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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  June 7, 2024 5:30pm-7:59pm MSK

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according to investigators , for several years he collected information that could be used against our country. emmanuel macron also confirmed his detention the day before, saying that he was allegedly engaged in diplomacy. a family from the united states received permission to temporarily reside in russia; a couple with six children arrived last september as tourists, but they decided to stay in the moscow region forever. the main reason is disagreement with the policies of the american authorities and changes in legislation that allow changes gender minor. according to joseph and an shutsman, they chose our country because they save money in russia.
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western targets, this would be a response to nato allies allowing an attack on russian territory. putin’s response in the world media to countries wishing to strike a blow is discussed in every way, this is how the president’s statement sounded in the original. we are thinking about the topic that if someone considers it possible to supply such weapons to a combat zone to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why don't we have? the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the world where strikes will be made on sensitive targets of those countries that do this in relation to russia, that is, the answer may be asymmetrical, we will think about it, for discussion, as soon as we wake up in our states , american politicians got involved in their own way. obviously, as you know, he's calculating
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his moves, he rarely communicates with foreign journalists, so this was a message for the us, don't you think putin is trying repeat the cuban missile crisis, which the white house fears. nothing will surprise me about vladimir putin, he has committed provocative actions, whether in space, the western hemisphere or europe, which is why we in the house of representatives, under the leadership of mike johnson, continue to believe in a world established by force. at its strongest in the united states, an urgent desire immediately arose to find out how and where it could be projected. russian president vladimir putin warned on wednesday that western countries' supply of large missiles to ukraine range is a dangerous move that could prompt moscow to reciprocate on western targets. it is unclear where putin plans to place russian weapons in other regions. the associated press, whose representative was also present at the meeting, writes that amid tensions over ukraine, russian ships. have already allegedly
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headed to the caribbean for exercises, here is a comment from presidential press secretary dmitry peskov to pavel zarubin: so in which regions may the military balance change and did the west hear a signal from russia? we have already heard, this is probably one of the most important statements that the president made yesterday, this statement is clear, not ambiguous, easily read by everyone, and it was read and...
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they are supplying storm shadow long-range missiles, the sun even had a split on how to react, they started to talk about weapons, but they immediately write about an unprecedented threat to the west. putin claimed. that any threat against his troops would be mirrored. the current escalation may lead to passions reaching boiling point, and russia will turn its weapons directly on western countries. france is especially at risk, because it supplies similar british missiles under a different name: scalp. vladimir putin warns that moscow may supply weapons to third countries in order to strike at western interests. of course, such actions will be final, they... have now already reached the highest degree of degradation, but they will completely destroy international relations, they will undermine international security, ultimately, if we we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in
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the war against the russian federation, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way, well, in general, this is the path to very serious problems. for some reason in the west they believe that russia will never use this, but we have a nuclear doctrine, look what is written, if someone’s actions threaten our sovereignty, territorial integrity, we consider it possible for ourselves to use everything
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at our disposal funds, with putin himself did not raise this topic; the initiative came from the agency. americans are the only country, the united states, that used nuclear weapons in world war ii. 20 kilotons, our tactical nuclear weapons are 70-75 kilotons. this
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is a tactical nuclear weapon. well, let's not let it happen. yes, not only before use, even before the threat of use.
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they recruit about 30,000 a month, mobilize, well, by force, not by force, mostly by force now, of course, they grab on the streets, there are few who want to fight there, all this mobilization only for...
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already , russia makes 70% of payments for hydrocarbons in national currencies, but europe’s losses from a reduction in our gas supplies in the coming months could reach a trillion euros. the most important statements were collected by tatyana rimezova. on the sidelines of the forum , journalists attack the head of the hungarian foreign ministry , szijart, did they try in europe to prevent the diplomat from coming to russia? you know, i’m not the person who can choose what to do, it was an independent decision
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of our government, diplomacy is conversation with everyone, and if we have a chance to talk, it gives hope for peace, and we are countries neighboring ukraine, we don’t want to lose this hope, we talk with everyone, our position is transparent, we want peace as soon as possible, to discuss the future of the world oil and gas market, the opec secretary general also came to the forum. good morning! how are you? great, thank you, good morning! at the personal invitation of deputy prime minister novak, saudi prince abdulaziz bin salman al-saud was in st. petersburg. despite decline in world oil prices, opec plus recently decided to gradually phase out production restrictions until the end of 2025. as for this year, we expect that the demand for oil will grow for...
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electricity at the beloporozhskaya gas station, the direct start of generation of communication with st. petersburg - the republic of karelia was solemnly launched. this is the first project of brix bank in russia. on the other side of the screen , our colleague oleg gornovsky saw the turbines come to life. four turbines, two for each station, turbine rooms, technical rooms, kilometers wires and long corridors that go deep underground. we can control all the equipment from this stand. the beloporozhye gas, although not the largest
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construction project in the country, has already gone down in history as the first joint project of the brix participating countries. the total volume of investments exceeded 11 billion rubles. 70% of the components of the ge are russian-made, of course we hope that brix bank will continue such successful projects that increase our interaction and continue to invest in the infrastructure of russia. the long-awaited one. launch timed to coincide with the st. petersburg international economic forum, i grant you permission, the indicators of the central console have come to life and are counting the kilowatt-hours of generated electricity. the deafening roar of water is now, perhaps, the most desired sound for all builders of the beloporozhsk hydroelectric station. the turbine is operating at full capacity and is already generating electricity, which is quite enough for a city with a population. 30,000 people, raging discussions about the prospects for the russian economy. topic number
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one - changes in the tax system, chapter the ministry of finance reassures. so, as much as we collect from this tax system, we will give back as much. there are no, you know, any proposals here, put into a box, which means it should be saved somewhere else, everything that we collect will be given away in a balanced manner. the central bank is for price stability and low inflation, the other side is high rates. people take loans out of a bad life, out of hopelessness, lack of income, and out of a good life, out of what they can finance with future income that they are confident of.
