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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  June 11, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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at least the nalyochitsa woman can lead us to the caucasian trail, yeah, well , that means we’ll conduct this case in parallel, yes, in parallel, yeah, you found something, and you? well, i actually asked the first one, we found video recordings from surveillance cameras, why look for them, i saw these recordings, well then, in general , get on with this matter, why am i going to get in the way under your feet, what? any guesses about this girl? none, well, maybe, yes, perhaps she works or worked at the peskarevsky bank, perhaps even in the exchanger? interesting guess, do you need employee lists? well, of course, it wouldn’t be... okay, yes, i accept, okay, we will,
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if there are any connections, yeah, what kind of abstractionist is this? nails, nails, uh-huh, and the nails are great, well done, can i take a look? well, isn’t it very typical for a caucasian terrorist? yes, anything can happen, and where did you find them? on the video you also watched. well, as i understand it, you won’t get any information from you, so you know, when i catch it, i’ll definitely let you know, yeah, i’m really counting on it. yes, by the way, you
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talked to the taxi driver. with which taxi driver? well, the taxi driver who took this bomber away from the exchange office. i do not know anything. it looks like taxi meteor an006 ks, 178 region. yeah, it's one of the security guards who noticed the car, so thanks, did you talk to him yourself? yes, but nothing special, but talk, you will probably do better, for sure, don’t doubt it.
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it’s a pity that you only have a black and white drawing, in nail design. color, a matter of principle,
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sit down, please, forgive me, please, you said what, what is the color, thing fundamental, in nail design, nail in english nail, in nail design, nail design, yeah, and manicure is, well, about the same thing, listen, from the drawing you gave me, you can reproduce thousands of types of nails. thousands of design samples, if you could at least roughly remember what colors there are, green, red, listen, these, how do you call them, nail designer, nail designer, there are a lot of them in st. petersburg, good, good and not so good, good during the day with fire cannot be found, sheer deletantism, vulgarity, themselves look. listen, well, this is absolutely terrible,
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do you see what a nightmare? nightmare? yes, well, in general there are a lot of these designers again, there are a lot of them. now only the lazy ninel designer, have you completed the week-long courses ahead? yeah, but in this case, could you tell me where i can find them all together? well, in principle, in any beauty salon they work with nails. yeah, these salnov are like dirt. it's clear. that is , you have never seen nails like this. we definitely didn't do anything like that. well, i'll go look around the salons. wait, you need to do something about hands. in what sense? well, you can't walk around with nails like that. listen, i’ve been walking normally for a long time. but you are a handsome man, you
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should have beautiful nails. must. all the best. goodbye. hello, hello, where are we going, nowhere, you don’t recognize the passenger, this one here. police, uh-huh, it’s impossible after hours, but well, you remember, well, it took half an hour, from fertile to bypass, she said two
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words, hello and goodbye, and where she was sitting, well, she was sitting there, that’s all i remember, here white hair, glasses. so did you see the nails? well it yes, i remember the claws, but what colors? do not remember? this was a green stripe, this one was blue, this one was orange, yes, green, orange, blue, yes, like that, and when she gave me the money, i saw green-orange and blue, yeah. when she was driving, she didn't talk to anyone on the phone? didn't talk to anyone, okay, i talked to her on the phone, wait, did you talk to her on the phone? well , when i arrived, she wasn’t there, i
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called her phone, but where did you get her phone? our dispatcher always picks up the phone when there is an order accepts, so go ahead, yeah. yes, yes, i hear , i hear, that means there’s a blue stripe in the center, yes, well , i understand, i understand, yeah, around, yeah, orange, right, and at the edges of which, at the edges, there’s green, i understand everything, i understand everything, but edges?
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like an ordinary vintage, listen, this one, an ordinary vintage, this one, but who makes it anyway? well, can you name the person here who is doing this? you see, they do this in any salon, a girl came, ordered nails from a catalog, it was not difficult for her, well, yes, that is, it is practically impossible to find the author of these nails possible, well, yes, oh! well, yes, well , in general there is one option, well, of course, to go around all the masters, what are you talking about, a very large internet forum, well, there is for workers of beauty salons, hairdressers of all kinds, hang a picture there, maybe someone will admit that he’s just
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so famous the forum, yes, is very large, all our hairdressers and manicurists are there, try it, girl, give me your address, i’ll tell you. can i have your hand? for what? come on, come on, well, you’re a handsome man, right? you must have beautiful nails, you must have, you must have, here you go decryption, thank you, the phone is registered to a certain igor vasilyevich boronchuk, well, there is a registration and a phone number. the phone doesn’t answer, and he doesn’t have another phone, right to
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the point, about 20 more numbers, and they don’t answer either, absolutely right, but he’s alive at all, well, i can’t firmly answer this question, but he’s not listed among the dead, well it means your passport was lost or stolen, by the way, i wouldn’t be surprised. there are still a lot of loans hanging, you think it’s useless to look, no, it’s very useful to look, for example, i’ll talk to this anti-terrorist, maybe they also had this passport somewhere , yes, yes, and also, judging by the transcript, yeah, this number was valid for half a day, five different taxis were called from it, a taxi driver called the same number, neither before nor after . there were no more calls from this number, so what does it mean
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this number was only used for robbery? well, yes, well, apparently, the girl worked without accomplices, otherwise how to explain why she used a taxi, in fact it was more convenient to take there, i don’t know, some kind of wrecked car by proxy and then throw it in the fields, but with another on the other hand, the car is always a trace. and the taxi drivers didn’t see anything other than what the guards saw, nails, hair, glasses, talk, she didn’t talk to anyone, wait, what, don’t you think it’s strange that she wasn’t really hiding, well, maybe behind glasses, the camera saw her perfectly, she showed her nails to everyone, and her manicure is not very modest for a burglar, but is she alive, a disposable girl? it may well be that she’s a consumable item, like this boronchuk’s sim card, she probably didn’t know about it, well
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yes, she completed the task, she was liquidated, well , now she has outlined such a confident capercaillie, oh, don’t get your hopes up, look for boranchuk, hello, hello, great, boss, what have you got there? where? well in your pockets? there is nothing at all. listen, i found a girl. well, of course, no, well, not in that sense, or a designer, well, a manicurist, well, who did the nails? well, yes, she discovered her work on a picture forum. great, well done, have you talked to her? no, why? doesn't want to talk? well hello! i don’t mind at all, she, she works for vaska and lives there, there’s a phone, yes, and that’s okay,
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no, no, i’m not going anywhere, here’s the address, phone number, why won’t you go, what did you tell her, but i didn’t tell her anything, i’m with her at all i didn't talk, but i think this is what. that the girl is very important for us, an important, valuable witness, so i should go to her, i’m sure of it, vladimir vinokurov, show your hands, what are you doing, a sanitary doctor, or something, there’s something wrong with his hands, show your hands, you will you go to the girls or not, his hands, hmm, his nails are varnished, fedi, what kind of varnish, what kind of varnish, show me, well, i just polished everything, make it look green, it’s a varnish, well, what kind of varnish, it’s not a varnish, it’s what it’s called, it’s
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a special product, i just don’t remember the name, listen, mother-of-pearl chicken, because we’re losing you, listen, but to it was, if we sent you to a antenatal clinic, well, don’t fantasize, i beg you, i paid dearly, why, but this is a manicure, generally free, people are just human. yes, i visited thousands of salons everywhere and they tried to tune me. okay, i'll go to the manicurist. mara sergeevna, you are not there forget to find out who she painted nails for, and don’t forget to find bornchuk. boranchuk, who is this? come on, i'll explain it to you. listen, this polish will last a lifetime, right? well, i asked for my whole life. no, well, you are a handsome man. you need beautiful hands. go. hello, hello polina, i'm talking about a manicure.
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what apartment? seventh, second floor! well, there is someone, it seems, well, it seems, he’s coming, boss, it seemed like who? boronchuk, open up, police, yeah, now, he ran away, what are you going to do, why are you carrying anything now?
