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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  June 12, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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the day before, heavy downpours had already occurred in the capital, up to 20% of the monthly precipitation fell, and this picture is predicted until friday, the same cyclone is now ruling in tver, after heavy rain, the city there is submerged under water, the central streets are flooded, deep puddles are becoming serious a barrier both for pedestrians and for those trying to overcome them on two-wheeled vehicles, the cucumbers have washed away. and these shots are from the tula region, where dozens of summer cottages and greenhouse gardens were flooded by rains, water destroyed almost everyone is passive. in the waters of st. petersburg , movement on jet skis and small vessels, which are not subject to state registration, is prohibited. the restrictions will remain in effect throughout the season until the end of navigation. this decision was made by the operational headquarters to ensure security. the first 25 fines for the aqua biker are already. they were discharged, outside the legal framework
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, now in the city center and such a popular attraction among tourists as renting boats without a captain, you can swim on the boat, but only from 5 to 8:00 in the morning. thousands of people gathered in moscow to attend a concert in honor of russian day on red square. those who were unable to come to the capital will have the opportunity to see the show on our tv channel this evening. anna's report. russia on red square, the atmosphere of a national holiday, it feels like the whole country has gathered here. i came from the city of rubtsovsko, altai region, i’m so glad in general, we came from the vologda region, the city of veliky ustyuk, the birthplace of santa claus, all from different regions, the chechen republic, belarus, leningrad, luga. the stage
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is not going to leave all the time. musicians from lugansk they dry them, raincoats are thrown into the crowd, but no one from the philharmonic comes out on stage, awards shining on their chests, for example, for the liberation of mariupol. we fight our enemies firmly, we will stand up as a wall for our homeland, sergei chuikov even had the call sign maestro at the front. we tell the truth in our songs. we are talking about our soldiers who are now, thanks to them we are now standing, who will be trusted, only those who have passed through will be trusted, that is himself. artists of various genres, grigory leps and oleg gazmanov, congratulate russia on its birthday. nikolai baskov appears on stage and the kuban cossack choir. every person, no matter what nationality he has.
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i hear a lot of different videos where songs are sung in completely different cities and countries, because only honest creativity, it has no boundaries, can break through any obstacles, even if a person does not understand the language, he still feels that the song was written honestly , during the concert the rain stopped and then started again, but the weather had already become... as if another special effect, part of a grand show. anna semyonova, alexander makridin, dmitry dunaev, iriya khizrieva, news. watch the television version of the festive concert dedicated to russia day on our channel, immediately after the big evening news. and right now your regional news. after which we will return to the air and talk in detail about how the state awards ceremony will take place, and show a live broadcast from the kremlin. on our air, so
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you won’t fall anywhere. on the main national holiday, russia day , a grandiose historical festival began in the capital, times and era, the city turned into an open -air museum, and the distance between sites is now measured not in kilometers, but in centuries. anastasia makhina is already at one of the points in rostokin and is joining us live. nastya, hello, tell me.
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ancient crimea, now they are preparing with all their might . for example, now we are in the aqueduct park, more precisely in the battle for the city of panticopeia. in mosk-kino park, a reconstruction of the defense of moscow in 1941 , a parade of soviet athletes will be held at the dnh. go on an excursion to the past can be on pokrovsky boulevard, it will be open there. an exhibition dedicated to the heroes of the first world war, and if the silver age is closer to you, go to chistoprudny boulevard, where they will talk about the history of russian culture and show what the streets of moscow looked like at the turn of the century. by the way, more than 2.0 reenactors from nine countries will take part in the creation of historical events.
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it definitely won’t be boring, because the program is very rich. there are master classes, lectures, excursions and much more. by the way, it is no coincidence that the festival began precisely today is russia day, because the majority. venues will tell about russian history, you can feel like a hero of the past until june 16. evgeniy, nastya, thank you, i’ll definitely go and have a look. anastasia makhina told us about the program of the historical festival times and epochs. sergei sobyanin congratulated muscovites on russia day. in the text, which was published in the telegram channel, he emphasized that for many centuries, the capital has played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. and today moscow remains. the locomotive of the domestic economy and technological sovereignty. the mayor thanked the residents for their work, talent, support and love for their country. in moscow today there is a yellow level of weather danger. forecasters promise heavy rain with
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thunderstorms, hail and wind gusts of up to 18 m/s. utilities have been put on high alert. what is the weather like in the city now when the storm hits, i found out everything. igor yaroslavtsev. today, on a holiday weekend , crowded city residents came out to the capital's parks to a walk, but every now and then they raise their heads, waiting for the promised downpour, but for now there is a respite. muscovites grabbed umbrellas. i want certainty, i want to hand over my umbrella, put on shorts, sunglasses and go for a walk. we must always improvise, we must always be prepared for anything, so i think that when it starts to rain, we will rejoice, the rain will end, we will rejoice even more. salvo mega-shower, which. forecasters predict for the second half of today, i tried my hand yesterday, in the evening there were stormy rains, up to the third monthly norm of precipitation fell, the yellow level of weather danger was declared until thursday morning, but at these moments there is a lull in the capital, the color of the day changes almost every minute, now bright blue, now
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with gray clouds. the showers in the capital and moscow region are predicted to be the heaviest, and according to preliminary data, at nastya’s pit it will be... after 18-19 hours , almost half of the monthly volume of moisture will enter the aschambers of the weather station. city utility services have been switched to 24-hour service operating mode, check the drainage systems to see if the outflows are cleaned. brigades with water-pumping equipment are on duty on the ground, and control over the capital’s electrical facilities has been strengthened. airports operate as normal, but they also keep their finger on the pulse. now it's about 22°c outside and the temperature won't drop even because of the precipitation. as forecasters say, the first rains may fall in the afternoon, and they will reach their peak in the evening. in addition, the wind will increase. muscovites should be careful. igor yaroslav tsbolev and alena felatova. news. city operational services are establishing the cause of the fire in a historical building on sretensky boulevard. in the house
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of the insurance society of russia at the end of the 19th century, smoke occurred in its administrative part. the fire managed to cover about 100 m2. to completely extinguish the fire. it took rescuers more than 2 hours, fortunately there were no casualties. the all-russian festival of brass bands has started in the capital, the country is with you, it will take place today in honor of russia day. organized a spiritual society named after valery mikhailovich khalilov, and we are glad to take part in such a grandiose, large-scale
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event. the festival will last until june 13, tomorrow youth groups will perform at the northern river station. school graduations will be held in the capital on june 28 and 29, sergei sobyanin announced this in his telegram channel. according to the mayor, the traditional city holiday will take place in gorky park. it will start on friday evening. and runs until 6 a.m. saturday. the park will be open only to graduate chaperones. you can go individually bracelet with a qr code. 40,000 people are expected to attend the event. additional classes for 400 places will appear at school number one in korolev, moscow region. a three-story extension is being built there. the new building will reduce the number of children in classes by a third and rid educational institutions of a second. shifts, in addition to modern classrooms, there will be an assembly hall, a dining room, and an elevator for children with
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disabilities. the progress of construction was assessed by the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. we have a large program in the country that presidential ones, everywhere they go, but in korolev, in particular, we had a big request for the construction of new schools, this year we built some of the schools, but we still need reinforcement. therefore, when we build an extension, this modern one, it is very important that the extension corresponds to the first school, the construction of this extension will be completed next year, children from the primary school will study in the new building. the moscow housing inspectorate is conducting an inspection after a collective appeal from residents of a house on marshal vasilevsky street. basement of a high-rise building ended up in private hands, and the new owner rebuilt it at his own discretion, why? the building began to crack, and gaps formed around it. alexander sandzhiev went
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to understand the situation. in many apartments in our house, large, large cracks appeared in the load-bearing walls, their house was cracking at the seams, the apartment owners are sure that during the redevelopment of the basement, there was a knocking downstairs so that the floor was shaking, dishes were clanking. here they removed the earth with machines, carried out excavation work, which means they went deeper. transported bricks crowbar, we don’t know whether the load-bearing structures were damaged or not, huge gaps formed next to the foundation, and now all the water is flowing straight under the house. as a result of these works, a collapse occurred, now it is littered with construction debris, the depth is about 2 m, as if there is a danger of a person falling, this house on marshal vasilevsky street was built in 1940, it is also called the general’s house, apartments were given out. the military has always had order, as residents say, but now there is little left of it. basements in our house
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common property that should be in common ownership is being sold without meetings of owners, without any approvals. typically, basements are the common property of an apartment building; they cannot be sold or even rented out without the consent of all apartment owners in the building, but in this case there is a nuance, according to the documents of the premises. basement, however, if he makes changes inside or outside, especially if it concerns the facade, then the consent of the owner must be, because the common property and any change to the common property requires a meeting with two-thirds of the votes, but no one asked the apartment owners when they made another door to the basement. according to the project. this entrance to the basement was not here, but the new owner erected such a fashionable canopy, installed a staircase
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and made a door. the apartment owners filed complaints with the management company, the ministry of emergency situations, the prosecutor's office, and the most housing inspectorate. control and surveillance activities were organized, but the owner of this premises did not provide access. in this connection, today a package of documents has been prepared for filing a claim with the court to compel the owner. to providing access to mozhol-inspectorate employees. meanwhile, the basement of 200 m2 is offered for rent, judging by the advertisement for 300,000 rubles per month. alexander sanzheev, egor vozhletsov, mikhail.
