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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  June 4, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, russia comes and the city lives, boris kovchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. i brought sergei together with some suppliers. who were not satisfied with our
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conditions, well, in the sense of our company, that is , they provided him with clientele, well, yes, so what if my bosses find out about this, they will immediately kick me out onto the street, and this is in the best case scenario, everything is clear, questions no more i have, can i go please. is it possible for this all to remain just between us? listen, i promise you, your andreev will not know anything about this, because it seems andreev is your director? no, that is, yes, yes, but it doesn’t matter, andreev, not andreev, i just want no one to know about this at all. listen, who are you afraid of? can you not talk about it?
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does the name gritsenko mean anything to you? maybe gritsenko was trying to save the sphinx? now he could easily turn out to be a scapegoat ? he's not trying to keep company save, there is not a single person in the building, i assure you that legally it has long been liquidated, but this can be easily checked, check, gritsenko simply missed the insurance, and the insurance company will now examine the activities of the sphinx under a microscope.
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company, the same one from which he was kicked out with a whistle, what’s the point? the point is that before he received the cream of the crop from only one company, and now that he was removed from two at once, it’s logical, logical, only zakharyev probably didn’t like to unfasten the tuniyan, he probably had a childish clash with gritsenko, so much so that he faked his own death, so much so that he was killed, so i’m telling you, you need to take this gritsenko, take it as soon as possible, yeah, and where do you want to take it, where where? so everything is correct, everything is correct, he is hiding, this only confirms, yes confirms, confirms, but what’s the point, have you ever detained an official from the mayor’s office who is sneaking around, “let’s not be sycophantic,
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let’s try, that means i’ll find him, the madness of the brave, okay, it’s late, and fedya, fedya, i’ll find him, fedya, fedya, well. where is he, gritsenka looking for 10, he went to bed, and that’s right, good night, bye, bye. we raise our paws, we raise our feet for today, well, yes, good night, bye.
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yes, good evening, did you wake up shvetsova? it didn't work, i'm on duty. good evening. i have a quick question: you developed gritsenko, right? well, yes, i told you so. lyosh, not for service, for friendship. materials are needed. yes, did you come to an agreement, with whom? kurochkin and fedya just called me and also asked for materials on gritsenko. yes, yeah, well, i'll come over. yes, sure. yeah, that's it.
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yes, i’m listening to you, i would like to know, just a second. good evening, inga will be free in half an hour, can you wait for her at the bar? at the bar, i can,
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so, of course, please, maria sergeevna, thank you, very tasty coffee. so, where is kurochkin? i do not know. so i gave him the addresses that naroshka collected, yeah, there are all public places, cafes, fitness centers, dentistry, a brothel, a brothel, i think kurochkin is already there, by the way, here is this information about gritsenko’s country house, and where it is located , in komarovo, there’s an address where he is, huh? there he is, inga has freed herself, the seventh number, yeah, yes, mash, aren't you sleeping, mash, well, i'm a bard, that's what i thought, i'm calling back in half an hour, i hope they come in, really,
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i would tell mine that, but don't you tell yours? oh, hello, good evening, i'll be there in a second.
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you're not at work, actually the little one is at work, i'm from the police. are you guys completely crazy, this is the third meth of the day, by the way, go and chat with the son, he’s smart, he understands everything, so you saw gritsenko, gritsenko, alexander andreevich, turn off the music, sit here, here’s to you. .. tell me, i’m listening to you, well, actually, he didn’t introduce himself, well, that is
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, fedorov introduced himself somehow, but i saw him in the blink of an eye, yeah, and the last time he appeared here was about 3:00 days ago, on monday, he always comes on mondays, so every monday, well, almost every, yes, seven is his time, but... actually, something happened, ha, just like that , he disappeared, we’re looking for him, you don’t have his phone number, there wasn’t any contact at all, sexual, uh-huh, well, when he last came to you, he told something about his plans, what he was going to do study, didn’t say what plans he had, he didn’t even say his name, uh-huh, but... did he talk to anyone on the phone in front of you? well, talked to who? i was in the bathroom on
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monday with some sergei about packaging some sugar, sugar? yes, sergei did not package something for him, was that the last time? well, yes, at the last one, yes, he screamed madly and also said that if he didn’t package the sugar for him, then he could say goodbye to his factory. now, this is important, thank you, yes, quit prostitution, now with this strictly.
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don't move, put your hands behind your back, hands!
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the investigative committee, yes, marya sergeevna, excuse my fellows, but in war, you understand, i told you, don’t get involved in this matter, so... you just now found gritsenko, yesterday, yeah, and we’ve been guarding him for 3 days since the moment of the robbery, why are you guarding him, to detain him, why else, but why did you go after him, not for this, that is, you can’t find him for 3 days, he apparently left, but we will find him, don’t worry, and they didn’t find such reckless people, do you think he was involved in robbery, why is he running? do you know that the guards who accompanied
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the collection have disappeared? they haven’t disappeared, i can’t tell you anything more, i hope that what i said is enough for you to understand that you don’t have to deal with this matter at all, all that remains is to inform my superiors. pushkin, a name that reflects all of russia, boldin. symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has preserved it forever a reflection of how our hearts treasure
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his words forever. the poet’s fifth anniversary, this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from the boldin estate on thursday on rtr. titanic luxury collection, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the world's first
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swiss hotel operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. tell me, was he recently with you? yes, he was there on the third, he had a tooth pulled in, a crown was supposed to be put in on the fifth, but he didn’t come on the fifth. tell me,
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is it possible to talk with this doctor, with chertanov? chertanov will only be here in the afternoon today. so, well, can i call him on the phone? yes, of course, here, take a business card, call after lunch, they’ll connect you, thank you, no problem, listen, but here’s a tooth, his tooth was pulled out, which one, just a second, let’s see, and the four on the top, on the right, yeah, uh-huh, thank you, yes. ok, that’s how i came, okay , search, well, they found it, they found nothing, no traces, even more than nothing, i mean, i looked at zakharev’s photos in
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the album, there are a lot of photos from fishing, so what? yes, in general, nothing, just a house... he doesn’t have a single fishing rod, but what does his wife say? well, she says that the fishing rods were kept in the closet, usually, but she doesn’t keep track of them, so he could have taken them much earlier and stored them in the car, but the car burned down, i looked in the traffic police database, it turns out he also had a jeep , for sure on he went fishing in it, uh-huh, jeep, uh-huh, where did it go? how does your wife comment? no way, it seems to me that she knows that he is alive. and you didn’t bring any photos from your fishing trip, of course, well done, so where is it, my wife doesn’t say anything, well, volodya finds out, you’ve been planning to go fishing for a long time, that’s not how i imagined it, hello,
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good morning, wow, are you really working, well, where is gritsenko? this is zakharyev’s case, yeah, you can, fedor, what’s the matter, gritsenko is in the grave, the corpse is missing the fourth upper tooth on the right, and on the third of the month gritsenko just had this one removed tooth, on monday the prostitute heard how... he was arguing with zakharev about some batch of sugar that urgently needed to be packaged, a batch of sugar? well, yes, the girl in her heart heard gritsenko yelling that his plant would be destroyed. yes, the fifth. they killed me, very well, maria sergeevna, come to my office, dad, why are you going to beat me? well, many people
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use harsh methods in their work, but i’m something different, you know, i’m a person with manners, come to my office. olya, please find out in the company of zakharyev what kind of sugar gritsenko was going to sell. yes. and... you understand that only the lazy did not kick me at this meeting, you understand, only the lazy, how many services are involved in this, you understand, this is a federal matter, you understand that it is federal, this is the ministry of internal affairs, this is the fsb, this is the investigation department these, the ministry of culture, all have some kind of result, you know, only we, instead of investigating crimes of a national scale.
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no, it’s already a mess, volodya, don’t go, well, i found out that the batch was packaged exactly the night before which the secretary saw zakharyev is in the office, they work overnight, but no, that’s the point, the workshop is closed at night, but the line is automated, and it can be controlled by one person, so that means zakharyev had to go into the office to get the keys. zakharyev single-handedly packaged this batch, but there are documents, there are invoices, otherwise he simply would not have been released from the enterprise, so they sent it to me. look, the documents for the car are invoices.
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so, olya and volodya are going to the fishing grounds, maybe you’ll find your packer, and fedor and i are going to the brothel, looking for a car, and immediately. whats up? passed, the same as you, come on, get ready, guys, so , now, yeah, 20, hello, mish, hi, yes, hi, listen, we need to find one car, a truck, left 2 days ago, direction murmansk, uh-huh, now, now, now, write it down.
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have you seen this man here? i saw this guy, he rents a cottage here, when was the last time you saw him? the last one, about two hours ago, probably, where? there on the shore, near the pier, thank you, please.
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yes, mish, i understand, thank you, uh-huh, well, the truck was stopped for arrival from the factory, the documents were checked, the truck was heading to murmansk, and the cargo was checked, sugar, as was said. do you want to overtake him? yes, out of sporting interest? no. allow me.
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2 hours ago him. tsenka and zakharyeva, what do you think, this is one person, yeah, please, marya sergeevna, remember the creed, i don’t fly or swim, but you have to fly now, let’s go, i ’ll help, i’ll tell you a joke, i’m flying just for your sake ,
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well, what's there? so what's there? the car drove into the warehouse. we have a plan, you don’t do anything yet, i understand, let’s go, but only take a detour along this path, let's go, please. st. petersburg license plates
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, he was probably driving in front of a truck, there’s someone in the car, can’t you see, no, the windows are tinted, yeah, it’s a pity, okay, let’s start uncoupling, let’s start, check the jeep, don’t block the approaches to the slope, let’s go, quickly , hurry up, the car is clean. come on, the car is empty, i understand, i understand everything, are we breaking it? lyosha, hello, this is shvetsova,
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the warehouse is cordoned off, you will make noise, you will stay in the murmonsky pre-trial detention center, come out, i will take you to peter, which one, lyosha, which one, lyosha? everything became clear when filonov began list the services that are involved in this case, but no one called beb there, the violin lied, and he probably just didn’t have time to leave the crime scene, he ended up in the basement only because he forgot some
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detail, some important one. hmm, maybe he came back for the collection? we talked to him, and the collection was already in his pocket? there’s no time there, zakharyev packed the collection on the day of the robbery, his secretary saw him in the office. how did zakharyev agree to this? well, the fact is that the violin was really in charge of gritsenko’s case and really found irrefutable evidence that gritsenko was dishonest, but the violin lied about the most important thing, no one from above closed the case, he let the matter go down himself. on the brakes, so that later, subsequently, they could put pressure on gritsenko. and gritsenko was already putting pressure on zakharyev. and not only that, gritsenko, for example, reported the route of the minibus. i made sure that the escort radios were out of order; they could not communicate with the minibus. i participated to the fullest. yes, and the most important thing that gritsenko did for the violin was to help take the collection out of the city in prepackaged bags of sugar. all that remains is to understand how...
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excuse me, marya sergeevna, there is a violin asking for interrogation, which is what needed to be proven, enter, okay, just a second.
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once upon a time there lived vassenka, a child, a dandy, and walked through the swamps, through the mosses, along the green ravines, fell in a small puddle, no one recognized him, the stench recognized him. heavenly people, a mosquito and a fly, brother ilyukha, the mosquito goes to heaven sickening, and the fly-grief and we will bury it here, brother ilyukha, it’s on you, it’s taking you to heaven, let’s go to heaven, and there everything is not our way, the fence is gutted circled, the church made of pie, covered with a broadsword , covered with a ram, covered with a barracks. we went into the church, everything there wasn’t like us, the candles were made of rytkov, the candle holders were carrots, they were in the right shape, i stood up to pray to god, kept moaning, i went into the little courtyard, there
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was daddy standing there, a cockroach hut, i took it, pushed him, he sat down, i him took it and ate it. our village has a rich history . the year before last, sizma had an anniversary of 570 years since its first mention in chronicle sources. the village was rich and commercial. there were 387 folk crafts in sizma for the revolution, that is, starting from a needle, ending with a big hut, all this was made here on site. each family kept at least ten cows; my ancestors kept 17 cows before the revolution. so
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, before the revolution, in our vologda province , the sizema lands were considered the most fertile, all the girls from other volosts tried. marry our sizema guys, and if the guys either didn’t take girls, the crowd said, oh, if only they could marry bodozhok, but if only sizima berezhok, that is, they were ready to marry ignition, if only in sizyma, that’s how fertile the lands were, at the beginning of the 20th century in the village itself there were more than 200 shops in the villages, fairs were noisy, bazaars were held, and if there had not been a revolution, by our days sizyma would have been a small merchant town. there are about 160 people living here, but there are five museums: the seizma history museum, the flax museum, the peasant hut museum, the bread museum, and
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the beer museum. we started in the nineties, a group of enthusiasts. at that time in the village, of course, there was such a depressing situation as everywhere else. all over our russia, so we decided to revive our village. they began to create a museum, so i remember when they brought the first iron they said: here is the iron for you, and collect the rest yourself, each person was assigned a village, so we went around, collecting exhibits, someone will give a spinning wheel, someone - then he would give a clay pot there, someone would give him a patch, someone would give him a suit, a shirt, an underbelly, something, and at the same time we began to collect folklore from our grandmothers for...
