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tv   Galka  RUSSIA1  June 4, 2024 9:20pm-10:25pm MSK

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a deal under which diesel will become much more expensive will block the import of agricultural products from outside the european union, especially from morocco and ukraine. polish farmers blocked the ravo-russkoe grebennoe border crossing on the border with ukraine, farmers are protesting on the franco-spanish border, through which trucks with tomatoes and blueberries from north africa are transiting to the center of europe. all crossings there have been blocked for the second day. well, dissatisfied with the summer parliamentary elections, the british are doing their best to slow down the abrupt return to big politics nigel farage. in the morning he washed his own candidacy from the far-right reform party with a pint of beer, and in the afternoon he was washed with a milkshake. however, a banana
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shake for £2.50 cannot tarnish the reputation of british trump. his motto is more scandals, more voters. for the same food product, for the reduction in prices that farage is fighting for, the british do not regret it. 5 years ago they already launched a milkshake at the then leader of the brexit party , and 10 years ago they aimed an egg at him. well in 2010 farage's own blood was running down his face. an attempt to increase ratings for. the helicopter's climb to altitude nearly ended fatally; farage, who miraculously survived, was rescued within minutes of the unsuccessful landing. the trip of the polish ambassador to yekaterinburg greatly surprised many today. firstly, it happened after warsaw banned our diplomats from free movement around the country, and secondly, the polish diplomat drove as if no laws were written to him, hurried to the restaurant. but there i accidentally
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ran into a polish anti-fascist. kirill bortnikov, more details. this is how a car with red license plates crosses a double line so impressively, as if russian laws were not written for diplomats. the intersection of the markings presumably occurred at this intersection of the rezhevsky tract. the cortege was moving from yekaterinburg towards the village of ozerny, where the memorial to the exiled poles is located, and it was at this tricky, intricate intersection that the video was filmed. driver. minimum fine from one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles. state traffic safety inspectors will determine whether there was a drive into the oncoming lane, then the fine will increase to 5,000 rubles. traffic inspectors are taking measures to establish the identity of drivers and take administrative measures against those involved in violations. it is unknown who exactly was driving, but everything is clear with the passengers. in one of the cars was the ambassador extraordinary of poland to russia, krzysztov krajewski. he secretly arrived in yekaterinburg and moves around the streets of the city.
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to poland from ukraine in coffins, why do you even send them to the front, why did you forget about volyn, about the volyn massacre, why did you we support, such an obviously awkward question during lunch, the ambassador did not expect to hear, please tell me how many poles came hiding behind the menu, he avoids answering. please don't bother me at work, thank you very much. probably, having lost his appetite , krzysztov krajewski. still evacuates from the restaurant. why doesn’t the ambassador want to answer a few questions from our compatriots? marcin mikolajek addressed the ambassador with unpleasant questions. he has been living in russia for almost 2 years. a man who is actually very famous in poland, he is known for his anti-russian, anti-belarusian rhetoric, just last year, as far as i remember, he came to smolensk, and my friends also tried to ask him.
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forgetting just about those who died. a polish anti-fascist restored the graves of red army soldiers desecrated by vandals. he went to the special operation zone several times and was tried in świdnica, in the same court where hitler was interrogated. in russia, marcin received political asylum. today mikolaev interrogated the polish ambassador. maybe politicians will start finally provide information about refugees killed on the polish-belarusian border?
