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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 31, 2024 11:15pm-12:36am MSK

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look, the eyes are evil, the hands are small, i’ll call you zinka, my wife just left for a commuting trip, and i can’t sleep without her, this is a very good sedative, i’m just handing over the right today, let’s do it another time, history of a big country, premiere today on rtr, you are watching the show catch. you can on the russia tv channel, where 18 people are trying to deceive the stars in order to take away 1 million rubles. based on the results of three rounds , the score is 13:5, so the team of participants is in the lead and we congratulate them, in order to take away 1 million rubles, you will have the final fourth the round, which is called the dark horse, is itself a complex, tense round of our show:
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you can go into the bank and win a million or lose everything, then the team of stars will receive the money. immediately a question for our participants: what will you spend the money on if you win? we'll split the money equally with the guys. what will he spend 1 million rubles on? a team of stars if our participants make a mistake. we will also divide it equally, and then we will give it all together to charity, to charity, a very good, very kind step. well, we let's start the fourth round. a dark horse. in this round, a well-known person will take the stage. the task of the team that scores more points after three rounds. and in this issue it’s a team of participants. guess whether the dark
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horse is singing or not, if the participants win, they divide their million equally, if the stars win, all the money goes to charity, we invite the dark horse.
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i have a lot of different collections, but come and visit, you will see, for now you are our guest, thank you for the invitation, very much thank you, so, right now the team of participants has the opportunity to ask you three questions, please, but you cannot directly ask whether you sing or not, and you, as a lawyer, can easily ask a lawyer questions, a sensation on the show, and i have to for free reply. yes, but let me remind you, it’s not free, stop, stop, let me remind you, there’s 1 million rubles at stake, but for the participants, well, okay, dear participants, please, your question is, what note comes after the note f, what, what note, goes immediately notes, notes f, you know, i usually tell my dog ​​fu, but fa i never told her, what an elegant answer from...
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the nightingale or the little crow? do you associate yourself with the nightingale or the little crow? who is this? here is the answer. next, third question. please tell me what the name of your singing teacher was? i’ll sing along with my teacher, i immediately wanted to think that her name was kirkorov, but i didn’t have a singing teacher, as such, but i had a fencing teacher, right now the team of participants needs to decide whether you sing or not, i’ll tell you i’ll tell you one story, our lawyers have such a thing, when you don’t prepare a client for interrogation, he begins to sing during the interrogation... you know this story
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, but i just found out, of course, that our participants decide whether alexander dobrovinsky sings or not? sings, no, purer than a woman, no, oh, i, we, we discussed, and i decided, we, girls, discussed, and i decided, we think that you don’t sing, i don’t sing, the choice is made, i accept the participants’ answer , the dark horse doesn’t sing, and now, although this won’t affect anything, i’ll ask the stars: what do our stars think, how would you answer? doesn’t sing, it seems to me too i think he’s not singing, see you in court, so let’s find out if the team of participants was able to win today and take their million,
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please. the circle of the sun, the sky around, this is a boy’s drawing, he drew it all together, he drew it, and signed the account, all together, there will always be sky, let it always be. there will be sun, may there always be mother, may there always be me, may there always be sun, dear stars are also with us, let's sing this song of victory together,
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there will be mother, may there always be me, thank you, alexander dobrovinsky does not sing, which means that the team of participants won 1 million rubles today, congratulations, they divide all this money equally among themselves, it was a show, catch me if you can, on the russia tv channel, and if you like to splash and sing songs for the whole district, then why do they see this just your neighbors, show your talent to the whole country and also...
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a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits, sharmasha.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating according to the system. all inclusive. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel sharmelsheikh - your ideal place
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in the very heart of the city. oh, you know, we just recently returned from thailand, to be honest, i didn’t like thailand at all, well, really thailand is generally kind of a bottom, especially compared to the maldives, but that’s what’s in the maldives, and in the maldives it’s white sand, it's the screams of seagulls, it's the whispering of dolphins, you can see them right away, it's wow, oh, of course, it's very, very expensive, but there's such... a thrill, you know, the little guy bought me his own little yacht there, it's just something, oh, we
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spent so much money there, it's some kind of a disaster, just, yes, and you know, so i’m like, well, i’m a conscious woman, they gave, well , you understand, yes, a woman is a resource, and a woman is a flow, well, i’m a woman of a dream, therefore, to save money for my baby, i came to your cheap salon, by the way, have you ever been on vacation somewhere, it doesn’t count as a woman, i did this: well, i heard you, and what are we
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going to do with her? tell me, please, what is stronger, damage or curse? well, of course, damn, then damn, that’s the strongest, just the strongest, that’s how much maybe a lot, so do it. wow! how strong are you with her? yes, but what would you do with a hairdresser who would do this to your head, like this, wow, what kind of things are there? we don’t get distracted by anything, we continue to write tests, i watch, i literally follow everyone. for everyone, you decided to go
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against the king and the church, damned rivers, hang your head, what are you looking at? thank you, valera, it was talented, you are a wonderful headman, so we found out who did not hand over their phones and is writing them off. sasha trovitsa, no credit, i ask you to leave the audience, so let’s do it again, you want to hire our team, because your team that works for you doesn’t suit you, well , that’s right, yeah, what’s the reason, they work very slowly, okay, well, how many squares are there on the site? 136, yeah, how long have
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repairs been going on? fourth month. wow, we usually hand over a property within 4 months; work here hasn’t even started. oh, as i understand it, this is your brigade. well, yes, yes, so the husband chose the brigade. well, of course. and as you learned from experience, well, i’ll go with colleagues, said hello, hello, kostya, wow, hello, kostya, lord, jesus, kostya, listen, this is a unique car for your family, there are practically no flaws, it will delight you for many years. especially in winter, but well, this is exactly what you wanted, maybe it’s not worth it, make up your mind quickly,
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such cars are flying away like it specialists, tomorrow this may not happen, you see, well , let’s take it, well, i’m not sure, well, make up your mind, friends, let’s take it, well now is the most pleasant moment - handing over the keys, hold it, then look, this is the key for the lower lock, this is for the upper one. lock, this is a mailbox, and an intercom, listen, can we move our things tomorrow, of course, because, well, there’s no other way, but what, len, does this car cost the same as our apartment? so there’s no other way, but where will we live, like right here, spacious interior, climate control, relaxing music, heated seats, vitya, no, i changed my mind, thank god, thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you very much, okay, yes, unfortunately, for the incomplete,
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there are no free slots, uh-huh, all the best, hello, hello, “i’m very urgent i need a manicure, girl, you see, we don’t have any free windows for today, completely, yes, look, and here, oh, girl, well, i’m just having a very important evening, please, maybe there’s something we can do there, well, you know, there is one option, if of course you agree, i agree to everything, okay, then go to this table, to that master"? "thank you, yeah, amazing, very beautiful, to be honest, at first i doubted that you can do it, girl, well, i’ve actually been working here for 8 years, but just scanwords i’m not interested, huh,
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they don’t allow me to sit on the phone, so i had to master it, so to speak, so as not to die completely from jumpiness, we mastered it, so we mastered it"? so - well, maybe we can apply some oil to the cuticles? come on, hello, is it possible? traffic rules, the latest building? yeah, we just have a minute for this year, so, here you go, oh great, yeah, here, the sign only applies to the party on which it is installed, that’s it, more questions ! no, here is your document, thank you, be happy, don’t break it, oh, comrade
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inspector, maybe... take the rules home with you to read, otherwise this is the fourth time you’ve come in the last week, well, come on, no matter what, thank you, please, that’s also not the same, oh, that’s also not the same, let me tell you something- anything? yes, valentin, do you have something like that, only so that it also snores? of course, we have
