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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  June 12, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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receive complaints, and in order to receive money, i received money for only one month, and four have passed, but i receive complaints regularly, so i came to say that i need money for 3 months and demanding to vacate the apartment. let's go, no, you can go, but be so kind as to stay until the money is paid, you will not leave here, otherwise i will contact you. police, and he said that he
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paid the flight, if he had paid the flight, i would have returned the extra money to you, because i am breaking the contract, yes, but he told me to i lived here, but since he didn’t give me any money, he’ll obviously confirm this in court, and i need to call him, how can that be, in general, i should have taken money from you for repairs, i didn’t expect that there would be brawls here regularly, but... but if the matter comes to court, i will certainly declare this, my dear, you are not a child and you should know that we are judged for breaking the law, you need to call him, oh, he doesn’t have a phone, so i i knew you were getting confused yourself, please, key, catch me if you can, great music show, i agree with elena vorovyo. but in vain, very masculine answer, on friday
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on rtr, look who you brought, vitya, hello, there is always one extra in a triangle, i fell in love, and she fell in love with my friend, he is the husband, she is the wife, but which of them should leave, investigator , you must come with us. you are accused of rape, he thinks that he was set up, and who could possibly need it, marry me, but what is he thinking, a handsome businessman, he loves you all his life, he is ready to do anything to be with you, well, i don't want let me in, i found ilya’s letter in your jacket pocket, you don’t want to explain anything to me, the third one must leave, on saturday on rtr.
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you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he ’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train, how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asmi, how to take it correctly? the medicine will always support a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase.
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the little cuckoo bought a hood, put on the cuckoo's hood, how funny it is in the hood, and then the sweat of hooves flies across the field, flies from the stomping of the hood, cuckoo cuckoo, bought a hood,
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put on the cuckoo's hood, put on the cuckoo's hood, like the hood it's funny, like the hood funny.
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call me, call, call me for god's sake, after a while, stretch out, the voice is quiet and deep, the stars are melting over moscow, maybe i’ve forgotten my pride, how i want to hear the voice, how i want to hear the long-awaited voice. wait, call me, call, days pass without
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you, what’s wrong with me, i don’t know, i beg, call, call me, i conjure, reach from afar, carrying over... and the starry demon, suddenly the heavenly thunder will be heard, suddenly the heavenly thunder will be heard , a phone call, call me, call me, if i’m in my destiny, it doesn’t mean anything anymore, i’ll forget about you, i can, i won’t cry, this pain will be endured, i can breathe. i'll stop, i'll still be happy, that's it i’ll be equally happy, even if it’s a mess.
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the nannies are settled, hello, kremezum, how much does he pay, like everyone else, 60 kopecks. at one o'clock, let's go, i'll tell you more now, a greek was driving through, he will see a greek in the river,
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thank you, there are also flowers and cake from them, well, well, you know that your father is looking for you all over moscow, what's that, this is cake? yes, this is a cake, this is on behalf of the soldatinkovs and nerenko gp, here are the petans, sign it, yeah, here it is. dad, you're calling again, just don't take too long, hello, masha, where's the phone?
