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tv   Galka  RUSSIA1  June 10, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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the most beautiful, so red , red, burgundy, even the building, the university, vladimirovsky is wonderful, well then it was the only university, well , a university, because there were many institutes, even academies, but there was kiev state university, when i entered the faculty of law, that means , well , the first introductory tour, i noticed that the customer, the customer for the construction of the university in kiev, was none other than emperor nicholas ii, of course. in
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1837 early 1843 was built, nicholas i ordered, gave money, please study, and this university still stands, the only time it is repainted, but thank god, it stands, stands opposite the university, and so the university, and the university bears the name of course, st. vladimir, it was kiev state university named after st. vladimir, or simply st. vladimir, street, vladimirskaya street, it, it is one of the main ones, because. seal , it’s clear the center, but it’s short, vladimirskaya is so long, it’s up and down, this is also vladimirskaya street, named after prince vladimir, thank god that these current authorities did not get around to renaming anything, here is vladimirskaya street, as it was, as it is, the university is the only thing they built opposite the central passage, a monument to shevchenko, so this university is now called tarasavich national university of kiev shevchenko, they didn’t build it, they... well, they renamed it, well, thank god,
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the university is standing, so lyosha is basically right, he says, it was an empire that was built, not just an empire, the emperor for his own money, now about today, when blinkin was in kiev and played the guitar, i then noticed that on the list number one was nay, the game happened very next: at first zelensky could not fire emo, because this is soros, this, this, this is an american, but soros, how can he be fired? that’s why he first fired, first the minister of infrastructure, who were purely assigned to blinken, well, purely american, they howled, now he fired nayem, he’s firing, not yet, not yet, it’s not yet completely clear, what am i doing with all these games, volodya , against the backdrop of these toys an outstanding event took place in ukraine, outstanding, you know, a new type of weapon was invented in ukraine, it is called the bmu, a combat vehicle of the uhilants, on a soviet gaz-66 vehicle.
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i immediately thought they don’t have legs, i’m tired of being afraid, the premiere on rtr, besides treatment there is another way to fight the disease, for example, vaccination, philip yankovsky, it was decided to invite the english doctor dimmesdale. are you ready to get started? sergey marin, stupidity, all this, poisoning a healthy person with an infection, where has this been seen, i need to vaccinate people, yuri kuznetsov, this the remedy is true, it protects you from illness, irina pegova, you need to set an example that vaccination is useful, i consider it a shameful weakness not to start yourself. royal graft. your
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majesty, you are ready to start, i am ready on saturday for rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently and reliably. it's eight o'clock technology, but with us.
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of course, the level of shamelessness of these people surprises me, but i always understood that they are completely complete scoundrels, but it’s just that their stupidity even evokes some kind of tenderness, but it is clear, for example, that all these phrases are about... western weapons that they they conveyed, they gave permission to strike, well, firstly, they transmitted everything a long time ago and a long time ago they were delivering strikes deep into our territory, but now they need to use these stuffing for information warfare in order to divert attention from colossal defeats, which are taking place in other theaters of military
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operations, which de facto are the middle east, and the diplomatic system of relations, for example, the elections that took place, which, by the way, also shouldn’t be overestimated, but there is... that one of the high-ranking employees of the us presidential administration take on the functions of cherilla.
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russia hates the truth that ukraine is fighting and winning the war for freedom and liberation in a transparent manner in accordance with the standards of international law and the geneva convention. kremlin war criminals and terrorists.
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in recent days, russian troops have failed to make significant progress in capturing territory in the area. he also forgot to say that ukraine has never been in such a confident position as on his shift, well, as he stated the dates of october 5 before the tragedy began in israel, he didn’t have time to say, but you can imagine how much they should they were told that if the americans directly act as speakers, the british talk nonsense there and even begin to explode out of shame polish arms factories, simply out of shame, because of this, well, they cannot withstand the tension, naturally, they will try to find a russian trace, but it should be noted that this is the third explosion in this for...
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and there was a vote, but for i personally was very interested, of course, to watch how kakllos crap, excuse me, please, this is such a bad word, she had two voices, became one, lost her voice somewhere along the way, she doesn’t like her party just as much as they showed macron that he is a nonentity, they just showed macron that he the approach is not accepted by the people of france, the people of france say, we don’t need a delay.
