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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  June 12, 2024 3:45am-4:36am MSK

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she bewitched the accountant, but she also bewitched ivanovich, well, auntie’s niece, well, why does golinka need him, he’s old, golinka is old, and petrov is not right, auntie, she was here somewhere, yeah, she was cackling from here , may, okay, oh, tell me, what does she need in the chicken coop? rush, and dry, warm, no, everything is hidden so that i squirm in my old age, vitya invited me on a date to the river, he said, he will be there until i come, uh, you, don’t be afraid, i refused, in vain, aunt, anh, so that the whole village would gossip, then, oh, my husband left me, tossed the pebbles onto the pebbles, twirled them with a twist, yeah. he’s from the city, she’s from the city
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, be careful, and i know, i think it’s better to let them envy than feel sorry, so you, naked, dress up properly, don’t go around looking like a scarecrow, but i found that you, found, mom, well go and go, lord, that he will be there alone feeding mosquitoes in the evenings, and if misha finds out, so what, he will endure it, maybe he will think, you know, of course, vitya is against mishka, he is not a rival, no, this is, yes, what kind of groom is he, he can’t decorate, he can’t keep watch, although of course, you can go for a walk, i see you haven’t had a walk yet, you know, these, lyusya, lyusya, where are you, sadrubi. they arrived, who came, how
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to cut, semenikha saw them, so, you run there, and i’ll follow boris, so, let’s do without unauthorized rallies, if you want to stand, stand as long as you like, but today we’ll just surround the garden with tape, we’ll define place.
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i suggest we break up on good terms, no need, let's do without open conflict, so ladies, let's break up on good terms, we'll see each other again, come on, it's better not let's meet, let's meet! well, she must have come to life, look, i’m coming back, otherwise i’ve folded my wings, curled up my paws, my life is over, right? galya, people
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survived such a war, hunger, and you died from the first misfortune, and gal, what a beautiful dress, gal, and you can sew with chiffon, but here i’m the only one who can do it, well, hope there are few orders, come on, beautiful, really, we need to advertise, why, and what i’m not advertising to you, people don’t even know about me, that’s right, everything is decided. i'm now a couturier, who, couturier, no more pillowcases, duvet covers, i i don’t waste my time on trifles, look, couturier doesn’t waste her time on trifles, she’s hungry, you’ll be left without work, you know, mom, but for the sake of a big cause you can go hungry, what do you think, the bear left for ninka because of money, no, because of beauty , you take anyone, put it on, put on makeup, she will be even more beautiful, she is strong, mom, she does everything, she needs money,
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she works, she needs misha, she took it, sit down, what are you standing for? and i gave away the weakling, but what could you do? but you have to live, study, work, and feel sorry for yourself, the abandoned one doesn’t need much intelligence, goose, but our girl has grown up, yes yes. will you make this pasta? come home with your pasta, but i bought a new dress and i can’t wait to take it out as soon as possible, what about going to the party again? yeah, well, what should i do there, nin, you’re just an idea, no, i’m just bored, mish,
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what’s wrong with you lately, everything’s wrong with you, you don’t want anything, i feel bad, nin, am i to blame? guilty, he left, he didn’t even do the house, we lived together for so many years, it turns out that she didn’t make anything with me, there’s no home, there’s no work, how will she finish the renovations, it’s expensive to hire, she doesn’t even have money for both no, you say both, okay, i know how to solve your problem, look. mom, you are here, here, here, what are you doing there, pickling cucumbers, what do you need, give me money,