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you had to see the eyes of the children, that this is not far away for them, but they themselves like it, they want to do this, that’s why they dragged their mothers by the hands. so that they would join him in this round dance and take part in this same folk game. and on holidays it’s clear that i’m there, i don’t look at the holiday, i look at the grandmothers who stand, leaning on their sticks, saying: oh, dear helmsman, we ’re coming exactly, that’s how it was, but since it was like that, it means of course, we are going the right way, the houses are wooden, and there were a lot of them in the attics. a lot, a lot of things, and if i was there all the time with the boys
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, i ran around in the attics all the time, and there i found box, opened the box and there was a whole box of these wooden sticks, i had no idea that these were bobbins, i looked, looked, well, the dolls are wrong, there is a head, there is a body , no legs, no arms, what for do they have a head, i took them all, i broke off all the little bits, i broke it, it turned out that my grandmother braided it, my dad has been gone for a long time, my mother has been gone for a long time too, it’s not enough, until now, when we went to school, she always braided our hair for us, we always had long hair. mom runs her hand through her hair like this, braids it, i don’t even know with what compare, the sensations are like this, you just need to experience it all, and then when mom passed away, here are the first first moments when she was lying, the last path, we saw her off, and so her hands are lying, you see, that’s all, everything,
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all at once i remembered, these braids, these ribbons, before there were no elastic bands, i kept braiding ribbons, but my hair is so unruly, i came to school, i already have bows in my pockets, while i’m walking back and forth, maybe i’ll climb a birch tree, maybe i’ll get a bite somewhere to get a saffron milk cap, they fall off, i loved being with boys, we have four sisters. i worked on a tractor when we were studying at the charom school, we were taught about tractors,
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you sit on a tractor and drive, and the earth plows, turns over, i have a memory of plowing, when my dad was plowing, so i decided that i would plow the land on a tractor, we took exams on tractors, we plowed, we participated in competitions, i took first place, when i say, mom, i will be a tractor driver,
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listen, it started to work out, i graduated with honors, now i can weave lace of any complexity, that’s you know what a bewitching feeling it is when you sit under your hands, so i was sitting with you, and i already had a flower, i had already woven it, well, good, thank god, if you need me there. okay, okay, i’ll say, yes, yes, yes, okay, hello, hello,
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my dears, hello, good, hello, handsome, vladimir valentinovich, we studied at school together, but i didn’t notice him at school, i came to work at the cultural center, he already worked there, he first started with museums, and he came and said, galinka, let's go there today in the attics, we'll climb out of there, we'll crawl out like devils, we're all covered in dust, we're all covered in dirt, but we're collecting something, because people don't know what they have ... what priceless things are lying there, and we found spinning wheels there, we there they found, ruffled flax, rollers, ironed linen, old, big, big samovars. first the museum, then the church, everyone told me, golinka, maybe we can restore the church, i say, i think he’s joking, i told him that i don’t know, volodya, it will work out or not, let’s go galinka, so everything will work out, it worked out well, look how well done he is!
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this is one of the main shrines of our church, part of the life-giving cross of the lord, this is the oldest shrine of our church, which is already more than 500 years old, this heavy stone cross floated to us in sizma in the 15th century against the flow of the river, it was such a miracle, it came three times he lifted his dog himself.
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there was a club, i remember when they took us to the cinema, well then there was a church, probably six or eight years old, it was ownerless, then in the church we had no windows, no doors, no floors, no ceilings, there was no nothing, and the fact that the church would be revived, of course, few people believed in this, back then we had eight grandmothers, and here i was, a twenty-year -old boy who was playing all the tricks, i remember the first such meeting we gathered parishioners. and the grandmothers were just remembering our pre-revolutionary church, where there were some icons, where there were some paintings on the wall, in the dome, lord, you see, i was sitting next to them, a twenty-year-old boy, i really wanted to look at it all with one eye, grandmother regardless
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over time, they came and took out the garbage, painted the walls themselves, and heavy logs, logs, and heavy boards. when people, not only grandmothers, but adults , cried when they raised the dome and installed the cross, many at that time, i remember, even stood on their knees, that they lived to see the moment when the cross was again placed on the church, just like in in the year ninety
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, we began to restore the church, our local grandmother
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told me, just wait, girls, there were two of us, there was also a sister, once we get the quota, then you’ll eat all the milk until you’re full. all, but what was there to eat, they ate grass, there was nothing to eat, they tore heads of clover,
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dried quinoa, pounded this grass and made flat cakes, it was like a holiday, these flat cakes, but so they ate trau and many died of hunger, they go to the field, for example, to make hay, but the person still works until the end. he can’t anymore, but he still goes to work and works, and they bring him from the field, they will say, either anna was brought dead, or marya, from hunger, my dad and grandfather were taken to the front during the war, 18 km and walked, all these suddats who were called, dad... carried me in his arms, he wanted me to accompany me to the forest with my mother, he told my mother while we were walking to
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the forest, faith, don’t offend me, he pitied me very much, he loved me, we were so expecting victory, but we were very afraid that what would happen to us the postman goes to the village, everyone, and a funeral for someone... not many died, they bring a funeral for someone, then in one house they cry, then in another house they cry for the whole village, so everyone was crying, they brought it to us funeral, i remember that my mother hugged us both and cried a lot, that girls, how are we living now? i remember well. that's how many men left us, so only two returned, my mother
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verusha was always there, people came to us for easter, my mother kept saying, look, even the sun is happy, i don’t even know anymore, look, look at the sun, maybe it’s like this here. to repair the temple, they went to work, they called me to sing in the church choir, vladimir valentinovich served with us, he is
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such a person, everyone trusts him, i like everything about sism, and the place is beautiful,
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here is a branch of the center of traditional folk culture of the village of sezmi, almost all the guys go to the heritage ensemble, they are imbued with the spirit of tradition and they are already ready to perceive. craft as part of traditional folk culture, in childhood everyone had a pirach knife in their pocket and was always whittling something, i somehow did it all
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better than other guys, i remember what i... did to everyone, sawed out pistols, rifles of all kinds, my first job there i took a piece of a broken hockey stick, sawed it off and began to cut out a pirate or someone else with a screwdriver, traditionally a northern toy is generally such an amazing thing, it’s still a toy that was made for the family, for oneself, that is, a grandfather for a grandson, a father for a son or daughter, an older brother for a younger brother, and so on and so forth, so... somewhat generations and the daughter took care of it, then passed it on to her daughter when the adult stopped, but the toy, in fact, is from the simplest in general, which takes a few seconds to do in order to calm the child,
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so he played for you, and he naturally played there lost it in the grass or... broke it there or something else something, well, they threw it into the stove, but that’s it, that’s why not many samples have survived, the northern toy is those images that the peasants saw around them and which created , first of all, the most beloved creature at that time and the most important assistant of a person - this horse, this is not an image of a specific horse, but this is a dream horse, i make a traditional toy, these are horses or koniki , he calls them differently for...
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the region is somewhere around 6,000 people, so i live in a small town , our parents lived there for more than 200 years, i the village was called telebanova, also only summer residents live, so in every village summer residents live permanently, four people live here in this village, everyone is a summer resident, all villages are dying, all over russia according to ours, in short, all the fields were plowed open, now you see, everything was overgrown, unfortunately,
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in a very bad condition, there wasn’t even a bottom at all, and we were simply afraid that we would even lose it. mikhail anatolyevich kutipov, he said: “it turned out, even without problems, i will restore it all, it took me about, probably even two months, the bowl is unusual, has four images: a horse's head, a duck's tail, a circle of a prototype of the sun, the outline of a beach and this is connected with the ancient legend that during the day our sun walks from
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birth to death with song and prayer, under a lullaby song, the child fell asleep, in they brought it to the temple for baptism, they brought it in order to join christ, a part of the holy mysteries of christ, the church was in ancient times and a place for people to meet, here they looked for future wives and young men and those in turn future husbands, when a person died, his last time brought to the temple for here...
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey shevtsen studio. assault troops liberated several villages in the donetsk direction. our unit used a robot to detonate it. the total area of ​​forest fires in the trans-baikal territory and buryat is 100. a federal-level emergency regime has been introduced. heavy rainfall led to
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a flood in china. flood in southern germany. river levels are rising and there are deaths. in the beginning, about the progress of the special military assault operation. broke through the enemy's defenses, liberated it was certainly difficult, but the enemy did not have such strong, strong fortifications, there were trenches, dugouts, which also quickly
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cleared and knocked the enemy out of them, in the navdeevsky direction, military personnel of the special forces unit of the group of troops center used a ground-based robotic complex frog, they secured on an unmanned platform, several mines, and then, at... the nationalist positions , they destroy artillery with crews of long-range geocint guns, hitting targets not only on the front line, but behind enemy lines. edward's report punigov. today, artillerymen of the vostok group from buryatia received the task of hitting targets in the vicinity of urozhainy. it is necessary to open several fortified areas. with heavy fire they pave the way for the assault units that are working on the front line.
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south donetsk direction. geocinths also conduct counter-battery combat, their main targets are artillery pieces in the armed forces of ukraine, but if necessary, the installation can fire at armored vehicles. there are practically no analogues for this machine. two three there are, but they are very complex. she's like a kalashnikov assault rifle. geocinths also work against enemy rear units. the main thing is not to stay in one place for a long time, so that nothing will come in response... when the drone flies, we never go in one direction, we maneuver, go 300 meters away, then immediately turn back so that the enemy artillery does not focus us and didn’t say where, so as not to get us, and these shots were taken on a neighboring sector of the front, on the march of the t-80 bvm, tank crews, pacific marines the fleet supports the infantry offensive in the konstantinovka area. tankers from primorye
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were the first to enter novomikhailovka, clearing the way for the convoy with troops, here is a video of that battle: the tank hits a minefield, explosions follow one after another, enemy artillery immediately began to fire on the tank, they fired at us, our gun failed, the trawl flew up and hit the cannon and the cannon went into failure. at this time, our assault units were already entrenched in the enemy’s strongholds; the tankers completed their task 100%. this is the one a tank that... in the battles for novomikhailovka, damage, rollers, dynamic protection, then the combat vehicle received numerous grills, optics, even a cannon, but the tank withstood numerous explosions and the crew managed to return to their location under their own power. now the damaged tank is undergoing maintenance in the rear area, and the crew is preparing for new offensive operations. the next strategic goal is konstantinovka, from it there is a direct road to the ugledar grouping of the ukrainian armed forces. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead.
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the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, called on the us authorities to answer the question of what constitutional amendment they were guided by by not releasing scott ritter from the country. earlier, former american intelligence officer and inspector wan reported that he was removed from a flight from new york to istanbul, through which he was going to fly to russia to participate in the st. petersburg international economic forum. according to him, they did not tell him the reason, they only said that this was being done as directed. ritter was escorted out of the airport and his suitcases were returned. first amendment the american constitution guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press. the fourth amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and arrests. israel came under heavy fire from hezbollah. the lebanese movement attacked with crop-caliber shells and comikat drones for the northern part of the country. this caused the grass to catch fire due to dry weather, after which the fire quickly spread. it is reported that 11
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people were injured while extinguishing, a section of one of the highways was blocked to fight the fire, additional fire crews are being sent from other regions. a state of emergency at the federal level was introduced in the trans-baikal territory and buryat due to forest fires. the situation in the region is complex, but controllable, rosleskhoz reported. they were sent to these regions to fight the fire. for 400 paratroopers of firefighters, air forestry and regional air departments. currently, in the trans-baikal territory and buryatia , 38 fires are being extinguished, the total area of ​​which is almost 100,000 hectares. in total, 1,300 people and 164 pieces of equipment were involved in the fire extinguishing effort. heavy rain hit southern china, causing... severe flooding and disruptions in transport, roads and residential buildings were also damaged. with a high probability it can
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provoke flooding in urban areas and landslides. severe floods continue to affect residents of southern germany and road and rail connections have been disrupted in a number of areas. according to initial estimates, some places received more rainfall in one day than the average for the whole month, and water levels reached the levels. usually recorded once a century, as a result of the rampant disaster, two people died, the situation remains critical, river levels continue to rise. next, regional news, don’t switch. now there is news from the region: warm but cloudy weather remains in moscow and the region,
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the thermometer will rise to +24°. rain is expected throughout the day in the capital region, but not as heavy as the day before. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal, 743 mm. arterial column. rescuers conducted the first security raids on reservoirs near moscow after the onset of warm weather. they examined the beach area russian reservoir, talked with vacationers, as well as owners of small boats. the inspectors spoke about the importance of using life jackets, as well as the rules for parking in the beach area. cooling arches have appeared in twenty-six moscow parks. this is a special design equipped with a system. spraying water. technologies ensure uniform cooling of the space without creating inconvenience for visitors. such arches will help you endure the heat more easily, reduce the risk of heat stroke and other health problems. health related to overheating. all news is available on the media platform, look at
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the application or on the website stay with us. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinanbelek, where life is. turns into a fairy tale. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suds and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a golden sandy beach stretching 1 km. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine
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will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish udes and villas. rest. today on rtr. good morning everyone. good morning. start a new day with us and you will be guaranteed a charge of vivacity and good mood.
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today is june 4, tuesday, vladislav zara krasova is with you this morning. just like in the song , a wonderful neighbor, a humanoid robot, really appeared in our house. much more modest in footage, why optimization of space sometimes reaches the point of absurdity, let's try to figure it out. 20, 15 and even 10 m, it seems that developers are competing to see who can build and put into operation the tiniest property, in turn, buyers use all their
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imagination to accommodate themselves in cramped conditions, the rule is one, the fewer things, the better. the second condition is endless optimization of space. the toilet room is very small, and there is also a shower stall. and , accordingly, the toilet, all this drains into this hole, one table for both work and lunch, bath dinners with friends, muscovite irina laughs, comfortable living conditions in a small apartment they are learned with experience, so i woke up in the morning, i moved a little bit, i moved a little more, i already have a kettle, i already have tea, however, the heroine admits that because of work, she ’s not at home often, so and i don’t notice any downsides from such cramped living; i leave very often. by the way, despite the high price tag,
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you shouldn’t expect first-class repairs, the expert shrugs. the price is inflated in any case, but from an expert point of view i can say that the quality is approximately finite the same, it’s just that if you have a small apartment, all the shortcomings are simply more visible, if you have a large apartment and somewhere there are uneven walls in one place, you may not notice, when the apartment itself is small, you will see all the shortcomings anyway take into account, however, in the near future the situation will change in moscow, introduced for... may 7, which will be submitted for approval, projects for the construction of residential buildings, they will not be agreed upon if the housing projects do not comply with these minimum standards, accordingly, it is no longer possible to build anything less than 28, well, you need to understand that...