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performers from belgorod and ballet dancers from the rostov region. anyone could express their opinion, and the experts could draw their conclusions. almost 7 million people have joined the active citizen project in 10 years. thousands of votes have been taken over the years. muscovites discussed the construction of roads and metro, landscaping courtyards and parks, choosing the names of streets, stations and even the name of a newborn panda. about how active
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citizens are changing the life of our city. maxim aparin. the large ring metro station marie on roshcha is one of the most beautiful in the capital's subway, primarily due to these giant balls that can be seen inside and outside. therefore, when active citizens on the platform voted for the best station, svetlana did not think for a long time; she uses it every day because she lives nearby. i liked marina roshcha station, because it combines a lot of stations in different directions, in addition to the fact that there is also an intersection of a metro station, a light green line, you can still do it from here.
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for those who want to participate in the life of the city. the names of parks, streets, metro stations, the colors of new subway lines, all this is determined by muscovites themselves. even the names of electric trams, which are already so beloved by many residents and guests of the capital, had a hand in the townspeople. and just recently, for example, a vote was completed on how to use the space in the southern river station. we voted for cinema halls, events that can be organized, fairs, exhibitions, quests for children, or creative ones. these evenings were won by performances, cinema halls, this square in the large kozlovsky lane did not have a name, it is located right next to the chambers of dean ratmanov, on a construction site of the 18th century, before making a decision, active citizens on the site could familiarize themselves with the opinions of historians. before voting, i studied the opinions of experts, competent people, so i cast my vote in honor of ratmanovsky square, firstly,
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euphonious, and secondly, to pay tribute to historical memory. in order to vote, you just need to have your account on the most website. the most active ones are awarded points, which can then be exchanged for prizes. everyone has the opportunity to relax - this is to sit on gadgets, on their phones, and as soon as a vote appears from an active citizen, my daughter shouts: mom, the vote has come, and we throw all our gadgets, get together as a family and answer questions. over the 10 years of the project’s operation , 7 million people took part in the voting, several thousand important decisions for the city were made through joint efforts. all decisions, more than 400 of them, were made over 10 years. published in the section of implemented solutions, of course, such activity of citizens develops in us participation in the development of the city and an understanding that the city is developing taking into account citizens’ feedback. on his anniversary, the active citizen gives muscovites a new promotion. for the most creative photos with the symbols of the project in the best places of the capital, muscovites will receive gifts.
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the results of the competition will be announced by voting in mid-july. maxim aparin, georgy mayerov, maryana pepanyan, news. there are only a few minutes left before the start of the state awards ceremony in the kremlin; we will continue the broadcast in a few seconds. you look at the news, we continue to return to the kremlin, where at these moments the final preparations are taking place for the start of the solemn presentation ceremony. state awards. according to tradition, laureates are awarded on russia day. this year , 14 people were awarded the highest recognition, including scientists, artists, famous all over the world. and also today. will be honored heroes of labor and enterprise teams who were awarded a badge of honor for success in labor for special achievements. and our
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correspondent dmitry kaistra is in direct contact with the studio again. dmitry, tell us what kind of atmosphere reigns in the st. george hall of the kremlin. hello, well, probably, from the music from the picture that you, our tv viewers, are now seeing , it is clear that the atmosphere is very festive, there is very little left before the start of the solemn ceremony, at which there will be honesty. and heroes of labor and laureates state prize, so here in the georgy godsky hall, and let me remind you that this is the most ceremonial, most significant hall of the large kremlin palace, there is indeed a very inspiring exciting atmosphere, you know, it should be noted that state awards are recognition of services to the state and society, it is considered the official successor to the state prize of the russian federation of the soviet union, and is of a personal nature, well, it is also awarded, as a rule... to one applicant, and only in very rare cases it can be awarded repeatedly, as well as assigned to a team consisting of several people. as for the hero
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of labor, he also has a very long history, we will talk about this in a little more detail and a little later. and now i still propose to talk about those who will be awarded the hero’s star here today in the st. george’s hall. these are very different people from very different areas, but all of them, of course, are significant to us. country, they create its strength, glory and wealth. so who are these people? vladimir putin awarded the title of hero of labor to a resident kuban, lyudmila bespalova. this is a well-known scientist in the field of selection and seed production of grain crops since 1971. she has been working at the lukyanenko national grain center in krasnodar. and they say that 98% of all grain crops that are in the fields in kuban today are sown with precisely the same grain of selection. who was engaged in this order. next we have mikhail budnichenko, he is the general director of the northern machine-building enterprise production association . this is the legendary sevmash,
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of course, many people know about it. under the direction of bulnichenko was provided with preparations for the construction of strategic and multi-purpose nuclear submarines, which, of course, play a very important role in the nuclear triad of our country, in its defense of its borders and its status in this world. the title of hero of labor was also awarded to eltugan sizdykov, the first deputy general director and chief designer of the joint-stock company, state machine-building, design bureau raduga named after bereznyak. today, soldiers and commanders in the special military operation zone they are using the developments that this amazing laureate has made, and of course, these developments, these military and combat technologies have saved a lot of lives. this is a large coal mine in the republic of buryat, this is
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what is called a real hero of labor, who with his labor and his own hands does a lot for the coal industry, well, in general , for the development of industry in our country. and finally, the star of the hero, the fifth person on the list of the russian president, is vladimir shedov. he is a machinist. and its main st. george's state hall, you look how beautiful it is here, how much gilding is here, how everything is decorated here with white, blue, and gold tones, this is absolutely no coincidence, because the palace itself
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was built, it took 11 years to build, construction began in 1838 by konstantin ton, the court architect of nicholas i , well, it is known that nicholas i himself took part in the opening of the palace on easter, out of 700 different rooms and halls that are in large. st. george's state hall, it is also called the order hall, it is, of course, the most famous, it is dedicated to the order of st. george victorious, and the order, as you know, was established by catherine ii in 1769, it was then the highest military award of the russian empire, in general, since then, of course, this hall has witnessed many important events that took place in the history of our country, but remember only june 25 , 1945, when after the victory. in nazi germany, it was here that a ceremonial reception was held for 3,000 winners, 2,000 of whom were famous soviet officers who took
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part directly in the storming of berlin. and you know, here it was here in this hall that the famous toast of the supreme commander-in-chief for the russian people was pronounced, of course, everyone also remembers the meeting of yuri alekseevich gagarin, the first cosmonaut, it was here in the st. george hall that it took place, and another important event, this is of course march 18, 2014, here an agreement was signed on the reunification of russia, crimea and sevastopol, everyone remembers these personnel, from whom, of course, many had.
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in fact, the kremlin regiment, the very military who will literally be through a few minutes to present, badges, distinctions, signs that indicate that a person has been awarded a state prize, the highest sign of recognition in our country, this is the st. george hall of the kremlin, the largest and most ceremonial hall of the large kremlin palace, these are just the soldiers of the honor
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guard company . the commissioner for human rights is also in the hall, today one of the state awards will be for services in the field of human rights. so, in the next few minutes we will see the award ceremony live. state awards in the kremlin. let me remind you that this is the highest form of recognition of services to society and the country. today there are 14
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laureates on the list. every second is the elite of russian world science, and they are also people of art, whose names are also known literally all over the world. now i propose to listen to dmitry kayster again, he is located directly in the large kremlin palace in the st. george hall. dmitry, can you hear me? yes, i hear you perfectly. hello, evgeniy, once again. dmitry, are you connected? yes yes. you know, well, of course i want tell me more about this one. the festive atmosphere is taking place here today, the award ceremony, which is still quite a bit away, but you know, in fact , this is the atmosphere of the award ceremony, why i said that it is taking place, it begins just a few minutes before the ceremony, because these are those exciting moments , which will be at the event itself, they are already filling the hearts and souls of those who came today to this wonderful st. george’s white and gold hall, we haven’t even said a few words about the amazing parquet, why, because it creates
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an amazing feeling. specularity is 20 species of valuable wood, there is afghan, indian, central asian wood, and you know that since this parquet was laid, it lasted 170 years until it was replaced, that is, this is such a gigantic time scale, this it only says that the russian empire, then the soviet union and the russian federation, they represent, you know, such a single historical arc, inheritance, so we say that state awards and the hero’s star, it as it were... goes through the centuries again and again they find those who recreate the glory, valor, courage and honor of russia, today they will be awarded in the st. george hall, the main hall of the large kremlin palace, which, as we remembered today, was built by constantine opened on easter in the presence of nicholas i, can you imagine what great state traditions, you know, today we remembered the continuity of many awards, it’s amazing that
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the hero’s star began, well, back then it was... not a star, just the title of hero of labor, issued in the russian empire. at one time, catherine ii rewarded, you won’t believe it, russian merchants for the exploration of russian america, and that’s what happened. america was then dense and wild, our merchants from the island of cognac and further to california built schools, churches, and carried their culture. nicholas i awarded for heroes of labor, for killing plague bacilli in odessa, there was even a special medal for ending the plague quarantine in odessa, but under alexander ii it was awarded medal of heroes of labor, that’s what it was called back then for its distribution. what kind of geography and what traditions did this award have at one time and many years later we returned first to the star of the hero of labor of the soviet union, then to the star of the hero of socialist labor, this was in 1938
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, by the way, for the entire time in the soviet union it was awarded 20,747 people, this is an amazing award, many years later in 2013, russian president vladimir putin returned to this again... in 2013 they received the star of the hero of labor, well, today we are awarding five new laureates, which we have already talked about today and will talk about again during today, here is the blue and white st. george hall of the large kremlin palace, everything is ready here before the start of the amazing ceremony, we see how all the guests are representatives.
