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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 5, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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colleagues, good broadcast, then our broadcast will continue with regional news with residents of moscow and the moscow region. see you in just a few seconds. don't switch. two new tram lines are being built in moscow, from komsomolskaya to chistye prudy on serge radunizhsky street. we'll tell you when everything is ready. residents of houses near taras shevchenko embankment have chronic insomnia due to the night racing of motorcyclists. is it possible to force them to remain silent? the restoration of the alexandrinsky palace begins in the boring garden. order will be brought and fountains and surrounding area. the tretyakov gallery is opening a new exhibition of russian painting of the 19th century, including paintings from a private collection that are usually inaccessible to the public.
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the police released footage of the arrest of a suspect who started shooting on kostoromskaya street the night before. the video was filmed in the attacker’s apartment, according to preliminary data, he was drunk. police found the air rifle believed to have been used to fire several bullets. the incident occurred on tuesday evening in the area bibereva. as a result , two passers-by were injured.
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military lines will appear on the map of moscow, one will run from komsomolskaya square to clean ponds, the second is now being laid along sergius radonishsky street. both lines will be connected by existing neighboring routes, so that you can get from region to region quickly without transfers. about how the tram network of the capital is developing, anastasia makhina. there are large-scale renovation works near the teljacha square metro station, here on sergei radonishsky street they are preparing for the appearance. new there has never been a tram, there have never been tram tracks here historically, the tram ran along a parallel school street, which is now a pedestrian street, but sergei radonishsky street is very beautiful, because there is such a contrast here, on the one hand we have modern houses, on the other hand merchants houses. the new route will not only be beautiful, but convenient, it will connect two already existing lines on the enthusiasts highway and andronevskaya square, so the cars will run along a seamless route from kursk station to the navagireeva metro station. the more
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transport there is, the more convenient it is for people to get to any place they need to go. work began at the end of april, first they dug a so-called trough, a special recess for tram tracks. we laid waterproofing, crushed stone and proceeded to the most important thing - rails and sleepers. at this point the work is almost 70% complete. now the workers are fastening the sleepers to the rails, then they will fill this entire structure with sand and crushed stone, and then they will lay down the slabs and launch the tram. by the way, in the last 40 years this will be the most. a large new tram line that will be launched in moscow, workers will lay more than 2 km of new tracks, also reconstruct almost half a kilometer of existing ones, completely landscape the surrounding area, on the opposite side we will pave the sidewalks with granite paving, arrange convenient parking pockets, separate the tram tracks from the roadway . this year, the oldest moscow public transport is 125 years old, despite its venerable age, it will not be forgotten. every day they
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used by more than 700 thousand passengers. in addition, trams are constantly being modernized. now more than 95% of trains are new low-floor cars. the same ones will silently float along another new line from komsomolskaya square to clean ponds. it will also connect to existing routes. but trams on trifonovskaya are not new. many people remember how, until 1995, between exemplary and oktyabrskaya streets
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, restrictions on the movement of cars, as well as changes in ground transport routes, were possible. laying this area will finish next year, they will begin to gradually update all the old paths to ... decor, historical interiors, and they will also update the facade, roof, architectural landscaping of the territory of the boring garden. a loud scandal involving lovers of two-wheeled vehicles is flaring up in the capital's dargomilov district, where
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dozens of bikers gather on the taras shevchenko embankment almost every night, some of the cars have been modified so that they make very loud sounds that deprive several residential areas of sleep. how they tried to fight. with night racing and what is it for led, alexey knor found out. mass insomnia among residents of kutuzovsky prospekt on the taras shevchenko embankment begins with the onset of summer; dozens of houses cannot sleep due to the roar of engines and deafening music; every night bikers from all over the capital come to the area. i have triple glazed windows and blinds, all the same, everything says open windows, even with the windows closed i can’t sleep, because they turn around, leaving the embankment, passing here. under the windows they begin to accelerate, so that later like this just whistling along kutuzovsky prospekt, motorcyclists have chosen the parking lot of one of the business centers located next door, and okay, if they just gathered in one place, but no, bikers organize races throughout the block, motorcyclists do not ride alone, yes , that is, one drove by, it’s tolerable, yes, they
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all ride in a column of 5-10, 15-20 motorcyclists, when they all leave at night. it is a dead end, it is impassable, there is nothing else here except residential buildings, and this embankment can be used for the night from 11 to 6 in the morning block for motorized traffic, respectively, along this dead end. residents of the area wrote complaints to the city council, contacted the police and the prosecutor's office, but only achieved that the roadway was equipped with speed bumps.
