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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  June 3, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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there were no children, what next, where now, i don’t know, clearly, to the bar. vetya, don’t break the door, i’ll open it now, daughter. what's happened? galochka, have you
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been drinking? eh, yes, for the first time in my life i drank a little, i thought, what if i’m not smart at all, you know. not excellent, and a little different person, you know, maybe i’m a hereditary thief, who am i, who am i, don’t touch me, you know, it’s so offensive, you live, you live your whole life, then wat, it turns out, you ’ve been deceived all over. your adult life, and
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most importantly, who is deceived, the one closest to you, well, where is she, who is her daughter, where is she, what family does she live in? maybe she herself is sick, but she is starving, they beat her, and you are not at all interested in where your point is, why are you silent, where is your daughter so small, so dark, so pretty, such a tool.
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al, think about it, this maternity hospital is on the territory of my hospital, and i know where their archive is. all stories are arranged by year, alphabetically within the year, quite a large volume. information, can you handle it, it’s okay, i’ll come as long as you need it, maybe you need help, no, no, you have a lot of your own things to do, and medical history until the year ninety-eight, we keep documents up to the year ninety-six, we transfer earlier mit-cards to the central archive, and until the ninety-eighth, where are you there, thank you, 98?
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al, valka, the doctor didn’t call us, she just mixed up the apartment number and the house number, guess what, it’s in the very center. girl, where are you going? and i’m in the forty-seventh kroshenikov. are you expected? yes, isn't it?
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krosheninnikov is not at home now. i 've been watching you for a long time, you're acting suspicious. can i have your documents? what documents? victoria, hello, he’s saying that there’s no one igor, this is really for me, hello, please come in, come in, come in, sorry i ’m late, there’s terrible traffic jams, let’s go up to the apartment, okay, we’ll discuss everything there, you don’t have to take off your shoes, come in, don't be shy. have you read the contract, are you satisfied with everything? irina, can you hear me, are you satisfied with the terms of the contract? eh, i'm not irina. if not
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irina, who are you? i'm galka. oh, it doesn't matter. the main thing is that you find a common language with kirill. you probably got me with someone you're confusing. i'm confusing you, but the ommichal recruitment agency sent you? no, why not, who sent you? eh, no one sent me, i came myself, i’m just looking for tatyana krasheninnika, she was in our third city hospital in the maternity ward in 1998, now documents are being verified in the archives, and there is no mark on the newborn’s attachment to the clinic, so they sent me to find out her number, but i don’t remember which clinic. they took me, well, my mother must remember, my mother died, it’s been 3 years since, oh, sorry, nothing, valentina stepanovna, hello, this is krosheninnikova, where is your
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candidate, why didn’t you warn me how... this is impossible, i told you that i need it urgently, excuse me, i’ll go, but you’re from the hospital, you’re a health worker, wait, i’m a nurse , please remind me your name, jackdaw, galina, i have an offer for you, you don’t want to. accidentally work on a private basis, you see, i have a brother, he is sick, he needs a nurse, and the nurse that the agency selected from us unexpectedly refused, now it will take some time, of course, to find a decent replacement with recommendations, i don’t have that time, i need to fly out in a week, i’ll pay, i don’t have a recommendation,
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i have reason to trust you, few people would drag themselves in for some twenty-year-old nonsense for the archive, well... that i have a month off, especially what do you think, will you earn money, how much do you get per month, yes, okay, let’s say your six-month salary is enough for me, galina, i understand that this is unexpected for you, i myself am simply in a hopeless situation , think i i'll wait for your answer, right? tomorrow, if you decide to call, i’ll leave you my number, what’s wrong with my brother, he has a very complex illness, he can’t walk, tomorrow, where’s the jackdaw, i’m calling,
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calling, she’s not picking up the phone, let’s go, i’ll introduce you to kirill, i don’t know you , i’ve never seen you, what if you’re actually a thief, i’m galina, jackdaw, well, we met, and you said that you’re his daughter, and i seem to know you, yes, we somehow... met, and you are here, what fate? galka, continuation, watch it tomorrow on rtr. kalinan belek - a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. making dreams come true,
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kalinan beleg hotel is where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas rodomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life. into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas, radomis sharmel sheikh. every time i start. program, i don’t know, next time we will go on air or not, because humanity has never
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been so close to a nuclear disaster, for some reason they compare this period with the caribbean, nothing like that, during the kari crisis, first of all there was a completely different scale of historical figures, with everything, well, in general, we ourselves understand that kennedy in fact, the way he is portrayed, has nothing to do with who he was in fact.
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that well, there is no one more convenient, this is somewhat reminiscent of macron’s eternal battle with a citizen, lepin, because well, it’s clear that lepin has zero chance of winning, and macron, the only one who can win, is lepin, there is a very similar combination here, but here he is when leaving, he wants the whole world to disappear with him, my friend alexander viktorovich and i have often appealed to him for many years.
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when scholz says that he is going to talk to russia from a position of strength, okay, november 6, 1941 at the moscow metro station mayakovsky, at the solemn meeting of the mass council dedicated to the 24th anniversary of the great october socialist revolution, the next day in the morning, then...
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the credibility of the german political class has obviously been exhausted. it’s interesting how, watching everything that happens, the global majority, the global majority, the global majority reacts, as dmitry says. there was a very interesting conversation at the security forum, the shangarel dialogue, a very interesting conversation when austin had, and austin asked. question: chinese multi-star general, my question is whether the united states plans to create a nato-like alliance system in the asia-pacific region. nato's expansion to the east led to the ukrainian crisis. what do you think are the security and
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stability implications of this? as for whether we are trying to create a nato in the indo-pacific region, as i said earlier in my speeches, like-minded countries with similar values ​​and
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a common vision for a free and open indo-pacific region. use rules order as hegomanistic narratives. the united states applies rules of order only when it suits its interests. the us uses rules to suppress others, but not. never restrained, they have always acted selfishly, doing whatever they please, from afghanistan to iraq, from ukraine to the gas sector. all these crises and conflicts are
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the result of the us's deep double standards. facts have proven that the us is the largest source of chaos in the world, the biggest stumbling block in the path of global governance, biggest challenge to regional peace and stability. it just became known that washington is discussing. and the request for permission to carry out strikes on our territory, not only on the nolgorod province, means that you are playing with us, that is, you bastards think that you can deceive us, these are all phrases, for us, at least at least, standing in this studio, for almost everyone, it is absolutely obvious that nato is waging a war with russia, all your phrases, so as not here, not here, who are you deceiving, so you will be... destroyed, we don’t care what you are trying to explain to your voters, that no, if we show targets, no, if we decide to strike, for us you are at war, and although andrei believes that
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until they officially say, we don’t care what they they will say officially, it is important what we say, until everyone in russia understands that what is important is not what they are trying to impose on us in their narratives, what is our political... will and the desire to implement it, and then the world will suddenly explode, but it may be too late, but don't play with them games, to say: no, well, no, well, you didn’t lead troops with banners, you don’t need us, it’s a completely different war, don’t call it cold, warm, regional, local, this is a nato war against russia.