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right now, exactly today, on russia day. and just a few words about the nominations themselves. one of the nominations is the state prize for achievements in the field of science and technology. it is directly related to the future of russia, its development, security, defense, therefore some discoveries constitute state secrets among today's laureates. we know russian scientists who, for the first time in the world , managed to create a new nuclear energy system that is safe for nature, and also. developers of new technologies for organ transplantation and new approaches to the treatment of oncology. another state prize in the field of literature and art, it is awarded for the creation of particularly significant works of creative work. three
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such prizes are awarded annually; they can also be individual or collective. well, for example, today two laureates will be awarded for the revival of the tsarsko-selo palace and park ensemble in st. petersburg. two more people today will be awarded state awards in the field of human rights protection in the field of charity. these are people with an active civic position, a big heart, what is important, they sacrifice themselves, their strength, their health, and devote their lives entirely to others. the way it was done, for example, by elizaveta glinkaya or simply doctor lisa, as we know her, who died tragically in plane crash, and as they continue to do, for example, sacredly.
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the russian federation is the elite of russian world science. over the past 20 years , 215 people have already received state awards, but this list is larger, much larger, because official statistics do not include people whose achievements constitute a state secret. the awards are apparently awarded to them separately without the participation of the media. among the laureates there were also prominent government figures, for example, an award for humanitarian work. the only person who during these years, he was twice awarded the state prize, and became a film director, karen shakhnazarov. 12 years ago in the field of literature and art, well, last
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year for humanitarian work. among scientists, the most received state prizes were representatives of the natural sciences, 99 people, and another 10 in the humanities. i suggest listening to dmitry kaestre, he continues to be in the st. george hall of the kremlin. dmitry, how ready is everything? you know, i’m as ready as it seems to me that people themselves are. it feels like, look, it started playing again orchestra, after approximately early intervals the orchestra comes into action again , playing melodies that we have known since childhood and which are part of us, they are in the genetic memory of each of us, because today we all the time remember that georgiy the hall is the glory and pride of russia, so everything that happens here, these are the people who come here, the music that sounds here, the orders that we see on the pylons on the white and gold walls of the gigoda hall. this all brings us back to glorious stories and traditions of our
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fatherland, to glorious dates, you know, here on all the walls, as we know, are the names of all the st. george knights of the russian empire, and i will remind you that the heroic order was established, as we already said today , by catherine ii, in 1769, just imagine how many knights of st. george are here, and many were awarded this award, several times there were full knights of st. george, and here. list of all the amazing military units and ship crews who somehow received st. george's ribbon, so if we carefully examine the walls, we will see that here are the names of heroes who embodied the best qualities of the best russian people, no matter where they lived, in the far east, in siberia, the central parts of russia, its very west, all of them , in one way or another, are symbolically present here today and will be present together with...
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and today it is an honor to the glory of russia, we talked about many things today, we talked about the fact that every time we find ourselves in this amazing atmosphere, the atmosphere of people, played a huge significance for our country, we are talking about the fact that history, as it were , comes full circle, it becomes, you know, like this... a cycle from the times of catherine, nicholas, alexander, the glorious history of the soviet union, and to this day, to the day , when we talk about those people who create our country today. remember, pushkin once wrote about such people, who recently turned 225 years old, and in his works he more than once remembered these people and spoke about them. and you know, here an amazing fact is that when the st. george's hall of the large kremlin palace was opened, nikolai was present here. the first during easter, he asked the preobrazhensky
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guardsmen of the famous petrovsky regiment, still from the preobrazhensky regiment, to nail to the walls, a table with the inscription of the heroes of the country, imagine how many years ago this was, this is how now this story is returning to its origin. by the way, the drummer of this preobrazhensky guards regiment was the same arab-hannibal, the great-grandfather of alexander sergeevich pushkin, whose anniversary we celebrate noted quite recently. and he did a lot. to create the russian empire, he was both the chief engineer of st. petersburg and the builder of many of its fortresses and fortifications, so it is absolutely no coincidence that the place where we solemnly remember our heroes and reward current heroes is precisely the st. george hall of the large kremlin palace, because heroes russia, but heroes not only in the military field, but in the labor field, constitute its glory, foundation and pride, these are the people we focus on...
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the life of our society of our state for the better, in their actions we see those amazing shoots of a thousand-year-old russian culture, which always, especially here, here in the heart of our country, in moscow, in the kremlin, appears most clearly in their deeds and actions, because people , people are the pride of the country, in... a country in the zone of a special military operation.
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weapons that today protect ours . everyone who will receive gold medals of heroes of labor from the hands of the president today, as well as all 14 laureates of state awards, are invited to st. george's hall of the large kremlin palace. now they are all on your screens. st. george's hall is one of the most solemn and largest of all the ceremonial halls. its length is 60 m, width 19, height 17. the grandeur of the decoration of the st. george's hall, its architectural forms, without exaggeration, amaze. it was conceived in honor of russian weapons and dedicated to the order of the saint. st. george the victorious, which became a symbol of russia’s military exploits, so the design is in the colors of the ribbon and insignia of the order, well , the names are placed on the walls of st. george’s hall military units lists all the st. george cavaliers, there are more than 11 thousand of them throughout history,
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well, there are sculptures along the walls that symbolize all the lands that became part of the russian federation. in the life of our country. children are invited from all over our country, in the same hall the president holds receptions in honor of the victory day of our main holiday. and about the details, i want to draw the attention of our viewers to the chandeliers in the st. george’s hall, right now we see them in the hall, there are six of them in total, in the same style, with bronze gilding
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another four dozen sconces were completed on the walls. all this, of course, creates a special feeling of solemnity. and another one. the remarkable thing about the hall is its unique parquet flooring, it is already 165 years old, it is an authentic look, design, color - everything is a matter of real pride, we hear music, an orchestra is playing, only a few minutes or even seconds remain, but while we are waiting for the ceremony to begin, we will tell you about the most recent news, happy russia day, alexander lukashenko warmly congratulated vladimir putin, as the kremlin press service reported,
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they are seated in the hall, this is andrey fursenko, presidential adviser sergei ivanov, alexander fodeev, also a presidential adviser, and tatyana moskalkova, the presidential commissioner for human rights, all of them in one way or another oversaw these state awards, this ceremony, since state awards will be awarded in the regions. which we just talked about is art, this is literature, this is science, this is education, this is respect for human rights and charity. now i propose to include dmitry kaystra. dmitry, can you hear me? as far as i understand, they remain exactly the same
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in a matter of minutes. yes, hello again. yes, there really are only a few moments left. we see the orchestra playing, like here in the hall. everything is already ready for the ceremony to begin, the country’s top statesmen, representatives of all political parties, all branches of government, the judicial system, religious denominations, and those laureates who have already been awarded prizes at different times are present here, you know, this is an amazing event of unity all people, we actually have few such days in russia, these are may 9 and november 4, today is the day of presentation state awards. and stars of heroes of labor on russia day. today we remembered the glorious traditions of this hall, where a toast was raised to the russian people, where the cosmonauts were welcomed, where an agreement on the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia was signed, but we forgot about one more important detail, right here, in the halls of the large kremlin
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palace , let me remind you, there are more than 700 of them, these are halls, and small rooms, and the st. george state hall, the most magnificent, the most amazing. right here during the russian-japanese war war, there was a factory where they lived, sewed ammunition, clothes for our famous glorious warriors, who in the far east at that moment defended our country and its borders during the russo-japanese war, but can you imagine what amazing traditions and how all this is intertwined in russian history , how it all comes together in the large kremlin palace of konstantin ton, in its state rooms, in these amazing enfilades, in this amazing floor covering. valuable types of wood, it served for 170 years, so it was built to last, because not only the palace was built to last this is an amazing splendor for centuries. and built the russian state, the russian state, which after that really stands from ocean to ocean,
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today it spreads between three oceans and occupies the largest territory on the planet, this is not at all accidental, this is precisely why such amazing architectural solutions as the palace of constantine were built the tone, which faces the moscow river with its façade, and which embodies everything. grandiose achievements of the then russian empire, there are no trifles in this, in this is an amazing, so to speak, connection of times, something that acquires a certain spirit of history here and becomes part of us , our past, present and future, and the heroes of labor, and the laureates who come today, they, you know, they embody that historical continuity, that glory and pride of russia, without which it is absolutely impossible to imagine the development of our country. and this development determines the future of russia, it determines the achievements for which russia is famous today. remember, as lomanosov wrote, that he can
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the russian land gives birth to its own platos and quick minds of neftons. and nothing has changed since then. so many years have passed since our great genius, who was called the russian leonardo davinci, wrote about this, and everything continues to this day. and in all corners and regions of russia we see new generations of boys growing up. among other things, it was conceived not only in order , so to speak, to note the contribution of these outstanding people to the development of russia, but also to show the younger generation how russia can develop and give birth to its amazing geniuses, how they change the present and future of our country tomorrow. in the sense of an educational role, this amazing look at the future, it is very important in understanding today’s ceremony, which
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will be held here in the large kremlin palace by russian president vladimir putin and will personally present the star-hero awards to those laureates who have achieved a lot in the development and change of the country. and the fact that the country is changing before our eyes is visible to the naked eye, we see it every day, we see in the field of civil engineering. in the field of industrial developments and of course weapons, which are developing with amazing steps, and today our fighters in the zone of a special military operation, today many scientists who are engaged in military developments are awarded, they use the developments that scientists have come up with in recent years, but of course, as you know, at one time lebnitz said that all world science, it stands on the shoulders of giants, and yes, yes and...
