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tv   Bolshie peremeni  RUSSIA1  June 9, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm MSK

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violent death, as i understand it, the examination did not find it, you know, because the body was badly burned, although there is a dent on the skull of one of them, but the expert believes that this is most likely due to the fall of the floor beam during the explosion, and they are already known the reasons for the explosion, well, most likely a short circuit, but the house was so burned out that it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish the true cause, but what do the witnesses say? as always, there are no witnesses, the housekeepers and gardener... lazovsky didn’t really say anything, although there was still a certain woman living in the house lisa is with the child, but the day before she went abroad, good morning, dear, hello, yeah, i ’ll feed you now, that’s good, yeah, i’ll go put the kettle on, no, sit down, i brought you your love, judging by the face, i’m on duty you had something else, yes, by the way,
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where can i find dmitry kolesnikov? hello, it's me. investigator korenev. i'm investigating the circumstances of the accident. tell me, how is the victim of the accident feeling? she's in intensive care in a coma. i can’t give any reassuring forecasts. have you established her identity? us at least fill out a medical card. unfortunately, we did not find the woman’s documents for the relatives and friends of the deceased driver. unknown. don’t worry, i
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decided everything with the collectors, amicably, everything is fine, and your wife, you think , will be happy with me, there is no more fox, i mean, she left me and took my daughter, got herself some kind of male, it looks like clothes i bought expensive ones, the hairstyle doesn’t suit her, but pasha is all right, pasha is already at her side, that’s it, well, then one won’t be enough. igor konstantinovich, i’m not very happy with the result, to be honest, the patient’s condition is stable, but there is no hint of improvement, just 3 days have passed, stability in her case is already a miracle, this is what i wanted to talk to you about, the final decision has been made to create the department of neurosurgery at the faculty of medicine at the jagiellonian university in krakami, you will head it was offered to me, congratulations, thank you, and i, in turn, wanted it.
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it’s clear, but i said, i’ll tame him for nothing to do, so, wait, firstly, it won’t be tomorrow, secondly, you’d better advise what to do, because i’m no longer i know how it is, and this one, i pretend to be a caring chicken, and pies for him in our beak, on dimechka, eat, adimochka, thank you, well done, that’s it, no hints of a life together. well
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, there is one proven way: getting pregnant, people, it’s a wonderful way, i don’t understand, but i don’t know what the wheelmen are against children, i didn’t find out, well, i know for sure that i’m against it, at least for now, well then decide for yourself. dim, why aren’t you ready yet, get ready quickly, where, how where, you and i discussed this morning, we have a year-long relationship and i i booked a table at a restaurant, listen, but today it won’t work, next time, when in a year, dima, dimochka, good one, you can’t cure everyone.
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i’m so annoyed by your patient, i can’t get through to lisa, the subscriber is in the wrong zone, probably disconnected due to expensive roaming, help, yes, go ahead, i don’t know, maybe this is good, the later lisa finds out about her father’s death, the better for for her and for the basilisk, even if i’m a criminal, i think that she wouldn’t need all these sad troubles, funerals, wakes. where exactly did lisa and her daughter go? can i call the hotel? viktor mikhailovich did not speak, and i did not ask. can i find out from the head of the airport dispatch service? i recently
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consulted him. i even have his business card somewhere. now. great idea. yes. how is our nameless patient doing? everything points to a violation of brain activity, there is a risk of complete incapacity, it seems, igor konstantinovich, i’m thinking about unconventional methods of treatment, reflexology and glucalomy, massage, what are you talking about, prescribe more cups to a patient in a coma now. but your future, if you ruin a patient with your own initiative, let alone poland, you can only dream about your current place of work. i hope you heard me. yes, valery
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petrovich, i understood, thank you very much. hmm, can you imagine, literally a few hours before departure, lisa had tickets. stupefied with joy that he had found his daughter, because the essence of what we don’t know is that the girl grew up as a grandfather, almost immediately married a far from fairy-tale prince, suddenly, a mansion, wealth, diamonds, in the end
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, kuzovlev, where are you going? suffered for watch out for potatoes, it already smells like burning, but even if we assume that lisa was involved in... the death of her father, would she cancel the tickets, because it was an ideal opportunity to hide, and, most importantly, why does she need all this, officially recognizing her as hers daughter, victor already made her an heir, and why then take the risk, kill, really, why, i think we urgently need to report the disappearance of lisa and vasilisa, andryush, you have the number of this investigator, what’s his name, valko, yeah, well... let's not do that for now, it’s good that i didn’t tell the police that liza was victor’s daughter, i didn’t understand, if i had doubts, the investigator would immediately seize on this advantageous version, not to mention vitaly, well then what should we