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yes, he left! boss, the client is here, what? let's go,
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take it, thank you, eh! why did he run away? igor vasilievich? so, if i knew that the police, i thought, bandits, i thought, that’s it, i thought, i’m living out the last minute, why would the bandits come to you, so what, they don’t ask, you know what’s going on, people they kill from right to left, at least watch tv, okay, boranchuk, don’t drive the fool, why? i jumped out of the window, as i say, i got scared, boranchuk, that’s where your passport is, i lost it, oh, and i wrote a statement to the police? no, why so? and i recently lost it. mm, when? well, i don’t know, a week, maybe, mm, yes, yes,
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boranchuk, i’m in trouble. you're in full, and what is it? now, what is it? kohl, do you have a third one free? there are a lot of people, but you’ll take one more, but it’s okay, he’ll lie under the bunk, well, for a couple of days, right? well, we’ll soon send him to a pre-trial detention center, yeah, okay, thank you, go ahead, then, igor vasilyevich, you have the right to one call, what are you telling me, oh, give me a lawyer, i didn’t do anything, igor vasilyevich, the situation is terrible, to your
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passport, an unknown person took a loan from the bank, along with the money disappeared. bank, naturally, i went to the police with a statement, they opened a criminal case, article 159, fraud, the main suspect is boranchuk, igor vasilyevich, on whose passport the loan was issued, goats, yes goats, my passport was taken away for debts, who is the picker, you understand, yours the story doesn’t fit the case, anyone in your place. i would start moving the switches until the shtatek himself admits that he took your passport for debts, you will be bored here, in the isolation ward, and this is only in that case... “if the shtatek really exists at all, yes, i have his phone number, yes it’s not enough, when he took your passport, i don’t know, about two months in the summer, you
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owe him a lot, 17, when are you going to give it back, when, when the money appears, what am i, i don’t draw it, i don’t steal it, but we- then we don’t know this yet, but if, let’s say, you got money”? how would you transfer it to the shtaket? how would you transfer it? call the meeting, make an agreement. igor vasilyevich, maybe we can try this? well, if the shtaket really exists and if the passport is him? and if he’s lying? i’m not lying, you’ll see for yourself, he ’ll give me my passport as soon as i get the money. i’ll bring it, i bet you, he has his passport. so what, boss, let’s take a risk. under your responsibility, well, let's go, where, where, where, where i'll throw the mountain, so, you have a telephone picket, you have it,
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well, we'll call you on the way, handcuffs, then we'll take them off, let's go. her name is luda, lyudmila, we found these nails in a magazine, i just changed the edging, her eyes are green, so green would suit her better, there were blue ones in the magazine, but i explained to her that blue is not hers, sorry, she it was the first time i came to you, the first time. although she promised to come again, she didn’t call again, although on the other hand, only a week has passed, a week, well, or two, you know, i have
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15 people a day, i can’t remember them all, i work practically seven days a week, and how did she find you, well, she called, yes, like everyone else , who not without friends advised, here she is, well, if she called you, you should have her phone number, look, you... like this one, yes, yes, very good, phone, no, i hardly have her phone stayed, i only write down clients’ phone numbers for the third time, well, when it’s already clear that they will come, but still not a single one the address book is not enough, well, maybe look in your phone, maybe the number is saved, listen, so many people call me a day, that’s what i’m saying, i’m sorry, please, yes, yes, linuseka, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i just can’t talk, i i’m working, yes, call me back in half an hour, okay,
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okay, go ahead, excuse me, uh-huh, so here’s the number, yes, the number is not saved, and i have no idea where to look for it, listen, what? she said that irina gave her my number, and this is not the first time this irina has been visiting me, which means i should have kept her number, no, no, no, what are you saying, just let it dry, otherwise it will turn out sloppy, listen, where does it work, somewhere in the center, on the ligovka or something, yeah, i found it, i don’t know, now. oh, a normal car.
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and 1 2 3 4 5 6 what is this, what are the chapters, there are 13, what am i, listen, ram, stop talking, you owe me 17 grand, and if you send it again it will be 117, you think i have nothing more to do, every time you get a ruble ride, shtaket, i ’ll bring you four tomorrow, honestly, tomorrow you ’ll bring me 10, for your impudence for... wasting my time on you, shtaket, give it to me a passport, they won’t give me money without it, they won’t give me money without it, maybe i can buy you a plane ticket, but ram, you’ve completely gone crazy, you’re stupid , looking for yourself, it’s better to have a passport when
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you bring the money? a normal car, 300 horses, and you have it. boss, don’t press yourself so close, okay, fine, well, where are they, oh, hello, yes, yeah,
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that’s right, i’m writing it down, safronov, andrey timofeevich, so, what year, 1978, i understand, petrovskaya embankment eight, that’s it, come on, thank you, yeah, the owner, the car is registered on petrovskaya, well, that means he’s going there. yes, hi, rish, this is polina, yes, listen, remember, luda came to me from you, yes, lyudmila, yes, she made this film, yes, green, with orange, and there’s also a blue one, yes, listen, and you couldn’t you give me her phone number, otherwise i ’ve lost it somewhere, now, yes, now,
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now. yeah, i'm writing it down, yeah, thank you, yes, i wrote it down, yes, yeah, but you don't know where, yeah, okay, okay, yes, i'll call, i'll call, happily, yes, well, here's the phone, thank you, only you before her can’t get through, her phone is switched off, even irina tried to call, but no, but irina saw her at work, so the fact of the matter is that 3 days ago she quit, well, that’s it, from then on there’s not a word, polina, please call irina again, why, well, i need to find out exactly where they work, i i remembered, this is not
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an agency, this... the salon is actually a brothel, she works there as a prostitute, a prostitute, yes. well, i told you, yes, the registration is on its way, why
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did you get burned? no, it’s far away, what kind of apartment is there? 34, let's go, uh-huh, quiet, the elevator is standing. maybe he wouldn’t have made it to the fourth floor at home.
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let's go there, yeah. boss, what? there is an exit to the metro, and there too, well, he escaped, which means, damn, the car, smartly, yeah, they underestimated the guy, well, with the money, what, what, that we gave to boranchuk? i took them into account, let's go, where, where, search warrant brother, do you think he has money at home, i think he might have instructions at home where to look for it, in this sense?
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hello, good afternoon, have you signed up? no, i'm looking for your employee, who? lyudmila. lyudmila. yes, i don’t know her last name, but she worked for you. it worked, that is, it doesn’t work now? well, how can i? can i help you, girl, i’m looking for her in connection with a crime, a murder, so i need any information that you have, and you know, just a minute, i’ll invite the administrator, and
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this is your first time, or what, do you have a phone number? phone, yes, well, i don’t know where she is, i told you not to leave your job, in case he fires you, or what? well, she was definitely alone, yes, alone, there was no one else with her, there was no one else, but can you imagine if there were clients, what
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a scandal there would have been, sorry, i don’t do that anymore i will, i didn’t realize it right away, i didn’t realize it right away, you won’t figure it out again, i’ll fire you to hell, i’m sorry, you also told the duty officer, checking with him, so the fence, the fence, is walking around the city, when
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you catch it, soon, we’ll just find it , so he left, well, well, yes. “now he ’s got me on a fine grater, but don’t worry so much, his hours are numbered, kurochkin took the money on account, the money that you gave to the fence, so there’s no turning back, the money must be returned, well, we’ll take the fence along the way, alive or dead , yes the point is, do i live up to this or not, listen, boranchuk, are you exaggerating"? his own importance, so the fence has nothing else to do but run around the city looking for you, he’s not at all interested in sticking his head out now, and there’s no need to stick his head out, it’s business once, twice, and ready, you followed him right after he talked to me, that is, there are no questions left,
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who leaked it is clear, and the fence is not the kind of people who let such things pass, and maybe you’re right, but he can’t, otherwise ... "listen, let me go to a cell for a week, while you do this catch a pretzel, but no, i’m talking about something else, we won’t put you anywhere. “we will assign security to you, and as soon as the fence looms on the horizon, specially trained people will shackle him and ensure isolation from society, and from you, boranchuk, in particular, like a lure, that is, it turns out, well, it turns out, on me , that is, boranchuk? “well, why are you so worried? well, you won’t
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see anyone at all, but you will sit at home, and specially trained people will be on duty at the entrance, the fence will appear, the violation will work. and if it doesn’t work, if it’s like today, then then? but now ideological immaturity has spoken to you, plus a growing distrust of the executive authorities, but the authorities are wrong, they are wrong, and then they corrected the mistake, so it seems to me boranchuk that... you do not trust the ministry of internal affairs entirely? what are you doing? what does the ministry have to do with this? yes, despite the fact that your modest person can provide a huge service to your homeland, you understand? if you help us apprehend a particularly dangerous criminal, we will file a report on you, you get a medal, then you go to work in the authorities, you become the head of a department, then in the central administration, then a minister. so, that is, they will take the pickets before he comes to me. well, of course, you won’t see him, and he wo n’t see me. and he’s for you, so why
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do you need me then, maybe i’ll be put in a cell, but listen, i have a feeling that you’re drawing the wrong conclusions, now it seems to you that you ’ve come to where, to the theater, or what? no, reliability is important here, the fence will definitely call you in advance to hear your voice, if you’re not there, who ’s going to get a medal? receive an external surveillance service, but i’m serious, don’t drive away, seriously tell you, go home, sit there quietly, don’t talk to anyone, if the fence calls, talk to him rudely, sharply, fuck off my cherries, clearly, the main thing is that he appeared sooner, wait, i’ll send outdoor traffic, so, alexey petrovich, vinokurov, listen, can you? allocate a couple of soldiers from your garrison, for a couple of days, for a couple of days? and
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then? well, why are you worried? look, the best people will protect you, yeah, first they set you up, and then let’s protect you, boranchuk, it seems to me that you really want to go to prison, well, look, i can arrange it for you in full, great, who are they going to search, what do you want, well, here’s the setup they wanted. for a search, uh-huh, that's it, i'm off, great, i'll come in now, i'll enter all the information, of course, let's go, okay, i'll go.
