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tv   Lyubov po naimu  RUSSIA1  June 9, 2024 12:40am-4:11am MSK

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the cartridge contains about 300 small pellets, what does the weight of the cartridges affect? the weight of the cartridges affects the probability of actually hitting and the relationship with recoil, that is, the lighter the cartridges we have, the less shot there is, the smaller the percentage we reduce the probability of hitting the target, recoil is what hits the shoulder, small recoil, in fact, this is a stopping factor for many that people are afraid of literally until the first shot, as soon as you fire the first shot you realize that in fact it’s not that scary in principle i of those who are worried about this, it’s okay, execution of the shooting technique is fine, repeat everything after me, we put our feet shoulder-width apart, spread our toes a little, take hold of the fore-end with our left hand, close the gun, completely grasp it, we take the handle with our right hand, move our right shoulder forward to minimize recoil, stretch our neck forward a little, press our cheek, check the aiming line,
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look at the target as soon as you are ready, speak loudly and give the command, guide the target to the top point carefully body, and there you carefully smoothly press the trigger, after the shot we remove it from your shoulders, move the flag all the way to the right and break the gun, uh -huh, something like that, uh-huh, all conversations only happen when the gun is open, and after you have closed the gun , closed his mouth, yes, absolutely right, golden words, you must say the command loudly and clearly, give it, try. come on, wow, this is magic, that is, i said, it flew, well, in fact, nothing, that is , pure mechanics, here we have such a special remote control that allows me to the right moment when you are ready to press a certain mesh, that is, everything is on command, it’s not like suddenly a surprise when it comes out, yes, come on, come on, put on your headphones.
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optimism, here they believe in fairy tales, make dreams come true, here they enjoy the mysteries of the past , create the unusual and exquisite, here you remember that believing in yourself helps to overcome any adversity, i take this with me, i felt a man’s excitement, girls, shooting is so exciting, everyone is shooting, let me , great, smart girl, tell me how are yours
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a feeling like your shoulder, i didn’t even notice, so you see, i’m giving birth to cold-bloodedness, but in general, well, it’s not bunnies running, but saucers flying, they still fly, i said it right, damn, well done, super, super, super . we carry big loads. boris godunov, already
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dmitry the princes of galicia, lived here. during the war of 1812, this house first housed the headquarters of kutuzov and then napoleon. they also say that alexander sergeevich pushkin found many prototypes of his heroes here. every russian ancient estate stores dozens of similar stories, and today we will hear a lot of them. good morning, an exciting journey into the past awaits us. estates first appeared in the 15th century in the grand duchy of moscow. over time, the estate became an integral part of such a concept as an estate. the landowner builds a house on his land, surrounding himself with household servants. the real heyday of the russian estate occurred in the 19th century. this is the time we will be transported to today.
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arkhangelskaya, real luxury, a masterpiece of architectural art of the 18th-19th centuries. palace, park, temple, tomb. it's no coincidence that the estate is usually called versailles near moscow. any king could envy the local splendor. it would seem that russian estate culture is a thing of the past, but this is not entirely true. ancient estates flourish, offering the modern traveler many adventures. now i will prove it to you. so, abramtseva , artists polenov, vrubel, repin, vasnetsov, sirov came here to visit the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist sava ivanovich mamontov. the association of these masters even went down in history as the abramtsevo art
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circle. it was thanks to the abramtsevo circle that the idea of ​​reviving traditional russian ceramics arose, and this work is still alive today. the workshop is waiting for us. this is anya vorobyova, a ceramic restorer. anya graduated from the abramtsevo art and industrial college named after viktor mikhailovich vosnitsov. yes, it is not by chance that the college is called abramtsevo, it was here in the estate that it arose, this is one of the best art educational institutions in our country. i see it's written. what it is? majolica is glazed clay. that is. any thing there it can be voluminous or flat, made of clay and painted with colored glazes, all this is called maelika, and it’s so simple, yes, it ’s really that simple, that is, it can be one color and there can be a whole painting from these glazes, it’s a painting thanks to the mixing of glaze during the firing process, each
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time it is completely unique and often inimitable, in majolica it is in the ceramics section, but this is a process that is incredibly attractive with its endless variability.
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it's called a rose, the model is made of plasticine, yeah, then the plaster mold is removed from it, plaster has an amazing ability, it draws excess moisture from the clay, this method is called stuffing, so you take a small piece of clay and yours. the task is to press it completely into the relief, that is, so that later, when we pull things out of the mold, yes, the entire relief is imprinted. so, here we have sanded down the relief, then it dries, and after it has dried, it needs to be painted. in the obrantsev pottery workshop, you saw
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that many of the glazes, yes, they are so unusual colors, some red, yes, some gold. yes. it all depends on the firing mode. look, now this glaze is before firing, look at its color. after firing it will turn green, yeah, for example, after restoration firing it will turn red, in theory, with this mode this glaze will turn out like this, but in general it’s always a surprise, but it was that, yes, take a brush to shape it and paint it while i i was diligently covering my obramtsevo tile with glaze, one important question could not leave my head, and i just i couldn’t help but ask him, the curator of the museum of the estate, mammoths, he was a major entrepreneur, philanthropist, why did he need to gather poets and artists around him, what was his goal? well, firstly, he himself was an artist, he studied music, he had a wonderful voice, he was preparing to perform on the italian
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stage, he was engaged in sculpture, but in general he believed that art could ennoble a person, that is, his slogan, we need to decorate the streets with works of art. in fact, he believed this line all his life, he generally believed this is in the holy power of art, the main advantage of mamontov is that he promoted art, he did not collect it, he promoted art, and he, what he... did, that is, he created conditions for creativity, helping artists, made abramts here such a center. you and i, in the eyes of the majority of people in our circle, are some kind of eccentrics, perhaps even damaged people, but in this damage of ours there is that sacred, noble and pure thing that saves society from oscarification, calls it to the ideal. art in all centuries has an irresistible influence on... man, in our time, i think, due to the instability of other areas of the human spirit,
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it will shine even brighter. family dinners are an important part of traditional manor life. they resolved political, creative and philosophical dilemmas. i'm in muranovo, an estate associated with the names of the poets borotinsky and tyuchy. i suggest you try what the guests were treated to here. the muranovsky house was built by evgeny abramovich baratynsky himself. this is a one-of-a-kind estate designed by a poet. moreover, he acted not only as an architect, but as a foreman. bratynsky created his own world, in which it would be warm and cozy, despite any vicissitudes outside. it is not surprising that the house attracted relatives, friends and acquaintances like a magnet. the house was hospitable, guests came here, relatives lived here, and
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of course, here this table, a centipede, was pulled apart, but this is not just a humorous name for this object, it’s a term, because when this table was pulled apart, 20 people could fit behind it, the table 20 kuverts, when they said, well, how many legs, 40, centipede, the guests were sure to be seated. there was always a glacier in every estate, that is, at the end of winter, when the ice began
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to thaw, such deep cellars were filled with this ice and the ice existed until the end of august. each item is of interest, these are numerous pots, frying pans, and what a design, pay attention, here is a giant pan. for a large number of guests, for example, the first is some special soup, here is a lid that can be used as a frying pan. i don’t like tailgating dinners, where 100 gluttons, unaware of the conversation, chew and sleep. why such a garden? want to or so that the mind, the imagination, brings dinner into a happy image, so that the spirit plays with the playing wine, as the lada experts bequeathed. try to ensure that the guests at the table are no less numerous in number; you do not
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exceed the number of stones. you know, we have a special estate, this is due to the fact that we had greenhouses, and this was a very expensive pleasure, not accessible to everyone, thanks to which we grew pineapples, wow, and not only pineapples, we had apricots , there were always seasonal strawberries, that is, it was a place where guests could be surprised, and one from the stories about pineapple it is connected with the fact that it is quite cold here, and thanks to this the pineapples did not ripen, that is, just like, for example, somewhere in the south, as we usually do, we could not eat them, yeah, they were so sour, plump, they were used like cabbage, that is, fermented, that’s why we have an unusual meeting with you today, generally unusual, because we ’ll have leaven on us, yeah, we need to prepare nice little cubes, take salt , a lot means you take generously. zhmenku, zmenku - that’s it, yes, even more, in this case, as in the joke
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, the jew, don’t skimp on the tea leaves, okay, you still need it, you can add more salt, then you do a wonderful kinesthetic tactile thing, squeezing it with your hands, like this, yes, just not much, you know, so be careful so that they don’t get soggy, but just let it so that the juice stands out a little, essentially at this moment you start the fermentation process, fermentation is the process when fermentation begins, i cheated, i prepared in advance for my arrival. i fermented it a little in advance, overall, yeah, delicious, unusual, because pineapple, yes, well , look, now we cover this with oppression and put it somewhere until... evening in a warm place, there is a lot of sugar in pineapple, so fermentation will go quickly, yeah, after that we put it in the refrigerator and , well, let it brew for a day, the thing is amazing, let’s be honest, it’s perfect for an appetizer, but now we’ll cook cabbage soup, so, to prepare muranovo cabbage soup from pickled pineapple you will need pickled pineapple, rich beef broth, potatoes,
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carrots, onions, spices and herbs according tastes good, cook the fermented pineapples for... 20 minutes, then add the potatoes, and when they are ready, fry the onions and carrots, pour in a little pineapple brine, salt, let the soup boil again, and then simmer for at least half an hour over low heat, in decent noble families they did not eat from the pan, did not eat, served everything is in the tureen, we will do everything like a decent noble family, i get started, then i like it, but i don’t feel the pineapples, where is it? properly fermented pineapple gives a sour taste and elasticity, but at the same time it is very similar to cabbage.
