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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  June 11, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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we still have time to show footage that came from odessa, where the military registration and ambulance staff fought. it is reported that the doctors arrived on call at the local territorial recruitment center, but they were not allowed out of the building outside and they tried to mobilize them. the fraud began when several more ambulances arrived at the scene to help. after the big evening news, don’t miss the new episodes of the film jackdaw, but we continue to monitor the developments. be the news. over the past month, ukraine has mobilized the same number of recruits as in the previous six months. he reported on the growth in the rate of replenishment of the armed forces of ukraine. secretary of the national security council,
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but he kept silent about dozens of videos with footage of the harsh confrontation between military commissars and their victims, random passers-by, who end up online every day. the topic will be continued by andrey grigoriev. so, that's all, guys, this is a statement to the police. this is how conscripts are forced into the army in the kharkov region with their feet and fists. no subpoenas or medical documents are needed. take away my rights, take away my life, my car, kill my baby.
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in order to surrender, he swims across the dnieper on a board knitted from empty plastic bottles. we met this central committee on the street, and on the same day he was sent to a unit in a detachment. that they are thrown into battle unprepared, but this is what the professional ukrainian military responds to. why didn’t he learn to hold a weapon in 2 years in tela, didn’t join some club, didn’t watch youtube, why didn’t anyone prepare. moreover, as the british daily express reports, military training in the armed forces of ukraine may soon. will not be needed at all, kiev switches to terrorist methods. if russia wins in ukraine, kiev will launch an insurgent campaign within the russian federation, it will be much more destructive than what we saw at the front. terrorist activities will include school bombings, infrastructure bombings. entire industries are suffering from mobilization. the association of bakers of ukraine reports that the shortage of labor will soon lead to a rise in the price of bread by a third. due to the lack of people, some businesses are changing their work hours.
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leader of the country. as zelensky's first elected term came to an end, senior government, military, law enforcement and diplomatic sources, many of whom wished to remain anonymous, expressed alarm . to his growing dependence on andrei yermak, his chief of staff, who is accused of usurping power. there is almost nothing left of the team with which zelensky came to power, and the people who now surround the head of the kiev regime are constantly getting into corruption scandals. a french film crew came to ukraine to see how they were supplies of western equipment, but almost all of it turned out to be substandard. the glass is opaque, it is damaged, the driver cannot see anything through it, especially in the evening and...
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it is more obvious - 18 mandates out of 71 that were available over the past 5 years, they were mostly taken away, and this is the main sensation of these elections, right-wing and far-right politicians , plus 13 seats for two in the party of euroconservative reformers, ruled by italians led by miloni, in the identity and democracy party, dominated by the french right led by marine lepine, and this is not counting the german right, an alternative for germany, which was previously excluded from the general parliamentary group, now after a triumph on... a shocking result for the ruling traffic light coalition: never since the second world war have the social democrats, led by chancellor scholz, gained so little , according to data at this moment , not even 14%. the opposition has already demanded the dissolution
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of the cabinet and re-elections to the bundestag. by and large, this government is finished, now the same thing should happen as in france, there were calls for early elections. and macron announced them: our country needs a new start, the traffic light coalition no longer has a mandate, there is no more trust among the population, however, in berlin they announced that paris would not be followed, and elections would be held as scheduled, in a year. never before has the right-wing alternative for germany, which advocates ending support for ukraine 's arms supplies, shown such a high result, almost 16%, and the dg has thereby bypassed all the parties in the government coalition and all this. despite the hyped campaign slander, the party was called almost fascist and at least ultra-right, although businessman elon musk did not notice any of this. why such a negative reaction from some to adh? they always say: extreme right, but the political principles of the adc that i have read about do not seem
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extremist to me. eurosceptics, opponents of uncontrolled migration and supporters of diplomacy rather than war received support. we achieved an excellent result. the second largest force in germany and the first in the east of our country. that the east of germany voted differently from the west, obviously when comparing the electoral map. if in the west and south the conservative block of the cdu, csu, which is in opposition to scholzau, dominates, it took first place in the country, then in the east there is an alternative for germany, and the division goes almost along the border between the former gdr and the federal republic of germany, which only confirms. germany is politically divided and has never become a unified country. one of the main russophobes on the scoreboard. röbki is outraged and clearly unable to understand how this is possible. formerly occupied parts of germany want to be occupied by russia again. 45.7% voted for pro-kremlin anti-european parties that want to leave nato and join the russian-led
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security apparatus. that is, the vote was essentially a protest against those parties of power that now govern europe. the british daily mail states that the elections have become a nightmare for the eu titans. macron and... scholz were humiliated, here in austria the right-wing austrian freedom party, opposing anti-russian sanctions, because a diplomatic solution to the ukrainian conflict received a majority of votes, only peace. he had already changed his clothes and appeared in front of the cameras not as a european commissioner, but rather as a summer resident who had come to vote. all elections are important, but
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this one, especially for europe, is very important. but its leader, ursula vonderen, has no intention of leaving. her european people's party remained the largest in the european parliament and even added 10 seats, so that it now has 186 of the 720 seats. but this is not enough to keep fast. energy transition is possible in ukraine, the european political barometer, which
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these elections are considered to be, clearly indicated this, however, to focus on it, as fondelaien has already made it clear, in brussels they are still not going to continue the previous course. alexander khristenko, denis sokolov, kirill volkov, news. the mazhai city court chose a preventive measure for the driver of a sports car who hit two children at a bus stop. one of them died on the spot. a reckless driver who, after a party with friends, decided to go for a ride around the populated area point at breakneck speed, he was sent into custody for 2 months. report by anastasia makhina. in the dock at the mozhaisk city court, twenty-seven-year-old muscovite sergei ivanov lowers his head and averts his eyes. nothing can be said about this. but just a couple of days ago he behaved not so timidly, he was relaxing at the dacha with friends and driving with them in this yellow maseratta. on the day of the tragedy, the company was drinking, sergei asked for the keys to
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a sports car friend, he was not embarrassed by either alcohol intoxication or lack of a license, he had lost them a year earlier for driving, again in drunk, according to witnesses, he was driving at 280 km/h. judging by the tire tracks, the driver at high speed lost control at first, flew into the oncoming lane, pressed the brake and the car spun, then it crashed sideways into a stop. there were three boys standing there, the children were riding. on bicycles, but having heard the rumble of a sports car, they probably ran up to look, did not have time to react, thirteen-year-old sasha died on the spot, it was us, my only grandson from my only daughter, of course, i don’t know how i will survive all this. another child miraculously was not injured, he stood a little further away, nine-year-old danya is now in intensive care, due to a strong blow he lost part of his leg, he had a second operation yesterday.
