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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  June 11, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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but i must note that the degree, well, i think that this is of course a consequence of the position that the president outlined at the st. petersburg forum, who advised to reduce this nuclear rhetoric, and not to mention the use of nuclear weapons, so i noted that the word appeared training, receiving training ammunition, suspension of training ammunition. what is training ammunition, it’s a dummy, it’s not, at first the word training was not there, that is, i thought that it would be , so to speak, receiving normal ammunition from centralized storage warehouses, but this as they say, the plan, but let's say this, the degree of this signal that we send to the west when training ammunition is used, it does not look like that.
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the general staff, i think, or the president, obviously decided to reduce the degree of this nuclear escalation, but this is its, so to speak, sovereign right, but at the second stage, as was announced, the issues of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be worked out, the adoption algorithm will obviously be worked out decisions, starting with threat assessment, conclusions from situation assessment, development of recommendations decision making.
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aircraft, you know, for me this topic of delivery of the 16 is becoming increasingly full of big, big mysteries, but not only is it completely opposite every day, then six planes, then 12 planes, then it seems like chairman ukainsha brown wants to deliver already 100 planes, and not european, but american, and, well , it’s clear that for...
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but with a short landing at the poskok airfield on the territory of ukraine, in this way it will be possible, so to speak, to avoid equipping ukrainian airfields appropriate storage facilities, appropriate infrastructure, maintenance, and just so to speak, it landed, immediately took off, well, of course , it consumed a certain amount of fuel and then went on to carry out the combat mission of striking at...
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just like the airfield itself and we have the means for this , no matter what, how, how dense the air defense there is, it doesn’t matter , we have daggers, we have hypersonic, so to speak, means that overcome, calmly overcome this western air defense system, as a conclusion, i i would like to say the following: since we are absolutely fair, i do not support this nuclear... escalation, i think that this is the very last argument in this special military operation of ours, because it is impossible to control this conflict, no matter who convinces me, what can be applied there, stopped, entered into negotiations, this will not
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happen, it will be mutual destruction, total mutual destruction of the united states, the russian federation and europe, well, what will remain there. it is also unknown what will remain, because everything, all the modeling that was carried out by us, the americans, is all approximately what will happen, so to speak, to this planet after the massive use of nuclear weapons moment, but no one knows this either, and not a single model is 100% guaranteed it doesn’t show this, which is why since we are not talking about this nuclear escalation, then we also need to escalate. but escalate by launching strikes if these aircraft are based, and if strikes follow deep into our territory, as the chairman of the foreign affairs commission suggests, we need to start hitting with reconnaissance,
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target designation, guidance means over the black sea, over the territory of poland and so on, it’s possible, first we need to start with drones, then airplanes will be developed in aviation, and then what the americans are most afraid of, we need to start interfering in the work of the satellite constellation, well, that’s it, and then nuclear war is not far away, oh, well, this will be their decision, this will already be their decision, and we will be responsible, war plan will show yes so they say, it’s a risky scheme, please, the humiliation of the conflict seems to carry very big risks, as was said for 3 years, we’ll repeat it for the third year, so... accordingly , the transition to the strategic destruction of potential, primarily in the electric power industry, respectively, economic potential, that’s any other will simply lead to the fact that you will have a long-term conflict with mutual exchanges, this will carry certain risks, long-term, without the serious actions that are expected, of course
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there are a lot of questions to ask, but the point is that in such a conflict, such a conflict in such particularities, the most important factor is: external, first of all, weapons are supplied from certain directions, respectively, export components are also from certain directions, the question will be what will happen, as it were , outside, so to speak, in economies as a whole, because apparently, it is said that there is no military, peaceful solution, military solution to the conflict, but a peaceful solution in in the short term, most likely not, but in the very short term, so the most important factor, of course, is the situation after the elections in the european parliament, naturally. ah , respectively, an increase in the right, conditionally right, to 25% of parliament, as it were, this is like a certain signal, but it is clear that irsula will be elected, but she will be elected later, most likely, because, as we said, she it will take more time to assemble a coalition, to elect yourself, that’s it, but the question is different it was initially concluded that the elections to
