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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  June 4, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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i’ll be making a boat for myself before the night’s work, mother will take a bucket, silently bring it, hell. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, live your favorite 60 minutes about the most important thing, starting with... where the russian army continues to move
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forward. in the kharkov direction , intense fighting in the volchanskaya area and north of leptsov is subsiding. the ukrainian armed forces counterattack, trying to collapse the city's neighborhoods, but are unsuccessful. ukrainian militants claim heavy losses as a result of the assaults, in other words, counterattack in volchansk. the ukrainian armed forces there are under constant constant fire. today, fighters of the north group destroyed the crossing of the ukrainian armed forces. right now there are heavy battles along sobornaya street in the very center of volchansk. in the donetsk direction there are stubborn battles in krasnogorovka. the ukrainian armed forces militants are also trying to hold the line there. russian units were able to advance to the eastern outskirts and also occupied the territory of the agricultural complex in the west of the city. our people also have successes on the vremevsky ledge. promotion in staromaysky. pushing forward russian army on'. direction north of
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arkhangelsk, the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces were broken through with fighting, and enemy strongholds were occupied. in the artyomovsk direction, our fighters continue attacks in the eastern microdistrict of chasov yar, a residential area on the territory of a repair plant. to the north of the city, fighting takes place in the bogdanovka area. in these footage you can clearly see how the ukrainian armed forces militants feel under the hour-long blaze. artillery and aviation strikes. do not stop, this is another video from ukrainian combat medics, in particular, an evacuation vehicle is shown, the inside is covered in blood. at the end of the video, vsushnik reassures his brothers-in-arms with a victorious parting word, which, apparently, he himself doesn’t really believe. look what's at the front.
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we are on the front line, at an artillery position of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsk area and from here it’s a stone’s throw to the russians. urchin! gvozdika, but no one can say how long they will be able to hold this position, it’s just that for the last few months they, like most other units of the ukrainian armed forces, have been experiencing a shortage of shells, the ukrainian soldiers are therefore disappointed and depressed, the russians are now advancing, russia has something to hit us with. when i move
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to any position, i understand that i can die at any moment. the failed counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces last summer has left its mark, there are fewer and fewer new soldiers, and those at the front are increasingly tired. so on top of all this there is a constant threat that something will fly from above. the russians are launching massive drone strikes and you can feel it. even reconnaissance snipers have become more difficult than before, because now russian reconnaissance drones are constantly hanging in the sky. and according to ukrainian doctors, ukrainian armed forces soldiers receive most of their injuries as a result of russian drone attacks. we are in one of the front-line villages in the pokrovsk direction. now the forty-seventh separate mechanized brigade is holding the defense here. the arrival is now literally before our arrival. arrival of artillery or favas?
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yes, no, it was artillery, yes, it was the arrival of the gun, it was the arrival of the gun, there is a road nearby and they very much copy the equipment , everything else, the equipment is everything else, this is the road, along which we were driving, right? yes, yes, yes, this is the road along which you were driving, they are just shooting somewhere in our area, look at the walls, fragments flew here, give me one, mortar, shoot, shoot!
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society should always remember this and not forget. ukraine keeps the actual number of amputees secret, but estimates put the number in the tens of thousands. today it became known that nato is developing a plan to transfer us troops to the borders of russia in the event of a conflict with moscow. as the daily or
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telegraph writes, several are being created at once land corridors, which, if necessary, will replace the main one, which involves the landing of american ones. to a full-scale confrontation with the russians, which will begin in 2 years, macron himself is bluffing. the washington post reports that with its proposal to send the military to ukraine, paris is pushing the price and only seeks
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to create strategic ambiguity for moscow without being ready to actually fight, and if putin finds out, macron will look. stupid. the washington post writes that for macron the situation is further complicated by the fact that french society is not ready for the prospect of the death of the french in ukraine. the organizers of the action with the coffins of the podfel tower have not yet been found, but the orderer is presumably putin. well , in this regard, italian deputy prime minister salvini today suggested that president macron, in order to prove the seriousness of his intentions, lie down himself. cops in ukraine, take a helmet and body armor for a meat assault on volchansk, and leave the italians alone, they don’t want to die. we see that authoritarian
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states, russia among them, are striving systematically interfere with and undermine democratic processes around the world. so we need to work closely with allies and partners to fight back. we also see arguments in a variety of countries that point to the fact that democracy does not work for the population. the world does not support it, but we also see incredible enthusiasm among the population, who want their voice to be heard, who want a better future, it seems to me that in the end this position will win, the most surprising thing is that we can be afraid third world war, i don’t know what this third world war could be, what form it could take, the surprising thing is that in reality we never stopped fighting, we lived in a bubble, we thought that a military confrontation would not await us with what -state or military...
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no, i’m afraid to give any characterization, i can say for sure that i don’t know, but for a start we have means
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that we consider the cornerstone of our defense, that is, nuclear deterrent forces, which very important. on the other hand, we what we are seeing now is that nuclear deterrence today does not prohibit classical confrontation and therefore the security provided by nuclear deterrence seems to be much more relative today. this is the beginning of a new campaign of foreign intervention. a question that arises after five coffins were discovered at the foot of the eiffel tower last saturday. saturday morning at 8:30 am, a white van, registered in bulgaria, takes suspects to the seventh arrondissement of the capital. eventually, the car stops in the driveway. near 9 am, three men approach him and place five life-size coffins covered with french flags in front of the eiffel tower. on the top you can read the inscription: french soldiers in ukraine, there are bags inside. with a plaster cast, three people were soon detained. one is bulgarian,
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the other two are german and ukrainian. should we see foreign intervention here? is this an attempt at political destabilization? but all of this is just investigators’ hypotheses for now. the coffins were installed as a reaction to the possible dispatch of french soldiers to territory of ukraine. the method of escape of suspects, typical for such cases, also made us think about foreign intervention. two of them went to bercy bus station to catch a bus to germany or belgium and were detained. the bulgarian driver , 40, reportedly told police he was paid 140 euros to carry out the mission. he says that if he did not know his two accomplices, a twenty-five-year-old german and a minor ukrainian, they would have received 400 euros each. paris prosecutor's office in any case has not yet confirmed information about foreign interference in connection with the war in ukraine, but investigators said that one of the perpetrators was previously involved in the red hands case. let us remind you that in may last year on the wall of the righteous. parisian houses in
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november, an act for which the french authorities blamed the fsb. indeed, it was committed by russian security services. regarding the installation of coffins, a public investigation will try to shed light on the possibility of foreign interference in this in fact. biden, in an interview with the magazine, said that he would not allow ukraine. lose, because then poland will fall after it, kiev may not be invited to nato, and biden personally will not support ukraine’s invitation to the alliance. the us president also said that putin considers ukraine part of russia and generally wants to revive the soviet union, saying that this is all completely clear to him, but trump cannot understand this. and in general, donald wants the united states to leave nato. this will end american dominance. therefore , the only leaders of states in the world. who want trump to return to the white house is putin, prime minister of hungary, orban. biden himself
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is on the cover of the latest issue of time. look, they apparently tried to portray the president of the united states as the most impressive and powerful, but it turned out rather the opposite. a decrepit old man who leans unsteadily on a massive table. previously , donald trump was on the cover of the times with the same signature if he wins. donald looked much more impressive than himself. competitor. today trump said that the west is in a more vulnerable position than russia, which wins in ukraine. orban told trump this. he remembers that the russians defeated napoleon and hitler, so zelensky has no chance. when you look at what's happening in ukraine, the whole world is just spinning out of control. viktor orban, the prime minister of hungary, is a very tough man, you know, he is known as a strong man. they tell me that i like
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tough men, no, i don't like strong men, weak men, i don't care. he's just a smart and tough person. he did not accept illegal immigrants. he said: "i want hungarians to live in my country." i don't need my shopping centers to be blown up. but you know, he made such small statements. but the european union was not happy with it. and recently they asked him what needs to be done to straighten out the world. the whole world is exploding. he said. elect donald trump as president. when he was president, china behaved well. russia behaved well, everyone behaved well. let's talk about this in connection with ukraine. you often said that we wouldn't be in such a situation situation if you were president, but now we are in such a situation. if you became president again, how would you deal with ukraine, how would you deal with putin. i think i communicate very well with him. we are in a much weaker position because he is winning. i
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mean we can be polite. i asked orbán who is winning? he said they are. he said they are a warring nation, they fought napoleon, they fought hitler. ukraine, in comparison with them, is a very small country with much smaller people, they have no soldiers. at the same time, the verkhovna rada of ukraine today adopted a law on the status of the english language. the document was introduced by zelensky, who proposed making the english language mandatory for security forces and civil servants. now the english language, but in order for overseas hosts to better understand the local aborigines, heads of local administrations, officers, police officers, and prosecutors will be required to speak english in ukraine. the document determines the procedure for officials passing exams for language proficiency and establishes standards for its use in the field of education, culture,
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transport and healthcare, that is , ukraine, as it probably seems to have become...
