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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  June 6, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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coming soon to rtr rtr planet is more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly!
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the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party, or what? who are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for a murder on a trick, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, it’s a dog in my opinion, it hurts, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shustakovich’s seventh symphony , who doesn’t take risks? for those who are not lucky, we will succeed, i will operate, i ’m scared, as if it were me, not me, unfortunately, there is neither a motive for the murder nor a connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you in general , you spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, i don’t even know if he wants to read. please
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read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope, russia rests on song, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, pour a basin of hot water on yourself i’m not talking rage, i’m leaving, i looked around, she’s already packed my things, peek-a-boo, meetings with the stars, and what’s there?
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the flag of the russian federation is already rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. breaking news, political investigations and impartial analysis. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events that will make this day memorable. when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair and, as we remember, enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only on the rtr planet channel.
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product of stellar group, vodka veda, product of stellor group.
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in a programme. sweet life. what unique product will help you lose weight and protect against alzheimer's disease and stroke. compared to just regular sugar, the absorption rate.
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some want to eat it more, others want to ban it completely. in fact, this product has been real since ancient times treasure, we even paid with money, by the way, at one time in south america. cocoa beans. it is clear that today we will talk about delicious things. wonderful, healthy, but sometimes harmful chocolate. which chocolate is the healthiest? can everyone eat it? and most importantly, what benefit is hidden behind it? we will figure it out together with our expert. oleg petrovich krivchenkov, nutritionist, member of the russian union
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of dieticians, nutritionists and food industry specialists. hello, greetings. i will never believe that you are mine. you allow patients to eat a lot of chocolate, i don’t allow a lot, but i don’t forbid it either, in general chocolate, if you know how much to eat, can even help you lose weight, but we mean bitter, probably, of course, exclusively, we’re talking about chocolate, where there is a lot of cocoa content, first we will understand the benefits of chocolate, i suggest we all now debunk the myths, yeah, chocolate, of which there are a lot, by the way, you said that it helps to lose weight. and we have a myth here that chocolate leads to obesity, i think that this myth is connected with the fact that that in many types of chocolate there is a lot of added sugar, caramel, and some other substances that increase its calorie content, but at the same time reduce its
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usefulness, moreover, this chocolate contains theabramin, and it converts cells, adepocytes, fat cells from white to brown, and quite recently there was a study about this by chinese scientists from chengzhou, then when a person wants to lose weight, it would be good to transfer these white cells to brown, yeah, that is, it turns out, it’s a myth that this myth, we have another statement that chocolate increases blood glucose levels, by the way, they talk about this very often, they say if you don’t feel well, maybe your sugar level has dropped. eat some chocolate, you'll feel better. a very interesting point here is that in general chocolate does not contain a very large amount of sugar. moreover, this sugar is in direct combination with cocoa butter. cocoa butter is a refractory fat that melts slowly and
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therefore slowly breaks down. it is known that all fat supplements reduce the rate of glucose absorption. and by for this reason, chocolate has a very low glycemic index, it’s somewhere from up to for dark chocolate to about 40, 45 for milk chocolate, compared to just regular sugar, regular glucose, yes, the absorption rate is two or four times lower , again, a myth, absolutely, it’s a myth, carice provokes it, by the way, yes, it stays on the teeth, but again this myth is connected with the fact that in this chocolate, in industrial chocolate, there is... . carbohydrates and should we now give up carbohydrates completely? no, you can after you have eaten chocolate, rinse your mouth, and of course, no one has canceled oral hygiene either. dark chocolate, compared to caramel, not only does not increase the risk of caries development, it even slightly reduces it, because those same
