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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 11, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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we choose the truth, vladimir putin sits in this chair in the hall, he, as you and i remember, enters through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without is only on the rtr planet channel. on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. the second stage of the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces has started. russian and belarusian troops are practicing coherence in joint actions.
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strike with hurricanes and hail to break through the defenses in the ssu, the firing points destroy our effective lancets with the murphants on the front line visited vonkorvesti eduard kunikov. zelensky decides nothing, all power is in the hands of the head of his office, ermak, a devastating article by the british times. and the states no longer consider the azov battalion to be nazi and are ready to supply weapons. influenced the state. why the jury couldn't reach a verdict in the hunter biden case the first time. the prosecutor demands 25 years in prison, but the trial is already being called a political show. an organized group that was involved in the theft of budget funds was detained in karachay-cherkessia. have such details become known? and operation to resettle the huge kaluks from vladivostok to khabarovsk. how the population is restored. red data book fish. so, today
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the second stage of joint exercises between russia and belarus began in preparation for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. as the ministry of defense recalled, the main goal of these maneuvers is to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state. with the participation of iskander complexes, their secret movement to the missile launch area. in addition, the pilots honed their equipment skills hypersonic dagger missiles and sorties in the patrol area. in total, three stages of practical training are planned. the kremlin has previously stated that what is happening needs to be considered in context.
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for this purpose, the drone was used by a ukrainian howitzer, which was hidden in a forest belt. our military is supported by crews of hail and hurricane rocket systems. and this is footage of the combat use of fpv drones in the area of ​​the village of chasov yaar. this is in the dpr. usuri paratroopers destroyed two enemy tanks there just overnight. by accumulation of manpower and equipment in the armed forces of ukraine.
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the crews of the su-25 attack aircraft worked. they attacked ukrainian positions with unguided missiles. but the marines of the pacific fleet captured the fortification under coal. our military correspondent eduard punigov visited the front line with them. south donetsk direction. assault units of the marine corps of the pacific fleet are fighting their way towards konstantinovka. the advanced detachments were already close to
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us, artillery and mortars were working on us, they were working very closely, they were hitting us every 5-10 seconds the arrivals arrived, well, nothing, they arrived, walked along the very central street, during the offensive the infantrymen always work with the support of uav crews, they are on duty in ambush not far from the strike group, the operators coordinate the attack, warn the soldier of possible threats, if necessary, provide fire support with using kamikaze drones. stormtroopers. they are always exposed to maximum risk, since they work in the so -called red zone at the very front line, they create a springboard for the subsequent advance of the remaining troops. drones they also transmit the coordinates of targets, artillery, mortar crews and tank crews, look at how the target is hit, the units are 70%
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made up of contract soldiers who have real combat experience, the rest are volunteers, they must undergo a training course at the training ground, which lasts no less one month, a fighter with the call sign pepper was working in civilian life, the car somehow incredibly survived, the icon was littered, but was not damaged, we decided to pull it out, that is, save it, it is not known what would have happened to it, they also gave us a gift from some well, churches, temples where we visited during this time, during our vacation, they give a lot of icons of all kinds, that is, we collect, well, we are going to
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organize a camping church. konstantinovka is a strategically important settlement; its capture will cut off supplies. powerful ugledar group of the enemy, and will also open the way for further offensive into the depths of the enemy’s defense. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the united states has lifted the ban on military assistance to the neo-nazi azov battalion. according to the washington post, citing the us state department, this group will now be able to receive american weapons. the publication notes that over the past 10 years, the states have considered the leaders of azov to be racist, xenophobes who. violate human rights, but now the attitude has changed dramatically, the state department conducted a new check and saw no evidence of war crimes being committed by azov militants. ukrainian politicians confirm the times newspaper's information about zelensky's dependence on the head of his office,
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ermak. according to the former prime minister of ukraine mykola azarov zelensky is in the illusion that the development of events depends on his actions. ermak constantly repeats. that thanks to zelensky’s wise decisions , the west is giving weapons, and ukrainians are lining up at military registration and enlistment offices. zelensky likes this effect of a warm bath. former verkhovna rada deputy oleg tsarev also speaks about this. according to him, now all power is concentrated in the hands of yermak, it is he who in fact rules ukraine, with zelensky having lost his legitimacy. the publication about yarmak’s motives and strategy raises nervousness at the bank. today. in the morning in the government quarter of kiev , sbu checks are carried out, they are looking for foreign intelligence agents, security forces stop passers-by, check documents and phones, enter offices and residential areas, search cars, the security of the top officials
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of ukraine takes part in the raid. thunderstorm, hail and squally winds, in the capital region, up to 80% of the monthly precipitation may fall in two days. utilities have been transferred. to enhanced operating hours, motorists are asked to switch to public transport, owners of summer it is recommended to strengthen the structures of the verandas, sudden volley downpours will leave moscow only by the weekend, and this is the primorye region, where today is also rainy and cold, the temperature is below the statistical average by almost 2 degrees, a cyclone with thunderstorms is approaching the region from china, and besides, the season has begun . fog on the roads increases the number of accidents; airport operations are adjusted to the actual weather. a storm warning was announced in buryatia, and due to the large amount of accumulated water on the roads, the capital is being washed out. practically drowning. i was getting ready for work, but
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there is a river flowing here. pedestrians have to cross the street, jump over puddles, or look for workarounds. and chelyabinsk was covered with an abnormal amount of poplar fluff. there is so much of it that it seems like winter has come again. almost a thousand people are now fighting forest fires in yakutia; more than 40 fires have been recorded in seventeen regions. the head of the republic ordered the introduction of a state of emergency in the region. about the situation there, vitaly prokopyev. the raging fire consumes trees one after another. in yakutia , five new forest fires were discovered per day; the forest fire situation remains difficult ; 43 fires are active in seventeen regions. by the decision of the head of the republic, aisen nikolaev, from this day a regional emergency regime is introduced in yakutia. dry and hot weather creates new outbreaks. he also fights fires. aviation, sounding planes cause rain.
