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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  June 7, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr, they say they wanted to see me, it’s not like you, you’ll receive half a ruble a month, you ’ll work, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, their choice is service, a state decision has been made to support the syrian people, we are officially entering syria, i am the boss. air-fire tactical training, how will i evaluate the flight personnel if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eyes, their love is the homeland, i don’t deserve it, i’m an officer, and officers are when you live for others, not live for others, their element, let’s look around faintly, that’s right, kostya wrote
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to the boss asking him to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss’s wife misses him. june 12 on rtr. today is a holiday for the girls, today there will be dancing, this year you turned one.
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burbansman is a product of steller group. veeta vodka is a product of the stellar group.
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good morning, dr. myasnyakov says and shows, we are starting a program about our health, that is, about the most important thing, we will talk about a lot, by the way, today i will have a very interesting patient, it would seem, 82 years, severe cancer, perennial. tests, you can just see how a person can maintain a joyful, positive attitude towards life, this is very, this is very inspiring, usually, well, in general, we are starting, today in the program about the most important thing, lung disease, who should treat a cat with a chronic cough , and for those who don’t, how does breathing exercises affect the functioning of the lungs and... how
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can inhalations with essential oils harm them? you know, lung cancer before it becomes inoperable, try to rise two inhales, two exhales: inability to speak, there is a laugh, how dangerous is a cancerous tumor in the mouth, what to do if in addition another type of cancer has developed, how to help a loved one, this was of course. it’s just hell during this period breast cancer began, tired of drugs, of everything, i simply refused treatment, my favorite summer drink is kvass, who is dangerous to drink it cold, which kvass is healthier, light or dark, and how to choose safe kvass in the store? my wife scolds me all the time, she says, you drank kvass, don’t get behind the wheel, breathe for a long, long time, how long you can. i just got carried away here, there was
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a book on breathing exercises with strelnikova, as far as i understand, this is our topic now. cats definitely need to be done, it’s probably necessary, yes, to make sure that everything is in order, i think the cough can be not only from lung diseases, and you can probably do without cats at first, 2% of oncology, in
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particular, this work on breast oncology , 2% is the result of the ct scans, i’m just getting to the question, chronic cough, mostly not mild, what is it mainly reflex, when the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, irritating the cough receptors there, that these are sinusitis, goromitis, when the inflammatory contents flow down the back wall of the boat, you cough, these are foreign tablets, including tablets , also the most famous nalopril, which you take here on blood pressure, this is bronchial asthma, lungs, yes, perhaps it should be done on a cat, probably, for whom? and for chronic smokers who smoke at least a pack of cigarettes for 15 years, we try to find lung cancer before it becomes inoperable, what kind of spiral cat does it matter to you? spiral is not for you , you know, the most important thing for a doctor is
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to talk to the patient correctly and listen to him correctly, but as a rule, if you have a chronic cough, you will come to me, but i i’ll talk to you, i’ll ask what pills you take, i’ll ask if there’s a burning sensation, if your cough torments you at night, if you feel worse lying down or when you get up, or is it in the morning, that is, i ’ll roughly understand from what you say , of course, you can come, you know, i say i smoke for many years, i have a chronic cough, and we still have a cough these days, i have blood streaks and my cough has changed, it has become somewhat moist, and a change in cough, everything in a chronic smoker is really an indication, but just come to i have a cough on katha, and then get breast cancer, and... improves lung function, reduces the risk of developing pneumonia, i believe that yes, it helps improve lung function, blood supply improves, i think yes, with gymnastics
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, the lungs are filled with more oxygen, breathing air, breathing exercises expands the lungs, improves our well-being, and the lungs expand. and this helps to improve the functioning of the bronchi in the first place, and this is very important, i think not, because pneumonia is most likely a more viral disease, they didn’t ask you whether the disease is viral or not, you were asked if breathing exercises improve lung function , well, of course it improves, especially for people who we do sperimetry there, their vital capacity is reduced. lungs, of course, this includes physical activity and gymnastics, even people who are recovering from pneumonia, well, remember who had pneumonia, how many times i went to hospitals and everyone there inflates these balloons, blowing, blowing, this is a big deal, and in general we are breathing incorrectly,
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we are breathing, now everyone is sitting , what we breathe is something that immediately straightened out, immediately straightened out, but we are sitting, everything is crowded, we are just the tummy, the diaphragms in the lower sections. we all breathe, we haven’t breathed deeply for a long time, not for a long time, look, you go up the stairs, you’re in 3 seconds, your legs unfold, you don’t breathe, just try, try to rise three or four steps, two inhales, two exhales, you can go up like that, god knows where, no matter how many times i told people, they immediately start doing it, i didn’t say something before, you your stamina immediately increases, because you breathe correctly, you synchronize your efforts, two inhalations, two exhalations, then you start, when your heart starts, you already take two inhalations, one exhale, and so on, and breathe correctly, i’m
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here he showed someone when they do burpees, he also said, it doesn’t work, we’re suffocating, we we can’t, i showed how to breathe correctly, a person does it in general, in a completely different way, i know many exercises about myself, if... you know, thinking about how to breathe is a great thing, no, breathing exercises are everything, look at this breathing cycle, as this pronayam is called, there are very interesting things there, and in general the chinese are great in this matter, look.
