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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  June 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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from june 17 on rtr, i think that everything here is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s nothing to think about here, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i... competition, there are
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questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go , it must have been edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear when i said something like that stinky little one, a hint in general , the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, i'm oops, and five on one on saturdays on rtr, this is for you , well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, okay, dashing ones, it’s been a while since we ’ve seen each other. daring white, well, you know, for
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every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero from his time, beauty, repin, all... the brigade, only on the platform we look, entwined hands , from the radiance, in a public place, the beloved behind her, through the prisms of the world, the only one, oh, tribute of the evening, tribute. our
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country, our russia, for her sake we are ready to do anything, calls, for her we sing our best songs, my pride, my strength. a big festive concert dedicated to russia day broadcast from red square today on rtr.
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stuck on our head, stuck on our head, but where is karma, she ran away with her former husband, it’s karmena, it’s karmena, what about the children, don’t worry, thank you, goodbye.
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that’s interesting, josephine viktorovna, you don’t know, the basement has already been finished, this is not my bashing, damn, they let the cats loose here, bunny, it’s scary to think, bunny, don’t bother there, come, come here, yes, clean up your bunny, the house is in disrepair, they don’t itch, our apartment is the only one left, josephine
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viktorovna, this is coming to you, i hear. break on they live here, who do you want? shall i come to you? i'm nina. hello. nina? well, are you zafina viktorovna? my father said it right. father, what kind of father? i'm his daughter, nina. well, from akhansk. after all, he was, well, in akhansk. come in, his mother lives there, baba zinaida, come in, come in, and he was there alone, if not in this akhanate of yours, was he alone or with a friend, but no, alone, but i thought he was talking, and i especially told you i didn’t write anything, i thought it was a surprise, but you don’t
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know anything about me, and i’m nina, and you think who it’s for he paid alimony, so it was me, but i hated him, can you imagine, he’s a parasite, but no, not here, here, but i thought you had a separate apartment or two rooms, who is that in the photo? we will soon get a separate apartment in the photo, my dad, what else interests you? you can put a bouquet, it will be beautiful there, but i spent the night with gypsies, i thought they would rob me, nothing, but i didn’t decide to come to you right away, i came to the theater, and you tell me where the gum is, they gave me a list, the girls are all cool buy. agalki safari, what a safari, well, pay like that, well , you know, safari, yes, and as we say , so i say, if you want, i’ll wash your hands, i can do anything, you exploit me, if you want windows, you
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have chalk, wait , wait, why did you decide to stay with us, yeah, and i can right here next to the door on a cot, i actually slept on the floor of the gypsies, reserved, i would even say, secretive, he never told me in his life what he had i have a daughter, so you understand, i just, yes, i also thought at first that he was a parasite, then he arrived, we we met, i started watching the stars, sirius told me about it, i bought some books, and you’re probably in a hurry to get to work, you’re already running, yes, i’m running, i’m leaving, and in my gummies? necessary, and also tell me where you have some kind of theater here, how to get there? okay, i ’ll pour some water here, then i’ll put the kettle on, and you sit down, maybe
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you need to wash your face? no, i never wash my face, it makes my skin age, i only use lotion. that’s why it’s in moscow, i looked in the evening, but i couldn’t see the stars, it’s because there’s a lot of light, yeah, maybe let’s go in, wow you, well, no, i’m not dressed and i’m not combed, well , the dress is not the same, if i had known before, i would have at least made myself a trambiga, but if you want , let’s go to the cinema, no, let’s go... let’s go, let’s go , your city is so beautiful, just like a foreign city, oh, what a suit, and a vest, but it would suit me, i think it would suit me, when you go to your theater school, and if you don’t get in, you do, i’ll buy you something
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like this a suit and whatever else you have in there , and also those boots, those boots, oh, so lucky, and a handbag over your shoulder, yes, okay? and you are my best folder in the world, has anyone ever told you something like that, tell me, dimka has never told you something like that, because he’s a boy, but i say, are you at all? like from a movie, your adicalon is like that dude? adicalon, arabic? and the devil knows, oh, i’m as happy as a dream, the coffee is ready, thank you, please, please, thank you, it’s the beginning of the eighteenth, the end.