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this is not the first time that the polish ambassador's motorcade has violated traffic rules in russia. in 2023, in murmonsk, the traffic police detained cars with license plates that were speeding and ignoring signs. and who did not give way to pedestrians, passengers krishtov kraevsky and consul general in st. petersburg slyubovsky, said that they came to relax, were there any violations of traffic rules in the sverdlovsk region, inspectors are already looking into it, information will be transferred to the ministry of foreign affairs. kirill bortnikov, nikolai starosttin, albert musin, maksata progeldeev, gennady lugunov and lengaleev to lead. our broadcast will continue with local news; colleagues, as we see, have already taken places in their studios, but before we all go to our own. good evening, igor, this is a whole laboratory on wheels, it was made on the basis of kamaz. with
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the help of a mobile complex, rescuers in real time, while in the field , can receive information about natural fires, floods and other emergency. performance characteristics, the vessel can operate in difficult ice conditions in the sea of ​​okhotsk and the bering sea, and in addition, the crab catcher is equipped with a special control system that maintains the temperature in the holds and tanks, this allows you to maintain maximum freshness of the catch. ukrybalov has sea trials ahead of him,
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and then he will go to his home port in the far east. igor, yes, we wish all our colleagues a good broadcast, residents of moscow and the moscow region, see you in a few seconds. hot on the heels of the suspect in biberevo, who started shooting from windows of one of the houses on kostromskaya street. according to preliminary data, two passers-by were injured, and an electric bus nearby was also damaged. our correspondent, maxim shevchenko, is now working on site, in direct communication with the studio. maxim, i greet you. so, we are waiting for details from you. hello igor, well, right now we are still staying near house 6 on kostromskaya street, there is a crowd behind me, it has just begun to disperse, because the operational groups have only now completed their work, but when we first arrived at the place, we
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we saw that an impressive section of kostromskaya street was blocked, traffic was blocked by police in both directions, both for car drivers and pedestrians, it quickly became clear that the cause... information about several victims, but later the information was not confirmed, also a bullet flew into a sedan parked at the side of the road, did not break through the door, left a mark on the paintwork and a dent, they shot from a fairly short distance, you have no idea
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which of the neighbors could have done this, it’s impossible to understand i mean, we didn’t think that it could be purposeful, but no, to grieve. following the traces , the police quickly established where the shooting had come from, while searching for the intruder, the area at the entrance was cordoned off, and residents were allowed into the entrance only with their passports; later, law enforcement officers reported that the alleged criminal was detained. as a result of operational search activities , officers identified and detained the intruder in his apartment. on this fact, investigators of the investigation department for the biberevo district of the department of internal affairs for the north-eastern district, a criminal case has been initiated. the first photographs taken by operatives in the apartment also appeared; one of them shows the weapon used in the shooting; the police will later assess its condition. igor. yes, thank you, it was maxim shevchenko,
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with details about the shooting on kostromskaya street. the investigative committee began checking the circumstances of the emergency in the famous lancere house on melyutinsky lane. during dismantling , the old elevator shaft collapsed. it was dismantled in order to later be replaced with a new one. part of the structure separated from the wall, one one of the workers fell along with her, the second hung on a metal beam at a height of several meters. as eyewitnesses say, the repair... work was carried out in violation of safety regulations, the elevator was dismantled in violation of any technical standards at all, that is, there was no insurance, no crane, nothing, they didn’t work with a grinder, they sawed off the top, and this just a mine, it just collapsed along with the people, there was a man hanging upside down, fortunately they pulled him in, the famous krylatskaya cycle track, which was built for the 1980 olympics, ended up in judicial center litigation. the prosecutor general's office demands that the object be returned to the status of state property. according to documents, it was transferred to the moscow federation
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of trade unions a quarter of a century ago, although they claim that it was owned from the first day of construction. vitaly karmazin found out how a unique structure ended up in private and not always caring hands. the juniors who train at the cycling track in krylatskoye have important training camps coming up at the spartakiad in rostov. while they are preparing for sports confrontations. rum found himself at the center of a legal confrontation. prosecutor general's office filed a claim in the arbitration court. on the recovery from someone else's illegal possession of a non-residential building with a total area of ​​42,195 m2 at the address: moscow, kyrlatskaya street, building 10. building one. the owners of the moscow federation of trade unions are categorically against it. belotrek has always been trade union property since 1979. we have familiarized ourselves with the claim of the prosecutor general's office and will defend it. legal rights in relation to the property complex of the sports center of trade unions in court in