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the european parliament would launch a whole series of processes in the countries that are respectively represented there, and the more well-known situation in belgium and france, for example, the prime minister left for belgium and the most interesting thing is that two extreme rights will win there... parties, one in bolonia, the other in flanders, that is, it ’s like belgium, like a confederation, it consists of two parts, this is part one, speaking naturally, the second, the right won in them, that is, it’s like radicalization something very serious is happening as for france, what macron is trying to do, macron has the olympics in the summer, and he is going to weaken the position of the right before this olympics, using the peculiarities of the french electoral system, which is special, the elections to the european parliament are structured as follows, there are actually a lot of votes on... . are being studied by the radicals, because there is no second round, the majority received, everything passed. in the situation with france, there is a different electoral system at the national level, there are two rounds, in the first round you need to get 50 +% of the votes, if you don’t get it, and i i remind you that in the last elections, 92% of all constituencies went to the second round,
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a second round is appointed, in this second round they vote between two candidates, in this case moderate candidates get an advantage, because as a rule, everyone gathers against the radicals, so accordingly that would be the component. at one time, according to the same principle, in fact, macron won lulipen in the presidential elections, the same two-round system, here, but here the situation may be completely different, why? last sociology shows the following: a... in the first round, if the issue is decided in the first round, the party’s ratings are as follows: lepen has 34, macron has 19, i remind you that in these elections, respectively, it was 34, 15, respectively, in terms of component, then if there is now a radicalization of the right, then they hypothetically, that is, they have a chance to actually get a majority, that is, there is the following fork in the road, there they can take from 200,208 to 300-something, respectively. and this is the majority of them 280 p 283, if i’m not mistaken, that’s why
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there is a chance, moreover, there is not only lepen, the right, there are also right-wing parties, in fact, i’ll explain now, lepen, one of its features is that the rights specialize in internal components, they cut off all migration components, they cut off all external funding, she opposes the sending of the yacht, we hope that it will reduce funding for ukraine, put it in such a way that it corresponds to a military solution, no matter how short-term this conflict is not present, very
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the economic components are of great importance, take the situation with yemen, who tried on everyone there, china came, economically bent both iran and saudi arabia, yemen agreed, as it were, limited itself, then the yemenis focused, as it were, on their maritime projects, let’s formulate this way, therefore, from this point of view as if the economic factor is becoming decisive, and the longer this continues, the more decisive it will be, it is clear that now there is an election cycle, in this election cycle it was not biden nor the others who were able to refuse it, but then as for this...
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that’s right, heaven, kostya wrote, the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss’s wife misses him, june 12, on rtr. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen,
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just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, cool, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, in you fell in love with them, but who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys?
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five on one, i'm oops, and five on one on saturdays on the mouth. i’ll think about it, gospi, they don’t have legs right away, i’m tired of being afraid. premiere on rtr.
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in addition to treatment, there is another way to combat the disease, for example, vaccination. i consider it a shameful weakness to not take care of yourself. royal graft. your majesty. are you ready to get started? i'm ready. on saturday, on rtr.
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we work in the interests of.
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entrepreneurship of ukrainians, we know how and please, believe in the spirit of doing business, we are transported to germany, the current deputy evgeniy schmidt is in direct
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communication, evgeniy, we are glad to see you every time, zelensky is visiting you, getting ready. the bundestag allegedly plans to speak, and dg will not be present, i correctly understood how you explain this position of yours, how you generally feel about this citizen who came for money, we understand, yes, indeed, zelensky will speak in the bundestag in an hour and a half, absolutely, let’s say, not planned, our faction in the bundestag decided not to... attend his speech at the plenary session, why not attend, well, it’s completely clear that he came here to beg for money, to beg for weapons, in this theater of absurdity for plunder our country, we do not intend to take part, that is, our position remains, as before, no funding for the ukrainian regime, and this money goes to the purchase of yachts
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and pitchforks for corrupt ukrainian politicians, no supplies to the military ... the party in power, well, locally, bypassed bypassed, yet there is still so much talk on our own that the rightists bypassed no one refused to help ukraine, scholz remained chancellor, that’s what we are happy about in this regard? well, you know, if scholz had been, let's say, a decent politician or a respecter democratic norms, then this mistrust that took place yesterday...
