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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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why have you never taken a walk yourself, or what? i was young, but now no, that’s it, i don’t need anyone, when i imagine that i could lose her, i want to howl, i won’t live without her, you’ll forgive me, of course, but if you offend her again, i’ll kill her, we agreed, vic, my mother called and said that she couldn’t be at our wedding, she wasn’t feeling well, something happened, but it’s okay, you ’ll meet her, she ’ll love you just as much as i do, and you will become friends with her, i am sure we will stay there until november, the oyster season is just about to begin in november, i can’t, i can’t leave dad and
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kirill alone for a long time? well, vic, you said it yourself, that you’re tired of everything, do you want to rest? how lucky am i to have you? well, i promised that now i will solve all the problems, as you say, by god! listen, can you really leave your job for so long? oh, you are my restless girl! okay, i'll tell you everything like it is! my mom can't accept the fact that i 've outgrown the oyster seller! in general, i want to do something serious, listen, maybe maybe it’s time to talk to my father, he has a lot of new projects right now, and he’s looking for an executive director, vic, what kind of executive director am i, i don’t understand anything about construction, and really, it’s not a good idea to talk about this is with your dad, he himself makes the decision with whom to work, well, why not work with his own son-in-law, let’s talk about this later, it’s time for me to go to a meeting. let me drop you home, i’ll go
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right away, no, don’t worry, i’ll still drive around , dream about something, call a taxi, by the way, he wants to meet me, who is the prince, yeah, he told you himself, himself. al, aren’t you tired of him, he’ll either leave you or entice you, you’re ready for anything right away, what’s next? and then, a happy family life. do you hear yourself, what is family life like? i hope it's long. oceans of ice cream every day. maybe he takes you somewhere, of course, once, but why did you decide that this was serious? but because the tick couldn’t be more serious. taste. what are you doing? pregnant, can you imagine, i
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will have a little prince or princess, you will behave well, i'll name you after you , aren't you happy, oh my god, no, oh my god, everything 's going wrong, he knows, uh, not yet, i'll tell him when we meet, i know he'll be happy, you're crazy, yes you are you don’t understand, he, he’s so lonely, he just needs a close person, a family, in the end, regular sex, would you see him in bed? ok, princes don’t marry commoners, you constantly remind me that i’m a manicure, yes, i have no education, it’s you who graduated from medical school, it’s you who are going to go to college and get married then the first one to come out, yeah, i walked at your wedding, the bride without a groom, it was seryoga. i'm miserly and
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have missed out on the golden hands, my wife is without a husband, i have a prince, you hear, envy, silently, come on, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not betray our memory. and we do not give up our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr.
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look, our cabbage butterfly has gone, you
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know, it’s not a cabbage butterfly, but it’s some kind of moth, you’re a young, interesting woman, this needs to be noticeable, not just to me. look at her color, it’s like she’s from another planet, it’s you from another planet, it’s really wonderful, everything is serious with us, she ’s about to write out my entire dissertation, she wo n’t even notice how, it’s not enough for you to seriously fall in love, you yourself, i wanted you to have a little fun, that’s all, that was the plan, the plan, the law of conservation of love, on friday on rtr. yes, yes, come in, alexander nikolaevich, i
