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tv   Taini sledstviya-11  RUSSIA1  June 6, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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because the war, i say again, is moving along a vector in which keeping something in reserve when this reserve may not be very useful to you is simply stupid. advertising, you need to go to the hare lakes, your relatives live there, what other hare lakes are there, what are you up to there again, the premiere, how much do you look like tanya, no, i’m not you? at your mother's parents? yes, no, sir, i ’ll pick you up immediately. living under one roof does not mean being one family. my daughter lived in the world, and now he’s taken care of the children. but she has a plan, i decided to end this story, dad, we just don’t need it anymore. alexander nikolaevich, jackdaw on monday on rtr. seek advice? the buffet sings, but the conductor
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doesn’t, but what motivates you? do it your way? i take responsibility, i’ll say that he sings , catch me if you can, a big music show, that’s possible, no, no, on friday on rtr. “hello, i’m coming to you for an interview, i guessed it, well, you ’re ready to start, look on saturday, it’s zhenya, your new nanny, you think i don’t see, the way she looks at you, the smiles, all these exchanges of glances, go away, you’re still someone who dumps someone, there are different job offers, you managed to please kolya, which means you ’ll be able to play my girlfriend and charm everyone, but she’s waiting at all.
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firstly, you are absolutely right when you say that we should not allow self-deception, this is the most dangerous thing when we underestimate the enemy, of course we must understand who we are dealing with, and we must be morally and not only morally prepared for that , what may sound, get up, the country is huge, get up a mortal battle with the fascist force, a dark horde with curses, this is the largest horde in the entire history of russia and the soviet union, which is moving into ours...
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the horde won, and so on, period, but we remember that even today we do not refuse that role , which the anti-nazi coalition played during the war in the battle against this fascism, and we remember who was in this coalition, the usa, great britain, and above all the soviet union, which suffered the most significant losses and so on, we always invited them to my victory holidays, i fine.
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that we remember these 7 million, i ’ll name the numbers now, because no matter how much we remember the contribution of everyone, yes, well, 4000 dead american soldiers, of course, this is a serious contribution, but 7 and 9 million dead soviet soldiers, liberators, wherever you were, there was europe today, if it weren’t for them, where would you be poland, if there weren’t 6,000 dead soviet soldiers. in order to free you, you have long been burned there in the ashes of all these concentration camps and so on, where would you be in europe, this is a question, let them look for the answer, and we know this answer. now the question is what there is a saying among the people that a black dog cannot be washed, this is when it’s
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impossible to deny the clearly obvious facts, but in ukraine they are trying to wash a green dog, so they whine about him there, they try to him, and the dog is not very good, well, yes, yes , such, you know, withered away.
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this is all written out as a script, the british and american intelligence services got involved in the process of somehow supporting him, but in such a way as to put a muzzle on him, and this is the story of filing a lawsuit in the supreme court, but it’s like a person like this from nowhere, but like this a ukrainian found it, came to it, they accepted it, and so on, it turns out it’s very interesting, he heads this serik, his last name, he heads...
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they let him move there, because it’s nothing, but they will decide that the parliament could not appoint parliamentary and that is , the presidential elections, the point is that the supreme court is completely under control, the chairman of the court, when they were arrested, they also searched 18 members of the supreme court, and to this day they have not closed the case, everything is under a cover, under a cover, as mueller says, why wasn’t he gave him move towards a constitutional court? firstly, he himself was afraid, because he worked miracles there, secondly, they keep the constitutional court in such a regime that when necessary, 45 deputies will turn there and say, you are illegal, everything is zero, that is, this is exactly the muzzle, which they hold on him, and it is clear that zelensky has an article
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of the criminal code, this is 109, illegal retention of power, well, in this case , not a seizure of power, it is clear that together with stefanchuk, they go... like two boots in a pair, it is impossible to separate there, viktor medvedchuk writes about this in his article, gives a good analysis politically, legally, with which i agree, and lastly, there are local battles in ukraine.
