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tv   Taini sledstviya-10  RUSSIA1  June 5, 2024 2:05am-3:45am MSK

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the main benefit for russia is the threat of using nuclear weapons. once they do this, it will be over. the us and allies will show russia what president biden has called disastrous consequences if they do so. i think the russians know this. and it would be very difficult for china to continue to support russia if they used nuclear weapons. so, in my opinion, it will not bring them any benefit. yet we continue to hold ourselves back due to an unjustified, exaggerated fear that russia might do this, which means that russian information operations work, but the essence is what is most important, they are sure that they are the only nations that have used nuclear weapons, no one else will dare, that is why the strait of comrade stalin is needed, it’s just that scumbags like ben hodges looked at the consequences once his.
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american ones, in order to work much further, there are no restrictions, and why are they doing all this, and additionally striking our long-range radar detection radars, provokes retaliatory actions, i remind you that their strategy, when they fight with us, they start with the so-called fast technology...
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they constantly tell us, because whoever strikes first has an effect, but the strike must be struck massively, not with one shot, it’s like when you communicate with special forces, you say, listen, so you collided with militants in the forest, like preparation, he says, yes, whoever saw it first, whoever saw it first, brought down fire there, so they got lost, because that they won't make it in time, and if you hit, then hit massively, one hit, nothing can be done, with one shot, they will work immediately, in some situation we need to look for intermediate solutions, apparently, our military ...
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will remain, so we will send a small part to these arrogant germans and we will ask the fine, so zimmerman call, ask, the fine zimmerman, are you already fined or are you still feeling the fine, zimmerman, he’s flying, hypersound is flying, flying fast, fast,
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you know, vladimirich, to be honest, i listened to this ben hodges, who talks about that the threat of a nuclear strike with nuclear weapons for russia is obtained. more valuable than the strike itself, yes, that is, well , it works more effectively, something about this ideology, it did not work in relation to the west, they said, the threat of applying sanctions against russia works much more effectively than the sanctions themselves, but nevertheless they are continue to do this, but i don’t understand why they restrained themselves, i don’t see what they, for example, restrained themselves from, you very often ask the question, what wave of mobilization is this, the seventh or eighth in ukraine, to be honest, i don’t know, i think none of those present know, because this...
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and i’m sure that the ukrainians were certainly shocked, those ukrainians who firmly believed that the path to nato was open and ukraine would of course be in nato, only for this a few things need to be done steps, show will, fight the russians there and so on, we will definitely be in nato. it was not by chance that my grandfather said this same phrase just now, on the one hand, it
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was said right now, because it was on the eve of the preparations for the nato summit, and secondly, it is the result of that policy zelensky in relation to the americans. which he conducts inside ukraine. i have said many times that there is a conflict between president zelensky’s office and the americans. i have said many times that zelensky’s office, yarmak zelensky himself, they are focused on the british. if the americans want to take control of the political leadership of ukraine, pushing the british out of there with their elbows, so that they can somehow, let’s say, become moderators of this situation, manage the processes, they will have to push them out of there.
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if he doesn’t understand this himself yet, now regarding the counter-offensive, i’m again on your show. this is the idea to the last ukrainian, even to the last ukrainian, this is your obligation, you are the political leadership
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of the country, you have taken upon yourself the obligation to ensure the tactical success of ukraine on the battlefield, in order to create a convenient platform for us to intercepted this peace agenda and from their point of view imposed their political position, you are obliged to do this, so go and make it a law on mobilization from here. situation within ukraine itself, as i have already said, but i think that it would be necessary to outline
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this position once again, as for the lawlessness of the shopping center, igor said absolutely correctly in this regard, as for the lawlessness of the shopping center, this is the punitive body that all ukrainians hate, everyone, and those who serve at the front, soldiers, and those who live in the rear, because the soldiers who fight there in the trenches, without going out, yes, they are not... in relation to the ukrainian army there was a high, then through the actions of tck there was extreme negativity among the population in relation to people in uniform, they do not they differentiate between whether he fought or didn’t fight, was at the front, wasn’t at the front, for civilians it doesn’t matter, the man is in uniform, he’s engaged in lawlessness, they beat people, all the negativity goes there, they are hated there, civilians hate them just the same . because they didn’t care about the law, they didn’t care about the constitution, they are engaged in lawlessness, they grab people on the streets,
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throw them into beads and send them to the front line, a person lives there for an average of 4 hours, dies, arrives in a coffin, but again , the zelensky regime doesn’t care at all, therefore, in this regard, what concerns the tsk is the point at which certain political, information attacks can be delivered, this is the point of irritation of ukrainian society, which... is the body that so causes some goals, but what concerns tkk is a negative reaction, we have a lot of allies here, you know, a lot of allies, so at this point, without any, without any doubt, we need to hit and try.
