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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  June 1, 2024 4:50am-5:00am MSK

4:50 am
freedom for private enterprise, this was a big plus, by the way, kosygin fought for this all his life, but the dogmas of susovoy’s great comrades, basically, they interfered, well, well, then the process went on, because look how they gained strength, these rukh , this was an anti-russian organization, no, softly, softly, but... what kind of book was it ukraine, not russia, it was written by comrade kuchma, yes, kuchma had such a book, but ukraine is not russia, it sounds like that, yes ukraine is not russia, yes, but in essence it is directed against russia, for the department is complete, they’ve finished the game, and then i ’ll tell you, they started this war, they started the war because they were quiet, politically correct.
4:51 am
declare that they will join nato. this is what the americans would do in this case, if we did something like this, let’s say, now in venezuela or cuba, next to america, what would they do, our enemies do not stop and continue to pump, setting russia on fire from all sides , then the caucasus, then our outskirts, then the former soviet republics, everywhere there is arson.
4:52 am
with yeltsen in general he dispersed, removed everything management. why? for a very simple reason, because intelligence is, you know, like that messenger whose head is cut off by bad news. but bad things happened all the time during gorbachev’s perestroika, the withdrawal of troops from germany. we received secret information, and it irritated the then soviet leadership. i described many times
4:53 am
that in general gorbachev should have arrested yeltsin, you know, everything, because it was illegal, it was essentially the case, it was already a coup, what right did these troika have to dissolve what had been created for so many years and which our soviet union could have... been organized better, it didn’t have, they didn’t have any right to do this, not even moral, legal, it’s illegitimate, illegitimate, it was a coup, but you keep talking about england, don’t forget that our main enemy was the united states, the united states, in denmark we worked against the united states, in england we worked against the united states and nato, you know, this is after.
4:54 am
they are getting into all the holes, now they have already gotten into armenia, they in georgia are very unhappy that georgia, therefore, is accepting laws on foreign agencies, which they will copy from the americans, but well, that’s one thing, you know, well, it’s time to stop already, but it’s getting closer to a serious clash, god forbid it happens, god forbid.
4:55 am
now the usa and england are allies, after all, it’s true, or there is also competition between them, they are allies.
4:56 am
that’s because elections are everywhere, especially in america, i don’t know who will win there, but of course there will be changes, but for now trump will win, well, trump is also unpredictable, so, but then there are elections in europe,
4:57 am
there are elections everywhere, and since these democracies are already rotten, demagoguery plays a huge role in them.
4:58 am
he was my deputy when i was a resident in denmark, well, gordievsky, he’s already there, the british treated him kindly, he caused damage mainly, of course, to our intelligence, because he betrayed, listen, well, gordievsky is a real pig, he’s so much years, he surrendered so many of our people, he brought so much evil to his homeland, there is no need to exaggerate, he took five people, but this is damage, he... for example, such a hero as kozlov, our intelligence officer, who was an illegal immigrant from the south african republic, and there had to do with atomic secrets, ur, here, here in and he was put in prison there, then, there was a different regime there then, and
4:59 am
they were taken out to be shot on fridays, so gordievsky handed himself in, well, about five of him i passed, well, here i am. escaped, of course, so, if we give credit to the madness of british intelligence, it was to transport an agent in the trunk of a car, as they transported gordievsky, across the border, then it was locked, you know what saved them, he lay there poor, having peed himself in that very thing, or they put something in the trunk of a diplomatic car, and here... at the border there were dogs who had written off and that means they had already sensed that there was a smell, a smell, a smell, there was a resident’s wife, she was with a child for camouflage, well you know, children,
5:00 am
children, all of a sudden the child craps himself, and the dogs immediately and that’s it, and this threw the whole operation off, so... they drove on calmly, and so on and so forth, there were them, well, even the finnish border, well, everything was already there ready, this is how everything hung, if gordievsky knew that he would be taken out. in them when he says:


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