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there is an option that they will pay attention to individual housing construction. by the way, the changes will not affect apartments in housing, most often purchased for rent, you can still find absolutely any size. let's continue the conversation with the head of the department of housing mortgage lending at the financial university under the government of russia, alexander tseganov. hello, alexander, well, it’s clear that not everyone needs spacious housing, a student with a guitar with a girlfriend, this is a small-sized, small-sized one, but... of course it’s a dubious pleasure for 5 million 11 m2, from which this price still
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adds up, how inflated it is, given that the market, despite the fact that the profit is, but experts say it’s inflated, you know, here , as far as the hype is concerned, of course, there is always a certain personal attitude, because when we are talking, here is an eleven-meter apartment, if it cost half a million rubles, there would be a different attitude, while the meter is under half a million in moscow. now why she so expensive, it has communications, it has, it has the need for all the necessary approvals, it even has more walls, if you look at how many such walls there are per square meter of area, that is , the de facto cost is higher, i’m not saying , that it is higher to such an extent, of course not, due to which it is still possible to reduce the cost, here we have the first attempt from the state, i think it will be successful, in which... they are gradually turning towards the fact that do not stimulate purchase small apartments, there are minimums, minimorums,
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below which it will not be possible to sell such apartments, this means that you cannot get a soft loan, and they will look, this is where the problem is, that it won’t turn out that we will start building apartments plus 1 km in area, which will skyrocket in price, but how to reverse the trend, now, now, this is already a question of what should be a policy on taxation of profits from developers, yeah, control over this profit, i’m not talking about restrictions, this is fundamentally wrong, i’m talking about so that it is transparent, and if the profit is large, then there is a large tax, the state is able to regulate it - this is using market methods, well, a look at the perspective monopoly policy should allow potential developers to compete, when there is competition, the price of real estate goes down, there is a feeling that, on the contrary, there is no competition here, there is collusion. there is such a feeling, but this, alas, is a question rather for my namesake from the antimonopoly service,
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who would better answer your questions and answer questions about antimonopoly policy. is long-term rent the solution? first of all, not every person really needs to be an owner. if a person receives an apartment for rent, but at the same time he understands that he is gradually, by paying rent, making a down payment for himself, this money will then be counted as a down payment. regarding mortgages, this is not a russian idea, this exists in world practice, it is conveniently possible, leasing, you can call it real estate leasing, or you can say that it is a lease with the right of purchase, and if this right of purchase is granted to the state, it will take over and the people will pay this rent to the state, but we can expand the question to another enterprise, because we are often faced with a situation where enterprises in some are not even necessarily in single-industry towns. anywhere is interested in new employees, but new employees don’t come because they actually have
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nowhere to live, yeah, and the rental market is often not developed, but this is also possible, this is the program that now exists. house of the russian federation is developing a state institute for the rental housing market on the opportunities that need to be done so that enterprises it was a little easier and a little more interesting for both the state and the regional authorities to do such things, these are land issues, these are taxation issues, tax issues of both land and profit, and for such a project to be social, thank you, thank you, about how to change real estate market in favor of a comfortable one? affordable housing, we spoke with the head of the department of mortgage housing lending at the financial university under the government of russia, alexander tsaganova, have a good day, mutually, where is the jackdaw, i’m calling, i’m calling, she’s not picking up the phone, the premiere is on russia channel, let’s go introduce you to kirill, i don’t know you, i’ve never seen you, what if you’re actually a thief, i’m galina, galka,
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well, we met, and you said that you’re his daughter, and i you... it seems i know, yes, we met once, and you are here, what fate? jackdaw. today at 21:20. buenos aires is overrun by jedi. fans of the saga and star wars gathered in the argentine capital to celebrate the day of the cult film. actually , may 4 is not the official international star wars day, but as they say, better late than not then.
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the red carpet of the most popular color of blooming rosemary in these places, these bright colors and emotions make the hearts and spectators of the participants skip a beat. this is the place of my childhood, i grew up in the north of the chinin region with a shield, of course, i have a lot connected with it, a festival is always a small life, and here in chita this life was very full, and above all , the program of the film festival was full, this year pictures from 26 countries took part in it, only for the short film competition at night. meters, more than 500 applications came in, so the jury was faced with a difficult task; as a result , the novice director sergei shimyakin received two awards at once. the story about a young man who unexpectedly received superpowers, filmed in the fashionable macumentary style, a feature film with an imitation of documentary, captivated the audience and interested his colleagues, says the author. a film festival gives communication, gives connections, the main thing is to be able to communicate,
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approach people, get acquainted, there are many chances for this within a few days of the event. the film forum was attended by almost 30,000 people, united by a common passion for cinema. in the main there were eight candidates for victory in the program of films, infinitely different, but not surprisingly, about one thing. i liked the theme, well, firstly, it was chosen from the very beginning, yes, around the age of seven, some kind of family stories, relationships, and so on. the winners and members of the jury recognized the painting achilles as a joint production of france, germany and iran. a poignant, sadly more relevant story about refugees and people than ever before. provide assistance to those who suddenly lost everything that made up the meaning of their lives, the award for best director went to yakut film author nikolai koryakin, his film story tim mir is a whole poem about the relationship between an orphaned father and son. by the way, this particular film received, probably, the most flattering award for the authors - the audience award . thanks to our viewers, those who
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watched the film, timir, i felt you there in the hall, however, unprecedented inspiration. all the filmmakers and guest stars felt sincere interest and support from the audience, it’s not surprising, such an atmosphere in general, a distinctive feature of the transbaikal festival, and the eleventh was no exception. i declare the transbaikal film festival closed. and then popular science tourism. we’ll tell you soon what kind of direction this is and how to get on an excursion to a research institute.
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doesn’t sing, but it seems that this is not enough, i ’m ready to take responsibility, the stars will hear me on... here, can i have tamara globe’s advice? be very careful about being impulsive. catch me if you can, big music show, no singing, singing, singing, the choice was made, on friday on rtr, i haven’t felt this good for a long time, i also felt very good, oh, on saturday. “i’m pregnant, you’ll soon become a dad, that means he’s just like everyone else, he decided to hit on you, he’s married, and i’m pregnant, light, somehow i got confused, you
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got lost between two pines, dear neighbor, premiere on saturday on rtr, roads, walls, big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are flowing over the edge, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally... a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot it will become clear, and dreams
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become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, what are we celebrating, your birthday, like afrodie? maria nikanova, egor barinov. there is a huge gap between us, ksyusha, you are an amazing woman, and i left, as he left, the other side. on friday, on rtr. what suddenly made the boy imagine himself as a creative person? a black and white film catches my eye, because the tv is black and white, uh-huh, uh-huh, treasure island, this is
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a huge adventure, this is the hope of seeing the world, i just realized very late that you don’t need to be the smartest or the most mediocre, you just need to be equal to yourself and not be afraid to admit that i’m not torkovsky, i’m not german, i’m just bulls, on the scale of the universe we all do our own thing... they searched for a long time, but they still found it. in abandoned garage 16 stolen cars, up to which, the total value of the stolen cars is about
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270 million rubles. from the photographs it is clear that we are talking about a very rare vehicle. the cars were discovered in the canadian province of ontario during a large-scale police operation. and the cars disappeared at different times , the search did not lead to anything, so they were all found at once in the town of sterling criminals. found, arrested, and the cars returned to their rightful owners. and if you dream of a compact crossover, then it makes sense to first listen to our colleague, ivan zenkevich. recently , several interesting new products in the class of compact crossovers have appeared on our market, and some of them turned out to be quite roomy in practice, but let’s get acquainted. let's start with the g01 crossover from the chinese brand svm. which was established at the kaliningrad avtotor. under the hood is a one and a half liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 139 horsepower, front-wheel drive, a seven-speed, robotic gearbox,
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ground clearance of 170 mm, and the base will have a panoramic roof with electric drive. camera rear view, climate control. the price starts from 2.178. and this is the recently updated exсit lx. it has a turbocharged engine with a displacement of 1.6 liters, a power of 150 horsepower, a front-wheel drive seven-speed robot, a ground clearance of 175 mm, the database includes parking sensors in a circle plus a camera with a transparent hood function. adaptive cruise control, a full package of warm options, acoustic glazing, dual-zone climate control, multimedia video recorder with navigation, recommended price rub 3,570,000. well, today’s review will end completely fresh new hovail h3. it is driven by a one and a half liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 143 horsepower, front-wheel drive, seven-speed automatic transmission, ground clearance of 196 mm, in the list of standard
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equipment. electro. tailgate drive, parking sensors plus all-round camera with a transparent hood, digital instrument panel, heating package, dual-zone climate control, price starts from 2,600,000 rubles. so, svm-g01, thanks to localization, offers the most affordable price tag, and at the same time it is the most large in three. however, the engine is frankly weak, and the rear semi-independent suspension will not please those who love handling comfort. off-road, angular exterior. havaill h3 is deceptive, the base has only front-wheel drive, all-wheel drive is also available, but it comes only in the top version for half a million more, but with exceed lx it’s the other way around, the basic front-wheel drive equipment is richer than the starting all-wheel drive version, and to get the same set of equipment, increased cross-country ability, you'll have to pay a fair amount, but i think in the end everyone will be able to find something of its own, because in the compact class there are both simpler and
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modern options...
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this allows you to hit targets from a safe distance from the line of combat contact. after completing the task, the pilots returned safely to the bulita airfield. crews of the coastal missile systems of the bastion of the black sea fleet, during combat duty , struck at identified ukrainian armed forces facilities in
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the territory. ukraine, the personnel of the division, after receiving data with the coordinates of the targets , moved to a given area, deployed launchers carried out cruise missile launches. the results of objective control confirmed the exact defeat of the designated targets. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived on a working visit to the republic of congo as part of his african tour. negotiations with the leadership of this country will take place today in the city of oio. in the spotlight. there will be further promotion of trade and economic ties between russia and the congo. this year marks the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries. the parties actively support contacts, including at the highest level. right at the airport, lavrov held brief negotiations with the head of the congolese foreign ministry, jean-claude gokasso. today it became known about the conclusion of a new largest contract in the american military-industrial complex.
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the ministry of defense reported that. ordered the lockhead martin company to produce highers multiple launch rocket systems worth about $2 billion. the order must be completed before the summer of '28. how many systems are planned to be produced? put into service is not disclosed. the department also did not explain who will use them, the united states itself or other countries. at least 12 people have died as a result of flooding caused by heavy rains in south africa. large flows of water washed away roads and carried away cars. there are also reports of powerful tornadoes. more than 2.0 people were forced to leave their homes. many buildings have been destroyed. the authorities contacted the local. residents with an appeal to donate clothes and food blankets for the victims. section of the highway in northern taiwan was blocked due to a landslide that hit it. in just a few seconds, the road was blocked by huge masses of soil and trees.
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traffic was blocked in both directions, 10 cars and one motorcycle were damaged; rescue search dogs were sent to the scene. it is currently known that at least two people were injured. in china, a professional tightrope walker walked over an abyss, the depth of which was almost 200 m. he walked on a thin rope across the yellow river. he covered the path over the abyss, more than 500 m long, in 31 minute. the extreme sportsman said that his successful passage symbolizes the fortitude of all chinese people. after the first attempt, the rope walker decided to consolidate his success and walked back with the chinese flag in his hands. next, news from your region, by residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news
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from the capital region: warm but cloudy weather will continue today in moscow and the region. the thermometer will rise to +24°. during the whole day. rain is expected in the region, but not as heavy as the day before. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher, the norm is 743 mm of arterial column. moscow is now affected by a low -pressure wetland that is slowly moving from the northwest, and this means that there is instability in the atmosphere, which contributes to the rapid formation of clouds and precipitation. wednesday, according to weather forecasters. hot weather will return to the capital region; intense precipitation and lower temperatures are expected again on thursday. doctors at the morozov hospital performed a unique operation: doctors discovered a cyst in the patient, which needed to be urgently remove, but this could lead to
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large blood loss, so specialists performed a combined surgical intervention. alexander sandzheev found out the details of the medical method. seventeen-year-old lana flew from vladikavkaz to moscow for examination. i started to feel pain in my back, but my condition worsened sharply, my legs began to go numb, and walking became worse; i had very severe back pain. doctors urgently held a consultation, in which neurosurgeons and oncologists participated, it was necessary to exclude a malignant process, something was compressing the spinal cord. fortunately, it was not oncology, it was a cyst, and they decided to remove it. a major open operation would have resulted in significant blood loss. therefore, doctors at the morozov hospital performed a combined surgical procedure in two. stage, its goal is to close the vessels of the space-occupying lesion as much as possible in the first stage and thereby reduce bleeding from these vessels during a major major radical operation. already on the fifth day after
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the operation, lana was able to get back on her feet. lana, tell me, after the operation, how much do you feel? is it difficult to walk now? and, well, there are no problems at all, i walk around calmly, do all the things i want to do, and no problems. no. each operating room at the morozov hospital has the ability to perform surgical interventions using endoscopic technology, including 4k resolution and 3d visualization. this increases the accuracy of the doctor’s actions and makes rehabilitation easier for the patient. lani had her cyst removed in this operating room; it has the most advanced equipment. another neurosurgical procedure is currently being performed operation. in just one day , four children’s lives are saved here. in the hospital 48. where young patients are treated in thirty medical areas. every year, about 18,000 operations are performed here, almost half of them on an emergency basis. alexander sanzhiev, pavel glazunov, andrey semenov, anastasia roif and ekaterina romanova.
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news. in the center of moscow, restoration of the monumental composition “science and labor” has begun. it is located on the roof of the famous geologists' house on smolenskaya embankment. over the course of several decades, giant sculptures standing in the open air, received. serious damage is now in disrepair; it is necessary to clean it of contamination and restore the lost fragments. the restoration project provides for replacement with exact copies made in polymer concrete, this is a modern material that consists of 85% natural stone and 15% synthetic binder. low water absorption and highest strength guarantee the strength of this material. well preserved, so to speak. the work is planned to be completed by the end of the year. moscow region police conducted a raid at a construction site in podolsk gorodsko. as a result of the inspection
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, more than 200 natives of neighboring countries were brought to administrative responsibility in the district. 93 migrants worked in the region without a patent, and 127 foreigners avoided leaving russia after the expiration of their stay. all news is available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website stay with us. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixas golf villas and sudes sharma shei. magnificent golf resort of the world class, surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style with rixos golf. sharmelsheikh! welcome to the newest
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pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas rodomis charmel sheikh. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise. opens in titanic luxury collection bodrum. good morning.