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work is also in full swing on the ground. aircraft firefighters walk around the edge of the fireplace, install a detonating cord, then a warning whistle sounds, then an explosion. after blasting , mineralized strips like this appear, this is one of the most effective methods in fighting forest fires, they help localize the source and block it.
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naturally, we will call summer dry, but not summer, but for now the month of june, although long-term forecasts also predict july and august with a deficit of precipitation. receiving operational information helps the republican authorities take the necessary measures in a timely manner, the main thing now is to hold fire. father said thank you, what else do you want?
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galka, today on rtr.
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i have good news, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me and your wife, what’s wrong with your legs? “she’s disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i’ll somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night, my husband is in trouble, there’s no time, i have to do the operation right now, where can you find that kind of money in a moment, it’s for our sake, i jumped off when i returned, more for you”? and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife? spring of change, in
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sunday on rtr, from the weaving of hands, from the radiance, the vowels of the place, the beloved behind her, through at! my only face, oh, it’s not evening, it’s not evening, our country, this is.
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it is to poison a healthy person with an infection, where it is visible, i need to kill people, yuri kuznetsov, this remedy is true, it protects against illness, irina pegova, we must set an example that vaccination is useful, i consider it a shameful weakness, not to start yourself, the royal vaccination,
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yours majesty, are you ready to start? i'm ready! on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends. your favorite is on air program 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today on rt. live on air. we continue to release from. the targets were not only the border areas, but also the small town of al-hirmil in the north of the country. there is no information about casualties, but it is known that the air defense managed to intercept some of the missiles. it is noteworthy that just at this moment the un was considering a draft
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american resolution on a ceasefire in the gas sector. the document was accepted, but as noted. from israel, reporting by sergei pashkov. protesters in tel aviv and jerusalem demand negotiations on a ceasefire in gaza and the release of israeli hostages. demands the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. passions and hot middle eastern nights are heating up so much that the police have to use water cannons to cool down the anger
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of the activists who are blocking the routes. bevshimi gave optimism to the protesters. october 7th. israel waited for the return of its prisoners home from the gaza strip, waited and kept the festive table set for their return, waited daily, holding rallies in the center of tel aviv, in front of the
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general staff building, demanding that the government do everything necessary to return the hostages. home, here the military escorted yesterday's prisoners from a helicopter, a girl, noah argamani and three men, they were held in private houses in the refugee camp on sairat, among the liberated twenty-seven-year-old andrei kozlov, his mother evgenia, flew to meet her son from st. petersburg, she did not hear his voice since on black saturday, october 7 last year, then prime minister benjamin netanyago was one of the first to arrive at the hospital. usa anthony blinken. the head of american diplomacy arrived in israel from cairo. washington is still trying to persuade the israeli leadership to a ceasefire and
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an exchange deal with hamas, and is trying to achieve a sharp increase in the supply of humanitarian aid to the destroyed battlefield sector. we see the prospect of an immediate ceasefire, the return of all hostages home and progress towards a lasting resolution to the conflict. the exceptionally high number of civilian casualties during the release of hostages in the nosairat refugee camp puts at risk the lives of dozens of israelis remaining in hamas captivity, participants say rallies and protests that have become almost daily. it’s great that we freed four hostages, but there are still so many people there, we need to do something quickly, return to negotiations, perhaps stop the war. there is no ceasefire in gaza. count on a ceasefire on the northern lebanese border, the armed confrontation with the lebanese shiite group hezbollah is only increasing, the intensity of mutual
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shelling is increasing, on the dutch heights, on mount carmel, the fight against forest fires has not stopped for a week, arising in dozens of places from rocket explosions. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia dimyenets, lead israel. in the usa. the jury began deliberating its verdict in the case of illegal possession of weapons by hunter biden. the son of the american president bought a revolver while taking drugs. formally, he faces up to 25 years in prison for this. but according to lawyers, it is unlikely that the accused will receive a real sentence. the local press directly calls this trial a political show. according to the new york post, this is an attempt by the white house to protect the president and divert the attention of americans from the corruption of the entire biden family, political strategists intend to present hunter as just a man who is struggling with drug addiction,