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yes, right now we see a picture from of the large kremlin palace, this is deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko, assistant to the president andrei fursenko. minister of culture olga lyubimova. and we saw that she came to the hall with... the conversation was probably about culture and social policy, since it is tatyana golikova who oversees this area in the government of the russian federation. presidential aide vladimir midinsky is discussing something with the minister of higher education and science. surely we are also talking about the laureates, since one of the nominations is... dedicated to achievements in the field of education science, and there really are a lot of achievements, well
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, in addition to state awards, today vladimir putin will present gold medals to the heroes of labor of the russian federation. the minister of health and the minister of culture, and the guests and invitees now. in the st. george's hall , they take their seats, because there are only a few seconds left before vladimir putin will present gold medals to the heroes of labor of the russian federation and state awards in a variety of fields. soldiers of the presidential honor guard froze at the entrance, in the hall deputy prime minister of the government, who oversees a variety of issues. in the hall are the president’s aides, who probably helped the president select the laureates of state
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awards, who will receive these very prizes in the hall today. communications to silent mode, a command was heard, the announcer's command was heard that everyone should turn off their mobile phones, since they will create signals, and, of course, they will interfere with the ceremony itself, which will begin in just a few moments, the hall has already froze in waiting, i will remind you that vladimir putin will present, in addition to state medals , gold medals to the hero of labor of the russian federation. this title is awarded for outstanding labor achievements, high professionalism and many years of conscientious work. this is a high award that will be given to five people this year. they are all in the hall now. it is made in the shape of a star with five smooth dihedral rays on the front side, in the center there is a relief image of the coat of arms
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of russia. but it's the other way around. on the side of the medal is written hero of labor of the russian federation, and below it is the number of this medal. among those who in a few minutes will already receive a sign of special distinction from the hands of president lyudmila bespalova from the krasnodar territory. she is also in the hall now. academician of the russian academy of sciences, doctor of agricultural sciences, head of department at the lukyanenko national grain center. lyudmila andreevna, one of the leading experts in the field of rural areas. over the course of half a century, she has developed more than 120 varieties of wheat that are distinguished by high quality and productivity; fingerless wheat is now planted throughout russia and not only abroad same. the title of hero of labor was also awarded to mikhail budnichenko from the arkhangelsk region. general director of the sevash production association. and it is the largest shipbuilding enterprise in the russian
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federation. mikhail anatolyevich - shipbuilder, engineer. he headed the production organizer, the most important defense line for the country, in the twelfth year, and his work experience at the enterprise generally exceeds 45 years. he himself participated in the construction, testing, and delivery of nuclear submarines, and made a huge contribution to the creation new models of naval equipment and strengthening the defense capability of the russian federation. eltugan sysdykov will also receive a gold medal from the hands of vladimir putin today. first deputy general directors and chief designer of the state machine-building design bureau raduga named after bereznyak. this enterprise, which is located in the moscow region, is one of the world leaders in the field of creating high-precision missile weapons, including long-range cruise missiles, the middle of their latest developments, well, for example, the x69 missile, which is now
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being successfully used in the zone. special military operation. so everyone froze. we see st. george's hall, the largest, ceremonial hall of the large kremlin palace. ceremony, president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. ladies and gentlemen, the solemn ceremony of presenting gold medals to heroes of labor of the russian federation and state awards of the russian federation begins. heroes of labor of the russian
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federation are invited to the hall. bespalova lyudmila andreevna. butnichenko, mikhail anatolyevich. saduvnichy viktor antonovich sizdykov eltukan kimashovich
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kholmakshina. laureates of state awards of the russian federation. gauthier sergey vladimirovich. minina, marina gennadievna. khubutia mageli
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shalvovich. kovalchuk mikhail valentinovich, adamov evgeniy olegovich osmulov vladimir grigorievich. chumakov pyotr mikhailovich, abdrazzakov eldar amirovich.
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famin konstantin evgenievich, taratynova olga vladislavovna. igdalov, boris pavlovich.
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belikhova, yulia alexandrovna. slabzhanin nikolai yurievich. dear friends, colleagues, i congratulate you on russia day, this is a holiday in honor of our homeland.
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the largest state of europe of its time, uniting slavic, finno-ugric, turkic and other tribes from the baltic to the black sea. the glory and sovereign power of ancient russia grew stronger during the greatest era of the muscovite kingdom, the russian empire and the soviet union. and all these stages are one, inseparable, whole with modern russia. therefore, i consider it necessary, historically correct, to celebrate russia day as a symbol of the continuity of our thousand-year path fatherland. russian statehood has gone through many difficult, even tragic
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periods, but our people have always overcome all difficulties, obstacles and adversities, created and increased the greatness of the fatherland. today, in difficult times for our country, we are once again united by patriotism and responsibility for the fate of our homeland. these feelings are near and dear to each of us. they serve as a reliable support for participants in a special military operation. the whole country, our multinational people, supports our heroes. traditions of unity, work for the common good are true and outstanding citizens of russia, who today will be awarded gold medals, hero of labor and badges of state prize laureates. i heartily congratulate you, dear friends, thank you for your high service to your homeland, and first, according to tradition, i will name those who have been awarded the title of hero of labor, the development of russian science education.
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viktor antonovich sadovnichy devoted his entire life to enhancing the achievements of moscow state university. the scale of his personality as a leader, scientist, and statesman is certainly unique. victor antonovich became the rector of moscow state university in the difficult times of the early nineties and did everything to... maintain the leading position of the illustrious university. lyudmila andreevna bespalova created her own scientific school. brilliant scientists, brilliant scientists, one of the most famous russian breeders, thanks to her work, more than 100 new varieties and hybrids of wheat have been created. their widespread use makes it possible to increase the efficiency and ...
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of the raduga design bureau, where the chief designer of the country's oldest advanced models of rocket technology is created, very the fraudster of the mills of the mikhailovsky mining and processing plant in vladimir chose the necessary, in-demand labor in production and the mining industry.
