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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  June 5, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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catch me if you can, a big music show, the whole team of stars needs to make a common decision, stars, on friday on rtr, rest is left. at rest. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. annex. rixas premium сate. family fun. is here,
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every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate.
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“so, zherikhov followed your husband for two months, with some breaks, zhenya very often traveled abroad, and i simply could not afford to pay for the expenses of a detective abroad, it was too expensive, and why took so long, as i understand it that your wife did not hide her relationship with novozhilova, i needed absolutely armor-piercing evidence of betrayal, i needed to photograph them at the scene of
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vygotsky’s crime, that is, the entire controlling stake. thus, as of yesterday, marina is the full-fledged owner of russian khmelny. the company's capitalization is half a billion dollars. yes. but, but, the scenario could have been completely different. marina might not have known anything at all. she might not know about the will, she might not know about the surveillance. but the husband,... having found out, could have out of spite, heck, he should have been threatened, you think this is insurance, i believe that he could have drawn up a will only in one case, if he was sure that the threat came from you , from me, from you, why are you surprised, you were following him, well, not me, you hired a detective, let’s say
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i found out about this and decided that the next step would be that you would hire a killer, especially considering that he was threatened, lord, but he really was threatened, so i remembered where, where- then, for sure, about a month ago, even then i thought that zhenya realized that he was being followed. he changed his email address, the detective told me that, he changed his email and the password he entered on the computer is such that you can’t log into it at all, great, well, where is this computer, at home, so, yeah, interesting, well, that’s it her. to a friend, to relatives, to
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a masseuse, but in general it’s strange. what? you see, zherikhov’s main task was to obtain incriminating evidence from navygodsky. a deceived wife doesn’t care who she catches her husband with, marina, galina, polina. therefore, in this situation, the focus of any photograph should be the benefit. everything else is unclear. well , yes, considering that she came here more than once. so, you need to ask zherikhov. yes. hello. can? yes. they want to kill me. i received it in the mail today. they want me to sell the company. they will kill me if i don't do this. which company? well, russian khmelnoye. what else? so how about you? so, i received
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an inheritance from my wife. they didn’t tell you, your detectives were there. marina, you were fired? fired. yesterday they declared him the heiress, and today i received this letter, that is , this information took 24 hours to reach the author of the letter, and why did you decide that this was serious, because anyone could have sent it, and before zhenya died, he received the same letters to me spoke, did not show what he bequeathed i wrote it for a reason, marina, but you’ve already drawn up a will, and you think it’s really dangerous, no? but that’s what you think, yes, well, he’s trying, trying something, saying that the work was a professional, alla leonidna just believes that there couldn’t be programmers in such a company, but there’s nothing for them to do there, well, yes, why are they there needed, yes, yes,
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yes, yes, yes, uh-huh, no need, yes, fedya, take your auntie, yeah? who, yes, what do you allow yourself, you are actually in my house, how can you forgive me, please forgive me, please, for god’s sake don’t be angry, a person has a serious mental trauma, it happened yesterday, we would have had it long ago, but to replace it with someone, you know, no trauma from the tragedy allows him to communicate with a woman like that, that he found, perhaps it was from this in the mail, yeah, a month before the murder it arrived with a little. there was only one there, no, there are many of them, this is the first, after that he didn’t go into this mailbox, he simply didn’t open everything else, and they came several more times, but it’s not clear from whom, now let’s see, some kind of kindergarten, seriously, kindergarten, you
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think so, but your husband didn’t think so, he after all this he wrote a will, changed his address, password, and a month later he was killed, well... maybe there was something else? it certainly was. in general, your husband, i think, knew the author of these works. i think you found what? i found the ip address to which the message was originally sent. here it went through a system of masking addresses, a special program to hide the address, but in principle, if you look at it, it’s nothing complicated. can you tell who sent it? someone alekseev, gennady alekseev, now still i’ll try to dig something up on him, now we can take alekseev, boss, boss, maybe
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we should call shveytsov, death threat, i heard about such an article, uh-huh, well, well, yes. that, of course, you and i have already discussed everything, signed already, very much, of course, of course, of course, definitely, well, we ’ll discuss this with you, we’ll definitely discuss it, just don’t say anything yet, yes, please turn off your phone, gena, vasya, call me, they’re closing me down, please allow me the left one, yeah. facing the car, legs wider, but it hurts, sheep, shut your mouth, otherwise it will really hurt, look in the car, where are the witnesses? oh, another phone number, are you trading with me, or what? i have the right to call, you’ve already
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used it, i talked to you after you were detained, you can’t even imagine how deep it will bury you, yes, and you tell me, i ’m writing everything, inspect the car for now, and i’ll deliver this to the department. the keys are in your pocket, don’t forget to lock them, then don’t worry. let's go. search well, the handwriting is identical, actually it’s strange that
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a person who wants to kill doesn’t threaten, the one who wants to scare is threatening, he didn’t think so, apparently, he was right, he was scared, this is exactly what alekseev wanted to achieve, now he wants to achieve the same, but didn’t he achieve it, this is navozhilova at a low start, another one a threat, it will take a long time to spread across the globe, navazhilova and... the connection between vygotsky’s death threats is obvious, apparently, the author of the letter wants to take over the company that belonged to vygotsky, now belongs to novozhilova, yes, vygotsky , of course, did a disservice to his friend with this will, yes, but it seems to me that she won’t think for a long time, she will sell the company everything, you think she scared someone, navozhilova, of course, you know what, and you go to her , calm her down, you say that the murderer is in the cell and ... there’s no threat, but let’s put it this way, i ’m not sure myself, and you tell me you’re sure,
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okay, i’ll call her, no, please, in person, we don’t want to send calls all over the globe later look, yeah, should i go to her office, well, of course, phew, okay, yes, and you know what, maybe she will he reveal something about alekseev, maybe he threatened her in some other way, in any case? “we suspect you of murder, but we don’t have enough evidence, so we
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, as co-investigators, will do everything to detain you in a pre-trial detention center as long as possible, where is my lawyer? i’m still reading, article 119. threat to kill, blah blah blah, eh imprisonment for up to 2 years, or, listen, i'm not going to listen to this, i didn't threaten anyone, that's it , someone who has access to your home computer threatened, hello, i'm not looking forward to it anymore, i gennady igorevich's lawyer, semyon. major venokurov, vladimir. what do you suspect, gennady igorevich? gennady igorevich
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is suspected of threatening to kill, at the moment. and in the future, i have no doubt about it, we will prove that gennady igorich is the organizer of the murder of evgeniy vygotsky. they have nothing. may i know what reasons you have for this? naturally, these letters were sent from your client's mailing address. but why did you decide that? but because a technical examination was carried out. can see the results of this examination? well, in principle , it’s possible in an hour and a half. you don't have this hour. you have no right to detain my client for more than 3 hours, he has been here for more than 2 hours. yes, we won’t, the investigator will do that. does he have a reason for this? don't even doubt it. this was seized from
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the detainee’s car, and this is the protocol, you can be curious, of course, well, we don’t know what it is, so why not take it for examination, but this is a forgery, you’ll have alekseev for hours without an investigator, lesh. send someone to take the detainee to the detention center, come on, good! yes, she came into this house a couple of times, but all
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the time alone, for a long time, in different ways, an hour, an hour and a half on average, so what is your version... did you have a version of what she could have been doing there? good question, the version didn’t arise, i don’t know, that’s why i spent so much time because of these visits of hers, at first i actually thought that she had another affair there, yeah, but firstly, she only went there during the daytime after work, and secondly, well, any love story is surrounded by telephone conversations, numerous calls, that is, you listened her phone number, no, well, not that i listened to it, okay, okay, i don’t know anything about that, but why did you immediately decide, a love relationship, maybe she went to see a friend or some sick relative, whatever , here, here, here, here, i thought so too, but one pattern emerged from these visits of hers, so, the fact is that before making a visit to this house, by the way, how often did she go there, well, two -three times a week, yeah, well, at least for the month that i followed her, well, before that
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how to get into this house, she kept calling the same online store, an online store, which one, it’s like that, well, something like a thrift store online, everyone who is not too lazy hangs all kinds of rubbish there, well, really not only junk, there are also expensive things and antiques, well, that’s basically the explanation, could she order something in an online store and then come pick up this thing? that's right, i thought so too, so i immediately called this store and asked where i could pick up my order, and they told me that they did not have any warehouse and there is only delivery, well, maybe they had some kind of special relationship, maybe she... client, well, you didn’t try to listen to their conversations, you tried, nothing works, the thing is that this website, it uses some kind of digital technology, it’s not even a telephone connection in general, i don’t know what it is, the number looks like a real one, that is, you can’t listen to it, yeah, well, let’s have the phone number
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of an online store, let’s see, okay. so, here you go, yeah, well, well, well, and you know that right before his death, they called from this phone, i moved for an apartment. so, and there lives a certain lady to whom i recently rented out two rooms, and now he is going to live with me, and this is interesting, dear neighbor, the premiere is on saturday on rtr.
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titanic luxury collection we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the world's first all -inclusive swiss hotel, treat yourself to a holiday where... elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city.
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sorry, lyudmila, i hope you understand me, we have a madhouse here, i literally don’t have a free second, yes, of course, i understand, but i... was sent just to calm you down, i mean, well, like when we the last time we saw you, you had no face, you were afraid that you would be killed, just like your boss, was he arrested? who, well, the killer, alekseev? well, how do you know about this? well, your investigator shveytsova told me. did she call you? yes. okay, i won't
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bother you. i would be grateful. goodbye. goodbye. oh, by the way, did she tell you that he will be released soon? how will it be released? well, there's nothing on him. he's a murderer, he threatened me, are you kidding me? no, unfortunately, there is very little evidence. all the best. sorry, no big deal. marina vladimirovna, they are already in the meeting room. me now. but, lyudmila, wait. do you understand that he will kill me? well, it’s unlikely, he’s in isolation now. when he comes out, he understands perfectly well that they will be watching him, but it’s unlikely, he’s got water off a duck’s back, you know, he has an army lawyers, he pays them so much money, that’s
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why he’s still afloat, well, in any case, we have nothing on him, marina vladimirovna, i told them that you’ll come up in 5 minutes, yes, excuse me, just a second, a second, i’ll be right there i’ll come, okay, lyudmila, i remembered, yes, you see, i... i overheard alekseev’s conversation on the phone in court, and he called the bowling alley and asked to call prokudin. how did you understand that he was calling the bowling alley? well, he said it himself, he asked to be connected to a big bowling alley and asked for a progudin. well in basically, he called the bowling alley and there is no crime in this. yes, only he called from the courtroom, immediately after the trial. yes. he said: “so that he would write a will, we left, and then i returned, i heard him calling, yes, it would seem nothing suspicious, yes, yes, but most importantly, when he saw me,
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he was so scared, he has such the look was as if i had caught him dismembering him, he immediately pressed the end button and left, a big bowling alley, yes, marina vladimirovna, marina vladimirovna, the buyers had already gathered, now, excuse me, please, now, are you selling shares, i have to run, goodbye, uh-huh, don’t let alekseev out, he’ll kill me, all the best, all the best, i found this center. on the bypass, there are two large halls, yes, i told the guys, they will come there now, no, there are other centers, there is only one hall.
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where is he, there he is, come on, come on, with your hands, come on, hello, hello, what will you do, no, thank you, at work, i don’t drink, we can
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talk, just a second, what... great job, guys, it doesn’t work well , yes. come on in, where's the lawyer? you will be a prokudin
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do you know this person? yes? i know, this is gennady, to be honest, how closely do you know gennady, but not very well, he paid me this businessman, paid me like this, paid me money to kill him, what are you talking about, monkey, so quietly, that is, this man paid you money so that you would kill profitsky, so yes, yeah, i’ll open you up myself, you bastard, take me away, let’s go, you bastard, don’t push me, come on, take me, yes, lyudmila, it was brilliant, all that’s left is to understand, what’s more here is an antique online store, everything, everything, marya sergeevna,
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that's enough, you start from the very beginning, the case is closed, if you want, i'll show you a movie, guys, i suggest in yerevan, lyudmila, or you can, mash, and you, don't be boring, tomorrow alekseev will tell you about this online store, it's generally strange that marina remembered about prokudina only now, if she had done this earlier, she would have saved us a lot of time, well, she pressed her, when danger spurred her on, she and... the danger, what? yes, bring alekseev, it just happened, it’s okay, bring him again, yes, marya sergeevna, that is, i understand this, you decided ignore the holiday, it seemed to you that vaszhilova was going to sell the company, well, yes, but marya sergeevna, these are just my guesses, i don’t have any
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confirmation. “the guesses are very correct, vazilla is going to sell the company, but alekseev can stop her, how, yes, start, yeah, they brought someone else, alekseev, and you know that novozhilova is going to sell the company, well, you know , but she’s not going to, but she already sold it to your company, yes, tangents, and how many days before the arrest did she do this?” " per day, in a day, take them away, let's go, what did they bring, don't bother me, little talkers, you think that marina is selling the company for the second time, well , it turns out that prokudin and alekseeva are being handed over to us by marina, i'm almost sure that she sent the threatening letter to herself, no,
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of course, the first letter to... is not needed there, he thinks that he is above suspicion, especially since he has a well-established business here, an antique online store? yes, and you know who the antique shops are very close to, but don’t be tormented, oh wise one researchers with pawnshops, bozhens, uh-huh, hello, hello, they called m...
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hello, hello, wait, wait, where are you going, sit down, are you going to write? yes, guys, come on, excuse me, marya sergeevna,
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but can i be present. people, of course. we all want our children to be better than us, so that they are smart, so that they think well and correctly and quickly, so that they
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learn easily, not necessarily at school, everything that they themselves want to learn, in general, so that our children had a good time and better than we want it, we all want it, today from the point of view of science, i want to know how best to do this? tatyana vladimirovna, hello! good evening! the child's brain is probably a little different from the adult brain, at least in the absence of such an abundance of unnecessary information, at first, in this i am partially right, at least in general - it assimilates new information more easily than a stagnant adult. well, let's put it this way, a child, and a small one, has more neurons than he will have in the future, but what do you mean? yes, this is an amazing thing, it has more neurons, because you never know what will come in handy, you know, it’s like you have a lot of different things put in a box, and what you will use from it, that’s how life goes,
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yeah, so the neural network will be built depending on what what kind of environment the child found himself in. let's assume that we simply want to provide a foundation on which to build in the future. it will be easy, probably, this is some kind of freedom of thinking, well, perhaps limited, and the assimilation or assimilation of information in the future, what to give the child in order was it easier for him in the future? here i am again in my spirit, if you allow me, namely, i’ll start a little from afar and from the side, the younger the brain, the greater its property, which is called plasticity, a young brain,
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the brain develops, it matures for quite a long time, the best parts of our brain, here the frontal lobes, our very intelligence, all of it, mature until the age of 21, 22, you just need to know this, so parents who want to speed up the development of their children are making a big mistake, a lot of parents who want to start teaching their children, i don’t know , read there per year or.
