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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:50pm MSK

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you and i remember, everything that one cannot imagine russia without comes through these doors, only on the rtr planet channel. putin about nuclear. weapons, there is no hesitation and there cannot be, let’s open the topic, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kaselev, good evening, look now, the answer may be asymmetrical, so for attacks on sensitive objects the countries that decide to fight with us with the wrong hands are waiting, who already at risk?
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we are in direct line of sight, within machine gun range, what now? reservation in albania, instead of freedom in europe, this is former secret military base, how italy is getting rid of thousands of migrants from africa, so what about tolerance, are you full? the famous vineyards of the don, autochthonous varieties that are not found anywhere else in the world. our native varieties reveal our don potential. what
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are the four blood types of grapes and how does the don cup work? and one of the most mysterious places on earth, tibet, you should definitely come here. grigory vdovin plunged into centuries-old secrets. of course, the central event in russia was the st. petersburg international economic forum, a grand event with the participation of the president and organized by roscongress. putin’s first decisions after being elected to his current term were decrees on national development goals. the forum's rostrum became the first international platform where these goals were voiced.
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sergei karaganov's articles and books were published in 50 countries around the world. in mid-2000, according to foreign policy magazine usa and the prospect - britain, he was included in the list of 100 most influential intellectuals in the world. as a decent person, sergei karaganov is under western sanctions. known as a supporter of a preventive limited nuclear strike against our enemies. sees them as means of prevention. nuclear
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apocalypse, in this sense, for president putin, sergei karaganov was not a convenient interlocutor, which at the same time made it possible to sharpen the discussion and explain many things in more detail, here we immediately take the bull by the horns, do we need to use nuclear weapons now? answer: no, with reference to the current nuclear doctrine, i don’t think that such...
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putin used to say that nuclear tests we will only conduct them if the united states conducts them first at the forum, this, if, sounded in a completely different meaning, not... if the americans, but if necessary, there will be a completely different turn, well, if necessary, we will conduct tests as long as there is such a need no, either, since our computer information capabilities allow us to produce everything in its current form. it is clear that the entire topic of security, no matter what aspect was discussed, was in the context of the svo, it is clear that everyone wants it faster, but... for the president, speed is not the main thing, here’s why: is it possible to increase the speed of solving the tasks facing us, it is possible, but this is directly proportional to the losses, understanding my responsibility, i still proceed from
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what the general staff, the ministry of defense proposes, speed is important, but caring for life is even more important and the health of our guys who are fighting at the front.
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as a delicate person, sensing the undeniable difference in weight categories, he parried carefully, for example, sometimes like this. in this case, excuse me, i am afraid of causing injury to you, your imperial consciousness. but karaganov himself was clearly ready, even to cause fire himself, for the sake of imagery at some point he rose to the level of the biblical example of the apelirs.
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they are now, but now it has forgotten about sodom and gomorrah, so maybe we’ll remember about this rain, we’ll try to bring some sense into humanity again, or that part of humanity that has lost faith in god and they have lost their minds. putin immediately discharged the biblical pathos with a joke, but then we heard a lot of new things, without me, maybe you will set the heat there, they were already scared, although, although, of course, you might think, you’re talking about the europeans, any logic is possible, but if god forbid
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it comes to some blows, then everyone should understand that russia has an sprm system, a warning system, an early warning system. the united states has an attack, nowhere else in the world there is such a developed system, we have it, in europe there are no developed systems, they are in this sense, more or less defenseless, this is the first thing.
