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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 10, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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this is not the main circumstance and is more important than the health of the russian military at the front, that is, pay attention, right now we have come to a real conversation about the advantages and disadvantages of using tactical nuclear weapons, putin has never spoken about this directly before, that is, we can use .
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doctrine of the russian federation , the president said: this is a living organism, we are studying the situation in the world, we are watching escalations and are also ready now for changes, that is, we are not announcing changes, but in general we we are ready to consider this option, including when the president says that we are studying the situation in the world, he probably means the statement of the united states of america, just today...
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we take this more seriously, we immediately started talking about that we rattle nuclear weapons, we don’t rattle, this is the first, second, what is use, not use, in what case to use, we have a nuclear doctrine, and everything is written there, i just talked there yesterday with the heads of these news agencies , i told you about it everything is written there, this is from... application
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is possible in an exceptional, precisely in an exceptional case, in the event of a threat to the sovereignty and territorial country in exceptional cases, i do not believe that such a case has arisen - and there is no such need, but this is the doctrine, this a living instrument, and we are carefully watching what is happening in the world, around us, and do not rule out making some changes to this doctrine - now it is connected with the testing of nuclear weapons, we - we, which means that it was once not not only signed, but also ratified, the americans signed it, but did not ratify it, so in today's conditions we have withdrawn our ratification, and but if necessary, we will carry out tests as long as necessary, if there is no such thing either, since our information capabilities, computers allow us to produce everything here in today's form. so it’s generally interesting,
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of course, putin, judging by the statements that were made in normandy and in washington and in berlin, great britain, of course, there is a little more in kiev, in general, he took a de-escalation position, because no the need to use nuclear weapons, according to the doctrine, is not allowed, but a living organism, let’s think, maybe we will change something, i proceed from the fact that there will never be an exchange of nuclear strikes. will not reach, these are called statements that indicate de-escalation, but unfortunately, yes, at this stage, from the point of view of statements, it ’s a one-way street, because from the other side that same nuclear escalation is rushing towards us, and of course, here literally, as olga correctly said, a new position will be announced in the next few minutes the united states about... the use
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of nuclear weapons, this is supposedly connected with a new gravity atomic bomb, free fall, but these are only leaks for now, we are actually waiting... a message from the nuclear agency and the pentagon about how the us nuclear component will be strengthened , we remember that quite recently another nuclear strategic bomber was put into service and introduced, which the united states intends to use in the event of a nuclear war. the usa and russia have the most developed missile warning systems; europe does not. this just about exchanging blows. i would ask once again not to mention the possibility of using nuclear weapons, well, how not to mention it, but this really should be addressed to some extent to our overseas partners, because
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they are the ones who bring up this topic, they are the ones who declare about some kind of nuclear club, which we use, in this sense, here... than the kids and the fat man dropped on japan, putin said. putin reminded europe of its defenselessness against nuclear strikes, unlike russia and the united states. and key for europeans, because the united states, of course, uses the european continent. i very much doubt that the americans will come to the aid of the allies. exchange of nuclear strikes between russia and europe, but i would still like to return to the first message, i proceed from the fact that it will never come to an exchange of nuclear strikes, but either as planned, or in response to nuclear rhetoric and the absolute nonsense of mr.
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biden, we, the russian federation, our navy, will conduct exercises in the caribbean, zircon carriers will be used, and submarines, and ships, this of course... irritates the united states, the american coast to florida is only 180 km, let me remind you, from the cuban coast, which, of course, is not any distance, the zircon flies from cuba to florida in less than a minute, this is how the usa and other countries react nato. declare combat readiness number one to the ship's combat crew.