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people, you asked, the people don’t trust you, you pathetic nonentity, now marie lepine, after the national rally party received 32% of the votes in the elections to the european parliament, declares: we are ready to take power into our own hands if the french people trust us in the future parliamentary elections. we are ready to put the country back on its feet, we are ready to protect the interests of the french, we are ready to put an end to mass migration, we are ready to do it. simply put, we are ready to turn
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the country back, ready to revive france. and we can say again, vivlya france, not nakraina. this is what it calls for. although, again, i want to remind you that all our expectations are that the right-winger, who comes to power, will suddenly remember his election promises about russia. well, tell us something, alexander? and he
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says: our party is losing to the right-wing party flomansky interest in the elections, i am personally responsible for this result, i am not tired, but i am leaving. it’s interesting, of course, what’s happening in germany, it’s really not long ago, at a meeting of the bundestag before the european elections, deputies clashed; this is impossible.
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who do you need to be to make ukraine a victim of a criminal? how much
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history do you need to forget in order to celebrate what is happening in ukraine now? i can only advise you, pick up a history textbook, ukraine was a victim of the national socialists, and will again become a victim of you, as their followers. this is a tragedy. before i give the floor to the next person, you, ms. tsemerman, have just named the parliamentary group of alternatives for germany as the successors of the national socialists. that's how i understood it. i'll look at the protocol again. statement. i just want to say that if this
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comes out of the wall, it was not in vain that it existed on the territory of the modern reich, this is an anti-fascist, anti-nazi state, the german democratic republic, for the anschluss, which no one answered, yes, a country that was betrayed gorbachev and his advisers gave him up to be torn to pieces, that’s nothing to say, by the way, it’s interesting that...
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if we remember how it all started, everything this was due to the expansion of nato. and we could understand that russia feels threatened by the presence of military bases in ukraine. america would react the same way. why didn't we agree? it is a simple diplomatic task to see how the security of ukraine and russia fit together. we signed the charter of paris for a new europe, all this is written there. basically. we already have templates for how to solve something like this. why didn't we do this and come close to nuclear war for the sake of what we could it was easy to resolve diplomatically. that's what's scary. could you say that vladimir putin is a demonized villain for all media politicians in the west. at the moment,
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the most rational person in this entire cabinet of superpowers among the heads of state who are now. to the border of russia and to the black sea, and therefore in georgia. and this is his goal, which is the overwhelming majority of the so-called global south.
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her party is still very confidently in the lead, and yes, the votes were divided between old europe and new europe, and precisely due to these classic manipulations of stuffing various ultra-countries into the european union, the majority are still with those who are for the war, but still, what you need to pay attention to, and well , first of all, i still want to say that khrupola’s name is... tino, tino , not like, tino, but that is, our editors just made a typo, yes, that’s understandable, that is, he’s not like hruppala, but tino hruppala, our
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editors will all be fired, and as for the german democratic republic, then, to what did the bolsheviks talk about for so long or about for so long, finally happened, this is really an indicator, because this is not an indicator of how people voted, it is an indicator of... that that united germany, to which we have been telling for so long and so much that it has united, it has not united, and now we are just they really saw it, that this association, which was in a certain sense artificial, did not achieve its goal, and i completely agree that there is no need to clap your hands, jump on the spot, shout joyfully, it has finally happened, nothing has happened yet happened while we just saw that in certain... strata of german society came into the movement, well, not only german, but in this case, i’m talking about germany, some strata of german society came into movement, which clearly showed their
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attitude to what was happening, gathered for a long time, they didn’t react for a very long time, they sat for a very long time, waiting for something, i remember very well the criticism that you, vladimirovich, repeatedly expressed regarding fairness towards the german population, what are you waiting for? this movement has begun, and it is important to understand that it’s not just that it started, they received virtually all the states of the former, former gdr, a majority of votes, what is important is that the alternative for germany received these votes in the presence of powerful pressure on them, and pressure that was supposed to take their votes away, i want to remind you that there were attacks on the same tin khrupala, spy scandals, the participation of some collaborators, it seems, who worked somewhere in something, that is, all this