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after the collision, the car itself flew across the field for several hundred meters, even a stone pillar did not stop the maserati, it was simply uprooted, despite the fact that the car turned into a pile of rubbish, those who were in the cabin were practically not injured. there were three in the car, damn it, well, i saw three, and my sister saw three, one, but one in the field he was leaving, that’s for sure, but the passenger was of course more cheerful, the driver was walking and walking around the car, then he came right here. he sat down straight, this is how sergei looked right after the accident, by the way, racing is nothing new to him, there are a lot of videos on social networks, he holds the steering wheel with one hand, the speedometer needle just goes off scale, now he apologizes to his mother, i am very sorry that i committed, i apologize, and this is another one of those who was in the car during the accident, i am still in a state of effect, i am shaking, when i closing my eyes for a second... i imagine this picture, i imagine, this, this cannot
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be described, this is impossible, now the driver has been charged under the article of violating traffic rules, resulting in the death of a minor by negligence, the man admitted his guilt in committing the crimes and repented of his deeds , today the investigation petitions the court to select a preventive measure against him in the form of detention, however , the repentant sergei asked to be sent under house arrest, but... in the next 2 months, while these investigations are ongoing, he will spend time in pre-trial detention. anastasia makhina, nikita shchyuchkin and oleg dobin, host. the transport investigative committee is conducting an inspection afterwards. hard landing of a light aircraft in letkarin near moscow. the ship suddenly began to lose altitude and ended up making an emergency landing on a busy strip. what is the reason for the steep dive? dmitry blinnikov sorted it out. the disaster was miraculously avoided. having landed on the roadway, the plane left the road and stopped literally a few centimeters from the forest strip.
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it would hardly have survived a collision with trees. his landing is so easy. around one o'clock in the afternoon there is a light motor unit. flew out of the private sports club mechkov towards lytkarin. it flew 5 km, after which, according to eyewitnesses, it began to decline sharply. for some time, the pilot circled over the turaevskoe highway, after which he decided to land. the pilot, mikhail bodrozhan, was on board at the time, and they say there were two other passengers with him. in conditions of woody terrain and dense buildings, he landed the plane on the highway. not only those who were in the cabin were on the verge of death, but also the motorists who were driving along the busy road at that very moment.
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old ones, new ones are expensive, about 50 million rubles. here they are being brought from the usa and europe, decommissioned, having long since exhausted their service life, and the pilots fly at their own peril and risk. now we are flying over an area where we have nowhere to land if the engine fails. another common reason is insufficient skill; pilots get lost in extreme situations. if he is not trained, this pilot, then in this
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in any case, it can be anything you want, even a bird or some kind of fright. which will arise, i have seen such disasters right at the airfield, the plane is intact, the pilot is sitting there safe, well, he was killed by the fact that there was just an impact, and there is also the issue of fuel, there are several types of it, it is very important that it is suitable for the engine, but sometimes they refuel with whatever they have to and also save money, and this then turns into a stalled engine and disaster, the hard landing of the plane in lytkarino, fortunately, there were no casualties, but as experts say, this is rather an exception, than the rules. dmitry blinnikov, arthur nurmakhomedov, pavel glazunov, lika dzhevakhishvili, news! a military court sentenced one of the crime bosses of the nineties, oleg medvedev, known in poland by his nickname shishkan, to spend the rest of his life in a special regime colony, this is capital punishment. the jury found him guilty of murder, banditry and organizing an organized crime group.
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fyodor eliseev worked at the moscow city court, where the verdict was announced. journalists were able to see the participants in this high-profile trial only once. only at the very end of it. all the hearings that the second western district military court held on the road, within the walls of the moscow city court, were closed. it is clear that the jurors were serving, and there were odious personalities in the dock. the main character of this performance is without a doubt oleg medvedev. in certain circles he is known as shishkan. in addition to shishkan , there are 17 more people in the dock. they showed up to the announcement of the verdict, taking the latest newspapers. but the accused were of little interest in news and journalism. the paper well covered faces from journalists, oleg himself medvedev chose to use a t-shirt, which he pulled over his head, and sat there until the deadlines were announced. the evidence collected by the investigative committee was recognized by the court as sufficient to convict oleg medvedev, also known as shishkanov, and seventeen members of the criminal community he heads. depending on the role
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of each, they were found guilty of committing grave and especially grave crimes on the territory of the moscow region. crimes, who lived in luxury and had a well-known thirst for social events, mr. medvedev introduced himself to all businessmen, but he earned money for his beautiful life by taking the lives of others, he members of the group he created extorted money from entrepreneurs of the ramensky district of the moscow region, they set houses on fire to intimidate them, subjected them to violence, especially the persistent ones were simply killed, one of the loudest crimes committed by the group, the terrible massacre of the general director of the ramenskaya breeding plant, a local deputy, happened a few months after the arrest of oleg medvedev. the trial of oleg medvedev, who was also called oleg ramensky, started in november
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last year. the accused then himself demanded a jury trial, but potential assessors, having learned that they had to sort out the case of such an authoritative businessman, refused to participate in the hearings. nevertheless, the collegium was still formed, albeit only from the fifth time; the faces of the people's judges became one of the main secrets. in the criminal case of shishkan. as a result, the jury found the defendants guilty on most counts. leader of the criminal community oleg medvedev was sentenced to life imprisonment to be served in a special regime colony. the same fate befell three of shishkanov’s closest associates. the remaining participants in the process received long sentences and large fines. only three of the eighteen defendants were given suspended sentences. fedor eliseev, dmitry shestukhin, anton odarchenko. news. muscovites will receive sms messages about the condition of loved ones who are in intensive care. the pilot project has already started at the
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kommunarka multidisciplinary clinical center. messages to relatives information about the patient will be received throughout the entire time he is in the intensive care unit. the text will indicate all the basic parameters, but, for example, consciousness or the patient, is he breathing on his own or is he on a ventilator? the winners of the asian physics olympiad were met in the capital. our schoolchildren won eight medals, five gold and three silver. this year the competition took place in malaysia. report by alexandra perfileva. this is how russia greets the absolute champions in physics with tricolors and chanting. yes, we are with you see you. this year russia has five gold and three silver medals. guys, what emotions? at the asian physics olympiad in malaysia, schoolchildren from 27
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countries competed for victory, russia, high five, well done, egor potapov, our film crew met him from mongolia last year, you see archival footage, now he is already a two-time champion, the main thing was to do everything clearly, quickly, accurately, just to show your level. complete everything without errors, by video call with the closest people, to our tv channel, egor’s mother promised that you will cook for your son first of all, whatever you want, naval noodles, naval noodles, carnal noodles, whatever he wants, all his goodies will be on the table, and daria meets her brother, for lesha gashpar this is the first time at an olympics of this level, i’m incredibly proud of my brother, my country, my kids. right at that moment, parents who were waiting for their son in the krasnodar region dialed. here we have little things, the whole krasnodar region, we are happy, just tears, this is joy, yes,