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we say good morning to each other, to you and to famous characters from the animal world. this is what it looks like morning of panda katyusha. the baby again made visitors of the moscow zoo laugh. this time she was annoyingly waking me up for a very long time. well, it seems like she couldn’t do it for her mother. katyusha usually wakes up very early and immediately runs to her mother, who, of course, somehow plays with her, but clearly through sleep. but katyusha is not upset, puts things in order, checks the pool and the entire enclosure to see if everything is in place. checking with a dentist is also a necessary procedure for you and me. only dental services have become noticeably more expensive, and the price tag is high not a guarantee of quality at all. maybe because the activity is uncontrolled. let's try to figure it out, first in the plot, then with
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the guest. well, now i walk around with a hollywood smile. any hockey player would envy such a smile, because irina only has a pair of front teeth. she was on vacation in volgograd and went to treat a sick incisor, but life changed after visiting the dentist. he pulled a tooth, but the wrong one, one pulled, the second simply broke off. it’s very cold, i can’t drink, i’m sick. reaction that immediately goes numb russians lose their gums and other parts of the body when they see the cost of dental services, while not only the price increases, but also the number of complaints against dentists. most often , complications in dentistry arise precisely because of the low qualifications of specialists who take on work without the appropriate knowledge, skills, or experience. apparently, elena’s son from krasnodar ended up with dentists without experience; the teenager had a baby tooth removed and not. .. despite the serious swelling, they sent me home and said that’s how it should be
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perhaps, when the temperature rose and the child’s condition began to deteriorate, the parents went to the regional hospital, the bone there had already rotted, all three permanent teeth and part of the bone had to be removed, we were urgently hospitalized in the morning , the child had an operation, now elena wants to punish the culprits through the court , a similar story in our country can happen to anyone, because today there is no guarantee that complex cases in dentistry will be entrusted to an experienced doctor and not to a novice. unfortunately , we do not have strict legislative binding specific manipulations and categories, as soon as you receive the appropriate education document, you have the right to perform, well, at least normatively, all manipulations from the simplest to the most complex. in addition to laws, there are also rules of professional communities, and experienced mentors in the clinic must teach a young specialist all the wisdom of dentistry, but for some, profit comes first. lack of internal control.
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doctor significantly expands the range of dental services, modern equipment and tools, however, not everyone buys them, but only rents them. some dentists only on the day of receiving a license create the appearance of a professional hospital with high-quality staff and modern equipment, and after a while everything can change dramatically, but, apparently, no one will know about it. go out and see if all the equipment is in place, are the specialists who are announced really working? here, unfortunately, in my opinion. we still need to move away from the moratorium specifically in terms of life and health of people. managers of dental clinics also need enhanced control; experts believe that existing fines clearly do not motivate them to exercise strict control according to the letter of the law. we will talk about monitoring the quality of dental care with the chairman of the all-russian patients' union, yuri zhulev. now
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there are not only pharmacies, but also dentistry on every corner, and no one checks that it is so easy to get a license. constant, and also, you know, unexpected sometimes, this is not the case now, because there is a certain moratorium, we believe that in the conditions when we talk about medical organizations, including dentistry, yes, dental offices and organizations, there should be no moratorium, there is always a threat to life in healthcare, well,
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because the moratorium does not apply to services that are not associated with a direct threat to life, well how healthcare may not be...
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may be subjective, but a rating is a thing that should stimulate medical organizations to do better work, of course, we need to think about the criteria for such a rating and its formation, yes category, there may be some categories for these clinics, if not assigned to doctors, so that people can navigate here, they can only clean their teeth, no more, they can’t place implants. you know, excuse the comparison, as we look at different organizations of consumer services, and in general different services and trade, and here, since these are frequent clinics, we must evaluate, starting from the comfort and politeness of the staff, so the evaluation, of course, our assessment is subjective, but the quality of
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the services provided, such ratings would help everyone, control by the state, government agencies, roszdravnadzor, i don’t know, ministries. but to be punished by removal from professional activity if a person,
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if a doctor, does not correspond to the position, the profession that he occupies, and control over the quality of dental care? we spoke with the chairman of the all-russian union of patients, yuri zhulev, thank you, thank you, it’s so nice to start. cups of black tea with bergamot, exquisite taste, unique aroma, pleasure in every stroke, morning time to brew azerchai, who is chasing you, no one decided to hide behind children, family song competition, let's get burned, let's get drunk, naughty people, are you sure you want to marry irina, yes, we often do it wrong.
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popular science tourism is being actively developed in the country to see a nuclear reactor or visit a carbon test site. thanks to the tenth anniversary of science and technology, the national project science and universities, everyone can visit the best research institutes in the country. when meeting this gray rodent in everyday life, few people will be happy, but in this case the rat makes a pleasant impression, it is friendly to humans and willingly makes contact. i have hand-bred rats on my hands, which were selected based on their behavior. the animals were caught right on the streets of the novosibirsk academic town, and both friendly and aggressive individuals passed through the yard. in experiments with rodents, geneticists want to understand whether it is possible to influence the character of the animals? the influence of oxytocin is being studied, how it... reduces behavior in aggressive rats, and in tame rats , when oxytocin is administered, it does the opposite
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increases aggression compared to control animals. in fact, this is the first time it has been possible to artificially change the behavior of domesticated animals. it is noteworthy that the result of the experiment can be seen by anyone today. the local vivarium has become one of the attractions of the new direction of scientific tourism. demonstrates the research and development we carry out. master classes through which these research and developments can be demonstrated. the initiative started in 2022. at this point, with the support of a decade of science and technologies of the national project science and universities, you can travel along sixty exclusive routes in 19 regions of the country, from kaliningrad and moscow to the irkutsk region and the far east. tours last from one to 5 days; you can choose the route you like on the page of the official portal of the decade nauka.rf. it’s nice that the choice of destinations is huge, right? if you go to chechnya, you can visit a carbon test site, here researchers select tree varieties that in the future will help reduce the carbon footprint to zero, we
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we mean the absorption of co2 in this case, so we are observing how much emission occurs, that is , what is the absorption of this carbon dioxide from the soil, so we must bring it to zero, and if you go east to tomsk, the tourist is really waiting unique. object - research nuclear reactor. here today they not only train students, but create new medicines for cancer and even modify precious stones. currently, all topazes that exist on earth are transparent, and accordingly, all beautiful topazes have long been dug up, but thanks to some simple, so to speak, operations in our nuclear reactor, we give them such a bluish color, which is very popular in jewelry products. those tourists who go on a tour of the reactor will be able to feel like an operator of the installation. true, in the virtual space, three-dimensional simulators have recently started working here, and it turns out that you will gain new knowledge and play a computer simulator. well, next
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, vera uses creativity in the garden, we’ll tell you how to build a scarecrow so that all the birds we were afraid, after a few minutes, where is the jackdaw? i call and call, but he doesn’t answer the phone. premiere on rtr, let's go, i'll introduce you to kirill, i don't know you, i've never seen you, what if you're a thief, i'm galina, jackdaw, well , we've met, and you said that you're his daughter, and i think you're i know, yes, we met once, and you are here, by what fate, jackdaw, today on rtr. pushkin, a name that
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reflects the whole of russia, boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the big boldensky pond forever. his reflection is how our hearts treasure his words forever. the poet’s network anniversary, this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from boldin’s estate, on thursday on rtr, you abandoned pregnant women and threw money on beards, but i didn’t write this, i really didn’t
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know anything about the child, that is, about you. on sunday, she is my daughter, your brother may especially not like this news, we are all starting a new life, they saw her as a daughter, i hope you understand that you have become a potential heir to a decent condition, and my daughter saw no other way out. elizabeth at first portrayed a loving daughter, and then he killed and robbed and escaped. she didn't need her father, she needed his money. a fragile girl with a five-year-old child in her arms, robs and kills, are you serious, don’t you worry, you will really recover soon and your memory will definitely return, who you are, what you want from us, fate, sunday on rtr, where is your homeland, mine brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you
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serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, like... which was shared, what you have will remain, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. filtered makeup is when everything on the face is smooth, without a single wrinkle. speck. sometimes this technique reaches incredible perfection. the internet was captivated by a video posted by a girl under the pseudonym tiffany. the video, unfortunately, is short, the only thing users want is to figure it out, not is technology involved in this masterpiece? however, judging by the master’s previous works, enthusiastic comments are well deserved. need to check. even scarecrows in the garden require a creative approach. how to build
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a working alarm system? listen, is there something even bigger and even louder, otherwise with these crows at my dacha i need a more serious instrument. well, that's not bad. deafeningly loud, extremely bright, everything is fine in the fight against the pirated guests, if you don’t fight these guys, they will eat up the entire harvest in the garden. however, headache all summer residents. it was decided to make a garden bed protector, he looks like this, he’s not an eagle, of course, but he gets the job done, internet users share their findings of voracious birds, it turns out that they are great at scaring away stuffed birds, and if you add a little sound, you can forget the way to this unfortunate cherry, turn on the recording at a moderate volume, we
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put a bluetooth speaker in the gazebo and programmed. on the morning timer, however, sometimes the repeller must solve more global problems, protect the garden not only from birds, but also from all uninvited guests in general. for such purposes, bloggers advise using larger-scale work: make a girl out of him, for example, hang him instead of waistbands, put a skirt on him, make breasts. pugolos have long turned into a special type of garden art, and the most unusual works receive millions of views on the internet. agree, such monuments are human. creativity and patience deserve respect; it’s clear that the master tried to create a good design code. yes, such work will not only scare away animals, neighbors, maybe the best thing, in any case , you can make such a garden sculpture from scrap materials, old bottles, boards, metal, clothes, a little wire will do, but the main ingredient is your ingenuity,
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you’ve got some kind of clown, and with balls, in general, get creative , create garden masterpieces and don’t forget, this is the case when the scarier the better, but visual accuracy will only bring you additional likes. antonina mikhailovna, i see you’re not you, i came in to ask for tea leaves, after all neighbors should help each other. and then, digital trade. well, our orders have been found, in my opinion, an excellent place for an online store. now it’s clear why parcels arrive. in this form, you need to write complaints, yes, all your complaints will come there on the digital platform, but they do not bear any responsibility, you must be responsible for any activity, and about this... we will talk with the expert very soon, look, he he opens them, yes, he checks their quality, it’s just there, let’s go at least a coconut from him, you
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’re watching the news on the russia channel, good morning in the studio of andrey shevtse. assault troops liberated several villages in the donetsk direction. our units used a robot to... undermine the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the total area of ​​forest fires in the trans-baikal territory and buryat is 100.00 hectares; a federal-level emergency regime has been introduced. heavy rainfall led to a flood in china. flooding in southern germany, river levels are rising, there are deaths. at the beginning of a special military operation. detachments of the first army corps of the southern group of forces liberated several villages in the donetsk direction. the military acted quickly, without allowing the enemy to resist. during the assault, the nationalists
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were destroyed, the settlements of netaylova and pervomaiskaya were liberated. thus, russian units took more advantageous positions for a further offensive. we entered from pervomaisky both on foot and on armor. broke through the enemy’s defenses, it was certainly difficult to liberate, but the enemy did not have such strong strong fortifications, there were trenches, dugouts, which also quickly cleared and drove the enemy out of them, in the avdeevka direction, military personnel special forces units of a group of troops, the center used the ground-based robotic complex frog, they attached several mines to an unmanned platform, and then... brought it closer to the identified target and remotely carried out a detonation, destroying a machine-gun point. armored vehicles, weapons, and fortified positions of the nationalists
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are destroyed by artillerymen. crews of long-range geocinth guns hit targets not only on the front line, but behind enemy lines. report by eduard punigov. today the artillerymen of the vostok group from... received the task of hitting targets in in the vicinity of urozhainy, it is necessary to open several fortified areas. with heavy fire they pave the way for the assault units that are working on the front line of the southern donetsk direction. geocinths also conduct counter-battery combat, their main targets are artillery pieces in the ssu, but if necessary, the installation can fire at armored vehicles. this machine is almost beyond the pale.
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and these shots were taken on a neighboring section of the front, on the march of the t-80 bvm. marine tankers of the pacific fleet support the offensive infantry in the konstantinovka area. tankers from primorye were the first to enter novomikhailovka, clearing the way for the column with landing troops. here is a video of that battle: a tank hits a minefield, explosions follow one after another. enemy artillery immediately began firing at the tank. this is the same tank that took part in the battles
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for novomikhailovka, then the combat vehicle received numerous damage, rollers, dynamic protection, barbecue, optics, even a cannon, but the tank withstood numerous explosions and the crew managed to return to the place under their own power location. now the tank is damaged. undergoing maintenance in the rear area, and the crew is preparing for new offensive operations. the next strategic goal is konstantinovka - from it there is a direct road to the ugledar grouping of the ukrainian armed forces. eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead the yuzhnodonetsk direction. the official representative of mitrossia, maria zakharova, called on the us authorities to answer the question of what constitutional amendment they were guided by by not releasing scott ritter from the country. previously, former american intelligence officer and inspector u. reported that he was removed from a flight from new york to istanbul, through which he was going to fly to russia to participate in the st. petersburg international economic forum. according to him , they didn’t tell him the reason, they only told him. that this is being done at the direction of
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the state department. ritor was taken out of the airport and his suitcases were returned. the first amendment to the american constitution guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press. the fourth amendment prohibits unreasonable searches. israel came under heavy fire from hezbollah. lebanese movement attacked large-caliber shells and komikat drones for the northern part of the country. this caused the grass there to catch fire due to the dry weather. the fire spread quickly. in several settlements, the flames reached residential buildings, and local residents were urgently evacuated. it is reported that 11 people were injured while extinguishing the fire, a section of one of the highways was blocked, and additional fire crews from other regions were sent to fight the fire. a state of emergency at the federal level was introduced in the trans-baikal territory of buryatia, due to forest fires, the situation in the territory regions is complex, but controllable, reported in rosla ghod. to fight the fire
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, 400 fire fighters from the aviation police and regional air departments were sent to these regions. currently, in the trans-baikal region of buryatia , 38 fires are being extinguished, the total area of ​​which is almost 100,000 hectares; in total , 1,300 people and 164 pieces of equipment are involved in extinguishing. heavy rain hit southern china, causing severe flooding and transport disruptions, and damage to agriculture. roads and residential buildings, the first floors of buildings were flooded, more than a hundred local residents have been evacuated, according to meteorologists, heavy rain will fall until the middle of this week, with a high probability it can trigger flooding in urban areas, landslides , residents of southern germany continue to suffer from severe floods, in a number of areas, road and railway communications have been interrupted according to initial some places are estimated to have received more rainfall in one day than the average for an entire month. and the water level reached
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levels that are usually recorded once a century, as a result of the rampant nature, two people died. the situation remains critical, river levels continue to rise. the chinese umbrella chang e-6 launched from the lunar surface with soil samples. the collected materials were placed in a container inside the lifting module. two methods were used to collect samples, including using a surface-grabbing drill . robotic arm, after sampling was completed, the chinese national flag was unfurled on the far side of the moon for the first time, which was delivered by the lander. next, news regions, stay with us. now news from the capital region: warm but cloudy weather will continue. today in moscow and the region
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the thermometer will rise to +24°. rain is expected throughout the day in the capital region, but not as heavy as the day before. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal - 743 mmhg. rescuers conducted the first security raid on reservoirs near moscow after the onset of warm weather. they inspected the waters of the beaches of the russian reservoir, talked with vacationers, as well as owners of small boats ships. the inspectors said. the use of life jackets, as well as the rules for parking in the beach area. cooling arches have appeared in twenty-six moscow parks. this is a special design equipped with a water spray system. technologies ensure uniform cooling of the space without creating puddles or inconvenience for visitors. such arches will help you endure the heat more easily, reducing the risk of heatstroke and other health problems associated with overheating. all news is available.