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’ve made some tea for you with currant leaves, if he likes it, i’ll bring another one, please try it. alexander nikolaevich, i visited marina vladimirovna, she probably told you, she drew up a statement on behalf of my mother. i'm sure everything will be fine. marina vladimirovna is an excellent specialist. yes thank you. is it possible that when my mother signs the application, i can tell marina vladimirovna through you? no, we won't see her. well , okay, then i’ll tell you myself, uh-huh, what are you doing here? i took tea to alexander nikolaevich, tea, tea, to alexander nikolaevich,
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well, yes, thank you. dad, how are you, hi, hi, what kind of tea are you drinking, huh, the taste is kind of strange, with currant leaves, galya brewed, galya, brewed, galya, wait, you have gastritis, what if it’s harmful to your stomach, what does it even allow itself, it’s not harmful. for my stomach, and the tea is very tasty, yes, of course, are you jealous? i, yes, who is she anyway for me to be jealous of you, dad, we just don’t need her anymore, vika,
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daughter, what’s bothering you, i see, i don’t want you to stress too much, you have a wedding ahead , but... it should be a joyful event, and not the completion of a business project. you understand that it would be for me then what to remember? do you remember your wedding with your mother? i remember. how was it? mom never told you? no. we had a table booked at a restaurant; there were about 15 of our relatives and friends. and in the evening we got ready. there was an accident, and my mother went with me in a white dress with hobbles, cool, and then we sat in bottles, drank champagne with the worker, yes, she has something to remember, dad, and
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marina will be at my wedding, don’t worry, we broke up. we broke up, okay, i guess. tom, i'm here, hello, where is galya? kolya won’t come home, she’s waiting for you, don’t worry, there’s our taxi, tom. “i want you to know, i love you and the jackdaw, and
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i have no one dearer than you, her, you know, well, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, yeah, that’s it, come on, come on, sit down, buckle up, it’s very tasty. the sugar is over, i’ll go
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now, what else, these are girls, sit down, i’ll quickly go back and forth, and now, “i was with a lawyer, he filed a statement with the police, you need to sign, yeah, daughter. , forgive me, fool, i wanted to do the best thing. there was such a man, he said,
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that, that everything depends only on us, that any mistake can be corrected, you know, i understand, but i thought that you would return home, your father would stop drinking, everything would work out and we would live as before, you would be called to the investigator, you would have to give evidence , you will tell everything how it was, about the apartment, about this man of yours , and so on. oh, daughter, what if i say something wrong, i’m afraid myself, maybe you ’ll come with me, everything will be fine, and now you’re leaving? yes, i need to submit an application and the procedure as scheduled. daughter, i that's all i wanted to ask. your brother, he is so, so good, really harmful, very, and
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your father, father, is also good, probably, really unhappy. unfortunate one, well, if you have to go, then go, goodbye, your daughter is smart, she graduated from college, she’s getting ready to get married, and her fiancé is handsome, a young businessman, it’s even
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enviable. hello, friend, well, i felt ashamed, i decided to apologize. al, are you crying or what? what's happened? al, i can't hear you at all. turn off the water, are you in the bathroom or what? al, if you want to apologize, then i will i'm sorry, everything's okay, friend, i can't hear you, turn off the water, hello, friend, dear, well, you and i can't quarrel, i, i thought it was a regular training session, just an individual lesson, you know, but they, oh ,
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the ceiling is spinning, the pool, the pool is humming and the walls are spinning, huh? kirill, you stay here, if you need anything, i will be here, sit here, wait.