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which occupies a very high position. i told him that i don’t see a way out of this war except for nato participation on our side, with troops. and many countries took part in this conversation. indeed, someone really didn’t like my words, it was clear on their faces, someone, in principle, was ready for such a development and said: it’s unpleasant, of course, but what to do? but this particular one
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my interlocutor reminded me of a very unpleasant thing for us ukrainians. he told me that when the united states was at war in vietnam , the average age.
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silva generally stated that, just for show , he would send someone who was not authorized to make any decisions, the oloba newspaper reported. none of the above countries wants to take the side of the west, and the hegemon himself seems to be showing indifference to the meeting. instead of us president biden, whom they hoped to see at the conference, kamala haris or and...
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which translates as being represented, will come result. only the eu is trying to save zelyansky and his gathering. scholz and macron will come to switzerland, but they have no influence. on the situation in the world. thus, it can already be stated that ukraine’s initial plan to present an ultimatum to russia, supported by the international community, has failed. while the west's attention is focused on ukraine, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov is literally conquering africa with the help of soft power. today he held talks with the president of the republic of congo, dany sasunge. upon arrival in the country he was met by a congolese foreign secretary. gokossa, with whom lavov had a brief conversation right at the airport. for the russian minister, this is already the sixth african tour in the last 2 years.
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lavrov began his visit to africa from guinea. tomorrow he is expected to visit chat, which is considered france's traditional and virtually last ally in the sahel. however , chat is now strengthening ties with russia. in january of this year, the first visit of the president of chad to moscow in 56 years took place, mahammad idriss deby met with putin, named his the visit is historic, and chat and russia are fraternal countries, the west, naturally, is grumbling. it was from guinea that the head of russian diplomacy sergei lavrov began his african tour. he has not been to guinea since 2013. according to
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official reports, the foreign minister met with the president of the transitional government, general mamadi doumbouya. the plane of the head of russian diplomacy landed at kanakri international airport at about 2:00 am local time. accompanied him.
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this visit carries significant geopolitical implications significance as moscow seeks allies in africa. this is lavrov's first stop on his african tour. after guinea, sergei lavrov is expected in the republic of the congo, chad, and burkina fasso. all these countries are former french colonies. and the visit comes amid growing tensions between france and russia. regarding the question of french instructors, i have reason to believe that there are many specific facts about this. that they work in ukraine, no matter who they are, members of the french armed forces, or would be simply mercenaries.
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flags. russia, it turns out, has actually replaced france. for several years, moscow has been increasing its influence on the african continent. this trend is due to the deterioration of relations with the west since the beginning of the ukrainian conflict. niger, burkina faso and mali are among the countries that have redirected their attention to russia and turned away from france, their traditional ally. between 2018 and 2022, russia
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became the main exporter. weapons to africa. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov arrived in guinea as part of a visit to west africa, where coups and growing discontent with traditional allies such as france and the united states have contributed to a shift in the attention of some countries towards moscow. over the past couple of years, lavrov has visited africa several times to seek support or neutrality from the 54 countries of the african continent.
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continue to form an entire coalition to finally resolve the issue of paying reparations to the descendants of the work. the coalition will include nine local legislators who will decide how and to what extent these payments can be provided. according to california officials, the large number of unemployed, homeless, incarcerated people among blacks, as well as their poor performance in school. this is a direct consequence of slavery, which was abolished in 1865, while 73% of us residents are against any payments to african americans whose ancestors were slaves, they are also against the money being taken from the federal treasury, against this backdrop it’s just some kind of outrageous case of racism
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i'm afraid, there's a teacher in one of the schools in while studying the topic of slavery in the fifth grade, he held a slave auction, selected two non-white students, presented them as slaves for sale and conducted pre-sale preparation, with a discussion of the physical defects of the goods, which, of course, affect the price, he called children of color the word ... with the letter n, that is, niger, a teacher is on vacation, the department of education is deciding what to do, there are new blm actions in the usa.
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at a school in the area. and it is precisely this period of time that raises the most questions among parents, and the school brings its own changes. details so shocking that it is almost impossible to believe. school teacher accused in two russian incidents. the first happened in january, when the fifth grade teacher. taught a lesson on the topic of slavery, during which, according to the school inspector, quote: during the lesson , the teacher staged a mock auction with slaves, the teacher asked two students of color who were sitting in the first desk to stand up and the whole class discussed their physical characteristics, but the school inspector gregory
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martino says he was not aware of this incident, until a similar incident occurred involving the same teacher, a few months later, he was reading a book to fifth graders and inserted the n-word into the text. parents began to be outraged, which... the school inspector apologized this week, stating that he admits that mistakes were made, which further complicated the situation. ultimately, i am responsible for ensuring that students receive an education in a safe and supportive
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environment. this is not a new story for massachusetts. in march, students at southwyck school held a similar auction with slaves, where local authorities opened criminal proceedings. i'm worried about my son walking. to this school, i worry about how the school system will protect them from bullies, from racism. the school director was sent on ten-day paid leave during the investigation and has already returned to work. as for the teacher, he remains on paid leave. my son had a good relationship with this teacher, and what happened seems more terrible and shocking. nem, whose son studies at this school, knew of only one such incident until last thursday. when the true extent of the problems became known to the entire school community. people should know the true history of our country, it is very important, but it must be taught in such a way as not to offend anyone. pride month in the progressive
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west had barely begun before it was already a failure. here is one example in this video: cheerful children of muslims living in canada joyfully trample rainbow flags with their feet under the approving glances of their relatives. that's what it's called a scythe on a stone, a canadian migrant. faced with canadian homosexuals, they cannot now deal with the number of genders in the west, which they themselves have produced. the main ones still somehow remembered that a trans woman, a trans man are not a binary person, but there are other more terrible perversions: gender fluids, whose gender changes depending on the mood of the fury and completely associate themselves with animals, in general, the devil will break his leg , what can we say about the narrow-minded british minister. perche for women's affairs equality of kimiyas and bodonoks. she was invited on television to comment on rishi sunok's initiative, namely the amendment to the equality act. the daily mail wrote about this amendment the day before that it would finally ban
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trans women, that is, biological men, from being in areas intended only for women and girls, locker rooms, toilets, hospital wards, and also from participating in women's sports competitions. but after clarifying questions, mrs. badynnok herself became confused in the amendment to the law, in genders. it turned out that in questions gender reassignment, the relevant minister, a specialist, she herself does not understand anything and cannot fully understand it. the conservatives have vowed to amend the equality act to ensure the protected characteristic of sex is defined as biological sex. you are saying that if you were born in a biologically male body but have undergone gender reassignment, you will have access to women's restrooms, changing rooms, hospital rooms and showers under this new proposal, but if you identify as female, then no,
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that's what we're trying to do, even with things like gender reassignment, people try to attribute some other meaning to it that it doesn't have, there's a lot of confusion in that area. there will be people who will mischaracterize your position. are you saying that someone can legally change their gender? the law currently states that legal gender changes with a gender recognition certificate, but legal gender is not biological sex. what we're trying to emphasize is that the equality act is about biological sex, it's about who you are were born, about body parts. currently , you can change your legal gender using a certificate, and since this applies in different scenarios, a lot of confusion remains. but you yourself say that someone can legally change their gender, right? you can't change. your gender, you can change your legal gender, that's what the courts have ruled,
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so what you're saying is that you're okay with people changing their legal gender, yes people can, people of course can change their legal gender, you're saying the exact opposite things, your gender is something with what you were born with, when in fact you are saying that no, you want to amend the law to say that someone can change their legal gender, and this is very different from what was written in the newspapers. no, no, sorry, that's not true, that's not what i said. but that's what you're saying, we 're amending the law to say that the equality law, when it relates to sex, talks about biological sex, gender recognition, i really think we need to move away from the term legal gender talk about gender, we have gender recognition, it was you who used this term, not me, yes, yes, yes, because what is the law now, i'm talking about what the law is and how we are trying to correct it so that make it clearer in the future.