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the manner prescribed by law, and this is a unique cycling track, it was established here 168 world records and not only thanks to the skill of the athletes, but also to the unusual covering made of siberian larch wood, which allows cyclists to reach speeds of up to 90 km/h, but the athletes themselves say it needs updating, the dense congestion of the cycle track, and this is not always the case in the first place yes it's safe. for training, and there is certainly not enough, there is certainly not enough 250 m white track. the resource of this olympic cycling track of ours, krylatsky, is no longer enough, serious passions were in full swing here at the 1980 olympics. the eternal rivals of the gdr and ussr national teams fought for gold in the pursuit race. ours in krasnoye at that time still held the world record. won. after the collapse of the ussr , both the velodrome
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and the adjacent olympic cycling road remained under trade union ownership. at the beginning of the two thousandth it was transferred to a commercial structure. local residents complained that businessmen surrounded the park with a fence. there will be only two entrances and they will be paid. they cut down centuries-old trees in a protected area where rare birds lived. destroy trees there, mow them down here dry onion, then conduct an environmental survey, which gives prospects for its removal from the special protection of certain areas. and accordingly the buildings. the mayor's office sued the owners of the bicycle road for almost 20 years and finally won last summer. by the way, the former owner of the property did not challenge the claim, and today assesses krylatsky’s prospects very positively. i know for sure that no residential commercial complexes will be built instead of sports facilities. that is, all sports infrastructure, it will remain sports, it will just be improved. as lawyers say, each such case of disputes over property must be examined separately. usually. the basis is a violation of either corruption laws or privatization laws. as for
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the velodrome in krylatskoye, the court has already taken interim measures. re-registration of ownership of the disputed objects is prohibited until the end of the proceedings. vitaly kormazin, oleg dobin, artyom kuznetsov and valery kupriy. news. them for life connected by a common victory over a fatal disease. today, bone marrow donors , the patients they saved from... they will still catch the last train on the subway, they have an important meeting in moscow, yaroslav will see for the first time the person who saved his life. of course, we go to the hospital for check-ups.
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the boy was six months old when doctors diagnosed a rare condition called diamond blackfan anemia, with seven cases per million. his bone marrow did not produce red blood cells, there is no treatment, only a transplant. for you, is this service to medicine or just a desire to really help? seriously ill person? well, more likely the second, that is, if there is such an opportunity to help. in principle, this is not so difficult for a person to do, we are not told the gender, age of this person, but it always seemed to me that this was a child and a boy, for some reason i... imagined myself looking similar in childhood, a graduate of the second moscow honey, he understood everything: finding a donor for a bone marrow transplant is difficult, related donation often does not work, 5,000 patients are waiting for a transplant every year. bone marrow transplantation have been used to treat leukemia and other severe immune diseases for more than 30 years. today this is very common, in
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some cases the only method of treatment. in the russian children's clinical hospital alone , more than 100 such operations are performed per year. bone marrow makes up 4% of a person's body weight, and it is there that the development of maturation of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets occurs. the immune system is born from stem cells, and transplanting bone marrow means renewing the immune system. when even intense chemotherapy does not work when the lymphoma is high-risk, then yes, you need to suppress your own bone marrow and replace it with healthy bone marrow. skiing in winter, this is her last marathon before illness, 50 km from start to finish, and after a terrible diagnosis, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a new marathon began in the fight for life. the doctor told me, you are ready
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to be treated, it will be a very difficult and thorny path, i said, yes, i’m ready, you already have a donor, we... found it right away, i exhaled so much, i think, well , that’s it, now it’s for sure, for sure everything will be great. in 2022 , a unified federal register of bone marrow donors was created in russia; today there are already more than 300,000 people in it, but to cover the need of russian transplant clinics, we need to get closer to a million. yes, there are cases when this is some, let’s say, common genotype and 160 donors per patient, but unfortunately, there is a case. when there is no compatible donor in the russian registry, there is a case when in all international registries there is no compatible donor, only every three hundredth donor is suitable for patient, they can open up to each other 2 years after a successfully completed operation, today such a meeting took place.
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elena erofeeva, adda adamova, siyasavichev, mikhail utkin, ilya korchuganov, news! now about other events briefly: a new enclosure was built at the moscow zoo for two snow leopards: the female daina and the male untsik settled in a spacious area that resembles a section of a mountain range with plants, boulders, caves and a grotto. now experts expect that the couple will have offspring. on smolenskaya embankment restoration of the composition science and labor, located on the roof of the famous geologists' house, began. this is the first work of this scale in 70 years. the outdoor sculptures are now located.
