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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  June 5, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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singing series, we are gathering an orchestra, we will perform shestakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever does not take risks, luck does not smile on him, we will succeed, i will operate, i am scared, as if i am not me, unfortunately, neither the motives for the murder nor the there is a connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on the head? i don’t even know, he wants to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope is my home underground, russia rests on song, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, i poured a basin of hot water on myself, i’m glad i say, i’m leaving, i looked back on... what is more difficult to become a good
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person or to remain? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals, circle of friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite and not betray anyone, no matter what happens. in live, the story of a mysterious disappearance. the entire studio discusses the nature of the conflict.
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cognac monte chococa, a product of the steller group.
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titanic luxury collection, old barrel cognac, product of stellar group. today on the program: natural sleeping pills, is it true that cherries help cope with insomnia and does it really normalize blood pressure? are the most powerful antioxidants that increase the antioxidant properties of the blood. the purity of gout attacks is reduced practically by rubbing. nail fungus? is it possible to just hide the problem under? with a layer of varnish,
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you won’t be able to cure the fungus this way, no, what’s the solution? hardening in the summer season, don’t miss the beginning, immerse your feet, and ah, no, anyone who wants can try it, it’s ice, alternating stress and relaxation, it trains our nervous system, making it more resistant to some unfavorable circumstances. how to straighten up and unload your spine? simple movements from dr. agabkin. good morning! hello! what beautiful weather outside the window. and all the time we what are we doing? we sit, we sit with a hunchback, at the computer, with the phone, in the subway, this is it, and then we get up and also slouch, looking at our phones, we walk along the street, like this, how to straighten up, right? and how to still help
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your spine take the correct position, yeah, well, there is an exercise for this, who is ready with us - do the exercises from dr. agabkin, here they are, or by phone, please come out, like is treated like and we will stoop, which occurs due to sitting in a chair, treat with a chair, great, wedge with wedge, yes, chair by chair, rise, that you sat down, we put our hands on the back of the chair, move back about a meter and a half, and then, look what we are doing, we take it, push our pelvis back , going down, come back, back, do it again , we tear off the socks, yes, no, you don’t have to tear off the socks, we do a few springy movements again we come back again each time we increase the number of these springy movements and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 forward
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we did this 10 times and then we do the most important thing we went to the bottom position and further on while exhaling, we press the back of the chair with our hands, exhale as if we were blowing into the floor, and after that we relax, inhale and look forward, exhale again, press our hands into the floor, inhale, sag in the chest...
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getting ready for the most delicious product of the day of the season, today we have cherries, today we have a very tasty and healthy product of the day, juicy, ripe, one might say, seasonal, yes, yeah, burgundy cherries, help yourself, we’re all waiting, right? the beginning of summer, when these cherries appear and are not only burgundy, they are also soft pink and yellow, and even somewhere i i heard white cherries are sweet, there is a lot of sugar, a little more than cherries, despite the fact that botanical ones are the same
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plant, but due to the fact that there is a little more sugar, a little less organic acids, many people who don't like cherries love cherries. what are cherries? this is a wonderful berry that improves our mood and improves our quality of life. what's useful about it? let's discuss it with our expert. marina sergeevna makisha, nutritionist, member of the national association nutritionists and nutritionists of russia. and here we are, you know, with cherries. this is a wonderful treat. i personally love cherries very much ; i definitely eat them during the season. i would pay attention, in addition to the taste and great mood, it’s probably the color. of course, such a bright color tells us that the product actually contains antioxidants of the anthacyan group; they, as scientific research shows, are the most powerful antioxidants
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that increase the antioxidant properties of the blood, but this is generally useful for practical purposes. every cell of our body. great, let's find out what's healthy about cherries, for example. oops, it reduces inflammation in arthritis, well, we have already indicated that cherries contain many antioxidants, they have an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore, with various inflammatory processes in the body, arthritis is a form of inflammation, we are seeing some reduction in symptoms, plus there is also a very interesting study, it says that the frequency of gout attacks when eating cherries decreases by almost a third, because. that acid, so this product is very useful for people who are overweight, because with obesity we very often see it binds and removes uric acid from the body; an increase in the level of uric acid, just eat cherries instead of desserts, overweight people will benefit much much
