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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  June 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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communication also belongs to the great hero of the day, in accordance with this fundamental principle, every year the book fair presents all the most interesting things for the younger generation: 100 publishers and new products for children. olga mishcherikova, riya khizrieva, ivan muroshov, evgeniy turchak, news. the first competition of the festival of young virtuosos of kazan 2024 ended in the capital of tatarstan with a large-scale holoconcert. it was held under the patronage of the famous opera singer aida garifulina. music school students aged from 8 to 16 years old took part in the competition. the initiator was the center of contemporary music, which has been working with talented guys for many years. creative laboratories, master classes and lectures and concerts were held for them. the main prize for the thirteen finalists was a performance on the big stage. the news continues to monitor developments. stay with us.
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good afternoon everyone, he controls almost 100 temples around the world, they say he is able to change a person’s aura, and his gift of telepathy allows him to predict the future and see people through, for the first time television, monk ratanasara mahad herapolikande will talk about how... how to achieve enlightenment and how to discover abilities in yourself, for more than 25 years buddhism in sri lanka has been the dominant religion, it can be felt here in everything, literally at every step, in symbols , in architecture, but the greatest interest is, of course , people, buddhists, who... how to consciously
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achieve enlightenment, and today we will meet with one of the most important buddhist monks in the whole world, our program was waiting for this meeting more than a year. since ancient times, buddhist monks in sri lanka had a special status; they were inviolable and not even subject to their own king. nowadays, for example, the president of sri lanka cannot just meet with the chief monk of his country. on this. the spiritual leader himself must give his consent, therefore one of the most enlightened buddhists of this island, the acting patriarch, the venerable guru palikanda ratanasara mahad hero, does us the great honor of receiving us in one of his temples. you are the performer is obliged.
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that everything consists of matter, and we must preserve the buddha, so we must give respect to the buddhist monks, they seem to have power over the authorities, and in sri lanka, power belongs to the one who owns the tooth of the buddha, one of the main relics of the island. according to legend, after the cremation of buddha , four of his teeth were taken from kastra, which were transported all over the world, one of them ended up in ceylon; it has been hidden in families for many centuries. gold
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lorts, nested one inside the other, it is believed that if the buddha’s tooth is destroyed, then there will be buddhism was also destroyed in sri lanka. buddha brought the tooth to us in the century ad from india, the duties of our king were to preserve the tooth. every year, on a visit to the full lyuni , they spend it on the street, a seven-day holiday. the most important thing is whoever owns the buddha becomes the president. and you often meet with the president of sri lanka. there is no president, so when in need, well , that is, it’s normal to refuse the first person of the country a meeting, say that even they will refuse me too, it’s okay if he’s bad, even he wrote an announcement that no politicians come to me, then whoever offends me, and it will be bad for them, it’s an accident, i don’t know, i don’t believe in god, but he will punish him anyway, then whoever wrote against me, his hand, his dog ate him, then i myself and
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and how old were you when you acquired this gift of telepathy? when i was, i was 15 years old as an orphan, when i was 20 years old as a monk, but when after meditation in the eighties it appears. in our studio we have dashi lama, one of the three guardians of hambalama itigelov. hello, good afternoon, do you know each other personally? sadu ratanasari? personally, i don’t know him, but... we are waiting for him, this year in august we will have a conference in valadinsky datsan, and we are waiting for him at this conference, and so, yes, of course, our rector personally knows, and our lama knows too. so,
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sadurasara has already said that he can stop the rain for 5 minutes with the power of his thoughts, but what else can he do? attention. so, well, i didn’t tell this to anyone, i don’t know anything, but that’s why i felt when you say something - two or three sentences, but i understand 20 sentences, so, well, this is from your childhood, yes, childhood, and this is from you, yes, when who is my mother, i think, yes, yes,
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my mother, from the age of 10, she thought that i would become a monk, when she was 10 years old, she thought that my mother was 10 years old, yes, my mother was 10 years old, she says, she saw my... teachers tonsured a monk, she thought that my first son, i would be, but she never talked about she didn’t tell me this, but then, but still, when i’m 5-6 years old, i already feel that my mother wants me to become a monk, nine or ten years old i behaved like a monk, but my father did not want to tonsure my relatives, but my mother completely achieved it, i just had some kind of image of a monk, that i should, but i can’t explain it.