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but mold, of course, fungi are present one way or another, but in fact, especially in people with weakened immune systems, chronic patients, with chronic kidney disease, elderly, pregnant women, it can cause fungal diseases of the lungs, which, by the way, are very severe, sometimes they manifest themselves in bronchial asthma, sometimes in the clinic they can’t be distinguished from bronchial asthma at all, just wheezing, this is actually sporageresis and many... other fungal diseases, so in fact , at home you need to fight dust, mites,
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which live in wild numbers in pillows, and so on and so forth, in general, it’s better not to look at these things, we once did a program, healthy home, me there under the magnifying glass under a microscope for now, listen, it’s so scary, there’s some kind of jungle there, it’s walking, oh my god, but it looks like a normal pillow, i understand, we need to change the linen, make all these special bedspreads, throw out all the carpets, but i love carpets, i’m him, i love him and love him, well, it seems like there’s nothing, thank god, but my animals love carpets, and i also have skins, so that’s what they are, so that’s it, well, yes, mold is an unnecessary thing , especially if you already have asthma or a chronic disease. lungs, here you have to be especially serious. let's further. inhalations with essential oils can
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harm the lungs. i think that no, uh, for the most part, no, it's an extremely useful thing. no, because they are prescribed in treatment, which means maybe they soften it somehow. inhalation with essential oils, i think, will not harm the lungs. they are good for health. well, because from time immemorial herbs have been used in russia. well, probably not. i believe yes, depending on the chemical composition. essential oils can be harsh. well, you know how, medicine and poison differ only in dose, of course, we’ll look at essential oils, equalip, pine, mint, for example, it immediately cleanses the sinuses, breathing immediately increases, try to make your concentration tougher. you will immediately start coughing, and you will be in awe, so in a reasonable
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concentration it is useful, but you probably shouldn’t get carried away with it, and in general essential oils, once again the dose, it should be ephemeral, it’s not like we pour it in there and we sniff, then the risk of developing lung cancer remains even after quitting smoking, his body, i think that yes, probably there is a risk, well, i think that it will not persist,
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i can’t answer for sure, but i am convinced that no, well, unfortunately, it will persist, yes, after you quit smoking, you are out of the risk group for heart disease, heart attacks and so on, the risks remain quite high, 3-4 to 5 years after you quit smoking, but if you smoked for 15... years then quit, your risks of lung cancer are in any case twice as high as for that person who has never smoked, for life, for life, because he is too...
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both harmful and harmful, i read a little safer, yes, because they say that it’s better to switch to them when you want to give up smoking, electronic cigarettes are much less dangerous than regular ones, that’s a fact, another question, so now smoking electronic cigarettes, no, as we speak, in many countries, including britain, it helps people quit smoking, because it is a habit.
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and infection occurs more often, but i’m glad that for the majority everything is fine, okay, let’s be careful about our health, everything’s fine we will be fine, then, the inability to speak, eat, laugh, how dangerous is a cancerous tumor in the mouth, what to do if
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in addition another type of cancer has developed, how to help a loved one, it was of course simple. started with children, dad, no need, stop, but with family, my daughter lived in the world, and now she has a plan for her, i decided to end this story, dad, we just don’t need her anymore, alexander nikolaevich, jackdaw on monday on rtr, indulge yourself... a first-class holiday with
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liorets, elegant details, celebration exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you.
