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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  June 7, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

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maybe somewhere in the rear? no, mom, don’t shame me, you raised me this way yourself. sergey, what kind of injury did you have? tell us about it? there are only three of them. i received the first one in severodonetsk, this is the twenty-second year, on june 2, 2 days before my own wedding. we then had a combat mission, to scout out the industrial zone. and there was a tall building in which their snipers were sitting... there was no way they could smoke them out of there, and it turns out that there were not many people in each house, so we have a defense in front of the industrial zone, here is the road, garages, where the wet work begins, here we are in defense these houses were kept in high-rise buildings, two people on the fourth floor, two people on the first floor and that’s it, i had eight houses put up like this, it was impossible to take someone with me, because there were so few people, where else could i take someone from the point, i got out... from
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the side of the yard and at the moment when i was going around the horazhi, i was already entering the neighboring yard, i heard a short rustling sound, i woke up 4 m from the place where i was walking, i had a cap on then, the cap was about two meters from me and the visor was cut off by a piece of shrapnel, fell 120 right in the corner of the house, a couple of meters next to me, everything is just humming, it’s hard for me to breathe. i also see poorly, i hear absolutely nothing, i felt my legs, they seem to be in place, i get up, lean on the machine, continue walking, and i just feel waves nearby like this, explosive, something else falls nearby, explodes, but i don’t hear it, i just feel such a warm breeze, i approached the house to its point, the boys quickly dragged me there and put me there, well, actually from that moment i don’t remember anymore, i’m shell-shocked, right? yes yes yes,
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the wedding is in how many days, in 2 days, but it took place, it took place, of course, i wasn’t going to change anything, you didn’t hear anything, by that time i had already been treated a little, under an iv, and somehow i already heard, well, yes, the main thing was that they saw that your fiancée was nearby, the main thing was that the council could sign before love, they heard, bitterly, they heard, further in the program, who svetlana chenyakova became friends with during her trips to the front. but when small amounts drip with a note, hold on, bear, bear, you're doing great, yes, they everyone sees and reads it, it ’s worth a lot, you need to go there, your relatives live there, what else is it, what are you up to there again, the premiere, how do you look like tanya, no,
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earlier in the program, svetlana chenyakova realized that her place in the militia 10 years ago, i felt sorry for them, they were so used, these are someone’s children too, i felt madly sorry for the guys, berkut is ours, i imagined my own child in all these faces in balaclavas, when they were being killed, when they they were burning, their hearts were breaking.
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together with her husband vladimir, she managed transport children from shelled cities and supply medicines for our soldiers. this man took off his jacket, took off his warm pants, and gave them away so that we could continue to provide assistance to our wounded boys. during the svo, her son sergei was wounded three times, but each time, having recovered, he returned to the ribbon. everything is buzzing, no.