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strategic weapons or not, i very much doubt it, and the europeans should also be aware of this ; this exchange of blows is already at the level think about it, that's for sure. for karaganov, it’s like a hunting trophy. we believe that the europeans do not have a missile attack warning system. our tactical nuclear weapons are many times more powerful and there are more of them. the americans are unlikely to get involved with their strategic weapons in the event of such an exchange. nuclear strikes in europe, and a still-delayed response to karaganov
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about the fact that a limited nuclear strike would save human lives, but would not save them, and losses could increase indefinitely. returning to an absolutely serious manner, putin categorically draws the line, he clearly does not want to be associated with this topic, which is being imposed on him from the west, too. but i still proceed from the fact that it will never come to this, we do not have such a need, because our armed forces are not just gaining experience, increasing their efficiency, our defense-industrial complex demonstrates its effective work, i have already done it many times i said, i can repeat, we there... increased the production of ammunition by more than 20 times, we well
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exceed the enemy’s capabilities by several times aviation technology, to a large extent exceeds armored vehicles, and so on and so on, so we don’t even need to think about this topic, please, and i would also ask everyone once again to be like this. not to mention things, it sounded like a direct request, but it seemed like a compliment, but i didn’t seem to hear it, you behave so responsibly, you speak so responsibly, but we are dealing with partners who are absolutely irresponsible and have lost their minds,
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that’s about hesitation was unnecessary, putin here he ends simply with a wave and the steel in his voice leaves no doubt. allow me one remark, the decisions are mine and those of my colleagues. with whom i work in this area, they are not associated with any
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hesitations, there are no hesitations and there cannot be, all our decisions must be based on analysis, a real, objective analysis of the current situation, we do just that, there’s just an ellipsis here. topic. the forum was still economic, and that’s exactly what our economic observer, tatyana remizova, was talking about. the main supplier of optimism in st. petersburg forum unexpectedly. became the world bank, according to its estimates, the russian economy has reached fourth place in the world in terms of purchasing power parity, overtaking industrial titans, germany and japan, which is pleasant, but not a reason to relax. putin calls for concentrating on improving the quality of life and real well-being of citizens. the long-awaited decision to resume indexation of pensions
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for working pensioners from february 1, 2025. it will be possible to create your own airbag. this year a new tool will be introduced: savings certificate, it will allow citizens to place funds in banks for a period of over 3 years, and at a higher interest rate than on ordinary deposits, although now the deposit is quite solid, but our leading financial institutions are also adjusting this bar higher and higher, i don’t know, whether this is justified or not, it is for deposit holders. of course, it’s a plus, that’s understandable, but i wouldn’t want you germanuskivich , together with andrei lyandich, to suck everything out of other banks like a vacuum cleaner, well, we ’ll talk more about this later, banks today with on the one hand, they are attracted by money at high interest rates, and i really recommend that today citizens mainly invest money in a deposit, because it is the simplest, most reliable, when you can put
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money in the bank and sleep peacefully every day without looking where anything is moving, but ... this is enough to compensate for both the movement of the ruble and inflation, we do not predict any significant jumps in the ruble until the end of the year, our forecast was that
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the ruble will be in the 90-95 corridor in the second half of this year, and... modern labor productivity, pre-digitization and technology, a separate block of disclosure
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from increasing non-resource exports to increasing the potential of regions where yakar projects are needed. as an example, putin recalls his own.
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the united arab emirates, kuwait, and iraq already have significant free production capacity, about 5.6 million barrels per day, which is equivalent to 13% of current production. some time ago, these countries announced plans to further increase capacity. the presence of such phantom barrels capable of large-scale impact on the market neutralizes the impact of
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the voluntary reduction in production quotas assumed by the main opec participants. this is shown by market quotes that have gone down after the recent decision of ministers and foreign participants. the ability for opec to respond promptly to the emergence of new impact factors will be of fundamental importance for stabilizing world markets. used, we take away the state, prohibit the export to capital and declare the property sacred, as for the subsoil, they
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are already the property of the state, nonsense are transferred for use, at the disposal of our companies and so on, but this is the property of the state, so you said about the incorrect, erroneous or criminal privatization of the nineties, no matter how painful it was for many in the country, but still i would not even i used these... my business colleagues and i are now thinking about
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this together and i think we will find this solution. another exciting business topic is changing the tax system, the most heated discussion at business tomorrow with bera. i myself am ready to pay more income tax, 25 income tax instead of twenty is a bit much, but well, it would be more, but it’s also normal, but we see a constant introduction. new levies, export duties. 3 years ago we were introduced with an excise tax on steel, we have 2-3 weeks there to tighten up what is now the biggest concern of business, but this of course requires calculations, because the industries are capital-intensive, the industries are very volatile, the head of the ministry of finance reassures , everything that we collect into the budget will be given back and distributed, we won’t put it in a box, everything that we will redistributed through the budget will go primarily to the development of its own technologies.
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and india, to conditionally unfriendly europe, as soon as berlin curtailed the russian-german-st. petersburg dialogue last year, great-nephew.