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conditions of fairly high interest rates rates, in the context of changes in the tax system, in conditions of transformation in general and such external pressure, we need growth due to our own technologies, a rapid transition from human... human labor plus artificial intelligence to ai agents will definitely be a very serious change, the effect on the economy can turn out to be even more than, for example, the invention of the steam engine there. for example, instead of a passport, will biometrics be made mandatory for receiving government services? the topic that will be
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discussed today is not even the entire discussion, it's probably biometrics. someday the time will come when biometrics will become mandatory, that is, we will not be able to do anything. tatyana remezova, igor belogurov, pavel varbuzov and marina gromova, host st. petersburg. back to the news from the special operation zone, heavy fighting is taking place in the area of ​​chasha yar, all
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roads to the city are under the fire control of our troops, the supply of ammunition and militant personnel. difficult, and while the airborne forces are clearing urban areas, other units are advancing along the flanks our group south, from the front line. report by mikhail andronnik. stormtroopers of the 200th brigade throw grenades into the dugout of ukrainian militants who have dug in on the heights around bogdanovka, a suburb of chasovyar. a few weeks later , the servicemen come out to rest and tell how it was. in front of every settlement there is a forest clearing; it needs to be cleared, then. we go, of course, into a populated area, before that, in order to enter it, the artillery is working on this settlement with us, already slowly after the sopolka we enter, trench battles, during the battle, operators of enemy drones are trying to interfere with attack aircraft, our rocket artillery comes into play, this was a strong point with operators - drones, lately there have been
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enemy drones, but their activity has increased greatly, that’s why... we have to, well , intelligence calculates and, that is, they give us coordinates, so we leave and work according to these coordinates, he went, he went, he went, footage filmed on a camera mounted on the helmet of one of the servicemen of the 200th brigade, the final clearing of bogdanovka, attack aircraft knocking out ukrainian militants from a populated area. i remember, here is bogdanovka, they took it for a very long time, the village is generally not subject to restoration, everything was demolished. they were hiding in the basements, only the artillery had worked, straight forward, that is, movement is life, if you don’t move you will be slowed down, that is, your boys will all die, everyone understands that the only option to survive is to occupy the village, captured ukrainian militants confirm this axiom, the enemy has an order not to take prisoners, like negotiations, here
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goes, shoot, don’t shoot on contact... go out, unlike the nazi regime, russia gives the militants a chance to survive, the guys come, surrender, just raise their hands, everything is fine, we don’t have anything like cutting off ears, cutting off noses, there is something else, there, just kill people, here are ordinary people, just like you, all the roads to chasyar are under the tight fire control of the armed forces of the russian federation, the supply of ammunition and personnel from the militants is difficult while the airborne troops they are fighting in urban areas... other units of the southern group of forces are advancing along the flanks. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, donetsk people's republic. the crew of su-34 aircraft attacked the unit. bsu in one of the special operation areas. the strikes were carried out against the enemy’s masked equipment and manpower in the zone of responsibility
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of the vostok group of forces, using high-explosive bombs with a universal planning and correction module. this allows you to hit targets without entering the enemy’s air defense zone. after successful having completed the task, the crews returned to the departure airfield. the verkhovna rada human rights committee determined that military registration and enlistment office employees can use force when detaining colonists, although now more and more opposite examples are appearing, they brought the dude to the boil, this resident of kiev managed to fight back right on khreshchatyk, in kharkov, a potential conscript was beaten off by passing ladies . come on, let's all! in the zhytomyr region, in the city of baranovka.
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biden confirmed that strikes against russia with american weapons are the norm, and in general everything that was happening in france was more like a performance at the theater of the absurd, which was performed especially for guests from kiev. anastasia. popov with details. all of normandy today is the territory of great celebrations. four ceremonies at once with the participation of foreign guests. 25 country leaders
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are invited to the north of france, where cannon salvoes are heard, planes of those years fly in the air, and reenactments of the landing of allied troops are staged on the beaches. at the british landing right in the field, french border guards check passports. story history, but no one canceled brexit. there are people in many cities. they travel on foot or stand in traffic jams for many kilometers for hours; highways are closed when invited guests are driving along them. i haven’t seen such serious security measures here for a long time. 25 highways are tightly blocked, and traffic is completely restricted in 125 communes. there are a lot of military men on the street, both from that era and from our time. security is provided by an army of 43,000 police and gendarmes. at every step you can meet history buffs from england, holland and the states. in france.
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yes, then on the other side, they, of course, did not help us; there were germans and japanese. 69% of french people today consider russia the main threat to france, an opinion that is actively fueled by the western political elite. we know that the dark forces our heroes fought 80 years ago have never gone away. here in europe we see a clear example. ukrainians fight with extraordinary courage, suffering heavy losses. the american president talks about dark forces and then tries to sit on a non-existent chair.
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there is a joke on french social networks that the veterans present, at 100 years old , are in a much more sober mind and brighter memory. macron presented them with the order of the legion of honor and hinted in his speech at that time 80 years ago. the americans also landed not on their own soil, but for the sake of protecting common values. we are ready to make sacrifices to defend what we hold most dear, our french soil, our republican values. i know that our country is rich in brave, valiant youth, ready for the same spirit of self-sacrifice as the older generations. french president i tried to be on time everywhere, and ended up being late for the british memorial ceremony, which offended the king, who had specially prepared a speech in french. the events began without macron; prime minister sunok remained to meet him. how can the president of france be 15 minutes late for the main international event in france? the highlight of the program is zelensky, in khaki pants and a black jacket, on amaha
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beach, where. the main ceremony was taking place, his colleague, a representative of a country where the streets are named after nazi criminals, told the veterans, it’s true that trudeau tactfully omitted the details; the elderly man, without understanding, rushed to kiss hands to the skillful applause of those gathered. however, among the french press there were journalists who found this whole action extremely incomprehensible. i won’t now mention the fact that ukraine was invited when half of the country, i won’t.
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judging by the leaks, the french president may make several new high-profile statements. anastasia popova, lio bernadsky, vlada turcan. news: normandy, france. and our columnist ilya kanavin about what historical significance and what consequences for the political configuration, after which a quick movement will thrust a dagger into the side of hitler's dreams. complete domination in europe, for western historiography it is exactly this: the landing in normandy will remain the main battle of the second world war, a gigantic landing operation unprecedented in history, everyone was waiting for it: britain and the usa , choosing an opportune moment, the ussr, straining to grind hitler’s main forces, the germans, building cyclopean defensive structures there were two landing attempts: operation jubilee and tiger, both catastrophic and union.
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it is clear that if they don’t hurry, then the landing may not be needed at all, all of europe will be liberated already. to begin with, the allies masterfully deceived hitler, and through a false concentration of forces they managed to somehow convince him. the german command thought that the main landing would be made through the strait according to the decal. the disposition of the germans on the eve of the landing, it would remain so in the first days, because hitler continued to wait for the landing in pala, because he did not know, not whether to rely on distraction. first, they are now considered the elite of the us airborne forces. and besides the british and canadians, there are czechs, poles, rums and even italian
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anti-fascists, and only one officer... 15 seconds. so charming that he made friends at the intelligence service. he was respected and feared, although he was mainly a diplomat, a military man, but a diplomat. he generated such sympathy for the soviet union in british society that aid for the red army soldiers was collected even in schools, but now he was observing what he was trying to achieve so long after the opening of a second front. when the aviation had already laid down these bombs and the artillery was striking, it seemed that there
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should be nothing alive left there. but when the lead landing party began to approach the tree, fire came from there. the soldiers overcame fierce resistance, through thorns, concrete, and lead rain, with amazing courage, like stunned losses. they met the most fierce resistance in the amaha sector; according to the americans, about 4,000 people were killed and wounded per day. at this time, the soviet union was only squeezing out the germans beyond the borders of your country. liberation of europe. the long-awaited second front is ahead, a huge relief. yes, the allies had plans to take berlin in 2-3 months, but the nazis counterattacked so powerfully and unexpectedly with subdordens that the anglo-american desire to hoist their flags over the reichstag did not come true. warsaw, budapest, vienna, the victories of the red army increasingly worried the political elite of the anglo-saxons and delighted people who were not burdened by politics. what genuine
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delight there was from the overall victory. on the elbe, nevertheless, there was a victory parade of all allies in defeated berlin, they don’t really like to remember it, there were much more russian tanks there than anglo-saxon ones, there is a funny one. the story about this fashion show: the russians then released the joseph stalin 3 tank, the first one, there were 50 of them, general paton’s assistant looked at them in horror. paton told him: “don’t worry, they are on our side for now.” in just six months, churchel will deliver the fulton speech, explaining to the whole world who should be on which side. this will start the cold war. ilya kanavin, olga alenkina, irina kudesova, konstantin rodin. news. a tractor for space rockets was manufactured in perm, an electric locomotive powered by batteries, which is equipped in a special way and will deliver orbital carriers to the launch pad at baikanur. our correspondent, maxim peker
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, talked with the creators. the whistle is high-frequency, typhon is low-frequency. everything in the cabin is signed, alexander said. the control algorithm in manual mode is quite simple; of course, you need to undergo training in order to easily navigate. in all equipment, we have it directly a command controller that controls the movement, that is, we select the direction of movement backwards or forwards, and we control the movement backwards, we always have braking, this is what it looks like from the outside, this is a made-to-measure tractor that will have to go to baikanur to deliver rockets to the launch complex , there are certain nuances that relate to the capabilities of the tractor; here we have a compressor installed. so here we have a rechargeable battery installed, due to which it moves in autonomous mode, here we have a diesel generator set for recharging
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the batteries, so the batteries can not be removed for charging; the tractor can operate for up to 24 hours; in addition, it is planned that the rocket will be mounted on a special trolley; a cooling unit will be located on the tractor itself rocket. speaking of technical parameters, the length of the tractor is 18.5 m and its weight is 120 tons. and the load capacity is up to 700 tons. the creators of degach are perm engineering company mechanics. they were already making machines for coal mining. industry and beyond. now is the time for space. our specialists went to the relevant organization. we talked, watched the process, made an offer and this is the offer. satisfied the customer, so we developed it, now it’s finally running, when the time comes to go to the cosmodrome, the tractor will be disassembled, but several parts will be sent on the road in vehicles to be assembled on site and put into operation. after various tests, the time for direct work will come, which
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they promised to notify permik residents about and invite them to the first delivering the rocket to launch. maxim peker, matvey vershinin, lead perm. the sharp change of warm and cold fronts over transbaikalia seriously complicated the work of firefighters, strong. dozens of water containers, heavy bags , of course, parachutes, 25 firefighters from the altai republic, just like the day before from arkhangelsk, are rushing to help their colleagues in transbaikalia, a group.