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an unprecedented campaign to discredit and we must take into account that our party was carried out, that is, if at the beginning of the year we were in the region of 23%, 24%, now you have now 2%, i understand correctly, but if we appeal to 2% in these elections, we really mean incredible pressure. at the adg there is incredible talk that they have sold out to the kremlin, are working on putin’s orders, all this nonsense did not help chancellor scholz. evgeniy
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schmidt on direct line, germany. get ready and we're going home. look who's arrived, the premiere is on rtr. dad, dad, where is he? hello, kirill, you're walking, you'll forgive me for calling myself victoria, you did everything right, i thought, my daughter, we need to start life anew, reboot it, well, let's drink to happiness, it's okay, jackdaw is on rtr today, k he doesn’t need to make an appointment, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to the house himself. we are starting, it will always help, we will train on how to walk on ice correctly, it will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, as an air freshener
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can lead to asmi, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, is it a pan of dumplings, or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleeps, this is how a child spits? but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor who you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely improve, dr. myasnikov is on saturday on rtr, i have good news, i’m pregnant. so will you be torn between me and my wife? what, what's wrong with the legs? it is disappointing to me, and
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the prognosis is even worse, disability, i somehow i can handle it while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night. the husband finds himself in trouble and says there is no time, he needs to have an operation right now, where can he find that kind of money in a moment? “this is for our sake, welcome back, i jumped off with a friend, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, the spring of change, on sunday on rtr. so, breaking news, the abolition of defense, active actions of the unit of the western military group ,
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the settlements of artyomovsky are liberated. this is lugansk. people's republic and timkovka, kharkov region, look at the news, bye, well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should captivate, flirt, but i don’t know how, i need to find a man who can fix this, i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars. i really like you, they turn into butterflies, your own, come to me, no one has surrounded me with such care and love, the main thing is not to burn your wings, that’s good, i went to edik, but he’s nowhere to be found, in my opinion, he’s for you leads us, if you love, let go, if it is yours, it will definitely return, but
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if not, then it will never be yours. the law of conservation of love on friday on rtr. rtr-planet is more than just television. this is a piece of russia. on every screen on the planet, they flew, the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party, or what, what are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for a murder on a trick, that it was on the strip, i don’t know , dog, in my opinion,
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exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks, luck doesn’t smile on him, everything will work out for us, i will operate, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this my investigation, let's agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and do you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head? even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music , blogger, hope, she relies on russian songs, in general, russia is a very beer-drinking country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, i poured a bowl of hot water on myself and told my wife, i’m leaving, i looked around, she had already
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packed my things. peek-a-boo, meeting the stars. what is more difficult: becoming a good person or remaining? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals among friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite and not betray anyone, no matter what happens. live - history mysterious disappearance. the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son
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the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair, he, as you and i remember, enters through these doors, everything that cannot be imagined without russia, only on the rtr planet channel. on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. lancets hit ukrainian su-25 and su-27 in the dnepropetrovsk region. a kamikaze drone burned another american abrams tank. per day
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kyiv lost more than 2.0 militants. russia and belarus began the second stage of the exercise of nuclear forces, the ministry of defense was told about the purpose of the maneuvers, and the tactical ship group was led by an admiral. for energy restoration, but they only give money for the military-industrial complex. and in the barents sea , an operation is underway to rescue a red-listed humpback whale, which cannot escape from a fishing net. is this the state of the wounded giant now? so,