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to prevent this, the french companies did not leave, we still have big projects here in the energy sector, the agro-industrial complex, no one left, except, perhaps, the most numerous this year - the chinese delegation, in second place - the arab emirates, the guests of honor for the first time became oman. with aman there are some do we have common projects? the economy of the middle east is developing quite actively, so i think that we will find some niches for cooperation. there is great interest in the russian economy from the point of view of new investments, despite the fact that sanctions and restrictions are trying to limit these opportunities, but investors do not publicize their participation.
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activities, they will last more than 5 years. this year the forum received more than 20 thousand delegates from more than 100 countries, the amount of signed agreements was about 6.5 trillion rubles. tatiana remezova, igor belogurov, yana streblyanskaya and magomed otsaev. news of the week, st. petersburg. even more details of the st. petersburg economic forum in zaruben’s telegram channel in the moscow, kremlin-putin program immediately after the news of the week. a few minutes before the start of the main event, on the sidelines, sergei karaganov sees 24 on the air in russia. that we should expect a long period. the moderator is preparing for the discussion.
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i say something there, such words became almost prophetic, since the first brightest moment of the forum turned out to be this: that you said, it sounds offensive both for the government of the russian federation and for other structures,
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you said, we are doing something, i spent an hour here explaining what we are doing, but we don’t know, i think you lit a little cigarette, like you grunted, like says among the people, and they didn’t hear anything i was saying, nothing happened until the rooster pecked, we’ll send the rooster into the soup, don’t over-chew it, no, because he doesn’t trample hens, why does this rooster need him, the rooster isn’t there rooster, but... 4 and 5 in the first quarter of this year, the result of our purposeful activity. were you not upset that at the very beginning we practically heard you grunt, no, this event should be interesting, it was interesting, definitely, since i, of course, am a free person, but i serve god , the kings of the fatherland, everything that is useful to the fatherland, i say, it’s useful to me, there’s a rash on
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the moderator’s shirt. they only emphasized the image. karaganov said: russia needs a new capital. putin replied that it is better not to make loud decisions, but to plan systematic development efforts. sorry, i'm afraid of hurting your imperial consciousness, but this needs to be done in a natural market way. the st. petersburg forum is a place where there is big politics and economics on every square meter. the head of gagauzia sees lavrov for the first time. glad to meet you.
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it was a work evening, but he managed to see the journalist in the hall, saw the film crew of our program in the first row, questions arose for those in the second, what do you mean, are you a girl correspondent? guess to whom russia can supply the missiles that the president spoke about, since fifty countries supply theirs to ukraine weapon. putin keeps the intrigue going. on friday, at the plenary session, the president spoke like this:
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we are not delivering yet, for now, but we reserve the right to do this, either by that state or even to some legal structures. who are experiencing a certain pressure on themselves, including of a military nature, from those countries that supply weapons to ukraine and call for their use against us, against our russian territory, if they supply them to a combat zone and call for their use on our territory these are weapons, why then don’t we have the right to do the same thing, he answers this in a mirror, to say that we will do this tomorrow, i’m not ready either, because in any case, any such delivery is associated with a number of circumstances, well, let’s let's try
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to reason logically and immediately make a reservation, then we will talk about obvious things that are on the surface, we do not have any insight, nothing concrete, we are just reasoning, only three countries. the usa, great britain and france are supplying ukrainian neo-nazis with long-range missiles with with a range of 300-500 km. at the same time, they do not object to these missiles being fired at russian territory. this means that it is this trio that should be responded symmetrically by supplying our friends with missiles of similar range. now about the sensitive objects of those countries that supply kiev with long-range missiles. let's take military bases, a sensitive facility, for example, american ones abroad, now, according to open sources, there are more than 900 of them, and there are up to 3,000 american soldiers serving there, who, far from