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ella, do you hear me, ella, ella, ella, do you hear me, ella, what did you
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do to her, you idiot, nothing, too much, just, what did you do too much? lord, drugs! listen, max, there’s nothing here except bandages, drink-drink, band-aids, and even ashes, and what are you doing here? what are you doing here? oh, you bastard, oh you idiot, so that’s what kind of girl they brought to the hospital then. ella, dear, quietly, quietly, quietly, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink! now, now, wait, don’t even think about calling, this is a setup, right, you need to save your friend, right, the keys to the emergency exit, come on quickly, if they accept you, you’ll never
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get away with it, come on quickly, why are you digging, these are very scary people, if you utter a word... you're finished, well, max, i didn't immediately i realized that this was a setup, go open the doors, well, max, you bastard, come quickly, i don’t know who called, there’s no one, on thursday, i’m the daughter of kryshennikov and tatyana, why didn’t she tell me anything... i didn’t i wish you happiness, thank you, where do you think your nurse is going, there’s no time, you need some kind of plan, well , she, she’s either here or has disappeared, help me, jackdaw final episodes on thursday on
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rtr. the kiev regime, of course, should especially rejoice at the new participant in the so-called peace summit, switzerland, new zealand, promised to send idiots, the minister of correctional services, to this holiday, they will arrest everyone there, or something. exactly who will find a common language with these citizens, but now, let’s take a very serious look, firstly, i believe that zelensky’s speech... in the bundestag was significant, not because of what he said there, but because of how the alternative for germany behaved, they really did well, firstly, they
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got up and left almost immediately, and then they said the following, 4 minutes after zelensky approached the microphone, the leaders the alternative for germany, ellis weideli and tinno hruppala, published a statement: zelensky's term of office has expired, he is in office only as president of the war beggar. and most of the factions boycotted the speech. to make all the lies of europe clear, i will show you what is really happening on the territory of ukraine. which was understandable. and now, i think, the best operation of our special services that could have been possible, if ours did it, then they are simply geniuses. this is the so-called ttc, because thanks to to the fact that in ukraine and how the tsk operates, monetary donations, well, what are called
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donations, donations that the civil society of ukraine transferred to the army, fell sharply, and hatred of the army began to grow, although not so long ago, in ukraine it was the most benefit of great trust a social institution, the military began to write on their cars not tck, that is, just here they are... well, we don’t know, they took the ambulance workers away, the military registration and enlistment office won’t let them out, so what
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happened there, the military registration and enlistment office called the ambulance driver supposedly to clarify the data, here they tried to take him to the front under a white hand, he said that he felt bad, they called an ambulance, they decided not to give him up to the ambulance, so it began, the ambulances arrived. behind their own , a fight ensued between the shopping center and the doctors, these are pictures of a democratic, modern ukraine, so while zelensky is telling fairy tales, while the absolute varyuga ursula fonder is, in principle, a varyuga woman, that is, she got into so many corruption scandals that it’s funny to say, but when she’s with this fucking pathos of a half-educated gynecologist, she tries say kharkov with joy kida.
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canceled, and i will see how many men of military age will remain in ukraine in 20 minutes, this is how you can time the clock, there are still no borders, but there should be no borders within the european union, and i will also see how in an hour the robberies will begin, because they will come also, the guys who are quite specific in swastikas, tattoos with weapons, will quickly begin to bring about social justice, then you won’t get all these kharkov, kharkov creatures. kharkov is ours, so don’t get your hopes up, but the level of bodytism is wild, you will get the growth of absolutely such khotor nationalism, and the main thing is that everyone will disappear,
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that’s it, no one will want to stay there, and of course, the west has absolutely rehabilitated the ukrainian nazis, although this is probably wrong, it’s just that nazis met nazis, look, for example, at ... ukraine, we are talking about the restoration of the future of a new member state of the european union. a few months after the russian war began, we made a firm promise to ukraine.
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the future of ukraine in the european union. ukraine has no future. therefore, they all go to hell together. and these devils we see, absolute demonic spawn, are dragging ukraine with them into hell. but fortunately we are our warriors here, so you can’t drag away all of ukraine, and you don’t mind the one that is dragged away, what are they going to do there, former polish territories, by the way, are a good exchange, but lviv was never part of the russian empire, and as comrade stalin wisely said, and warsaw was, therefore such a deceiver as it is,
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so... by the way, it’s interesting, yes, what kind of fool writes speeches to zelensky, that’s when zelensky became, i don’t even want to leave this delay so that this disgusting piece of crap will sound, but when does this mean a delay, when this rotten guy suddenly starts saying that having returned the territories from the gdr to russia, he understands that now the gdr has voted against him, that the gdr hates nazism and'.