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paratroopers from the khantemansky autonomous okrug of buryati, the jewish autonomy of tv, and the tomsk region are fighting with fire in the region. in transbaikalia, one of the most difficult situations. before we begin. to localize aerial reconnaissance, in the air is a light an-2, which is in service with the trans-baikal branch of dasaf, the board is flying over the surrounding area, here and there, such miniature smoke from above, but dangerous on the ground , the pilots report the coordinates of the fire to the dispatcher on the ground . there are thermal points in other regions and districts of the region. and this is already a view of the mi-8 assembly. after monitoring and identifying hard-to-reach thermal points , the firefighters themselves move to positions, they film, and then they land and move towards the fires. aviation security teams
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use special protective masks. in often thick, impenetrable smoke, fires are extinguished along the edges. today the situation in the region has begun to stabilize. rainfall is expected in the region in the coming days, which will reduce the forest fire danger, but the situation may change. from june 10 in the trans-baikal territory it is possible. there hasn’t been such heat here for almost 50 years, the employees of the bahcesarai miniatures park decided to help their pets by giving them a cool shower. water the ostrich ani especially liked the procedures to freshen up, even line up. arrested alphonse, who disarmed his victims of the same surname, sergei lyubovnikov
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lured almost one and a half million rubles from gullible women, as a legend, he introduced himself as a war veteran and also a businessman, about the criminal adventures of lovelace, which ended in the court bench. dmitry blinnikov. in court, the swindler looked confused and was not at all like that charming, self-confident lovelace; through his lawyer he asked to be placed under house arrest. home means sitting, who doesn’t want to sit at home? sergei lyubovnikov, and yes, his real name, ingratiated himself with single ladies, deceived large sums of money, went into hiding, met lyudmila in a restaurant, said that he was a combat veteran , a colonel of the customs service and generally a wealthy man, he has a lot of apartments, he rents them out apartments, a lot of real estate, a date was invited, he was showered with compliments, promised to take him to the maldives, and in the meantime asked for a loan, lyudmila did not refuse. having collected a decent amount, lovers disappeared, in the end more than a million,
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lured, yes, salty he corresponded on a dating site, said that the businessman, the owner of an eight-room apartment on chistye prudy and a company in sochi, also borrowed 200-3000 for the purchase of goods, for his son’s operation, to my mother’s funeral, he invited me to the wake, we even went with him to the pyatnitskoe cemetery, and accordingly, we chose a place there, alena even bought a black scarf.
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i’m not giving it back, yes, i admit, i received money from victims who were misled and jewelry, which he later stole. today, the cheryomushkinsky court arrested sergei lyubovnikov for 2 months; he will spend the time in pre-trial detention while the investigation is ongoing. dmitry blinnikov, konstantin veselov, mikhail utkin, ilona agasieva, news. more than four hundred publishing houses took part in the red square book festival. it opened in the very center of the capital. guests can expect meetings with writers, artists, literary
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discussions, and, of course, new book releases. there are more than 100,000 books of different genres on the shelves, for every taste and age. report by olga meshcheryakova. publishers put everything on the table in a colorful pile. 5 minutes, now the fair, as prescribed by russian tradition, is bustling with activity, seething with its abundance. pushkin. what’s difficult here is not only to make a choice, to concentrate, because this is more than a bookstore, even more. than a library, the scale, the scope of the rapid heartbeat of a book lover. platform regions of russia in miniature publishing map of the country. here is a north ossetian classic and founder looking from the cover of a strictly volume filled magical rhymes. the whole world is my temple, my love, my shrine, my universal fatherland. the great russian classic and hero of the day is quoted today in all the languages ​​of our homeland. 58 regions, including the new stand of the donetsk
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people's republic, the history that is here, touching the souls of even those who came from there, that is, us, i read, i cried. there is a lot of historical literature, you can listen to lectures both about the affairs of bygone days and about current events. this is a place where true connoisseurs of books, true connoisseurs of literature gather, and the anniversary festival is not will be an exception. in the obligatory program of meetings between authors and fans, there is
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a lot of master... and not everyone succeeds, but these are years of training and practice.
