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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  June 11, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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still replace each other in lithuania every few months, but now the situation will change radically, bundeswehr soldiers will be stationed here on a permanent basis, this is the first time in the modern history of germany. the brigade is based in rukla, lithuania borders the russian kaliningrad region and belarus, a government that is loyal to putin, the baltic countries fear an attack from these directions due to the war with russia.
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the main base of german troops was built, the village is located near the border with belarus, the families of german soldiers, will also need kindergartens and schools, construction of access roads and a local training ground is underway, after the troops are stationed here on the eastern borders of the nato alliance zone, they will not have to be transferred here first, if the worst happens, this is planned as a deterrent. i believe that we should deliver equipment and personnel here, where the first half of the clashes on the eastern flank will take place.
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the unit occupies an area several kilometers wide, attacking enemy troops, here they are marked in red, then they need to be sent to the minefields, another containment group retreats further and further to pre-prepared positions, they must hold back the advance until a line is reached where the defense is prepared by other forces. or a counterattack is planned. to do this, you need to accurately study the area. tank crews must know the battlefield and the routes they will have to travel. the lithuanian landscape is particularly complex, although it is flat, the ground is sandy, and swamps, rivers and bushy forests can become an obstacle to armored vehicles.
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ronald reagan often said the nine scariest words in the english language, i'm from the government and i'm here to help, to paraphrase reagan, i'm a democrat, a democrat, in hillary's case and i'm here to save democracy, clinton's rhetoric was adopted.
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that donald could harm nato by depriving europe of the american nuclear umbrella. why in europe they think that trump should think about the security of some baltic states, and not about the needs of the united states, is a very big mystery, but the europeans' fears are indeed not without foundation. donald has repeatedly stated that nato is more important to europe, more important to europe than to the united states, because the united states already protects the oceans.
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in general, the priority task for americans now is to resolve the issue with the mexican border. moreover, trump believes that protecting partners should pay off.
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in europe over whether the western world order can survive a second trump term. the fear of losing europe's strongest ally has translated into a pathologically strong fixation on the american presidential race. thomas bagger, state secretary of the german foreign ministry, told me that in a year when billions of people from dozens of countries around the world will have the chance to vote, the only election that interests all europeans is the american one. almost all the officials i spoke with believe so. they are all terrified that trump will be re-elected. time after time in these interviews the word existential came up for europe; the stakes in this race are existential. and it's
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no secret, why? donald trump has directly said that he is not a fan of nato. he's in private order, and has publicly argued that countries that do not pay what he considers their fair share deserve. for them to be attacked by russia, and these are truly frightening words from the former and probably future leader of europe's most powerful ally, especially for the countries of eastern europe, i visited poland and estonia. this fear that trump will return is causing all sorts of reassessments of relations with the united states. during the meeting , the president of one of the european countries stood up, and this was a closed event, and asked: “can i i ask you a question, sir." president, yes, if we don’t pay, we don’t pay, russia is attacking us, you will protect us, i say, you are not payers, you didn’t pay, yes, yes, no, i i won’t defend you, germany is preparing for a possible second term for trump, can you tell us more about why they think so, how
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confident they are that trump will win the race? they have a plan for the case of a trump victory, and this plan calls for finding out which of the key areas of power . , they are also preparing for the third scenario, this is a long period of uncertainty will be destabilized by trump's return to the outcome of the election, a period of widespread political violence in the us, something like january 6th, but on a much larger scale, this does not mean that german officials consider this outcome very likely, but given the instability in the american politics of the last eight years, they don't think it's that fantastic. a scenario that should not have been prepared for. to be honest, there is some concern in europe about what might happen in the us because president trump, of course, we respect him as a former
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us president, but he takes a very ambiguous position on the issue of russia and ukraine. he has repeatedly expressed great sympathy for putin, and we, frankly speaking, do not understand this. praise for putin as a strong leader and things like that. after all, in reality we have aggression against a sovereign country, so this is a cause for concern for the ukrainians themselves, but also for us throughout europe. the day before, reporters asked me if i thought president putin was smart. i said: "well, of course, he's smart, why should i they answered, oh, what terrible things you say, but i would like to tell the truth. here's what senator tom cotton said about ending the current war on european soil, in ukraine. look. to get peace in europe, and peace and stability on the entire planet, you need to get joe biden out of the white house in this year's election and put donald trump back there. that's how you get peace and stability back. congressman, why europeans shouldn't be afraid of such comments? they should be afraid of them, they are afraid. and i can
