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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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moscow now has no need to use nuclear weapons anywhere, however, in the same speech there was a reminder of europe’s defenselessness against russian tactical nuclear weapons, but...
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of course, the topic of strategic weapons is important. biden's special assistant, senior director of the national security council, prana avadi , unexpectedly said that washington does not rule out resuming dialogue on nuclear weapons before the end of the war in ukraine. and in general, america is open to a conversation between biden and putin. seriously? it is very important to note here, that the same one gave a keynote speech about naddi on the same day. about the us confrontation with three main and one additional opponents: russia and china, north korea and iran, which has joined them. according to vadi, the white house came to the conclusion that a new era of rivalry had arrived. the united states needs new nuclear strategies and solutions to contain the axis of evil. that is, in fact, the axis of good. the main thing here is not to stretch the muscles in the splits. in this regard, there is another interesting news. the yemeni houthis suddenly
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announced the presence of a new weapon in their arsenal. solid-fuel rocket, reports the associated press. the ussites described the missile as a locally produced weapon, although yemen had not yet been known to have such a production facility. the head of the russian foreign ministry, lavrov, said that putin’s words about the supply of russian long-range missiles to third countries and many other states in the west were heard in...
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is right now, the entire pentagon is wondering, and the daily mail newspaper is introducing the western public to the technical characteristics of our kazan. look at the detailed analysis: displacement 14,000 tons, length 130 m, width 13 m, working depth 520 m, autonomy - 100 days, and of course, maximum emphasis on weapons. kazan is equipped with ten vertical ones. missile silos, each of which houses four onyx, zircon cruise missiles or five caliber cruise missiles. all these weapons can carry nuclear warheads, from cuba to the coast of florida 180 km. well , last-minute news: russian warships arrived in egypt and stood in the roadstead alexandria. coincidence or not, today i’m going to egypt on an emergency visit.
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head of the state department blinken arrived; the schedule for a meeting with president abdel-fattah assisi did not say what they would discuss. russian president vladimir putin is preparing to conduct military exercises in the caribbean. russian warships have arrived on the shores of cuba. many analysts agreed that vladimir putin is flexing his muscles. earlier it became known that president biden agreed to allow ukraine to use american-made weapons to strike russian side. now the white house has warned that russia is planning to conduct military exercises in the caribbean, as they have done in the past. naval ships and aviation will take part in them, and approximately four ships will call at the ports of cuba and possibly venezuela in june. as long as american support for the war in ukraine continues, we
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can expect vladimir putin to continue to flex his muscles on the world stage and engage in further shows of force. i would simply say that we do not see any signs, we do not expect that there will be nuclear weapons are involved. it is obvious that in this way the russians express their dissatisfaction with what we are doing for ukraine. so we'll see, we'll keep an eye on that. cuba is colorful houses, old cars, cigars even now. russian nuclear submarines. what technology are we talking about? look, there are hypersonic missiles zircon, the frigate admiral gorshkov, in addition, the nuclear submarine kazan, the oil tanker rescue tug nikolai chikker. this is what cuba says: this visit is due to
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the historical, friendly relations between cuba and the russian federation, and is carried out in strict accordance with international standards. i want to emphasize the point. which is unusual in my opinion, it is a nuclear powered submarine, to avoid confusion it is not a weapons carrier. yes, it is clarified that these ships do not have nuclear weapons. russia apparently wants to show that it is reviving old alliances in the global south. now the russians are giving a strategic signal that they are going to revive old friendly relations, they remind. ties with cuba, all this takes us back to the era of the comintern. the russians have been doing this for several years now. another precedent was off the coast of south africa, when they conducted joint exercises with the chinese and iranians. we can say that this global south that everyone is talking about is the reality
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that surrounds russians. now they are strengthening their presence in the countries from which they expelled the french in the sahel. and they are undoubtedly increasing support for venezuelan president nicolas. i think, given the statement that vladimir putin made last week about providing weapons to nato opponents for strikes in the west, this is a rather significant event, this is after the united states
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actually gave ukraine the green light to use american- made weapons to strike targets in russia as part of the defense of kharkov. in recent months we have heard many harsh statements from outside. us officials promise to monitor this. burqa, we prefer bikini. this is not only the election slogan of the german opposition party "alternative for germany in the elections to the european parliament", but and the verdict of the political process in the eu. so, far-right parties in europe have taken up significantly more positions. finest hour. odg party national association lepen, germany, the right has bypassed the scholze party, they have 16%, the sdp has the worst result in history, 14% of the vote, the greens are at the head of the askhabikom and bärbock are in fourth place. bilt writes: “the border according to
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the voting results in germany coincides exactly with the former border between germany and the gdr. this is good. in france, the situation is even more catastrophic for macron. right-wing party the national association lepen took first place in the country and was more than twice as ahead of the party of another lover of ukraine - revival. emmanuel macron. dissolves parliament, calls early elections, how this can help the president is unclear, the request for change is obviously a similar situation in spain, slovakia, hungary, italy, spain, the netherlands and belgium. belgian prime minister drow resigns after the defeat of his party. the lemont newspaper calls the election result a historic rise of the far right. that is, europe is now it will be different, but not completely different. there are reasons for... positivity, of course, right-wing forces in europe that oppose support for ukraine and the anti-russian course of sanctions
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are growing stronger, but it’s too early to open the champagne. the european people's party of ursula airline took first place in the elections to the european parliament. the head of the party, dzeber, has already called for support for the chief gynecologist for a second term as head of the european commission. ursula herself promised on june 10 to begin working with socialists and liberals to create a broad. majority for strong europe. the new majority is no different from the old one; it is pro-american and pro-ukrainian. well, fun fact: the elections to the european parliament took 4 days. in russia, elections last 3 days. eu -4, but this, as they say now, is different. in general, the eu elections are increasingly reminiscent of a farce; among the candidates are representatives of the party of aliens and the party of the two-tailed dog.