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polyphenols, astringents in cocoa, inhibit the development of those microbes that destroy our enamel. let's talk about the benefits of chocolate. prevention of kidney stones, the very polyphenols that are contained there, they reduce the content of calcium axalates in the blood, and calcium axalate damages blood vessels less, especially blood vessels guess. therefore, it is not deposited in the kidneys, but i draw your attention to the fact that we are talking only about calcium oxalates, because there are quite a lot of types of salts that can form stones in our kidneys, of course, i ate a chocolate bar, i immediately became smarter, i worked out in the gym for a while , i had such an instructor, it was related to boxing, he said to get your brain working right away, be physically active. drink coffee with a small piece of chocolate in the morning, is this a myth or true? absolutely true, coffee contains
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caffeine, and caffeine itself is a stimulant of the central nervous system, and theabromine, it belongs to the same group, but its effect is more peripheral, it affects, for example, breathing, dilates the bronchi, that is, you begin to breathe better, and it affects blood clotting, that is, at the same time, clotting is somewhat reduced and blood fluidity becomes better. violet irradiation on our skin, and after
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24 hours we evaluate it, look at how our skin reacted, well, roughly speaking, burnt, not burnt, damaged, not damaged, so scientists have also proven that chocolate increases the subarithematic dose, that is, if we eat chocolate, then there is less damage to our skin cells from ultraviolet rays, a weighty argument, by the way, before going to the beach... eat 20 grams of chocolate, like it’s good that there is a beach and chocolate at hand, yes, well, who doesn’t have a beach at hand has a vegetable garden under their thumb, let’s talk about the variety of chocolate, because right now what we see is in front of us, i’ve already learned dr. agabkin, that this white chocolate is not chocolate at all, it is partly chocolate, but when we talk about chocolate, we mean the presence of two main ones. accordingly, when we
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talk about white chocolate, we understand that there is only half there, there is cocoa butter, but there is no cocoa mass, and because of this, such chocolate, well , really, let’s say, in the ranking of chocolates, it will be in the lowest place, next in line we have milk chocolate, in second place it will be, but loved by children, it will be in second place because it will also contain...
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the tonic effect of coffee cannot be compared with regular cocoa, look, i recently found out that 56% of russians eat chocolate regularly, how much can we eat to benefit our health? well, there is that very conditional dosage, the amount of chocolate that will definitely bring benefits and will not harm, this is up to 20 g of chocolate per day, this is what will bring huge... health benefits, great, thank you very much,
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today we dispelled the myths about chocolate and found out that it is an extremely healthy product, but in the quantities that we recommended to use, we continue and give the floor to academician yuri nikilovich belenkov, who will tell you why dangerous problems with blood vessels may appear after covid and how to avoid them? you left, came on business, the premiere, it was i who ruined your happiness, i’m sorry, seryozha. that i understand you correctly, you want him, you understand correctly, please let him in, why do you have so much going on at once, don’t be upset, i ’ll try to help you, jackdaw on monday on prt, allow yourself a first-class vacation with
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lioresortam. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. titanic luxury collection, we invite you to
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the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world. working on an all- inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. i said i want white cat he likes.
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your birthday is like aphrodite from the sea foam. they say he is able to change a person’s aura, and his gift of telepathy allows him to predict the future and see through people. our film crew flew to sri lanka to spend a few days with one of the most inaccessible monks on earth. i knew that you would ask those questions, for the first time on
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television, monk saadura will talk about why he loves russia and... predict what fate awaits our country and the whole world. malakhov, today on rtr. good morning, i have a lot patients who, to one degree or another , have thrombosis, arterial, venous, many reasons cause this condition, but in recent years, covid-19 has become more and more common, or rather, not even covid-19 itself, but as we say.
