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tv   Galka  RUSSIA1  June 11, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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in fact, yes, well, for the first time , the president’s son was convicted, at least under a criminal article, and you need to understand that this is only the first case against hunter biden, there are two of them, the first one, it’s, well, probably quite serious, but still- something specific, yes, concerns this illegal carrying of the purchase of weapons, which he did in the eighteenth year, bought this same revolver, although he had no right to do so, given that at that time he had this whole saga of drugs, so he violated there and locals. laws of the state of delaware,
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federal laws and much more, but formally he faces up to 25 years in prison in this case, in reality, i think that of course they will give much less, considering , again, that he had no criminal record, that’s everything else, the second thing , for us it’s even more interesting, that is, the jury has already decided that he is guilty of all three articles of association in the murder case, and there are also separate ones, and there is also a separate criminal case, the hearing on it will also probably start this year, it’s already ... more interesting because it relates to what we do often discussed, not just the adventures of hunter biden, but with drugs, with prostitutes, with everything else, his sprees somewhere in las vegas and other places, it already concerns these illegal incomes of the entire biden family in ukraine, in the same the burizma company, yes, where he was on the board of directors and received about $1 million a year there, only officially according to papers, yes, being listed as such an advisor and consultant to the ukrainian oligarchs, well, providing, of course. that’s a plus
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, it’s clear that he has certain chinese connections, frauds, mexican, and of course romanian, and we don’t talk about them so often, but there is also quite an interesting story there, and how did these turn out, how did they get in, you know, well, we understand how corrupt it is, of course, but really sandu, well , almost, there are still some romanian oligarchs there. mafiosi, corrupt officials, who were accused of using european grants in the right way, then they went to court for a long time, hunter also came to them and offered his lobbying services, let us close the case, and you give me money, well, of course he received the money, but not to me, the big guy, well, to him first, and then , as it were, a separate kickback went to the big guy in the person of his father, of course, well, his father cannot be judged, because his father does not remember this, this true, that is, here of course, that is, he is in such a state that he can already walk...
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many times iraq and ukraine, and this is probably the fourth or fifth time we hear this from him, that we will not allow it there russia will win in iraq, he knows that the slaves were freed, well, i think he guesses, so considering that there are blacks and african-americans around him, he guesses, but it’s possible that it wasn’t entirely true, yes, it’s understandable, yes, but i’m not completely sure, it’s obvious that a flash mob has started, be like biden, sit down, well, that’s sit down.
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which will take place at the end of june, and he will spend them well, well, i think there, after all, biden will be pumped full of drugs so that he will still rattle off for an hour and a half, more or less die there , maybe, maybe a question. they will put these batteries in him, he will be like energy, well then to unfortunately, there is still a certain side effect, because either he is sleepy, yes, falling asleep, so paralyzed, so, but he seems to evoke a certain sympathy, when he is pumped full of drugs, he will become too aggressive, yes, and this of course is not the audience really likes it, the main jaw does not keep up with the movement of the muscle, it lives its life like this, so here , unfortunately, you have to choose yes, one or the other, in fact, we see the same thing with kamal and harris, yes, that is, everything is there ... of course they mocked her with this laughter and smile, yes, which she used there for many years, now the political strategists have worked with her, she began to laugh less often, but swear more often, so here again this kind of common effect is quite funny we see, well, of course, two pairs of boots, but i’ll be honest , i don’t expect any drastic
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changes, i think that everything will go by inertia according to the established rules, somehow biden , who has not regained consciousness, will be nominated at this congress in august, unless of course he physically dies before that moment, well then will still try to get elected. will win the election, by the way, i fully admit that maybe he will actually win, at least they will consider him, they will count him, if he is nominated, then of course they will try, i say again, biden is the first president who was chosen by a cemetery, that is, he can to go under the slogan of dead life matters, all americans, migrants and many other wonderful comrades voted for it, of course it is rated right now. i’m glad, well, it ’s really quite possible that they still voted for biden in the election will grow closer to the elections, where biden’s position will strengthen a little, although now, of course, yes, his ratings are literally at the lowest point during his entire presidency, but the latest results in aggregators give 37.5%, which is really very low for
