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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  June 10, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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after the big news, don’t miss the continuation of the touching melodrama jackdaw. the main character does not give up trying to find her family and goes to the village, where she is immediately recognized. will the girl be able to unravel the mystery of her birth? new episodes already at 2120 today only on our channel. well, in the new episode of the program we have the stories of three residents of stula, whose husbands are defending their homeland in the donbass. while they carry out tasks in the north military district zone, the wives support the wounded. so stay tuned! in the moscow region the pace is increasing sevenfold renovation of heating networks. some facilities
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are modernized, others are almost completely changed, installing new boilers, pumps and other equipment, underground pipes are replaced, modern ones retain heat better, and in cold weather they avoid utility accidents. alexander sanzheev appreciated the scale of this project. the bangs are replacing the main heating network, which is almost a kilometer long. new pipes will retain heat better and help avoid accidents in severe frosts. overhaul of the heating network. will improve, reduce accident rates and improve the quality of heat supply 46 houses in the shchelkovo microdistrict 7. shchelkovo boiler house number 3, like others, are stopped for scheduled repairs. in this situation , the boiler units are being checked by a specialized organization, they are opened, the gas equipment is removed, an audit is carried out, the settings are then checked to check the functionality of the safety automation. and this is the urban district of derzhinsky, during the hydraulic period. tests discovered a rather
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extensive worn-out area, the minister of energy of the moscow region came here on a working visit, he inspected the main thermal the network, which supplies heating and hot water to more than half of the city district (38,000 people), is one of the biggest problem areas. money for unscheduled repairs was found in the reserve fund of the moscow region, and a clear work plan was drawn up. the contractor sort of examined this entire route, filmed it and showed it where it was necessary to build an access road. and this boiler house in dolgoprudny already underwent reconstruction last year, so no major repairs will be required in the summer, only a control inspection. only the old boiler room remained walls, ceiling, everything else is new, pumps, boilers and other equipment, the heating season should pass without failures. after modernization, the capacity of this boiler house increased by one and a half times. 18.00 people are attached to this boiler house -
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two schools, five kindergartens, it can warm houses to a comfortable temperature, without overloading it can even at -30°. four new hot water boilers have been installed here, one boiler is currently in operation for hot water, the remaining boilers are being started for heating period, well, depending on weather conditions, those networks that do not require repair are washed, for example, in mytishchi, compressed air is supplied on one side. the largest modernization of utility networks in the history of the moscow region began in 2023 and will last until 2028. it will cover
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problematic heating networks in all districts of the region, during which time they will replace 7 and a half times more utility networks than was usually done according to plan, this year by 7 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes. the pace is extremely tight, our goal in general is until september 15 fill all facilities under pressure with network water, which means prepared, so that by october 15 you will be completely ready for the heating season. if in previous years about 160 km of heating... networks were updated, now the volume will exceed 1,200 km, and this should make life more comfortable for at least 3 million people in the moscow region. alexander sanzhiev, sevlad savichev, gennady talychkin and yulia antipova. news. almost half of russians regularly go in for sports, latest survey data. most prefer do it at home, but there are also those who go outside. for them, a new season of the sports weekend project has started in moscow, which is already the first. the weekend brought together more than seven hundred
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people, among them was our correspondent, irina baranova. experienced runners say that the hardest part is leaving the house without forgetting to put on your running shoes. let’s assume that we have coped with this task, but at the very beginning of a sports career it would be nice to meet a team of like-minded people, and this turned out to be even easier than putting on sneakers, such a scene can be found on a weekend morning in any metropolitan park. 8, 9, 10, excellent, without bending, turning rotations, jogging is better not to start, but this is not the main thing, simple, but very effective physical exercise, choose the right sneakers, this is right... attention , march to the start and the route will open up new sporting opportunities for everyone. girl, this is her first day working for a pear. come on, imagine the stance, as i teach you, pull it out, choose a point, hit it, left, right. boxing gets along well on one site, gymnastics, strength training, for which
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even your own weight is enough. how are you feeling? excellent, very, very good, invigorating, refreshing. fun, as well as apparent ease. movements comes only to those who, after the first lesson, do not flinch and return to the site, in order to then master one of the favorite exercises of fans of street physical education, jumping and clapping overhead, it seems to me that this is very difficult, no, it’s not difficult, you can try it, at the end of summer i can, to be honest, of course, of course, i will be able to by the end of the week, not only the result, but also unexpected meetings in the capital’s parks motivate me to come here again, i will try to get everything from life that is possible at my age, how old are you? 87. nikolai alexandrovich participated in the liquidation of the chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and was awarded the order of courage. he maintains his admirable physical shape without spending a penny in fitness clubs. there is a very good well-thought-out training area here, so to speak, and i enjoy it both in winter and
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in the summer, for many years now. sports sections in the capital's parks operate all year round, but summer is summer, so if there is volleyball, then of course it is beach volleyball. roma, pass, pass! in the summer in moscow everyone goes outside, the longest summer holiday in the world. the festival of sports activities will take place throughout the favorite season: tennis, dancing, race walking, yoga on the grass and even on the upper terrace of the river station building. moscow instructors prepare everyone to meet gto standards. ready for a hard defense. prove and you can get the coveted badge in one of ten city parks. 6 37, the main thing is not to put off until tomorrow to start this day correctly, regardless of the speed, the feeling that you are bursting into a new day, cutting through space, the air of which is replete with the aromas of flowering plants, the total is 2 km, but
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summer is just beginning, it is possible that there are new sporting achievements and personal records ahead. irina baranova, gennady talochkin, pavel glazunov, valerie kupriy, nelya borisova, olga gribina, lead. the second military music festival started in amur region: six leading brass bands of the country will visit 16 settlements in the region and give concerts there. galina makushchenko attended the very first performances. multifaceted compositions are presented to the residents of the northern capital of the amur region on the twenty-fifth anniversary square of bama by the pacific fleet orchestra. on the stage. there are almost 40 professionals; performing complex original music on the street or in a concert hall does not matter to them, but for the local viewer it is very valuable that you can attend such a concert without leaving the city. to in a word, for some people the orchestra can even be said to be their home. in the training center in vladivostok
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, kamchatka, a nuclear submarine missile was built. we are glad that the artichonian fleet band visited our small town. very beautiful, nice. musicians. the fleet appreciated the festival program; during the khabarovsk amur waves they play at several city venues; in the amur region, orchestras simultaneously perform in squares and stadiums, in public gardens, and in various populated areas. the amur region took a radically different philosophy of conducting festival, that is, the music should be spread evenly throughout the entire territory of the amur region, so that brass music can be heard in the most remote, most beautiful corners of the omur region. at the same time, the philharmonic society of the regional capital is hosting a concert by the central military orchestra of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. as expected, the hall is full of spectators. the program lasts 2.5 hours. 65 people under the leadership of the head of the central military orchestra of the emino defense sergei durygin constantly
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remind the audience that music and history inseparable. the march of nikolai chemberzhi, called “glory to the guardsmen,” sounds for you. in the repertoire. marches, classical music, pop, jazz vocal works together with artists of the amur philharmonic. take it first. repertoire, then, when we have selected it, we clarify the tonality with them, our arrangers make an arrangement for the orchestra, almost everything is ready, here comes the moment of professional work, when at the same time the musicians and vocalists are sufficiently prepared and experienced that they only need one rehearsals in order to sing this or that song. the first viva amur took place last year and amur residents liked it so much that it is planned to develop it. project and beyond, our task over the 5 years of the festival is to travel to all the municipalities of the amur region,
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we have 29 of them, and if we started 14 municipalities last year, this year there are already 16 municipalities, it is clear that there is a municipality in which every year passes, but rotation within also occurs. in addition to local concerts in towns and villages, as last year the final performance of the combined orchestras of the vivat amur festival participants took place. it will be held in blagoveshchensk in the open air at...
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later, because we have already even released it, although before we only had releases somewhere, probably in the middle of june, even by the end of june we started releases, here somewhere... then a week ago we already started releasing adult, grown up chicks. the reason for such early nesting was the weather, dry and warm april knocked down the biological clock of the birds. these the crows were born about three weeks ago, although the chicks do not hatch until june ; they are released into the wild somewhere around july. but these birds will be sent to the forests of the vladimir region very soon. now the chicks are under the supervision of arnitologists; they are fed
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twice a day with porridge, cottage cheese and meat. first of all, in order to be released, any bird must be able to do two things: it must be able to fly, it must be able to peck, as they say, it must eat, find its own food . at this point there is an overexposure and migratory birds, this bird chick strayed from the flock. now he hasn’t fully fledged yet, so it’s not even possible. to tell what kind of sandpiper it is, but it was born exactly two weeks earlier, the birds were in such a hurry to build nests this year that the jays missed the mark and built their maternity hospital in a non-secluded place, right at the entrance to the leninsky hills estate. it is prohibited to use museum objects for purposes other than their intended purpose. an exceptional case has occurred, a family of jays has built a nest in a bronze lamp, the jay is picking up twigs for...
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now the species that suffered the most from the harsh winter have the opportunity to give birth. tits, sparrows, finches and tap dancers have endured severe frosts this winter; they now have enough food, but you can pamper the muscovites by adding oats and sunflower seeds to their feeders. artyom kunetsov, egor vazhletsov and ada adamova, lead. personnel changes have occurred in the management of three capital theaters at once. appointed as the new director of the sovremennik theater.