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there are transgender people, but we want gender, of course you can, that's why we had a transgender person being transgender, and gender is unchangeable, biological sex is unchangeable, no matter what is written on a piece of paper, you cannot change your gender, but of course, we're like as a society, we want people who want to change their gender to be able to do so without fear of discrimination. okay, it really didn't make me any clearer than it was, and i can only apologize to the viewers for all of this. complicated, very complicated, everything is complicated by rishi sunak himself. for the first time in almost a decade and a half, the conservative tory party may suffer defeat. in this regard, sunok came out with his trump card and went out to the people, or rather, he pretended that in reality rishi was only posing as he was knocking on the door of ordinary residents cities that are happy to communicate with him. the mansion itself costs £5 million, that is. the house is fake, and this is not the only puncture
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of the sunok. later, richa wanted to meet with voters on the embankment, but there was another scandal. look, a boat appears behind you, filled with competitors from the liberal democrat party. pay attention to the posters: we will win, not you. as a result, the meeting had to be interrupted, and sunok was taken away. heads will roll in the office itself. their policy of mass islamization, in these
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images you can see thousands of londoners, who came out to protest against migrants and the transformation of the capital of britain, as they say, into london-stan. some are even chanting the name of donald trump, known for his intolerance towards migrants, and calling on him to make england great again, but instead of trump. however,
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the liborists will probably win the elections. a primary survey conducted by the skynews tv channel and the portal "ugaf" showed that the libarists can win a record 422 seats in parliament, that is, a majority, while for us and nothing changes at all in this regard. the leader of the labor party, rishi sunuk's rival, keir starmer, said today: he described in detail his readiness to use nuclear weapons if necessary, although he did not specify that the keys to these nuclear weapons are located.
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before richa sunok entered politics, he was a partner in a hedge fund, and it was incredibly profitable for him, but bad for everyone else. something like rubin hood in reverse. in 2007, his company became interested in the dutch bank abc embro, which was experiencing problems at that time. this was on the eve of the financial
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crisis and no one should have even come close to this bank, but the company saw their chance in this, they bought 2% of the shares, persuaded the remaining shareholders to give a discount and... the bank was put up for auction, guess who bought it? remember the royal bank of scotland? they bought this bank for billions of dollars and ended up with a huge amount of toxic mortgages. at the time it was called the worst deal in british corporate history, but not for rishi and his friends. they made millions from this deal. the royal bank of scotland was on the verge of bankruptcy and the state had to buy it out for billions of pounds of taxpayers' money. while richa went to california to count his profits. a true conservative. richa sunok was one of those bankers.
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“i always understood that my place is under threat, i always fight for every vote, on the other hand, it’s really interesting to watch these polls, but based on the poll that was held a month ago, it says that i will still win. polls show that labour's leader keirstarmer could head to downing
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street after the election, the party itself could take 194 seats, more than tony blair won in 1997, and yes, those results add up . is it possible for you to take over the post of prime minister as early as next month, and in the way that you would need to authorize the use of nuclear weapons, would you do so, yes or no nuclear deterrent is the basis? any plan to keep britain safe, this is vital, which is why labor has announced a new triple deterrent commitment to our nuclear weapons, we will support britain's maritime deterrent force 24 hours a...
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that politicians must take voters' concerns seriously, whether they are personal care or the drainage issues we talked about today, or the issues we talked about last week, the issues of supporting people with mental health problems, the issues with children, the free school meals for children from low-income families, these are serious problems, but you shouldn’t be treated too harshly, you need to be able to have fun. hunt generally has an 800 lead over the liberals, but what about older voters?
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keeps our boat from rocking and leads it to progress. we made the british army the greatest in europe by increasing
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defense spending. will this election determine whether our future will be secure or not? the world is changing rapidly and becoming much more dangerous, than ever before. we must think carefully about the kind of life we ​​want for our children and grandchildren. only resolutions and conservatives can provide us with a safe future. said the country's president nikos christo doulides. as turkish media reported earlier, zelensky bought himself a casino hotel, vanni palace, in northern cyprus. according to the efa portal, heritage inc, a company registered in belize, is the owner. who is vladimir zelensky, bought a luxury hotel located in the city of kyrenia. there was a deal
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completed in may 24, the acquisition amount was about 150 million pounds, that is, zelensky probably bought real estate at the very moment when the whole of ukraine was looking for those responsible for stealing money on the defense lines of the kharkov region. zelensky dreamed of legalizing the mining business in ukraine back in 1919, he even wanted to build one. one of the largest casinos in europe was recently acquired by a company owned by the president. ukraine's vladimir zelensky company film heritage inc is now is listed as the official owner of the vony pallace casino hotel, located in kyrenia,
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a city on the northern coast of cyprus. the company film heritage inc is registered in belize, and its owner is vladimir zelensky, who became known from the pandora papers archive in the twenty-first year. the purchase was completed in early may of '24 . it is unknown how much zelensky's company paid for the casino hotel, but according to online records accessible through the google cash search engine, the asking price for vuuni palace was worth £150 million . the bunny palace casino hotel is located on the seafront and offers five-star accommodation in kyrenia. the hotel has a shared lounge, terrace and restaurant. the casino provides a wide range of options such as table games including black jack, poker and roulette. also here... there are also electronic games that provide players with a wide selection of slot machines. the casino was built in 2006. according to
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the bukingcom website, as of may 27, buny palace is not accepting reservations, probably due to process of changing ownership. vladimir zelensky visited the ukrainian-turkish business forum in istanbul and spoke about some of the plans. we will legalize gambling. we will legalize gambling. namely the operation of casinos in five-star hotels, which will stimulate the development of the region’s tourism cluster near the black sea, the black sea. a surge in gambling has engulfed the ukrainian army. one person, for example, won 60 million hryvnia in an online casino; he just retired from the army, why should he continue to fight if he has 60 million hryvnia, and another person about... his commander suggested that he withdraw money from the casino, but in the morning he had already lost it, from 2.5 million to 400 hryvnia.
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companies say online gambling addiction. mechanism for overcoming addiction, ukrainian president vladimir zelensky ordered the introduction of new restrictions on the activities of online casinos in ukraine, including restrictions on advertising and a ban on military personnel from gambling in wartime. for the third year now, military personnel have been away from their families in stressful conditions without the opportunity proper rest, so they are especially psychologically vulnerable. the wartime gambling boom also raised security concerns.