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what do you need, but i have coffee, i’m new or what? yes.
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chief, listen, is he doing well on this fence? don’t eat, you’ll get poisoned, oh well, volodya, just look, look how much there is here simok. don’t be afraid, everything is in the name of boronchuk, i think that they are all already covered somewhere, but let’s hope. it’s some kind of mess, you’re not interested, it’s nice, look, people have some kind of phone number, do you think that
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they know him there, people know him. well, yeah, for getting to know each other, come on, and you worked individually, well, i mean individually, well , as a pimp, or maybe you know him, by the way, uh, fillonov, fillonov, yes, nikolai petrovich, you know, nikolai petrovich, yes , is he old or something, no, he’s... not old, you know how serious he is, in short, a complete fool he’s a fool, well, it’s understandable, but as an individual, well, of course, yes, yes, of course, i also pushed around for a couple of years, a pimp, until you find a normal one, no one wants to do a damn thing, that’s it, yes, he’ll grab them by the ass, right? straight into the bushes, one client even
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tried to charge me 50 thousand, what the heck, it’s amazing, damn it, but it’s good here. calm, i like it very much, yeah, well, yes, and stability, although sometimes you also come across such assholes, assholes, yes, well, whether you want it or not, um, yes, yeah, yeah, but you got me a friend here, well, by the way, maybe you you know her she's so, how can i say, blonde, luda, you know, dyed, uh-huh, and her manicure, uh, always very interesting, well, like there are orange, green ones, and lyusya, lyusya, so she... it looks like she quit, uh-huh , hmm, i don’t know why she quit, that’s why she quit, oh, well, at least she managed to get me settled here, i actually only found out here that she quit, i can’t get through to her for 3 days, so she went, where , she didn’t say anything, no, well, that’s what i heard, actually, but
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do you know where she lives, of course, well, the family guy doesn’t answer either? but i heard the girls said that she was taken to moscow somewhere for treatment, to be treated, uh-huh, she got sick, well, they say they found her sleeping, but what are you, uh-huh, they’re lying, maybe they’re lying, uh-huh, but you had nothing with her, listen . come on, i asked, just in case, oh, listen, where is her room, don’t you know, yes, i know, i ’m telling you, i was with her, but here these doors are all the same, i’ll still get lost, but well, the third one from here, in that direction, yeah, listen,
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i’ll go and see if she’s actually sitting there, and i ’m looking for her around the city, okay, go ahead, thanks, come on, come on, come on, bye, bye.
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well it all started. the subscriber is unavailable, leave a message after the beep.
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well, it seems that here, like, i won’t contact him for a long time, that we’re a no-show, okay, okay, work has arrived, somehow it’s not hospitable, hello, i’m listening to you, please, espresso, yeah? we all need one girl, one, for now, yes, and you have our card, well
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, naturally, great, oh, listen, yeah, i forgot my card at home, yeah, you need some kind of employee of ours. luda, lyudmila, and here we have there is no lyudmila, she works as someone, she is a prostitute, espresso is all, and lyudmila, coffee with sugar, 90 rubles. i, i’ll bring it now, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, oh, and just in case the id was found. look, this will do, it’s so good, it’ll be right away, boss, but
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in my opinion, we’re in a brothel, listen, talk to the bosses, i work in a bar, i don’t care about your bosses, about you, about what you’re doing are you studying, at the moment i’m only interested in lyudmila, here she is. phone number, what's your name? petya, petya, so, petya, i want to warn you that our conversation is of an intimate nature, it is better not to tell anyone about it, otherwise in this intimate plane we will continue and develop our relationship, perhaps you will not like it, do you understand me, petya? yes, uh-huh, you know, luda, yes, well done, you see how
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easy and pleasant it is to tell the truth, and her friend shtaketo, you know, he’s so skinny, he drives a sports car, he’s often here , every week, peter, not tell me, he only goes to lyudmila. for the last month only to her, it’s been a long time since the last time, well, it seems like it was thursday last week, great, come on, take us to lyudmila, so she’s not there, petya, i’m telling you honestly, she disappeared 3 days ago, and why did you react to it calmly like that, no, of course, you called the phone? doesn’t answer, it’s true that her things are here, she should return, things, and where are the things,
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you are in her room, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go.
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come on, yeah, marya sergeevna, how much energy do you have at two jobs? you work in the investigative committee in the morning and in the evening, and that’s probably it. cats give strength, no, these are cramped life circumstances, no, well, fedor and i also don’t have enough salary, but we we’re not going to trade, well, you have something to trade, my dears, well, people used drugs, yes, they did, she was sleeping, i don’t know for sure, they say, well, let’s give her a home
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address, i rented an apartment for her, and she recently an apartment moved to a car wash, did anyone go there, were you even looking for it, why? and i’ve already somehow learned to distinguish sausage by color, but i’m by taste, but no, i mean that by color everything is already clear, which is clear, look, normal sausage, light, oh, pink, look, but not , do you see some inclusions, if you don’t like it, don’t eat it, i
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’ll get more. open the door, ram, open it or i’ll kill you, i said, i’ll strangle you like a puppy, open it, i say, i know you’re home, open it, well, i asked for it.
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stand hands, stand, stand, stand, quietly, quietly, quietly, calmly, take the barrel, it’s a good gun, but you’re unlikely to need it, why, stand, quietly, hands, off, 343, 342, and 342, well, you need to connect, the door is metal, you need to drill, yes, just like that, you need an extension cord, okay, yeah, i
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haven’t... seen her, she works the night shift, i was on duty 2 days ago, she always comes in the morning, i’ll be there, we close the door at night, yeah, canner ela fedorovna, do you happen to know who might have the keys to this apartment, so the landlady, so, wait, we are looking for the owner, who are you looking for, anna semyonovna, no, no, luda, so luda. understands, but the owner anna semyonovna, so she’s here, lives on the fifth floor, come on, yeah, let’s go, oh my god, so, i went to call the experts, and you
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’re not going anywhere, boss, what’s wrong with her , so? what is this, a runny nose or what? as usual? well, like this go see what’s there and air it out at the same time. okay, boss, let's move on.
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wow, do you know what this is, safronov? i don’t know, it’s strange, you served in chechnya, you never saw plastid, i served in communications, interesting, you served in communications, your prints are on these briquettes, interesting, even more interesting than safronov. that your prints were found on a syringe held in the hands of your accomplice, the deceased, lyudmila vastryakova, which leads safronov to very bad thoughts,
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this situation suggests thoughts of murder, accomplice, this is about some case, about the case about a robbery, an exchanger, along the way one corpse, one wounded, in the case of a robbery, yeah. it’s clear, and how many corpses are there on me, two, two for now, yeah, although this is already enough, believe me, considering that there is ironclad evidence, your affairs are not very good, so what should i do, cry or something, well, that’s unlikely for you it will help, yes, but what will help, a purely heartfelt confession, it can help, yeah, well then write it down, so, i never killed anyone,
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it never even happened in the war, yeah, they wrote it down, but i knew the little guy, yes, but only in alive, the memory is very positive, if you are interested in details, i’ll tell you later, if you want, well, about exchangers, i listened to you, i didn’t really understand everything, but i can say that the last time i used an exchanger was six months ago, when i went to italy, yes, i changed money , well, when i arrived, i miscalculated a little, i brought too many euros, so guys, you made a little mistake here, look for another mokrushnik, aplastic, eh? visiting, yes, he held it in his hands, i remembered, i brought it from chichenyu, it was like dirt there, i wanted to, i wanted to take it fishing, but somehow everything
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i couldn’t take advantage of it, well, i understand, sofronov, okay, you had a chance, you didn’t take advantage of it, send citizen nakalyaev, uh-huh, wait, why nakalyaev, well, nakalyaev’s committee there. on the fight against terrorism, they are next in line, after the investigative committee, you don’t want to talk to us, but they have more powers there, they allow torture, wait, wait, what does the fight against terrorism have to do with it, get ready, well, that’s you ask them there, i think they are wary of plastic, the fuse there is characteristic, like terrorists, and your biography is suitable, you served in chechnya. they think, they probably think that you were recruited there, but they will tell you everything, so wait, wait, wait, you’re sewing me a little man from the election bank, like
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a flight exchange office, but we’re not sewing, it doesn’t matter when she was killed, well, so far the results there is no examination, but offhand, the girl was assigned immediately after the robbery. that is, a four, yeah, but the most important thing is the picket fence, well, your fingers are on the murder weapon, yeah. "this doesn't prove anything, i'm a drug addict, yes, yes, we were stuck on her apartment, she could very well have used my syringe, she could, but i suggest you look at this case from the other side, your accomplice, your friend, yeah, decided to overdose, took a syringe with your prints, that’s me now.” from
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the prosecutor’s point of view, so , so, so, and i have an alebi, yes, for how long, i’m telling you, there are no examination results yet, no one knows when vystryakova died, i was in gadchin for 2 days, at a friend’s birthday, yes, come on, coordinates, a witness, who can confirm, there is a video recording, and there is a date there. prudently, where is the recording? there are a lot of other people on this record, we filmed it for ourselves, porn, porn, porn, something like that, in general, i should know that this record will not go anywhere, anywhere. okay, i believe you, recording,
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where in the glove compartment in the car, there is an sd card, go, just be careful there with the car, i’m careful. “this means that neither vostryakov nor safronov worked in the bank and could not work, safronov would not have been allowed to open a deposit in the bank, he has two criminal records, both related to the counterfeiting of securities, in one case credit, novostrikova is also difficult imagine in the role of a bank employee, a drug addict with five years of experience, vostrikova has been engaged in prostitution for about the same amount of time, in short, come to work at the bank, she wouldn’t..." even in a dream, so that
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means it’s an accident, well then, that she went around all the exchange offices on the very day when the money was brought there, maybe one of her clients works in this system, or maybe one of the clients of safronov shtaket, he also banks with drugs, some drug addict - the security guard told in detail how much, when, knock-knock-knock, and... interfered, didn’t interfered, this is our famous medical expert, oh, lord, well, hello, well, something interesting, come on, read, just wait, the twelfth, yes, you are sure, absolutely, all the tests are attached. did she die
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the day before? the night before the robbery? wait, how is this possible, that is, she died on the twelfth, and on the thirteenth she robbed three exchangers, and blew up one, explain, i provided you with the facts, and you think, reflect, okay, bye, thank you, and that, and this is yours.