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take it in your wallet, and where are you going, i’ll go to the city, just you, give me what to repair the roofs. otherwise i need a lot, i’ll go to the hairdresser, i’ll buy some new shoes for a jacket, where will you go in these shoes later, through our potholes, where i live, i’ll walk there, your new clothes won’t change anything, let him love you you as you are, as you are, not fashionable, not well-groomed. from misha is gone, that’s it, mom, my new life is starting, what ’s more important to you, a new roof or your daughter’s happiness, the roof, go take it in the box, mom, i
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’ll earn money, i’ll put more into it. “tomorrow we need to leave early with a reserve, you know, i’m getting old or something, i don’t like to rush somehow, you prepared gifts for your godson, but what are they in the car, aunt an, what’s up, lucy, can you help with what? tell me, she won’t ask, help, help, for example, help her the door to my chicken coop repair it, yes, it won’t close at all, so yes, let me call you now, will lucy do the door?” maybe you will do it, she will help you, well , it doesn’t matter to me, oh, listen, i have something the pressure is high, or something, and or low, well, in general, i’ll call her, and then i’ll lie down, thank you, thank you, please, and also, when
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you’ve checked, i’ll allow you to break off two steps from my porch, just until the morning that's enough, and then... you can repair my sewing machine together, you 're welcome, pull, thank you, look, let's go to the bank online, we give the account 100,000, but stop eating 100,000, call and find out the account number, but what account, yes, by the evening i completely stopped thinking, right? options, do you think galya will take the money? i took it, that is, you pay 100,000 for me as for an elite dog? misha, what's wrong again? yes, i
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need a human life, a man, not a lap dog, that’s it, i’m leaving, well, wait , well, where are you, mish, well, looking at the night, well, all the buses are gone... from you to your village, to yours, at work spend the night, mish, oh, oh! no, don't worry,
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the evening is quiet today, maybe. let's take a walk until the end of the day, let's take a walk, let's take a walk, let me bring you a fresh class, well, go into the house, i 'll show you some new clothes, i'll soon, hello, kolinka, i didn't recognize you, yeah, listen, the first one is a beauty, she's all like her mother. ivanovich, i'll go,
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sat down in the car, hello! and oh, he put a note in the flowers for me, inviting me to go for a walk, uh-huh, mom, how to count these trees, let’s count how many trees per 10 km we know, we know the size of the garden, here’s the count, where are we going, that’s it, we ’ve already arrived , you don’t understand, do you? then you scream that the garden needs to be cut down, then you help uncle borivan and hug the apple tree. boris,
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he’s good, when we met with him, he gathered all the guys, he didn’t want to defend the clock, well, so that they don’t demolish the monument, look, the doblo is dry, you can put notes, that ’s how we met. let's go, i'm aunt, i didn't promise to help with the bushes there, mom, wait, mom, the truth is happening, mom, tell me quickly, oh!
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hello, hello, this is for you, thank you, well, yeah, yeah, well, then, mish, come on, help me, ah, back, mish, and you came to whose wedding, i mean, to lösen
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that is, you think she’s lying about petrovna too, well, as you understand, lyucha may have given a reason, well, she can’t just throw herself on ivanovich’s neck, her character is not the right one, it’s up to you to win her, galya. loves you, i know that, you know, that’s it, okay, come on, the showdown is cancelled, let’s go celebrate the return, i missed you, somehow i’m older than me.