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will become a swiss conference, it was prepared with pathos, prepared as a format legitimation, international legitimation of zelensky, which was supposed to support him, which was supposed to convince him that he is the president, we see that everything is falling apart before our eyes, and representation is decreasing, australia generally acted rudely, sent the minister for disabled affairs to the conference, in fact , showing the profile of this event, the bribes offered by the zelensky regime... by the leader of the countries, it’s funny, but they have already grown from 50 to 200 thousand dollars,
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they don’t work, they don’t take, that’s strange, yes, they should have taken normal money, not they take it, they don’t take it, they don’t go, in general the event is falling apart, that is, everything turns into like that joke when at the hussar, let’s bathe the horses in champagne, then there’s no money, well, let’s at least pour beer on the cat, that’s it turns into pouring beer on the head, if we talk about the reaction of the americans and... about this position, yes, the ukrainian instrument is ending, but there are two generally different approaches, two forces: on the one hand, we know from the point of view of psychology, what to eat when faced with an insurmountable challenge in the early stages... denial, then anger, then bargaining, then depression, then acceptance, now the new york times has already demonstrated depression, when , in general, the last article, in general , honestly says that yes, biden got involved as a conflict manager, in two leaders, none of whom have real influence, one zelensky, the other nitanyahu, both pursuing unattainable goals, in general,
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all this is fraught with the fact that they will provoke the united states to be drawn in. into a nuclear war, which the united states is absolutely not needed. this is the new york times. and the other line was demonstrated by forn policy, that is , it’s strange, the publication is deteriorating right before our eyes, but the truth is there is an article by a senior researcher, rijepp menan, that, well, in fact, an article of such a scaler level, a student, in general , a freshman would probably write in much the same way, that in order for ukraine to enter into negotiations, now... it is impossible to enter into negotiations in any way, some kind of victories are needed, well, at least some tactical ones, in order it was possible to talk from a position of strength, but at least pretend that this orc is from a position of strength, well, in fact, then all this is broken down in shkalarsky, but to be honest, it’s so unprofessional that it’s somehow even a pity, because the publication all his life was quite respectable and was, in general, quite such
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a weighty mouthpiece of foreign policy, if american foreign... policy under blinken has degenerated so much that in general this is a doctrine, then in general the united states it's a pity, we underestimate the degree of internal decay and degradation, because there is practically zero responsibility there, if we talk about aristovich, they already remembered today, but he clearly formulated that listen, but ukraine pulls chestnuts more even for the british than for... the united states, pulls chestnuts out of the fire, concentrating efforts on what should not be focused on, when in general zelensky is trying to achieve a theatrical effect everywhere, accordingly trying to make spectacular strikes primarily on crimea, which in general, which ukraine does not it’s cold, not hot, but real things, yes they crumble, yes they fail, in this regard, in
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general, it’s all really worn down, but according to aristovich’s estimates, in a year and a half, i think. 43% noted that democracy, and 49% noted that the economy has become worse, this is in the situation, this is a sociological service that is very
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close to the president’s office. no, well, you can make a telephone call, after all, to a database of women, too, but even under conditions of strict information control, even under pressure, the numbers are enough so significant, they show that, in general, the noodles are beginning to be licked dry, it would be correct to formulate, if the kmis conducted a survey in the president’s office and shows 43%, then one can imagine. how does society feel about the fact that there is no democracy in the country? vasilich, are you a democrat? and he is for the supremacy of justice, do you see yura? pavel andreevich, you are a spy, do you see yura? 30 years ago, over all ukrainians or all ukrainians, they showed the first big carrot like this, then there was no such term yet, but that’s when ukraine was told,
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that give up nuclear weapons, and the americans said give up nuclear weapons, they signed it. the budapest memorandum, that’s all, the authorities told the ukrainians, now they’re dead. the next carrot, many years later, in 2008, the ukrainians said, the doors of nato are open for you, that only ukraine, including zelensky, was dragged into the war, and even nothing was done to ensure that ukraine became a member of nato. what did grandpa biden say? no, just no. the third carrot is big, there were a little bit there, there were little bits of little bits, i mean kind of desire.
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ukrainians don’t understand that they need to fight for the fatherland, for such a fatherland, for these monaco battalions, or for whom? for zelensky, who is sitting, really, knocking on the british and they tell him: we guarantee your life, but they guarantee him, his family is in england, his wife is in england, poroshenko, his wife travels back and forth in england, three children are studying in england, i can give you a list of who is studying, who lives in england, who lives in america, and so on, and what you showed these guys, yes, and so on, of course, they speak russian.
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who is he, remember how it was, who will put him in prison? why isn't he in the army? well, if he ’s working on this, he’s like, i apologize, he says things, why isn’t he in the army, give it to his boss ermak, why not in the army, zelensky, why not in the army, listen, zelensky is no longer president for a long time, why is he not in the army, by the way, the right question is, why not in the army, what does he have, how long is he there, i’m waiting for the tsk to come and there are delays and say so, but everyone has gathered,
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and so on, here you have two things connected, here biden says: russia must not win, ukraine must not fall, and misha podalya says: we must fight, we must, but this is it, but let misha go to the front,
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it’s not us, but you, he is being sent, that’s who he is brave, because in kiev they send those people who, as the institute of war said, and the last thing about, i cannot ignore the language of ideology, vladimirovich, i agree with you, but the fact that ideology, like you , like you.. they said, yes, they laid it all out very nicely, it’s not the language’s fault, it’s not the language’s fault that these nazis are in charge. ukraine, and the ideologies that were planted, that were given to the grandchildren of bandera, who were given power, yes, here are the granddaughters of the nazis, anna lena berbuk says that mine, my grandfather and grandmother were right, now we live like this, exactly like this in ukraine, why do they won, how they won, we can discuss, another thing, just look, the transcarpathian region,
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that’s it, and thus transcarpathia fell into the ukrainian ssr, what do i mean, when i was already a young man, i didn’t understand, about 15-16 years , i met a ukrainian for the first time, i didn’t understand that in a family it’s possible speak ukrainian, when i joined their family, i said, what language do you speak, they speak ukrainian, you speak ukrainian in everyday life, but big-big fell, no one, no one in transcarpathia spoke in everyday life what ukrainian language, i have the only b in the only
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subject, this is the ukrainian language, which... there was russian, there were dialects, there were romanian, hungarian, slovakian and so on, what is ukrainian, 30 years ago independence, well there are 34, and what they did in first of all, the ukrainian authorities began to force, began to force everyone to speak the ukrainian language, it didn’t pass, it didn’t pass and won’t pass, it won’t work in chernivtsi, it won’t work in odessa, it won’t work in transcarpathia, i’m just saying what , what kind of victory do we need, i mean the question is very important, but before... this ideology should be, this should be a completely different ideology, not neo-nazi. that's all, see you tomorrow, good evening, broadcast from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about
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the main thing. social justice alexander beglov initiates the development of a system for indexing payments to working pensioners. how is steel hardened? rusatom's mechanical engineers create complex equipment for nuclear power plants using lasers. short circuit, fire, smoke, rescue of workers at the akademicheskaya metro station took place in an exercise by the ministry of emergency situations. leningrad saplings, the youth station where flowers and vegetables were grown after the war, are celebrating their anniversary. a large-scale training exercise for rescuers and metro workers took place at night near the akademicheskaya metro station. these are spectacular personnel, planned training. according to the scenario, a short circuit occurred in the ventilation shaft, a fire broke out, and the tunnel became clouded.