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giri, this is a very painful, unpleasant, difficult condition, and in the evening, when i change my shoes into the shoes that came in the morning, i see how my feet simply do not fit into the shoes, and until recently i could afford fashionable, beautiful, narrow shoes. please tell me, doctor, how can i cope with with this problem of mine, how dangerous is this for my health? thank you in advance, thank you, come through once, let's come here already. good morning, please tell me, after what did this happen, i think it’s related to covid, i had it for the first time in 1920, when it... everyone got sick, and then you know, a couple more times , the last time was a year ago, i think that these are the consequences of covid, and besides, it
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wasn’t in such a severe form for me, you can say that the temperature there was 37.3, that is, but still however, i associate this with covid, of course, unfortunately, the consequences of covid do not depend on its initial severity, unfortunately, we have cases of consequences. covid even in mild cases, and we have nothing in patients even in severe cases, but you said, you still have a real job, and you have a real job on your feet, you have children, yes, how did the birth proceed, pregnancy, well, for me the child is already 30 years old, everything was fine, a good child, but i can yes note the fact that after giving birth i immediately started having problems with my legs, please tell me, did your mother have varicose veins or if she is still alive? problems with veins, let's just say, not my mother, but my father, he suffered all his life, and with varicose veins, moreover, he had a very strong form
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of varicose veins, and even covid-19 affects completely healthy blood vessels, but not to the same extent , one way or another, something must be so broken, so what is broken in arterial and venous thrombosis, arterial... veins: veins, as you understand, so that the blood does not flow back, there are so- called valves, this is what happens to our charming women, who begin to develop varicose veins, dilated veins, and valve insufficiency sets in, and here all sorts of, as we say, turbulent turbulences are formed. found in all organs,
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why more often in the legs? because you have a standing job, let’s say, some women who have a sedentary job would more often experience thrombosis, for example, in the veins of the small pelvis, sometimes this occurs when there is... sclerosis, that is, a change in the arterial vessel, it could be the carotid artery, well, naturally the coronary arteries, that is the place for thrombosis can be any, it begins with tissue damage to the lining vessels, this is for arterial thrombosis, narrowing of the vessel, yes, these are plaques, atheroscleric plaques on which blood clots form, impaired blood flow, and these are veins, that is, blood stagnation, edema, dilation , turbulent flow and, of course,
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not recommended, for example, not supported by a doctor, there is a risk, and of course, these are chronic diseases, in this case you have covid-19, why is thrombosis dangerous, coronary vessels, heart attack, carotid arteries, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, edema, parasthesia, convulsions, and the most unpleasant thing that happens with deep vein thrombosis.
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almost from the very beginning, we have been using drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots, these can be heparins, classical ones, so to speak, you know, almost all natural products, of course, these are disaggregants, the so-called direct oral anticoagulants, but in your case, of course, i would start with this, this is compression hosiery, compression, here this is all it can be. both knee socks and tights, it can be of any color, which is very important for a woman, all this is put on while lying down, in the morning in business and at work. came home from
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work, took it off, this is what i give you, thank you very much, this is probably in your case, when you already have varicose veins, this is the most important thing, thank you very much, good health, thank you, goodbye, this is the conversation about covid-19, about blood clots, arterial, venous, this is life, you need to know this, good health to everyone, if you have any questions, come to consultation, i give the floor to my colleagues. chelny, there is such a question: i have been suffering from a very frequent headache in the right hemisphere since 2020, no matter how many times i have come, maybe your doctor will tell you what to do, because injections. mines b-injected,
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i used massages, but it’s still not the same, it would be very nice if the doctors tell me, if we talk about the localization of pain, that is , one-sided pain, as i understand it, is of quite high intensity, most of all, according to the description, it resembles migraine, and here it is not at all surprising that the common drugs, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, some vitamins, massage, do not help, this is true, in this case only drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect work effectively, right? a drug from the triptan group, what actually needs to be done? yes, it is necessary to finally do it, well, the first thing that had to be done was to visit a neurologist, based on a survey, yes, he will make a presumptive diagnosis, and then, most likely, he will prescribe these drugs from the group of triptans, actually on a single basis appointment, it will be possible to predict whether we are really talking about a classic migraine, then, in general, the prescription of these drugs is
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the simplest and... itching in the ears began, and this generally causes discomfort, and even sometimes at night i wake up from this, then there is, i would like to know what this is connected with and what to do, quite often the appearance of itching in the ear canal can be a signal of the presence of a fungal infection, especially if before this, for example, there were some diseases requiring the use of antibiotics, then here this background may appear as a complication, in
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principle, fungi live in our ear, but only their... the number there is very, very small, when they feel that space has been made available for them, yes, uh, this may be due to the fact that antibiotics , for example, there were, this may occur due to a decrease in the production of earwax, which actually fights them, for a number of other reasons, they begin to actively multiply, accordingly, causing damage to the cells and the appearance of this very itching, which is advisable to do, visit - doctor from a rhinnolaryngologist, who will first perform an external examination. ear canal , if necessary, will take biological tests and, accordingly, prescribe medications , most often for topical use , antifungal in some rare cases , but these can be systemic antifungal drugs that will allow the fungus to be destroyed and, accordingly, these problems will be eliminated. thanks a lot. well, we will return to this studio immediately after advertising on the russia channel. pushkin
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is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has preserved its reflection forever. hearts treasure his words forever. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from the boldin estate. today on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxurious coziness at riksac
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golf villas and suite sharma, a stunning world-class golf resort surrounded by lush greenery. enjoy the modern design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal suitable for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a golden sandy beach. 1 km. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suds and villas - the vacation
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you've been dreaming of. hotel titanic deluxe golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy.