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commander-in-chief, when he makes such a decision, all incarnations who, according to their rank and position, will be involved will be notified about this accordingly in time. dmitry, yes, but you know, the further, the more often i return to the famous phrase of mr. dragon, that all long-awaited wars begin suddenly. these are all ladders, escalations, all these german-kahns, all these kissingers with their ideas of a limited
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nuclear war, this is all, this is all a theory, and a theory that is absolutely not suitable either for the current world, or for current politicians, and in general, not for current systems weapons. in reality, if a really big war breaks out, the participants will have very few options, one and a half strikes, so in this war the one who strikes first will win, strike at the point that will be most painful for the enemy, well, that’s us let’s leave it here, here i already have my phrase.
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and now i’m going to say a terrible thing, but now everyone will be offended by their birthright, well, where is their lentil sting, yes, but they don’t have
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a lentil sting. they don’t even have lentil soup anymore, and then what does he hope for, is he a stupid person, well, maybe he ’s not a giant of thought, but he’s definitely not a stupid person, they hope that at some stage, when they drive escalation further, further, further, because the leadership will give up, that’s what they hope for, and this hope does not die, look,
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he says biden, he understands that, as they say, the world may perish, but he does not want to be the one who starts the third world war, that is, roughly speaking, kirby proceeds from the fact that the third world war is actually here around the corner, as the americans of round corn say, the next one is that you... having refused any attempts at dialogue with russia, excuse this methodological term , sending us in december 2021, when we formulated our demands, but the most interesting thing about this the phrase is different, but biden is not wants him to be listed as the one who
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will press... but i also have a question, i read leaks here about the conditions under which the americans allowed kiev to use weapons on our territory, this is not possible, then it is possible, that means , it is possible to shoot down a plane in the air, but only if it flies in the direction where the fighting is taking place , the plane, which, as they say,
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is based at the airfield... that is, we understand that this is not even the zero or the first stage of entry into ukrainian conflict of combat units, at least nato in providing americans also those who provide systems in air defense, in missile forces, in long-range artillery in reconnaissance, they are already there, and
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now i’ll ask the last question: but we understand, they took quite a long time to allow the use of high-tech long-range weapons on our territory, and we understand , that from this decision...
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there are no illusions here, well , we just need to start fighting and directly strike with them deep into the territory of germany, france, britain, because minister lavrov said what we think legitimate purposes, the french are clear why they are so hysterical, in africa we hurt them very much, we are now de facto depriving them of the supply of uranium, because they not only got a leg in one of the african countries, but now also something that belongs to the french. a company engaged in the development of uranium springs, it was orano, uranium assets, they want to give them to rosatom, and thus in nigeria the french will be completely sad, but
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what is it, this is 15% of the uranium needs, france decided at the expense of niger, but now it’s not there , and macron can send anyone, anywhere, but... we hurt him so much that all this snot won’t help him, he can wrap snot on his fist, it still won’t help, but i don’t think that the russian leadership is so irresponsible, as every political scientist imagines, we are at war with nato, there is a war going on, nato is against us, we do not react, we do not hit them, because, although weapons are supplied from there, we do not react to the fact that sanctions are being imposed against us, we conduct trade, that... now we have a whole fifth operating here column, and we actually do not resort to martial law, i don’t think so, this is the main task of any leadership - the preservation of the people and the country, and the main thing is politics, the main goal of politics and political wisdom is to
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win without war, so don’t press it, that is, it turns out that stalin and alexander i waged wars illiterately, what kind of wars they waged illiterately, they attacked there, they attacked, then belgorod, excuse me, the shelling is who is shelling.
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let me remind you that orban, no matter how well we consider him to treat us well, said russian the army is weak, it can’t even defeat ukraine, it can’t fight with nato, so they listen to you and say: well, of course,
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it’s important for the russians to preserve, that means they won’t fight , that means they will be afraid all the time, that means they will choose dishonor, and the country that chooses dishonor chooses death, paraphrasing in honor, it kills ours. ah, they are not being killed, no, no, no, it just arrived, yes, but people are dying, yes, of course, there is a military conflict, of course, to the person who died, who was buried, so... war, also, after korea, everything she
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waged, she didn’t call it war, in korea she didn’t declare war either, the last time she declared it was in 1942, she didn’t declare it, but she didn’t declare it, there was, there was a decision, that’s right, there was an american contingent there, the last time she declared it was on june 6, 1942, and for some reason we call it the korean war, well, i call it the korean war, they generally call it the un war, okay, but still they call it the vietnamese war, they call it the war .
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is it nato weapons, nato instructors, nato intelligence, what is this? we respond to what we are doing, we can even play football, the very fact of a blow to us - what is it? i say again that this is how we respond. i'm asking what direction the crocodile is flying, you say it's blue, i'm asking what the name is for the fact that they hit us, the fact that we hit back is great, but it's not a definition.
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right, right, because that’s exactly what they want, without war, without this blow, so how then is this different from war, all the sanctions have been imposed, the russians’ rights have been affected, state, i’m not saying that this is different, the state then, why, well, we didn’t just live at that time, we don’t know how much the internal atmosphere of forty-two differed from the internal atmosphere of thirty- nine, in terms of the level of repression it is clearly lower than in thirty-seven by the way, this is not a matter of repression. well, if we’re talking seriously about the atmosphere, well, no, that’s why
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their strategy, the strategy they have chosen, is designed for a very simple thing: with these sanctions, local conflicts, they can still get involved anywhere, diplomatically pressure, etc., etc., etc. with all sorts of military alliances, to repeat what they did in ninety, what to do, in the ninety- first year there was no war with us, what should we do now. these are declared by the germans, these are declared by the french, these are declared by the british, here the americans are declared, beat, win, we are at war, destroy, the british directly say, we are at war with russia, mp british declares directly, the ambassador of the russian federation came to us, he says: " we know that it is you who are striking at crimea." listen, we are now let's say, no, well, i call it a conflict, so at the end of the thirties, how many times is the difference, the end of the thirties in our opinion? no one hit, so here somehow the japanese hit at
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the end of the thirties, no one hit our territory, but there was a war there , there wasn’t even a war on our territory, but where was it, lake khasan , where just a minute, just a minute , europe struck at our territory at the end of the tri war we hit them and not they hit us at first there were a lot of provocations there and that by the way it was the fortieth no 399 well of course by the way we too they answered as we do, this is what our leadership is doing, insofar as we have much less capabilities, much less than they have, and the only real trump card we have in the fight against this collective west is our nuclear weapons, so we don’t need to use them, therefore, we must watch how they will destroy our cities, how they will
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try to blow up the crimean bridge, how they will try to occupy the belgorod province, enter the kursk province, enter the crimea, he says, but we have nuclear weapons, so if they...