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everything to him, there are algorithms that, algorithms, i take this in a broad sense, there are stages of development of brain maturation, through which. you can’t overstep, everyone should be able to do it in their own time, of course, these speeds of skill are different for different children, you can’t override genetics with anything, but besides genetics there is how this child grows. the best thing we can do for our children is to get to know them; just because we have brought them into the light of god, it does not follow that we know who they are.
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build them depending on this education and training, we must show who they are, and this is a very important thing, not to engage in the development of our vanity. and let's teach, i don't know, there are five more languages ​​in latin, greek, and he is only 4 years old, look what he is like, these are criminal actions, that is, put him on a chair and, now show everyone, but no, you what do you want, do you want to entertain yourself, or do you want your happiness, but teach your own latin, that ’s it, it’s clear what you shouldn’t do, but are there any universal ones? rule than work with the child, in addition to the school
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curriculum, so that his brain acquires some kind of superstructure, or something, if i may say, that will allow something to be attached there in the future, when there is time, i will answer you in continuation of how i already started, in order , so that you choose a suitable life, this is how i will say, uh, for your child, you must first find out what is suitable for him, that is, again...
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follow the child’s lead, of course, this is a subtle palette, a subtle game, well it still turns out that from the point of view of a scientist, a neuroscientist, neurochemist, we can say that freedom is good, but lack of discipline is bad, that is, if your child starts choosing to quit everything in a week, because he understands that he can, yes, yes, yes, even when you see, that he had fun, he is talented in this, it’s bad, that is, it’s still a fumble. agree, endorse with the child, say, now we will go this
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way for at least a year, six months, for example, then we will see, maybe you will like how it happens, at this moment to be a friend probably yes, to explain to your child, how to sympathize, including, well, well, to be close, to be close, this is a rather difficult thing, oh, thank you, tatyana vladimirovna, sorry that i transferred you from the plane of science to this plane humanity, and i talked to you about how...
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perhaps i’m not the only one in chalk notebooks - i drew or drew parabolas connecting different marks in this notebook with straight lines, but recently a trend in art has become popular. so-called embroidery on cardboard or string art or because of them, that's how it is art is related to mathematics, i want to find out today. nikolay, hello, good afternoon, this is very similar to what i did in notebooks as a child, when i was bored in class, you were very advanced, because in principle they didn’t study this at school, look at this, here are straight lines threads, only straight ones, but nevertheless we see a certain image, here specifically letters and mathematics.
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according to the ellipse, everyone, again, from school knows that you need to hit two nails, pull the string, drive, you get an ellipse, two drive a nail, yes, two nails to get an ellipse, not a circle, but... well, okay, let's remind our viewers, drive two nails, take a rope of some length, take a pencil all the time so that the rope is taut, you get this i thought it was a thread, i didn’t understand, you get this kind of curve, which is called, this is such
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a standard construction, the sum of the distance to two points from each is always constantly equal to the length of the rope, and here it’s quite... rare to come across the following idea: let’s just take circle, paper circle and mark point on it, then i will do the following: i will bend the paper circle so that the border passes through the point, well, fold a straight line on the circle, well, we get one straight line, yes, let's bend it again, always so that... uh-huh, the border passed through the point, uh-huh, and if we do this many times, now we don’t have time for this, then we will also see an ellipse, just like this , doing it many, many times so that the border always passes through the selected point , at some point you will actually
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see a smooth kelps curve like this, the question is why, returning again to the question, why do we see a curve here? look what we are doing, we take some kind of curve, yeah, at each point we draw a tangent, we draw it here, we draw it side by side, these are straight lines, here there are a lot of them along the curve, and we see, actually...
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mathematicians, boolean algebra and so on, so his wife meribul figured out how to use this idea to propagate mathematics, look - it’s just given in strings, and we see here, yeah, in fact, it’s also a parabola, you want try to do such a thing, teach, okay, let me start, and you do what needs to be done, let’s take a corner, well , there’s a corner at 60°, well, we’ll just take a square, there are marked on it... points are marked on the corner, well, there are slots here, and we will connect the slot here with the closest one here, connect the second one here, let me start, and you continue, i congratulate you,
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this is probably the first time you have built a porada since school, art, yes, and sometimes like this this concept, the envelope can... reduce us to a very interesting concept, complex physical, which is called caustic. you've probably noticed that if there is a glass object standing and light falls on it, then some brighter places appear. this is called, as, for example, in a cup of coffee, yes, if you drink coffee on the street from the street, and you can observe such a curve, which we have presented here, it is called: it is nephroid - here is such a curve too with the help of threads, let's demonstrate that we will really see this nephroid, first let's shine it, it's clear, oh, yes, so i need it, yes, but can i take
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a cylindrical cup, i don’t know, a saucepan, well , any reflective surface, and print out a piece of paper, uh, uh, how to print? let's put it and really make sure that the caostic will be visible in the form just here, here is a brighter spot, and now we already know how it is formed, let's remember here, we drew straight lines that are actually tangent to the parabola, and since there are a lot of them here next to the parabola, these are rays of light that turn from a beam into... there here the straight lines are highlighted and we see them, here the letters are taken, two letters, they have some kind of boundaries, they are drawn to them. the letters themselves are not drawn, and we see the letters themselves, although they are not drawn, in general an amazingly
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perfect effect, really, let us tell the audience that despite the whole primitive thing, and we pull the strings, we actually come to very deep concepts: mathematically this is an envelope, but physically it is caustic. next time our viewer can pour a cup of coffee and try to see the nephroid. in a cylindrical cup and cardioid in a conical, here is a cardioid, from the word heart, well, it is similar in a conical, cardioids are only in a conical, and the sun should be along the generatrix of the cone, but who is too lazy to catch the sun in a finite cup, you can go to the mathematical website and watch a film that fully explains this effect. nikolay, thank you, let's go look for a cardioid, let's see you.
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i came across a word or phrase that was unfamiliar to me, namely tifla opera, and i wanted to know a little more about it, i wanted to know more about how sound and or music... in museums they should and can complement the picture and the essence of the exhibition, that’s what i want to talk about today. peter, hello, please tell me, tiflo-opera, what is it? so, if possible, let’s start with the tifla opera, and then about the addition of the exhibition and generally about the sound in the museum. yes, of course - tifla opera is a fictional genre, yeah, invented. actually specifically for the project at the pushkin museum, the idea here is that there is such a thing as a tiflocommentary, yeah, teflocommentaries are
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a verbal description of some visual things, that is, for example, a description of an exhibition or whatever, which is made specifically for visually impaired people who cannot see it, but can imagine through text, through words, what... it looks like, and my idea was in what: to turn this tiflocommentary into an opera, that is, to sing it, turn it into music, in general it seemed to me that this was an interesting task, i suggested that the pushkin museum do it then, and they also liked it, so we did such a work that in in general, consists of several parts, it was a text, which was given to me exactly the text of a professional audio commentary, from which, in general, i made such a piece of music. now, if you don’t mind, let’s include a segment, and then return to the discussion, if possible, yes
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, a wooden vessel, in the form of a figure, a bear, decorated with six shackles, a small vessel, represents a bear standing... on four paws, height and width of the vessel, about 20 cm, length 30 cm, class, very. unexpectedly, very unexpectedly, but honestly, i i imagined, i i see, thank god, but i i imagined that, in fact, if i hadn’t
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seen it, it is so lively, somehow cheerfully and cheerfully describes an object that actually looks quite fun, yes, its authors will forgive me if it has a sacred meaning, well, here’s the idea was to - with the help of, well , some kind of musical, vocal means, which have accumulated quite a lot over several centuries, well... this entire text is decomposed into elements and each word is emphasized using vocal methods. i honestly can’t even imagine how pleasant it could be for a visually impaired person, that information is presented in such, well, perhaps playful or such a lively form. well, i was also interested in looking at this text like this through a sort of musical lens. that is, every syllable, every, every word and so on, you certainly did, in my opinion, an excellent job, if, for example, we move away from the subjects, the sarmatians and
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the scythians. and to approach a direction, something much broader, something that probably requires a more complex description, for example, constructivism, i really want i can already hear how you described constructivism and the exhibits of this exhibition, here there was a completely different task and a completely different technology was used, there are no words at all, this exhibition, which is now actually going on in zotov, is dedicated to constructivism, by the way, the exhibition is very good.. in fact, in itself, it is worth visiting, undoubtedly, in fact there was no task of any special commentary, because there are already a lot of texts and so on and so forth, that’s how you see, and exhibits and so on, in this case i rather made a certain work that
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is such an homage to constructivism, i would say so. here it is important to understand some points before we listen, that space and instrumentation are very important, this is a work, it was made for six channels, that is, six sound sources, but this is important, now we will hear it in some truncated form, without this spatial effect, which is important there, but still. how interesting, in general, so ambient a thing that sounds simply in space, here, but in order to make such a thing,
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i used a spectral one. heard in voice and instrumental presentation, are there any other projects in the works or implemented where you have used some other method of conveying information through sound? well, now i ’m doing sound design for the bakhrushin museum, this is a very ambitious project, complex, in which many museums are actually
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being rebuilt from scratch. are updated, i can say that one of the important aspects for sound design in a museum, for me it was, it’s just not saturating it with sound, maintaining silence, this is actually a problematic thing, because it’s clear that it seems that something else is possible here, and here more something, but our task was very laconic and... to precisely make some sound accents that would really matter. in fact, maintaining silence is also, it does not mean doing nothing, because somewhere it concerns, for example, sound insulation, and some such things related simply to the right acoustic solution. i wanted to ask, do you relate this to research
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activities, to design, to support, to... inclusive technologies, this is what you do for you, what is it, how can it be described? well, i deal exclusively with music and sound, i don’t really go beyond this material, but another thing is that sound, as such, in itself, and music too, as a certain part of sound, so to speak, they can be used in a wide variety of ways. as we understand, and to me it’s really interesting to work with different spaces, with different situations with some sometimes unexpected tasks, for me this is such an absolutely abstract, purely pure work in the field of art, yes thank you, i agree with you that this is art, i think it’s amazing , they are not lying, i am very grateful to you for what you do, thank you, see you, thank you,
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all the best,
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, andrey shevtsov is in the studio, the development of tourism is important for the russian economy, vladimir putin discussed with government creating infrastructure for... an international economic forum starts today at train stations in st. petersburg, it will be attended by participants from almost 140 countries. akatsiya self-propelled guns disrupted
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the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces. our buk m1 air defense unit shot down primars rockets. the development of the tourism sector is important for quality recreation for russians and for the growth of the country’s economy, vladimir putin emphasized this at a meeting with the government on the topic of road travel. the president conducted it from st. petersburg via video link. summer has begun, the tourist season, one might say, in full swing let's talk today, the main topic chosen is the development of automobile tourism in russia. last year. residents and guests of the country made 83 million tours in russia, almost a third of this number by car, travel by tourist buses is becoming increasingly popular, but here the industry is faced with a shortage of cars, although now
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buses are produced by the factories of volgabas, gas, lias and solers, such in this way , import substitution occurs for partners who have left the market. you remember, we produced mazdas. on in the far east, they are now replacing this production with excursion buses with a capacity of 55-53 people, twelve-meter and nine.
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has already exceeded all previous indicators with almost 20,000 people from 140 countries, including heads of state and government, heads of major companies, as well as leading world experts from among representatives of science, the media and civil society. the main objective of the forum is to support a constructive dialogue aimed at establishing mutual understanding and creating a basis for joint action decisions. the main theme of this year's forum is the basis of a multipolar world - the formation of new points. in one of the strategically important directions , scouts detected the movement of a ukrainian armed forces vehicle and transmitted the target coordinates to the artillery command post. moved to a given position,
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like a camouflaged field ammunition depot, work is going on the hidden infantry, they opened fire, as a result the movement was destroyed, we are trying to disrupt the rotation, here are the personnel of the units, and also right now we are on duty at the target, it duty officer, this is the passage of a car that should bring the infantry to the rotation, so we are trying, well, we are directly trying it as if on... successfully hit targets, the intensity according to the anti-aircraft gunners, the number of hundreds of times the enemy has used such weapons in this sector of the front remains high , but for beech there are no targets that cannot be hit, the complex scans the sky at a distance of up to 100 km, and the main task.
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russia, china and iran called on western countries to restore the nuclear deal with tehran, tas news agency reported, citing iranian publications. a joint statement by the three countries, timed to coincide with the sixth meeting of the magat governing council, states that it is time for the west to show political will to stop the escalation, from which the parties have not been able to find a way out for almost 2 years. the authors of the statement believe: that restoring the deal
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would clear up the vast majority of questions about iran's nuclear program, including by providing inspector magata with extensive monitoring tools. the day before, france, germany, and great britain submitted to the council session managers of the iran resolution agency. excerpts from the draft were leaked to the media, from which it follows that the resolution condemns iran for its unwillingness to fully cooperate with the mgte and calls on its authorities to be more open. us president joe biden has introduced a temporary ban on granting asylum to migrants coming from mexico illegally. the statement states that this will allow for faster deportation of individuals who have no reason to be in the united states. biden's opponent in the upcoming election, donald trump i do not agree with this measure. he said that the decision of the current head of the white house will not improve the issue of illegal migration and will make the situation even worse. at the end of may , the us congress again did not... pass a bill
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to tighten controls on the southern border of the united states. more than a thousand agricultural workers from several countries held a new protest in brussels. they gathered on tractors on the outskirts of the city, where the main action took place. then some of them went to the quarter where the buildings of the european parliament and the european commission are located and the council of the eu. the demonstration took place on the eve of the european parliament elections. the rally participants called on citizens to vote. taking into account the interests of agricultural producers. farmers are unhappy with the increase in prices for their own products and unlimited imports from outside the community, including from ukraine. more news. regions, stay with us. now there is news from the capital region, cloudy weather with clearings will be today in moscow and
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the region. the air temperature will be up to +25°. light rainfall is possible in places, especially in the evening. atmospheric the pressure is slightly higher than normal, 744 mm orthot. tomorrow the weather pattern will not change significantly; no precipitation is expected in the capital region from friday to sunday. today starts the summer festival in moscow, fashion and beauty. on tverskaya square, tverskoy boulevard and patriarch's puddy, guests will be able to receive practical advice from leading industry experts, watch their work, see the result at a big show, and also purchase the best products to create their own image. the festival will last until sunday. from tomorrow until 26 june the annual festival of irises and peonies will be held in the apothecary garden. visitors will be treated to an unforgettable journey into the world of beauty of aromas, a riot of colors, variety of shapes and shades. leading flower growers in moscow and the region will show beautiful, fashionable new varieties
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suitable for growing in the climatic conditions of the region. all news is available on the media platform, see the app or watch it on the website. see you, kalinon belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover for yourself true perfection.