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we can’t control our emotions, honestly, we really it’s nice that our team has once again proven its high level, but while my parents are waiting at home, lyosha has already decided that he will go to the moscow institute of physics and technology, and how else, the russian team has been training for the whole year... the team trained at the mipt base, well, the training camp took place at the sirios educational centre. according to the coach, the victory was achieved not only by knowledge, but also by character. the guys are actually very well prepared and very well motivated. they went through a year-long training and selection course. show those qualities that are required at the olympics. this is resistance to stress, the ability to gather in time and concentrate. the schoolchildren shared with us that in russia it is much more difficult to prepare for the olympics. focused on a more complex olympiad than the one that was presented to us now, the olympiad was so easy, very simple, you can’t imagine, even you can decide, thank you,
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there was enough time to see malaysia itself, the champions, they admit, they remember most of all, pizragua, monkeys, and maxim bustrov even came of age in malaysia, i went there with the consent of my parents, but back without, now based on the results of the asian olympics, the coaching staff will be determined. this is a special place, a landmark, as in the register of cultural heritage they call objects where everything has values, what was created by nature and what was created by man, the scientific town of pavlovo and the koltuzhsky heights were included in
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the protected area. about 30 years ago, the institute of physiology and the landscapes around it were included in the unesco world heritage list as part of one large cluster - st. petersburg and its environs. its boundaries were outlined schematically and had no impact on urban planning policy. as a result , developers attacked the specially protected natural area. in 2016, designers from moscow and kazan came to koltush, two independent groups of experts unanimously declared that this must be protected. and finally, in february of this year
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, orders from the ministry. culture of the russian federation, the boundaries of a new cultural heritage site were approved; it includes the scientific town of nobel laureate academician pavlov and the surrounding villages, kolbina, tokkari, suaranda, khirvasti. we have complete mutual understanding with the government of the leningrad region, because we understand that they have some agreements, agreements with certain developers, yes, and where the lands have already been disturbed, this has already happened, yes. we agree that we will actually implement some construction projects, but nothing will be built in the most interesting place, only reconstruction, placement of information stands, sculptures and surveillance cameras. institute of physiology repeatedly became victims of vandals. the creation of this remarkable place is very important from the point of view of the safety of the institute, you know, the safety of the institute’s activities, because not only we, of course, ideally need peace and quiet,
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yes, to carry out. these experiments, we are simply afraid of physical destruction, there are many plans for the development of this landmark, for example, to continue excavations on the kama hills to create an archaeological science park. there are quite a lot of ethnographic parks, in novgorod region, in the leningrad region, to be honest, i don’t know any such worthy archaeological parks, but here there is very rich archeology and we are going to partner with the institute of material culture, this is an archaeological institute in st. petersburg, and initiate further ones firstly.. in the near future , design students will begin work in koltushi, their task is to improve a new protected facility for the purpose of recreation. we must not just tell them, look how beautiful it is here, we are beautiful hills, and we have to tell them all these stories, which will form the basis of their design, the basis of the branding of this territory. for the last year and a half
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, research has been carried out in koltushi. artists and creative specialists studied the mythology of the place, and this knowledge will form the basis for future architectural projects; the best one will be chosen in mid-july. yulia vasilyeva, sergey esver, alexey chubka, vesti petersburg from the leningrad region. traditional and modern, stage casual arctic fashion festival was held in salihard. he gathered 70 designers from different regions of yamal, the northernmost fashion show of this season. miracles of throat singing, thematic workshops and, of course, the world of fashion, immersion in the style of small ethnic groups, this is what a brief retelling of the northern history of yamalitsa looks like, the arctic show brought together 70 fashion designers, although it’s only just taken off so far, but the picture is already motley.
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but we all understand that the fashion world is tough, there is no competition, even at this seemingly home festival
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there was some behind-the-scenes fuss and intrigue. there is purchased leather, from which it is cut and sewn, and there is national costumes, which are all made by hand using suede, our costumes are made with all the qualities.
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the dance works, well, in our image, thank you,
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it’s funny, our image was supposed to be a wolf, then she throws it off and goes latin american, we are preparing for the all-russian little miss russia competition. as the mostodonts of kuterye said, fashion is not about brands, but about the soul. northern soul, as the festival showed, is about warmth, brightness and respect for the culture and history of our small homeland. this is how the first notes of celebration sounded, the ethnic identity of yamal, yamalitsa, the show, which not only brought together northern talents in one place, but became the beginning of a good tradition. every 2 years masters. can compete in their sewing skills, and perhaps their neighbors in the arctic will soon join them. alexander chirva, alexey nekrasov, yuri ozelov, hosted by imal. the problem is, you have 10 liters of milk in just 3
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hours, how to get tasty and proper cheese. it was decided at a competition by the best person in the profession, and a strict jury chose the main cheese maker of the republic. aza's report. five of the most talented cheese makers in the republic met at the competition site, each had their own recipe for making the region’s main brand of odygei cheese, and if at the first stage they passed the theoretical part , describing recipes and answering questions, now they demonstrate their knowledge in practice and begin to cook cheese. now i’m at the stage of heating the milk, that is , pasteurizing it to the temperature so that i can reach the desired temperature and start adding it. namely whey for relief, for education, art. all ingredients and equipment for participants provided by the organizers, the conditions are completely equal, 10 liters of milk and 3 hours for preparation, students of the maykop polytechnic
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college of mstu, in whose building the competition is held, help and at the same time learn from them, and the teachers of the educational institution are considered real experts, they are very worried, in fact, there are such professionals gathered who are varateysky. tons, i cook dygei cheese very rarely, i mostly make continental cheeses, hard, soft, preseni, but it’s a fascinating process, and i’m glad that i’m in it. behind everything the process is closely monitored by a team of experts who will evaluate their work. for this task, participants can receive up to 25 points; for good marks they must follow all the rules. we will evaluate first of all quality indicators, as experts define quality indicators. raw materials received, we will evaluate how the technological process itself is going, whether all the parameters are being met, as soon as the cheese is ready, it will be cooled, and then the experts will taste it. based on the results of the participants’ assessments in two stages, it will be determined
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winner and best cheese maker of odygea. he will have to represent the republic at the all-russian stage of the competition, which will be held in september in samara. aza magomadova, victor berdasov, vesti adgeya. and at the largest stupa. in russia, jarun khashor held a malebin in honor of the buddhist goddess, green tara, from whom they usually ask for help for protection, material and spiritual well-being, and also fulfillment. several years ago, since then, on the last
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day of the holy month, sogodova holds a special service. the prayer service began at dawn at the majestic stupa of jaron khashor. this is the largest buddhist stupa in russia, it was built more than 100 years ago. and it is believed that she fulfills all wishes, which is why there are always many pilgrims from different regions of russia, as well as regions of the republic. a place of power, a place of attraction. for several years now, residents of the kizhinginsky district have been performing unique daily services. believers from all villages take turns, arriving in groups, and continuously practice the veneration of the container. special for today worship, from dawn to dusk, here expresses respect and gratitude to the twenty- one hypostases of the goddess for their help, protection, and asks for protection, material and spiritual. it is on the earthly place of residence
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next to the jaramkoshor stupa that the palace of the gods of the green gifts is located and here on this day we hold a khural dedicated to this goddess, the abbots of the republic of the dotsany, spiritual mentors from the volginsky dotsan, and also those who have just put on...