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and this is shakhmatova, sasha was brought here for the first time blok, when he was only 6 months old, from then on he spent almost every summer in the estate throughout his life, here he wrote poetry and communicated with nature, they say the poet took care of his garden himself, his grandfather, the great, instilled in him a love of plants russian botanist. i think alexander alexandrovich would appreciate the gift i brought here. in the fogs, above the sparkle, i grew, merciless, holy and wise, i grew up in the old park of my grandfathers, the sun gilded my curls. is it true that blok’s
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grandfather instilled a love for plants? really, andrei nikolaevich beketov studied botany. here every summer, grandfather took sasha by the hand, they walked through the garden and park. by the age of nine , alexander blok knew many names of herbs in russian and even in latin. subsequently, having become a famous poet and publicist, in one of his articles he once said: “a poet is a perennial plant.” but who could really compare like that, of course, only the grandson of a botanist. you see, the daffodils are rising, there will be irises soon, when will they be and what are your favorite flowers?
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dmitry ivanovich mendeleev brought his daughter, also just a baby. little sasha picked it for his dear guests in the violet garden. by the way, i wrote my first poems on the blog when i was 5 years old, a little sad, just like the poet’s adult poems. once upon a time there lived a cute cat who was constantly sad, why no one knew, the cat didn’t say it. music, it’s hard to imagine a russian garden without it, we played music with our family and with guests, i’m on the estate of pyotr ilvich chakovsky. oh, what a big room.
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yes, yeah, big, 75 m, great, i know that tchaikovsky has a legal education, and after he received it, he even worked for some time, which provoked him to finish and start making music, music lived in him since childhood, in his head, in his consciousness, in his burning desire to do this always, yeah, but since no one was involved in professional music in russia at that time, well, he decided ... he was obliged simply as a person from a noble family to receive an education that would feed him, possibly his future family, so he learned what they wanted parents.
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she followed him all her life, she called him a glass child, it’s true that this is the piano that chikovsky played, yes, but you can touch him a little, just a little, yes, just
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a little, so to speak, yes, an exciting moment, i give you this exciting moment, in general this is a sacred instrument, this is the place where all musicians strive, all music lovers around the world, all famous musicians consider it an honor. he will not lag behind, he will not change, he will not deceive. mikhail yurjevich lermontov. i was in serednyakova, here, the poet came for the summer with his
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grandmother in childhood and adolescence. here he wrote his early poems, here he experienced his first love, here he devoted himself to one of his favorite hobbies, horse riding. yes, the horse did not betray the poet, unlike the lovers' friends. he also experienced his first powerful disappointment here, in serednyakova. lermontov met katenka sushkova in moscow in the spring of 1830, and in the summer he met her here at the estate. he is 15, she is 18. for the first time in his life, he falls in love, alas, unrequitedly. katya is much more attracted to the poet's cousin, alyosha lukhin.
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you laughed at me, and i responded with contempt, since then i have not replaced the emptiness of my heart with anything, nothing will bring us closer together, nothing will give me peace, even if a wonderful eye whispers in my heart, i cannot love another, thank you, month michelle for your dedication. whom you sing
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will be proud of you, when a real poet emerges from you, then i will remember with pleasure that your first inspirations were dedicated to me, and now, monsieur michel, write, but for now only for yourself. ancient estates near moscow allow you to hear your own great masters and learn a lot from them. here you learn the value of true art and... small home joys, here you inhale the same aromas as 100 years ago, and you want to fall passionately in love, like a young poet, here even inanimate objects seem to have their own voice, i take this with me, oh my, even the music shops, and
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chikovsky, what a genius. that's it, no, not everything, what a fun attraction, but different music. "all roads lead to rome, the ancients said, and in vladivostok they say, all roads lead to the sea, the water elements, the life of the local residents is saturated here, creativity and crafts follow
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the handiwork of nature. nature is a source of inspiration and materials for local craftsmen. vladivostok is the capital of the primorsky region. a city spread out on picturesque hills along the shores of zolotoy rok bay, surrounded on three sides by the sea of ​​japan. this corner seems to have absorbed all the splendor of the colors of nature. this amazing region has always attracted creative people who strive to create. the nature of the primorsky region is unique to us, it is both northern and southern, it is so unique, that’s why we can see on their products, well, even beads in the shape of our scallops or in the shape of our starfish or tiger paws, ceramic badges, they moved here from central russia, the urals and siberia. with indigenous peoples.
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has been working with wood for more than 30 years, calls himself a self-taught craftsman, no one in his family knew any crafts, but vladimir’s craving for this hobby arose in childhood, after meeting a forest man, we met for the first time, went fishing, sits a man like this, like a different race, well, we approached, he smiles so much and doesn’t speak russian, well, like he makes gestures for tea...
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he invites, he has such a little bowl there, he sits, the impression remains with me for the rest of my life . in the seventies, not far from where vladimir lived, japanese film director akiro kurasawa filmed the film dersu uzala. a film about the russian explorer, vladimir arsenyev and his guide through the wilds of the usuri taiga, a brave hunter. i came across this, and i always wanted, somehow it was a dream that...
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considered alive, there was even such a belief, a man came from a larch, a woman from a birch, therefore... before cutting the trunk, they asked permission from the spirits, this is the tool i work with, this is homemade work, i select the metal, convenience at hand, here preparation, i want to remove everything unnecessary, you already see, i don’t draw a sketch, nothing, i don’t even draw in wood anymore, i already see the work, what’s going to happen here... it will be the face of a young udyge man, i had very the degeis had and still have many friends, arseniev called them forest people, i and i met a lot of them, i especially liked
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old people, there is so much in the face , there is wisdom, there is calmness, every wrinkle is as if lived through. life or a lived life, so that the image is preserved for centuries, the master uses a special wood processing technology, i make a blank, tint it with stains, look for the color, look for everything, after that i make a solution, it includes wax, horny turpentine, cedar resin, and i add a little pine varnish, that's all... petitka, i make a coating and it's forever, that's how it exists, it is in 50-40 years, it doesn’t change, in general, it will be like that, but i put my soul into this work, everything else, i wanted to somehow
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elevate it, i called it the madonna of the forest, if you look at his sculptures, they make an amazing impression, but on the one hand with their detail, on the other hand with their depth. achieving expressiveness, the fact that this is an aborigine, it’s every wrinkle that i make, it’s necessary to polish it so that its expression is even clearer, well, i also have to burn out the ornaments, aka
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they have been making craftsmen for centuries, you have to feel it, or maybe god just gave me a little something. just listen, it’s in the language of the sea, summer speaks to us, to the sound of the surf, long winter days will immediately become short, in vladivostok there are countless shells, this, for example, is a surprise, this is such a present from the primorsky region. i live in the farthest point of our russia, in the south of primorye, in our wonderful vladivostok, everything here is absolutely inspiring, every
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season brings its own ideas, these are the doors seaside shells, gerbils, when i picked them up, i thought for a very long time, we have a lot of them on the coast, what can be done with them, so i came up with these sea attractions... surprises with predictions, tatyana grigorieva has three higher educations at once , and not one of them is related to creativity, a multi-station worker, this is creativity, it is a motivator of life, that is, if somewhere in other professions it doesn’t work out, i always dive here and work on shells, every shell, i look at it, this is when a child is born, you don't you know what will grow out of it, that’s how shell is. this is my very, very first work, it is already more than 15 years old, i kept it as a talisman, here is an octet of five frogs from our entire seaside shell, all this was
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planted on masha’s drink, everything was processed by hand, and the most interesting thing is, now i have a lot of interpretations : crickets, and foxes, in general, scorpions, quartets , everything, but... these frogs, they are the best. photos of her works are sent to tatyana from canada and china. vladivostok shells took their place of honor even in one from the island's museums. and i’m very happy that it’s written everywhere that this is vladivostok, that this is our russian southern seaside shell, that you can make dishes from it, and a picture, jewelry, you hold, as i said, the shell in your hands, and then you think that you would like to create something like this out of it, and you don’t know what will ultimately come out of it, you think, as young people say now, cubaturish, in the end you get some kind of picture at night, all in the morning... you run, you’re trying something to do, that is, this is such a thing, well,
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this is how you take a stone, it needs to be cut and you look at how it looks, then you put it in a frame, here is exactly the same situation, from what they spun in russia in ancient times, from sheep wool, hemp, flax, this bracelet, you won’t believe it, is not wool, nettle , although the thing is small, it took the craftswoman a lot of time to create it. nettle has been known since not even the middle ages, since antiquity; some of these fibers and products made from nettle have been found quite in the early period. lawyer anna korneeva is easy to recognize not by her business suit, but by her image as a girl complemented with stylish accessories that she made with her own hands from wool with the addition of nettles. like any hobby that a person needs in order to... relax, yes, with the body, mind, or somehow switch from one type
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of activity to another, so it is here, she has her own profession, she is a lawyer by profession , but she is also a writer, in her last novel the sphere of time, she shows how in the distant future the skill and knowledge of today’s craft can benefit you, when all the wonders of technology have been turned off, how you can spin, weave, boil...
