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tv   Melodiya dlya dvoikh  RUSSIA1  May 30, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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air in the shade continues to hover around the 50-degree mark, our correspondent evgeniy davidov experienced the sizzling heat of the indian capital. in the boiling air , newdelhi india gate and the presidential palace looks like a mirage as the capital recorded its highest temperature on record at 52.3°c. according to the india meteorological department, it is 12° above normal. the weather forecast is disappointing, the map is red, which means it is unsafe to go outside. i drink lemon water, cover my head, sit in the shade, but even so it doesn't get any easier. the heat is such that even drinking plenty of water can’t help, the car’s steering wheel burns your fingers, and boiling water flows from the tap in the apartment, the surface air is heated to the limit. flash mob on indian social networks, local. residents organize culinary
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experiments, no fire is needed for this, leave the frying pan in the sun for a while and try to repeat. delhi today is perhaps the hottest spot on the planet, in the sense that it is very hot here, even palm trees are drying up, well, on the hot roof of an ordinary indian house you can easily cook scrambled eggs, break the egg and wait a couple of minutes, abnormal heat. affects not only humans, emergency assistance is provided to monkeys, they fall from trees from heatstroke and dehydration, many have to be literally resuscitated, it is especially difficult for wild animals now for these two newborn palm squirrels, children found them on the street, apparently they fell out of the nest, mom couldn't wait, so now we're carefully feeding her milk, these squirrels will return to the wild as soon as they grow up a little...
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favorite movie characters performed by popular actors have teamed up again to create a family comedy, which will be released in wide release in a week. ekaterina foralova's first impression of watching. the film is a success; this is a case where the actors become family not only on the set. on stage there are warm hugs, gifts and special trepidation, because this meeting was really expected. the naughty girls, who were loved by millions of viewers, are returning and not alone, in company. new heroes, and this story promises to touch every viewer, i don’t want to reveal all the secrets, but there’s something like that former blogger dimonster, now a sales manager at a car dealership, and newly minted monk sasha cherny decides to leave the monastery after all. i have been praying for 5 years, there is darkness in my soul, yet my obediences are over, not all the former crime boss will have to rehabilitate a gang of juvenile delinquents. shoplifting, robbery, you ran away from an orphanage five times. go to
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one place, what a good place, even bad people are corrected there, the main characters who play a great price, he hates children, then he understands that these are people, that they are adults, and that you can talk to him normally, and these become his closest, dearest people, four disobedient ones, one runaway monk, are forced to unite, because for each of them this is the last chance of salvation , i’ll get out of here, we have nothing to do with it if we’re alone, so we’ll quickly sleep if there’s a chance with you. and it is told through adventures, through humor and through a detective story, and we go, we go across the whole country, the film was filmed in murminsk, teriberka, moscow and shuya. fascinating story with humor and with its deep meaning has already captivated the first viewers. there is something to think about about human love in this world, in this universe. only love will save this world. vladimir central. everyone laughed.
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miracle, naughty people in all cinemas from june 6th. ekaterina fralova, yuri marchenko, lead. we move from the federal part of the news to the regional one. my colleagues in our branches are currently preparing to go on air with the main news from their regions. and now we have the opportunity to find out what viewers of the news outside of moscow will take away metropolis. the stavropol territory state television and radio broadcasting company is in touch with us, where victoria akhmadulina is broadcasting today. in stavropoli, a participant in a special military operation saved here. a ten-year-old boy who could have died from loss of blood. victoria, hello, tell me what happened. good evening, ernest. a schoolboy ran across the yard to play football and ran into a pond sticking out of the ground, which tore his femoral artery. the child lost consciousness.
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hearing the shouting of passers-by, a member of the svo, who had come to visit his family on vacation, came running. he rushed for help, asked the drivers for a first aid kit, applied a tourniquet, took the necessary measures and called an ambulance. as the doctors told us. the military man professionally provided first aid, brought the child to his senses and calmed people who were in panic. now the boy is recovering. the parents believe that the hero who saved their son deserves a reward. victoria, thank you. we still have half a minute before the start of the regional broadcast; we will have time to connect the kaluga state television and radio broadcasting company. olga belousova is already in the studio. major renovations have begun in the region educational institutions. olga, hello, how many schools will be renovated this year? hello ernest, major renovations are planned for eleven buildings this year. the work is being carried out as part of the project to modernize school education systems and will primarily affect small villages and hamlets. the region has been participating in the project since 2022 . during this time, it was possible to renovate 29 schools.