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tatar melodies and songs were performed with the professional orchestra of the center for contemporary music sofia gubaidulina. to the world's opera houses and concert halls, and i know what kind of concentration, what kind of work, self-confidence, and, of course, the support of family and friends is required to achieve great success. i wish the festival of young virtuosos of kazan to flourish and reveal new names of future great musicians. and
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never stop dreaming, because dreams always come true for those who dream and work. the festival is designed not only to support talented children, but to inspire a new generation of musicians to great achievements in the field of musical art. arina rakhmatulina, vladimir yurkov, irik khamedulin, lead tatarstan. next is your regional news. the capital has a yellow weather alert level due to thunderstorms and hail, weather forecasters are promising explosive rain today, what does this mean? in in the capital, a group of fake electricians was caught; they were deceiving pensioners, imposing unnecessary equipment on three roads, as well as repairs. in
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the moscow region, the pace of renovation of heating networks is being increased sevenfold, where they decided to change pipes this season outside of the plan, and where the work has already been done. the new route of electrosds has been completed, dancing in the parks, riots of peonies in the apothecary garden or the main book festival, what else is on the poster, this weekend, which cannot be missed. so, in moscow , swindlers were detained who, under the guise of electricians, were defrauding pensioners. this is footage of searches. and in case of refusal, they simply intimidated older people with serious fines. if the victims agreed to pay for the imposed services,
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the accomplices also offered them to modernize the water supply system or replace window structures. eventually. checks, and one of the suspects tried to get rid of the evidence, tore some of the documents, six defendants were arrested, the rest are under recognizance not to leave the place, which drivers today are calling on, if possible, not to drive and to switch to public ones. transport, all because of the expected thunderstorm. before as of midnight, the city is under a yellow weather alert. experts remind that traffic jams are possible due to rain, especially in the center. on outbound highways , it is also better not to park cars under trees near unstable structures. well
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, 78% of the monthly norm has already fallen in the capital, and this is only in the first week of june, and today they promise explosive rains, what is this? let's ask victoria chernikova. victoria, well, as i understand it, there will be a lot of water. well, it won't rain like that anyway strong, as in the middle of the week, at least. we are not expecting new records, well, on saturday, with the approach of the anzicyclone, the sky in the capital region will gradually clear of clouds, and the temperature will rush to normal, it will become noticeably cooler, if in the east of the moscow region it is still up to 25, then in the north of the region in dmitrov it is only 22, in moscow, the coming night is +13, and during the day it is 23:25 and mostly without precipitation, but the break in rain will be very short, saturday will be the only dry day, from sunday again to personnel
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changes have occurred in the leadership of three capital theaters, vladimir mashkov was appointed the new director of the sovremennik theater. evgeny gerasimov will become the artistic director of the moscow satire theater, and konstantin bogomolov will head the roman viktyuk theater. however, all three will retain their current positions. in other theaters, this is reported on the website of the mayor and government of moscow. the results of the joint work of doctors, biologists, linguists, psychologists and mathematicians began to be introduced into medical practice by a consortium at the higher school of economics, which was created at the beginning of the year. a magnetic generator speeds up speech recovery after a stroke, and a neural network helps make accurate diagnoses for special needs children. how does all this work?
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a special program combines the model with the results of an mri done earlier, then the neuronavigator sends impulses exactly to the part of the brain that is responsible for speech functions, we apply it tightly to the head and look for the image directly and begin to stimulate. is everything okay with you, mikhail, how do you feel, great, yes that’s right, it means it’s working, these clicks are those very short magnetic pulses, we see the source that is to blame for everything. near the focus , the cells are activated, ready to learn, one might say, that is, we force them to learn in order to build new neural
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connections and restore the patient’s ability to speak directly during the session, a speech therapist works with him, my, my, mine, and then we’ll go home, and then we’ll go home, the same treatment is carried out by the children, which is depicted here in our house, artyom was born much prematurely, and many skills are given to him much more difficult than to other children, before transcroniality. he practically didn’t speak, a lot of progress, well , his phrases have already become better, he’s already started speaking a little better, but how old are you? all equipment and neurosoftware are developed by russian scientists from the national center for language and brain. in this scientific cluster at the higher school of economics, the latest methods of treatment and diagnosis based on artificial intelligence are being developed. you need to click on the picture that matches the word you heard. ear. a complete medical test for patients with disorders
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speech, simply translated into digital format, it seems that this is a fun application, but in reality, each subtest has a very deep scientific filling that combines the efforts of psychologists, linguists, biologists and mathematicians. such developments are designed to replace manual ones. a child with dyslexia can be very behind in his studies, and such a test can be carried out right in schools, the diagnosis, of course, is made by a doctor, but artificial intelligence helps
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to pay attention to the problem as early as possible and begin treatment, the moscow region is being increased sevenfold the pace of renovation of heating networks, some facilities are being modernized, others are being almost completely changed, installing new boilers, pumps and other equipment, underground pipes are being replaced, modern pipes retain heat better, and in cold weather they avoid utility accidents. our correspondent assessed the scale of the project; they are changing the main heating network.
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during hydraulic tests , a rather extensive worn-out area was discovered, the minister of energy of the moscow region came here on a working visit, he inspected the main the heating network, which supplies heating and hot water to more than half of the city district, 3,800 people, is one of the biggest problem areas. money for unscheduled repairs was found in the reserve fund of the moscow region, and they were signed up for it. work plan, the contractor sort of examined this entire route, well, he filmed it and showed it where it was necessary to build an access road, and this boiler house in dolgoprudny was already reconstructed last year, so in the summer there will be no need for serious repairs, only a control inspection from the old boiler house only the walls and ceiling remain, the rest is all new, pumps, boilers and other equipment, the heating season should pass without failures,
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after modernization, the power data at... this boiler house has increased by one and a half times, 18 thousand people are attached to this boiler house, two schools five kindergartens . it can warm houses to a comfortable temperature without overload even at -30°. we have four new hot water boilers installed here. currently one hot water boiler is in operation, the rest boilers are started during the heating season, well, depending on. weather conditions, those networks that do not require repair are washed, for example, in mytishchi, on one side , compressed air is supplied using a hydrant, on the other , viscose deposits come out, this method involves supplying air to the cold water supply network by means of a compressor, which in mixes with water under pressure and knocks out all the suspended deposits that
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are in the pipeline. in order to be fully ready for the heating season on october 15, if in previous years have updated about 160 km of heating networks, now the volume will exceed 1,200 km, and this should make life more comfortable for at least 3 million people in the moscow region. alexander sanzhiev, seevlat savichev, gennady talochkin and yulia antipova. news. they will go on a river walk, learn more about the latest books, and
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also get acquainted with the magical world of fairy tales. this is not all that you can do this coming weekend. as always, the city's calendar is rich in events where you can admire blooming peonies. well, where can i get dance lessons? he knows everything and will tell you everything now igor roslavtsev. comfortable, clean, panoramic windows, beautiful weather. this is a convenient, and most importantly, unusual way to get to know the capital better. now the final stop of the first river route of the electric ships, fili the path has become twice as long and twice as interesting. this is still a great time to be together and see the beautiful ships . there are also more of them, now there are 12 of them, four more have been launched. we move at about 13 km/h, fast enough to cover the route with a breeze and take in the cityscapes. in this saturday , concerts will be held in several cities near moscow, in the festival area the city is dancing in parks, for spectators
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the opportunity to diversify the walk for the performers. orekhovo zuevo and noginsk, on sunday in sergegiev pasad. at each point you can take a couple of lessons yourself. at the end of the concert, after the award ceremony, any interested spectator can take part in a dance master class and master the skills of different styles. the kolominskaya reserve museum invites you to step into a fairy tale. the exhibition mermaid and unicorn. this is a tactile model of a lion mask based on the original. mikhail vrubel's libyan lion, and this is a smaller copy, and , of course, other glazes are used here, but you can touch it, so good it is. the exhibition is designed as an interactive
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journey, here are the well-known mermaids, and this is a griffin. at the exhibition you can find not only fairy-tale characters, but also quite ordinary things, for example, this ruble dates back to the end of the 19th century; the owner had it instead of an iron; after washing, the fabric was wound on a rock. and to smooth out the folds used a ruble. citizens are invited to enjoy the scents of irises and peonies. there is a new exhibition in the apothecary garden. in my opinion, it is amazing, absolutely, of extraordinary beauty, extraordinary shape. for some peonies, this is their first appearance . it takes about 10 years to develop a new variety, experts say. a new variety from our club member yulia rusakova, in whipped cream. this is the premiere show. this wonderful flower, look how thick, bright, fluffy it is, at the exhibition you can find peonies of the most unusual varieties of flowers, for example, this is sunset coral, it is
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three-colored, at first it’s coral, then pale pink, and at the end of flowering it’s creamy, the large-scale summer festival in moscow continues, all available venues, time and location can be found on the most portal. in addition, the annual red square festival has opened in the heart of the capital, where meetings with authors, theatrical performances, and, of course, presentations of new book releases are planned. igor yaroslavtsev, arthur nurmukhomedov, daniil bobov, anastasia roiphe, lead.