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say that i have never seen that. europeans were as worried about american policies as they are now. everything is on the line now. and as you noted at the beginning, nato, amazingly enough, works, it has kept the peace for the better part of 80 years. another thing that putin respects, he will not cross nato borders because of article 5, which says that an attack on one is an attack on all of us, and we are serious, he respects that, he respects nothing else in this war, only this. the fundamental element of us foreign policy from harry truman to joe biden was primarily nato. give full attention nato, keep the alliance strong and united. and only donald trump pursued a different policy, because he was a supporter of isolationism. we had. a lot of isolationists in 1930 when it was just america's desire
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to build a wall around the us and not help countries in need. i will be interested in how trump will talk about ukraine because i was stunned when he withdrew his support for zelensky, our democratic ally ukraine seems to be sympathetic to putin. and trump said: you can do with nato countries do whatever you want if they don’t pay. thought he was saying terrible things, nato is the united states, this is how we support democracy at home and around the world. the war in ukraine was indeed a wake-up call, and we are now seeing european defense spending increase. currently, most nato members spend more than 2%. the broader problem is that european defense is dependent on the us, and with russia rearming it may be supplying weapons to other countries. threats to europe.
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about an hour of discussion, no verdict, discussion will resume today, hunter is accused of hiding the fact of his drug addiction when he bought himself a colt in 2018. drug addicts cannot help but buy or store firearms; for their offense they can not only be fined 750 thousand dollars, but also allegedly sent to prison for 25 years. if found guilty, he will become the first son of a sitting president
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to be convicted in federal court. biden himself, the younger, naturally denies guilt, defense insists that there is no direct evidence that the client was high on the day he bought the weapon, but the fact that the hunter actually used the drug that month is enough for the prosecution. and about this, as the participant stated.
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may escape punishment, even if he is found guilty, he may not be convicted. the trial is taking place in the state that is most loyal to the first family (delaware), but even if hunter is accused, then dad can always understand, forgive and that it is important to pardon his son, and this fact itself that he is the son of the president of the united states. are under prosecution, the democrats themselves and joe biden naturally use as evidence that the american fimida is honest and incorruptible. look. today, it's in the hands of a jury of six men and six women to decide the fate of hunter biden,
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the first child of a sitting american president to face criminal charges. many members of the presidential family were present in the courtroom during the hearings. “this is not evidence,” prosecutor leo white said in his closing statement. he gestured actively, including in the direction of jill biden, who was sitting in the front row. people sitting on the balcony are not proof, he said and added that no one can be above the law. special prosecutor. hunter biden's ex-wife stated that she found drug paraphernalia in his car in october 1918, and his ex-girlfriend, who was dating him around the same time, stated that hunter smoked crack almost
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every 20 minutes, these the evidence is immediate, they are exhaustive and they are disgusting, before the hunter biden case is decided. today's discussions did not end with a verdict. tomorrow morning they will return to the discussion and decide whether hunter is guilty? he could face up to 25 years in prison. almost the entire biden family came out today to support hunter. first lady jue biden is the president's brother and sister. president biden himself was not present. the media and
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democrats think he did everything right. the us president has withdrawn himself from this process. his position is clear. hunter's problem is that you cannot justify something that cannot be justified, the evidence is more than exhaustive, he lied, he gave himself away using his own laptop, witnesses confirm that he is lying, i want to remind you that prosecutors are not required to prove that he is a drug addict on the day of purchasing a gun, as a rule, they
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do it easily in other cases, but this is delaware, this is his personal kingship. and a jury friendly to him, and as we said during the trial of the case for trump, one juror may be enough, and we remember how it was during jury selection, each juror said: “yes, i know at least one person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, so they can sympathize with him!” before us are the most shameless and immoral people in america, the bidens, many of their associates and the media like to point out that the hunter case is a vivid example, that even a member of the biden family, but in reality the hunter case is a vivid example of what our government is ready to do in order to protect the son of a prominent
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democrat if this is the only case that threatens hunter biden, then this will only prove that biden is being changed. as we tell you, politicization is used as a weapon. the judge asked the jury to ignore the fact that the defendant belonged to the first family in the country. well, let's be clear here, thanks to this affiliation, hunter is only accused of illegal possession of weapons, and this is happening in biden-friendly delaware, where he is not treated like trump in new york. well, believe it or not, there are still people in the usa who are able to. true, these people live in the mountains, on the border with canada, in the northern state of idaho, few have seen them. so, the american bar ol olds state salon, in the city of eagle, declared june the month of heterosexual coolness. and he invited everyone to celebrate.