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we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelshey. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. people are waiting for you here. different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. so he comes up and... good, to caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws, or, well, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw,
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give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies to my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance you are in a hurry, guys, i need to feed everything. you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, that we are celebrating your birthday, like an aphrodite from the foam of the sea, and the guy is okay, so reliable, you finally decided everything, he saved my life, mariyanova, there is a huge gap between us, ksyusha, you are an amazing woman, and i left, just like he left, the other
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side, today on rtr, mouth, we use it every day without thinking, we eat, talk, smile, but try to imagine what is in your mouth... a huge wound has appeared that bleeds constantly , it hurts, it is impossible to eat, communicate , real torture. that's exactly what happened with eighty-two-year-old svetlana trifonkova from moscow. the calm and measured life of the pensioner became torment. this is a rather large wound that has not healed, that is, just a hole. naturally, it festered, the pus came out and periodically some painful sensations arose. and it all started 7 years ago... 2017, a black tumor appears in a woman’s mouth on the roof of her mouth, it turns out that it is cancer, treatment begins,
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radiation and chemotherapy, and a year later another shocking news: svetlana is diagnosed with another cancer, breast cancer, the emotions were terrible, because everything, i thought that my mother was dying, there was panic, i cried there and did not sleep at night, this was the condition, doctors use... all possible methods of treatment: hormone therapy , chemotherapy, radiation therapy, but the tumors not only do not disappear, they begin to spread, svetlana’s condition is getting worse and worse, she lost a lot of weight after the first treatment, it was immediately -15 kg, and then, in general, i just forced her to eat, but if she went out into the street, it was on for some short periods of time, because there was no strength. 2023, again a serious problem. after a tooth is removed , svetlana has a deep wound in her mouth that does not heal. doctors' diagnosis: osteonecrosis - lower jaw on the right. svetlana practically
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stops eating. endless months of torment are not life, sheer torture, and even at that age. to help her mother, her daughter is looking for additional treatment methods on the internet. i found a treatment method that i had never heard of before. how long has my mother been suffering like this? it all started in 2017. if i'm looking here oral cancer is a rather unpleasant thing, because we are mouths, well, how do you breathe through your mouth, eat, drink, and so on and so forth, that is, it should have been, how much weight should i lose? she lost about, probably more than 15 kg. radiation therapy was done, the full course was maximum, chemotherapy was carried out, then targeted therapy and...
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there is practically no treatment against this type of cancer, if we talk about chemistry, there is practically no, in the end they began to look for other methods, how can we cope, i was interested in the method of stokinogenetic therapy, well, we have already done this ourselves many times they talked about the kotagenetic method , and i also saw your program, where they talked about this method, we have repeatedly presented, talked about this method, doctors, come here, ben amar mohammed amir, oncologist. why have i been talking about this method for so long with such conviction, because remember, i told you that there are methods - surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, and there are integral methods that help, they help people return to chemotherapy, those who can't stand it, they once again, they just they help, and
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similar methods are used all over the world, the method... i will briefly talk about cancer of the soft palate, it is not common, especially in women, in men it is four times more common, they smoke more often, and among the risk factors, poor hygiene, oral cavity, smoking, alcoholism and another factor is wearing incorrect, uncomfortable dentures, this is especially true for older people, frequent injuries, oral cavity, they cause cancer of the soft palate, cancer
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of the soft palate is... spherical tumor greatly impairs the quality of life, making it difficult eating and conversational communication, uh, there is bleeding, the patient’s daughter just told us how poor she suffered and so on, the patient came to us at the end of october last year with complaints of general weakness, malaise, the presence of a wound in the oral cavity, which were healing poorly, it hurt to talk, it hurt to eat. quality of life assessment on the kornovsky scale was 60 points, the fanao level was very low, 1.3 pictagrams per milliliter. the patient underwent three courses of cytokinogenetic factor therapy tumor necrosis timazin alpha-1 and interferon-gma, and we immediately saw an improvement in the quality of life in the form of a surge of strength, the half-erased wound healed completely, she began to talk normally, takes
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food normally. became 1.4 by 1.2 almost centimeters. now, as for cancer of the soft palate, the tumor before treatment was 2 cm by 2 cm and became 1.9 by 1.68 cm. so, let us recall how the method of cytokinegenetic therapy works. our
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body produces necrosis factor. tumors, or tnf, are special proteins that fight cancer cells, but some people, tnf is not produced enough or its effectiveness is reduced. during cytokinogenetic therapy , tumor necrosis factor thymosin alpha-1 is added to the human body from the outside. this helps activate antitumor immunity and the fight against cancer cells begins to become more active. this is the method of treatment that i began to use. it can’t be, well, because it can’t, well, that’s how you look, but i communicate with these patients all the time, i talk, i see patients here, if the method gives such an increase.