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builders are replacing the roof and heating systems and updating the staircases. some schools have not undergone major renovations since their founding. for the new school year there will appear. modern study space, new furniture and equipment. within 2 years , all schoolchildren in the region will have equal conditions for acquiring knowledge. olga, thank you. so, we continue to have great news with the audience in moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. emergency warning from the ministry of emergency situations about a thunderstorm and gusty winds. in some areas of the city, heavy rains and hail have already occurred. this is against the backdrop of sweltering heat. tomorrow the scorching sun will again heat the air to +30. from the sultry streets of moscow. alexey karyev. bicycles,
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scooters and water boards. people switch to anything they can to catch the breeze. one can only sympathize with those who are caught in the heat while driving on the roads like a frying pan. to make it easier to carry. moscow is constantly being watered in the heat, we turn on the installation in the cabin of one of the cars and look, the fountains rise to a height of 5 m and shoot at a distance of 15, a water suspension forms on the roadway, which lowers harmful particles to the ground and cools the asphalt. roman has six flights a day along the garden ring. how many cars are there in the columns? well, at the moment there are three. and sometimes, sometimes there are five, six. to help utility workers in some areas. rain came to moscow, the thunderstorm front showed its true strength in the north and east, hail fell in places , the hail did not hit harder, the air warmed up to 30° during the day, the heat is typical for mid-summer, driving people to reservoirs,
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open pools and beaches now more reminiscent of the black sea coast at the height of the holiday season, well, practically, when you find yourself near the water, you begin to envy vacationers in a good way, because not everyone... can allow swimming and sunbathing on a hot afternoon. the dress code is appropriate: trousers turn into shorts, and shorts and a swimsuit sit on sun loungers while sunbathing. the tan is already starting to creep up on us, what is a spring tan like? he is awesome. the main ingredient in drinks is ice. nowadays there is never too much of it. those escaping the heat in the city stand frozen in lines; nutritionists say that everything is good in moderation. during the hot season they are lost. vitamins of group b, vitamin c are lost, so it’s no coincidence that hot days like as a rule, they deal with colds, give preference, in this case, vegetables - salad, green leaves and seasonal, berries and fruits, without water in the heat , you can’t go anywhere, it is distributed free of charge in the metro at
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stations, tomorrow it will be just as hot, it will be a little easier on the weekend, rains are forecast over the weekend, i would not say that these rains... will create discomfort, no, these are summer, short-term rains, the orange level of weather danger continues to be in effect in the capital region, doctors advise excluding physical activity and less be in the sun. the supreme court is considering the case of one of the largest gardening partnerships in the moscow region. more than 600 plots on the banks of the akulovsky water canal ended up in the hands of merchants who are surviving summer residents. we have already talked about this more than once. now it has come to the point of demolition and seizure of other people's property. dmitry blinnikov went to the scene. screams, almost a brawl, people in helmets and bulletproof vests. it's common now.