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i think that we won’t see anything new. last year there was a ukrainian counter-offensive in zaporozhye, and today marks exactly one year since the start of that unprecedented, in quotes, campaign of the ukrainian armed forces, when, in principle, we saw everything that we are now threatened with in the border area, we also saw the use of high-precision multiple launch rocket systems , we saw high-precision barrel artillery such as excalibur, we saw cruise missiles that also hit... crimea across berdyansk along the isthmuses in the hope of disrupting our logistics, but all this did not help the ukrainian command to cut through, break through our defensive formations, which we had prepared in anticipation of the ukrainian counter-offensive last year, now, in principle, they are relying on the same high-precision, but time after time they
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become hostages of some of their ideas about a weapon of victory, and... which will finally help crush the russian army, now they are relying on high-precision destruction systems, with which they have already begun to hit the belgorod region in the last three or four days , about 60 rockets were launched towards the belgorod border area, for the most part they were all shot down by the iron division, as they call it here air defense, here in belgorod there has even been a tradition at any... so raise a toast to the air defense fighters, because of course these are the best units now that manage to shoot down everything that flies here, and mostly rocket systems are flying here, yes, this is alha, this is a vampire, now the enemy has forcedly changed the launch points, because from the side of volchansk and from the side of the village of libtsy he
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no longer has the opportunity to attack with multiple rocket launcher rocket systems, now he is trying to do this and from the side of the settlement of cossack lopan, and at the same time, the hymers are certainly launched much further than the same vampires, and about 60 shells have already been shot down on approach to targets in belgorod and the belgorod region, but for some kind of massive offensive to take place now, at least outwardly imperceptibly, it is obvious that, as in the zaporozhye region, last year, the enemy is now using high-precision technology to... feel, probe, where the control points are, where the air defense systems are, where is the connection, rap, try to knock out, yes, so that our troops lose control, after which we can move on to counter-offensive actions, so, probably, in this regard, we can talk about the beginning of some kind of preparatory stage of the enemy’s counter-offensive operation, while, of course, he carries out counterattacks every day and gets punched in
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the teeth every day, as for example last night, when... the division of the eighty-second air assault brigade, this is considered in ukraine an elite unit that is armed with western types weapons, marders, challengers, strikers. today we tried to launch a counteroffensive in the east of volchansk, lost about a platoon and returned to our position. last year, by the way, during the counteroffensive in the zaporozhye region, the eighty-second brigade took rabotin, which the ukrainian army safely abandoned this year, because the russian army, in turn, did not even launch a counter-offensive, but about... during the active defense, as it is pronounced in reports, it improved its tactical position, so in the course of this improvement, the ukrainians are gradually losing what was acquired last year with so much blood, now and obviously
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completely different forces, if in zaporozhye a very large amount of equipment took part in the hostilities, equipment like soviet, or western type, here such movement on equipment is in principle impossible. not from that side, not from our side, today in the center of volchansk ukrainian units tried to carry out a rotation on two armored personnel carriers, they were crossing the volchie river, the pontoons were sunk there so that they could not be seen from the air, because the crossings are being destroyed, they are constantly being built , but are constantly being destroyed, in general, both bonnies were lost, they were unable to carry out a rotation, the entire sky here is controlled from the air and by reconnaissance drones and... drones, the saturation of troops with this type of defeat here is very dense and it is very difficult to move, now the main battles in volchansk are taking place around
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the block with high-rise buildings, they continue to try to cover them, in the direction of the village of leptsy, they have advanced deep to the east of the village, but the enemy has pulled very large forces here today so serious right... the offensive advance is complicated due to the presence of a huge amount of artillery on the other side, and manpower, all the strategic operational reserves have been transferred here were available to ukraine, and here, probably, they are preparing a general battle, in which, in principle, the outcome of the entire special military operation can be decided, because if today at this point you grind these main reserves,
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but the feeling, the inner feeling of that we are ready to attempt a counter-offensive, i have a group of troops north, very prepared, there are no people here who do not know what khaymars is, who do not know what artillery shelling is, these are people who have been in battles in almost all directions, they have enormous experience in confronting the enemy, a heavy, well-prepared enemy, but nevertheless... so far very predictable colleagues, sash, are there visible prerequisites, at least indirect, for the transfer of f16 to ukrainian territory, preparation for their use, perhaps there for
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the air defense began to hunt for our air defense officers and provsk, it is possible to prepare airfields and other infrastructure, well, here you can judge, probably, by the strikes that... our missilemen deliver every week in the depths of ukrainian territory, and this is traditional airfields, including the airfield in starokonstantinov, which was built back in soviet times, there are very serious concrete shelters in which you can hide f16 fighters, and there was information that some instructors, including pilots, stopped by on - the yavrovsky training ground, where this is also not the case. the blow was struck a long time ago, so the fact that preparations for the flight to the basing of these aircraft are being carried out is certain, but also the fact that this does not escape the eyes of our intelligence, this
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can also be said definitely, after all attempts to organize some kind of high-quality infrastructure for basing these aircraft are being thwarted by russian rocket scientists. thank you. komsomolskaya pravda alexander kots on direct communication with the front line, let me remind you once again, june 4, twenty-three . began a year ago, that very vaunted ukrainian counter-offensive, at that time it was the zaporozhye region, a year later, we record not just an escalation, but some kind of escalation of an explosive nature, then we were scared of the ukrainian army, now the army nato, f-16, carriers of nuclear weapons, the nato boot, american strikes on our territory, what will happen... in a year
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it’s completely impossible to imagine, comrade general, well, alexander gave a good analysis, most of it exhaustive, i don’t agree with him on anything i agree, the enemy does not launch counterattacks, counterattack is an operational term, at least several formations must participate in the strike. the enemy counterattacks, counterattacks, nothing works out for him, in these counterattacks he loses people, loses equipment, loses his reserves, and most importantly is losing the level of moral and psychological state, but all this will now be presented, i emphasize, to succumb to western propaganda precisely as some kind of offensive.
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you understand why they didn’t take them before, didn’t call them up, because the task was to dispose of the ukrainian male population, over 35 years old, because they were still born on the verge of the soviet union and independent ukraine, their parents are soviet citizens, they have grandfathers, most likely they fought in the ranks of the red army, smashed the fascists, these people not... needed in ukraine, but since now
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the smell of fried food is getting stronger and stronger, the owners figured this out, did the math and decided that these young ones, they are also not really needed, they will bring others, other places, other countries, the land is needed, and not people, you know, look, they always count, they say, a shell costs so many dollars, a missile costs so many dollars, a tank costs... so many dollars, but no one has ever said how much a ukrainian soldier costs, and why? because he's not worth a cent to them, he's nothing it’s worth it, all of them will eventually be driven into this coral meat grinder under our factories with planning and correction modules, but this is the choice of the ukrainian people, you know, what did they do, they made zelensky into this hamelian beauty-catcher, like hans christian andersen . they will drown him too,
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these forwardings about business here, business there, this is all the initial stage of preparation for his drowning, as for nato, listen, well , we are waiting, we are waiting, waiting for something, when one of them appears. here's a macronushka, i see i see, well, i think so , the gali fighting cock started laughing, looked at the history, here is the russian company, well, as they called it, in 1812, france lost 4000 people killed, frozen, dead, fled, another 200 and that 6000, well, there are 580- 600 times... 600 on average, in general, the era
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of the napoleonic wars took the lives of 3,2000 french people during this entire period, with a population of france of 44 million, it was then that the replacement of, well, the real french population began with these guys from north africa and from somewhere, well i think ok, move on there were some other victories, but they, well... after the 18th, after the 12th year of the century before last, i think, where else were they? crimea, 1854-55, 20,000 killed. and another 70,000 wounded, sick, dead, escaped, a total of 97 more. the first world war, 1,293 thousand french killed, 2,800 thousand wounded, this
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was the second wave of population replacement, well, opofios is of course, this is the forty-day war of 1940, listen, lost 12,300 killed. so let them decide whether these coffins are empty, and how many of them there will be empty, and not only in paris, but in all other cities, all this will be on the conscience, this is mr. macron’s infantribble, for god’s sake, they want it, they will get it, you know,
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we are not ready for a preemptive strike, but we are not afraid of french scalps across the historical territory of our country. it will be very scary for them, very painful , very bloody, this is a pickup truck, bloody, it will be, believe me, flowers compared to the berries that the french people will receive, well again, they voted for macron, here you go,
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you get it, you understand, this is the apotheosis of democracy, the united states has come to this, we just recently observed it, blm, that’s all. “lgbt people are notorious and other rubbish, the pendulum was pulled all the way back in one direction, and it went back, these here, these performances with games of slaves, this is just the beginning, then you and i, believe me, we will see the ku klux klan, and lynchings, we will see all this from them, but this is their choice, this is their choice, she..."