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today the second stage of joint exercises between russia and belarus began. on preparations for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, as the ministry of defense said, the main goal of the maneuvers is to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state. the exercises started at the end of may on behalf of vladimir putin, the president called them a planned work. during the first part , training took place with the participation of iskander complexes in their covert movement to the missile launch area. in addition, the pilots honed their skills in equipping dagger hypersonic missiles and sorties in the patrol area. in total, three stages of practical training are planned. the kremlin stated that what is happening must be viewed in the context
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of the bellicose statements of western politicians and the destabilizing actions of nato. and ships of the northern fleet are conducting exercises on the use of high-precision missile weapons in the atlantic ocean. combat alert. rocket weapons for battle. a tactical naval strike group consisting of the nuclear submarine missile cruiser kazan and frigates - admiral of the fleet of the soviet union gorshkov, are performing the task of a long-distance voyage. crews practice using precision weapons using computer simulations against sea targets, which indicate naval groups of a mock enemy at a distance of over 600 km. well, before that gorshkov conducted a training session. to repel an air attack. within 24 hours, russian armed forces liberated two more settlements in the special operation zone. artyomovka in the lugansk republic and timkovka in the kharkov region. in the same
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direction, units of the west group destroyed a polish self-propelled gun crab and an american howitzer. the fighting did not stop in the dpr in the areas of rozovka, maiyorskaya and umanskoye. there they managed to knock out an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle. and at an airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region , ukrainian su-27 and su-25 combat aircraft were hit with the help of lancet loitering ammunition. well, this is footage of the destruction of another american abrams tank, it was destroyed by a kamikaze drone. meanwhile, in the kharkov region, russian units are pushing the militants back from our border. this is footage of the destruction of an enemy dugout using krasnopol precision-guided ammunition. our military is supported by crews from gradnu rocket systems, as well as hurricane crews. well, this is footage of the combat use of fpv drones in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar in the dpr.
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usuri paratroopers destroyed two enemy tanks there just overnight. the crews of our su-25 attack aircraft worked on the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. they attacked ukrainian positions. the rosseti company fully provides energy supply to new regions, the head of the holding andrei ryumin spoke about this today in the kremlin at a meeting with vladimir putin, he emphasized that when implementing its projects, the company is more than 90% uses domestic equipment materials. last year, we managed to update the record for investments; they grew by 100 billion rubles.
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fsb, alexander bortnikov. he noted that ukrainian formations are not giving up attempts to invade the russian border. militants are looking for and recruiting perpetrators of crimes, including among migrant workers. over the course of 2 years, russian special services have eliminated over thirty terrorist cells in the central federal district and prevented 134 terrorist attacks. ukrainian western intelligence services are expanding the range of possible performers. recruited to commit high-profile crimes in russia,
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assist in their preparation and equipment for international terrorist organizations. an illustrative example is our established involvement of ukrainian military intelligence in the terrorist attack in crocus city near moscow. over the past 2 years, security authorities in the district have suppressed the activities of 32 cells of international terrorist organizations, consisting mainly of... there is a team from the zelenodolsk shipyard, a military orchestra
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performs the russian anthem. the multi-purpose small rocket ship stavropol, after the ceremonial launch into the water, is sent for testing; in the coming months , additional equipment will be installed on it and fully prepared for combat work. this is the twelfth serial ship, the main armament is caliber hypersonic missiles. caliber is, first of all, our brand.
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generation, in order to make this decision, putin had to, in the face of challenges, he always supported people older than sanctions, rebuild the entire economy so that it began to show growth.