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homosexuals responded by demanding that the party be canceled and contacting the police with complaints of oppression. homosexual dignity, but for some reason the police also turned out to be a classic orientation and did not find discrimination in the behavior of the bar. promotion in the first in the usa the heterosexual bar is open throughout june. on monday. straight men get free beer. on wednesdays there is a 15% discount for traditional married couples. on thursdays. special prices for women who look like women. moreover, the head of the bar published a vacancy for the position of a person who will determine by gender.
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and do you think this is necessary? i don't know if it's necessary, but for me it's like, why not? we need to contact
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the owner. i'm a retired police officer. moved to idaho 6 years ago. how did you come up with this idea? july was approaching, all sorts of events were approaching with my convictions. i love people, but if we talk about the fact that i am a christian, a biblical christian, so i cannot celebrate it.
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as the newspaper clarifies, the brigade will have access to us military assistance, like any other unit of the ukrainian armed forces. let me remind you that the ban on the supply of weapons to azov was introduced by democrats in the us congress, and this ban was allegedly in effect since 2015. believes the main american colonel dougloss mcgregor. according to him, western politicians have an absolutely unrealistic picture of the world in their heads. for some reason they believe that
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if nato. strikes russia, the russians will be shocked, confused and will not resist. this is not true, mcgregor warns. and they promise big problems for the west in the confrontation with moscow in the war. firstly, the us has too small an army, only 450 soldiers. secondly, most of the us military's weapons were developed in the seventies.
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soldiers clash not even on the battlefield, right in their own country, on military bases, murder, rape, the army judicial system turns a blind eye to this, according to official statistics, only 5% of military rapists are punished, so as not to endure it. ford hood is one of the largest military bases in the country, with more than 3,800 soldiers. active duty, home to the third armored corps and the 1st cavalry division, we're talking about people who are literally fighting isis. another reason why this base is famous lately by many it is considered one of the most dangerous bass in the country. you know, if i disappear, it will be because i do this. i'm sorry, what? sorry, what are you talking about? what you 're saying is that if something happens to
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one of you. guys, is it because you did this interview? if i disappear or he disappears, we will both understand why. this is a normal joke. that we're talking. wow, i can't tell if you're joking or not? no, soldiers have to joke about it because it's so real. you're like, i got to work without getting shot, no raped, and didn't kill the hell out of it. looks like today is a good day. this is a normal joke.
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they are hiding something, i want them to tell me the truth, i want to know the details of what happened to my daughter so that we can save the many young people who are forced to hide and suffer. vanessa's story is not unique: 95 soldiers were found to have gone awol from fort huth in 2020, including greek morales, whose body was discovered while investigators were still searching
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for vanessa. we visit a woman who says she was sexually assaulted violence while serving at fort hood. karena was just 19 when she says she was raped at a party after something was thrown into her drink. i woke up the next morning in his bed and had absolutely no idea what had happened. when i went to training in the morning, my partner told me that i had bruises on my neck and all over my body. oh my god, i said.
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we discovered quite close relationships between military lawyers and commanding officers; we saw that many of these cases were simply stalled before reaching tribunal, even if they reached...