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the country will win in any military conflict, then the ball is on their side, so far they have what not a blow, then into the bar, very alarming, salviniy proposed a good idea today, says macron, put on a helmet, body armor,
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if you are brave, then prove it yourself, but for us, macron, please don’t touch the italians, look, i don’t want to, so that the children, so that the italian children send. and in all plans to attack russian territory, although it seems that the minister
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of foreign affairs does not welcome the use of western weapons on the territory of historical russia. dmitry gabich, well, it should be noted that there is an election campaign going on there now, the sixth to the ninth, by the way, they don’t have different ones, we don’t have it anymore, like this, what are you talking about, that’s it, we have it every september, it’s yours. right every september, right federal, well, actually this year for sure, this year yes, only this year, just what difference does it make to us, for what reason they attack russia, because they have an election campaign, or because that they decided so, what does it matter, we are discussing how to respond and what to do, well, in this case, as was said, taking into account the fact that, apparently, the scheme was chosen associated with the expectation of action from the outside. accordingly, the groups that are accumulating near kharkov, as was said, during the escalation there is a strike on the infrastructure, you see it now, in
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principle, this is what is happening on the energy infrastructure, on the military infrastructure, by the way, it is already happening, by the way, our strike on their infrastructure, the parties are hitting each other, that is , accordingly, american weapons are already using to hit the infrastructure in belgorod, so they hit infrastructure, they got into the air defense, in short, the point is this, the point is that it’s so strange to pretend that this is normal and nothing. escalation took place, as it were, certain actions, the question is that it is now obvious that all this is being prepared
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for a certain political component, we understand that, as it were, there will be a summit, for which, accordingly , biden is flying to this in the european union will come to france, will travel around france, then go to switzerland will go to italy for a summit, accordingly, until the 15th, on the 15th, in theory, they will fly away, in theory, if they stop hitting the belgorod region, by this time the main part of the escalation, escalation, will occur. since , accordingly, by this time the tasks that were set, as i understand it, before the kharkov operation were not achieved in full, and as i understand it, the snemal residents are not fully controlled, and accordingly, the heights, well , are not fully occupied, let’s put it this way from afar, now, as it were, everyone is waiting for this kharkov operation - to occupy the lupus from the kolybets, that’s all, well, as i understand it, the goal of our kharkov operation, judging by all the verified information.
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steeled near kharkov, there were completely different numbers, as if the number of military experts was divided significantly, but apparently, since the reserves were not brought in, perhaps there are assumptions that, according to the outer perimeter, accordingly, we are talking about additional strikes that will implemented in the direction, that is colonel-general , look at you suspiciously, so we’ll see what happens in june, in short, just what is the outer perimeter, who are you talking about, well, i remind you, who are you appealing to, to the accumulation that is actually happening on our borders, question is different, the question is the following, now for now this is secret information, well, we are the same...
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as it were, accordingly, as a source, accordingly, it can be realized, for example, in the sumy region, this is connected with, accordingly, permission in kursk component, there are such suspicions, this is the source, respectively, which is presented in this case by a british publication, the same thing, for example, was stated at one time by the washington post, so it is quite possible that the point is that the actual plan of the kharkov operation is not completely clear , plans for the summer company, thank god, cause us a huge number of interpretations, and this is good, because... the zaporozhye direction is very good, exactly a year ago we knew absolutely everything where they would go, with what forces they
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they will go where they will attack, that’s all. that they also don’t know anything at all and are also guessing, well, this is also normal, it’s cool that everything turns into problems with the fact that let’s tell fortunes, this is the year, 10, 20, 40, 50, whatever, don’t say that , this seems to help very well to take out a mortgage, by the way, everything will be known to you for a year or 10 years, well, you need to understand what kind of profit a low rate helps to take out, and 16%, you know, the sconce does not help if it rises to 17
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this friday will be even better, so this friday this friday at 17:00, the person is provided with housing, so he says, there is no need to take out a mortgage, people know, the second, and the third, i’m selling the first, the problem is this, the problem is that he said that he has three apartments, not modest.
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to the fact that long-term planning is based on the fact that you understand what will happen in the main part, in fact, in this part, basically we have to win when, how do we proceed from this, well, this is secret information, i i already understood, that's it in short, so, since we assumed that there would be some movement, accordingly, we will come, as it were, in the part that we know in the economy, in the economic component of the pmf, as it were, is being implemented, in the pmf, accordingly, the most important factor will become and, in fact, african direction, because before that, first of all, there will be an interview, including the media, including unfriendly countries, and most likely there will be a lot of statements on ukraine, and judging by what lushakov announced and judging by what will there be, what kind of speeches will there be on this matter, so it’s very interesting to see the second point, the question will apparently be on the initiative of china, which is connected precisely with their twenty plus countries that seem to be ready to support their initiatives here, a very interesting question, as if in what format this will be because we understand that
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approximately 100 countries will be present in switzerland, but precisely in the status of leaders there will not be so many european union, the question is that it would have no reason to be offended if he hadn’t behaved so disgracefully with us, they carry water to the offended, that’s right, we should have a lot of water, we didn’t start this, this is a confrontation, certainly with france, with france, perhaps yes, that’s it , but the point is this: now, when there is an impact on the economy, the most important thing, in fact, is to maintain this economy, in fact, first of all, this is
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the price of energy resources and the main buyers, respectively, for exports, today ended, the elections in india. by the way, i remind you that it’s over, modi won, but most likely he won’t be able to form a majority, he can, he will form a majority in the coalition, he joined the coalition, the coalition scored, respectively, a passing component of 289-292, but his party itself did not get this majority, that is, he will have to cooperate in a coalition, before that he created a government of only one party, and this was his main strength , now he will have to drag in the right-wingers, who are quite radical guys in fact. and you stand for a lot of different people, he is also a fairly right-wing guy, to put it mildly, but he can correct it very much, so the right will not spoil the furrows, you know, tell me, this is for israel, there are now very big problems about this , so what all this is about is that in the near future, accordingly, from this point of view , it will be necessary, first of all, for the main trading partners to participate in this conference, in these negotiations, and in everything else, because at these main
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trading partners will be turkey, china and india accounting for a significant part of the trade turnover, without which it will be difficult to cope economically... this will ensure a military operation. the united states cannot unilaterally seize russian assets to help ukraine. the united states needs the participation and support of its allies. the white representative is crying. home, let's go back, where is the jackdaw, i call, i call, she doesn't pick up the phone, the premiere is on rtr, let's go introduce you to kirill, i don't know you, i've never seen you, what if you're a thief, i'm galina, jackdaw, here you go met, but did you say that you are his daughter? and i seem to know you, yes, we met once, and you are here, by what fate? galka, today on rtr. cleaning floors is
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bestmarket's best-selling hits from only 4:95. please, introduction and roll call, please without construction. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea did you drink? how many stories have been told? i was. fulfilled, created with joy, let's all i foresaw my fate, now we'll just wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday, nart. hello, i’m coming to you for an interview, and i guessed it, so
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what? you’re ready to start, look on saturday, it’s zhenya, your new nanny, you think i don’t see how she looks at you, smiles, all these exchanges of glances, get out, you’re still leaving who, there are job offers different, you managed to please kolya, which means you will be able to play my girlfriend and charm everyone, i mean, but she is waiting for a completely different proposal, my son anton is getting married, what are you doing? what the hell is a wedding? will you just leave? after everything that happened, do you think this is right? i believe that what starts with deception does not end well, anton, love for hire on saturday on rtr, catch me if you can, a big music show, the whole team of stars needs
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to make a common decision. called german chancellor scholz schulz and said that he had allegedly already met with him on the sidelines of the g7 summit in 2021, although the post of chancellor was then occupied by a completely different person, it was angela merkel, and no chancellor schulz. further, while talking about the trade war with china, joe biden managed to confuse sizenpin and putin. at the same time, biden allowed the use of american armed forces to protect taiwanese separatists in the event of an attack on them by mainland china. but he didn’t say anything about the possible dispatch of the us army to protect the kiev regime, but that’s not his problem
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limited. the president. the united states directly stated that it does not support, as he put it, the natoization of ukraine, natoizai is a new term from biden, while promising that he would never allow russia to occupy kiev, otherwise putin will revive the soviet union, seize poland, after poland the balkans and all of europe in general let's see how our army is progressing. the bomb is lifted using a special jack, the technician checks the fastening and gives the command for takeoff. the so-34 flies over the water surface, and after a few minutes the controlled factories rush towards the ukrainian fortifications. after reporting the successful defeat of the target,
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the pilots carry out a missile defense. these shots show the combat work of vks pilots and crews of heavy flamethrower systems in volchansk. columns of smoke rise above ukrainian positions in the city center. assault units surround the area of ​​high-rise buildings, making significant progress in the east of the village.