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a ten-year-old boy was hospitalized after an accident on volgogradsky prospekt; he was hit by a car when he and a friend on the same electric scooter ended up at the accident site. amid more accidents involving scooters , rental services are introducing additional fines, and legislators are discussing the need to tighten rules. report by alexey knor. footage from a traffic camera, two boys on one electric scooter drive out onto a busy highway at high speed. the children were probably trying to get through while the red light was on for the drivers. light, they almost crossed volgogradsky prospekt, but they didn’t have time, the light turned green, the traffic started moving, and both children ended up under the wheels of the car at about this point. one child with serious injuries is now in the hospital, the 600 w scooter belonged to the parents of another boy, he was driving, we managed to talk to him mom, did he take yours? well, yes,
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you need rights to it, no? yes, category a is needed. did you know that he took your scooter? no. on the fact of the incident, the prosecutor's office. has already begun an investigation, a protocol on an administrative offense has been drawn up against the father of the child for transferring control of a vehicle to a person who does not have such a right. indeed, it is only allowed to drive a scooter with a power of no more than 250 watts without a driver’s license, although you can buy any one. here's an electric scooter, it's an electric scooter, it doesn't matter what power it is. the traffic rules do not regulate the power of an electric scooter. in a physical store you can get the right scooter. purchase only from 18 years of age, but marketplaces do not limit age in any way. the requirements for riding personal mobility devices, which include electric scooters, hoverboards, segves and unicycles, are becoming increasingly stringent. there haven’t been any fewer violators yet, and why didn’t you dismount, even the presence of an inspector doesn’t stop you, why didn’t you dismount there on the pedestrian crossing, laziness, what does laziness mean, well, this is
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the rule, the next violation that the participants commit is riding together, as you know, the traffic rules say one scooter, one person, you can independently control personal sims from the age of 14, for services for kicksharing, the conditions are even stricter, only those over 18 can rent a scooter, however, they have also increased 500 rubles, did not dismount at the crossing - a thousand, for fines, threw the scooter in the wrong place , a trip for two is five, and for drunk driving you will have to pay from 100 to 150 thousand. we we hope that the state traffic police and inspectors will be more active in identifying drunk riders, naturally they will have to send us a protocol, the money will be debited immediately from those linked to the account. if, for example, there are not enough funds on the card, then such a card is blocked, that is, the account is blocked, the person cannot make the next trip. by the way,
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traffic police are planning to tighten measures against scooter riders. alexey knor, sergey evdakimov, arthur nurmukhomedov, anastasia roif, lead. this concludes our episode, that's it. news is always available on the media platform, watch in the app or on the website, right now there are new episodes of the melodrama jackdaw on the channel.
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we looked for happiness on our roads in the headlines of destinies in fabulous places.
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is your guy drinking again? so, come on, get ready, i’ll give you a ride home, it was the second one who said that my mother died 3 years ago, tell, only 3 years, i would have had time to catch her, but my father remained, don’t you want to meet him, don’t you think , he won’t be curious to find out that he has another daughter, but... it’s amazing, tvk is building technology, what are you yelling about, you know who? koroshenennikov alexander nikolaevich, owner
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of tvkostroi and technology, this is a construction company, a big one, but they built up half of the city, you know how much money he has, so maybe it’s not him, yeah, his namesake, and the logo fits, aren’t there too many coincidences of value? hey, what are you suggesting i do, get into someone else’s life, why into someone else’s life, this was your life , so you, by the way, also have the right to this, you are the real daughter of the krosheninnikovs, and not this victoria, and this is all yours how are you can you imagine, that is, i come and say: hello, i am your daughter, then even if i prove this, they will immediately love me, and why do you need their love, sergei loves you, i love tamara mikhailovna, from them.. no, well, no, i definitely can’t, brother, your brother, you have a brother, how old is he?
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i think she told him that he was sick with something, or that he was also a stranger to you, that’s it, i went because my brain was about to explode, where should i go, thank you. tamar, let me lend you some money, remember, you i asked you the other day, thank you, zhurik, i don’t need it anymore.
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can i guide you so that yours arises less? no, he’s probably already drunk and sleeping, he showed up, he didn’t get dusty, it’s so late, where were you hanging around? you’re silent, i saw through the window, zhorik brought you in a car, tomka went on a spree, because you’ve been drinking, don’t be stupid, don’t turn the arrows, i may drink throughout my life because you’re staring around, because you’re completely drunk, go sleep it off, but i was asleep and didn’t
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see anything, yes, so that you could go for a walk, but you think i won’t catch you, i was the fool in the first place, men go to me... do you believe that you and arsen are playing tricks, i didn’t catch you then, you gave birth to your daughter on time, i was ready to forget everything for the sake of a jackdaw, hello, this is galina, and now again for the old days, you think i won’t catch you, hmm, can i start to work right now, but by the time you get there, it will be too late, although come.