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an important stage of restoration has been completed in streshnevo, the 16th century greenhouse has once again been decorated with a dome, it had to be restored from scratch using archival documents and photographs; the brick base was renewed. the masonry and structure were reinforced with metal elements, and then the whole thing was covered with wood and copper plates resembling scales. a project for restoring the spire was developed separately. now it is made in a specialized workshop. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said,
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i want a white one, here it comes, oh you’re good, caress the obstinate one, he loves. you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturday on rtr, this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute,
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attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, the whole brigade, we’re just watching on the platform. you are a singer, so i just feel that this is your voice, right? they drew parallels and
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analogies! eva, the right kormukhina is too good, too kormukhina. and even a small investigation, and therefore not in your own voice, by deduction. are you not convinced by the snacks? i i was completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly, but they were still carried out, everyone has the right to make a mistake. catch me if you can, a big musical show, sings, doesn’t sing, well, it happens in koroloki, on friday on rtr, you need to go to zaychiozera, your relatives live there, what other zaychiozeras, and what are you up to there again? premiere, how do you
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look like tanya, but no, i’m not, are you at your mother’s? parents, yes, he can’t handle it, i ’m going to pick you up immediately, living under one roof doesn’t mean being one family, i lived with my daughter forever, and now he’s taken care of the children, dad, no need to, stop, but she has plans, i decided to finish this story, dad, we just don’t need her anymore, alexander nikolaevich, jackdaw, today on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr.
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zornitsa took place at the training ground of the novosibirsk military institute. the program is intense: drill inspection, assembly and disassembly of the machine gun. shooting with a rifle, throwing a grenade and much, much more. your powers more than two hundred guys tried it, from all over the region. report by andrey kugatov. getting rid of a double chin. young fighters are definitely not in danger of getting a double chin at the regional stage of the all-russian zornitsa , an extreme speed tour through all the hardships of military service. obstacle course, first aid, assembly, disassembly of the machine gun. however, doing it quickly does not mean. correctly , the penalty for a missed mine is an unacceptable 2 minutes to the total time, as for working with a probe at the wrong angle, it is understandable in real conditions, ammunition can detonate, a miss on the target is also a blow to the team’s result. what a multi-colored positive, one blot, one broken hope, show it as it should, this is exactly the kind of spirit here among young blood-hot patriots, exactly
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like a real battle, the competitive range reveals hidden talents, in four shots, you’re great, you shot for the first time, here you go first aid for young fighters is still lame, you ’re a moron to get pregnant, you take it here, natasha hasn’t finished school yet, and she’s already a commander. wants to test himself in real combat, but most likely i’ll have to become a dog handler, well , because military universities don’t accept girls in all the places i want, so we’ll go to become a dog handler, you say with sadness, it’s indignant, yes, why is it possible for boys, but not for girls, well, it’s kind of unfair, i think and you could cope equally with the boys, yes, from there there is only one confidence, well from there, because i see that i am already stronger than many boys, yet natasha cannot do without boys on the battlefield yet, she should shout louder: if only everything would be possible cool, how loud are you as a commander's speaker? yes, i have to translate her language. however, natasha, with her character, will still achieve everything, because the good old soviet dawn, she turns 60 this year,
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was created, oddly enough, by a girl, a pioneer counselor, tens, if not hundreds of millions of children throughout the soviet union went through military and sports battles union. today, the movement of the first and the center of patriotic education in the novosibirsk region are reviving the zornitsa as a response to... new ideological challenges to our country are being helped by the russian guard. the homeland needs protection cook from childhood so that each of them clearly understands. this is what not only me, but also us, first of all. defense of the homeland is the most sacred thing in my opinion. and in general, service to the fatherland is the most sacred thing that exists. the competition is held in almost all regions, anyone from 7 to 17 years old can take part. the winners of this stage will compete with teams from all over siberia for the right to defend the honor of the region on the all-russian arena. continue as. understood the reception andrey kugatov, andrey svatutsa, lead novosibirs, it began in altai season for harvesting antlers, young antlers of morals, a huge amount of useful
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substances, so they are very highly valued in pharmacology, in cosmetology, and not only in russia, larisa schaefer visited one of the farms. an experienced team of nine is leading this important period for ice-breeders and harvesters at the obaiskiy agricultural production complex. people, early in the morning they drive deer in the traditional way on horses, although morals have long been bred by people, they remain wild animals and can pose a danger. the foreman carefully examines each deer, antlers, unossified horns of males. if they have not fully opened and have a thickening at the end, the morals are released back into the park so that the horns acquire the desired quality. at the beginning of the harvest there are still many such deer. this is a special device to immobilize the stag for a while for procedures. the whole process from the pen to the release of the deer takes no more than 2 minutes, during which time
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the antlers are cut off, the cut site is treated, and grafted. the breeder makes a note in the journal about the condition of each stag. on average we cut 30, two floors. already when the middle of the cutting, there we have 70 to 90 heads, it can be cut from behind. we track each stag, so that later we can put him into the tuls race. record first days with cutting antlers weighing 10 kg, then the preservation process in several stages. this is where products from moral antlers are born, products that can help against many diseases, slices, capsules, liquid extract. today there are many ways to preserve the valuable quality of moral blood; this is the very first stage of its processing. cooking, frying, drying in each. their own household the ice breeders don’t tell secrets about the intricacies of conservation; there are still very few ripening antlers in the wind farm and the foreman’s forecasts are cautious. spk obaisky
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exports more than 2 tons of products annually; this is one of eighteen enterprises in the uskoksinsky district that are engaged in breeding plowshares. today, about 15 farms have already started cutting. the livestock of the entire region is about 25 thousand individuals, almost 800 stags and more than a thousand first-horned animals will be given by antlers, which. intertwining hands and vowels together, beloved.
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they say they wanted to see me, it’s not like you, you will receive half a ruble a month, you will work, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, their choice is service, a state decision has been made to support the syrian people, we are officially entering syria , i am the head of air-fire tactical training, how will i evaluate the flight personnel if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eyes? their love, homeland. i didn't deserve this. i am an officer, and an officer is when you live for others. don't live for others. their poems. let's take a look around. so exactly. sky. kostya wrote: the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife. the boss's wife
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is bored on june 12 on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues quickly. place nuclear weapons. i already demanded nuclear weapons. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight vehicles coming, and we have one wheel there, the second tank flew in from scaucrops, a hero of russia it will be in kind, you and i will all go to the end, what an image of victory it is for you, destroy the gang, i’m googling with zelensky, i’m a scumbag there
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... in the west there are big dreamers, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you , in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, silence even if it doesn’t breathe, we are leaving. defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of their hearts and to the depths of their souls. hello, this is our program. from the first days of the special military operation, the wives of the fighters became a reliable support for them. women across
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the country are showing incredible strength. but each of them has its own destiny, its own trials, love and faith in victory. the husband's jacket for me , first of all, is calmness and reliability. when i put the jacket on my shoulders, i feel like we are behind a stone wall with our family. for me, my husband’s jacket is a kind of presence at home now. kettel hangs in our ceremonial place, honored there. awards, i'm all in the army, i understand ranks, positions, everything, as for my husband’s service, so i can’t do it any other way, this is my husband’s jacket, which i wear more often than he does, but i am filled with great pride that my husband is defending our homeland, and i am proud i wear this jacket with the order of courage with a medal for courage. maria, natalya and anastasia, residents of tula, all of them...