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good evening, this is a show, catch me if you can, on the russia tv channel, a show in which 18 people from different regions of our country compete for a cash prize, 1 million rubles. it doesn't matter how you sing, what matters is whether you can deceive the stars. my name is vladimir marconi, by the way, marconi in the kalmyk dialect is the singing of a sparrow, and we will find out very soon how our nightingale participants sing.
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i feel that now they will register someone, an actress who can only be reached after the third call, and these are the costs of the profession, anna arrdova, thank you, thank you, thank you, i see you more often than my family, because i turn on the tv everywhere you, beautiful anna arrdova, according to statistics, only vladimir vinokur appears more often than him, in the romantic dreams of russian women, so, i have such an unusual article:
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agnomics, breathing, diaphragm, we must notice everything, every stroke, this is very important. and now the most interesting rule of our show: 18 participants from all over the country throughout.
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and a soloist who loves to sing, but not everyone knows how to do it. the team of stars needs guess which of the participants is not singing, for each correct answer, the team of stars receives one point, if the stars are wrong, this point goes to the team of participants, in total in the first round you can earn three points, but before i introduce our first participant, i want to welcome our star expert in the audience, world famous. tamara, hello, hello, dear, can we, tamara, predict the results of the first round to begin with, well, it seems to me that the participants are close to winning the first round, oh, thank you, so, our the first participant is kairat shahev, guillemot.
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shahev is a professional football player from astrakhan, he is so cool that he can tell from 11 meters whether a watermelon is ripe or not, another straya rato singing, before he sang only in the shower, which frightened his teammates, now he decided to confess his girlfriend’s love with the help of a song in in her own performance, she’ll say yes to him or show him a red card, let’s see, the poor guy, that’s how scared he is now, can you imagine?
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my melotia, i am your devoted arfey, the days that are on the micro, it seems to me that this is not his voice, this is very, it seems to me, this is not, onnya from your lightness, listen, well, it’s almost. revive those who have fallen from truvny, return them to the inspired heart. the melodies of love,
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this is not him, who gives a damn, what are you talking about, this is an amazingly performed song, kairat from astrakhan, if you knock on this astrakhan berry, will we understand whether he is a good singer or not, song. sung brilliantly and almost muslimae, almost musli, i want to say that well , i’ll be glad if i’m wrong, after all , kairat sang it, but it seems to me to perform the song professionally, with all due respect to standing performer on stage, yes, maybe only some very professional person, and obviously this is probably not kairat, i just think that if... i don’t believe something, that he sings,
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sang, this is a magnificent performance, expensive because that his performance is really very good, on the other hand, seryoga is still fooling us here, suddenly he’s a genius and sings like that, but i don’t believe it, i don’t believe it, you still have to take a breath, the diaphragm didn’t rise well, but the sound was ? very strong, but for such a strong sound it was not enough diaphragm and it’s not enough like this, but he’s singing now to a soundtrack, you know, he could be him... his behavior, his movements, his articulation sound, but for some reason i didn’t have enough, i
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agree, he’s wonderful football player, we remember kusa, yes, who gave up his career as a football player from behind, so guys, we may be surprised. i don’t, i don’t think he doesn’t sing, colleagues, we all agree that he doesn’t sing, well, unanimous decision, let’s find out right now whether the stars managed to catch our kairat, yes, let’s do it now look, look, wait, unknown. become my universe, soaked,
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inspired heart, bravo! bravo!
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bravo, the score is 1:0 in favor of our participants, wow, thank you very much for your performance, for your talent, our next participant, oksana miroshina. listen, i won’t say anything more, okay, i’ll sit and be silent. oksana miroshina, organizer of culinary events from ryazan. each of her next events is tastier than the previous one, during them the most difficult thing is to resist and not appear to be a communist. brodick, she knows how to start a fire not only under the frying pan, but the surprised critics who will now evaluate her performance, in short, we will now think through everything,
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we’ll see, we’ll see. de corren existaire que klade per rebelt sem! je te voilà ce sont qu'on n'aurais pas tout partager.
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beauty, by the way, thank you very much for the fact that oksana, thank you very much for the number, led the introduction of our star guests, although it turned out to be so easy. “oksana, you are very beautiful, but i have a feeling that you
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don’t sing like that, i don’t know, alexander, a little hint, if you read oksana in another side, it turns out to be the word kairat, just to know, well, the task, of course, is just a mission impossible, i’m still a beauty, maybe she sings, maybe she doesn’t sing, brilliant.” queen, really, i’ll still say, that most likely she doesn’t sing, she sings, let’s sing, alexander ponayotov couldn’t hold himself accountable, i take responsibility for myself, i’ll say that she sings, alexander ponayotov will answer for the whole team, yes, yeah, she doesn’t sing, she sings, she sings, so guys, say, he sings, he sings, we sing.
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will these skills help him? at the end of the song he didn't sing three four, finished! well, let's start, attention, march, sergei! anya, the color is red again, come on,
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concentrate! and in our yard there is a girl alone among noisy friends, she is inconspicuous, none of the guys, certainly, no, her voice does not match the tenderness, at all. there’s nothing in her, but i keep looking at her, i don’t take my eyes off her, i have a friend, i’ve known him since childhood, but i’m silent about her, even with my best friend, for some reason i’m silent, even with my best friend, i move her death, there is nothing in it, but i still look, eye i don’t take you away, or in the morning... she wears heels, forget about everything, i’m watching from the window, and i don’t
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know why i need her so much. i look after her , there is nothing in her, but i keep looking , i don’t take my eyes off, but i keep looking, i don’t take my eyes off, but i keep looking, i don’t take my eyes off, this is how sergei krylov showed up in our yard, just look, how he enjoys being on stage, smiling, dancing. goes well, he’s pleased, i hope that our stars will be pleased to determine whether sergei sings or doesn’t sing, he absolutely doesn’t sing, the owner of such a voice he shouldn’t behave like this, even if he’s rich, that’s all, too much of a smile, everything is easy, then, if he is involved in sports with children and physical education, he has no time to practice vocals, so i think i don’t
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agree, i agree with our little serezhenka neighbors only in one thing, that the guy does not sing. why, what with the diaphragm i know i can’t explain, i can’t explain, but i don’t sing, yes, yes, i agree, but can anna ardov explain no, i can’t explain anything, but i don’t sing, inconsistency in external behavior, voice, i i can’t explain anything, i tried, vote on appearance, but how would you show this song if you didn’t like the way sergei walks with eggnog, by the way, he walked like that, walked, did that. things that you didn’t like, he would have sung differently, if he had sung himself, he would have sung eccentrically, playfully, but there is academic singing, they must deceive, there is stationary singing in the studio at the microphone, well, this is a phonogram, we could to deceive, it just seems to me that he sings everything, i think, he thinks, please don’t ask me after
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my failure with oksana, i have a changeover, i’m not participating in this round, friends, well, someone should no longer sing, now we’ll find out if the stars managed to catch sergei, well, so we got ready, come on, and we have it in our yard , among noisy friends,
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what, why did you do this, discuss this with your teammates, thank you very much, run, the overall score is 2:1 in favor of our participants, dear friends, we will break for a short advertisement, and in the meantime you can watch again on a refrigerator magnet and plan your future trip, we we'll be back soon, today is the girls' holiday.