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so that people everything was fine, mandalshiva, y
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fulfilling the wishes of the buddhist stupa, the final day of the sacred holiday visak, according to traditions, good deeds increase at the karmic level many times over, meanwhile, this year the hural of honoring green containers had special significance, everyone prayed for the protection and salvation of warriors who were far from their native land. give to zhamsoev. dambaev, oleg anosov, lead buryatia. and then, regional news. a new batch of yak-130 combat training aircraft was handed over to the ministry of defense. fighter crews train on these machines fourth-fifth generation attack aircraft. such as su-30, su-57 and mig-29. pilots
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practice simulated or real use of missiles, air-to-air or air-to-ground. as they said in the united aircraft corporation, the yak-130 passed all the necessary ground and flight tests and went to its permanent location. in the north of moscow , the causes of a strong fire in a car service center are being investigated. the fire occurred near the butyrsky market. the fire instantly covered an area of ​​200 km, and traffic in the area of ​​the fire was blocked for several hours. from place emergency, report by artyom kuznetsov. early in the morning , bashilovskaya street was enveloped in thick black smoke; residents of nearby houses woke up to the smell of burning. in our yard there was something burning there , but i don’t know anything, now i just saw it, heard the smell and smoke. we woke up, looked out the window, and there was a huge column of black smoke, then fire, there was very much fire, there was fire, yes. a fire occurred in
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the car service center of a large dealership. it started at 50 m, but the fire quickly engulfed the room, and by the time the ministry of emergency situations arrived the area. flaring up increased fourfold. due to the threat of fire spreading, the dealership employees promptly removed all the cars from the showroom to the street. now the building is completely de-energized, there is no one inside, they are only allowed in for documents. it took rescuers several hours to fight the fire. the city center is densely built; two helicopters were prepared to extinguish the fire, but aviation was not required. the fire was extinguished in 3 hours. as soon as the ministry of emergency situations completed the work, we had the opportunity to get closer to the car service to assess the scale. but we... mobile staff rospotrebnadzor laboratories have already taken a sample for the content of pollutants. atmospheric air samples were taken under a torch in the local area on the floors of residential
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buildings at the addresses. bashilovskaya street house one and bashilovskaya street house 1, building 3, closest to the fire, taking into account the wind direction for the purpose of subsequent. laboratory research, traffic near the fire site was blocked for a while, as soon as the restriction was lifted, utility services also took over the work. the car dealership is already counting losses, accepting customers. they definitely won't be able to for a few days. are you open or closed today? there is no information yet on this bridge, when it will open is unknown. so far it is unknown. experts are looking into what caused the fire. information about the victims. didn't arrive. the exact cause of the fire will be determined based on the results of a fire-technical examination. the progress and results of the investigation are monitored by the prosecutor's office. the short circuit version is also being considered. an inspection is currently underway. artyom kuznetsov, alexey koshlakov and maryana pepanyan, news.
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a grandiose reconstruction has been completed in the emergency department of the morozov children's hospital. now it has been brought to a single modern standard of emergency care. this is how the flagship operates. emergency care centers in the capital. maxim oparin has already appreciated the changes. large spacious corridors, a lot of light and new equipment. the emergency department of the children's morozov hospital has changed beyond recognition; only the walls remain from the previous premises. the wards had to be re-equipped and expanded in some places for the sake of convenience of little patients and their parents. thanks to the separation of flows, the time spent in the emergency department will be significantly reduced, and you will no longer have to wait in line for an appointment with a crying child. previously, all patients entered through one entrance. mixed up, it was possible to lose the time necessary for diagnosis and treatment of patients, there was a long wait for medical care, now all this has been accelerated, everything will be at the highest level. the emergency department will begin working in a new format for providing emergency medical care. help. here, as in many adult
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hospitals, the principle of medical triage has been introduced, that is, dividing all incoming patients into three groups: mild, moderate and severe. definition. status occurs immediately after contacting the emergency department. in all the corridors , the following lines are marked on the floor: red, yellow and green, each corresponds to the patient’s severity level and are they needed for navigation, so that it is clear which room to take the patient to for which examination? those who were brought in serious condition are brought here to emergency ward, it is closest to the point of entry of the ambulance and is equipped with the most modern equipment. this is a patient stabilization room. who come to us for resuscitation, there are sensors here that we can evaluate vital indicators, these are saturation, pressure, respiratory rate, contractions. the reconstruction of the emergency department of the morozov hospital began last summer on 2.0 square meters, a fundamentally new space was created here with comfortable waiting areas, children's
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corners and rooms of mother and child. upon admission, each patient will be given an individual electronic bracelet, through which a qr code can be used to read the medical history and enter the... of course, we need a modern admission department, already made according to new standards, according to new logistics, with new equipment. up to 500 people can be received here per day; the first patients will arrive here in 2020.
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friends promised a beautiful view from the window, but today it’s even more or less, at least the cars can be seen below, while some are sad and others admiring the haze, more and more emergency commissioners are on duty, it’s a hot season with an increase in fog density, and the number of accidents is growing. the main sections are emergency ones, for us this is the highway from the city of vladivostok to the city of artyom and the shamarovskaya highway, accidents mainly happen due to the inattentive.
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sometimes it happens that there is fog in the city for 28 days in a row, but over the past 30 years the number has increased to 23-25 ​​days, and there has been a tendency towards at least a slight, but still a decrease in the number of foggy days in bladevostok in june, in dense haze there is no only residents of the muravyovo-amursky peninsula, across the bay on earth...
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a real decoration of the avenue of the world, this is how they looked before the installation of scaffolding, mansions with mezzanines in the eclectic style, the houses used to belong to shoe merchants baev, now the embassy of the african republic of zambia is located there, two the buildings of the 19th century will soon be renovated and will shine in a new way. when clearing the layers, the historical light, light green, was revealed, and it was decided to paint this building in the historical color. the project was approved by the department. cultural heritage of the city of moscow. over its more than century-long history, the baev estate has retained the main decor of the facades, for example,
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an asymmetrically located bay window with brackets and facade stucco. one of the main decorations of the estates is the winter garden in the transition between the buildings. it has three arched windows with interesting frames. the city estate of the baevs is a cultural heritage site, therefore the work is carried out with special care and under the close supervision of historians. all specialists. those restoring the facade of a building have certain necessary approvals for restoration, they are highly qualified and have extensive experience. on the side of the avenue , the old plaster will soon be removed from the facades, and in its place will be a durable, moisture-resistant plaster. the materials for restoration, although close to historical ones, are still modern and they will withstand negative temperatures, positive changes, they will withstand all this and will be durable.
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lighthouses, these are metal profiles that were installed according to the level for the material that is now being applied with plaster to ensure that the wall is level, they will be removed later and finishing putty and paint will be applied to the surface. specialists will take casts of the architectural elements of the facades and use them to restore the lost decorative fragments. the best area is selected, a silicone mold is made from it, and then.
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execution may differ significantly, the best school canteens were chosen in the novosibirsk region, what students are fed today, to which the strict jury pays special attention, the menu, elena vlasova studied in detail. fresh vegetable salad, goulash with buckwheat, dasanova and her colleagues are preparing three hundred servings for lunch, at the drop of a hat. recipes, children will sit at the table so that it is not too salty, so that everything is normal, sugar too, now the summer season has begun, that is, we give them fresh vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, that is, children really love either a salad or just a cucumber, the cooks feed the participants of the specialized shift, the novolugovsk school has a summer playground, everything turns out delicious when the team is friendly , they say in the dining room, by the way, almost all the cooks
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are graduates of the same school, in the competition participated in...
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pieces a day, the chefs also want to submit baked goods for the competition, but next year, and while summer is very soon the dining room will have a break, there will be time to develop a new menu for the start of the school year. elena vlasova, roman shulik, vesti novosibirsk.
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nina, i was just getting ready to see you, so i’m returning it, you didn’t need it, nina, who are you? quiet, you’re the only one i know, i’ll tell you later, did it really happen that you succeeded, how is your boyfriend? appeared, it means it works, lord, i’m so glad, but this doesn’t bother you concerns, you ask your old man, you’ll find a normal guy, so let’s be happy, come on, vitya, they’ll soon quit drinking, consider him already quit, only champagne, on
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holiday, what a fool you are, tamarka, he’s been quitting you for 20 years, but you believe everything, okay, then we’ll talk, i’m in a hurry, nothing, nothing, soon you’ll see everything for yourself, and... will you still go to the stadium in the evening? i don’t know, dad is coming today, well, i’ll come by then just in case, you phone, call, come on, okay, bye, gal, vika, nikolaevich, forgive me, kirill is in no way it’s my fault, it was i who brought him to the village.