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well, okay, let’s not argue, tell me better, how much did you like my daughter, and the beautiful girl, my little girl will soon return from the construction team, i’ll be friends, well, in general, that’s the beginning of the eighteenth, it ’s impossible to see with the naked eye, to hell with you, i know that it’s the end of the seventeenth, but it doesn’t matter. do you want me to get your daughter into a workshop? what kind of restoration, they just need young girls now, no, thank you, i came to the institute to do, like your work, with a book, there is with naprovsky, next time i will show you something, you are talent, misha, you are talent, do you hear, girl, your father is talented, but he needs to be reminded of this more often, never, you understand me, more often. i trust you with your father, he is generally a rare person, now there are no such people, there is a big
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shortage, however, only he needs to be told every day and every evening: dad, you are talented, clearly, girl, yes, dad, you are talented, go crazy, it’s clear to you, yeah, that this is chopin, please have a seat, oh. don’t let your soul work, don’t let your soul be lazy, so that you can pound water on the steps, the soul must be lazy, well, not like that, turn around in a march, verbally.
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12 15 and how many people are there for one place, i think there are 10 people, oh, tell me which poems are better read, that is, that is, modern or classic, listen to how an autobiography is written, through v or what, well...
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oh, girls, i’ve had enough of elenium, i can’t understand anything, you’ll fall asleep now, fool, you’ll see, you fall asleep, he only has one drawing left to hand in, everything, everything, everything,
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so the pankrat will get ready. oh, well, well, well, well, well, tell me, well, what happened there, tell me, my girl, i was so scared, i walked away, i don’t see anything, i left my glasses here, everything floats, floats, but what? well, where do you go if you don’t see anything, so what if tatuzhev was completely blind? and nothing, he was playing, he was not blind, but deaf, salomatina will get ready with ulkina, salomatina, where did she go? a certain
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broken thing has disappeared, but rather, god, let you go, i thought someone was holding me there, sit down, i’m glad to see you, put aside all fear and you can hold me. freely, i give you permission, you know, the other day i was elected king by the people, just a minute, wait a minute, you just stunned us, come here , sit down, i’m glad to see you, please come here, yeah, sit down, i’m glad to see you , throw away
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all fear and you can do it. tell me, please, what’s your last name and move away, please, further, like this, what ’s your last name, slomatina, like, well, i’m already saying, slomatina, nina mikhailovna, what will you read, on pukhtin, you crazy person, sit down, i tell you i'm glad, throw away all fear and you can hold on. you are free, i allow you, you know, i am a king, i was elected by the people, you know, i can still sing and i can still dance, well, that’s later, but how was they accepted, no, well, they said, i have temperaments, but the speech is terrible,
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as if they didn’t understand anything, but i say, i as in our life i say, vohanski, they say: this is life, and that is art, they named a bunch of letters of the semi-alphabet, i didn’t even remember, it’s a big deal, but i know, they said, we won’t re-teach you, it’s very fricative, but small the one who said it, she swore more than anyone else, no, she says, we won’t reteach, but what should i reteach, what a girl, or something, as i say, so i say, a fool, have you heard somewhere on tv or in the movies that people are like that? they said, then the tv or the theater, he said...
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these books will really help me correct my own, because, of course, i don’t have to talk, oh, look, but they don’t say, and i say, oh, look, tatya arlenovna.
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well, remember that you are a woman, and a woman should captivate, flirt, but i don’t know how, i need
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to find a man who can fix this. i strongly recommend that you pay attention to your colleague, even the most unlucky caterpillars, i really like you. there are butterflies, sleepyhead, come to me, no one has surrounded me with such care and love, the main thing is not to burn my wings, this is one year, i went to edik, but he is nowhere to be found, in my opinion, he leads you for us, if you love, let go if it yours, it will definitely return, and if not, then yours never was, the law of conservation of love on friday, nerter there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power,
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beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready , explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million here. moped drivers, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr, but seriously
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think about it. igor petrenko, maria mironova, sozhnikov, come down from heaven, why are you destroying everything, why is this syria, this is death, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you, heaven, today on rtr.
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well, the one who teaches me how to speak, how to speak, she will give me a textbook, i will study, but what do you see, we are just interested to know, how can i help you, get a ticket, now in a southerly direction. it’s hard,
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where is the ticket home, i’m not going home, but you know that we have nowhere, we simply don’t have normal human conditions, you obviously will need to study, but no, i don’t need anything, then we’ve already thought of everything, yes, how you sit, where your elbows are, and how you hold the spoon, just look at yourself. and your hands, god, pay attention to your hands, just look, it’s like you ’ve been sitting in a garbage dump for a day, everything is fine, you’re not in the camp send to a colony, god, how i would sigh, what are you listening to, it would immediately become clear to every normal person that he needs to get up, go wash his hands, the devil is tired of
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being stupid. do you know where i’ll go to work? don’t guess, josephine viktorovna, guess, dad, the zarya company, what’s there? no, this is a service sector, one girl told me today, you can take care of children there, you can take care of the sick, no, you will study and prepare, nothing, we have enough, but don’t worry, i’ll live for you, i won’t pack you up, take it off , really, dad?


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