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do, wait, until liza herself shows up, search, and first i’ll go to liza’s husband, maybe... who knows, well, i agree to try, i myself find the result very interesting, what kind of amateur activity is this, dmitry mikhailovich, i forbade all sorts of experiments , in front of you is a living human being , an inexperienced rabbit, i don’t understand your indignation, igor konstantinovich,
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i hope you understand me, i need disciplined employees in krakow. as i understand it, the reflexology course is over before it even begins. nothing of the kind, i’m waiting for you tomorrow, 10 am. well, your department head, the department head, is giving a lecture at the university tomorrow morning. in the end, this is my patient, i am responsible for her. i take all the risks on myself, hello, baby, how are you
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feeling, you and your mother, hello, she doesn’t eat any of this, the child is fading away, looking at what we have practically overcome, the broken ribs don’t seem to bother her now. she is still silent, not a word, she was examined by a talaryngologist, the girl’s hearing is fine, it looks like she spoke before, this is a state of shock, it’s not clear how to deal with it now, she needs motherly love , care, care, yes, this is for her mother it wouldn't hurt either.
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the beast is running, well, i was thinking, i ’ll give you a divorce, you just have to pay, tell me, when was the last time you saw your wife and daughter, and when was you, near daddy’s house? why did the fox run away from you? the house in which your wife and daughter lived there, burned down, the owners died, and vasilisa and lisa disappeared, how did they disappear? zoya, call kuzovlev, i think everyone understands why i gathered you today, there’s no point in waiting six months until i officially take over the rights of inheritance, i need to keep the company. therefore, i, as the only heir of my brother, good afternoon, mr.
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lawyer, and you are fired, my company no longer needs your services, goodbye, after the death of viktor mikhailovich, i represent the interests of his heir, and therefore the future owners of the lazovsky business, elizaveta kalinina, daughter of viktor mikhailovich, relevant papers. confirming this there is a box, you hear with all your might, for your own sake, for your daughter’s sake, i think our ward would have come to her senses long ago if she knew what kind of man was fighting for her. besides, i’m risking my career, you should have seen
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her daughter’s dull, lifeless eyes, the baby doesn’t want to live without her mother, to hell with her career, if it helps to see a smile on the girl’s face, children are caught everywhere, either at a gas station, then in the corridor, where to go and what to do, you don’t need anyone at all beg, beg, humiliate yourself and give up your hands... they will have to reckon with us. so, lifting off the ground, taking off, what a beautiful technique. how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation? for us this is fate, it is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. caught trump. what do you like best? herring under a fur coat or olivier, see what you have to eat. alexander grigorievich, hello. let him go, there are no forces that could hold him. this is impressive , hello, after your interview many new questions have arisen,
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it’s good that they are watching, listening to what i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come again, today to rtr, look, hi, vitya, hi, there is always one extra in a triangle, i fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which of them should? investigator korolov, you must come with us, you are accused of rape, he thinks that you were framed, and who could possibly need this, go for marry me, what can i think, a handsome businessman, he loves you all his life, he’s ready to do anything to be with you, well, i don’t want to let you go, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, you don’t want to explain anything to me,
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third should go on saturday on rtr. on rtr, let's finally get to know each other, christina, your younger sister, what are family passions, where did you even come from, but she copied everything to christina, i won't budge until i throw this impostor out of
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our house, i won't give up on that, what i got from my family, we must unite against her and stop this scoundrel. to take possession of our money, our factory, that i don’t understand at all, for us to become a real family, behind seven seals, we’re already looking at the website in the app, on russia day, i ’m proud of my homeland, ours is russian,
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so i again found myself with nothing, in -firstly, slow down, secondly, where is she in thailand, swimming in the sea, did you talk to her, no, there’s out-of-zone access all the time, i tried to find her through hotels, but nothing worked for me, nothing, we’ll find her, we have extra heirs no need, that's it, be healthy, goodbye. everything is working out for us, the patient’s condition is stabilizing, if this goes on, she can be transferred to the general hospital, thank you, this is your merit, dmitry, you took a chance and won, but i only helped a little, wow, a little, thanks to yours magic needles, our sleeping
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beauty comes to life. yeah, congratulations, dmitry mikhailovich, congratulations, i’m proud of such a student. well, for disobedience you should have your ears pulled out, for your courage and professionalism, i’m right, anna olegovna, why didn’t you tell me that you received an international award for your technique, ah-ay.