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bears, what kind of bear, strawman, he left it somewhere, i oh, i don’t know, dad, don’t be on the phone, they should call me, go to the kitchen, wow, go to the kitchen, make some tea, quickly, well, hello , hello, charts section, tell me, how can i call solomati? salama, yes, it’s clear, that’s the devil, can you imagine, it turns out that she doesn’t have a phone, i know, even if she did, i don’t want to call him, you know, we have clients, it’s forbidden to drink tea, that’s why. at the other end of the area, wait a minute, how, how can i, where can i find you? i do not need
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look, i'm not lost. dispatcher, dispatcher, this remote control doesn’t work for you, even the sheet doesn’t work for us, that ’s what they would say right away, the pulse doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, my god,
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kolya, kolya, kolya, kolya, where are you, oh, what, dear, come here to me. here guys, that's it, leave everyone, where are your boots, here are the galoshes, listen, tell your mom to buy new galoshes, what else is this for? and then that one of your galoshes is larger and the other smaller, this is not necessary, but maybe they will buy it, well, that’s very good, get up, give me your nose, and for me, well, give it to you, kolya, if,
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come back, lyudmila philip, i don’t hear that the big horde, remember, the big horde, the big horde, building 43, apartment 5, building 43, apartment 5, wow, what a young mother, and the son is just like that to me, to me. “i’m now, forever these glasses, you call, very good, please come in, what kind of boy is this, boy, wipe your feet, nikita, close the door, he’s just going to find out, find out what kind of
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work, what kind of work, walk the dog.” . let the lord out of the bath, buy something to clean the apartment, mom, we don’t need anyone, with the lord i can go for a walk, your session is about to start, why go buy groceries and cook, maybe one of us too, you want to say luda, yes, because excuse me, please, we will die of hunger while you are getting ready to go to a store, or maybe ice, we'll talk later, okay, oh, stop being a fool, go to your people, don't meddle in the household, here's a list, come with the money right away tomorrow with food, that's right, that's how you always serve the britz,
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so to the left, sorry, sorry to the right. how are you, how are you doing here? go away, nikita, all the dishes if you interrupt, let him drink, it’s a pity or something, let’s go dance, of course, i’m right, nikita, otherwise it turns out to be some kind of slavery, exploitation of a person, by a person, go, go. wait, very good.
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it’s very pleasant for you to see my face every day, i’m at work, you may have come up with some new revenge, hang around from morning to evening. are you blackmailing or what? i’m at work, i have a personal five-year plan, you don’t have to come tomorrow, i’ll make an agreement with my mother, at the request of the client, the company serves, payment is made through the company, i’ve gotten mad, an artist, i’ve been mad at people
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ruining life, rubbish, what about you? you can’t take it with your bare, bare hands, but i’ll take it and tell your company that you stole money from us, i wonder what your company will say, nina. mina, forgive me, i was being stupid. “you think it’s easy for me to see you every day, maybe i stopped sleeping at night, i keep remembering how you and i lived there, how we carried things, but
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you remember the gypsy, well, the gypsy lived with you, remember where she is now, i don’t i’m angry, nikita, i’m all burned out, i really, of my own free will, can’t stop coming to you walk." "and then i don’t care, honestly, you, forgive me, i have to go, i’m in a hurry, forgive me, intertwined hands, in a radiant voice, we are together. beloved behind her through the prism of the world, our only
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country is our eternal russia, for her sake we are ready to do anything. i have good news, i’m pregnant, so you’ll be torn between me and my wife, what’s wrong with
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my legs, she’s disappointing for me, and the prognosis is even worse, disability, i ’ll manage somehow, while my wife is in the hospital, nothing ’s stopping you from staying on all night with me, my husband is in trouble. and says there is no time, so right now we need to have an operation, where can we find that kind of money in a moment, this is for our sake, a friend jumped in with her return, more for you, and i want to remind you who paid for the operation, who will become your wife, spring of change, on sunday on rtr huh? here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but one thing unites them: sincere strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy cat, i
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said, i want a white cat, here it comes , oh you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he loves to grab there with his claws, and so, tame biter, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw , well done, well done, to welcome a stray, a parrot flies to my key from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, guys, i need to feed the hamster , you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. i am the daughter of krosheninnikov and tatyana. jackdaw. why didn't she tell me anything? i wish you
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happiness. thank you. i dreamed of becoming a daughter. dear mother, today i almost told my father that i am his daughter. is she talking about me? and it became easy premarital. what do you think? where is your nurse, galina? there is no time, we need some kind of plan, well, she, she is either here or has disappeared, help, to the rescue, daw, final episode, on thursday on rtr, hello, hello, is this the zarya company? hello, it’s me, yes, i remember, it’s the old lady at the pick-up, yes, yeah, exactly at 10, but what should i do, no, lyudmila filipovna, no,
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no, no, no, i can’t get groceries, no. windows, please, and only on mondays, it’s my day off, i ’m working full-time now, yes, well, you say, what’s the address, yeah, serpukhovskaya 23, apartment two, but i ’ll call you later, girl, hello, i need to clean up after myself. the next one, what, and the bear, there they are, where they are, are already standing at the ready, yeah,
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hello, katya, get ready, we’re next, okay, next, katya, katya, stop performing right now, well... well, bear, i i roller skate, so what?