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geroev helped me drive away all the bad thoughts, at that moment my husband was already in the hospital after being wounded, that’s just... then depression began to overwhelm me, the girls supported, from that moment we began to communicate very closely, it turned out that we live nearby, our children became friends, the wife of a combat officer, who has been traveling to garrisons all her life, knows what separation is, the wife of a contract soldier, a young girl who found out about that her husband went to war while she was pregnant, and her wife was a volunteer, their fates were different, but the dream turned out to be... one, i probably have the only dream, this is for our family to unite as soon as possible, we were all together, dad raised his son, eyes to the sky you pick it up and just, well, you ask, i don’t need anything, i just want him, it was normal there, that everything was fine, what
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trials brought the fighters’ wives together, how they support each other. and what unexpected meetings await anastasia, maria and natalia in the studio. our studios are the wives of svo participants, anastasia kosheruk, maria lugovaya and natalya andryanova. hello. thank you. tell us how you met? we met in the project, the wives of the heroes, this was originally a photo project that started in samara. supported including our tula region, this project united us at all sorts of different events that we began to organize in order to develop the patriotism of youth and, of course, to support
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the participants in a special military operation. when we were preparing for february 23, we came up with the idea of ​​​​supporting the guys who are in rehabilitation after serious wounds, and basically all of them have... amputation of a limb, that is, it is difficult for them to move, and i found out that in this project, a photo project, there are participants who have a musical education, so, for example, maria, masha, tell me, yes, it was very unexpected, because anastasia and i studied at the same college, well, at different times, and i’m generally easy- going about events, i’ve lived this all my life, my mother too does vocals. teaches, why not do such a good thing, which is in our power to support the children in such difficult moments, somehow distract them, and - it really helps,
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it helps us somehow get a little distracted, and they get distracted from the difficult moments of life, so so we started going to events together, holding events together. natalya, what about you? unfortunately, i don’t know how to sing, but i tried... reading poetry, not the author’s, it’s true, but still, and my son learns poetry quickly and reads well, so now he and the girls go together in one creative group and read poetry, and where are your husbands now, my husband is now waiting for surgery, he was wounded and is now undergoing treatment, my special military operation zone, he is there now, yes, yes, natasha, mine is there too, and you are all, how to put it correctly, tula, no, my husband and i moved from the oryol region. at his place of duty, my husband left, lived in two cities for 5 years, it turns out, 5 days of service, 2 days on weekends, he came to our home, and then we left for my husband, for my dad here, we moved to tula, and masha and i tula, well, now you
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are tula, now yes, now tula, let’s get to know the family of each of you better, nastya, let’s start with you, attention to the screen, september 1, 2023, we celebrated the day of knowledge before... i went to first grade, and son i was getting ready to go to kindergarten for the first time, i called an unfamiliar number, i answered the phone at first, i didn’t even understand who i was talking to, it was very noisy there, shots, roar, only a few minutes later i heard the word wounded, i started asking again who was wounded, my husband was already , probably, he mustered all his strength and called out, it’s me, your husband, i’m wounded, they’re taking me to the hospital, don’t tell your daughter, the connection has been broken, we have an icon at home and... my grandmother brought it, i said every night before going to bed, my god, thank you, help my dad, of course i have the main fragment was pulled out, flew here, the operation was performed here, he was sitting in the center, 5.5
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mm, there were also superficial fragments, which some, as it were, are still there, a year, two or three, these fragments will come out on their own, i never i didn’t think that i would be a military wife, because my husband and i worked together for a long time, in educational institutions, and i am a teacher, he is a teacher, but in childhood, when i was little, i dreamed that i would be the wife of a military officer, dad, what are you doing? i forgot about my leg, my leg still hurts, it’s still very hard for me to squat, dad, look, and i’m already squatting, after the military medical commission for a certain degree of fitness, i think that i’ll come back and continue the fight for complete victory, when my dad arrived, i prepared a surprise for him, i gave him him a medal on which was written the very best dad in the world, when you have free minutes, free time,
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looking through family photos, family videos, and of course i think that first of all you are on a special military operation precisely to protect children , v first of all, your own, and yes, patriotism just flares up in you just at this moment, in our studio we have a member of the northern military district, sergei kosheruk, hello, sergei, tell us how you were injured, under what circumstances, where? on september 1, in the donetsk direction, while on a mission, our mortar crew, guys, worked out, and accordingly, as soon as this happens, the enemies begin the search, and there, at the place where we were, the fifty-second shell arrived, there was a bang, an explosion - with a partner, respectively, he is only me i hear what he says, let’s leave, he too had a good time, that’s it, and we left the battlefield. we ran forward a little, where the guys took us from our mortar crew, provided
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first aid accordingly, then waited 8 hours for evacuation, then they sent us to a hospital in lugansk, but how did you get to the front, are you a volunteer? yes, i was a volunteer in the twenty-third year, but in the twenty-second year i also asked in september, the military commissar told me, sergei nikolaevich, we very... respect your patriotism, but at the moment, for now, you, yes you don’t need it, then six months later a call was received, where i, accordingly, first of all, expressed a desire to naturally go to a special military service, what kind of bfv troops do you have, yes 106, and you had some kind of combat experience before starting service in the northern military district , honestly no, i served in the army, it didn’t work out, because that’s it, that is, you’re just a clean slate, like... so you understand, well, just the fact that i’m an athlete, it strengthens my fighting spirit,
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and i knew that how would i cope with any task that would be set there, which, let’s say, i coped with, yes, there were we had serious preparations in lugansk, that is, there were long marches in full command up to 15 km, training, working with a grenade launcher, throwing grenades, working with machine guns, moving. entering the trenches , that’s how it all worked out and prepared in such decent heat with a full bc, and i’ll say even showed better results than even the young ones, you immediately got into the airborne forces, and right away i ended up in the fifty-first regiment, and before i got into the regiment you and nastya consulted with her many friends and where exactly the guys are on special military operation and... she heard about the tragic incidents, of course, she was
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against it, but i set myself a goal, i said no, even while i was there and signing the contract, she called again, she said, i screamed, i screamed so loud that where he was sitting, the employees heard me screaming, they told him, go out for now, think again, we’ll put your documents aside for now, you haven’t signed anything yet, so he came out, called back, told me, still no, calm down , to defend your homeland and your guys, that is, you
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plan to return, yes, yes, yes, of course, nastya, i wouldn’t like to comment on this just yet, because sergei is probably very, very overestimating his capabilities, for now we have to, well, yes, we have to wait for now, as the doctor decides, because without hearing, in one ear he has completely lost servants 100%, these are... very big risks, can you hear us well, now, yes, i’m listening, i hear you, yes, well , it turns out, nastya, only you are with your husband now, but physically you, girls , your favorites? is there, masha, tell me about yours, my husband recently left, he was in vacation, in general he is a career military man, that is , he signed a contract back in 2020, and you married a military man, yes, it was just when a special military operation was going on, he came on his first vacation
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and proposed to me, on i kind of pushed the contract, because you, how is this so? he himself comes from magnitogorsk, from the urals, and we met him very accidentally, he served in conscript service in tulya, he just wrote to me on social networks, hello, how are you, well, that’s how we started a conversation with him, then we we met, walked for a walk, in principle he never left here again, and i say, well, because all my childhood i dreamed of marrying a military man, it was just my dream, i say, i will be... a military man’s wife, i will be a wife military man, my mother says: think, think, when she found out that i met a boy, he still serves in the airborne forces, she says: no, please, but she tried to dissuade her, but no, well, she didn’t think that everything would be so serious, as it were, she thought, well, they’ll take a walk and that’s it, it turned out that he signed a contract,
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naturally, he stayed here with us, then a special military operation began, that was all, we waited, watched the news every day. naturally, we were worried about his first call, when he called for 2 seconds, we didn’t even understand who it was, as it were, then he came on vacation, in june of twenty-two, proposed to me, and on september 30 , 2022, we there was a wedding, now, thank god, communication with him is more or less established, that is, we call him on the phone... and also vacations, thank god there are, on one of these we got arseny's vacation. maria, let's see a story about your family, he was on vacation recently, right? yes, what, will you have some tea and coffee? let's have coffee, come on, do we have any milk? yes, you bought it yesterday, remember?
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when she told me that she had met a guy who served in the airborne troops, i said, god, no, not this, no, no, masha. well, when we saw max, when he smiled at us with his radiant smile, he certainly charmed us, he is an extraordinary guy, give dad the toy, give it, he will there to remember us, when i go back for the ribbon, this toy is always with me, uh, that i go on vacation, that i do work there, i always put it in my backpack, it’s like a talisman for me, so now let’s check the closet , did we take everything with... he takes a sleeping bag, winter things, here are some summer sneakers, look, we’ll try them on for you when you wear these, probably for the fifth time, i’m packing my husband, of course, pickles, jam, all sorts of frosts , his mother sends him from his homeland, from
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magnitogorsk, there is also a lot of frost there, already well, where i don’t need to put anything else, the wives of the russian hero, the country is proud of you, there can be different destinies, only one victory, i liked the song of the wives of russian heroes, i’m even more happy that my mother-in-law wrote this song, performed it by my wife, i i’m very proud of my husband, i love him very much, i’m always waiting for him to come home, now with arseny we ’re waiting for him to come home, of course, by status i’m already a grandmother, but my inner self... somehow i don’t feel like a grandmother, i haven’t had time yet sit down and feel like this completely grandmother, i am sure that when arseny grows up, he will be very proud of his dad, that he was born in such a difficult time and that his dad stood up to defend his homeland and did not leave people in trouble, us too, i consider
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our maxim a hero, he he was awarded the order of courage, he was awarded a medal for courage, so everything is fair here, max is our hero, he’s good, well... that’s it, it’s time to go, come on, stay here until the eldest, i understand, keep an eye on everyone here, keep order , watch your mom too, masha, you said, arseny was taken on vacation, yes, yes, my husband was there for the birth he arrived, yes, he arrived after being discharged 2 days later for 10 days, of course, when he first saw him, he arrived at night, naturally arseny was already asleep, well, so he fits, but what should we do with him? well, that is, he saw me when i was still very young, then he saw me when i already had a big belly, 6-7 months, now... there were already people traveling, that is, it turns out, well, throughout his entire pregnancy wasn’t with us, that is, for him it was a kind of shock, but to see the child, he didn’t seem to realize how
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what, how to take him, how to hold him, now he’s already on his third vacation, when arseny is with us, and he’s already taking him, going there, washing him, changing diapers, he loves him madly, he’s ready to spend with him right away, i it seems that all the time, he has changed a lot, dad has become more serious, responsible, he knows that not only i, but also a little baby is waiting for him. arseny, what time is it now? arseny is now 7 months old, doesn’t such warmth prevent him from serving, this magnet at home is 7 months old? you know, when you arrive there, there is no time to think about it during the day, he naturally calls us in the evening with arseny talking there, arseny is already beginning to understand, that is, arseny can be said to have not seen him, so that already... maxim came on vacation, he reached out to him , well, for us it’s there was a shock, because he
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lives in a group of women and, as if he doesn’t see men anywhere, basically, when one of the men takes him in his arms, he immediately starts crying, because he is afraid, he immediately stretched his arms to maxim, hugged him straight away , he doesn’t say everything right away, dad doesn’t say anything yet, he recently started saying baba, give me mom. dad isn't there yet, he's waiting, but this is a beautiful blonde, who is she? this is my mother, olga chistyakova, she has her own vocal group for children, for more than 25 years, yes, she has been doing this business with children, so she also, that is , graduated from college, a music institute, she wrote a song for us, an anthem, wife russian heroes, we heard him, she naturally supports both me and my husband. constantly worries about mine, asks how, what, naturally, when max arrives, everything, everything for him, his mother prepares the most delicious dishes for him, well
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, it so happened in our lives that we had to face such hard work, we have a video of you doing creative work, we recently visited one of the hospitals, performed there, yes, let’s let's see, in their husbands' uniforms, they are undergoing rehabilitation, and we decided to write a script for the concert, you are god, our defenders,
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we always pray for you, we value you, our homeland, thank you for fighting for us, the important thing is... that the wives of the participants of the ssoo support what we are doing, what russia is pursuing a special military operation, it is important for every soldier to understand that there is such a rear behind him, such support is very important for us, it reminded us of a piece of home, everyone sat, listened, looked behind...