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why do we quarrel so often lately, but i didn’t quarrel, i worked, now, how is the patient doing, she’s getting better, i can exhale a little and look around, what do you see around now? say, darling, let’s finally decide and live together, let’s do it now, yeah, why, we’ve been together for a year, we feel good, why
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can’t we formalize our relationship, listen, i already warned you that v i don’t intend to change my life in the near future, then everything suited you before. now i’m not happy with it, imagine, i’m not ready to discuss this now, i had a very difficult day, i’ll go home, everything was very tasty. thank you, good night,
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come in, come in, listen, i recently read that some lazovsky couple burned alive in the fall, can you imagine, they have an inheritance. my brother got everything, but there’s no need to hide, i’m not afraid, come here! who are you, what do you want from us?
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here she is. so what, i'm not interested? process, i need a result, this kolinina of yours is nowhere to be found, she fell off the ground with her daughter, it looks like she never flew anywhere, because the plane tickets were handed over that same evening, well, maybe my husband knows where he is, i told you , that they are getting divorced, you never know, well, go to him, ask, my guys will find his address for you now, by the way, the police don’t know that kalinin is from lazovsky’s daughters, that’s it, wait, that is...
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and you don’t remember , what happened to you? well, what's your name, do you remember? where are you from? what's this just for the amount? do you understand that the kid is in serious condition? yes, but they told me that the victim came out of the coma, and i thought, wrong, you thought. only the attending physician can assess the situation, forgive me, understand that the patient underwent a very difficult operation, she should not be worried under any circumstances,
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besides, the consequences of the injury are still unknown, anything can happen, including amnesia, partial or complete, even, sorry, let's agree that visiting this patient is only with my permission. i understood, sorry. how are you feeling? dmitry mikhailovich, you are such a great guy, you just pulled her out of the other world. if it weren't for your sleepless nights at her post. marina, let's not be too careful. excuse me, where is my daughter? where is my daughter? quiet, don't worry, she's okay. that she is here in the hospital, in the children's department, he is categorically for my daughter, please, okay, as soon as you
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feel better, i will take you. "rest, hi baby, i have good news for you, your mom is feeling better, i just talked to her, i asked you, well, finally, hello, dmitry mikhailovich, when will the mother be able to visit the girl, well, this is important, suddenly she will speak, irina ivanovna, i understand everything perfectly, i will try to arrange this meeting as quickly as possible, here are the girl’s clothes, ours the sisters have collected almost everything new, the girl has nothing to wear, and mom has nothing either, how good that you woke up, and my name is olya, and is this
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the investigator with you? i went, i just heard something about the accident, i don’t remember anything, at all, at all, and what’s the name, don’t you remember, no, that’s it it turns out that you’ve lost your memory, just like in the movies, okay, rest, rest. finally, i began to come to my senses at least a little after this terrible tragedy and began to put things back in order. tell me, can i pick up the safe seized from victor’s house and all its contents? the section is already closed. yes, of course, the duty officer will give you documents and a thousand
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euros. and no, no, no, what are you talking about, there was a lot more money there, the day before my brother made a very successful deal for cash , there was also a box with family jewelry in the safe, velvet case diamond necklace silgi, are you sure about this? yes, i'm absolutely sure of that, did you have access to the safe? i have no? i don’t need to, but victor’s daughter most likely had, what daughter, the vazhskys, didn’t have children? yes, until recently it wasn’t, but a month before his death, victor’s illegitimate daughter, elizaveta kalinina, appeared. victor died almost immediately after all the documents regarding the relationship were completed. interesting twist, you
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want to say that my brother's death was not an accident, now everything is possible, tell me, well, this kuzovlev, he’s in the know, of course, he’s in the know, he was the one who drew up the documents, he and lizo became very good friends, generally great.