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to us morocco, then france, england, and germany, and poland, and so on, and vietnam , and vietnam, and burma, myanmar now, and laos, and nepal, india, there are so many of these, so many countries, and you lived there in each for some time, some 6 months, a year, thailand was there, myanmar was there for six months and so on, and what kind of mission did you have there, to each country mission to read buddhism. manage our places, and the temples, the war is ours, the internal war, yes sri lanka, these are all the leaders of the tamil front, and you talked to the rulers or how it happened
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, the rulers talked to the military leaders of that organization, the physical war of the government ended, but the spiritual internal war did not end, but i was rewarded. the indians awarded me and made me the head of the chairman of the truce of the military parties, they recognized me very much, in sri lanka he is highly respected celebrated, then they wanted to make me an honorary consul of latvia and i attended receptions of the latvian government, but when they told her that i was the chairman of the general friendship with russia. and sri lanka, but they didn’t let it be possible, and france reacted like that too, they also know, well, no one in france is fine, and england too, and england, but burma and thailand are especially watching, and burma and india and uh thailand, they are
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these countries sometimes look at us, at me, with some doubts, but latvia and canada don’t even refuse me all the time. that everyone asks at airports, but i’m honest i say, he says everything at once, then i have to speak, then i won’t have their loyalty, tell me, you’re watching this interview now, you often meet people who can feel, predict, see, well... i’ll say quite often surrounded, of course, and since i am engaged in buddhism,
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i practice buddhism, accordingly, and a lot of people come, mainly to meet more, probably with practitioners, so in any spiritual practices a person discovers some abilities, and therefore this is natural, usually we have ordinary sitkas and higher sitkas. which helps us achieve this path of enlightenment, so all this is there, yes, you are one of the three guardians of khambalama and tegelov, who say that you still telepathically communicate with your students, it’s true, he communicates with khambalama tirilov every day, this is the main guardian , ae bembalama, and just every day he receives a message from hamblama kirillov. and this is mainly connected with the teaching, sometimes it happens
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that it says, it is precisely it that is aimed at certain people, very many people come to us there are many pilgrims, when communicating with them, you understand that this message was sent specifically for this person, but i will say that since these messages are sent every day, there has never been a single repetition, and even... it made me laugh, once such a case happened, since bimbalama receives this information in the buryat language, he communicates little in russian, and one day he asked me, a russian word, what does it mean, that khambalama said one word in russian, and just asked me to decipher this word, so i want to say, that these are not bembalama's dreams, and also this is not his... fantasy, that is, these are really direct messages from the boor, and
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also, of course, not only bembalama, but a lot of people come to us, and indeed, they communicate with the boor, one day an elderly woman came up to me and asked me , khambalamalov told me to pick up the grains from the floor and take them away. home, that’s possible, he says, yes, yes, of course, uh, since in our tradition, just during a prayer service, grains represent flowers, and of course, since any thing can be charged, and this, especially during prayer time, and this has information, good information, accordingly, in our tradition it is customary, after the prayer service, anyone can collect these grains. take it home with you and keep it at home or scatter it in the yard for cleansing, for the goodness of the house,
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so this is indeed true, and they also told me that khambala maitelov swore allegiance to nicholas himself, have you heard about this, yes, these are indeed all historical documents there is, when... the revolution happened, then he said, since i swore an oath to nicholas, and since he was overthrown, he asked for his resignation from positions are rude. well, let's listen to what saduratara told us about nicholas ii.
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attention. dear friends, now you are in front of the tree that nicholas ii planted. in 1891 he visited sri lanka on a trip to the far east. and 2 weeks passed from sri lanka. he was received by the english governor in the city of columbo. he saw the temple of buddha, a monk. saw and by the way - at that time, as if his mind was calm about the teachings of buddha, he was ordered to collect books from sri lanka about buddhism, and... these holy places and he collected it, they gave it to him once, he probably read it, he saw it all, but it’s a pity that his son got sick, so they invited a buddhist monk from halmiki to treat him, the king remained darni. and he chose a buddhist monk and agan
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darjei such buryadsky, too. learned diplomat, the british seemed to have captured it, owned it as far as possible, and he reported this to the king, the agvandarje asked to build a buddhist temple in the city of the northern capital of russia, and he allowed it on primorsky street, now the name ninety-first was built a five-story building, well, after the revolution, of course, the clergy was liquidated , and six monks were never shot there on the spot. dvartse doubted that they were japanese spies. nicholas ii was a very sensitive person, so he was involved in these matters, but he believed these extrasentions, why did he - rasputin dressed him, nicholas ii, why did he put this tree, this iron tree, this is
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not such a tree in this world, there is no longer one who cannot be an eyeball, the rest of all trees can a. what do you think, this is really rasputin, who was credited with the gift of foresight, yes, because he told
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nikolayevich that i would no longer be, would not be from the royal family, what did he do, in your opinion, next to the royal family? you know, there are , of course, different points of view regarding rasputin, but even opponents of rasputin, like felix yusupov, one of the accomplices in the murder, recognized the special, as they would say, paranormal abilities of rasputin, and tsarevich, heir to the throne alexei, was sick with hemophilia, we cannot exclude blood, at that time, doctors apparently did not know how to treat it.