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in the last few days, so many hammers have flown around belgorod, they are giving, so they are destroying them. having destroyed kiev there, striking at all these
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nuclear weapons, why is everything normal there , yes, yes, the same calibers, the same calibers cannot destroy kiev, well, simply. rest means leaving yourself alone, rest
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ready to get started? watch on saturday. this is zhenya. yours is new. you think i don’t see the way she looks at you, the smiles, all these exchanges of glances, get out. you are the one who leaves whom. job offers vary. you managed to please kolya, so you will succeed play my girlfriend. to charm everyone in the sense, but she is waiting for a completely different proposal, my son anton is getting married, what are you doing, what kind of damn wedding? you’ll just leave, after everything that happened, you think it’s right, i think that what starts with deception ends with nothing good, anton, love for hire on saturday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white smokey, here it goes into my hand
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zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, a hunter of women , like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how many more. ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i give up everything, with joy, let’s all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, you abandoned pregnant women and threw money at beards, but i didn’t write that , i'm here... i didn't know anything about the child, that is, about you, on sunday, she is my daughter,
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your brother may especially not like this news, we are all starting a new life, they saw her as a daughter, i hope you understand that you have become a potential heir to a decent fortune, and your daughter saw no other way out. at first elizabeth portrayed a loving daughter, and then she killed and robbed her and ran away. “she didn’t need it, she needed his money, a fragile girl with a five-year-old child in her arms, robs and kills, are you serious, don’t be lazy, you’ll really get better soon and your memory will definitely return to you, who you are, what you want from us, twists of fate, sunday on rtr. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol
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of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has been preserved forever by his reflection. his words are treasured forever. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place. live broadcast from the boldin estate. thursday on rtr. i'll try to make one more approach to the projectile here regarding this discussion, then, of course,
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we see that the goal of the west is exploitation. this ladder of escalation, upward movement along it, and now we can already draw some first conclusions regarding the differences in our political cultures, indeed the escalation began in the fourteenth year, from some point in the nineteenth year, and the west began to behave more and more unleashed, aggressively, the russian federation responded, generally once, but powerfully on february 24, 2022, and at the same time our... response in general, as we are now we understand that it was quite unexpected for the west, in any case, the fact that all their sanctions, which had been implicitly prepared for a long time , fell within 6 weeks, and after that such a sideways trend began, in terms of attempts to strangle our economy, in which it failed, suggests that in general the response to this escalation ladder at that moment was quite effective, now, as
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we understand, the russians quite often made... a statement to the effect that our patience is running out, we are ready to move to a qualitative new level confrontation, and we are talking about today's interview with ryabkov and, of course, about the statement that the russian president made in tashkent on the third day of his visit there, when he directly named some small european states with high population densities that would become the first or one of the first victims of the russian answer, i think that in belgium, holland, denmark,
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i’m talking about nuclear war, because permission to strike with high-precision weapons on our territory can lead to the appearance on russian territory of places with elevated levels radiation and tragedy are higher than chernobyl, because in the zone of these attacks, for example, there is a kurdish nuclear power plant, our chemical industry facilities are located, there are a number of factories,
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and striking them is conventional. weapons will lead to consequences comparable to nuclear tactical strikes, and this must be understood, then they will tell us, well, why will you respond to this with tactical nuclear weapons, but they just hit, you can’t play their games, and this is what they must will do, that's why they cook this kind disarming strikes, so they are trying to blind our system, knock out air defense systems, we understand everything they do, it’s obvious, right? i agree with you, and still , as an economist, i will say that we have another line of resistance, this is our economy itself, here it was said that we are obviously weaker than the west, but just this week he admitted that the russian economy has already become the fourth largest economy in terms of purchasing power, we have created
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a military-industrial complex that generally works successfully. influence of the state, the market sector, moreover, people work in this sector, our business, one of the heroes of the modern era, patriotic and patriotic, are ready to cooperate with the state, to help it from the largest industrial companies to small companies that make networks there, camouflage sniper rifles, and rebs or programs are written for it, that is, in this
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sense, the resistance that the russian ... federation uses or the resources on which it relies in this resistance, they quite significant and they give our management the opportunity to choose this option. chairman of the organizing committee of the st. petersburg international economic forum, which will begin in the coming week and this is a bright event from which we
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expect quite a lot, this st. petersburg economic forum began back in ninety- seven, by the way, i remember this event on this day in june in st. petersburg snow, at the beginning of june '97, then there were 27 more forums that passed, well, 26, now there will be 27 that have passed. very interesting waves: first, and it was not just a conversation among themselves, but such a local forum focused on the cis countries, and it took place in the tavrichi palace, and the tavrichi palace was enough for him. and then in 2005, reflecting our zigzags of political economic history, the forum was transformed into something completely global . the russian president began to take part in the forum every year, it was actually a forum for communication between russia and the global economy and we...
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the leading world center where the world the majority discusses the entire range of problems that concern him, by the way, these problems are quite well indicated in the concept of russian foreign policy in 2023, which states that russian diplomacy has many tasks, but in general there are a rather local number of goals, these are security, ensuring sovereignty , this is the creation of conditions for the development of our state, its economy and social sphere, and this multipolarity, and the st. petersburg economic... forum works in all these three directions, recent years, the twenty-second year was, well , problematic from the point of view of the fact that this is serious, western diplomacy did everything to
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ensure that the predbourg economic forum failed, the us secretary of state proudly declared that not a single western journalist registered at this forum, nor one leader did not come to this forum, last year the situation was different, there was a leader, the head of algeria, and there were quite a lot of journalists, this year we expect even more representatives of the state, the world majority, so we are waiting for the speech on june 7 vladimirovich and we are waiting for an interesting form, the last one, i will announce a little on june 8, there will be perhaps not such a bright, but noticeable event, karin kneisel is the minister of foreign affairs of austria, and now a professor at st. petersburg university and the head of the geopolitical observatory.
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i think that this will be, if not a bomb, then at least something very interesting, yes, when an elite european politician really diagnoses the continent and its problems, so we are waiting for this event too, dear, please, i i listened to everyone everyone has their own truth, everyone is concerned about what is happening in the world, i want to express my opinion, i am a professional.
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consumables, everything else - this is waging a war in ukraine, the ukrainians are the west, the task has been set to inflict a strategic defeat on us, so no matter what anyone says, we need... for this case, we have, of course, doomsday weapons, they are the most powerful in the world, no one has anything like it, the brainless people in both washington and brussels must understand that if there is a real threat to the existence of our security state, i think that the supreme head will agree to make this decision, everything, unfortunately, is developing, these are the...
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to take measures and not allow this, so i think that we need to beat them, i agree with you, not this one, of course you need to beat them up, you look at me like that, i say again, you know how, today i brought here to the studio the last testimony of russian servicemen who returned from ukrainian captivity, 186 people, i won’t read it out, because i’m afraid within the framework of your...