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emerald cottage community, you get there, wait, like a cottage community, hanging, do n’t, i’ll switch all the dishes in the house, stop. dachenka, where are you going?
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country house, probably a car for everyone, amazing, i think they have real estate abroad, somewhere in italy, or maybe in england, now it’s fashionable to live in england, you’ll take me with you to see, i’m not going anywhere for a cat, why do you have every right, he’s your father, he has no i have someone to fly to england, again for their own sake, but they are strangers to you , love those who are closer to your soul. property must be divided by blood, a country house and an apartment, not only theirs, but yours, remember, and money too, i can imagine how happy seryoga will be when he finds out that he has a rich bride, it’s not a fact, it’s not a fact that will be happy, it’s not a fact that i’m his bride, he hasn’t called me even once in 3 days, not a single message, just a text message that he arrived safely, and to hell with it, with such a dowry you know, there will only be a million grooms with money, not like your seryoga, unless
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of course you plan to build... a career as a nurse in your own home, i don’t plan anything at all, but why are you going then? i don’t know, i’ll either tell them everything as it is, or i’ll just look at them and leave. good evening, who are you to, i would even say, good night, we are krasheninnikov, you should have warn me, i know, drive right at the intersection, if i had come to benti or mazarati, he... didn’t even stop me, you understand the difference, friend,
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i’m stunned, this is a house, just tell me something else what you need from this family is not money, but love. you are galina, hello, hello, unfortunately, no, here she is, forgive me, please, my name is yuri, let's go, i'll see you off, that's it, friend, i 'm flying, come on, call me when you tell me, well , that's the most important thing. he's your father, okay, okay. hello, i'm sveta, i'm the housekeeper, follow me, i
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'll show you your room, what's your name, and my name is galina, maybe just a jackdaw. here is your room, you put a towel on the bed, the bathroom is here, and victoria, and victoria alexandrna? is already resting, she will talk to you tomorrow.
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and then babaev gives me a pass with his heel, and i hit the right post with my signature one, with the rebound into
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the goal. pavel, you probably trained a lot to master this technique. so, to be honest, the first time actually happened by accident, i started during training i tried, but it doesn’t work at all, i’ve been training for 2 years, guys. they started laughing, but as they say, patience is hard work, kirill is a little shy, i think he wanted to know how long you have been playing football, and since childhood, from the age of three, you have been kicking a ball, you haven’t played with cars on the train, you haven’t read books, here. how are you studying, kirill? kirill has very good grades, the teachers are happy, and he studies english even during the holidays, however, kir, english is correct, english is not mathematics, yes,
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it will always come in handy, it’s a pity i just realized that, when i joined the national team, and yes, kirill, look, here’s a gift for you, the whole team signed it. to run faster, hold, hold, hold, and now let's all take a photo together, wait for dad. kirill, dad is at work, you know, and yura, bring the camera, let me stand next to you, get ready, come on, cheese. and now i’m with you, just a second,
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to consult, the buffet is singing, the buffet is singing, the buffet is singing, but the conductor is not, and what motivates you to do it in your own way, i take responsibility for myself. what's the mood, catch me if you can, a big music show, how is that possible, no, no, on friday on rtr, kalinon belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean,
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discover true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinonbelek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmalsheikh. trixas rodomis charmel sheikh - an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of their parents' children, escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas rodomis charmel sheikh. gin сnop product. we invite you to
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the charmel sheikh swiss hotel, the world's first all-inclusive swiss hotel. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel sharmel sheikh, your ideal place in the heart of the city. borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic bodrum. let's