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by the way, just like now they exalt biden, then they exalted their leader hitler, lied about him, that he knows everything, that he is wise, that he is like this, that he is that, and biden has a problem today, the council of people's commissars condemned him, yes , well for now, or rather, he was found guilty on three counts, so that’s it, that’s it, but it’s interesting that zelensky is still in germany, the corrupt government. will take, that’s what ruslan bortnik says, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, who had numerous international contacts, who stood, constantly sat on the phone with his western partners, with the general staffs of the usa, britain all the time, who released several very resonant articles in western media, that is, he has experience in media communications, it is necessary to prepare, you understand what the difference is,
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one gets the impression that zaluzhny is in no hurry. to leave the country and under various pretexts, under various pretexts, to get treatment, to study, to do something else, to rest, as if he had already, despite the decision made by the president, he has been staying on the territory of ukraine for about two months, something waiting, waiting for something, a very interesting situation, i don’t believe that khuleba or the president wouldn’t want to send the zaluzhny to britain, but... just the day before yesterday, okay, but they are waiting for the zaluzhny in london, well, the zaluzhny they find such stupid people, lord, well, this is a journalist or a piece of idiot, and he’s waiting for the loser, well, just, what degradation, what happened to you, ukrainians, what happened to you, there’s just some kind of trouble, well, stupidity, stupidity, by the way, you
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explain to me, can i do something? poorly noticed, but there is still a representative office of the european union in russia, of course there is, there is, yes, and yes, and not even in a bottle, and what have i not heard, you have all the embassies, britain, well, britain is clear, and even the eu has ambassador, there is a representative of the eu here, but i hope he is already there is a way to cross the border on foot, but did you declare war on him or him, they declared war on us, on what basis can it still be confiscated?
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and the income that they will bring is sent to the purchase of shells, which will have to be destroyed to hell, both storage sites and investments of nazi money, they built a plant there on the territory of ukraine schar, i hope everything has already flown there, if you this will reassure you, she is stealing not only your money, but also the money of european taxpayers, they don’t i don’t care, professional activity, also yes, what do you say, yes, here is the address of the representative office of the european union. they have already left here and there is even an ambassador, roland holorak, well, apparently there is, but he is already in the broom, that is, he already holds it, he is already governed, he is a representative of thieves, he represents the thieves who stole money
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from russian taxpayers, that he is doing in our country, what are these people doing in our country, representatives of thieves’ banks or what are they, i don’t understand, they have declared de facto war on us, what are they doing here?
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from an organization that was officially called the union of ukrainian fascists, that is, this is its official name, she is a co-founder of this very bandera oun, when they now shout this, they must understand and know this, that is, these are the same people who shout, the alternative for germany is the fascists, they draw this entire current gdr, in an exact coincidence of the border in general, it’s simply amazing, and in brown, because it... voted for the alternative, for the fascist structure, swear that they are against fascism, totalitarianism, you remember how they all said now in normandy that russians are the same, well, today’s russians are the same germans, nazis, then, yes, they sounded like that, that means the headlines
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were like that, here how biden talked about how we protected europe from totalitarianism then, and now we are protecting it from russian totalitarianism, but how were you able to understand that? no, well, as i say, then everything is just simple, then i read the transcript, and then you know, they’re already correcting biden, they didn’t understand what the grandfather said, they coped with it,
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remember the famous scene by arkady raikin, yes, how i managed the trust, i fired the secretary, suddenly it turned out that she wrote all the orders, because no one could make out his handwriting. is an extremist organization noticed , they did not find evidence that azov violated human rights and so on, but well, the murderers