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a powerful mudflow hit the botligsky district of dagestan , masses of water and mud were washed away due to. roads were blocked, gas pipes were damaged. operational services are now eliminating the consequences. a storm warning is now in effect in buryat. the capital of the republic is practically drowning. volley showers also covered moscow. in the next 2 days, 80% of the monthly precipitation will fall. it was rainy today in primorye, thunderstorms were brought by a cyclone from china. temperatures are 2° below normal. there is an abnormal amount of poplar fluff in chelyabinsk. v it caught fire in one of the city’s districts; a state of emergency has already been introduced in yakutia due to forest fires. about the situation from the spot. vitaly prokopyev. the raging fire consumes the trees one by one. five new forest fires were discovered in yakutia per day. the forest fire situation remains difficult.
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there are 43 active fires in seventeen areas. by the decision of the head of the republic aisen nikolaev, from this day a regional emergency regime is introduced in yakutia . dry and hot. the weather creates new outbreaks, aviation also fights fires, sounding planes call rains. work is also in full swing on the ground; aircraft firefighters walk around the edge of the fire , install a detonating cord, then a warning beep sounds, then an explosion. after blasting , mineralized strips like this appear, this is one of the most effective methods in the fight against forests...
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almost every active forest fire has flared up due to dry thunderstorms, a deficit of precipitation is predicted and fairly warm, good weather, temperatures are quite high , so if there is little precipitation, then it is natural that we will call summer dry, but not summer, but for now the month of june, although long-term forecasts also calculate july and august with a deficit of precipitation. receiving operational information helps the republican authorities on time. in the barents sea, they are now preparing for a new operation to rescue the red-listed humpback whale. the mammal was caught in fishing nets. wounds from the gear are visible on his body.
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experts assess the whale's condition as serious. he cannot open his mouth fully and may die without outside help. rescuers immediately organized an expedition to search for the mammal, but when they went out to sea for the first time, they could not find it. we walked around the coastal territory of the kola peninsula, about 120 km, in search of an animal, on the positive side, we found a large group of whales, humpback whales and...
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reload it, well, let's drink to happiness, wow, a jackdaw is on rtr today . there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain
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power, beauty and history, conquer, ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, the taste, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, a secret to the whole world, on saturday on... ttp. look who you brought? vitya. hello. there is always
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one extra in a triangle. i fell in love and she fell in love with mine friend. he is the husband, she is the wife. but which one should go? investigator korlov, you must come with us. you are accused of rape. he thinks you set him up. and who could possibly need it? come marry me. what is there to think? handsome businessman, loves you all. i’m ready to do anything to be with you, well, i don’t want to, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, you don’t want to explain anything to me, the third one must leave, on saturday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism is a cat. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything,
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subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the first podcasts we watch, russia day, i am proud of my homeland, russia is a mother for us, for everyone, she has many children, different ... russia russia songs from the bottom of my heart, a big holiday release on june 12 on rtr, they say they wanted to see me, not so that you will receive half a ruble a month, you will work, i don’t work. russia, i serve russia. their choice is service. a state decision has been made to support the syrian people. we are officially
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entering syria. i am the head of air-fire tactical training. how will i evaluate the flight crew if i don’t go there myself? how will i look people in the eye? their love is their homeland. i didn't deserve this. i'm an officer. and an officer is when you live for others. don't live for. their element: let’s wander and look around, so exactly, heaven, kostya wrote, the boss asks me to tell you that he loves his wife, the boss’s wife misses him, june 12 nart.