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radan, i congratulate you, so that you have everything, and you don’t have to pay anything for it. yes, he really has an ironclad alebi, oh, volodya, great, sign the piece of paper, why
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would you call, i came in, yeah, you can reach him, your phone is turned off, oh well, check it if you don’t believe me, that’s it, i let's go. hmm, indeed, shveytsova called, mash, hi, hi, listen, tell me, that was the phone, well, we confiscated it, yeah, maybe? look, there’s only one number for me, come on, listen, shtaket, it looks like he’s out of business, he has an ironclad alebi, i know he was framed, who, well, that’s what i’m trying to find out, okay, check your phone, yes, i’m writing, come on, 8, 531, yes, that’s it, where are you going,
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and i’ll go and come in, hello, hello, come in, sit down, have you found luda? found. lord, she, she, are you sure, look carefully, yes i looked carefully, it’s
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her, who is it, excuse me, yes, yes, i found something, nails, well, not yet, for now here. glasses, well, look carefully, maybe you’ll find it, okay, yeah, come on, you’re not interested in who killed her, yes, i’m curious, why did you decide that they killed her and that they didn’t kill her, she herself, no, not herself, you this is well known. because you killed her it's a joke? no, unfortunately, he’s asleep at your place? am i
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obligated to answer your questions? no need, i 'll answer it myself. your friend, shtaket, found himself a permanent mistress in a brothel, a drug addict. lyudmila, who had aids. the fence infected you with aids, and you decided to take revenge on him and his girlfriend, who, by the way, also happened to be your client. you organized lyudmila’s overdose, planted a syringe and a picket next to her, and the next day you robbed a bank using a very characteristic detail. nails like lyudmila’s, fortunately... you are very familiar with them, and you are also very familiar with the system of exchange offices of the peskorevsky bank, because 3 months ago you worked there, this is not
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a crime, this is not a crime, here is murder, robbery, murder again - this is a crime, this is your fantasy. you don’t have evidence, there will be, your sincere confession, mine, come to the window, why, come, you will be interested. he’s free, yes, but that’s not so bad, it’s worse that he knows everything. but i can’t detain you without your confession, so goodbye,
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i needed money for treatment, and you also it was necessary to take revenge, this is blackmail, but what to do? write.
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natasha? natasha! natasha! ksenia olegovna? yes, can you
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say approximately when death occurred? and 12 to 15 hours ago. the cause of death was head trauma. there are obvious traces of fat embolism in the blood, which only confirms this. the blow was most likely caused by this bottle, but marya lvovna did not find any prints. so it's 12:14 o'clock. yes, yes, approximately 8:10 pm. so, well, it looks like the people here are feasting, right? but it never started. and a bachelorette party, champagne, fruit. why not romantic? dinner? three glasses, photographs, cake. everything is somehow feminine. and, by the way, marya lvovna asked me to take the glasses with me, she will look at them in the laboratory. and the rest, the rest she already watched. where is she going? i lost my temper, went off to kill somewhere, and it’s like we’re having a picnic at a training camp, no, well, we don’t have enough
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experienced experts, damn, what’s going on, you ’re going to look at the bedroom, and what’s there? there is an empty safe there, brother andrei, who was killed, but i sent him to look at things, and so that he wouldn’t loom here, it’s clear, well, let’s go, let’s go, and i’m here i'll finish, yeah, yeah. hello, hello, what do we have here? well, i looked, the save is empty, natasha always kept a jewelry box there, even her grandmother’s, it’s also empty, and your expert examined it, uh-huh, but is anything missing from the clothes? yes, i honestly don’t know, it seems like that’s how it is,
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somehow i don’t keep track of her clothes, especially since there are so many of them . tell me andrey, natasha, isn’t she married? no, she was somehow in no hurry, she wanted to make a career first, she worked a lot, well, she earned money. well, did i have any men? i i see you’re an adult guy, you know what i mean? yes, like mosquitoes in the forest. well, now, well, that is, lately, yes, there is. that is, he was, i really don’t know him, he somehow, somehow we saw each other a couple of times, his name is slava, this one is probably mironenko, vyacheslav, the victim was on the phone, yeah, natalia, well but of course, i know, of course, i know, his name is slava, yes, slava, you know, he comes here often, he even sometimes sees her off in the evening.
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"no, he wasn't there last night, but she showed up with some two girls, though i i saw them for the first time, and what kind of girls, girlfriends, well, probably, i called my girlfriends home once, and these girlfriends, god, it was immediately obvious that they were not good, lahudra, so made up, dressed in god knows what, and that is, you you don’t know them and have never seen
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them before, no, i haven’t?” it was serious on my part, yes, of course, serious, natasha, i don’t know, i think it’s also serious, about the wedding we didn’t talk, of course, but i was already thinking about it, and natasha, no, i know, natasha, family, children, we need to come to this, we had a good time, now i won’t know about it, i understand that you don’t care now simple, but i’m not asking out of curiosity, we need to find the killer, and we really count on your help, i’m fine, ask, that means we have three
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versions, let’s call them, bachelorette is the third wheel, that is, the killer is a certain person from kirillova’s connections , version of the groom, pershin and muravlyannikov will take care of it, version of the bachelorette party is on you, what do you think to do? natalia's phone has several phones of her friends, several calls were made from one of them, this is what is needed, so which one? marina, good afternoon, are you worried about captain sylovey nikich, the criminal investigation department, well, it happened, of course, tell me, how did your bachelorette party go? well, what about natasha kirillova the day before yesterday, he’s talking great,
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tell me, how can we meet with you? no, nothing like that, just to talk, great, that's it, see you, well, it was her, she was with her friends, well, i drove off, no, nikita ilyevich, go with natalya sergeevna is in touch, if anything happens. well, what happened, some secrets, more on that a little later, tell me, were you alone at natalia’s the day before yesterday? no, not just solka,
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gavrilenka, can i have her phone number? yes, sure. here you go, thank you, so what happened, i see that something is happening, with natasha, something, well, how can i tell you, she was found dead yesterday, killed like a dead person, what a nightmare, you we’ve known him for a long time, well... “of course, for a long time, we were still friends from school, then we just didn’t see each other for many years, we met, we decided to sit down, to talk, to note, well, how did it turn out, no, not very well, well, i mean, we sat and talked, natasha was so cheerful, she kept bragging that everything was good for her,
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she made money, she changed men like gloves, she’s been such a tailgate since school was. well, we drank a little champagne, we were sitting well, and then this guy came running, what a guy, what do i know, well , he’s probably a jerk, natashkin, in short, from the doorway he started yelling, like, what kind of sluts are these anyway, you can’t see the edges at all, well, you realized that the atmosphere was somehow tense, you decided go away, what time was it, well, about 10 o'clock in the evening, you can recognize him, yes i can easily recognize him, then let's go, let's make an identikit, hello, come in , hello, take a seat, thank you, take a seat, thank you, are you ready, well, yes, yes, then let's start
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with the oval of his face, you know, he had such a narrow face, yes, ol, yes, rather narrow than round, no, rather, rather this, so, now the eyes, the shape of the eyes, i will scroll through, and you - adopt me when it looks like, yeah, okay, i remember his eyes very well, so evil, i can’t imagine how she lived with him, no, no, these are all kind of kind eyes, you couldn’t immediately put them as evil, the girl must tell you that the shape of the eyes cannot be good or evil, because the expression faces are created by facial expressions, yes, yeah, well, well then, leave these ones, please, these, yeah, okay, leave them, now it looks like you’re silent, but let’s move on to the mouth, i
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remember his mouth very well, uh-huh, well, lips like these, these, yes, exactly these, only you know, you raise the corners a little, he also has one like that he had a courageous chin, like his, like yours, yeah, like that, right, right? yeah, so now there are variants of noses, here, here's that one back, please, this one, here, yeah, now it looks like, yes, yes, this is it, stopudova, that's the mug, uh-huh, and girls, please wait, in the hallway, i'll see you out in a couple of minutes, okay, okay, thank you, all the best, goodbye. well, what do you say? well, nightingale, on glasses, on albums with photographs, on jewelry boxes,
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there are their fingers, both of them, well, that’s understandable and motivated. thank you, maria lvonovna, we will work, it looks like our natasha visited egypt six months ago, there are a lot of photos. and there are men, do you differentiate egypt from turkey? are you serious, of course , i’m different, happy, i haven’t been anywhere, are you kidding me, or have you really never been abroad, are you, by today’s standards it’s easier than flying to sochi, by the way it’s cheaper, so i haven’t been to sochi was, yes, you’re kind of wild , i’ve been traveling around, well, you can’t work so hard, it turns out you can, okay, let’s go, let’s go... here he is, look, it’s definitely him, well, hello, still unknown
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friend, so what kind of forest deer are you, well , what next, when did you go, through which travel agency, you need to throw off the nightingale, he’ll quickly break through everything, this crash is everywhere, whether at the border service, or at customs, will start whining, exploitation will say. well, exploitation, what to do? don't be rude, as they say, for the sake of it. they will ask for a bottle of tequila. so what, we’ll drink together. go ahead, call. egypt you say. so, here's the group list. who are you interested in? now, this young man, he was in group together with kirillova borisovna. so i know him, i designed him. nikolai, nikolai, nikolai, nikolai. amelya, yes.