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platform, look at the application or on the website look at, see you in almost 20 minutes. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes. variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. hotel for an unforgettable experience rix sharma sheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances.
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djs from all over the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created for... consult buffet i sing the buffet the buffet sings, but the conductor doesn’t, and what do you motivate, do it your way, i take responsibility for myself, and i’ll say what the mood sings, catch me if you can, a big musical show, how is that possible, no, what’s not, in friday. on rtr, good morning everyone, good morning, summer continues, the work week continues, today is
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june 4, tuesday in the morning of russia studio, vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova. we continue to work, work in general for the good of the cause, almost half of the parents encourage their children’s desire to earn extra money.
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a broken product, a muscovite ordered it on a popular marketplace, and the return option was listed there, but nevertheless, the customer was unable to return the non-working device . the application was supposed to be considered within 2-3 days, but it was considered for more than a month, there may have been a lot of requests, maybe all the goods were of poor quality, and i still didn’t understand, but in the end i was refused, regina romanova faced another problem , on the marketplace she ordered perfumes from famous brands based on the first notes of the fragrances muscovite... i understand, it’s a fake, original perfume, it’s actually very perfumed, light, beautiful, and this perfume, you know, there’s some kind of aftertaste, the worst thing is that i ’ve sprayed myself, i have beauty has yet appeared for me, the story about heroin is no exception, it’s more likely the rule,
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almost every second client of marketplaces faces one or another trouble, long delivery, low-quality or non-descript goods, difficulties with returns and of course a large number of counterfeits when people they buy goods, they for... don’t know how high-quality the product is, in fact, the original is not the original, even marketplaces now have such a die for the original, but even this does not give a 100% guarantee that you will receive the original in your hands , spoiled mood, lost money , quite a high price for the convenience of online shopping, it’s high time to start monitoring the work of marketplaces - experts are sure, while in russian legislation there is not even such a definition, today online hypermarkets are considered equal to aggregators, that is, they are responsible only for information, but not always for goods.
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for the most part, it is regulated by internal documents of the platform; of course, to unify these disputes and unpleasant situations, it would be more optimal for consumers, including if there was some kind of unified law that developed certain rules that no platform could go out. a single rule is necessary in order to make digital trade as transparent as the work of offline stores, because judging by the growth rate, in a few years, the turnover of e- commerce in russia may approach the volume of physical sales. today, the share of online purchases is about 14% of the turnover of all retail trade. there is something to discuss with the chairman of the state duma committee on industry and trade, vladimir gutyunev. hello, with such and such a percentage of turnover and not a single clear law
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regulating this market, well, it doesn’t happen. well, firstly, there is a trade law, which in principle regulates trade and many of its provisions can be used by the consumer. including going to court, but you are absolutely right in saying that there should be a separate law that would regulate the relationship between all participants in marketplaces, these are not only aggregators, these are... and order pick-up points, these are suppliers of goods, and of course , we are consumers, and my colleague from the federation council and i introduced a bill on regulating marketplaces, which clearly stipulated the protection of the rights of all participants in this market, plus we quite seriously established restrictions on the monopoly position, that is, general provisions for all marketplaces, and for those who occupy a dominant position...
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with prescribed sanctions, with responsibility to us, consumers who pay money and then receive either a low-quality product or the wrong size, especially recently we have been faced with the fact that that a product that comes from abroad, firstly, it takes a long time, very often there is a problem with returns, at some stage this is what the marketplace should have made the engine for the entry of small...
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marketplaces can promote their products , v including under their own brand, on the other hand, so that this share is not dominant if they promote goods from abroad. it’s good that the understanding has come that we need to do all this, this type of trading did not arise yesterday, and not only concerns trading platforms, about these intermediaries, aggregators, for example, taxis, as before, yes, we discussed how many times in this studio, why this is not immediately clear.
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signal, as a signal for those goods that are supplied from china, for example, for which the return is very difficult, so the responsibility, systems of fines and the balance of interests within this complex system, thank you, thank you, we spoke with the chairman of the state duma committee on industry and trade, vladimir gotinev, about how to regulate the work of marketplaces. what are you suggesting i do, get into someone else’s life, why someone else’s, this should have been your life. you are the real daughter of the krasheninnikovs, and not victoria. jackdaw, premiere. today at 21:20. he took it and ruined everything.
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the eruption of the underwater volcano hungatong hunga-hapai in the pacific ocean 2.5 years ago, caused adverse consequences for the climate of the entire earth. australian scientists came to this conclusion; their calculations showed that this catastrophe, which few people even know about, will affect the weather. for many years, well, this summer is expected to be much more humid, all because the intense heat turned up to 150 million tons of sea water into steam, that’s 60,000 basins, all this moisture from the stratosphere will be sent back, but life goes on no matter what weather, and russians are increasingly looking for part-time work employment. kristina sorokina about the peculiarities of working at a pull-up station. my husband’s work involves business trips, our grandmothers also work, that is... taking care of the child, sick leave, with him, all this fell on my shoulders, so anastasia fedoto from krasnodar
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had to forget about work 5:2 in the first 2 years since the birth of my son. now artyom is already four, while the baby is in kindergarten, his mother can devote several hours to earning money right from home. it wasn’t on the first try that i managed to get a position as a copywriter for a large trading company, but now i have the opportunity to start save money and please your family with small gifts. in principle, i manage to combine this work. plus she is officially employed and takes care of the child at home, a job with a fixed salary of 20,000 with a fixed time of 4 hours a day and... this type of part-time employment, that is, less than 40 standard hours a week, is popular with many young mothers , experts confirm. in addition to them , pregnant women, parents of children under 14 years of age or disabled children can apply for a part-time schedule under 18 years of age, as well as people who need care for sick relatives by law, employers do not have the right to refuse to provide
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part-time work to these categories of employees, and if a person for some reason wants to change the work schedule, he must write a free application form and, after the approval of the boss , attach additional agreements to the current employment contract or draw up a new one with the agreed conditions if you are applying for another place of work, however, experts remind that the salary will be in any case less than usual. the law very clearly states that it should be proportional to the working time worked, that is, if a person usually works 8 hours, then 40 hours a week, then proportionally worked 5 hours, get paid for 5 hours, for example, the manager received 60,000 rubles per month, at the same time it worked. 8:5 days a week, due to pregnancy i decided to go part-time, it is easy to calculate that the salary will be half as much, however , such an employee must retain the remaining guarantees in full at least, lawyers say. an employee who works part-time is subject to all local regulations that exist at the enterprise, that is, if there is a collective agreement there,
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then everything means that all guarantees and benefits apply to him, which means that such an employee will there be sick pay? and vacation of at least 28 calendar days, and the calculation of travel allowances will be according to the standard algorithm, taking into account the average earnings for the last year, and if desired, the possibility the employee may return to the normal forty-hour week by notifying his superiors in writing in advance. and then, i was once a strange nameless toy, which no one in the store would fit, and now they’re even making a movie about it, here’s the long-awaited continuation about the new adventures of the beloved hero: in a few minutes, what are we celebrating? your birthday is like an aphrodite made of sea foam, and the guy is okay, so reliable, you finally decided everything, he saved my life, maria nikanova, egor barinov, there is a huge gap between us, ksyusha, you are amazing
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woman, and i left, as he left, to a friend. shore on friday at rtr, here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, here they come, oh, you’re good. caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab with his claws like that, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for
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their beloved pets, where you're flying after the performance, you're in a hurry, guys, should i feed the hamster? you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, hello, i’m coming to you for an interview, and i guessed, well, you ’re ready to start, look on saturday, this is zhenya, your new nanny, you think i don’t see how she looks at you, smiles, all these exchanges of glances, get out. who else are you leaving? there are different job offers, you managed to please kolya, which means you will be able to play my girlfriend and charm everyone, i mean, but she expects something completely different proposals, my son anton is getting married, what are you doing, what the hell kind of wedding? you’ll just leave, after everything that happened, you think it’s
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right, i think what starts with deception doesn’t end well, anton, love for hire on saturday. on rtr , catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, i try it, the level of inflammation decreases , pain... decreases, can something useful be pleasant, fiction, can science be understood, and you make a wish, right? yes, m, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region
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of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula, on sunday on rtr, let’s let's finally meet, christina, your younger sister, what's the family? hello, where did you even come from, but she copied everything to christina, i won’t budge until i throw this impostor out of our house, i won’t give up what i got from my family, we must unite against her and not let this paraidoha take over our money , our factory, which i don’t understand at all, for us to become a real family, we’re sealed under seven seals already on the website in the app. volunteer alisa bogomolova is caring for 11 baby squirrels at home; they were brought to the animal rehabilitation center for residents of novosibirsk. due to a series of heavy rains, the animals lost their parents. well, for now
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the squirrels live right in the apartment, but soon they will move to a special enclosure on the territory of the local zoo, alice feeds the cubs milk, plays with them. and some more positive news: cheburashka is coming back. the highest -grossing film in the history of russian cinema will receive a sequel. have already started, the adventure begins, let's knock it off, you think why am i wearing glasses, i drank once, that's it, sort it out, this is for me, according to the well-known film tradition, if each of the participants in the filming process keeps a piece of the commemorative plate until the end of filming, the film will work excellent, however, for everyone here this is already the second fragment, according to the film’s producer vitaly... but, exactly this is the key to future success. we did everything possible, we retained our entire team that created the project, we did not lose a single person, all the art is with us, and
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we added the same writers, the same director, the same artists, and many, many new adventures, we got ready, the camera started rolling, we started, and for starters, cheburashka is getting a little older, in the new film he is no longer just a cute, spontaneous kid, but rather a teenager, so the genius played by sergei garmash.
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even more painful notes will be even thinner, which means we are getting ready to wipe away the tears of laughter and tenderness, the new cheburashka will not leave viewers of any age indifferent, because it is about the most important thing - family, love, mutual understanding, all that remains is to be patient, the premiere is scheduled for early 2026. however, a truly good movie is worth the wait. and the distance is cramped, but not offended, but not for life. i am making this entry in case i don’t
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survive. it's 6:53 on the nineteenth solo and i'm alive. look at him, he survived in a small apartment, with smaller people housing happens. for subscribers, but by the way, i understand him perfectly well, living for a long time at 10 km takes a toll on the psyche, we’re not preparing for flights to mars, that’s right, well, that ’s how they survive in tiny apartments, we ’ll tell you very soon what to tell them, that he is not the only one here, that he woke us up at all, i survived the eighteenth sol, the broadcast continues to work live, in the studio... shevtsov, hello! at the beginning of the progress of a special military operation, the anti-aircraft crew of the tor m2 missile system destroyed the polish attack drone war war in the sky over
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the kharkov region. sam crews effectively fight enemy drones. in the last 3 days alone, they have destroyed over twenty air targets of the ukrainian military. the torem-2 complex is specifically designed for air cover of ground forces. it is capable of detecting and hitting targets from a distance of more than 30 km. we can work on the move and from a place. well, since ours have now gone on the offensive, attack, we are covering the positional areas. therefore, we capture the area where our infantry is located, therefore cover occurs constantly, the crews of su-34 fighter bombers attacked the enemy’s strong point and personnel in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the center group of forces, the strike was delivered by unguided fab 500 aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module, this allows you
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to express targets from a safe distance from... combat contact. after completing the task, the pilots returned safely to the departure airfield. calculations of coastal missile systems bastion of the black sea fleet during combat duty attacked identified ukrainian armed forces targets on the territory of ukraine. division personnel after receiving data with coordinates. targets moved to a given area, deployed launchers and launched cruise missiles. the results of objective control confirmed the exact defeat of the designated targets. today it became known about the conclusion of a new largest contract in the american military-industrial complex. the department of defense said it has ordered lockhead martin to produce the hymarc multiple launch rocket systems. amount of about 2 billion dollars. the order must
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be completed before the summer of 20.8. exactly how many systems are planned to be put into service is not disclosed. the department also did not explain who would use them, the united states itself or other countries. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived on a working visit to the republic of congo as part of his african tour. negotiations with the leadership of this country will take place today in the city of oyo. the focus will be on further promotion of trade and economic relations between russia and congo. celebrates this year. since the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries, the parties have been actively maintaining contacts, including at the highest level. right at the airport , lavrov held brief negotiations with the head of the congolese foreign ministry, jean-claude gokasso. at least 12 people have died as a result of flooding in south africa caused by heavy rains . flows of water washed away roads and carried away cars. there are also reports
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of powerful tornadoes. more. for the victims clothes, food blanket. a section of the highway in northern taiwan was blocked due to a landslide. in just a few seconds , the road was blocked by huge masses of soil and trees. traffic is blocked in both directions. 10 cars and one motorcycle were damaged. a rescuer was sent to the scene.
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the nathan walker decided to consolidate his success and walked back with the chinese flag in his hands. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region: warm, but cloudy weather persists in moscow and the region. the thermometer will rise to +24°. rain is expected throughout the day in the capital region, but not as heavy as the day before. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal - 743 mm of arterial column. moscow is now affected by a low -pressure trough that is slowly moving from the northwest, and this means that there is instability in the atmosphere that contributes to the rapid
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occurrence. clouds to precipitation. on wednesday, according to weather forecasters in the capital region hot weather will return, intense precipitation and lower temperatures are expected again on thursday. according to the data center, the congestion of the capital's streets is now one point ; the roads are absolutely free; in the coming hours , the density of congestion may increase to 3 points. doctors at the morozov hospital performed a unique operation. an 17-year-old patient from vladikavkaz had severe back pain, but her condition worsened sharply and her legs began to go numb. doctors discovered a cyst that had to be urgently removed. the operation would lead to significant blood loss, so the specialists performed.