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on the air, we continue our broadcast. in karachay-cherkessia, the fsb detained members of an organized group consisting of high-ranking government officials and law enforcement agencies who were involved in the theft of budget funds on an especially large scale. in particular. in several luxurious mansions with swimming pools and fountains, security forces found luxury items, gold watches, jewelry, and mobile phones latest model phones, money, weapons, expensive cars in the garages, a criminal case has been initiated. y... ukraine in july will receive from the european union one and a half billion euros of income from frozen russian assets, as the head of the european commission, ursula
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fondelayaen, said, 90% of the amount will go to... the purchase of weapons, the statement was made in berlin, where zelensky arrived today to ask for money to restore the energy system of ukraine, but the west prefers to mount its own military-industrial complex. so the german defense concern rhein metal announced plans to open in ukraine there are new enterprises for repairing their tanks, leopard. scholz today promised to give ukraine the third patriot system, the ai installation, cheetah, missiles and ammunition, against. they intend to leave the bundestag meeting room when zelensky speaks. and today the united states lifted the ban on military assistance to the neo-nazi azov battalion. for 10 years, washington considered the azov people to be racist nazis. now the relationship has changed dramatically. the state department said it
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conducted a new review and found no evidence. the west does not want to direct no bridges for cooperation, bricks for construction to use to beat those who do not listen to him. sergei lavrov spoke about this in nizhny novgorod at a press conference following the brix meeting at the level of heads of foreign affairs. the west has built a wall between itself and the rest of the world; if it wants, let it tear it down and bring it under it.
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cooperation to counter us sanctions. and to his turkish colleague, our foreign minister explained in detail moscow’s position in the ukrainian conflict. contrary to unfriendly actions, the domestic industry is developing dynamically,
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mikhail mishustin announced this less than an hour ago at the strategic meeting. session on national projects, according to the head of our government, in order to solve the tasks set by the president in the federal address, it is necessary to quickly update and expand existing programs and prepare new ones. the prime minister noted that special attention needs to be paid to the field of machine tool building and robotics, since without capacity building in these industries, any long-term development will be difficult, especially under sanctions. there was talk about a new infrastructure project for... life, which includes the modernization of housing and communal services, improvement of the road transport sector. it is necessary to implement a set of measures in order to maintain the momentum in housing construction by the thirtieth year, modernize the communal infrastructure, increase its capacity, improve the quality of services for 20 million residents, continue the active reduction of the necessary emergency housing, the construction of social facilities, and
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it is necessary to bring the road into standard condition. build new ones, update public transport, ensure greater connectivity of our regions. two new facilities of the baikal-amur mainline were opened today in the far east. the ceremony, dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of bam, was held via teleconference from the main control center of russian railways in moscow. in the khabarovsk territory, the second main route stretches for almost 7 km. it runs along the banks of the tumnin river and goes around the foot of the mountain range. bama and the trans-siberian railway in the direction of the ports far east. by the end of this year , transportation volumes will double and exceed 80 million tons. for russia, railways are more than transport highways, they are the circulatory system of our economy, they are
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connected to our great huge one. countries, it would seem that today is such a difficult time, sanctions, and other types of restrictions, however, russian railways operate without... they provide a very important logistics and transport component for the development of the economy, here you can make sure that passenger trains are traveling around the clock schedule, see what is happening at the stations, monitor how loading plans are being carried out, and track every car, every document that the railways have can be controlled in moscow. competitions within the framework of the special olympics of russia spartakiad opened today. athletes with mental disabilities will compete for medals in athletics, basketball, tennis and floorball. report by ainur valakhmetov. these competitions definitely
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have no barriers. athletes are already unsurpassed heroes, they go to the start no matter what. this is support and new friends. yes, first of all. not a victory? well, victory. the spartakiad and the special olympics are more than just sports, the athletes are special, and the opening ceremony is unusual. on stage, along with the stars, artists with special needs perform. as befits major sporting events, the opening ceremony of the special olympics begins with a parade of participants' flags. over a thousand athletes take part in the competition, a real celebration of sports for people with mental disabilities . medals will be awarded at the tournament athletics, tennis.
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it is reported that the doctors arrived on call at the local territorial recruitment center, but they were not allowed out of the building outside and they tried to mobilize. the manipulation began when several more ambulances arrived at the scene to help. now the fight continues. after the big evening news, don’t miss the new episodes of the film jackdaw, but we continue to monitor the developments. over the past month
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, the same number of recruits have been mobilized in ukraine as in the previous six months, indicating an increase in the rate of replenishment of the armed forces of ukraine the secretary of the rada reported on...


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