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i don’t want to offend you, but honestly, firstly, what happened to these countries, if they hadn’t won, they would have feasted on our lands, europe didn’t want us to defeat it, it didn’t want us to liberate it, the number of poles who fought on the side of hitler is well known, just as it is known what the poles did with those people who escaped from the concentration camps, there is a terrible book, a golden harvest, which... describes how the poles who lived around the concentration camps suddenly became rich, what they
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did, yes, that for them these were terrible losses, but they don’t care, for most european countries there were terrible losses during the first world war war, and they call it great, for them the great patriotic war is nothing, but the slavs were killed, but the germans suffered, and the rest, as naur said, how do you remember the forty-second year, began to drink at the cabaret, but they don’t care about all that was. well, for them it’s so, because that’s just how they are they lost, they are reminded of this all the time, they don’t understand at all that they suddenly
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shove it in their faces that they are nazis, that they killed jews, he says, who didn’t kill jews, they say, well, jews were killed all the time in europe, and what, what is it, spain, portugal, there were jewish pogroms everywhere, ghettos, and what are they saying that all of a sudden you are all so careless, the americans are showing something, excuse me, but the blacks who killed, what are you there he kind of introduces himself to the jews and says civilized. europe, who for centuries traded in slaves, how many millions were killed and why, because of such a trifle they will be upset, perhaps, not to consider themselves civilized people, that now the white man’s burden, needless to say, we are an irritating factor for them that must be destroyed, this is this collision, allusion or what else can you call it, with the fact that someone has filed a lawsuit, so they will take this court, they will say that this filer is wrong , they will say, well, that’s it, you see, he is wrong, here is another form,
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i think that the administration states will force the current leadership of ukraine to accept these decisions, lower the mobilization age to 18 years, and then get rid of zelensky, but first all this must be done, because this is not an easy story, a law must be adopted there , certain steps must be taken, now we are in june 2000.
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we must bear the blows, vladimir vladimirovich , excuse the harshness, but what are we inventing for ourselves, anti-fascist, there were anti-fascists, there were, but the overwhelming majority of all these countries enjoyed it. nazism enjoyed the plunder of all those whom they robbed of the soviet union, they are from this, they are, they enjoyed it, they had slaves from eastern europe, now they are coming up with how moral they are, but just as they were with the wolves, they remain the same, for one thing hari scholtz and anna lena berbog, look, they are complete creatures, well, what about anna lena berbog,
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tells how her grandparents fled from the red army, and for some reason in the fifties... still treats it differently, these celebrations in normandy, there is evidence, why? because who will be honored, the british americans, the owner is coming, really, that is, in this sense they feel reverence, but biden explained in time magazine, we quoted this yesterday, yes, about the fact that if russia wins, that all sorts of poles will allow themselves
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independence, wow, so in this sense the position here is clear, they really are now lay down. for americans , by the way, in europe the overwhelming majority of polls already show this, even in france, which remembered the contribution of the soviet union for the longest time, polls have been showing for a long time that more than 70 percent believe that the greatest contribution to the defeat of the nazis was made by the united states of america, and hitler was killed in 1944, in a parisian cinema, by brad pete, by brad pete, yes, there is a documentary on this topic with tarantino, it’s a documentary chronicle. this is a chronicle, yes, well, yes, i’m not surprised as the main guy, how many years he lived, yes , he’s three years old, then he’s here, well, europe is like that, so in this sense, it’s clear that they serve the modern ideology that they are fed, in general from across the ocean or from across the english channel at best, that’s what concerns arms supplies to ukraine, and in this regard,
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but salevan has now stated that after the unblocking of aid, assistance.
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we really see something training in this sense from the actions of the tcc in all sorts of ways , they mentioned it here now, vladimir nikolaevich mentioned a case in the zhytomyr region and another person who died in the tcc and the relatives say, well, it’s normal that he has a broken skull and sternum, yes they tell us an epileptic , an epileptic stroke, they ask what well, you grabbed him if he’s an epileptic, well, that is, he killed himself, by and large, and there are rallies there indignation, what do you want? tsk everywhere and it works very well by the way. there’s an interesting proposal from the minister for these, what’s she called, occupied territories, or like vereshchuk, who said, we need to recruit women into the shopping center, send all the men to the front, i’m wondering if they will break the skull, yes, it will be the women who will drag these men, yes, there are such bobichi worse than men, well, i don’t know, it will still be difficult, we see how ukrainian men there fight
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off these self-made men, and strong, healthy ones at that. get the opportunity to break into apartments, especially without special warrants and so on, why? because a significant part of ukrainian men are now being fed by their mothers,
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women, sisters, whoever, old people, but they don’t sit in these apartments all the time, at best, at night someone sneaks out for a walk somewhere, yes, but in general in principle, yes, as soon as the military police get the opportunity to break into these apartments. by denunciation, not by denunciation, it doesn’t matter, there will really be problems there, they will drag them to the front line, but again this once again indicates that americans really don’t care how many ukrainians will die, and by the way, in this regard, the last one, i conclude, is a good example, now ukraine, after many years of nagging there, has finally sent a militant, a nazi, craig lane, lang, yes, who.
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there they will change their gender than their profession, they definitely won’t leave there, now about the situation, vladimirovich, can i
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play the role of an optimist today, i know this role is abusive, well, yes, well, yes, but the main thing is you won’t finish the sentence, it’s amusing , what happens, can i play the role today? an optimist, because in these times it’s great for pessimists to be, there is a high probability that everything you say will definitely come true, but well...