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the listeners will be told how they supported the svo participants in the hospital, we smiled, we congratulated them on the holiday, they said, guys, we are really waiting for you, we have prepared a concert for you, we are not stars, not actresses, not singers, we are the same wives, the same military personnel like you, and we would like to support you, they closed the door, our tears flowed, we need to go to the hare lake, your relatives live there, what other hare lakes are there? i was thinking again, premiere, how do you look like tanechka, no, i’m not,
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are you at my mother’s parents, yes, dad, no , i like it, i thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no way to think about it here , here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, well, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, here there is questions about how everything
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is running, i really want to check, seriously? this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one said, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own , which many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one, five-on-one program, on saturdays on... t. i have good news. i'm pregnant, so will you be torn between me and my wife? what, what's wrong with the legs? she gives me comfort, but the prognosis is even worse, disability. i'll manage somehow. while my wife is in the hospital. nothing stops you
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from staying all night with me. husband. she knows she’s in trouble, she says she doesn’t have time, right now she needs to have an operation, where can she find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, she jumped under when she returned, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation , who will become your wife , spring of change, on sunday on rtr.
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don’t start yourself, royal vaccination, your majesty, you are ready to start, i’m ready. on saturday on rtr. previously in the program, volunteer sergei kosheruk told why he decided to go to the special military operation zone and how he was wounded? there, at the place where we were, the fifty-second shell arrived,
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there was a bang, an explosion, with a partner, respectively. i just hear what he says: let’s leave, in one ear, he has completely lost 100% of his servants, these are very big risks. maria, anastasia, what does this creativity give you, tell me? we probably understand that we are needed, we do this for a reason, because when we came to the guys this time, we heard from some guys have this phrase that you come, you tell us in poems, you sing... about love, about how you love, you wait, no matter what, here we are, here i lost my arm, i lost my leg, i don’t became needed, and through creativity, through concerts and events like this, we want to show you that women’s love and the power of women’s support are incomparable to anything, but it’s hard to perform like this, well, the first time was hard, yes, the first once we arrived
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at the sanatorium, we went to the tent. invites the guys, it was the eve of 23 february, naturally we went, well, to congratulate and invite you to the concert, and of course it’s very, very difficult, it’s beyond words, because unexpectedly for you this was what you saw. one might say, we weren’t preparing for this, exactly what would happen, exactly, but we tried not to show them our horror and fear when we came in, that is, we smiled, congratulated them on the holiday, said, guys, we’re really waiting for you, we have prepared a concert for you, we are not stars, nor actresses, nor singers, we are the same wives, the same military personnel like you, and we would like you support, closed the door, our tears flowed, yes, then yes, how did you, as a husband, react to this... “you know, when we met her, i knew that she was finishing college, vocal, that is, accordingly i i knew that the way she sings, maybe deep down, a part of me
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fell in love with her even more for her beautiful voice for her songs, but here she, you know, seemed to find herself, and i see, well, the only thing is that there is very little time she spends time with her family, i wish she could spend more time, but..." she's totally into this project, let's just say, it's just, well, i'm positive about it. natasha, your husband, how does he feel about your activities? my husband has only been at home for two weeks over the past year and a half, so i try to send videos of our performances, our concerts whenever possible, naturally, he really likes it, he is very glad that we all found each other in this project, where he now, he is in the zone, at the moment he has been without contact for a month, tell us more about him, i married an unemployed young man, then he signed a contract, well, he served before that
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conscript service in the airborne forces, naturally he did not consider any other troops for the contract, only the airborne forces, and tula offered him our 106, he gladly agreed, went to tula to serve, we have been together for 13 years, of which he has been serving under a contract for almost 10 years, a career military man, you said. without communication, yes, not the first time, it happens often, and not the first time, but what gives you the strength to believe at all, to hope that you are cheerful enough now, well, i’m cheerful today, because i received a letter from him early in the morning , well, without communication, what are you doing, what’s going on it turns out that the guys who go on vacation, he sends them letters periodically, flowers, well, the main thing is that he is alive, but he was also wounded in the twenty-second year after rehabilitation. he was sent on a long business trip to the syrian arab republic, stayed there for a year, came on vacation for 2 weeks , and then he left again, what does he write? writes, i love you very much, i’m doing well, i’m alive and well,
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we’ll meet soon, we hope he’ll come on vacation soon, it’s time, let’s have a video of you meeting your husband, let's see you. wait on the banks of the niva, on the banks of the ob, behind a stone wall, when you come home, when spring laughter rolls out like a wave. while the earth flies, i will wait for you, in winters, springs, clear stars, i will light the way before you, i
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will wait for you behind the snowfalls, how much do i need to just return home. “if only he returned home, alive, alive, yes, i couldn’t find anyone else suitable for our meeting, so only you, thank you so much for this video, it’s so touching, it gives me goosebumps. natasha, and you we were in the zone with hair, yes, i went to see my husband in lugansk, and stakhanov, just recently, yes, we were in april, tell us about this trip, it was my first time. i went to see him with my girls and my own, we went under our own power in a car, it was hard for me, since i was going for the first time, it was very difficult morally, it was as if you found yourself somewhere in another world, for me, it
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seemed like there people live, they also go to work, study, work in stores, but still there is no sense of martial law, but somehow there are still military people there there are more military vehicles than civilian people, there are more military vehicles than civilian vehicles, there are military stores at every turn. at every step, our guys, of course, met their old acquaintances there, hugged, rejoiced, talked, but still she left with some kind of heaviness in her heart, because... because she seemed glad to see everyone, and to see her husband first of all, but i knew that i was leaving and it was unknown when we would meet again, our vacations, of course, are always in question, because everything changes, tasks the combat ones are changing, he can say, today i will come on vacation, but tomorrow he can say, i won’t be able to, the vacation is cancelled, so i asked, can i please stay, he says, no, for my task, what he did in syria, what was he doing there? they have our russian military
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bases, they stood as peacekeepers, patrolled in helicopters, when convoys and columns of our military went, in general, to bases, to peacekeeping forces, they helped the syrian military, with civilians, they even helped civilians there, we have a funny video , so your husband teaches poetry with syrian children, let's see, i found out, i found out that i have, that i have a huge one. there is a huge there is a small path paths and woods and woods and woods in the field every spikelet of a field even a sorosok river river sky blue sky blue sky this is all mine this is all my dear dear this is my homeland this is my homeland i love everyone in the world i love everyone great. said about this that, yes, he
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even consulted with me, i said, well, the guys come running to you, they are right at the checkpoint, they are ready to help, there, they speak russian very well they are talking, because our bases have been in syria for many years, i say, keep the children busy, keep them busy, after school, the boys immediately ran to our military, well, do something there, leave a trace, you will have to leave soon, leave a russian trace , good memory, yes, i say, you learn the poem with them, and he says what poem, well, i advised him about the homeland. yes, by the way, these guys really wanted to go to russia, it’s hard for them to live there, but our guys help them a lot, of course they help, they help with their dry rations, more often there’s nothing to eat, everything is so warm, he was leaving, of course, he even had a thought, let’s take him with us, the boy who was sitting on his lap, because there are a lot of children in the family, it’s very difficult for them, and i’m talking to with pleasure, but this is a different country, now of course i would like... how they live there,
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because it’s been six months since he arrived, and nothing is known, we don’t know, and we probably won’t find out, seryozha, and during your service in the zone svo, were there any stories as touching as natasha’s husband had? as if, perhaps, not touching, but such, you know, a story, i myself am a teacher of physical education, precisely a teacher, it was while on a special military operation, in my company, that i only heard on the radio that teacher, teacher, teacher, teacher, but his call sign, and so we all wanted to somehow meet with him directly, just talk purely as a human being, because it seems that this is also lacking there, and it happens that there is no time when there is a task, here on september 1 we met him precisely on the day of knowledge, but of course we met in that situation, he turned out to be from the mortar crew, it was he who pulled us towards him, and provided... it was me who received first aid,
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and there, when i already asked, i said, who are you? he says, i say teacher, i say, imagine, i say, such a meeting, what is your call sign, my call sign is the physical education teacher, for some reason i thought so, such a meeting, we talked, there was even a time the teacher met on september 1, yes, yes, and he’s generally there too, starting as a teacher of physical education, and before serving as a school director, he’s already gone to... position of a school director for a special military operation, also as a volunteer, so fate brought us together on the day of knowledge, so we could communicate, talk about pressing matters about all this. sergey, you decided to become a teacher, why? who pushed you to do this or what prompted you in general to work with children, why? you know, i have a brother, he is older than me, he is a coach at the moment, also a teacher, a physical education teacher.
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culture, a little something, of course, as if i wanted from him - to take in the future from me were my educators, who directly also one of the educators was graduating from a technical school in physical education at that time, yes a teacher, but when i was in an orphanage, i wanted to become a teacher, yes, that is, you grew up without parents, yes, but how so it turned out, well, he was completely... when he was taken away, so we don’t know any details at all, a home, babies, then an orphanage, then a boarding school. we have a story about how you recently visited an orphanage , let's watch it. at this school i lived in boarding school from the eighty-fourth year to the ninety-third year of graduation, my soul sank, of course, everything has changed, everything has become different, i can’t get enough of it.