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better for health, helps against insomnia, it’s surprising, but true, cherries, just like cherries, contain the hormone melaton, and i think many people know that it is this hormone. switches our body into a different operating mode, puts it to sleep, and also affects the quality of night sleep. in older people, melatonin synthesis decreases, which is why they often experience insomnia, people. in old age, he cannot sleep, yes, he wakes up in the middle of the night, gets up early, and many go, accordingly, to the pharmacy, buy some drugs, try to self-medicate with them, at the same time, one can say, right here in the refrigerator there is a natural sleeping pills, improves mood, undoubtedly, firstly, the antioxidant properties of this product help the nervous system, and as noted, they improve the regeneration process. cells, including the brain and nervous system and the recovery process in these cells, but what is important, as we have already said, melatonin
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helps a person get better sleep, when a person has had enough sleep and is well rested, this of course improves his mood, keeps him youthful, well in addition, cherries are a source of fiber, and many probably already know that the state of the intestinal microflora, how much it is balance can affect, among other things, our mood. antioxidants, well, i have my own little life hack, i use cherries and
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nutrients, including cherries, like little candies, that is , when the berry is frozen, it is actually like a candy, that is, such a long-lasting candy, but healthy, then you can eat these frozen berries, just like sucking icicles, well, by the way, it also hardens the throat, this helps to distinguish you from thoughts about some unnecessary food, and the color of cherries affects good, yes, because there is actually this... light, straight yellow one, yes, but there is just this burgundy-dark one, well, if we are hunting for antioxidants, the anthacyanium group is the most powerful, of course, better choose darker varieties of cherries, such as cherry-red ones, but light cherries also contain useful nutrients ; they contain more vitamin c than red berries and often have less sugar, you can eat both, the main thing, or mix them, the main thing. to do this.
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seryozha said that you broke up, so there is no point in hiding our relationship. listen, mother, you oblivious person. london, tatyana, kroshennikova. you climb everywhere, who asks you? my work here ends here, i can leave right now. galina needs to be returned. jackdaw. today on rtr.
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new rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the most a large children's town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. pixos radomis sharmel sheikh. discover the real one. a pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service,
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incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, i have been for a long time it wasn't that good. "i also felt very good on saturday, i'm pregnant, you'll soon become a dad, which means he's just like everyone else. i decided to hit on you, but i’m married, and i’m pregnant , somehow i got confused, you got lost between two pines. dear neighbor, premieres on saturday on rtr. pushkin, a name that
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reflects all of russia. boldin. symbol of inspiration of the highest creative dawn. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. the poet's twenty-fifth anniversary, right here there will be a reflection concert, live broadcast from boldin's estate, on thursday on rtr, summer is the time for open shoes, finally the feet can breathe,
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and if there is a fungus, the fungus is not aesthetically pleasing. and he’s also undergoing treatment for a long time, but you can’t walk around in closed shoes all season, let’s talk about whether it’s possible to wait until the fall and only then start treatment? well, let's meet our tv viewer natalya. attention to the screen. hello doctor, my name is natalya, i have had nail fungus for a year now, but i didn’t know it was a fungus, i thought it was my nails are peeling from closed shoes or i pressed somewhere, but in the end i found out that it was a fungus, the laboratory did an analysis. and the nail scoop, i tried to treat it with vinegar, but it only led to irritation, on the one hand it’s unpleasant that it’s fungal, on the other hand i walked around with it for so long, and what should i do, paint my nails and treat them, start treatment in the fall, or immediately start treatment, all the best to you, goodbye, now we’ll find out everything, meet
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natalya’s studio, nadasha, come out, good morning, first question, why vinegar? i think, that it is better to cure with vinegar, did someone advise you? yes, a friend advised me, she said that a friend can cure it, let’s figure it all out together with our expert. nadezhda evgenievna nabatnikova, padologist, dermatovenerologist, member of the european academy of dermatovenerology. good morning, good morning, and it often happens that people think that there is a fungus on the nail, but it’s just, i don’t know, the nail is peeling. on the contrary, it happens, and as mikhail said, on the contrary, here, in general, everything is complex, but laboratory research helps us, look at how many photographs there are, everything is a fungus, we need to take the nail plates to the laboratory or a doctor will do a scraping, and
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get documentary, serious legal confirmation, this is very important, because... we have to undergo treatment, the treatment can be very long, sometimes with drugs that we take orally, yeah, all this must be justified, it is also very important that in the laboratory analysis it is deciphered in detail what exactly the laboratory assistant found, or is it fungal spores, or is it mycelium, spores - it’s like a story that well, it’s possible that it’s just contamination, if it just...