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the gardener shows what’s left of his , that is, it’s not even subject to, here’s another vegetable garden, that’s all that’s left of what it was here, yes, what was here, that is, there was your plot, it was taken away from you, yes, yes, almost an entire street was leveled here... belonging to one of the participants in the transaction, currently the preliminary investigation is ongoing, but the investigation is proceeding slowly,
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therefore, at the same time, they also filed a lawsuit. three authorities rejected us in the arbitration process; now we find that our case is being considered by the supreme court. it is unclear how the matter will end, but for now, gardeners still cannot get to their plots, their property continues to be destroyed. dmitry blinnikov, sergey evdakimov, pavel letnikov, news. now about other events briefly. kicksharing companies have increased fines for users of electric scooters for non-compliance with traffic rules. to transfer control to a child you will now have to pay 10,000 rubles. for a trip with a passenger - 5, and incorrect parking and driving through the crossing will cost 500 and a thousand rubles. the largest fine is for driving while intoxicated - up to 150 thousand. the new building of the tretyakov gallery on kodashovskaya embankment opened to visitors today. star
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the house on bryusov lane, which was built in the thirties of the last century for employees of the bolshoi theater, will be restored. the creation is famous not only for its architecture, but also for its rich history. marina gromova talks about what these walls can tell. the power of place, even a construction tool cannot drown out a musical instrument, the house of the bolshoi theater artists is undergoing a major renovation, or rather restoration. almost all of the balcony railings and the balconies themselves have been preserved; we will restore the geometry and restore everything all fence posts. this is how house 7 on bryusov lane looked without scaffolding; painstaking work is being done on them; the façade is carefully cleaned before painting. the entrance doors are awaiting restoration; some even
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have preserved historical hinges. we have already submitted samples for chemical-technological research; we are completing the check of the condition of the interior of the wood. we will clean up and completely remove the old layers of paint. windows, stair railings, and metlakh tiles will be restored in the entrances. we climbed these stairs with oak railings bolshoi prima singers, opera singers, conductors. their destinies are firmly woven into the history of the house; 20 minutes from here, at a leisurely pace, the house was built specifically for artists and theater workers. of course, the most famous stars lived in this house.
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nine floors is almost a skyscraper for the narrow bryusovo lane, alexey shchusev recessed the central part, visually lightening the massive building. historical drawings were ordinary, ordinary drawings, standard for the constructivist style of that time, but chyuseev decided to design this the house is already in the style of the next generation, that is, stalinist art nouveau. their apartment layout is the main feature of great artists - five-room apartments with servants' quarters, furnishings. in one of them, almost nothing has changed, nor has the atmosphere. here nikolai golovanov, conductor and composer, lived, worked, and was also a keen collector. the museum's apartment is called the small tretyakovka. originals by vereshchagin, levitan, korovin, sculptures by vrubel and, of course, antique furniture. here you see the rich stucco molding decorating the ceiling, these are the doors,
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vowed with bronze overlays and here is the design. the current residents of the legendary house treat the temporary inconvenience with understanding; the workers promise to finish on time in august and lower the construction curtain. marina gromova, yuri zabolotnikov, alexey yaoldin and pavel letnikov, lead. the moscow city court handed down unprecedented sentences up to life in prison for a gang of black realtors. scammers disguised as social workers entered into annuity agreements with pensioners. and then poisoned them with powerful drugs. on account there may be hundreds of murders of criminals. our film crew followed the gang's trail for many years. report by alexander karpov. looking at the defendants, it is difficult to believe that these neat ladies are cruel and cynical serial killers. the only person missing from the cage was ivan gorb, the leader of the gang of poisoner nurses. he got sick in
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jail. assign the final punishment to the hump in the form of life imprisonment. hump's assistant. danilova received 24 years, followed by eight proven murders of pensioners after concluding annuity contracts. a small amount of medical drugs were mixed into food, in non-lethal doses; in most cases, death occurred from acute heart failure. creepy footage filmed by the poisoner herself for the report, the victim is stuffed with antipsychotic drugs before death.