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the most important thing is to improve your health, yes, yes, this is the most important thing, beautiful in general, in this class i spent my 4 years of primary school, i studied at this desk
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, with this party, i remember, i passed a note to my classmate, first declaration of love, it was the third grade, for which i was, i don’t know why, our, my beloved teacher galinalena was punished, because i i embarrassed the girl with this note, she cried and i didn’t go to the cinema, and this is - let’s say, the brainchild of my future profession, this is of course a gym in which i spent a lot of time,
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not a single event took place without him, not a single , you even have to dance on march 8th in a short skirt, he goes to dance on march 8th in a short skirt, you have to sing a song, he goes and sings a song, he’s so active, so positive, i’m prancing around with him, honestly, i’m prancing around, and the fact that he got his way, it was not a surprise for me, but it was very i’m worried, i also decided not to miss this event, they are my children, this is my village, i tell him so... “son, call and write more often. nastya, i got the feeling that you were jealous of that girl in the third grade, yes , a little bit, there is such a thing, yes, he doesn’t write me notes, ah-ah-ah, ah-ay, seryozha, your word,
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we’ll correct it, sergei shed a tear, it’s very touching to remember his childhood moments, yes, we haven’t seen each other for 30 years, with my teacher, of course, it was very..." all this was difficult in general and my classmates phoned, i also didn’t see them for a long time period, let’s say the same, and it was very touching to meet them, to find out, there was very little time, of course, just to sit, talk more, i think we will definitely meet with them again, later in the program, what surprise did the friend of his youth prepare for sergei koshuruk , in general, just an original, what kind of technology is this, this is craft coal.
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a small investigation, and therefore not with your own voice, by the method of deduction, you were not convinced by the food, i was completely confused, i’ll tell you honestly, but they were still carried out, everyone has room for error, catch me if you can, big music show, sings, doesn’t sing, well, it happens in koroluk. on friday on rtr, look who you brought? hi, there is always one extra in a triangle, i fell in love, and she fell in love with my
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friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which one of them should leave? investigator korolov, you must come with us, you are not being accused for anything, he thinks that you were framed, and who could possibly need it, marry me, but what can you think, a handsome businessman, he loves you all his life, he’s ready for anything to do to be with you, well, i don’t want to let him in, i found ilyev’s letter. in your jacket pocket, do you want to explain anything to me? the third must leave on saturday, nart. there is no need to register with him. just kidding, he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low
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blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard , sleeping, this is how a child sleeps, but should you do this? i do not recommend it, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor misnyakov, on saturday on rtr. well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should
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captivate, flirt, but i don’t know how, i need to find a man who can fix this. i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague. even the most unlucky caterpillars, i really like you, transform. butterflies, sonya, come to me. no one has ever surrounded me with such care and love. the main thing is not to burn your wings. what a bastard? i went to edik, but he was nowhere to be found. i think he's leading you on for us. if you love, let go, if it’s yours, it will definitely come back, and if not, then it was never yours. the law of conservation of love, friday on rtr. ceremony
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for presenting state awards of the russian federation. june 12 on rtr. earlier in the program, anastasia, natalya and maria, wives of svo participants. in a studio. i was only at home for 2 weeks, we have been together for 13 years, of which he has been serving under
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a contract for almost 10 years, as a career military man. seryozha, here you go they say that people who come from an orphanage are, after all , special people, because they lack the love of a mother, and even a father, and this somehow hardens, it somehow hones character, is this true? yes, you see, a lot from school, and i accepted many moments, many, that helped me in life. what helped me, even, let’s say, during a special military operation, this is, of course, our most important motto, it’s one for all, all for one, this is in this school, because you know, it’s just oh- oh-oh-oh, how it helped, well, on a special the military operation is also a single whole, and of course we followed this motto, and i know that we will win and go forward, this is a boarding school or an orphanage, this is a boarding school, a boarding school, what will you especially remember, maybe some incident? it was interesting, wonderful, you could talk about a lot, everything seems to be in your memory, as
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if it happened, but you are grateful for this time in your life, yes, no matter what. no matter what, i think, even if it were just a moment, if i went back there, i still wouldn’t change it for anything, i would i stayed at school with my kids, with my favorite teachers, as we called them then, mom and dad, and that’s how they went for us all our lives, and yes, but you had a lot of friends there, a lot, with many, like we would like to keep in touch with whomever we have the opportunity, even just by phone calls somewhere in...
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oh, in general, just an original, this is some kind of technique, this is charcoal for crafting, ordinary craft paper and white pastel, chalk, cool, which is the call sign it’s written as a physical education teacher, the call sign is a physical education teacher, yes, seryozha, what emotions, in general it’s just like, i kind of asked him, but he says, he’ll delay this time, i say, seryoga, i know that you have a lot of projects, i say, you’ll have time, you’ll do it, there won’t be time. i value the fact that i have you, really, sergey, really, this is a special portrait for me, because before this i’ve already painted about thirty, thirty-two, probably, portraits drawn, maybe you’re the lucky thirty-third, here, but i met them later with the drawn heroes, most of them, this hero suddenly - personal is already history, that is,
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when you know over the years, when you worried about the way he left. for a special operation and that anastasia later sent him wounded, in general these are experiences, they are all here, i tried to reflect them here, you know, when i was drawing, i thought that here a smile appeared, then anxiety, then a question, but i wanted to convey hope what do you know, he takes photographs as if he were himself and wants to say hello to his family, guys, don’t worry, girls, please, everything will be fine with me, personal topic, donbass and coal - these are inextricable, well, this is a metaphor, but it is clear that this is symbolic coal of donbass, and you write with coal, but it turns out that so, many ask, did you really draw with donbass coal itself, but this is almost impossible because that it has a crystalline structure, it will simply tear the paper. let's see a story about
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your creativity, the donbass coal exhibition has come out on the street, more people can see it. these heroes, look into their faces, eyes, feel their inner world, here at this stand you can see how the project is moving across the country, here are dubna, sergiev posad, voronezh, moscow, rostov-on-don, i really love this portrait, they are all, of course, like children to me, but i just saw this photograph, i do n’t know his nickname or name and i couldn’t to find it, but i thought it would be a good idea, because this... may be a collective image, not to be attached to a specific person, so here is the modern nevsky, the hero of the russian land, the medical instructor kira, it seems that there is no place for her in the war, such an image suffering madonna, because she sees there is a lot of grief around, and this fighter, a cossack from ivanovo, he says that i love
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life very much, but i’m not afraid to die, i’ll die after victory. this is actually the very workshop where most of the work was painted, donbass coal is, of course, first of all people, because you know, especially the beginning of a special military operation, well , people didn’t show their faces, who it is, who these heroes are, this is the army, it’s just some kind of mass, no, these are specific individuals, when this project was conceived, i realized that light... needs to be abandoned, i want to convey this the inner world of these heroes, it’s so concentrated, so unvarnished, simple paper, simple material, real people, from childhood those photographs of our grandfathers, the military, they’re all black and white, well , that’s a reference, yes, there’s such an association ,
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we met seryoga back in our student years, i was sincerely surprised when i found out that he was going on... a special military operation, i was worried just, uh, knowing that he had a lot of children, a wife, i say, how did you decide to do this, why, i’m a patriot, this is such a powerful... worthy team, people, which are an example for many, i really believe that seryogin’s portrait will also be among them. seryozha, i’m simply delighted, this is art, it’s very multi-layered, at first glance you see one thing, on the second - another, on the third - a third, everything is so ambiguous, it’s so deep, thank you very much, it’s just a pleasure, very expressive eyes , the human essence is very evident here, precisely because everything is very much.
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they stand for a long time, it’s true, it’s very touching, touches the soul, and i also see here a very kind person who knows how to love, this is his quality, when i was thinking about how to characterize sergei, we called up our friend who also introduced us, mishka gavrilov, and he just said, well, he’s a good-natured guy, he’s just a kind-hearted man who once filmed cats there from the trees, and now this kind of responsibility and... care for children, as strongly manifested in him, this is the happiness that he found in the family, because the man lived a difficult life, such
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is his childhood, but he did not become embittered, yes, on the contrary , found it in myself, discovered other opportunities to help people and our country now, serge, how do you like it, i’m delighted, it just takes my breath away, it really reflected all my indignation towards the enemy and... that victory will be ours, we will win in this special military operation, thank you, serk, not really, thank you, i didn’t expect it, for your determination, thank you, for your decision, for the responsibility you took on yourself, but we really often forget now that every minute, every part, behind our such a peaceful life, people give their life for our relatively prosperous existence. a large load falls on women’s shoulders during a special military operation, and we follow the lives of everyone who was in our studio, we are always interested to know
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how ours are doing, we had a program that was dedicated to a resident of orenburg, galina bashkirova, and we want to show you how she lives now after our program, let's see, look how big the floor is, though i don't know which one yet... recently, a large bashkirov family from orenburg huddled in a tiny one-room apartment, and now he’s excitedly looking around the spacious new one, in which he’s now about to settle in. the most important kitchen, where we can all drink tea and eat together, it’s great. at the beginning of april, their own house was flooded, then a natural disaster raged in the orenburg region, the region was covered by flooding, as a result of which thousands of people suffered, among them galina.