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and not a bribe-taker and corrupt official who sells political influence, taking advantage of his proximity to the president; however, on the first day of the hearing, the jury did not we were able to reach a verdict, today there will be a second attempt. in koraceevo-cherkessia, the fsb detained members of an organized group consisting of... high-ranking government officials and law enforcement agencies who were involved in the theft of budget funds on an especially large scale. in particular, according to the investigation, they stole targeted subsidies under a state program aimed at developing agriculture in the republic. the total damage amounted to about 60 million rubles. during searches in several luxury cottages with swimming pools and fountains, security forces found luxury items and gold watches. jewelry, mobile phones, the latest models of money, weapons, well, there are expensive cars in the garages, excited criminal case. european officials are conducting
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secret negotiations to maintain russian gas supplies through ukraine. bloomberg writes about this today. it recalls that russian gas still flows through ukraine to several eastern european countries, despite the armed conflict. but the transit agreement expires at the end of this year. under the conditions of sanctions, various options are being considered, for example, for european companies to buy gas in azerbaijan and transport it through russian ukrainian pipelines to europe. on the one hand, this will help get rid of purchases in russia, but on the other hand, it will preserve ukraine’s income from transit. the authors do not specify why moscow should agree to such conditions, while emphasizing that cooperation with gazprom. is not considered in any option, but now russian gas goes through ukraine mainly to slovakia and austria, well, in austria it provides 80% of consumption. in
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the barents sea, preparations are being made for a new operation to rescue the red-listed humpback whale. the mammal was caught in fishing nets, and wounds from the gear are visible on its body. experts assess the condition of the whale as serious, it cannot fully open its mouth and... rescuers immediately organized an expedition to search for the mammal, but when they went out to sea for the first time they could not find it. we walked around the coastal territory of the kola peninsula, about 120 km, in search of an animal that was positive. a large group of whales, humpback whales, and minke whales in the water area where they expected, but unfortunately did not meet that same whale, now
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specialist... trying to help the wounded whale again. at 18:00 local time , employees of the ministry of natural resources of the murmansk region and specialists from the ministry of emergency situations will go to the sea to search for stanislav. the red book-listed koluga will be returned to amur. the population of the giant freshwater fish in the wild will be restored by far eastern specialists. several individuals, which were raised in the primorsky aquarium for 15 years, were sent to a fish hatchery. plant in khabarovsk region. the operation to relocate the predators had to be thought through down to the details. report by andrey kolesnikov. kaluga is lazy ply around the pool, the presence of a person does not bother them. after 12 years we got used to it, but there is a big move ahead and both people and fish will still have to be nervous. transporting one such almost two-meter fish is quite difficult. the weight of one individual is about 200 kg. therefore,
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a whole range of special equipment is used for transportation and reloading. in 2012, kaluk was brought to the seaside aquarium for exhibition as four-year-old individuals the size of large salmon. the fish have taken root; their leisurely, mesmerizing movements have always attracted spectators. they aroused great interest among coastal scientists, as they are endemic to the basin of the largest far eastern river, the amur. now the old house has become too small for them. they have already outgrown our exhibition aquarium, it’s time for them to move into the pools of a large fish hatchery, so that they can get there. provide benefits not only in educational terms, like ours, yes, but also provide offspring for subsequent breeding. pets are received by the anyui fish factory in the khabarovsk territory, in order for the transportation of such large passengers to go smoothly, the aquarium staff had to practice all the actions down to the smallest detail during training in advance. the first step is to transfer the fish from the pool to the truck. all this took a very long time, that is, we trained more than once or twice to get through it all,
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it turns out. in fact, fish can survive out of their usual element for much longer, but scientists have tried to reduce all risks to a minimum. we write how much, when, when the whole process was lifted, that is, when the koluga was lifted from the water, when it was loaded onto a cart, when it was lifted with a telter, when it was loaded into water. before setting off on an overland journey of more than 900 km, the kolugas are provided with comfortable conditions; they will travel in a container
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with fresh water, which saturates them.
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call me a number from one to six five, don’t say that you didn’t know what this sign was, after the big evening news, you definitely need to watch the new episodes of the film jackdaw, all the news, i’ll remind you, can always be found on the media platform let’s watch, news we continue to monitor developments, so stay tuned. a new batch of yak-130 combat training aircraft handed over to the ministry of defense. crews of fourth-fifth generation fighters and attack aircraft, such as the su-30, su-57 and mig-29, train on these machines. the pilots
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are working out their conditional training. or the actual use of air-to-air or air- to-ground missiles, as they said.


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