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ukrainian policeman andrei lyuborets was captured by the police with a bottle of poison in his hands. my last seconds of life from this bottle left me completely dead. the organizer of the group is called anatoly fursov, head of the national guild of professional rent payers. we have already talked about the terrible death of his rent recipient
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nadezhda bulakhova; the same regular killer of the gang, andrei lyuborets, entered her apartment. also, under the pretext of repairs, i found my grandmother dead in the toilet, that is, she fell face down on the floor, on january 30, 1917, my mother not only entered into an annuity agreement, but also left a will in fursov’s name, fursov himself fled to ukraine, where he bought a certificate of his own death , but we managed to catch his henchman red-handed, who was extorting money family of the deceased by proxy from the boss, why should i pay you, because? you live here, on what basis are you engaged in extortion? what kind of extortion? how did anastasia’s mother die, can you explain? i have no idea. i wrote a statement to the police that you were poisoning her, i didn’t poison her, how long? such an apartment was vacated for kurzhev, don’t lead him, i’m not obliged to tell you such information, but even after we handed over the swindler to the police on a silver platter,
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the nevskys were refused to initiate a criminal case. tokarev, who was taken away from here by the police, and he later wrote to me that i will not come here again, don’t worry, but another person will come, and he will also not let you live, that is, the owner of bulakhova’s apartment is the fugitive villain fursev, but in his. .. in the criminal case there is no episode with the murder of bulakhova, it is obvious, incredible, moreover, formally clean before the law and a certain demin, who acquired the apartment of the half-poisoned volotovskaya, what happened to the apartment as a result is very bad, so far, we are still there is no way we can break the rent. a seventy-five-year-old pensioner turned to the prosecutor's office for help in restoring her violated rights. the prosecutor spoke in defense. housing rights of a pensioner with a statement of claim for termination of the concluded apartment rental agreement and recognition of the woman’s ownership of the apartment.
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nobody knows how many victims the gang of poisoner nurses had. killer lyuborets himself, sentenced to 6 years, spoke during interrogations about 100 killed. but how can you check this? all documents indicate natural causes of death, and the bodies have long been cremated. alexander karpov, egor vorobyov, alexander kucherovsky, marianna pepanyan, news! this concludes our release; all news is always available on the media platform , see in the application or on the website с ernest motskevichus was with you, i say goodbye until tomorrow, right now we are watching the final episodes of the film melody for two.
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the pancakes are wonderful, i don’t even remember the last time i had such pleasure for breakfast. maxim, can i have another cup of your divine drink? of course, mom, wait, what about your complexion? what am i doing? do i look bad? you look amazing. mom, it's true, you look beautiful. thanks for the compliment. you know, well... i ’m starting to like turkey, i’ll probably stay with you for another week two, well , mom, as many guests as you want, we
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’re glad to see you, especially since you haven’t seen any local attractions, well, of course, not counting the city ghost, but i really liked this excursion, and sergei turned out to be an interesting and erudite person, perhaps i ’ll go somewhere else with him, oh, mom, please, just don't get lost. more, i’ll try, maxim, can i have these grapes, yeah, please, thank you, listen, they’re so beautiful, mm, just nectar, when i was little, i went with my mother to the sea, she always bought a lot of fruit, here i liked it exactly... these grapes, mm, the taste of childhood, by the way, and when are you planning
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to have children, mom, well... what mom, no, well, you just can’t delay this, well, because i want to understand my grandchildren, guys, well kids, this is such a miracle, my continent, my, my, so guys, calm down, just take this car, you have this one on different sides, in different rooms, come on, oh! and where are you going? where where? to work? no, you are staying with the children today. sanya, i need to be in the office, so the soup cutlets are in the refrigerator and you can make some pasta for a side dish. sanya, i don’t give the children too many sweets, we don’t have extra for the dentist. i really love you sitting. ok bye. maybe another
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cup of coffee? no, no, thank you, a little bit of good stuff, max, well, i’m talking about children again, here you are who would you like, a boy or a girl, mom, well, both a girl and a boy, if vika doesn’t mind, i’m all for it, that’s it, ladies, i’m ready to spend the whole day with you, but i have a rehearsal, all the best, maxyush , and we’ll show you off, and i understand why you liked him, but he looks like a knight, it seems to me that you’ll be happy with him. mom, i’m already happy,
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well, let me help you clean up, no, mom, don’t even think about it, i beg you, i ’ll clean everything up myself, and then you and i will definitely go for a walk around the city, walk along the embankment, let's sit in a cafe, and i'll definitely take you to the observation deck, it's so beautiful, you just can't imagine yourself, oh, i really can't wait, well, i'm off , come on,
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namazın başında okuyorum, hello, hello, hello, max, i'm glad to see you, how are you, everything is fine, we are ready to rehearse, you are ready, almost, so what? ready, started, parura, parura, ta!