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yes, together, together, come on! hello!
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he needs to change clothes. yes, please. citizen amelin, an identification will now be made in the presence of these witnesses. therefore, please take any place among these young people. during the identification procedure , do not change seats until my command. after my command, you need to come forward and introduce yourself. all clear? i see, so, the first, second, amelin, third, will now be carried out identification, grozhdanka zaedina, please look carefully at the screen. look at
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these men and tell me, are there anyone you know among them? yes, that one in the middle, yes , he came to natasha then, by what signs did you recognize him? well, the face, the nose, the figure, yes, he definitely was, okay, citizen gavrilenko, yes, exactly, here he is, standing in the middle, it’s him, under what circumstances did you meet him, but you didn’t. we are with him, he himself came to natasha when we were visiting her, he started yelling at us from the doorway, call names, no, it’s definitely him, really don’t go to grandma, really, tell me, what kind of relationship did you have with the deceased, none, we went to egypt once, well, i mean, as part of the same group, we don’t have any holiday romance it was, well, we went together, walked, took pictures, nothing serious, uh-huh, no one set up
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any kind of relationship with her, they find an alibi, you’re not there for this evening, the girls are slandering you, i see nothing worthwhile, you and i won’t achieve anything like that , oh great, what are you doing here, hello,
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waiting for you. but this is not what you thought, i can do it, let’s go talk, no, wait, let’s be here, i’m just not alone, valya, and this is valya amelina, she is my very close friend, i beg you, listen to her, i asked you a thousand times, don’t scold her, please, you know, she is absolutely not to blame for anything, it was i who asked her to help me.
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he never cheated on me or killed anyone, yes, nikita, i’m absolutely sure of this, we ’ve been friends for just a lot of years, their life can be seen before my eyes, everything, i understand, okay, i’ll check everything again, i promise you, thank you, i know that you will do it, you are going, but no, i will catch up with you, okay, nikit, sorry, not today. good afternoon, do you work here? do you know olga gavrilenko? yes, i know her, but she was kicked out six months ago. she is a complete fool,
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and also impudent. why do you need it? wait, how did you get kicked out? did we meet here yesterday, or did she deceive me? of course, she deceived me, she constantly lies and drags herself here all the time, everything, trying to smuggle in rags and cosmetics. she once snatched my cosmetics from the left one, by the way, yesterday too there was, she was steaming something, underwear, i think, like this, but do you know if anyone bought it? i don’t know, but what? this can be very important, but how can i contact you? alyona? alena, you can find out this for me, just be careful so that olga doesn’t find out about it. yes, of course, easily. don’t worry, she doesn’t have any friends here, all the girls can’t stand her. i understand, here’s my phone number, call me if you know anything, okay, good luck to you, goodbye, you too, goodbye, no, i didn’t tell her anything like that i gave her, no paintings, no figurines,
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i bought clothes, beautiful linen, but she ordered everything from the catalog herself, look here, it’s not there . no, no, but it is, how can i say, erotic, well, beautiful, in general, i only saw it in a catalogue, natasha is certainly modern, but not that modern, she ordered everything herself, i just paid with cards, well, then i got in with myself, i looked at the order, she ordered two sets of black and flesh-colored, expensive, i don’t remember, but 10-12 thousand, well, is anything missing? yes, two sets of underwear, symptomatic, however, well, it’s clear, there was no man here, will a man steal underwear if he’s not a pervert, it’s clear that he won’t,
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are you getting frisky, excuse me, please, yes, excuse me, it’s okay, i can go, yes, of course, thank you very much, control yourself , it’s already like grief, and you’re sick. well, okay, it fell through, don’t let it break down again, okay? okay, let's go. well, imran called me and asked to meet with you, he said, do you have a question? come on, listen, i wanted to find out your exes. why, again? some whore bitch got mixed up, huh? do you believe it, no, brother, she got me, i kicked her out six months ago, and i’m still cleaning up her mess. listen, brother, excuse me, if anything, well, it’s a personal question, yes, well, then explain first, then ask, but no, well , no side to you, you just understand, she and her friend with hers, they put their former classmate on the gopstop, on gopstop, forgive me,
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girl, she used to be more and more involved in scams, let’s ask, i’ll help, we broke up a long time ago, and it’s been six months already, you know, what’s the matter, i thought she was a normal girl. i’ll get married, well, like everyone else, i have a house, children, a business, we’ll live like normal people, without stress. she, who decided to fornicate like a cat, can you imagine, despite the fact that i couldn’t refuse her anything, she also turned out to be a greedy creature, and a cheap one, imagine, so i caught her lying, and she’s wagging her tail, women, damn it, you’ll understand what they need, listen, where is she now, i don’t know, first of all, she called again, well , of course she asked for money, i gave it once, i gave it again, and then how much is possible? he sent her through the forest , so what does he live on? i have no idea, yes, honestly, i don’t give a damn, let him also say thank you so that he doesn’t turn his head off at all, i think so, they came to kirillova, drank, talked, both of them decided, yes,
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they kicked one out of work, her husband sent the second, this one began to brag, how sweet and smooth everything is with her, well, class hatred surged up, uh-huh, now it’s clear why she has a bottle behind her... on the head. natasha was a sporty girl. they were afraid that they wouldn’t cope and there would be noise. and the victim on whom the murder was blamed was found in a photo album. she showed them the album, told me about the trip. well, it seems. and since these two losers measure everyone by themselves, they decided that kirillova was having an affair. they themselves would never have let such a guy pass. and they squeezed the little white thing. gavrilenka is always selling some kind of junk. she probably grabbed it. nothing. now let's see who goes where and how much, here they are, well, we sit down, of course, girls, we quickly go back and forth, where?
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yeah, come in, don’t be shy, we need half an hour, just sign the protocol, don’t be shy, we were here recently, no, no, marin, don’t rush, you ’ll come with me now, and you olga, sit down, wait, yeah, okay, olga, yeah.