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i haven’t seen my dad and husband for six months, but he came straight from the front line to hug his loved ones. the family was finally reunited, but in fact the bashkirovs had nowhere to return. so you live in a rented apartment, now, in a one-room apartment, it’s scary to return home to the house, our old foundation has already begun to crack somewhere, our program decided to give you a gift, we are renting an apartment for you, it will be bigger, here it is. look at the screen now, sashka, look where you will be with your dad, sleeping with your mother, your mother doesn’t even have to clean, there are maids here, your mother will rest, then
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she will cook for you, yes, the apartment is gorgeous , i really liked it, thank you very much, oh, we we are very happy for our guests of our program from orenburg that everything turned out this way, mash, natasha, and you are crying for some reason, we would be glad to have such meetings here, if our our husbands ... came here, we can imagine how, how everything would go, they turned to the command and wanted them to come, but they now they are where they should be, they have not been released, until they come on vacation, you will definitely see each other. yes, we’re waiting, we’ve been living with this for 2 years already, every meeting we meet when we see you off from vacation is tears, then a few more days you come to your senses, again this is parting, distance, again once without communication, uncertainty and suspense, when the next vacation will be, when the next time we will meet, and of course, all this is lived,
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of course, girls, god bless you. you have beauty and support, and friends, and children, everything will be fine, thank you for you, for your husbands, thank you, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you , weaving and hands.
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on the russia channel, in the studio evgeny rashkov, hello, the main thing for this hour. supporter after supporter. our.
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biden confused ukraine with iraq, trump immediately demanded that the current president’s cognitive abilities be tested. china celebrates the dragon boat festival, which means summer has arrived. let's rejoice, i propose
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a fight. no one played partos better than him; valentin smirnitsky is celebrating his eightieth birthday. how does he feel about the characters he played? there are one and a half hundred of them. an air raid alert was announced in six regions of ukraine last night. powerful explosions occurred in the dnepropetrovsk and kharkov regions. our artillerymen which are pushing the ukrainian armed forces forces back from the border with the belgorod region, destroyed another stronghold of the militants. in the sumy region , russian paratroopers carried out a raid on the village of ryzhovka, which is located opposite the kursk village of tyotkino, which has more than once become a target for ukrainian strikes. and these are shots from the city of chasov yar. stormtroopers unloaded the russian flag, the banner of the airborne guards unit in the kanal microdistrict.
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drone operators destroyed two american hamvi armored vehicles, as well as a bradley infantry fighting vehicle. and the crew of the su-34 was struck at their positions the enemy with unguided fap-500 aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. and this is how the arrival of this projectile looks through the eyes of the militants. the operational situation in the south of the donetsk republic in the report of our military correspondent alexey boranov. yes, yes, yes, yes, this drone has arrived, right now at the checkpoint, right there. you probably hear shooting, that’s what they’re striking now. our communication with the crew of a tank support combat vehicle is interrupted by an attack by enemy drones. the ukrainian military is conducting a real hunt for terminators in the southern military district.
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the enemy's unmanned aerial vehicles have come too close and we must take cover. here is footage of a group of tanks and a terminator working right on the line of combat contact. such a combination has radically changed the course of the battle more than once. on the front line. the very purpose of a tank support combat vehicle is to work precisely on the line of combat contact. without stopping, often at full speed, the terminator directly fires at enemy equipment and positions with a heavy machine gun, grenade launchers and anti-tank guided missiles. today, tank support combat vehicles are increasingly assisting assault groups of the southern military district working on the front line. a terminator grenade operator with the call sign right tells us about numerous unsuccessful attempts by the ukrainian military to disable his combat vehicle. compared to a tank, this vehicle is stronger, has very
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good dynamic protection, drones hit us, a lot of drones flew in with rpgs, that is, they threw carrots , all our hatches were broken, that is, right on they returned to my place, the whole crew was alive, everything was fine, that’s it... all their tasks were completed. the work of terminators at dawn is preceded by massive night art preparation. this is already the third firing line, which in the dark is replaced by a battery of multiple launch rocket systems hailing the southern group of troops. just a few minutes to deploy and aim. this time according to her data. it would be advisable to fire the entire package of missiles. in the morning, the crew of rszzo grad tells us about the protection of the car, which they made with their own hands. the nets are anti-drone, our safety, the net is springy, well, there is a greater chance
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that it won’t work again. and on the doors, on the tank, there is rubber against large and small fragments, so that the car can work and drive away, even if the tank is broken slightly, we close the tanks, the doors where the person sits, and such protection. of course, she has saved not only the combat vehicle, but also the crew more than once. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line of combat contact. this morning , ukrainian militants launched a new attack on territory of the belgorod region, as reported by the governor, glodkov, three people were wounded by shrapnel, all of them residents of the city of shibekin. after attacking a damaged line. transmission partially de-energized the villages of nezhegol and rzhevka. emergency services are currently at the scene of the emergency. in ukraine, bread will rise in price by a third in the coming months. this was reported by the local administration of pekari. reasons for
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staff shortage due to mobilization. many ukrainian bakeries have already reduced their assortment, since the military commissars took away most of the workers. future soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine caught on the streets throughout ukraine. in odessa, employees. they dragged a conscript of retirement age into a minibus; the screams of indignant passers-by did not stop them. in lvov, two local residents first escaped from the hands of military commissars, but then one of them was finally caught. to avoid mobilization, a group of thirty-two ukrainians decided on a risky escape from the country. the evaders broke through the border with hungary in a truck, but were detained in the first hungarian village. at the same time, other militants claim that if a recruit. died on advanced, in the first days, it was his own fault. it happens that they say, the training was poorly taught, only three cartridges, but what haven’t you learned before in civilian life? another line of division of ukrainian society into east and west. so, in
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a kiev minibus, a passenger in military uniform began to insult russian-speaking refugees and threaten them with violence. the voters of hungary sent a clear signal to brussels that... from the world, viktor orban announced this today after the victory of his party in the elections to the european parliament, our federation council noted that it is beginning to spread across europe dangerous virus of illegitimacy. the crushing defeat of macron and scholz once again confirmed their failure not only as national, but now also as european politicians. however, unlike the prime minister of belgium, who immediately resigned, the chancellor of germany has no intention of leaving yet, and the president of france limited himself to leaving.
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in third place, the right opposition, the conservative bloc cdu, csu, having gained about 30%, demands that he also dissolve parliament following macron, but he is unlikely to agree to this. second place, adding compared to the results of five years ago, the alternative for germany ranks. we achieved an excellent result, our party is the second in the country and the most powerful in eastern germany. in slovakia, the party of prime minister robert fitz, who survived the assassination attempt, ranks second. in italy, prime minister miloni wins, in hungary, orban’s party in austria has 27%
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over the party that criticizes sanctions against russia. in belgium, the liberal party of alexandre de cros, who advocated strengthening nato and supporting kiev, is losing. the prime minister leaves for resignation. right-wing forces are gaining weight in many countries, but the general composition of the european parliament remains the same. the largest faction remains the european people's party, which has already called on both president macron and chancellor scholz to quickly support the candidacy of ursula vonlein for the post of head of the european commission in order to cement the current course of the eu for another 5 years, otherwise they fear that europe is waiting great political upheaval. anastasia popovia bernadsky, news, brussels, belgium. started work today interim acting head of the altai republic andrey turchak. before the official presentation ceremony began, the new head of the region walked around gornoaltaisk and talked with local residents and journalists. turchak noted that it is a great honor for him to lead a multinational
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republic with a rich history. the most important thing now is to travel through our districts, see how people live, determine short-term, medium-term and long-term tasks, and immerse yourself as much as possible in the life of the republic, in the issues that need to be resolved, it is clear that this includes social services, healthcare, and... a whole series of construction projects that need to be further advanced. valentin smernitsky today celebrates his eightieth birthday; he has more than 150 film roles, but first of all, we, of course, remember his part in the legendary film by dartagnan the three musketeers. this film truly brought people's love. and despite his success in cinema, he never left the theater stage. about the most important stages of a master’s life. ilya filippov. are you not having fun anymore?
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years. shchukinets valentin smernitsky with efros first in lenkom, and after the director’s conflict on malaya bronnaya. television versions of productions in this theater have been preserved. as soon as i come to visit, everyone immediately starts talking about their illnesses. and on the movie screen, the viewer first saw smernitsky without an actor’s text: in i am walking around moscow, in the role of a buyer in a gum music store, a military man, the next role is already the main one, a heartfelt short story about a musician guy and a deaf-mute girl, you love the circus and after that i starred in such
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a comedy that didn't say anything, but it was widescreen, color, this is a royal regatta. people went to the cinema, and those whom they saw on this screen, naturally, the next day they began to point with their fingers, that’s all, and the effect of this recognition intensifies with each picture that the viewer loved, the funny seven old men and one girl, then there was the famous shield and the sword episode with the ancestor, the telepopoeia of the adjutant and his excellencies, the film adaptation of deniskin's dragunsky stories, the detective series the investigation is being conducted by experts, the surreal film debut of abdrashitov, stop potapav by gorin. where smernitsky sat in a chair in the middle of kalininsky prospekt in the now new arbat. in this place, by the way, smernitsky was born and raised when the arbat courtyards were still here. in the theater you rehearse a role, it’s as if you are going through some kind of preparatory, serious process. in the movies, you have to jump into the saddle right away. in
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1978, yuri yungvald helkevich made a musical film that was not appreciated by critics, but was greatly appreciated by the audience. it's time, it's time, it's time. we rejoice, his dignity in this picture is that, firstly, he somehow inexplicably gathered this company, secondly, he was very good at acting improvisation, i simply fight because i fight, there was a reaction, so to speak, a reaction, yes, the fact that we became friends, how we spent time, how we they were having fun, being outrageous, everything there, that’s all, was visible on the screen, and he saw it, that. he felt it when he was invited to portos, especially since he still came to the test in a cast, i came with a stick, no, that’s not the point, i just thought it was perfect for me unexpectedly, honestly, i propose a fight, dozens of times smernitsky was subsequently offered similar roles, he refused, but he says he voiced all foreign partos in the dubbing, but still valentin georgievich has
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one and a half hundred films with his participation, he is still filming to this day and always plays in theater, i’ll buy your husband, he’s playful and passes with applause. in all the theaters of the country, in general, tireless, i don’t relate to such grumbling old people, then, now that’s all, no, i try with an open soul, with open eyes, to try to perceive understand what is offered to me. ilya filippov, oleg makarov, elena fenoshina, news. and then in our program there are shots from nizhny novgorod, where the meeting began. foreign ministers of the brix countries. news from the united states, where biden again confuses everything, and trump sends him to get checked. so, how do they celebrate summer in china? we'll come back in a couple of minutes and tell you everything. you left, came on business. premiere, i ruined your
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happiness. do i understand you correctly, you want him, do you understand correctly? please. run it, why are you wearing so much right away, don’t be upset, i’ll try to help you, jackdaw, today on rtr, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, people, here he comes, oh, you’re good, pet the cranky one, he likes to grab his claw like that, tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw , give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up
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a stray, on my shoulder , from the sky, a parrot flies in, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying next? you’re rushing the show, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you’re in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturday on rtr, i have good news, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with your legs? “she’s disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i’ll somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing’s stopping you from staying with me all night, my husband is in trouble, and he says, there’s no time,
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we need it right now to do the operation, where can you find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, with “i missed you with my return”? more for you, but i want to remind you who paid for the operation , who will become your wife, the spring of change. on sunday on rtr, with us, if it’s sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions. we honor our history, value
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our family, strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, i thought, i’m tired of being afraid, irina pegova, i need to set an example. that vaccination is useful, i think it’s shameful
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weakness, do not start yourself. royal graft. your majesty. are you ready to get started? i'm ready. on saturday on rtr. continuation of the crime drama with the author of the legendary hits tatyana nazarova, who faces a real prison sentence due to littering with her neighbors. her friend, singer felix taricati, successfully flew to the aid of kstatiani. he hopes that he will be able to put an end to the long-standing feud. what confessions are the neighbors ready to make and what cannot they forgive their famous neighbor? malakhov, today on rtr. on the air , we continue our broadcast. in yakutia fires have already engulfed almost 100,000 hectares of forest.