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to help him there is a backpack with charges, it’s called a carrot, yeah, the charge itself, yes, yes, well, it’s shaped like a carrot, let’s see the plot, she was always not a timid person, herself i did a business, and also created the largest charitable foundation in the krasnodar region, when the svo began, i went to help. it was important for me that no one noticed that i was afraid or doubtful or wasting money, otherwise,
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suddenly they wouldn’t take it, i’m guarding the set, it’s not enough, no one stole it. over 2 years of dangerous trips, anna learned to behave correctly when under fire, navigate gray paths, and even evade enemy quadcopters. we recently met baba ega, this is an industrial ukrainian drone that has been converted into a combat one, that’s when we went very quickly, we collected all the holes and as a result , near mariupol, a wheel flew off at speed. three dozen cars, hundreds of drones and thermal imagers. all this was sent to the hottest destinations. by the way, we’ve known for a long time that the top ten is a really cool combat drone that carries bombs that can easily hit serious targets, so we often send it to the guys, we’re especially proud that it’s our kuban manufacturer. anna’s husband
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pavel, an employee of the city administration, looked at his wife and volunteered for a year now. these rare meetings become a personal holiday for them, bringing them closer together. gave for svetlana gruz, seeing svetlana, probably, such a feeling of guilt arose in me that she had been in the war for the previous 8 years, you know, she probably became one of those serious impetuses, but for our
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activities to become so large-scale, why are you came now, well, we are now the largest fund in south russia, 2.0 tons of humanitarian aid sent, 2,000 tons, do you work on requests? yes, of course, fighters write us requests, after which we consider them, already according to the understanding of the need, we send them what they asked for, and what they are asking for, what you are bringing, uniforms, maybe shoes, uniforms, high-quality sleeping bags, yes, so that at least there is a spare one, starting from this and ending with cars and thermal imaging sights and fire extinguishers, the serious need now is... harep means, that is , damask steel, radar warfare harpies, means that do not allow drones to do what happened to sergei, and we are purchasing them, there are long queues for them, we are looking for, we agree, there are craftsmen who do this themselves, but for now we are carrying what
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the guys have already tried, what has definitely shown itself to be the best, you are comrades-in-arms, who is in what status, who heads what, who is responsible for what? but since the fund was born in kuban, i am the head of the fund , and after i realized that without light the further existence of the fund is no longer possible, that the main point of transfer of goods to the dpr is svetlana, and even more so she knows where, whatever they need, they often turn to her, she has her own huge pool of philanthropists and patrons of the arts, then i just called sveta and said, sveta, well, i need a person who will head my branch in the dpr, there’s already such a need. there were a lot of calls, it was from there that the requests, applications, my administrators can no longer cope, well, light, in their own way, anya, i’m in full swing, nominate, let’s go, you also help in a targeted manner, yes, yes, of course, yes , we have
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sponsored families, we even have sponsored, well, one might say, social institutions, yes, if i generalize, these are orphanages, and boarding schools, and school, let's watch a story about one... the family you help, the night has passed, the weather, the wind, let me put it down. he has the weather, the wind, it’s taken, now a bag, a bag, let’s take it, there is, come on, one, two, three, no, well, as a father, well, it’s also hard, very hard, but your son is in this condition, he’s it hurts me, well, how can i tell him, no, how can i tell him, any mother of me, let’s say...
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i understand my head, i look, a rocket falls, first it flew into my left arm, it turns out, it completely crushed it, then into my spine , i didn’t feel it hit my spine at all, i just simply fell. the first who came running to help the wounded man was his brother, it was he who saved misha’s life, now nikita continues to serve, now for two, he hoped, of course, that he would be able to restore his hand, so to speak, yes, it didn’t work out, but already... . there’s nothing, so to speak, no, no, that’s it, nothing else is given here, months
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of rehabilitation and many operations, the chances of recovery are small, but they exist, and mikhail does not lose hope, i used to train on the horizontal bar since childhood, and recently at the horizontal bar. him a puppy appeared, misha was given a four-legged friend by anna artemyeva. anna helped, then there was a problem with the car, there was a problem, anya constantly helps out, seryozh says it’s necessary, he says, contact me, i need it. an, thank you very much for your help. anna, how did you find out about misha, what state was he in when you met him? we met quite by accident in the vishneevsky hospital, he was already undergoing treatment at that time, and our sponsored wounded soldiers were lying there. i’m standing at the entrance, and the head of the security service is standing, i say: let me in, i we need to give help to the guys, we don’t have