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the federation, but in this specific video, in these specific frames, makol discusses the need to strike at the border areas. and now a month has passed. michael makol
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is trying to convince us president biden to allow ukraine to strike with american weapons not only on russian territory in breezy, kharkov region. he believes that... that american weapons should be used to strike other sensitive parts of the state for the russian federation, this is not only about border area, we need to give the go-ahead to push deeper into the russian federation, once again politico, allegedly leaking, biden, as if against it, but we remember, this is how they present us with any decision, every time. at first it looks like a provocation, there is a discussion, then the us president approves. in parallel with this provocation by scholz, the chancellor of germany is still meeting with zelensky. scholz has just
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announced that germany will transfer a third patriot air defense system to ukraine over the next few months, as well as another irist, cheetah, missiles and ammunition. this is the first offer. in the second, scholz states that today none of us knows when the war will end, but we can say for sure that it will end someday, if you scholz assume that the war must end as soon as possible, then stop supplying weapons to the usurper , well , they are not considering this option, and it’s also important for our country, the beekeepers have just informed us, we are of course waiting for the details, now only the first one is urgent. news: the involvement of ukrainian military intelligence in the terrorist attack in the moscow region of city koli has been established. we are on we are moving to the front, alexander kharchenko, war correspondent, is in direct communication. aria
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of news. alexander, hello, we’re starting from the kharkov region, since so many ukrainian spears have already been broken on this front line, in the volchansk region. what does our offensive look like and these strikes and permission to strike at our border, did they influence our tactics in this area? yes, hello, olga, and regarding these strikes, the strikes continue, no one was going to cancel them, the west and ukraine have set a course for further escalation and... we see that on the battlefield, in fact, this course is being implemented, which means that the situation on the battlefield has not changed in any way, that is, just as our troops stood firmly in their positions, so they stand, in
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response ukrainian military leaders are transferring more and more units to the kharkov region, i want you to, well, we worked with the lancets, well, those who launch... lancet drones, loitering ammunition worked with reconnaissance uavs, they all as one say that to the line front pulling up now the tension has subsided, not just the tension, the intensity of these battles, that is
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, the artillery continues to fire, the aircraft continue to hit, but all this has become a little less, as one artilleryman said, we just most likely suppressed the enemy’s counter-battery fight, suppressed his movement, so he tries not to appear in open space again, so this is the situation... the same thing, we talked with the lancets and they said that now, compared to the beginning of the kharkov offensive, it has become more difficult to find goals, but because there is simply little movement, that is, the ukrainian army is now afraid to throw some of its main reserves into a counterattack and so on, that is , there is less movement, and there is less movement on roads, and it is also difficult to find equipment, but this is not at all does not mean that it... is accumulating in kharkov, most likely somewhere in the industrial areas, e.g.
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kiev politicians, well, military commanders are concentrating equipment for counter-confrontation. regarding the sumy region, alexander, there is some additional information, it seems there was a triumphal rzhovka, if i’m putting it correctly the emphasis is on this locality, then zelensky himself denied the information, but we saw the russian flag in the rifle. does it work once? the strike in the sumy region is what western analysts, well , western intelligence, warned about in the first place, that is, that russia is amassing certain forces there, so it is not clear why this strike came as a surprise, that is, before that the kharkov direction became a surprise, now the sumy region came as a surprise, is it really possible, so to speak, that these threads
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are floating away from the hands of ukrainian military leaders, they are not may already be reacting to this situation, but a blow to the redhead is a strategic move that allows the russian command to stretch the already meager reserves of the ukrainian armed forces, that is, everything that is possible, everything from where they could, the most combat-ready brigades were pulled near kharkov, here the sumy direction begins... it’s clear that we need to transfer there, and that is , now it will be necessary to decide which brigades will remain near volchansky, which will leave the sumy direction, but regarding our further progress, let's be based on data from official sources, official sources have not reported any more territorial acquisitions in this direction, so let's not run ahead of the locomotive and say that we have made a lot of progress somewhere else,
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while here is the declared redhead, let's stop here, about reserves, you said meager ukrainian reserves, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, ukrainian military commissars officially reported that the pace of mobilization has increased four times over lately, these mobilized ones are already visible in the war, this somehow changes the situation. the ministry of defense of the russian federation