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exquisite cuisine service will make your holiday unforgettable. rixa with premium magavish with uts and villas the vacation you've dreamed of. consult. but the conductor is not there, what motivates you? and do it your way. i take responsibility. catch me if you can, a big music show, how is that possible, no, no, on friday on rtr,
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good morning, hello, morning of russia, vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov are here with you, have a nice day, mood and... appetite everyone. children drink milk. the most expensive cow in lives in brazil. a white cow, neler breed, has a strange name, viatina 19. she was recently sold at auction for almost 4.5 million dollars, which is more than 400 million rubles per cow. she lives on one of the brazilian farms under 24-hour video surveillance, with a personal veterinarian, an armed guard, and occasionally gives audiences to fans. well, i wish there was such content. some money, the owners of the breeder hope to increase livestock production in the country with the help of viatina 19, such cows can easily tolerate heat, are unpretentious in they are very obedient to food. stray dogs and cats are also unpretentious, but in samara they want to fine you for feeding them, the authorities believe
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that compassionate citizens do not solve the problem of homeless animals, they only aggravate it, ilya davidov found out why. here's a cat, a knife. chopped off, half, no tail, this is the cat they threw at me, nina pavlovna is ready to talk about her pets for hours, about character, about diseases, she has been baking stray cats for 10 years, she knows each one, they also feed their wet nurse, i also feed two at the store cats, i’ve already fed them there, now i’m going to the market, i have two cats there, two cats and i feed them there, i feed them everywhere, it will only be over 30, near the heating main i built a shelter from sticks, cardboard and film so that they don’t freeze. there is no longer enough for construction materials and pensions, because the cats have to buy not only food, but also medicine. in altai , a compassionate old woman fed puppies. at first it touched everyone, but the dogs grew up. began to form a flock and bite people, you can’t walk through the village, and if you don’t feed them,
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then it’s generally unknown what could have happened to end, an angry dog, hungry - this is still whiplash. residents, held hostage by those they themselves tamed, ask for help, and officials answer: the dogs were captured, sterilized and, as required by law, released into their habitats, but what's the point? they also cannot support the shelter, because , as they say, there are not enough places for all the dogs, but as it turns out, we have to suffer here... 12 billion rubles a year are allocated to solve the housing problems of animals, but only 5 % of them found a roof over their heads, private shelters were also crammed, in this dog large breeds a month they need 4 tons of feed, some 500 rubles, some a thousand, some 1000, this is how the monthly amount for the maintenance of our animals works out, you can’t let them go free, and in general it’s vicious practice, experts say: dogs and cats should either live out their days in a shelter or find new ones. cat ali, healthy, vaccinated, ready to move into a family, willful in character,
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everyone has their own page, so there is a higher chance of falling into good hands, animal lovers can come and chat feed them, they are all treated for parasites, vaccinated, microchipped, by the way, the presence of a chip has long been proposed to be made mandatory for pets. it will be possible to enter the owner’s first and middle name, residential address, emergency telephone number , and animal’s name into the general database. in case it ended up on the street. the creation of such a database will shed light on the activities of companies that win tenders, on how they spend funds, but the database does not exist, that is, it is not clear where they go, we can say that there we caught a million dogs, released them, it will all be in words, but in fact there is no reporting, apparently it’s time to revise the mechanism, clean it from parasites and lubricate it in the form of amendments to the law, so that the solution to the problem is not carried out by random people, but by those who know how and loves working with animals. we will discuss the problem of homeless animals with the head of the popular front investigation bureau, valery
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alekseev. there is a law, the regions have the authority to regulate the number of homeless animals, catching, sterilizing again outside. well, this norm has been in effect for a year now, but the problem remains: what is missing? what is lacking, so to speak, is normal, adequate general leadership. we see here are two opposing approaches, part. regions have used inhumane methods to fight animals, some of the regions have used humane methods, i will directly name these regions, yes, the moscow region, the leningrad region, there are specialists there, nizhny novgorod, yes, there specialists came out and started doing it, their number has decreased stray animals, the number of bites, they note this in the statistics, but there is data that the federal budget should have allocated 12 billion rubles for the needs of shelters, where are these funds in the end, to whom? didn’t get what they were spent on, did anyone check this? here in one of the areas there was
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theft: 300 million just for stray animals, absolutely, because in principle now they are turning a blind eye, there is no federal body that would look after this, they are turning a blind eye to the fact that virtually no one provides reports, how many caught, where caught, who caught it, this is when the fact that there are volunteers who actually do this bit by bit and collect funds, at least for animal feed, unfortunately. there are volunteers against whom the influence of municipal authorities begins, who are dissatisfied that someone wants to do this work by the will of their hearts, for a minimum fee, but with the highest quality, attracting everything, that’s when they are there, who when they are, who are completely ready calmly using the same millions in an unreasonable manner, maybe this is precisely the problem that they are being allocated these billions are like an abyss, and not in a targeted way, make a project, how much, by the way, does this typical shelter cost? you know, we have seen such cultbits, when it means projects were prepared for 400 million rubles per project
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together, that is, with construction, but this is just a five-star shelter for cats, dogs, in principle, some people would also agree to live there, it’s simply incomprehensible, very often there are no standards, so even the requirements for shelters are violated; i saw with my own eyes a shelter built with this adopted, in which they forgot to do it. they forgot to make the internal walls, who will have a specific standard project on hand, here is a standard project, but it cannot be different, there are two departments here, the first is the ministry of natural resources, well, it looks logical, but there is a second department, this is the ministry of agriculture , which includes the veterinary service and animal companions, who also have quite a lot of experience, respectively, veterinarians in this regard, who can chip dogs, should certainly chip all pets. and fines are definitely necessary
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absolutely in favor of the shelter, in favor of this activity, this money must be colored, it is necessary. first of all, we hope that they will connect, and there is a positive signal already in this regard, yes, recently there was news that the ministry of natural resources has finally begun developing a large system, which will include all microchipping of cats, dogs, all the data, yes, that is, a single database, this is for us, well, in fact, there is the first step for the system to really work,
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thank you, thank you, about how to reduce the number homeless abandoned animals, we spoke with naughty, robots are working hard, the chinese are ready to give up human labor, at least in the automotive industry, one of the companies has introduced real humanoids into production, this one is called vockers. he will check seat belts, test door locks, control the quality of the body,
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fill oil and stick labels. the humanoid machine is about 70 meters tall, and the robot can interact with an object. the amount is impressive, so that the monthly payment is acceptable, the loan term, the man chooses maximum. it is much more profitable for me to use a loan for 7 years, so that it will be more comfortable for me to pay monthly payments. more and more russian
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motorists are choosing long terms when applying for car loans; the share of such loans for 7-8 years this year increased by 9% compared to the last twenty-third year of the total. the trial for buying a car takes up almost 70%. the tendency to increase the term is associated with rising prices for cars, rising interest rates, and tightening requirements of banks for the debt load of borrowers. why such a long high? because loans have become more expensive, and of course people shy away from the amount of 19-20% per annum. then there are central bank regulations that do not allow giving a loan to a person if he pays more than 50% of his income on payments, and accordingly, in order to somehow... from the point of view of legislation, spread this amount out a little over time, but also allow the person to breathe out calmer, banks offer such long loan terms, in other words, the longer the term, the lower the monthly payment amount, for example, at the cost a car of 3 million rubles, an initial payment of 1 million rubles and a rate of 16%, the monthly payment when taking out a loan for 3 years will be about 70,000, for 5 years around 50, for 7 years already
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less than 40,000 rubles. it seems that the monthly debt burden of borrowers in the latter case... for clients in the long term this means a significant overpayment. you need to understand that if the deadline is extended, the client will end up paying a larger amount due to the fact that there will be more such payments. due to interest, the fact that they are paid over a longer period is naturally necessary pay an absolute higher amount. for example, if a car loan is worth 2 million rubles. at 18% the client signed up for 5 years, then the amount of overpayment on interest during this time... will be 9,000 rubles. under the same conditions, but for 7 years, the overpayment will be 1,300,000. thus, the difference in the amount for the same car, but with different loan terms, can be almost half a million rubles. in addition, with extended terms, the client will overpay for insurance products that banks additionally request when applying for a car loan, for example, polyskazka or in order to maintain the interest rate, life and health insurance will also have to be purchased not
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for 3 or 5 years, but for all 7. and then, the last creak of the fence fashion. how to build a unique one. we'll show you the birth of a house with your own hands in a couple of minutes. sorry, please, i couldn’t resist, it’s very beautiful. premiere. seryozha said that you broke up, so there is no point in hiding our relationship. listen, mother, shutter, london, tatyana, kroshennikova. you climb everywhere, who asks you? my work ends here. i can leave right now. galina needs to be returned. jackdaw. today on rtr. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest
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creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has been preserved forever by his reflection. his words are treasured forever. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place. live broadcast from the boldin estate. thursday on rtr. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look,
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let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, he takes it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for 1 2 3, sign up, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, congratulations on your happy birthday, this is a siberian set, it was a taste of the homeland. masha rasputina, for me the worst, when they don’t lie, personal stories from the life of the queen of epotage, all these years godovich could not resolve this issue, for some reason he could not officially divorce himself if they didn’t want me that way, yes, but i no that’s it, i’ll leave right away, i don’t need anything at all, just comrades, i don’t want to not hear you.
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the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. you abandoned a pregnant woman and threw money on the contrary, but i didn’t write this, i really didn’t know anything about the child, that is, about you, on sunday, she is my daughter, your brother may especially not like this news, we are all starting a new one life, they saw her as a daughter, i hope you understand that you have become a potential heir to a decent fortune, but you didn’t see your daughter. such a way out? at first elizabeth portrayed a loving daughter, and then she killed, robbed and ran away. she didn't need it, she just wanted his money.
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a fragile girl with a five-year-old child in her arms robs and kills. are you seriously? you will really get better soon. and your memory will definitely return to you. who you are? what do you want from us? on sunday on rtr. we exchanged pleasantries, due to the fact that tourists sometimes confuse the cities of perm and pinza, although it would seem that the perm artist lev gubin made a huge inscription “welcome” not far from the perm airport welcome to penza", it is clearly visible from planes landing, some passengers get scared, but in response, at the exit from penza airport, a permn sign has now appeared, below in small print 118. 10 km, now those who accidentally mixed up the cities know for sure , in which direction should they move, well, if someone wants their house to be recognized by its fence, welcome to
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the internet, they share works of fence art, yes, you have a powerful fence, of course it turned out, strong, just in general, that’s no one not a single animal will pass, especially in this hole, it’s not for the protection of the fence, for the beauty of the users. this explains: the times have already passed when the fence performed a purely utilitarian function. today , many additional requirements are placed on the fence; for many it is important that it, as the face of the house, be beautiful and even unique. for example, a brick fence sounds boring, but look what this man came up with. you can transform an already finished fence, for example, add multi-colored glass balls to the wooden boards, these will be the sun shimmers, creating the effect of precious stones. it's fast, it's beautiful, and you can come up with your own design. but this is a real squeak of fence
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fashion, so to speak. in the trend of fences, fences made by hand exclusively from natural materials, of course, now i ’m talking about all sorts of twigs, sticks and logs, we collect the required amount of brushwood and start creating, but what about a fence made of sand? yes, you heard right, you can make a strong and durable fence from this material too, moreover, it will look like a sand dune, moved right to your... backyard, for this the sand, preferably multi-colored, will need to be thoroughly compacted with glue. where would we be without classic chain-link? by the way, to make a wire fence, it’s better to call your friends, then you can have time to weave a new fence in just one day. kirgud, i mean, i’ve already seen this somewhere, the guys there also built a fence.
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it turned out good, then it’s a symbol of carelessness, come on, fly, i mean fly, you seriously, carelessness is an image, no images, everything is for real, faith, we are flying, just like threats to the environment, no threat, they’re just balls, you know, they’re not scary balls, there’s a number of them, you know, how many of these balls are there in they’re launching a year, they’re such romantics, it’s environmentally friendly.
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they can use percent, among other things , for the development of tourism infrastructure; this will have a huge synergistic effect for the development of the transport industry, for the development of regions and for the development of tourism. these questions have been worked out, these sources are considered possible for the realization of the goals that we are discussing today. anton germanevich, the tourism infrastructure, in our opinion, is quite suitable for creating new jobs, new taxes and... this is what is needed for the development of the region. a powerful blow to the ukrainian armed forces stronghold was carried out by tankers from the troops center group in the vdeevsky direction. the military personnel, using the terrain features and dense vegetation, moved into position and quickly aimed the combat vehicle at the target was hit by high-explosive fragmentation shells from a distance of more than 8 km. also , with an accurate shot , a settlement group that was approaching the strong point was destroyed.
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high initial. tank shell allows crews to remain unnoticed by enemy counter-battery weapons. a strong point has been occupied; the enemy is working on this strong point. they ask, for example, for a tank to come out and work on the point where our guys are being fired upon, we go out and work on it. unmanned aerial vehicles calculations the devices perform combat missions near the village of chasov yar. the copter starts up. at a considerable distance from the operator’s location, information received from drones in real time assists the advancement of assault units to correct artillery fire. drone operator. kaze can easily pursue a moving target at very high speeds, over 100 km/h. therefore, such devices are difficult to detect and intercept. this allows them to be used with maximum efficiency to destroy objects, and also hit manpower in dugouts and
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special shelters. in the far east , a tense situation remains with natural fires in buryatia, forests are burning over an area of ​​36. over the past 24 hours, eight fires have been detected. 542 people were involved, including paratroopers, forest guard employees of the ministry of emergency situations, 89 units of equipment were involved. the area of ​​forest fires in yakutia has increased to 29,000 hectares, 385 specialists are fighting the fire there, 18 aircraft are involved in air patrols, another seven helicopters are used for transfer of forces and assets. a thousand days in space. today is a russian cosmonaut, oleg. kanonenko is the commander of the ruscosmos detachment, he is now conducting his fifth flight at the end of the current expedition, which is scheduled for september 23, his total
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flight time in orbit will be 1110 days. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital region: the weather will be cloudy with clearings today in moscow and the region, the air temperature will be up to +25°, light precipitation is possible in places. two at once new tram lines will appear on the map of moscow. both branches will connect to existing routes.