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he had, he had jeans and a t-shirt, black or dark blue, i don’t remember, to be honest, but now, come with me, think. please tell me, ameri came, he
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was all over the place, no, he just walked through in his boots, and the boots were, no, brown, just like yours, just like brown, tell me, how did natasha react when he came in, she got angry, in short, she started running around the kitchen, yelling, like, you came, you got me, go away, well, something like that, what was he wearing? oh, he had blue jeans and such a light shirt - with short sleeves, here, please write, here or here, here, yeah, not a single matching answer, both shamelessly in my mouth, i especially like the blue jeans. despite the fact that amelin wears only black ones, he simply doesn’t have blue ones,
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and in general they have everything mixed, but the evidence is only indirect, which means charges cannot be brought forward, we will continue to search for the sandpiper, surveillance has been established, zaydina has been accepted, they are waiting for govrilenko, govrilenko you can’t let him go, but let the guy behind him run around, get nervous, and we’ll see if he suddenly does something, but where should gavrilenka go, to the nearest department, to the duty room. we'll see, so i tell her that the cats will shed tears, the mice will shed tears, oh, forgive me, now, now, i 'll call you back, well, it turned out, yes, in the best possible way, in general, i found out everything, that's exactly what happened underwear, two sets, nude and black, bought by lorka khmileva from the accounting department, but she ’s not here today, she asked, the girls told me everything, lorka khmileva bought everything for ten, cheap, both sets. and how can you find it? i wrote to you, here is
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the address, isn’t it true, it’s in chertanovo? yes, i see, here's the phone. tell me, will they put the gavryukha in prison? who will we imprison? gavrilenka? well, we all just call her a bastard. well, how will it go? at least it would work, eh? i had such an allergy after using her cosmetics, i suffered for a month. she's going to suffer. yes, kindly. okay thank you. for help, maybe i’ll call you, well, find out how everything turned out with the goosebump, of course you can, only a month before everything nothing will happen anyway, all the best to you , yes, police, something happened, something happened at work, but no, nothing special happened, we need to ask you a couple of questions, i’m listening... yesterday you
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bought two from olga gavrilenko a set of lingerie, yes, yes, i bought it for my sister, she came on a business trip and asked me. our girl bought one from us and it didn’t suit her, i bought it at a discount of 10,000 for a set, so i’m already wondering, where is my sister? so i left this morning, where? to kirov, home, where else? can you give her her phone number? yes, sure, yeah, good afternoon, what's your name? masha,
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brigade 3, i’m the initiator, what’s wrong with the object? we observe the object, take a taxi, and accompany him. got you, we keep in touch every hour. accepted. i am listening you. after all, come here, it looks like our mushroom has been found. didn't understand. our mouse vastrushka handed over jewelry to a pawnshop that fit the description of those stolen from kirillova. i understand you, i’ll be right back, marya lyubovna, hello, hello, i received an urgent delivery from kirov, i ’m happy for you, and what should i do with it, well, what, i need to carefully open it, and then there will be two packages of women’s underwear inside,
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we need to see if kirillova and amelin’s fingers are there, when to come in, well, if with a guarantee, then in an hour, i understand, i’m disappearing, leaving. what meeting? long time no see, let's talk? i don’t talk to strangers on the street, especially not to you, if you need to, then only by summons with the presence of a lawyer. let me in, alas, i can’t, we’ve gathered far away, and what’s in the bag is the most necessary, right?
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let's go, the bitch scratched her after all, she'll have to take rabies injections, sukats, oh, you bastards, he’s swearing, you should be making jokes all the time, this might be a serious matter, maybe you’ll actually have to get an injection, at least for tetanus. what will please you? on the sets of linen, on the plastic packaging, among others, there are kirillova’s prints, yes, but where is the conclusion? hold on, take it and
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get lost, i’m kind of tired today, of course, damn years! that, that's it, that's it, i understand, i'm leaving, i'm leaving, otherwise i still have a talker waiting there, you know, i'm bored, i guess, oh asshole, you'll answer in years, parasite, what kirillova’s jewelry was identified, her brother, her fiancé, you already know what you will say about this , she gave them to me herself, right after the murder, or after you hit her on the head with a bottle, but don’t deny it, no one in kirillova did not come that evening.
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well, see you tomorrow, where is my lawyer? i won't say another word without a lawyer, okay? so it’s already waiting, the researcher is waiting, they’ll take you to court now, they’ll arrest you, but is it possible? can i think a little more, why should i, think as much as i like, stand up, why did they keep me in this bedbug infestation? well, not in a bug infestation in a monkey barn, but damn it, are you even going to let me go or what, why, we are going to detain you completely and for free. why is it quiet, did you manage to call your friend to warn her? i didn’t call anyone at all, what friend? well, that means i had time, well
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, that’s right, but why kill together, yeah, guys, i didn’t kill anyone, really, i’m talking about natasha kirilenko, we really didn’t kill anyone, i don’t know anything, but you know everything, for example, underwear , do you remember the two sets that you took from kirilenko’s apartment, so there were fingerprints on it, the deceased’s and yours. and you hit natasha on the head with a bottle, listen, your friend has been drowning you in full for a long time, she says that you hit natasha on the head with a bottle, what a creature, yes, she hit me with a bottle, and that means she’s knocking me over, well what did you want, when we are talking about a life sentence here, everyone is for himself, and glory, so you sit quietly, think, we have nowhere to rush, i don’t want to sit and think, let’s go, i ’ll tell you everything, really, that is this creature wants trample me...into shit, then she wants to get away with it, and i want to get a life sentence, let's go, i 'll tell you everything, tell you where you'll go, my
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client would like to make an appearance with pavinna, about appearing with there is no question of guilt, with such evidence the investigation does not even intend to talk about any kind of transaction, okay, well, we can count on a sincere confession, well, actually, the interrogation has not yet begun, yes, i think it is possible. well, come on, olga, this is your last chance, only in the beginning, with your permission, of course, i would like to know what exactly your client wants to state in her sincere confession, well, how it all happened, then state it, well, tell me, and then write, in short, we came to natasha’s house. marish, what are you doing, nothing, sit, be silent, here are the girls, look,
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i got this from my grandmother, marish, what are you doing, nothing, she bullied me, she’s doing well here, she’s doing well there, she ’s doing well at work, she’s a sheep, what are you, what are you, sick, stupid or something, shut your mouth. " there will be one less sheep in the world, now we'll see, what she has in store for us, so what, is it because of this or something, but because of this and what, but we have to live somehow, you don’t need the stuff, yes you do, but don’t you understand, they’ll identify us , they’ll find us, they’ll find us right away, oh, they’ll find us, they’ll find us, no one will find us, that’s it, let’s go to the bedroom, see what the prices are, i ’ll take the cages for myself, then we’ll divide them, oh, we’ve arrived successfully, babosses, marin, well you are..." but no question, take it my friend, listen, look at how
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beautiful the underwear is, look, don’t take clothes, you’ll quickly fall over them, they’ll be identified in no time, listen, well, can i at least take this underwear, look how beautiful it is, it ’s worth an enormous amount of money, who will recognize it, let’s take it, about that guy in the photo, marinka came up with that idea, but we still have a long time to go. we waited until there was no one left on the street, because at first we thought that they wouldn’t find us at all, you know, and then everything started spinning, and i immediately realized that it would be something of a mess, marinka said: nothing, we’ll break through, and i’m this natasha i didn’t kill her, honestly, you just understand, it happened that way, i didn’t kill her, true, uh-huh, ok, now the same thing, put it on paper, what to do, nothing, nothing, don’t worry, i’ll help, write, i, i, once again am convinced that the basis of any crime is almost always greed and nonsense, well, it depends from what
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point of view you look at it, but from what point of view you look at it, hello, you again? yes, this is us, what will you do, beat me or thank me while sobbing on my chest, alina. he always makes jokes like this, always, and this is a way of defense against what is annoying, it's kind of ironic, it's like life, it's like... cool or does it seem so? how are you done? i'm off nikit, thank you, don't pay attention to her, she's just out of anger, it's purely feminine, it will go away with time, thank you, but you're welcome, tell me why you're so confident in your husband's fidelity, maybe is it a matter of physiology or something else, no, with us everything is simple, we love each other, that’s all, but with you
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it’s a must. it will come in time, thank you very much, are you coming? no, i'm staying, okay, goodbye, or whatever you decide, i'm staying. good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. shooting of a headless corpse in the courtyard of a residential building on badaev street, the police neutralized the inadequate man. there is no place for a jet ski there; the rivers and canals in the center of st. petersburg are closed to small vessels. indexing.
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st. petersburg geologists may have found a place where antarctica connected with india a billion years ago. assault, chase, shooting and dismembered body. complicated story in the courtyard of a residential building on badaev street, today there is after the shooting, the police detained a local resident. the forty-four-year-old man, according to neighbors , has long been known for inappropriate behavior; several years ago he threw things out of the window, but this time everything is more serious. many residents of the high-rise building saw him running around the yard screaming, calling emergency services. when i returned home at 12 noon, he stood
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there, shouting and waving something, i think it was a phone. maybe not a telephone, but something small, uh-huh, something like saboteurs said, saboteurs, loudly shouted, as if warning people, or what? it turned out that the conflict began between the troublemaker and his elderly neighbor from below, she knocked on his door when blood dripped from the ceiling, as some eyewitnesses say , in response, the owner of the strange apartment beat the woman when they called an ambulance, and attacked the assistant with a screwdriver , he was saved by the phone on his chest pocket and stopped. the man was already found by patrol officers who had to shoot him in the leg, well, the most unpleasant part of the story: in the apartment of the detainee, they found a corpse with a severed head. investigators and criminologists of the investigative units of the main investigation department of the russian federation in the city of st. petersburg are inspecting the scene of the incident in connection with the discovery of the body of a man with signs of violent death, and the seizure of traces of the crime scene is being recorded.