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one dinosaur, he doesn’t snore, but he growls when you press him tightly to you, show me, eh? look, your eyes are evil, your hands are small, i’ll call you zinka, my wife just left on a business trip, and i can’t sleep without her i can, well, go to the checkout, like a real one, oh, lena, the heat today is certainly killer. today i was on duty, in 2 hours i almost fainted twice, this sanitary system will ruin me, well, master, it’s ready, bye, oh, well, now there’s at least some kind of ventilation, well,
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be happy, what about 9? “thank you for your assistance, pebbles sangolki, okay, andryukh, don’t worry, now the folder will come up with something, and young man, can i ask you, yes, of course, we need a consultation, they wanted to buy a sleeping bag, they could show us how it all works it works, it's just the first time i've tried it. yes, no problem, look, it means it’s zippered, so we unfasten the zipper, oh, then we climb into the bag, yeah, like that with our legs. then the torso, yeah, then we’ll fasten it further, by the way, can’t you help, yes , of course, oh, the zipper is good, yes, yes, good,
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yeah, and the zipper, tell me, is reliable, strong, very much what you wanted there for your birthday, soccer ball, champions league, well , take it, let's run, come on, come on quickly, what, what's going on, security, quiet, quiet, security, security, well, well, why are you shouting, well, well, don’t ruin your son’s birthday, hello, your order, good afternoon, i’ve been waiting for you, pasta, breast, sprats, olives, zucchini. zucchini zucchini and zucchini, so young
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man, everything is fine, but i didn’t order zucchini, please, take it, otherwise my mother sent it to me, i have nowhere to go, man, sorry, i can’t help, i’ve just recently got a fair-haired man. they came from the village, i don’t know what to do with it, it’s a tip for you, you won’t refuse them, and this is carp, and this is bream, here’s a slightly smaller bream, too, well, just a small one, well, undergrowth, right? this is a perch, this is a pike, and this is this one - sa, carp, yes, and this is also a karm, only small, but so what? well
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, i never got caught, listen, carp, fuck you, not fishing, gzhenya, well, really, i love fishing very much, and i want to go fishing, please, what did i say, i have to do it, give me the fishing rod, i will i resell it? right from here we are now going to the auto parts store, really, why, but to find out why you go to the garage every evening to repair your car, we don’t have a car, why do you go to this garage, look at what a snail crawled out, you're a snail, stop, carp. hello, hello, please give me some strong
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sedative, now take a minute and drink some water, this is a very good strong sedative, and some water, give me some water, i’m just giving up today, it’s very good. listen, if you’re driving, you can’t take these pills? don’t worry, it’s not me, comrade inspector, oh, volume. another class, yes, girl, let's do it another time, i have to hand in everything today, thank you, come on, come on, now these two
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we will place huge snails on your face, they will slowly and slowly move across your face, giving you hydration and pleasure. in parallel with this procedure, we will give you an acupuncture procedure. please, don’t, i’ll tell you where the money is, honestly, it’s cool that we saved it with the roof, yeah, now in our time the soldering iron is not a horse at all, smaryadskaya 11569, just remove these slugs, please, these are not slugs, this is our roof , nikolae and...
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hello, can i have three scanwords and two sudokus, and so two sudokus, so three, what so you travel a lot, but it’s not me, it’s him, oh, neighbor, son, so then listen, in seventy-seven i came to anaka and fell in love there, met my great love there, how we swam, kiss, that’s a crossword puzzle , here’s the pen, yes, yes, i’ve been riding in the compartment with her for 4 hours, i don’t stop talking at all, tudok, this is for her for 7 minutes, my advice to you, vegetable garden, summer residents, so, also take knitting here, homemade preparations, and definitely jaundice, that’s all about
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our lives... i didn’t sell it, well, we all trade, you with newspapers, i with talent, thank you, by the way, girl, very i need it, i’m really late, no, that’s it, uh-huh, that’s it, how much will i give you, i mean that’s it? “
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we’re not going anywhere, what, no, i just didn’t have time to put on my makeup tomorrow, and you literally saved my life, so hold on to my expectations, and you ’ll give me an a in the app, tea, cookies. alyosha, tea, coffee, cookies , tea , coffee, cookies, tea, coffee, cookies, young people, yes, well, what are you doing, shame on you, drinking alcoholic beverages, it’s strictly prohibited in the carriage, fine, i’ll call the police now, you ’re swearing at me come out now, no, no, please, i don’t want to shout, what does it mean, i don’t want to, what does it mean, don’t, we’ll
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behave well, quietly, i don’t understand, honestly, like children, oh, right, marina mikhailovna, take it, we literally have a couple here jars, that's what you're doing, what are you doing to me, keep that in mind for the last time, uh-huh, thank you, just like children, well, honestly, look, tea, coffee, cookies and beer, tea, coffee, cookies and beer, let's take it. tea, coffee, cookies, fresh beer, tea, coffee, cookies, fresh beer, yes, you can’t, you can trade, you will, please, let’s so 350, how much, and as you wanted, this is a carriage, this is a train, take, no, tea, coffee, cookies, beer, take, hello, ambulance,
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i loved to sing as a child, i even earned money from it, my neighbors only paid me, so don’t worry, i’ll wash everything at home, i sang, i won’t leave without an autograph, i’m your fan, izmailovsky park, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish uhs and villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of.
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rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. anex, hello, don't look, hello! great, wow, this is a meeting, how many years, how many winters, how are you, tell me, how is life, how is the family, i’m fine, and how are you, yes me, i ’m fine too, everything is the same, everything is the same, yeah, and
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look, i picked it up, i picked it up, a little bit, come on, give me the crab, give me, oh, oh, oh, that’s how i was the healthiest in the yard, i stayed like that, all his father, and his father has the hammer? comes out of the yard in his sweatpants and the whole yard runs away, everyone was always afraid of him, and how did you scream, well, well, well, well, how, how, how, kupa, kupa, of course, kupa, in there were times, but, it’s a pity, now i don’t have time, i have this here, something with the injector, i don’t understand what, yeah, bro, you’ll look, yes, i’ll look, super, thank you, that’s all why, because the coupo is always helps out, if, yeah. you and i have been living in the same five-story building all our lives, for some reason i don’t remember this trick, and i don’t remember either, but what happened then? and this is just so that he can take a good look at our swallow, he’s like my neighbor, but he doesn’t remember me, you can imagine how inconvenient it is for him now to do everything in the first category
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for sure. “dear, you and i need to talk seriously, okay, let’s talk, i have to admit, i cheated on you, he works as a husband for an hour, i called him to fix the faucet, everything happened, well, it’s okay, it doesn’t happen to anyone, you even if you don’t share, then it’s your own fault”? why be angry, if i had this faucet myself fixed it a long time ago, because none of this would have happened, man, well, do you really think that my husband will react like that, well , why not, although the option is of course
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possible, so just in case, i’d better leave you quickly, which one option, what, the opposite. from four angles, full hd, as they say, the most important thing is that you don’t have to wait a month, like others, after my shift, i’ll just throw everything on a flash drive, and for a reasonable fee i can prevent
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your mother-in-law from getting married, hello, we are glad to welcome you to our restaurant, dear day, thank you very much, but we haven’t ordered anything yet, this is not for you, this is for me. memory pills, and now i’m ready to listen carefully to your order, yes, of course, would you kindly please let me have a salad with kamchatka crab, soup, sorry, do the pills work? i’m home, i mean, i
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remembered, i’ve been retired for 5 years, well , lenochka, yeah, how much i owe you already, well, 500 rubles. yeah, so pickle, right? kids with pasta, uh-huh, oops, that’s it, thank you very much, don’t worry, yes, this is the third day there’s been no light in the house, that’s it, i say, it’s the third day in the house daylight is gone, oh, you’re not the only one who has such problems, yes, half the house is here, yeah, but people live well, i see, yes. yes, yes, put my caviar away, don’t worry so that
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no one will take it for yours, yes, if your husband comes at night, open it, i mean, but he likes to look in the refrigerator at night, let him knock louder so that she can hear, okay, i’ll give it to you, kitty, let’s wait, i’ve filled my walls, now i’m making the most of you. you hit him, quietly, quietly, well, you curse him, you say how he got you , yeah, you curse him, thank you very much, dear neighbor, we’ve just been married for only a month, i don’t know all these subtleties yet, but what to do if he spent his entire salary, his entire salary, yes, all of it, this is serious.