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carefully, our reconnaissance units have now given a target, we will work on the enemy’s manpower. the ukrainian military publishes footage of the destroyed volchansk. the militants are setting up firing points right in residential areas. houses. the situation is being closely monitored and
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nato experts are publishing a report on the progress of the special operation by the french ministry of defense. it is reported that the russian military is developing an offensive along the entire front. burns a d-20 howitzer near avdeevka, here the target of loitering ammunition becomes
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a parking lot for equipment, and this is a cemetery for destroyed american maxpro armored vehicles. deputy editor-in-chief of the german bild runsheimer says that militants have to hide from endless shelling in bunkers. where do they come from just a few minutes at night. it doesn't really matter how long you've been doing it, how often you've been there, it was always very unpleasant to go there. you meet soldiers there in their positions, one of them was a farmer, the other an actor. these are young people i can easily empathize with, who could be my friends, and see how they are now defending themselves while desperately saying they don't have enough weapons, which is what they need. the owner of the white house called zelensky's peace summit in biden did not find time to attend so switzerland, this has been officially announced. the american magazine foreign policy writes that
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now is not the time to negotiate. kiev must launch a new offensive. if ukraine enters peace negotiations, it must do so from a position of strength. kiev needs to strengthen its negotiating position, putting an end to... russia, launching its own counteroffensive and regaining more territory. this will require time, which ukraine now has. western weapons have just begun to arrive at the front ; their volumes will increase in the coming months. russia and ukraine may eventually negotiate a political settlement, but now is not the time to initiate them. kiev will ask its allies to expand the scope of the use of western weapons against targets in the russian rear, said ukrainian foreign minister kuleba. that he is making adjustments as the situation at the front changes, said the coordinator for strategic communications at the national security council. many people were lucky to be alive but lost limbs. last summer, vitaly saika kazakova was torn off
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legs on the eastern front. according to him, his left leg was torn off on the battlefield, he was saved thanks to the fact that they constantly underwent medical training, he immediately applied a tourniquet to himself and remained in... there are many people with amputated limbs in ukraine, but there are not enough engineers, to create the prosthetics they need. the national guard has canceled the demobilization of military personnel who returned from captivity, soldiers who were exchanged before may of this year will be sent back to the front, said verkhovna rada people's deputy alexey goncharenko. military commissars are conducting raids across the country to search for draft dodgers.
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in kiev, a representative of the tsk hit a woman in the face, the military registration and enlistment office reported that their employee acted according to instructions, just emotions took their toll, those mobilized are trained only on papers during interrogation. said a ukrainian military man, he was captured 2 days after being sent to the front. telnopil region, etska, vankomat, mobilized. so i came in, the doctor looked, he’s healthy, healthy,
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healthy, healthy, that’s it, everyone’s healthy, they fired a couple of rounds, that’s all, such preparation, they gave him a machine gun, and the cop was sitting, guarding the position, and on the third day he was captured. at the plenary session of the st. petersburg international economic forum, putin will speak about the situation in the russian world economy, as well as about the political situation in... international representation this year is impressive for participation 18,600 people from 139 countries registered. but former american intelligence officer scott ariter will not be among the guests of the pmf. three us customs police officers.
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any contact between citizens of russia and the united states, with ritor had no personal restrictions on this, a former american intelligence officer himself spoke about this on the air of our program and advised the west to go to russia as an antidote to cowardice, communicate with russians, learn more about our country. i really wanted to participate in mf. i was about to board a plane in
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new york that was supposed to land in istanbul, but i was called, the police and border guards took my passport, and not to mention on what grounds they even do this when i asked what was going on why is this happening, they said it was an order from the state department, i went twice last year. there were no problems in russia, but now, perhaps, they didn’t want me to go, so they took my passport. this is a clear violation of the rules, a violation of the constitution. i did not plan any provocative statements at the st. petersburg forum. i wanted to participate in discussions with russian experts on how to improve relations between russia and the united states. i know we have big problems between us, we can't deny it. but how can we
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solve this problem only through dialogue, we have a widespread disease now, it’s called russophobia, and how to fight it, just learn more about russia, and thus, how can you do this, only by going to russia, only by communicating with russians, so i want bring an antidote to the usa. of all these pre-election debates, the struggle and
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europe is preparing for the euro for the elections of the european parliament on june 6, these means today’s moment is very indicative , look here are 27 options for 27 countries, i won’t be there now party layouts are separate so to speak, in each country the combination is but overall this general trend is very interesting , that is, in fact, if we sum everything up, we see that in the first positions it is not even russia. and not even ukraine, in the first positions in almost all pre-election national programs, the most acute internal socio-economic problems, the contradiction of migration, and indeed the only country where russia, the fight with russia is in the first place, is finland, that is, the mysterious finnish soul, certainly not i know if this is the reason, this strange one mysterious finnish alcoholism when there is no access to russian. i’m joking, of course, or so to speak, the entry of finland and sweden into
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nato was so invigorating, but this is a separate topic, in this sense we had a mutually beneficial partnership. this is, let’s say, a decrease in the status of representation at the swiss so -called peace forum, and here it’s not even a matter of the fact that the leaders of china are there, the usa, grandfather biden, brazil, saudi arabia will not come , it’s like, yes, that is. yes, there is a formalization, a decline in the status of the swiss forum, the problem is much deeper, there is a devaluation, dismantling, deformation of this certain idea that zelensky tried to put into this agenda of this forum, about some kind of global, in quotes, anti-russian unity, about some kind of ideology, it
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is bursting at the seams, what reasons, well, the first reason for this deformation of this forum, the first is the military, of course, the situation at the fronts. naturally, they talk about it everywhere, they don’t talk openly, but everyone talks about it. and the third reason is the ideological decline in status, and clearly, the chinese foreign ministry clearly understands this ideological indicated the reason when zelensky scolded china about how supposedly china is putin’s tool and other well-known things back in shentgrila, in singapore, and it was said, first,
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because the reason for the decline in status is because there is no russia, b, because there is no other, plans other than the ukrainian one are not being considered, so on the formulas for peace... in particular, the chinese third, there is no equality, there is no justice, everything is clear, and here a third problem arises, the euro-atlantic one - this is an increase in the level of escalation, the most serious thing possible, yes, what does it have to do with it here the american factor is highlighted in a new light, the fact is that you understand, in fact, well, we all understand that of course america is the main engine here, the driver, so to speak, it has its own tactical calculations, by the way, as svr director sergei naryshkin said , it is very fair that... the united states is interested in escalation only when it is economically beneficial and safe for them. economically, yes, it’s really profitable. a colossal billion dollar, the american military-industrial complex is rowing, profits and prospects are even greater. i i think that one of the scenarios is a kind of european war scenario, this too, including the economic one, like a new marshal plan
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and so on, but the second one is safe, here of course there is a big open question, but the main thing is what is actually written and how it is written. experts from the stockholm peace institute, the american nuclear umbrella, it turns out, is a fiction, america will not sacrifice its interests, they will be destroyed, so against this background, against this background of these three problems, lavrov’s visit to africa is very promising, i i would say that more figuratively, in fact, russia, and with its kind of sharp needle, thread of hydrocarbon, military, political, cooperation, is stitching together individual disparate african segments of the country into a single gradual return of russia to africa african strategy , completing i want to say a very important point in a few days will be the anniversary of the great russian and the poet pushkin is 225 years old and you know
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almost 200 years ago he was pushkin, addressing french politicians and parliamentarians , pushkin’s lines, which are very relevant today, so send your embittered sons to us in itia, there is a place for them in the fields of russia among the coffins that are alien to them, pushkin said this 200 years ago, it is very relevant today, and not only for macron, but in general for all europeans, politicians, in continuation. this thought. the white house reports that the united states has never limited ukraine in the use of air defense against aircraft in the airspace of the russian federation. obviously, this can be perceived as a confession in relation to that same russian, russian military transport aircraft
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l76, which on january 24 was shot down in the sky over the belgorod region using an american system. on board, let me remind you, in addition to our nine heroes, the pilots were ukrainian prisoners, the white house also reports. that the united states is not able to daily monitor the use by ukrainians of weapons transferred to them, we proceed from the fact that the ukrainians themselves understand the restrictions, to say that this is irresponsibility is probably an understatement, the ukrainians understand, as well as the ukrainians, the restrictions, but this sounds like absurdity, as well as biden himself, his rhetoric and adequacy raises more and more questions, at the very moment when he forces the whole world to balance on...