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they won’t give you their weapons, that is, they won’t demonstrate that they did everything possible to achieve success, but failed at some peak threat, but a direct nuclear
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clash, there will be no detente, there won’t be, when this happens, i don’t know, it could be in a very accelerated version, besides, everyone believes that they actually control all processes, well that's all we are sure that, in fact, they control all the processes, although all our historical experience shows that there are such...
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not quite adequate politicians, but for the americans he has become a not quite adequate politician, a person who allows himself to criticize an american during the election campaign president because he did not agree to go to the world summit, calling his decision not a very strong decision, then where is the likelihood that putin applauds, and then where , say, and standing up, so tell me, where is the likelihood that after the request americans, and this was in the information field.'
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it will be, and if the americans don’t push the british out of there with their elbows, they won’t take control of this ukraine, they won’t take, well, well, that’s how it will be, they’ll push the british out along with zelensky, and if the americans need to bury zelensky together with the british curators, they will bury them, i have no doubt about it, the fact that the americans will still take control of everything in ukraine, i have no doubt about it, but at this stage , i emphasize once again, the influence of the british on political leadership. countries much higher than the american one, they won’t take anything, we won’t give them ukraine, to hell with them ukraine, let them take the rest of the handkerchief for themselves, choose their mongrels, and what will they bargain with you, they’ll just bargain with ukraine for nothing, we and so let’s take everything, let lisbon bargain with us, and coma with me, by the way, one phrase literally, vladimirich, well, in order to understand the cynicism of this whole
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political thing in general.
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honor and praise, and those who are now khreshchatyk, well-fed, insolent ones, know that you are collaborators, if you speak, you will be destroyed, if you don’t talk about war, but you can’t help but talk about war, because with unknown anger, because as vasily told us. there is a curse, there is, of course, what was said, you yourself told us, so vach, kiev will be, kiev, what can he say, well, they went against god, everything is khan kilo, but you yourself didn’t say that, of course, and i i confirm this, when the tithe temple was destroyed, the fact is that there is a small little drop there, the cross completely disappeared on that called, in the place that is called the core of kiev, speaking today.
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small rivers generally dry up, large rivers simply dry up, and many times over, it turns out that there is a shortage of water for the hydroelectric power station, yes, it is collected , of course , in order to increase power, in order to support the economy of ukraine, if there is a shortage of electricity it’s clear what the government needs to do, to degrade the industry, no, the quantity, at least, excuse me, explain to the population.
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scale, he says to the question, well, listen, well there are no prospects in ukraine, neither in nato nor in the eu, he says, this is understandable, but as he said, the prospect needs to be preserved, let him go, the prospect for whom he wants to preserve,
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the prospect for that, they don’t say that i understand, you just wanted us to feel sorry for them, those who want to join nato in the eu, why should we feel sorry for our enemies, wait, i told you there is nothing to drink, of course. we need to think about this and we need to find people, and if they are not there, we need to educate them, and if we can’t educate them, we need to organize them, because leaders don’t just happen like that, it’s only fascists who are here telling in the studio
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that transys, if we are talking about ukrainians, when you become part of russia you will live wonderfully.
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when the ukrainian people understand that they will stop looking around for the guilty, no, but no, well then
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never sing i will explain one thing to you, i want to bring mine to the end, i will explain, because when in ukraine workers sent 15 billion dollars annually to ukraine , relatively speaking, relatively speaking, from 12 to 15 billion, there was no need, there was no need to be very smart, but what difference does it make to us, what are we are to blame, i generally blame someone, i... what, no, i’m not saying, they’re great
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fellows, they pay taxes to our treasury, many of them, by the way, are fighting, and if you want to say something about a small number of ukrainian politicians, a small number of ukrainians, this is the ukrainian elite, this is the ukrainian elite, which, which ruined it, what kind of elite, this was the ukrainian elite.
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good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. 1800 participants from 136 countries in petersburg.
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the digitization of documentary heritage, the annual meeting of the russian historical society was held in the presidential library, the pavlov institute of physiology and the surrounding landscapes were protected. the president of russia is working in st. petersburg today. vladimir putin has already held a number of important meetings with government members and business representatives. so the head of state inspected the lakhta center. at the steps of a multifunctional complex in the primorsky district, vladimir putin was met by the chairman of the board. roma alexey miller. he said about development plans.