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what did you see there, what dress? yes, no dress, but just stopped, let's go, but wait, well, wait, well, let's go in and see, why? well, why? well, i saw it
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what did max propose to you? yes , he did, he did, only mom, what kind of wedding can we even talk about if i haven’t gotten divorced yet? well, wait, well, what is divorce in your case? well, sign the papers, you are free, the wedding is necessary. welcome to our wedding salon, i bought it, well, let's go, good afternoon, welcome salons, suddenly in this salon we will find exactly your wedding dress, imagine, how can i help you right away, we would like to see the wedding dress, for you, oh no, thank you, only for my daughter for now. we have a wonderful collection. i'm sure you'll find something you like. please you can put your things here. follow me.
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take a look at our collection. beautiful dress, what a design, this is not the whole collection, there are even more models presented here, our chic collection, very interesting design, how do you like it, no, well, neither do i yet.
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thank you, of course, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, max. everything was fine, but i think the second theme should be played a little more romantically, do you agree? i agree, just a minute, yes, hello, max, it’s me, i’ve arrived to
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you to turkey, i’m in fithiye, why, wait, wait, a minute, wait, al, why did you fly here, we decided everything, you fly to moscow after the tour, i ’ll fly out to you right away, what has changed? yes, everything is correct, there’s just one nuance that i would like to discuss with you in person, for this i had to fly here, you can’t discuss it over the phone, well, it’s just not a telephone conversation, that’s why i flew over, where are you rehearsals now, when are you will you be free? i don’t know, it’ll be closer to evening, but oh well, i’ll wait, where will we meet? let me call you later rehearsals. okay, i'll be looking forward to your call, bye. i was replaced in the maternity hospital , my dear, my beloved without paputu, the premiere on rtr, you
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know who your father is, alexander nikolaevich karashennikov, you know how much money he has, you are kirila’s new nurse, i’m galya, that’s all here. no, i haven’t had time yet, all her relatives and friends are here, i’m going to alexander nikolaevich, you ’re taking yourself a little, are you jealous? i, yes, who the hell am i for me to be jealous of you, but no one knows about this, where did you go in the older house, i hate you except her, alexander nikolaevich, i must tell you, jackdaw on monday on rtr, kalinon belek, where time stops, immerse yourself in
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sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. cognac montechoc. product of steller group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. at rixsos golf villas and suts sharma shei. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixas golf villas and sudes. charmelsheikh old
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barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, pushkin, a name that reflects all of russia, boldina, a symbol of the highest inspiration. creative flourishing. we owe this place
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the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, exactly. there will be a reflection concert here. live broadcast from the boldin estate. june 6 on rtr. oh great. i think it's a little fluffy. no, it’s beautiful, of course, but it also seems to me that she makes you look a little fat. i absolutely agree with you, sorry, but we
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don’t like it, can you show me something else? preferably without lush ruffles, of course, oh-oh-oh! yes, konstantin, irina, i found out everything, what exactly? i mean, like what? wait, why are you speaking to me in such an official tone? well, because i'm busy and can't right now talk, but if you have something urgent, i listen. of course, i have urgent matters. this max, as you and i thought, seemed to be a swindler, there can be no wedding, because he is married, this cannot be, just as it cannot be, the information is completely accurate, don’t even doubt it, i haven’t yet...
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yes , konstantin mikhailovich called from the mayor’s office and moved the meeting time to 5 o’clock. konstantin mikhailovich, are you all right?