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we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how
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the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. we continue the ask the doctor section. dr. agapkin continues to answer questions about health. next question. attention to the screen. hello, my name is irina, i am from the city of izhevsk. i really love dairy products, but i heard that they do not have a very good effect on the microflora. tell me, doctor, is it worth giving up dairy products or are they still healthy? necessary in the diet. who is spreading this gossip, i don’t understand. actually here. as if the key mistake is that all dairy products are automatically classified into one group, we must immediately divide that there are whole milk products, those that are produced without the use of bacterial cultures, there are fermented milk products, if
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we, well, in some cases we really can have complaints about whole milk products, because some people cannot digest milk sugar, and accordingly, a kind of indigestion occurs , then bacteria enter the intestines. like yoghurts, curdled milk and so on, that’s what a huge number of studies say that fermented milk products such as these have no such claims, that is, moreover, they have a positive effect on the composition of the intestinal microflora, so they can and should be consumed, from the audience, who has it, please, hello, my name is regina, i am 49 years old, a year ago i was diagnosed with coxarthrosis of the femoral joint of the second degree, and if don’t be lazy, and i’m not lazy, and do special physical exercises for
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the joints, will they save me from this operation in the future, or will it still be inevitable, and it’s only a matter of time, in fact, if we’re talking about coxarthrosis of the second degree, it is not yet... an indication for endoprosthetics, but only in the presence of some aggravating circumstances. so, will exercise help? speaking from a point of view. radiology, then it is unlikely that there are people who do the exercises, people who do not exercises, most often on x-ray, almost everything remains unchanged, or in some cases with deterioration, if we talk about the condition, about well-being, and about the clinical picture, then of course exercises dramatically improve the clinical picture, and even in those cases when on x-ray there are no changes at all, nevertheless, people begin to walk, they stop experiencing pain and... this happens in a huge number of cases, that is, by and
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large, when we talk about indications for endoprosthetics, that is, in first of all, we are talking about arthrosis of the third degree, that is, when the articular cartilage is already worn out, the bone under the cartilage begins to collapse, as for the second degree, in this case, exercises can last for a very long time, for five, 10, 20 years, this process is well in essence, to stabilize it and prevent it from developing further. thank you very much, and we also have one video question waiting for us for dessert. good afternoon, my name is elena, this is a city near moscow, elektrogorsk, the question is: what drugs should i take to reduce cholesterol, a woman over the age of forty -five, or it is regulated by nutrition and active sports. here we can distinguish two primary groups. these are people whose cholesterol is elevated even at an earlier
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age, that is, these people need to take medications in any case. there are people whose cholesterol levels are normal for a long time, but at some age 40-45 years, this level jumps. there are, as they say, options, but they depend on what? they depend, in fact, on the level of total cholesterol, b, on the ratio, so called good bad cholesterol, depends on - such lipid. fractions as triglycerides. next, any cardiologist, if this is not a hereditary form, he suggests starting with lifestyle modification. this allows you to adjust your cholesterol levels, well, on average , by about 15%. if all this does not work, then in such cases medications are prescribed. in fact, there are several classes of these drugs, starting with the well-known statins, that is, which regulate the production of total cholesterol in the first place queue. ends with modern drugs that affect
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antibodies, which are administered there once a month in the form of injections. in principle, all these drugs work, and some drugs are prescribed, for example, for elevated triglyceride levels, which at first glance seem outdated, that is, which have been invented a long time ago, in some cases preference is given, in any case, not the same a story when a person himself decides whether to accept me, that is , a consultation with a qualified cardiologist is necessary here, which is based on... good morning, summer has finally begun and
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at the same time the season of sunglasses has begun , but choosing the right sunglasses is as important as choosing the glasses for your vision. can incorrectly chosen glasses be a threat to our vision? we will talk about this today. ultraviolet that emits. sun exposure is dangerous for all structures of our eyes; it is generally accepted that a person receives his maximum dose of ultraviolet radiation by about 18 years of age. after 18 years, ultraviolet radiation becomes it is dangerous for all structures of our eye: for the cornea, for the lens, for the retina and even for the optic nerve. there are three types of ultraviolet radiation hazards: first, second, third, which
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are respectively called abc. the safest type is ultraviolet s, because it is blocked by the atmosphere, not enough to damage the structures of our eyes. ultraviolet b is much more dangerous, you need to start protecting yourself from it, and ultraviolet type a is absolutely... a structure that can be affected ultraviolet radiation, this is the cornea and conjunctiva, when the surface of the eyeball is damaged.