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a set of forensic examinations, including a medical one, will be appointed in the near future. the murdered man, presumably the father of the detainee, investigators found the probable murder weapon, an ax. there is information, it is not confirmed so far it is official that the man has previously been prosecuted. an unexpected find in the center of the northern capital. on one neva river, not far from senate square, a sunken vintage car was discovered. these are unique shots taken by divers. at a depth of six meters lies 403 moskvich, which was produced in the sixties of the last century. the car is covered with rust, silt, and algae. employees of the russian guard examined the legend of the soviet automobile industry and came to the conclusion that ships and hydraulic structures are dangerous she has no idea, but it’s still unknown how the car got into the pond. navigation is not for everyone. in st. petersburg , a ban has been introduced on the movement of jet skis and small vessels that are not subject to state registration. almost the entire city center is closed to them. zhanna
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skvartsova read more. official permission to roam the waters of st. petersburg was then celebrated with a parade, world tourism day was celebrated on a grand scale, and a year later the intention of hydrocyclists to cooperate with the relevant departments... was confirmed by the spectacular opening of the next season, the column of jet skiers was friendlyly escorted by police boats, jet skis are not allowed here at all, now they are prohibited, before it was possible, are they in the way? here on the territory of st. petersburg the speed limit is 15 km/h, they must walk, they cannot be controlled at such a speed, it goes, creates a big wave, they didn’t drive a wave on high-speed boleds,
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hydrocyclists compromised themselves, once it was possible to move along the fontanka, but it all ended with a certain group of hooligans dealing with the disease of citizens, which were located on embankments on bridges, so at first a ban was introduced on small rivers and canals, they then moved. do the same thing in the generally central part of the niva river. now the center of st. petersburg is closed to jet skis and small vessels that are not subject to registration. this is the decision of the operational headquarters. the ban applies to the neva from the large obukhovsky bridge to the blagoveshchensky bridge; sections of the small neva, large and small neva, the kronversky strait closed to traffic, the kryukov canal and the canal are subject to restrictions griboyedov, moika rivers, fontanka and winter canal. who rents, where to find this person, we simply. we want to know if he explains to people that they cannot enter the center? he knows nothing, but he is familiar with the inspector, according to alexander radko, the young man takes away their seized jet skis, only drivers are fined, those who trust
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their equipment to inexperienced bikers or hooligans do not face anything. the lease agreement, that is, he issues this jet bike, allegedly not knowing that it will go on the water for a ride, then they say, that we gave him a selfie to take pictures on the shore and so on. state registration in st. petersburg is patrolled by the external transport agency, the list of watercraft in which entry into the city center is prohibited is regulated by russian codes, among them are boats, sailboats, the length of which is no more than 9 m, undecked, non-self-propelled vessels, no longer than 12 m, kayakers were the first to worry, what can replace such beautiful views from our channels, so let’s say more of a question here. how sharply additional restrictions are introduced, firstly, to see buildings, historically from the water, such details that we do not see on land, they are visible, for example, to approach a siskin,
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which has nothing else to get to, today the water is low, dangerous, and so in normal times you can come up and see the sunrise in st. petersburg from an unusual angle , at least fifty subsurfing schools offer it, the navigation season is like that, rodki, there is a risk of losing your job altogether, what were the feelings, frustrations, experiences and anger, and anger, why? well because i would first of all with fought with liqueurs at night, not with us, after all, we give people a good mood. the operational headquarters made an explanation: sapa kayaks are sports equipment for riders, with an oar, small rivers and canals are accessible, but strictly from five to 8:00 in the morning, until pleasure boats and motor ships leave. another condition is only organized walks. with a route agreed in advance in compliance with all rules. the main safety requirement is a vest and helmet. yes, you will have to sacrifice your hair right in the morning. true, the sabbardists themselves don’t really understand
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why is it needed, because they don’t go under low bridges, perhaps in order to avoid hitting your head on the granite embankment. but the statistics for organized excursions are zero. there have been no injuries yet. however, amateur athletes. they will also give raises to those who, after retiring, continue to work.
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today, the governor of st. petersburg instructed the city government to organize all the necessary preparatory work, and after the adoption of the law, its implementation. alexander beglov noted that this will ensure social justice and maintain economy of employees with extensive work experience. the bonus to parents with many children for their services in raising children will also be significantly increased; for the title of first degree, instead of 100 thousand , they will pay up to half a million rubles. we approved amendments to the law on regional maternity capital. now families will also receive financial support at the birth of their fourth and subsequent children. the last span for the moscow-danube interchange, builders have completed the installation of metals. instructions for the second
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part of the overpass; installing the last huge block required two cranes at once heavy lifting capacity, their delivery to the site and installation of counterweights, each weighing 60 tons, took much more time than the operation itself, it took about 15 minutes to move the span to the right place, in general the installation is a rough installation, then it does n’t matter when the beam installed in the design position is still manually moved higher and lower using jacks. the linings are assembled, that is, this is still a rougher installation, everything is completed manually by a person with a lanyard, the length of the junction is one and a half hundred m, it should be completed and traffic should be opened by the end of the year. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, according to the weather forecast from the leonid petrov studio, the thermometers can reach +23 somewhere, and there will be light rain everywhere. on wednesday in st. petersburg
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region it doesn’t matter what the weather is at 585 gold discounts up to 70% on everything, and also an additional 40% discount on gold and 30% on silver and a guaranteed gift using the promotional code summer at 585 gold summer discounts at 5.85 gold more jewelry more discounts up to minus 70% on everything and additionally up to -30%. decorate your summer at 585 gold. according to the hydrometeorological center of st. petersburg, on june 12 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings in the afternoon and around 22° above zero is expected. forecasters promise the same amount in tifina and baksitogorsk in volkhov +19:21 from 18 to 22°. there should also be warmth in kirishi, gatchina and vyborg. petersburg in the northern capital will be irrigated with heavenly moisture up to +20 on thermometers.
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the wind may pick up a little, partly cloudy weather will remain, at night on four in the city it will be dry and no colder than plus ten, good luck to you day of mood in any weather. st. petersburg scientists are studying the source of the magnetic anomaly in antarctica. the first targeted drilling was carried out by specialists from the research institute of oceanology to take samples of the rocks that make up the coast of the southern continent; geologists covered half a kilometer of ice. yulia vasilyeva found out what they found. soon we will get the age, as i understand it, and this will be a big, big discovery on the table of the geologists of the institute of oceanology, unique samples, they were brought from antarctica, black stones glitter in the light and are attracted by a magnet, they were taken out from under ice from a depth of 550 m. st. petersburg scientists were the first in the world to carry out targeted geological drilling on the southern continent, try going through, they call 550 m of ice in 2 months in conditions... when continuous drilling takes place
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in 12-hour shifts, there are only eight of us. a geological base called anomaly not far from the coast, on the road between progress and vostok stations, in a very strange place where magnetic instruments, figuratively speaking, go crazy. we assume that this magnetic anomaly may be due to what geologists call a suture zone, that is , it is a seam that was formed as a result of a collision or collision. two continental blocks about a billion years ago, when the supercontinent radinia was formed, in other words, this is a seam anomaly, in the place where about a billion years ago the eastern antarctic peninsula of hindustan fused together, then they separated, but a mineral trace remained that is still unclear in the samples studies of geological cores in the largest scientific laboratories in russia and china have just begun and will take at least two weeks, this mica shines, probably, yes, well, probably. and there are also sulfides, we’ll
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look, maybe it’s borite, or maybe borite, instruments allow you to quickly determine what chemical elements a sample consists of, but a rock is a mixture of elements in different proportions, rock tests are carried out manually, on the southern continent , all countries have their own interests, the americans are developing techniques for high-speed drilling of antarctic ice, the british are busy determining the age of the ice, russia is interested in climate geology, at vostok station they are creating... an archive of ice data, it’s all about air bubbles that are stuck in frozen water, special isotope methods will make it possible to determine both the composition of the atmosphere and the average annual temperature over the last 10-20 thousand years there. near the coast, this will be the first ice core; the coast is much more responsive to temperature changes. work with geological samples will be completed by the institute of oceanology this season. wait, it
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will be studied for another 2-3 years. the obtained data is used to create a mathematical model climate change, including to understand whether it will be necessary for the sake of mining, where not...
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oh, i'm tired of your hubby jackdaw. i filled the whole house with my pieces of iron, it would be nice to earn money, otherwise every time he has a day of good deeds, he repaired the microwave yesterday, why didn’t he take me a penny, he’s kind, and he’s kind, and i mean evil, yes, that’s if if you hadn’t been to your target, they weren’t quickly running under the fence, but at the neighbors’? the plot would have been bought long ago, everything would have been bought, there was no money to buy anyway, of course, where did you get it from? money, your misha over there gets a penny from irina, so do i, maybe uncle bori should let us go live, but what did the bear say, let
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his father live, what else was missing, you want to live in the barn, but you should have taken it straight to the kitchen. .. we rolled out the wrong side, that you, come on, come on, are not a philonius, and you are also not a philonium, that i am the only one who owes something, it is still unclear what
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will happen to the centuries-old apple orchard at the source, whether the land will be given over for construction plant or... our village will be able to save its beloved place, activists are collecting signatures against destruction and cancellation of construction, we will keep you informed of developments.