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shchedov and driver and driver of the tunguisky coal mine alexey evdenievich halmakshinov. they are highly valued at their native enterprises. young colleagues are also proud of them, with whom they generously share their experience. dear friends, this year our country celebrates a big, significant anniversary. 300 years. the moment of the founding of the russian academy of sciences. since then, the scientific belt, fundamental the discoveries of scientists became a powerful driving force of national development. and today, at a crucial, milestone stage, it is science and its innovative approaches that are the basis for solving many large-scale problems that our country faces. it is my pleasure to introduce today's winners of the science and technology prize. their work
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ensures russia's technological leadership in the most important areas. evgeniy olegovich adamov. vladimir grigorievich osmulov. mikhail valentinovich kovalchuk. they were the first in the world to propose and begin to implement the idea closed nuclear cycle, that is. a way to make nuclear energy safe for the environment, among the laureates is molecular biologist pyotr mikhailovich chumakov. he is responsible for a whole series of fundamental discoveries that made it possible to create a new direction in medicine. this is the treatment of tumor diseases using the beneficial properties of certain viruses, the so- called. shares, their extensive clinical
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research, will begin this year, at one of the flagships in the fight against cancer in our country, the oncology institute named after hertsina, our scientists and doctors, talented doctors, managers, sergei vladimirovich gotya, marina have made a big step forward in the field of transplantology of vital organs. gennadievna minina and mogilya shalovich khubutia. until relatively recently, we had only isolated examples of providing such assistance to seriously ill patients, but thanks to the hard work and medical talent of today’s laureates, the number of such complex operations was increased to several thousand per year, making them accessible not only
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in metropolitan centers, but also in many regions of russia, to preserve and develop, this is perhaps the main task of the standing... russian culture, we have something to be proud of, we have something to cherish and pass on to descendants, bright, amazing talents, our land has always been and remains very generous, these certainly include the current laureates of the state prize in the field of literature and art; for their enormous contribution to the revival of the tsarsko-selo palace and park ensemble, the prize was awarded to real professionals. caring with all my heart for the cause they serve, these are the director of the museum of the tsarskoe selo reserve, olga vladislavovna taratynova, and boris pavlovich igdalov, who
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devoted more than 40 years of his life to the restoration of destroyed masterpieces, among them the legendary amber room. sculptor andrei sergeevich korobtsov and architect konstantin evgenievich famin chose perpetuating the memory of significant events and heroes of russian history as the key theme of their creativity. the most striking works of monumental art of recent years have been created in their workshop. first of all, i’m talking about the rzhev memorial. to the soviet soldier about the memorial complex dedicated to the kurdish battle and civilians of the ussr, victims of the nazi genocide during the great patriotic war. such works are much more than our grateful memory.
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this is an appeal to future generations of russian citizens, to those who will continue to build our country, protect its interests, and promote it in the world. the brilliant master of vocal art made the value of its great culture and the education of future generations part of his rich creative life ildar amirovich abdarzakov. one of the most sought-after opera singers in our time, he created a fund to support young talents, and despite tours and performances, he painstakingly searches and nurtures. i also want to thank eldar amirovich for reviving the tradition of opera artists performing songs from the war years. your concert program was a huge success, including among young people. this is very important for preserving
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the memory of the feat of the generation of winners who crushed nazism. helping those who need support has become a life credo philanthropy prize laureate, nicholas. the founder of the siberian center for public initiatives, he made a significant contribution to the development of the volunteer movement. nikolai yuryevich’s many years of experience were in demand in the russian committee of children’s villages sos. he has been heading it for 16 years, together with his like-minded people, he has implemented a program for the prevention of child orphanhood. thanks to this project, more than 3,000 children received support for the opportunity to live and be raised in their own families. a striking example of how the ability to empathize and care others, allows us to achieve real changes for the better, the fate of yulia aleksandrovna
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belokhova, laureate of the award in the field of human rights activities. the committee of families of soldiers of the fatherland, which brought together hundreds of volunteers relatives and military personnel, and through real deeds earned colossal authority in society and the trust of people. over the course of a year and a half of work, the committee delivered more than 6,000 tons of humanitarian aid to the frontline zones and took special military operation veterans and their families under its wing. yulia alexandrovna not only a public figure, but also a mother of six children. one of the sons, a participant in a special military operation, is certainly huge.
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by decree of the president of the russian federation for outstanding labor merits, high professionalism and many years. conscientious work, the title of hero of labor of the russian federation was awarded to lyudmila
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andreevna bespalova, head of the department of the lukyanenko national grain center, krasnodar territory. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear guests, colleagues, friends, today is russia day, and this is so symbolic, today to receive from the hands of the president on such a day the highest award of the motherland for love of the motherland, and... i must say that the story of my service to the fatherland is my
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life, it began in the krasnodar region, as they said, in the family an agronomist, participant and invalid of the great patriotic war, then the wonderful temeryazevka, then work and study, and wisdom was gained from velikiy luke. and whom the world community considered the best breeder of the 20th century, all these more than 50 years i have been working there, and i must say, what is this fifty-year, more than fifty-year period of my, my research, and my scientific potential... or it does not fade away, it flares up more and more, one might say, if i had another life,
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i would devote it to selection, and i would like i would say that we won a big victory, an impressive one, in such a tough competition for western mega-firms, and today the wheat fields of our country... are occupied by domestic varieties, domestic seeds are in our fields, and the progress of wheat selection is enormous, the yield has increased by an order of magnitude, and today our new varieties yield a yield of 14-15 tons per hectare, and our industrial partners produce more than 10 tons, and that is, i can say about food grain abundance. about the security of our country, and i think that these are our results of our work,
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our team today, our scientific school is a hundred years old, and the methods and the results that we get give me the right to speak with confidence about the future of our russia as the main grain industry. .. power of the world. thank you. mikhail anatolyevich budnichenko, general director production association northern machine-building enterprise, arkhangelsk region.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, well - first of all, thank you very much for such a high honor for such a high state award and appreciation of my humble work. in fact, after signing the decree, i kept thinking about why this happened in my life, how it became possible, and i realized that this award was the work of a huge number of people, i would even say several generations of people. this is primarily, of course, my mom and dad. i to this day, i make some decisions, compare my actions by them, think about what my father would do in such a situation. of course, it’s my family, my wife, children, grandchildren, who took on all the worries about everyday life and allowed me to work in peace; maybe they didn’t receive additional attention in this life, but they know for sure that somewhere at work they have husband, dad and grandfather. of course, these are mentors, teachers, many of them are no longer with us, but one cannot help but remember them today, because i was very lucky with these people,
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they instilled in me a love for the profession, professional skills and attitude. a huge contribution to this award, of course, was made by the selfless work of the thirty thousand team of the northern enterprise, these are our workers, employees, engineers, managers, these are high-level professionals, these are people selflessly devoted to their work, workaholics and, of course, true patriots of our russia, this is of course the leadership employees of the united construction corporation are, of course, teams of hundreds of research, design, and production enterprises located throughout russia, in all regions of our russia, who are our co-workers, without whom the construction of such complex equipment would have been impossible, and of course, our everything is the navy and the ministry of defense, our main customers, with whom we resolve dozens of issues every day that arise during the construction
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of this most complex technology, today i want to express my deep gratitude to everyone for this great... even from the point of view of our industry, and thanks to this, thanks to your titanic work, we managed to restore cooperation, which was completely destroyed in the nineties, restore lost ones and create new ones that have no analogues in technology, recruit more than 10 thousand young people, train them, put them through a mentoring system, turn them into highly qualified specialists who today
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fully ensure the implementation of state defense orders, thank you very much for this. so i once again express my deep gratitude to you for your high trust, sivmash has gained good momentum and as a result, over 12 years we have delivered 12 nuclear submarines, the most modern to the navy, various projects, we have done a lot outstanding civil orders, including, you know, the prirazlomno platform, the only one in the world, our gazprom was able to begin conducting economic activities on the arctic shelf of the russian federation, we did it, we managed to complete it. this re-equipment of the aircraft carrier of the aircraft-carrying ship was selected by gorshkov from the full-fledged aircraft carrier kromadich, which has already been the flagship of the indian fleet for 10 years. vladimirovich, well , i want to tell you that this award will continue
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to be an even greater responsibility, we will continue to strive to work more more efficiently, faster, with better quality. cheaper, and this year will not be an exception, i want to report to you that the fleet will receive several more nuclear submarines, which will strengthen our nuclear component of our maritime triad, and multi-purpose submarines, thank you very much, allow me personally to see you all in the hall congratulations on our wonderful holiday, on russia day, thank you, viktor antonovich dovnichy, academician of the russian academy of sciences, rector of moscow state university named after lomonosov.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, today is a great day, a holiday of our country, russia day and receive an award on this day. special significance and especially solemn. i thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, for this high award. throughout my life’s journey, from a miner to an academician and the rector of moscow university, there were people, these are the people who supported and i attribute this award to them, these are the teachers, these are the comrades who believed in the future of russia, supported everyone who aspired. do something i i am grateful to the people of moscow university, who pulled together in the difficult years of 1992 and beyond and
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preserved our education system; it is now among the top five education systems in the world according to all ratings. i attribute this award, vladimirovich, to your support of the education system of our country. dear vladimirevich, university corporation, i personally, my experience, knowledge, will give everything to solve the tasks that you have set for the country, and of course, the education system, science, as the main driving force of the future country, and moscow university, celebrating its 2007 anniversary, will always be a support for your tasks, as it has always been. support in our country. thank you again, dear friend, for this high award for your support.