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uh, ukrainian peace summit, the president of switzerland, viola amhert went to see scholz and said there that oh, there are either 60 or 80 countries of the world ready to take part in this satanic sabbath, but madame president is sad that such large states as china, brazil, the south african republic, now saudi arabia, they refused to participate in this shabish. today i received a message that hungary is waiting. to take part in this or not, the fact
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that there are conversations going on there, india agreed, for god’s sake, this is its right, a huge state can decide, but i’m not an official, i’m a simple russian scientist, i i think that next time, when ukraine, oh, india, is not very good, we will need to think, maybe we, too, will express ourselves in the same philosophical sayings as some indian political leaders are doing now. they are talking about their participation in this conference in ukraine, but india is at an extremely low level, she said, we’ll send an observer, most likely a high-level advisor to the prime minister, so to the president of switzerland, i still advised here the testimony of our prisoners of war at this forum to discuss so that the whole world i saw, i talked to our people yesterday, well , they are still left...
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on one bench, no one will get away from this, they make this decision, people are dying, look what is happening in belarus, there are already victims, i don’t know , probably 200 people are already coming in, it’s impossible to look at what is happening to our people, i myself have gone through several such burning conflicts, i have seen deaths more than once, but what is happening now is actually some kind of new war, i even i don’t know if i could do
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anything now... under the conditions of such total domination of drones to undertake, so i bow my head to our military leaders who are fighting and who are now winning victory on the battlefield, on the social network, we somehow forgot about gaza on the social network, just the other day a lot of photographs leaked out of israeli soldiers mocking the palestinians , a lot, i looked through it today, it’s amazing... we realized that the case smells of kerosene, especially after the international criminal court issued arrest warrants for netanyahu and defense minister gallant, well...
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and the terrible condemnation of israel, the japanese even said that that’s it, kheroshim and nagasahi are not inviting russia, belarus, israel. the irish from the high rostrum say: that’s it, we terribly condemn israel, we should never judge, we recognize the state of palestine. and
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why do they recognize the state of palestine, they recognized the state of the dpr and lpr. yes. well, not a single terrorist attack was committed from the territory of the dpr-lpr. good question, here, of course, 1,200, 1,300, 1,500 people were not killed, this did not happen, however, they were located within very clearly defined boundaries, they have absolutely the power elected by the people, but for some reason not a single european country bothered with this topic, but now they are planting a bomb under the entire middle east, because, well, okay, everyone accepted and recognized the state of palestine, within what borders, of course, that is, now, for example, they will play the same combination, well, the dpr, lpr concluded a peace treaty with us , cooperation and we came to their aid,
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they conclude a similar treaty, say, with iran, north korea, or they say we we want the iran base to be opened or north korea is on our palestinian territory, this is their legal right, no one can do it to them.
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here, but is under the ruins, they were not found, about 500 people died, these are doctors, 43 journalists, 75 tons of explosives were dropped or used in a small area, these are terrible numbers, right now, at least over the life of one generation palestinians in the middle east will never forget this, so a mine is now being laid to continue further confrontation.
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just now she came to our institute, good, i will concede to conventional weapons, not nuclear weapons, to the conventional lebanese delegation. so as not to wash the lebanese in the south of the country like this to force the lebanese from the south of the country to go beyond the litani river, this is the first time,
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the second time, the italians see this and remain silent, and two weeks ago another delivery was made, a large supply of ammunition, shells for merkava tanks from the united states, therefore, whatever it is, but don’t confuse it, a brutal war is russia against ukraine, a brutal war, moreover. but you heard how sosnovsky trained the israelis, not sosnovsky, zelensky trained the israelis, they didn’t hear him, he said that firstly, he fully recognizes, and palestine, yes, that is, he recognizes palestine and that israel must immediately stop, that it must stop, and he is ready to provide humanitarian assistance to the gas sector, zelensky, well after.
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i somehow prefer the active phase, and the last one, i don’t know how true this is,
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but such a swag has appeared that soon houthi submarines will surface in the center of the black sea, they will begin to shoot down american drones, if this is really the case, then i i wish the houthis all the best success, i listen with interest to our respected experts as they try to define what is happening,
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that there will be a defeat for russia, and so on, this is an absolutely fundamentally wrong point of view, but what is not being talked about, what needs to be talked about, about the fact that most likely this world conflict will end in the defeat of the west, catastrophically, that means the defeat of the west, of all reformattings of the entire western civilization, that is, this is not the fourteenth year, not the thirty- eighth year, yes, maybe rollbacks to a thousand years ago, why, how it's obvious, there you go swiss conference, global players who have already... caught up, entered the top twenty largest economies, this is brazil, this is saudi arabia, this is china first
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of all, india has refused the prime minister, the foreign minister will not be there, yes there will be. status observers and so on, what is it? global south, well, this is a western definition, i don’t agree with it, this is the global east, plus russia, shows strength, we do not agree at this event, yes, that is, this is the first, second, and little is said about this, but every quarter china approximately bites off the financial and economic industrialization of the west one state at a time, iraq moves to the yuan, iran, jordan, african countries.
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so security dialogue, a pleasant name from past times, which has been preserved by inertia, this is the chinese delegation, i honestly don’t remember such harsh statements, that is, usually these are some kind of mantras, taiwan is part of china, we call for dialogue, we are for a peaceful solution, but we do not rule out a military one, here it is not without pleasure that i see how chinese generals openly call the united states their enemy, a hegemon who tries. china and so on, openly provoke with their statements and so on, that is, china has changed its position very harshly, china’s very interesting position on zelensky, which we will find out, what is china’s interesting position on zelensky immediately after the advertisement, where is the daw, i ’m calling , i called, she doesn’t answer the phone, the premiere
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is on rtr, let’s go introduce you to kirill, i ’ve never known you. well, we met, but you said that you are his daughter, and i seem to know you, yes, we met once, and you here, whatever fate, jackdaw, tomorrow on rtr, immerse yourself in the world of luxury and comfort at rixos golf. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma.