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happens, let’s understand for our viewers and tv viewers that a person has a fungus, here it is on our nail plate, the nail plate can change color, it becomes more loose, crumbles, yes, now let’s imagine, that the man also took some slippers, so he walked, walked, walked, and we understand that where did those tiny little things go with the nails, the scabs actually remained there inside, another person came, put them on, yes. he has a leg, naturally, he walks there, drinks tea, he has the leg is sweating, and accordingly, these tiny little ones, they are already on his leg, which means that along with them there is mushroom mycelium, and there... it remains and then this mycelium begins to multiply, in some faster, in others more slowly, but nevertheless it continues, then this person came home, put on his
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slippers, yes, oh, this mycelium was already left in them, yes, someone else put them on, and so gradually, gradually this transfer takes place, even if nails are covered with varnish, this actually does not guarantee anything, but the polish can peel off in the same way, the varnish does not protect the nail plate, most often, infection occurs on the skin of the feet, then, well, after a certain time, it already spreads to the nail plate, that is, it turns out that you need to varnish not only the nails, but the entire foot in general, in general natasha , there are two news for you and both are bad, the first thing is that apparently you could have picked it up from one of your friends or acquaintances while visiting, from that friend who has vinegar, here is the second news, which is even worse, which in principle , during
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the time you have the fungus, and you you try to marinate with vinegar, but with a high degree of probability it’s already at your family’s home. i heard another interesting story that, in addition to vinegar, people also rub lemon on their nails. basically the entire foot, look, the fungus is afraid of an acidic environment, it feels good in a humid, neutral or alkaline environment, which is why one of the means to fight the fungus is a bath with citric acid, the fungus does not like such an environment and such baths help get rid of it gradually, just like that, and if the fungus has already taken its place, he found an ecological niche, but it won’t take him out of there. it’s very difficult, mushrooms are a very stable structure, it’s quite difficult to catch this moment of effective disposal,
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no, then i understand that if the nail is already affected, it turns out that the mycelium penetrates the entire nail plate, yes, it penetrates the nail bed, even citric acid is obtained only on the surface ; it remains superficially, yes, that is, it will not be possible to cure the fungus this way, no either. like vinegar, just like vinegar, uh-huh, let's move on, the next method, also from people who really love everything natural, here it is on our screen, the fungus cannot resist these folk remedies, tea tree oil has antifungal and antiseptic abilities, it can be applied to the affected area and the nail will gradually heal restore. first, you need to know for sure that it is a fungal infection. because if this is anicholis, post-traumatic detachment of the nail from the nail bed, then tea tree, it also has a drying effect
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effect, uh-huh, and we will achieve the fact that this separation will simply be even greater, an overdried nail, it will not grow to the nail bed, it will begin to crack, and in any case, analysis, and tea tree will be effective only in the very initial stages of a fungal infection. on the surface and closer to the free edge, then there is a chance, a small, small chance, of not very effective treatment, yes, but it will take a very long time, then you just have to wonder how long , well, a year, a year, that’s how many tea trees have died , tea tree tank sent to your home, so let's move on, according to many experts, varnishes for toenail fungus are quite convenient to use. they are inexpensive, but at the same time prevent the spread of fungus to neighboring nails, prevent re-infection and maintain the aesthetic appearance of the nails.