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how are you feeling? everything is fine. this is a geocent. let it be a calendar for your recovery. when it blooms. you’ll be completely fine, i promise, and in a month and a half the restitute genat will be filled with such a wonderful aroma, i just adore these forks, and rita breeds it herself, she even brought out one new variety, yes, don’t worry, you ’ll really get better soon, all the best the bad things are already behind you, your memory will definitely come back to you. and these are clothes for you, thank you, i
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don’t need anything, yes, i’ll go to my daughter in what... i, i ’ll go to my daughter, of course, change clothes, and while i’m going to get transport, it turns out that the fox really found her dad, yes , my brother accepted her with an open soul, elizabeth at first pretended to be a loving daughter, and then she killed, robbed, ran away, and you are leaving, no, dalish...
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“listen, maybe she’s gone crazy from the wealth of the crops, and vaska is with her , that 's it, the child is in danger, if suddenly the wife shows up, don’t tell her anything, but arrange a meeting, okay, let me know right away, you’ll get good money for your help, i understand, i understand, take my number, you need to go to hare lake, your relatives are there. live, what other hare lakes, what are you up to there again, premiere, how do you look like tanya, no, i’m not, are you at my mom’s parents, yes, dad, no, i can’t handle it, i ’m immediately leaving for you, to live under living under the same
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roof does not mean being one family, my daughter lived in the world, and now he’s married to the children, dad, stop it, but she has a plan, “i i decided to finish this story, dad, we just don’t need it anymore, alexander nikolaevich, jackdaw on monday on rtr, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but they have one thing in common, sincere strong friendship, to love a white fluffy one, i said, i. he likes to grab there with his claws so tame the biting one voice, voice, give me your paw, give
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me your paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying? after the performance in a hurry, he says: guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, i’ll think about it from bosby, they don’t have legs right away, i ’m tired of being afraid, the premiere is on rtr, in addition to treatment there is more another way to combat the disease, for example, vaccination, philip yankovsky, decided to invite the english doctor dimmesdale. are you ready to get started? sergey marin. it’s stupid to poison a healthy person with an infection. where is this visible? i need to receive people. yuri kuznetsov. this
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remedy is true and protects against illness. irina pegova, we need to set an example that vaccination is useful. i consider it a shameful weakness. don’t start yourself, royal vaccination, your majesty, you are ready to start, i’m ready, on saturday on rtr, to conduct the week, without the noise of dust, put it on the shelves, to conduct the week with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr, oh, it seems that i’m the size i was wrong, but is the suit too big? it’s okay, i’m very
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grateful to you, as soon as i get better, i’ll definitely return the money, we’ll sort it out, so, i’ll change the suit, but you can just roll up the sleeves of the robe, a different size there is no such thing, unfortunately, but it suits you very well. thank you, funny guy.
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what a beautiful bunny you have, this is your bunny, dmitry mikhailovich gave it to you, thank you very much, for everything, but for nothing, for what? so, it’s time for me to go to the departments, in half an hour i came, i’ll take you to the ward, yeah, vasilyachek, i don’t know yet what we should do next, where to go, but i’ll definitely think of something, just you get better, okay, okay , all.
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yes, i didn’t tell you that elizaveta kalinina is kilazovsky’s daughter, so as not to clutter your head information. has nothing to do with the case, but now everything has changed, you see, the case was an accident, reclassified as premeditated murder followed by robbery, and your kolenina is suspected of this, this is complete nonsense, believe me, why it seems to me that this is a completely viable version, a fragile girl with a five-year-old child in his arms, he robs and kills, you’re serious, quite, okay, look, lazovsky’s daughter shows up in... he literally dies right there along with his wife,
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the contents of the safe disappear, and the safe wasn’t there was opened, and the robber knew very well, here are the numbers, it means it was a person whom lazovsky trusted, it was a close person, and most likely it was a daughter, your conclusions are far-fetched, well, it seems so to you, here is the brother of the deceased, vitaly lazovsky, he completely agrees with me, that’s where his legs grow, don’t you think that he is interested in exactly this turn of affairs, so he has a chance of inheritance? no, it doesn’t seem that if vitaly had access to the safe, he could have taken its contents 300 times already, and this happened just when the daughter moved into the house, you know, it’s okay, it’s okay, i’ll sort it out, i promise, but for now, elizaveta kalinina, i’m announcing a throw. thank you so much again, i’m glad
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that your memory is being restored, i hope that soon you will remember your name, now lie down, rest, i’ll take it, i’ll leave the masks, not only did i spend time with her... with him, together, you see, everything is fine with us, in
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bed, and in general, what is he missing, well, you’re asking me now, but there’s someone else here besides my friend, well, just wait a couple of days, but make peace with him, and then we’ll come up with something, the investigator naturally seized on the version of lisa’s involvement in the death of lazu. and vitaly, do you see, do you agree with him? well, yes, we assumed it. i am sure that victor did not tell lisa the code to the safe.