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an eighty-two-meter monument, a triumphal pillar in honor of russia’s victory in the northern war, will be erected in front of the tower. the monument was conceived by emperor peter ii almost 3 centuries ago. vladimir putin also inspected models of two skyscrapers that will be built on the shores of the gulf of finland. at the st. petersburg international economic forum, the so-called zero day of work is starting, but nevertheless, the first investment agreements have already been signed. mikhail dubkov will continue: fresh flowers, talking robots, balloon dragons and huge bees, companies and regions decorated their stands in such a variety of ways to attract... participants from 136 countries of the world has become one of the most multifaceted over the past few years, a cyber training was held next to the musicians for the first time, these models
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are exact copies of the technological processes of a large cities, power supply systems, manufacturing and the banking sector, they are constantly... some specialists carry out attacks, while others try to repel them. according to the intensity of the attacks generated by security researchers, for defenders, well, it’s been there for about three years, probably, but that is, because when they return to their enterprise, to their facilities, incidents there happen less often, and not with such intensity, not with such variety, here with us they can get experience, on the contrary, the scene of st. petersburg, huge in scale, can simultaneously accommodate up to...
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the leningrad region also launched an investment conveyor today, they know how to interest businessmen, the reduction of administrative barriers and preferential conditions helped open a green corridor for investor, this practice is already being replicated throughout russia; 16 agreements have already been signed before the official opening of the economic forum. about the construction of new production facilities and the expansion of existing ones, so the industrial park has a new resident, a company producing auto components and accessories. if a business is uncomfortable, it invests money a second time in the territory where it will not be comfortable, and we have companies that have already signed three, four or five agreements with us,
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which means that companies are comfortable in leningradskaya. comfortable conditions, including those created by a rich infrastructure, were discussed at the stand. kirov region, they launched gas supply to a wood processing plant, a branch was laid from scratch as part of the gasification program. it operates in st. petersburg, but with a different emphasis: in our city they are increasing the efficiency of existing networks. this is the grs, st. petersburg. instead of three gas distribution stations in the south of the city, this is gres sestraretsk, also instead of three gas distribution stations with increased productivity to... provide natural gas to growing industrial needs of st. petersburg. the development of not only industry, but also transport, especially passenger transport, became one of the main topics of the forum. a model of the future high-speed highway was symbolically placed between st. petersburg and moscow. it will pass through several regions;
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travel time between the two capitals will be reduced by almost half, from four to 2:15. the construction of this highway began only in march, but millions of cars are already rushing along the m11 highway and soon the ranks will be replenished. avtovas traditionally, within the framework of the forum, he presented his new product, lada iskra. the public was shown the finished version of only the external appearance, the inner shell is still in progress. almost in full, in accordance with the instructions of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovitch putin, technological sovereignty in the production of everything is ensured here. component base, including the electronic architecture of the car. the car will be produced in three bodies: sedan, station wagon and crossover, into mass production, the car is promised to be launched in next year. mikhail dubkov, zhanna skvartsova, olga skripkina, alexander loginov and olga potapenko, vesti petersburg. the newest
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passenger ship was launched at the srednevsky shipyard. viktor ostafiev, the first more river class motor ship in russia. able to work. it was built by special order from the government of the krasnoyarsk territory to serve water routes on the yenisei. technology equipment on board , domestic passenger cabins meet all requirements for comfort and safety. the vessel accommodates 245 people, not counting teams. the project became a breakthrough for the st. petersburg state construction industry. for the second year, we delivered 88 vessels to customers. last year 108, this year. we are planning 111, the same for military shipbuilding, 24 ships in the twenty-second year, 33 last year, about 40 combat units are planned this year. the motor ship is the first in the series, the second will soon be built in st. petersburg, the name for the lead ship was chosen by popular vote, named after the famous siberian viktor ostafiev.
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the writer's granddaughter became the godmother of the ship. foundation stories should not be myths, but facts. its chairman, sergei naryshkin, announced this at a general meeting of members of the russian historical society. for the first time in 12 years, st. petersburg, rather than moscow, was chosen for the conference. sergei naryshkin also said that a regional one will be opened in the kherson region in the near future.
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will help you fully hear tuning, repairs, we come to your home, take care of yourself and your loved ones today, call 317 0808 according to the st. petersburg hydrometeorological center on june 6 in the leningrad region, partly cloudy is possible short rains, during the day in the rook field it is expected to be about 27° above zero, weather forecasters promise the same in tikhon, from 23 to 26° celsius, thermometers will show in baksitogorsk, volkho.