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interesting topic. rasputin met and was quite close with pyotr badmaev. pyotr badmaev is a baptized buryat, tibetologist, and healer. his godfather was alexander ii. and it is believed that pyotr bodmaev introduced rasputin to the knowledge of this tibetan healing practice. this is one of the hypotheses. but bodmaev really influenced the royal court and determined , to a large extent, enthusiasm for the eastern theme, and how buddhist this set, set the vector, in conclusion, to what extent this topic may be important when nicholas, the future emperor, visits japan, he gets
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a tattoo there. dragon, there is a lot of talk about this about the society of the green dragon, well , that is, they dissuaded him, the dragon, as is known in the buddhist tradition, is a symbol of good, that is, nicholas, the future emperor, he was really passionate about this topic, and we see that since putin, in general, could intersect with healers and representatives of buddhist culture. there was also a special attitude towards him, as the first person who flew into space. in december 1961, ceylon
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became the first country on yuri gagarin's world tour after his flight into space. he stayed at this oldest hotel on the ocean. lonkians still revere our compatriot and believe that it is theirs. earth, gagarin received an even greater connection with space. here, dear friends, now we are in front of the tree that was planted by the respected cosmonaut yuri gagarin, 1961, it happened on december 9, yet he came with great respect and received such a soviet a heric man. when yuri gagaririn died, before his death. these trees seemed to be broken, and then after how long they let the little ones go again, they appeared again like this, we thought that they were dying, as
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if the tree felt that as he died, as if they were crying, yuri gagar is the first foreigner who visited sri lanka, he came here, columbo, and columbo was greeted with great celebration by his government, the prime minister and so on, and visited many cities and ancient cities. after this, what sadurasara talked about in a private conversation with valery kustov, who is also here today, as well as about
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predicting the future, all this is ahead, stay with us, pushkin, the name in which it reflects. anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from the
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boldin estate, today on rtr. you're bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will take a big hit. according to your budget, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its with your help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, it’s ready solution, photo facade bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call
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to order a universal photo facade for fence bright life at a special price. only from 995. simply choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your country plot. say goodbye to painful and unsightly calluses forever with peddywag. the first motorized. callus remover with built-in vacuum cleaner. remove calluses anywhere, anytime because the chips are sucked straight into a collection chamber for easy cleaning. whether you're traveling or in the office, you can always be sure that your feet will always be in perfect condition. even unsightly calluses on the hands are gently but thoroughly removed with the peddywack. you will receive a complete set of peddy vack for silky soft, smooth legs in a sensational way you... but wait, if you order now, you will receive a second set of peddyvag as a gift, this is a care that can
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be shared with. with your loved ones, and the price will remain the same, only 49.95 and you save almost 50 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited, pechora vodka, stellar group product, snob gin, stellar product group, stirsman bourbon, stellar group product, veda vodka, product. i moved into my mother’s apartment, and there lives a certain lady to whom i recently rented two rooms, and now he is going to live with me, and this is interesting, dear neighbor, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, all the songs that will be played in our studio about dancing. this was my dream, i grew up listening to your
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songs, dark nights, now we will dance, today is the girls’ holiday, today there will be dancing, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rts, good again day, for the first time on television we show one of the most... advanced leaders of buddhism, a monk who has the superpowers of the telepater thanasar mahad heropolykanda. before the advertisement , he told our correspondent how he acquired the gift of telepathy and how he found the path to enlightenment, and those who wish him harm, as he says, are overtaken by karmic punishment. top officials of different states turn to him, but despite his high position, sado renatanosaro
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remembers his youth with warmth. from life in moscow, that's why he speaks well in russian: how did a monk from celon manage to become a soviet student 50 years ago? did you even come to moscow, what year was it, why did you come? so i was studying at the seminary after i was tonsured as a monk, one day i went to see my teacher.