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rub. over the more than twenty-year history of the competition, 3,400 different initiatives have received support. the restoration of the composition “science and labor”, located on
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the roof of the famous geologists’ house, has begun in the capital. over the course of several decades, the giant sculptures standing in the open air have received serious damage and are now in disrepair . i found out what work the specialists have to do. artyom kuznetsov. for 70 years , the sculptures have never been restored. time left its mark. there are a lot of lost elements, there is corrosion. specialists will have to carefully restore the monuments. the sculptures will first be cleared of dirt, then they will be strengthened and the lost elements will be reassembled. as part of the planned work , silicone molds will be removed from the sculptures, then an exact copy will be made in the workshops in a new polymer-concrete material. since the sculptures are operated in open conditions. spheres and are subject to the influence of climatic factors such as water and frost, they came to this the state in which they are located, the degree of destruction does not allow them to be restored. according to restoration canons, if the degree
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of preservation of an object does not allow it to be restored, then it is replaced. the house was built in the fifties of the 20th century in the stalinist empire style according to the design of the architect andrei rostkovsky. 5 years ago it was recognized as an architectural monument, and its decorations came under protection. this composition and statues were created by the soviet sculptor yuri orekhov. restoration work will begin very soon and will be carried out under supervision specialists from moscow city heritage. by decision of the mayor of moscow, funding was allocated for restoration, initial emergency measures were carried out, and an inspection of all sculptures, the entire sculptural composition and decorative elements was carried out. the house will not be without a calling card for long. the work will be completed by the end of the year. restorers promise that the sculptures made from the new material will last. more than one century. artyom kuznetsov, nikita shchuchkin and maria rudakova, lead. all news is available on the media platform, look in the application or on website, stay with us.
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discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bedrum, exceptional service, incredible. culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in exciting adventures of exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort.
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the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshery collection bodrum. mom didn’t end up in ukraine; she was buried there. since i was fourteen, i have not been to my grave. masha rasputina, one of the first to hold. our army, russia must have its own path, this is the heart of the world, if it ceases to exist, the whole world will perish, live on the country. good morning everyone, good morning, start a new day with us, a charge of vigor and good mood is guaranteed to you, today is june 4, tuesday, vladislav zavya, vera krasova are with you this morning, just like in the song in our house. a wonderful neighbor really appeared,
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a humanoid robot, created by an engineer from vladimir anton adrianov, assembled from improvised means, the head, for example, is made of two plates, a homemade android is capable of going up and down stairs, and also turning around, squatting, swaying from side to side, although the machine can’t speak yet, but it will soon learn, it promises inventors while it selects the timbre of its voice, it also intends to develop the thinking abilities of its brainchild, oh well , that in... an apartment there is room to turn around, a modern one-room studio is much more modest in footage, why optimization of space sometimes reaches the point of absurdity, let's try to figure it out. 20, 15 and even 10 m, it seems developers compete to see who can build and put into operation the tiniest property, in turn, buyers use all their imagination to accommodate in cramped conditions, rule one, the fewer things the better, the second condition is endless. the toilet room is very small, there is a shower stall
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and, accordingly, a toilet, all this merges into this hole, one table for work and for lunches from bathroom dinners with friends, muscovite irina laughs, the conditions for comfortable living in a small apartment are comprehended with experience, so i woke up in the morning, i moved a little bit, i moved a little more, i already have a kettle, i already have tea, however, the heroine admits that because of work she is not often at home, and the disadvantages of such cramped living doesn’t notice at all, i leave moscow very often, i have such a job, i’m constantly on the road, this little cute hole came right to my heart. another thing is permanent life in a small apartment, and even with a family, and in terms of per square meter, the price small housing is often even higher than a standard apartment. by the way, despite the high price tag, you shouldn’t expect first-class repairs, the expert shrugs. the price is inflated in any case, but from an expert point of view i can say that the quality is high. approximately, of course, the same, it ’s just that if your apartment is small, all
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the shortcomings are simply more visible, if you have a large apartment and somewhere there are uneven walls in one place, you may not notice, when the apartment itself is small in all respects, you are in in any case, you will take into account all the shortcomings, however in the near future, the situation will change; in moscow, a ban will be introduced on the construction of apartments with an area of ​​less than 28 m2 for one-room studio apartments and 44 m2 for two-room apartments. projects from may 7 that will be submitted for approval. projects for the construction of residential buildings, they will not be coordinated if housing projects do not comply with these minimum standards, accordingly, it is no longer possible to build anything less than 28, well, you need to understand that according to the social and sanitary standards for today this the norm that is used for the commissioning of social housing, moreover, the bill proposes... to exclude small-sized apartments from apathetic programs
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with state support, experts are sure that this can seriously change the real estate market and force buyers to pay attention to completely different options: firstly, sooner in all, i will switch to the secondary housing market, because it will become more affordable, and besides this, there is the option that they will pay attention to individual housing construction. by the way, the changes will not affect apartments in housing, most often those purchased for rental can still be found in absolutely any size. but experts say it’s screwed up, you know, here
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, as far as it’s screwed up, of course, there is always some kind of personal attitude, because when you and i are talking, here’s an eleven-meter apartment, if it cost half a million rubles, there would be a different attitude, about half a mile in moscow , but now why is it so expensive, it has communications, it has, it has the need for all the necessary approvals, it even has more walls, if you look at how many there are such. the first attempt from the state, i think it will be successful, which is gradually turning in the direction of not stimulating the purchase of small apartments, there are minimums, minimorums, below which such apartments cannot be sold, this means you cannot get a soft loan, they will look, that’s where the problem is , that
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it won’t turn out that they will start building apartments plus 1 km in area, which will skyrocket in price, but how to reverse it? will answer questions about antitrust policy? is long-term rent a solution? firstly, indeed
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, not every person should be an owner if a person receives an apartment for rent, but at the same time he understands that he is slowly paying the rent. forms a down payment for himself, this money will then be counted towards him as a down payment on a mortgage, this is not a russian invention, this is the case in world practice, it is conveniently possible, lizine, you can call it real estate leasing, or you can say that it is a lease with the right to buy, and if this right of redemption is granted to the state, it will take over and the person will to pay this rent to the state, you can expand the question, and you can expand the question to another enterprise, because we are colliding.
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and it’s a little more interesting to do such things, these are land issues, these are tax issues, issues of taxation of both land and profit, so that such a project is social, thank you, thank you, about how to change the real estate market in favor of comfortable and affordable housing, we spoke with the head of the department of mortgage and housing lending at the financial university under the government of russia, alexander tseganov, have a nice day, mutually, this song, written to the verses of nikolai rubtsov, is considered by many to be a folk song; the tragic fate of the vologda poet is remembered only by specialists and a woman who has been carrying the climate killer for more than half a century. i have been oppressed for 53 years, a frank
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conversation with the only witness to the night when the poet died. malakhov, today at 16:30. buenos aires is... overrun by jedi. fans of the star wars saga gathered in the argentine capital to celebrate the day of the cult film. actually, the unofficial international star wars day is celebrated on 4 may, but as they say, better late than not then. in the central square, in front of the famous monument, which the locals simply call the obelisk, dozens of ominous darths, vaders, brave jedi and younglings, young warriors gathered, and of course, a robot and... and in the chat, the eleventh trans-baikal international film festival, the critics' court , ended and the audience was presented with 50 completely different genre films. this is not an optical illusion under the feet of festival guests, instead of the usual red carpet of the most popular color of the blooming blasphemy in these parts.
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these bright colors and emotions freeze the hearts and spectators of the participants. this is the place of my childhood, where i grew up. in the north of the chin region, of course, i have a lot in common with chita; a festival is always a small life, and here in chita, this life was very full. and above all, the film festival program turned out to be full. this year, films from 26 countries took part in it; only the short film competition night of short film received more than 500 applications, so the jury was faced with a difficult task, as a result, the novice director received two awards at once sergei shimyakin. a story about a young man who unexpectedly, unexpectedly received superpowers with...
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a common passion for cinema. in the main program of films there were eight contenders for victory, infinitely different, but surprisingly, about one thing. i liked the theme, well, firstly, it was chosen from the very beginning, yes, around the age of seven, some kind of stories within family, relationships and so on. the winners and members of the jury recognized the film achilles, a co-production of france. and iran's piercing, alas, more relevant than ever story about refugees and people, ready to help those who suddenly lost everything that made up the meaning of their lives, the award for best director went to yakut film author nikolai koryakin, his film story tim mir is a whole poem about the relationship between an orphaned father and son. by the way, this particular film received probably the most flattering award for the authors - the audience award . thanks to our viewers, those who watched the film "timir".
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management, how to get on an excursion to a research institute, we’ll tell you soon, i haven’t felt so good for a long time, me too it was very good, oh, on saturday, i ’m pregnant, you’ll soon become a dad, that means he’s just like everyone else, he decided to hit on you, and he’s married, and i’m pregnant light, somehow i got confused, you got lost between. ..
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but it seems that this is not enough, i’m ready to take responsibility, the stars will hear me, i hope, but can i get tamara’s advice? be very attentive and impulsive, catch me if you can, big music show, does not sing, sings the choice was made on friday on rtr,
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provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism is a parallel agenda, continuing the conversation in new you... health, dispelling myths, helping to find out the truth, how act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that,
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what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you will need only five ingredients that will benefit the whole body, it takes two from the onset of the disease to its manifestation ten years, so the whole family needs to be examined, the most important thing... from monday to friday on rtr. they searched for a long time, but still found it. there are 16 stolen cars in the abandoned garage, up to which, the total value of the stolen cars is about 270 million rubles. by photo. everyone understands that we are talking about very rare vehicles, the cars were discovered in the canadian province of ontario during a large-scale police operation, and
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the cars disappeared at different times, the search did not lead to anything, so they were found... all at once in the town of sterling, criminals they found that they were arrested, and the cars were returned to their rightful owners. and if you dream of a compact crossover, then it makes sense to first listen to our colleague, ivan zenkevich. recently , several interesting new products in the class of compact crossovers have appeared on our market, and some of them turned out to be quite roomy in practice, but let’s get acquainted. let's start with... the g01 crossover from the chinese brand svm, the production of which was launched at the kaliningrad avtotor. under the hood is a one and a half liter turbocharged engine, 139 horsepower, front-wheel drive, seven-speed gearbox, robotic, ground clearance 170 mm. the base will have a panoramic roof with electric drive, a rear view camera, and climate control. the price starts from 2 ml 178. and this is the recently updated xit
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lx, it’s supposed to. engine with a working volume of 1.6 liters, power of 150 horsepower, front-wheel drive seven-speed robot, ground clearance 175 mm, the database includes parking sensors in a circle plus a camera with a transparent hood function, adaptive cruise control, full package of warm options, acoustic glazing, dual-zone climate control, multimedia video recorder with navigation, recommended price rub 3,570,000. well, it will end. today's review is a completely new havaill h3. it is driven by a one and a half liter turbocharged engine with a capacity of 143 horsepower, front-wheel drive, seven-speed automatic transmission, ground clearance of 196 mm, in the list of standard equipment. electric tailgate, parking sensors plus all-round camera with transparent hood, digital instrument panel, heating package, dual-zone climate control,
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price starts from rub 2,600,000. so, svm g01, thanks to localization, offers the most affordable price tag, and at the same time it is the largest of the three. however, the engine is frankly weak, and the rear semi-independent suspension will not please those who love handling comfort. the off-road angular appearance of the havail h3 is deceptive. the base has only front-wheel drive. there is also a full version, but it only comes in the top version, which costs half a million more. but with xxit lx it’s the other way around. basic front-wheel drive equipment. richer than the starting all-wheel drive version, and to get the same set of equipment with increased cross-country ability, you will have to pay a decent amount extra, but i think in the end everyone will be able to find something of their own, because in the compact class there are both simpler options and modern models with a fashionable off-road appearance. well, then go to the dentist, how to find such a doctor so that you don’t lose your teeth and overall health. who controls
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the qualifications of dentists? we'll figure it out later. you are watching news on the channel russia, good morning, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. assault troops liberated several villages in the donetsk direction. our units used a robot to undermine positions in the armed forces of ukraine. the total area of ​​forest fires in the transbaikal region of buryatia. flood in china, flooding in southern germany, river levels are rising, there are deaths. at the beginning of the progress of the special military operation, the assault detachments of the first army corps of the southern group of forces liberated several
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villages in the donetsk direction. the military acted.
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armored vehicles, weapons, fortified positions the nationalists are destroyed by artillerymen. crews of long-range geocent guns hit targets not only on the front line. but behind enemy lines. report by eduard punigov. today , artillerymen of the vostok group from buryatia received the task of hitting targets in the vicinity of urozhainy. it is necessary to open several fortified areas. with heavy fire they pave the way for the assault units that are working on the front line of the southern donetsk direction.