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all varnishes, as in the situation with tea tree, will help with superficial onychomycosis and in the initial stages, because the longer onychomycosis affects the nail, the fungal infection affects the nail, the deeper it penetrates and... the nail bed, that is, the varnish until the nail bed will not go away, what is the solution? the solution is tableted antifungal drugs, first you need to study the function of the liver, whether everything is normal with it, so we often prescribe drugs to patients after the new year, when you can celebrate your family, then start treatment, after may, then restore the condition and take the tablets, this counts as... and what mikhail suggested to paint over with varnish for the summer, then from a surface form that could be cured with ordinary varnish, after 3 months
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the bone. i'll have to take medications now, because under the varnish the fungus will simply begin to develop more actively and take over the entire nail plate, then only tablets, which means you go without varnish all summer, take tablets , you start the fall as a healthy person, good, thank you very much, today we found out what the dangers of nail fungus are and, most importantly, how treat it correctly, friends, draw conclusions, right now there is even more useful information in our quiz, health, right now our favorite quiz minute of health, here our viewers show not only their physical preparation, but memory, because all the answers sounded so different in our program. today , our caretaker maria volunteered to compete for a prize and test herself. let's get acquainted,
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my name is maria lopaeva, i'm 34 years old, and i have three sons, lately i 've been interested in everything related to modeling, health, and i also like to train at home on my own using videos, i would really like to participate in your tv show, the most important thing, but to get new experience in filming, and i really like to get new experience, and even more so... and your program is precisely related to the topic that interests me. let's meet maria, she's in our studio and with a flying gait, she strives, my wow, mother of three children, boys, girls, boys, three boys, three boys, it's amazing how old they are, 14, 7 and four, great shape you, masha, you motivate, maria, a sporty young mother. great,
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doctor, tell us the rules of our quiz, well, the rules of our quiz, they are very simple, mikhail will ask questions, he has 12 of them, you will have a minute to give answers, yes, you need to answer very simply, yes or no, i will time the time using a stopwatch, and you will run at this time, well, this is not the first time you have run on a coastal path, the more correct answers you give in a minute, the your chances of winning our prize later are higher, and today this is an irrigator, a useful thing. masha, good luck, are you ready? yes, i'm ready. we're ready too, let's go. can you get infected with dandruff? no. does green tea help with insomnia? yes. is kefir more beneficial if you drink it at night? oh, yes. does beet juice lower blood pressure? oh, no. a deviated septum can cause
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snoring. yes, freezing kills all the germs in the ocean of food, yes, coffee on an empty stomach improves digestion? no, tonsillitis is contagious, yes, intervertebral hernia always needs to be operated on, no, eating potatoes with skins is harmful, no, do oral contraceptives increase the risk of thrombosis? yes, pumpkin seeds help get rid of worms, yes, i managed to do everything, maria managed to do it, right here, right here in a minute, you’re running well maria, here’s the answer, now we’ll find out, because there were some - complex questions, which, as it seems to me, you answered correctly, you answered some simple questions incorrectly, as it seemed to me, i am also mistaken, so the doctor will judge everything now, so the first
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question sounded like this: you can get infected with dandruff, you said, no, actually yes, dandruff, yes , or sibororrhea of ​​the scalp is a fungal disease, you can become infected with this fungus, and it will actually cause dandruff. green tea helps with insomnia, you said yes. actually, of course not, firstly, because it contains caffeine, and green tea contains even slightly more caffeine than black tea. secondly, because green tea has a diuretic effect. what kind of dream then? fun, yes, but intermittent. kefir brings pain. morning, afternoon, evening, it is always useful. beetroot juice lowers blood pressure, you said, no, it actually does, because it contains organic nitrogen compounds that have a vasodilating effect; by the way, it is even used as a doping in sports, so it lowers arterial blood pressure. pressure, and quite decently at five, in some people at 10 mm mulberry columns.