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i’ll give you 10, so he gave 10 rupees to glue stamps, he submitted this uh application from the ministry of education, i was so happy to come because my brother, my brother, also studied in russia and it was 1974, so on august 11 we were invited to fly to moscow, but you didn't know then? russian language, no, we didn’t know anything, we thought what was there, why wouldn’t anyone take us, at night, at that time from shermetiev airport, and we arrived at mikla maclay street, honor house, the first day of class started, but teachers, but my teacher says that oh, how the monk appeared, uh, then she told me, at least not from my group, she thought, but then they arrived, started teaching, first...
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a political figure, and what was amazing, you you know, in my book, since we are friends with valery valentinovich, and we have been communicating for a long time, just at that moment i received a book where valery valentinovich is one of the authors, when we were talking with him about various issues about what he would like to see more, his gaze suddenly fell on this book, here his eyes opened wide, he looked at this book and pulled it, interrupted the conversation, pulled it towards him, looked, leafed through, then put it back in place, i tell him, well, if you are interested, if you want, here you take it, please, we later, and he said, yes, i i always tell my students about how deep the philosophy of sensation is, and
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the russians have a sense of themselves in the universe in space, he says, for me this book will be a great help for teaching my students, this communication with him, when... in principle it’s not easy his, well , firstly, brilliant conversation in russian, understanding and knowledge of history, but also his interest and knowledge of our philosophical thought completely amazed me at that moment, well, then it so happened that we brought together valeria valentina, because there was such interest at saadu radnosar to this book, well, it so happened that further contact with valery valentinovich had already arisen, because two...
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because there are legends about you, i would like to see for myself, well, when your group was there, i showed it, well, let's see how your communication went, good evening, good, good evening, how are you, how are you, okay, i remember our meeting in moscow, yes, yes, i will remember, thanks for the photo, thanks for the book, what- then the research took a long time, but the research. all the time as if offensive, you have to to study what we are doing, when you are, when you are in moscow, be sure to come to me. valery valentinovich, do you remember the meeting, when you saw each other, can you tell me, well,
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firstly, uh, i knew that respected people would come to me, you know, naturally, respect and respect were shown on my part, well, we talked a lot and we visited for a long time, thank you for... did you feel some knowledge and skills in your interlocutor? well, firstly, in any denomination, a person who reaches such a level, he endowed with a gift, a cosmic one, you can’t just get to this level, please tell me, here’s valery velentinovich, you have your gift, yes, it developed, did you talk about it after clinical death? yes, at 2 years old, at 2 years old, yes, but usad is a ancestral thing, i understand correctly, i’m not mistaken, i also had a ancestral one, my mother is from a royal family, whose representatives in alanya were priests, and
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clinical death also seemed to activate all these manifestations in me, well, how about this clinical death for you, i also had it in 209 in... vietnam, one girl, my sister, injected me incorrectly - some kind of medicine, my heart began to hurt very badly, and so on, and it was as if i had left. from this earth, and i entered the sky, swam alone, but at that time , it was as if i had appeared in life and found myself on the bed, which means that we have the most interesting thing, the beginning of death is the same, a nurse in a dark corner took me a medicine for injection and administered the wrong medicine, i died, we have many years ahead of a fruitful creative life as a healer,
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can you tell him his age care, so a situation arose, i told him when he was in my office that i would show how i work at a distance, and just this situation arose during the conversation, i showed him, he had some problems there . ..
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heart, yes, the first one, that means the upper lobe of the right lung, so, i don’t like the left hand a little, you have it, here in the left hand, here, and such bone pains, yes, well, if you can water it a little i'm suffering from heartburn, okay, i guarantee you right away that... your heartburn will go away, which means
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if you want, i will show you from a distance how i work, and you will feel my influence from a distance, you want to try, like this, i have entered into contact, you feel something on the surface of your body, or inside, yes, inside, a little, of course , a little bit, which means that today your sleep will be a little disturbed, given that... i will, as it were, increase your energy at the expense of cosmic energy, and this will affect your sleep, you will sleep less today in terms of time, but i’ve already got stomachs , pain torsion, understandable, understandable, i've gone a little bit, how much distance between us do you know approximately more accurately than i do?