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the greens, in particular, the german greens were significantly short of votes, and we see that the right and the far-right bloc have strengthened significantly, in our graph they are displayed in blue and dark gray tones; in addition, separately in light gray we noted the number of deputies in the future european parliament from the german alternative for germany. the vast majority of germans were disgusted by our coalition government; only every third resident of germany supported chancellor scholz and his coalition, catastrophically.
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take him to the department, hey, you idiot,
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come here, we’ll deal with you right here, but you have the guts of a tank for this, in austria the far-right austrian freedom party won the elections, it beat the social democrats and the conservative austrian people's party, the chancellor, the victorious party in austria has repeatedly been called the main warmonger in... in turn, in italy the winner was the party of the far-right prime minister george meloni, the brothers of italy, who
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received the majority of votes thanks to the fight against illegal migration. dozens of parties took part in elections across europe, some of them, however, would hardly be called normal. in germany, for example, it was possible to choose a party for biomedical research in the field of rejuvenation. party members want, so to speak, to stifle death with the help of medicine, which they, in fact, showed in what is perhaps their craziest. in a campaign video for this election, the party promises that it can repair people so they can live forever. in hungary, the sotirical party of the two-tailed dog took part in the elections, its main... demand was free beer for everyone at the expense of taxpayers. in our neighboring czech republic, it was even possible to vote for aliens. members of the party mimo cest they appeared during the election campaign in alien costumes, convincing voters that they supposedly could see better from space how everything worked. their motto with aliens is the european union will become a better place. and in spain, the escaños ebranco party fought for the votes of those who do not
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go to the polls at all. the party promised that under no circumstances would it represent the interests of its voters in the european parliament and assured that in the event. the first round of which will take place on june 30, the second - on july 7. according to exit polls, macron's pro-european centrist party it is projected that it will receive only 15% of the votes in the european elections, less than half than the far-right party national rallies, which received between 31 and 32%. it was a bad
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result for macron and his party and he said he could not accept it as an increase. with baghdad, said that the united states had finally begun . biden returned to washington, confused kiev to send financial assistance to iraq. 25 million dollars will not be superfluous, although the amount is small by today’s standards, so the ukrainian iraqis were not upset. unlike
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representatives of the democratic party, who again i had to blush for my grandfather, including for what biden said. that being in france makes him think about his uncle bose, whom he repeatedly claimed was eaten by cannibals in new guinea, this nonsense was never confirmed by anyone, because the democrats are panicking, look, this is the cover of the washington examiner, two columns at once show that the democratic party openly doubts biden's success in the presidential election. the main question is, is it possible to replace joe, well, with someone? will the nerves of the democrats calm down? trump's verdict? the new yorker on the cover depicted donald, who is about to be handcuffed, but the former us president's hands are very small and can easily slip out. british weekly. the new europin imagines trump handcuffed in the oval office. one wonders: can, can prison stop trump? he can’t,
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zach replies. depicts donald in the shackles of a prison labor. but in linkeln’s marble chair, that is, as if hinting, trump will go down in history as the first american president to be a criminal. trump himself demands to test biden's cognitive abilities ahead of the debates in less than three weeks, and is also suggesting that he and himself be tested for drugs just before the verbal duel. and this initiative is supported by the majority of americans. according to the washington times , 70%. believes that both biden and trump should undergo examination, because biden, who always stumbles, stammers, slips up, greets ghosts, could not speak so energetically before congress without stimulants. trump's health of course, the former head of the united states will turn 78 next week. and
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republican critics note that he also has age-related problems. the white house stenographer noted the president's mistake and made a correction in the official text of his speech, which has already been published. interestingly, this is not the first time this has happened. it's hard to say, but one thing is clear: if putin loses the war in iraq, he will lose the war at home. president trump
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did not visit the cemetery that president biden visited at the time. atlantic magazine then noticed that he called the soldiers buried there losers and losers. trump denies it, but biden tells the story every chance he gets, but not this time. you criticized president trump for not coming here during his visit. what message are you sending to voters by coming here? any questions? remember when biden said his uncle was eaten by cannibals, he remembered his famous uncle on this trip. i don't want to make this a personal story, but every time i see the sign, they're buried here. veterans, this brings back memories of my grandfather and what my mother told me about him losing a son, she, respectively, a brother in the south pacific, and i also remember mine.