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an american president, well and we see that the crisis on the southern border is not being resolved, the story with crime, and in foreign policy there are also many failures, and now we are back again. although you and i believe that joe biden will pardon him, it’s more likely we argued on the last show, leaning towards everything after the elections, although he declares that i won’t do this, but i think that he will do it in the end, so, well, they will try to somehow interpret this pardon very broadly , so that it would be more difficult to cancel it later, if he again wins or loses the elections, it is clear that this is considered not entirely ... moral from the point of view of the rules of american politics there, and we remember, of course, the big scandal of the early 2000s years, yes, when bill clinton pardoned his nephew, well, many, but including his nephew, yes, who by that time had already served time, and that is, his criminal record was simply expunged, yes, but even this caused a scandal, but it was still a slightly different
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american policy , 25 years have passed, now i think that, of course, they care much less about such distinctions, which is why if biden wins, this issue will be resolved in any way, given that there are more elections there. they don’t expect anything if biden loses, well, it’s just the last day of work president, there on january 20 he writes out all the necessary pardons, maybe even writes out for himself, and whoever else, including his son, although hunter biden really, yes, again, back to our conversation, he’s a little worried, yes about consequences of trump's possible victory, he even talks about the fact that he may leave america, and if, my god, like rostov again, well... perhaps, well, at least some of the countries that do not extradite him back to america, that's where the power may be liberal forces that will oppose trump. therefore, well, in general, of course, this whole american clownery makes us very happy, but i fully admit, yes, that all these court cases against trump, against
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biden, well, everything else, in general, the division of america, will lead the country to a certain political crisis, yes, which will continue at least from october november, that is, november 5 elections until...
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there is agreement on the future composition of the european commission.
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including an alternative for germany, e.g. and democracy, there are non-aligned parties , so they will create problems, of course , for the european commission, and we see, of course, a conflict with charles michel, the head of the european council, who is even trying to prevent ursol vanderlei from participating in these future negotiations, but precisely the reassignment or ... the election of the next head of the european commission, so of course there are many problems here. well, as for france, many were surprised, yes, by macron’s decision to announce early national elections, he was drunk, well , i think that of course, yes, on the one hand emotions, on the other hand, really, you know, i still have a certain, i see a certain similarity with the situation with sunak in britain, because they are both in some kind of bubble, but one of their closest supporters.
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they are gaining 45 and, of course, they may well even get a majority in the assembly, or at least the first faction, that is, for 200 seats they will most likely get it, an attempt to form some kind of cordon sanitaire against the right will generally lead to nothing, and i think that for macronists it will end badly, they will have no more than 50 places left, well, macron himself, in my opinion, on the one hand, is pursuing the only thing... what it seems to me that he was taught at the roschild bank at one time, within the framework of any negotiations, simply raising
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the stakes, constantly bluffing, even to the point where no one is paying for this bluff, that is, he has already staked the future of his faction, which is flying by, he tried to stake even the future of his presidency, although in the end he still rolled back , that's it now at the moment we see that, of course, he simply doesn’t have anything left that could be put on display and displayed on the table. you see, i have some additional chips, but this simply isn’t there, but at the same time, at this, but macron’s supporters probably have some kind of brilliant idea that if we still hold these elections, the right will win, we will be able to share responsibility with them for what is happening inside the country, that is, macron is turning into such a lame , have you ever heard of power being shared with someone is responsible, that's why in america this is a regular thing, no one ever shares any responsibility, there is either responsibility or there isn't, this responsibility lies with you, you have no one to go out with, no one to explain to, you won't go out to anyone, you
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won't explain anything , well, yes, not to mention the fact that france is still largely a presidential parliamentary republic, so the national assembly itself doesn’t even have that many powers, they will have to deal with internal affairs, which is unpopular, the economic situation there is deplorable, the olympics to survive the migrants, the costs of the olympics are also growing astronomically , and the debt crisis is acute, by the way, this is related to the question of the debt crisis , this is mine, i won’t give advertising now, i will have a debt crisis, yes, so excuse me, but harsh conditions of television, so yes, we will sort out the crisis of france, but immediately after the advertisement, i am the daughter of krosheninnikov and tatyana, jackdaw, why didn’t she tell me anything, i wish you happiness, thank you, but wait. i dreamed of becoming a daughter, dear mother, today i almost told my father that i was his daughter,