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eight helicopters have been involved in the firefighting efforts, and another 16 aircraft are currently patrolling the area. as experts explain, the cause of new fires is most often thunderstorms, but no one has canceled the human factor. it's hot in the southern regions of the country. forecasters predict frequent downpours. in simferopol, after the rain, the streets are already flooded. in krasnodar, large hail destroyed the first harvest in summer cottages. and in buryat, residents noticed a rare natural phenomenon. water streamed from the edge of the clouds, creating the impression of a real heavenly waterfall. in moscow, the coming week will also be rainy, it will all start this evening, and tomorrow, wednesday, on russia day , it will turn into tropical showers. at the same time, it will be hot like summer. 23: 26°. in the krasnoyarsk territory, the first satellite is being developed using only russian components. assembly will begin
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this fall. and at the same time, the launch of two vehicles of the new marathon orbital constellation is scheduled. the project will provide russia with the internet of things, which will radically change the economy country will simplify the life of millions of russians. well, for example, it will help to find out the weather and call loved ones in remote areas. space devices for various purposes. donald trump demanded that joe biden's mental abilities be tested using a special test. the united states believes that the current head of the white house.
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the strike was a response to the israeli operation in the nusiyarat palestinian refugee camp, where more than two hundred people were killed. the british command has not yet confirmed the fact of the attack at the pentagon. reported damage to two cargo ships in the gulf of adon, they were hit by houthi missiles, despite opposition from air defense forces and the western coalition. at this moment, a meeting of brix foreign ministers chaired by sergei lavrov begins in nizhny novgorod. the event is designed for 2 days; representatives of fifteen friendly countries and regional
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associations, including those belonging to the sco and asia, are invited. from the world majority states. these countries stand for a fairer way of life based on the sovereign equality of states and civilizational diversity. in china
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, they celebrate the dragon boat festival, according to a tradition that is many hundreds of years old. on this day, it is customary to hold competitions on long boats in the shape of dragons, and also eat zun-zi, a festive dish made from reed leaf rice. this year it is planned to include such races in the opening ceremony of the olympics, our correspondent alexander balesky from china. in the year of the dragon and the dragon boat race, there is a special holiday, in the cantonese village of longyan, which is translated as such, the dragon's eye, they know for sure, they have been giving it here for six centuries. a symbolic start to the swim for the whole of heaven, the final touch, the red pupil, and you can begin: the soul is infused into the dragon, and confidence in victory is infused into those in the boat. actually, it is called duan wu, that is, the holiday of two fives, because it occurs on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, in china it is considered the first day of summer, and it is certainly celebrated on the water, but you can do it this way, the main thing is to row
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synchronously, the most important, of course, the function is performed by these... drums, well, first of all, with their loud fighting, they drive away evil spirits, and most importantly, they set the pace and rhythm for the rowers, without this competition is simply impossible. the drummer creates a special atmosphere, and he must feel passion and not lose the rhythm, hitting more energetically towards the end of the distance. after this, you won’t be able to say that a woman on a ship is in trouble, on dragon boats. in general, they are often behind the captains; what is important here is not strength, coherence, in order to enter a sharp turn in a narrow channel and create something like a tug of war. we need everyone right sit down in order to distribute the weight and so that the right and left have the same amount of weight. we gathered for training every week, and we also watched others as they prepared. at the heart of the tradition, which is already more than 2000
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years old, is a beautiful legend about the official poet quan, he... was taken from the palace for denouncing dishonest courtiers, and then he threw himself into the river. local residents then tried to save the hero, driving away evil water spirits, that’s why the boats are in the form of dragons, a mandatory dish on the table is dzundzy, envelopes with rice wrapped in leaves, they used to be thrown into the water to appease river monsters, each province has its own recipe and its own records. this year they staged two of them at once: first , the largest mass swim was organized in one of the hunan villages. as many as 212 boats, then in the next one they also built the longest boat, 100 meters and 98 cm, it could accommodate 420 rowers, where the longest river canal in the world originates, they also decided to keep up. there have never been such big competitions in beijing, and we specially invited teams from the cities located along the grand canal, which links two ancient chinese capitals:
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beijing and hangzhou, to show off the wealth. drama with the author of legendary hits tatiana nazarovo, who, due to a quarrel with neighbors , faces a real prison sentence, her friend, singer felix siricati, successfully flew to tatiana’s aid, he hopes that he will be able to stage it. in a long-standing feud, what confessions are the neighbors ready to make and what cannot they forgive their famous neighbor? in the evening immediately after the big news, don’t
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miss the continuation of the touching melodrama jackdaw. the main character does not give up trying to find her family and goes to the village, where she is immediately recognized. will the girl be able to unravel the mystery of her birth? new episodes already at 21:20, today only on our channel. well, in the new episode of the program , our story is about three residents of stula, whose husbands defend their homeland in the donbass while they carry out tasks in the northern military district zone, their wives support wounded soldiers in hospitals, about this at 15:00, but the news continues to follow the developments in russia and abroad, so stay with us.
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the author is mad, the patient is not sick, oh, what a woman, drawn into a long-term conflict with her neighbors, who, she believes, are driving her out of her house in sochi. tatyana complains that neighbors are killing her dogs, which she picks up on the street, and several animals have already died; neighbor lyubov kulikova accused tatyana of beating her and breaking 10 of her ribs. now tatiana faces a real prison sentence, and after we published this story, the neighbors again started an attack. is gaining new momentum, bring your dogs to help tatiana
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hastily flew to the pearl of the black sea coast, her friend, singer felix sarikati, he wants to personally talk with tanya’s neighbors, hopes that he will be able to put an end to the long-standing enmity. good afternoon, sergey, kulyakov, people’s artist of russia, felixal, you probably don’t understand. why am i coming to you, and at least why, i think, i suppose, you won’t beat me, as you promised, hello, i know you, yes, look, thank you, what did the neighbors admit to and where did the 10 broken ribs come from in the case, today in program continuation of the crime drama the whole truth from firsthand, tatyana nazarova, again in our studio, tanechka, hello, hello, how are you, thank you. you can already tell, of course, tell us what happened after the broadcast, as i understand, the neighbors did not calm down and the conflict continues, they did not calm down at all, it seems to me that they did not have a decree, nor
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a program, not the prosecutor general’s office, that is, what situation happened, one dog ran out, a small dog, but you saw me , vibimka, i went out to look for my people, well, i shouted there:
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you wrote everything down, then he tries to tease me your animals, martanenko, bring in your dogs, my dogs are at home, this man doesn’t understand anything, my camera is working, it’s filming you now, understand this.
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but you kept all this to yourself for a long time and did not want any such public attention, your friend lena petrova is here today, again with you, she is one of the first who, let ’s say, insisted on making the fact public about everything that was happening, hello, glad to see you, come to us while we are walking, tell me what, what has changed since? previous broadcast, well,
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after the previous broadcast, of course, a lot of events happened, a lot of positive things happened, of course, the program had a big resonance, a letter was written to the prosecutor general's office from margarita simonen, whom you asked to also participate, from there came the answer that an order was sent to the prosecutor's office of the krasnodar region to look into this .
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suddenly i read in the case her testimony that is completely hostile against me, and i and i to her, i immediately contacted her, she says, i didn’t say that and couldn’t say that, if you say that the case is ordered, in your opinion statement, then there must be some grounds, some benefit for that side, why it is worth initiating a criminal case against you, what is wrong, what kind of you, what benefit can that side get if the case reaches its logical end, and we heard the ledge in the past.