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kirill, look what i brought, a real larch, it’s probably 100 years old. what’s not to like? i like it, we’ll make a mache cutting table out of it in the kitchen, it’s too heavy, she can’t carry it, dad! get ready, let's go home, look who arrived, owner, i'm sorry, i didn't notice you, hello, your eyesight has always
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been bad, and we are small, inconspicuous people, i recognize your sarcasm, where are your things, dad, just you’re the boss there, but there’s no one here yet, grandpa, maybe no one for you, but i came for my son, kiri, go to... the workshop and close the door, kirill, my grandson, and he is in my house, and you also came to my house, don’t worry, i won’t stay in your house, i have my own there is, your own, yes, look how the language turned, and how you built it, you robbed people, died, let them go, and built an empire for yourself, took over your old charm again, seriously, in front of the child, what, dad, will you hide behind the child, daughter? i lived in my conscience, and now i’ve started taking care of the children, dad, dad, grandpa, don’t, stop it, oh you’re conditional old man, dad, grandfather, don't,
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grandma, don't, don't, slow down, grandma, don't, don't, stop and... dad, where are you? volodya, volodya, what are you, what is this,
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volodya, kiryusha, son, kilyusha, granddaughter, lord! thank you, nothing hurts, nothing hurts, kiryuzh, son, how is it, you went, i, i went, it’s you, yourself, why... why did you immediately come to this guide? dead man on his feet, oh no, don’t jump, please don’t jump carefully , well, sit down, you can’t do it all at once, i don’t want to walk, i want to walk, son, son, grandma is right sit and watch the guy, he's already had enough, he'll figure it out on his own, do you want to go, do you want to go?
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alexander nikolaevich, forgive me, kirill is not to blame for anything, i brought him to the village, i told him and yuri that this was your decision, forgive me if you can, nothing. why, dad, they think that galya is vikusha, in fact, the jackdaw is not to blame for anything, that’s what i said, please don’t swear, it turns out they were really waiting for us, vikusha, where, where did she go, she left urgently, she has some business there, lord, i’ll have some tea,
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you know, i sometimes buy you, but i’m not talking about that, you’re talking about the harmony of happiness . hello, hello, but you didn’t tell me, remember, well, probably, take it, but don’t. thank you, thank you very much, please take it, i didn’t order peaches from a banana, it’s free, it’s for you, thank you very much, it helped you, it’s already helping, everything is fine. it’s strange, at first i believed it too, but
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now it seems to me that it’s all a scam, my neighbor found her fiancé, and i just asked today, god forbid, happiness to you, thank you, kiryuzh!
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thank you marya stepanovna, for what? well, why not, for kirill, for vika. we have good grandchildren. tsar, thank you for sending us. i thought i would never see it. what are you, what are you? i've been planning this for a long time myself. you hold a grudge against your grandfather, you know how worried he was when the guys arrived, so he came every night to watch, he thought, in a dream he fell in love, lord, i made pies, i made pies, now, oh, just a story for grandma, without don't bother me, i'll come soon.
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okay, i'll do it together, let's go where, let's go, let's go, bye. boy, my beloved, come on, grandma, bye. don’t be bored, i’ll miss you, i’ll miss you, i’ll miss you,
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there’s only hares there, look, they’re coming, dad, stop, she’s gone yet, maybe, well, don’t worry , you’ll measure it at home, of course, we’ll make peace, where will she go, okay, thanks, guys , come on, cockerel, follow me, this is for you, then
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your team has painted it, wow , wow, you’re a hero, yes, give it to me, and this is a tratsan, cool, wow, kirill, we have to go, okay, let's, bye, bye, bye, kiyuha, i'll definitely come again, i don't mind the sword, i don't mind.
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“she deceived me, you, everyone, she brought you in without my permission, practically stole you, you know what it’s called, i know, kidnapping, it’s a crime, dad, well, i started walking, if it weren’t for her, that’s why we’ll close the question is, i won’t go to the police, but does she think you will?” “she’s sitting there at the station alone, shaking with fear, and the boys said that there are no trains during the day.
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kirill, dad, come where i am, let’s go,
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woman. excuse me, are you selling flowers? i’m selling. hello, galya, why did you run away from us ? alexander nikolaevich, i owed you say, we also have to tell you something. hey, we thought we were done. “here, this is for you, kiril, yes, i am, are you coming?” can you imagine, i’m in shock, who would have thought that this herb would help kirill so much,
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thank you, i think it’s not the problem, in general the doctors say that some kind of strong shock should happen, the shock also took place thanks to you , without him we would n’t be standing here, so you’re not angry with me, no, i’m not angry. "we'll follow you, let's go, wait, i haven't been home for so long, you probably miss your family, take day off, whenever you want, come back now, kirill needs you, just let's come to an agreement, vicki, and not a word to the village, okay, i'm in the car, kiri, be careful,
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kirill, get up, kirill, we need to go for an examination, get up, i don't need anything what kind of examination, everything is fine, kirill, they are waiting for us at the clinic, get up, leave me alone, then get ready to get up, leave, okay. what are you doing? getting up, dad said we need to get examined, but what about you? well, how does it feel to me that i care about your health. oh, do you care about my health? thank you, just we are no longer in the village, and you are not my sister , relax, oh that’s how it is. oops, what is this with us, kirill, your medical card,
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which disappeared, yes, yes, here, dina was probably cleaning up, put it there, yes, and then forgot, we need to take it to the clinic, no, why not it’s necessary, probably, because one little evil troll likes to do nasty things to people, dina was fired for you, in fact, svetlana said that she was paid more at the sereryanikovs. well, what's there? amazing progress, i'm impressed. yes, i think it was his experiences. yes, and nevertheless, it is too bad to talk about stopping treatment.
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there will also be massages and gymnastics, we will continue, so be patient, the hardest part is over, now the main thing is to make sure that all indicators are normal and to exclude a relapse, kiyusha, get off. get off, yes, by the way, they found a card from the clinic, no, they didn’t find it, well, okay, we can handle it, but what about the load, sports, let’s go, get dressed, well, sports, of course, he doesn’t need to do sports yet, so run around, play with a ball, this is possible, but in the first couple of hours no more than half an hour, okay, i
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i’ll prepare more precise recommendations for exercises and start slowly, thank you, doctor, the results will come, i’ll call you, it’s agreed, alexander nikolaevich, can i have a day off today, of course, gali, we agreed, thank you very much, well , goodbye, bye! gal, wait, wait, maybe we’ll go to the cinema, there’s a new movie about superheroes out. kirila, let’s call me closer to the evening, while you watch the session, we’ll call you and decide. okay, we agreed, we agreed, that’s it. ellya, hello, tell me. i'll pass it on. well, what, maybe we to the cinema or cafe? dad, don’t you need to go to work or something? no, i’m completely free today, great, let’s go play football, then, great.
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sorry, i’ll be there for a second, of course, hello, friend, hello, you’re back, the way it was, you ran away, so, stop, i want to. details, i ’ll let the client go now and come back, you ’ll tell me everything, wait, don’t go anywhere, i ’m fast, 3:0, i won,
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it’s so unfair, you’re stronger, of course, even about... well, i didn’t know, that you play so well, i didn’t know, the last time was about 15 years i played ago, well, let me play again, okay, give me a prestige goal, you can, of course i can, let’s go, i’m ready, of course, i understand. so unfair, everything is fair, it’s called a deceptive trick, well, let’s go to a cafe, only i’m without a car, let’s take a taxi, oh no, let’s walk, okay, just tell me quickly, ugh, i don’t know where to start, there’s so much to do happened, start from the end, how it all
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ended, kirill went, oh well, dad should build a monument for you, it was you who raised him to his feet, right? no, i have nothing to do with it, it’s just a happy coincidence circumstances. does daddy know? yeah, and he also knows about the kidnapping. what are you talking about, amazing!
