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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  June 5, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

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hands, take your hands away from the car, it hurts, quiet, quiet, i found a gun in the car, and a flash drive in the glove compartment, the gift set is complete. evidence base, uh-huh, that means he was following vidnya for quite a long time, oh, familiar faces, what does this mean, that podgodsky met with an assistant, that the customer is not alekseev, why? well, because the murder was being prepared... a long time ago, these photographs were taken
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for at least a week, but why did alekseev need to prepare the murder in advance if he had a reason, but only on the day of the trial, on the day murders, mm, right, or maybe alekseev, with the help of zherekhov, was collecting dirt on vygodsky, when vygodsky got off the hook, tried to blackmail him over the phone, perhaps the blackmail didn’t work. and then alekseev gave the go-ahead to zherikhov? well then , alekseev’s threat does not fit into this scheme. if he had everything planned out so clearly, why publicly threaten profitsky on the day of the murder? yes, as for blackmail, zherekhov could blackmail vygotsky completely on his own. hmm, well, actually it’s logical. although what are we wondering, with the murder weapon this pretzel won’t go anywhere, but the gun
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was in the car, yes, he’s crazy, well, tell the chicken to take it, and he’s air force, yes, but you didn’t talk to him, you said it yourself, that’s right, take it , and a pistol expert, let them say their weighty word, yeah, hello! well, yes, so what do they say here, you found the killer, yes i, who said, yes they say, they say, you know, this is what i understand, this is the work, otherwise all the time there is a wood grouse, yes a wood grouse, then i found it, yes what kind of killer, i have only one suspect, but yes, a suspect, and with a murder weapon at the advantage, so to speak, how is our new...
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employee, so to speak, getting used to it, well, probably, where is she, performing one important task, where did you send her, looking for one important witness, a creditor , deceased, creditor, uh-huh, creditor, uh-huh, that means, as soon as kolankova appears, i immediately... understood, immediately came to me, yes, i understood, forgive me, please, i couldn’t resist, you’re very beautiful, premiere, seryozha said that you broke up, so there is no point in hiding our relationship, listen, mother, nerdy, london, tatyana, kroshemennikova, you interfere everywhere who asks you, that ’s the end of my work here.
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sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. but you need to make two photocopies of each paper and signatures so that they are certified by signatures, yes ok, good afternoon, hello, who are you going to, your management, yeah, on what issue, i’m from the investigative committee, i’m investigating a murder, yeah, show me your boss’s office, yes, of course, let’s go. for the last few days he hasn’t appeared in the office at all, 3 days ago there was a shareholders’ meeting, so he didn’t come to the office, yeah, but
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where he spent these days, i don’t know, he doesn’t report, he was probably preparing for the trial, who’s in charge in his ? as far as i know, no, oh, can i take a look, there’s a password there, but you don’t know, no, i see, so, well, if she’s not a shareholder, then her candidacy must still be approved by the shareholders.
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i recommend that you read these documents, believe me, this is in your interests, marina vladimirovna, i strongly recommend that in any case, this is in the interests of the company. i studied this kind of naive nonsense, i was present at the trial, we paid you a huge amount and don’t owe you anything anymore. we are talking about completely different money here. so bozhenov sold you his debt, he quickly realized, well done, who is it? this is an investigator, so bozhenov sold you his debt? i have to reply? no, all the best, goodbye. hello. yes,
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i passed by the galitsin restaurant around ten, that’s right, did you follow the profitable one? it doesn't matter, i didn't kill him. why were you following him? i will not answer. did you blackmail him? no. did you follow him at someone's request? i won't talk about this topic. fine. yes. but the fact that you followed him. this has already been agreed upon, yes, so, around ten you were at the galitsin restaurant, well, probably because there was a profitable one, such an idea would come to mind to anyone, to the jury, to the judge, and what, but what if you followed him, but you didn’t
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kill him, then you should have seen the killer, did you see who killed profitsky? yes, i saw how vygotsky was killed, i said everything to the investigative committee, i have nothing more to add, now, at least in our country, as you can guess, the situation is not the simplest in the company, the general director died tragically, listen, marina, marina vladimirovna, i’m not asking you personal questions, thank you, although i could, personal points are quite capable of clarifying, so lyudmila, excuse me, i work here. i have absolutely no time for you right now, is that clearer? marina vladimirovna, i’m asking you questions related to the murder investigation, murder, you understand, if you don’t want you, marina vladimirovna, you’re busy now, no, that’s for sure, exactly, sergei,
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let’s not curtsy, you’re firing me , well, not me personally, the meeting of shareholders. okay, i understand, they asked me to tell you, uh-huh, where did you get this from, is this alexey? stay happy alladovna, allanidovna, look, he bought out bozhenov’s debt, well yes.