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smoke, and several subway workers were trapped. some rescuers extinguished the fire, others removed the victims from the fire. in extremely difficult conditions, at depth, in a confined space, but they coped with the task. taking into account the specifics of the facility, the exercise is carried out directly at night, so as not to disrupt the operating hours of the metro, the exercise is conducted quarterly, so we try to cover maximum personnel to work out in practice all the necessary issues related to casting. the main goal of the training is to practice clear actions to rescue, evacuate people and eliminate a simulated fire, as well as coordinated work with employees of the st. petersburg subway at the time of emergency situations. such exercises take place at all metro stations. in st. petersburg, a group of pickpockets who were robbing drunk taxi customers was neutralized. criminal investigation officers detained three suspects, the eldest, he
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was driving, already convicted of extortion. and theft of money from an atm, two accomplices helped carry out a cunning scheme, having obtained the passenger’s phone, the driver made a stop and handed the mobile phone to an accomplice, he got into another car, drove around the city to make it more difficult to track his location and made purchases, soldiers of the special police regiment caught the attackers place of residence. a criminal case has been opened. according to the article of theft , one of the victims helped to find the suspects' trail. the man remembered how he was returning from a night bar. he said to the police that he himself unlocked the mobile phone and gave it to the taxi driver so that he could call his wife. as a result, i lost my phone and 5 million rubles. scooters are prohibited. it comes into force at midnight and will be valid for 3 days. during the st. petersburg economic forum. it will not be possible to move around using personal
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mobility devices in the admiral's room. developed at the central design bureau of mechanical engineering at vladimir state university. artyom poter, more details. a part of a future pump for a nuclear power plant is on the machine. there is a bright dot on the metal. this industrial laser performs the so -called thermal simplification of steel; to
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put it simply, it is good old hardening, but with a completely new method. when the laser beam moves across the surface, the structure of the material changes, which allows... in nuclear energy, all equipment is manufactured with minimal tolerances, for example, in a pump there is a gap of 0.2 mm between two moving parts, and if, god forbid, even a tiny squeak gets inside, during service disassembly of the unit you will get a groove like this. this it's a problem when, while shooting, a speck of dust gets caught in some kind of grease, which leads to such a problem. the more you remove it, the deeper it goes. this is a problem, but heat strengthening allows us to provide different densities of the material in the mating surfaces. the technology was invented by specialists from the central design bureau of mechanical engineering, together with colleagues from the engineering center for the use of laser
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technologies at vladimir state university. the first parts to be hardened were pump parts for nuclear power plant turbine rooms. this processing method increases the hardness of steel by one and a half to two times. there are situations when it appears from... on the surface due to installation and dismantling work, in this case we have confidence that the part will have anti-eroding properties, and thus we can work calmly and be sure that there will be no problems during assembly will. a modern nuclear power plant has a huge number of pumps; most of these units are designed and manufactured in st. petersburg, at the central mechanical engineering design bureau, this is one of the departments rosatom. laser hardening at times. faster, more accurate and therefore cheaper than all other classical methods. thanks to the introduction of this technology, we are increasing , first of all, the wear resistance of our equipment, that is, we are increasing the service life of certain components, that is, before, if we, for example, had to change a component
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after 10,000 hours, now we can change it after 24,000 hours or after a few years, of course , this is important for us, because the equipment, which our company produces lasts up to 60 years, while laser hardening is done only in the engineering center in vladimir. the technology is being developed. the authors are faced with the task of bringing it to serial use and training staff. the creators of the method promise that a site with such machines will soon appear in st. petersburg. artyom potor, alexander loginov and sergey larichev. news: petersburg. governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov will propose at the federal level to develop a system for indexing payments to working pensioners. about the head of the city stated this at a meeting with social workers.
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is being harassed, so i will definitely convey your wishes to the federal structure, and i am sure that we will be able to achieve this in the very near future, this is fair, this is honest. the governor recalled that in st. petersburg, about 2.5 million citizens receive various support measures, and over the past 5 years, the volume of social payments has increased by 60%. new people will not nominate their candidate for the position. the head of st. petersburg was informed about this by vice speaker of the state duma vladislav davankov at a press conference of the regional branch. in the party will focus on municipal elections, which will be held simultaneously with the gubernatorial elections in september. this should be the case for the next gubernatorial campaign. the votes of deputies will be needed to
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pass the ten percent municipal filter. 350 people were registered as candidates for people's representatives from new people. we will have another training soon. and the name of the new chairman of the st. petersburg branch of new people became known, it became state duma deputy oksana dmitrieva. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello. after a short respite, the thermometers will rise vigorously, inspiring along the way, they will be clear skies and a complete absence of precipitation on wednesday in the st. petersburg region. according to the hydrometeorological center
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of st. petersburg, on june 5 in the leningrad region, it is sunny and dry in the field during the day , about 26 ° above zero is expected to +28 it may warm up in tikhina bakhsyatogorsk +27 on thermometers, weather forecasters also promise it will not be cooler in volkhov and gadchin +23 in vyborg in st. petersburg during the day it is moderately windy and there is a lot of sunshine, at least +25. not a drop of rain, in night, on thursday in the city it will be 14-16° with a plus sign, have a nice day in any weather. two anniversaries, 50 years of the gardening and architectural college and 80 of the first leningrad station for young naturalists. yulia vasilyeva will continue: it was a piece of land, completely empty, all torn up by bombs and shells, even... it was difficult to walk there, you had to jump over.
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the third line of defense of leningrad passed near poklonnaya hill in vozerki. in the ground, which actually consisted of metal fragments, it was very difficult to find, in fact, soil for experimental beds. and so however, on april 1, 1944, shortly after the city was completely liberated from the blockade, the first leningrad station for young naturalists was created here. the story, which began back in september forty-two, is connected with the name of lyudmila galitsinskaya, a young science teacher, lyudmila mikhailovna galitsinskaya, gathered the children, people 8-10, 10, 11 years old, and said, guys, let’s make a living corner. in 1942, zinaida fedyushina entered the third grade of school 218 in the kuibyshev district. the lessons lasted 2-3 hours with breaks for bombing, and then...