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suggested that an alternative for germany . these were also attempts to attribute various will not receive the required number of votes. moreover, and this was my mistake, i assumed that sarah wagenknect would simply dilute the opposition, dissolve the greens and the alternative for germany, in general, nothing would change. and this will not happen either. the alternative, for its part, turned out to be the party that firmly took its 16%, and, probably, i think, can count on more, sarah yes, it took votes from the party of the left, which, in principle, has lost all its significance or most of its possible significance . sarah collected the voices of those who knew who to vote for, sarah took some of the votes from the social democratic party, a small part from the christian democrats. and thus, suddenly, unexpectedly, the opposition acquired certain contours, this does not mean that tomorrow this opposition will come to power, yes, tomorrow the opposition may, or
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today’s situation may tomorrow lead to the fact that tomorrow there should be a meeting of the bundestag, that the dissolution of the coalition will be announced , there is such an option, it is unlikely, but it exists, apparently, merz, friedrich merz is the leader... of the cdu party and scholz, they already held a meeting on sunday and discussed this issue of a possible transition to power, what they agreed on, of course, we don’t know, but there is an assumption that this issue was discussed in high tones and scholz they proposed, to put it mildly, to dissolve the coalition and leave, this could happen tomorrow, it will not change anything in the situation in germany, that is, what was the direction of germany. germany, including in relation to russia, in relation to the war, it will not change, maybe it may even get worse, but there is one big, small difference that is very
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the so-called round of elephants, elephants are the names of party leaders who are gathered immediately after the elections, this is such a tradition, they gather in a television studio and discuss all the issues, can you imagine, volodya, they are sitting, that means alisa weidel is sitting there, this is one of the leaders of the alternative party for germany, lars klinebeil is sitting, this is the chairman of the social democratic party, green is sitting, all sides are sitting, here they are sitting next to each other and discuss these issues,
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and clint bile says: excuse me, i heard that you just called me a nazi or not, he says: no, i didn’t hear, this is a judicial issue, if you want, sue, because before that there was one trial in which the court decided that members of the alternative for germany party can be called nazis, fascists, it’s like all this is normal, and i want to draw attention to the fact that of course everyone... immediately remembered the words of vladimir putin when he said: "well, there's an alternative for germany is a normal party, parliamentary, the same as others, we can communicate with them." and such a howl arose, how can this be, this is the nazi party? i want to ask my colleagues, my fellow citizens in germany a question: wait, this is yours, as you say, the nazi party sits in the bundestag, it has now received 16% of the votes from germany in
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the european parliament, it is absolutely legitimate, it is not banned, it exists, this is an attempt to put everyone in a corner, call everyone nazis, put on some kind of brown. clothes, she led to a completely opposite result, it led to the fact that society began to perceive the alternative for germany party, as well as the sarah wagenhnech party, as a party of persecuted people, for whom, for whom they come up with some kind of cliches, who are trying to be presented as such.. .
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can’t get by, so she will attract miloni, but due to this she will lose the votes of the social democrats in germany, so most likely, to my great regret, tusk will be the chairman of the european commission, and this means an even tougher position in the country. the possibility of inciting further hostilities, increasing tensions and so on, i really want to see how the germans and french will allow the pole to control them, i
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really want to look at this with interest. there really will be such a squabble that no one will think it’s enough, 40%, that’s narrow, 40%, yes 40%, while he introduced an anti-sem into the party, yes, which. he staged a public spitting there, yes, that is, there is a lot of things there, that is , he carried out a couple of thieves there on his own behalf, that is , well done tusk, that is, no corruption, but criminality, why be surprised, alexander viktorovich, thank you very much, dmitry, yes, ah, it’s a complete farce, of course, and if you really read into it, it’s really about the candidates who are just in their biographies, right?
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in 2019 they were like that, in 2021, they didn’t become like that yesterday, although it must be said that sullivan was surprised by the fact that he agreed
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to the role of a talking head, voicing all these radicalist things, but this suggests that he doesn't see any political future for himself. so, that is, well, well, so to speak, i'll burn for, so would have burned for a small price, now, apparently, it will burn for some big one, but this means that this one here, in any case , this part of the collective biden, i don’t know, there’s a hand, a shoulder, i don’t know by whom salevan has been working lately, i’m embarrassed to even think about it at all, but she sees herself in future politics.