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who wouldn’t scold you, what are you talking about? well, you don’t have an irrigator, but you have three children, you know, someone has an irrigator, but you don’t have three children, a deviated septum can cause snoring, you said yes, well, that’s really true. "hurray, freezing kills all microbes in seafood, here you said, yes, in fact, of course not, well, because a very large part of microorganisms are in no way related to negative temperatures, yes, until now since then, scientists from the eternal permafrost periodically pick out certain microorganisms that have been there for millions of years, bacteria, and even some viruses, so here you just have a sea..." happy life, you haven't come across it, nadochak coffee improves digestion, you said, no, in fact, of course, yes, because caffeine has, firstly, a sedative effect, that is, it increases the secretion of gastric juice, and secondly, a choleretic effect, that is,
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it promotes the emptying of the gallbladder in the morning, and also something you've never tried, maria had a cup of coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, she drank it, of course, and no, no, there are no urges, absolutely great, doctor, this is not your patient. yes, then we descend into the wilds, some word, definitely unfamiliar to you, protansilitis, you said it’s contagious, with three children i don’t believe the unfamiliar word tansilitis, or maybe the children are athletes, they are not familiar with tansilitis, all three, including a four-year-old, and a four-year-old boxer, tanzirit is contagious, you said yes, and it’s true, the reason for the development of tamzelitis is an infection, so you can get infected with it, intervertebral hernia, you always need to operate, you said, no, of course not, in most cases , in fact, without surgery, firstly, it decreases, in some cases it disappears altogether, we need to talk about surgery, or,
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if the symptoms are really severe, then , well, or if within 3-6 months there is no improvement at all, if potatoes with skins are harmful, we said no, indeed this is so, moreover, even in pharmacy reference books, back in soviet times they appeared as medicines,
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so, maria, six correct answers, six attempts to find the long-awaited sign with the word prize behind these letters, so. interesting, so two, so, one, masha, masha, masha, zero, yay, here’s masha, maria, don’t be upset, the most important thing is that you took part in our section, and expanded your knowledge about health and it’s wonderful here, the envy of everyone ran. if you want to find out even more answers to questions about health, then all episodes of our program can be found on the online media platform , watch the application on the website, and the conversation about the most important thing continues, here
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it doesn't matter how you sing, it matters whether you can deceive yourself? be very attentive impulsive, catch me if you can, big music show, doesn't sing, sings, sings, the choice is made, on friday,
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on rtr, immerse yourself in the world of luxury coziness at rixsas golf villas and suites. harmal sheikh is a magnificent world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of the rooms and luxurious. villas ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style rixos golf villa syuds sharma. hotel for an unforgettable experience rixos sharma sheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixc sharmelsheikh is not just a vacation, it is
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a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. hotel titanic delluxe golf beleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy the gourmet cuisine of the best restaurants. here every room is a journey. the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, what suddenly made the boy imagine himself as a creative person, a black and white film catches his eye, because the tv is black and white, uh-huh, uh-huh, treasure island, this is a huge adventure, this is the hope of seeing the world, i’m just... i realized very late that you don’t need to be the smartest or... mediocre, you just need to be equal to yourself and not be afraid to admit that i’m not
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torkovsky, i’m not german, i’m just bulls, on the scale of the universe we all have our own place place, and not finding your place, this is the main misfortune, it turns out that a lot can be left to chance, you don’t have to choose it all the time, consciously, i mean, when something sacred happens in your life, something must happen, what doesn’t depend on you will not come until you let go. pribykov in the white studio author's program to daria zlatopolskaya on friday on rtr, hello, i'm coming to you for an interview, and i guessed, well, you 're ready to start, look on saturday, it's zhenya, your new nanny, you think i don't see, the way she looks at you, the smiles, all these exchanges of glances, get out, and i’m leaving who, there are different job offers, were you lucky? kolya will like it, so you will be able to play my girlfriend and charm everyone, i mean,
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but she is waiting for a completely different proposal, my son, anton, is getting married, what are you doing, what a damn wedding, you will just leave after everything that happened, you think it’s right , i believe that what begins with deception does not end well, anton, love for hire on saturday on rtr, i have everything, i have a wife, mother-in-law is there,