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are working, and i’m younger than you, or maybe the same,
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here i am, by the way, standing there in my coat, guys like you, baby, the hardest thing was to find vegetable seeds for the youth garden, the all-russian institute of plant growing shared them with the children, whose employees preserved the unique collection in the hungriest and coldest years, we were friends with the scientists. soviet union, vegetables from greenhouses were given to orphanages, that is, leningrad schoolchildren were doing what they now call it. all these experiments, conduct biological excursions for
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over the years, the youth station continued to place children, grow record harvests, and even develop new varieties. in the nineties, there was an agricultural educational center for owners of six acres. at that difficult time , farming was a serious help for many. since 1994, the station has become the agroecological center of st. petersburg. estate, with 2007 children's ecological and biological center under the same name. now 4 hectares of fertile land in azerki are managed by a gardening and architectural college. the st. petersburg estate was recently reconstructed the greenhouse complex, by the way, stands on a historical foundation; plans for the construction of a new educational building will begin to design this year. this is not a typical building, with a dome and a winter garden under the domed roof; it is an ultra-modern
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educational platform, which will include a living corner, a living corner for primary schoolchildren, and an interactive museum. and such people also need to be raised from school and, as they say, on historical roots, so the first and most important lessons for children are taught by real leningrad blockade units. news, all the best.
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i greet you, you know, when i just entered this studio, oh, excitement, trepidation, and sadness, and gratitude to those people
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who were here in this program, what amazing people, like... what meaningful biographies, what amazing roles, events, names, real legends of the stage, cinema, theater, music, television, they were all here, now i see, this guy, you know, and i have , so i prepared a photograph, you see, this is him too, this is my first appearance on stage. with a microphone in hand, now this inscription is in this studio, where there were outstanding people with whom i was lucky enough to meet, with many of them i was lucky enough to go on the same stage, act in films, with some of them
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them, i was in some amazing friendly relationships, they allowed me to be friends. with them, if someone had told me about this again as a child, mm, well, in general, i would have believed it, but i wouldn’t have thought that it would be so bright, amazing, because it seems to me that the kind of people who were here will no longer be there, there will be other talented people, there is a new generation, wonderful, different, but they won’t be like that anymore, and i will always thank them for that... i say thank you, and, probably, my life line needed to consider as an amazing, absolutely magical, amazing line that ... brought me - from sunny moldova and wonderful, beautiful, friendly, chisinau, brought me to the capital of our
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homeland, moscow, the kremlin stars, my god, you know, i was born in a time that is called stagnation, now, but i didn’t feel any stagnation, i didn’t understand it, probably that there was this stagnation, because life was so turbulent. there was so much love, we all had open doors, you can’t imagine, there weren’t any iron doors in the entrances, not in anyone's, there were some kind of latches, everyone could come in, especially in spring and summer, excuse me, but you can have a drink, can you imagine now that you are going to go to someone , you say, you can have a drink, well, i really saw it, so my childhood, you know, it was amazing, it was filled... filled with talented people around, very kind, in soviet moldova everyone spoke such a beautiful language, how can i
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tell you , mixtures of different languages, russian, ukrainian, gogauz, well, in general, here you see, this is something like this, something so warm, amazing, beautiful, it somehow disappeared from life, but it remained inside me, and this is moldavian... sun, people, sky, long, beautiful autumn , a short, sometimes cold winter, a long, amazing spring and summer, you know, there is a film by the brilliant director kalik, his last name, he passed away, a man follows the sun, this film was shot in the sixties , the main character is a boy who running around the sunny city, filmed just in chisinau, somewhere... 10, 15 years before mine birth, but when i saw this film, i actually had the feeling that it was me who starred in this film, because these are
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absolutely definitely pictures from my childhood. my life, therefore, in art began at the age of five, because i stood on a stool, read poetry, sang songs, conducted, played a record, recited something, then bowed, loved applause. naturally, yes, you have no idea when you go to school, well , first of all, the ritual in the morning is to iron your tie, and
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it also, you know, smells like the iron, it clean, and mom says, a scarf is a must, everything, of course, mommy, everything, yes, in the elevator you unbutton so that everyone can see, the pioneer is coming, i’m going, the tie means it’s swaying, and if there’s an open sewer on the way, a manhole, i’m from there... some kind of steam, then, and as you understand, it doesn’t always smell nice, this is the happiest moment, because i stand on the edge of the sewer, it seems to me that this is a special effect, that i’m being filmed to the cinema, and i tell myself: i’ll get there, i’ll get there, guys, i ’ll definitely come, i’ll deliver, that means some there's a wire or something, i played profession all the time, i come home, my mother says: what do things smell like, what 's going on at your school, what is it? well, in general, i loved school, i loved my parents, i respected them, i cherished my dream, i did everything to
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make it come true, so i grew up, it didn’t go away, i go on stage every day on the theater stage, on a television and cinema set, i -i still love applause, and for me, in general, it doesn’t matter what height... width, size of the stage, because even on the smallest stage, believe me, i say this completely sincerely, i come out with a great desire for the audience to take a break from that reality, which is always difficult, in the 21st century it is especially alarming, you know, as golin borisovna volchik told us at the time, and i was 10 years old played in this theater, uh, she came to us before performances, she always practically said and watched the news, so they read the newspapers, says galina borisovna, we