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who am i, why are you shouting, my god, i, well, you roller skate, i, you, you, you said that you roller skate, yes i roll, the bear has diarrhea, you know, kuzik, ukuzikal ate, and you already see these, they started you can't stop them now, let's get dressed quickly, get dressed. what am i, guys, calm down, now there will be a bear.
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salama, come here, take her, take her, take her, lift her,
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crawl away, crawl away, crawl away, well, come here. come here, i told you, here, come here!
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hello, hello, but father is not at home, he will come late, hello, dad, hello. come on, i need to tell you something,
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venus. sirius, i came to repay the debt, not to take it, no, don’t, leave it. leave me alone, i’m your father,
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why not? goodbye, i am these i earned money, don’t worry, if you want, i ’ll call you sometime, okay. hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello!
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yes, i brought it, a dirty one, and these are cinnamon boots from repair, they were well made, as needed, everything i needed, i bought all the products, oh, the wrong bag, dad, what are you answering, you know, this is not... bag, i, i’m coming to you, i don’t even know how to say it, with me, you don’t want to smoke, but i don’t smoke, you couldn’t stay with cola today, i need to leave, we ’re divorcing katya, you couldn’t to be with kolya, yes, of course, lord, yes, what is this,
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this is an old story, how can it be, but as kolya, like modern children, let them get used to difficulties, and once we have agreed, i leave myself, we agreed so, well, after all, mother, father, father, it’s okay, yes, i’ll stay with kolya, and you have a free evening? please, i
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really need this, yes, free, i just have a free evening today, thank you, you know, i generally love these pies, especially in the cold. yeah, it’s very tasty, and i love it with rice, with meat it’s like a holiday, in general, i like to eat everything in the cold, yes, hurry up to the bus, hurry up, hurry up, fellow frosts, hurry up, here, snow maidens, snow maidens, snow maidens, well, where are you celebrating the new year, who am i? more pies, what about it, thank you, but i
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haven’t decided yet where to celebrate the new year, and where do you live, you have relatives here, your father, but i don’t live with him, i live at school, i have a school the janitor gives a whole class, cool, yeah, well... she needs help there at the site, especially when it’s slushy, in the winter , how can she rent out the class to you, rent it out, you just have to come after ten, and there she is afraid, oh, and you know, once there was a holiday evening at school, so i walked the streets until 12 o’clock, so where in the class to sleep? and i have a folding bed, and in the morning i put it away, but actually nothing, it’s warm, what
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a stupid city, it’s a pity that we did n’t end up anywhere, it’s a very good city, and it’s good that we didn’t end up anywhere, we damaged it, it’s so good, but which you honestly don’t know, oh, you know, now it’s going to be very slippery, oh, hold on to me, hold on to me, well, i told you so, hold on to me, forgive me, please, this is the speed, super, what is it, actually, of course, it’s my fault, it’s because of me. just look, here’s your hat, here’s mine, yeah, there’s speed, just some kind of horror, you know, this is your hat, mine, what we talked about, yes, which one is now. it will be slippery here, here you are, hold on to me now, hold on to me here, you weren’t really mistaken, no, you almost fell again, but
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you took a walk, i haven’t skated like this for a long time, in general, i’ve already arrived. oh, well, you have to go, kolya, and tomorrow, as always, at ten, goodbye, see you goodbye, goodbye, it’s necessary, suddenly you’re on fire.
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i made a terrible mistake when i said that she died, but i’m very glad that i found her, this is some kind of stupid joke, you didn’t tell them, it’s a seal for the family. premiere from june 17 on rtr, the hall is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely without faces, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing. "we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and work a lot, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes, real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams
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become reality, look, let them into your home! big changes, every sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday,
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the whole team, we’re just watching russia day on the platform, i’m proud of my motherland, russia. for all of us, she has a lot of children, different. russia, russia, in this word, then there is power, songs from the bottom of my heart, a big festive one. today on rtr, it’s time for you to get married,
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and there is a candidate for husbands, the premiere on rtr, follow the command of my heart, marry count orlov, you must rule russia, i feel fever, pain in my body, dizziness. orlov will come to power, you understand, hurry up, the royal vaccination is on saturday on rtr.