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an unforgettable holiday. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. here you will find people of different professions and different animals. breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. fall in love with a white fluffy one? i said, i want a white cat, here comes oh, you’re good, to pet the obstinate one, he likes to grab the claws there, ah, so, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done,
12:53 am
warm up a stray, come to me on the shoulder. sky a parrot flies in, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you are in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, what are we celebrating? your birthday is like an aphrodite made of sea foam, and man, it’s okay, so reliable, you’ve finally decided everything. nezhi was saved by maria nikanova, egor barinov. there is a huge gap between us, ksyusha, you are an amazing woman, and i left, like another
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berik left. on friday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air, 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, like at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, quickly, reliably, there are 8 from the equipment, and we have far away, the second tank flew in from vkropsky , the hero of russia, we are all with you, including me, to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in the head with the zelandsky, yana rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but
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we guide everything with fact, watch it twice a day, see you later, continue, rudolfovich. zelensky came to singapore and, in fact, according to the statements of the chinese official press, he was recognized as an undesirable element, but this did not happen, well, that is, in fact, the headlines say that what zelensky is talking about is already a transition of some kind, well, not so much there lines of decency, yes, he began to openly insult china, called china a puppet in the hands of the russian president, this is absolutely not true, in our country absolutely equal strategic relations, although this has very similarities with taiwan. propaganda against russia is trying to declare us there as one country dependent on another and so on, which means this is the first, second, the lines have been crossed, and the chinese foreign ministry calls
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the participants of the swiss conference not those who contribute to peace or would like to, well, translating into russian, it’s actually china calling them warmongers, this didn’t happen either, that is, such an interesting story, and the consequences for ukraine, of course, well, first of all, i... reacted, well, quite poorly to some signals from the ukrainian side, here the situation is changing dramatically, i think that this is a general , say, temperature in the hospital, it will affect taiwan, the philippines, and so on
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further and so on, that is, this story is quite serious, second, the statement of the financial times following the visit of vladimir putin, of course, the west wants to distort this visit, to say that we will sell gas there at the price of the whole of siberia is not agreed upon, because what china proposed a little dog there. gas is being sold, that is, there was also such rhetoric that for next to nothing, china is buying up resources and so on, but there are also geopolitical consequences of the construction of such a pipeline, the power of siberia-1 and the power of siberia-2, china is becoming more independent of western energy resources, there is a war for the gas market is the largest consumer of lng. pipeline gas pipeline, that is, we are actually ousting the americans and giving the chinese leadership a free hand in a more sovereign and more serious policy,
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that is, this is an investment in the future, this is an investment, in essence, well, not to mention the technical aspects, that this gas will be processed on our territory, by joint ventures, there will be added value and so on, that is, this is such a story, they say that we only have our own the nuclear weapons argument, no, ours is far from the only argument, the whole world is behind us, india. brazil, saudi arabia, china, southeast asia, no matter how many they are there, that means in singapore, loi dosti did not tell peace-loving things, which means he would not have. rhetoric, but everyone remembers everything, that indonesia is a colony, which means holland, the philippines is a former colony of spain, the united states, the murderous, destructive war of the vietnamese people, but china, with all its, how to say , long-term presence in east asia, there are still not so many people destroyed, well , no one will probably argue with me, but plus the main partner of the united states, japan , is hated by everyone, because even the germans
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look like the atrocities that the japanese committed in comparison. japan was also a victim, respectively, of the american the essence of the matter, nuclear bombing and so on , and such an important point about what is happening in ukraine, long-range weapons, and i, as a sinologist in general, seeing the situation from a slightly chinese angle, understanding how they see, most likely i understand that this is a model that the americans are simply demonstrating to china: we will take away your reserves, we will sanction you all, we will destroy your supply chains, we will blow up everything.
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a completely unexpected result, i, for example, believe that if we were to hold a military-political conference now, announce the creation of some kind of military-political union, taking into account the challenges of the time, which would include russia and china, bring together north korea, iran, some countries of southeast asia and announce the creation of some kind of unified command, unification with the air defense force system, the perception of an attack on territory as a common one, that is, to show that you have... nato a billion, and we have 2 billion people, you have such power, and we have such power, while providing our territory for the air defense forces of north korea, iran, china, also provide the missing elements to china to solve the threats, which they have, and so do not hesitate to transfer troops, consolidate and say:
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guys, don’t you want to negotiate? refusal of the dollar, what dmitry is talking about, transition to another payment system, american demands, for example, to buy back all the treasuries that several ultimatums were possible, like you can’t do it, you can’t do sanctions yet, you’re bankrupt, this will happen , it seems to me, that is , go to the tough, to a tough attack along all lines, just and see what will happen to the economy, in particular europe, and not forget,
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by the way, to bring the arab world closer to us. quality in general, as it were, of thoughtfulness and the most important thing, of course, is that after this move is known, the next one is known, and at least after the next one, and if not, well, if not, i have been very closely monitoring the team of patients of this for several years madhouse, well, really, but i don’t get the impression, you may forgive me, but i don’t get the impression that this is really such a well-thought-out plan, that
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so many moves... what i see is that a lot of moves are being made, well, for example, let's convict trump, so the merchant, do you hear, in short, the instructions to the jury should be such that not a single fool, so that mother teresa does not escape the verdict, he gives such instructions, the nyuk jury honestly fulfill their duty , okay, juan murchan has done his, so to speak, business, letitia james, a political person, is calling the white house there, i don’t know who she’s calling, so to speak, higher up, who’s next in her clan, she says there, well... in short, everything is done, what's next? this is us now for now we are discussing what is happening there, they don’t even really know what to do with their internal contours, much less with their external ones. this means that in connection with
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the connection, which is a personal conflict, so to speak, between biden and a number of other personalities directly in the liberal establishment, we are actually not losing it yet, in fact we are not losing yet, moreover, escalatory rhetoric, conversations, either the russians will use nuclear weapons, or the russians will not use nuclear weapons, it’s all the same, because that to be honest, if i were there i don’t know there, an american columnist, an american voter who reads a variety of... sources, unfortunately, this is not very common among americans, they either watch fox news, or so to speak, msnbc, yes, well, that’s it, but if i read all this, it’s quite obvious, biden,
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i don’t know, blinken, anyone, you need to come out and say, guys, we’re losing, well , we’re losing, no, i’m fine i understand that they are acting meanly towards us, that that’s not possible at all, but look, here’s what this same former... german vice-chancellor, what’s-his-name sigmer gabriel, says, yes, well, well, in fact, well, that’s what they planned, their plan was simple, natural, they were absolutely sure that they had this written down, they found it somewhere on their iphone, and well, this is what will happen, putin is starting a war in ukraine, we will announce sanctions from hell, they called from washington, confirmed, and russia will collapse within six months and where, so these are all consistent movements, then defeat russia on the battlefield. then now try to close it technologically, in america they are now running around with the idea that they will finally, finally, in 2024, by the time of the biden elections, they will definitely get to the point of how the russians get western components, both for the civilian sector,
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same with the military, they won’t get to anything, they won’t get to anything, it seems to me that we are afraid of the wrong things, you know, we are too accustomed to the fact that the west stands, although it does not stand for that long, even in comparison with russia, yes fine. we’re not really aware of it and i think that we don’t have a single think tank that assesses the risks of the collapse of the west, there is such a center, i immediately want to say something like that, well, there’s such a desk, but we don’t know it , but it exists, yes, yes, yes, we have it, yes, we have classified it, somewhere in a distant dove, i can imagine it , and the men are sitting on the rubble, on the rubble, and you see this. we need to do this differently, the men are sitting on the rubble, when your shift ends, in an hour, and then such a chamber goes down, there are several floors underground, and there are computers, a computer, there is a machine, what kind of machine are we now
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stuck in, what did they do, according to reports, a chinese message about us, that they allegedly made a machine, well, for very large crystals, there it means 350 nanometers, 130, just to make it clear, everyone now has seven. there are houses, well, it’s clear that for artificial intelligence we need better, but supposedly this is a lithograph that is assembled from scratch , only ours, in this sense, how is this a breakthrough, this is a breakthrough in the sense that if this can be done further later, how it went further there, taking into account the use of other people’s experience, it can be quickly reduced there to at least 10-12, then this is already this , this is already a concrete move, yes, this is like a domestic automatic transmission, like domestic airplanes - this is all just a breakthrough, well, it’s clear that this will have to be done, because then there will be no where to get it from, but with this conference, look what the situation is, because here it is also important what responsibility lies with the countries , like russia and china, really a failure conference in switzerland.