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around it were included in the unesco world heritage list as part of one large cluster - st. petersburg and its environs. its boundaries were outlined schematically and did not
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affect urban planning policy in any way. as a result , developers attacked the specially protected natural area. in the fifteenth year, when the territory of the specially protected natural reserve was already formed territory, this, this park was excluded from these boundaries. but the second project remained, because we managed to convince the ministry. culture to carry out some kind of examination here. in 2016 , designers from moscow and kazan came to koltush, two independent groups of experts unanimously declared that this must be protected. and finally, in february of this year, by order of the ministry of culture of the russian federation , the boundaries of the new cultural heritage site were approved. it includes the scientific town of nobel laureate academician pavlov and the surrounding villages, kolbina, tokkari, suaranda, khirvasti. we have complete mutual understanding with the government of the leningrad region, because we understand that they have some agreements, agreements with certain
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developers, and... where the lands have already been disturbed, this has already happened, yes, we agree that we will actually implement some construction projects, but nothing will be built in the most interesting place, only reconstruction, placement of information stands, sculptures and surveillance cameras, the institute of physiology has repeatedly became a victim of vandals. the creation of this special place is very important from the point of view of the safety of the institute, you know, the safety of the institute’s activities, because... not only we, of course, ideally need peace and quiet, but in order to conduct these experiments, we are simply afraid physical destruction. there are many plans for the development of the landmark, for example, to continue excavations on the kama hills to create an archaeological science park. there are quite a lot of ethnographic parks in in the novgorod region, in the leningrad region, i honestly don’t know any such worthy archaeological parks, but
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here there is very rich archeology and we are going to partner with the institute of materials. in the near future , design students will begin work in koltushi; their task is to improve a new protected facility for recreational purposes. we must not just tell them: look how beautiful it is here, we have beautiful hills, but we must tell them all these stories that will form the basis of their design, the basis. for the last year and a half , research in koltushi has been carried out by artists, creative specialists have studied the mythology of the place, and this knowledge will form the basis for future architectural projects; the best one will be chosen in mid-july. yulia vasilyeva, sergei esther alexey chubka, vesti petersburg from the leningrad region. this was the news from st. petersburg, all the best.
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we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will remain forever in
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your heart. swissotel sharmel sheikh, yours. an ideal location in the heart of the city. here i come, a film by nikita mikholkov, an unfinished piece for a mechanical piano, appeared thanks to the director’s love for the work of anton poluch chekhov. friends knew this, and once for nikita sergeevich’s birthday they presented him with a collection of unpublished
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works by chekhov. this collection was published only once, chekhovo, because we were too young, and
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i don’t think the management followed. to give us some famous a work by chekhov, and secondly, we really found...
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centuries gave the characters of anton pavlovich
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chekhov. the film hadn’t even started yet, and mikhalkov already knew who he would work with. people, thanks to whose talent his previous films largely took place, with whom he did not want to part. pavel lebeshev, eduard artemyev. elena solovey, yuri bogatyrev, alexander kolyagin, nikolay pastukhov, evgeny steblov, sergey nikonenko. this is a certain security, you know that everyone is worth it, you know that everyone can. you you know how much you can rely on these people, you know how polar, i trust you, and you trust them, it's... it's the greatest happiness to be able to shoot with the same people, and i don't wonder why, let's say, the same bergman or fellini or all those who made great
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cinema in one way or another, they even waited for the one they needed to be free, because it was the greatest happiness not to have to explain to everyone.
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they had not known each other since adolescence, and most importantly, each czech had a favorite writer. they didn't create scripts first, just an application for filming a film. the application was sent to mosfilm, it was read and rejected. let experienced masters stage chekhov, and these two will look for some other material. in general, we submitted such an application to the screenwriting board of mos. from the film, they looked at her so askance, the chekhovs, the young, nothing, they’ll get by, they’ll wait, so, and then it happened, again, i’m saying it’s an accident, it was the time of planned
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economy, now few people know what it was, and then, when everything was planned in the country, after a while mikhalkov and dabashyan were called to the film studio, the annual production quota for films in the country was about to be disrupted, and mikhalkov... had a reputation as a director who makes films quickly, with high quality, and, most importantly, for little money, they immediately remembered his application according to chekhov, the idea arose that... these guys brought some kind of play, a play is always easier to produce, because there is a certain number of characters, no extras, the location of the action is also limited, as a rule, that’s why the film adaptation of the play is always costs less than the original script, and again we were invited to talk on this topic, which means we came cheerfully, no one admitted that they hadn’t read it, but i remember the play, what a strong play, well, i don’t remember the details, but... good pisa, let's have
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your proposal, when you have a script, there is, there was nothing at all, the bureaucratic machine of mosfilm started working, in the film mikhalkov and adashyan dreamed of presenting chekhov in a new way, so that he would speak in an unusual language, the documents, on the contrary, were written in a conservative style to none of the bosses will not be frightened by an innovative approach. the mechanical piano was reflected in the drama. a complex and characteristic phenomenon of the era of reaction: the collapse of the collapsed life of the estate, the decline of the nobility, decadent sentiments that became widespread among the intelligentsia of the eighties in russia. inform the film studio that the script is ready, it only needs to be improved a little, the authors began to look for a place where they could write everything very quickly, they were advised to stop by pushchino, near moscow, the most intelligent.