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vision, this is macular degeneration or degeneration of the macula, the part of the retina that is responsible for our central vision, it has been proven that an excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation causes maculopathy, macular degeneration, people who live in places with high insolation, where there is a lot of sun, on the one hand are happy, because there is a lot of sun, on the other hand there is no protection. they have a higher percentage of diseases than people who live in the north. glasses are required. how to do it right choose dark glasses in order to protect our eyes from the possible diseases that we have listed. the spectators have signs with the inscription “truth or myth”, and
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we will try to guess whether the following statement is true or myth. the darker the glasses, the better, the more protection, true or myth? well done, those who raised the myth sign, they are absolutely right, the darkness of the glasses does not prevent the amount of ultraviolet radiation from passing through, because it is not the darkening that blocks ultraviolet radiation, but a special block that blocks ultraviolet radiation, which is placed in the glasses, that is, the degree of blocking depends on the degree of the filter, but not on the darkness, on the contrary, the darker the glasses, if the ultraviolet is not blocked, the worse and the more dangerous it is for our eyes, why? in the dark, you know perfectly well, the pupil dilates, more light passes into the eye. in a situation where we use dark
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glasses without an ultraviolet block, the pupil dilates, and there is a greater flow of light. energy passes the retina to the lens inside the eye, there is no this block in the glass, thereby we increasing the volume of ultraviolet radiation. the following statement: people with light eye color, blue and gray eyes, are most susceptible to sun damage, is this true or a myth? true, again, you see, we have an amazing audience today, everyone knows everything, several people raised a myth, in fact it’s really true, if...
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myth: even in cloudy weather in the summer , ultraviolet is present, it gets into our eyes in the same way as in sunny weather. and finally, the last statement: the daytime sun is the most dangerous, meaning morning and evening are not dangerous, and daytime is the most dangerous for passage. so, really, really, really, really, yeah, that's where the problem lies. in fact, this is a myth. how. it’s not strange, but daytime sleep, the sun is at its zenith, we, we don’t look at the sun like that, we don’t receive direct radiation into the eyes, at dawn and at sunset there is a direct hit of the sun’s rays into the eye, the penetration of the sun’s rays is much greater than at daytime, so people who like to
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watch the sunrise or watch the sun go down, wear sunglasses like choose the right glasses, on all arms? glasses with good branded glasses inside there is a marking, the degree of ultraviolet is indicated on it, it says cv 200, 300, 400, depending on where you are going to go and what intensity of the sun, the ultraviolet amount must be certain, there is a category of transparency, that is, there is already depends, if you have blocked ultraviolet light, select a category. themselves according to their feelings, in order to make it less dark or more light. and finally, the shape of the glasses, which is also very important, the form should. be streamlined, remember that light passes not only through the center, but from the periphery, so it is desirable that
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the periphery is protected, let's see, i see you all have glasses, come to me here, you with your glasses, here you are we have a flashlight, let's shine it on us, we are without a flashlight, here comes the sun, here comes the ultraviolet light, insert your glasses under the flashlight and the ultraviolet light does not pass through, you have wonderful glasses, i congratulate you. we discussed everything with you, this is very important, it is very interesting, so don’t fall into the traps, don’t buy wrong glasses, dear friends, take care of your eyesight, your eyesight is priceless, i give the floor to my colleagues, you need to go to the hare lakes, your relatives live there, what other hare lakes are there, what are you up to there again, premiere. how do you look like tanya? no, i’m not with my mother’s parents? yes, dad, no, i was right, i’m coming for you immediately,