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the right, well, the access system there is quite complicated, then seryozha approached him, it was clear from the sensations that the person was going through a very difficult period of life, so difficult that it seemed to me that this wave was carrying me away, and i immediately asked the guard what was wrong with the man, and he told me that... his son was wounded in quite serious condition near mariupol, being a twenty-year-old guy, but the situation was aggravated by the fact that 3 months after the injury he got into an accident mother, sergei's wife, well, unfortunately died, and he loved natasha very much, he always talks about her, you know, with such trepidation, i say, give me his contact, or give him mine, i’m ready to help, and you know, this serious man, he’s so... well, quickly let’s go with me, and he showed it to me through the glass, after a while i wrote to sergei, let’s
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help, he answered me, we still have payments, well, that is, that we received enough for us, but also pay attention, because no one i didn’t ask him about it, there wasn’t even any talk about it, only later for some time, when the payments ended, then we were already actively involved in work, everyone in krasnodar knows misha, i went to all the offices... nikolaevna said: “anh, you know, on march 8, we decided not to use our social bloc here as give each other gifts, we read about misha in your channel, we decided to just chip in and give these funds to him. but about the dog, did you come up with the idea of ​​giving him a dog? well, sergei has long said that misha needs a friend, and this is understandable. , that he..." leads a sedentary lifestyle, well, plus from my experience working with
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parents who have lost children, i of course know that a person needs a friend, and sergei has completely arranged his life for him, that’s how possible this is in those conditions, yes, because the boy can now be on the street, he can walk, and of course he has changed a lot since we met, in the case of misha, i say, i will of course find a large sum to help him. but when small amounts are dropped with the note, hold on, bear, bear, you’re doing great, yes, they see and read all this, it’s worth a lot, and... i hope that we can get him back on his feet, in the future, the protesum will choose exactly the right one, because if you see a short stump, there will be difficulties with this issue, well, many already know you and
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thank you for your help, for your kindness, for your heart, let's look at another story: lenaida evgenievna kalashnikova lives in a deserted high-rise building on the very outskirts of lesechansk. she remembers with horror what she experienced. there were no shells of any kind. well, it was 2 a.m., arrival. kind people sent it so that i wouldn’t get bored, probably so that i wouldn’t forget. when in july 2022 the city was liberated by russian troops, zenaida evgenievna met anna artemyeva. for us, anechka is part of our family, i thank god that we met, hello, good one, you are my swallow, oh, come in, come in, anna’s husband pavel comes at every opportunity, zenaida evgenievna and her brother victor are always happy
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to have guests like yours things are going well, but you got your passport, of course, now i’ll show you, come on, everything is going wrong, right, the long-awaited russian passport is already in hand, they only remember about military operations here now, there’s a gymnasium there was, yes, yes, yes, this is our job, i sent aviation there, and in short , they ran out there in their underpants and drove the tank, how they drove there, put them in it, threw branches at it, zinaida kalashnikova, a relative of the legendary soviet marshal andrei eremenko, she carefully keeps an album with family photographs, this is my mother’s father, my grandfather, dear, here, there, this is his brother, and if you don’t take it, it turns out, yes, this is just eremenko, yes, yes, this is eremenko , our whole family fought, my mother fought,
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my sister, my mother fought, everyone fought, everyone, and we fought, and we fought, it's time to end it. we need to put an end to it. zenaida evgenievna grew roses in her garden for half a century. meeting russian soldiers, she cut them all down. anya says, that’s what she says, there are only stumps left. never mind, there will be more. an, my dear, i give you your icon, anna kashinskaya. this will be like a guardian angel for you, you are my traveler. anechka, zenaida evgenievna gave you this icon. this is from her. thank you. oh, grandma zina. yes. cares, worries. but pavel is in the story - is this your husband? yes. how did you end up at the front? he held some position in the administration, as far as i understand. yes, in the ministry of transport, the administration of the region,
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krasnodar, started as a volunteer? yes. well , before that he was a volunteer, a crew commander in our foundation, he also constantly went out, well , it’s logical that at some point he made this decision, especially since today, probably about 20 volunteer guys have left our foundation as volunteers from the management team of the fund, something tells me that you didn’t dissuade your husband, but it would be illogical, firstly, you see, because it is illogical. a wife, yes, who is normal, okay, who will sit by the window at home, yes, but literally the next week i was already in his unit, wait, how did he react to the fact that you are not a normal wife from the first go there for days, you’d better ask how he reacted in principle when he married me, how do you understand this concept in general, well