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so you remain silent until he starts whining and fidgeting, then you take him home, but what about at home? this i can't say, corners. but every year it will only
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become heavier, but what are you telling me here, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, oh, and what am i talking about, having examined in an open court criminal case 3371 about the commission of a crime provided for in article 159, part four of the criminal code of the russian federation. the court decided to sentence citizen samoshnikova for fraud on a large scale, i protest your honor, what kind of fraud are you talking about, and how large is this? samoshnikova, this was on your avatar, it was you who came directly to the date, this is 100% fraud, in addition, the court attributes it. you will receive full compensation for damages
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to the victim, by the way, i ’ve been looking for these tickets for the nutcracker at the bolshoi theater for 2 days, honey, son, your day is coming very soon birthday, and dad and i decided to find out what gift you would like to receive, yes, lyoshka, you can ask for whatever you want, yeah, for your birthday. i want a tonometer, tonometer, what kind of tonometer, why a tonometer? you know, honey, i think i understand everything, interesting? good evening, would you like some tea? olga igorevna, buy yourself a tonometer yourself, what are you teaching your child? i, yes, i have nothing to do with it at all, if you don’t believe me, ask the child. so, lyosh, what do you want yourself, maybe
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some kind of dog, but almost, a belt made of dog wool olga igorevna. he really wants him, make the child happy, hello, can i tell you something? hello, yes, i’m looking at a new telex, tell me something, but this, for example, is a wonderful model, and there’s a new color rendering technology, the highest quality sound, maximum detail.
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my wife didn’t come, i’m sure you’ll take it, i’ll take it, okay, okay, i’ll take it, just switch it, bye switch it, congratulations on your purchase, don’t want to look at the video camera yet, try it, go ahead, excuse me, please, and you won’t tell me how there is route 107, otherwise i live in the city recently, i haven’t figured out yet how...
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lenin, mira, kabakov, god, mira, lenin, kabakov, well, can you tell me there, if anything, yes, yes, and kabakov, who is in general, what difference does it make, you drive already, but you don’t have a driver’s license, maybe you can get in jail yourself, then you’re also a circus, okay, well, girl, you’ve decided how much to cut, let’s give half. yes, i can’t, i can do half of it, i can only do 300, okay, let’s do 300, look what happened, and that’s how much for the sausage,
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okay, at least i’ll try. sometimes it seems to us that loneliness is forever, but you just have to look around you and you will see. there are so many kind, friendly, interesting people around, girl, why are you sad, so beautiful alone, come to us, come, we have a crown, come, come,
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tangerines, do you think it’s worth it? sometimes to find happiness you just have to take the risk of taking a step towards the unknown, boys, hello, victor! ledviga, it’s very nice, alexander, do you have a girlfriend, man, yes, i’ll dial her now, call her girlfriend, or can i have my phone number, so serozh, it won’t be any time soon, i’m so excited. don’t be patient, there’s just a little left, it’s your birthday today, and this is a surprise, yes, well, ready, ready, open your eyes,
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darling, serizh, there’s something i don’t understand, what is this, what, this is a surprise on your birthday. this is not a surprise, you tied my old car with a red bow, well, it ’s like looking at it, it’s not a surprise, now you ’ll find your car in the parking lot in 5 seconds, and not as always, seryozha, where’s my car, i’ll give you a few hours i give you some free time, dear. damn, of course, the basque is getting married, atash, are you
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sure that i should wear this suit to the wedding? yes, i’m sure, i need to somehow distract attention from me, maybe he won’t notice, well , yes, listen, give me another golden hat, yeah, yeah. and so, come on, cover your belly, open it, i’m very guilty about the checkbox, you still don’t understand what you did, you stole my life, checkbox, premiere from monday on rtr. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leorets, elegant
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details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas rodomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixsas radomis charmel-sheikh. exceptional service,
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incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in the world exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodrum. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsus golf villas and suites sharma shei. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. i don't. i know that such is the correct acting, what is a good actor, i can only feel it, when you acted now in
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the word of the boy, here is a zhorak-zhonka, an amazing director, so you asked him a question, he taught me a lot, ruzil minikaev, at 6 my father passed away, my mother was left alone with three children, well, we somehow, that is, survived, one might say, i understood that in a big city there are a lot of opportunities, a lot of interesting... people, so after the ninth grade i left , as a real boy hardened, i was scared to go to moscow, it was scary, i’m always very careful about something new, something unknown, this energy, i’ll achieve it, i’ll break it, this city will be mine, to break through somewhere, because you’re alone, the main thing faith in the proposed circumstances, the second, it seems to me, the main thing is faith in yourself. oh,
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and you just quickly, quickly, well, we’re trying, your boiled potatoes, oh, you just understand, when you’re sick, you’re so lazy to do anything yourself, it dies somehow... special, and i just have another order with sadzhika, and original.
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wow, yeah. yes, katya, what a good girl she was, do you remember, it became a shame that you are a disgrace, seryozh, i have
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a favor to ask of you. “ let’s not take the car for a test drive anymore, we’ll just take any car and that’s it, but what is it, there are already various rumors about me at the entrance, well, during the trial experiment it was established that the defendant could not inflict grievous bodily harm, you yourself saw that he literally didn’t last more than 10 seconds, so let’s return everything to its place, what is this in the materials?
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case, it was not indicated that the defendant had a firearm, let’s go back, i’ll ask everything from the beginning, hello, hello, please tell me if you have or maybe i’ve contacted the wrong address, well , after all, there’s a cone for dogs, collars. yes, the collar is not a cone, but for dogs, but what size do you need? yes, you know, so big, yeah, now i'll look, thank you, now, yeah, oh, so, oh, wow, wow, wow, wow, yeah, can i try it on, yes, yes, of course , of course, thank you very much, and
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after all, it sits like a native, no, or maybe it’s not necessary, it seems to me that this is already too much, what do you mean it’s not necessary, what does it mean too much, well, it’s just for dogs, until you stop looking at other people’s women, you’ll be bored, i understand, yes by the way, i saw the pharmacist, what a pharmacist, oh, she works great. man, hello, and good afternoon, could you help me, of course, what do i need? the thing is, we are shooting a before and after style commercial for our fitness center, would you like to take a photo for our banner? well , in principle i’m not against it, right? but only in
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in the event that i’m on the poster on the side where it’s after, of course. this is exactly the role i wanted to offer you, then you have come to the right place, yes, i am ideal for this role, well, come on, where should the photographer act? listen, let's better not me, no, you're perfect, no, no, no, i saw a much better guy there, everything is super, you're the best, albert, let's fix it, wow, how good, more flabby, straight back, yes, tummy inside, change position, change, change, change. mommies, my mommies, oh horror, lord, i wish this would all end soon, well, that’s it, i ate, it was very tasty, well, finally, it’s
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just some kind of nightmare, well, it’s not a nightmare, but mackerel, mymochka, and onion, and now smoked lard, garlic , i beg you, please let me have no lard, or you promise me that you won’t talk all night, we promise, we promise, we promise that we’ve agreed, which means... you want to find a groom, my dear, yes, so that a hard worker, not drinking, without strangeness, well, yes, well, there is one
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delusion, but he will only make the beginning, then she will do it herself. today is sunday, sunday, yeah, come on, get up, get up, get up, take off,
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well, how much noise can you make, well, let me sleep on your only day off, i don’t understand, but i’m now, please forgive me, where are we and cassandra valentina? come here, and hello, how can i help you, listen, this is a normal fool, an excellent
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acoustic system for large rooms , just right, how heavy, but not good, and according to the reviews, you know, you can check out the reviews on our official website , no, bro, on the site it’s dregs. but is there something more powerful, i say, more powerful, there is something, but no, it’s also a powerful thing. i'll take it, comrade inspector,
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you don't want to rest, are you serious, so what? no, i mean, you’re really serious, completely, right... comrade inspector, that’s not what i meant at all . so, come on, don’t fool around, wave your wand, i’ve already missed so many cars, otherwise i’ll disperse your office to hell. no, well, of course, resting is mine. man,
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can i buy strawberries from you? yes, i ’m closing already, where were you before? yes , she didn’t want to before, who didn’t want to, but her wife mine, she's pregnant, there, she says, i want strawberries, okay, thank you, goodbye, wait, what's on, thank you, how much i owe you, i don't need to get money, thank you, wait, ol, what are you going to finish, i'm already closing, thank you , give him some selutka, his wife is pregnant, and now i, oh, here you go, it will come in handy, i know from myself, thank you very much, good luck, you can’t even imagine how they helped us out, but i can imagine. i have three children, olya has
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two, we live in the same country, we all have the same habits, i myself ran around like this 2 years ago, thank you very much, good health, run, you will, no, this is all for you, for me, cool,
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pechora vodka, a product of stellar group rom. casttra is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group.