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living under the same roof does not mean being one family, my daughter, i took care of her, and now i’m taking care of the children, dad, don’t, stop, but she has a plan, i decided finish this history, dad, we just don’t need it anymore, alexander nikolaevich, right? galka on monday on rtr. say goodbye to painful and unsightly calluses forever with peddywack. the first motorized callus remover with built-in vacuum cleaner. remove calluses anywhere, anytime because the chips are sucked straight into a collection chamber for easy cleaning. on a trip or in the office, you all. you can always be sure that your feet will always be in perfect condition, even unsightly calluses on your hands, gently but carefully removed with
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peks, you'll receive a complete set of peeddives for silky soft, smooth legs at a sensational value price of just 49.95. but wait, if you place an order now, you will get a second set of peddy wack as a gift, this is a caring experience that you can share with your loved ones. and the price will remain the same, only 49.95 and you save almost 50 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. attention, summer sale, best -selling bestmarket hits from only 4.95. introducing the lightning cabbage cutter, which shreds one head of cabbage in just one minute. simply fix the cabbage head on the base and insert it into the mechanism. adjust the cutting width from 10 to 2.5 mm and start growing the handle, everything is simple,
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just one, two, three, now you can cut a ten-liter pan of sauerkraut in just 5 minutes, we bring to your attention a system for moving furniture conveyor, with its help you you can easily handle moving heavy objects on your own and won’t even get tired, moving, rearrangement of furniture, general cleaning, just lift a heavy object on purpose. lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. we present to you a machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. just knead the dough according to your favorite recipe. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add the required amount of filling, press the special lever and that’s it. smooth, openwork, identical dumplings are ready. introducing. stunning new season garden shoes. these are lightweight, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout
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the day. for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or doing gardening, garden shoes are the best solution. mini greenhouse granary. it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate growth , fruit ripening, extend the gardening season, and the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. mini-greenhouse. an indispensable assistant in the household. attention, summer sale, best-selling bestmarket hits from only 4:95. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes today on rta. i moved into my mother’s apartment, and a certain lady lives there, whom i...
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we often talk about genetic predisposition, it really has such a strong impact on health and life, is it possible to somehow get around it, change it? alas, but of course, heredity largely determines our lives, and not only appearance, there blue eyes, curly hair, skin color and so on, while, for example, the condition of blood vessels, yes, varicose
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veins are largely associated with genetics. genes influence life expectancy: i vote for lifestyle, since healthy eating and sports prolong life, and any genetics can be ruined. i vote for genetics, because no matter what your lifestyle , if the genes are bad, it’s unlikely that anything will help. i vote for genetics; in my family, despite their lifestyle, there are quite a lot of people who live to a ripe old age.
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i choose a healthy lifestyle, for example, being an overweight mother, i have been afraid of this all my life. and i followed a healthy lifestyle, and the result suits me. we will find out who was closest to the truth together with our permanent expert, professor of gerantology, svetlana trafimovna. how to live with a sound mind and long memory? world-renowned gerantologist svetlana vladislavovna trofimova, professor, secretary general of the world preventive council. generative and anti-aging medicine, president russian society of anti-aging medicine will give practical advice for future centenarians of our country. good morning, good morning, what is more important: genetics or a healthy lifestyle? i will probably surprise you a little, but gerontologists have two diametrically opposed answers to
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your question, all depending on which population group. it was found that if there is at least one centenarian in a family who has crossed the hundred-year mark, then his offspring turn out to be healthier and have a greater chance of living to old age. question, mikhail, do you have centenarians in your family? i just know my grandparents? no, there are no centenarians,
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but you know, don't be upset because others have explored.