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finally get to know each other. christina, your little sister, what? family passions. are you at all where did it come from? but she wrote everything over to christina. i won’t budge until i throw this impostor out of our house. i will not give up what i got from my family. we must unite against her and prevent this scoundrel from taking over our money, our factory. behind seven seals already on the website in the application, tell me where she went, you can’t help but know, she went to seryozha, hello, hello, no, i don’t know, although maybe i’m very guilty before the tick, she me never forgive me, i know i deserve it. “i only need to know one thing, that everything is fine with her,
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everything is fine with her, and tell me, elochka, she, she found that family, you don’t know her, what is it, well , honestly, yes, and now we will drink tea, kirill, come to the table, lyonite, light the candles, i want to wait for dad, but pavel can’t wait forever, but he came just to meet you, we won’t eat cake without dad!” sorry, dad, hi, sorry, they have. wants to do nothing without you, yes, okay, dad asked me to tell you that he’ll come as soon as he’s free, so make a wish, we’ll forget the candles and
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eat cake, he’s lazy, light up, light up, i want dad to come, kira, well, we agreed, he called you in the morning, congratulated you, now he’s not may come, he had a serious accident at the facility, he didn’t have an accident, i know he’s with her, he’s dying, you ’re dying, you’re all dying, kira, please calm down, what will he think about you, pavel, the man came specifically to tell about football, i hate football, i hate all of you, yura? elevator. pavel, excuse me, for god's sake, the boy is in adolescence, you understand,
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he is always like this, almost always. well, forgive him, please, he’s not always like that, it’s good that you’re here, mother, i just wouldn’t know where to run, how did you get settled, okay, thank you, i hope you like it with us, yes, i need everyone your documents, come on, i’ll introduce you to kirill, what procedures, and he’s been prescribed therapeutic exercises, massage, injections, by the way, absolutely. massage, but what about the boy? abasia, abasia, is a motor disorder of the lower limbs, yes, i know, kirill, open the door, open
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the door, please, you have a massage on schedule, i need to introduce you to a new nurse, kirill, i don’t want anything, leave me alone, if you don’t open the door, yura will come back, and we let’s open it ourselves, you haven’t had breakfast, go to the kitchen, they’ll feed you, in the future you’ll have breakfast with us in the dining room, while i ’m printing out the daily routine for you, kirilla, leonid, this is very tasty, thank you, are you staying with us for a long time? yes, for about a month while the agency is looking for a professional caregiver, then you’re lucky, boy, you’re willful, it’s painful, there’s been so many years before you, the first one was fired, he made fun of her father,
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he brought the other one to a nervous fit, and the one before you got out of harm’s way, that’s only in six months, but he’s been sick for a long time, he had a seizure somewhere, he hasn’t walked since then, but before that, and before that he was running, they couldn’t catch up, uh-huh, so victoria asked me to tell him.
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who are you? hello. who are you? your new nurse. i thought you were a monkey, since you climb on windows. so. i'm galina, galka, you have a massage on schedule and i need to do it, let me help you, don’t touch me, i don’t know you, i’ve never seen you, what if you’re actually a thief, yeah. hereditary, but i saw, he threw some kind of hysterics downstairs, it’s none of your business, get out of here, i didn’t call you, oh-oh-oh-oh,
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men don’t behave like that, if you weren’t a girl, then i would have you hit, oh, if you weren’t in a wheelchair, i would drag you in too, if you locked yourself in, and how are you here, i’m through? i got a scheduled massage from kirill, i’ll tell my father everything, i’ll tell my father, and i’m afraid, you know his reaction, your happiness, that it’s your birthday today, massage, now a massage, after you can go for a walk somewhere, if you want, i’ll tell yuri, he’ll take you to the city, sit there, have ice cream, go to the cinema , go to the equestrian club, equestrian club, yes, yes, to equestrian club, you hate riding, so now i want to. ride, wait, how are you going to ride, for your information, a horse ride is recommended for those who don’t need it,
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okay, yura, please take them to christina’s stable, i’ll warn you, it might be really useful, dad will be happy, then tell them, so that they saddle fischer and chengis khan, yeah, and then go straight home, because if dad suddenly arrives, you’re not there, but he called, no, not yet, i think he has something to do. you can wash your hands in the bathroom at kirill’s, but yes, thank you.