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the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we
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want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work. a lot, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling - a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big ones! changes, every sunday on rtr, i have good news, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with your legs? she gives me comfort, but the prognosis is even worse, disability, i will somehow cope
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while my wife is in the hospital, nothing is stopping you. stay with me all night, my husband is in trouble, he says there is no time, right now i need to have an operation, where can i find that kind of money in a moment? this is for us, s i missed you when i came back, mostly about you, but i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife? spring of change, on sunday on rtr. in general, they think that i am vika. alexander nikolaevich didn’t even say anything to them, can you imagine, i’m so ashamed, you fool, it was the most opportune moment,
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but you didn’t say it, and it’s you, the real daughter of the krasheninnikovs, and not this vika, why are you silent, you wanted it in this family they loved you, it turns out that with kirill you are in complete order, for your grandparents, you are a granddaughter, father said thank you, what else do you want? i don’t know, well, it’s closed for special services, but that was not enough, there ’s some kind of wedding there, it’s a pity, of course, okay, let’s go somewhere else and sit, it’s some kind of strange wedding, there are no people quietly. so maybe they haven’t returned from the zaksa yet, but it’s time, it would be my wedding, and what date is today, and what is this my
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wedding, ugh, i completely forgot, let’s get out of here, gal, so no, i want to go to my wedding, what gal, hello, hello, who are you? where are you going? wedding? yes, who will you be young? bride, and who are you? and i'm a bridesmaid. somehow, my friend, you didn’t prepare for the wedding at all. where is the dress? where is the styling? in terms of? got your hand? run, come on, turn on mendelssohn if you want a tip!
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wow. seryoga, he arranged everything to the highest standard, yes, he really wanted a beautiful wedding, and i said that i don’t need any wedding, but we could dance our first dance here, wait, friend, you will have more like that... seryoga, million, what age are you? yes, i don’t need anyone, but it turns out he needs mymra, she looks like a witch, have you forgotten? no, and he's with you
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cheated on her, remember? why are you silent? are you going to forgive him? no, okay, let's go, whatever you want, but i'm not going anywhere, i haven't eaten anything since the morning. let's go, pour it! you left, you came on business, let’s at least eat, but no, thank you,
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no matter how you want it, whatever you want, i’ll eat, pour it! and him too. well done, seryoga, very tasty, pour it!
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excuse me, please, but can we have something more fun? this building of yours is also mine, you see, uh-huh, almost the entire microdistrict is mine, wow, i drove past these buildings so many times and didn’t know that it was you who built, why didn’t you say, you were never interested in this, i didn’t say why you became a builder, probably because every day
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you walked past a construction site to school. you know, i liked watching the big cars drive, how the cranes worked, the panels were lifted up, installed, just like by magic the whole floor was ready, well, i wanted to become a wizard myself, dad, and my grandfather and grandmother are still relatives to us, of course. you know, i’m already glad that you became friends, really, really.
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how are you, great, like moscow, great, movement, money, people, apartment i took off the cool one, signed up for sports, it’s high time. well, let's drink to happiness, don't worry, why did you come here, it happened by chance, and you, and i came to pick up the money, but they don't give it back to the bastards, they say everything is ready, take it with you.
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gary, in general, i was thinking about you, and, hello, yes, hello, how are you, did you eat, well done, yes, i’ll definitely buy it, oh, it’s too early, get tickets later, your superheroes are not going anywhere. yes, that’s it, we agreed, see you tomorrow, kiss you, you look good, so well-groomed on vacation, or something, you
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when i left for moscow, i immediately... ate it, maybe you should try it too, angry as a dog, yes, gal, a rich life is good for you, now my life has nothing to do with you, somehow i’ll figure it out myself, well all the best, goodbye. dad, good night, good night, son, did you at least like it in my office, yes,
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it was cool, it was a good day, very good, and this was for her, it was for her... her, and now, now not, i know that you are very worried about this, you don’t have to worry, but it glows, glows, wow, well with this i'm done, run, quietly, don't be so worried about him, remember what he did to you, yes, if i hadn't seen him
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at the station then, i wouldn't have believed him, you love him, i love him. this is all for grandpa, take something with you, say hi to grandpa, quietly, but i don’t want to leave you alone, so girlfriend, everything will be fine with me, you go, okay, i’m so tired, good on you !
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the little girl is back. will you have dinner? i had dinner, i really did, dear mom, so much happened with us, we went to see my real grandparents. and kirill began to walk, i and i couldn’t tell anyone who i was, or rather, they already thought that i was their granddaughter, in general, everything was somehow confused, that i didn’t know whether it was worth changing anything at all.
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good, good morning, daughter, where is the chandelier, it broke, it’s okay, we’ll buy a new one, as i slept, daughter, it’s normal, but i had such a dream, it’s good, i’m walking across a field, small, there are flowers around, and they smell like that, it smells like pies , and this is me...
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how did you get back?
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hello, alexander nikolaevich, hello! will you eat? no, thank you very much, i had breakfast. what about dad? i think he has marina is all over. how do you know that? he told me himself yesterday. then i didn’t sleep all night,
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the light was on in his office, i saw, you wanted this so much, i’m happy now, i’m happy, yes, i understand that it’s time for payment, i said, i need a deferment, so what, you that you can’t think of anything, do you even know who i am and what my background is? connections, let there be money, hello, hello, i couldn’t go any longer, there was a traffic jam, alexey gennadievich, when you called, i left immediately, well, so what did you want, i left here. it's time
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to act, mish, wait until oleg gets a share in kroshennikov’s business, there is no point, he has the guts of a tank, nikikov understands this, and what, what do you intend to do now, go to the bank, i have nothing to lose, i understand you correctly, you want him, you understand correctly, wow, a challenge. and how do you imagine this, what do you intend to do? i heard kroshennikov has a tense relationship with his future son-in-law, oleg? yes, he will never agree to this, he will not agree, depending on how you offer it, think, mish, think, hello, i need money, a lot money.
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tereshino, tamara mikhailovna, i, well, where are you going, tereshino, the deal was finalized a long time ago, and you are still living, why don’t you move out, what a deal, what, the apartment was sold and forgotten, these are the people. which apartment, this one, shchedryana street, building 10, apartment five,
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give me the keys and call a locksmith for me, i didn’t sell anything, this is my apartment, i think i’ll go. i don’t like all this, andrey, wait, don’t worry, we’ll figure it out now, for some reason i didn’t want to look at this apartment, the woman is joking, you’re joking, tereshina, it’s not funny, i don’t care i sold it, i took out a loan, yes, well, look, your signature, mine, right here, read carefully, what is written? contract, purchase, sale, apartments, that i remembered this, how is it, i thought, she said, a loan, i thought, she said that there are no more arguments, so sort it out with her,
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but i have a black eye it says to the white man, purchases, sales, your signature is there, the bank wanted to deceive, it won’t work, open up, i’ll look at the apartment, otherwise i don’t know what people... i suggest, well, come on, i still need to get to two addresses in time, teryushina, what are you doing? well, i won’t let you in, and what did you think, this is my apartment, i didn’t sell anything, they said, reboot your life, my daughter will come back, my husband will only have champagne on holidays, okay, okay, i understand, 3 days at the wedding and they said there will be grandchildren, i want a boy, i understand, okay, later, it works, ninka did it, my husband stopped drinking, he was closed for 15 days, i bought champagne, he will come back, we will definitely drink,
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open, open, don’t scream, head and so it splits when the harmony of happiness opens, they left, they left, usually, the lease is over, the things have been taken out , have gone, where have they gone, well, have you made sure that there is no one here, where has the harmony of happiness gone, how do i know where your happiness has gone? my job is to make sure that there are no strangers here, so go, don’t interfere with work, and call the director, and i ’ll call the police now, and you give her the director, what kind of director, they rent offices here, so go, there is no director here,
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i’ve already tried, it’s useless, the money was cut to the bottom. evicted from the apartment, they gave me three days to pack my things, i beg.