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younger than a small one, so you’ll excuse me, this is how, this is how pan-european sweetness sprouts. we all think that there has always been a united europe. europe is always a patchwork thing. second point, here i am probably i will cause very great disagreement and protest regarding what i say. but these election results show this very complex thing: europe does not want to die. europe wants it. kill while european weapons,
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european mercenaries, outcasts very often, european shells and european money killed russians in the donbass, in belgorod, in the crimea, everywhere, in europe they were normal, but here they were pushed to the line where, apparently, it would be possible not only.
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something is about to happen that will drive europe over the line, that’s it, of course the thing that really bothers me is advertising. get ready, let's go home, look who 's arrived, the premiere on rtr, dad, dad, hi, kiril, you're coming, forgive me for calling myself victoria, you did everything right, i thought, daughter, we need to start life again , reboot it, well, let's drink to happiness, nothing,
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real feelings know no boundaries, i'm sitting here and can barely hold back my tears,
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so will you be torn between me and my wife? what's wrong with the legs? it is disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i somehow i can handle it while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night. the husband is in trouble and says there is no time, so he needs to have an operation right now. where can you find that kind of money right now? this is for our sake, i jumped off when i returned, more for you, but i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife? spring of change, on sunday on rtr.
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well, first of all, i would like to start with the meeting of the brix foreign ministers in nizhny novgorod, because well, you can say, you know, there were meetings before this, there will be after this meeting, undoubtedly, but the important thing here is that after 2 years of a special operation, after the introduction of the most severe sanctions against russia, after the introduction of a whole, so to speak , complex of secondary sanctions and so on, the brix not only exists, it exists in my opinion. is developing, yes, there are internal problems, undoubtedly, so to speak, there are also contradictions that cannot but exist, but nevertheless it is developing, yes, the turks are showing interest, as you know, other countries, so to speak, although, as for the turks , i believe this is the question erdogan, who plays different games on different boards at the same time, yes, and thinks that he is the most cunning, in principle, at some point he succeeds, but you can
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get burned by this, but nevertheless, yes, nevertheless brix is ​​developing less, and it seems to me that this is the moment that... the west is losing power over the world and it will lose it completely in my opinion, but it’s only a matter of time, which means resources, the course of events, the price that will be paid for this can be paid and so on and so on, second, brix trusts russia, this too it’s important that if they really didn’t believe in russia at all, if they thought that russia, so to speak, was close to defeat, russia was close , so to speak, to some kind of failure, and so on and so forth, i think that the situation in brix would have worsened, i i know about various contradictions there, they exist, it’s normal, as it were. and behind brix i see a huge world, not the western world, which looks at us with hope, this is very important, this is very important, because this is precisely the key to great success in the future, yes, it is important for us to justify this hope, that is, we this is not what we live for, to justify their hope, naturally, yes, but it is important for us that this hope exists and that
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we, that we must justify it, so to speak, because this is also the key to great geopolitical success, by the way, here you are again ... questions arise that in a number of cases it is necessary to act more harshly, so that no belgium, no holland, etc. would even think of doing what they are doing, because i am sure that if they really would be afraid of a possible big one wars in europe, they wouldn’t do that, it’s very good, by the way, that our ships went to the caribbean sea, will go to cuba, and nevertheless, i understand that this is probably a matter of agreement with the cuban authorities, but nevertheless , you know, our ships immediately went to koba to catch up, but there are no nuclear weapons there, we are not threatening anyone, we are not threatening anyone, we are the same. listen, stop making excuses, i would again, i, it’s me, yes, it’s clear, so to speak, and there are big people there who make decisions, i would say, there there are nuclear weapons, there are a lot of them, and we are there and there are so many of them that they will destroy all the united states of america very quickly, now they are very close to your shores, and yes, of course, we are threatening, you
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heard right, we are we are threatening with nuclear weapons, precisely off the coast of the united states of america, i understand all the possible objections, what if it happens like this... cuba, there are international connections there, oh, in which you don’t need to ask permission either from cuba or nicaragua or in general no one, and no one at all, can we do this? we can, again, this is a question, so to speak, yes, let's say, the doctor prescribed for... nuclear weapons sometimes take baths in this particular part of the world's oceans, i am absolutely convinced that otherwise we are from the corridor of, as it were , these american-european ones to say we won’t get out, we won’t get out. just took some step, so to speak, instantly, as if to justify it, don’t think that there are nuclear weapons, don’t think, but they say, no, just