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not a new thing, many remember how, until 1995, there were horned carriages running between exemplary and oktyabrskaya streets, where you went on this tram, well, medvedkova at the same time, well, somehow it seemed to me that it was faster, i got on
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the tram and went, the route was in demand, and i think that it needs to be repeated, in 2025 they will begin the restoration of the entire line on trifonovskaya street, on sergei radonishsky street... the tracks will be ready by september of this year, trams along they will go to him later. anastasia makhina, alexander kucherovsky and pavel letnikov. news. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov congratulated the employees of the head enterprise of the tactical missile weapons corporation on the eighty-second anniversary. the ceremony took place in korolev. today the corporation is one of the largest defense-industrial holdings in russia. it includes more than 50 enterprises; in total , it works there.
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of course, over the years they have seriously strengthened, and this became possible thanks to the united the work of the veterans who are present today, and the youth who have come to our enterprise over the past 20 years, many have already become, of course, not youth, but mature specialists who help us make the weapons that are in great demand today. the company pays great attention to social support for employees and is implementing a housing construction program for employees. painting from the collection. aram abraman was presented in the third edition of an international project dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of this moscow doctor, collector of russian art of the 19th-20th centuries. from the museum in yerevan they brought to moscow
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works by famous artists korovin, golovin, benois, petrov, votkin, unfamiliar to the capital’s audience, as well as canvases by armenian painters who worked in russia. the museum is very young, and the collection was only made public 40 years ago; the russian art museum in yerevan, we all still have such research opportunities. i hope we find out more. in total, guests will be shown 60 works of painting and graphics. the exhibition will run until august 11. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website stay with us. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. weeks golf villas and suites
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sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits, sharma. welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharm elshey. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh - an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixa with rodomis sharmelsheikh. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection,
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exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic, luxury collection bodrum. good morning, hello, you are on the russia channel in the morning program, and before us there are only stars in the sky, but something interesting can be seen at the bottom of the sea, there are also stars there, painting at depth, the artist olga belka, an underwater portrait painter, a little isn’t this the only one in the world, this creative dive was done, for example, off the coast of west papua. olga says that what she loves most is when people come to her work
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see sea creatures, i was curious, for example, an octopus. olga has developed her own technique that allows her to paint in salt water. i had to experiment a lot to overcome the optical distortion of color and shape that water gives. each masterpiece requires several three-hour dives. but in order to preserve nature, we were asked to abandon the mass launch. sergei egorov found out how they can be replaced. one, two, three, you know, every time i watch this video i get goosebumps, nostalgia, i remember school with warmth. it seems that anastasia may be watching this memorable video again and again. a beautiful ceremony for her, as for many graduates, has primarily a symbolic meaning. balloons flying into the sky are a symbol of farewell to school and the transition to the next stage of life. yes, it seemed that if you launched this ball into the sky, especially lilac, my
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favorite color, everything would come true, you would achieve your dreams. the dream came true, nastya moved to the capital and became a student at a prestigious university, the fate of the balloon she released is unknown, however moreover, the power reserve of a modern gel ball allows it to fly many kilometers from the launch site. latex balloons, we suppose we process them, due to this they fly longer, from three days to a month, on average. during such a long period of being in the air, the wind often carries the ball beyond the populated area. a point where it will never be detected by utility services. of course, a balloon accidentally released into the sky can hardly cause an environmental disaster, but only at graduation time there are more than 1,000 of them in the sky. this year we have more than 2 million schoolchildren graduate. we approximately calculated that if every schoolchild released at least one balloon, then in nature we would have more than 8.00 kg of non-recyclable waste. the materials from which the balls are made decompose extremely slowly, for example, latex will decompose in 4 years, nylon lace is enough. years, and the foil ball is only 200, while bright colored waste is often perceived
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by forest inhabitants as food; if they, for example, eat or swallow such a thing, then, of course, it is deadly for animals. he clogs his esophagus, stomach, and with a high probability the animal will die. even if such a ball does not end up in the stomach of a falna representative, over time it will begin to decompose into dangerous microplastic, which has already become the reason for the ban on launching balloons in a number of countries where they were replaced with pigeons. gracefully soaring through the sky, such a symbol of forgiveness with the school will fly back to the dovecote without causing harm to the environment. this breed of pigeons is a czech bird, smart, faithful, it always returns about 100 km as... another alternative is to plant a memorial tree, which, among other things , is also a generally recognized symbol of knowledge and life transformations. when you plant a tree, it always remains with you; you will come to it with your graduates every year for picnics and show it to your children. so far, alternative methods
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of forgiveness from school have become widespread only in cities where there have been recommendations to refuse to launch balloons. a nationwide ban is only being discussed. however, no one bothers. current graduates independently answer the question: what is more important: the seven-minute delight of soaring balloons or caring for nature, which will delight the eye for many years after graduation. meanwhile, nature never ceases to amaze. israeli scientists have recorded an increase in the number of thunderstorms among the eternal ice of the arctic; flashes of light signal how quickly the ice is melting and indicate an increase in the effect of global warming. the weather is behaving unusually. in russian regions in kaliningrad the other day , a third of the monthly norm of precipitation fell in 2 hours, storm and hail hit the northern caucasus, in the new urengoy summer began with the release of fountains of snowfall. we will find out what other surprises to expect from the weather from
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mikhail lokoshch, leading researcher at the department of meteorology and climatology at moscow state university. mikhail alexandrovich, hello. hello hello. frosts at the wrong time, heat ahead of schedule, thunderstorms - in the arctic, a decrease in the speed of the gulf stream, as is predicted until a complete stop in 2025, all this speaks of global warming or something else, as far as these processes are concerned specialists of your level? no, these are different phenomena, not all of them are related to global warming, if we talk about the golf stream, it is a huge, powerful current, it is stable over time, and of course, information about that is supposedly in a few years.
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leads to additional emissions of greenhouse gases, but lightning itself is not a means of pumping water vapor and the upper troposphere, due to so much data, how much more difficult it can now be to predict the weather and maybe some kind of supercomputer helps process all this, of course, supercomputers help, for the first 2 days the accuracy rate is very high, about 95%. then, of course, as the lead time increases, the justification decreases. and there is a certain limit of predictability of 2-3 weeks, that is, in the near future we will not be able to go beyond this limit, we will never be able to overcome the physical limit of predictability, but within this time the justification will increase, and maybe artificial intelligence knows this is capable to overcome the limit, have such experiments been carried out? no,
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artificial intelligence, so to speak, cannot predict what will happen beyond the limits of predictability, this is a new area of ​​knowledge that is actively developing, perhaps it will become with the help of... a weather forecaster, but the last word in the weather forecast, of course, must be said by a person. mikhail alexandrovich, tell us, what kind of summer will we have? well, today we can see more or less until, so to speak, mid-june, until the end of the second ten days of june. my colleagues are not expecting any abnormal heat, so to speak. what weather processes should you be more wary of? total? we have mainly dangerous phenomena: these are zamoraski, this is a particularly strong wind, a strong siege. if the repetition of these phenomena becomes more and more frequent, then what conclusion will you come to? you know, according to roshydromet data over the past 10 or 15 years, the total number, i repeat, the total number of dangerous phenomena is stable, it does not change much, there are , of course, dangerous phenomena, convective,
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squalls, tornadoes, but in our conditions this is very rare, yeah, well let's calm down with this, we talked about weather anomalies and forecasts for... the future with a leading scientific employee of the department of meteorology and climatology of lumanosov mikhail lokuschenko. thank you. thank you. roses suit you very well, well, she found herself a rich, smart, handsome man, and i'm a jackdaw, premiere, today at 21:20, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air 60 minutes, 60 minutes, today at 11:30 and 17 :30 on the russia channel, agriculture is back in fashion. last year, this area became one of the most popular among college applicants, but many of them today participate in the federal
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professionalism project of the national education project. this the program allows you to train highly qualified personnel for specific enterprises. the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva and the eyelids are in perfect order. pupil. the light reacts, the skin and fur are also fine, the temperature is normal, this rabbit is completely healthy and feels great, this is the verdict given to the animal by third-year student and future veterinarian alexey bugaev. we had a clinical examination of the rabbit. we examined, did a general analysis and carried out diagnostics along with therapy in order to determine whether there were any pathologies of diseases. so in the stavropol acreage.
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mechanics, immediately after graduation they are expected at agricultural enterprises of the stavropol territory. the total need for personnel in our region in the agricultural sector is from 3 to 400. today we are developing, improving our education.
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skills that they can use in their professional activities. thanks to the federal project , the professional staff also modernized the material and technical base of vavilov university in saratov. four were created here innovation sites with two dozen new laboratories and workshops. we train personnel in four professional areas related to the agro-industrial complex. this includes the operation of agricultural machinery, meat processing, agronomy, and veterinary medicine. these are the kind of specialists we have today. from the podium, and they are now preparing them faster than before, which for many applicants is of great importance when choosing educational institutions, and there is plenty to choose from. today,
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more than one professional is involved in the federal project 1,200 colleges over 1,600 employing enterprises in 79 regions. last year, agriculture became one of the most popular areas among applicants . whether it will maintain its leadership will be shown by the new recruitment campaign, which will begin very soon. sorry, please, i couldn’t resist, you are very beautiful. premiere. seryozha said that you broke up, so there is no point in hiding our relationship. listen, mother, you oblivious person. london, tatyana kroshenennikova. you climb everywhere, who asks you? my work on this is here ends. i can leave right now. galina needs to be returned. galka, today.
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but it seems that this is not enough. i’m ready to take responsibility, the stars will hear me, i hope. can i get tamara's advice? be very attentive and impulsive. catch me if you can. great music show. doesn't sing. sings, sings. the choice has been made. on friday on rtr. i
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haven't felt this good for a long time. i felt very good too. on saturday, i'm pregnant, you'll soon become a dad, that means he's just like everyone else, he decided to hit on you, he's married, and i'm pregnant light, that somehow i got confused, you got lost between two pines, dear neighbor, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to... the end, you are with us, yes , when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes grandma, herself hungry, but she brings this food to the shelter, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i
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made a decision that we needed to take the guys in... i came across such people who care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you you do it, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, yourself. the fastest one of the simplest racing cars in the world, a jet card is being sold at auction with a guinness book diploma to boot. the starting price for this extremely serious machine is approximately 15 million rubles. a powerful engine accelerates it to incredible for this class 185 km/h. the main thing is that the driver has an instant reaction - perfect driving technique. it’s worth thinking about this before you buy, or
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consult with a special auction instructor, he will explain all the intricacies in detail. a representative of the chinese automobile industry will tell whether the next ivan senkevich managed to unite all this. there are gradually more and more passenger sedans in russia, not just crossovers, but all, as they say. bake u5+ was recently added to this list. the appearance is not to say memorable, but... the exterior is pleasant, visually the model is perceived as more compact than it actually is , and yet the length exceeds 4.6 m. the price starts at 2.45.00 rubles, but in our test we have the top executions are 170,000 more expensive. the list of competitors includes the domestic lada vesta and chinese classmates kai e5 and amoda s5. the interior
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also looks unsophisticated, the finishing materials are, well, budgetary, but partly. we thought about convenience options, there is climate control, a 360-degree view function, the list was expanded in the spring heating of the front seats, side mirrors, windshield and windshield washer nozzles required in russia, but it is still impossible to adjust the steering column according to the reach, only according to the angle of inclination. the back row is quite spacious, which is not surprising for such a large car, but the back of the sofa is not split; it can only be folded entirely, which is not very practical. solution: the car is equipped with a naturally-aspirated petrol engine with a displacement of 1.6 liters. the power is not exciting at 105 horsepower. however, on the move special you don’t notice a shortage of horses. bake confidently accelerates and does not fall out of the flow. and fuel consumption is low. on average 8 liters per 100 km. moreover, the manufacturer does not prohibit refueling with ninety-second gasoline. interestingly, the u5+
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is offered in a dual-fuel version. his engine. it can run not only on gasoline, but also on methane. most chinese cars have poor sound insulation in the interior, primarily in the wheel arches and underbody. here this issue was worked out quietly in the salon. the chassis is configured as it should. macpherson struts front, rear twisting beam. the car handles quite easily, rides smoothly, and the suspension copes with road unevenness. i missed a speed bump a couple of times, but it didn’t matter. the u5 plus is a car that opens up better in motion, there are practically no questions about it while driving, but we still need to work on the interior to make it more comfortable. i hope the manufacturer will hear us. and then a signal from the brain. we are inside a computer program, it seems incredible. your clothes have changed, the contacts
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on your hands and head have disappeared. it's mental projection of the virtual self. why is it so difficult? we just studied the wave biometry of the brain. so why are multi-colored tablets no longer needed? information from the brain can now be transmitted directly to a computer. you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the studio andrey shevtsov, the development of tourism is important for the russian economy, vladimir putin discussed with the government the creation of infrastructure for road travel around the country. full house at the airport. the international economic forum starts in st. petersburg today, it participants from almost 140 countries will visit, shot! self-propelled guns akkatsiy disrupted the rotation
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of the ukrainian armed forces. our buka m1 air defense unit was shot down by a khaimars rocket. the development of the tourism sector is important for quality. recreation for russians and for the growth of the country’s economy, this was emphasized by vladimir putin at a meeting with the government on the topic of road travel. the president conducted it from st. petersburg via video link. alexey golovko with details. the main topic of the meeting with the government, which the president is holding via video link from st. petersburg, was tourism, and more specifically, one of its most widespread types. summer has begun, the tourist season, one might say, is in full swing. let's talk today as the main topic, the topic has been chosen. development of automobile tourism in russia. last year, residents and guests of the country made 83 million tours in russia, all of them were blocked, even pre-covid results. almost a third of this number travels by
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car, which means it is necessary to improve road service on the highways, build gas stations and cafes. traveling by tourist buses is becoming increasingly popular, but here the industry is faced with a shortage of machines. in the coming months, together with the ministry of transport, we propose to develop and approve it. program for the development of the production of domestic buses and also propose to include tourist buses in the preferential leasing program. however, many automakers have already heard the request of the tourism industry. buses are produced by volga-bus, gas, lias and solers factories. import substitution of former partners who left the market. you remember, we produced mazdas in the far east. now they are replacing this production excursion buses. there will be a project. implemented in cooperation with an eastern partner, only here in the instructions it is written to work on the issue of including tourist buses in the preferential leasing program, what does it mean to work on the issue,
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it can be worked on endlessly until the thirtieth year, just include everything, well , of course, everything will be done, growth tourism is also facilitated by the rapid construction of new modern highways, such as the m12 east highway, most of it goes ... the effect is both for the development of the transport industry and for the development of regions and for the development of tourism, these issues have been worked out, these sources
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are considered possible for the implementation of the goals that we are discussing today. anton genganovich, the tourism infrastructure, in our opinion, is quite suitable for this, to create new jobs, new taxes, and this is what is needed for development. this means that the region, as quickly as possible, the president proposed to consider the results of this meeting on the development of automobile tourism. alexey glovko, maria radimova, lead. today the program of the st. petersburg international economic forum. the announced number of guests has already exceeded all previous figures: almost 20,000 people from 140 countries, including heads of state and government, heads of major companies, as well as the world's leading scientific experts. media and civil society. the main objective of the forum is to support a constructive dialogue aimed at establishing mutual understanding and creating a basis for joint decisions and actions. main topic.