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i don’t understand, tomka, tomka, have you gone deaf or something, just stand there, money, go, 2300, as agreed, otherwise i’ll tell your man everything and the cops at the same time, okay, stay here, i’ll bring it now, that’s all money or something, yes, 23. in dollars, in dollars, well, you give it, and you’re great, were you waiting for me, or what? you’re kind of strange, look, if you deceive me, i’ll kill you, tomka, i’ve cut you off, i’ve cut you off, come on, go, i’ll give you 10 minutes, i’ll wait here.
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tom, tomochka, what are you talking about, tom, tom, tom, tom!
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what, how did she, doctor, your wife come to herself, serious injuries, but no, it means that there is also a threat to life, thank god, i can go to her, there is no need to disturb her now, let her rest, well, give her a sedative, come tomorrow, i understand, thank you, doctor.
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alexander nikolaevich, dear, what are you doing, kirill, guy, he hasn’t arrived yet, so what? kiril, my mother is in intensive care, i urgently need to go to the city, i’ll warn the world, you ’ll be left alone, okay, yes, i’m already fine, i can go on my own, i don’t need a nanny, what’s wrong with my mother? galina, oh, alexander nikolaevich, my mother was admitted to the hospital, i urgently need to go, kirill stayed with sveta, sorry, but how will you get there? i'll catch a ride on the way to a taxi, it'll be a long wait. no, wait, i'll take you. well, sit down, i said. thank you very much. can i come with you? kirill, no, go into the house, sit down,
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i made a terrible mistake when i said that she died, but i’m very glad that i found her, this is some kind of stupid prank, what didn’t you tell them, it’s under seven seals, 17 june on rtr.
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saturday on rtr.
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my sins, ran away from the orphanage, stole pencils from a party neighbor, on the internet she said that they sent it to her parents, she failed the entrance to the technical school, she allowed vitya to become her husband before the wedding, she deceived zhurik’s buyers, sometimes she hated vitya when he drank. i cheated on him once, i thought it would be easier, i didn’t get pregnant from my husband, i switched children in the maternity hospital, i wished for myself to die,
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i’m sorry, they just brought my mother, tereshina, come in the morning, wait, in the morning, i can’t wait until the morning, please let me in , are you stupid or deaf, i told you, come in the morning, i’ll go crazy, let me in until the morning, i beg you, this is ours from neurology, like you, tereshina, exactly, galina, it seems, galya,
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where she is in intensive care, the second ward on the left side, only... thank you, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, what have i done, yes, galya, like a mommy, thank you , alexander nikolaevich, it’s already better and... thank you very much, you’re going, and you? and i’ll still be here, the doctor on duty allowed me to stay with my mother for a little while. alexander nikolaevich, i will come to you in the morning on the first bus. galya, you don’t have to come tomorrow, stay with your mom as long as you need, thank you very much, sorry for anxiety, connections, well, let's go?
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tereshna, let's go already, the manager will come soon, there will be such a scandal, yes, now. oh, how is she, yes, fine, good, then you go home, rest, and i’ll wait here, you
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promised to let her in after the rounds, yeah, but it won’t be soon, but nothing, nothing, i ’ll wait, listen, gal, this, i was leaving the house today, there was some kind of envelope, i opened something about an apartment, about debts... some, we seem to pay our utilities on time, i didn’t understand anything, maybe you’ll look, yes i i'll see alexander nikolaevich, did your car break down or what? let's assume that it is so, but kirill and i have already fixed it, and were you waiting for me, or what? well, we couldn’t leave you for one night, like mom, is everything okay? yes. everything is fine, well, let me take you home, then, no, i won’t go home, where should we go? yes, have you lost something?
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we have arrived, the sleepy kingdom is final, what happened? well, there’s so much on you at once, don’t be upset, i’ll try to help you, yes,
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semyon nikolaevich, i’m already on my way to the station, tomorrow i’ll be in moscow, yeah, yes, yes, reporting prepared issues with suppliers are being resolved, all connections, yeah, hello, one, oh, great, seryozha. how are you? well, how can i say, the fells are better, you’re like an uncle, aren’t you? yes, i see, i see, you’re going, where? so this is to moscow, but why bother? didn't galka tell you anything? no. yes, i didn’t want to bother you before the wedding. she is so caring, sensitive, and all over the place. “it was she who raised her this way, i couldn’t, but something happened to you, she...”
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ala, here’s a girl trying to get to you, your friend says, what are you doing here, well, here i am she said, sergei called me, i left the client right away, she drove me to you, the koishnik stopped me, she barely excused herself like a mother, but nothing, she... they’ll be discharged in a couple of days, i was so scared when sergei told me, it’s good that uncle vidya came home on time, and why did she want to go nuts, but why be surprised, yes, her conscience probably tormented her, of course, to change her child, she thought that it would remain a secret, then you found out and now you won’t forgive her until death, why didn’t sergei call me, you know he’s proud, and it’s cool here, and where’s your room, there, let’s go, let’s go, ah... it’s nice, i’d like
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to live here too, what’s wrong? close, wow, this is his office, he's definitely a cool businessman, your dad, i saw such a table in a magazine, she costs a fortune, l, wow, l, you're a complete fool, firstly, quieter, secondly, let's go from here, this is hers, that is, yours, what? that's enough, what's next? no, wow, have you been here? uh, that’s not funny, let’s get out of here, okay, aren’t you interested, this is krosheninnikov’s daughter’s room, and you, this is your room, you’re in this cap is like oleg popov, ella, hello!
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sveta said that gali’s friend had arrived, i immediately thought it was you, great, who else? hello, kryukh, why are you here? yes, they said that you were on your feet, so i decided to make sure for myself. well done! kirill, he's in a hurry. hello. “good afternoon, alexey gennadievich, as usual, what is the urgency, i ask you, take a look, so what, guess what, some slut, he doesn’t let a single skirt in the city through, as it turned out, not only does alexey gennadievich not let in, he's pumping the girl up with drugs so that..." and
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what do you suggest? well, you never know, young people will go to the sauna, have a fun time, then the police came, fight with an overdose, the end of our life, but in life they will wash themselves off, who will give them this sauna with the cops?
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marina, i said that i don’t want to see you, i hope you haven’t forgotten, yes, i remember, yeah, you made a decision, i congratulate you, odintsov, a great man, i... i wish you a happy family life and i’m not going to interfere, then why did you come, you don’t answer the phone, and i need to help out one very good person, i can’t do it without you, look, fine.