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many begin to harden in winter, dress cool, open the windows -20, yeah, but summer is the time when nature itself invites you to harden, or is it late in the summer, no, in fact, summer is the time to start hardening, everyone you can generally harden yourself, maybe there is some category of people who are prohibited from doing this, everyone can harden themselves. it’s just that for different people with different problems, hardening procedures are somewhat different. where do we start? let's start with simple but effective methods. here we have there is the so-called contrasting zonal hardening. zonal, this means that we harden certain areas of the body. i'll start, in this case we'll harden our feet. so, let's start with hot water, nice. yes, warm water. warmed up, this is just the way
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to start hardening without shock to the body, without stress, warmed your feet for approximately 1 minute, then immerse your feet in cold water, let's not, let's, immerse your feet, count to 10, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, in warm water, and let’s do it again in the cold, 10 seconds, come on, but i have a question, yes, now it’s later, once or twice. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, great, here is a very important point, hardening requires systematicity, that is, today we started with 10 seconds for 1 minute, but why can you
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sit like this for 2 hours, no, in fact, it’s enough for the hardened effect to occur, three to five repetitions in total are enough, i started tingling, that’s good, gradually we increase... we increase the time spent in the cold, but at some point you already understand that you are 30 seconds in cold, 30 seconds in hot, you are still comfortable, your body is getting used to it, i ’m generally so hardened now, the last one, cold, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, that’s it, you can wipe it off, no need to go hot, why , because the hardening effect must still end. in cold water, but how do you feel about the fact that, for example, in winter people are hot, unprepared, steam in a bathhouse, run out and dive into the snow, bad, firstly, people are unprepared, they may have some kind of heart problems -vascular diseases, acute cooling may be accompanied
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by vasospasm, in some cases this can lead to, for example, a headache, in some cases this can lead to a heart attack, that is, a sharp narrowing of blood vessels. leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure, for an ordinary person this all returns to normal after 10-15 seconds, but if a person, for example, is persistently hypertensive or has coronary heart disease, all this can end very sadly, which is why we say that training should start with very soft options gradually, gradually, so that the body has the opportunity to adapt, who else wants to join our team of seasoned athletes, my god, is it you? towards us, i lowered my legs, but what will our spectator lower, what is your name? lyudmila, lyudmila, she, mikhail, will lower your self-esteem, because she will do the same thing, but with her hands without hot water. wow, i beg you, lyutochka, so look, in fact, this is a very
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well-known method of hardening described in the middle ages, this is hardening of hands, we just take it and put our hands in a cold one. water deeper, deeper, that’s it, and we start in the same way with 10-15 seconds, that is , when it seems to us that such an ache has already appeared, this means that we overexposed it, yes, we take out the hands, wipe them with a dry towel, necessarily, we just shake our hands for 20-30 seconds, in order to restore blood flow, at this moment we begin to experience so-called reactive hyperemia, that is, vessels that... were compressed due to the cold, they are at this moment begin to expand, and we will see as a result that our hands become red, they turn red, we shake, shake, shake, at some point our hands become just bright red, they turn red, great, and we put the handle in cold water again, wipe it dry again
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, we begin to rub with our hands, it looks like for a snowball fight, excuse me, yes, how are you, is it normal, alternation? stress and relaxation, stress and relaxation, this trains our nervous system, making it more resistant to some unfavorable circumstances, thank you, remember, my friends, it’s very simple, the main thing is that it’s very useful, lyudmila, no lie, no, that’s great, sit down, now, doctor, i’ll surprise you, i invited my assistant, my friend, who has prepared something for you, ivan, come out to us, ivan, are you ready? here he is, here he is our hero, oops, everything is fair with us, a bath with ice, remember ivan as a young handsome man, now he will bathe in an ice bath, you know, here we are in
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the food formula program, we go and film, here in robolovetsky - in factories, that's... when they freeze cod fillets, that's something like this looks like, what kind of cod ivan is, he's a mentai, mentai, no, whoever wants to, you can try it, it's ice, it's not a fish, no, yeah, so ivan, yes, dress it up more deeply, how you feel, yes , it's okay when the most important thing is , this is when you climb out of a cold ice hole and say, god, thank you that i’m alive, but no, seriously, the tide is coming, well, everyone knows, doctor, tell me, i forget... all the time endorphin or serotonin is released first of all, that for the first time? i’m just both, firstly cortisol, and then the stress hormone, here because after all, it’s stress for the body. we are waiting for you tomorrow, the experiment was a success, while