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move at any opportunity, in fact, many people think that movement is a must go to the fitness club, but in reality we are surrounded by a lot of opportunities to make the body work,
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to make the body work, it’s not for nothing that we say that movement is life, among nowadays there are very many adherents of a healthy lifestyle such a concept as nit is fashionable, that is, it is a physical... activity not counting high physical activity, and this is absolutely correct, because we can move when we walk, when we do nordic walking, or when we exercise in the garden, on the plot, but it doesn’t matter that the main thing is that there is movement, it’s really amazing, here i have a house in the village, and there is a store in the village, but it ’s only open in the summer, a neighboring store in a neighboring village and... 3 km and then there are those people who are around the clock live in our village they don’t have a car, they ride a bike in winter, you won’t go? yeah, three times a week they walk there 3 km to the store and back 3 km to
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the store, with a bag, with a load, a bag, yes, and i’m not surprised, we have a lot of centenarians in our village, by the way, yeah, of course, physical activity it not only makes the cardiovascular system and brain work better, we have talked about this many times. but even the research carried out, by the way, very interesting research was carried out by our finnish colleagues among even for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, only three times a week, and regular walks, even better if it was nordic walking with sticks, contributes not only to an improvement in the condition of the cardiovascular system, but also to a significant reduction in blood sugar levels, that is, an improvement metabolic processes, yeah, well, by the way, now even for sedentary people , the latest research shows that you can come up with such household activity, for example, recent research suggests that even isolated work is just one muscle of our body, the soleus muscle,
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is already able to positively influence carbohydrate and fat metabolism, that is, it would seem that a person is sitting in the office, raising his foot on his toes, or at home on the sofa, even now, when he watches our program, he lowers it once and again ... he has this very soleus muscle, it takes glucose and cholesterol from the blood, join us, friends, let's move on, oh, drink water with mint, but we all know that our body is almost 60% water, and what to drink - this is absolutely necessary if we want a to be long-lived, well, you know, many of my patients begin to complain, say that... water is not very interesting to drink, it doesn’t taste very good, and this time we suggested adding mint to the water, yeah, it’s actually an amazing herb , which contains a large
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amount of vitamins and minerals, and generally has fabulous healing properties; among other things, mint has a mild sedative effect, so it can be used for various, well, neurological, like... some changes in body, mint has a fairly good anti-inflammatory effect, so it is often recommended even to patients who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, well, among other things, on cognitive function, as recent studies show, mint also has a positive effect, activates, even inhaling the aroma of mint already activates our cognitive ability, of course, well, then in the summer there are very hot days, cold ones. is mint water perceived as pleasant lemonade? absolutely correct and not only pleasant, but also useful. yes, what still unites so many centenarians is
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an optimistic outlook on life. that is, people, when faced with problems, do not give up, but say, this too will pass. no, not solvable problems. what are you reading? jokes. everything in our body is interconnected, emotions influence the production of hormones, the hormones of our joy, and this in turn helps suppress stress hormones and strengthen the cardiovascular system, by the way, a recent meta-analysis of 35 studies showed that people who look at the world positively live on average 18% longer than their pessimistic
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peers. go ahead. vegetable consumption. moreover, it is very interesting that now the emphasis is not on just one super vegetable, but the emphasis is on diversity. it seems to me that we need to remember the traffic light rule here. that we should have at least three colored vegetables or fruits on our plate every day. and by the way, i also heard the rainbow rule, which, well, this is apparently an extended rule, whatever. here from red to violet are different, so that they are represented, the most important thing is that the more colors the better, yes, in fact, every color here is actually associated with something, with certain substances, that is, if we take, for example, take red , yes, they are rich in something, lycopene, a substance, in principle , they are all orange and red, they all contain carotenoids, these are powerful antioxidants, but if we are talking about the red color, then... quite a lot of this substance
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lycopene is contained in tomatoes, even in watermelon, in some blood oranges, that is, citrus fruits, it is not for nothing that these vegetables and fruits are generally considered vegetables and fruits that even prevent the occurrence of cancer, well, if we take some green vegetables, they are rich in phalates, they contain folic acid, they are rich in vitamin k, which is also vital for us . purple is an antacean, which protects the vascular wall, but that is , in fact, each vegetable has its own unique contribution to our health. great, thank you very much! today we found out that life expectancy is always determined only by genetics, and much in this matter is in our hands. our level of physical fitness, our diet, all contribute to our longevity, so follow the recommendations of... thank you for
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spending this morning with us, we wish you a good day of good health. see you on russia tv channel. hello on the russia tv channel, denis polonchukov is in the studio and the main news comes from st. petersburg, where today the business forum started program. we’ll talk about this in more detail a little later, but for now about the conversation that the president had the day before with the heads of the world’s leading news agencies. how will russia respond to the actions on? in
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ukraine, is it possible to use nuclear weapons, is it important for...


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