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tv   Devushka v prilichnuyu semyu  RUSSIA1  June 10, 2024 1:05am-2:55am MSK

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of course, go to the other side, when the newness opens, of course, that’s it, i’ll probably have to part with you, dmitry alexandrovich, but i don’t know why nothing can be done, things are disappearing in our house, where is my barometer? is he spoiled? it doesn’t matter, it’s a memory, but the pencils that he brought, the earrings, he published. he gave them to the clave, like everything
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else. talk to him like a man. no, i’ll talk to klava’s mother. serezhkina doesn’t scare me, kindness, it’s much more scary that a girl allows herself to accept such gifts from a dunce who studies in the third class. don’t do anything stupid, you will cause mental trauma to the children. does this look like me? don't be afraid, i will do everything right. never. i won't go to the theater. i'm a sculptor! if every sculptor who lived on our planet could leave behind at least one imperishable monument, we would have nowhere to take a living step , but i offer you faithful bread, vera, theater artist, what’s wrong with that? the fact is that the purchasing commission purchased only one work from me, and that was 2 years ago, but this does not mean anything, sculptures.
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you can do great work for yourself, no one forbids you, i also painted all the wallpaper at home with a felt-tip pen, i don’t like amateur activities, if it turns out that i’m mediocrity, i’ll give up sculpture, even if my hands are clean, you’re going to find out with the help of the purchasing committee , yes, at least, my motto is either everything or nothing, i separated from my husband because of this, did he participate in amateur performances or did he have a different motto, did you want to talk about klavi? she's sleeping, she's sleeping, and now she won't be fired from a cannon... you'll
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say, you see, it seems to me, my son, takes up too much of klava’s time, and they have such a workload at school, and yes, i myself could never stand it, but you see, pavel afanasyevich, a girl... with character, and i’m even more confident in her than in yourself, hey, come here, poor children, we have a day off, and they have a working day.
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hello, lavra, hello, ischenko, tusya, why are you still waiting for klava? still, i’m waiting, but did you think we might quarrel someday? nobody thought this, everyone understands that it was just a show, they went underground, otherwise you won’t live in this crazy, crazy world. klavina's mom i almost sent her down the stairs, the teachers are eating up, woe to us, and by the way, klava won’t come, you’re waiting in vain, she has a sore throat, +38.2, by the way.
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she told you to run to her while her mother is in the theater. how long have you been at the keyboard sending out parcels? you are not an observant person, for all your outstanding abilities, we are united by common interests. this is what kind of love for you, i noticed this back in the eighth grade, by the way, but klava, you know, is not that kind of girl, okay, run before her mother returns from the theater, don’t take klava to the theater anymore lyra cafe, don't feed her ice cream, viruses nest there, so throw your millions elsewhere, hello, 38.2, maybe more, need to measure. can't you see where the thermometer is? here he is, sit down,
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he’s probably cold, the thermometers are always cold. take my temperature, why don’t you know how to take temperature? i know, so measure it, well! do you want to kiss me? well, it’s not interesting, in general, yes, but i have a sore throat, you can get infected, and my tonsils are cut out, it’s all the same, sore throat, you know what
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complications they give, you’re not a thermometer, he’s not interferes, interferes, does not interfere, interferes. klav, what? are you going to get a sore throat now? let's do it again just to be sure. no, why? i said no, and that means no. but we haven't measured the temperature yet. what else did you want? lie down, i 'll open it. do not dare. why? we need to open everything.
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third floor. this was already in all the jokes. i’m a fool, i’m a fool, i should have opened it right away, now it’s too late, can you imagine what mom might think, i’ll go and look through the peephole, and if she’s looking from the other side, you don’t know physics, it’s a useful thing.
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me, and i'm from the fourth floor, i'm kunitan said that klava has a sore throat, and i decided to visit her, and you won’t mind if i visit her, who is sick as an exception, it’s useless, and you tried with your foot, tried, oh, finally, you have a guest, fasten your robe, come in, seryozha, just stay away from this girl, she caught follicular disease somewhere. well, sonya, how long have you been calling? hello, klava, hello, you’re sick, as you can see, maybe i can help you with your homework, no,
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thank you, laurel will help me, what other laurel from... seryozha, help me, here’s sergey, what ’s wrong? previously they offered to be in charge i missed out as a theater artist, now i’m doing prop work, i’m glad, you see, i have to earn extra money, mom, by the way, seryozha, mom doesn’t need such a robe, mom, what? by the way, all the actresses of our theater wear these dressing gowns, and not only, i’ll go,
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see you on the air, good night, kids, and he ’ll definitely go, more, yes, more, bringing it closer, come on, quickly, quickly, almost. hurry up, hurry up, i ’ll be happy, don’t you think that tusya sounds a little infantile, it seems like what should i do, respond only to tanya, i’ll try, between by the way, lavrik is also not a masterpiece, but i... was wrong, and what is it about him, fish nets, handbags, his mother is on vacation, and his father is a doctor, he
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generally never goes to dances, but i hinted that he you became interested, and he agreed, right away, though, at first he said that i’m lying, quick-witted, timka, wait, and so on, let’s drive through the coma, hello, here, by the way, her name is that... and yours is claudia? yes. then i'm lavrenty. best laurel. what are you doing? did they really decide to drag me to the dance? yes. we'll just pick it up on the way earring he's waiting for us at the carousel. hello, hello, thank you, boy from parallel,
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these are your things, tuska, by the way, her name is tatyana, and you are lavrik, the best lav, very nice, very, very nice, very scary. i’m happy, and now laurel, stomping for a ticket, i only have three, nothing, i have four,
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humanity is not as conservative as it sometimes seems.