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golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. igor, today we will have an actor who woke up famous in the literal sense of the word. who is this? ruzil minikaev, marat from the boy's word. yes, indeed, he has now become incredibly popular. i'm really interested in how he deals with this. and i’m interested in his fate before the series, because he’s been in the profession for several years now. well, in general, let's get acquainted.
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so, they ruzili, which means, practically, your interrogation today will be ours, you know, on the topic, on the topic of history. igor, do you know that the auditions took, what, 5 months? yes, you were auditioned for all three roles, adidas’s vova, and marat’s, and andrei’s, that is, andrei pershin, kryzhovnikov could not decide, in general, as it was, i came to the audition for the first time with vova’s text memorized, then yankovsky played, when we met andrei nikolaevich, he told me that in terms of age i was very suitable for vova, because i was 24, well, at that time 23, it’s similar. already in words, but in appearance i look more like fifteen-year-old marat, they stood up, do you need a separate invitation, there is money, but
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i say there is money, no, let’s do it this way, if i find it, you’ll both get it in the face, fair enough. yes, come on, so, okay, you don’t have it, jump, well, jump, clink, twist something, there was no point in persecuting us, what will we punish, what do you think, chushpan, i was in tension all the time, completely until the first day of filming, that is, you thought that there might be some kind of catch, yes, just in case. yes, well done, until the first day of filming, well, the first day of filming ended, they broke a plate, yes it was cool, but then i didn’t relax, because at that moment i already began to think about how to do this role well, then there is a way to give 100%,
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ruzil, when i was studying at the theater school in kazan, i played in play number 13, oh well, yes, who, corpse, corpse, i was still at first. this your first role? well, yes, listen to one, start right away with such a bright, sonorous role, it’s wonderful, and igor is playing, i’m playing amhard willie, yes, at first i, too, when i heard that i would play a corpse, i didn’t understand, they didn’t appreciate it, and then i read, yes, i understood, this is a class, but there is a class, there is a very physical preparation required, which i understand you had, and they explained to me why it was me, because... that i am more than everyone else there i was, well, more flexible, you went in for sports as a child, and i was involved in national wrestling for 7 years, national wrestling, tatar national wrestling, this is tatar, vadik in general is a great specialist in all types of wrestling, he himself loves, cultivates it all, so to speak,
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but it’s tatar, maybe you’re not very aware, but not very aware, what is the only difference between it, it is a fight on belts, on belts, i don’t understand, it’s like a dudo, like that, but they also grab the coattails, well, let’s call it that, or like for a kimano, yes, but for the upper part, yes, but it turns out that you wrestlers are tied, well, not tied, but they have it in their hand sash this towel they throw on the belt of another for movement show how it is, well, wadik with wadik, well, wadik, well, i’ll just show you what it looks like, that is, it kneads like this, i stretch my hand like this - in the end we throw it over the belt like this with this hand, which i do this hand kneading the hand grabs the second part and so
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they connect like this, we connect and separate, that is, but in our hand we hold a towel, a towel , hold a towel, so we get into this position? wait, and then the task is to win, then yes we, we must go, raise and throw me, yes, well, let's do it next time, okay, yes, well , basically, i understand, i learned the basics of this story in general, when i went there at 6, 7 years old, then it was very fashionable to do some kind of wrestling, but in general i really wanted to go to karate, then karate was fashionable, so i wanted to go to karate, but unfortunately, there was no karate in our city, you’re in a small tatar town, yes, yes, very small? there was no karate in our city. they sent me to wrestling, that is, they signed me up for the section fight, but i didn’t know, i came
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to the fight on the first day, thinking that there would be karate now, yeah, that’s it, then of course i was disappointed, you thought it was a card, only then it’s interesting, i don’t regret that i i spent 7 years fighting, well, it’s clear that you don’t regret it, listen, it’s generally pointless to regret what happened, that’s all, everything shapes us, but you have. hot spots in garages there, well, yes, of course it’s everywhere , you tell me that, were there any temptations , as if you spent your childhood in another place, yes you just spent time outside the cities in all of us, we all say we studied, but it was in moscow at a school at the kaliban plant. well, yes, but we went to another region, but we managed to escape, okay, and what are your parents
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doing? at the moment my mother is retired, she’s basically a teacher, yeah, but she actually worked as a saleswoman, yeah, and she worked in a lot of different places in a bakery, she worked as a saleswoman, there was always bread at home, there was bread at home, yes, fresh, dad, hot, dad, here we are, our father is gone, mom is left alone with three children, and well, we somehow tried, well , that is, we survived, one might say, but i didn’t notice it, that is, my mother did everything so that we would somehow have everything, and you are the elder brother, the elders, i no, for some reason i always had this thing that i wanted to go to a big city, i always watched tv, i remember, wow, how cool it is in moscow, i came to visit kazan, i was always fascinated by this city. this is the most beautiful city in general, kazan, i understood that in a big city there are a lot of
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opportunities, a lot of interesting people, so i always wanted to leave, actually that’s why after the ninth grade i left, that is, my mother felt this independence in you, this desire, and how were you able to convince your mother that you were leaving the family, from her wing to... by the way, i don’t know, about that, she felt my independence, because the second reason why i left was precisely because in my childhood i had strong guardianship, that is, i felt guardianship, control, and that is, a step to the left, a step to the right and worked out national wrestling with a towel and went home, that’s why i i always wanted some kind of freedom, i wanted it.