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that she is talking about me or something, but has become an easy prey, but where do you think your nurse is, golida? there is no time, we need some kind of plan, well , she, she is either here or has disappeared, help, to the rescue, jackdaw, the final episode at four on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, this is not about think. there is all this, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here, how everything is running, i really want to check,
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seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , of course. so will you be torn between me and my wife? what, what's wrong with the legs? she’s disappointing for me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i’ll somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying all night with me, my husband
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is in trouble, and says, there’s no time, i need surgery right now do. where can you find that kind of money right now? it's for our sake. welcome back, let's jump off with a friend, more you. and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife? spring of change, sunday on rtr. yes, i’ll continue about france , but i’m still finishing my speech today on this matter, look, indeed, of course, in my opinion, yes, these elections to the national assembly, which france is expecting, will lead to a very serious strengthening of the right faction, that’s quite perhaps even many have already
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started talking about this, they will be able to appoint their own prime minister, although again he is appointed by the president. but like most in the national assembly there is a right to vote on this issue anyway, but if they make jordan bardela this rising star of french rights, then i fully admit that there are age restrictions? in my opinion, no, most likely the doge is outrageously young, he is 28 years old, indeed even younger than me, very young, and well, there are definitely risks for him, because the position of prime minister at the moment in france is literally shot , yes, the situation in the economy is terrible, the situation with migrants, the crime of ahab, and he will need to deal with the internal affairs, while macron travels around the world, continuing to fight declaratively with russia, and sometimes not even declaratively, sending or not sending instructors, and the rest of the weapons, so macron will have such an entourage of beale clinton's second term, when he no longer has a majority in congress, all internal issues can be left to the right, relatively
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speaking, and thus try to lower their ratings closer to higher the elections of 27, that is, in fact... in fact, an attempt to stop the rightful threats in this way may even lead to positive consequences for him, but again, it’s difficult to judge yet, because the elections can end unpredictably, so we’ll watch, here literally the last thesis regarding the european army, the rearmament of everything else, i absolutely agree that we should not underestimate the enemy in any way, but of course we should look realistically at its capabilities right now, but also how to give certain forecasts for the future, now they have a lot of problems, that is , for example, there are 300,000 nato soldiers for... still there is not enough money, there is not enough money to raise, so far they cannot raise it, yes, again, not in germany , neither in france nor in other countries, that is, you can, of course, say, let’s launch a printing press, but it hasn’t been working for 2 years, and the money supply, both the euro and the dollar, is shrinking, as if there are problems with this, again due to increased inflation, plus of course the debt problems are huge and france has 6% of gdp there,
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germany, where the constitutional crisis literally caused all this in italy in other countries, so here, of course, we... still, we will not discount the factor of the possible future disintegration of europe, at least of the european economy, in this case, of course, the victory of the right , this is a small step in this direction, no one expects that they will stop sending weapons tomorrow, everything else to ukraine, this will not happen , but the more internal squabbles they have, the better off we are, of course, when we need war, the money is there,
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no, well wait, this is a civil war right, excuse me, this war will have the features of a civil war, they will rise up, go, go to fight in a civil war, they will go something else, because now there is such a mixture of peoples, no need, here economism in approaching politics always leads to colossal mistakes, this is not economism, but i would like to understand now.
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the reality is that, according to our data , the polish armed forces will amount to 200,000 people by the end of 2024 , poland’s military spending has increased over
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over the last 9 years by 3.5 times, debts are growing, expenses are rising, they are printing money, which means that in certain centers of the western world, in the european union, in the usa, they have the opportunity to finance their war machine, so i would not count on them falling apart or they don't have enough money. the former european elites still remain, aimed, in our opinion, at least at preparing a war against us. we
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cannot yet say what the final decision will be. and russia, and belarus, and iran, and other countries that today let them not be united, as sergei viktorovich lavrov says, by a formal union, but united, let’s say, by one goal, the goal of building a more just multipolar world order, and now the next summit of brix foreign ministers has been held in nizhny novgorod.