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tsysdykov eltugan kimashevich, chief designer of the state machine-building design bureau raduga named after bereznyak. moscow region. serving russia, i would like to say that since the creation of special equipment is multifaceted, multidisciplinary work, i believe that. assessment of labor merits to by the state and the people, it was not given to me alone, it was given by a team of developers,
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manufacturers, testers, so my first gratitude is to my colleagues, the employees of my native enterprise gosym raduga named after bereznik, the employees of the semezhnikov enterprise for their joint work, high professionalism and, i will not be afraid of this word, for their dedication. especially at the present time, secondly, i would like to thank the scientific community led by the academy of sciences of the russian federation, teams of academic and industry institutes that create that knowledge and technologies that allow, and are the foundation, allow us to develop promising models of high-performance weapons, but my main thing... gratitude requires a little explanation, such a short retrospective, historical, if you allow, in a month, in july, it will be exactly 30
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years since at a meeting of the government of the russian federation, the question was asked from a high government level: why should we bother? that’s how those state leaders then understood the role and place of russia in international relations. today russia is strong.
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this is the kind of russia i want to live and work in, thank you, vich. tugnoisky open-pit mine, republic of buryatia.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear friends, it is a great honor for me to receive such an honorable award from you, thank you very much, and i thank you and your colleagues for the great appreciation of my work, thank you very much for the high award. to vladimir viktorovich shchedov, driver of the mills at the mikhailovsky mining and processing plant named after varichev, kursk region, thank you very much vladimir vladimirovich for
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such trust, i'm very happy'. from you this award, i am very happy, thank you, thank you, by decree of the president of the russian federation, the state prize of the russian federation in the field of science and technology in 2023, for the development, scientific justification and implementation in the practice of domestic healthcare of original technologies for transplantation of vital organs, was awarded. artificial organs named after academician shumakov.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich. dear guests, colleagues, i am happy and proud to receive this high award from the hands of the president, and of course, i want to share this happiness with my friends, with, first of all, with the team, the heroic team of workaholics at the shumakov center, with our colleagues, transplantologists. in moscow, in st. petersburg, in the regions of russia and, of course, with their teachers. i want to remember boris vasilyevich petrovsky, valery ivanovich shumakov, anatoly mikhailovich granov. transplantation, transplantology is, first of all, thousands of saved lives of adults and children, when...
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other methods are ineffective, this is the level opportunities for domestic healthcare, and this is a marker of social solidarity, it is an accumulator and generator of the latest technologies for scientific solutions, the state has done a lot for the development of transplantology, in particular, unique opportunities for the free provision of transplantation care and lifelong drug provision. the number of transplantations is growing from year to year, and availability is increasing accordingly. and now citizens from our new regions also have the opportunity to receive this help from us.
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naturally, we continue to move forward, we have accumulated innovations that are world priorities, in particular, heart transplantation, organ transplantation for children, people come to us from abroad to study, but there are still many problems that need to be solved, this is first and foremost ... spreading the replication of methods to our regions, this is personnel training, these are scientific solutions, scientific topics, that's... mikhail valentinovich and i have already thought of one such topic, and ending my speech, i want to thank you again, vladimir vladimirovich, for the opportunity to work in our
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country and develop everything that we are developing, happy holiday to everyone, russia day, happiness to everyone, i serve russia. in the same nomination, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to marina gennadievna minina, doctor of medical sciences, head of the moscow city coordination center for organ donation of the botkin city clinical hospital. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear guests, allow me to express my deep gratitude for the highest appreciation of the work of our teams,
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i have been working in the moscow healthcare system for more than 20 years, and i share today’s high recognition with the entire moscow medical community. botkin hospital in moscow, where i had the honor of working, and my team, whose professional activity allows us not only to provide transplant care at the highest level, but also to make it accessible. let me assure you, deeply respected vladimir vladimirovich, that we will continue to apply all our strength and knowledge to the development of transplantology in russia. thank you. in the same nomination, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to khubutia mageli shalvovich, academician of the russian academy of sciences, president of
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the sklifosovsky research institute of emergency medicine. i literally, a few words, dear vladimir vladimirovich, today i receive the second highest award from your hands, but this is the highest assessment of the collective work of transplantologists, and not only transplantologists, as a result of which more than one thousand seriously ill patients, our compatriots were returned to a socially active life, all this would have been impossible if not so.
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fatherland, thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, for the cycle of fundamental and applied research, development and technological development work, which made an outstanding contribution to the development of scientific and technical foundations, justification and implementation of the strategy for the two-component development of nuclear energy in the russian federation, state. the prize of the russian federation was awarded to mikhail valentinovich kovalchuk, corresponding member russian academy of sciences, president of the national research center, kurchatov institute.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, first of all. consists in the following, that we take natural radioactive raw materials from nature, like the fuel of the future, pass it through this system, and return back to nature the same activity that... we took, that is, an absolutely system of nature-like energy
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inscribed in organic balance of nature. the point is that the foundations have actually been laid for a fundamentally new green nuclear closed cycle energy. the point is that we were able to do this, yes, practically at this stage all the main elements were tested, they proved the correctness and effectiveness of the chosen solutions. but... we managed to do this only because we relied on the deep, very extensive experience of domestic science and - our developments, which we carried out, as it were, creating unique nuclear technologies not available in the world, i would like to say that through for several days we will celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the beginning of nuclear energy, this is the moment of launch in obnensk. kurchatov , the world's first nuclear power plant, so we
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gave, gave the world nuclear energy, thermonuclear fusion, i want to remind you that the underlying russian word is tacomak , like a satellite, and today we have taken a fundamental step towards creating a new energy system that will ensure our technological independence and energy security for many years, and we will defeat everyone, as we have always won. thank you very much, once again. this only happened because you tirelessly help it do. without this it would not have been possible. thank you very much, once again. in the same nomination, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to evgeniy olegovich adamov, doctor of technical sciences, scientific director of the order of lenin research and design institute of energy engineering named after.
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dear vadim vadimovich, you are involved in the work for which you are awarding us today, you yourself have been for millennia, you have put forward an initiative for the sustainable development of humanity. based on a new nuclear technology platform energy, the summit has long been forgotten, but your initiative is remembered in europe, in the united states, our colleagues remember with sadness, because these 25 years that have passed since then, almost 25 years, they turned out to be fruitless for these countries that once occupied leading positions , they hit the wind and the sun very hard, all this applies to europe and
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germany, well known to you, where in the eleventh year a law was passed that they would close nuclear energy and rely entirely on the sun and wind. 15 years have passed. we can summarize because last year they already closed the first stations, the last stations. when they adopted the law in the eleventh year, they promised the germans that what cost at that time... 6 euro cents, sorry, 11 euro cents, will cost 6 euro cents, in 15 years it will cost 33 euro cents, but in order for our population understood that 33 is practically 32 rubles, those who pay 5 + 1 ruble understand well the difference between our country and what is happening there. we not only remember this initiative, it inspires us,
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because all these years rosatom has been helping the state, helped you in that titanic work to restore the country, which has been going on since the twentieth year, since 2000, in 2000 nuclear energy became the first, so they explained to us that we need a private owner, he will be effective, here is the first one who restored the soviet level production. turned out to be state-owned nuclear energy, from then until today, it has doubled its contribution to energy production and thereby, not in words, in reality we are solving not only energy, but also environmental problems. now we have work ahead of us, which, i hope, you will support within the framework of a new national project, this is work based on what is being done primarily at the kurchatov institute, this is not at all the same institute that kurchatov once created and
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where i once was the executive director until 1986; today it is a conglomerate of absolutely brilliant institutions. under the leadership of mikhail valentinovich, without whom further progress in nuclear energy is impossible, and i very much count on the fact that the enterprises of our state corporation and the staff of the kurchatov institute will together solve the tasks that you have set for the development of nuclear energy. once again , thank you very much for your support and we look forward to working together in the future. in the same nomination, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to vladimir grigorievich asmulov, doctor of technical sciences, advisor to the general director of the state atomic energy corporation, rosatom, chief.