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swim, well then, to be honest, we don’t give a damn about it, and we we'll swim here we’ll swim here, you’ll swim there, so to speak, well, everything is clear, it seems to me that times have changed in this sense, in terms of the quality of politics, for the worse, our calculations for such, you know, such examples of soviet-american diplomacy during the cold war, the expectation that they will hear some hints, something... that’s all, my friends, this is all in the past, all these 2 years have clearly shown this, our attempt to play such diplomacy, it turned out to be unsuccessful, this obviously, we are building, so to speak, diplomatic and such, that means beautiful, polite, as if these very red lines, they are boorishly, absolutely lawlessly, as if crossing them, we are starting to arrange other red lines, you know, after all, we count on you to understand this, hear it, and so on and so forth, that is , it seems to me that here the question of justifying the trust of the hopes of the rest of the world to... act like a superpower, like a great power, again, what we can, what we cannot, it’s not for me to judge this, but nevertheless point one, yes, i think that
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the brix ministerial meeting is in nizhny novgorod, by the way, in nizhny novgorod, not just anywhere, right here, in russia on its european territory, just in case, yes, it seems to me, this is a factor of trust, a factor of the fact that in russia, so to speak, - still believes that brix will develop, and i think that it is in such associations that the future collapse of the west will undoubtedly occur, this is it... eve is a needle, as if yes, which seems to be in an egg, at the end of her death , as it were, of the west, this is exactly where it is located, this is the first, second, regarding elections to the european parliament, also, yes, i don’t want to, god forbid, argue with anyone, as if with specialists, especially those who are there, so to speak, but nevertheless, well, yes, indeed, i agree with you, vladimir, which means that you shouldn’t place any special hopes on the new composition of the european parliament, this is stupid, by the way, this is exactly from the same song that was before, you know there in europe now e-heh-heh, there now they 'll change their mind now, so to speak, yes , the european working class or something like that, let's do all this also, this whole mess, let’s leave this
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one, so to speak, but for the magazine morzilka, by the way , a wonderful magazine, he recently turned 95 years old, in my opinion, something like that, but for him , we’ll leave this whole thing, but we won’t pin our hopes, nevertheless, scholz’s defeat macron’s defeat in france and germany, by the way, the success of the right, so to speak, in italy is still serious because france and germany are still the main pillars of modernity, so to speak. the european union, that’s where their ruling, so to speak, elites are suffered a defeat, what macron is now up to with the elections is not very clear, maybe he wants to quickly rehabilitate himself, but inside france, but we’ll see, after all, this defeat is interesting, but regarding its reasons, i would understand that for us the main topic - this is war, the main topic is ukraine, but i think that here you still need to look at these things objectively, in my opinion, i could be wrong, the main reasons are lined up differently, first of all this is a protest vote, protest, it’s not even so much for the ideals of these rightists or centrists and other things, how many...
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everything else they completely grunted in full, yes, this is the first thing that really irritates a huge number of people in europe, and the european authorities cannot do anything about it, they continue to tell some mantras, and the street , relatively speaking, the earth, the soil, shows that life is different.
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national past, with this brussels, the european dream is not working out, it’s not so much a conscious protest against globalism, yes, but this, well, you know, we won’t to retrain the intellectual abilities of europeans, so to speak, and just a protest, i remember, my grandmother or mother told me there, just recently it was different, it was different, then, then we had a mark, then we had a franc , then we had this and that, five and ten, now what, now some kind of so to speak yes...
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even the left, and even the right in defiance of this, so to speak, european, european common home, in defiance of european globalism , because they remember national sovereignty as an opportunity, so to speak, yes, it’s normal, by the current term it’s still possible to define national socialism, is it on the left or on the right, this is now what we were talking about, everything, yes, everything is mixed up, in fact, the task for our humanities is not to fight for grants , relatively speaking, which no longer exist, i hope that they won’t, yes, it ’s actually a creative task. to comprehend the world also with an eye to ideology, as it was prescribed in anglo-saxon political science, soviet times, with all, so to speak, with all the foundation of this science, yes, but the way it is, the way it is, and not the way it was, relatively speaking, prescribed in listen, the world has changed, if we don’t understand it, we a analyze it incorrectly, b predict incorrectly, c make the wrong decisions, that’s what’s important, the last one literally, so to speak,
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a few more words, so to speak, i returned from crimea, i was there at the festival. great russian word , including there, well, quite a lot of years, i go there there, moderate the levodia club there, and so on and so on, what’s important is that this festival was started back in ukrainian times, yes, it was started by vladimir konstantinov, the current chairman of the state council, sergei tsekov , senator sergei aksyonov, so to speak, yes , he supports this this, so to speak, this event , you can say, well, some kind of regional festival there and so on and so on, well, there is a great russian word dedicated to this very to ...