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what you need when you're adapting a classic, and the czechs, that is, in general, from then on i understood that it is not the work that needs to be filmed, but the author. and why he wrote it, what he wrote at that time, with whom he corresponded, what happened to him, then a lot becomes clear, and you are moving in the right direction, because the birth of a word is more important than its spoken word, and the energy of the writer, who wanted to write this, it’s interesting to figure out where you...
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this energy came from, why he wanted to write this. a month later they brought their work to the film studio. march 19 1976, received a laudatory review signed by sergei bondarchuk for adapting a play that no one had read. by exposing platonov from the inside, the authors tear off the masks of other characters: general voinitseva, the young doctor treletsky, the ideological woman sophia and others. unthrown from their pedestal, these ideal people comically expose their empty and insignificant essence. the artistic council of the first creative association of the massfilm film studio considers it possible to approve the director's script by nikita mikhalkov mechanical piano to launch it during the preparatory period. artistic director of the first creative association, people's artist of the ussrchuk. there were
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n’t many comments, among them it’s not too caricatured to show platonov, he also has dignity, they should be emphasized, the script should be shortened, enlist the support of chekhov experts, but this was a trap, the experts immediately saw through the trick of the young filmmakers who, for the sake of their artistic interests shook up the great writer, as it was convenient for them, personally snatching what they needed from the plays, stories, notebooks. different years, the scriptwriters added something of their own in the chekhovian spirit, the main reviewer, taken aback by such impudence, suggested that the filmmakers come to an agreement, we came to him. so he said, so let’s agree, you didn’t write this, i didn’t read this, so immediately the second one, why is it so cool, you know, you got a young man with a beard, which means you’re putting phrases from chikhante’s early stories in the notes him from notebooks, there
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for 903 years, already almost before his death, you connect pieces from his early stories with... later excerpts from the play, plus a huge amount of gags that have nothing to do with him at all. a little later , another serious edit was required, to change the name, because about 10 years before this, a film with the name mechanical piano had already been filmed somewhere in europe. no problem, they corrected it. the main thing is that it could not have occurred to anyone from the leadership that no one had discovered any mechanical piano in chekhov’s possession. in his notes. books on page 104, for some reason he wrote these two words, he couldn’t decipher them, that’s all, nothing more, no plot, but for nikita mikhalkova, on the contrary, before starting work on the film, there was a real meeting with this incredible instrument from
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past centuries, nikita saw somewhere visiting someone, which means they invited someone there in... everyone, and there was some kind of girl, krevlya, and she sat down at the piano and suddenly started playing some kind of chopin, and only by looking closely could you see that she was hardly touching the keys there and wasn’t hitting it at all, it turned out to me that it was they had this mechanical piano at home, well there was a whole popeia, as we were looking for it, it means we found it with great difficulty, a very good instrument, really a steinway, this machine, which means it makes it mechanically. that means it’s still original from those times, it’s still a 100-volt starter, even the wires are the same, so it’s still very good, like a tool. mikhalkov always had a director’s dream that the actors, even before filming, during the preparatory period , would live together, rehearse a lot and for a long time,
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learn to hear each other, literally catch their partner’s breath. and then they can be quick and easy to remove. at first it seemed impossible. each of the invitees had a sea of ​​pending matters in their cities, families and theaters, but when they arrived in pushchino , everyone saw that these places were a real inspiration for the soul, they delayed as long as necessary, canceling the filming of performances, when will such joy ever happen again in life? at the beginning, it means that they each gave their schedules, this month he has 4 days there, that month he can only give five, and so... he is not very busy, very busy, there is theater, cinema, something, then, when they came there for their filming there for one or two days or for rehearsals, they saw turai life, good weather, the aka shore, wonderful, which means a beach, a market, a cafe and a restaurant, and a cafe,
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since this is an academic town, it was supplied through the ministry of fisheries, there are bloody legs there, ice cream was sold, living together in one hotel in the pushchina on... turned into an endless rehearsal, they did not memorize the text, they learned in the images of their characters to go for mushrooms, drink teas, play football, swimming in the river, celebrate birthdays, have endless conversations in the evenings about life, creativity, politics, health, mutual acquaintances, and this was necessary for the unfinished play, the relationships behind the scenes of the entire film group became in the manner of the 19th century, on you by name.
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should be called fatherlessness. in the middle of the 20th century, fatherlessness was briefly staged at the vakhtangov theater under the name platonov. but the platonovs came. well, finally, although this is a youthful work. all the trigorins, ranevskis, and arkadins have already been laid down there. all the origins were already there, all the preludes of the future chekhov's masterpieces. gypsies are expected in platonov, they didn’t show up. there will be gypsies. and one amazing one. in the cherry orchard the jewish orchestra will be waiting like this, in the three sisters the mummers will be waiting like this, this is an expectation of something significant in life, something bright, something will happen and life.