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you abandoned pregnant women and threw money at the city, but i didn’t write this, i really didn’t know anything about the child, that is, about you, on sunday, she’s my daughter, your brother may especially not like this news, we’re all starting a new life, they saw her as a daughter, i hope you understand that you have become a potential heir decently. condition, and my daughter saw no other way out. at first elizabeth portrayed a loving daughter, but then he killed and robbed her and escaped. she doesn't need were, she needed his money. a fragile
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girl with a five-year-old child in her arms robs and kills. are you seriously? don't you worry, you'll really get better soon. and your memory will definitely return to you. who are you, what do you want from us? sunday on... people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh, you’re good, to caress the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with a kuktem, that’s right, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me your paw. give me your paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for
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their beloved pets, you’re flying on a date, after the performance, you’re in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you’re among friends, in circle of friends, program for the whole family, saturdays on rtr. you are watching the show catch me if you can on the russia tv channel, where 18 people are trying to deceive the stars in order to take 1 million rubles. let me remind you that at the end of the first round the score was 2:1 in favor of the participating team. and we let's move on. to the second round, i'm rooting for you, we are making the game more difficult for the stars and making it even
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more interesting for our viewers, so in the second round three duets will take the stage to perform their favorite hit, these people adore their professions and songs and therefore sing during work, right now they will appear in their work clothes or... out of uniform, in each duet one participant will sing in his own voice, the second to someone else's soundtrack, a team of stars, you need to guess who is not singing in the duet, for the correct answer, team gets two stars points, in total in the second round you can earn as many as six points, before i present our first duet, i remind you that in our hall, the world famous astrologer tamara globa, tamara. you predicted the results of the first round, and it was absolutely correct, the participants are in the lead at the moment, tamara, what will be the outcome of round
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number two, what do the stars say? here it seems to me that analytics, attention and intuition will win, so the stars will align now, and it seems to me that they will still take over a little. tamara, thank you very much, we are coming to you we'll be back again. tamar, please cast a spell on those real, heavenly stars, so that they send us some signs, i want to be impartial, because i like the way they sing, of course i love you all, no, they’re great, dear friends, our first duet is karina arbellani and victoria drazdova. victoria drozdova is a saber flanker from anapa. victoria herself comes from the krasnodar region, so for her the popa is not only a father, but also a headdress. no less interesting thing
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karina arbeliani is engaged, she is a shakey. you can say she is a real russian woman, but only half. he will stop a galloping horse, but he will not go into a burning hut. right now vika and karina will perform the hit that they always do. singing at work! i’m standing at a stop in a colorful half-shawl, and trains fly past. it’s as usual, it
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converges at the horizon, where are you, my spring of the year, where are you of my spring of the year, this is not singing, brittle grass, unrequited to anger, greeted in kind, right before people with a conscience. right before people with a conscience, the wheels are spinning and weaving, a thread of lace, the soul is full of spring fire, and the years are like a blizzard, everything is gray, they are calling to dance, but not me, it’s singing , it’s a populist, it’s singing, yes, it’s singing, i’m standing at a stop in a colorful half crazy.
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from anapa and a jacquey from moscow. come on, dear stars, now we’ll find out who doesn’t sing, but let me remind you that we have a man who wields bladed weapons, so have more respect. sergei, in my opinion, she doesn’t sing , this cowboy or jacquey girl, as you say, yes, it’s too bad, her timbre valentina vasilievna tolkunova, and the rare
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timbre is native. and they modernized it a little, refreshed it, added high frequencies, cleaned it up and added such brightness to it, this old phonogram, and this beautiful woman sings, it seems to us with natasha that she is a populist from some choir, our artists sing in their own voices , let me remind you, the one who doesn’t sing sings to someone else’s phonogram, so she sings to the old phonogram. you understand that this entire installation with folk costume, with krasnodar, you are from krasnodar, yes, as i understand it, well, from the krasnodar region, and there all the singing guys are from the south, they are more singing, this could be a trick, yes, the girl is a jacquey, she can sing in tokunova’s voice, maybe, why not, who doesn’t sing, alexander, i still think that
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victoria sings, victoria sings. that is, karina karina doesn’t sing, doesn’t sing, you think, jacquey does n’t sing, jacquey doesn’t sing, well, it also seems to me that karina doesn’t sing, but victoria sings, i don’t know, i can’t explain, but it seemed to me that victoria and the timbre does not match the voice matches her appearance, i don’t know, the first time the timbre didn’t match either, but everything even matched, okay, our stars think that jacquey karina doesn’t sing, let’s find out right now if it was successful?
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sergey, you understand that your reputation is now hanging by a thread, just like these two. the next duet is christina hartmann and elena lebel. christina hartmann can not only
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paint herself, but also paint the walls, because she is a painter. guys are afraid to meet her because... there's always some kind of roller waiting for her at home, and if she feels bad from the paint, then elena leibel, a nurse from moscow, will help, she loves to sing three times a day after meals and the chorus before bed, right now christina and elena will perform their favorite song, how difficult and terrible.
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ever night in my dreams. i see you, i feel you, that is how i now you go, for the pastons and spaces between us, you have come to show you go.
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and you're here in my heart, my heart will go, you're here, that's noting there, and i know that my eyes will,
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it's better, maybe not singing, but elena, who was slightly inferior to her vocally, could sing on her own, i don’t know, because next to me is a fonit, the most doubtful person in the world, and what remains for us, neighbor, here is his background, he influences me in some amazing way, because at first i was sure that it was elena singing after all, then i switched sides to christina, yes.
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is responsible for the entire star team, i don’t know, i’m alone, the only one, i think that
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christina sang, i don’t know what to do, christina sang, that is, elena didn’t sing, the nurse doesn’t sing, the choice has been made, yes, let’s go straight now let's find out if the stars managed to catch our second duet, girls, come on.
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christina's brilliant, magnificent voice is simply shocking, elena's magnificent voice in moderation. and anna ardova, brilliant, brings two points to the star team, and anna answered, i looked at alexander ponayotov, he was like: how is that possible, no, no, what do you say, alexander, because a woman is always right and a woman in red, so moreover, these are my words in the family, the woman is right, everything that you are right, of course, is correct, in fact, this is not the first time anya, this is not the first time i have said it.
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and the overall score is 4:3 in favor of the team, well done, participants. well, okay, come on, we'll take a break for advertising, and during this time sergei sosedov will tell us all how to properly pickle cucumbers, yes, he understands this, very soon, we'll be back, we're celebrating your birthday, like an aphrodite from sea foam, but the man is nothing. so reliable, you finally decided everything, he saved my life, maria
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nikanova, egor barinov, there is a huge gap between us, ksyusha, you are an amazing woman, and i left, as he left, on the other side, today on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you think so? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, so as not to miss anything. subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch substation first
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, podcasts we watch. they say they wanted to see me, it’s not like you, you’ll get half a ruble a month, you have to work you will, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, their choice is service, a state decision has been made to support the syrian people, we are officially entering syria, i am the head of airborne tactical training, as i will be the flight crew, their love, homeland, i didn’t deserve this, i’m an officer, and an officer is when you live for others, well, live for others, their element,
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let’s look around, that’s right, heaven, kostya wrote. the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss’s wife misses her. june 12 on rtr. you are watching the paimai show. if you can on russia tv channel, where 18 people are trying to deceive the stars in order to earn 1 million rubles. someone will decide that this is easy money, nothing like that, it’s 40 kg, albeit in small coins. so, at the moment, the score is 4:3 in favor of the participating team. and we continue
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the second round, our third duet, irina chuvakova and helena ambogo. herena ambogo was born in tanzania, but lives in moscow and works as a conductor, she is sure that today she will pull out a lucky ticket and it will be as tasty as the pies in irina chuvakovy’s buffet, not a duet, but a sandwich with red caviar, i just want to try it, right now helena and irina will perform a hit that they always sing while working. you have to look, don’t think, don’t chat, but feel.