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how long have you been friends with this one? what's her name? okay, laurus, after tonight you will repeat her name in your dreams. or maybe yours? not worth it. why? there is a reason. do you like it, sergey? i have respect for him. winner of all
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mathematics olympiads, school chess champion. is this the point? this indicates something, you didn’t participate in any competitions, you came to a draw, it was an accident, can i complain to you about fate, the tanga is very beautiful, go ahead, i shouldn’t have called you here, you shouldn’t be friends with klava, you shouldn’t do what i do, i cannot help but do. it’s clear, of course, you’re smart, you bought four tickets, an equation without unknowns,
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sorry. come on, i'm tired. excuse me, she doesn’t dance, no, why?
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happy, sorry, man, sorry, goodbye, all the best, see you, tatyana, please, sorry for not creating a scandal. what are you doing? i don't have a sore throat. klav? well?
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ritul, don’t twitch and raise your chin a little. leave me alone with your chin, let me watch tv, maybe it will calm me down. it was too early, something happened, everything is fine, but well, he quarreled with the boss, what else? you’re lying, if i were you, i would have left her long ago, but what do you understand about this, when she ’s not around, i don’t exist, and what are you doing?
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i’m waiting to see her, i’m not interested in anything without klava, even if they give a nobel prize, but she’s not there, everything disappears, you say, call klava, i’ll say, selenium, but what did you quarrel about, but we didn’t quarrel , and what? then i don’t know, some kind of laurel showed up, and this is that stalim played a draw, this draw was given to you, look how everyone remembers about it, this, this, this, this, what do they give for that, compare, well, nothing, i’ll show them some more, you don’t want a waffle cake without a sandwich shop or a cake, come on,
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what are you doing there, come on, get out of there, now, to whom i tell, you will come on monday with your grandmother, glory, and you remember how in the fifth grade, again, i’m tired of yours, remember as much as possible. and i’m a cabbage butterfly, i’m a former caterpillar,
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these are your wings, you played a cabbage butterfly, remember, we had a stage performance, so what, it’s beautiful, and in general, so that i don’t hear anymore, but remember? i’m already sick of these words, okay? come on bear, look.
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that it was the rear who insured it just in case, and touched your face with dirty hands. unhygienic, your dad the doctor should know and he has a lot of work to do without you, okay, i ’ll take him half an hour, girls, hold on, keep in mind, i won’t fight with you, i’ll lubricate you since there’s no escape, defend yourself, but why
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don’t you fight with me? and i like you, that’s enough, what’s the matter, what is it, what ’s going on here, it’s lavrov, he’s showing new techniques, come on, show it to dmitry alexandrovich, why didn’t you give me the glasses on the roof? you make a friend when all the way, and if i’m tired of him, that’s called meanness, i have to nobly hide, listen, laurus, we have our own scores to settle, she i became like this after i met you, you both are an empty place for me, they have already started calling us the magnificent four, klava, as i know a woman’s name, so they gave it to you by mistake, who do you think i am,
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tanya, stop drumming, i still have no hearing, i won’t appreciate it, you sang all your life in chori, i opened my mouth there by seryozhka’s grace, he gave me such a gift, i have no hearing at all, my mother says that i have an internal one, but in my opinion this does not happen, why does it happen, lack of coordination between hearing and voice, come here, such and such a note, and you
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turn away. now two, turn away. what's more complicated? you have excellent hearing, so what am i going to do with it, sew a fur coat. scientists conducted such an experiment, with the help of tests, among waiters, elevator operators, hairdressers, they found people with exceptional mathematical
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abilities, and now they are doctors of science. "if you leave now, like this, you will never see me again, we have to go, no, because you will never see me again, no one will ever see me again, seryozhenka, boy, if you were capable of such an act, i would follow you to the ends of the earth, but tomorrow you will come to school right on cue, there will be no tomorrow for me, but shut up, you idiots, look, rita, why
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is this? i'm afraid for him, did you find out anything? the notebooks still contain only a's, it's a habit, something is happening to him, klava klemkova, i always said, we'll still cry because of this girl, that the earrings are causing trouble, but is that really what they're looking for? in my death i ask you to wither the claw, what a horror, leave me alone, everything is correct, because that i am a nonentity, you are an extraordinary person, you understand, i understand everything that you understand, i love you my life, i hope that this is mutual, seryozha, wait.
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that's it, you need to sleep through the night with trouble, you will come here tomorrow and no one will bother you.
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and what will change tomorrow, i was training, it means these terrible words, pavel, such words are written once, or they are never written, maybe retula, let’s take a vacation right after the exams, this rubbish will go to the armpit somewhere, to the pine trees, to the water , she heals wounds perfectly. tanya, i'm leaving, the earring of nonsense is with you he won’t do anything, instill in him self-confidence, you can do it better, you have something stronger, there is no barrel, we don’t have a cafe here, only cognac, give me 100 g,
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have you ever drank cognac, and that's okay, i have it too, no need. take a barjomi and some sandwich, we’ll get by, doctor, don’t get drunk, come on, instill confidence in me, but how, well, tell me something about my personal outstanding qualities, your horse just closes the cafe faster, i don’t need it, why i'm on duty, what else? i'm on duty, my mother is in the hospital, and there aren't enough nurses. and dad, i don’t have a dad, well , anyone else, a little sister, but she’s with her grandmother, you live alone, alone, for a long time, for
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six months, but why didn’t i know anything about this, and you didn’t ask, then at school it’s somehow forgotten, because no one really cares.
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yes, you know who you are, you are better than all of us , people like you are born only 100 years ago, you are a beauty, if you look closely, i have no choice, you understand, otherwise i would, why did i drink this cognac, listen, tanya, if you want to give me confidence, i want you to kiss me. why, me please, this is not the same, of course it’s not the same,
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but you weren’t disgusted, no. with joy or with sorrow? who cares? he often ends up drinking himself out of grief, are you kidding? no, you don’t know, i’m guessing. and what should i do, suffer, but i don’t know how, and what can you do then, you’re mocking me, well , they passed korokin, hamlet, pushkin, lermontov, what did they teach you, he, you see, doesn’t know how to suffer, you’re not at all dear to me, darlings are not like that. protecting the heart from melancholy, clenching teeth, silently forgetting them,
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forgetting someone’s poems, one real the poet, clenching his teeth, silently forgets them, i understand, or you will end up like in past romances, sasha, you remember our meetings, go to sleep. and you were in trouble, i pointed them myself with a felt-tip pen so that you wouldn’t play the fool, the lava knows about it, that’s the point, dad always said, first do it, and then brag.