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no, i'm not okay. i leave me alone after all. just gorgeous, well, i think this is it, listen, gorgeous, this is exactly what we need, you look like a star from the cover of a magazine in this dress, yes, yes, you look great, so, are you taking this dress? just a minute, please, what else is there, vic? i need to call sasha to get some advice, why do you need sashka if you should like it, mom, she’s my best friend, she might be offended if i don’t consult with her,
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here you go, take a photo of me, okay, yeah, okay, okay . “i don’t understand what they don’t like, we fulfilled all the wishes regarding literary translation, and most importantly, they met the deadline, well, they have no complaints about the deadline, but they considered the translation too free, and they would like it to be as close to the original as possible, yes, well, i don’t know, i read your translation from i have no complaints about it, i’ll even tell you that it’s much more interesting than the original, thank you, but how can i convey this to the customer?” wow, what? no, nothing, let’s do this: you contact the agent of the customer, try it somehow convince that your translation does not diverge in any way from the idea author? and if i can’t convince you, well then i’ll call the author and tell him in colorful terms that
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your translation highlights all the advantages of his brilliant novel. thank you. len, vik, vikul, such a beautiful dress, well, do you really like it? well, when did i deceive you? san, well, i don’t even know, take it, of course, but what bothers you? well, i'm not divorced yet. yes, i’m buying a wedding dress, somehow this is all wrong, don’t you think? so, friend, let's put everything into pieces. are you going to marry maxim? well, yes, do you like the dress? yes, well, take it and don’t think about anything. okay, sanya,
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thank you. well, what did sashka say? he says we have to take it. here you go. we'll take this dress. congratulations. wonderful choice. thank you very much. goodbye. thank you very much for the help. bye. i'm so glad we came to this salon. i hope your wedding to max is as beautiful as this dress. and here he is. yes, max. hello, how are my girls relaxing? oh, great. i told my mom, we have almost all of our favorite places for you surprise, i love surprises, where are you now? we’re in the city, we walked around, we bought everything, we’re going home, are you going too? no, unfortunately, i ’ll be a little late today, okay, then i ’ll cook dinner, entertain my mother and wait for
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you, kiss, i kiss you, mom, hello, yeah, hello to you from max, and you said hello to him from me , ah... well, here, here, it’s always like this, what, what happened? i forgot, well, i forgot that i didn’t check out of the hotel, and all my things were still there, and the rear is far away? no, well, in general it’s decent to stomp, come on we'd better take a taxi. oh, here, taxi, taxi, taxi, taxi, taxi, taxi, taxi, on the other side, get in, yeah. girl, please sign me up for a hair styling appointment at a beauty salon. okay, one minute.
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unfortunately, all the masters are busy now, and master ali will be able to see you at 7:00 pm. it is good for you? it will work, my husband will be free late today, so everything is in order. and could you recommend any to us? personal restaurant so that my husband and i can have dinner today, yes, of course, here is a booklet with the best restaurants in our city, and there is menu and customer reviews, thank you, good afternoon, hello, miray, hello, i’m so glad to see you, your mother, and you wanted to renew your room, no, no, we’re checking out, i ’m moving in with my daughter, you were right, at home... your uncle’s is very spacious, and they found a room for me where i won’t disturb anyone, mom, that’s great, i’ll fill out your
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discharge, and you, please, fill out these forms, hold it, yeah, come on, and you were walking around the city today, yes, we had just a wonderful walk, yes, yes, yes, and we bought vicky’s luxurious wedding dress, here. about, congratulations, that means you are getting married soon, yes, yes, very soon, and we are very, very happy, and you are marrying maxim, yeah, of course, maxim, who else, razbegin, maxim, yes , and you turned out to be right, he... is a very good person and a talented saxophonist and i even blessed them to help you, no, no, everything is fine, excuse me,
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please, you say that your daughter is marrying maxim razbegin, yes, and why did this surprise you so much, well, how can i tell you, the fact is that my husband, he is also a sexophonist, and his name is also maxim. beger, this, this is a very strange coincidence, where did you meet him? we met when we studied together at the moscow conservatory, he in the wind department, and i in the vocal department. and our maxim also graduated from the moscow conservatory. yes, of course i understand that
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there are various coincidences in life, but this is more likely some kind of misunderstanding. in terms of? well, i don’t think there is a second maxim razbegin, who graduated from the moscow conservatory, this is a very rare surname, you must agree. sorry, but do you... have photographs of your husband? yes, of course, that’s it, he and i have been married for a long time, i doubt that he can be your fiancé, this is our time on tour, this is us having a rest, and this is us in moscow, thank you, thank you, of course i can now call him to finally remove all your doubts, but he’s at rehearsal, i don’t want to distract him, i remember that it’s time for everyone to get ready, goodbye. yes, kostya was right after all. mom,
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what? well, he found out that your sexophonist was married, but i didn’t believe him. okay, calm down. calmly. sorry, you! you can book two tickets to russia on the very next flight, yes, of course, book it, catch me if you can, a big musical show, deliberately fooling our brother, the dude in a white suit doesn’t sing, it seems to me, at all, on friday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with
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leorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, pichora vodka, a product of the stellar group.