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for some it comes earlier, for others later, the main thing is not this, the main thing is whether there is energy inside to cope with this problem, it happens that a person is exhausted by this alone, and he will no longer have any other plot inside.
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i drew outlines with a felt-tip pen where it should go come in if he wants to act, he wanted to act, and he sat down on buckwheat porridge, lost
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, in my opinion, 15 kg, everything fell into place, nikita said that you need, you need to lose weight, why, what does it mean you have artists there? you choose, whatever you want, i took a blue felt-tip pen and drew the faces like this with a dotted line, cutting it down like this, so... they said, drive it into these parameters, at first he kicked there, then he himself became interested, because he went to some institute of nutrition, they developed some kind of cunning diet for him, so he really wanted to play this role, actress evgenia glushenko was selected as platonova’s wife, who had recently graduated from the shchepkinsky theater school and served in the maly theater. in the unfinished play , glushenko’s task was to seriously irritate his on-screen husband, along with him... all the male spectators in the hall, to be the personification of fate, from which the main character wants
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to howl, run, stop, my god, see you every day, hear your voice , look at you, and know that there is no escape, where did we all go, where? well she's vile in the eyes of her husband, whom she shamed, and her obsessive love, naive... stupidity and , so to speak, complete inability to live, they are annoying, in fact, it was necessary for the viewer to be annoyed with her along with the collage, otherwise what’s the point? so we tried to make her obsessively stupid, naive, not so to speak, very good. unable to separate the wheat from the chaff, the good from
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the bad, the smart from the stupid, she looked at the whole absolute world completely, with rolling eyes, laughing, shy, she was surprised when kolyagin suddenly kissed the general’s wife on the lips. she didn’t understand that they were having an affair, she thought it was just a game, it was annoying. and this should have irritated, and this irritated kolyagin, because in the very end, when he says that i’m tired of your borscht, your whole family life, so that kolyagin seemed taller, when he had scenes with the tallest characters, they did it for him elevation or they built a whole path of tiles on which only he could walk, this was the case in scenes with the general's wife, they made fun of him that he was as tall as marlon on... the tiles on
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which kolyagin must walk were signed with marlon's name. there was no ridicule in this, just a friendly attitude on the court.
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per frame. one of the biggest blows was elena solovey’s statement that after the birth of the child, at the request of her husband, she would refuse all roles and in the near future she would exclusively be a mother. they will have to do without her on the set. elena solovey got into the mikhalkovsky cinema of volya case. she was selected for a role in his film
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by the young director rustam khamdamov. his painting was closed. for the remainder of the budget nikita mikhalkov. shot the film "love's slave", he conducted new screen tests, including with khamdamov's actors. elena solovey passed them, although at first mikhalkov did not pay much attention to the actress. her appearance seemed ordinary to him, but on film she blossomed, showing touchingness, slight mannerisms and some kind of incomprehensible mystery. they made idols out of me, i am an ordinary woman. instead of elena solovey on the mechanical piano. they tried irina muravyova, natalya gundareva, approved and even started filming natalya leble. they took another actress, nikita took one who seemed similar to her, but it ended in a disaster and after the first day of shooting it became clear that she was of a completely different blood type than all those actors with whom before, kolyagin, someone
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else there was also anatoly ramshin,
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who was building the stroetsky bridge, because there was no reason for me to go to moscow, or that means it’s like karenina there. the actress was promised conditions unprecedented for soviet filming.
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we rented an apartment and a nanny and said that we would draw up a filming schedule taking into account feeding. well, as life has shown, it didn’t affect the children, but nevertheless, the basket took place, as without elena solovey, nikita nikholkov could not imagine his film without yuri bogatyrev, well, the nightingale, like yura bogatyrev, is what i call a moth , this is the greatest quality. oleg topakov,
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anatoly ramashin, leading actor alexander kolyagin, there were no competitors even in the film prop album. bogatyrev was somewhat similar to his character, a little ridiculous, with an ideal look at prosaic things, confused and delighted.
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as if for him these demens are now only given by the greek ones, thanks to this kadochnikov was remembered in the cinematic world, his next role was the eternal grandfather in
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andrei konchalovsky’s sibiriad, it is not the old one who dies, but the mature one, but i guess i’m not yet ready, in his film mikhalkov abandoned the moments . which is in chekhov’s play, there is no here how sophia shoots platonov, how sashenka tries to poison herself after learning about her husband’s love affairs, how she is indignant anna petrovna pours out when she sees: platonov’s indecent actions. this is not a finished play. not everything is explained in it, although all the points of the node are clearly placed. in chekhov's play, platonov dies after being killed by sophia. the creators of the script deliberately did not allow platonov to die like chekhov. chekhov needed this, but mikhalkov did not, because shooting a loved one is a serious act. and these heroes, according to mikhalkov,
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are no longer capable of actions. the authors needed a helpless hero who could neither drown himself nor change his life, nor survive hand to the woman who loves him, he is not given the opportunity to move to another plane, and as a weak person, he blames not himself, but others for everything, if he even drowned, we could consider him a hero, but instead he is hysterical, he quickly became a victim, he must suffer and there must be catharsis.