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detected the movement of the ukrainian armed forces vehicle and transmitted coordinates of the target to the command post. the artillerymen moved to a given position and opened fire. as a result , the unit's personnel were destroyed, as well as a disguised field ammunition depot. in the far east, the situation with natural fires in buryat remains tense; forests are burning over an area of ​​36. over the past 24 hours , eight fires have been detected. 542 people, including a paratrooper, were involved in extinguishing the fire. forest guard employees of the ministry of emergency situations,
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89 units of equipment were involved. the area of ​​forest fires in yakutia has increased to 29. hectares. there are 385 specialists fighting the fire there. 18 aircraft are involved in air patrolling, and another seven helicopters are used to transport assets. a thousand days in space. today , russian cosmonaut oleg kononenko was the first in the world to achieve such a unique result. the record is calculated by total duration. flights. kanonenko, commander of the roscosmos detachment. it is now conducting its fifth flight at the end of the current expedition, which is scheduled for september 23, and its total orbital flight time will be 1,110 days. next, regional news, don’t switch. now the news from stalichny.
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the weather in the region will be cloudy with clearings today in moscow and the air temperature in the region will be up to +25°. light rainfall is possible in places, especially in the evening. atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than normal - 744 mm hg; tomorrow the weather pattern will not change significantly; no precipitation is expected in the capital region from friday to sunday. today the summer festival starts in moscow, fashion beauty on tverskaya square, tver boulevard on... its result on big show, and also purchase the best products to create your image. the festival will last until sunday. from tomorrow until june 26 , the annual festival of irises and peonies will be held in the apothecary garden. visitors will be treated to an unforgettable journey into the world of beauty of aromas, a riot of colors, and variety of shapes. leading flower growers in moscow
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and the region will show beautiful, fashionable and new varieties suitable for growing in the climatic conditions of the region. all news is available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, stay with us. allow yourself. a first-class holiday resort, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. a hotel for unforgettable moments.
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the homeland of the soldiers, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. good morning,
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good morning, wake up, tune in to the day ahead with us, today is wednesday p'. conflict with colleagues over air conditioners; they say that these devices cause more harm than heat. every second person reported that there are no quarrels on this topic in their team, and every fifth person simply does not have climate control equipment at work. as the question showed, most often the temperature in the office does not suit employees aged 35 to 44 years. it's cool here, right? yes, but if the air conditioner suddenly breaks down, then you should take the choice of a repairman seriously. among specialists in the equipment repair industry is full of scammers. how to avoid becoming a victim of everyday crooks? dmitry zaitsev will tell. since this morning there was image and sound on the tv, but now everything is gone. in
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such a situation, many of you will remember that at the bottom of your mailbox there are a lot of different kinds of advertisements from repair companies, why not take advantage, but here lies the catch. anna had to give up in sochi. my laptop to be repaired, the usb input was broken, without thinking twice, i called the number of one of the street advertisements, and the repairman was right there, inspecting laptop, says: well, yes, the problem is quite common, i’ll give it to you, i ’ll repair everything and return the laptop to you in 2 days, but not in two, not in 3 days, anna never received the laptop, the pseudo-repairman began to demand from her 12,000 rubles, they say he reinstalled her operating system and the problem disappeared on its own, after much persuasion the man agreed to take 9 rubles for his efforts. he returned the gadget to the girl, it disappeared, but in fact the usb never worked. anna tried to call the company, but the answer was only short dial tone. from i only have one invoice left, that’s all i have of the documents. and then, from hand to handwriting, no seals, no stamps, anna turned to rospotrebnadzor with a prank, and this is the answer she received. you
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have entered into a contractual relationship with a citizen, individual or self-employed, private service engineer. in this regard, we clarify that the existing relationship does not fall under the russian federation law on protection. consumer rights, it turns out that a whole layer of self-employed entrepreneurs are not controlled by supervisory agencies at all, a certain call center is organized that posts mass advertisements, you call there, they take your order, then these orders are distributed to private, mostly private craftsmen, who may not even be registered as self-employed. the official service always issues an acceptance certificate for the transfer of equipment with all the output data, the contacts of the employee and the company itself are indicated, as well as all the necessary information. there is not even faith in fake pieces of paper. if you see readable numbers of the same individual tax number there, in internet, tax, on the website of the tax service you can fill in the tax identification number for free and get an extract for this legal entity, where it will be
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written who their director is, who their founder is, you can file a statement with the police, but if you take into account that the ministry of internal affairs according to official data is not a set of employees of more than 150 thousand people, such insignificant matters, such structures from fair taxation, of course, very often people found in this way, they do not pay taxes, work in menial jobs, and of course, naturally, no documents, no leave no traces. until parliamentarians have put things in order in this area of ​​consumer services, experts advise being more careful and not forgetting the saying about free cheese. sometimes. it’s worth overpaying for the official service rather than ultimately losing equipment, money, and nerves. they will require both money and nerves and an endless trial, when it comes to them, the federation council proposed creating a portal for filing class actions, it is assumed that with the help of a digital
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platform people will be able to unite in groups from 10 people, now at least 20 to send claims on a wide range of issues to management companies, medical centers, airlines. marketplace. now the government is considering a bill to create such a platform, but we will discuss it with the author of the initiative, a member of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building, artyom sheikin. hello. the share of class actions now in the total mass of cases is some thousandths of a percent. why is there such a distortion and what will the platform itself change? there are two problems why there are such an insignificant number of such claims.
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say the class action you need, for example, for the defendant, we kill a company there, for example, some airline, it says that claims have been filed against this airline from so many people about an incident that occurred there in march , and if there is no such thing incident, but you need to initiate it yourself, by the way, how to decide on the court if the defendants are from different regions, there should probably be some of them representative, right?
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to speak, this is the supreme court and the judicial control body should be the department under the supreme court, only these structures can control the direction of this activity. yes. thank you. thank you. how to simplify the mechanism for filing class action lawsuits? we spoke with a member of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building artyom sheikin. thank you. mom didn’t end up in ukraine; she was buried there. i haven’t been to my masha rasputin’s grave for years, one of the first to keep our army, russia
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must have its own path, this is the heart of the world, if it ceases to exist, the whole world will perish, live the country, my inviolable destiny as a person with boris korchevnikov on friday at 15:00, instead of kindergarten in congress, became a social media star. six-year-old guy rose, the son of a politician, the kid stopped attending kindergarten and goes to congress with his father as if he were going to work, while dad was making a speech, guy got bored, began to entertain himself, grimaced, stuck out his tongue, rolled his eyes and generally i worked as hard as i could, the whole of america saw it, and now the world, well, you can only guess about dad’s reaction, well, our scientists have learned to take imprints of thoughts, they promise to soon identify people by their brain waves, how you can use data from an encephalograph, andrei alekseenko will tell.
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scientists first received a signal from the human brain in the twenties of the last century, but only recently have they begun to use this information not for research, but in practice. we are talking about a brain-computer interface, a device for taking electrical readings. brain activity, and this activity can be used in different ways, so our scientists conducted an experiment, recorded several dozen encephalograms of volunteers and trained neurossi. on the screen you can observe just these divisions, let’s say, clusters, yes, that is, which show that the thoughts, the so-called, that is, the imprints of the brain, and of each person, they are individual, they are unique, this means that engineers and scientists now have another biometric identifier, such as fingerprints, face or retina, only this cipher is much more protected from hacking from outside, biometrics associated with brain waves. yes, that is , based on the wave-brain, well , as of today, the hacking is not
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obvious, you know, that is, especially since a person must be generally alive, really alive, you understand, that is, yes, because when he must think at this moment, it is possible that in the future in the same banks, in addition to cameras, special neuro-headsets will appear; a similar device was just developed in one of the moscow laboratories from the outside, the device looks like an ordinary black bandage, we call it neuro, neuro hotbend , or neuro bandage. this is a fairly convenient, comfortable device for everyday wear with dry electrodes, which do not require any use of medical gel and are quite comfortable to wear... socks, during operation, the contacts read the electrical activity of the brain via bluetooth and transmit information to a computer or phone. in this case, the neuroheadset works in tandem with a program that helps you relax. when the program determines, it gives us a notification that you are stressed or tired. the more the user relaxes, the smaller the amplitude of the oscillations of the diagram on the screen.
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by and large, the device helps to find the state when the body and brain are as relaxed as possible, and for this purpose. galka, today on rtr. pushkin, a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering.
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we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved its reflection, like our hearts treasure his words forever. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place. live broadcast from the boldin estate. thursday on rtr. let's finally get to know each other. christina, your younger sister. what? family passions. where did you even come from, but she copied everything to christina. i won’t budge until i throw this impostor out of our house. i will not
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give up what i got from my family. we must unite against her and stop this paraidoha from taking our money. and. there's a cuddly, well, tame a biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, to warm up a stray, to my door, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after performance,
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you are in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, you abandoned pregnant women and threw money at beards, but i didn’t write that, i really knew nothing about the child, that is, about you, in sunday, she is my daughter, your brother may especially not like this news, we are all starting a new life, we saw her as a daughter, i hope you understand that you have become a potential heir to a decent fortune, and your daughter saw no other way out. elizabeth at first portrayed a loving daughter, and then he killed, robbed, ran away, she didn’t need it, she needed his money, a fragile girl with a five-year-old child in her arms, robs kills,
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are you serious, don’t you worry, you ’ll really get better soon, and memory will definitely turn around. who are you, what are you from us want to? a turn of fate, on sunday on rtr. at the end of summer we will have the long-awaited animated premiere, the full-length cartoon luntik homecoming. the adventure of an unusual alien baby will be shown on big screens for the first time on august 29. i have an interest in modern russian cartoons. audiences of all ages, this is proven not only by the box office receipts, but also by the sheer number of festivals across the country. the other day a children's and family film competition ended in perm, teddy bear 2 will tell you about the results of the most high-profile premieres dmitry bakeev. this is how you can organize a big film festival on the street, in the very center of the city, and watch cartoons for hours.
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for the second time, the all-russian marathon of family cinema "medvizhonok" unites large and small spectators by watching good educational stories. we want to involve all generations, we want children to unite with their parents while watching a movie. the festival itself is an even larger creative workshop, here you can learn the basics of animation about... filmmakers give master classes, they even have their own filming room platform, but the main focus is on competitive screenings; there are more than twenty films on the list, many of which are just getting ready for release. one of these anticipated premieres is white dreams. the series won two awards at once, as the best animated cartoon and the audience's choice. the story of two brave polar explorers will soon be seen on the media platform, watch it. the main characters, yura and kolya, do not lose heart in the cold arctic and make scientific discoveries. makes new friends, such as this funny polar bear. i need help, nanuk, why are you without a sweater,
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it’s cold, you want to get sick, well, bears at the festival are generally held in special esteem, for example, the orphaned bear cub mansur and his real story will return to the screens the favorite characters of the family film palma 2, in the second part a shepherd dog, which would once have been abandoned at the airport, in as a result, she found a new family , she now takes care of the four-legged foundling, this friendly couple will experience many exciting and sometimes dangerous adventures: now he alone in taiga will not survive without his mother, the theme of mutual help and friendship, this is what adults and children's the jury of the teddy bear 2 festival took the sports drama “my favorite champion” in the big cinema category. the works were very strong, it was difficult to make a choice, but... in the nomination for the best full-length cartoon, the jury was unanimous, the fairytale patrol won, the show continues, four young sorceresses will go on a new exciting journey
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and show little viewers how to distinguish good from evil, spot treachery in time , learn to overcome sad grievances. we are a fairy patrol, investigating magical crimes. the second annual teddy bear festival is over, but all the works presented at it, regardless of awards, will certainly find their audience. and then for our everything, an online marathon for the 225th anniversary of pushkin’s birth. among the events is a bright flash mob. famous actors, musicians, presenters will read the famous green oak near lukomorye. anyone can record their own version of immortal lines, so join us, and we will. at lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain on the tanned one. and day and night, the cat is a scientist, everything walks along the chain all around, goes to...
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through the forests, across the seas, the sorcerer carries the hero, in the dungeon there the princess is stewing, and the brown wolf faithfully serves her, there is a mortar with his woman, he walks, wanders by himself, there the king of koshche withers over gold , there is a russian spirit, there is a smell of russia, i was there, and i drank honey, i saw a green oak tree by the sea, sitting under it, a scientist cat was telling his fairy tales: news continues to work live, in the studio andrey shevtsov, hello. the program
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of the st. petersburg international economic forum will begin today. the stated number of guests has already exceeded all previous indicators of almost 20,000 people from 140 countries, including heads of state and government, heads of major companies, as well as leading world experts from among representatives of science. the main objective of the forum is to support constructive dialogue aimed at establishing mutual understanding and creating a basis for joint decisions and actions. the main theme of this year's forum is the foundation of a multipolar world and the formation of new growth points. the program includes more than 150 thematic sessions, in which over a thousand moderators will take part speakers. the development of the tourism sector is important for quality recreation. and for the growth of the country’s economy, vladimir putin emphasized this at a meeting with the government on the topic of road travel. the president conducted it from st. petersburg via video link.
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vladimirich, will you tell me when summer started, the tourist season, one might say, is in full swing, we will talk today as the main topic, the chosen topic is the development of automobile tourism in russia. last year, residents and guests of the country completed 83 million tour trips around russia, almost a third of this numbers on cars. traveling by tourist buses is becoming increasingly popular, but here the industry is faced with a shortage of cars, although now buses are produced by the company's factories . thus, import substitution is taking place for partners who have left the market. you remember, we produced mazdas in the far east. now they are replacing this production with excursion buses with a capacity of 55-53 people, twelve-meter and nine-meter. the project will be implemented in cooperation with an eastern partner. only
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here here. on the instructions it is written: to work on the issue of including tourist buses in the preferential leasing program, well , work on the issue, it can be worked on endlessly until the thirtieth year, just include everything, well, of course, everything will be done, now about the ongoing special operation, a powerful blow to the stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine tankers, groupings of troops centered in the ovdeevsky direction, inflicted by military personnel using the features of the terrain to grow densely.
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to this country. lavrov has already held negotiations with his colleague, noted the relationship between countries on the rise amid global changes. last year, the new government authorities denounced the agreement with france on military cooperation, stated that they would no longer allow paris to rob their country with impunity, and were ready to develop the economy, russia will help with this. i am very touched by my entire delegation. welcome, we feel at home, among friends, our relations are on the rise, primarily as a result of the agreements that were reached at the meeting of our presidents, mr. putin and captain trau last year during the second summit of russia. in the far east , a tense situation remains with natural fires in buryat, forests are burning on an area of ​​36. for...