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home, may well become for someone potential target, and how the american military can scuttle, we saw recently in afghanistan, and we will also look at the countries that the united states calls: friendly or outright enemies. the list can be compiled based on the sanctions imposed by the americans. so, the united states is considered an enemy. in eurasia. russia and belarus, we were literally surrounded by american bases from europe. in the middle east these are syria, iran, yemen. in addition, in iraq, libya and lebanon, there are many political forces that are opposed to the united states. and american troops have also been introduced against them sanctions. we are moving to asia. afghanistan, north korea, myanmar. china was also promised sanctions this week. in latin america, the white house is like a bone in the throat, cuba,
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venezuela, nicaragua. they are also under sanctions. well, africa, where the united states also regularly pokes its nose. the central african republic is under sanctions. democratic republic of congo, ethiopia, mali, somalia, south sudan or zimbabwe, whose president spoke at the forum in st. petersburg for decades under sanctions. notice how closely the us military bases are located around countries that the us considers unfriendly. at the same time, russia has more than good relations with the enemies of the united states, in almost every area of ​​hostility. in countries, the united states staged coups and civil wars, attempted assassinations on leaders, sponsored and supplied weapons to terrorists, and in many of these countries conflicts are still smoldering. the palestinian-israeli
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conflict is still hot in the middle east, and palestine in the region is supported by iran, yemen, syria, and the hezbola movement in lebanon. and russia has very good relations with everyone, american ones. there are bases in the region at every turn, and as regular shelling of these bases shows, they are not so well protected, and in general, who would refuse to strengthen their defense... potential with russian missiles in confrontation with the united states, and the same syria, where the american bases are located absolutely illegal, at any moment conflicts between north korea and south korea, or china and taiwan, can flare up with renewed vigor, but south korea and taiwan are allies of the united states, and japan is very close there, constant attacks on venezuela or cuba can also be costly make do with the military at american bases in the caribbean. there is nothing to say about africa, the continent
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has been engulfed in wars and ethnic conflicts since colonial times, americans are definitely not welcome there with their sanctions and moralizing about democracy. the president of zimbabwe spoke about this in st. petersburg: a situation in which some western states are trying to dictate to us who we should be friends with, we will also never agree with this in zimbabwe. when. zimbabwe we call for the removal of the illegal sanctions you mentioned that are holding back our economic development and advancement . this has been happening over the past few decades. what is our crime? the crime of the people of zimbabwe is that they demanded the return of their rightful land so that the people of zimbabwe could reunite their ancient lands. what about russia? since the americans would not like to present us as outcasts,
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we have many more friends in the world than countries that are hostile, there is an official list of countries unfriendly to us, approved by the government, there are only 23 states plus 27 members of the european union, a total of 50, when sergei lavrov was asked if there was a list of countries friendly to russia, he replied that we consider all countries that were not included... on the list to be friendly, and believe me, there are about two hundred states in the world few people like the american world through force, especially since russia, china, and all the brix countries are already building a new world order based on mutual respect and equal partnership. inviting everyone to be themselves, which is attractive. if we take the allies of the usa, great britain and france, then each of them was left with fragments. rich colonial past, somewhere
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thousands of kilometers away , islands lost in the oceans, where they still maintain their military bases, but the experience of new caledonia, where anti-french protests recently broke out, shows that they also dream of finally getting rid of the colonialists. the desire to secede from british rule is increasingly being expressed in the virgin islands. the authorities of the islands of antigua and barbuda also announced their desire to hold it. long-range missiles ukraine can fly whenever and wherever, the intrigue considers it theirs, so the americans, french and british are responsible for the supply in the caymans and bermudas, but there are also british military bases there, to say nothing of the fanclan islands, which argentina has, but for now. ..