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are now playing a classic play, three sisters, why do we need news, no, an actor. must be multi-antenna, he must know in what mood the audience came to the theater now, what is in their hearts, they are hurt or they are alarmed, or they are tense, you must know this, i remember this very well, so every time i leave stage, i want us and the audience to become a little calmer, more harmonious, preferably happier, but if this feeling arises from meeting... well, with me or with what i do, then it means i’m not living in vain, i ’m telling you this absolutely sincerely and seriously, because in my childhood there were just such artists, looking at them i wanted to straighten my shoulders, i wanted to read books, i wanted to buy a jacket, a tie, you can’t imagine how i dreamed, i will be an artist,
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i will have a jacket, i will have a tie, i will have a raincoat, a scarf and.. . glasses, why? just imagine, when i’m already in moscow, i’m a student at the variety and circus school, i entered there at the age of 14, so i’m starting to accumulate some first part-time jobs, one of them at the riga station, i had to unload a carriage with watermelons, i’m still i still remember this carriage, i still remember these people, i still remember these watermelons, and to this day, when i see a watermelon, my back immediately hurts, i think:
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just like that, i enter the carriage, i’m driving, everyone is looking at me, and i think they’re looking , because they understood the artist, yes, i want to show you one completely unique tie, this is a very special tie for me, dear, this is a real tie of yuri vladimirovich nikulin, you know, it’s like a talisman, it’s like
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a shield, like armor, so to speak, a person whom i... love and respect immensely, because yuri nikulin for me is an example of how should an artist be, what should a man be? yuri vladimirovich, a veteran of the great patriotic war, a man who spent 7 years fighting for his boots in an overcoat, he went through two wars as a young guy, and after returning from the war, he became a man who gave us hope, sun, a huge... number of people joy , and good deeds, actions, he did not sit on his own popularity, and, moreover, he would never in his life in a nightmare say to himself that he was a star. now is the time when you, in general, don’t spit, you you'll hit a star. and i’ll show you one more, from the same closet that i opened today, i’ll show you this letter from my childhood, which
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was found in nikulin’s fund. which i wrote to him at the age of 12, i wrote him several letters, always included a photo and signed yuri vladimirovich, this is when i arrive at the service entrance, so that there are no questions about who it was, so to speak, so that they let me in right away, and most importantly, it’s touching , it is written here, here is our home address chisinau, moscow, tsvetnoy boulevard 13, circus, to director vladimovich nikulin, and the main thing, urgently, urgently, please, this is it... happiness, i met sladimovich nikulin three times, this is another dream that came true for me, for me this is a person whom many people should probably follow as an example, and i always relate some of my actions or i think, i wonder what yuri vladimirovich would say in this situation, and what he would do, and i
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stabilize myself, calm myself down, because... for me he is the person, the teacher, whom i love, thank you, i remember every day. alexander, you are a good actor with a sense of humor, self-irony, which is rare for an actor, in what situations does humor help you, but it happens that your humor is not understood, a person without a sense of humor is an unhappy person, and if so to speak, someone’s humor, whether it’s mine, doesn’t matter, is not accepted , not understood.
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i go to auditions and become the host of a television program, suddenly i start going live every day, and instantly you are known to moscow and the moscow region, at least, and you know, it’s a feeling, suddenly you walked, so to speak, in a raincoat and yes, here suddenly they look at you without a cloak or already know your last name, and you get used to the fact that they come up to you and say some words, and you say, thank you, thank you, i once in the store remember it very well, it was, yes, i think i urgently need to buy my grandmother’s , there used to be department stores, a huge department store, nothing but margarine was margarine, yes, for some reason, i’m still standing
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in line, that means huge pieces of this margarine, they cut it with some kind of knives, and i see it with angular vision, that some man is coming, i already understand that, well, of course, i’m already ready for this, he comes up and he says there won’t be any, but i tell him, thank you, thank you, i move on and think, god, what a horror, this, this is terrible, this is terribly funny from the outside, you know, somehow i saw myself from the outside, and this star fever left me, and i realized that no, this, this, this is not my path, so it somehow immediately, so to speak, went away, so i treat myself with humor. well , by the way, you know, when i was already a student at the theater institute, then it was a higher theater school, i worked at night, in the evenings as a waiter, this is such
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a serious school, in general we had a very interesting team, many actors, now they are famous, popular, we worked together, the profession is very difficult, our legs are buzzing, our eyes are inflamed from the cigar smoke that was... left, yes, you know, i very, well, as a student, like everyone else, i wanted to eat and sleep, this is
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natural, because there is no time for anything, you just study, study, study, but i still studied with vladimir vladimovich ivanov, this is such an institute within an institute , you won’t be spoiled there and in general we have a schedule the next day. almost always, well , most often they found out the night before, that is , you have your life outside of school, institute, you cannot plan it, one night the company does not leave, does not leave, but there are several tricks for people to leave faster, this means turning down the lights a little, when there is no one left, then you need to demonstratively rearrange the tablecloths next to this table, if people with a conscience say: oh, yes, yes, yes, we are leaving, but... some will say okay, we will sit still for an hour, you think, god, i hope you fail, that’s it, okay, so that’s it here they sit, sit, sit, 3 in the morning, you know, at 8 you already have to be at the institute, where to sleep, at
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the school, i lived on a bench at the school, in the classroom, for, count, 32 days, because the restaurant was in the next building from the institute, here are some guests who sit almost until the morning, i mean, i already pour them... wine, and i see everything, but i don’t control myself, i can’t understand what ’s happening anymore, and i see, that wine rises in a glass, rises, overflows...