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in the eighth year, i attended a lecture by a buddhist teacher for the first time, i really didn’t like the first lecture in the garden, that is, in fact, the communication began with this, that is, i didn’t like it. and after the lecture i stayed, as if i began to ask questions, began to argue, but as a result a certain mutual interest appeared, let’s say, and after a while i took refuge, that is, when a person becomes a buddhist, and it’s interesting that all these disputes , which i led the garden, in the end he turned out to be right, but i began to understand this
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after about 7-8 years, it is true that they say about him, that he is an amazingly modest person, who in... everyday life in general is a great ascetic, well, generally speaking, however, in the monastery him, how would i live too, in fact, he occupies, in general, two rooms in total, moreover, very not luxurious rooms, ordinary, like any sri lankan, there is a bedroom in one room, an office in one room, and a small kitchen there with shower, that is, he lives very modestly, really, come on let's see how he introduced our...
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heads, then on the forehead, then on the nose, these are the air that passes through your holes in the nose, so your attention is on the tip of the nose, you will start to feel pain, because sitting postures, your consciousness will send that place, where does it hurt, why does it hurt, because the four elements are intersected, matter collides when sitting in one state, and after... with the help of meditation we know ourselves, we can even read the thoughts of other people, this is
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a psychological power, but it is like science, like a doctor who sees a patient and describes his condition, the patient. can say just a couple of words, the doctor already understands everything, but we do not predict the future, we are not palmists, a person’s body language speaks for him, once a man came to me from hungary, he came for 2 months, but stayed here for 2 years, why, apparently he learned something, now i have about 65 students, one of these main students is here, he is a great preacher, very popular, big officials come on the full moon and he also preaches from australia. first secretaries come to see me the president of sri lanka, the prime minister, various
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military leaders, they ask for the release of all the dirty deeds of the soul, they want to find inner peace, i don’t even have a tv and i...
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so many say goodbye to the buddhist monks, they come here to experience some a miracle, for the monks themselves a small miniature appeared as a small miracle. video camera, this is also one of my students, then he is 6 years old, the respected venerable monk is also 6, well, it’s as if a healthy person is walking around, then about his age, yes, he wished you health, all the best. then uh to go to heaven then to the end of neruana to reach neruana and we wish let’s do it now. a short advertisement immediately after this: what future awaits russia and the world? prediction of a monk from
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sri lanka, after advertising. some kind of strange wedding? quiet, no people. which one did you number? and what? this is my wedding. jackdaw. on monday on rtr. say goodbye to painful and unsightly calluses forever with peddywag, the first motorized callus remover with a built-in vacuum cleaner. remove calluses anywhere, anytime, because the chips are sucked directly into the collection chamber, which is convenient to clean. whether you're traveling or in the office, you can always be sure that your feet will always be in perfect condition. not even. beautiful calluses on your hands are gently but carefully removed with peks, you will receive a complete set of peeddives
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a living doll. what made anastasia vachkova so angry, who had never seen anything like this before? who are these people, don't continue here, we we remember her, she’s one of those friends who go to the museum. live on friday on rtr. what are we celebrating? is your birthday like aphrodite from the foam of the sea? and the guy is okay, he’s so reliable. you finally decided everything, he saved my life, maria nikanova, egor barinov. there is a huge gap between us, ksyusha, you are an amazing woman, and i, he left, just as he left, on the other side. on friday on rtr.
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once again, good afternoon to those who have just joined us, for the first time on russian television, the monk and telepath ratanasar mahadhera palikanda talks about his abilities. he even considered the intentions of our film crew, who flew to sri lanka, about the upcoming questions to him. we are joined by a cyberneticist, a parapsychologist who also conducted experiments with saratanasara, elmira skiba, let's talk to her, you have known our monk since 1998, i was told when he came to you in tyumen, well, yes, 98-9, you traveled with him, what interesting things you saw, what cases you can. tell describe? well, first of all, i want to be surprised how you was it really possible for your film crew to get this, well, access to the garden and
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such a full interview?