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reports that more than a thousand people are out of action every day from the armed forces of ukraine, which means these people somehow need to be replenished, the flow of volunteers to the ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices has completely dried up, well, almost completely dried up, there is no one left there, but although on these motivated people, the previous, so to speak, victories of ukraine were spent, that is , on such motivated... people, now with over time, we observe that the number of motivated people is becoming smaller and smaller, and uh, now they’re sitting on oporniks - these are already... you could say, even older soldiers, just recently, literally 2 days ago - photos of recruits were discussed all over the network, so to speak , who look like they are already somewhere over 50 years old, these are the ones who are being replaced by - these motivated
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fighters, that is, over time, if we take a long time period, that is, there with a perspective of a year, a day from of the day, the quality is... members of the armed forces ukraine will decline simply due to the fact that they are forcibly dragged into the army, there is enough, they don’t want to, they fight back, fight with military commissars, it is clear that such a person will not be eager to go forward, to carry out some extremely difficult tasks, so here in the future, very difficult times await ukraine, not even because the number will somehow decrease, you can still catch a lot of alcoholics, tunyadians, and so on, but simply whether they will be able to hold the front line is a very big question, because what's on the front line is scary, i’ll tell you, and not everyone can endure it, and if a person is forced there, then most likely he will still throw the machine gun and run somewhere to hide in
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the forests. thank you very much, absolutely exhaustive military correspondent, alexander kharchenko, on direct communication with the front line. well, it seems that hegel, georg friedrich wilhelm, once said that everything is real and reasonable, but when you look at the modern international agenda, every time you have a feeling of doubt creeping up on you about this, moreover such a reasonable doubt, i’m not even talking now about attempts to prove that hunter biden is not a drug addict, because he did not smoke crack at that moment, precisely at the moment when he bought the gun. i’m not even talking about this, it’s not rationality that is most terrible when it covers people from decisions that in the past, in the present, the fate of the world as a whole depends on, so i paid attention to the statement of
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clinton, hillary, when she compares the elections, the upcoming in the united states with an allied exhibition. normandy and what we must protect, of course, this normandy from trump, and the only question is that, in my opinion, she herself does not understand in which direction she is distorting reality, in fact, normandy, when the americans landed there, was controlled by the germans, just in case she compares the white house with normandy, which means the fastas are a democratic party, and trump , on the contrary, lands to liberate normandy, but she apparently doesn’t realize this in any way, and... unfortunately, other american representatives don’t realize this, yes, who sitting in a warm chair somewhere in washington and on the cardboard they show how they will strike at russia, completely not understanding how this will end, well, maybe for him specifically this will not end in anything, this cannot be ruled out either, that’s exactly it, yes, but the general consequences for the general consequences for him
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strictly speaking, i don’t care, but i would also like to say about buergenstock, i think that this word should be included in the dictionary at the same time. diplomatic terms of sexual perversion, this means an event for which you gathered people to bend someone was bent over as a result of you, well , the burgenstock turned out to be so small, but really, how much talk there was, how much shouting there was about zelensky’s formula, which we see as a result, not one of the points of zelensky’s formula in the final communication, so far at least it’s not included, well, kamala harris will come, of course they ’ll have a laugh with zelensky, and not... they ’re good at it, that’s it, but in principle this event cannot end with anything else, it’s tragic that everyone understands this right now, such, moreover, judging by in all, a huge number of international leaders fear the same zelensky curse that is now covering macron. macron did everything to support
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zelensky, and figaro writes yesterday that anti-macronism is the mood that is most widespread in france, how so? it turns out in a surprising way, regarding trump, by the way, regarding fears in europe that trump will come, then europe will truly feel the whole iron hand of the united states, and the united states will then squeeze all the juice out of europe, well european politicians, obviously due to some of their own preferences, do not understand that the bürgenstock has already happened to them. trump only talked about how they should pay money. -uh to protect the interests of the united states in ukraine, for example, but in reality this is already happening, trump only said that they had to pay, biden made it so that they... do it, and they do it on a much larger scale than what they what trump warned, told, scared, yes, so
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maybe they need this idea a little change their minds, perhaps the arrival of trump will be a liberation for them from this entire burden that was placed on them at that time , absolutely meaningless, fortunately anti-macronism, macron himself said that he was ready to resign as president if his party loses the parliamentary elections, now only ... what peskov said, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let’s wait, well, apparently, for the party to lose first, let macron resign, russia doesn’t plan to discuss this at this moment, orban, about these very elections, which forced macron to make such sensational statements, said the following: europe, at the stage of these elections , managed to slow down the train that is carrying the entire planet towards the abyss.