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i see this whole catastrophe, i understand that, you know, these are the nineties, they are dashing and they could would punish me in general, no, they even somehow gave me such good tea, then i remember, they left me, i bought myself winter boots, and every time i wear these boots, it means because i really have there was no money, there were no opportunities, i kept these shoes on purpose, because in one of the shoes there is a through hole in the sole here and i napkins some kind of insoles, it doesn’t matter, especially if it’s snowing, can you imagine, you have a hole, you have legs all the time, that means everything is fine, you see, there are no holes, everything so that it wouldn’t be sad, you know, one day i was supposed to end up in this studio, it was a life line that was dedicated to oleg andreevch. “i love
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this man dearly, i don’t know why he chose me as his friend, i’m sorry for saying this, but it’s really so, it was completely unexpected for me, well, we were next to each other during the filming and he tells me, come to visit me, i think, well , wow, i came to his dacha, it turned out that he’s been well over the last twenty years of his life life, in general, he..." he lived, so to speak, well , not exactly a recluse, but far from the hustle and bustle of life, he loved his wife, his family very much, his mornings began with prayer, then he sat down at the table, wrote poetry , a huge number of songs, poems, an amazing creative heritage on the table, on the table, on the table, on the table, he bought such albums where photographs were inserted
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, he printed his own poems on a printer , inserted these pieces of paper into these albums, like this. this was what samizdat was like when it had some opportunities and sponsors, friends, who could help him with this, he published books of poems, and i had amazing conversations with him, very tough, surprisingly tender, warm, filial, paternal, our last meeting with him was amazing, he told me: “i want to give you a gift , i won’t go into detail , because it’s very personal, there’s an engraving, he says: i made this engraving in 1976, these are my initials, and seventy-six is ​​the year of my birth, he says: what are the initials here ? , and oleg nofriev? he says: or alexander oleshko, can you imagine, i’m one of his amazing songs based on... the last ones
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he wrote, the song royal, and there was a line of life, and he calls me and says: please, come to the shooting, i would like us we sang this song together with you, i say, oleg andreevich, dear, i say, i have a performance, and before that there’s a shooting, i say, i can’t cancel this, i say, i don’t know what to do, and i didn’t have time, i didn’t come to this shoot then, and he sang this song, then to another of his own music, and then... giving me opportunity to perform this, he told me, so please sing this song, but only to good people, i see good people in this hall, i know for sure that we are now being watched on the culture tv channel, good people, let me i will perform this song, because it was once performed here by oleg onofriev, so i came here already on my line of life, but i remember that one day my line... of life intersected with the line of life
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of this amazing wonderful man, silence, only the wind sways outside the window poplar shawl, i don’t hear, but that’s it... i go to him quietly, slave, or having thrown everything away, he calls me, i don’t dare, i can’t be away from him, everything is in our lives.
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as before, posts constantly, as always, on white keys, hope on black keys, trouble, what do you want to remember happened? to reveal a treasured secret, maybe to merge in a duet with me, or to give a new motive in the silence of the night and the stage, for the two of
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us we have sadness, sadness, dear. hurray for my whole life, as before, everything is in the heart, as always, hope on the white keys, hope on the black keys trouble, everything in our lives, as before, everything is in the heart, as always, on white keys there is hope, on black keys there is trouble, i really wish you all, all of us, joy, harmony,
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happy moments that will turn into weeks, months, years, faith that everything will definitely be fine, reasons for... wonderful meetings, definitely health, and so that the lines of our lives intersect again again, everything in our lives, as before, everything in our hearts, as always , on white keys there is hope, on black keys there is trouble, everything in our life, but... as before, everything is in the heart, as always, on white keys there is hope, on black keys there is trouble, on white keys there is hope, on black keys there is trouble, on
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white keys, hope on black... keys, and oleg konok once gave me very important advice, uh, he says , you know, everyone who goes on stage, in general, is worried and afraid, but it seemed to me that at some point it was no longer there,
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can you imagine, i was standing next to you, i think it’s incredible, then this magical a step from behind the scenes of the stage is all, and you are busy with business, and you already know how to get into a cage with solvami, or you, or you, having received your diploma, were in high demand, but the choice fell on the sather theater. why did they refuse raikin, efremov, and choose a rogue? and how did the famous theater actors receive you? you understand what’s going on, fourth-year students have shows in the theater, we
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had a very large course, 30, in my opinion, two or 34 people, we, of course, showed in different theaters, and i was actually the only one invited from the course by konstantin arkaevich raikin saterikon, and he told me, you are the actor who should play the main roles, this a serious, so to speak, well, application, and support, and yes, then showing you... oleg efremov, the only one from the course, invites me to a conversation, i understood who i was going to the office to, and i put a voice recorder in my pocket, i have recording of a conversation with oleg nikolaevich efremov, he was already feeling very bad, and then i told him that there had been a show of satire at the theater before, he said: no, no, no, you need to refuse so gracefully, we are waiting for you, very there was an interesting long conversation and... he said words to me that only my children or my relatives will someday be able to voice it, i’m embarrassed to say this, but all
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the moves are recorded, then they called me to play along with my classmate, they needed a girl for the most soviet theater, i say, i don’t know the text, so come up with something and imagine , she knows the text, i wrote the lines on different pieces of paper, scattered them around the audience like that, and it’s as if i’m crawling and drawing something on these pieces of paper, and picking them up, i read the line that i have to answer to her, which means they tell me: so, you know, girl we’re not taking you, we’re taking you, yes, this is the theater of satire, where alexander anatolyevich shirvint led me by the hand, there was a show of the ray, and i was also invited alone, but i chose the theater of satire, because it was the first theater in which i found myself. when i came to moscow to study as an artist at the circus school, my stepfather and i went, i said, let’s