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by 2030, increase by 50% in mutual trade, this is in dollar terms, and i hope that by 2030, in ruble terms, yes, we will start counting in our currencies, but for now, if we talk about dollar terms, this is more than 70 billion dollars , now more than 50, that is, we have there are several important tasks, of course, this is the integration triad, microelectronics, airplanes without fail, machine tools, machine tool building, russia has competencies, belarus has it, we can do a lot together and will respond to the economic challenge, this is the second projection of the war, and the third , of course, diplomatic, those plans to isolate our countries, to block foreign trade transactions, are very much needed within the framework of brix, an alternative, alternative, firstly, a financial center, and an alternative payment system, outside banks, outside the banking system, which
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is controlled. that it was not possible to confuse beijing either with threats or promises, to force, let’s say, to abandon its cautious support for russia, this is a great achievement, and the failure of this swiss operetta is probably only the first chord, this is the music of the new world that will soon begin to play, china, as i said yesterday, has a visa-free regime with belarus,
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yes, but why does russia have a visa? why? don't know. dmitry, yes, i noticed a couple of things you wrote? no no no. turn on the tv, i'm on the air. yes, yes. look, old man. oh, well, first i ’ll make a couple of comments, after all, well, firstly, it’s quite unexpected to hear from a marxist that, so to speak, economic considerations in politics, so to speak, are not so important, because marxism must, excuse me, be interpreted like this , as it is written, karly: an idea that has captured the masses becomes a material force.
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instruments of sterilization, then it really reduces, reduces the money supply, as for europe, it is really in a difficult situation, because the euro is not an independent currency and without... cops in general, in principle, and a further mission is impossible, which means borrowing is impossible, well, because borrowing represents modern borrowing, like i have a bag of money there, lend me, so to speak, then i’ll give it back to you, they seem to be structured a little differently, in fact, a huge tool of this breton woods system, but they corrected it a little, it is precisely based on the fact that in general money can be printed without fear of serious consequences, inflation, as a rule in this situation,
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and testimony, because a group of pro-biden supporters who, in any condition , wanted to push biden into a second term, after all, they were going to hold a virtual vote on the internet in the first half of june and nominate him,
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and even then , when the state of agaya, which, well, because of which formally this all began, in the state of agaya, is the deadline for entering candidates for president and vice president. what hunter became, well, this guy with a ruined face, he’s like, well, here he was offended, trump should be tried, as if only trump, here at the same time he, it’s not good, lost his temper, they are sent to a clinic, which
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at the same time means, in general, a postponement of the execution of the sentence there, by the way, the sentence has not even been scheduled for its announcement, well, the father says , i want to be with my son, well, that’s all, as if that’s all, you can say so, what’s next is a shambles. another thing is that all the people who are very active, led by the ideologists of obamaism, so to speak, rushed to say biden needs change, somehow they calmed down at the same time . this is an amazing thing, i have already made an assumption about this, my assumption is that in the twenty-fifth year something is predicted that you don’t really want to somehow be here, to be at the head, to be for this cause, but continues a political strategist is talking about this, but at the same time.
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on the one hand, it seems like no one really wants to fight a civil war, so there are people like that, even those who give a lot of money to trump there and so on, there are people who constantly say: well, give them the vice president... well, not figuratively, so to speak, grab your ar-15s and go into battle, but so to speak, why the hell are we still putting up with all this , well, that’s what - this is generally the case, well, and one more such moment, in fact, this news that hunter biden was finally found guilty, it so slightly
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throws off the topic, well, i want to say again that in opposition circles, in republican, there in the trumpist right, of course, this trial of hunter biden, according to these ridiculous accusations to which he has already admitted himself...
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the question is, who will listen to him? well, look,
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there are a number of countries that will probably want to go between, but there are a number of countries that will not want to, that will not want, yes, absolutely true, but there are a number of countries that, for example, once again, this is very an important point in my opinion, no, this was expected, yes, they said it a long time ago, that they want to strike at the gray fleet, yes, that means this is not a gray fleet, this is a fleet that is still gray, there have been attempts arrests, yes, but it’s still gray, they’ve already intercepted, yes, yes, yes, let’s, let’s, but this is a question of definition, that is, but it’s still gray, but there is, that means once again, we announced our officials say that we will have our own international insurance, we are working together with someone, which means we are building this very insurance in defiance, they don’t recognize it, so don’t care, that’s right, well, we’ll send our fleet, well, yes, right here it's starting to be so difficult to accompany the caralans, let's start hammering.
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england is a spit on the body of humanity, so when he quietly calmly says, now the houthi guys have hit them, and they have worn themselves out, england doesn’t have its own naval force, that’s the whole point, look, these are just different fields, battlefields, undoubtedly the british military -nautical. the fleet couldn’t do anything , they don’t care what they can do
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specifically, here’s loyd, so to speak, and loyd, they don’t care what he can do specifically, without a fleet, specifically, what they can do for a very long time, what they can to do, firstly, it will be strengthened, of course, not by himself, not the british fleet itself, okay, that’s purely specific what they can do, well, nothing, let’s just say, all the ports, which are all in debt, like in silks, which naturally owe to the chinese, belong to the chinese, yes, in the dollar circulation system, payments for 2 days, they are for...