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sergei lavrov, the bravest man, beyond his bravery!
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when the time of sadness and anxiety comes, you tell yourself then everything is for the better; when suddenly the difficult hour of separation comes, you know that on earth everything is always for the better, that will return with joy, someday trouble. the snow will melt, the cold will recede, even if you are unlucky again this time, but you repeat to fate , in spite of yourself, everything is for the better, everything is for the better, believe me, no one got by without losses, everything is for the better , believe me and don’t be sad. perhaps
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tomorrow will begin to lead you, yes, yes, tomorrow will already begin to lead you, the bitterest hour is testing us, everything is for the better, remember this truth. true love, no need to click your nose, you will meet again with true love, and no matter how it was, now your sadness is sidna, you you know that spring will come after winter, birds will sing around, and flowers will bloom, you will wait for your love. everything is for the better, everything is for the better
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, believe me, no one got along without losses, everything is for the better, don’t be sad, maybe tomorrow you will begin to receive news, yes, yes, from tomorrow, it will already begin to guide you, hello, hello, and tanya at home, on duty, on what duty? hospital, and you mean her grandmother, that means grandmother, and i ’m sergei, tanya probably told you, klaskin’s
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boyfriend, ex, and this is the one... what’s her name? on tanya is very similar, so tell me, what’s your name? her name is sveta. svetochka. hello, svetochka, aren’t you afraid to ride on the swing? no, you're not afraid. come on, tell me, how is your mother feeling? her mother died. come to me. when? 3 weeks since they buried him. well, why that hospital? i got a job as a nurse, well, small, well, dry, let's go, what is school like now, let's go eat, let's go.
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well done. there is no such thing as unhappy love. it may be bitter, difficult, unrequited, reckless, but love is never unhappy, even if it
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the one who does not understand this kills. and unhappy, unhappy, unhappy, not worth love, such leukocytosis doesn’t mean anything, dad would have told you the same thing, it’s normal, the formula hasn’t shifted, live and be happy, and i’ll tell dad everything, be healthy. why are you looking at me with last year’s eyes? what is my fault? you can imagine that giacondo or venus milovskaya could have been created just because of the desire to rub someone's nose. klava told me a lot about you. thank you. and so i thought again to my father. mind you, this happens every day.
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hello. what are you doing? hello, seryozha. hello. why don't you say hello to me at school? hello. why are you sitting in a stuffy room when the weather is like this? seryozha,
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forgive me, for what, for everything, i was, don’t talk about it, understand? “it’s hard to explain, everything didn’t work out that way for us, everything could have been different, we’re both not to blame, for which, well, in general, you always gave yourself to me, and lavrik, he’s a lavrik.” gave me me, you see, i understand, well, that’s good, you
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forgave me, it’s true, you’re not to blame for anything, that i should forgive you, ongina.
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it doesn’t happen, it happens, you will
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love klau all your life, it happens, it happens,
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the ukrainian armed forces are defeated in the kharkov region, our units have also improved the situation in the donetsk republic, the situation in the special operation zone. issues of climate, migration, relations with ukraine and the middle east, the eu may change its course after the elections to the european parliament. construction in difficult conditions in the belgorod region continues to restore houses, many have managed to receive the keys to new apartments. this is the news
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russia tv channel, the main news in karina ilyin’s studio. hello russians. the military destroyed the deployment points of foreign mercenaries and attack drone operators, and the mi-8 helicopter of the ukrainian air force was shot down. as reported by the ministry of defense, enemy losses per day amounted to 1,500 people. in addition, units of the southern group and the north group improved the position along the front line in the donetsk republic, repelling several counterattacks of ukrainian attack aircraft. military equipment was destroyed here during the fighting. foreign-made field ammunition depot. and a subdivision of the west group of troops was attacked. defeat of five brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region and the dpr. also during the day, 66 drones and 13 american hymers shells were intercepted. a series of explosions occurred in the poltava region. according to local media, the sounds of detonation were heard in mirgorod. there is a large military airfield there. earlier, reports of strikes came from odessa and the nikolaev region. as social network users note, industrial systems have been damaged
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and infrastructure facilities. alarms were heard in other regions of ukraine. militants of the kiev regime again shelled the kherson region, attacking a residential area in the village of novaya mayachka. as governor vladimir said. power supply and in the european union they are summing up the results of the elections to the european parliament. 27 countries participated,
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and over 360 million europeans had the right to vote. according to a forecast from the new york times, big changes await the old world. everything suggests that the chances of the right-wing winning the vote are high. and then, the article notes, the head of the european commission will have to make a deal with them. i have more than just questions ahead of me. immigration, but also the situation in ukraine and the middle east. and many of these topics, according to critics, were given to ursula vonderleen poorly. the poll also shows that right-wing parties such as george meloni's brothers italia and marine lepine's national rally will strengthen their positions significantly. in belgium , right-wing flemish parties are leading. in slovakia , the majority of seats will be won by the opposition progressive slovakia, which stands for military assistance to ukraine. north korea will take new retaliatory measures against leaflets broadcast from loudspeakers from south korea. this was stated by the sister of north korean leader kimyu jong. according to her, provocations in