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organized mass murder there, it was the russians who were killed, absolutely true, so it went unnoticed, but interesting, okay, you think that they found no traces of azov’s crime, their symbolism is nazi, it doesn’t matter remained on... such fighters against fascists, against totalitarianism and so on, when they now show these vows about how they will lead ukraine to europe, when they applaud, there was just a frenzied amount of applause for zelensky in the bundestag now, from the remaining deputies of the majority, yes, in what words, that means we are calling now to return to ukraine, zelensky says, listen, you are there, people there don’t know how to escape from this... ukraine yes, people are drowning so that just swim across this unfortunate tisa, there are mines
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the fields are coming to escape from there, he says, and you come back, we’ll catch you right there as cannon fodder, that’s what you and i just don’t understand anything, but watch out for biden, they deciphered it, god, azov is no longer the same , that there was, well, yes, well, yes, and the distributors of russian disinformation are actively working to discredit the special forces brigade. added to the state department that they checked the twelfth special forces brigade and did not find any violations of human rights, allegedly this unit is not related to the battalion azov, created in the fourteenth year, in the fifteenth the formation was disbanded, the brigade of special significance calls is significantly different from it in composition, but for some reason people are amusing, guys, symbolism and ideology. yes, of course, no, well , they are not idiots, they are bastards, scoundrels, and
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yes, and supporters of terrorism, frankly, which surprises me, yes, the number of jews working in high positions in the biden administration is off the charts, they betrayed the memory of my people , they betrayed the memory of 6 million killed, directly sponsor stranglers, murderers of my people, you understand, us jews, well, that’s what, you understand, so he says why he treats vicky noland and blinken this way, because they are the worst option, they are traitors to the people, yes, yes, by the way, like zelensky , who is generally a complete nit, who, this is such an evil that could have happened, such a tragedy for our people, that somewhere this, this bastard appeared, because they will poke us with it for centuries to come, we will have it remember the ukrainians who will come and say, this is what he will do: these are the graves to whom he brought, you understand perfectly well that
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they really supported hitler then, which means up to a certain point they hoped that there would be a war with the russians, now they support outright nazis, precisely because they will kill russians, that’s all, in this regard they are sponsors of terrorism, here you are absolutely right and we need to recognize them as such, we have quite a victorialman, remember about our killed, remember about this? this is the logic of events, we must end the war,
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there must be peace, then we will restore it, they , like baron minhausen, first planned celebrations, and then executions, and then they decided to combine everything, everything into one, but it would seem that the war is going on, the house is on fire, and you are discussing the light and wallpaper in the future house, which you will build and so on, but this is a lie, a pure lie, we need to save the house and save people, this is the number one question, what... zelensky there was probably already warmed up with some other substances, they also warmed him up and with applause, but for the artist it's very attractive, so to speak, it's obviously, because these statements and appeals: come home, well, clearly not from the common sense that he should be talking about the need to save ukrainians, ukrainians are fleeing ukraine, and he says: come back, you think about that jobs will be created, that is, if someone... doesn’t have time, then you won’t have any prospects, but
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in reality, what awaits the trade center, but this is already a statement of an absolutely psychiatric abnormal person, but he must answer that he has learned and quite convincingly, this is asking, here i am i looked, well, he’s a professional, it’s no coincidence that in ukraine he already has one, as if he has been assigned, so to speak, the nickname prosyun, the main prosyun of ukraine, he can do it so calmly.
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their point of view, he is illegitimate, the deputies of germany have already expressed their position, and the latest, of course, battles continue, which is surprising, and what is , so to speak, pleasing, frankly speaking, people are starting to group, this is the fact when 32 people in a military vehicle crossed the hungarian border and
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saved their lives, yes, that’s evidence in many ways, firstly, clearly no one snitched on this, and it’s not easy to gather and prepare 32 people.
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oh, well, evgeny, what do your sociologists show, that if they press you to the river, it seems like the lid? no, i looked
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at the latest sociology that ai did and usa, this is a rating for ukraine, they did a very good sociology, face-to-face, i never heard what you said, you know, i looked, the sociology was done ugly , you always praise sociologists, your work is professional, i see it’s very well done, well, listen, when...