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china saw it all, for them all these attempts of the americans, the british, they saw it all, our attempt to idealize the capabilities of the british americans always for some reason comes from our experience of the nineties, that they are gods, who find a way to punish, china will hit so hard that it’s not enough it will appear when it arrives. yes , they didn’t own anyone, well, hello , they arrived, well, they didn’t own, as soon as they entered the competition, they realized that they had to compete with the whole world, they burned their fleet, that was the end of it, that they realized that there were savages and barbarians around them interesting, well, this can be considered this way, why everyone who came to china began to speak chinese, this is different, again, what another, well, this means that if they dragged it under themselves, they did it,
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then excuse me, they somehow they came out of their interfluve, not that interfluve, which we are used to, but between i'm sorry there between. that means, that means, i want, i want to pay attention, that means, maybe, but all the wars that china waged against the benosts were civil, but at the same time they still devoured their neighbors, but who are they devouring whom, well, excuse their territories, how it expanded the territory of the empire, you can call it civil, not civil, but china expanded 1.5 billion and not in some way, not by the king’s method, it turned out, approximately the king’s, sorry, if you have, if you have a province. writes in different languages different cultures, well, this is also an expansion for me, this is also an arrogant view of chinese culture. now i’m not saying anything arrogant in relation to china, just a phenomenally arrogant view of chinese culture, i’m also sorry, if they lost to everyone, then how did
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they get such territory, where did they get this is their territory, if they lost to everyone, wait a second, give it like a second. neither china, nor north korea, nor we still have an answer to this question, well , well, if there is such a question, then i as if absolutely. calm, because in fact, it is in this area that the main blow will now be dealt, not in the area of ​​mobilizing, so to speak, european transgenders, so to speak, and distributing to them weapons that have not even been produced yet, in this area, yes, china probably knows very well about the schemes and perfectly calculates the risks.
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well, it’s ridiculous to think that china is building a powerful economy, growing wildly, without calculating basic risks, especially since it depends on transport flows. that's what they think, they know everything, they all they calculate, listen, here, here, here i am before the law, just a completely different mentality, i understand, i understand, but the courts are not insured by the mentality, they are not convinced by the mentality all over the world, well, for some reason they are precisely because , that instead of building an alternative system , they consider the risks, it is for this reason that
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there is still no alternative, they have put up an alternative settlement system with eran and no one can do anything, these are the europeans . the chinese have built their own settlement system with iran, and from there they drag everything, well, from iran, maybe they are dragging something, i agree, but it’s as if they have little mutual relations with afghanistan, they have built their own alternative system under the noses of the americans , in case nothing threatens us, not us, but them, we are threatened by a lot, especially secondary thinking depending on the conviction that those are like a submarine to us now and goodbye, british isles, well, yes, that’s right, sorry, i accidentally defended it.
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because there are a lot of obstacles, there are still a lot of obstacles to the development of our relations with north korea, i have i mean, first of all, the sanctions regime and for the development of our relations with vietnam. here i mean, first of all, the involvement of the united states, their active participation in the anti-russian, say, vietnam miracle
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part of the vietnamese political elite, which in general is oriented towards them, and not towards us. what needs to be said here, i really liked this speech by grigory borisovich karasin, he said it very well, he was asked about the upcoming visit, he said that it would strengthen relations saturating them with specifics, that is, this is already so to speak, the first one is very important... if we say that we will saturate them with certain specifics, then this already implies changes in certain
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changes in our policy. the second very important factor that inspires enormous optimism regarding this is, of course, the statement of our president on june 6, when he said that north korea is our neighboring country, these are our neighbors, we do not care at all what is there, who is there will think about the development of our relations, he often says, why should the workforce and people be tormented?