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quickly go to the satire theater and buy tickets, this is summer, june, ninety-one, the theater is no longer working, he is on vacation, but i didn’t then knew that it had already begun the time when scenes could rent, that means other productions, some theaters, rented a satire theater for another performance, we didn’t know this, it’s impossible to get tickets, only two at the box office, but i have an idea that if the theater is satire, then they will definitely play in any performance shirvin terzhavin, and somewhere else orosiva will probably appear somewhere else, so we come, watch the play, i must tell you that at this moment on the stage of the satire theater there is a performance by roman viktyuk of the maid, well, you people are theater spectators. do you remember, yes, there are, so to speak, men, bright makeup, not much on
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their clothes, i see that my stepfather is somehow tense, after 15 minutes i understand that shirvin and derzhavin are unlikely to leave today, and orosev is definitely not there, it comes to intermission, he and i go out to the square, which means mayakovsky, yes , monument. we’re standing there, he’s smoking nervously, we have to give it his sense of humor, i say: how do you like it? he says: well, what can i tell you? shirvin and derzhavin, of course, well done, i came, can you imagine, i have a dressing room, across the wall, a dressing room, already a memorial room, where andre miron did his makeup, the energy of this of a person, his sincerity, his ... this delight in life, which is recorded in different roles, he continues to give energy
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to people, so here he is, there is shirvin, here , well, and everyone really scared me about olga oroseva, they say, oh , olga aleksandrovna, this, and so they intimidated me, suddenly she walks along the corridor, i pressed myself against the wall, i think it’s about to start, she passes and says, oh, what a cute boy, i think, thank god, thank god, he... . we play plays and invited me to her benefit performance, along with spartak mishulin, they played the main roles in the play naples, the city of millionaires, to be honest, i don’t even remember who i played, every morning began with them experimenting on me, imagine, two favorites of the public, people’s artists, spartak mishulin and olga oroseva, practicing , bowing my... karkoshka, come here, where is the orange, come here, where is the cloudberry, where is the strawberry,
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where is the window, where is the bald patch? i think how tired i am of you, i love you so much, and you are like that, then they... me for the new year together with the brilliant actor of the satire theater evgeniy gravkin was given a postcard and there were 120 variants of my last name, and in general, olga alexandrovna entered my daily life, so to speak, with these things, that i somehow dreamed about her, well, how can i tell you how it is to say, but the options, nude, don’t polish your foot, nude. in short, i dreamed about her completely, not at all brighter, well , it was like a dream, a dream, well, i had to keep silent about it, and the next day, expecting that now they would start coming up with variants of my last name again, i decided to advance, i say, hello olga alexandrovna, i say, i dreamed about you today, she says as i say, just like
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you just said, deathly silence. she got up and left, i think why did i tell her this, my god, i’ve ruined my life right now at the very beginning, why, what did i do, the next morning she comes, she comes with this book, she hands me this book, i open and read, dear sashenka, in memory of our joint work on the play naples, the city of millionaires, postscript: pleasant dreams, kisses to your olya, you know, what an atmosphere, what a sense of humor, what, what subtle, beautiful, amazing, uh, words, games, reprises
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that live today and give us the mood, many years later, and... i really wanted to play with alexander anatolyevich shirvint, i dreamed so much, now my dream came true, there was a performance where we, and you understand, going on stage with shirvint means graduating from college every time again, and going on stage with shirvint and good character means waiting every time for them they'll say something or look at you, and i'm like funny, you can’t imagine, i laugh until i cry on stage, if i seem to catch this laugh, oh, that’s it, this is impossible, i start... crying, this is something incredible, we recently had such a story when i there on the front stage, that means i’m standing on my knees by the fire, and fyodor dobronravov should come out, like that with an invisible hump from the forest to say: look, look, how much brushwood i brought, and he comes out and speaks, and they say, he says : look, look, how much cottage cheese i have, why cottage cheese, why is
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there cottage cheese in this forest, that’s it, i’m starting... alexander anatolyevich, who is sitting next to me, he sees this, and he finishes me off, he says: what an interesting version, yes, that’s it, you can carry me away, and what role in theater and cinema is closest to you, where do you think you are the most similar to the character, and you know, i just like those roles where i don’t look very much like or with...
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in a school that gave us the opportunity to learn how to create another person who then lives separately from you on the screen or stage , but strangely enough, you always live next to him, it’s so amazing, a magical moment of mutual enrichment, mutual acquaintance, when you... to the role, give away some of your qualities, but sometimes the character can give you or impose some of his qualities, there is always a dangerous moment, so to speak, not to get too carried away with it , you know, as a child i was so worried that i was ugly, you can’t imagine, i wrote notes to god, to heaven, i say, that’s why
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i have such huge ears, now i look at myself as a child and think, my god, what a beautiful child. why am i, who imposed this on me , apparently, apparently, someone at school said, or someone, you know, suddenly some phrase happens, like a nail, it gets stuck in a person and gives rust, it is important to find this nail, pull it out so that the wound heals and live your wonderful life with your face, your beautiful ears , if we remember the turkish gambit, i played yablokov there, you know, even some people still tell me when they repeat this film, they don’t recognize it, they say: “lord, it’s you.” this is a compliment to the actor, it means that something like this has already been created separately, you live and look at him, because i even read from the author that yablokov had flat feet. and i think, what a wonderful characteristic, i asked the costume designers to find me boots a size smaller than my feet, first of all, my toes
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are like that in these boots, i smashed them into blood, which means my toes, but thanks to this it turned out to be so touching - the gait of a man who, you know, is like a little chicken in a frying pan, and he runs and he says something to varenka, that how he loves her and this... you know, and this is not i, at the same time, answering your question once again, i love roles that are far from me, but through these roles, so that some kind of special important connection with me passes and my statement as a person who definitely wants something tell this world.