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good evening, oh, alexander nikolaevich, i’ve been here for a little while, i have good news for you, i ’ve made an agreement with a lawyer, she will handle your case, she’s a very good specialist, meet tomorrow, get to know each other, talk, i think everything will be fine with you. alexander nikolaevich, thank you very much,
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alexander nikolaevich, if you want, i ’ll make you some tea, i’d like it. you will immediately forget and do nothing to kirill, i promise, in general, kirill had been saving cash for quite a long time, and he kept it under the mattress, and he took it from himself to the medical center, there were quite
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a lot of people there, i am sure that he would not have stayed in the medical center, he would have run away. it’s a pity, alexander nikolaevich, i also wanted to say that as a child i also didn’t know my grandparents. i think it's wrong when close people don't know each other. forgive me for calling myself victoria. in general, alexander nikolaevich, i must tell you that i am yours, i won’t explain. galya, kirill told me everything, you did everything right. thank you, galya.
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on rtr from the first note, beauty, turnip, with the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them. we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, brake from the car, run, the whole
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team, just look at the platform. i said, i want a white coat, so it comes and you are good, he loves it. you are in a circle of friends in a circle of friends a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr. oleg, if you seriously think about moving into civil aviation, everything suits me. igor petrenko, maria mironova. soshnikov,
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come down from heaven, why are you destroying everything, why is this syria, this is death, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you. sky june 12 on rtr. back, hello, you're walking, well, you're really a surprise, hello everyone, hello, you're already walking, come on, jump up, dad, right? i can still run, look, and i knew that he would get up and dance too, come here,
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little robber, now everything will be fine, by the way, we brought you gifts, come on, like that. well, how beautiful, this picture is very fashionable an artist who lives in the sayshells, but his works are exhibited in the best galleries around the world, well, it’s some kind of bullshit, it’s bullshit, when you have a lot of free time, you will definitely go there and see everything with your own eyes, when you will i have a lot of free time? dear
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mother, today i almost told my father that i am his daughter, but the words seemed to stick to his root, why do i feel that if i say, it will be as if i am stealing something from her. why am i terribly ashamed, this is the honest truth, why do i have the feeling that this is under no circumstances allowed? do, i don’t even have anyone to consult with, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, join us. how are you? excellent thank you. hello, galya.
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hello. what's the news? how did you cope here without me? they did a great job. well, we also had a great time. seychelles. this is some kind of heaven on earth. dad, can you imagine, i used to think that the whitest sand in the caribbean. no. in the seychelles. there is coral sand there. but he's so white that it's painful to look at. fine, fine as flour, isn't it, dear? oh, by the way, i almost forgot, they asked me to bring you a magnet, and there is a picture of a kokodemer sea nut, a local landmark, thank you, key “you definitely need to visit the saychelles, next time you fly with us, we’ll take dad,
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yeah, yes, it must be in this very africa, it’s hot now, it’s probably a terrible thing, dad, but this isn’t africa, oh well, it doesn’t matter, you lie down, lie down!” lie down, don’t get up, you can’t get up, i told you that you, lidya, feed us here so well, i saw yesterday how they feed you here, everything is ground, not salty, are you... yes, and i made you a broth, strong, rich, oh, still hot when you’re sick, broth, the most useful, sweet thing, so, there’s also chicken, legs, three, what not eat it, you can put it in the refrigerator, picha, i, i’m organizing everything now,
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here, let me feed you, the main thing is don’t worry, i bought her medicine, the best thing is that the doctor. registered, but they know that a tick works here, so why not respect their mother, come on, go, i don’t need to talk to you, i’m giving our apartment to strangers she wrote it down and sorted it out for the fool, but it doesn’t matter, that ’s it, it doesn’t matter, the tick will sort it all out, she promised. come on, like this, yeah, delicious, come on. hello hello. oh, is that you?
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actually, i, come in, have a seat. or have you changed your mind? no, alexander nikolaevich just didn’t say anything, i somehow, is something bothering you? no, no, nothing bothers me, i understand correctly that your mother and father participated in the privatization of the apartment, you also have a share, yeah, yes, well, that means you, as the owners, all had to agree to the deal, you signed agreement, have you seen it? yeah, what about the contract? no, i didn’t sign, or rather, i didn’t know anything, and my dad didn’t know anything, and my mom didn’t know that this was an agreement for the sale of an apartment, she thought they were giving her a loan, well then it’s regarded as fraud and you need to contact law enforcement agencies , i prepared a statement to the police on behalf of your mother, but
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i need her to sign it, and you should bring it to me tomorrow, okay, then i ’ll give it to my mother? sign it, then i’ll give it to alexander nikolaevich, he’ll give it to you, let’s go with me we’ll come to an agreement with you, you yourself will bring me a statement signed by your mother, yes, okay, some kind of obsession, you are very similar to the same person, tell me, alexander nikolaevich, he didn’t tell you anything, no, he didn’t. no, if it weren’t so incredible, i would say that you, no, okay, all this is no longer important, then that’s it, i’m waiting for a statement from you, goodbye.
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this is for you for tamarka, this is also for tamarka.
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hello, hello, welcome, what table? do you prefer by the window or in the living room? i think we'd watch it myself first hall, we are having a wedding soon. of course, please come in and look around. there is enough space. you can see the menu here is good, i like it, what do you think? me too, what about the music? it’s live here, we can
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come and listen sometime in the evening, but in principle, this is not a problem, invite someone else, i agree, well, shall we order a banquet here or watch something else? let's do it here. true, it’s a little expensive here, of course, dad, our wedding will cost a pretty penny, my dear, don’t worry, the banquet is in a restaurant, i’ll take it myself, i ’ll pay for everything, alesh, but i think dad won’t agree, why, at our wedding there will be a lot of guests from his country, friends, partners, potential clients, i’ll somehow come to an agreement with alexander nikolaevich myself, after all, this is my wedding, my family. from now on , i will decide all issues concerning my family myself, lord, has there really been someone who will solve all my problems himself from now on, you are so sweet, oleg, i
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want to introduce you to eleanor, what? why are you so worried? eleanor is my horse. it's beautiful, it's not far from here, let's go. honey, please forgive me very much important call. yes, hello. what are you doing here? you don’t answer calls, i had to look for you personally. there is one topic. what is the topic? forgot? the bachelor party, of course, needs to lead you into a happy family life with dignity, hang out like a good old man, i pay for everything, yes, of course, since you’re partying,
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it’s time for you, brother, we agreed, and you can call this blonde from fitness, i liked it, yeah, no problem, i give it, that's it, i left, come on, come on. so what were you saying about the horse? how we got married, loved her very much, i can’t understand everything i could, how is she such a beauty, she paid attention to me, oh, i couldn’t believe my luck, i kept thinking i’d turn away, she was already... i was very jealous with someone else, i drank, became rowdy, i sang my salary in one day, i was already a shell-shocked paratrooper, fool,
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it couldn’t occur to me that it was all my fault, then, later. after all, it was because of me that she did this, she knew that i wouldn’t give life to her or any child, what kind of child, but i ’m talking like that, don’t pay attention, i was jealous of her, but what does that have to do with me? why have you never taken a walk yourself, or what? i was young, but now no, that’s it, i don’t need anyone, when
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i imagine that i could lose her, i want to go out, i won’t live without her, of course i ’m sorry, but if you offend her again... i ’ll kill you, we agreed, vic, my mom called and said that she couldn’t be at our wedding, she wasn’t feeling well, something happened, but it’s okay, you ’ll meet her, she ’ll love you just as much as i do, and you’ll become friends with her , i'm sure we will stay there until november, the oyster season is just about to begin, until november? i can't, i can't do this.


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