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wrote a great epic: war and peace in the nuclear industry, thereby solving the problem of ensuring security as a state ensuring independence, energy security of the state. today my colleagues and i are writing the second volume of this great epic. and i thought that maybe we could change the name, but i think that today there is no need to change the name, i think that the results of our work, because it is absolutely certain that there is no future without the use of nuclear energy, we
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will build this road to the temple, i serve russia . for a series of fundamental and applied works on studying the functions of the gene of the main tumor suppressor p-53 in normal pathology, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to chumakov petr mikhailovich, corresponding member of the russian academy of sciences, chief researcher at the engelhart institute of molecular biology, russian academy of sciences. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear participants of the ceremonial meeting, dear guests, i am deeply grateful to the committee for
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awarding state prizes for such a high assessment of our work, exactly. for many years were purely fundamental in nature, but their results made it possible to reconsider the process of transformation of normal cells into tumor cells, and this made it possible to begin the development of fundamentally new approaches to the treatment of oncological diseases using
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oncolytic viruses. i want to emphasize that such therapy is based on natural, natural ones. mechanisms for destroying cancer cells. several drugs are already in trials. i want to thank all members of our team, which mainly consists of young people. i would like to especially thank academician georgiy pavlovitsa georgiv, for his support in the earliest and most critical stages of our work. also. we are extremely grateful to our scientific director of the institute, academician alexandrusovich makarov, for his constant comprehensive concern for our work. on this day, i also remember with gratitude my
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parents, soviet virologists, and four generations of my ancestors, russian doctors who stand behind me, and of course. on this day, russia, i turn with special gratitude to you, vladimir vladimirovich, for your superhuman efforts to protect and... our homeland, and this is the most important task today. thank you. by decree of the president of the russian federation. the state prize of the russian federation in the field of literature and art in 2023, for his contribution to the development of domestic and world musical art, was awarded to ildar amirovich abdrazakov. singer, honored artist of the russian federation.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear friends, it is a great honor for me to be here today in this beautiful georgievsky. hall in center of the capital, in the heart of russia and to receive this high award from your hands, vladimir vladimirovich, thank you very much, you know, i am a happy person, because in my life i had the chance to meet amazing, brilliant people, teachers, and with great gratitude i would like to name their names, this is...
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to my friend, mentor, great master gergiyuv, for the fact that he accepted a young bashkir guy from ufa into the troupe of the marinsky theater and opened the big world of opera for him, i thank them very much, and i can’t help but remember my small homeland, bashkiria, the city of ufa, where i was born, where i love to come. where my mother lives, where my relatives live, where my friends live, and i want to thank my
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parents, my dad, my mom for giving me this unique musical instrument, a singing voice, and i also want to thank my wife marika, my family for their love, for their support, thank you very much, and vladimir vladimirovich, as a father of many children, i want to tell you that i have fulfilled the demographic plan, thank you large, for the creation of monuments and memorials dedicated to significant events of national history, a state prize of the russian federation.
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to receive such a high assessment of our work, i would like to thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, for your enormous attention to history, the historical heritage of our homeland, military history; without your participation it would have been impossible to implement projects of such importance and scale. in our time, the disastrous trend of demolishing monuments abroad is a striking example of attempts to erase the memory of the past, and we are proud that in our country, on the contrary, the exploits of our ancestors are honored, remembered and immortalized in memorials that will survive centuries. thank you. in the same category,
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the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to konstantin evgenievich fomin, architect. dear vladimir vladimirovich, thank you very much, andrey and i perceive this award not as personal, but as an award of a large team of ordinary people, leaders of the russian military historical society, essentially co-authors of our projects, sculptors, historians, architects, builders, organizers of the work of all those who worked
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with us, each such project - the palace and park ensemble, the state prize of the russian federation, was awarded to olga vladislavovna taratynova, director of the state art and architectural palace and park museum of the tsarskoe selo reserve.
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we are restoring these destroyed monuments of ours, a lot has already been done, but without your support and help, our masterpieces of the interiors of the leon hall and the church, well, we probably would not have restored it very soon, therefore, thank you very much, and i also want to note that today we, we have an even larger restoration program, we are doing the southern wing of the catherine palace, the zubovsky building. personal apartments of catherine the great, unique interiors, i can say that nothing like this can be found anywhere else in the world, very difficult technological work, but we can all cope, with the opening of these interiors, and this will happen this year, we will put an end to the restoration of the catherine palace , thus the dream of many generations of museum workers, starting with
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the middle of the last century, who dreamed of seeing and... finally it will happen, so once again thank you very much and we are always waiting for you in tsarskoye selo. in the same nomination, the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to boris pavlovich igdalov, director of the tsarskoe selo amber workshop. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear gentlemen, you know, on behalf of all my colleagues, artists, restorers, i want
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to express a huge deal. thank you for your appreciation of our work. dear gentlemen, come to tsarskoye selo, this is the best place on earth. by decree of the president of the russian federation. state prize of the russian federation for outstanding achievements in the field of human rights activities in 2023, awarded. dear vladimir vladimirovich, it is a great
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honor to stand here on this day, in fact , this is an assessment of the work of the entire committee of families of soldiers of the fatherland, and for us this is very important, when we started in 202, we did not yet fully know how to properly organize help, help to people . soldiers, families, general questions, for soldiers on the front line, for us here, for families in to the rear, and it was clear that we needed to work together, help each other. at the end of 2022, we met in nova ogoreva, the mother of the wife of participants in the special military operation, it was a difficult, very frank conversation, you heard us, you not only heard us, you supported us, it gave us a very big impetus, and today committee of the families of warriors of the fatherland, these are headquarters in all russian regions.
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advanced, and we are here, and we are our country in the guys are defending our sovereignty there, we will not allow offense. a lot has been accomplished during this time, various projects, cultural, patriotic, which today unite, real issues of providing spiritual and psychological assistance, because.
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comes, so before the event they handed over the fatherland - this is a family, then without a gift there is no museum for you, a scarf called
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katyusha, which depicts katyusha, who knows how to wait, who knows how to believe, who knows how to love, who personifies the russian woman, bright, strong, real , happy russia day, thank you. by decree of the president of the russian federation, the state prize of the russian federation for outstanding achievements in the field of charitable activities in 2023, awarded to slabzhanin nikolai yurievich, executive director of the interregional charitable public organization, russian committee children's villages sos.
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dear vladimir vladimirovich, i congratulate you on russia day, the participants of the ceremony. having received recognition for my merits, i understand that this is the reward of many, and i am grateful to them. i am grateful to my parents, they are my mentors. i am grateful to my wife and my daughter, i always feel their support, i am grateful to the hundreds of volunteer employees of the sos children's village charity organization; they are an example of dedication and professionalism for me. in the year of the family, we turn 30, i am grateful to the coalition of public organizations family from birth, and the team of child defenders, the team of ombudsmen for children’s rights. i thank the people who support charity, we have millions of them, for 30 years now, charity is my calling, i know how this happens in the world, i have worked in different countries. very clearly
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i can say, russia is a country, it is a country of opportunity, it is a country of opportunity , including in charity, by consciously refusing foreign funding and completely switching to russian funding, we have proven this thesis in practice, with more than 3,000 children of our beneficiaries. support of russians, as well as children, orphans of novorossiya, who found family warmth and safety in children's villages. the main thing is that these children have preserved the tradition of family relationships. thank you very much vladimir vladimirovich for your special attention to the topic of childhood and support families. the godya announced on your initiative has already become a powerful impetus for saving and increasing the people of our country. i would say, the people of creation. it is important to say about
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your instruction to the government in march 2022, everyone remembers this difficult time, the instruction to launch a pilot project in the regions to prevent orphanhood, especially for newborns and children under 4 years of age, thousands of children have already saved their families and are beginning to repurpose their homes little ones, next, what next, next necessity? make an assessment and disseminate successful experience throughout our country, i also want to say a big thank you for the lesson that you recently gave regarding the audit of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, this is the most important moment in the field of child protection, it is very important for us that any child, any part of our vast homeland felt protected; reform was long overdue. for
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us, a state award means a lot of trust and, most importantly, responsibility. dear vladimir vladimirovich, you can be sure that i and my colleagues, the trust of the fatherland, your trust will not fail. i serve my fatherland. dear laureates, honorees, dear colleagues, friends, when you get acquainted with the materials of events of this kind, like today’s, you somehow become immersed in information that is related to activities, to life.
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like some kind of adventure literature, i say this completely sincerely, because it is impossible to tear yourself away from reading what... what they did and how they did it, what they came to and what people like our today's laureates achieved the recipients, they themselves, those who are present here today at our event today, of course they could talk about this endlessly, about health care, medicine, in the broad sense of the word, they could talk about science, education, about... defense capability
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, submarines, and so on and so forth, about art, about charity. the rector of moscow state university, sadovanichy, viktor antonovich, said that he was happy that he was always surrounded by people who believed in the future of russia. task government bodies - not to interfere with people like you, to notice what you are doing, to support, but the development agenda is determined by people like you, and in all areas of the state. viktor antonovich said that he was glad that he was surrounded by people who believed in the future of russia when you get acquainted with the results.
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work, this faith increases many times and becomes stronger. i congratulate you and wish you all the best, happy russia day.