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the motorcyclists themselves say that this only made things worse. the problem of speed bumps practically does not solve the noise problem; on the contrary, it greatly increases it. this is due to the fact that - well, that's how it works. there are many motorcycles that when you release the gas, there is a shot in the muffler and the muffler, as they say, shoots. about the dissatisfaction of local residents in they know about the motorcycle fraternity, but in response they say: motorcycles are not prohibited by law, which means you can ride them anywhere at any time. last year, a man came up more than once and said that we weren’t here, yes, we weren’t pushing everything. well, they blocked us, now there are fewer motorcyclists, but we still come to the parking lots like this. the motorcycle has a standard exhaust system. which meets all the requirements, accordingly, what are the claims? however, those who like to hit the gas under the windows of residential buildings are also condemned in the motorcycle community, although it sounds more like a mockery. you just have to not make noise, i don’t make noise, yes, those motorcycles that make noise, they complain about them, they need to
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be scolded and fined. the police and state traffic police have stepped up patrols in the area, but in essence these measures do not solve the problem; all that law enforcement can do is conduct conversations and issue fines only for violating the rules. for summer 23:26 and for many this weather is the most comfortable, especially on weekdays, and the southern cyclone will bring cooling, despite its origin, warmth to the central it will not add to the regions, it will only expose us to the north wind, tomorrow everything will begin to change, but in some places in the region the temperature
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will still rise above 25, so in the north of the moscow region on thursday 27 without precipitation, but in other areas there is rain, in moscow there is also rain, short-term in places with thunderstorms, at night in the city... during the day 25:27 on friday in the capital it’s about 25 and it’s also worth taking an umbrella with you, but on the weekend the probability of precipitation will drop sharply, the heat will not return yet. but the weather will be excellent for outdoor recreation, yes, the main thing is that there is no precipitation, thank you weather, victoria chernikova said, the territory of beauty fashion was turned today into tverskoy boulevard and tverskaya square, as part of the summer festival in moscow, professional stylists began working there to help graduates choose an image for the upcoming ball. you can do your hair and makeup, learn how to choose the right cosmetics. in addition, nutrition experts will give their advice. no appointment is required; those interested will be consulted on a first-come, first-served basis from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
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tomorrow a festival of peonies and irises will open in the apothecary garden. leading flower growers in moscow and the moscow region will present popular and completely new varieties suitable for growing in our climatic conditions. cut flowers are now being delivered to the exhibition greenhouse, where collectors will answer visitors’ questions and give advice on agricultural technology. and the choice of varieties, but the apothecary garden also has its own rich collection of peonies; in the middle of the 20th century, it was here that the domestic selection of these amazing plants began the first russian varieties. a festive event for the birthday of alexander sergeevich pushkin was prepared for its passengers on the moscow cable car. a fifty percent discount on tickets awaits all visitors who are namesakes of the heroes of the poet’s works. so half price.
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in the spirit of russian art, the famous professor arram abrahamyan was involved in the formation of the collection. a number of paintings were also presented by members of his family, and at the moscow exhibition, at which two parts of the richest collection met. report by gulyubaltaeva. exhibition detective, where there are a lot of white spots. the best urologist of the ussr, the personal doctor of brezhnevo and shchelokov, who survived the doctors’ case, tried not to leave notes. these things are just now being found. in moscow, because even for specialists they are sometimes insufficiently studied,
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new or only mentioned, just a line in the catalog, because this collection is actually in dialogue with ours. like two figures by viktor popkov, the initial version of the now famous painting called “my day meeting”. like golovin, beloved by collectors, like lintulov, came out an involuntary roll call of two meetings, tretikov and obramyan. he came to us. a bouquet of lilacs, which was created in the estate of mamonkov abramtsev in the same year of eighty-seven as our girl from persia. the armenian tretyakov, as the famous doctor is called, came to moscow from his native teflis in 1920 to become a student at the medical university. a resident of kozitsky and then starokonyushinny lane, he found himself among the moscow intelligentsia. he was captivated by modern art, which then included artists of the silver age. he begins to surround himself...
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the kremlin doctor, the hero of socialist labor, the laureate of the state prize allow aram yakovlevich to collect in his home collection , according to dmitry sarobyanov, almost all the main movements in russian fine art of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, from the late wanderers to the bubnoletovites. the paintings completely occupied the framers' apartment, high-ranking clients offer to clear out the hall, but the russian -armenian decides to transfer his painting to yerevan, where in 1980
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daniil bobov, dmitry manyshev, lead. ahead a few minutes of advertising, then we will definitely continue. stay with us.