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kononenko is the commander of the ruscosmos detachment, he is now conducting his fifth flight. upon completion of the current expedition, which is scheduled for september 23, its total flight time in orbit will be 1110 days. next, news from your region with residents of moscow and the region. see you in just seconds.
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now to the news from the capital region, the weather will be cloudy with clearings today in moscow and the region, the air temperature will be up to +25°, with light precipitation possible in some places. two new tram lines will appear on the map of moscow at once. both branches will connect to existing routes. about how the capital's tram network is developing, anastasia makhina. work began at the end of april, first they dug the so-called trough, a special recess for tram tracks. we laid waterproofing, crushed stone and proceeded to the most important thing - rails and sleepers. the work on this section is almost 70% complete. now the workers are fastening the sleepers to the rails, then they will fill this entire structure with sand and crushed stone, and then they will lay down the slabs and launch the tram. by the way, in the last 40 years
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this will be the largest new tram line that will be launched in moscow, workers will lay more than 2 km of new tracks, 300 of them are already ready, and they will also restore almost half a kilometer of existing ones. we will completely landscape the surrounding area, on the opposite side we will pave the sidewalks with granite paving and arrange convenient parking pockets, let's separate the tram tracks from the roadway, here on trifonovskaya trams are not a new thing, many remember how horned trailers ran between the streets of exemplary and oktyabrskaya until 1995, where you went on this tram, well, in dnh, well, medvedkova then.
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enterprises of the tactical missiles corporation since its eighty-second anniversary. the ceremony took place in korolev. today the corporation is one of the largest defense-industrial holdings in russia. it includes more than 50 enterprises. in total, 67,000 people work there. we certainly would not be able to solve the challenges that our country faces without you, without your participation. therefore in your face. i want to thank all the workers who today at the enterprises of the moscow region are very conscientiously, professionally, and very hard at providing what our
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country needs. we, of course, have seriously strengthened over the years, and this became possible thanks to the united work of the veterans who are present today, and the youth who have come to our enterprise over the past 20 years, many they have already become, of course, not just young people, but mature specialists who help us make the weapons that are in great demand today. the company pays great attention to social support for employees and is implementing a housing construction program for employees. paintings from the collection of aram abrahamyan were presented in the tretikovka international project, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of this moscow doctor, collector of russian art of the 19th-20th centuries. to moscow from the museum.
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in total, guests will be shown 60 works of painting. and graphics, the exhibition will run until august 11. our news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website see you.
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discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum titanic luxury collection box. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic luxury collection bodrum. need some advice? is the buffet singing? the buffet is singing.
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good morning, hello, morning of russia, vera krasova, vladislav zavyalov are with you here , have a nice day, good mood and appetite to everyone, children, drink milk, the best! she was recently sold at auction for almost 4.5 million dollars, that ’s more than 400 million rubles per cow, she lives on one of the brazilian farms, under 24-hour video surveillance, with a personal veterinarian, an armed guard, occasionally gives audiences to fans, well, such content , for such and such money the owners the breeder is counting on... to increase livestock production in the country, such
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cows can easily tolerate heat, are unpretentious in food and are very docile. stray dogs and cats are also unpretentious, but in samara they want to fine you for feeding them; the authorities believe that compassionate citizens do not solve the problem of homeless animals, they only aggravate it. why - ilya davidov found out. here is a cat, half of its legs are cut off, there is no tail. they threw me a cat, nina pavlovna is ready to talk about her pets for hours, about character, about diseases, she has been 10 years bakes stray cats, knows each one, they also feed their wet nurse, i also feed two cats at the store, i’ve already fed them there, now i’ll go to the market, i have two cats there, two cats and i feed there, i feed them everywhere, there will be everything for 30. near the heating main, i built a shelter from sticks, cardboard and film, so that they would not freeze in the winter; the pension is no longer enough for building materials, because... the cats have to buy not only food, but also medicine. in
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altai, a compassionate old woman fed puppies. at first everyone could do this, but the dogs they grew up, began to flock together and bite people, it was impossible to walk through the village. and if you don’t feed them, then it’s generally unknown how it could end. an angry dog, hungry, this is still whiplash. residents held hostage by those they themselves tamed ask for help, and officials respond: the dogs were captured, sterilized and, as required by law, released. to their habitats, but what's the point? they can’t keep them in the shelter either, because , as they say, there isn’t enough room for all the dogs, but as it turns out, we have to be here for this suffer? 12 billion rubles a year are allocated to solve the housing problems of animals, but only 5% of them have found a roof over their heads, private shelters are overcrowded, in this large breed dogs need 4 tons of food per month, for some 500 rubles, for others some 100, some 10,000, this is how the monthly amount for the maintenance of our animals works out. you can’t let them go free, and in general
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this is a vicious practice, experts say: dogs and cats should either live out their days in a shelter or find new owners. cat ali, healthy, vaccinated, ready to move to family, with their good character, everyone has their own side, so there is a higher chance of falling into good hands, animal lovers can come, chat and feed them, everyone is treated for parasites, vaccinated, microchipped, by the way, the presence of a chip has long been proposed to be made mandatory for pets as well , it will be possible... to enter into the general database the surname, first name , patronymic of the owner, residential address, emergency telephone number, the name of the animal, the case if it ended up on the street, the creation of such a database will shed light on the activities of companies that win tenders, on how they spend funds, well, there is no database, that is, it is not clear where they are going, we can say that we caught a million dogs there, released them, it will all be in words, but in fact there is no reporting, apparently it’s time to hold revision.
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we will discuss the problem of homeless animals with the head of the popular front investigation bureau, valery alekseev. there is a law, the regions have the authority to regulate the number of stray animals, catching, sterilizing the basis on the street. well, this norm has been in effect for a year now, but problematic.
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this means that the projects were prepared for 400 million rubles per project, including construction, but this is just a five -star shelter for cats, dogs, in principle, some people would also agree to live there, it’s simply incomprehensible, very often, there are no standards, so they violate even requirements for shelters, i saw with my own eyes a shelter built with this accepted one, in which they forgot to make ventilation, forgot to make internal walls, who will take...
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the first step in order for the system to work for real. thank you, thank you, we talked about how to reduce the number of homeless abandoned animals with the head of the popular front investigation bureau, valery alekseev, you don’t care about me at all, i have no contact with you either, but what did you do? stop yelling, naughty people, can we have this? we’ll take everything with us, yes, of course, all my life i dreamed of having such a service, happy birthday, my love, stories of a big country, friday at 23:25, robots are working hard, the chinese are ready to give up human labor, at least in in the automotive industry, one of the companies has introduced
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real humanoids into production, this one is called walker s, he will check seat belts and test locks. control the quality of the body, fill oil, stick labels. the height of the humanoid machine is 70 meters, the robot is able to interact with objects and people, observing, of course, corporate guidelines. but i wonder how all this will affect the cost of cars, while, alas, many buyers use car loans and the loan terms are increasing. will this ultimately be beneficial? a loan for a client, daria tyunova calculated. you will have to purchase a car. on credit, so since i can’t afford that amount right away. the cost of the domestic car that alexander spirgin is going to buy with borrowed funds is 15 million rubles. with an initial payment of 340,000 , the motorist will have to return 1,160,000 to the bank. the amount is impressive, so that the monthly payment is acceptable, the man chose the maximum loan term. it is much more profitable for me
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to take out a loan for 7 years, so that it will be more comfortable for me to pay monthly payments. more and more russian motorists are choosing car loans; the share of such loans for 7-8 years has increased by 9% this year compared to the last twenty-third year, taking up almost 70% of the total number of days to buy a car. the tendency to increase the term is associated with rising prices for cars, rising interest rates, and tightening requirements of banks for the debt load of borrowers. why such a long high? because loans have become more expensive, and of course, they shy away from the amount of 19-20% per annum, then there are central bank regulations that... time, but let the person also breathe out more calmly, banks offer such long loan terms, in other words, the longer the term, the lower the monthly
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payment amount, for example, with a car cost of 3 million rubles, a down payment of 1 million rubles and an interest rate of 16 %, the monthly payment when taking out a loan for 3 years will be about 70,000, for 5 years around 50, for 7 years it will be less than 40,000 rubles. it seems that the monthly debt burden of borrowers in the latter case is indeed lower, but do not forget that increasing the loan term is beneficial. only to the bank that receives more interest payments, for clients in the long run this means a significant overpayment. you must understand that due to the day of the deadline, the client will end up paying a larger amount due to the fact that there will be more such payments. due to the interest, the fact that they are paid over a longer period, naturally, you need to pay a larger amount in absolute terms. for example, if a car loan is worth 2 million rubles. at 18% the client signed up for 5 years, then the amount of overpayment on interest during this time will be 900,000 rubles. with the same conditions, but for 7 years. the fee will already be 1,300,000. thus, the difference in the amount for the same car, but with different loan terms, can be almost half a million
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rubles. in addition, with extended terms , the client will also overpay for insurance products that banks additionally request when applying for a car loan, for example, a policy or life and health insurance, in order to maintain the interest rate, you will also have to buy not for 3 or 5 years, but for all seven. and then, the last creak of the fence fashion. how to build a unique home fence with your own with our hands, we'll show you through. a couple of minutes, forgive me, please, i couldn’t resist, you’re very beautiful, the premiere, seryozha said that you broke up, so there’s no point in hiding our relationship, listen, mother, obgegalka, london, tatyana, kroshenennikova, you’re interfering everywhere, who ’s you asks, my work ends here, i can leave right now, galina needs to be returned, jackdaw.
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i don’t need anything at all, just comrades, i don’t want to see you, i can’t hear you, i ’ll erase you all with an eraser, like a mother, you had to go through a lot, forgive your daughters, did you manage to? well the older one, yes, of course, of course, but the younger one i tell her what she likes to do, what she liked, for me personally it was all unacceptable, i was generally stunned how my daughter could even say such things, which means i don’t know how to educate children in general, if they don’t understand me, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov, on friday on rtr, i
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haven’t felt so good for a long time, i also felt very good, on saturday, i’m pregnant, you’ll soon become a dad, that means he’s just like everyone else, it’s up to you to decide hit me up, i’m married myself, and i’m pregnant, so somehow i got confused. you are lost between two pines. dear neighbor, premieres on saturday on rtr. favorite songs are played in our studio. let's go, birthday. favorite music never gets old. real wonderful songs sound. real feelings know no boundaries, i’m sitting here and can barely
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contain myself, the words of love are clear to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture - this is the golden fund of soviet and russian. exchanged pleasantries due to the fact that tourists sometimes confuse the cities of perm and pinza, although it would seem that the perm artist lep gubin made a huge the inscription welcome to penza, it is clearly visible from the planes coming in to land. passengers are scared, well, in response, at the exit from penza airport, now there is a sign for permn, below in small print 1,180
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km, now those who accidentally mixed up the cities know for sure in... well, if someone wants their house to be recognized by fence, welcome to the internet, where works of fence art are shared. yes , of course, you have a powerful fence, strong, just in general, so no one can get through , not even a single animal, especially into this hole, so this is not to protect the fence, for beauty, the internet user explains that the times when the fence was done purely are already gone. utilitarian function, today there are many additional requirements for the fence, it is important for many that it, as the face of the house, is beautiful and even unique, for example, a brick fence sounds boring, but look what this man came up with. you can transform an already finished fence, for example, add multi-colored glass balls to the wooden boards, such that
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the sun will shimmer, creating the effect precious stones. it's fast, it's beautiful, and you can come up with your own design. but this is a real squeak of fence fashion, so to speak. today , the trend in fences is fences made by hand exclusively from natural materials. of course, now i ’m talking about all sorts of twigs, sticks, logs, let’s collect the required amount of brushwood and start creating. what about a sand fence? yes, yes, did you hear right? you can make a strong and durable fence from this material too, moreover, it will look it will be like a sand dune, transported right to your backyard. to do this, sand, preferably multi-colored, will need to be thoroughly compacted with glue. where would we be without classic chain-link? by the way, to make a wire fence, it’s better to call your friends, then you can have time to weave a new fence in just one
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day. bombarbia, kirguda, i mean, i ’ve already seen this somewhere, the guys there also made a fence like that, it turned out good, then it ’s a symbol of carelessness, come on, fly, i mean fly, are you serious, carelessness - this is an image, no images, everything is real, faith, we fly, as if there is no threat to the environment, no threat. these are just balloons, you know, it’s not the balloons that are scary , it’s the number of them, you know, how many of these balloons are launched a year, these are the romantics, this is an entire environmental problem, we’ll tell you about it very soon, vera, but what about the romance, well, flowers enough, preferably in a pot, so that you can plant it in your dacha, you are watching the broadcast on the russia channel, good morning,
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in the andrey shevtsov studio. the development of tourism is important for the russian economy, vladimir putin discussed with the government the creation of infrastructure for road travel around the country. full house at pulkova airport and train stations in st. petersburg. the international economic forum starts today. it will be attended by participants from almost 140 countries. shot. akatsiya self-propelled guns disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian armed forces. ukem-1 air defense unit shot down hymers rockets. the program of the st. petersburg international economic forum will begin today. the declared number of guests has already exceeded all previous figures. almost 20,000 people from 140 countries. among them are heads of state and governments, heads of major companies, as well as leading world experts from
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representatives of science, the media and civil society. the main objective of the forum is to support a constructive dialogue aimed at establishing mutual understanding and creating a basis for joint decisions and actions. the main theme of this year's forum is the foundation of a multipolar world - the formation of new growth points. the program includes more than 150 thematic sessions, in which over a thousand speaker moderators will take part. the development of the tourism sector is important for quality recreation for russians and for the growth of the country’s economy, this was emphasized by vladimir putin. alexey golovko held a meeting with the government on the topic from st. petersburg via video link, with details. the main topic of road travel, his meeting with the government, which the president holds via video link from st. petersburg, was tourism, and more specifically, one of its most widespread types. summer has begun, the tourist season, one might say, is in full swing. let's talk today as the main topic, selected
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the topic of the development of automobile tourism in russia. and guests of the country made 83 million tour trips around russia, everything was blocked even before covid, almost a third of this number was traveling by car, which means it is necessary to improve road service on the highways. build gas stations and cafes. tourist bus travel is becoming increasingly popular, but the industry is facing a shortage of vehicles. in the coming months, together with the ministry of transport, we propose to develop a program for the development of the production of domestic buses and we also propose to include tourist buses in the preferential leasing program. however, many automakers have already heard the request of the tour industry. buses are produced by volgabas, gas, lias and solers factories, import. replacing former partners who left the market. you remember, we produced mazdas in the far east, and now they are replacing this production with excursion buses. the project will be
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implemented in cooperation with an eastern partner. only here on the instructions it is written: to work on the issue of inclusion tourist buses into the preferential leasing program, well, let’s work on the issue, it can be worked on endlessly. economic projects, we have an agreement such that 50% of the regions decide to use these measures for public infrastructure, the remaining 50% can
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be used, among other things, for the development of tourism infrastructure, this will have a huge synergistic effect for the development of the transport industry, both for the development of regions and for the development of tourism. these questions have been worked out, these sources are considered possible for implementation. the goals that we are discussing today, antonevich, the tourism infrastructure, in our opinion, is quite suitable for this, and to create new jobs, new taxes, and this is what is needed precisely for the development, that is, of the region, as quickly as possible, the president proposed to consider the results of this meeting on the development of automobile tourism. alexey glovko, maria radimova, lead. now about the progress of a special military operation, the crew of a self-propelled artillery unit, acacia tanks. army grouping of troops west ripped off carrying out rotation of nationalist units. shoot! in one of the strategically important directions, scouts detected the movement of a ukrainian armed forces vehicle and transmitted
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the target coordinates to the command post. the artillerymen moved to a given position and opened fire. as a result , the unit's personnel were destroyed, and the field ammunition depot was camouflaged. crews of the buk m1 missile system, unit. the air defense of the vostok group of forces shot down khaimars rockets in the southern donetsk direction. according to anti-aircraft gunners, some hundreds of successfully hit targets, the intensity of the enemy’s use of such weapons in this sector of the front remains high. but for the buk there are no targets that cannot be hit. the complex scans the sky at a distance of up to 100 km, and the main task of air defense is to cover units located on the line of combat contact, as well as civilians in donbass from there. in the far east, a tense situation remains with natural fires in buryat and forests are burning over an area of ​​3,600 hectares. over the past 24 hours eight fires were discovered,
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542 people were involved in extinguishing the fire, including paratroopers, forest guards and the ministry of emergency situations, 89 pieces of equipment were involved. the area of ​​forest fires in yakutia has increased to 29. there, 385 air patrol specialists are fighting the fire. 18 aircraft are involved , another seven helicopters are used to transport forces. 1000 days in space, today russian cosmonaut oleg kononenko was the first in the world to achieve such a unique result. the record is calculated based on the total duration of flights. kanonenko - commander detachment of ruscosmos, it is now conducting its fifth flight at the end of the current expedition, which is scheduled for september 23, and its total flight time in orbit will be 1,110. days. next, regional news. don't switch. now news from the capital
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region. the weather will be cloudy with clearings today in moscow and the region. the air temperature will be up to +25°. light rainfall is possible in places, especially in the evening. atmosphere. pressure is slightly higher than normal - 744 mmhg. tomorrow the weather pattern will not change significantly, from friday to no precipitation is expected in the capital region on sunday. today. the summer festival starts in moscow, fashion beauty on tverskaya square, tverskoy boulevard and on the patriarch's ponds, guests will be able to receive practical advice from leading industry experts, watch their work, see its result at a big show, and also purchase the best products to create their own image. from tomorrow until june 26 , the annual festival of irises and peonies will be held in the apothecary garden. an unforgettable journey awaits visitors.