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the border zone are a prelude to a very dangerous situation, they must be stopped in order to avoid further confrontation. over the past 24 hours , about one and a half thousand balloons with garbage and manure, as well as more than 7.5 tons, were launched from the territory of north korea to the territory of south korea. toilet paper, as kimyo john noted, unlike the enemy leaflets, the paper did not contain any political slogans, in response, siul deployed giant loudspeakers at the border that broadcast songs and propaganda statements, and earlier retaliatory balloons were launched towards the dprk, inside of which there were dollars and flash drives with k-replenishers music. great success for russian schoolchildren at the asian physics olympiad, which took place. the national team of our country has five gold and three silver awards. the competition took place in two stages: first the most difficult tasks, then laboratory work. russian schoolchildren showed a high level of knowledge and left behind competitors from almost three
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dozen countries. russia has built a good system of preparation for international olympiads. based on the results of the all-russian schoolchildren olympiad , about 30 people are selected. qualification camps are held at the sirius educational center, which allow you to form a team. to participate in the asian physics olympiad, this training system allows you to demonstrate high results at the international level. in the belgorod region continue to restore houses damaged by fsu shelling. builders are working even despite the difficult situation in the region. some residents have already received the keys to their new apartments. alexey kornev with details. house on vatutina avenue. was subjected to barbaric shelling by the ukrainian armed forces in mid-may. the shell landed in the courtyard, causing damage to shiny buildings and a car. at the time of the shelling, an enemy shell hit this building. as you can see,
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part of the damage was taken by the concrete slab, in fact, the structure itself, from it there was literally no living space left. however, fragments from the shell still caused damage to residential buildings. they flew to these neighboring houses. the blast wave broke the glass in my husband's apartment. the city is divided into 10 sectors, each with its own contractors. the work is considered completed only after receiving a receipt from the owner of the affected property. despite the difficult operational situation,
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builders strive to complete the work as quickly as possible. it is planned to replace windows in belgorod before june 10, completely replace balcony frames up to 25. alexey kornev, andrey kazakov, lead belgorod. all news is always available on the media platform. ru, this is news, we are monitoring developments. an open day was held at the chelyabinsk pipe rolling plant ; the guests, first of all, were the children and grandchildren of employees. the young guests tried on a welder's mask and a crane operator's helmet and got to know the difficult professions of their mothers and fathers. jaana skonečnaya also went on an excursion to the heart of the russian metallurgical industry. the crowners' helmets and welders' masks fly off heads, protective gloves are also clearly not the right size. all.
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parents of schoolchildren wear them during working hours. on an open day at the pipe-rolling plant for the children of the employees’ grandchildren, there was not only a fitting of workwear, but also an education about the work of the metallurgical enterprise. i liked that you have sheets there, and the sheets are used to make pipes. i remember that they are so big, huge and there are very, very many of them. when you grow up, what do you want to become? how is your mom. where they work at the factory, where pipes are made, in the workshop of a pipe rolling plant the head of the shevchenko family also works, this is the first time my wife and daughter have come to production, the scale is impressive and i always wanted to be at the top, such a famous place in the world, we are very pleased. 250 children of different ages , accompanied by the guide's parents , enter the workshop, which has already become legendary, metallurgists in white clothes, dozens of giant pipes are visible below, an important lion with was here at
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the age of 5, then he was amazed by the size of the workshop, and now at nine he is more interested in the process , dad spoke about him in detail: this is what we we are proud of our work, it is an honor for any person to visit here, and even more so when there is an opportunity to bring your family and children here, to show them all this, to instill, so to speak, dynasty, well, this is great, an open day for children -employees - this is part of a large career guidance work. at the enterprise, perhaps some of those who came on this excursion will return here to continue the work of their parents. yana skanichnaya, lead the southern urals. all news is always available on the media platform, look at app or on the website, they monitor developments. have you started?
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning, good morning everyone, we are glad to see you, each other, given, i am in rays of slava, today is very, but we will start this issue with small talk about the weather, after all, in the summer, where without discussing forecasts, not a single climatologist surprise with natural phenomena, even rare ones, here we are each. once under the impression of a tornado in
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the urals, when you see something like that there, powerful air vortices swirl from the ground itself, in mesmerizing footage, eyewitnesses share on social networks. experts say that it is better to observe this from a safe distance or even from a shelter, because tornadoes are very dangerous, the speed inside the vortex can reach 1.00 km/h. and lifting air into a person’s car or house, but it costs him nothing, thunderstorms and heat are to blame for their appearance. build a line of accusation or admiration further, it all depends on masha’s forecast , as well as atmospheric fronts, now we’ll understand borisova, hello, masha, what do you have there thunderstorm, abnormal heat, well, this weekend we have these enormous thunderstorms in our center, they took a break and let you and i enjoy the weekend, but as they say, rest a little and that’s enough, because with the onset of the new week the rains return again, tomorrow there will be especially strong showers, thunderstorms, even hail. we are most
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interested in wednesday, the weekend is a little better than on tuesday, but it’s still such a rainy week in our center, where there won’t be any rain at all is in the volga region, where the air is heating up, in penza it’s even up to 32° in the sky not a cloud at all, ready to share, yes, i thought about it too, by the way, the heat is also returning to the south, somewhere even anomalous in astrakhan up to 37, on the black sea coast, generally excellent resort weather and water, by the way, it’s already 23°, this swimming season. the atmosphere in the south of russia will continue to be dominated by an anticyclone, so sunny weather will prevail here, only... in some places in the mountainous areas there may be short thunderstorm rains. the prevailing daytime temperature is +30-35. sea water on the coast of crimea 20-23. on the black sea coast - 22-25. in the middle volga, the probability of precipitation is also minimal and nothing will prevent the sun from warming the air well.