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but he did it in vain. i was sitting in the car, not far from the entrance to the restaurant, you arrived there about three hours ago, together with vygotsky and the others, well, yes, yeah, but they brought him out from the building itself here, you are interested in everything connected with vygotsky, well, yes, i’m interested in everything, but then i’m not your help, i can tell you about the murder. well, tell me, vygotsky came out , a red nine drove up, blocked him,
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the restaurant, he was talking on the phone, uh-huh, two shots rang out, vygotsky fell, and the car immediately drove off, and he remained lying by restaurant, but i went straight after the car, i wanted to catch up with it, i lost it on mytninskaya, that’s it, do you have a photo of this car, no, why? you photograph vygodsky in different places, at different times, but at the moment of the murder, for some reason you were ashamed to photograph him, don’t you think it’s strange, what’s strange, i wasn’t ashamed of anything, but nine, nine and nine drove up, why photograph there? , and after the shots rang out, she immediately took off, i either managed to go after her while i wound up back and forth, you wrote down the number, you wrote down the number. but it doesn’t do any good, why did the left number plate, i punched it, was taken from the first
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car i came across, i also found the owner, well , if you want, punch it yourself, write it down, x 1878 region, yeah, okay, right? listen, in short, the gun is not the same, yeah, that means he was killed with a different weapon, well, it looks like, and kurochkin also punched the gun, zherikhov has permission for it, because he is a private detective, a licensed one, of course, yes, please ask , kurochkina, take a closer look at the red nine in that video, khariton 187, nikolai eva 90. region, okay, i understand, come on, then, private detective,
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yes, there is such a profession, yeah, to keep an eye on profitsky, you were probably hired by his wife, and i don’t have to answer, but you already answered . it seems, stop, well, that number, well , it seems that one, well... it turns out that zhirikhov is not lying, he’s not lying, that the nine with these numbers
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was driving in front of him, that’s it, we can’t check anything else, what do you think, he specifically remembered the license plate number of the car that was driving in front of him, well, he could have been on the safe side, somehow too subtly, but no, what’s that? so, vygutskaya hires zhirikhov to keep an eye on her husband and becomes convinced that her husband is a lustful asshole. well, after waiting a little, he gives him the opportunity to solve his financial problems, and then gives zherikh the go-ahead to kill, zherikhov cold-bloodedly shoots vygotsky, and he comes up with an excuse for... remembering the license plate of the car driving in front of him, everything, you know, is profitable she would still have hit a huge jackpot, even without any murder, excuse me, with those photographs that zherikhov took for her, she could have overshadowed any divorce process, well, i would have received no less, well, we have only one option to check whether zherikhov is lying or not, to find out whose numbers these are, but
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of course. are you kidding, no, but you understand that you had no right to inspect vidnya’s office, but you are not involved in this matter, you have no grounds for interrogation, or for god, well, marya sergeevna, well, what kind of interrogations, i’m just i talked to bozhenov and because of the conversation with him, i realized that i needed to visit the russian intoxicating place, because i asked you to just find... god, that’s it, i didn’t ask to go to russian khmelnoye, right? yes, i understand, it’s just that the russian khmelny will soon no longer exist, there will be nowhere to go. in what sense? well, alexey bought all of vygotsky’s debts from bazhenov and is filing a lawsuit. so what, bozhenov sold? well, he had nowhere to go.
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he himself will never sue for this money, but there is a lot of money there. yes, by the way, he is not a banker, but the owner of a network of pawnshops, of course, he does not have such legal powers as alekseev, especially since the receipt there is somehow frivolous, so he had a motive, alekseev, yes, if if vygotsky had not died, bozhinov would never have sold him this receipt, which means alekseev could have killed vygotsky for purely practical reasons. yes, he could, but he didn't kill. why do you think so? intuition. well, marya sergeevna, well, it seems to me that people are much simpler. there is no need to expose their behavior to demonism and depth in the 99% that do not exist. yes. so you still have intuition, right? isn't it possible?