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i have good news, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with your legs? she is disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability. i’ll somehow manage while my wife is in the hospital, nothing stops you from staying with me all night, my husband finds himself in trouble and says there’s no time, right now i need to have an operation, where can i find that kind of money in a moment, this is for the sake of us, with your return, jumped under, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation , who will become your wife, the spring of change, in sunday on rtr, the floor is shaking,
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the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room, absolutely without glee , making three different functional zones, maniac, from the living room of our heroes soon i adore plants, in general , real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into yours. big changes, every sunday on
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rtr, oleg, and if you seriously think about moving into civil aviation, i’m all arranged by igor petrenko, maria mironova. soshnikov, come down. why are you ruining everything, why is it syria, this is death, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you, the sky is june 12 on rtr, well, i’ll continue, you just started the broadcast with the question of whether they will join or not join european union, ukraine, but you know.
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the situation will become more and more difficult to tell people: yes, they will not object. now regarding europe, i will draw, in my opinion, several important conclusions: firstly, now there is polarization, that is, for essentially things, for europeans, for the same ursulyin, these elections are even more interesting, because polarization is happening, and i tried to indicate the contrast of color this way, that is, if before there were many different parties, then pay attention, the green ones have reduced their presence, which - those parties... which seemed to blur this european palette, they received fewer votes, but here we get such a contrasting position, and for them it is beneficial to mobilize this centrist electorate, which they call, in order to to designate all parties as enemies, well, as you said, the alternative for germany, the french and so on, but for the french there is a separate story, there, too, again the prism of ukraine is present in everything, you remember
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when she spoke, she says that ukraine as one of its key narratives. yes, who after the elections said that they would promote this agenda, i think that this is quite enough arguments for them, but there is a very serious problem here in another way, these right-wing parties, if they can unite, for now, well so they are not very optimistic about the future, because they are still very disunited, but nevertheless, if this happens, then i think that then there will not be a very serious opposition precisely, well, or such...
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a very competent guy who is such , excuse me, he has been in politics for 16 years, he will be 20, well, 29 years old only in september, and who, in general, by many indicators, is quite representative of the majority, very literate and intelligible, if he overcomes this gap, then maybe honor will be given to him praise, but there is options, these are the ones that can draw a color reaction, this is specifically for the most powerful countries in europe, germany and france, these could
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be problems, no one calculated the option before july 7th. time, excuse me, it’s june 11, well , macron really took a risk now and took a very tough risk, well, there were the same idiots in england, i remember, yes, well, the british story is different there, but here what’s real, but we have to give it our due, again- i’ll say it, you’ll smile, but again the sociologists worked extremely competently, so they gave forecasts before the elections, i i mean in europe, ipsos there, i’m generally handsome, in many countries, i just looked, the exetpools coincided completely, well, that is, three or four countries, at least i saw which...
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you know, i once talked with one very adult man, a member of the politburo, it was in the kremlin clinic, he spoke to me for 20 minutes, he spoke soulfully, deeply, when he finished, i didn’t understand a word, i didn’t understand anything, i didn’t mean anything, i mean, you could you say that you meant that they are handsome, that the diagram is here now i understand that they are handsome, that is, you? this is what and that the sociologists were sitting eye to eye and looking at it, then i realized, well, i probably got carried away, but i’m sorry, but nevertheless, i want to say that the situation that was predicted by the advent of the strengthening of the power
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of the right, it was predicted that now there are unexpected actions that connected with the decision of the french president, they are here or the consequences are serious, but the fact that now this is the situation that they assessed will intensify the confrontation. to the center to the right, this is a contrast in politics european, i think it will have quite serious consequences, what? i mean increasing confrontation between whom and who? between the right, between the right and the center, and erode weaker political parties, such as the green ones, that ’s how, in short, and what will this lead to? this will lead to the fact that this will strengthen the opposition and prepare the electorate for more serious steps, that is, this is opposition. this is mobilization, social if you like, this is again a confrontation with russia, these are not very good things in principle, they will go for europe, but no one would have come to put up a confrontation with russia, that’s how they counted on meloni, they came and deceived, it’s not