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remembered her grandparents, but
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even in this, as they say, she is one of the stupidest ministers of foreign affairs, foreign affairs of the world, as they say, i emphasize, because i assume that she meant something completely different, but in the end , as it turned out, she told the truth, that is , according to freud, she really said what she thought, but sigmar gabriel is a slightly different story, i will surprise you very much now, sigmar gabriel is a person who is... in whom such gigantic a long career ladder, both party and professional from the point of view of leadership, he led the state of lower saxony, he was vice-chancellor, in the end, he headed several different ministries several times, he was the minister of foreign affairs, a man who went quite high like that , he also has military service behind him, he has a military rank, now i will surprise you, he is a senior corporal. the mustache is missing, yes,
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it reminds me of someone, yes, something, keep in mind, i didn’t say that, but i wanted you to say that said, and so it really is, this is surprising, because this man, along with scholz, was one of the main such pacifists in the general past of germany, and he is one of those who always, in fact, if we talk about russia in general, then in general - all the time he was concerned about relations with russia, he signed agreements, and spoke and... spoke, and then suddenly, once everything changed for him, suddenly this corporal thing came out in him, so he tells you: we must put russia on its knees, you know, this exceeds even my ideas about what you can say to a politician, mine are much more liberal than those present here, but in general there are some things that are impermissible to say, even if you are already retired, he has been retired for a long time , but what he said was not just him...
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he forgot about who created this united germany, he was not quite that... a major political figure, but he was not a boy at all, he was fine experienced it together, understood where it was coming from and what it was coming from, and he he says it, and he says it, he understands it, he said it on one of the most popular television programs in germany, which has one of the highest ratings, that is , it will be repeated, repeated many times, that is, regard it differently than such an attempt at informational stuffing, you know , it’s important to say something, that’s what yesterday... it was forbidden and see the reaction, then
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you can always roll back, then you can say, yes, i meant something completely different, but he threw it in, and there’s no reaction yet, then there is a society that is basically silent, yes, i read the comments of people who write this on the internet, there are completely different comments, there they write to him who he is and what he is, in general they do not comment on him in the best words, but in general, if you take it let's say media space. nothing is happening in germany, but scholz is, in principle, exactly like that. remember, we talked for quite a long time about who scholz’s grandfather was, but he really was not the high-ranking ss man who was repeatedly talked about, this is a different person, but we still don’t know, by the way, who usholets’ grandfather was, it disappeared from his biography, it ’s impossible to find, there was no grandfather, only grandmothers, only grandmothers, there probably were, yes, but you know , with that in mind. .. that scholz has been trying for the last few months to become the so
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-called chancellor of peace, he was doing quite well when he said, we will not give taurus, we will not send our soldiers. that in the history of germany there was another surname scholz, which sounded in a completely different way, in 1943 one woman was arrested, her name was scholz, and... and she was arrested because in a conversation with her friend, she said that if i had the opportunity to put a bullet in hitler's forehead, i would do it. her friend told this at home to her husband, who was a very zealous heir to national socialism. he reported to the gestapa, she was immediately arrested,
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the investigation was carried out for several months, then finally in december 1943, within one day, she was found guilty, and she was executed, and executed. at that time it was also terrible, she was executed on gelyatina, her head was cut off when her sentence was announced to her, the prosecutor who, the judge who announced this sentence, he told her, you were lucky, your brother, your brother managed to escape, we could not find him, but we we will execute, but someday we will get to your brother, her brother is erich maryarimark, who really managed to escape from the hitler regime, many years later he wrote: a book called the spark of life or something like that in translation, that’s how it is sounded like it was about his sister, and here, you know, the story has a very interesting continuation: first of all, he learned that she was executed very late, in 1946, he didn’t know that she had died at all, and when all this changed, germany was defeated, he
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tried to achieve justice, he appealed to various courts in order to call the judge and the prosecutor to account, as...
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i think, since they love him in russia, they still don’t like him in germany, this is a completely different situation, but this is the story, i i forgot her first name, last name scholz, her ninth last name remark, scholz, she was already married to her second husband, she had two, she had two marriages, both were quite unsuccessful, but that’s not the point, she, she knew how her brother felt about the nazis, how her brother felt about the nazis, however less than this happened, these... here are two stories in germany, for me today, in many ways this is, you know, this is the continuation of our dispute with you, in which we speak, you speak in the anti-tivtonian spirit, and i say, yes, maybe he won’t wake up, here before my eyes is a woman executed in ageletina, who wanted to put a bullet in hitler's forehead, erich maria arimark, whom we all love, who
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wrote a book about this, and olaf scholz today, who, in principle, with the same surname , actually not only took a step towards the start of the war, he was already in... germany in this war, and i very much doubt that he will be able to remain in the memory and annals of germany, as one of those chancellors who did something for germany, he will sound like the destroyer of germany, despite all his cowardice and inability to lead this process, but unfortunately, this is exactly the case. now advertising after that we will continue with a new lineup.
1:19 am
but it seems that this is not enough, i am ready to take responsibility, the stars have heard me, or you can advise me, be very... catch me if you can, a big music show, does not sing, sings, sings, the choice is made, on friday on rtr , you abandoned pregnant women and threw money at beards, but i didn’t write this, i really didn’t know anything about the child, that is, about you, on sunday, she.
1:20 am
how they rob and kill, are you serious? don't worry, you'll really get better soon, your memory will definitely come back, who you are? what do you want from us? twists of fate: on sunday on rtr. we go to the doctor , take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. anyone. the remedy has a reverse side with the most necessary knowledge about health. we dispel myths and help you find out
1:21 am
the truth. how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? it only takes five ingredients that will benefit the entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation. the most important information from the most competent sources. forget about your complex body. take care of yourself and stay healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday. on rtr. i haven't felt this good for a long time. i felt very good too. on saturday. i am pregnant. you will soon become a dad. means. i’m just like everyone else, i decided to hit on you, i’m married myself, and i’m pregnant, so somehow i got confused, you got lost between two pine trees.
1:22 am
dear neighbor, premieres on saturday on rtr. every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down in the hallway on the floor and said, i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there. donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to host the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon our own, from monday to thursday on rtr, i wonder how from the stage everyone is as one, now we will win, we will run...