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your other idol andrei mironov played the same role, so we have a question, what did you adopt from andrei mironov into your performance, and what did you absolutely not want to repeat? you know, andrei mironov was not my idol, he is one of my favorite wonderful artists, this that case when you don’t create an idol for yourself, because there is a danger that you will live someone else’s life and not your own, you see, in this role there is nothing that andrei aleksandrovich mironov found together with leonid kvenekhidze in the film heavenly swallows, the case the whole point is that the play mademoiselle netushit was a legendary wartime performance when the vakhtangov theater. during the evacuation in omsk i staged this performance, there is nothing to eat, nothing to wear, there is still serious time before victory, here
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suddenly there is joy, colors, lyudmila tsalikovskaya, beautiful denise, osenev plays celestene, everyone sings and dances, this is a continuation of the general traditions of vakhtangov, who, not in the same, you know, bright time, staged princess turandot like a firecracker. which exploded and, my god, it’s incredible, the iconic police around the theater, when the theater returned from evacuation, it, it, it was such a joy, it was something incredible, because there is life, life, energy, here is the second production of the same play by rv mademoiselle netouche, was staged in 2004, starring nonna greshaeva denise, mother-boss maria aronova, and they couldn’t find it... celestine floridor tried out various arts and they offered me this role, and naturally, i was glad, here you are right, over time, only i felt this freedom, this performance,
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when he appeared, he was terribly smashed, he was scolded, just imagine, where are these critics, where are these last names, where no one remembers these articles, and for almost 20 years this performance has been collecting not just full houses, but over-full houses, and we play it in happiness and in joy, and it would seem, well, what can you forget in such performance, this is what... the question is about what our amazing profession is, yes, well , wake you up at night, well, you play this performance all your life, yes, and kaza you can forget everything, i once come to a performance, run out to the front of the stage and say : a month ago, i think, lord, what happened there a month ago, can you imagine, here’s a white sheet, everything is gone, i start, in order to somehow close this pause, so to speak, to run, the stage is huge, i say, oh , what will happen now, what will happen now, oh, what will happen now, i can’t remember, oh, what will happen now, what will happen already artist and orchestras. leans out of the hole, i wonder what he will have there? but i can’t remember, that’s what, in general, i’m missing this moment, then aronova comes out, she has to say the following phrase: i just
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saw the cape of heavenly swallows backstage, suddenly she slips up and says: i just saw nikita backstage, myself i heard and said: oh, i’m wishful thinking, yes, then somehow, it means, i look, i’m also confused, nonna grishaeva moved to another role, we have a new denise, and i see i understand that i forgot how name is denise, and i tell her: “she says, well , i can’t think of anything, except i say, girl, what’s your name? and you know, art, especially on stage, oh, these are such kind people in quotes , i like it so much when your friend dies next to you, she takes it and says: “well, you are my teacher, remember!”
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there are, of course, spectators in this information flow who, for example, do not know that i play in the theater, they perceive me simply as a television character or a television presenter, and that’s normal, i i have never been ashamed of this profession of mine, because i also want to say something to the audience, to reassure them, to give them joy, but this line of life brought me here today to this studio with gratitude, because maybe many of you even they don’t know, i started my television... life as a tv presenter on the culture tv channel, but because there was a children’s program, it was called in the 39th kingdom, where i played the master, kikimaru, leshev, the presenter, and some other scary little finches, changing clothes teaching tons of text like this, and this program
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took quite a long time to come out. then on the culture tv channel i hosted the big program, where a variety of representatives of the new generation sat on large chairs, we discussed various topics, and since i always wanted to work, according to the principle, i say yes to everything, well, for the first part of my life, that means i say yes , when they told me, i’m hosting, i said yes, but when i was hosting this program, it seemed to me that it was written on my forehead, sasha, it’s clear that you don’t understand anything about this, go to... home, here, but i am so grateful to this team and the tv channel culture, which gave me the opportunity to grow and try this, because you understand, to gain trust at the very beginning of the journey, even when you are just starting, and you, so to speak, unstable in this search for oneself, it costs a lot, so for this i would like to say a special thank you to the culture tv channel, where we
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are meeting you today. loud premiere of 2023 pavel i. everyone wrote scrapped role: a big dramatic role. you said in your interview that not only i worked on role, but pavel also worked with me on the role. how did you feel? you know, that telegram was very important to me, which...
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still hasn’t been solved, when they call him crazy with a razor, i always say, but for me he is an absolutely healthy person, when i remember some of his sharp phrases or something... then, i remember that he said, lord, how i would like to make everyone happy, ordinary people loved him very much, and he could have been a great statesman if he had... done what he wanted, carried out the end of the reforms that he started, he would stop the most terrible geopolitical processes, including those that we observe in the 20th century, oddly enough, and if a person knows history and can analyze it, think, compare facts, he can very find a lot now, so when after this performance, not only the surprise that wow, it’s you,
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this... you’re playing, well, well, we didn’t think, it was important for me that this performance was culturally enlightening, that it was impulse to read again, learn, remember, understand, think, who wrote this, me, but not my will, than grandmother, damn, damn, grandmother, sovereign, yes, i know, my father’s mother killed me and she wanted to send me and her son to slesenburg so that they could faccoli me there like a rat , 30 years i languished in mortal... fears, 30 years i waited for the knife, the loop of iliad, from my own mother, 30 years, i watched how she with the saleicides, with her lovers cursed over the memory of my father for 30 years, lord, how he only
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saved my sanity, and you were with her all this time, to push me off the throne in order your little girl, i beg you, will run. our meeting today reminded me of these lines: stop, look back, suddenly, suddenly on a bend, on that random floor where we have to wake up, boots scraping the snow, stop, look back. see the day, at home, at yourself, and smile quietly, because when he left, so as not to return, neyal wanted to replay the game, stop, look back, and
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never die. i am very grateful to you for being in this studio today, i am grateful to all the viewers who watched this program from beginning to end. i hope to new meetings with you in the theater, in the cinema, on television, when they say to me: “sasha, that ’s enough, why do you so often remember those, or what happened? well, well, this is some kind of naphthalene, in general, i was somehow offended at first, and then i discovered how once the outstanding theater director pyotr noumich fomenko asked him, doesn’t it bother you when they call you “navtalin”, he said, yes, well, what are you, on the contrary, because it’s like that around pray a lot. thank you all very much for this wonderful, kind meeting. pigeons in the sky
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they circle in pairs, as if in a waltz, reminding loving people, and... the end of happiness, if only people loved each other truly, like birds, this earthly love gave them wings of faith, don’t say goodbye to your loved ones, even when you fly away into the sky , nadoldy do not part, in this world without love, distant distances do not frighten birds , they fly away, and partings, people like birds,
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also know, but those who love will return, they are not afraid of trials, the pain of partings, distance...
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thank you, thank you , thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you huge, treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. luuri. we are here for you! welcome to rixsas
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premium magavish suits & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with 1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suds and villas. the holiday you 've been dreaming about. hello, it's news time on the tv channel culture, my name is anna apolonova, watch this issue. exchange of experience and traditions.
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this music is skinless. shumen's works were performed by daniil kogan and the vivo music orchestra. art celestial. i immediately remembered that my chinese great-grandfather was immersed in this collecting. works by chinese artists are exhibited at the moscow museum of modern art. the youth and theater forum of the cis countries opened in almaat. it was established by the international theater confederation.


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