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on me go and i go walk out the door just turn around cuz you know i'm coming in when he break me with his by do the thing i crumble do the thing i let out i still i've got all
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my love to and i've got all my love to give and i'm servi elena and irina, a wonderful duet, who is our
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free rider, well, in terms of voice, well, if we have a conductor and a barmaid in the balance, then i after all, for the buffet. what motivates you? the barmaid doesn’t sing, not the other way around, she sings, sings, and our barmaid doesn’t sing, but the conductor doesn’t sing, why, but i would say on the contrary, it’s united. yes, yes, dear tv viewers, this is exactly how our stars are burying themselves before your eyes,
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bury yourself as much as possible, you will see very soon, dear stars, let’s try to look from the other side, exhale, all exhale together, release this energy from skepticism, reset, reset, and now let's try one more time to look at irina and helena, irina sings. helena, helena, doesn’t sing, doesn’t sing, helena doesn’t sing, right now we ’ll find out if the stars managed to catch our third duet, please, well, the stars will help us.
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dear friends, two points, with the help of anna ardova he goes to the team of stars, the overall score is 5:4 and the stars change the course of the game, brilliant,
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congratulations, thank you, dear girls, don’t be upset, you still have a chance to win back, girls, but how it was beautiful, how luxurious you are, how artistic you are, i’m just a fan of yours, you’re beautiful, and... now go to your team try to explain why you wasted two points, please, and arrdova is to blame for everything, if anything, who would have thought that a manicurist from tambov or an ornithologist from orel could win one million rubles, even if they don’t know how to sing, while you are choosing which postcard send to family chat tomorrow, we continue our detective show, catch me if you can, and we move on to the round. number three, again, dear stars, we are making
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the game more difficult, in the third round three trios will take the stage, they transform into their favorite performer, each trio has one person, who doesn't sing, can the stars find him? for the correct answer, the team of stars receives three points. in just the third round you can get nine points and turn the tide of the game. yes, our game is unpredictable, like the end of a bachelor party. sorry, but before i introduce our first trio, i remind you that the world famous astrologer tamara globa is in our auditorium. tamara. your prediction came true again, the stars are in the lead at the end of the second round, bravo, what will be
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the outcome of the third round? i think there will be a battle now, so let the stars not to blow, you need to be extremely attentive and impulsive, decisive, i did not expect such vocabulary from a world-famous astrologer, don’t blow, tamara globa tells you, what about our first three? asset samrailova from moscow has a passion for music, that is, she is a music lover, although, to be honest, the asset has a passion for shiny outfits, chocolate cake, and handsome men. anna fedoseeva from podolsk is a professional model who has a passion for shooting for catalogs, clothing
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, songs. i wonder what song it is inspired her to live in... the third participant is victoria sukhinina, an editor at a film studio in st. petersburg. she has a passion for her work. her favorite is clapping a firecracker on camera and clapping at a bar after a hard shift. the main thing now is that she doesn’t miss her verse. aden, aden, oh-oh-oh, how beautiful they all are, my god. i was
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wondering enough to all these years you like to meet to go over everything they say the time supposed to really and down much even the such a difference between us and the million mouse. help from the i was saying must to call it thousand times to tell you i'm sorry for everything that i've done but when i go you never seem to be hold hell from
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the outside. at least i can say that i try to tell you, sorry for breaking your heart, but lily doesn't tell you about anymore, anymore.
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hotels! such an interesting trio, dear stars, i want to give you a hint, so the hint in this trio is definitely not a girl singing, but who exactly? it seems to me that the girl in black doesn’t sing? let's adele-1, adele-2, adele-3. why doesn't adele number one sing? because in comparison with the other girls, that is, those girls, based on the movements in the larynx, i don’t know, it was clear that they were doing this professionally, this girl seemed to be standing in front of a mirror and simply depicting, you know, there is a term called lipping, it seems to me that this is exactly the moment, lipping, that is, opening the airt to the music, getting
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right into the melody, but here it’s still professional. exception, do you want to look adele in the eye more closely? like this. well, listen, well, she's the same a beautiful girl, not a horse or a dog. colleagues, you know what thought just came to my mind. colleagues, yes, but we are colleagues here, and you, volodya too, by the way, i listen to your remarks, hints, supposedly, thank you, and rightly so, i also think that the girl in black probably didn’t sing, i have doubt about
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the central adele, who is standing in a red dress, she is the only one of the three girls, colleagues, who has a model appearance, she is there parading something back and forth, the other two girls have a model look for her, excuse me, they give way, so... it’s absolutely clear to me that she’s singing, here are the other two, i’m in doubt, and maybe it’s just this bright little doll in the center, and it’s just that she’s not singing, the first and second adele are singing , and the third, excuse me, no, the first and second sing, but adele in green, the third, doesn’t sing, then... i don’t know why sergei sosedov is making fun of you, why sergei? i don’t know, i ’m saying, i don’t know, i’m just saying, but the little doll in the center isn’t singing, don’t call it,
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please, this is very, this is very, please, just control yourself, a beautiful young lady of incredible beauty, no need, all three, i don’t know, she can sing or not, i don’t know. sings, definitely sings, yes, natasha koroleva, i want to ask you, who doesn’t count a little, for the whole team you need to answer the final decision, listen here, my pussies, here’s vika, wait, vika could have done it on purpose worse, as if to make us think about it, worse to articulate, to be absent somewhere, sergey, may i ask a question, do i look like a large doll? yes, yes, i'm a doll too, of course, little doll, i would say, dolls, little doll, little doll on the russia tv channel, natasha, the decision is on you, please, the green one doesn’t sing, i don’t know why, don’t listen to me,
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if anything, don’t listen to me, in black, i remind you, that anna ardova once brought you points with the help of her correct answers, dear natasha koroleva, can i be in solidarity, then not... nadasha koroleva the choice has been made now we managed to catch the stars of our trio. this is
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and hang up, brilliant performance adele number one, thank you, brilliant performance number two, elegant subtle execution.
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the score is 7:5 in favor of the participating team, congratulations, great job, but for now we ’ll break into a little advertising, and sasha ponayotov will tell us a couple of funny anecdotes, for example, once a singer, a journalist, an actress met, and we’ll find out what happened next . are you sure that you want to marry irina? yes, we often make the wrong choice, damn it, mom, not mom, history of a big country, today on rtl. from the first note, beauty, repen, from the first
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phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one spot, you swim shallowly, koro, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we have been together since first grade, we are also responsible for everything we do together . and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, i’m running from the car, the whole team, we’re just looking at the platform. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code. because they contain
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power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite remedy is movement, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes widen how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it will blow your mind. this world is worth seeing. smiya caster is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr.