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nations of different tones could not be filmed without a cameraman who was a mozart in the profession. fortunately , mikhalkov had such a cameraman for his third film, pavel lebeshev. in the same unfinished piece for mechanical piano, there is an amazing scene where kolyagin goes to talk under the stairs, he has a cigar in his mouth. we can see the stairs, under the stairs. complete blackness, the cigar, while taking a puff of lebeshchiy’s thoughts , illuminates kolyagin and his partner and goes out, shines and goes out. lebeshev communicated with the film as if it were a living creature that only he could understand and tame. but the courage to use an actor who stands in complete blackness and speaks lines was a very big courage, i think that’s all.
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i did it there, yes, then i forgot about this music, they often remind me of you remember, i want this kind of music, what did you do there, i say, i don’t remember it at all, not a note, happiness, of course, no one could imagine in advance whether such chekhov would be accepted by the audience, it could turn out that nikita mikhalkov and aleksandrobyan enjoyed themselves, mixing the works of the great writer in order to prepare a strange dish from them, but it turned out that there was no, oh,
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there are no funds, gentlemen. the audience heard their film and were grateful for their sensitivity to chekhov. and those experts who refused to give conclusions to their script, found the will to apologize after the premiere and admit that they simply did not understand the cinematic ideas. the picture, therefore, began to circulate, receive international prizes, uh, in moscow there was a cinema called flame, which was located from the vysotka on vosstaniya square.
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before filming, nikita mikhalkov came up with the idea of ​​including a boy in the action. alexander dabashyan was against it; he believed that they had already shown a lot of freedom in their creativity. and the boy will become a popular inclusion in the film, in fact a new hero, which chekhov did not have. but mikhalkov insisted, and the image of the boy gave a feeling of the movement of life. he turned out to be a necessary counterpoint to all the characters in the film, thanks to the boy, danizetti's music and the first rays. of the rising sun, it was believed that future times and people of the future would turn out to be much better and purer than the present, and this was so chekhovian.
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with leorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a golden variety of entertainment. beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. welcome to rixos premium
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magavish suits and villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service from. exquisite cuisine will make your holiday unforgettable. riksa with premium magavish seats & villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. hello, it's news time on the culture tv channel. and my name is anna apolonova, look in this issue of sirs and falk from armenia, he could not imagine his life without a work of art. the tretyakov gallery shows little-known works from
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collections of aram abrahamyan, from writers to bloggers. i hope that this hypertext prize will allow my books to find new readers. famous laureates of the all-russian competition have become. literary prize hypertext. osudareva road. i wanted to show the history of russia in essence. alexander tchaikovsky's eighth symphony was performed for the first time in moscow. fantastic soap. a woman my age can become an action hero. why did the audience not like the movie atlas starring jennifer lopez? masterpieces of russian art from the aram collection abrahamyan is shown in the tretyakov gallery. at the moscow yerevan moscow exhibition, two parts of a large collection met for the first time: the one that the collector bequeathed to the museum of russian art in yerevan, and the one that remained in
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the family. maria trofimova has details. the outstanding physician-founder of the soviet school of urology, doctor of science, professor, arram abrahamyan, was a surgeon from god, and if medicine became his true... recognition, then his sincere love for art became a passion. a talented collector with extraordinary intuition, his collection covered 100 years of development of russian art, from the itinerants to the harsh style. of particular interest to the collector were the silver age avant-garde. among the first acquired works were paintings by serov, korovin, kustodiev, nesterov, and the bird seller pavel kuznetsov, which was exhibited in 1913 at the world of art exhibition. abrahamyan.
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i didn’t save it, it was unsafe at that time. raram yakovich lived in difficult times, before his eyes the case of pest doctors unfolded, and he miraculously did not end up in this meat grinder, while many of his colleagues did died, and he apparently did not want to leave any written traces. there are also several rare names at the exhibition; the collector paid attention to “little-known artists of the first decades of the 20th century, among
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them veniamin galvich. his work is mainly in private collections. the self-taught artist tried five times to enter the moscow school of painting using his patronymic name. he was a friend of malevich and dreamed of meeting vrubel. imitating vrubel and immersing himself in stylization, galvich developed his own artistic language. creating fabulous, partly naive images. so, for example, in the work fantasia 1918. armenian, as he was called in his close
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circle, felt like the heir of two greats.


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