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who is this? lord, it's me, mom. but i’m no good for the world, i’m afraid. i’m afraid to die without you, i’m sick and sick, you see what i’m taking, 1050 worth of medicine, or what? expensive the medicine means it will help, and you and i will earn money. i can do everything now, i can cook, and i can be a nurse, i can do it in kindergarten, i
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can cure you quickly, don’t be afraid, i have in moscow, you know how many friends, they will send any medicine, it’s all nothing, nothing, like you, you didn’t write, i thought that meant everything was fine, i received your money regularly, twice a month. “the women kept saying, he gets a lot, which means he lives well, right, everything is fine, you’re here for a long time, or so for the holidays, mom, i miss you so much, more they won’t go anywhere." well, don’t cry, mom, i ’m back, i haven’t gone anywhere, why am i
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crying? i’m completely unrecognizable, well, what are you, mom, i’m the same, maybe you just forgot a little, you say , how can i forget, you are with me, and zenoid’s grandmother is also sick, and you are a good mom ? , after all, it’s about six, yeah, you lie down, like this, i’m beautiful, mom, he’s very young, he has very
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few wrinkles, and when do you have to go to work and i’m from the plant? i’m gone, i’m tired, where did i go, yes, it looks like i’m on disability, i’ll get better, i’ll go, grandma zinaida offers me a housewife, why am i lying, no, mommy, you lie, lie, lie, it’s so good, so good that what did you do there? in moscow, i’ll tell you everything later, you’re a great artist, i saw a concert on tv, well, i think where tamina is, suddenly i think she’ll show you, and then i’ll tell you everything, what films i saw, what people i met, just lie down, ok, how long have i been?
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i was in the house, mom, and you know that you and i we'll do it, you and i will celebrate the new year, i 'll bring a christmas tree from the park, but you can't from the park, but not from the park, or somewhere else, you and i will celebrate such a new year, better than anyone else, we need to call baba zinaila, yeah, we'll call you, we’ll bake some pies, we’ll watch tv all night and have fun, i’ll tell you everything, go to sleep now. otherwise we’ll be sleepy, like a bear in a den, we’ll sleep through the whole new year, because as soon as you celebrate the new year, so it will go, you ’ll be an artist,
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no, “i don’t have enough talent, well, not everyone, but how, maybe to our plant, at our i need people, maybe to the plant, you are for me now, mom, don’t be afraid, i won’t disappear now, well, sleep, and how is moscow? moscow, yeah, in moscow the houses are big, well, and the fir trees hang in curlicues, well, snow, snow, snow, salt sprinkles it, and it melts, melts, melts,
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and again our melody began to sound over the earth, a bright light suddenly poured out with heights, kind fairytale
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color, beginning in the afternoon, beginning. our life, our dreams, may the fires of our joys not fade. i want from the bottom of my heart that your heart will become light within you, in this festive light, it is not in vain that we are in love. let the years fly over the earth, at night and love, like the breath of spring,
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we will keep with you forever, let the lights of your joyful eyes not fade, i want. so that you are lucky, i want with all my heart that your heart will be light in prison.
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thank you life for the fact that the day comes again, that the bread ripens and that it grows up. there are children, thank you life, for all the dear people living in such a vast world, thank you
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life for the fact that this generous century sounded in me, sometimes with joy, sometimes with pain, widen your roads. in which a person, having experienced everything, becomes himself. for being a river bezperegov, for every spring and winter from all your friends, and even from enemies, thank you life, for everything, thank you, for the blessings for the happiness on him, for the fact that... you didn’t feel sorry for me,
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for every moment , in which i live, but not for the one in which i will stop, thank you life, that i am in debt to you, for the past tomorrow's strength, for everything that i... can still manage, thank you life truly, thank you for that you and the river without banks, for your every spring and winter for all your friends and even for your enemies. thank you
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life, for everything, thank you, zaklyuty, for my happiness, for the fact that you did not feel sorry for me, for every moment in which i live, but not for the one in which i stop.
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on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeny rashkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. a holiday of a huge great country. today we celebrate russia day and the main event. vladimir putin will present state awards to the most worthy and stars of labor heroes in the kremlin. we’ll find out from our correspondent how the preparations are going, and we’ll show you the ceremony itself live.


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