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that you broke up, and i liked your teddy bear, i haven’t met such brutal guys for a long time, i started girls with brutal guys, next... the man will be mature and wealthy, oh, then you give him back, yes, throw off your phone number, no, i don’t keep the phone numbers of my exes, you’re greedy, yeah, not for yourself and not for people, the dog is in the canopy, no,
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the dog is crooked. i made compote, oh, be careful, i’ll go to the city, i made an appointment with a cosmetologist, you cleaned something up there, okay, go, uh-huh, go to tyutyanya, get it from... the prescription, she’s out of blood pressure pills, buy them, buy it at the same time, there are still complaints, but my lower back ache a little in the morning, i feel nauseous, and i probably want to sleep all the time,
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and well, maybe your head is a little dizzy, at this stage it’s normal. where do you plan to be observed, to give birth, where will you give birth, i will give birth, you, no, i, yes this cannot be, maybe a woman, maybe you will decide whether you will give birth here or in your village, i will give birth to you. i see, so, well, we’re all here, let’s finally get to know each other, i’m glad to see you all, i hope to get to know you better, the premiere is on rtr, who are you? christina, your younger sister, a stranger among your family, where did you even come from, but excuse me, but who are you? i, who, this
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who are you? i would be glad that you have another sister, a rich heir. i’m transferring all my property to you, now the division in the factory will begin, they will decide who is in charge, i don’t understand what’s going on, come on , hit me again, that’s what you want, brother, yes, a prisoner in a house full of terrible family secrets , this is impossible, but i couldn’t commit suicide, you arrest her, who, christina, under seven seals, june 17, on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open all the boards, we can handle it, if he asks, then with podgohom, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, what is
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7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much? who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, headache kit, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one. today on rtr, i have good news, i'm pregnant. so you will be torn between me and my wife, what about my legs, she is disappointing to me, and the prognosis is even worse,
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disability, i will somehow cope while my wife is in the hospital, nothing prevents you from staying with me all night, my husband finds himself in trouble and says there is no time, right now i need to do the operation, wherever possible in the moment. what kind of money to find, this is for our sake, i jumped off when i returned, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, the spring of change, on sunday on rtr. gali, well, cut some flowers, choose
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more flowers, so that it’s all there, i’m a husband and not a hacker, why walk around with flowers, let the flowers mitka is carrying around, he saw quite a bit yesterday, he’s smiling, all his teeth are shining, that’s it for now, misha, misha, oh, pain, hello. what, listen, don’t you rent out a room? i don’t rent out any more, that’s enough, it’s a pity, because my friends wanted to come with kids, they have a big family, but they are noisy and
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scrupulous, they’re afraid to disturb me, no, well, with kids it’s a different matter, if with the kids, with the kids, she’s better off somehow, well, let’s go and look at the room, yeah, go, this is it, and mikhail, is he at home? if mikha wanted to meet you, he would, well, go ahead, come, look, come here, hello. gal, i came, gal, well
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, look at me, it’s my fault, it’s my fault, you ’ll forgive me, let’s start all over again, gali, why are you silent, but say a word. galya, tell me that i’m a goat, the last brute, galya, well, it hurts, galya, galya, where it hurts, where? it was painful when nina humiliated her, when she returned home, she couldn’t go outside, everyone asked how, what? why are you, mish, not in a smart suit, but a car? where, what did ninka take everything? gal, well, let's talk normally, without these complaints, why did you come back? oh, you probably miss your poningita, or
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did the city thief abandon you? and i see that you didn’t waste your time either, you started a new romance, right? and my novel doesn’t concern you. i am a free woman. oh, yes, almost a divorcee. mom, look who came. returned. wanted, jumped on other people's beds, and i said, that's right, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, well, let's get out of here quickly so that my eyes don't see you anymore, get out of here, i said, calmed down, showed up again, mom, well, what did you drive away? i'll live without him i can’t, i don’t know what to do. she’s crying
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, crying, well at least she’s not closing herself off, it ’s a bittersweet thing, but i saw a little golinka this morning, pale, with bruises under her eyes, well, maybe we’ll just go to her, well, we’ll feel sorry for her, or something, mom, but there’s something to eat, yes , of course, let me make you tea now, and you’ll have a sandwich, essentially. you know, i just made some sour cabbage soup, my lard was just salted, let’s go, go to the cellar, there’s lard on the shelf wrapped in a rag, just cut it into a piece, yes, yes, it’s still sour, oh, just tear it out eyes, i added a little sparkle there from the heart, now i’ll warm it up for you,