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it will be possible to put these two halves together, if we cannot win the competition between the supporters of peace and war, then soon we will start a war in europe, this train was slowed down, it can be stopped, because in france, which was the country that most decisively advocated war, what happened a real political earthquake, there must be parliamentary elections have been scheduled, they have already been scheduled, since the peace supporters won with such enormous strength with a large number of votes, if the peace parties can win the parliamentary elections, then i think we will win the first one.
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now, regarding trump, you know, in fact, there is certainly a threat to european politicians from trump, and i think that europe, probably, well, i think so, is most likely not preparing for a big war with russia when trump comes, they understand that the conditions that trump puts forward regarding increasing the percentage of gdp to ensure one’s own security, this is only the beginning of the process, this is his acumen. he gives them all away and won’t charge him dearly, but i think that trump has no friends there, well, except for orban
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, probably, but that’s the only person who probably had a lot more who could afford, being trump-opposition , to meet with him, according to at least publicly, everyone else is puppets, in fact, that’s why they are of no particular value to trump when we talk about the failure of the peace summit, yes, we say zelensky. the peace summit will fail, in fact , we are not talking about zelensky, this is a failure of the summit, this is a failure of biden, to be objective, yes, it was not zelensky who wrote the agenda for the summit, it was salevan who took, took this peace plan of zelensky as a basis out of 10 points, and crossed out seven of them, leaving nominally three so that it could be discussed why he did this, because if you include all those points that zelensky wrote, you just have to look like a clown. understand on the world stage to come to peace summit against the backdrop of what is happening at the front and zelensky’s daily defeats and sit down at
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the negotiating table to discuss zelensky’s peace plan, so it was decided to remove all these points and at least formally hold this summit, they started with 160 countries, now they are talking about 90 , i think it will end up somewhere in there with 50-60 countries, if you consider that 50 countries are allies that are directly... fighting with the russian federation and allies of zelensky, then i think they will be able to attract no more than a dozen two countries, and then formally, which, still let's see at what level they can be presented on - on this forum. regarding the azov militants, yes, people are wondering, why was the decision made now? yes, well, this, in my opinion, is a political decision, which should emphasize that in fact there are no nazis in ukraine, they made the decision. because they recognized this organization as terrorist, but in fact these people violated human rights, now it turns out they do not violate
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human rights, although i am convinced that... not only did they organize, implement and support this entire nazi ideology , along with the absolutely obvious nazi units that exist, but they are trying to veil this politically in some way so that the whole world does not understand who russia actually has to deal with, but we we know who we are dealing with, so i think that the forms
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of combat methods, especially against such units, they will... it happens, says washington. the biden administration will allow a ukrainian military unit with a shameful past, azov, use american weapons, the state department said monday, lifting a ban imposed 10 years ago amid concerns in washington about the group's origins. the azov brigade is considered a particularly effective fighting force, but was banned from using american weapons about 10 years ago after american authorities determined that some of its
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founders espoused russian xenophobic and ultranationalist views. and un human rights officials accused the group of humanitarian violations. the brigade will now have access to the same us military assistance as all other units. the policy change was announced as kiev begins its summer fighting season. after a thorough inspection, the twelfth special forces brigade of ukraine azov passed an inspection conducted by the us state department, the agency said in a statement. the state department found no evidence of wrongdoing, the statement said. american officials say that since the 2014 azov battalion.
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i thought, they don’t have legs right away, i’m tired of being afraid, the premiere on rtr, besides treatment there is another way to fight the disease, for example, vaccination, philip yankovsky, it was decided to invite the english doctor dimsdeev, are you ready to start work, sergey marin, stupidity, all this ,
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to poison a healthy person with an infection, where is this visible? on saturday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here comes oh you are good, caress
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obstinate. he loves to grab there. with claws , tame the biter, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray. a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder. the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets. where are you flying after the performance? you're in a hurry, guys, so i can feed the hamster. you are among friends. with friends. program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. i have a good news. yes. i am pregnant. so will you be torn between me and my wife? what's wrong with the legs? she's disappointing to me, but
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the prognosis is even worse, disability, i will somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night, my husband is in trouble, he says there is no time, so right now we need to rely. more about you, but i want to remind you who paid for the operation , who will become your wife, spring of change, on sunday on rtr.