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so much about deception, here it will be more serious, well , more serious, what do you say, there will be militarization, yes, it’s coming the process of militarization of the european community, but everything is short, you know, vladimirovich, i watched this video from odessa about the lawlessness of the shopping center. i came to the conclusion that the devils probably treat their sinners better than tsk treats its citizens, yes, but the problem here is not only in the shopping center, many of them are simply, well, the audience and yours probably don’t understand what’s really going on there, besides the police shopping center, there are also so-called volunteer units that are being created in ukraine, relatively speaking, as they said under yanukovych aunties, yes aunties - these were athletes who were attracted to various kinds of events, here it is basically the same, only they attract employees. private work, these fights, there are threats, the transfer of security structures to carry out dirty bribes, by the way, this is the work that they do this in exchange for the fact that these young
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guys who serve the tsk police will not be mobilized, will not be sent to the front, here they are, yes, bye, yes, well, of course, of course, bye, so, while they are doing this this, let's say, dirty work, but i would still like to return. for the event that will take place in the very near future, the so-called peace summit, we discuss this topic quite often and quite deeply, and it seems to me that we are so deeply immersed in various details, who will come, who will be, who will not be, who will be presented and so on, and it seems to me that we are missing the most important thing, and the most important thing, it seems to me, is that let us first remember what started from our own, barel’s statement that everything will be decided on the battlefield, what did it sound like?
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in fact, i think that the initiators of this peace forum are americans, they are gathering this peace forum, and zelensky there, well , let’s say, fulfills a certain, maybe, yes, yes, yes, yes, absolutely, the americans are gathering this all over the world people, yes, zelensky does part of the work, glues posters, we invite everyone to this world summit, it’s global, as they say, global, well, maybe it would be global, if there was only ukraine on the globe, then it would probably be global, but well, it turned out that in reality. .. i think that both the word global and the word summit should simply be abandoned, well, there will be some kind of, relatively speaking, conference, forum, i don’t know how it will all be, depending on what will be in the exhaust, i’m not sure,
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by the way, that there will be at least some signed declaration, i don’t know how it will end, maybe nothing, well, they’ll just hold a peace forum, of course, in the information field they will present the participation of such and such countries there, there were such and such, of course, they will not talk about, not about whirlwind and... from new zealand, not about the minister there, relatively speaking, for disabled people from some other country, but as a basis they will take , conditionally, two three or four presidents who will come from some lithuania to latvia.
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scammers are a country that knows how to convert on a professional level their defeat on the battlefield into some kind of political and diplomatic victory, now they want to do the same trick with their ears, well, what kind of success can there be, how can you sell this victory, it’s very simple, so you’re talking about the possible entry of ukraine into the european union, of course, they can simply forget about the lost territories, say that they are up to...
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and the last thing i would like to say about, regarding zaluzhny, you know, zaluzhny as a politician will be in demand, perhaps at the last stage, because i think that in fact, with all that zelensky, of course, wants to remain in power indefinitely, by the way, he said this in germany, that’s who paid attention to his speech in germany, what is he talking about, that he is not wants to leave a legacy of war to his descendants, he wants to end this war, i translate into understandable language, i will not resign as president because...
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this all happened, the americans will still need to complete the main task, push the british out of there along with zelensky and ermak, if they don't do this, no what kind of peaceful tracks we will never go out there, absolutely, it will be a continuation of the war with all the ensuing consequences, including for ukraine, they strictly read the conditions, but what to do, well, i don’t accept, the time is like this, please, thank you, vladimir rudolfovich, we are seeing real nuclear hysteria in the western... among the western population, starting on the seventh, when vladimir vladimirovich announced the nuclear doctrine, which, in principle , is also a living document, which can move a little in the direction the country needs, and after that, again, a whole series of statements, well, by the head of the defense committee, yes, a very serious reaction in western networks, then yesterday’s long-range aviation flights over the barintsev, over the norwegian and over the baltic sea, where our strategies mastered the air.


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