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and that is, if you hold, they say that if you hold a child under total control, and he seems to get used to it and his independence does not develop, on the other hand, now as a father, you understand that you want to, because you you’re worried about your son, how to let him go, it’s completely impossible now, how old is your son, a year and two, a year and two, i’m trying in myself... to develop such, well, in a good sense, indifference to my child, to love him less, that's why
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that i am very worried about him, probably not to love, but to love a child, this is what you mean to love, well, yes, in general, i am very worried about him, and from this my guardianship, my control grows, i understand that this there will be, this may have a bad effect, your conversations with your son, when you communicate, that somehow you feel that he understands you, what? he is ready, he senses your mood, i think yes, by the way, but please tell me, ruzil, how after this national struggle, which you were engaged in for 7 years, did you end up in theater studio, because this is not the most logical path of development, let’s just say, yes, i uh, my older sister and i watched the movie escape to vegas, it’s a movie about a rock star, yeah, a rock star. just some crazy guy, very cool, charismatic, in general
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, and after that she suggested to me, do you want to go to music school? sister, get a musical education, this is how old you were, 11-12, somewhere like that, but at least once did she hear you at least some, yes, yes, throughout my childhood i was in everyone - in everyone events, at all the feasts, yeah, and i agreed, because i thought, that’s it, now i’ll get a music education, i’ll be like a rock star, that’s all there, we’ll play there and sing, and that’s it, it turns out, i entered a music school at the age of 12 and at the same time was engaged in wrestling, quit wrestling, quit wrestling. i can’t have any career as a rock star, as you understood, because i thought that we would now come to a music school, we’d go somewhere because there were some cool songs, and when i came i realized that this wouldn’t happen, because we sang songs about birds,
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dogs, cats, but these songs are not very good for you. well, of course, this is far from rock, but no, in the third year we did a play for children, where i played the main role of koshche, after that , look at me, you have quite such a varied repertoire, trumpets, koschey, some kind of individuality is already outlined like this , so actually after that , the teacher advised me to act theatrically, okay, so the teacher noticed something in you, so that means yes? you yourself, when you played kashchei, felt that - felt this energy, because you were giving, playing and giving back from the audience, and i, i liked it, it was good, a little bit of something from a rock star, you felt rock stars , you felt some kind of energy, that’s actually why, well then after she
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advised me, it became clear that i really wanted to go to the big city, i wanted an opportunity, and i accepted. the decision to enroll was theatrical, and there they just made it after the ninth, this is in kazan, this is in kazan, yeah, and i left, they let you go easily at home, mom let you go easily, yes, strange, but easy, what about such a profession, she once told me that maybe you’ll think about a profession, maybe something more stable, like a dentist, for example, yeah, i said no, that’s it, we didn’t return to this issue again, i it came easy. i got in very easily, because it was a tatar department, we had it all in the tatar language, there were 25 people there, probably there was no influx, 25 people, everyone got in, and no, our course consisted of 16 people, but my age is 17, i finished my studies in the tatar department and then went to moscow anyway, i it was scary to go to moscow, it was scary,
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in general, i’m always very, very careful about something new. unknown, that is, i don’t rush into any adventures, i always analyze first, see what it is, only then, well , make some decision, still carefully enter, enter some kind of new environment, activity , i somehow had it all planned out to the maximum, everything down to the smallest detail, i was in my third year when i was studying in kazan, i went to moscow in my third year just to see how it was happening... entrance exams, like a passage to test this soil, yes, yes, yes, just to look at the lists, there are no lists, queues and we went, passed there, and who are we, it’s me and my friend, with a classmate, we went with him, because i didn’t know anything at all, i had never even traveled by train before, i didn’t know how tickets were taken, how to ride the subway, how anything happened at all, so we
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went with him, tried it and in my fourth year i already went there. i entered the correspondence department at gitis, why correspondence? because i was studying, i already had a base, as they told me, just financially, i wouldn’t be able to study full-time, even if i enrolled on a budget, that’s why i enrolled part-time and started working at the same time to study, you’re done you are planning, you have planned, i need so much money for the trip, right? somehow i earned this money there in tatarstan , or my mother gave it to me, i earned it, i had these periods of travel, i returned, i earned money for the trip, what i did there, i worked and a lot where i worked on tatar television , i worked in metal reception, as a security guard at night, well, i came there to sleep , listen, owning this national struggle
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, well, it wasn’t useful there, i think, so i still worked. because , well, you needed a large amount, that’s how you and your mom agreed that you were borrowing money, and that when you earned money, you returned the money to your mom, of course, right away, well, almost six months later, i got two jobs at once, i worked the first 2 months without any days off at all, where he then worked in a tea shop and i worked as an administrator in a barbershop, and how did you manage to do that, i just had time, it was just 2:2. i just came to work every day, no, how did you manage to work, it’s clear how you managed to study and in general, what was the point of studying if you
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were at work all the time, we were assigned literature that we needed to read before the session, that’s free time - from work there at lunchtime to a break in the evening after work, i prepared the material, read, that’s actually how i prepared, just before the first session i worked at these two jobs. it was the best session, the first session, it was the best, the best in what sense, the most memorable, the most emotional, the brightest for me, actually there you saw your classmates, classmates, i just completely drowned in my studies, i i spent the night there, but then i realized that this is, that this is not necessary, this is... not necessary, why? because here, in my opinion, it was necessary to drown in studies in
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kazan, when i took the basics, when i received the basics, when i came there without any any education, i’ve just started the first skills, the first skills, then yes, in the correspondence department this is not... not necessary, mostly people who come to the correspondence department are people who have experience, they even ask at the entrance exams , did you learn to work somewhere, that is, how is it , how do advanced training courses work out, they even demanded that we work in the theater, teachers, but how to work in the theater, and they didn’t tell you how to work in the theater, if you don’t know anything yet, who to work in theater, and who did you demand that you work in the theater, so that actors are actors, directors in the theater, that is? well, it’s just some kind of puzzle, it’s a labyrinth without a way out, well , everyone survived as best they could, and after this period, between sessions, at the beginning of the session we
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told who was doing what, who was doing what, how this period went, well, you i could only tell you how you sell for now, yes , yes, but well, i still sell artistically? i was still filming at the same time, well, i tried to act, you went to castings, yes from the first day, then the theater appeared, you worked at the school, yes, you worked at the theater, the school of modern play played one of the main roles in the play, your real practice still began, that is, what the teachers demanded, that’s what happened as a result, and you even, as far as i know, worked in the theater, but then you left the theater, just recently.
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asking the industry to break through somewhere, because you are alone, so you go to castings, do they take you? no, no, for two years there i went to some castings, uh, there were some episodes, and during the auditions, during the castings, i kept trying to analyze how to do it correctly in general. tests, how to correctly write down these self-tests, business cards, how to behave, i , to be honest, maybe this is very stupid, maybe i really don’t know,
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i haven’t understood this issue at all and all i ’ll say is complete nonsense, and i’m just kind of unerudite, uneducated, but i don’t know what proper acting is, what a good actor is and what good acting is actor play? this is this, if it’s technically systemic, i can’t define it, i can only feel it, wait, that is, you ’re looking, for example, at the screen, yes, you’re watching some kind of story. you understand, this actor, but do you believe him, that is, you are now with him, you are inside the story, or you understand that he is deceiving you, that you are being deceived at this moment, and you are not connecting, or are you now talking about how to do this, where are these first steps, third, fifth and seventh, which you need to go to in order to always play
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exactly, yes. i’m talking about this, about some kind of system, this is a school experience, i don’t have some kind of manual, so now i need to remember this, remember that, i have this, let’s put it all together, i know everything, the circumstances, this is all even, i don’t even think about it, but somehow i don’t know, i didn’t understand everything, for example, when you were filming just now in the boy’s word, right?
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why do people give oscars in general, why are they given awards, and why exactly is he, for example, worthy of the golden eagle, why is he considered the best actor, and he said so, for faith in the proposed circumstances, well , absolutely, but this is the main thing, these are the basics, the main thing is, believe me, i say, i say everything, for faith in the proposed circumstances, nislavsky, i understand that this certainly sounds simple.
