trump goes to work to court every day. the day before, the jury was unable to reach a verdict. usa, either a process or reality. prosecutors accuse the former president of making payments to porn star stormy daniels. 34 points that lawyers look at and can’t figure out what crime trump committed. what's the point? they ultimately determined the crime, meaning they still don't have an understanding of what the crime is. they couldn't provide us with a single piece of evidence, although there was so much noise that donald trump was going to commit at least some crime. hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent, the prosecution forced the jury to sit until 8:00 pm listening to their nonsense,
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because they have no facts, what the accused did in between hearings, his son testified, they are discussing the trial with chips and soda, there is no verdict from the panel yet, they asked witness testimony, after which the 12 jurors went back to deliberate, one angry man, the accused donald trump, came out to the press.
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when conversations about support end blacks, journalists try to ask
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the president about global issues, but biden's aides turn up the volume, musical pause. will you be at the peace summit on ukraine? once again it was not possible to get out, the question caught up with biden head-on at the plane's ramp, the journalist asked the oldest president: will he be able to cope with another 4 years in...
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in india, at least 60 people died from abnormal heat, the lack of fresh water in the country threatens a humanitarian catastrophe . the indian authorities are forced to radically reduce the operating time of the water supply; it is turned on at limited time once a day. the saved water is distributed to the areas most affected by drought, where it is enough for 15-20 minutes per boat. the air temperature in the shade continues to hover around 50 degrees . our correspondent evgeny davidov
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experienced the sizzling heat of the indian capital. in the boiling air of new delhi, india gate and the presidential palace look like a mirage. the capital recorded the highest temperature on record. 52.3°, according to the meteorological department india is 12° above normal. the weather forecast is disappointing, the color is red on the map, which means it is unsafe to go outside, i drink water from. i cover my head with lemon, sit in the shade, but even this doesn’t make it any easier, the heat is so hot that even drinking plenty of water doesn’t help, the car’s steering wheel burns my fingers, and boiling water flows from the tap in the apartment, the surface air is hot to the limit, a flash mob on indian social networks local.


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