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indulge yourself in a first-class slezorts holiday, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio resor. we are here for you! welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmal sheikh. riksas radomis sharmel sheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment.
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enjoy themed rooms, the most a large children's town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixas, radomis charmel sheikh. hello, i'm coming to you for an interview. and i guessed it. well, you're ready to get started. watch on saturday. this is zhenya. your new nanny. you think i don’t see the way she looks at you, the smiles, all these exchanges of glances. go away. you're the one who 's leaving who. job offers vary. you managed to please kolya, which means you will be able to play my girlfriend and charm everyone. sense, but she is waiting for a completely different proposal, my son, anton, is getting married, you why, what a damn wedding, you’re just going to leave, after everything that happened, you think it’s right, i think what starts with deception doesn’t end well, anton, love for hire on saturday on rtr,
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seek advice, sing buffet , buffet i sing. the buffet sings, but the conductor doesn’t, but what motivates you? do it my way, i take responsibility and say what sings? catch me if you can, big music show, how can that be, no no? on friday on rtr. a rose suits you very well, she found herself a rich, smart, handsome man, and i am a jackdaw, the premiere, today at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me,
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another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on me above, one bullet is still located. only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, you watch the news, we continue the release: as part of moscow longevity, unusual
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clubs have appeared for needlework, gymnastics, dancing, everything we’ve already gotten used to it, but the fact that in the project you can learn to pilot a jet... aircraft was a surprise . igor yaroslavtsev found out who can get into this course and what other non-standard skills older generation muscovites can master, and now we’re already getting our bearings on course 20, yes, right now we are passing triers. andrei kozyrev fell in love with the sky while still serving in aviation, and after that he even flew on small planes; now he recalls the skills here at the pilot courses from the moscow longevity project, satisfaction. joy, feeling of self, me i like doing this. during piloting classes, older muscovites fly on special simulators in a real jet cockpit.
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and for therapy, here muscovites take care of horses, they are very kind, good, responsive, they understand everything, i’m even waiting for us to come here, the four-legged inhabitants of the stables themselves are also very happy about such meetings, it’s free relaxation, and of course , delicacy, even help yourself, help yourself, meet, this is ravena, she is 5 years old, this is one of the friendliest horses in this kanyushny, she is also looked after as part of the program, this baby’s name is arlikin, marina met him... today, but quickly found a common language with the pony and went for a walk with him. they are very kind, such positive energy emanates from them, i think
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it’s really like therapy. the moscow longevity project today offers residents of the capital’s older generation more than 40 destinations, and the centers themselves have become a second home for many. the atmosphere here is so sincere and homely that when we meet, we come the impression that we are all family. in your hobby, to learn something new, for example, they play pitank, this is a sport in which you need to throw balls, it’s exciting, and useful. there is no difficulty in this game, that is , it takes care of the joints, and at the same time we do a little exercise and warm-up. and even the direction of arts and crafts. the project includes not only knitting and sewing clubs. for example, here they teach how to make stained glass. now we are making a napkin holder. this is already more complex work, because it will be voluminous, not just in one plane. now we will master all these areas, now available for recording, the main thing is the desire to learn something new, igor yaroslavtsev, valery kupriy and maria rudakova, lead. the pushkin museum
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has completed a study of the painting christ and the sinner and the collections of the vladimir-suzalsky museum of the reserve. the dense italian painter, taken to grammar, was delivered to the capital 2 months ago, during which time art restorers studied the colorful canvas. layer, features of the artist’s painting style and ultimately confirmed his authorship. the painting will remain on display at the pushkin museum until september 22, and then return to vladimir. for us in this case, this is also such help to colleagues who are important to us, because at some point, it seems to me that people, specialists, first of all, must form this single community, a single professional cultural field that will serve , certainly. results of the prosperity of the russian museum business. today in the program our residents of donbass will tell how they decided to defend their homeland and went to militia. nadezhda zhelabyonova was over 60
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when she, together with her husband and friends , organized the defense of zerzhinsk. we will find out today at 15:00 what role the events of 2014 played in the destinies of our heroes, why they had to leave their homes and how those who became the first donbass militias live now. clothes.
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in the depths of your heart, purity is like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, the silence does not even breathe. we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls. hello, this is our program. if a person wants to protect his native land, nothing can become an obstacle for him, neither gender, nor age, nor circumstances. today in ours. studio, those who are ready to give their lives for their home and loved ones, donbass militias have come to us, let’s hold on, come on, let’s hold on!


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