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a person already uses, let’s say, what nature has done for him, this stalk of nettle, i crushed it, now i need to open it, also all this with my hands, little by little, little by little, after i have opened this whole stem, the most important stage begins, the stage of separating the fiber from the trista, trust - this is this detached thing that is, we break it in the middle of this joint like this and carefully, carefully begin to remove, the yarn from such blanks are not possible yet, fiber is needed rinse it some more, and then comb it out to remove the remaining shakes and other debris. after a few hours of, let’s say, work, this turns into something like this. like this, first
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i start working with a coarse comb, turn it over and comb, after a fairly long process of processing with a coarse comb, we get a fiber, now it is softer, smoother, in order for things to turn out. and soft, anna mixes nettle fiber with sheep or dog hair, and also adds shine to clothes or accessories. nettle, but indian, white. here it is, it’s purchased, it’s already processed, it ’s very pleasant to work with, and very pleasant to use in products, because when i add it, it adds such a certain shine, and it can be mixed with wool. then in addition to the properties of nettle
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, additional warming properties of wool will be added, if you want something lighter, we add nettle, if you want something darker, we add red wool, here it is, ready, now you can spin it, such spinning wheels have been used in russia since probably the 16th century, i i bought it at an antique store store, so it was in quite such a raincoat condition... i restored it, which i could do myself, that i could find a wood craftsman who made the missing parts and painted it, that is, the job of the spinner is to pull out the thread. more or less uniform, the quality of this thread, the thickness, depends on how the spinner pulls the thread evenly or not, at what speed she pulls this thread, that is, if you want you can spin thinly, you can spin thickly if you want, it’s all due to the hands, anna
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willingly shares her spinning skills and teaches children, adults, because it’s very easy to sit down and start learning how to make mud. of all the materials that nature gives us, of course, the greatest opportunity for creativity is hidden in wood; in the hands of a craftsman, any piece of wood comes to life, be it a dry log or a freshly sawn log, and if the artist’s apprenticeship is from the sea itself, then you get something like this here are the little things. driftwood, literally, is driftwood that drifts. a tree, or in russian, this is a driftwood, popularly called, this technique appeared in russia recently, they mainly use it residents of coastal cities, my favorite city is my inspiration, it’s all filled with
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the sea, seagulls, and i’ve lived here since birth, and i love it very much, i especially love walking near the sea and having something to breathe in, to be filled with, there i naturally find material for my work , i take this piece of wood, i can already see what can come out of it, why it will be useful to me, wood, it is such a magical material that in the hands of a master, it comes to life, natalia’s most popular work is whales, she has already made more than a hundred of them , for the whale... the most important thing is an interesting piece of wood, interesting shapes, it’s not so easy to find such pieces of wood, i hunt for them all the time, i found just such a piece of wood, it will be a purse and a tail, also a small piece of wood, the curved
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shape is very reminiscent of a tail, now we have it all firmly let's connect. in general, my products are made from sea wood, as well as from new wood, i like to work with any wood, and there are products carved on a strip of wood, like a seagull, for example, and there are products in which there is a minimum of work, then nature did the work for me. after the workpiece is assembled, it needs to be painted. paints, i use acrylic, acrylic paints are distinguished by the fact that they are very durable, they do not fade, they do not wear off. first we paint with the main blue
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color, then we will add details, we will. decorate the abdomen, then we will draw the eye, well then the whale will come to life completely, then the matter will remain tidied up, we will insert a skewer and set the whale on a stand. enterprising people have settled in vladivostok from its very foundation. for your craft we used everything that nature provided. from clay mined on... the island of putyatin , they made dishes of the same quality as chinese porcelain and even came up with their own so-called putyatin glaze. now craftsmen work in different techniques, but one thing remains unchanged, the quality and beauty of the products. since childhood i
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have been interested in art, yes, but at first it was because of the studio, i loved to draw. my friend and i went to art school together, we graduated, well, then somehow there was a long break, but by the will of fate i ended up in the studio ceramists, and this overwhelmed me so much, that is, i didn’t know anything about ceramics before that, that is, except for pots and some vases, so you can, it turns out that there is such a rich direction, so many possibilities. today i’ll show you how to make our starfish, yes, it’s a sea star. knead a little, roll out an even layer, the size can be arbitrary, stars
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come in different sizes, with a knife, now we first outline approximately the rays, and cut out the shape, remove the excess pieces, we cut them off, a little... work the edge, you can first into the texture, yes, it’s all prickly , you can use a stick, you can use a fork, you can use any sharp object, but i found this interesting tool, very quickly such an almost living texture appears - a real star, a star has such an organ, it looks like an eye, for such a small thing it will be enough just even... you can use some water, it also needs to be given a little, it’s not smooth, it’s a little textured, and
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now the most interesting thing, here’s how to give it place this shape with a brush directly under the fabric and i bring the brush to the center around this stick, i bend each ray, the stars need to dry for several days, i have a star that i made a few days ago, it is already dry, we will send this particular star to the oven, that’s it, turn on the oven, the temperatures are set there , all all all modes, our star is burned, the stove has cooled down, we can get it, now we will paint it, we have diluted glaze, glaze is ground glass with pigments of different colors, here is the second layer... dries and can be applied to the next layer, well here we are painted the star, we will now send it for
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firing, and after the glaze, after the second firing , it will come out about this color, lolita works not only with clay, she combines glazed ceramics with metal, aluminum, copper, lead or brass, adding to them enamel glass or stones, this is how fancy fish, shells, squids and ships appear. what the craftswoman accomplished is assessed first of all by her husband, alexey bokiy. my father is an artist himself, he taught at an art school, so my entire childhood was directly connected with creativity, with art. after school i entered st. petersburg, then it was called the miniserov secondary art school, where i studied in the sculpture department and after that i entered. already in higher education, the fly, so-called, both of us were in the third year, the department of ceramics, the department of sculpture, they are, well
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, right here at the door, at the door next to it, we haven’t seen each other, well, for 2 years and a half, we learned , as it were, in the third year, as soon as we met, there was a clear understanding, this your wife, everything, when you have a voice inside you, why drown it out or not listen to it, this is such a call to action that immediately pushes you to exploits, we thought that we would continue, after finishing our studies, to create and live, also in st. petersburg , in our wonderful, wonderful, beloved city, but it so happened that we came to vladivostok for one and a half to two years, in the end we realized that here in vladivostok we are more convenient, more comfortable, the most important thing, probably, is the presence of the sea, the presence large quantity sunny days, plus... with the nature that is here, the taiga, it leaves its mark, its own stamp of beauty, plus
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the opportunity to realize oneself. there was an interesting story when they were doing work with charlie chaplin, it was 2008-2009, i found out that chaplin’s granddaughter and her grandson would come to the pacific meridian film festival. kiera chaplin with spencer, then alexander doluda was directing our film festival, to my offer to meet with chaplin’s granddaughter, he responded quite coldly, he said that there were 600,000 people in vladivostok, they all wanted i would like to meet and talk, see kiera chaplin, but what did i tell him, that none of these 600 people sculpt a sculpture of charles chaplin to size from clay. five minute pause. and the phrase: come, after that, it means that a meeting was organized, and they brought
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them to the workshop, here in size there is... sculpted by her grandfather, it was impressionable. we draw inspiration from communicating with nature, with untouched bays, we know places where you can wander along the shore and find stones with pre-hysterical shells sealed, when we walk, we always have competitions to see who gets the most, who takes the most beautiful, most obvious shell, yes, if this happens, it’s certainly a delight. the pacific ocean and the sea of ​​japan, mysterious caves, tall dogs, relict trees. all this splendor of the surrounding world has been sung in the works of more than one generation of masters from vladivostok. now i have a piece of this natural wealth.
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the evil witch bewitched the fairy, the fairy fell asleep, and no one knew how to lay her out, we have to leave, she will be turned off in an hour, maybe we should wait, you again for our own, you and i agreed
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that we would do this after her. mira is my wife, nastya’s mother, but i don’t want to torment her anymore, not us, dad, dad, but we will come to the fairy tomorrow, no, nasenka, we won’t come, mom, but the day after tomorrow.
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won’t calm down, van, maybe give him a chance, he says, he was a good neurosurgeon, what a chance, lena, we tried everything, that’s it, this is the end, galya, come out, i need to wash the floors, then. then later, so what is it, he’s smoking again, fire,
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what’s happening, fire, fire, everything to keep his legs running here and there, we’re just here not enough. what's only one? take me out, take me out, give everyone a visit, a love spell, hello, no questions needed, here on the stairs.
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take thy soul, for thou art the resurrection , and rest in peace together with thy myrrh- slaving servants. eternal, amen,
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5 years in coma to die in a fire, mondieu, my poor girl, young, and no one came to see her off, the world has no one but us, everyone stayed in st. petersburg. “the thing is, they could have come, god rest her soul, i just had a niece, and she passed away, and mirochka and i dreamed so much, nastenka show me paris, and now you’ll show me, come to me, okay, just..." with her, don’t start, i beg you, maybe we’ll come to us, change the world, i can’t, i have flight 2, i need you still have time to go to court for a divorce, you ’re getting divorced again, and
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you didn’t have time to take my french husband away, my dear, he ’s almost no one to me anymore, van, don’t pay attention to the family, everything is a little strange, boule, you’re climbing over fences again, i knocked, no one answers, i don’t know the person at home, why bother, grandpa sanych, my mother is going to kill me.
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she’ll ask me and do it right, you’ll know how to leave your brother unattended, such a fool, but i’ll just for a minute, for achievements in the field of studying the human brain, hold on, maybe i can glue them together with some plasticine or something, what do you have there, take it, the nose of the curious barbarian was torn off, go, go! what else? i forgot to say thank you, thank you. having disappeared into obscurity, a rescuer works at the scene of the tragedy, and the victim. not yet
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reported, in our city in the intensive care unit of clinical hospital number 12, as we already reported, there was a fire 3 days ago, only today it became known that the fire did not end without casualties, one person died, a thirty-year-old woman who had been lying in a horse for 5 years, the name of the deceased was not disclosed, the hospital management insists that this was an accident, the fire occurred in a utility room, there will have to be an investigation, and now the good news is, what about you? “mom, let’s go to the hospital, my darling, we will definitely go, just not today, okay, tomorrow, for sure, well, tell me, exactly, yeah, okay, then i’ll look for the magic mirror, but you.”