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who pulled your tongue, came to put up with the showdown, everyone knows that vitka irka screwed, because she’s such a stubborn woman, she won’t leave the living room, mother, you were right ? dali has changed a lot, and you have changed too, you know, somehow before you were embarrassed for your work, to take normal money, but now you insist, well, right, right, money doesn’t grow in the garden, vitya, listen, come
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on! kind of course and smart, but you understand, don’t come to me anymore, no, you go, you go, but your mother and i are very happy for you, but somehow it’s not the same, yes, i understand, i understand, gally, i hope that everything will work out for you and mikhail, and i just really want you to be happy, thank you, uh-huh, how about ira, i haven’t seen her for a long time, what are you, ira, growing your own cabbage for the harvest festival, some special one, by the way, why don’t you want to announce your business at the harvest festival? what have i done so far? why not? a very good idea, by the way, do you have time to prepare? yes, i’ll probably have time if i tell a woman to speak, and i tell you i’ll help with the musical arrangement, for example, help, let’s think together, what to do? close your umbrella, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! and
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will you take an umbrella? no, no, not yet, no, i won’t, something’s wrong with your castle, and why can’t you forgive misha, huh? i'm afraid of what? meets the next nina , she will leave me again, if my aunt, like she was collecting pieces for a blanket, will not go out again, my girl, don’t be afraid to live, we know life, it can be good, it can be bad, but everyone has the same one. and
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soon another life begins for you, the most happy, what are you talking about, okay, okay, keep being secretive, that you’ve probably lost your ideas, yes, i’m afraid i can’t handle it, we’ll help. you will have a podium, and backstage, a real fashion show, just a podium, yes, i thought so, they will walk all over the stage, no, no, golinka, do this for real, we are a friendly team, we can handle it, no, lyusya and i , for example, we can spend the scenes, it ’s not a tricky thing, but where have you run off to, we must first calculate everything, where we ’ll get so much money, consider that the money will already...
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be there, i’m completely insolent, yes, the second time for me you cross the road, then victor clung to her, now my clients are over... lyusya, lyusya, lyusya, oh, ivanovich,
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he’ll come in the evening, uh-huh, he wants to invite you fishing, but i’ll refuse, that ’s why he sent me the cunning bug, he says , you talk to lucy there so that... somehow she agrees, that’s because he says: try, salt, be careful, no, we still need to see, i’m fine, because he seems to say, i don’t know your river, it seems like we’ll be calmer with you, an old crocodile invited me to go fishing, if not i agree, i will not be baptized, we must add. and oh, oh, hello, hello, booya, a relative has arrived, or what? but he arrived,
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cleaned something up, he was the housewife, where were the housewife, i saw them in the morning, they didn’t seem to be going anywhere, well, galina went to the customer. well, it’s clear, here, and lucy, she went on an evening fishing trip, with whom, with ivanovich, with him, i’m surprised, i’ll tell you bori, how indecisive you have become, and you walk like a cat around sour cream, and while you’re wandering here, others are here lucy takes her fishing, but once she squandered her luck, again again great, right? worry about your relative, not about me, but i ’m worried about lucigo, you say you went fishing, okay, but what should i think about you, you guys, think to yourself.
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eh, beauty, what's the smell? live fire, this is not an oven for you, but coals, fresh, it was floating an hour ago, now, now you’ll try it,
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come on, it’s too salty, fell in love, or what? exactly, it must be, although, although, what to hide, i fell in love, listen, do i have a mosquito? i ’ll have a snack, i’ll probably go to bed, bah, look what bows i made for the boys, tomorrow we'll play a war game in the yard, oops, are you crazy? it’s time to play with our people,
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there’s nothing on tv at all, nothing, yesterday there were at least some programs, today it’s just nonsense, come on, what happened, tell me? what happened, nothing happened, nothing, nothing at all, yes, everything is written on your face like an old grandfather, “i wanted to go with lyusya today to finish the greenhouse, but she and ivanovich went fishing, the fisherman, you know, is not a girl anymore, and she’s wagging her tail, you ’re not a boy either, you’re always jealous like a green boy, it’s just unpleasant, she’s a relative son, matchmaker, but how on..." then they went, they caught a lot, what is it, okay,
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what are you doing, leave me alone, leave me alone, i was joking, dad, what did you lose, and the buttons , there was a whole package, where are they, did i use them or something, no, 2 days left for the suit, i don’t have time, there are some buttons on the neck, i don’t know, insert what kind of zipper... well, what buttons, what kind of zipper, i need buttons. bor, call him and let him take you to the store. i called him. well, okay, why should a person give this one hope? call ivanovich. maybe he hasn't left yet? yeah. and ivanovich, therefore, can be given hope. and what? did i miss something? what are you doing with him ? well, what did you tell me yourself,
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you need to tell your loved ones the truth, well , go ahead, just some of them, they are 100 years old at lunchtime, but do you have a lot of them or what? ok, i'll call you! i’m walking, ivanovich, ivanovich, running, running, running, i’m already running.