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beauty of aromas, leading flower growers of moscow and the region will show beautiful, fashionable and new varieties suitable for growing in the climatic conditions of the capital region. our news is always available on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, see you. titanic luxury collection boudrum. indulge
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yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. i have everything, wife.
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good morning, hello, are you on the channel? russia is in the very morning program, and before us there are only stars in the sky, but something interesting can be seen at the bottom of the sea, there are also stars there, painting at depth, the artist olga belka, an underwater portrait painter, almost the only one in the world, this creative immersion done, for example. coast of west papua. olga says that what she loves most is when sea creatures come to see her work; for example, an octopus was curious. olga has developed her own technique that allows her to paint in salt water. i had to experiment a lot to overcome the optical distortion of color and shape that water gives. each masterpiece requires several three-hour dives. but in order to preserve nature, we were asked to abandon... the mass launch
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of balloons, what can replace them, sergei egorov found out. 1, 2, 3, you know, every time i watch this video, i get goosebumps, nostalgia with warmth, i remember school. it seems that anastasia can watch this memorable video again, beautiful the ceremony for her, as for many graduates, has primarily a symbolic meaning, balloons flying into the sky, a symbol of farewell to the school and... the dream came true, nastya moved to the capital and became a student at a prestigious university, the fate of the balloon she released is unknown, especially since that the power reserve of a modern gel ball allows it to fly many kilometers from the launch site. latex balloons, we allow them to be processed, due to this they fly longer from 3 days to a month on average. for such a long period while in the air, the wind often carries
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the ball outside the populated area, where it will never be detected by public utilities. of course, a balloon accidentally released into the sky can hardly cause an environmental disaster, but only at the time of graduation there are more than 1 of them in the sky. this year we have more than 2 million schoolchildren graduating, we roughly calculated that if every schoolchild graduates at least one balloon, then in nature we will have more than 8.00 kg of non-recyclable waste. the materials from which the balls are made decompose extremely slowly, so for example, latex will disintegrate four. years, a nylon lace is up to 100 years, and a foil ball - all 200, while bright colored waste is often perceived by forest inhabitants as food. if , for example, they eat, swallow, such a thing, then of course it is. it is deadly for the animal, it clogs its esophagus, stomach, and with a high probability the animal will die. even if such a ball does not end up in the stomach of a representative of the fauna, over time it will begin to decompose into dangerous microplastics, which has already become the reason for the ban on launching balloons in a number of countries, where they were replaced with pigeons.
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having gracefully soared into the sky, such a symbol of farewell to the school will fly back on the dove without harming the environment. this breed of pigeons is czech. the bird is smart, faithful, it always comes back. for about 100 km, as a rule, it is acceptable if the event is being held; another alternative is to plant a memorial tree, which, among other things, is also a generally recognized symbol of knowledge and life transformations. when you plant a tree, it always remains with you, you will come to it with your graduates every year for picnics and show it to your children. so far, alternative methods of forgiveness from school have become widespread only in cities where there have been recommendations to refuse to launch balloons. all-russian ban only. needs, however, no one is stopping current graduates from answering the question on their own: what is more important: the seven-minute delight of soaring balloons or caring for nature, which will delight eyes for many years after graduation. meanwhile, nature never ceases to amaze . israeli scientists have recorded an increase
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in the number of thunderstorms among the eternal ice in the arctic, flashes of light signal how quickly the ice is melting and indicate an increase in the effect of global warming. the weather also behaves unusually in russian regions; in kaliningrad, a third of the monthly norm of precipitation fell in 2 hours the other day, storms and hail hit the north caucasus, and in new york, summer began with the release of fountains of snowfall. what other surprises can we expect from we will learn about the weather from the leading researcher of the department of meteorology and climatology of moscow state university, nil manosov, mikhail loko. hello. hello. hello. frosts are not coming at the right time. before the deadline, thunderstorms in the arctic, a decrease in the speed of the golf stream, as predicted , until a complete stop in 2025, all this speaks of global warming or something else, to what extent do these processes worry specialists at your level? no, these are
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different phenomena, not all of them are related to global warming, if we talk about galstreame, this is a huge, powerful current, it is stable over time, and of course, information about supposedly...
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justification is decreasing, there is a certain limit of predictability of 2-3 weeks, that is, in the near future we will not be able to go beyond this limit, we we will never be able to overcome the physical limit of predictability, but within this time the justification will increase, and maybe artificial intelligence knows is capable of overcoming this limit, have such experiments been carried out? no, artificial intelligence, this is to say, to predict what will happen beyond the limit of predictability, of course, this is a new area of ​​​​knowledge that is actively developing.
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you know, according to roshydromet data over the past 10 or 15 years, the total number, repeat, the total number of dangerous phenomena is stable, it does not change much, there are, of course, dangerous phenomena, convective, squalls, tornadoes, but in our conditions this is very rare, yeah, well let’s calm down with this, how similar you are to the same person, where does this come from? jackdaw,
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premiere, today at 21:20. we work in the interests of our country. our work - to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today at 23:30 on the russia channel. agriculture is back in fashion. last year, this area became one of the most popular among college applicants. but many of them today participate in the federal professionalism project and the national education project. this program allows you to train highly qualified personnel for specific enterprises. the mucosa, conjunctiva, and eyelids are in perfect order. the pupil reacts to light,
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the skin and fur are also fine, the temperature is normal, this rabbit is completely healthy and feels great, this is the verdict given to the animal by third-year student and future veterinarian alexey bugaev. we had a clinical examination of the rabbit. we examined, did a general analysis and carried out diagnostics along with therapy in order to indicate whether there were any pathologies from... so at the stavropol agrarian university, demonstration exams are held, in which students of the institute of secondary vocational education show that what you learned during your studies. during contractions we don’t do anything yet, but then when the contractions end, we move the raft back a little and straighten the limbs. these are almost ready-made livestock specialists, veterinarians, agronomists, and mechanics. immediately after graduation , agricultural enterprises of the stavropol territory are waiting for them. the total need for personnel in our region in the agricultural sector is from 3 to 4,000, which we are developing today.
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organized within the framework of the project professionalism, all educational programs that we are currently implementing together with employers, we approve them with them, in these programs up to 70% of practice, its students undergo both directly at enterprises and at the institute, with the most modern equipment. in 2022, there was a large purchase of simulators and equipment within the framework of this program, so that students could practice their theoretical skills after each lesson
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. it is precisely such specialists that are now in demand, and they are now being trained faster than before, which for many applicants is of great importance when choosing educational institutions, and there is plenty to choose from. today , more than 1,200 colleges and over 1,600 employer enterprises in 79 regions participate in the federal professionalism project. last year , agriculture became one of the most popular areas among applicants. whether it will maintain its leadership will be shown by the new recruitment campaign, which will begin very soon. sorry, please, i couldn’t resist, you are
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very beautiful. premiere. seryozha said that you broke up, so there is no point in hiding our relationship. listen, mother, move. london, tatyana, kroshennikova. you you climb everywhere who asks you. my work here ends here, i can leave right now. galina needs to be returned. galka, today on rtr. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever
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preserved its reflection, just as our hearts preserve it forever. words on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from the boldin estate, on thursday on rtr, watch. love - this is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign up, watch, watch,
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maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, it doesn’t matter how you sing, it’s important. can you fool the stars? they have a high status, a broad outlook, a fan, lucy has always been able to make a great experience, the heart says that he doesn’t sing, it’s not enough, i’m ready to take myself responsibility, stars, they will hear me, i hope, can i give advice from tamara globo, be very attentive and impulsive, catch me if you can, big music show, doesn’t sing, sings, sings, the choice is made, on friday on
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rtr, you abandoned pregnant women and they threw money into... the city, but it wasn’t me who wrote it, i really didn’t know anything about the child, that is, about you, on sunday, she’s my daughter, your brother may especially not like this news, we’re all starting a new one life, they saw her as a daughter, i hope you understand that they had become a potential heir to a decent fortune, and her daughter saw no other way out, elizabeth at first portrayed herself as loving... then she killed her daughter, robbed her and ran away, she didn’t need her father and family, she needed his money, a fragile girl with a five-year-old child in her arms, robs kills, are you serious, don’t worry, you will really get better soon, and your memory will return, definitely, who you are, what you want from us, a twist of fate, on sunday on
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rtr. the fastest of the simplest racing cars in the world. sold at auction jet kart with a guinness book diploma to boot. the starting price for this extremely serious machine is approximately 15 million rubles. the powerful engine accelerates it to an incredible 185 km/h for this class. the main thing is that the driver has an instant reaction and perfect driving technique. it’s worth thinking about this before buying, or consulting with a special auction instructor. he will explain in detail all the intricacies of controlling this almost rocket; a modern sedan should be comfortable, dynamic, economical, ivan senkevich will tell you whether the next representative of the chinese automobile industry managed to unite all this. there are gradually more and more passenger sedans in russia, not just crossovers, but also, as they say,
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the be5+ was recently added to this list. i can't tell by appearance. so that it is memorable, but the exterior is pleasant, visually the model is perceived as more compact than it actually is, but the length exceeds 4.6 m. the price starts at 2,45,000 rubles. but in our test the top performance is 170,000 more expensive. can be included in the list of competitors the domestic lada vesta and chinese classmates kai e5 and amoda s5. the interior also looks unsophisticated, the finishing materials are, well, budget-friendly, but in terms of options they thought about convenience. there is climate control, an all-round visibility function, in the spring the list was supplemented by the necessary heating of the front seats, side mirrors, windshield and windshield washer nozzles, which is necessary in russia, but it is still impossible to adjust the steering column according to the reach, only according to the angle of inclination. the back
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row is quite spacious, which is not surprising for such a large car, but the back of the sofa is not split, you can only fold it. not a very practical solution at all. the car is equipped with a naturally aspirated gasoline engine with a displacement of 1.6 liters. the power is not exciting at 105 horsepower. however, while driving , you don’t notice any particular shortage of horses. pake confidently accelerates and does not fall out of the flow, and fuel consumption is not high, averaging 8 liters per 100 km, and the manufacturer does not prohibit refueling with ninety-second gasoline. interestingly, the u5+us is offered in a dual-fuel version. its engine is capable of running not only on gasoline, but on methane. most chinese cars have poor interior sound insulation. primarily the wheel arches and the bottom. right here. this issue was worked out quietly in the salon. the chassis is configured as it should. macpherson struts at the front, torsion beam at the rear. the car
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handles quite easily, rides smoothly, and the suspension copes with road unevenness. i missed the speed bump a couple of times, but it didn’t come to a breakdown. u5+ is a car that reveals itself better in motion. on the go, there are practically no questions to him. and here the interior still needs work. to make it more convenient, i hope the manufacturer will hear us, and then the signal from the brain, mine is inside a computer program, it seems incredible, your clothes have changed from contact on your hands and head to disappear, this is a mental projection of the virtual self, why is it so difficult, in total you have studied the wave geometry of the brain, and now multi-colored tablets are not needed, well, information from the brain can now be directly transmitted.
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countries, including heads of state and government, heads of major companies, as well as the world's leading experts from science, media and civil society. the main objective of the forum is to support a constructive dialogue aimed at establishing mutual understanding and creating a basis for joint decisions and actions. the main theme of this year's forum is the foundation of a multipolar world and the formation of new growth points. the program includes more than 150 thematic sessions, in which participation. over a thousand speaker moderators. the development of the tourism sector is important for quality recreation for russians and for growth the country's economy, vladimir
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putin emphasized this at a meeting with the government on the topic of road travel. the president conducted it from st. petersburg via video link. summer has begun, the tourist season, one might say, is in full swing. let's talk today , the topic of development has been chosen as the main topic. automobile tourism in russia. last year, residents and guests of the country completed 83 million tours in russia, almost a third of that number by car. traveling by tourist buses is becoming increasingly popular, but here the industry faced a shortage of cars, although now buses are produced by the factories of the volga bus, gas, lias and solers companies. in this way , import substitution occurs for partners who have left the market. you remember with us.