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promised, the child is 6 years old, she believes in all sorts of nonsense, thank you, dear, what else will you teach her, i told her this when she was 2 years old, how could i know that she would remember, okay, okay, but now tell me tell her the truth. expand into reality, otherwise i will do it. umka, umka, don’t believe us, nastya, she’s like the world, but miryn still had his own truth. mirka, you're crazy. don't you have enough troubles besides the puppy? and this is not for me. at the institute i was asked to make a short film about an ordinary day. person. so it's the same. there is my usual day,
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and well, for some reason i help her with this, it’s unclear why, but i help, which means she decided to benefit the little boy who was crying a lot on the street, you really wanted a puppy, but he cried so much, asked so much, well, of course, peace, let us now buy a puppy for all the crying boys in the whole city, and you promise that you will be a good friend to him, okay, agreed, come on, well, knock, letka, who the hell did you bring there, who did you open there, i just told you, it’s good that at least a business card left, otherwise your laboratory assistant would live on the street, did she just say that or? take it away
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or throw it out on the street? something like this, only in other words, you wouldn’t like it. well, shall we take it to the store? i'll leave it with me, with me? what will dad say? dad and i will come to an agreement, right? let's agree? wow, my wheel! mom, i broke the magic mirror! my dear, are you hurt? no! well, have you finished playing with your mirror? is it really magical? they fight, you weren’t magical, but now you’re magical, real. helmet and wires sticking out in all directions, and then i took this one he started to sew something on with a needle, that the head, sanych creates monsters, lka, there are no monsters, i saw it myself, let’s
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tell our parents what else, we’ll handle it ourselves, it’s interesting, and how we’ll create our own monster, no, we’ll steal it from sanych. the deputy director started asking questions, well, you know, if anything, i broke into the laboratory, stole test tubes, and how can he know how much of this donor material you spent on experiments without worrying, but i’m not worried, dad, i’m not worried, just no , i’m on duty, no, dad, what are you saying, i was cooling off in vain, or what? occasion yes, luda received her diploma on friday, why didn’t they invite me, yes, she, she didn’t invite anyone at all, how she has matured, but
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she used to come to visit, now, tell me, do you really believe that it is possible to restore brain activity after 5 years, yes, quite, good, good... started to finish everything like you didn’t yes, i don’t want to prove anything, i just want you can understand this, you will be imprisoned, for what for the fact that i saved the person whom wanted to kill, stole, no, stole, gave away another body in place of the world, carried out illegal experiments, and a fire, can you imagine what all this could do? will end, the left wing burned down, there was no one there except mira, okay, but what if something happened, i thought of everything, if it works out, can you imagine how many people’s lives i can save, dad, dad, dad, you’re
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all about people, oh people, come on, shall we drink to you? mom, why aren’t you sleeping, are you taking your medicine again? ugh, it's as bitter as you can get. sunny, go to sleep, i’m here now, go, go. here you are, i'm suffering. dad, by
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the way, is worried about you. stop me chew. he amuses you, i say that dad is worried about you, why should he worry, well , well, i don’t want to get into business, builders, especially since i don’t want to do brickwork, but what would you want to do, but i don’t i know, that’s the point, i don’t know what i want to do, i want to help people, help, how interesting, but please tell me, can you help me, i have a heart. and i just saw you, she just stopped shaking, vanya, peace, hello, mutual, this is lena, lena, hello lena.
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run, bunny, run, van, i can’t do this, alone the same dream, the world is on the threshold, i invite her to come in, and she shakes her head. remains standing, excuse me, of course, but if you drink like that, and then watch these stupid records, anyone will dream about the world, we were actually on our way to kill her when she burned down, stop, but the world died and we are not to blame for this, i don’t want to return to this topic anymore, and if you have nothing to do, then don’t shoot, i finally bought you a camera for 10,000, i don’t want to shoot, wait, wait, wait, i understand, it’s hard for you, we’re all very worried , mom, i love you you, yes, honey, and after school we’ll go
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to the fairy, really, you promised, van, my bunny, yes, my dear, of course, i promised you, but can we go tomorrow, you say that every day, dad, nastya, stop playing these games, van, darling, my mother’s friend, who was in the hospital, was discharged and left, we will never see her again, run to... they won’t let her into the city, i’ll talk to her, okay,
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it hurts so much , mom’s phone number, remember, mom has already arrived... she’s waiting for me from school, just tell ninya andreevna to i let you go, show me your certificate, you can go to your mom, if it gets bad, let him take you to the hospital, uh-huh, uh-huh. well, what do you see? something strange. so,
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now, sashka, come on, climb out the window, you’ll open the door for us and i’m afraid. what are you, girl, well, come on, climb. baby, where is the hospital? what other hospital? not you. hospital, there is a fountain, a white car with a stripe. yes, i'll be there now. “who are you looking for, a fairy, she’s in the hospital, a fairy, listen, such a coincidence, right, i’m just going to her too, well, you know, you can’t go to a fairy empty-handed, yes, that’s right, i need to buy gifts, well, all that, you have money, i have too, and you know, i
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came up with something, will you come with me, somehow you don’t look like a monster, and nothing is sewn on, because of you it’s only in vain she'll fly into school, let's go, sashka, wait, and if she... is just going to attach her head, someone's, yours, for example, why is she lying here, not even moving, he put her to sleep, now he'll cut off this head and sew a new one . olka, are you crazy? yes, because in the film everything was exactly the same, and then a monster walked the streets, and what to do now? "auntie, we have sent you to save, and my wife will cry, the thunder will roll! ".
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the comrade himself will forget about me, it’s a pity, just tell me, wide pole, i’m not tired, why does fay need so much money, let’s go already, oh, i said, she’s standing here, give me, thank you, girl, oh, i said, i’ll kill you now, thank you guys, love. she’s kind of strange, but maybe she’ll be disconnected from all these things? right, then sashka will wake up, come on here, hey, what if you can’t, can you, come on, sashka, here, she grabbed me , grabbed me, how are things going here today,
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where did you get it from? i found it, it’s pretty, how much do you want for it, what are you doing, it’s still quite small, how much? 5. i won’t give him more than a thousand. it hurts me, but what could i do, she appeared at the last moment, but calm down, no one is blaming you, tell me, girl, what is your name? nastenka,
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nastenka, where is your mother, where is the fairy, i wonder where the fairy is, the hospital, there is a fountain, a big one. columns and a car like yours, you will take me there, right? of course, i’ll take you, don’t worry, i’ll pick up the child now, put him in the car, treat his knee, let’s go, wall and i told you, be careful, give me your head, now you won’t say that i’m making it up, honey, who are you, can you explain to me what you’re doing here, mashenka, this is my niece, she had an accident with her parents, she ’s the only one who survived , the hospital
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refused her, she fell into a coma, i took her to my place, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly. everything is fine, so what, she just woke up , okay, everything is fine, oh, what a joy, that’s it , we won’t interfere, everything is fine, my girl, everything is fine, once again i know that you are the enemy you plant it, as soon as you get it, you succeeded, you succeeded, nastenka, don’t tell me, this is exactly the same hospital, exactly that... well, now tell me where your mother is, there she is, this is your mother, yes, kitten, mother is already on her way , yes, yes, definitely,
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ivan dmitrievich, everyone has already gathered, the board of directors is waiting for you, they will wait, yes, what did you want, i have a meeting, why is nastya
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not at school? everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, you! safety, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm down, i ’ll explain everything to you now, do you remember something, well, it happens, nothing, memory, memory will resume, you are my niece, 5 years ago, you had an accident with your parents, your parents died, and you, you were in a coma for a very long time, first in the hospital, now with me, i am a doctor, a doctor, and i
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came up with a new technique, i injected you, well , that’s not the main thing, the main thing is that you, what, what, what do you want to ask, do you want to know what your name is, you? your fairy name is miroslava, when the fire started, she woke up, put on her wings and flew away, flew high, where she flew, oh, she flew far, do you know how much work fairies have, oh, so much, who disenchanted her? o lord, my girl, oh lord, how you scared us, and my little one, well, that’s it,
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a dreamer, you’ve finished playing with me, you’ll get a belt at home, vanya, my dear, well, what, what’s wrong with our knee? then i’ll tell you, we need to find a fairy, someone cast a spell on her, remember how you read to me there, someone wants to force her to do something bad, a bad wish? so nastya, there is no fairy, no, that’s enough, aunt goli saw her fly away, so that’s it, home, i’m tired, let’s go, excuse us, sir, i ask you, if you make this nonsense out of her you can’t knock your head out, i will do it, i will talk to psychologists, but i will still believe in the fairy, the treasurers explain that not everyone has enough government securities in their portfolio, but refinancing at tenders is for the institutions that offer.
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okay, okay, come on, try, try , bolder, bolder, ugh, okay, here, okay, okay, well, nothing, nothing, nothing, if you learned to do this earlier, when you were still a child, then now you’ll learn, well.. “thank you sanych, i’ve already tried everything for this damned insomnia, i even drank vinegar with honey,
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by the way, motherwort didn’t help me at all, why didn’t you come to me earlier, i thought folk remedies might help, i experimented a little, and yes i experimented, zoy, that means, take those pills in the morning, dilute the powders in the evening." but the most important thing is to sleep according to the schedule and don’t you dare go to bed irritated, uh-huh, no tea, no pain, that’s it, yeah, yeah, here, here, zoya, why is this, you have children, no, no, sanych, now you’re not alone either, he himself , you walk like a skeleton, feed your niece, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll run, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, no, no, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, calm down, calm down, you have to live, live
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, you have to, you hear, you have to, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, with your finger, like this, yes...
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you can, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, be brave, brave, brave, well, okay, come on, come on, come on, well done, good, good, come on, come on, come on, hold on, well, now, come on yourself, well, be brave,
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it’s you, come in, come in, 2 months, no hearing, no spirit, i’m already starting to worry, at least you, oops, and this is the one, yes, this is masha, my niece, i told you about her, masha, a this is nikolai olegovich, my colleague, hello, let's work out on our own, okay, that 's good, sit down, and nikolai
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olegovich and i... let's take a walk, let's take a walk, after all, nikolai olegovich, but of course, please, dad, you're lucky, listen, withdrawn, there is every chance to finish the experiment calmly, but what will happen when she starts to remember, she will start then and... i’m thinking, now i have a headache about something else, how can i send the documents to windhealth? this is exactly what i wanted to talk to you about. you understand perfectly well that you don’t have any documents will they accept? yes, and they’ll also open a case? yes, that's why i'm thinking, what's the best way to do this? can i pass it on through yours? already consulted, consulted. dad, your only chance
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is to make your research public, just don’t get me wrong, give it to a person who practices medicine legally, give it, give it, dad, give it, to whom to give it, give it, yes, listen to me, please, now, to whom, i will go through my laboratory, i’ll finalize the data, everything will be according to the law, no, i won’t give it to anyone, i won’t give it to anyone, not even my son. "i i knew it, i knew it, you don’t care about the world, you don’t care about all these people, you want fame, yes you do, i want to help you, dad, put your name under my discovery, i gave you my life 20 years ago , i took your blame for myself, i could have made this discovery back then, but you gave the guy the wrong solution, then you buried my experiment and me,
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nobody asked you to save my skin, you would have gotten out of it yourself, and there’s no need to make me out of you , ungrateful bastard, i helped you with equipment, i supplied you with donor material, and money, i didn’t give you enough money, money, money, thank you, dad, please, can you imagine what this means for us, this is a breakthrough in surgery, they will talk, write, but money, we won’t need anything, not whatever you need, dad, i will return glory to our family name, no one will say that makarov, an eccentric who killed a man, hey! “i didn’t kill a person, but that’s not what i wanted to say, well
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, rings, other little things, he once cut all my mother’s dresses into snowflakes, that’s when i got it, do you have children?” "i'm not here , you're probably so beautiful, my children i won’t be there either, why are they needed at all, it’s all boring porta, what is it, this apple tree is older than you, hooligan, come on , get off, just don’t bite me, don’t bite, just like that, come on, i have a daughter , and husband,
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i have a daughter, why didn’t you ever talk about her, i didn’t know what? with her, she was in the car itself, she died, no, she didn’t die, but her husband, and he didn’t die, then where are they, we, we haven’t talked for a long time, with your mother, i don’t know anything... i know, mash , so find them, find them, find my daughter and my husband, is that what it is? it’s difficult, he’s probably looking for me, yes, he’s looking,
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tell me, mom, mom. had affection for the child, but the time will come, she will say everything herself, you heard what you heard, well, don’t make things up, well, she said again, you didn’t hear, everything is fine, you understand, everything is fine, let ’s lose her, great loss of blood miroslav bolkov take the husbands of zuev ivan.