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quality of life says: do you believe? firstly, that means i believe, yes, i believe, because i see, but for me this is not a matter of faith, i also say, this is a registered method, it is used, but not a matter of faith, but when... you here you see this, this, of course, has an effect on my psyche as a doctor, because i want to say, you’re a doctor, you ’re lying, it can’t be here, there’s something right here, alexandrevich, it’s better for the patient herself to tell you about it, svetlana nikolaevna, maybe yes, we’ll invite her, she ’ll tell herself, yes, but i really didn’t know, i thought only my daughter, she’s here, she’s here, but i, and i'm groping, come in, slowly, don't rush, hello, hello, now we'll check everything, how are you, are you feeling now? well, now i already feel good, because before the injections i couldn’t even go out on the street alone, i went out, sat on the threshold, you sit, such weakness, and pronounced weakness, you get up in the morning, ate,
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go to bed again, now i’m already running, i even i go to their clinic, i even went to see my priest, but i ’ll tell you more, alexandra, she’s getting ready for an operation, there will be surgical removal. or soft sky at the end of the month is simply fantastic, that’s all, everything has healed, yes, listen, who were you by profession, i was a secretary, a secretary, no, i just mean that you know, an absolutely clear mind, yes, normal , a normal person, look at how bright, bright, really bright my eyes are, i really look like my mother, yes, yes, yes, now...
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it’s more difficult to be treated, because this is a double localization, that is, the body needs to be there twice as strong fight, all the body’s resources must resist twice as much, the stakinogenetic method helps with this therapy using tumor necrosis factors thymosin alpha1 and interferon gamma, the method shows very good high performance in the region of 90. stabilization of the oncological process or regression, the method can not only improve the quality of life, but also mobilize all the body’s resources against cancer and against metastases, we svetlana
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we helped nikolaevna, we will help you, i’m very glad, i’m very glad, because you know, here i am talking to you, when they started talking, by the way, i didn’t know that you were here and you would come. i thought, well, an elderly man, somewhere out there, difficult treatment, and even more so when i imagine that it’s all in my mouth, but when a person comes out, there is no painful feeling, i had such a slightly painful feeling, there is cancer, there is cancer, everything is like her, and what came out, there, she ’s going to the dacha, i’ll fix my teeth, she says, i’ll go further, that’s it, well, in general, let’s end it on this positive, on this positive, everything will be fine with us. next, how many days should you avoid the sun if hogweed juice gets on your skin, as indicated by an increase in rheumatoid factor? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, do you answer?
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where can you even get hogweed in the forest? it doesn't matter how you sing, what matters is whether you can deceive? hear, i hope, but can i get tamara globe’s advice? be very attentive and impulsive, catch me if you can, a big musical show, does not sing, does not sing, sings, the choice is made, today on rtr, immerse yourself in
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the world of luxury and comfort. vixas golf villas and suites. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. sit down to modern design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixas golf villas and suits sharma. welcome to rixos premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with 1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation
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unforgettable. rixa with premium magavish seüds & villas, the vacation you've been dreaming of. titanic deluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know
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everything about holidays. anex. you abandoned pregnant women and threw money into the pile. but i didn't write this. i really didn't know anything about the child, that is, about you. on sunday. she is my daughter. this news may especially not like it. to our brother, we are all starting a new life, they saw a daughter in her, i hope you understand that you have become a potential heir to a decent fortune, and the daughter saw no other way out. elizabeth at the beginning portrayed a loving daughter, and then killed and robbed her and escaped. she didn't need her father, she needed his money. a fragile girl with a five-year-old child in her arms robs and kills. are you seriously? yes he is, right? don’t worry, you will really get better soon, your memory will
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definitely return, who you are, what you want from us, twist of fate, sunday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works is everything? they know how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much it will be, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i cut down oak trees, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid it’s too bad now. if you win, then hurray, 100
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to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, time for the section questions from the doctor, we ask questions to you, you answer, show your knowledge, the level of your knowledge in medicine or ignorance, but depending on this, you and i... decide what to do with you, whoever is ready, raise hands, come here, athlete, what is your name? tatyana, tanya, what are we doing? well, by profession i am a former lawyer and photographer, who are you? photographer, i understand, but the first word? lawyer, lawyer? yeah, yeah, lawyer photographer? now i’ve gone into creativity, here, there, there, it’s connected with beauty, of course, well done! cool, wait, wait, what grabbed it, is