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, pasha knows that i have a peculiar character, that if i decided to do something, what would i do? definitely, so... we started looking for ways to go beyond the tape, to help, yes, then naturally, it was such a turmoil, these crazy refugees poured into krasnodar from mariupol, we began to resettle them, i remembered how in the fourteenth year, i also resettled families, what they were like, what they needed, how to do it, and then i found a volunteer, yura mezinov, someone gave me his number, back then the connection was so terrible in the dpr, i ’m trying to get through to him, he just tells me , in short, come, take... medicines, food there, bed linen, just come wherever it’s not very clear, well, we sat down and went, i called all my friends, all my clients at work, collected from them what they could, then the first load arrived for sveta, and at night along secret paths with the headlights off, we drove simply incomprehensibly where, in some convoy, where we didn’t know anyone, well , since then we decided that now we really
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like traveling in this convoy, and then the republics themselves became part of russia, traveling became much easier. next in the program: which celebrities donated the money won is the anna artemyeva foundation. listen, well, culture is the second front, you agree with me. “i haven’t felt this good for a long time, i also felt very good, on saturday, i’m pregnant, you’ll soon become a dad, that means he’s just like everyone else, he decided to hit on you, he’s married himself, and i’m pregnant , light, that somehow i'm confused, are you lost between two pines, dear neighbor? premiere on saturday on rtr, catch me if you can,
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big music show, all the team of stars needs to make a common decision, on friday on rtr. earlier in the program, in 2014 , a resident of seversk, svetlana chanikova , and her husband joined the militia. it came to this, the last bus i sent, my children were already on it, i took my grandmother’s crowns to the pawnshop. while svetlana and vladimir were doing their duty, their two sons were waiting for their return every day. for the news, i saw what was happening there, and my heart was out of place. when the svo began, svetlana met an activist from krasnodar,
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anna artemyeva. it was clear from the sensations that the person was going through a very difficult period. life, so heavy that it seems to me that this wave was carrying me away. we will now invite people to the studio, a married couple, who also come there often, and who also want to say. a few words to you, vladimir and marusya levkin, come in guys, please, hello, hello, hello, can i hug you already, i’ve known you for many years, we’re friends, you can get up here, and i ’d like to hug svetlana, sveta, yes, hello, hello, krasnodar didn’t make it to your concert, i was very sorry, but i was busy, but they sent me a recording, thank you. hello, well, as you understand, we help mainly with concerts, why not only with concerts, we help in every way, when the ministry of defense at the beginning invited us
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to give concerts in the belgorod region, in kaliningrad, excuse me, a small note, the ministry of defense invited you to take part in your concerts long before the start of a special military operation and for many, many years you supported military personnel, yes, in fact there was such an interesting event, it was called film landing, where we took films. which no one has yet i saw that they traveled around half russia, yes, we traveled not only half russia, we traveled practically to tajikistan, where all our bases were, armenia, chechnya, chechnya, well, that is, you went to a new land, to a new land, of course, to a new land were, that is, we always supported military personnel with our concerts, by the way, it was absolutely free, we recently had a concert in burdenko for the guys in the burdenko hospital, the boys came up and started thanking us and said, is it possible... now via video link in we'll call another hospital, there they’re also lying there, the arts don’t come to them, so i want to take this opportunity, since i’m on television, so that i can be heard and
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organized not only in large hospitals, but in small ones, we arts are ready to go anywhere to sing for our military personnel, tell me, guys , what specifically connects you and anna, one win in one program, we won’t name the tv channel, we transferred it to anna, she found a use for it, so to speak. it is important for you, as the head of the fund, that popular artists are with you, that they support you, that they transfer money is in your favor, of course, listen, well, culture is the second front, you agree with me, i still agree, volodya, what struck you most on these trips, the brightest, most poignant impression, my son told me just now yes, how he was in severo-donetsk, and then we passed through severo-donetsk, this one... a broken tank, which was buried there in the arch of a house, in the arch of a house, yes, this of course, this, but with on the other hand, with us everything is very simple, especially when...


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