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tariffs to increase prices for american consumers, no, because here's the thing, there is a difference, i made it clear to putin from the very beginning that i , no, we are not doing, for example, trump wants to impose a ten percent tariff on everything, this raises the prices of everything in america, editor's note biden seems to have meant sidzenpin, not putin. you initially promised to restore unity, both trump and leading democrats, including some your aides say is the biggest threat to america's national security. comes from her, and her ability to lead the free world comes not from abroad, but from within, from us policy. do you agree with
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this? i think this significantly reduces our ability to achieve results internationally. after i was elected, the first g7 meeting that i attended as president was in london, england, on the beach there. i said, "well, america is back." macron looked at me and said, “how long, how long.” and then shultz said to me, what would you say, mr.... president, if tomorrow you read the london times and found out that thousands of people stormed the british parliament, not a bad leader of the free world, which requires, you know, such an asterisk and a note to understand editor, how to talk to him, what to talk to him about, what he will do tomorrow, you must proceed from your own interests, without paying, at least for now, any attention to him. we'll be back,
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pushkin, a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place. live broadcast from. at the boldin estate on thursday on rtr. they say that you need
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to prepare for a holiday, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully, but you need to rest, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore. where is everything included except for the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. treat yourself to a first-class holiday at sle reorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach, etc. lio records, we are here for you! we invite
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you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories. which will remain forever in the heart. swissotel sharmel sheikh - your ideal place in the very heart of the city. hotel. where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic delux, golf bellet is
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the best choice for an unforgettable vacation. there were about ten people in the group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she brings this kurpa to the crowd and says, baby, feed
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the dogs, hold out a helping hand, olgo and i... decided that we needed to take the guys with us, i came across such people who care, to support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and kudos to you, what you do is simply amazing, monday to thursday on rtr, select. pregnant women and money were thrown into the city, but it wasn’t me who wrote this, i really didn’t know anything about the child, that is, about you, on sunday, she is my daughter, your brother may especially not like this news, we are all starting a new life , they saw her as a daughter, i hope you understand that they became a potential heir
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to a decent fortune, and the daughter saw no other way out, elizabeth at first portrayed a loving daughter, and then she killed, robbed and escaped. she didn't need her father and family, she needed his money. fragile girl with a five-year-old child in his arms, robs and kills. are you seriously? look, don't worry, you 'll really get better soon. and your memory will definitely return to you. who are you, what do you want from us? faithful of fate. on sunday on rtr. what suddenly? the boy was forced to imagine himself as a creative person, a black and white film is presented to his eyes, because the tv is black and white, uh-huh, uh-huh, treasure island, this is a huge adventure, this is the hope of seeing the world, i just realized very late that there is no need be the smartest or the most mediocre, you just need to be equal to yourself and not be afraid to admit that i am not torkovsky, i am not german, i am just bulls, on
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the scale of the universe we all take our place. footage of the first combat use of the frog robotic complex. with his help, the military group of troops at the center destroyed a machine gun crew in the ukrainian armed forces in the ovdeevsky direction. the operator secretly brought a four-wheeled platform with several fixed mines into the enemy position and remotely detonated it, destroying the banderaites. range work
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frogs more than 3 km, load capacity 30 kg. well, while the russian army is effectively using new weapons on the battlefield, industry is regularly supplying the troops with ammunition. the day before it became known that the russian malva had appeared in the special operation zone, and the western military-industrial complex was stalling, stoltenberg said today, setting a period of 2 years to try to at least catch up. the situation on the battlefield is difficult. we see the russians making some minor gains. this shows that we need to increase our support. in recent months there have been serious delays in allied support. the ukrainians or the west produce shells and repair artillery a third
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slower than russia does, three times faster than the west can supply them to the ukrainians, why is nato, with all its military economic power, doing this so slowly? it is true that russia has been able to strengthen its defense industry faster than we expected, and it is true that nato allies have spent more time than they should have. the russian defense industry has seriously strengthened compared to nato, so come on let's face it, western countries are a colossal world gdp, yes,
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they are 14 times greater in terms of purchasing power than russia's gdp, but still russia is more effective in this regard, it is increasing its defense efforts, why is this happening, you are indeed right, evgeniy , probably, they hoped that the defense-industrial complex was due to the nineties, when it was destroyed. the defense industry is in a deplorable state, but they indulged themselves with illusions, on the other hand, this is not the first time i have said this, that after all most of the military-industrial complex of the russian federation is the state defense industry, although there is also a private one, in the west, basically all companies are private, what does a private owner want and how does he reason, today you are telling me to produce weapons, i will buy machines, hire workers, and...
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and even this fact is interesting, until the year forty-four, it means that in germany the servants of the rich, the servants of the aristocracy, and so on, were not called up or mobilized, and so on, how to cook it yourself, serve it yourself, yes, that is not at all were ready, despite the truly completely aggressive militaristic attack of german fascism on a full scale, we are working on this plan, but of course we must understand that a lot... needs to be done to strengthen defense and industry, because in many ways the nineties and two thousand years of preserving the defense industry is connected with our greatest weapons, by the way, and the role of gennady andreevich zyuganov in preserving defense
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enterprises is very large, but now we need to look, and when we talk about our weapons, we must rely only on ourselves, on our successes, because the west will increase militarization, on the other hand, look at which country you take, england was there at one time, for example, when corbyn was the leader of the labor party, but he really there were a lot of anti-war statements, now labor is becoming more aggressive even than the conservatives, the purge of all corbyn’s people has begun gradually from all leadership positions, because this is an ascal of the military, it reminds german fascism, although england seems to be such a respectable country, it would seem from the point of view of perception of the country, we need to count on our capabilities, here we need to continue systematic work in all areas, including encouraging private initiative, because we have truly great designers, inventors a lot, but we need personnel and we need state will, we have radio justice. the largest
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arms concern kalashnikov is in private hands, how this happened is a big mystery, but nevertheless, well, the daggers are unlikely to be private to release some kind of concert, regarding the honorable germany, 80 years later, the vice-chancellor of germany someone gabriel again stated that germany must achieve the destruction of russia, this is a direct quote, once again...
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as he put it, we will seize poland, he is worried that countries will begin to behave independently, and this is exactly what we are striving for, and we will achieve it, we will return, it doesn’t matter how you sing, it’s important that you can do it...
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cleaning floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for you, your back and hands forget about the exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is a thing of the past; now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily. with
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the brand new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything in, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, a durable angled brush located at the front. gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and its ultra-flat design makes it easy to get under furniture, which is usually very difficult to reach. and only today unique, brilliant.