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on such a large bus we had a group that came on an expedition, the garden arranged for us to visit the excavations, and we drove along such interesting paths through different villages, that is, through the entire interior of the country. and us, when we stopped and got off the bus, of course, and people around, if they found out that we would pass by the garden, they, of course, were there to touch his clothes, that’s all, and we were there. so surprised that he and i were traveling on the same bus, here people treat the garden like this, at one of these stops the whole village was on duty, and there they had such an unusual, unusual phenomenon, when the boy was small, he had some incomprehensible symptoms, in general, there were seizures, and no one knew what to do, not
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the doctors, no one could help, the village was very worried, my mother could no longer find a place for herself from grief, so they were waiting for our bus, when we got out, the garden came out, they told him this they told everything, and he put his hand on his head boy, the boy was in a fit, specifically, he put his hand on this boy’s head, and after a while he calmed down, and they took him to bed, we left further, throughout our entire program, we returned somewhere in a few days. when we were returning, there we learned that at this place every day someone came from this village to wait for the garden to say that everything was fine, and the whole village thanked him, that the boy was fine, he then slept for two or a day later he woke up completely, as if all this had not happened, and the boy didn’t even remember,
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that’s how sadu said now that i don’t remember that i had any pain, yes, that is, there is no such thing. as if reprogramming had even happened, that the boy didn’t remember, the mother was happy, everyone seemed to bring a lot of gifts to the garden, that is, fruits, from this village, what they grew, fruits, spices , everything, well, so to the garden he is a very generous man, he immediately handed out all these fruits on our bus and said: you are all participants in this event, let’s share the holiday, this is one of those. but what does it even have photographs, research results, how communication, yes, you also took these same measurements, how communication with him and there joint services change the aura of people, yes, i head a research center and we have equipment that can demonstrate various indicators of people, rhythms brain,
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heart rhythms, that is, physiological, energy indicators, and when interacting with someone or something, yes, we can always look before and after this interaction, and in the garden he has a very inquisitive mind, and he is always here to the point, he practitioner, wants to get to the bottom of it, and we then studied the influence of sound vibrations on a person, and there is such a tradition of a chant called paritta, when the monks ... sing - without stopping, some pick up the others, that is, there are not even gaps in this singing, and it became interesting to explore, he says: after paritta, various miracles happen, and our group also witnessed such a miracle, physical, because once in sri lanka , before leaving, we stopped at a monastery near a garden and he organized a paritta for us
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blessing for travelers on the road, well, to bless our road. when it was floating, firstly, we ourselves were so incredible, even, that is, as if there was no gravity, there was such lightness during this paritta. then we drove for a long time, where there were no chargers and so on, everyone ’s phones were dead before the airport, and their phones were dead, and after parity we discovered that our phones were working, the phones turned on when we approached, i say, the garden it's like a miracle, our phones started working, he he says he’ll still work here and fly home, until you all get to your places, your phones will work. well, important questions, important questions that interested our film crew, which concern not only russia, but the whole world,
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let's listen to what he said, now under cooperation in ukraine, will we forgive each other, will we be able to be together, yes you can, because the future will be smart people, you know that some, this is your enmity, did not... appeared from the heart, this is other external enmity enemies, because the history of russia is the history of ukraine, and what ukraine is, this is ukraine, so this is ukraine , there was no such state, there is no such country, it was created by the soviet union, so how is it possible not to live together, it’s like each other , brothers , there will be murder, people will understand, these are puppets in the hands of europe, they are working temporarily now, but that’s all. the ukrainian people, understanding that they will be kicked out, in your opinion, how long will the special military operation last, well, approximately, the special operation can be completed within 6 months, and zelensky, that is, he will sign, no,
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he will not sign the capitulation, a monkey suits you, if something happens, don’t be afraid, he will just run around, someone, female, an internal war will begin, they, yes, they have a country, well, this is in all countries or in some not all countries? there will be those who will support the war, germany, france and, especially in america, then i cannot help but ask about israel, what kind of relations israel will have with iran, with palestine, israel is not the israel when it was the time of jesus christ, this is the newly created country, therefore these ones are not like that, some will be ancient, so they are also like a marine of america, whether their military operations continue, let them continue. we can’t wait for the third world war, uh-huh, exactly, no, we can’t wait, what do you think about vladimir putin? vladimir putin is energetic, he is a patriot
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of the walkie-talkie and even a great friend of all the world and countries of the world including sri lanka, but this is close love, he has no desire to take over our countries or will receive something from us, but he is just like on tv, he wants the country... future, that's all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye!


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