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ivan is getting dressed, i will find out from dr. agabkin how useful this is. thank you very much, vanya! firstly, let's start with the fact that linen baths are not hardening, yes, they are a medical procedure, used in resuscitation, that is, for example, when there is malignant hyperthermia, a person cannot... bring down the temperature, in this case ice baths, they are simply needed so that a person does not die, they are used in sports traumatology, that is, as a means of prevention and treatment, and injuries, that is , when professional athletes have a very large amount of training, the muscles hurt very much, baths like these help reduce inflammation in the muscles, but this is definitely not where to start hardening, yes, well, give that already... a professional , in fact, thank you, doctor, i also thank ivan, ivan, sit down, hardening is
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a healthy procedure, in fact, you just need to choose the method that suits you personally it will be comfortable to harden. our program continues with dr. tatyana shpovalenko and the women's health section. further in the program, what does heartburn mean, what provokes it and how to treat it? pushkin is a name that reflects the whole of russia, boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky
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pond has forever preserved his reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, it will be held here concert. reflection live broadcast from the boldin estate on thursday on rtr. attention, summer sale. best market's best-selling hits from just 4.95. introducing the lightning cabbage cutter, which shreds one head of cabbage in just. 1 minute, just fix the head of cabbage on the base, insert it into the mechanism, adjust the cutting width from 10 to 2.5 mm and start rotating
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i don’t have anything at all... yes, yes, only comrades, i don’t want to not see you, not hear you, i’ll erase you all with an eraser, like my mother , to you i had to go through a lot, forgive my daughters, they managed, well, the eldest, yes, of course, of course, and the youngest masha, what she likes to do, what i liked personally, it was all unacceptable, i was generally stunned how a daughter could do such things says, it means i don’t know how to raise children at all, if they don’t understand me, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday. on rtr, i'm sorry, i couldn't resist, you're very beautiful. premiere. seryozha said that you broke up, so there is no point in hiding it our relationship. london, tatyana, krashennikova. you climb everywhere, who asks you? my work here ends here, i can leave right now.
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galina needs to be returned. jackdaw. on rtr, good morning, hello, unfortunately, our life, our way of life, it does not involve proper and healthy nutrition, most often we do not have breakfast, then we snack something on the run, and when we come home in the evening, after work we sit down tightly we eat dinner, and as a result, heartburn occurs. as far as heartburn is harmless, that’s what we’ll talk about today, our tv viewer lilia contacted us, let's find out her story. good morning, the program is about the most important thing, i finally decided to contact you, because there is a problem that has been tormenting me, one might say, since childhood, but not since childhood, since adolescence, that’s for sure, this is a problem from the burning, i i didn’t go to the doctors, there is a miracle
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on the internet, i read about medications there, went, bought pills, and started. taking them as a course gave me a rash, so much so that it itched and was itchy and just covered with crusts, i wouldn’t i asked if it didn’t bother me while i was working, i work with people, i work all the time, but as soon as i eat, it starts to torment me, i need to run out of the office, leave the person, go or drink something and something... something to eat, there is another problem, my daughter is pregnant in the last trimester, and heartburn haunts her even... worse than me, until she knocks her out with seeds and burns, the child cannot sleep, i beg you, please first of all, we are scared of it now, because the child is also suffering from it, secondly, i don’t understand how harmless this is for the body, please help our family. lilia is in our studio today, please come to us, good morning, lilia, to treat heartburn with seeds,
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this is the first time i’ve heard of this in my life, honestly, you know, and when i was... i was pregnant , i treated with tangerines, i couldn’t live without them, it’s haunted me all my life, now we didn’t even expect this to happen to our daughter, but unfortunately, neither seeds nor tangerines help in treating heartburn, heartburn is always a symptom of some problem, some disease, you need to be examined by a gastroenterologist, find out what the cause is, in order to tell you what diseases can lead to heartburn, and most importantly, what... ..