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the boy has a storm in his stomach, a typhoon in his brain, he carries this, says: what are you doing, what are you doing, why are you against me, why don’t you say such things later, you will be heard directly, no one has the right to tell us how this war should end, you don’t know how they killed and raped, he immediately says, by the way, to israel, you are now must end the war,
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there will be two states, the israelis are like that, are you even normal? you’re totally on friendly terms with your head, you’re a piece of idiot, do you even understand what you’re talking about, then you said that no one has the right to tell ukraine how, and here 1,200 people died, like they killed us, raped us, now you ’re telling us, it’s a fucking delay, what should we do, and most importantly, who are you anyway, you’re a watchdog, who, okay, we ’re dealing with the arabs in palestine, but you actually killed your own people in the donbass , what do you think, are you barbosina in general? think before you yap at someone, the owner, that’s it, you won’t get any help from israel. the americans tell him: “don’t cry, fool, don’t cry, grandpa won’t come to you because you’re overdue, so they’ll send you a cheerfully laughing vice-president, yashak. moreover, grandpa isn’t remembers whether he’s the president, or she ’s the president, he keeps saying that i ’m assigned to kamala, and so that she doesn’t
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laugh too much, they’ll give her such a sad pickled cucumber of lard." this same cretin convinced everyone that it turns out he’s a normal guy to hammer on the territory of russia and a brilliant phrase, yes, here, it’s just brilliant: no, we appreciated everything, kirviy said, we appreciated everything, we understood, this will not lead to a third world war, that is, when the hell will there be a strait named after comrade stalin, kirby so the last one says it led, well, well, here they are everyone is leading this, it feels like some collective basil has settled in the west, who always said, further. everything is weak for you russians, everything is weak for you russians, it’s weak for you to recognize the dpr, lpr, it’s weak for you to protect, it’s weak for you, then if so, not weak, so this is what happens, yes this is what it turns out, this is what we are trying to do now, you see, oops, yes, now the collective vasil will be such a big oops, while the delay
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has now also begun to threaten china, it’s simple, that is... i, by the way, want every chinese entrepreneur has heard this, this is what the overdue fool says at the shangrila dialogue conference. the us has contacts with some countries of the world and encourages them to participate in the peace summit. china, unfortunately, on the contrary, is today working to prevent countries from coming to the world summit. there is a big difference between these two positions. so, based on this, please, dear chinese entrepreneurs, stop supplying to the territory of ukraine everything that is necessary for the production of drones, various combat systems, and it’s just stupid to sell there, you tell us, we’ll buy everything you need, but you don’t need to supply anything there, they bully you there, they don’t like the chinese there, just think about it, and if not, your party card is on the table, oh, and of course , i
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can’t tell you anything, this... for the first time in the history of ukrainian independence, during hostilities, just a terrible fume of steam, an independent, overdue, hetman was brought to the philippines, why the philippines, why the philippines, i didn’t know, what to ask from them, so of course i asked psychologists, has anyone heard about...
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watch and pat on the head, that is, well, i understand that zelensky simply cannot leave empty-handed, since nothing was broken for him in the film, he said, well, well, psychologists have you are there, he says, yes, give me your psychologist, well, yes, well, you can’t do that, all the serious countries say that we won’t go, but the serious countries that are trying, well, they say, we will send you, i really liked it, like australia sent, yes, yes, they are there: such a real one for mental health, and there for the minister, for disability insurance, well, yes, for mental health, india said, well, we’ll probably send someone, we have one and a half.
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how will this mechanism work until the end if he doesn’t register abroad, doesn’t update his data, doesn’t come to ukraine, he’s put on the wanted list, and after that a criminal case is opened, okay, fine, let him give a ukrainian passport, beret.
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let me give you two small examples; this is 10 times more than what international organizations give. 11 million, well, we are together, not millions, i think that together with the belarusians we can it’s entirely possible to take these people for ourselves, we can, we can, we just need to come up with a mechanism on how to do all this, where no one can fly to russia, and you, ok, then we’ll take it now, well, let’s take kiev now and give them passports there, it is possible somewhere in kazakhstan, the territory of kazakhstan, somewhere in uzbekistan, somewhere there to make some bases where they can.
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the baltic states will also suffer as a transit country , it’s very big, and how can ukrainians come to russia now, i think who wants to find a way , the problem is big, but through belarus no, only through shremetyevo , moreover, to be honest, no, well, they can come to belarus, but there are people who are citizens of ukraine, living in belarus
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on the seashore, it’s wonderful , and the population is a little 11 million, maybe they’ll say that this is the new ukraine of russia.
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this is an abomination and meanness, then i don’t know why he’s wearing a putin team t-shirt, because let me remind you that the day before yesterday, vladimir vladimirovich putin presented awards to outstanding figures of the russian state, and the title of hero of labor was given to valentin ivan matvienko, including, yes, who is ethnically, of course, of course, ukrainian, that’s absolutely right, yes, that’s right. thank you for kicking him out, yes first, now he’s being kicked out everywhere, on radio russia, he won’t be heard anymore either, well, in fact, what he was talking about is a crime, of course in its purest form, and a legal assessment must be given.
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moreover, i like it, yes, and i met so many guys on the front line who are ukrainians, but they are ukrainians, moreover, they could have been born anywhere, on the territory of the soviet union, on the territory of modern ukraine in depending on age, and anywhere on the territory of russia, since when did we begin to separate at all, this is disgusting, thank you, this is simply disgusting, that is, here, excuse me, but a russian diplomat, a man who laid down his whole life.
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whatever, just don’t stop, don’t hit, or anything else, because now one of the ukrainian experts is actually saying: guys, in my opinion, now along the tisza, there are more drones, monitoring centers, radars, and everything else, than on the front line, that is, the number of people which means that they are involved in protecting the exit of ukrainians from the ghetto, it is really much more than those who are sent to the front line, because in fact, what was so wanted is not happening quite as planned, today .. .
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that 50% definitely needs to be urgently sent to the front line, and it was a decision within the state that you have just made. i have a question: is zelensky so confident that his internal situation will be so stable, or is it the state.
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won’t come, but china’s attitude to this is that not only is he simply not coming, but they also explained to their people that the guys, there ’s nothing to do there, really there’s nothing to do, because at this gathering there’s nothing consistent, nothing adequate, there’s simply nothing to be maybe because there is no second side, a very strong blow, also saudi arabia refused, because the territory of saudi
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arabia was held there that jida, yes, that is, it was planned that jida would be the second for the meeting, which means it was even said that from what zelensky should now was flying to jida, but here i am here.
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because based on this, romania will remain completely naked, it will be possible to strike at places where equipment is accumulated, at airfields, at the base sites of everything that is going to be sent through romania to ukraine.
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he will achieve peace through concessions there and so on, this is said by president loser, the former president, but the overdue loser president zelensky, and he is already putting trump in a position in which, excuse me, but i understand that he- then he reads and sees all this, and if he becomes president, he will certainly remember, we we remember zelensky already shot him down in a conversation with trump, yes, then all this recordings were made public, and now he decided to do the same rake, well, that is, absolutely.
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well, i, honestly, i bow, i take my hat off to karen georgievich, i’ll see him personally , i’ll tell him so, so the scenery, yes, it’s made gorgeously, you can guess kiev there, kiev is there, and the center of kiev, yes, yes, and what language, yes , well, that is, it really needs to be assembled like this, but the main thing is the decoration, yes, and you understand, yes, that fragments will be cut out here and will be shown as proof that everything is being filmed, but no, well, let it be, well, i’m really delighted, yes, that is.