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vanechka, it’s me, i’m not vanechka, you’re wrong,
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umka. you're my good one, i found out, clever, vanya, vanya, this, this is how, how, vanya, in my dream, is this, vanya, she, she died, no, she's alive, who is this, vanya, she's behind us came, yes, quietly, quietly, quietly, she didn’t go anywhere, we don’t have yet... i have all the documents, the death certificate, i took over the rights to
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the investigation, she won’t prove anything, quietly, we won’t reveal anything to anyone, this is not peace, this is not peace, this is a swindler, an ordinary swindler, well, well, this is a feast, who knows about it, you and me, come to me. quietly, died, i didn’t work here yet, but all the newspapers wrote about him, didn’t you even read it? dad, you need to go to the hare lake, your
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relatives live there, what other hare lakes are there, what are you planning there again, the premiere, what? you look like tanya, but no, i don’t, are you with your mother’s parents, yes, dad, no, right, i ’m going to pick you up immediately, living under the same roof doesn’t mean being one family, my holy daughter. lived, and now he’s taken care of the children, dad, don’t, stop, but she has a plan, i decided to end this story, dad, we just don’t need her anymore, alexander nikolaevich, jackdaw on monday on rtr, today, the children gave me speaker with a microphone, and i began to sing songs, the song was a dream to me, andrei malakhov invites me to...
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the biggest contribution to my creativity is my beautiful grandmother. songs from the bottom of my heart, evening show by andrei malakhov. today on rtr. you abandoned pregnant women go. they planted it on the city, but i didn’t write it, i really didn’t know anything about the child, that is, about you, today, she is my daughter, your brother may especially not like this news, we are all starting a new life, they saw in her daughter, i hope you understand that you have become a potential heir to a decent fortune, and your daughter saw no other way out, at first elizabeth portrayed... a loving daughter, and then he killed, robbed and ran away, she didn’t need
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a family, she needed his money, a fragile girl with a five-year-old child in her arms, robs and kills, are you serious, don’t you worry, you’ll really soon get better, be sure to return to the memorial, who you are, what you want from us, retelling fate, today on rtr, cherish the goal. resources of the wall, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are flowing over the edge, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i... in general , a plant maniac,
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real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, today on rtr. please give me what i need, did you promise? van, we can’t pretend all the time that she doesn’t exist, van, we can go crazy! this
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cruel, 7 years ago i could sleep with my best friend’s husband, now where do you get so much? pity, this is my friend, she slept with the man who was supposed to become my husband, oh, yes, of course, you are the victim in this story, i forced you to arrange this random meeting in a cafe, live off the wolf, deceive your friend , endure, what a bastard i am, yes, vanya, you are a bastard, a bastard, i’m a fool, a fool, because i waited, waited for you to get enough of your legs, tell me one thing, if it weren’t for that accident, you would have her divorced,
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think about where you would be now if i divorced mira, well... it’s impossible, but how can it be, how can it be, all i’ve done all my life is try to get out of the shit i was born into, you it was easier with your mother, but peace, she was born with everything ready, she doesn’t even know what it’s like when there’s no money, so now let her not deserve this. do you want her to be caught up and returned to this house, to this life? then you will not be in this life, mom, mom,
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and nastya will not be. call you mom, hello, yes, great, san, listen, but please give me this one, miroslava volkova zuev, yeah, you say, no one will recognize you, that’s interesting. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i’m listening, yes, yeah, whose daughter, yeah, that’s it, that’s it, come on, thank you, you know what, don’t worry, don’t
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worry, sit down for now, sit down, i ’ll call the investigator now, we ’ll figure it out. everything will be returned to you, everything will be returned, sit down, sit down, hello, sanya, yes, great, remember, i asked you about this world, and so, she asks for an investigator, but here you don’t need an investigator if she’s under the guise she came to me alive, well, there are obviously doctors here, do you understand? and you understand, if she’s like this, then that’s obviously it,
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i didn’t think i’d ever see you again, masha. i am the world, you remembered, in the morning, the patient died, his son, i had things to do, i thought, what would happen to me, a famous neurosurgeon, the connection happened, 20 years ago, i lost everything, here you are, the same diagnosis, and you were going to turn it off. did dad want to turn me off? no, a parent can't turn off their child, if i'm not mistaken, he's having a heart attack happened, a month after the accident, which means, vanya, there was no hope that you would get out of the dead zone, why judge him, i waited for 5 years,
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and what is written here, our beloved is more in... others, that’s what it sounds like latin, vanechka, and if i’m not... if the real miroslava volkova lies here, i’m not even sure that i remembered the truth about myself, i’m not the world, you’re the world, i’m not the world, you’re the world, no.
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listen, mira, i’m in the land of history, i haven’t heard in 5 years of my legal practice, anyone else would have told me, they wouldn’t have believed it, but i i wouldn’t have believed that vanya could turn me off, this is just the most ordinary part of the story, one of the spouses decides to take the property of the other.
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dad insisted that we move here, he had some business here from st. petersburg, who are we? i’m with my husband and lena, my friend, she had some filming here, then she decided to stay, she didn’t recognize you, but i just couldn’t find her, they didn’t open the house for me, they didn’t let me go to work, lena you say, yes, yes, from television, yes, yes, okay, mirochka, think again, who knows you here? yes, i i went to english language courses here,
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courses, good, but who will remember, and the maternity hospital, i gave birth to a dynasty, there are doctors there, but i don’t know, i wonder what it’s like now, so there’s still the world, let’s remember, we need all the places, where you could. will leave the environment of his presence, all the people with whom you communicated, yes, this will be useful to us in court, in court, well, yes, and let your vanya there just try not to recognize you, vanya has nothing to do with it, well, yes, yes, of course , come on, world, remember who else, and our institute ones, great, and my school is in st. petersburg, my clinic there, yeah. here, too, in the clinic i was registered, so here in the clinic, aunt, aunt, i have a dear aunt, this is already interesting, but only
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she lives in paris, nothing, let’s get her out of paris, name, surname, coordinates, remember her, yes, that means, inga volkova, only she got married so often, i don’t know, she might have a different last name and... i don’t remember the address, okay, that’s enough for today, peace, everything will be fine, thank you, but i think all this is not needed. vanechka will recognize me and everything will fall into place.
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damn, vanya, vanya, vanya, get away from the car, you're crazy, vanya, it's me, your wife, peace. my wife died, vanya, vanya, you fall asleep on your stomach, coffee with milk, no sugar, you play chess by yourself, vanya, vanya, i don’t play chess.
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nastya, you, who are you? lord, at least don’t pretend, i’ll call the police now. great, call them, and at the same time tell them what you have in mind. yes, i was mistaken, and also with my husband, and also with my girlfriend, you live here, in my house, with my husband, my life, lena,
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tell me, what about you? can you live like this, can you? nastya, nastya, onka.
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lena, i will leave everything to you svani. business, money, house, everything, i just ask you, give me back my daughter, i don’t know who you are, and you will never cross the threshold of my house again, lena, get out of here, lena, get
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out of here, he a , vanya, she wants to take away, she, she wants to take away our daughter, she wants to take away my daughter, my... will you hear? you don't know where the second one is? second class is over there, thank you.