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you are watching the show catch me if you can on the russia tv channel, where 18 ordinary people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive the stars in order to earn 1 million rubles. our show - this is a real musical detective story with many unknowns, hurry to see, but don’t rush to believe everything you see. we are watching all the answers to all episodes of our show on the platform, at the moment the score is 7:5 in favor of the participating team, and we continue the third round, our next trio is nadezhda alekseeva, larisa varava and mira yanalieva. nadezhda alekseeva from vyborg, mother on maternity leave and...
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the child recently turned 9 months old, ask why she decided to participate in our show, she just wants her child’s first word to be not mom, but mine mom-star, world... very talented organizer of beauty contests. the talent lies in the fact that she organizes these competitions, participates in them herself, perhaps even wins, but it depends on how cunning she is, no less talented is larisa varava from moscow, a specialist in herudotherapy, she drinks blood for money. no, not by herself, but with the help of leeches. this trio will steal your hearts right now. come on, oh, lyusya gubchenko, this is very difficult to portray.
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if you leave the house with a frown, if you are not happy about a sunny day, may you the guy you meet will smile as if he were an acquaintance, and a smile, without a doubt, will suddenly touch your eyes, not a good one. the mood will not leave you anymore, if someone else was abandoned in misfortune, this act penetrated your heart, remember how
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many good people there are, we have many more of them, remember them, and smile without a doubt. who touches your eyes, and a good mood, they all sing, it seems to me, it seems to me, they sing either red or white, and a good mood, will not kick you anymore, and good. the mood will not leave yours, the legendary lyudmila gorchenko, our
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trio showed, it was bright, it was good, anna, who with her voice showed that 5 minutes, 5 minutes is too long... in performance, and the carnival night will end in failure . who doesn't sing? it seems to me that the young ladies are in white. sergey, what do you say? i want to say that the best lucia gurchenko was a magnificent artist in a black dress. bravo! you copied all the movements perfectly. i'm a fan of lucy gurchenko. i love her. style, manner, everything. i i always say, lucy always knew how to do ha, this. ha, in spite of everything, do it ha, not everyone understands this, you have exactly the role of lenochka krilova from the carnival night, and lyusina’s perfect smile and the dress matches, that’s all absolutely, i don’t know if you sang yourself, but you are the best in this trio , lyusya gurchenko, sergei, but lyudmila gurchenko
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also did number three, you know, she was a little rude, there was a lot of just this, well, recitative, or something, a little vulgar. and such a conversation, most likely it was she who sang, therefore, by method of elimination, i also have a non-singing central girl in white. alexander, the girls are great, that’s understandable, but they know that the station is for two, who is the odd one out, who doesn’t sing? it seems to me
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that lyudmila markovna number two does not sing, i also agree. the first girl did an amazing job, it seems to me that you are generally in the profession, that you do this professionally. you are an artist, your movement is refined, you seem to have been on stage for a long time, and it seems to me that you are singing to her, you are an artist too, but your timbre is very similar to yours. it’s quite possible and quite possible that our participant in real life has the voice of a sailor, this
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could be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, you know, we already realized that it’s expensive to get involved with you, but still, who doesn’t sing in this trio, i’m at a loss, in general, make a decision, since the majority are already for the girl in white, for some reason i’m inclined. if you are frowning, get out of it, if you are not
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happy about a sunny day, let your friend, who doesn’t know you at all, smile at you, a scary guy, smile without a doubt, suddenly touches your eyes, and a good mood, don’t leave. and no pain, and good mood, will not leave you anymore, oh, magnificent, magnificent three lyudmila, gurchenko, separate applause for the team of stars, they bring themselves a tribal.
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gathered, at nikolay okofonov's from podolsk the guys, the last trio, gathered, gathered, the house always smells like coffee and fresh buns, he is a barista, he knows the clear difference between espresso and espresso, and how to use a cup of coffee to turn a dissatisfied face into something satisfying, for a math tutor dmitry shtanin from moscow. the concept of pi and fibonacci is not only numbers, but the name of his
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clothing collection. muscovite svyatoslav famin can sing, sleep and stand on nails for hours. overall, this trio is so talented that it will surprise you right now.
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the barrel organ returned, sighing about something, the barrel organ returned, weeping at night, the barrel organ suffers, erasing smiles, the barrel organ sobs. with the soul of the first violin, the babble of unprecedented dreams, to the world. people's flowers are stocked up, the barrel organ still weeps, what she creates, a foreigner, do unprecedented dreams attract, here
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whether the flowers are late, the cuttings are holy. the organ-organ, in paris she, a foreigner, it seems to me, doesn’t sing this one, because it is painfully similar to the pain, outwardly, just like vasto, she doesn’t sing, and he doesn’t sing, lali,
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alexander, whose organ-organ makes sounds as if she it was collecting dust in the attic for 10 years. who doesn't sing? i really can’t imagine, in general, this time in general, they do everything so identical to each other, identical to kolya, they sing everything, even this notorious lip-singing, which i don’t even save every time, i don’t understand. they all smell like nikolai, i am more than sure that this is so, and decolon nikolai, nikolai, yes, by the way, yes, but it still seems to me that the first nikolai basco who does not sing, the first nikolai basque does not sing, but alexander ponayotov, boldly, sergey sosedov, please, i also
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think so somewhere, i’ll tell you now what my logic is, yes, i’m an artist.
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well, i believe that it is he who sings, his voice matches him, everything is fine, the first character is too ideal, it’s kolya baskov, that’s why he arouses suspicion, okay, guys, volodya, look at the situation, in a trio with lyudmila gurchenko, i have already said that the clear image of lyudmila gurchenko can be deceptive in that the image closely matches, but the vocals may... not match, this did not happen, this did not happen, in the situation with kolya baskova, i it seems that the image, which incredibly closely coincides with kolya himself, may certainly not coincide vocally, and my intuitive feeling is that this is kolya basque number one, the first one too, yes, not singing, not singing, good,
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i understand, anna, who is not singing from this trinity, i it seems that the non-singing basque is two second in a white suit, you are going against the team, why? i don’t know, but it seems so to me, i can’t explain it to you, i just watched and watched, and it seemed to me that the second one was not singing, of course, it’s just that now the whole team of stars needs to make a common decision, because this decision depends on whoever gets three points will play in the final fourth round, because right now... the score is 8:7 in your favor for now, but for now this is the main word, but this one is just basque, just basque alive stands as if alive, right?
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in front of the mirror, that’s all, even how he holds the microphone, pay attention, how vladimir holds it, better than anyone, they are all the same, but they all hold microphones, they are all rehearsed, your decision is not rehearsed. i’m ready to take responsibility, because this is not the first time, yes, i still suggest that the stars hear me, i hope, but
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maybe tamara glooba’s advice, by the way, yes, at least once, let’s be very careful, impulsive, in the first time you almost guessed right, but then you changed yours opinion, so understandable. the first nikolai baskov does not sing, the team of stars believes, and this is the final decision, yes, yes, the choice has been made, well, right now we will find out whether the stars managed to catch our final trio.
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do dreams attract you, this is yours, this is understandable, yes, yes, yes, whether the flowers bloom, the post-postal ones, are still the same aryuda, yarmata. in paris she is a stranger, whether she attracts unprecedented dreams, whether flowers bloom in the past, she is still a sobbing baker, in paris she is a stranger.
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