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titanic luxury collection bodrum cognac monte shock. product of steller group. rixas premium sigate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller group, but do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, that's where you 're going, i almost hit you, why are you silent, did i hurt you? no, i didn't. this is my brother vanya,
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it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the mayors’ daughter, alen, i don’t have any bride, these are all my brother’s requests, i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now, maybe to be there, if you insist, i’ll try, a simple girl in...
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the city, there are a lot of opportunities, a lot of interesting people, that’s why after the ninth grade i left, like a real kid was hardened, it wasn’t scary to leave wearing a mask, it was scary , in general, i’m always very careful about something new, something unknown, i’ll achieve this energy, i’ll change it, this city will be mine to break through somewhere, because you’re alone,
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let’s go then, alexander, oh, hello, well , great, wonderful, you’ll like it, just don’t say that you passed here by chance, no, of course, not by chance, i came on purpose, i need to talk to you, well, if you need to, speak up, i would like to, excuse me, please, lenochka, and you go, and i ’ll catch up with you, okay, well say, you know what? you're going to get married, let's say, and you know who, well, she told me roughly, yes, you have to talk her out of what , from happiness, from love, he doesn’t love her, he’s a swindler, what do you mean, sasha, this man is married, he’s deceiving vika so that vika will get involved with a married man, well, bone , what are you talking about, you know, vika, i know, i made
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inquiries about this max and i know for sure that he is married. i knew, i felt some kind of catch, even i felt it. i fell under the charm of this adventurer, okay, i got confused in my feelings and fell for it, but i’m a woman with experience, where was my head, and mom, please be quiet, i’m silent, but you know, maybe it’s even for the best that everything was discovered so accidentally, otherwise this adventure could have gone too far, and he could have moved into our house. and then rob, and maybe even kill, i even feel sorry for his wife, she doesn’t even know who is
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next to her, or maybe they are at the same time, i was right, kostya, we need to run as far as possible from this man. so you're lying all the time, i don't want to listen to it, you're just jealous of her happiness, let her go, be a fool, but i'm not lying, you understand that her it's time to save before it's too late, there's no need to shake a pregnant woman, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, there's no need to end this meaningless conversation, i'm about to have a lunch break... it's over, vicky is calling my mother, wait, yes, irina yasislavovna, kostya , dear, i’m sorry, you were right, this swindler razbegin is really married, and what’s more, his wife flew to him
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here in turkey, we met her by chance in a hotel, i was right, no, well, you can imagine what’s going on now fika, of course, i can imagine it, she is crushed and she's absolutely terrible, she's just scary to look at. irinaslavna, how can i help? i don’t know yet, but we are flying home today, will you meet us? of course, of course, i will meet you, this is not even discussed. that's it, i'm waiting for you at the airport. thank you. yes, see you later. well , well, well, well, there is justice in the world. yes, what happened? vika left this bastard. how? how? this is how they usually throw it, they took it and threw it. they fly home with their mother. irina vyacheslavovna asked me to meet them. wait, i'm okay. i can understand, yes i understand nothing, it’s simple, sasha, i’m telling you, this saxophonist turned out to be a swindler, he’s married, so there won’t be any divorce, vika is staying with me, that’s it, bye, whatever
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nuance you wanted to talk about, i won’t divorce you, i mean, i won’t, well , like this... i realized that i want to be with you, and i also realized that i want a child from you, a child, yeah, ah, well, that’s how it can turn out if we you friends, when our fictitious marriage becomes real, it will happen naturally. are you kidding? no, i'm absolutely serious. so, aral, wait, we we got married to you so that you could receive russian citizenship and get a job in
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the moscow theater, our fictitious marriage secured you.


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