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path for a convoy with landing troops, here is a video of that battle: a tank ends up in a minefield, explosions follow one after another. enemy artillery immediately began firing at the tank. they shot at us, our cannon failed, tral flew up and
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hit the cannon, and the cannon malfunctioned. at this time, our assault units were already entrenched in the enemy’s strongholds. the tankers completed their task 100%. this is the same tank that took part in the battles for novomikhailovka, when the combat vehicle received numerous damage. dynamic protection, barbecue, optics, even a cannon, but the tank withstood numerous explosions and the crew managed to return to their location under their own power. now the damaged tank is undergoing maintenance in the rear area, and the crew is preparing for new offensive operations. the next strategic goal is konstantinovka, from it there is a direct road to the ugledar grouping of the ukrainian armed forces. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the yuzhnodonetsk direction. official representative of mitrossia zakharova. called on the us authorities to answer the question of what constitutional amendment they were guided by by not letting scott ritter leave the country. earlier, a former american intelligence officer and un inspector reported that his removed from a flight from new york to istanbul, through
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which he was planning to fly to russia to participate in the st. petersburg international economic forum. according to him, they did not tell him the reason, they only said that this was being done on the instructions of the state department. ritter was escorted out of the airport and his suitcases were returned. israel came under heavy fire from hezbollah, the lebanese movement attacked the northern part of the country with large-caliber shells and kamikat drones, which led to the grass burning there due to dry weather, after which the fire quickly spread. in several settlements, the flames reached residential buildings, and local residents were urgently evacuated. it is reported that 11 people were injured during the fire extinguishing, a section of one of the highways was blocked, and additional fire crews from other regions were sent to fight the fire. a state of emergency at the federal level was introduced in the trans-baikal territory of buryatia due to
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forest fires. the situation in the regions is difficult, but controllable, the roslkhoz reported. 400 paratroopers were sent to these regions to fight the fire, firefighters, aviation forest protection and regional aviation departments. currently... a total of 1,300 people and 164 pieces of equipment are involved in the fire extinguishing effort. heavy rainfall has hit southern china, causing severe flooding and transport disruptions, with damage to farmland, roads and residential buildings. the first floors of the building were flooded and more than a hundred local residents were evacuated. according to meteorologists, heavy rain will fall until the middle of this year... with a high probability it can provoke flooding in urban areas landslides. residents of southern germany continue to suffer from severe flooding. in a number of areas, road and rail communications have been interrupted. according to initial
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estimates, some places received more rainfall in one day than the average for an entire month, and water levels reached levels usually recorded once a century. as a result of the rampant disaster, two people died. the situation remains critical . chinese-6 launched from the surface of the moon, with soil samples. the collected materials were placed in a container inside the lift. when collecting samples, two methods were used, including using a surface capture drill with a robotic arm. after the selection process was completed, the chinese national flag was unfurled on the far side of the moon for the first time and was delivered by the lander. next, regional news, stay with us. now
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news from the capital region: warm but cloudy weather will continue today in moscow and the region. the thermometer will rise to +24°. throughout the day in the capital rain is expected in the region, but not as heavy as the day before. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal at 743 mmhg. rescuers conducted the first security raids on reservoirs near moscow after the onset of warm weather. year, they examined the waters of the beaches, the russian reservoir, talked with vacationers, as well as owners of small boats. the inspectors spoke about the importance of using life jackets, as well as the rules for parking in the beach area. cooling arches have appeared in twenty-six moscow parks. this is special design equipped with a water spray system. technologies ensure uniform cooling of the space without creating puddles or inconvenience for... visitors, such
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arches will help you endure the heat more easily, reduce the risk of heatstroke and other health problems associated with overheating. look for yourself, all the news is available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, see you. titanic luxury collection. treat yourself to a first-class holiday. slizors, elegant
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details, a celebration of refined tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, where is the daw, i call, i call, he doesn’t answer the phone, the premiere is on rtr. let me introduce you to kirill? i don’t know you, i’ve never seen you, what if you’re even a thief? i'm galina, galka. well, we met. did you say that you are his daughter? and i think i know you. yes, we met once. and you are here, what fate? jackdaw. today on rtr.
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good morning, we say good morning to each other, you and famous characters from the animal world. this is what panda katyusha's morning looks like. the baby again made visitors of the moscow zoo laugh. this time she spent a very long time annoyingly waking up her mother, but it seemed she couldn’t do it. katyusha usually wakes up very early and immediately runs to her mother, who of course somehow plays with her, but i... completely in a dream, but katyusha is not upset, puts things in order, checks the pool and the entire enclosure to see if everything is in place, a check with the dentist is also a necessary procedure for you and me, only dental services have become noticeably more expensive, and a high price tag is not at all a guarantee of quality, maybe because the activity uncontrollable, let's try to figure it out, first in the plot, then with the guest, but now i walk around with a hollywood smile, like this...
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they had an operation, now elena wants to punish the perpetrators through the court, a similar story in our country can happen to anyone, because today there is no guarantee that in dentistry complex cases will be entrusted to an experienced doctor and not to a novice; unfortunately, there is no strict legislative binding of specific manipulations of categories; as soon as you receive the appropriate educational documents, you have the right to perform, well, in any case, all manipulations from the simplest to the most complex are normative. in addition to laws , there are also rules for professional communities and training for young people. experienced mentors in the clinic need to learn all dental wisdom, but for some , profit comes first. the lack of internal control and the lack of any advanced training in the clinic is due to the fact that this separates specialists from earning
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specific money. the success of the procedure depends not only on the qualifications of the doctor, but also significantly expands the range of dental services, modern equipment and instruments, however, not everyone buys them, but only. they rent, individual dentists only on the day of receiving a license create the appearance of a professional hospital with high-quality staff and modern equipment, and after a while everything can change dramatically, but, apparently, no one will know about it. go out and see if all the equipment is in place, if the specialists who are announced are really working, here, unfortunately, in my opinion, there should still be a moratorium go away specifically in terms of people’s life and health. managers of dental clinics also need enhanced control; experts believe that existing fines clearly do not motivate them to exercise strict control according to the letter of the law. we will talk about monitoring the quality of dental care with the chairman of the all-russian patients' union, yuri zhulev. good morning. we now have not only pharmacies, but also dentists on every corner. why is it so easy to get
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a license? no one checks the qualifications of doctors. no, they check, well, like an exam, no one not satisfied. there is a formal check, what is your experience, do you have a diploma? is there accreditation, premises, equipment, a certain staff, requirements for this staff , everything is just for show, all this is done and a license is obtained, and someone checks the staff, for example, a person opened a clinic, everything according to his documents is clean and good , and then rented it, gave the chair to another specialist, well , that’s the problem, that real control should be constant, and also, you know, unexpected sometimes, this doesn’t exist now, because that there is some kind of moratorium, we believe that in the conditions...
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this is a thing that should stimulate medical organizations to do better work, of course, we need to think about the criteria for such a rating and its formation, and the category, maybe some categories for these clinics , if it’s not assigned to doctors, so that people can get their bearings here, they can only have their teeth cleaned, but they can’t put in implants, but you know, excuse me for the comparison, how we look at different organizations of consumer services, and in general... different services and trade, so and here, since these are frequent clinics, we must evaluate, starting from the comfort and politeness of the staff, so the assessment, of course, is an assessment by us, it is subjective, but...
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inspections and frequency of inspections, of course, government bodies must have all the tools in order to so that medical organizations, on the one hand , work for the benefit of the health of all of us, but on the other hand, understand that any violation of non-compliance with licensing requirements, including requirements, will be a very serious punishment, it is necessary to fine, including and not only punish financially, but punish with removal from professional activities. person, if the doctor does not correspond to the position, the profession that he occupies, and control over the quality
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of dental care, we spoke with the chairman of the all-russian union of patients , yuri zhulev, thank you, thank you, it’s so nice to start the day with a cup of black tea with bergamot, exquisite taste, the unique aroma of pleasure in every drink, morning is the time to brew lakes, i call, i call, he doesn’t answer the phone, premiere on the russia channel, let’s go, i’ll introduce you to kirill, i don’t know you, i’ve never seen you, what if you ’re a thief, i’m galina, jackdaw, well , we met, and you said that you’re his daughter, and i think i know you, yes, we met once, and what are your fates here, jackdaw, today at 21:20, see a nuclear reactor or visit a carbon test site ; popular science
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tourism is being actively developed in the country. thanks to the tenth anniversary of science and technology, the national project science and universities, everyone can visit the best research institutes in the country. at few people would be happy to meet this gray rodent in ordinary life, but in this case the rat makes a pleasant impression. she is friendly to people and willing to make contact, i have hand-bred rats on my hands, which were selected based on their behavior, the animals were caught right on the streets of the novosibirsk academic town, both friendly and aggressive individuals were tested. in experiments with rodents, geneticists want to understand whether it is possible to influence the character of animals; the influence of oxytocin is studied, how it reduces behavior in aggressive rats, and in in tame rats, when oxytocin is administered, it is the opposite. increases aggression compared to control animals. in fact, this is the first
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time that it has been possible to artificially change behavior about pets. it is noteworthy that the result of the experiment can be seen by anyone today. the local vivarium has become one of the attractions of the new direction of scientific tourism. demonstrates research and development; we conduct master classes through which this research and development can be demonstrated. the initiative started in 2022. at this time moment, supported by a decade of science. technologies of the national project science and universities , you can travel along sixty exclusive routes in 19 regions of the country, from kaliningrad and moscow to the irkutsk region and the far east. tours last from one to 5 days. you can choose the route you like on the page of the official portal of the decade nauka.rf. it’s nice that the choice of destinations is huge, so if you go to chechnya you can visit a carbon fiber test site. here, researchers select tree varieties that in the future help reduce your carbon footprint to zero. we. we mean the absorption of co2 in this case, so we are observing how much
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emission occurs, that is , what is the absorption of this carbon dioxide from the soil, so we must bring it to zero, and if you go east, to tomsk, tourists will be greeted with a truly unique facility, a research nuclear reactor, here today they not only train students, but create new medicines for cancer and even modify... valuable stones. currently, all topazes that are available on the ground, transparent, so all the beautiful topazes have long been dug up, but thanks to some simple, so to speak, operations in our nuclear reactor, we give them such a bluish color, a very popular jewelry product. those tourists who go on a tour of the reactor will be able to feel like an operator of the installation, albeit in virtual space. recently, three-dimensional simulators have started working here, and it turns out that you will gain new knowledge and play a computer simulator.
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well, then vera uses creativity in the garden we'll tell you. how to build a scarecrow so that all birds are afraid, in a few minutes. pushkin, a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large bolden pond forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 225th anniversary of the poet,
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this is where the reflection concert will take place. live stream. from the boldin estate on thursday to rtr, i haven’t felt so good for a long time, i also felt very good, on saturday, i pregnant, you'll soon become a dad, that means he's just like everyone else, he decided to hit on you, he's married, and i'm pregnant, light, somehow i got confused, are you lost between two parents? dear neighbor, premiere on saturday on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any
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remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge .
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there is a huge gap between us, ksyusha, you are an amazing woman, and i left, just as he left, on the other side, on friday on rtr, which suddenly made the boy imagine himself as a creative person, a black and white film caught his eye, because the tv is black and white, uh-huh, uh-huh, treasure island, this is a huge adventure, this is the hope of seeing the world. i just realized very late that you don’t need to be the smartest or the most mediocre, you just need to be equal to yourself and not be afraid to admit that i’m not a torkovsky, i’m not a german, i’m just a bull. on the scale of the universe, we all take our place, and not finding our place is there is a main misfortune, it turns out that a lot can be left to chance, you don’t
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have to choose it all the time, consciously, i mean, when something sacred happens in your life, it has to happen. what does not depend on you will not come until you let go. yuri bykov in a white studio, author's program to daria zlatopolskaya. on friday on rtr. filtered makeup is when everything on the face is smooth, without a single wrinkle or spot. sometimes this technique reaches incredible perfection. the internet has been conquered by a video that posted by a girl under a pseudonym. the video, unfortunately, is short, the only thing users want is to figure out whether technology is involved in this masterpiece, however, judging by the previous works of the master, enthusiastic comments are well deserved, we need to check, even a scarecrow in the garden requires a creative approach, how to build working bird alarm in the old way,
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varvara iermakova knows, cool, listen, is there... something even bigger and even louder, otherwise with these crows i need it at my dacha it’s a more serious instrument, but that’s not bad, it’s deafeningly loud and incredibly bright. everything is fine in the fight against pirated guests, if you don’t fight these guys, they will eat up the entire harvest in the garden. however, the headache of all summer residents turns into the engine of original engineering systems. it was decided to make a garden bed protector, it looks like this. not an eagle, of course, but it gets the job done. internet users share their discovery: voracious birds, it turns out, are perfectly repelled by stuffed birds, and if you add a little sound, you can from... forgetting the way to this unfortunate cherry tree yourself, turn on the recording at a moderate volume, we put a bluetooth speaker in the gazebo and programmed a timer for the morning.
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however, sometimes the repeller must solve more global problems, protect the garden not only from birds, but generally from all uninvited guests. for such purposes, bloggers advise using larger-scale works. make a girl out of him, for example, hang him up, put a skirt on him, make breasts. a generation already. have long turned into a special type of garden art, and the most unusual works gain millions of views on the internet. agree, such monuments to human creativity and patience deserve respect. apparently, the master tried to create a good design code. yes, such work will not only scare away animals and neighbors, but it can be for the better. in any case, you can make such a garden sculpture from scrap materials; old ones will do. bottles, boards, metal, clothes, a little wire, and the main ingredient is your ingenuity, it turned out to be some kind of clown, but with balls? in general, get creative, create garden masterpieces and
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don’t forget, this is the case when the scarier the better, but visual accuracy will only bring you additional likes. antonina mikhailovna, i see you’re not you, i came in to ask for tea leaves, after all, neighbors should help each other. and then digital. trade, well, our orders have been found, in my opinion, an excellent place for an online store, now it’s clear why parcels arrive in this form, you need to write complaints, yes, all your complaints will come there, on the digital platform, and they are responsible they don’t bear any responsibility, you have to be responsible for any activity, and the expert and i will talk about this very soon, look, he hides them, and he checks their quality, just something wrong, let’s go at least. the news continues to work live. in the studio andrey
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shevtsov. hello. at the beginning of a special military operation, the crew of the tor m2 anti-aircraft missile system destroyed a polish attack drone warmade in the sky over the kharkov region. sam crews effectively fight enemy drones. just in the last 3 days they destroyed over twenty air objects from... the ukrainian military. the torus m2 complex is specifically designed for air cover of ground forces. it is capable of detecting and hitting targets from a distance of more than 30 km. we can work on the move and from a place. well, since ours have now gone on the offensive, attack, we are covering the positional area, so we are capturing the area where our infantry is located. therefore, cover-up occurs constantly. the crew of su-34 fighter bombers attacked a strong point and enemy personnel in
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zone of responsibility of the group of troops - center. the strike was carried out by fap-500 unguided aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. this allows you to hit targets from a safe distance from the line of combat contact. after completing the task, the pilots returned safely to the departure airfield. crews of the bastion coastal missile systems of the black sea fleet, during combat duty , struck an identified target of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of ukraine. division personnel after receiving data with target coordinates moved to a given area, deployed launchers and launched cruise missiles. the results are objective. control confirmed the exact defeat of the designated targets. today it became known about the conclusion of a new largest contract in the american military-industrial complex. the department
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of defense said it has ordered lockhead martin to produce the hymar multiple launch rocket system for about $2 billion. the order must be completed before the summer of '28. how many systems exactly? planned to be put into service has not been disclosed. in the department. they also did not explain who would apply them, the united states itself or other countries. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, as part of his african tour, arrived on a working visit to...
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an emergency rescue center opened in chukotka, the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov took part in the ceremony. in pivek, the new unit will protect the population from natural and man-made risks as part of the arctic search and rescue center, in employing 50 specialists. they have 25 units of special equipment at their disposal - these are emergency rescue vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, balloon boats and boats. at least 12 people died as a result of those caused. heavy rains caused flooding in south africa, with torrents of water washing away roads and carrying away cars. there are also reports of powerful tornadoes. more than 2.0 people were forced to leave their homes. many buildings have been destroyed. the authorities appealed to local residents to donate clothes and food for the victims. plot a highway in northern taiwan was blocked due to a landslide.