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it yours, or what? this head almost stood up to me, okay, come on, please tell me, tanya, thyroid nodes can turn into a malignant tumor, well, inflamed, probably yes, i’m not asking, the answer is yes, yes, no, no, nodes maybe, well, yes, as a rule, they are benign,
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haven’t you seen something? i think that, probably, with any burns you need to avoid sun, so as not to provoke the wound, there was no double exposure to it, okay, write, you need to avoid the sun or no, that’s right, no, avoiding the sun is understandable, but is it necessary to avoid it for as long as 5 days? i think yes, let it heal. with an upper instinct he takes, no, well, that's right, tribute, well done, i really, the point is that if you burned yourself, got hogweed juice, it won't show up as a burn on you until the sun hits, and i thought that you have to close it there for a few hours and so on, yes, then you washed everything, you have to hide for 5 days,
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maybe after another 5 days, this was news for me, but where can you even get hogweed in the forest,
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well, write something, write something, well, if there are rheumatoid ones, and there are rheumatoid ones, well, probably yes, lawyer, because you were probably taught at the institute that when it’s on the surface, then for what, here here is the evidence on the surface, you need to look a little down, well , if there are rheumatoid, there are rheumatoid, what then should you ask, if yes, then it is clear that yes, then there is no question, the point is that in 10% of cases. rheumatoid factor can be without rheumatoid arthritis, well, this is some kind of very special thing, i understand, but formally we have a chance, you’ll go now, shows us something, let's go, i don't mind, i understand, give us two keys, so
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well, well. and i just wanted punishment, so i wanted punishment, yes, twist, well, yes, something is written, do 10 bends down, touching your palms to the floor, it’s not in vain that i do the stretching, now i would be stuck and what were you 15 cut with your palms, but not with your fingers, with your palms, well, damn, here i am... what is written with your palms, well done, you want to review us, platform, let’s see how much 10, five more, application or website,, and we go further, well done sit down, yes, come back, tanya, come back, come back,
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come back, you deserve the third one by doing the extra five. it was the third one that opened the first time, choose, i want a mug, well done, of course you’re beautiful, but i’m afraid that they’ll be jealous of me, so i’ll take it without a photo, you can just draw a heart for me there, damn it, then take a photo, hold it, but how ... cunning, cunning, that's it, that's it, sit down, and we'll move on. well, i’ll be happy to present this section, i don’t know anything about kvass, i even
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doubt its benefits, because it’s sweet, but i love it very much, i love it madly, i love it since childhood, the dacha, the manikhin station, there was always a barrel in the bullfinches where kvass was poured, and dad always knew that he had to stop, even if there was a line, i would still stand and drink my mug of kvass, and... katya baranova, our a permanent expert, a favorite of the public, come here, please, but what
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makes me happy about her is this vitality, this joy, this uplifting, enthusiasm, maybe you’re drinking kvass, that’s why she’s so cheerful, of course, definitely, kvass is useful, kvast, of course, from him, you can, i ’ve been drinking a mug since childhood, i have a headache, there are very, very many such questions, we just had one viewer just now, being a motorist, who was interested in, we ’ll invite him, now we’ll find out what will happen if we breathe through a tube, but if we breathe, it’s too early, how much, please come out, what do you want, what kind of kvass? i don’t know, it seems to me that it’s safe, you like kvass, i really like kvass and i drive and i’ve never felt any
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discomfort, my wife scolds me all the time, she says, you drank kvass, don’t drive, i i say, women are wise, wise, perhaps, let’s check how wise our women are, let’s choose the kvass you like, it’s homemade here, would you like to try it, i want, wow, there’s some kind of magical threshold right there, so... and you noticed that the modern class is still different from the barrel class, and we ourselves make a class from bread chickens, it’s not sweet at all, well, we’ll try like a person drank a little class, well, try to breathe, breathe for a long, long time, as much as you can, through you inhale your nose, breathe and breathe, it should start buzzing there after some time, as far as i know, and there are such magical ppm numbers, you know, that without all this science, without any ppm, well, that’s enough man now. it will burst, you just logically, look at what kvass is made from, and now let’s take this out of here
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, this is the recipe for what, so let’s add some extras, what is kvass, kvass is a drink, a person will sit down now, it will carry him, well, be careful with people, oh well, of course it’s rocking on this deck, well, well, well , let’s go, let’s go. they let you get there anyway we looked at the tester, ppm allows you to move, everything is fine, not right away, they still have to fall through there, but fail, ppm determine the alcohol in the breathing air, alcohol is released through the lungs, he hasn’t even managed to get there yet, he hasn’t gotten there yet , he’s still somewhere in the liver , so you need to click on this little thing first, you can take him with you when the stripes appear there, so you can breathe.