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why did you send him there? don’t inject yourself, lyusechka, i won’t inject you, auntie, oh, ivanovich, what are you doing here? same as you, guests came in, wait, maybe you have? glyusi serious intentions, what are you serious about? but you give, boris, and you couldn’t decide before? you’ve known each other for 100 years, you’re married, you have children, so your eyes just opened? that’s what he said correctly, but my eyes just opened, but before i was completely blind, deaf, kind of blessed. i didn’t notice that my woman was walking nearby, and you know that you
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don’t bother me, the third is unnecessary, i understand, i understand, but i don’t promise not to interfere, we met her when we were young, that, well, fate separated us, didn’t happen, they fled to the corners, she got married, i got married, but you know, old love, she didn’t... ivanovich, leave, leave, i’m telling you, it’s fine, but i’ll stay for the holiday, let her decide for herself, ivanovich, calm down. intertwined hands, from the radiance
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the vowels of the place, the beloved behind her, through the prisms of the world, the only one, oh, give me an evening, give me an evening, our country, our russia, let it always sound.
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well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should captivate, flirt, but i don’t know how, i need to find a man who can fix this, i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars, i really like you. turn into butterflies. sony, come to me. no one has ever surrounded me with such care and love. the main thing is not to burn your wings. here's a little viper. i went to edik, but he was nowhere to be found. i think
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he's leading you on for us. if you love, let go, if it’s yours, it will definitely come back, and if not, then it was never yours. law of conservation.
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our young girls will be better than they were in love, kissed, then their children there, in the city, galya doesn’t call everyone to be a model, only those who are more beautiful and can show themselves, oh,
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and today we’ll go through the language, why let's walk through the tunnel, through the language, the village, these bridges, so that everyone can see better. what kind of clumsiness did you come up with, what kind of fashion, what kind of show, are you going to show people this, these rags, or what? what are you doing, who called you? but you don’t need to call me, i come here myself, of course, i’m young.
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what happened? nothing, i ruined everything, there will be no show. what else? come on, quickly straighten your dress, you'll be leaving in 5 minutes. perfectly cut summer dress made of breathable fabric.
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a wedding dress as soft as a cloud will create romantic image, your bride will always be beautiful and desired, as on her wedding day, your applause, the authors of the collection, jackdaw, she also sewed the wedding dress herself, and this is from the wedding, wow! galka, how does this dress suit you, you are simply charming in it , well, get out of here, it’s just a disgrace, in that case, i’m warning you, i
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wasn’t here, no, and never will be, girls, let’s go dance, petrovna , come out. ivanovich, yes, let’s trample,
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i’m already old, but what are you doing to look after women, you know, but in my youth i wasn’t master, in general, i’ll finish the construction, i’ll come for you, ivanovich. yes, whatever you say, you’ll say it, straight, hit me on the head, you’re a good woman, you know, good, you’ll come to me as a mistress, forgive me ivanovich, i won’t go, i understand, the old one doesn’t rust, oh well, good luck to you, you’re a good woman , but not mine, and you won’t get sick. nothing, i danced, i danced.


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