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he’s trying to be different, that’s why it’s just that he is, that’s why marat has another image, he’s a good guy, the most striking effect of this story is that he’s really a good guy, they’re generally good guys who find themselves in this vortex of such circumstances. these hands, these show-offs, like you
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you say, and they couldn’t get out of them, although there were good guys, so at the end, when you change places, one might say, when he becomes bigger than you, yes, well, even this scene with the fight, well, exactly in this a fight, when you lose to him not in a fight, but you lose to him in faith, yes, yes in... in inner faith, so many ask how - well, just some details, how andrei learned there in 3 months fight, i say, this is not the point, not a physical fight.
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there is a higher law than the boy's, there is no such thing of the law, you're just not a kid anymore. ruzel, tell me, about the texture, when andrey pershin, director krizhovnikov, he
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told you that you are more suitable for a fifteen-year-old, does this somehow alarm you, do you have any complexes in this regard? in general, i think i thought at one time, i don’t have any at all.
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i can’t do that, well, based on your reaction, it’s as if they are generally wrong and not at all, and this makes me somehow ashamed that i’m saying all this, but i believe that someday the day will come , and i'll change mine opinion and i’ll think in the right direction, but i want to say thank you for saying this, but i want to tell you: on the contrary, i really like it, i really like that you’re talking about this, we see in front of us not an arrogant guy , who thinks that he understands this world, has already put it in his pocket, and a guy, an actor with
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a professional background, with a very interesting set of psychophysical skills, who is looking for himself in the profession and who is all the time. i said that i am very worried because i am afraid to talk about just such topics, because i think that in this regard i am absolutely ignorant, i don’t have any established positions, that’s right. igor
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says ruzil, dear, it’s great that you don’t have established positions, you have some experience, but it is an experience that gives you the opportunity to also analyze what you have done. everything will be fine, i do, but i’m still not sure, and he says: everything was great, don’t worry, everything was fine, and well, it was what i wanted, at this moment i’m like, okay? let's see what happens next, i am this moment
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i record in my head how i did it and wait for the release, the release of the series, to see how it looks on the screen, this is school, yes, these are the skills that you can get, you can study theory as much as you like, but only in practice, you can understand what kind of profession you are, yeah, and i want to say, ruzil, we invited you to the program not because and not only because it was such an incredible success - your series is so hyper-popular, but because you are a talented guy, because you played his role well, talented played his role, very honestly, very creatively, interesting, it’s interesting to watch you on the screen, thank you, i was also waiting for such a guy to come , a little bit like that with all this baggage, and so am i.
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there are no specific criteria again , you see analysis, analysis, analysis, for any of your actions they can say: divorced for anything at all, that is, especially when they are watching you so closely today, and that’s why no, i realized that there is no such thing such a need and it’s not worth it to follow that so closely, you’re starstruck, it’s not worth it at all you have to be sincere and live the way you live, well, tell me, is there someone nearby who will put your head in your place in this sense, but well, i have a wife, she always says that’s already a lot, you and i where did you study with your wife? school, we studied in kazan, and so you
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’re a permanent resident, you said that you came here with a friend, with a friend, but mostly for her, for her, and she arrived earlier, earlier, she arrived earlier, well so then why are you giving us headaches, what kind of moscow do you have, i wanted something, you know, by profession study, then say, well, i don’t understand at all how to live without her, i went after her, because she was going to moscow, i followed her, so well, she would have liked this answer, but no. listen, come on, and you are inside yourself, don’t lie, from nurlat to kazan, it was the same, i had two, several reasons to leave, this is the first thing they advised me to do theatrically, i really wanted to leave the city and live freely, also also here, that i have preserved all this, but plus it was superimposed that this is just the same, here dispelled, dispelled everything, all my fears, so...
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well, that is, i had no choice in any case, i just wanted to, she just served as an additional push trigger, and uh, so that i could overcome my fears, doubts, i went and you saw number 13 in the igor art theater, yes, okay, but here you see the first one. the play, by the way, which i watched amkhat, yes, it was also in the first year, yeah, then you studied, yes, yes, yes, yes, yeah, yeah, i was sitting on the fourth floor, in general, i was sitting on the balcony, yes , i was sitting higher everyone, i was at a distance, i was forced to sit there, because i went with a student card, yes, and there they gave these, uh, student, countermarks, well, here is the result of our conversation today, you know what, i invite you to the theater, if you sit in the stalls, i will seat you. “let’s come to some performance, you’ve already
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given up on the theater, you don’t want to go anymore, no, i just wanted to say that it would be better to sit not in the stalls, try to sit not in the stalls, but on the stage, stage , oh, oh, oh, where are you talking, yes, yes, yes, that’s right, that's right, oh, that's where you've left it, this is the next stage, well, that's right, but that's right, i want the stage, to be there and work there for some reason, it seemed to me that they work in such theaters , i couldn't imagine that i could there are some... great ones and not like, well, not
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such simple people like me, there is something so magical about them, something so special about them. as if i think that i am not special enough for this theater, that is, not interesting enough, maybe some kind of extraordinary, there is something wrong with me so extraordinary that i could work in such a theater, for some reason here, i am very glad that we will meet today, i am very glad that you say that, this is a wonderful attitude towards... towards yourself, towards life, only with such attitude, you can work in the theater, you can exist correctly in the frame and in general exist correctly in the profession, well done, you have, it seems to me, a very correct internal value system, believe me
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, different people work in the theater, both those who think highly of themselves and those who treats himself soberly and in general the people who work in the theater are exactly the same as you also have different people working on the set, you already know that, the main thing is the point of view that is inside us, and it seems to me that you have a very correct point of view, so come on now, which means the camera, let’s record a close-up telephone, give us a telephone, we can telephone, then guy, this will be too much for you, that means you can contact the artistic directors of the theaters now, yes, i would contact, uh, but i can’t do this now, because even if this happens , i'm afraid, uh, that i can't handle it, i won't be able to
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combine, and i, of course, in the future would like to work in the theater, uh, but, probably, in your suit, in a beautiful and expensive suit, my suit suits you, ruzil, and the shirt too, and it turned out so well that we are the same size, because today i am so taller that i arrived unprepared, not ready, yes, but i was ready for your
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arrival, i prepared a suit and a shirt, i want to say, i want to say, wear it for your health, but my daughter is coming for you . this, you know, later, yes, look, only, there is one circumstance, ruzil, now, as soon as we leave frame, you'll have to give it back, you keep in mind, okay, okay, i'll remember this moment, well, remember this feeling, yeah, yeah, good suit, okay, thank you, thank you, man, thank you. that’s it, sign, but you signed, you’ve already learned how to sign on documents, tatar greetings to everyone from ruzil, tatar.
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1:05 am
stop the music, stop, i’m not going anywhere further, semyon, so, it’s inconvenient in front of people, we started, so i’m finishing, i don’t want to, somehow i don’t want to, there’s still a lot of things to do, what’s the matter, and what are we for, let's help. listen, go to bed, go, go, yes, go ahead.
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milked again without you, what’s the main thing i got ahead of again? "tomorrow you will go in charge and ask for two weeks at your own expense, why 2 weeks, because my daughter needs to be taken to the village, well, why 2 weeks, 5:25, why should i go to him myself, or what? i have enough two days, i’ll leave on saturday, i’ll arrive on sunday, you yourself don’t understand that you need to rest, why, then, that your nerves are
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to hell, and for you, for me too, it’s all because of you, by the way"? how is this possible, every night you cry because of some cow, okay, that’s enough. in general, i won’t write any statements, i won’t go to the boss, lord, at night you fight with him, you cry, but during the day, what are you doing you’re afraid of him, i’m not afraid, i don’t love him, why, because we are different people, of course different, he’s the boss, you’re a subordinate,
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there’s love here, you do your job, dima. you already have someone to love, take my new boots to work tomorrow, maybe someone will buy them, they’re not small, but the money is just what you need, buy gifts for the trip, you should leave 50 rubles for the day and ask for not 75 like in the store , and 12. rub. why? because i bought them for 125. why should i sell them? well, because you have only women at work, i have only men, then what? like this here? first of all, is this speculation? and secondly, your boots, sell them. well , firstly, this is not speculation, for how much i bought it, i sell it for that much, and secondly,
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the humpback grave will be fixed. dima, dima, get up, i'm getting up.