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a russian naval detachment of three nuclear submarine ships will visit the port of govana. this was confirmed by the ministry of foreign affairs of this country. the visit is in keeping with the historical friendly relations between cuba and russian federation. we are talking about the newest generation of ships in the russian navy, the frigate admiral gorshkov, the nuclear submarine kazan, the tanker akademik pashin, the rescue tug nikolai chikker. the cuban ministry of defense stated in a statement that upon arrival at the port of havana, the frigate
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admiral gorshkov will fire 21 fireworks. pereg 330, distance 52 km completed. in addition to russian naval vessels, we also expect to see russian strategic bombers patrolling the east coast. russian ships and have stopped at ports in cuba before, and russian long-range bombers have patrolled the east coast before, but what's remarkable is that for the first time in 5 years, russia will be doing both at the same time. some compare this situation to the times of kennedy, when there were spheres of influence and there were russian missiles. october 1962 president john kennedy was informed that new missile bases had appeared in cuba. the information was obtained from images taken by an american reconnaissance satellite. thus
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began the caribbean missile crisis. these were dramatic 2 weeks. cuba is only 135 km from american soil and was a close ally of the ussr. the president acknowledged a possible missile attack. cuba asked the ussr to withdraw its missiles. the speech provoked panic. the americans began stocking up on food and conducting bombing exercises. on october 24, soviet ships approached the american blockade. on october 28, the ussr and the us agreed to remove the missiles if the us did not invade cuba and withdraw its installations from turkey, ending the crisis. when
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russia placed nuclear missiles in cuba, it was further than we are now to moscow, and we were then ready to invade, if they had not taken them out, my uncle was the president, then we could enter cuba, and my uncle, my father, met with the ambassador and secretly made a secret deal, if you remove your missiles, we will remove ours from turkey. response from the biden administration to these exercises. you can be sure that
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the us military will be closely monitoring these exercises, they will send fighter aircraft to intercept russian long-range bombers and covertly pursue russian ships in particular a submarine . i just checked and it turns out that the only thing the us navy has in the caribbean right now are autonomous drones, but the us east coast is literally crammed with air and naval bases. the cuban government said a group of russian warships, including a nuclear submarine, plans to visit cuba in the coming days. do you consider this some kind of retaliation, does it bother you? we will closely monitor what is happening, but we will not we expect that these exercises will pose some significant threat to national security, and i must say that... this is, we believe, incitement on the part of
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the russians, who are clearly not happy that we are supplying ukraine with weapons. we think that such actions are also posturing and saber-shaking on the part of the russians. we will be monitoring this closely. russia's recently announced military exercises in the caribbean should be a wake-up call for the biden administration. caribbean. the waters around florida could become a conflict zone in a future crisis, we must soberly assess, confront and prepare for the threats in our hemisphere, rather than timidly pacify our adversaries. our adversaries are dangerously close to our shores, and we must be prepared to defend our homeland from military and hybrid threats in our hemisphere. cuba and russia are two allies, two partners, and what can i say, if we look at the united states, all they do is send partners, submarines, and warships to the countries. place
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missiles in cuba, but who knows, among other things, the main thing that the west must understand is that this is a sign, the russians are saying: stop doing nonsense, stop playing your games, we are going in a very wrong way. you know, on the other hand, if you judge soberly, then putin will not talk to crazy people, because europeans and north americans don’t want anything. understand, well then what are you waiting for? again an important statement from the president of russia, putin has just announced that kiev will certainly lower the mobilization age, this is due to demand from washington. regarding our grouping of troops in ukraine, the president said that if we wanted to achieve the fastest possible result, then our contingent would not be enough, but... we have completely different tactics, right now we are pushing the enemy out of donbass, what will happen
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next, you will find out soon, putin also said that our men voluntarily came to the military registration and enlistment offices last year, a new figure was just announced, and signed 3,000 contracts, we see what the russian character is, we rely solely on it. we rely on ourselves and proceed from the fact that we will be able to avoid the use of nuclear weapons, but then president putin. explained how events would develop if we tried to avoid this terrifying escalation, but we would still have to strike. he said that our air defense system is as strong as possible, we can count on them, just as the americans can count on them, but the europeans will probably have problems, and no americans
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will naturally come to the aid of europe, then putin. no, we have developed systems in europe no, in this sense, they are more or less defenseless, this is the first, second, second, the power of the strikes, our tactical nuclear weapons are three times four times more powerful than the bombs used by the americans against
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kheroshima and nagasaki, three to four times, we have many times more of them. on the european continent, and even if the americans bring theirs from the usa, we still have many times more, but if it comes down to it, god forbid, and i really don’t want to, i’ll shout at each other, that’s what it means, but then, you said, we let's reduce casualties, but they can increase indefinitely, this is the first, second, of course, these same europeans will have to think, if - it means that those with whom we will exchange such blows will not exist, the americans will also get involved in this exchange of blows already level of strategic weapons or not, i very much doubt it, and the europeans should also think about it, this is certainly true, but i still proceed from the fact
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that it will never come to that if we want to achieve our goals in... ukraine as quickly as possible , then the current contingent to us not enough, but we have a different tactic, we are squeezing out the enemy in the donbass, vladimir putin said during the plenary session, which is ongoing, this is what we have today, of course, very sharp and informative, and there were many very important statements on the economy, but here is the current part of course, as de-escalating as possible, but at the same time, but... at the same time, tough and categorical from the point of view of western threats, important statements regarding the fact that we do not intend to supply weapons to foreign countries in the near future, yes, that is, we we remember that a few days ago there was a statement that in response to a strike
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deep in russia, we are considering this possibility, we will think, we will think, but... apparently, there are no specific countries yet, no specific supplies are expected at the moment, but everything can change in this vein, of course, very quickly, especially after the terrorist attacks on belgorod and kursk. an important topic that, of course, worries society is mobilization, this is what the president said on this topic, if you follow the topics.