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midday hours until 28:33. in the north-west of russia, in the first half of the cyclone week there will be rain in places with thunderstorms and gusty winds. and then the cloud will get smaller. the remnants will acquire a local short-term character, as a result , the daytime temperature will rise to 19:24, in the far north to 11:16. over central russia, the fields of frontal clouds will shift for most of the period, so again there will be no showers or thunderstorms. the heaviest precipitation is expected in the middle of the workweek. temperatures will continue to be warmer than usual during the day 10:27 p.m. the crest of anticyclones will rise in the urals, so the clouds will dissipate and the heat will rise. strengthen in the second half of the period to 29-34. in southern siberia, in the first half of the working week, rain clouds will still prevent the sun from warming the air, but then the weather will improve and the temperature will immediately rise to 25-30°. in the south of the far east , systems of frontal divisions will shift,
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therefore, from time to time there will be rain and thunderstorms are possible in places, the prevailing daytime temperature in the amur region is 20-25, in the south of primorye until 12:17. thanks masha, so what? norms, but in krasnoyarsk it’s already 20°, and even in the north of siberia in norelsk it’s already +16, so yes, the trend is positive, the course for the summer is already set, well , great, great, you can travel around the country in the summer, thank you, maria borisova with us in the studio with a weather forecast. on russia day, i am proud of my homeland, russia is a mother for us, for everyone, she has many children, different ones, with your songs about russia, we let's return with victory, russia, russia, in this
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word, and strength, songs from the bottom of our hearts, a special holiday episode on june 12 on the channel. russia. russia morning. don't forgive the main thing. russian football players and spectators have proven in practice that they are the most resilient. at the sports complex, luzhniki broke the record for the duration of a match. more than a day. 26 hours. the football marathon continued with the participation of amateurs and veteran professionals.
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participants of the russian and cis grand prix finals. stages of the competition took place in 13 regions of the country in minsk. the final took place in moscow in last weekend. professional athletes also took part in the flight. both of them shared their plans for the next season with alena kashtanova. he is a bronze medalist at the world junior championships, she is a hairdresser. but today, on the same ice, this couple looks more than harmonious. this is already magic, the magic of staging, magic, eh. implementation of this whole story, because i need to show that we skate at approximately the same level, everything you saw was completely andrei’s production, and our choice of music coincided. in order to come up with a demonstration program numbers, andrei and kira were only 3 months old, not everything worked out right away and they fell many times, and
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well, fortunately, there were no injuries, in the pair of ilsa alisa and cat basilio, on the contrary, the lady is leading, natalya sablina, at 60, is more experienced than her partner, says that figure skating came already in adulthood. i was looking for myself, i’ve been skating for 15 years now. i tried a lot, like everyone else, like all women, i just tried a lot of different sports, aerobics, dancing, and figure skating touched my soul. and this sport has touched the soul of hundreds today, more than 140 people of different professions and ages became finalists of the grand prix of russia and the cis in figure skating. the youngest is 19, and the oldest is 74 years old. some of them had never put on skates in their lives. professional figure skaters helped them stand confidently on the ice. in five training sessions, i had to put on a program for an amateur, after all, with his body - after all , it will be a little difficult to teach some complex elements, but if a person really wants it, maybe... it will work out, especially since he has someone to look up to, daniil himself came fifth at the russian championship last season.
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based on how this season turned out, i want the next season to be no worse, but first of all, i want this season to pass without injuries. cups, awards and medals, everything is like in big professional fights. competitions among amateurs are built by analogy with the international and russian stages of the grand prix. this is the first time that mass figure skating has reached such a scale in the last 20 years. we are planning to hold another russian championship among adult amateurs. what will allow us to make a national team, this will allow us to fully, when we will enter the international arena, take first place with the russian national amateur figure skating team, especially since in a country where ice skating has already become part of the cultural code, you don’t want to show bad results to anyone, but without serious support, of course it won’t be easy, we will work on this very seriously, we will involve specialists in this, this year we have a plan to make regulations for next year, i hope that we will have
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a calendar of competitions for adults and for amateurs, but professionals have a calendar for the next year has already been formed, ahead are the stages of the grand prix, the russian championship, ice shows and master classes, so even with the temporary absence of international competitions , both of them are holding a high bar and are not going to relax in the near future. and if you don’t participate, then watch the competition on tv with a cup of coffee. morning coffee, scalding hot, the local borista adds red hot pepper to it, they add it from the heart, they don’t regret it, after this they say, a charge of vivacity and seething desires for activity appear right there. okay, pepper in coffee, one of the hotels in china adds it to the pool fed with water from a hot spring, they also put tomato paste, soy milk and sea creatures there, but the main thing is not to immediately start eating while swimming, after bathing in this you can cool off, a bowl of ice is always nearby, a new word in chinese medicine, and maybe floating ones
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are just prepared as a dish, that’s something worth thinking about, but experts are busy tuning household multicookers, interesting, interesting, russian engineers have equipped a familiar kitchen appliance with a new ultrasound function, andrey alekseenko will tell you what came of it. an ordinary household multicooker has been in the kitchen of almost every housewife for about 20 years, but our engineers decided that the device needed... vodka and equipped it with an ultrasonic module, ultrasound, creating areas of high and low pressure, destroys the cellular structure - beneficial substances are released into the water in which the product was located. this method allows you to reduce the cooking temperature and cooking time, as a result, according to scientists, products retain more beneficial properties and do not lose vitamins, the theory was tested using beef soup, it so happened that... uh, when we calculated the saturation of the soup using formulas, uh, the resulting richness of the soup
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with our multicooker was several orders of magnitude higher than with conventional electric heating. during the experiments, scientists found many uses for the modernized device; with its help they want to purify water and pasteurize milk, but then it gets even more interesting. the utilitarian device turned out to be useful on the laboratory bench. in an ultrasonic multicooker you can not only to cook food, but to create for it... we boiled the pumpkin, took the resulting water, drained it, passed it through a sieve and let it cool. the amber fragment has excellent stretch and is impenetrable to harmful bacteria, at the same time the film allows air to pass through, and before consuming the contents, the packaging does not need to be removed, it dissolves completely in water, it can be used for packaging products. instead of polyethylene. an important advantage of the created device is its price, since the cost of the additional module is not high,