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well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should captivate, flirt, but i don’t know how, i need to find a man who can fix this. i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague. even the most unlucky caterpillars, i really like you, turn into butterflies. sonya, come to me.
3:55 pm
no one has ever surrounded me with such care and love. the main thing is not to burn your wings. here's a little bastard. i went to edik, but he was nowhere to be found. i think he's leading you on for us. if you love, let go, if it’s yours, then... it will definitely come back, and if not, then it was never yours. the law of conservation of love on friday on rtr. attention to the screen. this is how the french newspaper charlie boudot sees the planes and the mirage that paris promised to give flying coffins to ukraine. in the title is a good play on words. a mirage for ukraine in the sense that french fighters, of course, will not bring victory, they will be the death of the pilots, due to the fact that russian air defense will consider them the primary target, in order to preserve
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western aircraft, they will most likely be hidden in protected air bases, of course, outside of ukraine. a representative of the ukrainian air force command, sergei golubtsov, spoke about this. were targets, and this will be our reserve in places other than ukraine, so that they are not here if necessary, to replace faulty
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aircraft during routine maintenance, for the hour of routine maintenance, when the americans did not notice the nazis among the azov battalion, they did exactly the same as the british in 1945, who did not take off. this is the beginning of the legalization of fascism, i think that all the following veterans in the afs and so on can now confidently walk around europe, with banners, everything is fine, as they say, the revenge of the second world war, one might say, has been launched, and that’s what they do, no afraid of nothing baltops is conducting exercises, b-52s are flying there, conducting electronic launches, gublytsov is talking about, yes, we are there in romania, in poland we will keep planes as a backup option, but if suddenly there... there is an injury, that is, they have
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everything normal, they think that everything happens quite easily, simply, russia will never answer, it only scares and so on, at this time russia is conducting the second stage of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces , showing another complex about which, as they say, no one guessed at in the west, that it will be equipped with a missile system, a missile system with a nuclear warhead, this is the x32 missile, which is suspended on e-22 m3 aircraft, in addition to daggers. in addition to the iskanders, there is one more type of weapon, they all hit at a range, well, with the exception of the iskander, over 1.00 km and have hypersonic speed, while maneuvering the x32 missile, ukrainian software, or rather, i apologize, german air defense, that is, those petriot crews that were in kiev, who tried to knock down the dagger, they don’t know how to knock it down, and the thirty-second don’t know how, and twenty the second missiles are not capable, that is, now they are supplying air defense systems there again, again they will not cope, but this is no longer important, what is important...
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is that all this is happening in practice, that is, the west is finally showing its true face, revenge fascism, that is, in 1949, when they created the nato bloc, which turns 75 this year, i think in washington, maybe they will even officially announce it, maybe they will say, because when they created this nato bloc, they said , you are no longer fascists, you are now democrats, now everything is exactly the opposite, they are now not democrats, they are now fascists, so we are not... engaged in the fact that we are still bringing the work that our grandfathers and fathers did during the years of the great patriotic war to the end, to its logical conclusion, fascism must be destroyed, destroyed not only in ukraine, but in those places where it originated, if they continue to escalate the situation, we have every opportunity for this, so the enemy can gather a million-strong army there, untrained ukrainians, drive them to the front, the result... will not be achieved,
4:00 pm
yes, a strategic initiative in our country, a lot in our country, so ex-colonel mcgregor is right, who warns the west, tries to reason with them, but i think that in the west all these politicians, they suffer from the well-known dahling kruger syndrome, when incompetent, unprofessional people are trying to decide the fate of the planet, they are always wrong, but we, of course, we will win, victory will be ours. and no one will stop us, now just two modern fascist elements, scholz and zelensky, are holding negotiations in germany, you see the footage, here specifically zelensky thanks chancellor scholz for another air defense, well, that is, zelensky is given one patriot air defense for victory, one irist was promised one cheetah, zelensky is happy and too.


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