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outside the region, happy, hi, hi, tim, don’t be angry, please,
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i promise you that i will never insist on anything again, i’m not angry, really, i miss you very much. let's have dinner together, okay, let's have dinner, what should we cook, what should we buy, by the way, what about buying, yes, you can help choose a jacket for my patient, she can already go out, and not everything is wrong with the size again, dim, wait, are you serious, do you think it’s normal to ask me about this, yes, what’s wrong, that’s all, your special in relation to this patient, the whole hospital is already gossiping, who is gossiping about what - tyoma, flowerpots, slippers, dressing gowns, yes, i pay more attention to this girl than to other patients, firstly, i am responsible for her, and secondly, she has no one near her now except her little daughter, someone owes her help, let someone help, but not you,
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let me decide for myself what to do, let you, dima, think carefully about whether it’s worth destroying ours because of some random patient? relationship, wow, how grown up, apparently, given with great love, olya, your hints have nothing to do with reality, really, and don’t hint at anything, you’ll be saved. i have some free time, i can spend you with my daughter. thank you. let's go. let's go, let's go. vasilis, at least a couple of slices.
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if you want to get better quickly, you need vitamins. yes. what will dmitry mikhailovich think if your fruit wealth disappears? don’t worry, now we’ll wipe everything off, wipe it off, it’s yours, dmitry mikhailovich gave it to you, he’s good, yes, but i have to deceive him. it so happened, veselek, i don’t want to tell anyone about our problems with you until i decide what to do. good afternoon, tell me,
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elizaveta kalinina has not been admitted to you for 25 years and vasilisa kalinina has not been admitted to you for 5 years. goodbye, nikita matveevich, greetings, kuzavlev, not for service in friendship, call your regional number police database, is there any information about elizaveta kalinina and vasilisa kalinina. if you want to see the city, i mean, sit down, now we’ll walk through the streets of our city, albeit virtually for now. well, what if you remember something? so, let's start from the station.
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well? i don't think i've ever been here. on the boulevard? no. a park. you’ll recognize the shopping center, no, don’t worry, the accident happened on the highway, you were driving towards samara, most likely you’re in the wrong place, oh, hello, dmitry mikhailovich, hello, but virtual for today enough, it's time to take a real walk. get your hopes up, i hope i didn’t make a mistake with the size this time, get dressed, i’ll rule
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out judgment for now, what a caring doctor we have, however, not all patients are lucky enough to have his attention, why would that be, what do you think? i don’t know, i don’t even know what to answer you, but this is a magic tree, people tie ribbons , make wishes, if you believe strongly, the wish will definitely come true, well, ready to make a wish, yeah, come on. oh, hold on, come on, looking for
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what it is, wait. look at me i’m just dizzy, i’m sure, yes, look, he doesn’t have time for me, he ’s full of work, he’s got a lot to do, he’s frolicking with this patient and her child, nothing has happened. listen, i have an idea, let's go to the office and talk.