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you have to get up on time, otherwise you won’t get there in the morning, and at night you don’t let anyone sleep because of your cow, you howl, your dear wife would die, and you wouldn’t kill yourself like that, you’ll die, then we’ll see, yes, yes, dima, we
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’re gone , yeah, tomorrow.
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aunt polt, hello, hello, have you seen any boots, what kind of boots? new, i i just threw them out, why did you throw them away, since they are new, well, it just so happened, no one passed here, where, well, through the yard, but am i watching, maybe they did.
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and expensive, expensive, 125 rubles. how much, lord, 125, where can these boots be put on, the man took it and threw away 125 rubles. that's what stabi chemistry does, yes, no need, where,
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be late, hello, but you can't be late, you have to be punished for it, you don't accidentally sell boots, what kind of boots, well , which one is in your briefcase, otherwise i would buy it for my wife, i want it for her make a gift. no boots i don’t, you can’t cheat either, you should be punished twice for this, and the boots, by the way, are in your briefcases,
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good morning, hello, hello, hello, good morning, dmitry pavlovich, to the main thing, thank you. “emochka, give me the expense orders, just a minute, there ’s no need to rush, dear dmitry pavlovich, no one in charge is calling you, it’s the boss who needs you for
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being late, and i’m just from him, and he, by the way, understood me, so it would be it would be better if we, the collective, understood you, and you, by the way, are not yet a collective, but you’re right, she doesn’t collective, we are all together as a collective, we are responsible for you." that’s it, i beg you, bear your responsibility for someone else, and i personally will survive somehow, there are absolutely tears here, at home the way out is on my head, so should i go to the main thing or not to go, i already said,
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i’m listening to you, immediately issue the invoices for the third base when they are ready for me. why don’t you love me? why? why? i treat you completely differently, what do you want? i mean, well, from me personally, nothing, how much do you need? days at your own expense, not at all, but i have other information, i don’t need anything, you don’t love me, i can go, but you’re selling boots, i don’t have any boots, well, no, no,
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i’ll give you a vacation, go , in my opinion, wrinkles a little, right? whether you have a conscience or not, women need to knock here, go, sulin, go, when necessary, we will call you. hello, sulina, please, my husband asks, hello, nina grigorievna, where did you go, and what is the bedside table, and so what, we already have two romanians, but i don’t shout, i talk.
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okay, i'll call you, goodbye, yes, you can, you can already. okay, accounting, please, dmitry pavlovich, this seems to be your wife. dmitry pavlovich, i beg you, if this is a quick call, then i’ll take it, it’s not just from me, hello, i’m listening, i got through, nothing special. i’m saying nothing special, not
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yet, because no, we ’ll talk about this at home, at home, because this is speculation, and you’re a speculator, yes, family, she’s a speculator, he’s a boor, yelling at his wife like that, dmitry pavlovich. no matter how much she wants, the boots are not for sale, then why do you have them? ok, about boots later, that's it stand up, dmitry pavlovich, and you are starting industrial gymnastics, at the beginning, walking in place, stand up straight, comrades, step, march, one, 2, 3, 4, raise your knees. emochka
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raise her knees. we perform the first exercise: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, they say shoulder-width apart. let's start. one two three. four, bones, take, take, take, young man, girl, girl, beauty, there is a decameron. exclusively
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sexual romance, would you like it? no, i don't want to. that's how much you're asking for 125. are you speculating, dad? no, can't it be cheaper? no, wife paid the same amount. oh, well, people, what is not a speculator is the same thing, city, georgy, you should at least agree, why lie, give me the boot, wait, i haven’t tried it on yet, give it back, i won’t
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sell it to you, i’m not a speculator, and you insulted me , if you make a scandal, i’ll call the police, well, try, measure, but i won’t give you a second one, dasha. dear dash, france, finland, what size, probably thirty-six, doesn’t fit, how much does it cost, says 125, small, georgiy, georgiy, we’ll measure it now, the lift is not enough, do you think they’ll burst, you know, you need a nylon stocking. it’s none of your business, they’re sewn by parasites, take them off, the boots aren’t for sale, just like they’re not for sale, just like that, everything isn’t for sale, but then why are you fooling around, there are all sorts of crazy people walking around here, twitchy, but no, help, oh, oh, georgi, take it,
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citizen, sorry, but not for sale. “so you’re still selling, i say, you’re still selling, yes, the wife, the wife asked for it to be sold, but what are small or large? it seems small, yes, for women this is a big tragedy, what size? 36, how much, ask, 125, no, 75, like in the store, the second one is with you, right? 75, we’ll take it, but maybe it won’t fit, it won’t fit, we’ll sell it, don’t lose it,
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i won’t lose it. are you in a hurry? well, if you're not in a hurry, maybe we can wash your purchase, huh? hold on, i'll call my wife. i'm sorry, it's me. well, in general, you can congratulate me, and i congratulate you. well, how about what? of course, the handsome guy bought it. with an overpayment, and even with what 125, well, as you expected, italy, you speak badly, france, france, also bad, then finland, well then finland, well, what five pairs, you understand, the label is such that
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you can’t make out a damn thing , yes, how filthy, i i say the label is like this, okay, we’ll figure it out at home, no, i’m not going home, you understand, i met some friends here, kostya sorokin, well, a classmate. yes, god, forgive me, woman, kostya, go, explain to her that you are not a woman, hello, olya, olya, olya, hello, kostya, he says, you don’t remember me, no, we haven’t had a drink yet, but we’re getting ready, we need to wash a purchase, a meeting, a meeting, i say, the meeting needs to be washed, good, good boots, like in a store. no, that is, more expensive than in the store, yes, honestly, we didn’t drink, but goodbye, paws, well, now you understand that this is not a woman, but kostya sorokin, you know him, he spent the night with us, remember, well, after him they also renovated the balcony, well,
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of course, well, okay, kiss him, yeah, petit says, as much as you like, just don’t bring him home , you will call, freely, no, i don’t... i’ll pay, why? i bought boots from you for 75, my wife gave me 125, how much is left? to pay? we'll cut it in half, what will we order, and what do you have? we have everything you
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want, great, so crab salad, monastery-style asitrino, will be, will go, that’s it, what is there, on the contrary, a bird, a bird, tobacco chicken, a girl, salad, splint, coffee. the same thing, drink 100 g of dry, for two, a bottle, vodka, that’s all there is enough for now, by the way, i signed a vacation for you, 5 days at your own expense, thank you, it’s not worth it, we’ll assume that this is reciprocal, you gave in to me by the way, you guessed it right. finland? are you selling by chance? by chance no, then it's too
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expensive for you, girl? how many? i gave 125, i give 140 with all the ends, so as not to run around with speculators. dmirit pavlovich, maybe an organ, huh? the thing is yours, you are in charge. well, have we agreed on hands? sorry, there are matches, why matches, i say, non-smokers, excuse me, but after the restaurant
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we’ll talk, well, after the restaurant people usually forget about such little things, let’s better have a drink and then we’ll see, god willing, it won’t be the last, here please, to your neighbors don't mind you. even more than that, we are very glad, sit down, excuse me, dear ladies, but we will finish our man-to-man conversation, so what did you, mitya, say about nigeria, i said today that it is very hot there. very all very strong, then they interfere with bathing,
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anyone? these, crocodiles, crocodiles, well, we are joking, choose the same thing as us, salad, splint and a bottle of vodka, women should only drink cognac, let's get acquainted. for what? well why? maybe i want to make you an offer? have you already done it? well done, i really like you, but i don’t like you. well, you see, i say hello to her, she says hello to me. don’t be upset, my name is lyuba, and her name is marina. very nice, semyon, what about this? dmitry, metya, metya,
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oh, what does that mean? are you a janitor? no, not a janitor, but who, if it’s not a secret, a judge, i hope, not a popular one, no, a sports one, so what are we judging, running? for short or long distances, well, mostly for long distances, but excuse me,
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listen, day or night, well, a dam or a brunette, i don’t know, then i’ll take a brunette. “woman is fire, the devil will break a hurricane, and you know that you need to put a bottle of cognac, you don’t mind, but the main thing is that everyone is happy with themselves, that’s it, so we change places, cut, cut, that’s it, and i like you , and you too, let's come in, let's come in, oh, excuse me, in this studio the most beautiful songs about love are heard, i have one, as if in the night, how many tears have been shed over these touching scenes, what? hello, andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show, on saturday on rtr.