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such a defense, there she climbed over five cameras, broke them, that is, the first case was opened against someone, once again, yes, the first case was just four, tell me, the first case was opened in the twenty- third year, in the month of november, article 167 other courage in relation to kulikova, but three times this case was returned back, the case was not opened, well, we are looking at footage that we did not show last time, just climbing over the fence, and this moment when with...
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searches here these sneakers, which are very bright, can be seen on everyone, these sneakers were found during a search of someone, kulikova, but what are you saying? yes, there were just these sneakers, but she said: everyone has sneakers, of course, well, maybe i should really contact you again today to alexander bastrykin, the answer came from him, that’s right, this is the investigative committee, but i would like to contact the investigative committee, because, because the investigator, this is his subordinate after all, and the way she took the line of my accusation, which is not confirmed no, in this recording, where we are like, excuse me, nanai boys, i am dragging her to hand over to the police, only this fragment of the video that they provided, from this video a fragment was cut out where she shouts another version of herself, that she's drunk, i was walking with a dog, and calling her husband, but in the protocol it is that she called her husband, it’s not on the recording, the recording has been edited, we need to make an expedited recording of this, let’s see, felix tsarikati, your friend
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flew to the black sea coast to talk with your neighbors, the shorebirds , this is what happened, attention. people's artist of russia, felix tsarikat, i understand, singer, actor, we'll come to you, you can, why not, but you, you probably don't understand why i'm coming to you, but at least why, i think, i suppose, don't beat me you will, yes, what are you, so what are you, sergey, what are you? sergey, nastenka and i came to you from a good mission, we looked at everything, we looked, well, of course, good afternoon, hello, as you promised, i’ve arrived, i know you, i ’ll see, thank you, i looked at your awards,
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dignity, everything is yours, i think, but if a person promised, he’ll probably come, well, let’s put it this way, tatyana, why do you need so many dogs? well , god bless him, she had, like, three or five, no, five, when we moved five or six, he has those dogs, well, well, just like that, they’re not just, they want, look, here the man is walking, which means the dogs are attacking her, you see, the man is afraid to go, well, look, especially since we asked, we asked, lyuba, well, tanya, well, with these dogs, we just had to remove the dogs, and don't disturb the neighbors, that's it, in the backyard, yes, you can imagine, that's it, you're really going to knock on the fence, so her bad mother is taking her to the ambulance, that's not the case, uh, well, it was a long time ago, yes, i, i'm now i walk when the dogs bark, i walk, i knock when the dogs bark, when
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my grandson sits here, there’s 4.5 years old, when the dogs barks, my little mug was shaking at the fence, yes, he knocks, knocks, doesn’t say anything, i’m knocking, danya, take the dog away, i don’t just say that when she, they don’t bark, i don’t walk, she says that you are the one knocking, and then they bark, that you are poisoning her like that, her patience has run out, and it’s not just that he ’s coming, and it’s not like they bark once or twice, what else can i do, i tolerate it when they’re already barking and they bark, but i’m going to go and hunt, let her think too, we don’t like that he barks, and you don’t like that we knock, but we are not thrashers.
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the story below, it prevents us from going to the sea, then there is on the one hand, here it turns out, the person says, no, this is my story, i will get even more dogs, i want
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the truth to be there, the truth is that both sides, in fact, they are conscious, and tanya is unconscious provokes each other, because of course, if you and i imagine that... doctor, doctor, hello, sunshine, felix, what
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was your impression of the meeting with the kulyakovs, you know, i have a complete feeling that they, no matter what, they just want to put her away, i’ve been with them for 2 hours i was talking, well, sergei, sergei, he’s a normal, normal guy, so kind, cool, cool, yes, but he’s just, sorry for the henpeckedness. she’s like lyuba, lyuba rules everyone, just absolutely everyone, i talked to her for 2 hours, i say, lyuba, how can tanya be imprisoned, well, she’s no longer 18, not 20 or even 30, yes, what will happen to mom, that’s it, no matter what, i’ll get there, give all my money, i ’ll put her in jail, here on mine, let’s see what she said about the fight, and supposedly 10 broken ribs, attention, that’s very,
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everyone saw, i came home, naturally, covered in blood, all beaten up, six ribs were broken on the left side, with this one, well, it really doesn’t fit in my head, how can you break so many ribs, it’s like bludgeoning christmas trees - sticks, it’s strange that they didn’t immediately find rib fractures, at first there weren’t any, then five, then 10, it looks strange, well, in that regard, yes, but it’s not my fault that medicine works like this for us, i didn’t think that ribs are broken. then when the doctor sent me for an ultrasonic ultrasound, that’s just where
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they found it, it was painful to look at me, after 2 days, imagine, all the bruises, all the beatings, everything came out, do you have photographs, no, i didn’t take photographs, all the times when she came, when you fought with her, all of her threats, why didn’t you film the beating, but i didn’t need it, here i am again, here i am, you document everything except the beatings, and this is not necessary, because these beatings are not necessary. not me, when the dog bit me, i came to the prosecutor and said why, he says, it was necessary to see a forensic expert go, i say, i have photographs, photographs are not considered proof, i was sick for a whole year, a healthy woman, i almost became disabled, yeah, you know, they said about the fact that my husband is henpecked, yes felix, you say, eh it seems to me that you know, there is a very interesting couple there, they are both quite tough, aggressive,
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i want to say that our viewers are very closely following the progress of this case and notice such subtle details that
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at first glance can even somehow slip past us . so what do we have for this a minute? firstly, regarding the video that we discussed a little earlier, where a masked man climbs into tatyana’s area. so, several messages have now been received that indeed these sneakers, as our heroine has already spoken about, were spotted making love on the street. there are rumors that it was really her, and not some guy that the kulikovs are trying to talk about. and also, now we watched the video, just when felix was visiting the kulyakovs. and look what one of them wrote our viewers: there is a feeling that love seemed to be preparing for a meeting with felix, especially since he said this on the last program, and look, she has her hair done, she is dressed, as if she was waiting for the film crew, she laughs, flirts with felix, there is no awkwardness, she blatantly lies to her face, says that it is beneficial for her, this is a very cynical woman, i feel very sorry for tatyana, and i want
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to say that there are really a lot of messages in support of tatyana now coming to us, let’s do it now.
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but she has a plan, i decided to finish this history, dad, we just don’t need it anymore, alexander nikolaevich, yes, jackdaw, today on rtr, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, warned. means armed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths, help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you will need
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just five ingredients that will benefit the entire body, from the onset of the disease to... manifestation takes two decades, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. let's finally get to know each other. christina, your younger sister. what? family passions. where did you even come from, huh? but she rewrote everything on the baptism. not from the spot.
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to inform you that animals are simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding, the main thing is that we are ours together, ours do not abandon our own, from monday to thursday on rtr, the ceremony of presenting state awards of the russian federation . on june 12 on rtr, they say, they wanted to see me, it’s not like you, you will receive half a ruble a month, you will work, i don’t work for russia, i serve russia, their choice is service,
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a state decision has been made to support the people, we we are officially entering syria, cooking like me i will evaluate the flight crew, if i don’t go there myself, how will i look people in the eyes, their love, homeland, i don’t deserve this, i’m an officer, and an officer is when you live for others, don’t live for others, their element, light let's look around, that's right, heaven, kostya wrote: the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss's wife misses her. june 12 at rtf. russia day, i am proud of my homeland, russia is a mother for us, for everyone, she has many children,
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different with your songs about russia, we will return with victory. songs from the bottom of my heart big festive! june 12 on rtr, once again, good afternoon, today we continue to understand the difficult situation in which the author of the megahits of the nineties, tatyana nazarova, found herself. earlier we learned that tatyana, who has been living in sochi for several years, has had a conflict with her neighbors, and because of it she actually faces a prison sentence. tatyana admitted that the married couple lyubov and sergei kulikova, who recently bought a house in the neighborhood, poison her dogs and regularly cut off her cameras. video surveillance on its territory. recently tatyana found a neighbor on her property in the bushes, what she was doing there at 4:00 at night is unclear, tatyana suspects that she was laying out poison for her animals.
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a fight broke out between the women, and after that the neighbor accused the star of the nineties of beating her, breaking 10 of her ribs. tatiana's relatives are sure that the examination does not correspond to reality. and the singer’s friend, people’s artist felix terikati flew to... to the black sea coast to communicate with shorebirds and let’s see what happened when felix after conversation, i came to visit tatyana, pay attention,
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come in, this is my friend, i saw him on tv, yes, this is my friend, this is a beetle, everyone wants it. pressure is over 200 220, hold on, because we are with you, we are with you, felix, sun, i’m very
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glad to see you, let’s go, after all, tea, tea, look, a sweet woman fell on my chest, and it’s with honey, as promised, what a waltz. in the house opposite, evil is being prepared, a vengeful spirit hovers there, love is pushing sausages, pills, and the husband is throwing behind the fences, i even dedicated poems to such a neighborhood and also came up with music, i try not to cry, i try to hold on, because i know that both my mother and the little animals in the garden rely on me a lot. bees, so i am responsible for very, very many people, me and animals, my good ones, yes,
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in a heap, people have made it their goal to bring me to the grave, i think that they are achieving this goal and something is hurting my chest. “hello, who feels bad here, everyone, everyone feels bad, what’s bothering you, well, your head is heavy, your heart is double, let’s measure your blood pressure, we’ll see, maybe all these symptoms are due to high blood pressure, your blood pressure is 210 over 140, quite high numbers, a dangerous condition, a cardiogram, let’s take a cardiogram, let’s see what’s in your heart, i see a slight ischemia along the anterior wall of the myocardium, there was no heart attack. according to
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the past, no, we’ll go to the hospital, no, we won’t go to the hospital.


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