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investigator volko, the photo is fine, send directions, that’s all. uh-huh, thank you, good afternoon, my name is inesa, i am the fiancee of dmitry kolesnikov, hello, and i really need to talk to you, i ’ll sit down. of course, i’m now very much at risk
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with my relationship with dima, but i sincerely feel sorry for you, i feel sorry for you, and i feel sorry for your daughter, because that so many problems have fallen on you, then there is dima with his experiments, with what experiments, i don’t understand. “dima is now spending a lot of time with you, working or not, it is really very important for him that your condition quickly improves, but if your memory is not restored, you will be transferred to the psychiatry department, and your daughter will be placed at home, that is, how, no, dmitry mikhailovich didn’t say anything about this, you know, dima is writing a dissertation, he’s something of a guinea pig, what is he on? you have tried an experimental
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treatment method, and a fast-paced career awaits him. in more, but only after he completes his work, that is, your rehabilitation , otherwise, if brain function is not fully restored, he will very quickly lose interest in you, everything that i said, that is, a psychiatric hospital, alas, doctors, especially surgeons, are terrible cynics, but i’m not a surgeon, i’m a senior accountant, so i sympathize with you very much, i... to this conversation out of compassion and out of women’s solidarity, if if you want, thank you, i understand, it’s very easy to fall under the spell and dmitry, and every second patient falls in love with him, unrequitedly, get well soon. all the best,
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today i propose to travel through populated areas near the accident site. no, dmitry mikhailovich, nothing will work out. i want to see my daughter. hello, now explain to me what’s going on, why they didn’t let me into yegorny’s table yesterday, and won’t let me in, what kind of money were you going to play for, again at my expense, no, that’s enough, well then i’ll stop all business with you, seriously, seriously, i repaid the debt to you, it was your people
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who messed up, no one asked them to kill my brother. and his wife to burn the house, that's how, my people screwed up, it has nothing to do with it, i have nothing to do with it, yes, uh-huh, i see, let's see what i have, here, let's listen to it with you, come on , come on, come on, turn on the gas, set it on fire, i understand, i understand, i took it off, what are you, you little bitch, as we agreed, but 50% of the shares? and lazovsky’s company, if you continue to anger me, we will reconsider our agreement with you in my favor, now let’s go there, wait until they call you, boxer, help, good afternoon, hello, how are you feeling, everything is fine, thank you, are
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you thanking your doctor? dmitry mikhailovich, he literally pulled you out of the other world. what about our memory? also, it’s okay, we will help you. dmitry mikhailovich, i have great news for you and your charges. the famous german hypnologist, professor klein, agreed to work with you. so this is wonderful? yes. igor konstantinovich, but you were against the non- traditional world of shutdown. well the truth is for ambitions are dearer to me. well, what do you say, my dear? as far as i understand, it has an effect.
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what's happening? yes, what's wrong with you today? what does this have to do with the mental hospital? so, we are experimenting on me, right? we write a dissertation, and then, as waste material , i’m sent to the psychiatric hospital. where do you get these thoughts from? thank you to your fiancee, enessy. for the truth. which one? hello. thank you. why did i leave without a trigger?
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in any case, i don’t see him, elizabeth, what are you doing? you tell me that you didn’t recognize me, no, well, sergei, your friend pavel, what, sergey, i don’t know any pavel, well, you give me, well, remember, pavlukha and i devoured your cake, and then the bandits came to take your apartment, i don’t understand what you ’re talking about, i don’t know, leave me alone, please, excuse me, excuse me, but we ’ll go for a walk, then i’ll go get dressed, yes, well, you think it will work, of course, you
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yourself said how he pays attention to someone else’s child, and then how will he get out of it, we’ll arrange a miscarriage for you, and even such... that your wheeler will feel guilty for the rest of his life will feel, well, and then he came here, worked for a week, fell down in pits, oh, as a result, a concussion, a broken leg, now in the emergency hospital, here’s pasha, in short, i just met your list in neurosurgery, oh well , well, yes, your wife, so she said that she doesn’t know me, but... she herself recognized 100 pounds, you know, 100 pounds, so the fox, the infection escaped from me, so she’s shying away from you, well, nothing, i’ll get her, i attacked the wrong person, thank you, seryoga, for the news,
12:59 pm
just don’t tell anyone about her, don’t touch her again, otherwise she’ll run away again, bloody, bloody, of course, no problem, yes, at first you really were just a patient for me, we’re an interesting case... well, i gave my word to bring you back daughters, now i don’t know, everything has changed and you, your daughter, she’s just wonderful, and your fiancee will like it that you’re fighting so much with someone else’s child, dima, dimochka, dear, hello, have the results arrived? tests, i'm pregnant, thanks for the walk, here.
1:00 pm
look our boy or girl is almost here 8 weeks, who do you want? it’s strange, it seems like they were already using protection, i don’t see much joy, yes, clearly, they were protecting themselves, and what, dim, you’re a doctor, you must understand that not a single method gives.


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