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in just a few seconds the road was blocked. huge masses of soil and trees. traffic was blocked in both directions, 10 cars and one motorcycle were damaged; rescue search dogs were sent to the scene. it is currently known that at least two people were injured. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now to the news from the capital region, warm but cloudy weather will continue today in moscow and the region, the thermometer will rise to +24°. rain is expected throughout the day in the capital region, but not as heavy as the day before. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal, 743 mmhg. moscow is now subject to
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influence. a trough of low pressure, which slowly moves from the northwest, and this means that there is instability in the atmosphere, which contributes to the rapid formation of clouds and precipitation. on wednesday, according to forecasters, hot weather will return to the capital region; intense precipitation and lower temperatures. according to the data center, the congestion of the capital's streets is now four points. the main traffic difficulties are now observed on highways towards the center of moscow. in the coming hours, the fertility of congestion may increase to 5 points. doctors at the morozov hospital performed a unique operation: doctors discovered a cyst for the patient that had to be urgently removed, but this could lead to a large loss of blood, so specialists performed a combined surgical intervention. details the medical method was discovered by alexander sandzheev.
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milana flew from vladikavkaz to moscow for an examination; she had pain in her back, but her condition worsened sharply, her legs began to go numb, and her walking became worse; she had very severe back pain. doctors urgently held a consultation, in which neurosurgeons and oncologists participated, it was necessary to exclude a malignant process, something was compressing the spinal cord. fortunately, it was not oncology, it was a cyst, they decided to remove it, a large open operation would have led to significant blood loss, so the doctors the morozov hospital was completed. a combined surgical intervention in two stages: its goal is to maximally close the vessels of the space-occupying lesion in the first stage and thereby reduce bleeding from these vessels during a major major radical operation. already on the fifth day after the operation, lana was able to get back on her feet. lana, tell me, after the operation, how difficult is it for you to walk now? well, there are no problems at all, i walk around calmly and do everything. the things
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i want to do, and there are no problems. every operating room in the morozov hospital has the ability to perform surgical interventions using endoscopic technology, including 4k resolution and 3d visualization. this increases the accuracy of the doctor’s actions and makes rehabilitation easier for the patient. lani had her cyst removed in this operating room; it has the most advanced equipment; another neurosurgical operation is now being performed. in total , four people are rescued here every day. the hospital has 48 departments, where young patients are treated in thirty medical areas; about 1,800 operations are performed here annually, almost half of them on an emergency basis.
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embassies of different countries located in historical buildings also opened their doors to visitors. in the center of moscow , restoration of the monumental composition science and labor has begun; it is located on the roof of the famous geologists' house on smolenskaya embankment. over the course of several decades , the giant sculptures standing in the open air have received serious damage and are now in disrepair; they need to be cleaned of contamination and the lost ones need to be restored. fragments, complete the work are planned until the end of the year. our news is always available on the media platform, look at the app or on the website, see you, good luck! immerse yourself in a world of luxury and
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comfort! viksas golf villas and suite sharma. a magnificent golf resort in the world. class surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. rixas premium segate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for yours. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of coral reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at the riksus premium se gate, riixos premium segate, my creator,
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light, this song written in stikhilaya. considered popular, the tragic fate of the vologda poet is remembered only by specialists and a woman who has been bearing the stigma of murder for more than half a century. i have been oppressed for 53 years, a frank conversation with the only witness to the night when the poet died. malakhov, today on rtr. good morning, good morning, summer continues, the work week continues, today is june 4, tuesday in the morning of russia studio, vladislav zavyalov and vera krasova, we continue to work, work in general is for the good of the cause, almost half of the parents encourage their children’s desire to earn extra money, consider
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this method the best to teach a child financial literacy, for example, every third person is convinced that a part-time job will have a positive impact on their future career, some are sure that... it will have a positive effect on their development social skills in children, but every fourth does not support the idea of ​​such income, they are afraid that the child will study worse, they are afraid that later the child will grow up and beg their parents for purchases until old age, but for this you don’t have to grow up, on marketplaces including children and adults use their services, although almost every second online buyer encounters problems, by the way, our telegram channel is also often visited by viewers about this. they write and complain, but according to experts, these are the consequences of insufficient regulation online trading platforms. let's see the plot and discuss it. here it is, just as it didn’t work, it still doesn’t work. no manipulations helped revive the vacuum cleaner; after unsuccessful attempts, maria
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had to admit that they had sent her a broken product. moskvichka ordered it on a popular marketplace, and the return option was listed there, but nevertheless, the customer was unable to return the non-working device . the application should have been reviewed within two. 3 days, but it was considered for more than a month, there may have been many requests, maybe he has all the goods poor quality, and i still didn’t understand, but in the end they refused me, regina romanova faced another problem, she ordered perfumes from famous brands on the marketplace, from the first note of the fragrances the muscovite realized that it was a fake, original perfume, they are actually very perfumed, light, beautiful, but this perfume, you know, there is some kind of aftertaste, the worst thing is that i still sprayed it on. i still have beauty. the story of both heroins is not the exception, but rather the rule. almost everyone faces some kind of trouble. second marketplace client, long delivery, low-quality or non-descript product, complexity.
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quite a high price for convenience spoiled mood, lost money from online shopping, it’s high time to start monitoring the work of marketplaces, experts are sure. so far, russian legislation does not even have such a definition; today it is an online hypermarket. are equated to aggregators, that is, they are responsible only for information, but not always for goods, someone sells goods on behalf of the seller then, of course, he will be responsible, someone simply acts as an intermediary who provides the online platform on which you post information, i am no longer responsible for anything, what rules each online trading platform decides to play by independently, establish your responsibility, terms of delivery, return and much more, while the interests of consumers are of course especially special. are not taken into account, the problem is that now the activities
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inside these sites are mostly regulated by internal documents platforms. of course, to unify these disputes and unpleasant situations, it would be more optimal for consumers, among other things, if there was some kind of unified law that developed certain rules that no platform could go beyond. a single rule is necessary in order to make digital trade as transparent as the work of offline stores, judging by the growth rate. in a few years, the turnover of e-commerce in russia may approach the volume of physical sales; already today the share of online purchases accounts for about 14% of the turnover of all retail trade. there is something to discuss with the chairman of the state duma committee on industry and trade, vladimir gutyunev. with such and such a percentage of turnover and not a single clear law regulating this market, well, it doesn’t happen. well, firstly, there is a law on trade, which in principle. regulates trade and
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the consumer can use many of its provisions, including going to court, but they are absolutely right in saying that there should be a separate law that would regulate the relationship between all participants in marketplaces, these are not only aggregators, these are points for issuing orders, these are suppliers of goods, and of course we are consumers, and my colleague from the federation council and i introduced a bill on regulating marketplaces, where...
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trade is about 19%, after 3 years it all over the world now approximately the share of electronic will reach 25%, so really tough measures are needed with prescribed sanctions, with responsibility to us, consumers who pay money, and then receive either a low-quality product or the wrong one sizes, especially recently we have been faced with the fact that goods that come from abroad, firstly, they take a long time, very often there is a problem with returns, at some stage this is what should have been making the marketplace an engine for the entry of small medium-sized businesses into the largest markets and ensuring rapid growth can become a brake, because we will have to compete with the expansion of the chinese, and my colleagues and i believe that... we need, in addition to this framework law, which
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talks about quality, protection of rights, deadlines returns, compensation, formulate and other strategic documents that would make it possible to make such a balance that marketplaces can promote their products, including under their own brand, on the other hand, so that this share is not dominant if they promote products due to abroad, it’s good that... trading and russian accreditation, thanks to russian accreditation, i think in the near future
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it will be mandatory for marketplaces to post certificates for goods, this is very important, in principle, the marketplace should track. supplier profile, if available complaints, as you say, there should already be a certain signal, like a signal for those goods that are supplied from china, for example, for which returns are very difficult, therefore strict liability, penalty systems and a balance of interest within this complex system, thank you, thank you, oh we spoke with the chairman of the state duma committee on industry and trade , vladimir gotinev, about how to regulate the work of marketplaces, each store. robbery, gazuy, you fled from the orphanage five times, six, to those who fought off hands, all the hope is in you, completely wild guys, we need repelled mentors, forgive me, lord, what did you want from me, a miracle, this is your obedience, just save from others,
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you will save yourself, i didn’t have contact with you either , and what did you do, you stopped lying, you disobedient people, you took it and ruined everything. the eruption of the undersea volcano hunga tonga hunga haapai in the pacific ocean 2 1/2 years ago caused adverse effects on the climate of the entire earth. australian scientists came to this conclusion; their calculations showed that this the catastrophe, which few people know, will affect the weather for many years. well, this summer is expected to be much wetter, all because the intense heat turned up to 150 million tons of sea water into steam. these are 60,000 swimming pools, all this moisture from the stratosphere will be sent back, but life goes on in any weather, and russians are increasingly looking for part-time work. kristina sorokina about the peculiarities of working at a pull-up station. my husband’s work involves business trips, our grandmothers also work for us, that is, taking care of the child, sick leave, with him,
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all this fell on my shoulders, so anastasia fedoto from krasnodar had to forget about working 5:2 in the first 2 years. since the birth of my son. now artyom is already four, while the baby is in kindergarten, his mother can devote several hours to earning money right from home. it was not on the first try that i managed to get a position as a copywriter for a large trading company, but now i have the opportunity to start investing money and delighting my family with small gifts. in principle, i manage to combine this work, plus she is officially employed and taking care of the child and the house. work with a fixed salary of 20,000 - with a fixed time of 4 hours a day. and this type of part-time employment, that is, less than 40 standard hours per week, is popular with many young mothers, experts confirm. in addition to them, pregnant women, parents of children under 14 years of age or disabled children under 18 years of age, as well as people who need care for sick relatives can apply for a part-time schedule.
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by law, employers do not have the right to refuse to provide these categories of employees with part-time work, moreover, if a person for some reason wants to change his job. regime, you need to write an application in free form and, after the approval of the boss , attach additional agreements to the current employment contract or draw up a new one with specified conditions if you are applying for another job; however, experts remind, the salary in any case will be less than usual. the law is very clear about what should be proportional working hours worked, that is, if a person usually works 8 hours, then 40 hours a week, then proportionally worked 5 hours, get paid for 5 hours. for example , a manager... received 60,000 rubles. per month, while working 8 hours 5 days a week. due to pregnancy, i decided to go part-time. it is not difficult to calculate that the salary will be half as much, but such an employee must retain the remaining guarantees in full, lawyers assure. for an employee who works part-time time, everything applies, and the local
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regulations that exist at the enterprise, that is, if there is a collective agreement there, then that’s it, that means all guarantees and benefits apply to it. which means that such an employee will have sick leave pay and a vacation of at least 28 calendar days, and the calculation of travel allowances will be according to the standard algorithm, taking into account the average earnings for the last year, and if desired and possible, the employee can return to the usual forty-hour week by notifying in advance in writing superiors. morning russia. sleep through the main thing, where is the jackdaw, i call, i call, he doesn’t answer the phone, the premiere is on rtr, let’s go introduce you to kirill, i don’t know you, i’ve never seen you, what if you’re a thief, i’m galina, jackdaw, well, we met, otherwise , that you are his daughter, you said, and i seem to know you, yes, we
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met once, and you are here, what fate, jackdaw? today on rtr, we go to the doctor , take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go.
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i didn't write it, i really didn't know anything about child, that is, about you, on sunday, she is my daughter, your brother may especially not like this news, we are all starting a new life, they saw her as a daughter, i hope you understand that you have become a potential heir to a decent fortune, and the daughter i didn't see any other way out. elizabeth first portrayed a loving daughter, and then killed.
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soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. volunteer alisa bogomolova is caring for 11 baby squirrels at home; they were brought to the animal rehabilitation center for residents of novosibirsk. due to a series of heavy
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rainfalls, the animals lost their parents. well, for now the squirrels live right in the apartment, but will soon move to a special enclosure on the territory of the local zoo. alice feeds the cubs milk and plays with them. and more positive news, cheburashka is coming back. the highest -grossing film in russian history cinema will be continued. the adventure begins, let's knock it off, you think why am i wearing glasses, i got stuck once, that's it, take it apart, this is for me, according to the well-known film tradition, if each of the participants in the filming process keeps a piece of the commemorative plate until the end of filming, the film will turn out great, however , for everyone here this is already the second fragment, according to the film’s producer vitaly shleppo. this is the key to future success. we did everything possible, we retained our entire team that created the project. we haven't lost anything
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one man. all the art is with us and we have added the same writers, the same director, the same artists and many, many new adventures. get ready, camera roll, let's start! and for starters, cheburashka is getting a little older, in the new film he is no longer just a cute, spontaneous kid, but rather a teenager, so the genius played by sergei garmash will even come. engage in educational work, will friends be able to maintain their previous relationship? that's the main question. well, this is a question that is next to me telling the plot, i won’t do this, they will develop as they do in film history in literary history, both dramatically and funny and fun, in general, it will be quite, let’s say, interesting, all because the creators promise that almost every character is new . stories will reveal themselves from an unexpected side, in general, everything is like in life: children grow up, parents comprehend new truths and train the nervous system,
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of course, because cheburashka decides that she can make decisions on her own, the character of sonya, rimma’s granddaughter, is still complex, not lags behind in little grisha, gena’s grandson, is also trying to assert himself, which means that the adults will definitely have a fun life ahead of them, although elena yakovleva also promises just a fun life. i really liked that there were more writers. we’re getting ready to wipe away the tears of laughter and tenderness, the new cheburashka will not leave viewers of any age indifferent, because it’s about the most important thing - family, love, mutual understanding, all that’s left is to be patient, the premiere is scheduled for early 2026, however, a really good movie is worth the wait, well , with this we leave today with faith air to appear on it, tomorrow at this
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time, by the way, in telegram too, see you in the telegram channel. be sure to find us, subscribe, we say goodbye to you until tomorrow and wish you a good day, goodbye, hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis palanchukov studio. and most importantly by this time. footage of the liberation of two villages in the donetsk direction. hurray, hurray, hurray. another group of volunteers from the chechen republic went to the special operation zone. the fighters were trained at the russian special forces university. the guys need help.
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in ukraine.


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