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7995, but if you call and place your order right now, you will get an incredible discount of 20 euros, and the livington dipper swiper will get you for an incredible 69.95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence. bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area to unrecognizability. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in
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a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. when contamination occurs. just rinse with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call to order a universal photo facade for the bright life fence at a special price, only from 9.95, just choose the appropriate design, create a unique look for your suburban area, they say that ideal shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite, we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care. in your legs. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit. foot and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any
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style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the right look. roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palerma sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how
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the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love! to the country stronger at the russia exhibition, what are we celebrating? your birthday is like an aphrodite made of sea foam, and the guy is okay, so reliable, you finally decided everything, he saved my life, maria nikanova, yegor barinov, there is a huge gap between us, ksyusha, you! pissing woman, and i, he left, as he left, another shore, on friday on rtr, breaking news, the united states
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is not able to daily monitor the use of weapons to the ukrainians and the weapons transferred to them, the white house admitted, but the kiev regime supposedly already understands the restrictions imposed by washington. another important statement: there have never been any restrictions on the use of american air defense systems against aircraft in russian airspace. the british telegraph reports that in europe they are already preparing land corridors for the rapid transfer of american soldiers to the eastern flank of nato, of course, for war with russia. nato is developing numerous land corridors. to deliver american armored troops to the front lines in the event of a major european ground war with russia. american soldiers will land at one of five ports and will be sent along a pre-planned logistics route to counter a possible attack by moscow. logistics routes have become a key priority after nato leaders
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agreed at the vilnius summit last year to prepare 300,000 troops to be deployed state of high readiness to defend the alliance. existing plans call for american troops to land at ports in the netherlands. before boarding trains that will take them through germany and on to poland. there are similar plans to move forces from turkish and greek ports through bulgaria and romania to reach the alliance's eastern flank. looks serious, since the telegraph is writing about it, let's move to london, our alexander khabarov is in direct contact, alexander, hello, what is this plans to create reserve corridors for the transfer of american soldiers to our borders, what are these articles that putin is bluffing, what are these articles that macron is bluffing, is there any strategy for the north atlantic? alliance, where, of course, britain has a certain right
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to participate in decision-making. good evening, evgeniy, but of course, there must be some kind of strategy, at least it would be obvious to assume, but all these publications that appear in the british and other press, in my opinion, they are still constitute a certain information background, because if the conversation was really going on. about some very serious plans and top-secret documents, then their leak would certainly cause a big scandal. this did not happen in this case. some maps have been drawn, these maps show that in the event of a major war, american troops will be sent primarily to the territory of poland, romania and hungary, that is, those states that border directly on ukraine, only in the north a route has been laid through from norway through sweden and finland , that is. directly to the russian borders, how to evaluate these preparations,
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it is quite difficult to give an exact answer in this regard, but the fact that the topic of the russian military threat is constantly present here in britain, and not only on the pages of british newspapers, but within the framework of the election campaign, you know about that on july 4 early general parliamentary elections and candidates from, or rather not even candidates, but party leaders, should take place here. this topic is very troubling, at least the ruling conservatives have raised it quite a high degree, reproaching the opposition libarists for not being ready to defend britain in the event of such a big war, and responding to these threats, or rather responding to these attacks from their opponents, opposition leader kirstarmer even said that you, what are you, i am ready to use nuclear weapons. this is an escalation, a verbal escalation that has been happening in the west for many years now, and...
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and not the mythical threat that we now pose for great britain. ask.
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well, let's continue the news from the parallel reality, from surreal europe. do we have others? yes, what is it called? you had a story about germany, a statement about inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, the german newspaper zeitunga published what it thought was a sensational material based on...
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cubic meters of gas per year were supplied to germany, on this, not only, of course, on this, but in including, the german economy rested on this, economic growth and... of the last century and the 21st century was largely associated with affordable and conveniently priced russian energy resources, now this is being put forward as an accusation, how can it be, how could you think about the future of our economy, how could you even help the russians build the gas pipelines we need so much? now
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this kind of publication is clear that this is a way, it seems, it seems to me, of course, very strange that in this way... they are putting pressure on scholz, but they are putting pressure, again, from the point of view of changing his position regarding the possibility of striking russian territory, it has already changed, and i think that in the future scholz will finally go over to the camp of the war party will throw up his hands and say, well, what to do, such a situation has developed, democracy is in danger, we need more of our weapons and let ukraine use it as it sees fit. although in fact in the situation, if there was at least some semblance of the triumph of common sense, then scholz should not have apologized for the fact that he helped merkel complete the construction of nord stream 2, in fact, every day he should ask the united states, so who is everything? - one of the northern streams blew up, and is it possible to launch
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the remaining line of the northern stream? sorry, this is not a state story, this is project that he financed. a huge number of private companies, well, not huge, but yes, five german, austrian, european, why are they silent, these are their direct losses, well, it’s understandable why they are silent, because today, unfortunately , business is in a depressed state in every sense, in in a political sense, in a psychological sense, that is, business is afraid to give at least some... voice, by the way, uh, also a fresh example, again, a german chocolate manufacturer is being obstructed in germany because it continues to supply chocolate to russia, and the general director of the company apologizes to the german press, trying to find arguments that he has 200 people, if he stops supplies, he will be forced to fire 200
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german people in germany, that this chocolate is not going to war, but to the children of russia and they still say: how can you supply this chocolate to these russian children, you see, this is the position, the americans are probably criticizing it, because they themselves continue to do business in russia, here is today’s news, i don’t know how reliable it is, that starbucks filed applications again, filed applications for licensing of the trademark, that is, it is going to come back and we will swallow it and we will let it in, and it may come to mcdonald’s. the thing, well, in general, this is just an example when european business is constantly forced to apologize, again the head of an italian banker also apologized the other day, saying that you know, the insidious russians are not allowing me to sell a bank in russia, these are the conditions, i can’t just throw the bank and
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leave it to them, but of course i really want to do it, forgive me that i still haven’t managed to sell it, i think. days and nights, but for now i still remain in russia, that is , yes, it is still considered a courageous position that the business remained in russia, thereby challenging the european stream, although again, no sanctions are violated, uh, that is , they, of course, they follow compliance and european regulations, but today there is a situation where both business is afraid, and scholz is afraid to ask the collective biden what happened to the nord streams,
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premiere today on rtr. attention, summer sale. bestselling hits bestmarket only from 4.95. introducing the molniya cabbage cutter, which shreds one head of cabbage in just one minute. just fix the head of cabbage on the base, insert it into the mechanism, adjust the cutting width from 1. to 2.5 mm and start growing the handle, everything is as simple as 1, 2, 3. now you can cut a ten-liter pan of sauerkraut in just 5 minutes. we bring to your attention a system for moving furniture conveyor. with its help, you can easily cope with moving heavy objects on your own and won’t even get tired. moving,
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rearrangement of furniture, general cleaning. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. we present to you a machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and... just knead the dough according to your favorite recipe, cut the pieces to the size of the mold , put them in the cells, add the required amount of filling, press the special lever, everything is even , openwork, identical the dumplings are ready, we present to you an amazing new product for the season - garden shoes, these are light, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day, for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or working in the garden, garden shoes, the best the solution is a mini-greenhouse granary, it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate growth , fruit ripening and extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick
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access for watering and care. mini greenhouse-breadbasket - an indispensable assistant in the household. attention, summer sale, bestmarket's best-selling hits from just four to 95. you're bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair. replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, everything you need to do - fix the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, photo facade is a bright life. suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if it becomes dirty, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and
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easy, call order a universal photo facade for the fence bright life at a special price from only 9:95, just choose the appropriate design create the unique look of your suburban area, they say that ideal shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and convenient velcro fasteners. find the perfect fit for any width and fullness of the leg. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel
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and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. mom didn’t go to ukraine, she’s buried there, i haven’t been since i was fourteen. at the grave of masha rasputin, one of the first to hold our army, russia must have its own path, this is the heart of the world, if it ceases to exist, the whole world will perish, live the country, my destiny as a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. the hot summer has begun, putin is discussing with the cabinet of ministers domestic tourism, which,
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of course, is experiencing a boom in our country, the president communicates with the government via video link from st. petersburg, where the st. petersburg international economic forum will begin tomorrow. summer has begun, the tourist season is already in full swing, so we’ll talk today as the main topic. the topic of the development of automobile tourism in russia, look at the news, it was a 60-minute program, all the best to you and goodbye, on the russia channel it’s time for the main news of the day, big news is on the air, igor kozhevin is in the studio, hello,


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