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the device will not be used in mass production will rise in price. so, while engineers are preparing proposals for manufacturing companies, culinary specialists should think about finding or creating new recipes. and then nature calls. we will name the most fashionable eco-governments very soon. you need to go to the hare lakes, your relatives live there. what other hare lakes? what are you up to again? premiere, how do you look like tanya? no, what am i, are you with my mother’s parents? yes, dad, no, that’s right, i’m going to pick you up immediately, living under one roof does not mean being one family. he lived my daughter forever, and now took care of the children. dad, no, stop it, but she has a plan, i decided to finish this one. dad, we just don’t need her anymore, alexander nikolaevich, jackdaw on rtr today, i
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thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and... think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes , yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously , this is flirting, obviously just take a look, let's go, it should be. i had in mind, of course, the bear, when such a stinking little one said, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on -one program one, five for one on saturdays on
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rtr, let's finally get to know each other, sister, what are family passions, where did you even come from, but she copied everything to christina, i won't budge until i throw this impostor out of our house, i don't i will give up what i got from my family, we must unite against it and not let this scoundrel take over our money, our factory, now i don’t understand at all that we become a real family, behind seven seals, we’re already looking at the website in the app, continuation of the crime drama with the author of legendary hits tatyana nazarovo, who faces a real prison sentence due to a quarrel with her neighbors. her friend, singer felix tariqate, successfully flew to tatiana’s aid, and he hopes that he will be able to stage point in a long-standing feud. what confessions are neighbors ready to make and what can’t they forgive their
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famous neighbor? malakhov, today on rtr. for us, if it’s a sport, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history, family, strong relationships , we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, granny, i’ll be waiting for you, his
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grandmother died in the hospital, the guardianship authorities came to us, i won’t go to my grandfather. will live here, take it into yourself, and this is not according to the law, but at least humanly, i will save you from the painful choice between your husband and some homeless child, goodbye spring of change, on sunday on rtr, ecotourism is fashionable, with the advent of modern infrastructure was also comfortable last year for...
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these for new stories, this territory is now called the pustovsky path, and now the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the master, everyone has a say. alexander morozov, a traveler with thirty years of experience, is not the first time in the ryazan forests, recalls his school trips under the supervision of his father. you had to seriously prepare, work out the route, understand where you would stand, that is, bring a mountain of all sorts of things with you. now everything is simpler, the staff of mishchersky park managed to create almost a miracle, preserve protected forests and at the same time create islands for comfort. and nature-friendly recreation, according to the national ecology project , covered gazebos and houses were built here, springs and fireplaces were equipped, tourists don’t even need to take a map of the area, it’s in literally before your eyes on special information stands, and in order to admire the beauty from the water, river tourism is being developed, river rafting is very popular, now not rafting on the pra river, so we can also provide
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services to tourists and present kayaks and boats. in the ulyanovsk region, in the singgeleyevskie mountains park, they are well aware of how to make outdoor recreation convenient for people and safe for forest inhabitants. with financial support from the state , tourist buildings were built here. this does not interfere with the organization of marmots at all, so everyone has a chance to check whether the local omen works, i met a marmot, my wish will come true, ilya ryabov came to make sure and was not disappointed, i literally
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walked for 15 minutes, i already saw a lot of marmots here, very beautiful, picturesque, the weather allows you to take a walk, look at the beautiful mountains, the protected areas of russia are actively developing, the national ecology project is taking care of this, during its implementation on 5.5 million hectares... the area of ​​federal specially protected natural areas, 22 such zones have already been created, by the end of this year there will be 24 of them, the number of people wishing to relax in nature is also growing, in 3 years the tourist flow has doubled and last year amounted to more than 14 million people, and today you can win a trip around the country everyone who is already 18 years old needs to take part in the feel russia competition, applications are accepted until june 17, all the details are on the website continuation of the crime
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drama with the author of legendary hits tatyana nazarova, who, due to a quarrel with neighbors faces real prison time. to help tatyana. her friend successfully flew out, hello felixata, he hopes that he will be able to put an end to the long-standing enmity. what confessions are neighbors ready to make and what cannot they forgive? to his famous neighbor, malakhov, today at 16:30, this is morning news, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in the studio karina elina, hello, the battle for volchansk continues in the kharkov region, our artillerymen are operating in close conjunction with assault groups , the enemy re-rolls elite... units of the main intelligence directorate, including the brotherhood battalion, but this situation does not change. russian units are literally pushing out ukrainian armed forces units meter by meter. the enemy
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is hiding in the basements of buildings. in just a week, three militants from this extremist organization banned in russia were captured by our attack aircraft from the north group of forces. the head of the palestinian national authority , mahmoud abas, called for an emergency meeting of the un security council in connection with the death. establish a ceasefire. army israeli defense carried out a hostage rescue operation in the central part of the gaza strip. as a result , four people were released in...
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over the course of 24 hours, 41 natural fires were extinguished in russia, fires were managed in 15 regions of the country, one of the most difficult situations was in transbaikalia, where paratroopers and airborne paratroopers were involved in eliminating the outbreaks. security they carry out blasting operations and lay mineralized strips in hard-to-reach areas to contain fires. another element tests your strength residents of the orenburg region. the day before , a hurricane hit it with heavy rain. the storm damaged residential buildings, and rainwater flooded dozens of yards. heavy rainfall fell in the bryansk region. there was heavy rain for several hours. several areas were immediately flooded. new. an interactive room, sound therapy devices and other modern medical equipment have appeared at the republican center for the rehabilitation of disabled children in lugansk. branches operate in 15 districts throughout
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the region, over 20 years they have established more than one and a half thousand children. report by nadezhda ostapuschenko. where is the yellow basket? here she is. well done! arslan mamedov is taking his first course at the republican center. social rehabilitation revival, here, with the help of specialists, the boy took his first confident steps, together with his mother he celebrates every small victory, there is help in fifteen departments of the center. receive more than one and a half thousand children a year; after reunification with russia, specialists master new technologies in advanced training courses, and the branches are staffed new equipment. new to the center, the savannah room is a space fully equipped with interactive toys, including homaks, soft logs, tunnels and vests that create the feeling of constant hugs. the owl was invented by neuropsychologists in order to... irina
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maltseva and her colleagues help children with musculoskeletal problems. in practice, they often use a method for teaching walking, created by her teacher, who also worked at the center. the main feature is that this procedure is not suitable for children. brings pain; they are supported by special supports. with the help here.