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from my point of view, this will be absolutely breakthrough, so to speak, there will be things there, i do not rule out that there will be a conversation about renewing, maybe the treaty of friendship and cooperation of the year sixty-one, which after which khrushchev signed with kimmersen, in the nineties they said, that this agreement is already everything, it seems, but what was in this agreement, in this agreement there were vague security guarantees for north korea, these are all very important things, you know, yes, of course, this is very important, because we need to understand north korea, because we need to understand. that they are under severe pressure from the americans, from the south koreans, from the japanese, they are now
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actually forming, that’s what sergei vikovich was talking about, they are forming, so to speak, a certain bloc, a bloc that is no longer for the south- east asia, it is for northeast asia that they talk about containing north korea, so everything that north korea is doing now is all this military program, and this entire budget, which has been there for many years now, 70% of the budget, even more, that’s all. so to speak, military, so to speak, expenses, this is all a forced measure to a large extent for north korea, and i think that if, so to speak, these barriers fall, then there will be opportunities for mutual exchange both in military terms and in technical terms , in technology, look, look how north korean missiles have now begun to fly, they used to fly on liquid fuel, yes, but now they started flying on solid fuel, it reminds me of everything time for such a sea battle, yes. before - north korean satellites, they launched them, they could not, so to speak, balance, they were spinning, and now they launched, filmed
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narfolk, showed everyone that... our satellite flew over the american naval base, so we see so to speak, they also have a certain technological breakthrough, this is quite obvious, so i think that these are events, i say, all these events from my point of view, we should not underestimate, this is a powerful answer to the west, you see, it there underlein, all these, but this is our very powerful answer, you understand, because north korea, i believe, except for belarus. north korea is the country that absolutely supports us, in 2014 it recognized crimea as part of russia, it recognized the lnl, the dpr, it, so to speak, spoke out absolutely openly, here is kimchenir’s sister, she said that in general we should stand shoulder to shoulder with shoulder, she, by the way, is responsible for ideology, in one trench, she had the wording one trench shoulder to shoulder in one trench, but i would like to see, we
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we are in the same trench, yes, these are all very important things and it seems to me that if i say so, well... everything i’m talking about will actually come true, it will be a strong, completely blow to all sorts of plans, so to speak, our enemies, this is absolutely obvious, as for vietnam, i will literally say briefly that this is also early morning, okay, then in more detail some other time, but i want to say that this will be the most important regime, the main thing here is the most important visit and the main thing here will of course be slightly different questions, if from the northern korea issues of comprehensive cooperation, so to speak. we have vtb bank there, but it cannot cope with all this flow, and the americans are doing everything to ensure that not a single vietnamese bank will work with ours, so we need to create our own banks, as dmitry has said many times, get away from the dollar one, and i think that these
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will be more important economic issues. will be of great importance. that's all, see you the day after tomorrow.
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what's this? bomb? i'm seriously a girl. i'm serious too. this is the button i'll press explosion if you don't give me the cash right now. seryozha, listen, seryozha, i have a hooligan here. yes, stop her.
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in general, the whole floor could have been blown apart, so listen, how did it get there, well, explosives, if they are still of a large volume, who said that it is a large volume, a small volume, it is plastic, it is a very small volume, be careful, yeah, in general, i just called gribnev, a sapper will come, he will explain everything in detail, but the recordings from the cameras have been preserved, well , if you allow me, marya sergeevna, here is the head of security, you asked to find, hello. hello, saveli, head of security. in general, there is no recording, i already looked, the hard drive burst, i think it’s impossible to restore it. hello, i'm listening to you. how's
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the security guard? severe concussion, needs to be taken to hospital. yeah, but can he say anything? maybe, but not good. he's babbling about some girl? about the cashier? well, maybe about the cashier. she is blonde. this is panov, he’ll say during the examination, she’s blonde, she’s brunette or redhead, that’s it, she doesn’t say anything else, okay, take her then, goodbye, goodbye dates, and he also says, outstanding nails, some kind of colorful manicure, nails, what’s with the nails, well, this is, well, a manicure, but nothing successful, but no, he just says that huge colorful nails, and i say, nails like nails, nothing outstanding, an ordinary manicure, that is... that means we have a blonde with a designer manicure, well, perhaps, there was a robbery in four other exchange offices, a platinum blonde in black glasses with
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false nails, there are recordings from cctv cameras, our topic, let's go , tell me the addresses, yeah, let's go, i don't think i can get my legs right away have, i’m tired of being afraid, premiered on rtr, in addition to treatment, there is another way to fight the disease, for example, vaccination. philip yankovsky, it was decided to invite the english doctor dimsdeev. are you ready to get started? sergei marin, stupidity, all this, poisons a healthy person with an infection, where it can be seen, i need to vaccinate people.