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next, what to look for when buying kvass and how to drink it correctly so that it brought only benefits, berries can be added and indeed diarrhea will be ensured, well, try it. “i haven’t felt this good for a long time, i also felt very good, on saturday, i’m pregnant, you’ll soon become a dad, that means he’s just like everyone else, he decided to hit on you, he’s married himself, and i’m pregnant , light, that somehow i'm confused, you're lost between two pines, dear neighbor, premiere,
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say goodbye to painful and unsightly calluses forever with peeddivek! the first motorized callus remover with a built-in vacuum cleaner. calluses anywhere at any time because the shavings are sucked directly into a collection chamber that is easy to clean. whether you're traveling or in the office, you can always be sure that your feet will always be in perfect condition. even unsightly calluses on the hands are carefully but thoroughly removed with the help of peka. you 'll receive a complete set of peeds for silky soft, smooth feet underneath. at a sensationally bargain price of just 49.95, but wait, if you order now you'll get a second set of pediacs for free. this is a care that you can share with your loved ones, and the price remains the same, only 49.995 and you save almost 50 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited,
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attention, summer sale, best sellers, introducing the lightning cabbage cutter that shreds one head of cabbage in just one minute. simply fix the cabbage head on the base, insert it into the mechanism, adjust the cutting width from 10 to 2.5 mm and start growing the handle. everything is as simple as 1, 2, 3. now a ten-liter you can chop a pot of sauerkraut in just 5 minutes. we bring to your attention a conveyor system for moving furniture. with its help, you can easily cope with moving heavy objects on your own and won’t even get tired. moving, rearranging furniture, general cleaning. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. we present to you a machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most relish. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, without
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will fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. just knead the dough according to your favorite recipe, cut the blanks to the size of the mold, put them in the cells, add the required amount of filling, press the special lever and everything is smooth, openwork, identical dumplings are ready. we present to you an amazing new garden shoe for the season. these are lightweight, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or exercising garden, garden shoes are better. the solution is a mini-greenhouse breadbasket, it will protect plants from frost, retain heat, accelerate growth , fruit ripening and extend the gardening season, the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and care. a mini-greenhouse-breadbasket is an indispensable assistant in the household. attention, summer sale, bestmarket's best-selling hits from only four 95. i
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congratulate you on your birthday, this is a siberian set. masha rasputina, for me the worst thing is when they lie to me, personal stories from the life of the queen of epotage. all these for years, viktorovich could not resolve this issue, for some reason he could not officially divorce me if they didn’t want me that way, yes, but i don’t mind, i’ll leave right away, i don’t need anything at all, but comrades, i don’t want to hear from you , i i will erase everyone with an eraser, as a mother, you had to go through a lot, to forgive your children. did you manage to make your daughters? well, the older one, yes, of course, of course, and the younger one, what does she like to do? what i liked, for me personally it was all unacceptable, and in general i was stunned how my daughter could even say such things, it means i don’t know how to raise children at all if they don’t understand me, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr.