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the center recently celebrated its twentieth anniversary; during this time, thousands of children have been rehabilitated; each one has its own approach. nadezhda astoposhchenko, denis shum, alexander khvastov, conduct lugansk. all news is always available, you can watch it on the media platform in the app or on the website the news is following developments. at the training ground of the novosibirsk military institute, young fighters competed according to the rules of the morning. combat equipment, explosions, house bombs, everything in the best traditions of military-patriotic games. andrei kugatov watched the battles. getting rid of a double chin. young fighters are definitely not in danger of getting a double chin. at the regional stage of the all-russian zornitsa, an extreme speed tour through all the rigors of military service. obstacle course, first aid, assembly, disassembly of the machine gun.
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however, doing it quickly does not mean doing it right, the penalty for missing a mine is an unacceptable 2 minutes to the total time, as for working with a probe at the wrong angle, it is understandable; in real conditions, ammunition can detonate, a miss on the target is also a blow to the team’s result, what a multi-colored positive, one blot, one broken hope, to show as it should, this is exactly the kind of rubbish here in the spirit of young blood-hot patriots, exactly like a real battle. the competitive range reveals hidden talents, in four shots, three targets, you’re great, you shot for the first time, natasha hasn’t finished school yet, and already the commander dreams of testing himself in real combat, but most likely he’ll have to become a dog handler, well, because the military universities take him all the girls wherever i want, so we’ll go to a dog trainer, you say sadly, you’re outraged, yes, why is it possible for a boy to do it, but not for girls, well, it’s kind of dishonest, i think, but you could handle it better than boys,
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yes, yes, confidence . well, from there, because i see that i am already stronger than many boys. however, natasha, with her character, will still achieve everything, because the good old soviet dawn, she turns 60 this year, was created, oddly enough, by a girl, a pioneer counselor, who went through dozens, if not hundreds, of military sports battles millions of children throughout the soviet union. today, the movement of the first and the center of patriotic education in the novosibirsk region are reviving zornitsa, as a response to new ideological challenges to our country, with help from the russian guard. competition. takes place in almost all regions, anyone from 7 to 17 years old can take part. the winners of this stage will compete with teams from all over siberia for the right to defend the honor of the region on the all-russian arena. continue moving, as understood, welcome. andrey kugatov, andrey svatutsa, host novosibirs. second the military music festival started in the amur region. during the competition , the country's six leading brass bands will visit 16 settlements and give 22 concerts.
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he will tell you about the first performances. my colleague, galina makushchenko. multifaceted compositions are presented to the residents of the northern capital of the amur region on the twenty-fifth anniversary square of bama by the pacific fleet orchestra. there are almost 40 professionals on stage. performing complex original music on the street or in a concert hall does not matter to them. but for the local viewer it is very valuable that without leaving you can attend such a concert from the city. very beautiful, nice. musicians of the pacific fleet orchestra appreciated the festival program. during the khabarovsk and amur waves, they play at several city venues; in the amur region, orchestras simultaneously perform in squares and stadiums, in parks and
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squares, in different populated areas. the amur region has adopted a radically different philosophy for holding the festival, that is , music should be dispersed evenly throughout the entire territory of the amur region, so that in the most remote, in the most... beautiful corners brass music was performed in the omyr region. at the same time, the philharmonic society of the regional capital is hosting a concert by the central military orchestra of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. the hall is expected to be full of spectators. the program lasts 2.5 hours. 65 people under the leadership of the head of the central military band of the emino defense sergei durygin constantly remind the audience that music and history are inseparable. we first select the repertoire, then when we have selected it. we clarify the tonality with them, our arrangers make an arrangement for orchestra, almost everything is ready. the first vivat amur took place last year and amur residents liked it so much that it is planned to develop the project further. galina makushchenko,
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victoria setenko, leonid kasavan and denis lugov, conduct the amur region. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring the developments. 21:20 on the russia channel. continuation of the crime drama with the author of legendary hits tatyana nazarova, who, because of an owl
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with her neighbors, faces a real prison sentence. on help to tatyana. her friend flew out successfully, hello felixati. and he hopes that he will be able to put an end to the long-standing feud. what confessions are the neighbors ready to make and what cannot they forgive their famous neighbor? today at 16:30 is the morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, this is the morning of russia, june 10, wow, it’s already necessary, well... right now i feel the children can cling to the screens, and moms and dads will have to say: "this is not healthy, no, no, pizza for breakfast tomorrow, true connoisseurs of this dishes are ready from morning to evening and tasted, cooked, and even flown
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to argentina for the world pizza making championship. in buenes aires , 170 masters from different countries demonstrated their skills, in their hands the dough flew, burned, even did somersaults, the result was a very tasty pizza, which from..." what no, in russia they are going to tighten control over the production of dietary supplements well, it’s high time, experts say, oksana sirova knows why i take vitamin d, in a preventive dosage of 2.0 international . units. and also mega3 and a liver supplement based on essential oils. maria is sure that dietary supplements have a positive effect on her well-being, because she takes it very seriously, i make sure to look at the composition so that it is natural, safe, these capsules that i take help me maintain my energy level and help me get sick less, in russia today dietary supplements are on the wave
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of popularity, more than half of russians admitted that they take them on an ongoing basis, and 20% of compatriots prescribe dietary supplements to themselves without doctors and tests yourself or based on numerous tips from the internet, the head really works when taken. better, i was able to lose 10 kg in a week without painful diets and workouts, all thanks to these vitamins, miracles, yes, but experts don’t believe in them: the active substances in dietary supplements are usually vitamins, minerals, amino acids or plant extracts, they can help fill some deficiencies, but only a pronounced effect in the case of dietary supplements is a reason to be wary, after all, these are food additives, and not drugs, if a dietary supplement immediately helps and has some kind of pronounced therapeutic effect, then it’s possible... but these are clinical trials and numerous tests, which is very time-consuming and