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and it was a solemn ceremony of presenting state awards, which took place in kremlin. in addition, vladimir putin awarded stars to heroes of labor, the most worthy citizens of our country. well, now the main news for this hour. the vesti program is on air, evgeny rashkov is in the studio. hello, today we are celebrating one of the main holidays: russia day, participation, our entire huge country is participating, including new regions. in the zaporozhye region, the russian tricolor was raised on the body of the melitopol tower, and for the first time, this tallest structure,
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216 m, was visible from anywhere in the city. and this is moscow. young residents on poklonnaya hill the capitals lined up in the word russia, which is native to all of us, and sang the anthem together. a festive salvo was fired today in novorossiysk from the legendary soviet cruiser mikhail kutuzov, now it operates as a museum ship. one of the important components of this holiday is sports. in blagoveshchensk it was celebrated with this family bike race along the amora embankment. and the fourteen-year-old winners of the olympic sports competitions were solemnly awarded their first today. passports of a citizen of the russian federation. the capital of tatarstan has already traditionally, on russia day, the labor semester of the student detachments was opened. almost a thousand students received vouchers for summer work. and this is how our country’s flag made from fresh flowers looks so colorful. it was posted
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today in krasnodar. in this composition there are 20,000 dews. president of belarus alexander lukashenko congratulated all russians on vladimir putin's russia day. leaders. held a telephone conversation today, as reported by the kremlin press service, the heads of state discussed issues of further development of bilateral relations, taking into account agreements that were reached following high-level negotiations in minsk on may 24. putin and lukashenko also touched upon some practical aspects of interaction within the framework of our common union state. and the day before, late in the evening, the president met with the leadership of the ministry of defense in a meeting. the head of the military department, andrei belousov, the chief of the general staff, valery gerasimov, as well as the commander of the districts of vladimir putin, took part in the meeting and reported on the progress of the special operation and plans to continue hostilities. after general during the meeting, the head of state spoke with each of the participants separately.
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the russian armed forces today launched a combined attack on the military infrastructure of ukraine. local publications , eyewitnesses reported on the killing of targets in kiev, odessa, sumy. as well as in mirgorod, where a large air base is located. according to preliminary data, iskander complexes and hypersonic daggers also took part in the attack. near kiev, after arriving in the industrial zone , a strong fire started, and 30 crews are still putting it out. and in another area of ​​the region the warehouse caught fire. in dnepropetrovsk , a column of smoke rises above the impact site, which is visible at a distance of several tens of kilometers. in the poltava region iskander. the militants hid it in a forest belt, and as a result, the detonation of the ammunition began. the ix drivers hit the polish self-propelled gun crab, and here the drone operators
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are finishing off another american abrams tank. scouts liquidated a sabotage group in the kharkov region. but these are shots from the foreign side. mercenaries come under mortar fire, damn it, according to ukrainian our vks pilots and crew worked on the fortifications.
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strips at a distance of no more than a meter from each other, the ukrainian military mined the bank of one of the rivers in the lugansk people's republic with them; apparently, the enemy feared that the russian military would cross this water barrier. after the mine detectors are brought into working order, the sappers of the southern group of troops on the already discovered mines check the equipment in action, and there is a small one on the ropes. work begins on both sides of the path, which, of course, was checked first
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in turn, discovered explosive objects are marked with white ribbons like this, and an electronic warfare group always works together with sappers. cover from attacks by enemy strike drones is carried out using a set of special equipment, the platoon commander with the call sign vector tells us. ukrainian military data monitors minefields, makes overflights, when our group of sappers is working, we also set up, calculate these birds and just drop them, the working radius is about one and a half kilometers, we just burn it, it gets lost communication with the operator, the bird falls, explodes, in the territories cleared of mines and unexploded shells , the d-30 howitzer battery of the southern military district continues to operate. the most important thing is the destruction of enemy artillery, mortars or cannons, as well as support for the infantry
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, ensuring that the enemy in the front position lacks ammunition, as well as the movement of reserves from the depths. the goal is for the enemy to be destroyed, regardless of where he is, regardless of what kind of specialist he is. and doing all these tasks, artillerymen in the artyomovsk direction operate around the clock. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev. khalit tankiev, news: donetsk and lugansk people's republics, line of combat contact. as part of the second stage of large-scale exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces of russia and belarus, today the missile formation of the leningrad military district began performing tasks. iskander operational-tactical systems moved to the missile launch sites. the crews of navy warships will be received. missile training units and will work out exits in the patrol area, as noted by the ministry of defense, the maneuvers are aimed at unconditionally
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ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state, and earlier the kremlin emphasized that russia is forced to maintain combat readiness due to the aggressive rhetoric of washington and nato. vladimir putin signed a law today that concerns millions of russians, we are talking about mortgages, an assistance program in this area for... families in which the third and subsequent children were born between 1 january 2019 to december 31, 2030. a large festive program was prepared for russia day. on this day, the russian exhibition was visited by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko, he visited the stands
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of the regions, got acquainted with the most striking projects and took part in the travel forum, where he read out a greeting from vladimir putin. presidential address to the participants, organizers, and guests of the “travel” forum. dear friends, i welcome you to the russian tourism forum travel. the task of the state is not to interfere with people who believe in the future of russia. vladimir putin announced this today in the kremlin at the state awards ceremony. viewers of our tv channel watched this festive ceremony live. it took place in one of the most solemn large halls of the large kremlin palace, georgievsk. well, now my colleague dmitry
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kaistra is going live, dima, happy holiday to you, you saw everything with your own eyes. share your impressions. you know, the most important thing to say is that indeed, the ceremony of awarding heroes of labor and laureates of the state prize is the main and most important event of today's holiday, the day of russia, and vladimir putin traditionally in the st. george hall of the large kremlin palace personally honored the laureates and congratulated them today . in the field of state awards, they were received by laureates in the fields of literature and art, science and technology, humanitarian activities and human rights activities. and everyone, of course, gathered. today we were inspired mood, and the head of state began his congratulatory speech - these are the words that i propose to put on our air. congratulations on russia day, this is a holiday in honor of our homeland, we celebrate it with respect for our
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country, with reverence for its centuries-old history of the behests of our... ancestors and their achievements and victories. the glory and sovereign power of ancient russia grew stronger during the greatest eras of the muscovite kingdom, the russian empire and the soviet union. and all these stages are one, inseparable, whole with modern russia. and therefore i consider it necessary to be historically correct, celebrate russia day as a symbol of continuity. the summer path of our fatherland. russian statehood has gone through many difficult, even tragic periods, but our people have always overcome all difficulties, obstacles and adversities, created and increased the greatness of the fatherland. today, in difficult times for our country, we are once again united by patriotism and responsibility for the fate of our homeland. these
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feelings are near and dear to each of us. they serve as a reliable support for participants in a special military operation. hero of labor and signs of state laureates awards. i heartily congratulate you, dear friends, thank you for your high service to your homeland. let's take a look now, let's look at those who were congratulated. research and design mikhail kovalchuk, head of the institute of energy engineering evgeny adamov and advisor to the general director of rosatom, vladimir asmolov.
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the director of the artificial transplantation center received the state prize in the field of science and technology. organs named after shumakov sergey gatier, head of the moscow city coordination center of authorities donations to the city hospital named after botkin maria minina and the president of the institute of emergency care to the grave of khubutia for the development of original technologies for transplanting vital organs, as well as the chief employee of the engelhart institute of molecular biology ran pyotr chumakov. an opera singer received the state prize in the field of literature and art.
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we have taken a fundamental step to create a new energy system that will ensure our technological independence and energy security for many years, and we will defeat everyone. transplantation is , first of all, thousands of saved lives of adults and children, this is the level of capabilities of domestic healthcare, and this... thank you to the fatherland, thank you. in our time, the disastrous trend of demolishing monuments abroad is a striking example of attempts
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to erase the memory of the past. and we are proud that in our country, on the contrary, the exploits of our ancestors are honored, remembered and immortalized in memorials that will survive centuries. as you know, the royal village suffered very seriously. we are still ours we restore destroyed monuments. i say this completely sincerely, because it is impossible to tear yourself away from reading what and
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how they did, what they came to and what people like our today’s laureates and awardees achieved, the task of government bodies is not to prevent people like you from noticing what you are doing , support, but... the development agenda is determined by people like you. well, the celebration of laureates and heroes of labor continues in the large kremlin palace, in these minutes, just as the holiday itself continues: russia day, and there will be more until the evening a lot of events. dima, happy holiday, thank you, dmitry kaistra was in direct communication from the kremlin, but we’ll take a short break.
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the royal vaccination is on saturday on rtr.
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this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big
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day today, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring ones, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them, but who do you value your wife or your boys, don’t ask that one? questions now they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of its time, beauty, repin, the whole crew, just looking at the platform, i thought that here everything is like more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, this is all here, to play or not to play? yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, it’s dangerous.


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