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this year, this year, since the beginning of the year, military registration and enlistment offices came and signed contracts for over 160,000. people, every day we have about a thousand-odd people come voluntarily, you know, that’s when, when
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we see what the russian character is, what the character of a russian citizen is, we understand this, we rely on this, we don’t need any atomic weapons . for the final victory, yes, of course, the discussion continues, it’s already the fourth hour, yes, questions are not being eliminated, now the most pressing questions are being asked to vladimir putin regarding the nuclear component of our confrontation with nato countries, but you see that we hope to assume that nuclear weapons will not be used during the current conflict, although we... are ready, leonit ivanovich, uh, you know, evgeniy, after all, of course, the st. petersburg forum called economic, first of all, yes, we have different forums, there are
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investment forums, there are purely political forums, but everyone understood, and i, first of all, when karaganov was appointed leader, and i learned about this too, almost at the last moment, well, actually, how... everything that's these questions that sergei uses in his ideology, the group that he represents, it is very interesting to me, as well as his views on the economy, on politics, on the military component, no, not in this sense, it is interesting, but i i don’t agree with many of these things, including in the field of ideology, there will certainly be a big conversation there, i’ve only heard the beginning. and about state ideology, he has his own views there, but that’s not the point, i understand, putin just said about ideology, let’s listen, you continue,
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we are not afraid of anything, we are afraid, there is, there is a constitution that you mentioned, and it says that we should not have a dominant ideology, we had a dominant ideology, you mentioned the period of the soviet union, but... first , second, they simply believed in the fatherland differently - they assessed differently what was good and what was bad for the fatherland, this is another question,
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here, of course, ideas are needed, faith in communism was lost, but not by everyone, otherwise we there would be no legal party, the communist party of the russian federation, she has many supporters, and this is a fact, this should be treated, in my opinion, with respect, but you are right that unifying ideas are needed. and of course, with such a unifying idea, and today’s events show this, perhaps in the best, most direct, but unsavory sense of the word , patriotism, these are the people who voluntarily come to the front, not sparing their lives and health, the best confirmation of this, this is patriotism, but of course it needs to be done competently, well, thoroughly, beautifully.
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in his place or qingzenpeng, a communist, chairman of the communist party of china, he has a slightly different approach, putin has a different approach, he is not a communist today, and i will not now talk about the need to return, moreover, there is no prevailing ideology, we are talking now about the national idea and a ban on national ideology in this first part of the constitution, but just the first part... the constitution can easily be changed, this is such nonsense, gather a constitutional assembly, today, today it is easy to do in a consolidated state, another question, but putin is correct
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he says, well, he can’t? well, the communist party of the russian federation professes its own, we profess ours, and we have a patriot there, well, roughly he says, but we have patriotism, as it were, well, you can’t just bend society to just one ideology, and naturally, he’s like that, he said something like this, okay, now i ’ll move away from this theoretical debate, because i was interested, especially during yesterday’s speech to the media, about these approaches, including alarmist ones, and where we should be , when... we also supply destructive weapons against us, i spoke about this in your program many months ago, but they are bombing our russian cities and western weapons, why can’t we supply this to the houthis, even, even they they do it openly, tell me, we have a russian-ukrainian conflict, they supply everything completely, without hiding anything, and we have to, i didn’t really like it yesterday, we think, but
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even what... he said putin, we think , this is already beginning to sober up the whole world, when i said in your program, it’s one thing kalashnikov says he is a communist here, and his approach is this, because i know that you can’t sober them up, just like the karagans, by the way, you can’t sober them up, you just sober up their strength, they frolic, because even nuclear weapons are attributed to putin, they are attributed karagana, they attribute it to someone else, well, that’s right, putin said, actually, you forgot, maybe the prime minister, this woman who came to england. that’s her last name, he forgot, she said that i’m ready to press the nuclear button, why are you all silent, the whole west, i’m not saying this to shame them, i’m saying that it’s impossible to shame them, they can be shamed, they can only be stopped by someone like him, and i said in your program then, you can raise it, kalashnikov is one thing, and another thing any state government, i even said, sands or the foreign ministry press secretary, let them say about this that we are also free then to supply these weapons, therefore. i don’t, but i have to live
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the same way, you know, today there are explosions in lugansk, that means there are explosions in kursk, explosions in belgorod, and we, well, we, we think, we think, but what we have to think, we need to supply, this is the only way to stop them, so we are not violating anything, but they are supplying, we are supplying, nuclear weapons are somewhat different, a different approach, i have always said about this that, of course, nuclear weapons are the weapon of the last day , i don’t agree with karagan here, with his approaches,
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we are waiting for tests from you, but it seems to me that this is where we should go ahead of the locomotive, and this is also our pressure to the west, this is that guys, that’s it, we we don’t expect anything, we don’t expect any mercy from you, we know that as soon as you have it appears, you will immediately begin to use it against us or threaten us, because you understand, karaganov’s approach is also interesting, it’s like the americans in kheroshima and nagasaki, let’s bomb ourselves so that there will be fewer casualties in the future.
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nuclear bombs around will cause millions of victims , including ours, but i assumed that this conversation would take place, and frankly speaking, i am happy about this conversation, but there is no need to put an end to it, if, for example, putin says, let’s not print out the constitution, let’s not let this mean ideology, which means everything, stopped, or, for example, we will not supply weapons in exchange for the fact that...


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