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“if i didn’t, i knew, i knew that dad and mom were deceiving me, but where were you, nothing bad happened to you, i still have yours magical..." from the mirror, do you still need it? nastya, nastya, please don’t fly away again! wait for me, over there in the park where my mother and i are eating ice cream, i’ll come after school when
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the big arrow points to twelve , and the little one is here, on the troika. bye, now you, come on, now you, but you also have to pick someone up for your team. let’s go, don’t touch me, get up, quietly, quietly, don’t touch me, i said. , come on, come on , come on, get up, get up, i won’t give her nastya, you hear, i’ll never give her my nastya, never, she will have children again, she will have girls, and i will never because of her, because of you, because of you, van, i ask you, give everything, money at home, everything, nastya, don’t take it away i have nastya, please, we won’t
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give anything to anyone, please, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. nastenka, i follow you everywhere and think that you will never fall asleep again, right? is it true? can you fly to your parents and say that i’m not a liar? soon my mother will come to pick me up from afterschool. nastenka, i have to tell you something, mom will find out that you about... they will be happy, you will come tomorrow, i too, i just remember, a small arrow at three, a large one at twelve, it’s interesting that
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it was france, half a century before, back in the thirties, that began to get rid of tram transport, world, what’s wrong with you ? are you feeling okay? it’s normal, it was just a little hard day, my head hurts. peace, i have good news, a court to overturn the decision. about declaring you dead, is scheduled for the fifteenth, and tomorrow we are meeting with my friend, a journalist, he will write an article about you, we will post a photo in all
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resources on the internet, asking those who know you to respond, she calls her mom, and where is mom, mom, mom is sleeping, she... feels herself, honey, who is the woman the teacher told me about, who did you talk to near the stadium? i won’t tell you, you won’t believe it anyway, why don’t i believe it, i will believe it, it was a fairy, dad, what are you saying, fairies don’t exist, i want to go to my mother, yes, yes, run, run. a summons, i decided to sue, and you, as always
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, stood on the sidelines in that green dress of yours, do you remember what color my graduation party was? dress,
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sanoch on duty until night. run, run, run, there is someone else there, there are still people, put it, we are here, take the piru, take the piru, quickly, like, quickly, take it, carefully, carefully, legs, far away, let's go again, so take it i’m sick, i’ve fought as much as i can, everything has burned down, the equipment and
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medicines, there’s nothing else, what to do now, i don’t know how to live and where to live, sanych, what are you talking about, well, we won’t kick you out, well, all the records are mine burned out, so many years of experiments. the fire is not an accident, i saw olya, adults talking, the door it was closed from the outside, okay, but i saw the guy with the canister, who did you see, in sanych ’s garden, he was running towards the road, and what were you doing in sanych’s garden, i didn’t touch him, honestly, no, no, this can’t be , who needed to set fire to my house? nikolai,
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kolya, son, he is not capable of this. i know who is capable. the story has become even more confusing, the fire only confirms that someone is not very interested in miroslava volko regaining her old life. in any case, all that remains is to wait for the trial, which will soon be this story will have all its dots. van, why did you do this? i didn’t set the house on fire, van, stop it, you weren’t at home that day, i met the germans, you know very well about this, okay, okay, do as you know, just more of this, i don’t... and i don’t
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want to see hear nothing about the world, i’m saving our family again, and you have nothing to do with it, you’ve settled down well, i didn’t set the house on fire. bunny, how are you, mom, i’m bored, please, can i at least go to school tomorrow, my girl, well, i already explained to you, you will stay at home until dad and i find a new school, new one, well, vera and masha are there. my dear,
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in the new school there will be new faiths with masha, if you want me to help you, come on, which one? this one, this one, in the first box there were 7 kg of potatoes, 3 kg more, how many kilograms of potatoes were in the second box? mom, what happened? dad is angry, and you cry all the time, i did something wrong, no, bunny, no, what are you, you have nothing to do with it, i can ask the fairy to fix everything, she can already fulfill a wish, and i can, what, wait, you saw her, but dad didn’t... he says, she real, alive, and was waiting for me in the park. listen to me, nastenka, no, you’re like dad. nastya, listen, this is an evil witch, very evil, she turned into a fairy to deceive you and steal you. promise me that you
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will never, i hear you, never, ever approach her, much less talk to her, okay? come in, andrey, come in, sit down. thank you, i'll stand. ah, but i'm afraid you're in the wrong place. i have nothing to do with the postponement of the trial date. oh really? i'll tell you a secret. it’s beneficial for me to quickly this whole nightmare is over. i made inquiries about you, you are a good lawyer, honest, thank you, so this time you are on the side of the swindlers, listen, who are you trying to deceive, me or yourself, i have known mira since college, it’s clear, but i’m afraid that this time you
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you will lose this case, dear lawyer, listen, you can bribe anyone and... no one has been waiting for anyone for a long time, since you, every single day, at the same time, i’m
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already wondering whether he will come or not , do you love him that much? i'll tell him, venya, nastya, let's go, let's go,
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nastya, nastenka, daughter, what do you want for lunch? lord, vanya, nastya, you ran away, you’re not a witch, really, mom thinks if you don’t have wings, then you’re not a fairy, they will be for you. if you want, how many wishes can i make for you? yes, as much as you need, make as many wishes, wow, then i want, uh, so that mom doesn’t cry anymore and doesn’t drink her medicine, and dad doesn’t scream, and they let me out of the house, i have
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a parrot, that’s okay, nastya, they don’t let you out of the house, yes, and mom wants to take you somewhere, but i don’t want to. nastenka, will you go with me, where, to a magical land, yes. “you are just like your mother, your daughter is wandering around the city, and you don’t know where she is, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, right here, yes, right here, stop, why can’t you take your mother with you, she will cry without me, you love your mother so much, very, very much, she me, okay, let’s go, i’ll take you to your mother, i’m warning you for the last time, i’m not laughing, hear?” “don’t you dare approach my daughter, beat me, so throw something away?
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inga nikolaevna, mirochka, baby, live, lord, how are you here, how, we were looking for you and by address, by last name, my last name is different, and i have the address. another, it doesn’t matter now, i saw your photo on the internet and the article, and there are andryusha’s coordinates, after 3 hours of flight inga nikolaevna is already here, what a surprise for you, thank you, well, now with the help of inga nikolaevna we are exhuming the buried person here body and you become a missing person, that is, alive, but take it there, excuse me, give it to
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lena, of course she’s still that bitch, and vanya, what can you take from him, but they are not worthy of your tears, and i don’t care about them. "let them live with lena, as much as they want, i’m afraid of losing nastya, you won’t lose her, the trial is on friday and i’ve already lost her, she loves lena, calls her mom, and no matter what the court recognizes, i won’t be able to tell nastya the truth, it will break her heart, you you’ll break her heart if you don’t say anything about nastya, doesn’t she deserve to know who her mother is, she’s a smart girl, she’ll understand everything, this won’t make elena love her any less, so you ’ll go now, wash your face, wipe off all that snot”? and you will prepare to fight for your daughter, yes you hear me or no, i won't fight
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for my daughter, i won’t go to court, i won’t go anywhere at all, in addition, the results of the exhumation confirm that a male, as yet unidentified body was buried in the grave of miroslava volkova zueva, your honor, i played a little trick, dragged it. lice are the remains of a tramp from the morgue, here take a copy, but this does not mean that this woman is miroslava, that is why we are asking the court to conduct a genetic examination, compare the dna of my client with the dna of the girl, anastasia zueva, no one, hear me, no one, hear me, no one will touch my daughter, no one touches, i do not allow this, please maintain order. in the courtroom, having considered all the circumstances of the case, the court
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makes a decision, forcibly, if otherwise impossible, to conduct a genetic examination. within 3 days, ivan dmitrievich zuev is obliged to donate genetic samples to his daughter zueva anastasia, for comparison with the genetic material of volkova zueva miroslava palovna. the final decision on confirming the identities of volkova and miroslava dzueva. accepted after receiving these results, well, here's our business, ok, well, for the victory, for the victory, baby, aren’t you happy, a little more, and nastenka will be with us, well, when she is, then i’ll be happy. and we have another good news,
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that is, from sanych, well, tell me, what can i tell you, i’m being invited as a laboratory assistant to participate in an experiment similar to mine, well, that’s great, that’s what, what did you want, to paris , to paris, they somehow. they found out about my research, they called me and now they’re inviting me, but i’m still thinking, where should i go in my old age? "there's no one there yet i know, how come you don’t know, you know me, and i already said that my house hasn’t seen a man’s hands for a long time, yes, yes, there are so many light bulbs to take, interesting, interesting, boy, i’m kidding, kidding, i, oh, excuse me, i’m listening, when?” “
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it’s from the police, nastenka was kidnapped, a black volkswagen transporter, two people jumped out, dragged nastenka, i didn’t have time to do anything, and of course, you didn’t see either faces or license plates, yes, no, everything was so fast happened, we... we didn’t have time to understand anything, and you suspect someone, i know, perhaps, in connection with this, the court raised hype in the press, someone for the sake of ransom, i don’t know, we’ve already heard this, okay, the phone has been wiretapped, we’ll wait, and we’ll start listening to mobile phones tomorrow, well, that’s all, you
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’ll take the applicants’ word, but what about your proposal? my proposal, see the etilisk, well, how does a child get stuffed into a car in the middle of the day and no one except the parents sees it, there was no one on the street, and by the way, this is for you to note, the child was kidnapped, just on the eve of the dna examination, which should was to prove the motherhood of miroslava volkova, not a bad coincidence, yes, what are you hinting at? i’m not hinting, i’m telling you directly, you faked a kidnapping, you’re crazy, this is my daughter, you don’t care about your daughter, hey, come on, break up, stop it, that’s it, vanya, of course, she’s still a bastard, but even for him this is too much, i ’ve never seen him so broken, broken,
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of course, why shouldn’t he be broken, and he’ll soon lose the case? will lose everything he has, there are such meager people, and olya, stealing your own children for money, hello, vanya, vanya, it’s me, nastya, you, vanya, have everything in court will equally return my name and my property to me, from motherhood, but i don’t need anything, vanya, i will leave everything to you, i will take the application here, i will disappear from your life forever, i agree, only i ask you, vanechka, give me back nastya , in an hour on the bridge, on the very one where i proposed to you, remember, let it all end where it began, you will give her
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nastya. hush, hush, she didn’t eat anything, she was capricious, she could barely put her to bed, she kept calling her mother. thanks good night.
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mom, did you come home for... me, no, bunny, i can’t take you home, why, mom, because i don’t, dad and i explained everything to you, you, you’ll stay a little with aunt nina, and then we, then we’ll all leave together, okay? okay, go to bed, sleep, mom, tell me a story, a trophy. move,
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this time i’ll tell you the truth, not a fairy tale, you’ll soon grow up big, you still won’t forgive me, but i love you very much. i 'm not your real mother, mom, i don't like this fairy tale, your real mother, it's veya , she, she was... sick, so i was in her place, now she's grown up, that means i have
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two mothers. where is nastya? you will receive your daughter only after i receive guarantees. so, let's continue with the judge. there will be no trial. jump. andrey, the world is in danger. you can shoot, i won't help you. i ’ll shoot, don’t doubt it, i’ll shoot, since the fire doesn’t take you, it means you set fire to the house, the accident is you too, yes,
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van, what? “i don’t want to hear anything and you don’t have to follow me, stop lying, i’m not blind, i’m an idiot, with her, how could you with her, well, think about who wouldn’t let you.” blood, who took you to the hospital when it was necessary leave you there in the car, now it would be less trouble, i’m an idiot, jump, jump, vanya,
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don’t, i beg you, don’t shoot, why did you come, i’m doing this for us, you know, she ’ll take everything, she’ll take nastya , i beg you, vanya! i didn’t let him do it, i just love him very much, it was i who called andrey, i
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loved nastya like a mother, is that who you are? mother, i told her everything, lina, where is nastya, just tell me the address, latutina 4, she. “she knows, she knows that you are real, and i don’t worry, we’ll live, everything will be fine.”