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immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites. charmel sheikh: a stunning world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmashay. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive basis. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city.
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kalinon belek is a place where time stops, immerse. into sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. when your girl turns 18
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she will receive a gift. whoever loves the man will be lucky and rich, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her, suddenly the gypsy wasn’t lying, well, hit her, i just realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are, max, what are you doing, i don’t believe a single word you say, just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare me and he’ll run away. will not run away from me, you hear how it beats, i will protect you, who offends you, a magical gift that became a curse, i made up my mind, i will leave the city, don’t break my heart, premiere on saturday on rtr. the swallow stayed,
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yes, not for long, chirped affectionately but to no avail, the tender one flew away, with the first frown, for the boundless dream, for the glaze, the last onion. the dawn has gone out, say i love you for the last time, there is no need to regret, but the last time, the last time, wave your wing. and why? i hope you won't tell
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us how to sit? no, i won’t specify, but i will sit the way i want. a new shore, there the sun will caress the south, the swallow will forget.
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brother, dancing is still the greatest discovery of humanity, dancing takes away years, relieves
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fatigue, and, you know, evokes some thoughts. thank you very much, semyon, i don’t know what your middle name is, no middle names, today everything should be simple and natural, good cognac, 17 rubles. well, what beautiful charming women?
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marina, oh, excuse me, can i call you that? would you like to call me differently? no, that's right, that's right. tell me, are you married? simon, leave her alone. i don't understand, i tell you i'll explain later, now. “sit still, i understand, but you didn’t waste your time here, i can answer, i’m married, i have a child, i kicked my husband out, the answer suits me, not only suits me, but explains everything, my love, let’s go, let’s dance, why are you jealous, appearing on the "who do i want to dance with?" i'm nodding, and you go away, and i'm mischievous, what can i do, excuse me , i'm walking with whoever i want, and you rest, let the music
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laugh, let the thunder come from heaven, i've lost interest in you, i've lost interest in you, and why don’t you invite me, i allow it, i allow it. you should run if you're having fun in my chest, with whomever i want, i meet, and you go away, and i’m young, let them sit on the wing, with whomever i want, i suffer, and you rest, let the music laugh, let the thunder crash from heaven, i’m in you, i’ve lost interest, i've lost interest in you. let the music laugh, let the thunder crash from heaven, i have lost interest in you.
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i have lost interest in you, let the music laugh, let me be dirty, i have lost interest in you, you have lost interest. thank you, your boss is some kind of fool, why did he take it, gave lyubka boots, she still wouldn’t let her come to her for anything, but maybe maybe he doesn’t need it, he needs it, he really needs it, he just talked about it all evening, then cried that he was mortally in love, she, well, first of all, first of all, she’s in
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a communal apartment, and then i’m with ... i know lyubka, she dances, laughs, but it doesn’t mean anything, they start pestering her, and she whistles, that’s hers, that’s why, she bought a whistle especially for this, oh, your brother is running away, well, here i am and came. thank you for the delivery, please, yes, the stop is over there, on the other side, around the corner, i really don’t want to go home, is that a hint? no, it would just be better if i didn’t spend the night at home today, i don’t like you, i understand, but it happened, such a day, you know, it’s true, and don’t be afraid, i will be there.
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i'll behave quietly, okay, let's go. dmitry pavlovich, take a seat, thank you.
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marin, why aren’t you getting married? and will you marry me? no, well, you see, you won’t marry, and i don’t need others, but why did you bend this one? boring, he seems to say everything correctly, they listen accurately, for 8 years he was boring, boring, boring, forced, that you don’t drink tea, but i don’t want it, well, if you don’t want it, then let’s go to sleep go to bed, tomorrow...
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that's it.
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marina, are you sleeping, no, can i come to you? who is this? i don’t know, i brought someone something not easy,
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what do i need? nothing, just spend the night before the first one, what else? well, let's get out of here, who's there? “my ex-husband came over, he has nowhere to sleep, there is no transport, and why did you jump up, maybe i should leave, lie down, don’t be afraid of anything, no one will touch you, bandit”? are you kidding me, you want to join the police? you didn’t listen to me, i’m telling you for the last time, and after the divorce it doesn’t give you peace, this is not a person, but some kind of misunderstanding. and you,
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what floor did you decide to jump? it seems he left. let's go to sleep, i've replaced my brother at home, my daughter, my beloved, without any confusion, the premiere is on... rtr. do you know who your father is? koroshennikov alexander nikolaevich. do you know how much money he has? are you kirill's new nurse? me, gali. everything here belongs to her by right.
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did you say that you are his daughter? no, i haven't done it yet. all her family and friends are here. i'm visiting alexander nikolaevich. you take yourself a little. are you jealous? i, yes, who is she anyway for me to come to her. piles up, but doesn’t know about it no one where you came from in the older house hates you except her. alexander nikolaevich, i have to tell you, there’s a jackdaw on monday on rtr.
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discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, hello, ambulance, i've eaten i washed down the herrings with milk, tell me to wash the strawberries?
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go talk to him, talk? he won’t just leave, intimidate him with the police, he ’s very afraid of her, well, go, go, who’s there, balikov, good evening, good evening, valikov, sulin. very nice, sleeping, i don’t know,
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let’s go to the kitchen, to the kitchen, to the kitchen, sit down, it’s okay, i’ll stand, i ’m listening to you, dear... dmitry pavlovich, dmitry pavlovich, the circumstances were such that, you see, i accidentally ended up in this remote area, the time is already late, the lack of transport makes it impossible to get to home, which, as the english say, is my fortress, and in connection with this and in connection with the fact that i cannot spend the night on the street due to my inner illness, i ask.
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“get out of here, or you know me, i’m waiting for an answer from the head of the cell, and in principle i don’t mind, here’s an example of humanism, this is an example of non-humanism, idiocy, thank you, thank you. emancipation, the tragic product of emancipation and we are men, will never we must forget about solidarity." well, why are you just standing there,
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sit down, i have money, i can give you money, why take a taxi? dear. it’s not like this for everyone, just like that, bring me some trousers, i’m not cold, don’t pay attention. so, dear ones,
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this is not the point at all, do you want me to give you money for a taxi? i don’t need it, i have it, you see, you have it, however, you are not going anywhere, you have a family. yes, but i don’t, i sometimes come and drink tea here, the remote area is nonsense, and the money is also nonsense, there is no family here, even if you sing, you still can’t cope with anything, but you drinkers, it seems, yes there is. no, i'm not a drinker, i'm worse, i'm
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i love this woman, but she doesn’t love me, that’s the whole medical history.


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