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pashin rescue tug nikolay chikker. they will stay in the port of govana from june 12 to 17. then our squadron will visit venezuela. our sailors will conduct naval exercises together with the cubans and venezuelans. caribbean, and then, as the media write, russian ships may linger in the region, almost off the coast of the united states until the end of summer, americans should be refreshed. another important statement from the president at the forum in st. petersburg concerned a special operation in ukraine. there is no new mobilization in russia... we have no need to carry out mobilization,
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we are not planning this, because last year, the mobilization that we had, we called up 3,000 people, but last year without any mobilization, our men voluntarily , our patriotic people voluntarily came to the military registration and enlistment offices and signed contracts with the armed forces, there are... more than 3,000 of them. since the beginning of the year, military registration and enlistment offices have come and signed over 106 contracts
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. it is reliably known from ukrainian sources that the americans have set the conditions for continued support by reducing this level of mobilization at the age of 25-23 to 20 years, 18, or maybe 18 right away, this is no longer our business , then let them
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replace the entire current leadership of ukraine, of course, i already talked about this, but what is important for us is that somewhere they are gaining 30.50 last month in my opinion, they have gained 70,000, there will be a decrease, what does this mean, this means that what they are gaining and will gain will only be used to make up for losses. the fighting on the northern military district fronts is still very stubborn. evgeny ryshatnev about how we are progressing. new footage of the defeat of the american m2 bradley combat vehicle by a kamikaze drone in the airfield. the operator spotted the targets. dived onto the front part of the infantry fighting vehicle, blowing it up with a cumulative filling. and here’s another bradley, burning in the same avdeevsky sector of the front near the village of sookol, here’s another one, destroyed in an hour-long fury by attack aircraft of the 200th guards motorized rifle brigade during the offensive. all week our paratroopers
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moved through the city, clearing what was once residential areas. come on, come on, come on! by the end of the week, the defenses in the canal microdistrict were broken through. paratroopers of the 98th guards division captured two large support units of the ukrainian armed forces. prisoners of the 41st ukrainian brigade say hello to their friends. let's say hello. we are fine. the stormtroopers zigzagged from house to house under artillery fire. this is apparently green street. the canadian armored car rochelle, a senator of the armed forces of ukraine, stuck his nose into the crater from the explosion. the flags of russian units fly above the high-rise building. an important gesture that cements success and boosts morale . this is a black and white flash at an intersection, another flaming bomb with which it will not go anywhere else. and closer shots. to get a better look at how a blooming krasnopol guided missile flies into an american tank,
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an orland-30 uav circled above it. within a week our troops occupied two more settlements. a unit of the southern group of troops liberated the village of poroskavia. and a group of troops center recaptured the village of umanskoye and both settlements in the dpr from the ukrainian armed forces. the north group continues to advance deeper into the kharkov region, pushing ukrainian militants away from the border with belgorod. during the week, 27 group strikes were carried out on energy facilities of the ukrainian military-industrial complex. western weapons storage arsenals without crew boats. one of these was shot down on the move from the air in the black sea. a well-aimed helicopter machine gunner k-27 ps. on wednesday, the bastion coastal complexes of the black sea fleet attacked ground positions of militants. in the dnepropetrovsk region, at
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the dolgintsevo airfield, a ukrainian su-25 aircraft was shot down while loitering with lancet ammunition. the combat drones used by the russian army are becoming more powerful. cadres approving this. after a drone strike with 2 kg of plastic explosive, the house from the militants’ equipped position simply crumbles into dust. and this is the ukrainian t-72 m1 tank destroyed in the zaporozhye direction. gift from warsaw, part of polish military aid. having no success at the front, losing positions and populated areas, the kiev regime is begging for ever longer -range missiles from the west. in order to do this, lugansk in the ssu was hit by american atacoms missiles, six civilians were killed, at least six were injured , there were children among the wounded.
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foreign mercenaries, the blow was inflicted by the iskander complex. this week , a video of the so-called vehicle graveyard with dozens of destroyed international maxpro armored vehicles appeared on the internet. indian rear. the main losses of these machines occurred during the counter-offensive in the ssu in 2023 . from these frames it can be determined that
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most of them were blown up by mines, but there are traces of being hit by small arms shells. to intercept russian attack drones, the ukrainian armed forces are trying to adapt yak-52 sports aircraft. one of these, along with its crew, just fell into the lens of our drone, with which we could not do anything. in these shots there are reconnaissance drones.
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a man of military age. the law on mobilization gives a deadline until mid-july, but there are still few people willing. for now approximately 15% clarified their data. moreover , this will not help, so the man is trying to prove to the military commissar that he has clarified the data, there has been no summons yet, but they are trying to take him away by force somewhere. here the tsk police officers took away the military registration document, they won’t give it back to some guy. in barrels incomprehensible, on what basis, on what law are you relying, losing in a legal dispute, a tcc employee is hitting with a political weapon
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for sure, why are you saying it in russian language, man, then in ukrainian, i don’t know how you will, you understand, what what, why, on russian language, studied and spoke, so the phone, let him go, come on, in kharkov the people's squads are fighting off the military commissars from the cloner.


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