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so to speak, your money will be burned or stolen, as we now see, yes, how this happens, and you can even lose a very big victory, a great victory, as happened with the soviet union, forty-fifth goddy victory, and then the flag, remember how they lowered, lowered, lowered, if you don’t work with soul, if you don’t talk about it, if you don’t develop new strategies, and not just deal with these immediate things, the next or next generation will come and will also lower the flag, then all the victims on the battlefield, all the shed blood, all... like the efforts in the workshops of factories there, etc., etc., will turn out to be an empty place, just like the russian empire faded away in 3 days, as we remember these words, and soviet union, where like this they lowered the flag, so to speak, everything is quiet, this is where the main front of the struggle is, for minds for souls, so this is extremely important, in deep russian culture, in russian culture, it’s not for nothing that this is timed to coincide with pushkin’s anniversary, that’s where we need to look for our roots and meanings , otherwise
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the generation brought up on these same phones... it will nullify all our efforts, absolutely everything, and, by the way, by the way, crimea in this sense, in my opinion, is, well, one of the most interesting in this sense regions, by the way, also in i saw there, well, for the work of my own foundation, i visited some places there, so to speak, on the dnieper direction, the crimean authorities provide very serious assistance to our fighters, well, really very serious, and here there is a real guarantee of our patriotism, the most recent topic of migration, so to speak, was touched upon in europe , alexander sergeevich pushkin, the russian sun.
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in this issue, but also in many others, it’s beautiful, well, i’ll first focus on - what’s happening in armenia, a significant thing is happening there, not only for this small country, but also for everyone in the region, yes, well, i’ll start with the fact that the united states have invested huge, colossal money in recent decades, we have spoken here many times in the work that they put into the minds, which means that the youth there, having colossal, absolutely incredible embassy of personnel throughout the territory. they brought to power, the gun as a matter of fact, not the point, their protege in 2018, a whole team oriented to the united states, yes, which had to solve a number of problems, now what
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is happening there is an uprising, for people too tired, people were brought up in the traditional, so to speak, traditional values ​​of the armenian society, first of all in christianity and so on, suddenly they were drilled into them for a long time, 6 years, and before that... and also far into completely different values , in fact, it turned out that power in the country was given to sectarians, then everyone who is in power are sectarians, we simply cannot understand what is happening there, these are not even just intelligence agents in turkey or the uk, no, these are sectarians, a sectarian thing from here, therefore armenian the apostolic church raised an uprising, but the whole problem is that the armenians gathered together on the days of the uprising.
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before the parliamentary council meets and whether to raise issues of impeachment at a parliamentary meeting, the ambassador of the united states meets with the head of the armenian parliament, what do you think he is talking about, it’s hard to guess that under no circumstances, let’s not think of faltering with you.. we’ll support you, and if you waver, we ’ll leave you here and they’ll sort it out, that’s all, that’s what we’re talking about, but the other side, the opposite government so-called side, it has completely different views on
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the possible development of the situation, there is such a government telegram channel, it’s essentially their official one, it’s called bogramyan26, this is bagramyan-26 - the address of the government of armenia, the holy name of the marshal of two twice soviet heroes union, why did pashinyan and his gang sell their homeland nagorno-karabakh, right? well , i don’t even want to name the name, it would be better to name judas iscariot 26, so they are seriously threatening to kill the patriarch catholicos, nothing, yes, everything is fine, they think that this is normal, yes, that’s what we’re talking about, that is, there are different forces, those who cling to power in every possible way, and those who are trying to remove them, because they’ve already fed up everyone with what they want in foreign policy, well, archbishop bograd speaks. without a doubt, a magnificent speaker, a charismatic figure.


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