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kirill, as always on a fisher, yes, on a fisher, here it is, give chengis khan, i don’t know how to ride horses, but what can i do, sit and breathe the air, he’ll ride you himself, or weakly, not weakly? just calm, yes, the calmest ones, well, if you don’t scare us, we ’ll all ride a little, but no, i won’t go, then i i won’t go either, that’s it, let’s go home. wait a minute, you’re definitely safe, if you don’t approach the horse from behind, then bicycles are not dangerous, i
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’ll give you a full briefing, we’ll pick out clothes and a helmet for you, great, for the horse, yura, help, let’s go, now let’s get dressed and i’ll tell you everything, i’ll show you everything , don't worry, he's calm. well, well, we throw our leg, yeah, well, we sit straight, hold the reins tightly, if you need to turn right, pull through the water to the right, also on the left side, so what? it’s scary, but no, it’s somehow good, it’s quiet here, so calm, come on, go, i’ll follow you,
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sorry, i can’t help, i’m not in tears myself, let ’s catch up, you’re a good little one, let’s go home. home, to my father’s facility, semyonovskaya 17, it’s too far, victoria said.
10:12 pm
after a walk, i go straight home, here i decide where to go, of course, and you can’t stop me, you’re nobody here. accident, outsiders are not allowed in, kiril, maybe you can call alexander nikolaevich, there he is,
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look, kil, where can i call? no, no, let's get out of here, that's what you wanted, i said, let's go! just try to say, where were we? so, how was your ride? fine. garina, and why does your scheduled procedure take so long? oh, she just didn't want to leave.
10:14 pm
oh, what fresh air! oh, what horses, and how quietly beautiful everything is, oh, what are you doing, it hurts , oh, it’s you who is zachinghis khan, whistler, hold on, you’re no nurse, you don’t even know how to give injections, i’ll tell vicky everything. yes, i ’ll tell the wiki everything, oh, so in a week you’ll leave on your own, we bet, we bet, for what?
10:15 pm
pushkin. a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems smooth of bolden pond forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from the boldin estate, on thursday on rtr.
10:16 pm
immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. lexus golf villas and suits sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmal shake. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here
10:17 pm
for you. rom castro is a product of the stellar group. rixas premium sigte. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsus premium sea gate. rixas premium seagate. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. hotel titanic de lux. belek, where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is
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a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. hello, i'm coming to you for an interview. and i guessed, well, you’re ready to start, look on saturday, it’s zhenya, your new nanny, you think i don’t see how she looks at you, smiles, all these exchanges of glances, get out, you’re someone else who’s leaving someone, there are different job offers, you managed to please kolya, which means you’ll be able to play my girlfriend and charm everyone, in sense, but she is waiting for a completely different proposal, my son anton is getting married, what are you talking about, what kind of damn wedding? you’ll just leave like that, after everything that happened, do you think that’s right? i believe that what begins with deception does not end well, anton. love for hire on saturday at rta. we
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let's put aside our own, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us. step to victory, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr.
10:20 pm
god knows they scared me too. i’m already upset, and also you with stupid jokes, chekhov, uncle vanya, yeah, who are you, yes, vika said, you are
10:21 pm
kiril’s new nurse, yes, i don’t remember your name, lyudmila, i’m gali, yes, exactly. and i’m alexander nikolaevich, yes, i know, well, we’ve met, come downstairs, would you like a drink for getting to know each other? no, alexander nikolaevich, i don’t drink, i don’t drink at all, i too, but sometimes it’s necessary,
10:22 pm
today is my son’s birthday, and i wasn’t even there, so what, alexander nikolaevich, everything was fine, we congratulated kirill, then this famous national team football player came to this one. the striker, you know anyway, he also gave him a ball with autographs, then we drank tea and cake, then we went to the equestrian club, the equestrian club, well, yes, kirill wanted to ride horses. so we went, he can’t stand this club, and then, well, then home, but it’s clear, alexander nikolaevich, you excuse me, of course, but why doesn’t kirill have any friends? well, he’s been very withdrawn in the last year, snapped, was rude, they...
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there he is on the left, go around, i’ll cover you, go around, i ’ll cover you.
10:24 pm
leave a message after the signal, please call me back. please, it's mom.
10:25 pm
shall we or not? well, soon? you’re already lying, may, are you frozen like a statue, we’re having breakfast , help me move to a chair, oh, i’m sorry, i did it by accident, it’s cola, it seems to be sucking.


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