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heartburn is such an important symptom and an alarming signal that may be a reason to consult a doctor, since heartburn can be a symptom of a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases. so let's just see what diseases provoke heartburn? heartburn really is a symptom and sign of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this is gastroesophageal reflux disease, this is a hiatal hernia, and chronic gastritis with increased secretion, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic cholicitis, chronic pancreatitis, stomach cancer or... but with all this, what is heartburn? heartburn is the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the lower parts of the esophagus, and sometimes into the upper parts of the esophagus, so when a person
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has a chronic cough, it is necessary to you need to ask if he still has parallel burns, if these symptoms are associated, then here again we need to exclude this gastroesophageal reflex disease in which the acidic contents of the stomach are refluxed, the contents of the stomach are acidic. gives birth to the underlying parts of the esophagus, which are usually alkaline and , unfortunately, cause inflammation of the esophagus, the so-called barot's esophagus, and unfortunately, can subsequently actually lead to cell dysplasia, to the development of such a terrible oncological disease, like esophageal cancer. lilia, please tell me, have you consulted a doctor about this problem? no, we didn’t go to the doctor, but we have the internet to help, i doubted it, i took medicine, because of which i broke out, that i couldn’t even go out to people, because i was all red i was itching, and i decided not to experiment with it, i want to say that heartburn is a fairly common symptom, and sometimes
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the only presence of helicobacter pyllar, also a dangerous bacterium that can cause all sorts of problems with gastrointestinal tract, unfortunately is a risk factor for the development of stomach cancer and duodenal cancer, what profile? well, the most important thing here is to reconsider your diet and lifestyle, you should give preference to products with an alkaline reaction, for example, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, steamed omelettes, boiled meat, of course pay attention to the meal schedule, you need to eat in small portions, at least five times per day, and the portion should be a fist, a maximum of two fists, no more. here is a very important note about your tangerines, after all tangerines are included in such a group of provocateur products, on the contrary, for heartburn, these are the provocateur products, these are chocolate, carbonated drinks, coffee, coffee drinks,
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citrus fruits, which we are talking about, animal fats, rye bread. i now propose moving on to recommendations for such emergency measures. as an emergency aid it is possible. use safe but effective means with a rapid onset of positive effects. today , there are a large number of remedies for burns, indeed, but they are not all are safe, for example, based on aluminum, since such uncontrolled use of heartburn medications may not only not help, but also harm our stomach, and on the contrary, increase the risk of some diseases or constipation. among other things, lilia has developed an allergic reaction... they are strictly contraindicated for pregnant
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women. moreover, aluminum-based products for women, and in pregnant women, heartburn occurs quite often due to increased intra-abdominal pressure, so it is necessary to choose heartburn products with the most natural substances and components for our body, these are: calcium and magnesium, such products are safe and have a quick action and effect, let's see what happens in the stomach cavity when a product comes in, for example, with aluminum, here we have a pink color , it means acid, the reaction occurs quite slowly, that is , you won’t be able to get rid of heartburn instantly, it will still take some time, this is what happens when we use a product based on calcium and magnesium, which are alkaline salts. neutralization occurs quite quickly, because calcium salts and magnesium salts have highly alkaline activity and neutralize that same excess acid both in the esophagus and in the stomach. achieving
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a positive effect begins from the third minute after taking such a remedy, and this is important, since heartburn has a significant impact on the quality of life. how is this effect achieved? due to the rapid solubility of the product due to its availability. calcium, such products are safe because, as we have already said, they contain there is no aluminum, so the risk of developing any adverse reactions is reduced if taken in recommended doses. and products based on calcium and magnesium can be used by pregnant women, because they, again, do not carry the toxicity that aluminum does. so, what should you look for when choosing remedies for tezhburn? first of all, on the composition, because most products still contain aluminum salts, this is necessarily indicated in the composition of the product. that is, we choose a medicine based on calcium and magnesium among other things, you need to choose a product that has enough effect. what
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is also very important, you need to pay attention to the labeling on the packaging that such products are approved for pregnant and lactating women. such products can be chosen in a special form, for example, in the form of chewable tablets, that is, here we do not depend on the availability of water, and this does not require drinking. of course, you should give preference to medicines a. not dietary supplements, because it is medicines that are used there in the first place substances with a high degree of pharmacological purification, and secondly, they undergo much stricter pharmacological control in our pharmacy market. and another piece of advice, we recommend paying attention to the products of domestic manufacturers who produce high-quality products according to the international gmp standard, and what is also very important, such products are more affordable.
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every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. hello on the russia tv channel, in the studio denis polunchukov and most importantly o'clock: more than 18,000 people from 139 countries in st. petersburg , the international economic forum began its work, what is the main thing this year, what will the dialogue be about? to work through the question, it can be worked on endlessly until the thirtieth year. vladimir putin held a meeting on tourism development. what have you already done?


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