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fairy, you are my mother, and where is lena’s mother? and we are now
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let's go to her, do you want? better not be late just like last time, it’s all because of you, the earring was ready, let’s check it again, t-shirts, panties, tights, four, what are you, what are you saying, you ’re becoming like a stupid net, so there's a jealous tigress, if there's something missing, they won't accept you, like last time, last time you forgot the certificate of absence of infectious diseases, well, of course i, well , because everywhere i'm still at home, okay, go buy me some ice cream, maybe this will calm me down, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, what’s wrong with the child?
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is it being done? nastirichka, do you think he will cry, hello and stop, like all normal children, seryozha, you want to go to kindergarten, i want, you want, you won’t cry, old man, i will, seryozha will stop crying, you can’t cry so loudly, look, seryozha is a good boy, he will become a good boy now, he will listen, i can’t stand this, it’s beyond my strength, now you and i will go, your vicious upbringing,
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what’s going on here, let’s go collect an acorn, why do we need it, what’s his name, seryozha.
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let's go quickly so seryozha doesn't look at me seryozha. elena grigorievna, how many acorns do i have? 1 2 3 4 5 6, not six, five. go acorns? so 1 2 3 4 5 repeat, collect more, little, little, go, collect, more, little, little, little.
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elena grigorievna, sviridov took three acorns from me, so everyone looked at sviridov, the svirits are not ashamed, now the acorn is unitsin, and we collected them together.
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looked at sviridov, everyone looked at sviridov, children! what's your name huh? boy, his name is seryozha. seryozha lavrov. and now, children, everyone looked at seryozha lavrov. come on, come on, guys,
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they pulled themselves up, everyone pulled themselves up behind me, the stream flows home. faster, faster, keep up. sviritov, sviritov, don’t you dare badmouth lavrov, don’t be ashamed. roaring dugak. mom, what can i do, just don’t read it, turn the record over, mom, i’m very stupid, as
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some people think, how do you feel it yourself, i don’t feel it myself, you’re doing the right thing, spit on some people, on the teacher, if i’m all... i sat in the first grade, if seryozha hadn’t been there, someone else would have been found, i gave him an oath, in what i need, i can’t keep it, no i will keep it, you're not a stupid girl, you just have a different mind, your friends have one mind, and you have another, but you don't need their mind. here i am, i lived my whole life with my own mind and never regretted it, the main thing in life is to never regret anything,
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and if parismetics, a deuce. yes, where was your earring, and he sprained his leg on the bars, so you can fix it, but yesterday the nanny from the choir bent me out, she says, i have no hearing, you have an internal one. how is it that you have no hearing, there is such an instrument in the house, he has no hearing, come here,
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well, sing, it’s me, well, my father had an absolute one, i have a good one, who are you like, and i have an internal one? inner mediocrity, the elephant has stepped on your ear, come on, get out of the house, get out of the house, now people will come to me, oh, uncles seva! hello, i went, where, let's play, let's play, you're small, i'm big, you 're small, and i'm big, i'm small, who's on our right? klava, aunt klava, who is on our left, uncle seva, just seva, everything is correct, i went, where, no, no, show me mephestopheles, there is no mephestopheles, he got sick, well then moidadyra, well, good, and long live soap, scented towel and lip comb. threshold, let me go, i'll go, okay, no, no, no, more, more, more, what's my
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name, cunning, right, and who is this, evil one, wrong, so that she won't find out, ran, frozen, who is it, my acquaintance, yours, well, my mother, and what he was doing was making a face, not a face, but a mask, you need to understand, for support, shurik again, now i’m the last person in the house, everything is for shurik, you love him very much, you will love him now, when you can't get anywhere, hello, hello, rita, the milk has arrived, not even a year has passed, shurenka, don't cry, now your mother will cook you porridge, you saw, take off your clothes, don’t pay attention to the abnormal one, it’s not pedagogical, by the way, kita, come here, what else, look at
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what this impudent person is walking around in in the twenty-degree frost, oh, you’d better help the lady take off her clothes not stupid, please madma, still craftsmanship like you, yes, yes, oh, what a good pose, where did you get this from, klavochka, my mother sewed it, this is what real women can do, good for those who sit at home, and i work , like you, take a needle, sew the bench, even you, sit down so that seryozha is busy, you'll catch a cold, you'll get the flu , get infected by shurik, by the way, get infected by shurik, by the way, shurik, shurik, don't cry, dear, now, now porridge is ready, seryozha, pasha, pasha, throw away your board, lord, two grown men in the house and no one to help the poor woman, i’m coming, shurenko, dear, seryozhat come to him for god’s sake, shurik, don’t cry, don’t hurt, well shurik, calm down, after all, your meaning is now all the techies are freaking out, physicists are joking, oh, what a beauty, you can take it for yourself, everything else she’ll get it, it’s not a problem for her, let’s
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rewrite it in your own handwriting, and i’ll tell you the oral ones on the way to school so that it doesn’t disappear overnight, well, shurik, don’t cry, now, for now, let’s go, here you have some incomprehensible parentheses, and you don’t get into it, shurik, where are your toys, pasha, let’s at least go to the cinema in the evening, maybe it will calm me down, hold on, seryozha, wean, wean, we need to break bad habits, otherwise we’ll be together at home, at work. absence in the family, exchange of information, the shortest path, from wedding to divorce, so, now we will have shurik, am-am, it’s impossible talk about moms, talk to him as if he were equal, he doesn’t live anything, anyway, according to science , a child eats best in a group, i wonder where we ’ll get a group now, stop, come here, give me a plate here, come here, why? ? open your mouth, why, for
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a positive example, well, i don’t want semolina porridge, open your mouth, whoever they say, open your mouth, here’s shurik, look how much the earring likes porridge, so, now you open your mouth, parasite, now you, come on , come on, come on, come on, like this, now you, look, what do you think about this? you say, children, i love your dad, get it, oh, now you, listen, maybe he ’s losing his appetite because of all this, but he wanted a crystal chandelier, a tv, yes, but first we’ll buy you pants, mm, well - come on, come on, work, burst, order, shurik, somehow you got upset, handsome, but he didn’t get upset? he performed an exercise that
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no one had succeeded in doing before, and when he dismounted he wanted to distinguish himself again, yes, someday you will break your neck, you won’t, but everyone wants to distinguish himself, let’s go, seryozh, i’m done done, today you will sing in the choir, and movement, goes, movement, change your skin, movement. a bad miller must be the one who wants to live in the whole house, the whole house, forever.
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yes, god forbid me to interfere with your sharps, bimoli, but the reporting concert is coming, it seems to me that this serious proposal is worth listening to, let at least one awkward girl stand in the front row , just open her mouth, we always instruct klemkova’s clave to present flowers to our to the guests of honor and an immediate ovation. imagine what if television the announcers looked like tusya, a little dog, i would be the first to turn off the tv, because i’m not an iz, be it your way, but how can i find klinkova now, she’s here, klava, come here, take a seat in
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the front row, but just move your lips, not sing, got it, are you ready, girls?
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and day by day the miller’s life is moving, but that miller must be a good one, who wants to live at home, all at home, all at home, all at home, all at home, water is an example, serves
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as an example to us, water is an example... serves as an example to us , she doesn’t value anything and keeps on running, further and further, further and further, everything further, further and further, the carriages also do not stand in the wheels, neither do the wheels. not a flock of wheels crumble in the clouds and rustle with sweat to pull away the sweet wedding, so.
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things are disappearing in our house. where's my barometer? he's spoiled. it doesn't matter, it's a memory. and the pencils that i brought for the earrings from bulgaria. he gave them to the clave, like everything else. don't talk like a man. no, i ’ll talk to klava’s mother. serezhkina doesn’t scare me, kindness, it’s much more scary that a girl allows herself to accept such gifts from a dunce who studies in the third class. does this look like me? don't be afraid, i will do everything right, no way, i won't go to the theater, i am a sculptor, if every sculptor living on our planet was a sculptor. could have left behind at least one imperishable monument, we would have nowhere to take a step alive, but i
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offer you faithful bread, verochka, theater artist, what’s wrong with that? the fact is that the purchasing commission purchased only one work from me, and that was 2 years ago, but this doesn’t mean anything, you can do sculpture just fine for yourself, you no one forbids it, so i also painted all the wallpaper at home with a felt-tip pen, i don’t like amateur performances, if it turns out that i’m mediocrity, i’ll give up the sculpture, even if my hands are clean, you’re going to find out with the help of the purchasing commission, yes, at least, that’s my motto , either all or nothing, i separated from my husband because of this, he participated in amateur performances or he had a different motto, you wanted to talk to the oklava, she is sleeping,
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she is sleeping and now you can’t wake her up with a gun . "you see, it seems to me that my son takes up too much of klava’s time, and there is such a pressure on them at school, and yes, i myself would never have been able to stand it, but you see, pavel afanasyevich, klava, is a girl with character, and i am even more confident in her than in myself. hey,
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come here, poor children, we have a day off, and they have a working day. hello, lamrov, hello, ischenko, hangout, what? are you still waiting for the keyboard? i’m still waiting, but did you think we might quarrel someday? no one thought this, everyone understands that it was a show, they went underground, otherwise you won’t live
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in this crazy, crazy world. klava’s mother almost threw her down the stairs, the teachers are getting stuck, woe to us! and by the way, klavya won’t come, you’re waiting in vain, she has a sore throat, +38.2, by the way, she told you to run to her while her mother is in the theater, and how long have you been at klavya’s package? you are an unobservant person, with all your outstanding abilities, we klava are united by common interests, what is it, love for you, i noticed this back in the eighth grade, by the way, but klava, you know, is not that kind of girl, okay, run while she mom didn’t return from the theater, don’t take klava to the lyra cafe anymore, don’t feed her ice cream, there viruses are nesting, so throw your millions elsewhere, hello! 38 and 2, maybe more, you need to measure it, you can’t see where
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the thermometer is, here it is. sit down, you’re cold, the thermometers are always cold, take my temperature. why don’t you know how to measure temperature? i know, so measure it if you want. kiss me, and what
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’s not interesting, in general, yes, but my sore throats, you can get infected, and my tonsils are cut out, anyway, sore throats, you know what complications they give, you’re not a thermometer, it doesn’t interfere, it interferes, it doesn’t interfere, it interferes . klav, what? are you going to get a sore throat now? let's do it again just to be sure? no,
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why? i said no, and that means no. but we haven't taken the temperature yet? wanted, lie down, i ’ll open it, don’t you dare, why do you have to open everything, the third floor, it’s already been in all the jokes, i’m a fool, a fool, i should have opened it right away, now it’s too late, what might mom think, i’ll go and look through the peephole, and if she looks from the other side, you don’t know physics, it’s a useful thing.