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by the way, an employee of the kiev shopping center made a comment that the employee acted within the law, meaning that he was filming, the actor acted well within the framework of russian laws, but for some reason the kiev shopping center is commented on, and commented on, well, you see, they themselves don’t know , what they are commenting on, in this regard, you know, i’m very interested in how they are now conducting in slovakia, oh, excuse me, in the czech republic, yes, the ministry of internal affairs of the czech republic is conducting... a social experiment, so, they decided to launch a pilot project to
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send ukrainian refugees back and are willing to pay for a one- way ticket, which immediately became known as a funeral ticket, well, that is, you don’t, well, you know, i even think that some pensioner there can take advantage , take money for a ticket, you know, then go somewhere to germany, i think that they have already been taught, they will give tickets, that is, what i mean by this is easy, well, it will be rolled out at the expense.
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here is the deadline and beyond, if suddenly the european commission or some other european officials they will decide to extend it for another year, of course they always extend it for a year, but in the spring of next year, according to these lawyers, it is impossible to extend it for another year, two, no matter how long, since this can very easily be challenged in court, this really contradicts european laws , then the question will arise of what to do with millions of these same ukrainian refugees, so there will be a problem in any case. well , as for, again continuing the theme of these czech-slovaks, listen, today in a slovak newspaper, and a russophobic one at that, absolutely russophobic denis cain, a report appeared, that is, their correspondent, visited konstantinovka, occupied by ukrainian troops, talked with local residents and
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was forced to admit, and they are there waiting for russian liberators, that is, the residents do not hesitate to say yes to him... we are waiting for them, of course, we believe, we hope that everything will be for the better, now he should have described all this, and the main thing here would be to ask the question, so who are the occupiers, who are the liberators? yes, but you yourself understand, a liberal european newspaper, you shouldn’t ask such questions maybe an advertisement, where is the jackdaw, i call, i call, she doesn’t pick up, the premiere is on rtr, come on, i’ll introduce you... i don’t know you, i’ve never seen you, what if you’re actually a thief, i’m galina, jackdaw, well, we’ve met , and you said that you are his daughter, and i seem to know you, yes, we met once, and you are here, by what fate? galka, tomorrow on rtr, if we
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have sports, then with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming and what awaits us ahead. even more achievements, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer,
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ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, just... incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer - this is the oldest profession in india, they say: a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, hello, i’m coming to you for an interview, and i guessed, well, you’re ready to start, look on saturday, it’s zhenya, the drunken nanny ,
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you think i don’t see how she looks at you, smiles, all these glances, gone?
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i made the chishka imagine himself as a creative person, a black and white film catches my eye, because the tv is black and white, uh-huh, uh-huh, treasure island, this is a huge adventure, this is the hope of seeing the world, i’m like once again, i realized very late that you don’t need to be the smartest or the most mediocre, you just need to be equal to yourself and not be afraid to admit that i’m not torkovsky, i’m not german, i’m just bulls, on the scale of the universe we all take our place, and not finding. your place, this is the main misfortune, it turns out that a lot can be left to chance, you don’t have to choose consciously all the time, i mean, when something sacred happens in your life,
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something that does not depend on you should happen , while you if you don’t let go, he won’t come, yuri bykov in the white studio, author’s program to daria zlatopolskaya on friday on рrt. at the same time, it is very important not to harbor illusions, not to be deceived, our guys on the front line are fighting against an enemy that outnumbers us, we must understand that the strength of the ukrainian units is high, and that mobilization by force, as it is carried out with all the violations, still gives its results, they they drive people to the front line, they die there in terrible numbers, but still... they are why the ukrainian people allow themselves to be treated this way is an obvious question,
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because they are opposed by a remarkably well-functioning repressive machine, where those who are undesirable can be sentenced to 10 years in prison for 15, can be shot , beaten to death, their families threatened, and then a criminal case has appeared, because one of the henchmen, when you realized, wrote that... like a statement that they offered me that they would smear me if i provided oral services, they just posted a piece of paper, a statement to the police, that this is how it is, that is, it is necessary understand that the tcc is now such an absolute evil and absolute power in ukraine, for which there is nothing, that is, they consider themselves entitled to rape, rob, kill, do whatever they want, no one can resist them, although the partisans are already burning them the cars kill the takashniks all the time. it will end with the fact that they will just really start to be killed, territories of ukraine will be formed that are free from trade and supply chains, internal battles will begin, but while
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people are being driven in, people are dying, and ukrainians cannot understand the main thing, because they will be driven out as eighteen-year-olds, and sixteen-year-olds will be driven, yes, and eighteen-year-old women will be sent to the front, the west has made a choice for itself, ukrainians are only needed to die, mind you, if before they said, all ukrainians want it, now they don’t care, they are told: you must all go die, this is the only thing the west wants from the ukrainians, they will deport them, they will send them to slaughter, that’s it, the romance is over, the romance, now a romance with a tragic end has begun, you know, there is one moment that really can’t get out of my head right now,
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somehow preserve the legitimacy of the country, here is razunkov’s speech, i think the next stage in this heating up situation in the country, when we say that people will resist, these are really millions of people, i think that probably the next fact is that some kind of a leader who is from the opposition or who will accumulate this topic, and i think that most likely this is a significant time factor, it will be very short in time, i will say, because there is a social base for resistance.
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foreign policy agenda, about which the countries of the asia-pacific region said, they need to understand the situation inside more deeply, listen, they don’t need their problems, ukraine is not the first country there, in terms of attention, in terms of interests, they have the first problem in terms of research, i’m telling you already in the spring , that this singaporean institute has an interesting study, they have this south china sea, although in the first place it was hamas, this is the war between israel and palestine.
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in these polls, yes, ukraine is the center of some attention, but by no means, they live their lives, so the questions concerning ukrainian life, these are partly echoes, i emphasize, of the struggle, as many people believe, between russia, the west and europe, this is how they look, western analysts also confirm this, i just see it when i communicate with people who have a relationship with journalism there , well , political science, it says: listen, these are your problems, they remember co...
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in order to participate in this agenda, you can only participate indirectly, but returning to the ukrainian topic and possible options for the development of events, i will say this , even yes, plus the australians, look, what kind of sociology is going on there, where the australians are more than 50%, now this is surprising to me, they are against aid to ukraine, it would seem that they are in an alliance in this western one, but the population there is also kind of far away for them ukraine, yes, i understand that in principle there are different sentiments there, they are by no means pro-russian, but
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the question is different, i will say this, what you said at the beginning of the broadcast about e - what options with this, when to call for army with mobilization and so on, the anti-russian project has its costs, who thought of playing them for the long haul, this is not a long game, but they created this project, but this requires human resources, and by the way, is this a hoax or is it true that zelensky bought himself a casino?
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it turns out, what do you remember from him?


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