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night, silence, work has begun on the side of fools, why can’t you sleep, son, but what do you want? that he saw the light from the window, looked in, his wife kicked him out or his mother-in-law blew his brains out, they all sign, through someone who wants to keep the brick factory outside the village, nothing, i’ll talk later,
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we’ll put gas into the water, we’ll put up wallpaper,
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we’ll live on my salary for a little while it’s going to drag on, you go home, i’ll spend the night here, go, go home, your eyes are already sticking together, you won’t get up early tomorrow... will you have time? no, i'm without you i won’t go anywhere, but i’ll sleep here, yeah, let’s go, sleeping beauty, let’s go, let’s go, now you’ll fall asleep right here, just be careful, you’re more careful, like this, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on tight,
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hold on i’m just good morning, it’s not early, you’re just on time, victor, it’s true that galya is a little busy, you’ll have to wait, and you have candy , who needs it? how nice, thank you, let's go have some coffee, oh, no, you know, i was just at breakfast today, i burned my tongue with tea, and somehow i don’t feel like it, that’s why i’m actually question, there are no lights on in my yard, so who can you contact in your household here, me, but let’s go to my office for now, fill out the application, you know, you ’ll fill it out, and i’m here.. .waiting, galya, where? galya is working in the fitting room, and you are here, wait.
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why have you been here since the morning? oh, hear, a man came to order a suit. what can't you buy in the store? it's not meant to be? or there are no sizes. irina, it seems to me that you offered me coffee. yes. i will gladly accept your offer. victor, do you like fishing? you you know, not really, i think that fishing, especially hunting, is... senseless cruel entertainment invented by people in which innocent animals die, what's wrong? that i’m at work, you have nothing to do, go home, if you need me, i’ll call you.
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dad, i’m glad that you came back, and so did i, i traveled around the country, and so something pulled me home, you became old, yes, you became old, so at dawn you came back with a little apartment, but why, why did they slap your ears, but come here, what have you started, why, nothing? by the way, about it’s time for the little apartment to live out its life, whatever you want , what are you doing, oh, well, that means, you sit forward so you don’t get seasick,
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but the bun is mine. i put tea in your bag, thank you, dear, with mint, and mint, linden, currants, well, just as you like, you will drink tea and remember me until next summer, yes, yes, i will remember, borechka, well, how not i want to leave here, but i don’t want to, i don’t want to, i don’t want to leave, it’s coming, it’s coming, it’s coming, let’s go, take your bag, but citizens, wait. wait, calm down, man, well, let the woman through, after all, sit down, go ahead, go ahead, i'm telling you, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, come on, come on, well, be brave, be brave, everything is fine, well , call me, okay, buy a ticket from him, that's it.
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please, open, please, open, what kind of punishment is this, i can’t enter the house, misha, and misha, open the gate, aunt, i’m standing there like a fool, like a parrot. i’m talking to kolitka about what people will think, but i can’t understand that you won’t come in, you’re still standing here, but it must have rained, water got into the system, we need to reboot, please open it, thank you, good luck, misha, but i can say for the sake of
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god? parusha, open it, listen, and for it to close, please, close it for us, yes, it will close itself, there is a magnet, yeah, please, open it, auntie, well, stop playing with the stick, come here, no, well, i it’s interesting, it doesn’t open up to you, but it opened up to me, you know, not everyone has such a thing, proshka was just offended, brownies don’t like showdowns, who do we all have? i don’t know how to do it right away, yeah, please
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open it!
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not like the villagers, so he suggests, there’s nothing to do, he can’t go to work, why does he work as an accountant remotely, ok, you know him, you liked the handsome guy, well, with the trousers, with the suit, mish, well , you liked his suit, well, let the body see, mish, why are you attached to the witch, my god, it’s strange, in general he’s a decent clown guy, be quiet, let me see.
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boris took the next lodger to the spring to drink water. yeah, they need this water, they don’t go to the spring for water, oh, they don’t need these gadgets at all, they come for something else, they’re not young, they’re already arrogant, somehow unscrupulous, you think, borka feels sorry for the garden , or something, he’s afraid that this source will fill up the builders, the women will have nowhere to take them, that’s right, the garden will be cut down, a factory will be built, even though people will have jobs, not a factory, it’s dirt and dust right under the windows, and they will pollute the river with waste, no, no, boris is right that , you can’t give away the garden, no, that
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he came back here, we lived without him, we didn’t live, well, yes, and galya and misha were only yours, but no... and what’s wrong with the old garden, you can hear whether they’ll cut it down or not , what bori says, he’s the one who works hardest for him, but he’s not the only one, and the neighbors, aunt anya, and i, if there’s construction, not only will he destroy the garden, but also the target stochok will die, and he’s drinking outside the garden, mish, eat some candy, it’s delicious, no, i don’t like sweets, but i’ll take it for galya, that’s right, well done, good job, spoil your wife, and then... the city people are after her, they say, every day she goes to the atelier as if she were going to work, yes, yes, yes, she still sews trousers, it didn’t interfere, the trousers are canceled,
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you don’t sew anymore, for men, mish, i’m a men’s master , now female, young man, leave the fitting room, you haven’t been invited yet, what did you tell you, mish, let me go dalina, please leave us alone with vaska, please leave us alone with vaska, why didn’t they bite him? what am i going to bring now, i heard, bear, vitka is white, he’s a big guy, he was always lively, at school they called him mikha the mad, and vitka is like a brute, he could at least run away, but where will he run? when the bear drove him into a corner, and galya roars? he pulls the teddy bear away from vitka, irka got completely scared, screams, and this one heard someone, he knows, beats the unfortunate thing, and even says, don’t
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come near my galya, otherwise i’ll kill you, i’ll kill you, he says, he says, he said so, oh, i need a raikiraska at the post office, oh, she knows, i have that parcel. i won’t sew for vitya anymore, i forbade misha, gal, what, who ’s going to order pants from you, two are your grandfather’s, the third is at the wake, and two more aunts, suffocating , ordered a dress, i’ll finish cutting it, and you’ll go on there, well, where should i go? there are so many orders, okay, i ’ll cut it myself, it’s a pity that you started, you don’t trust me or something, you know what, i won’t persuade you.
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misha, listen where, i almost came there, but i can’t open the gate, go open it, yeah press the red button in the drawer, i showed you too, i won’t press anything there, i came up with it myself, go press some red button, that you tortured the guy, then you’re not the same... what is it, and you’re digging, digging? i’m digging, yes, and i’m watching you dig, and what did you do? this is a trench, not a cesspool, the cesspool should be narrower and deeper, you will teach more, right? will teach? come on, go, go, let me shovel you and come on, show me, now i’ll show you, come on, come on, you can only teach how to run after women, but as you understand, the pit dig it up, come on, come on, show it, come on,
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come on, show it! come on, come on, come on, come on, have you gone crazy or what, what is it, put it on, sit there, cool off, you know, he’s talking about life, he’s here like that, galya, galya, aunts, get me out of here, galya , lyusechka, yes to me, mom, what, where are you, lyusya, what’s there, what happened to you, but nothing, it’s getting dark, we’ll finish it tomorrow, mom, are you crazy, are you crazy, what are you, lusimya left, what happened, nothing, it’s getting dark, you see, we’ll be there tomorrow, we’ll finish, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, you
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why are you here, huh? oh, there was blood, the blood was gushing out like a fountain, vitka was immediately taken to the hospital, now they will open a case against mishka, no less. did the police come? doctors in the hospital, the police themselves call when such mutilated people are brought to them, this is a jurisdictional matter, this is not just hooliganism, this is, as they say, grievous bodily harm. poor galya, they will put
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my husband in prison. only one will remain such a young croak, so change my word, she’ll run away, little bear, she’ll run away, victor, and you, me, and why are you standing there? it’s just that i’m here, so go ahead and help me, right? came, to help, yes, i’m coming, i’m coming, good evening, galina, now, yeah, good evening, oh, much , oh, forgive mikhail, he’s, you know, hot-tempered, yes, hot, yeah. don’t
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apologize, don’t put me in an awkward position, i need to apply burdock, it will go away faster, yeah, but how do you walk down the street, but i don’t walk down the street, i thought i had the internet and a refrigerator full of food there clogged, i saw you through the window with vegetable gardens towards you, so to speak, it’s understandable. hold on, yeah, galina, maybe we’ll sit for a while, well figuratively, and so to speak figuratively, i’m married and we’re not in the city, yeah, you can’t just sit with anyone here, go ahead, excuse me, yes, thank you, i’ll come in, i guess, excuse me, please, i, yeah, goodbye, sorry,
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they took mikha, she arrived. the police weren’t even allowed to put the item away, it’s not supposed to be like this already?


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