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his name was ambrosie, everyone just called him bosie, when i was little, they told me, he first listened in aviation, then he began to take to the air, he flew one of the single-engine reconnaissance planes and he was shot down over new guinea, and his business continued were not found because there were many cannibals in this part of new guinea. real cannibals. interestingly, new guinea then released a statement and called this statement racist and terrible. moreover, the pentagon followed up with a statement that they did not have such data. of course, you can laugh at this, but if he is ready to invent such things just to somehow tie himself to the second world war, it bothers me and upsets me that he is ready to tell unreliable stories about members of his own.
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no more, the president will not be able to hide from these elections, because last time there was covid, there were lockdowns, biden was sitting in the basement, otherwise covid could have gotten to him and killed him. so covid-19 , the president is put before the public every time he stands in front of a microphone. the things he says just don't make any sense, he keeps falling, he falls asleep in meetings, more and more people say that when they meet him, that he's just in
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the clouds, he's not conscious, so if you have to choose between the two, donald trump is undoubtedly the better candidate in this election. biden must pass an intelligence test , that's it. they say it's not constitutionally, a good excuse, he must pass an intelligence test, and before the debate, which. will take place in 2 weeks, he must pass a drug test, i am ready to pass the same one, i think we can just congratulate you on his birthday, thank you, dear, don’t, don’t say, i don’t want to hear anything, military correspondent vladimir razen is with us on direct communication from the zone of the special military operation, volodya, hello, how is the situation... we see that there are local successes in several areas, although, well, how local, yes, battles of local significance, this was probably called during the great
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patriotic war, but we can only imagine what efforts these opposition to our heroes took. evgeniya, good evening, yes, indeed there is progress practically along the entire front, the ministry of defense today announced the liberation of... in the donetsk direction in the donetsk people's republic, the village of staromaisky, this is a temporary ledge, where there were quite serious battles last year, and the fighting there continued quite fiercely for whole year, today our military forces managed to liberate it, gain a foothold, knock out the enemy, and the movement continues there, nearby is the settlement of urozhaynaya, there are battles in urban areas there, that is, there is also movement from our side, in the ugledar direction in the konstantin area.
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we are advancing, we are advancing to yasnobrodovka, we are also advancing to novoaleksandrovka, this is north-west of ocheretin, advances are taking place almost everywhere, in the chasyar, also in the kanal microdistrict, we are moving a little, little by little, the battles, urban ones, are quite heavy, there are certain nuances of difficulty, but our guys are pushing the enemy and moving forward, as far as i understand, the intensity of the fighting does not subside in this regard.
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the enemy, the very fact that upon command, as soon as the task is received, we can move to absolutely any point and complete this task, i think for the enemy this is a very bad sign, why, because again, but here is the kharkov direction, month back we began to move, the enemy successfully began to transfer reserves, he was not ready for this, they appeared, let’s say, not very simple conditions for our fighters in other directions, but... but nevertheless , the enemy had to withdraw units from a number of directions and transfer them to the kharkov region, now the same thing could happen to the sumy region, well , this remains a mystery to all of us, yes, our military personnel, upon receiving command orders , are ready to carry out the task, but for the enemy , i repeat once again, this is very bad news, why because in one more direction, there are serious doubts that the enemy
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there are enough reserves for... the initial movement forward along the entire line of combat contact, and this is very important, the second important point, we noted it here in the studio, for about the last 2 weeks, and the loss in the ssu was only killed , consistently at around 500, about 600 people, this is very difficult for them, we must continue. in the same
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spirit, at the same pace, to grind their reserves, the nearest reserves, those that are being prepared somewhere else in order to create the conditions for the subsequent a powerful, concentrated strike, well, i think that our general staff, the group’s command, certainly sees this situation, understands, evaluates and draws the necessary conclusions. sets appropriate tasks, indeed, now the most fierce battles are taking place in volchansk, but even there our guys continue to move, several buildings were liberated yesterday, by the way, they shot down a mig-29, most likely the one they boasted about firing a missile at the belgorod region, therefore, no matter how many of these missiles they launch, no matter how many of these planes we didn’t find them, we didn’t collect them, we’ll shoot them all down and the f16s that someday appear, we
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’ll kill them too... so nothing will change this, because you see, we watched a story about an englishman who was talking about what needs to be deprived putin’s victory, i quote verbatim, and what this means, this means that they have no doubt that victory has already been achieved, but this is still a tactical victory, we need a strategic one, it will also be achieved, well, then he’s just talking about ...


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