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expensive. the medicine, the drug, has a strict formula, from which it is impossible to deviate even by a thousandth of a microgram. if we talk about dietary supplements, their formula, composition, what is included in it, additives, they are not regulated in any way, only the main substance that is contained there is regulated. a today, no one checks what is contained besides this main substance, as well as the dosage of the ingredients, but their quantity is very important, for example, super. useful omega-3, in the case of the correct dose, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system; if the concentration is exceeded, it can lead to heart attacks and strokes. it may contain as much as 740, but or more, because we do not subject biological active additives to quantitative control. of course, in russia there are bona fide manufacturers of dietary supplements, they carefully check the ingredients, monitor the composition and dosages. each bat production should be organized according to the principles of hasp and iso. everything is regulated not only by general regulations, but... internal, additional, it is often necessary to pay attention to the manufacturer,
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who is solely responsible for the production of products. as a rule, large manufacturers value their reputation and try to produce high-quality and safe products, but there are also those who just want to make money on fashionable pills, so the production of dietary supplements it is necessary to carefully monitor, experts are sure, and the corresponding law has already been sent to the state duma, so it is likely that soon dietary supplements will be regulated as medicines, they will be prescribed by doctors, which should reduce the risk of negative consequences to a minimum. yeah, well, let's continue talking about dietary supplements, the studio is an associate professor of the department of pharmacology at sechenov university, a member of the committee on healthcare entrepreneurship, the medical industry, the chamber of commerce and industry, but if the composition of a dietary supplement is essentially a mystery, clinical the effectiveness has not been proven, i don’t understand how a doctor can recommend this to a patient, as was already said in the story. and i propose to initially separate
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a biologically active supplement - it’s not a medicine, it’s a food product, it’s a food additive, that’s all, it’s enough to confine ourselves to this, why are we remembering a doctor today, but because it’s really the latest initiative, which proposes to develop a list of biologically active supplements to be prescribed by a doctor, this will not affect everything...
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tightening is for the benefit, for the benefit of our
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the patient, our fellow citizens, of course, this must be introduced and a guarantee of the quality of those goods that and those products that... our dear fellow citizens use, thank you, thank you very much, about hell, we talked with an associate professor of the department of pharmacology, sichenov university , member of the committee on entrepreneurship, healthcare, medical industry, chamber of commerce and industry nelya ignatieva, all the best to you, it’s so nice in the morning to feel the flavor of the oriental tea party, tart black tea, tonic tea with bergamot and soft black with a bonnet, morning, time with
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the servants. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. the heaviest motorcycle in the world is finally moving. it takes two to operate such a colossus. one steers, the other taxis. german enthusiasts assembled a motorcycle monster from parts of military equipment , a five-ton structure carrying an engine from a soviet t-55 tank. the badge is there, it took more than 200 working days, during which the creators of welding electrodes alone used more than 120 kilos, but wow, it was worth it, the car is included in the book of records as the heaviest motorcycle in the world that can be ridden, that is, apparently there is also another
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motorcycle, the commercial automotive industry does not stand still, several manufacturers have updated their popular models in the compact crossover class. ivan zenkevich found out what had changed. compact crossovers seem to have already conquered all markets, but manufacturers continue to release new products to support demand; let’s talk about the most interesting ones now. one of the founders of the compact crossover class nissan kashkai is already in its third generation. and now the time has come for restyling. led running lights are now integrated into the grille. a new multimedia system has appeared in the cabin. with maps and voice assistant. the technology remained unchanged. the basic version is a mild hybrid with a 1.3 liter turbo engine and a generator starter. power 140 or 158 horsepower, manual transmission or cvt. at the top of the line is a full-fledged hybrid with a one and a half liter engine and an electric motor,
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total power 347 horsepower. production of the updated suvs has already begun. the compact one is doing well in our market. model from the cherry tiga 7 pro max brand, its relative with the shorter name tiga 7 was recently updated in china. traditionally, the bumper and radiator grille were refreshed, the rear lights merged into one line, and a single multimedia screen and instrument panel appeared in the cabin. climate control is controlled by another touch screen on the central tunnel. under the hood there is a one and a half liter turbo engine with a power of 156 horsepower, six-speed manual or cvt. only the front one, the seven is the most affordable model in the tiga family; sales have already started in china. and finally, the second generation mitsubishi icex crossover has also been restyled. the update clearly benefited him: the car received an original radiator grille and fashionable optics. the multimedia system screen was made vertical, and a number
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of electronic driver assistants were added. the basic version comes with a liter three-cylinder turbo engine producing 90 horsepower. there are options more powerful. 140 or 158 horsepower and four cylinders, the range is crowned by a full-fledged hybrid with a total power of 148 horsepower and a range of up to 900 km. the updated isx is aimed primarily at the european market. we are also expecting no less interesting newcomers. for example, the belarusian brand billg recently launched a second model in gamma - the x70 crossover. and they say.
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and even a small investigation, and therefore not in your own voice, by deduction. the food donations didn’t convince you, i was completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly, but they were carried out anyway, everyone has the right to make a mistake, catch me if you can, a big music show, sings, doesn’t sing, well, it happens in koroluka, on friday on rtr.


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