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tactical training, how will i evaluate the flight crew if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eyes, their love is their homeland, i don’t deserve this, i’m an officer, and an officer is when you live for others, don’t live for others , their element, let’s look around faintly,
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is that right, the sky? kostya wrote to his boss, asking him to tell him that he loves his wife. the boss's wife is bored. 12 june. nerter. the program about the most important things continues. let's talk about gvaseh. probably, each of us, in principle, imagine, look, what is this? what are the tips? we must have kettle wort that we can make ourselves. it is usually made from cereals, and most often for this purpose. you use real bread, dried crusts of bread, if you use wheat, barley bread, a complex composition and there will be no added
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things like rye, so there will be no substances that contain a lot of fried sugar, then you will get it white, in some in some cases, berries can be added, then the kvass will be great. yes, red grapes, for example, when dried, can give a pink color, there are also more exotic varieties of kvass, there are even green ones, we are currently testing kvass, each viewer can try to vote later, we will then find out the secret of what kind of kvass better, what else do we need, please note that there are lactic acid bacteria and yeast. that is, this is a very interesting feature in general, let us remind you that we had such a program about a tea shop flu, there was also this combination, yes, which was floating in a jar, thank you
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very much, from that program, when we tried kombucha, i finished a piece, i’m now on kombucha as on kombucha, on kombucha on what, well, in general, i got hooked on this drink, i remembered my childhood, i drank it all my childhood. yes, especially in hot weather, indeed, just like with kombucha, these two organisms together, in total, sometimes there are even several types, they produce - specific processing of what, carbohydrates, carbohydrates - this is not necessary sugar, this is said in an exaggerated way, of course it can be starch, cell walls, and fructose, and glucose, sucrose, which exist. respectively, in wort, wort, yes, wort is obtained in a slightly different way, it is a processed product containing, respectively, sugar, that is, it must be swollen, and it must be ready so
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that a drink can be made from it, that’s why in natural kvass will naturally always have sediment, this needs to be understood, that is, when we look at those kvass that are presented, yes, well, in different brands, or we drink kvass from a large barrel. magical, which still exists in some regions, by the way, you need to travel more, and they pour this kvass there, so you can use them, there was a question here from one girl, how much kvass can be safely drunk, of course, for people with diabetes, products which contain so much, it is actually liquid bread, but often it actually contains due to raisins and due to processing by lactic acid organisms... it may actually contain a lot of sugar, in this situation you may find yourself in trap, and of course you are not recommended to drink it, of course, different types of kvass contain different amounts of sugar,
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you can always read this on the bottles, but even healthy people should not drink a lot of it, that is , in principle, the maximum is a glass, and people they drink 2 liters of them in hot weather, this is another mistake in drinking any kvass, regardless of its origin. is to assume that you can replace water with it, no, you can’t replace water with it, because it’s basically an analogue , like, well, try it, you know, there’s less sugar, very sour, white kvass, which people often use to prepare the so-called classic russian okroshka, it was indeed widespread in many regions, now it is... popularized, restored, because to get dark types of kvass you need to use it again wort, which is prepared with elements that give the beautiful, dark, and
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noble color of this drink, it has been used in our kitchen for a long time, but its excessive use is undesirable, there may be intestinal disorders, diarrhea it will be enough, yes, but some people just now asked me a question about there was a lot of giggling, because one man hung out kvass for weight loss, indeed, if it is not ready, improperly prepared, there will be all sorts of other bad microorganisms there. that is , more dirt and indeed diarrhea will be guaranteed. do you need such a system for losing weight? i have a big question? you know that when people lose weight, they take swordgons, and this is the same thing, only in a larger volume. yes, but only to restore the microflora, not everyone can, that’s only later, first they lose weight, now look, now that’s it, now everyone will be chosen, well, well, class, number, well, which one we have, let’s see, now it’s yours, we’ll wait until we wait.
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to what we had in mind. please note that we still had one vote for fake, let’s say, kvass, that is, accelerated, accelerated, this, this. why is this so, because the professionals who prepare kvass make amazing compositions, adding lactic acid, citric acid, and various rare types of acids, including including apple, which. better and more perfect
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than unstable things that are made from ordinary wort, because ordinary wort is a non-standardized raw material, so if you hope that you can distinguish by taste, this is not true, well, what is so much interesting about kvass, really , what can we say, moderation, moderation, moderation, a glass of kvass, there ’s still a lot of sugar, there’s a lot of sugar, you need it, you want to drink it, drink it, but it’s not, first of all, it’s insanely high in calories. can just to add, you will have a complete illusion of a natural second, now we ask, what’s wrong with the stripe? no, it didn’t work out, it happens that it doesn’t work out, not the first time, of course, it happens, it happens, good, zero, well, that’s it for now, moderation, everything will be fine, our program has come to an end, dr. myasnyakov was with you. who hopes that you
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were interested hopes that we will meet you in good health in a couple of days. goodbye. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis planchukov studio and most importantly o'clock. today is the main day of the international economic forum in st. petersburg, we are waiting for vladimir putin’s speech and what is being discussed right now? russian troops attacked a convoy that...


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