3:40 am
the sick klava is sleeping now, how did you sneak past me, and i’m from the fourth floor, i’m a freak. said that klava has a sore throat, and i decided to visit her, and you won’t mind if i visit her, who is sick as an exception, it’s useless, and you tried with your foot, tried, oh, finally, you have a guest, fasten your robe, come in, seryozha, just stay away from this girl, she caught follicular disease somewhere, well, you’re sonya, have you
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been calling for a long time? hello, klava, hello, you’re sick, as you can see, maybe i can help you with your homework, no, thank you, the laurel will help me, what other laurel, from the parallel one, seryozha, help me. here's sergey, what do you have to do before they offered to be the main artist of the prozevalo theater, now i’m doing prop work and i’m glad, you see, i have to earn extra money, mom! by the way, seryozha, mom doesn’t need such
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a robe, mom, so what? by the way, all the actresses of our theater wear these dressing gowns, and not only them. i’ll go, see you on the air, good night, kids, and he’ll definitely go, more, and more, “i’m happy, don’t you think that hanging out
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sounds a little childish, it seems like what to do, just respond to tanya, i’ll try, between by the way, lavrik is not a masterpiece either, well i didn’t tell you about vit, but what is it about him, fish nets, handbags, mother on vacation.” and my father is a doctor, he generally never goes to dances, but i hinted that you were interested, and he agreed , right away, however, at first he said that i’m lying, quick-witted, dimka, wait, and so, let’s drive across the water, hello, here, by the way, her name is tanya, and you’re klavia, yeah, then i’m lavrenty . have you really decided to take me to the dance, yes, we’ll just
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grab an earring on the way, he’s waiting for us, hi, hi, thank you, boy from. parallel, these are your things, tuska, by the way, her name is tatyana, and you are lavrik, the best lav, very nice, very pleasant, very, terribly pleased, and now lavr is in favor. i only have three, nothing, i have four.
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3:48 am
how long have you been friends with what's her name? okay, laurus, after tonight you will repeat her name in your dreams. maybe yours? not worth it,
3:49 am
why? is there a reason you like it, sergei? i have respect for him, the winner of all mathematical olympiads, the school chess champion, is that really the point? about something testifies? ah... you didn’t take part in any competitions, you came and played in a draw, by accident, can i complain to you about fate, the tankas are very beautiful, go ahead, i shouldn’t have called you here, you shouldn’t be friends with klava, you shouldn’t do that , what am i doing, i can’t help but do it, of course, you ’re smart, you bought four tickets. equation
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without unknowns, sorry, let's go, i'm tired.
3:51 am
happily, sorry, young man, ah, sorry, goodbye, klavya, all the best, see you, tatyana, please, sorry for not creating a scandal.
3:52 am
what, i don’t have a sore throat, klava, so what? ryatul, don’t twitch, raise your chin a little, and leave me alone. with your chin, let me watch tv, maybe it will calm me down. it was too early, something happened, everything is fine, but
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what do you mean, you quarreled with your boss, you’re lying, if i were you, i would have left her a long time ago, but what’s the point? you understand, when she ’s not around, i don’t exist, and what do you do? i’m waiting to see her, i’m not interested in anything without the keyboard, even if they give the nobel prize, but she’s not there, everything disappears, you’ll say, call klava, i’ll say, selenium, but why did we quarrel, but we didn’t quarrel, but then, i don’t know, some lavri showed up, and this is what stali played in a draw? you were given this draw, look how everyone remembers about it, this, this, this, what do they give you for that? compare, it’s okay, i ’ll show them later, you don’t want to go without a keyboard and a cake, what a fabulous one, come on!
3:54 am
what are you doing there, come on, i’ll get down there, now, who am i telling, paratelov, you’ll come on monday with your grandmother, thank you, and do you remember how in the fifth grade, again, you weren’t tired of your oh remember, as much as possible, be careful, be careful, be careful.
3:55 am
yummy, i’m a former caterpillar, these are your wings, you played the cabbage butterfly, remember, we had a dramatization, so what, it’s beautiful, and in general, so that i don’t hear anymore, remember, i’m already sick of these words, i understand, way .
3:56 am
why are you, laurus, insured just in case, and touching your face with dirty hands is unhygienic, your dad, the doctor, should know, but he can do it without you. it’s a lot of work, okay, i ’ll take him half an hour, girls, hold on,
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keep in mind, i won’t fight with you, i’ll lubricate him. there’s no escape, defend yourself, but why don’t you want to fight with me, but i like you, that’s enough, what’s the matter, what is it, what ’s going on here, it’s lavrov showing new techniques, right? come on, seryozha, show it to dmitry alexandrovich. why didn’t you give me the glasses on the roof? because you 're passing on a friend? when all the way. what if he is? i’m tired of it, this is already called meanness, i have to hide it nobly,
3:58 am
listen, laurus, we have our own scores to settle, she became like this after she met you, you both are an empty place for me, but we have already become call me the magnificent four, klava, as i know a woman’s name, they gave it to you by mistake, who do you think i am, yes seryoga, you’re almost on the roof, i didn’t ask him for this, he gave me everything life gave gifts. “i opened my mouth there by seryozhka’s mercy, he gave me such a gift,
3:59 am
i have no hearing at all, my mother says that i have an internal one, but in my opinion this doesn’t happen, why does it happen, lack of coordination between hearing and voice, come here, tanya, give me some note, and you turn away." now two, turn away. how about something more complicated?
4:00 am
you have excellent hearing, so what am i going to do with it, sew a fur coat, scientists conducted such an experiment, with the help of tests, among waiters, elevator operators, hairdressers, they found people with exceptional mathematical abilities, and now they are doctors of sciences, bachelors and etc., this won’t happen to me, they say somewhere... it’s time for us, no, because you will never see me again, no one will ever
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see me again, serezhenka, boy, if you were capable of such an act, i would go for you to the end of the world, but tomorrow you will come to school right on cue, there will be no tomorrow for me, shut up you idiots, let’s see why i’m afraid for him, well, what have you found out, the notebooks still contain only a’s, a habit, something is happening to him, klava klemkova, i always said, we’ll still cry because of this girl, that the earrings caused trouble, but is that really what they’re looking for? i ask you to blame klavuk for my death, what
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a horror, you left, came on business, the premiere, it was i who ruined your happiness, i understand you correctly, you want him, you you understand correctly, please let me in, why do you have so much going on at once, don’t be upset. i will try to help you, check on monday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we will cope, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows. how much will it be 7.8, 7.8 7.8, how much will it be, who is at work,
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then... with humor, i cut oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, today on rtr. i think, lord, they don’t have legs right away, i ’m tired of being afraid, the premiere on rtr, besides treatment there is another way to fight the disease, for example, vaccination, philip yankovsky, it’s decided to invite the english doctor dimsdev, are you ready to start work, sergey marin, stupidity , all this,
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poisoning a healthy person with an infection where it can be seen, i need to vaccinate the people. where it gets caught everywhere, either at a gas station, or in the corridor, where to go, and what to do, in general there is no need to ask, beg, humiliate or extend your hands to anyone, they will have to reckon with us, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, such a beautiful technique, how much time you devote to the course of a special military operation,
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for us this is fate, this is a matter of life and death , we will be the first to know about this, i forget the hooligan. what do you like more, herring under a fur coat or olive? look what's over? alexander grigorievich, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your hello, hello, after your interview has a lot of new questions, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we'll show you more than the rest. thank you very much , come back today to rtr, leave me alone, everything is correct, because i am a nonentity, you are not a great person, seryozha, you understand, i understand everything that you understand, i love you life, i hope that this is mutual, seryozha , wait.
4:06 am
that's it, you have to sleep through the night with trouble, you you will come here tomorrow and no one will bother you.
4:07 am
and what will change tomorrow, i was training for these terrible words, pavel, such words are written only once, or they are never written, vulgar, let’s take a vacation right after the exams, this is a piece of junk, somewhere in the pine trees, to water, it heals wounds perfectly. tanya, i’m leaving, the earring won’t do anything stupid with you, instill self-confidence in him, you ’ll do it better, you have something stronger, there’s no vodka, we don’t have a cafe here, just cognac, give me 100 g. have you ever drank
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cognac? and what? ok. i have it too, no need, take borjomi and some sandwich, we’ll get by, doctor, don’t rush! little sister, but she’s with your grandmother, you live alone, alone, for a long time, for about six months, but
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why didn’t i know anything about this, and you didn’t ask, then at school it’s somehow forgotten, because no one really cares, but klava , you knew, she didn’t ask either, but someone had to know about it. fine.
4:10 am
now he's giggling. or maybe he's crying? you console. do you know who you are? you are better than all of us. people like you are born every 100 years, you she’s a beauty, if you look closely, i have no choice, you know, otherwise i would, why did i drink this cognac? listen, tanya, do you want to give me confidence, i want to kiss me, why, i need it, please, this is not the same, of course it’s not the same.


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