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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  June 8, 2024 8:20am-8:36am MSK

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to buy appropriate technologies, some and materials from abroad, to attract so-called long-term money into the economy , a program to support voluntary long-term savings of citizens began operating on january 1. putin proposes to extend the period during which the state co-finances savings from 3 to 10 years, to launch another way to save for a long time. this year a new instrument will be introduced: a savings certificate. will allow citizens to place funds in banks for a period of over 3 years and at a higher interest rate than with a regular deposit, although now it’s a fairly solid deposit, but our leading financial institutions are still pushing the bar higher and higher, i don’t know if this is justified or not, well, but for deposit holders it’s certainly a plus, that’s understandable, but i wouldn’t want you to germanuskovich together with andreemdich, like
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a vacuum cleaner, they sucked everything out of other banks, well, we’ll talk about this later, of course we won’t vacuum up, we got the command, the fact is that, of course, the money that the population has today is important resources for economic development, for investment, which is why banks, by the way, were created for this purpose, to transform citizens’ savings into the economy, this is actually what we should be doing, putin offers an additional special solution for families... who live or want to buy housing in small towns or in regions where the volume of housing construction is still insufficient. here, families with two children will be able to take advantage of a family mortgage at 6%, regardless of the age of the children. the only condition is that at least one the child in the family was a minor at the time of registration of the mortgage. the same preferential mortgage terms will apply in all regions of russia; this is especially special for every family that wants to build their own home.
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sectors of the economy and social sphere. 80% of russian organizations should switch to domestic software. sixth - modern technologies and... in terms of the volume
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of scientific research and development, seventh - strengthening the role of small medium-sized businesses, eighth - unlocking the potential of the regions. the ninth change is poverty reduction and reduction of inequality, starting next year, the minimum wage will be linked to the average salary received by the majority of citizens employed in the economy. in 2025 mrod will be 22.00 rubles. and by 2030, no less than 35. and tenth - improving the quality of life of russians, the family level of wages determines a lot, these include social benefits and much more, the economic model gives its results, shows growth, shows dynamics, such opportunities arise, and of course this again, the result of the president’s work on building both an effective political system and an economic model. this
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year, more than 12 thousand people from more than a hundred countries, including unfriendly ones, became participants and guests of the forum. hospitable st. petersburg provides an opportunity not only to establish business contacts. well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should captivate, flirt, but i don’t know how, i need to find a man who can fix this, i strongly recommend that you pay
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attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars, i really like you, turn into butterflies.
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no, and therefore not with your own voice, by the method of deduction, you were not convinced by the food, i was completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly, but they were still carried out, everyone has the right to make a mistake, catch me if you can, a big musical show, sings, no sings - well, it happens at karaoke, at five?
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and the daughter saw no other way out. at first elizabeth portrayed a loving daughter, and then she killed and robbed her and ran away. she didn't need them. she needed his money. a fragile girl with a five-year-old child in her arms robs and kills. and your memory will definitely return to you. sunday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white one, here it comes, oh, you’re good, to caress
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the stubborn one, he likes to grab there with his claws, and so tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done! oh, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, but you’re flying after the performance, you’re rushing everything, guys, to me feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, everything. on rtr, you need to go to the hare lakes, your relatives live there, what other hare creatures, what are you up to there again, premiere, how do you
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look like tanechka, no, i’m not, are you at my mother’s parents, yes, to me i like it, i ’ll pick you up immediately, living under one roof doesn’t mean being alone. with my family, my daughter has lived since the dawn of time, and now she’s started taking care of the children, dad, don’t, stop, but she has a plan, i decided to finish this story, dad! we just don’t need her anymore, alexander nikolaevich, it’s a pity, a daw on monday on rtr. on the air, we continue the broadcast: four people were killed, 68 were injured as a result of the massive shelling of lugansk. the strike was carried out by american long-range missiles. otakms, some of them were shot down, but still three kindergartens, two schools, a college, one of
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the university buildings, several dozen apartment buildings were damaged, specialists from the disaster medicine center were sent to lugansk, reporting by svyatoslav dolgachev. impact sound heard throughout lugansk, five atacoms missiles were flying towards the city, four of them were shot down, one hit two apartment buildings, they reported.
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it was decided to work around the clock,
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that is, we are now setting up a tent city for the night, and also sending local residents to a temporary accommodation point. an operational headquarters for helping victims has been created in the republic; representatives of all ministries work here; those who are left without housing are accommodated in city dormitories. at the moment, water is mainly supplied to those working at analysis of the halls, search for victims, also to everyone who. needs relocation, food packages will be provided. specialists were sent from the southern branch of the disaster medicine center to help luhansk doctors. debris clearing continues at the impact site. rescuers are using heavy equipment; there may be two more people in the collapsed entrance. svyatoslav dolgachev, kirill kenser, maria bulgakova, ekaterina tehmanovich, lead lugansk. the ukrainian army also attacked the kherson region, in the village of sadovaya, killing 22 local residents and more. wounded, two children among the victims, as reported by governor vladimir salda, kiev militants
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also hit a store where there were many visitors at that moment. the kiev regime showed its nazi essence with an attack on lugansk and the kherson region. kiev received the green light from washington to strike with western weapons. this is stated in the commentary of the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. the entire world community. must understand that these were pre-planned and carefully prepared terrorist actions intimidation, the nato style is obvious,” the diplomat emphasized. she noted that flight missions for long-range missiles, including atacoms, are formed with the direct participation of american, british and other western specialists. the ministry of defense has summed up the results of the special operation for the week; the russian army continues to expand the zone of control in the dpr and the military groupings of the center. the south liberated umanskoye and poroskovievka.
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the north group continues to advance in the kharkov region. the enemy lost over 11 thousand killed and wounded in a week. russian fighters burned a lot of equipment, including an abrams tank, two bradley infantry fighting vehicles, and a haiers rocket-propelled combat vehicle, all american-made. two mig-29 fighters of the ukrainian air force were shot down. the su-25 attack aircraft was hit by a lancet on the ground, high-precision weapons we... attack drones destroyed arsenals for storing western weapons and ammunition, as well as energy facilities that ensured the operation of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, aiming for combat... contact report by military correspondent vesti alexey baranov. from this angle , it is almost impossible to recognize a wheeled mine trawl in this noisily moving structure. a mine clearing combat vehicle, created on the basis of a modern t-90 tank, pushes it in front of
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itself. anti-personnel mines explode.


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