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here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common: sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here it comes, oh you are good, to caress the stubborn one, he loves to grab his hands there like that. tame the biter. voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, welcome a stray, to my shoulder, a parrot flies from the sky, the stars
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are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance you are in a hurry, everyone is talking, guys, i should feed the hamster , you are among friends, among friends, for the whole family on saturdays on rtr. look, our cabbage butterfly has gone, you know, she is not a cabbage butterfly, but this is some kind of moth, you are a young, interesting woman, it is necessary for this to be noticeable, not just me, look at how her color is as if from another planet, it ’s you from another planet, it’s really wonderful, everything is serious with us, she’s about to write out the whole dissertation for me, she won’t notice how much more
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was needed for you to seriously fall in love, you yourself, i i wanted you to have a little fun, that’s all, that was the plan, the plan, the law of preserving love on friday on rtr.
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so let's rest, boss, what a rest, what a rest, you know that i haven't had a drop of poppy dew in my mouth since the morning, but keep in mind. that i’ve already been working hard for two weeks without days off, in this situation this one breakfast is on the table, in fact, this is the only thing that can save me in my situation, the day before yesterday you went to vsevolozhsk, to vsevolozhsk, well, you went, so what, but still this day cannot be called a day of rest, i visited my old aunt, my aunt is an old, sick, lonely person, she has no one but me, i am the brightest thing she has in her life. not
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a lot, not a lot, but at least something, and i could n’t help but visit her, it would be simply inhumane, well, i visited, i visited, and at the same time, boss, don’t forget that i spent driving half a day, listen, it’s a good trend to do, by the way, we have a robbery, so boss, you know, it’s already simple, well, as soon as i want to sleep, we always have a murder, but i want to eat, we have a robbery, i there is no time left for personal life at all. i’ll become a general, vladimir vasilyevich, please sign, go ahead, here you go, thank you.
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you can’t see your face, just glasses that reach your hair, and that’s not enough for you? yes, hi, listen, well, we got records from two exchangers, only from two, listen, well, in all four schemes there was absolutely the same, the girl comes to the window. puts
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a bomb in a container for money, receives money, takes the bomb, leaves, everywhere except the last one, the kassirovs gave money unquestioningly, wait, all exchangers belong to one bank, peskarevsky, here, this is the most interesting thing, all exchangers belong to peskarevsky, but exactly the day before they received currency for exchange, yeah, that is, they had a decent amount of money, well, in total the girl. somewhere she took $250,000, mm, that is, the robber is somehow familiar with the structure of the bank, well, maybe the fired cashier, which is good. i knew the supply schedule for currency exchangers, yeah, well, you can see the face there, and now i’ll send you a few shots of the most successful ones, in principle you can see it, listen, but the nails there are really already so wonderful, you know, but from this angle it’s especially you can’t see it, there ’s actually a camera in front of the door and on the street, but the angle there
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is even worse, wait, stop right here, wave, now rewind, yeah, can you zoom in? show me your nails, lord, i would have said right away, well, listen, well, your nails are spectacular, it looks like an uzbek carpet, i don’t know what it’s like in color, yes, marya sergeevna, shveytsova, yes, yes, come in, have a seat, okay, there will be some more news, call me, i’m waiting, yeah, bye. hello, peter, counter-terrorism department, i’m listening to you, there is an assumption that in the case you are currently leading, there is a terrorist trace, in which case, an explosion at a currency exchange office, you
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have absolutely nothing to do, that’s why this is, well what kind of terrorism, well what, this is an ordinary robbery, well, yes, with the use of explosives. devices, you are thinking about terrorism, probably caused by explosives, how did you even know about this? from the news? our analysts made me think about terrorists, they, in turn, received information from your forensic group, i myself have not yet received anything from our forensic group, i know, apparently i won’t get the secret. and why should i close the case, you will deal with it yourself, you will deal with yours, we will do ours, our department is primarily interested in the origin of the fuse, why? because, as examination has shown, the fuse has a characteristic
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design, as a rule, we encounter such fuses in the caucasus, so i do not exclude the possibility that these robberies are not robberies at all, i scare all terrorists. any guesses about this girl? none. well, maybe, yes. perhaps she works or
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worked at the peskarevsky bank, perhaps even at an exchange office. interesting guess. do you need employee lists? well, of course, that would be nice.


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