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two people with intuition are not allowed in the same office. okay, what does your intuition say? my mind says that you need to meet marina, vygotsky's assistant, and his mistress. yes, i already said, she herself said that she was vygotsky’s mistress? no, she didn’t say, i don’t know if it’s clear or not, she, she kept silent loudly, so, i have one request, show me. photographs, one request, that's all, i think that your superintuition will tell you whether she knew about the surveillance or not, that's all, nothing more, please, marya sergeevna, i can tell you this now, yes, she knew, moreover, she demonstratively had an affair with her boss, she
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provoked surveillance and divorce, this is your version, yes, i saw a profitable one, i understood... that vygotsky’s death is a disaster for marina and salvation for his wife. consequently, marina no longer works in the russian hop house, and pogodskaya has taken the place of her ex-husband there and feels like a full-fledged mistress. that is, do you think that vygotsky could have killed her husband? yes. yes. marsh, hello. are you listening? it looks like he didn’t kill sins, well , everything was confirmed from the car, and the license plates were taken where he told her, okay, here’s another thing, and don’t you think that podgodskaya could have ordered her husband not from zherekhov, but from someone else, and this it would be logical, you we agreed, how we agreed, who, kurochkin and i, or what? not only that, okay, i’ll come here for a warrant to vygotsky’s office with
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a search, but there’s nothing there, i’ll have to talk to marina about whether she knew about the surveillance or not? that is, she knew, but wasn’t it profitable to hire a detective? what do you think, was marina interested in vygotsky’s divorce or not? ok, i understand, i ’ll talk, let’s go, bye, but they won’t find her in the office, why? she was fired by who? in dova, beneficial, listen, i left ivanovich’s rosary on the table. a note, well i'm going to i came up to him, he said bring it, i went to see him three times, he’s not there, but i don’t know, i’ll come in, oh, intoxicating, russian intoxicating, they have a tap with products in every office, yeah, they’re always open, instead of coffee machines
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there are beer bars, and when applying for a job , they take away your rights, yes, and one kidney for old-timers, now let's see, please take it, hello, hello, where is the office of vygossky, your late director? and what happened? yes, here 's a search warrant. so there was a woman, already an investigator, she looked at everything, and she was there a resolution? i don’t know, i didn’t ask, but in vain, she was a swindler, and we are legal representatives of the authorities. yes. but now you can’t go there. what is it? the director is back. lina, come to me, please. yes now. is this your director? yes. excuse me, please, yes, lena,
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alla leonidovna, the police are here to see you, hello, hello, hello, we have a search warrant, please, search what, this office, this is profitsky’s office, this is my office now, yeah, yeah you? vygotskaya, alla leonidovna. major vinokurov, captain kurochkin. alla leonidovna, i must ask you to vacate this office. are you laughing? well, firstly, such things are warned in advance. oh, first of all, they don't warn you. well, secondly, our company is going through a difficult time right now, for reasons known to you. and thirdly. i don’t understand, what are you going to look for here? are there any of your wife's things left here? this is my office, not my wife’s, mine, you understand? alla leonidovna, we have
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a task - to conduct a search, and we will conduct it in the room in which vygotsk’s office was. won't you spend it? arkady, but very useful. arkady, there are comrades from the police here, they want to conduct a search, they generally have the right. alla leonidovna, a notary is coming to see you. hello. well, what other notary? elena alekseevna pirogova. the gentleman drew up a will in our office. i contacted mr. golik, who was first on the contact list. zhenya did not have a will. he made his will a month and a half ago. can i look at the will? i am going to announce this will in the presence of all interested parties. after this everyone will receive
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notarized copies. and who do you need to read the will? well, besides you , i also need marina vladimirovna novozhilova. marina vladimirovna. marina vladimirovna, that means, uh-huh, marina vladimirovna, i can submit an application to your police department, i can submit an application to you, depending on what kind, i know who killed my husband? ala leonidovna, listen, you are investigating a murder, it happens. “i cannot announce the will without mrs. vazhilova, i understand that, we will find her, you can consider that you have announced it, so i can give you an application, catch me
5:00 am
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