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work endlessly until the thirtieth year, just turn on everything, well, of course, everything will be done, now during the special operation, a powerful blow to the strong point of the ukrainian armed forces was dealt by the tankers of the group of troops center in the ovdeevsky direction. the military personnel, using the terrain and dense vegetation, moved to positions they promptly directed the combat vehicle to the target and hit the fortification with high-explosive fragmentation shells from a distance of more than 8 km. also. an accurate shot destroyed a reinforcement group that was approaching a strong point. the high initial velocity of a tank projectile allows crews to remain unnoticed
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by enemy counter-battery weapons. sergei lavrov arrived in burkina fasso. this is the first visit of the russian foreign minister to this country. lavrov has already held negotiations with his colleague. noted relations between countries on the rise, against the backdrop global changes. new authorities. states last year denounced the agreement with france on military cooperation, stated that they would no longer allow paris to rob their country with impunity, and were ready to develop the economy in this regard.
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the situation with natural fires: in buryatia , forests are burning on an area of ​​36,000 hectares, eight fires were detected over the past 24 hours. 542 people were involved in extinguishing the fire, including paratroopers, forest guards of the ministry of emergency situations, and 89 pieces of equipment were involved. the area of ​​forest fires in yakutia increased to 29,000 ha, there are 385 specialists fighting the fire there. 18 aircraft and seven more helicopters are involved in air patrolling. used for the transfer of forces and assets. a thousand days in space. today, russian cosmonaut oleg kanonenko was the first in the world to achieve such a unique result. the record is calculated based on the total duration of flights. kanonenko, the commander of the roscosmos detachment, is now conducting his fifth flight. upon completion of the current expedition, which is scheduled for september 23, its total flight time in orbit will be 1,110 days. further news from your
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region with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a matter of seconds. now to the news from the capital region: cloudy with clearings, the weather will be today in moscow and the region, the air temperature will be up to +25°, light precipitation is possible in places. two at once. new tram lines will appear on the map of moscow. both branches will connect to existing routes. about how the capital's tram network is developing. anastasia makhina. work began at the end of april. first, they dug the so-called trough, a special recess for trams. ways. we laid waterproofing, crushed stone and proceeded to the most important thing - rails and sleepers. the work on this section is almost 70% complete. now the workers are fastening the sleepers to the rails. then all this.
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tram tracks from the roadway, the trifonovskaya tram is not a new thing, many remember how horned trailers ran between the streets of exemplary oktyabrskaya until 1995, where you went on this tram, well, medvedkova at the same time, well , somehow it seemed to me that it was faster i got on the tram and went, the route is in demand, and i think that it needs to be repeated. in 2025
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, restoration of the entire line on trifonovskaya street will begin; on sergei radonishsky street, new tracks will be ready by september of this year; trams will run on them later. anastasia makhina, alexander kucherovsky and pavel letnikov, lead. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov congratulated the employees of the head enterprise of the tactical missiles corporation on the eighty-second anniversary. the ceremony took place in korolev. today the corporation is one of the largest defense industries.
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the study of the painting christ and the sinner was completed in the pushkin museum; the work belongs to the collection of the vladimir-suzdal museum of the reserve. experts have established that the authorship belongs to the italian artist antivedutto grammar, who worked in the 18th century. the analysis was carried out by a group of specialists, which included technologists, restorers and art historians. in the case of this particular
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work, the problem was that it was duplicated, but it does not have a native canvas and there is a new stretcher, so by and large it remains primarily the work of an expert an art historian and an expert restorer, well , paint analysis, a photograph, the presence of underpainting or the absence of it, research in infrared rays, and a number of other methods. the canvas will take place in the exhibition of the pushkin museum in the hall of italian painting, where it will remain until september 22. our news is always available on the media platform, view it in the application or on the website see you. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and coziness at rixsas golf villas and suites sharmelshey, a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and
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endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits shark. rixas premium sea gate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium seagate. rixos premium seagate. every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into her house, sat down on the floor of a passer-by and said: i ’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, danetsk was shelled very heavily,
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but we decided out of spite to be at the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon our own, from monday to thursday. on rtr, good morning, good morning, wake up, tune in to the day ahead with us, today is wednesday, june 5, this morning with you vladislav zavyalov, vera krasova, summer is hot, but this is not a reason for a quarrel, almost a third of russians have conflicts with colleagues because of air conditioners, they say that... the trouble from these devices is greater than from the heat. every second person said that there is no disagreement on this topic in their team, and every fifth person simply does not have climate control equipment at work, as the question showed, most often the temperature in the office does not suit employees aged 35 to 44 years old, it seems
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cool here, yes , if the air conditioner suddenly breaks down, then you should take the choice of a repairman seriously, there are a lot of scammers among equipment repair specialists, how not to become a victim of household... even in the morning it was on the tv image and sound, and now everything is gone, in such a situation, many of you will remember that at the bottom of the mailbox there are a lot of different kinds of advertisements from repair companies, why not take advantage, but here lies the catch. anna in sochi had to take her laptop in for repairs, the usb input was broken, without thinking twice she called the number of one of the street advertisements and the repairman immediately examined the laptop and said: well, yes, the problem is quite common, i’ll give it to you, i’ll repair everything and i will return your laptop in 2 days, but not after two, not after 3 days, anna never received the laptop, the pseudo-repairman began to demand 12 thousand rubles from her, they say he reinstalled the operating system for her and the fault disappeared on its own, after much persuasion the man
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agreed to take 9.00 rubles for his work, returned the gadget to the girl and disappeared, but in reality the usb never worked, anna tried to call the company, but only short beeps in response, i only had one invoice left from the papers, that’s all there is in the document. and then by hand with clumsy handwriting, no seals, no stamps, anna addressed complaint to rospotrebnadzor, this is the answer i received: you entered into a contractual relationship with a citizen, individual or self-employed, private service engineer, in this regard, we clarify that the existing relationship does not fall under the russian federation law on the protection of consumer rights. it turns out that a whole layer of self-employed entrepreneurs are not controlled by supervisory departments at all, a certain call center is organized that posts mass advertisements, you call there, they... accept an order, then these orders are distributed to private, mostly to private craftsmen, who even as self-employed may not be registered, the official service always issues an acceptance certificate for the transfer of equipment with all the output data from
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such structures from fair taxation, of course, very often people found in this way, they do not pay taxes, they work in the black, and of course, naturally, no documents are left, no traces are left until parliamentarians have put things in order in this... in the sphere of personal services, experts advise to be more careful and
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not to forget the saying about free cheese. sometimes it’s worth overpaying for the official service, rather than ultimately losing equipment, money, and nerves. they will require both money and nerves and endless legal proceedings when it comes to them. the federation council proposed creating a portal for filing class actions. it is expected that with the help of a digital platform, people will be able to unite in groups of 10 people, now at least 20 per... manage claims on a wide range of issues against management companies, medical centers, airlines, marketplaces. now the government is considering a bill to create such a platform, but we will discuss it with the author of the initiative, a member of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building, artyom sheikin. hello, the share of class action lawsuits out of the total number of cases is now some thousandths of a percent. why is there such a bias and what is the platform itself? will change there are two problems why there are such
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an insignificant number of such claims: the first is the lack of awareness of citizens about the already initiated claim, the second is the difficulty in when searching for such claims, you need to know the details of the case, the area where the case is being considered and the region where this case is being considered, even recently, here we were in our studio discussing class action lawsuits, for example, against airlines, when... passengers were locked on the plane and were not allowed out stuffiness and so on, people even wrote to us on the telegram channel, asked, they just didn’t know where to go, this platform, when it starts working, what will change, the portal that is planned to be created, all the information will be on it , by which it will be possible find the class action you need, for example, for the defendant, we fill in a company there, for example, some airline, it shows that claims have been filed against this airline from such as...
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the period for consideration of a class action is 8 months, if someone i found out that a case regarding his problem is being considered, he wants to join, well, for example, six months later, at what stage is it still possible to do this, when is it no longer possible? during these eight months, a person can apply and join this collective claim, but if it goes beyond these deadlines, then he also has this opportunity to file a claim, but it will be suspended and considered according to...
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the direction of this activity, yeah, thank you,
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thank you, about how to simplify the mechanism filing class action lawsuits, we spoke with a member of the federation council committee on constitutional legislation and state building. thank you, jackdaw today at 21:20 on the russia channel, instead of kindergarten in congress, the star of social networks became six-year-old guy rose, the son of a politician, the kid stopped attending kindergarten garden and goes to congress with his father, as if to work, while dad was making a speech, the guy got bored, began to entertain himself, grimaced, stuck out his tongue, rolled his eyes and generally got excited as best he could, all of america, and now the world, saw this. .. and dad’s reaction can only be guessed at, well , our scientists have learned to take imprints of thoughts, they promise to soon identify people by their brain waves, how you can use data from an encephalograph, andrei alekseenko will tell: for the first time, scientists received a signal from the human brain in the twenties
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last century, but only recently this information began to be used not for research, but in practice. we are talking about a brain-computer interface, a device for taking electrical readings. identifier, such as fingerprints, face or retina, only this cipher is much more protected from hacking from the outside, biometrics associated with brain waves, yes, that is, based on brain waves , well, as of today , hacking is not obvious , you see, that is, all the more so, a person must be generally alive,
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really alive, you know, that is, yes, because when he has to think at this moment, it is possible that in the future, in the same banks, in addition to the cameras, special neurons will appear. headsets, a similar device was just developed in one of the moscow laboratories, from the outside the device looks like an ordinary black bandage, we call it a nari hotband or a neyri bandage, this is a fairly convenient, comfortable device for everyday wear with dry electrodes, which do not require any -the use of medical gel is enough convenient notes; during operation, the contacts read the electrical activity of the brain via bluetooth and transmit information to a computer or phone. in this case, the neuroheadset works in tandem with a program that helps you relax. when the program detects, it gives us a notification that you are stressed or tired. the more the user relaxes, the smaller the amplitude of the oscillations of the diagram on the screen. by and large , the device helps to find the state when the body and brain are at their maximum
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relaxed, and this does not require any drug therapy. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, forgive me, please, i couldn't resist, you're very beautiful, premiere, seryozha said that you broke up, so there's no point in hiding our relationship, listen, mother, you're a bookworm, london, tatyana, kroshennikova, you're everywhere you climb, who asks you, my work here ends here.
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body, yes, but i, no, that’s it, yes, i’ll leave right away, i don’t need anything at all, just comrades, i don’t want to not see you, not hear you, i i will erase everyone with an eraser, as a mother, you had to go through a lot, forgive your daughters, you managed, well, the elders, yes, of course, of course, but the youngest masha, what she liked to do, what she liked, for me personally, it was all unacceptable, yes, in general i was stunned, how can a daughter say such things at all, it means that i don’t know how to raise children at all, if i... they don’t understand me, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i haven’t felt so good for a long time, i felt too very good,
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oh, on saturday, i'm pregnant, you'll be soon dad, so he’s just like everyone else, he decided to hit on you, he’s married himself? and i ’m pregnant with light, that somehow i got confused, you got lost between two pines, dear neighbor, premiere on saturday on rtr. the floor is robbed, the resources are hay, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room absolutely without a face, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes! i i love plants, i’m actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after
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dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams become reality. how, look, let big changes into your home. every sunday on rtf. at the end of summer we will have the long-awaited animated premiere, the full-length cartoon luntik homecoming. the adventures of an unusual alien baby will be shown on big screens for the first time on august 29. all viewers have an interest in modern russian cartoons ages. this is proven not only by the fees, but also by the sheer number of festivals across the country. the other day in perm there
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was a large creative workshop, here you can learn the basics of animation, experienced filmmakers give master classes, they even have their own film set, but the main attention is on competitive screenings, there are more than twenty films on the list, many of which are just getting ready for rental one of these anticipated premieres is white dreams. the series won two awards at once, as the best animated cartoon and the audience's choice. a tale of two brave polar explorers will soon be seen on the media platform let's look. main characters. and kolya are not discouraged in the cold arctic, they make scientific discoveries, make new friends, such as this funny polar bear, we need help, manuk, why are you without
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a sweater, it’s cold, you want to get sick, well, bears are generally held in special esteem at the festival , for example, the orphaned bear cub mansur, and his real story will bring back to the screens the favorite characters of the family... film palma 2, in the second part the shepherd who once abandoned at the airport, she eventually found a new family and now takes care of the four-legged foundling herself. this friendly couple will experience many exciting and sometimes dangerous adventures. now he alone in taygetae will not survive without his mother. the theme of mutual assistance and friendship is what the adult and children's jury of the teddy bear 2 festival highly appreciated this year. thus , the sports drama “my beloved” took the prize in the big cinema category.
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regardless of the awards, they will certainly find their viewers. and then on to our everything, an online marathon for the 225th anniversary of his birth pushkin. among the events is a bright flash mob. famous actors, musicians, and presenters will read the famous “ulukomorye, green oak.” anyone can write down their version of the immortal lines, so join us, and we are already at the lukomorye green oak, a golden chain on that oak, day and night. whose cat, the scientist , keeps walking around the chain, goes to the right, starts a song, to the left, tells a fairy tale: there are miracles, there is a goblin wandering, a mermaid sits on the branches,
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there are traces of unprecedented animals on unknown paths, there is a hut there on chicken legs without windows, without doors, there the forest and valley are full of visions, there the waves will rush onto the empty sandy shore, and 30 beautiful knights, a succession of clear ones come out, with them their sea uncle, there the prince is passing by. captivates the formidable king, there in the clouds in front of the people, through the forests, across the seas, the sorcerer carries the hero, in the dungeon there the princess grieves, and the brown wolf faithfully serves her. there is a stupa with his grandmother, walking, wandering, of its own accord, there the king of koschey is wasting away over gold, there is the russian spirit, there it smells of russia, i was there, and i drank honey, i saw a green oak by the sea, sitting under it, and a cat the scientist told his fairy tales, we remembered, childhood, i have only one question, where did the cat go, he ran off about his business, where did you
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find him, that’s where i found him, since... we’ll tell you in our telegram channel, there’s everything that left behind the scenes, all the details of our filming and a lot of interesting things, see you, goodbye, have a nice day, you are watching the news on the russia channel, hello, in the andrey studio. the international economic forum starts in st. petersburg, it will be attended by 20,000 participants from almost 140 countries. summer has begun, the tourist season, one might say, in full swing. indicators of domestic tourism are growing, new routes and roads are opening. vladimir putin discussed with the government the creation of infrastructure for road travel around the country.


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